19 Things You SHOULDN’T BUILD In Minecraft 1.19

Video Information

A brand’s new update means new ways to play and build with new blocks to work with if you’re skilled and even new structures to be filled this is my biggest video yet going through build ideas that i would love to work with in 1.19 but that i know was such a terrible

Idea to spend survival time on so instead i’m showing you what they would look like if we had built them this is 19 projects you absolutely shouldn’t try and i would appreciate if you subscribe to the channel i would say this video took a long time to make and that’s why

You should do it but i’m actually just starting making it now but i do know it’s going to take a long time to make so if you appreciate these long-form videos and the longest ever builds you shouldn’t make video then please do subscribe or perhaps like the video or

Do any of the positive things because this is a very positive ring right this is the ancient city or rather this is what the ancient city looks like in every youtube video but if you actually saw it normally it would look more like this you just see the random fire and

Lava and occasional lanterns and sure you can light this place up using torches or another light source of your choosing but there’s one light source that just beats all of those right the idea here is simple the best way to let light into any structure is to use

Natural light because it is going to be all the way maxed out look how much better this place immediately looks of just one single block of this but what if we didn’t have just a single block of light what if the entire portal was fully excavated all the way to the

Surface that would take an insane amount of time and survival and fortunately we’re not in survival but it’s still going to take a long time because what we need to do is fill all of these blocks and replace them with air all of a sudden this makes the entire place

Look as good as if you had night vision but all of the time and it not only does that but it makes this stunning visual as you look out of the hole and it’s even better than just a stunning visual from the ancient city looking upwards

But also it works the other way because you can look straight down from a very beautiful piece of well-crafted uh terrain jet on the surface down to the most intense and horrific and scary uh terrain gent down below and as long as you make some safe falling places then

There’s no reason this can’t be one of the centerpieces of your world obviously this involves destroying about 200 000 blocks even more if you wanted to destroy the entire area around this because this whole area isn’t properly lit i mean what you’d have to do for

That is you’d have to destroy the area around all of this stuff too which would be insane right but if you were crazy enough to excavate the over a million blocks that it would require you would get quite the spectacle from both angles seriously this is a minus 46 coordinate

Which is crazy enough by itself but it’s a minus 46 coordinate that is visible from over 150 blocks in the sky it is nuts to look at and again i would not want to mine those million blocks in survival or rather i would want to mine those million blocks i’d get about a

Tenth of the way through and then i decide i never want to look at it again which is why i had to get my urge to see this out in creative just like with the next project because the new skull blocks are quite a oh what is this

Is this sideways seaweed i’m seeing right now huh strange because anyway skulk blocks are a very interesting palette to play around with and one of the easy ideas they had would be would it be fun to cover the entire surface of a river with skull blocks so be a skulk river but i

Think you’d lose a lot of the depth that the river actually has that way and so one of the ideas that i immediately then loved was what if you replace the river bed that’s right all of the sand and gravel and dirt what if you took all of

Those blocks and replaced it with skulk this would take an insane amount of time because you’d have to get a silk touch uh diamond or never right hoe down in the deep dark you’d have to mine thousands and thousands of these blocks and then replace each and every single

One of the ocean bed blocks of these again very bad idea that no one should attempt but if you were to attempt it what would it look like the answer is apparently something seriously spooky i left the clay deposits in here for now and i kind of like the addition they

Bring uh the tiny bit of texture you get in an otherwise sea of black but honestly it’s like one of those have you ever looked at like a vantablack painted uh anything like an apple where you just can’t discern the shape it kind of looks like that the riverbed kind of vanishes

And instead you just get a bunch of drowns and big salmons as well as small salmons uh because we’re playing uh superior minecraft of course but you see a bunch of uh like uh floating salmon uh just above some skull blocks and that’s about it it’s very very strange uh in so

Many ways there’s even a parrot here and uh i like the result enough that i seriously do want to contemplate playing around with water and skulk together um i think it looks objectively horrible in so many ways but that’s why i like it maybe you disagree though maybe if you

Do you might like my third project because clay is now infinitely renewable no longer do you have to go to your river beds or as of 1.18 your lush caves etc now if you want a clay all you need to do is make a very simple uh little

Thing like this and boom you’ve got yourself immediate access to clay and what do you want to do with that well it’s a good question the first thing you should be considering doing is building the world’s best house because this my let’s play house has been proven to be

The absolute best minecraft build ever created by anyone ever that sounds impossible to believe until you realize the feng shui principles the merging of bricks and oakwood it’s just too much for any mere mortal to look at and here’s the great thing about it if you

Want to build a house like that you can do so and you don’t even need to cook the clay anymore you can just use pure clay straight from the world and you can make a toy cat’s let’s play house replica but using mangrove wooden clay instead wow isn’t this an interesting

Experience it’s it’s so weird to me that you can build a let’s play house out basically any material and it still looks just as questionable just as maybe you shouldn’t build it but there’s just something i love about this so much i even got the frog lights mixed in there

Um but yeah basically any existing build you have can be rebuilt using a little bit of a clay and mangrove wood and it’s a pretty fun idea by the way but for the fourth build here because of course you shouldn’t actually build a toy cat’s let’s play house using clay instead of

Bricks it obviously looks better with bricks i mean it’s just such a great build uh we shouldn’t tarnish it by using a lesser build quality material so uh instead let’s talk about mangrove wood because mangrove wood can be used in all sorts of funky ways i love the

Sorts of ways that you can use it to make anything made out of wood but what you can also do with it definitely my favorite use is combined with other wood types to make blacks you can make an english flag all with a bit of extra

Effort a union jack okay this is a terrible union jack but it’s not such a terrible icelandic flag is it actually you know what this might be one of those builds that you really should do in survival because getting a lot of these mangrove planks isn’t that massively

Hard even if you wanted to scale this up so it will take thousands of planks to build which of course i’m not gonna do here but it wouldn’t be too hard to get off those blocks and if you were gonna do it i mean it would look something like this

This is over ten thousand planks strung together in a giant icelandic flag i think at this ratio you do need to start considering the exact dimensions you’re going for a bit more i kind of scaled it up a bit too perfectly but still i i like the giant icelandic flag it might

Have to be an addition to any world where you like iceland which should be most worlds i mean you know polar bears don’t come from nowhere right anyway uh speaking of iceland and polar bears the next build is just as useless as one of those two things so this next idea

Brings me back to the ancient city which by the way is covered in far too much gravel there we go that’s much better that was the only thing that i could see that is wrong with this ancient city anyway one of the ideas that i had regarding this because we have this big

Portal but we just don’t know what it’s going to do but it is this wonderful shape that’s kind of disappointing that it’s just empty right now and so what do you logically do with that well you do what people have done ever since the never portal was able to be expanded

Which is you place your own fake portal behind it it’s obviously not gonna have the same effect as if you had a real ancient city portal but there is just something stunning about seeing this thing being actually filled with the portal dust which you can see right here

Also i think one of the other concerns you might have is like well it doesn’t really work both ways because on this side you’re going to clearly see the obsidian which is kind of a bit too obvious and i think there’s two ways you could deal with this one of these would

Be obviously covering this thing up entirely the other one is just covering around the edges and making it so you mostly can’t see through besides the tiniest bit of purple i think that’s the much more preferable solution by just kind of covering up the corners like so

And now you have an ancient city portal which looks kind of interesting from this side alone but which mostly has the intended effect of making the wardens head which is clearly based on looking that extra layer of spooky and also making the reinforced deep slate look

Like it has a use obviously if you get too close the illusion breaks but that’s true for any nerve portal i just kind of like the way that this one happens is this a good idea for survival almost certainly not because again at some point we’ll find a use for these brand

New portals who knows when that is but it’s worth keeping yourself ready for it just like how it’s worth keeping yourself ready for the next great idea which get this right the ancient city is filled with skulk blocks and also skulk veins what could you do if you took all

Of these blocks elsewhere obviously you could make a sculpt jungle you just play skulk veins on every single one of these surfaces and you slowly corrupt the entire thing so the way that i’m doing this in creative is a little bit bodgy my idea is to play skulk in every

Possible air block and then all of the air blocks that are attached to nothing will slowly decay i hope and all of the ones that aren’t in the air should eventually attach themselves to trees like you’re seeing happening over here it’s like using a warhammer when you

Need to use i don’t know a needle but i think as you’re gonna see it should allow us to see what would happen if you took absolute thousands of these blocks and covered an entire forest in i’ve accidentally created a horror that’s much more interesting than what i was

Going for i mean this entire skulky biome is very interesting by itself but just look at the big blob of skulk vein that you can walk through fly through and you can even break if you really want to but that makes these really weird cubes you just don’t see anywhere

Else in the game it’s a very very strange effect that i really wasn’t intending to do on this scale but oops apparently i’m just gonna let this run for a while and see how it plays out i guess so fast forward time Okay so this is one of the worst ideas to do in survival but apparently it’s also a terrible idea in creative i guess skulk has to be like specifically picked in a certain direction it doesn’t automatically scoop onto it like torches do and so if you try to play skulk

Everywhere not by hand it’s also a terrible idea but uh yeah would not recommend this in survival or creative wow that’s a first for the series um if you’re curious this is survival projects you shouldn’t try just like the next one here man this is such a weird thing to go

Through anyway moving on from that mess do you know what one of my favorite new block palettes is it has to be the mud bricks when mud bricks were first announced in this trailer right here i loved looking at the house they built and i thought myself wow that sure is a

Nice one would it be cool to build that exact house in minecraft and obviously it’s perfectly fine to build one of these houses it wouldn’t even take too much effort but what if you made like multiple of these houses what if you made every one of your minecraft builds

Just one of these mud brick houses well i mean obviously it would take too long to do that but maybe maybe we could do that anyway you would not believe how hard it is trying to actually place blocks because of all the skulk taking up i don’t know all the memory of the

World i i don’t understand what actually happens underneath the surface i just know that this house should have been very simple to building creative but it’s a little bit trickier when you’ve got a ton of processors taking up all of your resources i guess actually do you know

What seeing it side by side of the trailer makes me realize that they’ve changed mud bricks to be much darker um than i guess they use in the trailer or maybe the saturation is just way up i’m not too sure either way i’ve also realized that i’m using blue amateur

Mistake i think it’s cyan i’m guessing oh no it’s just light blue so we’re gonna replace the blue of the light blue and then we can do what’s important here which is of course in survival it’d be hard to build multiple of these houses getting the week together and the mud

And the stone bricks you could do it in not a huge amount of time but if you wanted to make let’s say a whole village worth of these that would be a big task if you did a little bit of copy pasting on the other hand honestly as i look

Around at the monstrosity that i’ve made here in creative this might actually be a better project for survival getting this many mud bricks wouldn’t be so tragically difficult and then you’d be able to actually plan the thing out properly but for now as an idea have you considered making the mud brick house

That they showed off at minecon live i bet you haven’t if you’re not me and if you haven’t then you’re missing out on not very much and we’re being honest but yeah i love that we have a little village community all living you know these are mojang made mobs living in a

Mojang designed village isn’t that beautiful okay is that just every village i’m describing right now you know what i’m not describing when i say that though my next beautiful build idea on this list which hopefully is also you know we’ve had two fails in a row but my

Next one is sure bets did you know after this update all you need to do is take a water bottle or rather just an empty bottle uh down under water and then you can just repeatedly spam the right click or the left trigger and you’re going to

End up with mud where all of the dirt was because you’re surrounded by water you don’t need to refill the bottle or you do but it’s instant and it means that you can have this really nice effect of kind of turning the seabed into this much more

Dark uh black mud color which a lot of people do like for collection but some people also just like the texture it’s a much better texture than dirt you might say and so what would it look like if you took an entire riverbed and did this

To it honestly the answer is much better i’m worried the reason as to why that’s true is because it’s in black you know how black is just the universally loved gamer color which is why by the way you can buy literally just an ivx toy cat hoodie uh available in black uh right

Now i think and uh yeah people black is the most popular color because that’s just how people like things in fact i think you could take any minecraft biome just replace the blocks of the black mud it’s even really black it’s more of a gray but take the blackest uh natural looking

Minecraft block and you can make anything look better i mean sure look at this lovely jungle or this lovely extreme hill biome with its uh grass right now but imagine it with mud instead wait don’t imagine it this is a silly build idea video you’ve gotta admit it does add something quite nice

To the biome i think the only downside is all the dirt is still here i mean we could easily replace that too but then we just have a big black mountain you know what we want a big black mountain i think we do oh yeah that is quite the

Improvement huh honestly it actually is it it’s just a big black muddy blob but actually works quite well it makes you realize that the mangroves swamp a lot of the the heavy lifting in the atmosphere building probably does come from the mud i mean the fact that you

Can turn it to mud and mud bricks is great but the mangrove swamp is a pretty biome as it is but i’ve always felt like looking at it wouldn’t it be better if it was like high up above the ground i think the mangrove swamp looks great but

I think it’s kind of wasted by being so covered with trees and it means that you never really see it from the other biomes i mean seriously it’s just from above or from any other high place all you see is this big green mess and i

Think it’s a waste that could be fixed by elevating it maybe 150 blocks in the sky kind of like this wow isn’t this nice i think we could do a little bit better by having like a waterfall coming off it like so oh look at that now

There’s actually a way to access this thing i think it’d be so cool to take an entire biome and just have it float above the clouds because then it would darken the space where you removed it i think that moving entire places like this is such a time consuming project

But it can be so rewarding right even the mud patterns look cool from underneath this thing all of the trees kind of just merge together but with this absurd view of the environment around it i just love the entire thing i think every minecraft band can be raised

Up a lot but i think the mangrove swamp in particular would really benefit from it on both sides my next idea for a structure is a really simple one i mean probably a really dumb one but i’ve always wondered what would happen if you took like a really new school structure like

The you know beautiful brand new ancient city it’s just been designed as of this update what if you took something so new and modern and you made it feel super old school by making out of an old block like wood perhaps as you can see the

Wood just feels out of place here but what if the entire structure was made out of wood and mud well the answer to that apparently is just an absolute mess i mean look around at this thing it doesn’t even really look old-timey i guess we’ve got to replace even more

Blocks we’ve got to think about the the chiseled deep slates and the slabs and everything else and if we were to do that which i mean is is this worth our time yes it is apparently you know what i think it’s fun solely because of the

Noise it makes when we walk and the fact that it’s clearly a different block palette just applied to something it shouldn’t be but besides that i’m not too in love with that besides the sound but i don’t think that’s my my job’s doing here imagine if you had built this entire thing by

Scratch using mud bricks and mangrove and then realized it was a bad idea see this is why you need your boy toycat to give you ideas you didn’t know you had and then tell you why they were terrible you know actually why why is this series

I think it’s a good question so to balance it out i think this next idea has to be really useful and this is a really good idea if you have the time because think about it the deep dark is the scariest biome in minecraft because there’s only one mob that can spawn here

And it’s the warden but the warden actually doesn’t spawn as a result of the biome he spawns as a result of these skulk sensing blocks if you didn’t have any skulk sensors or in fact if you didn’t have any of this structure right here you just have a deep dark biome

Where no mobs could spawn that’d be amazing but obviously it’d be impossible because you’d have to remove all of the blocks right here and you see where this is going right okay so i’ll admit this one takes a lot of doing in survival destroying an entire structure is just

Something most normal people don’t do if we’re being entirely honest with ourselves i mean you know i’m not a normal person i’ve made that before but that you know it’s just not a thing that most people will do but you will get some diamonds in return and you’ll also

Get the very safest place that you can place a bed right here there is no way any mob can spawn in a huge radius off here and if you want to go extra safe maybe even make yourself some air holes where you can also get some skylight in

Here just to make things an extra level of safety from mobs there is no way anything is coming to get you from such a wide radius and that’s why this is a good idea that would just take you far too long and the far too long bit is why

It’s such a bad idea unlike this next idea because if you destroyed an entire ancient city you’d have a ton of these extra blocks lying around and you know what you could do with a ton of extra skull sensors that’s right you could easily confuse your friends because imagine stepping foot into this

Monstrosity the activation of the skulka blocks will activate other sculpt blocks and it activates a very very strange thing that allows you to see this lovely circle around yourself that shows you enough lovely little radius i don’t know what this would ever be useful for and

That’s why i’m not going to go through the effort of collecting this many skulk sensors in survival but my god is this beautiful right i want to build this so bad i just also know this is definitely a build that is best left for creative because it also doesn’t really help

Anyone like unlike the previous silly project which would at least stop mobs from spawning this would i guess theoretically stop them from spawning in a certain radius around the player because that is a light source but not by very much unlike my next genius idea which is of course to use those light

Sources and to make it so that you’ll never have a mob spawn in your forests again admittedly most the time they won’t spawn in your forest anyway but now you can be absolutely sure this is a beautiful testament i’m living currently in the city of neon as i record this i’m

Gonna be home temporarily this as this goes up but i digress right now uh this is a lovely testament to neon style blocks because if we’re being totally honest that’s all frog light really is it’s this neon style super glowy super it really works as a leaf replacement in

My opinion uh looking block i think the only thing more perfect than turning an ancient city into mangrove or mud bricks would be to turn minecraft’s best structure into one of the same things that’s right we’re finally gonna do it this is something i’ve been waiting a

Very long time for but we are going to make ourselves minecraft’s best structure using minecraft’s newest resource this seems like it should be impossible but if you just watch and see you’ll see how out of nowhere it looks like i have nothing but then all of a

Sudden what’s that oh no yeah it’s the best structure in the game i think i may have done the outside wrong but that’s totally fine let’s build another one some people say that modern minecraft updates aren’t as good as the old ones and i agree i mean if

You look at a modern day minecraft structure and how useless and pathetic it is when compared to the older minecraft structures you’ll realize that we just never had things as good as we had it back then they were the golden days and we just didn’t realize it but

Now you can appreciate it with just a few mangrove wood or mud brick slabs there’s actually no good reason you shouldn’t do this in survival except for obviously making everyone else in your server or world jealous or maybe your dog jealous because when people get jealous they might burn down your stuff

And you don’t want that because you like good things like our next build idea okay this is another classic i do love to play around with these in survival but i feel like i shouldn’t do it for like the fifth time running but what if we were to take a desert temple and

Rebuild it using mud brick blocks i know actually decent minecraft builders prefer not to use just new blocks alone they’ll try to mix them into their pallets or other weird professional building words but i just love using these two blocks together i think they complement each other so well and i

Think mud bricks are actually a better look for this structure than the sandstone ever was i think this is much more appropriate there’s just something so historic so ancient feeling about this place what do you reckon internet do you think this is a better look for the desert temple because i totally do

Think it is in fact this is encouraging me to build like super old school old themed stuff using it because mudbricks just suit it so well probably because we only had mud bricks till fairly recently in the human tech tree speaking of the human tertiary let’s move into something

Which is a little bit more literal of a tree okay so do you know how crazy it was when we replaced the entire forest with frog light blocks for leafs what if we took all of the logs and we made them mud yet this doesn’t look much better really does it i think

We’re probably running out of ideas however here’s one that’s gonna blow your mind what if we took every single leaf block in the mangrove swamp biome and replaced it with a different leaf block just to see if anyone would notice this is a crazy idea of course but what

If i was to tell you that i’ve already done it and these are a different leaf block and you didn’t even notice well then you’d be silly for being fooled by that because i haven’t done it yet this is what mangrove swamp leafs look like i think they’re an interesting enough leaf

Block honestly you can barely tell unless you’re paying attention this is a very good use of your time and survival get all of your shears together and move around the tree leafs and see if people care okay there’s one there’s one final really important idea here because you

Know before we scrape the bottom of this barrel here is one last thing that i think is a good 1.19 commemorative build that’s just a bit too much for my survival world so you’re really scared of the warden in 1.19 right what’s the only thing you can do to scare him away

Assuming a buff frog won’t do that for you well the only logical thing is to build a giant statue of him and see if that scares him away i actually really love the giant warden statue i just know it’d be such a pain to build in survival

But i just love it as a project that you should totally take on in creative if you can or maybe we should just get together you know it’s not that many black concrete blocks it’s not that many cyan terracottas and cyan concretes i’m sure if we just get enough of those

Blocks together we can do it it’s just one of those things where where is it going to go in a survival world versus it can go everywhere in a creative world and so this is a build that i built in creative but i really don’t recommend building in survival despite being

Someone who loves survival building this is in fact 19 of them which i hope you’ve all enjoyed i have never done so many of these in a single video so if you did appreciate it please do consider subscribing and let me know you love the dumb build idea series it took many many

Many hours to put this one together so just some form support be appreciated but for now i hope that you enjoyed i hope you have a nice day and i hope you’re enjoying 1.19 all okay because i’ll see you all in the next one on another day goodbye goodbye good good day

There we go You

This video, titled ’19 Things You SHOULDN’T BUILD In Minecraft 1.19′, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2022-06-13 19:15:00. It has garnered 144477 views and 6293 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:05 or 1565 seconds.

My personal favourite series, things I’d love to see but hate to do in survival

– The Previous Video(QnA Saturday): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytDirQjN4qk

– Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

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This Video Was Edited By: Harrison Gray

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    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble! In the world of Minecraft, we find our delight, With Cube Xuan leading the way, shining bright. Eggman’s world, a place of fun and play, Where creativity and joy have their say. With beats that make the table shake, And rhymes that keep us wide awake. In this world of blocks and mobs, Cube Xuan’s humor, a true heartthrob. So let’s dive in, without delay, And let the Minecraft news come our way. With rhymes that sparkle, and emojis that gleam, Cube Xuan’s channel, a gamer’s dream. Read More

  • NOTCH’s New Game: Minecraft 2.0?

    NOTCH's New Game: Minecraft 2.0? Exploring Notch’s New Game: Levers and Chests Notch, the mastermind behind Minecraft, has embarked on a new gaming venture with the creation of Levers and Chests. Let’s delve into the initial glimpses of the game and Notch’s statements! Notch: The Minecraft Maestro Before diving into the new project, let’s take a moment to appreciate the journey of Marcus Persson, also known as Notch. His childhood fascination with video games eventually led to the creation of Minecraft, a game that captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Despite selling Minecraft to Microsoft for a staggering sum, Notch’s true passion lies in… Read More

  • Apple hazard in Minecraft – Insane fall challenge! #shorts

    Apple hazard in Minecraft - Insane fall challenge! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How high can you fall?? #shorts’, was uploaded by Apple danger on 2024-01-14 18:26:13. It has garnered 2504 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • GLOWEY returns to Minecraft Island?!

    GLOWEY returns to Minecraft Island?!Video Information we’re back on Squid Island me jelly and crina and today is going to be a big big day King glowey will be returning but how can I explain this everything goes wrong hi we’re back really did you make a pyramid out of tree okay guys well who can we just talk about this a second we’re back in Squid Island wow I forgot sorry I got distracted by thater I built a and hope going to because I started a pyramid Foundation okay but but but but but before we get into that today is going… Read More

  • Insane Drama in Minecraft with VTuber Girlfriends! 😱

    Insane Drama in Minecraft with VTuber Girlfriends! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I guess you guys heard my uh clicking before you actually heard me oopsie that’s loud as hell oopsie all right is that a good volume I think that’s a good volume I think that’s fine all right so what we’re doing today is modern Minecraft I actually made the mod like I made the mod pack like 30 minutes ago I hope it works if it doesn’t then it doesn’t if it does then yay all right hi hello how are you doing today okay okay o so… Read More

  • Barnava Gaming – Herobrine absorbs Death Note power and destroys everything! #Minecraft animation

    Barnava Gaming - Herobrine absorbs Death Note power and destroys everything! #Minecraft animationVideo Information menos de um minuto vou te levar ao céu vou te catucar e fazer o ell This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb mello death note Power and destroy note|#Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-01-10 08:00:32. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb mello death note Power and destroy note|#Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #power #shorts #herobrine #shorts #wife #devilface #bestfriend #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #absorb #tvman #skibiditoilet 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Experiments: Level 1 to 100

    Insane Minecraft Experiments: Level 1 to 100Video Information if you drop sand into water it will do this satisfying bounce but did you know this also works in real life today we’re testing the most satisfying Minecraft experiments in real life and to start breaking a tower of scaffolding is extremely satisfying so we’re going to do it in real life but that’s not how scaffolding Works in real life but it is abomino work just like breaking the bottom Scaffolding in Minecraft causes everything to come crumbling down it’s the same for dominoes it’s the same for dominoes how it’s the [Applause] same and that… Read More

  • campfire.pl

    campfire.plPolski serwer Survival na najnowszej wersji gry 1.15.2. Posiadamy masę innowacyjnych rozwiązań! Na serwerze znajdziesz bardzo rozbudowany system działek, w których możesz konfigurować wiele ustawień. Dysponujemy autorskim systemem zadań, dzięki któremu nie zawieję nudą. campfire.pl:45050 Read More

  • Fermium MC Roleplay Survival Tool Leveling Races Quarries Infinite Blocks Custom Model Weapons PVE Quests Jobs Sellwands Buildwands Supply Drops Upgradable Spawners ViaVersion 1.20.X

    Hello! 👋 Looking for a fun, family-friendly Minecraft survival server? 🚸 Well, look no further! ⤵️ This server includes land claiming, quarries, player cosmetics, player shops, quest, player warps, build wands, sell wands, custom 3d weapons and armor, pets, particles, rotating shop, jobs and more! If you want more information regarding Fermium MC, join our Discord channel! Come have fun with us on the server join now! 🔵Discord: https://discord.gg/NpgKrvG IP: play.fermium-mc.fun Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Illagers are way superior anyways

    Illagers may be better, but at least villagers can actually hold a conversation without trying to raid your house! Read More

  • Villager Trade Hall: Java Jive, Business Bonanza!

    Villager Trade Hall: Java Jive, Business Bonanza! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Gala_CZ brings us trading halls with no chains. Villagers selling all for just one emerald, XP gathering fast, the process is heralded. Zombies infecting villagers, the process is clear, With weapons in hand, the infection is near. But fear not, for Weakness potions are here, To cure the villagers, make the infection disappear. Gala_CZ guides us through, step by step, Building the trading hall, no need to fret. With trapdoors and pistons, the setup is grand, Ensuring the villagers are safe and sound in the land. So join us in the… Read More

  • Car vs Portal: The Ultimate Gegagedigedagedago Showdown! 🔥😂

    Car vs Portal: The Ultimate Gegagedigedagedago Showdown! 🔥😂 Why did the car challenge the Gegagedigedagedago Portal Upgrade to a race? Because it wanted to show off its horsepower! #vroomvroom 🚗💨 Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8 Minecraft Adventure: Exploring New Mods and Features Introduction In this episode of Minecraft, Pilot delves into a world filled with new mods and features that enhance the gameplay experience. With a plethora of mods like Additional Structures, Alex’s Mobs, and Biomes O’ Plenty, the adventure is bound to be exciting and unpredictable. Discovering New Possibilities Pilot embarks on a journey to explore various structures and encounters unique mobs like witches with sophisticated backpacks. The addition of mods like Dungeon Crawl and Dungeons and Taverns adds depth to the exploration, making each discovery a thrilling experience. Challenges and Triumphs Throughout… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “The WORST START Ever In Minecraft Hardcore! (Hindi Gameplay) #1.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience? Imagine embarking on a new adventure in a world like no other, where every decision you make could mean the difference between survival and defeat. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its hardcore survival mode, challenging gameplay, and vibrant community, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience that will… Read More

  • Easy Minecraft Build Tutorial

    Easy Minecraft Build Tutorial Minecraft Build: Easy and Fun Creations! Are you looking for some easy and fun Minecraft builds to try out? Look no further! In this video, the creator showcases a build that is not only simple to make but also incredibly enjoyable. Step-by-Step Guide The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to create this particular Minecraft build. From gathering the necessary materials to putting the final touches, every detail is covered to ensure a smooth building process. Engaging Content With clear instructions and a visually appealing design, this Minecraft build is sure to capture the attention of both new… Read More

  • Minecraft CRAZIEST VIDEO ever! MUST WATCH TILL END #shorts

    Minecraft CRAZIEST VIDEO ever! MUST WATCH TILL END #shortsVideo Information [Music] woo This video, titled ‘Minecraft you have to watch this video till the end #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-02-12 08:30:09. It has garnered 102 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- Minecraft_ you have to watch this video till the end #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pro Tips

    Ultimate Minecraft Pro TipsVideo Information annp oh is ANP you know what it means yeah he doesn’t so anyway you live in [ __ ] pistan mate [ __ ] up angry said he Liv pistan we lost we lost another OG but I’m not giving you all this I found Bro you’ve been playing without us that’s so cra fat oh I just found a what it called aole is this [ __ ] whatever version we play on the newest version which version are we playing on I don’t know who asked youing the host your balls if you don’t hush down all right I’m not playing… Read More

  • Pro Gamer Masterfully Dominates PVP Legacy in Minecraft

    Pro Gamer Masterfully Dominates PVP Legacy in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing PVP Legacy and not doing bad (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Gentalaman on 2024-02-14 05:00:06. It has garnered 41 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:39 or 1959 seconds. hope u guys enjoyed the vid pls like it up and sub 🙂 Kevins channel https://www.youtube.com/@KevinX9865 discord: https://discord.gg/Vz562fm4f3 tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gentalaman?lang=en heard this helps: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP /… Read More

  • 🔥 Top 10 ADDONS para SURVIVAL en MINECRAFT 1.20! 💥

    🔥 Top 10 ADDONS para SURVIVAL en MINECRAFT 1.20! 💥Video Information Looking to add a fresh and exciting touch to your Minecraft bedrock experience? With exciting additional content that is designed to improve your experience and free you from monotony, today you have come to the right place because in this video I share with you my top 10 of the most incredible addons for Minecraft bedrock for versions 1.20, but don’t forget to subscribe and leave your like so that this Minecraft channel reaches more people to start I send a greeting to the following little people if you want a greeting Comment many times the word addons… Read More

  • Minecraft Parkour Profiles – Mind-Blowing Pixel Art!

    Minecraft Parkour Profiles - Mind-Blowing Pixel Art!Video Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,642’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-14 04:46:21. It has garnered 558 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,642 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • Minecraft TikTok Hack That Actually Works? 😱

    Minecraft TikTok Hack That Actually Works? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-02-29 02:30:03. It has garnered 884 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯fishing#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral @TechnoGamerzOfficial @imbixu #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Norah vs. Luna Realm Store Challenge!

    Norah vs. Luna Realm Store Challenge!Video Information [Music] stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon no I’m not late I’ve been waiting on you I’ve been here waiting on you I’ve been here all this time waiting on you waiting on you waiting on you wait is stream starting soon what time is it hang on I’m not ready 3 2 1 stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT TIPS & TRICKS- Boost your skills FAST!Video Information some moments in Minecraft can get confusing for example easily finding diamonds getting overpowered armor and fishing if you consider that as confusing so here are 35 tips and tricks to help you become a better Minecraft player we all know the golden rule of Minecraft and that is to never dig straight down because you can either fall in lava fall from a great height fall into a cluster of mobs that you can’t handle or awaken the warden like waking up Dad if you are going to dig straight down Dig A 1 by two hole… Read More

  • Shocking: Minecraft Granny House with FX Shivam69 #Trending

    Shocking: Minecraft Granny House with FX Shivam69 #TrendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘LET’S MAKE TO GRANNY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!!#fxshivam69 #minecraft #grannyhouse #trending’, was uploaded by FX SHIVAM 69 on 2024-02-16 03:55:34. It has garnered 2880 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:51 or 771 seconds. LET’S MAKE TO GRANNY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!!#fxshivam69 #minecraft #grannyhouse #trending 📷 Instagram: / Priyanshu_Patel_89 🕊️Twitter:- / fxshivam69 👍 Facebook: / FX SHIVAM 69 📶@Priyanshupatel89 Email: [email protected] 🔥 Like Share & Subscribe My Channel. granny house in Minecraft Minecraft best house granny new video Granny wala game granny wala cartoon Gulli bulli game granny chapter1 ki video granny grandpa… Read More

  • AmiSMP

    AmiSMPWe are a SMP server for all, we have a few YouTubers and Streamers and would love some more! If you want to join us click the discord link, we are active, have friendly staff. amismp.net Read More

  • SoulCraft Vanilla – No Whitelist – Hermitcraft – Rewards

    🌟 Join a Thriving Community: Immerse yourself in a mature and vibrant player community inspired by the legendary Hermitcraft. Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/soulcraft 🌍 Explore a Fresh Server: Embark on an epic journey in a brand-new league, where every adventurer starts on equal ground. 🏆 Claim Your Rewards: Seize the opportunity for epic rewards in this exciting league—your chance to stand out and be recognized! ⚔️ Choose Your Path: Whether you’re a master builder, redstone wizard, or intrepid explorer, Soulcraft welcomes diverse playstyles. ✨ Craft Your Legacy: Be part of a dynamic world where creativity knows no bounds. Shape your destiny… Read More

  • Boom Time Villagers: Minecraft Pocket Edition Addon Madness

    Boom Time Villagers: Minecraft Pocket Edition Addon Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Two addons to explore, like a vivid dream. First up, the TNT addon, with explosions so grand, Redstone and blocks, in your hand they’ll land. Launch the TNT, watch the world destroy, With lava and more, it’s a sight to enjoy. Ultimate TNT, rainbow TNT too, Beautiful and deadly, a colorful view. Next up, the Warrior Villagers, a brave new sight, Defending your village, ready to fight. Links in the comments, for you to download, Enjoy the game, let your adventures unfold. That’s all for today, in the world of… Read More

  • CATNAP VS ZOONOMALY: The Ultimate Poopy Playtime Showdown! 😹🦍 #minecraftmeme

    CATNAP VS ZOONOMALY: The Ultimate Poopy Playtime Showdown! 😹🦍 #minecraftmeme “Catnap vs Zoonomaly: the ultimate battle of who can nap the longest without getting caught by their owner! Place your bets now, folks!” 😹 #catfight #naptimebattle #whoisgoingtowin Read More

  • Boubou’s Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun

    Boubou's Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun Minecraft Community Server Adventure Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players from all over come together to explore, build, and survive. Join Boubou on his community server, where Java and Bedrock players unite to embark on thrilling adventures in version 1.20.4 and 1.20.71, respectively. To join the fun, become a Level 2 channel member on Boubou’s Klötzchenbande and hop into Discord to accept the rules, provide your in-game name, and get whitelisted. It’s a token of appreciation for the amazing support from the community. Exclusive Benefits and Support For those looking to take their involvement to the… Read More

  • Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!

    Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!Video Information this is Sky Revolutions a fairly new 1.19 questing mod pack from the creator of project sacrifice however unlike project sacrifice which was a previous Sky Block that we played best around blood magic this one here is much more techb as you can see on the left hand side here in the quest book we do have mechanism we do have thermal expansion we do have I believe a little bit of pneumatic craft and of course we have some create as well and as you might guess this Quest book here starts up at the top… Read More

  • Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?

    Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?Video Information I just woled down food without chewing so it’s time to bounce my buddies must have missed me big time oh husk hey glad to see you what about you man I was actually enjoying my time when you weren’t around come on buddy calm down where are our other Pals alaster and Charlie I overheard some sounds sounded like moans I bet they’re up to something important in bed man I envy Charlie right now got anything to drink bro let me check seems like I’ve got something stashed here any booze will do drown the sorrow… Read More

19 Things You SHOULDN’T BUILD In Minecraft 1.19