10 Types of Minecraft Clients

Video Information

For the past couple years custom minecraft clients have been pretty popular amongst the minecraft pvp community so i thought it’d be fun to make a video where i go and try out 10 different minecraft clients play a couple games of skywars and see how they feel if you don’t know what a custom

Client is they’re basically different builds of minecraft with added modifications that give performance enhancements fps boosts different aesthetics you know there’s a lot of reasons why people use custom clients which is what makes them so popular and today i checked out 10 of them now there’s a couple disclaimers i want to

Get into before i get into the first client first of all this is not a review of what the best minecraft pvp client is i am actually quite new to minecraft clients so i’m just kind of trying them out and seeing what they’re like and giving my feedback just just to kind of

You know explore around and see what’s out there i will be showing off how much fps i get in each of them but keep in mind that none of this is optimized and some clients could actually perform better or worse than others secondly i know this is going to get asked in the

Comments regardless of what i say but the resource pack that i’m going to be using for all of these clients is my custom purple haze texture pack that is linked in the description stop asking what it is your pieces of and finally i am not including clients that

Have been discontinued or no longer exist so for example i really wanted to show off cheap breaker and hyperium but unfortunately neither of those clients exist anymore so i’m not going to be using them all the clients i’m using are listed in the description so go check

Them out down there if you want please remember to like the video and subscribe i know i sound like a broken record like everyone else but hey we youtubers are fighting over your free time so hey you can help a brother out here come on but

Without further ado let’s get on to the first client and for the first minecraft client of the entire video we have minecraft well were you expecting lunar or badliner or something this is the most basic client out of the entire list come on man so yeah this wouldn’t be a true

Minecraft clients video if we didn’t go back to our roots and start with the classics a good clean no mods vanilla minecraft in a skywars lobby on vanilla minecraft i get about 600 700 fps in terms of what’s special about vanilla minecraft there’s really not that much i

Mean it is vanilla after all the settings are pretty basic not too much to see here just usual typical stuff let’s just try it out in a skywars game oh i am unnicked okay no hold on one second i can’t recall the last time i’ve played skywars on vanilla minecraft

Because i’ve usually had at least one other modification like optifine or some other mod installed there’s so many little things i’ve gotten accustomed to that i just don’t have on vanilla like dynamic fov is on i don’t have optifine zoom i don’t have 1.7 animations there’s

A lot of like mini things that i’ve just so used to that just go away but as you can see you can still get kills pretty easily even in vanilla so it’s fine let’s get these the vanilla combos it’s too easy this one minecraft client will make you 10

Times better at pvp it’s called vanilla let’s do this he’s rushing me down let’s prove that vanilla is the supreme version okay maybe it’s not goodbye no i just suck but the the fov changes are actually a little hard to get used to honestly unfortunately blockading is still a

Thing so we’re just still gonna abuse the crap out of that easy peasy i’m not gonna lie it does feel weird but that’s kind of because i’m conditioned to using custom mods and stuff you know you know it’s a little bit crazy to think about though because minecraft clients really

Didn’t start getting popular that guy just died and he said hacks minecraft lines didn’t really start getting popular and so like very recently yeah that guy was hacking oh he made it he made the clutch okay he didn’t make the clutch goodbye you got it bro okay minecraft clients

Have only gotten popular like really recently so it’s kind of crazy to think about skywars but no one has custom clients they’re all playing on vanilla or forge imagine that but yeah that was the easiest thing ever and i did it on vanilla minecraft see you don’t need a

Custom client to win video games man you can just play on vanilla minecraft and succeed like i did but vanilla minecraft doesn’t really have any bells and whistles so let’s just move on to the next version shall we at number two we’ve got optifine one of the most well

Known and renowned minecraft mods of all time now i know a lot of you are thinking omicron why the hell is optifine on a minecraft client’s video and you know here’s the thing optifine can actually be a standalone client by itself you can just run the launcher and

Just run only optifine that’s what a lot of people do actually anyway as far as fps goes optifine also gets around like the 600 to 700 mark it actually seems a little similar to that of vanilla but that’s because i have things a little bit more optimized on my pc and optifine

Just in general does feel like it runs a lot smoother the main purpose of optifine is to help aid performance especially on lower end pcs and it does a pretty good job at doing that and it also has a couple other things like optifine zoom and dynamic fov hey look

Guys i can do my youtube intro now yo what’s up guys it’s your boy noob slayer 69 420 back with another sky wars video as far as settings go optifine has a lot more that you can deal with including specific graphics settings which are really nice and another setting that i

Really like called dynamic fov turning this off means that regardless of what movement speed you’re moving at your fov will stay the same which is really nice in pvp but without further ado let’s just do a game yeah i bet a bunch of you guys clicked on this video expecting

Some wacky minecraft client tier list but honestly dude i think some of these og mods and clients deserve a little bit more respect than they get like think about how many custom clients are built off of optifine and they have optifine zoom and a bunch of other different modifications optifine is definitely one

Of the oldest things on this list it was like the mod that everyone would go to when people started asking about like performance enhancement and and all that stuff it’s one of the oldest mods on minecraft honestly but it is still a goodie i’ll tell you

That wow that was a nasty clean as far as the pvp goes though it’s still pretty basic honestly not that different from regular minecraft pvp so don’t expect anything super crazy it’s pretty normal i’m getting cleaned here i’m out and i mean why should you expect the difference optifine isn’t really meant

For minecraft pvp if that makes any sense it was just kind of a performance enhancement that was for like general purpose so it’s not a pvp client but it is still a client and it does perform pretty well gg so again optifine not a usual minecraft client like you’d think

Of them today but again it’s a classic so it deserves some it deserves a place but again as far as the pvp and overall aesthetic of the client goes it’s still pretty normal so let’s move on to the next one up next here at number three we’ve got forge and i should probably

Make a couple things clear so right now i’m using forge which is the most well-known mod loader for using multiple mods at the same time but i don’t actually have any mods installed so we’re just using forge without any mods which is uh probably pretty pointless i’ll get

Things cleared up when we get to number four trust me but you know i figured we might as well just use basic forge because it is a minecraft client so might as well use it as far as fps goes the fps actually looks a lot lower than

It was previously now of course i don’t have optifine installed or any other performance mod which you’d probably use if you were using forge i’m just using regular forge so yeah let me put it this way using forge is kind of like eating a sandwich because you can add whatever

Toppings and sauces that you want to the sandwich but plain forged without any mods installed is like eating a sandwich with only the bread running forged without any mods installed is pretty much pointless but you know what we’re gonna do it for the video so let’s just

Play a game of skywars anyway i mentioned that optifine is one of the oldest mods on minecraft and i gotta say the same about forge forge has definitely been there for a very long time whenever people have been installing mods for any purpose the purpose of mod loaders in general is

Just so that you can add multiple mods to your game so it’s really more about the mods you put on your minecraft rather than the the loader itself but you know what whatever man so pretty much this is kind of just like doing vanilla minecraft all over again so

This guy’s running oh he almost juked me out there that could have actually been really good oh oh god oh the jukes behind him teleport behind you oh my shindra okay we got him easy peasy so yeah that was forged it pretty much played exactly like vanilla minecraft but what would

Happen if you added some mods to it hmm at number four here we got forge with mods and already you can start to see some visual differences so right now i’m using the mod pack that i use for all my videos and streams here’s the mod folder

On screen that you can see right now i’ve got five zig which is one of the most well-known clients used with forge it’s got a lot of like display options and little customizability which is really nice there’s another mod pack i have called patcher which gives a lot of

Optimizations that are really nice for for pvp and it’s just it’s it’s so nice as far as fps goes this modpack is really good on fps it has a lot of optimizations which makes it the highest on this list at about like 600 to 700 fps which is really good and without

Further ado let’s just get into a game yeah i should note that you’ll see the fps fluctuate a lot that’s just how minecraft is but the performance differences are still about the same regardless but yeah this is the mod pack loadout that i use for all my streams

And videos it’s just very nice and clean and convenient which makes it really easy to add extra modifications if i need them like the way i look at it if it’s not broke no need to fix it right as long as forge works then i don’t have

Any problem with using it but there are a couple really nice things about this mod pack that i should point out like for instance the toggle sprint is so nice i don’t have to hold down a key whenever i want to sprint the other thing that i pointed out was a 1.7

Animation so as you can see my block hitting is different oh hey what’s up time or pearl so that’s another mod that’s pretty useful and pretty common as well it’s it’s like literally an aesthetic change but it’s it’s one that just kind of i don’t know feels right i don’t know anyway goodbye

Gg and hey look it says omicron gaming because i have a nick hider mod so that when i stream no one can stream snipe me but yeah sometimes what i like to do is i like to turn off the 5 zig overlay which in my opinion makes this look

Really clean and it’s just it’s you know it’s a mod pack it’s it’s simple but i like using it because it just gets the job done and i don’t have to worry about like watermarks of other clients or some other weird stuff going on you know but

Now we’re gonna move on to some clients that you’re probably a little bit more familiar with next up we’ve got laby mod this is another classic so lobby mod is one of the oldest custom minecraft clients and probably one of the most well known as well now i’ll be honest

With you i haven’t actually used laby mod like at all so this is kind of a new experience to me i’m kind of just learning how all the settings work this is pretty nice though they’ve got a bunch of different settings that you can enable such as the 1.7 animations chat

Mod fov stuff which is pretty cool they have a left hand modifier oh my god oh that’s so cool oh that that’s really cursed you know i’ll play it with that but yeah on its own it does really stand out just as its own sort of thing okay enable toggle sprint

As far as fps goes we’re still on the higher end of like 600 almost 700 fps but it’s not quite as good as the mod pack that i just used but like i said none of this is optimized there could be some settings i don’t have enabled

That’ll make this perform a lot better all right let’s do a game oh my god dude this left-handed thing is actually so throwing me off i am not used to this it looks so cursed oh that is so cursed oh the bridging oh oh god that looks so

Weird oh he’s left-handed too oh god oh that does not look right oh my god but it works who can argue with the results i’m just gonna like chill out here for a second then i’m gonna get cleaned by a guy with strength and then that’s gonna be fun and then there’s

Like nine billion people in the middle and i’m gonna go hide goodbye yo what’s up block hitting with the left hand is that the ball what the hell dude let’s go left handed bow battle see from a distance it looks fine but like the instant they get closer it’s just

Something feels not right also apparently being left-handed means that i can’t aim maybe that’s a oh that’s a sign left-handed mlg i probably should have been like talking about like what laby mod actually does for you but i’m so focused on this freaking left-hand thing but i can’t think of anything else okay

What’s weird is that it’s like left-handed but it looks like the arrows are coming out of my right hand where are you what do you get out of this man do you really get that much out of this you’re you’re at lower hp than anyone else

Oh what can i comment on in terms of the client let’s see uh the aesthetic of the top left-hand gui looks looks very robust and yet rustic i i don’t know dude i’m making it up at this point this will just be devolved into a skywars

Game where we’re all bowing and i am just not used to the freaking left hand thing at all dude i want to rush them down but they’re all so freaking light and he’s gapping i won’t clean if you guys fight oh but he’s a kb rod okay goodbye let’s fight

Down here and middle where it’s fine and safe and i can’t get kb rotted no way is he wait i have an emotes wheel i didn’t even know that okay well you have emotes apparently is he really going around and looting all of the other chests dude come on

Well this guy’s gapples and i don’t which is going to be a problem very soon his helmet broke what the oh my god actually honestly if this helmet didn’t break i probably would have lost oh my god what what is skywars why am i left-handed what is life dude

Anyway i’m sorry i didn’t really go over many of the modifications there’s just so much to go over here that i don’t have time for in one video especially when i’m showing off a bunch of other clients too so it’s kind of just like you know we’re just we’re just paying a

Visit just seeing what it’s like and i gotta say this is actually this is really cool so if you’re looking for something that has just a ton of customizability all in one package this is definitely very useful and it all comes bundled into the minecraft client

But we’re out of time for this one so let’s move on to the next one all right next up we’ve got pixel client now i hadn’t heard about this client before today when i like looked up what minecraft clients there are and just picked one out of the bag so but

Apparently this is pretty popular among a lot of people so i thought i’d try it out and just see where how it goes the home screen aesthetic is very nice very original doesn’t look like many other clients i’ve seen that’s gonna be a pretty common trend with a lot of the

Clients on this list so let’s just let’s just get into it let’s see here so the escape menu looks a lot different i guess we have some mod settings here and here’s the the main client modifications toggle sprint always a classic very very common with a lot of these minecraft

Clients oh we can make it rainbow let’s let’s let’s make it rainbow it’s got like a spotify now playing mod toggle snake armor status these these are pretty common actually a lot of mods but it’s a little bit more condensed which is actually something i like i kind of

Dislike a lot of clients with a crap ton of features because sometimes you get lost when you’re editing settings and stuff like that it’s kind of nice to just have something a little bit more condensed and simple actually one of the things i don’t understand is i can’t

Find the dynamic fov option it looks like this was built on top of optifine but i can’t find the option it could be somewhere on the modpack i don’t know but i couldn’t find it on first glance in terms of fps i’m getting actually on the lower end between 500 and 600 that

Might be because of the rgb settings i have enabled and maybe if i turn those off it’ll be a little higher but uh overall it still feels pretty smooth so i i don’t know if that be that big of a deal it does kind of feel like with the

Default settings it’s not as optimized as some of the other ones were all right let’s just get into a game so like i said some of these clients i didn’t know what they were before this video and this is one of them i didn’t know what pixel client was before today but it

Seemed pretty popular so hey why not try it out all right so one of the things i don’t really like by default and again there’s probably a setting for this is that for some reason the enchantments are disabled so this is actually a power three bow even though it looks like a

Like a default weapon i don’t know why again there’s probably a setting for that but it seems weird that that would be like the default option when you first load it up oh oh oh back off surprise oh my god that knocked me far holy crap goodbye up

Wait dude is he alive oh he’s alive no he’s not alive goodbye and there’s just a guy sitting up there what the and this guy’s lagging out like what is happening what is happening oh my oh oh he’s got the jukes he’s got the moves but not enough for my talented gameplay

Really you heard it here first folks hey maybe pixel client’s uh like a hacked client i hope it’s not i that would be you know that would actually probably be really bad if i started like advertising a hat client without even knowing it i’m pretty sure it’s not are we really doing

This man do we have to what what what in your life decided that this was this was what why are there so many bow spammers in like all of these games they’re really gonna make me do yeah this he’s got the low ground he doesn’t take that much knockback either oh my god

No no no no no yeah i’m just gonna let the freaking fire run out and then you can die gg what a guy i tell you skywars players ladies and gentlemen skywars players so yeah like i said i don’t know that much about this client and i still don’t

Really know that much about it but it kind of looks very similar to a lot of clients i have used in the past so hey you know whatever take with us what you will all right moving on to the next one all right this is pvp lounge client and

It says it’s gonna be rebranding to feather clients so it’s gonna be called feather client but this was back in may so i don’t really know where their progress is on that but this is another semi-popular minecraft client that some people like to use it’s actually meant

To be used for a server called pvp lounge but you can use it on other servers and it has a bunch of mods built into it anyway and here we got the mod settings so this is like your typical uh minecraft client mod pack sort of gui

One of the things that’s like really nice about a lot of these is that you can just like instantly toggle a lot of these options on and off and then edit the gui as you see fit super easy to just play with stuff and mess around

Which is just very very helpful and also on this client they have a mod called perspective but i’m not actually going to enable that because it’s now bannable on hypixel so as far as fps goes it’s just barely under 600 fps so still a little better

Than pixel client but kind of worse than some of the other loadouts but i can kind of understand why it’s got a lot of like little aesthetic modules and stuff going on so yeah let’s hop right into a game so i had never used pvp lounge

Before today but i have heard of it in the past and i’ve even had people recommend it to me so it’s not completely unfamiliar like i mentioned it is for pvp lounge the server like it’s meant for that but it is pretty optimized to hypixel as well so like for

Instance it does have the skyblock add-ons mod which is very well known on hypixel what the hell just happened to me what the hell this guy is a fortnite skin he has the fortnite logo on his face i’m going in what is happening what is happening

Oh my god you know what no matter what client i use it’s not going to help me make sense of what hypixel skywars is because jesus christ and i strike goodbye fortnight later idiot all right here’s a giga chad brain play i’m gonna pretend like i’m looting right i’m gonna be like looting

And it’s like i strike he does not expect it and we traded hits anyway but you know what i want to pretend like it i want to pretend like it worked all right i want to say it worked i want to say it help me maybe win this battle

Oh he mlg that was sick and the server lag spike so i can nail a bow shot whatever i’ll rush this i’m not a lame-o i’m willing to rush this there we go oh look they have little like check marks next to them i don’t really know

What that means but hey it looks cool it’s probably like level head on this too yeah there’s level head okay i’m gonna be perfectly honest i actually hate levelhead as a mod because there are so many games back before i had youtube rank where people would actually

Target me because i had a higher level than everyone else and it’s just i don’t i don’t really get i don’t really get that mentality like why does knowing someone else’s level like help you pvp at all it just doesn’t make any sense and like i said the only problem i had

With it was because i know that there are people that will target a higher level player because they think they’re more dangerous or something when in fact i can name like 10 higher level players on hypixel that are like extremely easy to beat pvp so without further ado let’s

Get on to the next client alright next up we’ve got batmod and dude this freaking title screen actually looks sick this is actually really cool i’ve never used this client before today but it is it looks pretty cool so i’m pretty sure you press right shift for the menu oh my god holy

Crap that is a lot of of modifications what the okay uh sure all right i’m just gonna enable a bunch of modifications like i did last time just play around with stuff see how things go once again i can’t turn on 360 perspective because that’s no longer allowed on high pixel

Lol alright so for fps kind of similar just a little bit under 600 fps but like i said there’s some modifications that i didn’t have enabled that could probably make this a lot smoother they all kind of perform similarly so whatever all right let’s go into a game yeah so

Batmod another client i hadn’t heard about up until this point but hey it was recommended by by some people so what the hell why not try it in the video i gotta say like the customization even though it’s like a lot of customization i don’t really know what it was but the

Menus and like everything about this sort of just still felt very minecraft i don’t know what else to call it like maybe it was like the aesthetic of everything but it just felt very wow knockback one like maybe it was just the aesthetic of everything but somehow like

The pixels of of the menus made it feel like minecraft even though it had uh a lot of customization options that’s not a common trend with a lot of clients surprisingly oh oh the 2v1 the epic pvp oh my god oh my that that is happening king monkey goodbye king monkey dude i

Enchanted my sword with knockback one it is crazy that guy’s getting backstabbed pepe laughs ow goodbye did this knock knockback one sword is amazing he’s one he’s one hp he’s one hp this guy’s playing so lame what is your plan oh give me that kill can people stop running please

Oh what the oh wait my oh my client crashed wait like it actually crashed what the hell i got like a java run time error okay um well that’s not good so maybe that’s like uh maybe that’s like like a thing with with batmod i’m not really sure maybe it’s like my

Compatibility settings who knows dude i would have won that too i’m so sad i think i like grabbed an ender pearl and then the client just crashed okay well uh hey part of the showcase i guess it freaking crashed on me first first glance at least we get to see some cool

Home screen aesthetic yo this this is actually sick though i’m not gonna lie that’s bat mod for you i guess it has a lot of cool customization options i’m just not sure if any of these are for why it crashed there’s probably some solution somewhere but let’s move on to

The final two clients all right right here at second to last we’ve got badline client this is probably the second most well-known custom client of all time and right now it is very popular and it’s got a ton of features i actually used to use badline clan and i almost even

Partnered with them before i just decided that forge was just cleaner for my stream setup but i can’t deny that it is still a very popular minecraft client and probably the second most popular nowadays so it’s basically got all the modules that we’ve seen previously and

More and the other thing too that you can notice is that 360 degree perspective is turned off by default because on hypixel it is now bannable if you use this module so on bad lion and the last client this is forced to be disabled which is which is actually

Really good because that’s what they should be doing but yeah it’s got different zoom functions toggle chats skya black add-ons shiny pots server address bunch of different a bunch of different freaking modules lots and lots of graphic settings all that stuff you know as far as fps goes on bad line with

The current modifications that i have it’s around 500 a little bit under 600 very similar to a lot of the other clients we’ve seen again that’s all unoptimized there’s probably some settings that you could enable that’ll make it a little bit faster anyway let’s

Move on to a game all right i turned off the new chat function because i felt like it was hard to see but here we are badline client like i said this is a client that i’ve used in the past and it is one of the classics basically badline

Used to be this pvp server and when their server shut down they decided to make a client for themselves and badland client was definitely one of the first clients that sort of sparked the entire like client craze that people have been going through recently there we go no no no no no

Yeah i can tell that there’s a lot of modules i haven’t enabled i wonder if i have time to do that right now turn fulbright on turn all the freaking animations on there we go 1.7 gang now i can win right isn’t that how that works

Yeah look how much of a difference it makes look at that fulbright is basically hacking what can i say yeah so like i said i’m kind of just enabling modules as i see fit just enabling random ones so don’t think that i’m using all of the modules that are

Available on the client because dude there are so many on some of these clients you can customize it to however you see fit yeah badline client definitely one of the most well-known custom clients and it’s one of those clients that helps sort of shape the client craze that’s in the minecraft pvp

Community today and it even used to be the most popular pvp client but since then it has been uprooted by its successor the most popular custom client let’s go check it out for the 10th and final client of this video you might have heard of it before it’s this

Semi-well-known client called uh i think it’s called lunar client and yeah i don’t i don’t know what this is i’m just kidding i’m pretty sure a lot of you guys especially in my comments section know what lunar client is so lunar client is probably the most popular

Custom client for minecraft pvp that is available right now it probably has the most players and it has definitely had the most publicity uh that is that is a fact pretty much whenever people are talking about getting into minecraft pvp for the first time or just you know

Stuff like that a lot of people in fact i would say the majority would say use lunar client or some other clients but most of the time it’s going to be lunar client and hey look guys free look is disabled because it’s spannable on high

Pixel look at that as far as fps goes i’m just barely getting under 500 which is actually quite surprising because i was expecting lunar client to be the highest and apparently it’s the lowest but that’s probably because of the modules i have enabled and there’s other settings which are not optimized blah

Blah blah blah let’s just hop into a game like i said throughout this entire video about like performance my performance with each of these clients is probably going to be different from yours so the best way that you can check fps the best way is just to try out each

Of these clients for yourself and see how they do i don’t like take my word for everything about how how these do goodbye oh the suits for two yeah so you see this guy is a little like lunar client icon next to his name before he just

Died wall every person that’s like that is also using lunar clients they like this guy for example so there’s a ton of people using this client like i said it is the number one uh pvp client right now and uh you know as you can see there’s there’s quite

Evidence of that but yeah here we are at the 10th and final client of this video i thought i’d end it off with lunar client because it is the most popular here’s the thing all right i don’t have any problem with lunar client but i do

Have a bit of a problem with some of the people that use it all right some people just like think that lunar client is like this freaking panacea that’s just gonna cure all of life’s problems and it’s just it’s so unbelievably overhyped if you ask me because i’ve even seen

People like ridicule other people for like using other clients that aren’t lunar client and it just kind of becomes like a cult mentality you know especially in my freaking live stream chat there are people that spam you should use lower client operand and it’s just it’s so annoying that it

Just kind of actually puts me off from a lot of people that use lunar client but as far as the client itself goes i don’t really have a problem with it it works fine it works like a charm i just won the freaking i want a skywars game with

It i don’t i don’t think that tells you anything about how well these perform because i won with like all of them except for pat mod because it crashed but after using 10 different clients in hypixel skywars and trying them out seeing what they do if there’s anything

I want you to take from this video i want it to be regardless of what minecraft client you play on bad lion lunar bat mod pvp lounge all the other six other ones that i’m too lazy to name whatever client you use you can win hypixel skywars because the people that

Play it are freaking randoms thank you for watching like and subscribe and i’ll see you guys later that is not my normal skin but uh You

This video, titled ’10 Types of Minecraft Clients’, was uploaded by OmicronGaming on 2021-09-08 23:57:49. It has garnered 1029516 views and 35013 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:52 or 1672 seconds.

Minecraft clients, specifically Minecraft clients for pvp, have been gaining in popularity over the past couple years, and fast. So, I decided to test 10 of them out today in the best game to test a client out: Hypixel Skywars. Which one was your favorite?

DISCLAIMER: This is not a review on what the best Minecraft client is for pvp. I personally think that as long as it works for you and doesn’t break your Minecraft, the Hypixel rules, or your PC, then there’s no reason to say that one client is the “best”. This video is mostly for content and to just check out what’s out there.

TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Intro 1:31 1. Minecraft (Vanilla) 3:56 2. Optifine 6:16 3. Forge (no mods) 8:04 4. Forge (with mods: 5zig/Patcher/Optifine) 9:54 5. Labymod 13:22 6. Pixel Client 16:31 7. PVPLounge 19:21 8. Batmod 22:03 9. Badlion 24:30 10. Lunar

CLIENT LINKS: Minecraft (bruh): https://www.minecraft.net/ Optifine: https://optifine.net/home Forge: https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/ Patcher mod (Also has links for 1.7 animations, 5zig for Patcher on the site, which are the only versions of these mods usable with Patcher): https://sk1er.club/mods/patcher Labymod: https://www.labymod.net/en Pixel Client (The site technically no longer exists, so only a mediafire link is available. I know that this is technically discontinued, but oh well. It still works): http://www.mediafire.com/file/mo7pzys6699t5z0/PixelClient.zip/file PVLounge: https://pvplounge.com/ Batmod: https://batmod.com/ Badlion: https://www.badlion.net/ Lunar: https://www.lunarclient.com/

Specs: NVIDIA 3080 Mobile Intel i7-11800H 16 GB ram

There may have been clients that I did not mention in this video, but for the most part, the clients that I named in this video have a decent following and are relatively well used amongst the Minecraft pvp community (some more than others, obv). If a client that you know of wasn’t included in this video, then I’m sorry but I can’t include every possible client in this video :/

👍 LIKE the video if you enjoyed it and want to see more content! 📍 SUBSCRIBE if you’re new to the channel! 🔔 Hit the Bell icon to get notified of every time I upload a video! #NotificationSquad

🔴Follow me on Twitch!: https://www.twitch.tv/0microngaming 🐦Follow me on Twitter!: https://twitter.com/0micronGaming 🎮 DISCORD!: https://discord.gg/5RDTCDj 💲 Become a Channel Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCryKACitFpPVPiqvYH6pQBQ/join ——————————————————————————————————— 🕹️ Game: Minecraft 🔑 Server IP: mc.hypixel.net ⌨ Server Website: https://hypixel.net/ 📂 Texture Pack: https://youtu.be/K-w-0P_5IiA

FULL PLAYLIST!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUtUAebuS-bLV5TJWCqGfEW13w0VmVQjC ——————————————————————————————————— 🎶Music Used:

Chun-nan (Night) – Sonic Unleashed New Donk City – Super Mario Odyssey Spagonia (Night) – Sonic Unleashed Apotos (Night) – Sonic Unleashed Bubblaine – Super Mario Odyssey Lost – Catherine Lamb Game between ♂ and ♀ – Catherine “And so it begins” – Artificial Music ——————————————————————————————————— 🎨 Banner Art and Profile Pictures by Green/Greenei/Matthew: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSI4yDNXAUQC8-54BKfR2rw

💻 Thumbnails made by me 😛 ——————————————————————————————————— 🚫Rules

Keep it Clean and PG. Mainly family-friendly channel. No advertising. Have fun, be nice to others! 👌 ———————————————————————————————————

Got all the way down here? Well, █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ █░░╦─╦╔╗╦─╔╗╔╗╔╦╗╔╗░░█ █░░║║║╠─║─║─║║║║║╠─░░█ █░░╚╩╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╩─╩╚╝░░█ █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█ to the bottom of the description. Enjoy your stay.

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    Crafty Masters of Minecraft Modding In Minecraft Modding Masters, Ninjas will thrive, Customizing tools, enemies, and more to drive. With Java Edition, mods will come alive, For friends and family to enjoy and revive. Join us at Code Ninjas, where coding is fun, Unleash your creativity, let your skills run. Craft unique biomes, mobs, and more in the sun, Minecraft Modding Masters, a camp for everyone! Read More

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

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  • Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun!

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure

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  • 𝙍𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙤𝙃𝙌 – 𝙑𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖 1.20.4 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙

    Welcome to 𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖔𝕳𝖁𝖌! A brand new SMP server with a semi vanilla gameplay experience! Join us for a fun and friendly server where you can explore, loot, grind, and build with new friends! Server features: A new 1.20.4 map with ore-filled caves Land claims and homes Starter kits Upcoming community Nether Opening Event We are also looking for staff! Apply through our discord. Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran, 𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖔𝕳𝖁𝖌 is the perfect place to enjoy Minecraft like never before! Join our discord here! Read More

  • New survival Medial Times

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  • Minecraft Memes – When Death Makes You Look OOGLY GOO!

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  • SHOCKING: Top 5 MUST HAVE Minecraft Plugins 1.20!

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  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Title Screen Ranking!

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  • 😱🔥💥 SHOCKING Minecraft trap for friends!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Guide || Play With Friends! 🔥

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  • 🔥 15 MUST-HAVE Minecraft Mods! (1.20.1) ➡️

    🔥 15 MUST-HAVE Minecraft Mods! (1.20.1) ➡️Video Information Creature Compendium introduces two new mob types and expands on an existing one curses beasts and Golems each mob type comes with its own unique traits and gameplay differences but they all share one common feature they can be tamed in various ways netherite forges are ancient colossal golems that lie dormant in Bastion remnants remnants of a war long forgotten these formidable beings can be awoken with lava triggering a challenging and epic battle if the player manages to damage them enough they will become inactive however with enough netherite scrap they can be repaired and even… Read More

  • 8kpvp

    8kpvpWe are a awsome server dedicated to our players. Please join our discord server to give us advise and to create a good community 8kpvp.com Read More

  • PangaeaEarth – Semi-vanilla PVP Towny SMP 1.20+ Discord

    PangaeaEarth A work in progress geopolitical Minecraft server with a Pangaea map The map will be approximately 4.5k by 5k, running on the towny claiming system. Although targeted more towards the casual, building type of player, the server will have systems set up in place for those more wanting of PvP. Come join us in PangaeaEarth! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/G2qezQpRZg Read More

  • NEW!!! All The Mods 9 Server 2 [No PVP/Grief] By CubedWorlds

    NEW!!! All The Mods 9 Server 2 [No PVP/Grief]  By CubedWorldsCubedWorldsPvP/Grief Server: atm9pvp.cubedworlds.comPeace Server: atm9.cubedworlds.comPeace Server 2: atm9-2.cubedworlds.comOur Links:Website: www.cubedworlds.comDiscord: discord.cubedworlds.comFeatures:*Playtime rewards: Get rewarded for playing on our servers! Earn special rewards as you play on our servers, the more you play, the more rewards! *Ranks: You can earn 12 specials ranks on the server via playtime or purchasing one of our packages on our website.*No Map Reset: Yes!!! The map will never reset, except for a few dimensions (The end, The Nether and Mining Dim)*Dimensions Size: 20k Radius each, 31 Dimensions available*Economy: Rent a shop to sell ressources or buy from others.*Chunks Loading: Enabled*Voting: Vote for our server to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Mob Showdown: Bye Phantom, Vex, Silverfish, Giant?

    Looks like the Phantom, Vex, and Silverfish couldn’t handle the heat and got eliminated quicker than Steve can mine a block of dirt! Top 3 comments can decide the fate of the mobs – will they be voted off the island or will they live to see another day of Minecraft mayhem? The Giant better watch out, it’s game on! Read More

  • Kinito Pet: Big or Small? #minecraftmemes

    Kinito Pet: Big or Small? #minecraftmemes When you can’t decide on the size of your Kinito Pet, just remember: bigger isn’t always better…unless you want a pet that can double as a scarecrow! #shorts #minecraft #meme #memes #kinitopet #scary Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we explore the latest and most intriguing developments in the world of Minecraft. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating realm of AI-generated Minecraft content. Have you ever wondered if AI can truly make Minecraft? The possibilities are endless, and the results are truly mind-blowing. In a recent YouTube video titled “Can AI make Minecraft?” the creator delves into the realm of AI-generated Minecraft videos and images. The video showcases the incredible advancements in AI technology that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of gaming and content creation. From AI-generated Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Backrooms Devlogs

    Minecraft Backrooms Devlogs Welcome to CraftRooms II: A Minecraft Backrooms Experience Step into the mysterious world of CraftRooms II, an immersive Minecraft experience currently in ALPHA 0.6. Explore the depths of the backrooms, but be careful not to no-clip through blocks in the wrong places… Meet the Team Behind the Scenes Shoutout to the talented individuals who have brought CraftRooms II to life: EnderAnimations: builder, texture lead, co-owner scubadiverxy: lead builder, command lead, redstone lead, co-owner xPB14x: sound design, builder, playtester Waterbolt Productions: playtester, builder skeleton: playtester rycritter grog: playtester Features and Elements Immerse yourself in a world filled with: Poolrooms: Dive… Read More

  • Unbelievable Build Challenge in Minecraft Realms!

    Unbelievable Build Challenge in Minecraft Realms!Video Information for hey what’s up Carson and uh missed you yeah it’s free when you join Carson and Kimberly oh yeah Kimberly you’re from [Music] uh ghostly barbecue what’s up Daryl one moment [Music] y’all what’s up what’s up what’s up I’ve never what happened to snake eyes he’s he’s still here it’s um I don’t know you new here Carson CU it’s um it’s me and him we both stream on this channel I’m OT or Noah or whatever you want to call me all right enough s still we about to Ping it I mean we’re looking… Read More

  • EarthTwister: 100 Days Surviving Hardcore Minecraft

    EarthTwister: 100 Days Surviving Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information this is Minecraft but you probably already knew that this is Hardcore where if you die it’s game over but you probably already knew that too what you didn’t know is this is ultra Hardcore in this mode if you die it’s game over but there is a twist natural health regen has been turned off and if I want to heal I need either to find instant health potions or craft suspicious do with the regen effect or golden apples let’s see how this goes and this is not great we spawned in a desert as you… Read More

  • Insane Adventure: Rickson’s Spawn Vertical Stream

    Insane Adventure: Rickson's Spawn Vertical StreamVideo Information what is up guys welcome back it’s Sunday Yay good old sunday good old Sunday hope everyone is doing really good hope you’ve had a good weekend and uh hey yat thanks for joining the club as well really appreciate that right all right let us get into The Nether and let’s uh look at that fan that that was so good already doing really well what’s up toast what’s up rotrex what is up guys let’s get some blocks so we can actually get into The Nether and uh let us just do our thing let’s get… Read More

  • Unbeatable Pneumaticcraft Armor?! EP58 All The Mods 9!

    Unbeatable Pneumaticcraft Armor?! EP58 All The Mods 9!Video Information I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get into some more new mcraft but today we make one of the most OP pieces of armor that exist and we also make the rest of the creative items from new mcraft hopefully you guys are ready now I’ve have been sort of on a creative item spree over the last few episodes we have set out to gather all of the creative items that we can really get our hands on and well today is going to be a continuation of that we… Read More

10 Types of Minecraft Clients