800 Days in Minecraft History – Unbelievable Survival Story!

Video Information

Up until now I’ve survived the cold hunger weather and pollution of the Industrial Revolution and even the radiation of the nuclear age including a reactor meltdown but now in the space age I find myself on the planet Mars battling a parasitic alien foe one which is all too eager to overrun my mining

Outpost and even my home back on planet Earth this mod pack takes you through four ages of History the Industrial Revolution the nuclear age Space Age and lastly the interstellar age each of these is based Loosely off of assumed historical progression or theoretical sci-fi progression when it comes to the

Later ages each presents its own unique opportunities and challenges building off of what came before at present I’m nearing the end of the Space Age which culminates in the construction of a black hole Fusion reactor if all goes well this reactor Will Be Mine by the

End of this video and with it I can ride off gloriously into the sunset of the final age of this Modack Ah home sweet home away from home home on Mars a very cramped home although mostly indestructible which is kind of the point given that the parasites are not very far away ow high voltage line there such a liability good grief man it feels like forever since

I’ve been here kind of has a little bit although things look about the same parasite biome as still over there very ominous in the background I suppose I should probably go check on it I seem to remember blowing up a little bit of it last time but I think I had some

Unfinished business to attend To in the last video I blew open this parasite node with a mortar leaving the core exposed I can stop the further spread of the biome by removing the hive core block yep let’s see if I can mine this without getting swarmed oh no no no that’s not good they’re swarming that

Was a lot faster than I thought oh my God it’s one of these things this is so bad this things take forever to kill even with the flame th see look at that it’s healing so lame oh that was a little bit loud thanks a lot playing forward a little

Bit a little bit more throwing a flame and less defening of me would be nice that was a little bit ridiculous dude I hate assimilated Enderman so much so bad all right here we go let me get it this time come on come on come

On nice I got it parasites are too slow and what that thing does it would have allowed the parasite biome to keep spreading its borders further like getting closer to my base but now now it will stop it’s not going to delete the biome but it won’t get any Bigger look at all those dudes over there well I think it’s time to actually go do something a little bit productive not to say that stopping parasit tering isn’t productive but I actually am on Mars for a reason I need to locate some things find some things mine M some resources

So that I can eventually make a black hole Fusion reactor I’m on Mars for two reasons firstly to locate a Mars dungeon and get a tier three rocket schematic and secondly to get a bunch of Dash or found only Underground on Mars and occasionally in Mineral veins also on

Mars typically the easiest way that I found to locate these dungeons is by flying really high into the air with my F22 Raptor and then just looking at the ground and seeing if I see any suspicious openings like that right down there that’s uh exactly what I’m looking

For that was a lot quicker than the moon dungeon Moon dungeon actually took a while to find but I will do the uh the traditional strafing run we go down float up a little bit let them know we’re on our way oh I shouldn’t land here that might

Cause a little bit of damage maybe I should land somewhere a little bit smoother well here we go let’s pack this back up put it in my backpack carried it around got to go down here you know I wish I had missiles in my my jet I need

To put some more missiles there I could have done even more damage oh look at that there’s actually Dash right there that’s what I’m looking for and so what I need to collect a lot of let me get out my energy store that might be even

Better for this it does a awful lot of Damage ooh ooh enchanted books that’s actually one of the better things about these dungeons is all the enchanted books you get that was anti climactic oh my God it didn’t get out of my face a lot of food as well I’m not going to run out of food actually I’m happy

I’m happy to have the food cuz I go through it faster than I’d like uhoh I seem to have run out of oxygen I really should have been paying better attention to that luckily it’s a well-known fact that Suffocation can be staved off for a while by consuming

Large quantities of deluxe nachos in this circumstance I should have plenty of s nachos to make it back to my base very cool actually I made it just in time I bar LLY in the nick of time I almost died it was so close can’t you

See I’m yeah I actually could have until I ran out of food I could have survived it’s a little bit silly but hey it works I’m not complaining about not dying really far away and losing all my stuff my only set of space gear hey but this

Is why we have oxygen compressors and oxygen collectors um back in my my little obsidian base exactly for moments like this when I need to refill my stuff Well I found the boss room it was actually a fairly small dungeon so it didn’t take me very long to get to the boss room here goes nothing oh my goodness it is a a what is it a cabus creeper cabus had to dog I think so I have to look that

Up oh great there’s baby creepers as well you know I’m not feeling very intimidated right now and is it is it just me but this I’m not particularly intimidated although I’m slightly more intimidated now that it’s invulnerable to Sorts I’m going to be honest Galactic Craft boss fights are pretty much just clown shows that was very special that’s that’s the best word I can think of to describe that very special but I got what I came here for I got the tier three rocket schematic from the loot

Chest not to mention some enchanted books but mainly it’s that rocket schematic I guess I could break my way out of here maybe I’ll even find a cave on the way out which is actually there is a is a cave over here look at that there’s Dash that was so convenient I

Guess I’ll start start my Dash mining right Now oh I even just found the exit I wasn’t meaning to find that but at least I now know where it is when I I want to leave here it’ll be pretty soon I don’t need to get a ton of Dash I’m going to set up an excavator shortly which will

Be able to mine the dash for Me might as well take some of these nice Mars blocks I don’t think or Mars dungeon blocks whenever they’re called I don’t think you can craft them and they look kind of cool not sure what I’ll use them for but I honestly just like hoarding stuff that’s a lot of the

Reason I grab Things luckily the storage crate that I lost in my last video didn’t actually contain my machine blocks with these materials I can build an excavator multi block and use it to mine de Das automatically once I actually locate the proper mineral vein of course my favorite course emper drills

Rather tedious but quite effective at locating mineral veins all you do is you you stick it in a chunk you give it some power with a capacitor next to it you can even put wires on it I don’t know why you’d want to go through all that

Trouble but you you set it there and you started Mining and you will uh figure out what if anything is underground like right here there seems to be an awful lot of oil I uh I do I detect some freedom and democracy on their way I

Think so ooh a coal vein that’s actually one of the better veins cuz it gives you diamonds but I don’t really need Diamonds oh look at that a martian deposit that’s actually exactly what I need and that’s like what the fourth or fifth vein I checked that’s way faster

Than other times but I’m not complaining well I have to build the excavator now it’s been a while since I did this but I used to do it so many times I might even be able to build it from memory I won’t count on that but you never

Know okay I wasn’t actually able to build it from memory I I remembered a little bit of it but not that much of it now what I have to do is I have to run some power from my gas turbine in my bunker and give it to the excavator so

I’ve made this little wall pter with my connectors for the wires it’s a nice little trick if you need to get wires through walls and you don’t want to actually break and like your wall and have an opening either way now the excavator is getting powered for some reason it doesn’t seem

To be at full power which isn’t the end of the world but it’s just a little weird cuz that gas turbine should be providing more than enough power and there’s nothing else using power but hey I won’t complain it’s it’s mining I have a slight problem I can’t

Find the world Spike chunk loader that I brought with me it’s possible that it was in the Lost crate or perhaps it simply vanished into the Nerf bullet Dimension regardless I need a world Spike as it would happen I actually have all the materials on me to make the

World Spike except for the gold ingots I always keep diamonds in my backpack as one does while it might be faster just to go home and get some gold there is a way I can get it here actually I could probably get almost any ore that I

Wanted here if I needed the badly enough you know what that means that means I have to find a certain mineral vein somewhere else that has gold I’m yes I’m literally going to move my excavator to a different vein like this copper vein here which happens to

Contain a little bit of gold I can move this whole thing over to the Copper vein start it Mining and get gold and not go home this is totally more work than it would be just to go home and get it but I I’m kind of stubborn I wanted to

Actually not go home and I figured out a way to do it was it worth it probably not but I’m happy I did and now I even have golden copper here for some reason if I ever need more of that you never know I already brought a lot of obsidian

I had my diamonds there’s lot of Enderman around and that means I have a world Spike all without having to go anywhere perfect I just give it some void powder and that gives it fuel looks like 12 hours per piece of void powder which is really good because that stuff is a little Expensive okay the exavator is back it’s back where it used to be it is ready to keep mining the Martian deposit and acquiring Dash before I go home I thought I’d just build a little Launchpad because I don’t actually have anywhere permanent to set up my rocket when I leave this place I

Also realized I hadn’t filled in all the walls of my bunker with obsidian that’s kind of the whole point of why I brought so much obsidian in the last video is so that I could surround everything here with a mostly indestructible block and it’s all because the parasites they can

Break through a lot of stuff some of them can break obsidian but it’s better than nothing that poor creeper this whole thing here is a refueling station it’ll take my Rocket Fuel and once I stick the rocket down like that it’ll magically add fuel to its internal tank which is a little

Bit slow you know do I want to sit here the whole time waiting for this thing to get fueled up or do I want to maybe try to make some parasite weapons meaning do I want to go fight some parasites and collect their drops it would be kind of

A flex it would be kind of cool to have some of the uh Living Weapons oh my God what is that thing they didn’t tell me the parasite mod is actually just Australia simulator good thing I brought a flamethrower yeah I I think I’ll do this

While I wait for my rocket to fuel you know it seems like a good use of time oh my God out of here that is one of the big boys I and it’s just it’s just healing maybe I should avoid It utterly annihilated ooh yellow ey bone that’s definitely something I know I need you know if I didn’t have this jetpack I would be dead many times over that’s really the only thing keeping me alive oh my goodness that’s that’s not good I really would like to avoid dying

I have way too many status well I’ve killed a lot of par parites and I got a lot of stuff I don’t know how much of it is actually useful I think some of it is some of it is not particularly useful but I’m going to go

Home now I have done enough I’ve seen enough this spider is about to get fried goodbye home sweet home the land of fewer parasites at least for now I’m sure we’ll see them again at some point okay why are all these dogs freaking out I don’t know what they’re

Chasing normally they would chase a skeleton but there seemed to be a disin lack of skeletons there that’s kind of weird I’m going to assume everything’s fine well here we are back at my factory slash nuclear facility it’s it’s a combination of things but it’s good to be

Back I took this Dash armor from the loot chest in that Dungeon Because I can actually put it in my Ark furnace and melt it down into Dash ingots I can recycle it well it wouldn’t be my very own home if it weren’t for for my electrical

Problems that really what makes it feel like home is pollution getting up into my wiring areas and destroying my wires because that’s how pollution works it’s a Non-Stop problem that plagues me another problem that plagues me a lot is chronic low diesel the issue is most of my powers

Deriv from Diesel and I never seem to have enough never seem to have enough ammo either it’s another problem here we can see that my Dash armor is being turned into Dash ingots and obviously I have the normal Dash ingots from the stuff I mind plus whatever I can get out of that

Excavator you know I’d really like this is kind of unrelated to anything but I’d really like to automate gunpowder at some point so that I can automate bullets but it needs charcoal and I can only get that from wood and if I can’t automate wood which is actually possible

But I I can’t right now if I can’t automate that though then I can’t really automate gunpowder but uh I I have bigger more immediate problems like a Blood Moon oh my God can you not do that get out of here see the parasites I told you

They were going to be here as well just a little bit less obvious a little bit more subtle while I’m working on basic housekeeping activities I might as well try to build some more of the ceiling down here mainly just so I can stop having my wires get broken by pollution

That’s the biggest problem I can make these little passrs with these blocks and that will actually prevent pollution from going anywhere which would be amazing uhoh that’s not good if so you’ve watched the previous video you’ll know what that sound is but if you haven’t well that sound is um the sound

Of a tier three beckon transforming into a tier four beckon and if you don’t know what a beckon is let’s just say it’s a big bad parasite that spawns other parasites and it’s near me let me guess it’s probably in the big parasite pit from the last video that probably is

Where it is that sound it’s a lovely description of it but it’s pretty accurate yeah it’s down there luckily I learned how to kill them pretty effectively last time and it’s literally just you dump lava on them oh my God I am going to oh okay I haven’t even

Got my stuff back I got to go that’s not good those things are very bad ah That was almost Bad you got to be kidding me you my tier four beckan can eat my high velocity Flaming Steel Rots that’s what you get stupid thing you’re no match for my my lava and my rail gun the only problem is there’s still a tier three back in there that I have to get you know what would have been really helpful earlier night vision goggles if parasites ever show up again like this

I’ll be ready and waiting to enter goon mode oh yeah normal circuits my least favorite thing in the game to craft oh hey check it out night vision goggles and it just takes a little Redstone batteries why is this thing taking so many rail gun bolts I I don’t get it

It’s sitting in lava now it’s moving in lava get out of here okay well I finally got it now I can actually do something else seemingly obligatory power interruptions that have pled me for so long have returned hence the need to restart my nuclear reactors while I fix my pump Jackson

Turbines one of these days I will be done with shall we say housekeeping activities and parasite infestations taking my time away from more important matters well are these pump jacks what are they doing they seem to be functioning now that my reactors are on I just have to actually make sure the

Gas turbine is restarted and it problem with the gas turbine is it can’t actually restart itself I have to do some weird stuff to it to get to spin up and actually light the fuel in it it’s a little bit too realistic I think not that I’ve ever actually worked on a gas

Turbine in real life but we will uh trust trust the mod makers for the purpose of this video this whole system here is a little bit complicated the cliffnotes version of it is that exhaust from the gas turbine is able to create enough steam to power the steam turbine that’s the very simple

Version of it this length ender chest is now calibrated to the excavator output put on Mars it should deliver the extracted Dash straight to my base the last housekeeping task I need to do is make more food despite being on this world for 700 plus days I have yet to automate

Food including all five needed nutrients in the meantime I must craft Once More by hand the delighted meal if you wish to see this crafting uh in more detail please refer to an early video I’m surprised I didn’t already have a snow golem to collect snow maybe you know I

Might have and it might have died that’s probably what happened I had no idea this little flamethrower turret still had Napal in it that’s pretty cool it’s still doing its job right next to my animal trap which is collecting a lot of a lot of meats for me I have way too much fun farming in

This mod pack I don’t know why I just always I know some people hate Pam’s harvestcraft but I have a lot of fun using it although at some point I need to automate the food and then I won’t have to farm as much which will make me

Sad but it will save time finally I can begin I need to acquire large quantities of osmium ore due to benefits it has for circuit making and I also need large quantities of tritanium ore which along with Dash is what I primarily need for the black hole Fusion reactor given the

Mechanism uh was added retroactively to this mod pack I actually have to go kind of far away into unloaded chunks previously unloaded chunks to find any OS and also see we seem to be finding a suspicious amount of parasites but hopefully some osmium as well I actually

Have to mine it conventionally I’m so used to just throwing an excavator on the ground and getting stuff automatically this is kind of kind of a shock actually well I found a little bit of osmium not as much as I wanted you know I could actually try to locate another

Osmium ore which would be double the density of it so it would be a lot more worth my time let me go see if I can find some I tried visiting the nether in the hopes of finding the Richer nether osim or but to no avail I was unable to locate any of it despite traveling far into new chunks the only thing I did find was some cursed water I need eight osmium blocks to

Craft the metallurgic infuser but once I have this machine making circuits especially processors will be much less of a hassle that was very unsuccessful for osmium but I I found a lot of extra r stuff but I don’t need any of it okay my plane’s having problems we

Are not we are not doing too well this is not great I just crashed my plane into the forest I think I did more damage to the trees in the plane though little little bit of smoke from the wing but it’s fine we can probably just we can buff it out

With the blow torch cuz that’s how that works well I’m I’m really far away Again Oh good grief you know I’m going to let you guys uh I’m going to let you guys fight each other seems like you guys are a little bit distracted oh my God I don’t know what’s happening up here but I’m going back down I’m not I’m not I’m not dealing

With the parasites no dispatcher teleport the parasite R next to me got to get down got to go that was not good oh hey a dungeon hopefully with no parasites yeah it’s one of these dungeon things it’s like a bigger dungeon that has a bunch of spawners and a bunch of

Loot and stuff it’s all dungeon loot but I can still you can you can find some decent Stuff oh my God they’re still here they’re just waiting they’re probably even trying to dig down to where I am guys it’s daytime can you not can you not be here right now I’m I’m going home oh my God I almost hit that black hole I

Don’t know if you saw that but I almost annihilated my wing with That well I have a lot of osmium now and I can double what I have so I’ll have close to two stacks of it want to run through the crusher which is great as long as it’s enough for eight blocks that that’s all I need right now although I’ll need more

Later well here’s seven osmia blocks and there’s more of it smelting so yeah we’re going to be fine I’ll start assembling this metallurgic infuser recipe here and my Advanced crafting table and there’s the other two blocks get used in the steel casings the mechanism steel casings there’s probably

Several steel casings in this mod pack unfortunately I need to make a processor circuit still which which is oh so fun to make but the whole point of the whole point of uh this metallurgic infuser is that well it won’t be as awful to make circuits we seem to have a slight

Problem in that I’m not getting additional resources from Mars I’m not I’m not sure what’s happening I’m not sure if I want to know right now I find it funny that I totally forgot that I spent a bunch of time in an earlier video automating the deceptively complex

Calcium sulfate boy was I happy when I rediscovered my own work because it sure makes crafting Elite plating easier ah the tritanium plate made from compressed Dash and titanium ingots I’ll be needing a lot of this well here are these vents I need two of them but

Really all I need now is the processor circuit so this is going to be the last time I make an immersive intelligence processor circuit if you want to see how this is done go watch one of the previous videos but I’m not showing a lot of this again let’s just say it’s a

Lot of waiting around and it’s very slow and annoying but nonetheless I have a metallurgic infuser now and I’m going to show you how this works the first thing I’m actually going to do with it is I’m going to make four processor circuits because I want to make some better armor

You see right now I have advanced combat armor but there is a upgraded version of advanced combat armor that’s an Exo Suit the reason I haven’t made it yet it’s cuz each piece needs a processor circuit board and I was not spending that much time making for but I can

Now of course since the recipe is finicky I have to fully repair my existing pieces of armor before I can even think about crafting this but now that I have done that I can go ahead and make these other pieces like these motors here got to make one motor per

Thing and that right there you can see is the recipe that I made for the processors all right so the metal Arch confuser we stick some Redstone in and some iron and then we get enriched alloy or something like that it’s very cool and then we use said alloy to make

Some speed upgrades so this isn’t so darn slow then I pulverize some diamonds to get diamond dust or Diamond grit or Diamond powder whatever you want to call it it could be several things and then we make uh what’s that advanced alloy something like that out of the existing

Alloy and the diamond and then we make Atomic alloy we’re going places fast and uh the actual osmium ingots you can turn into basic circuits and then those basic circuits gets upgraded with the always and eventually you end up with processor circuit boards like that

Which means I get to make my Exo Suit now it’s very nice and any additional things that I want to make that need processors will not take 5 years anymore okay now that I have this full set of armor it should make me super fast and I

Should like jump pretty high and also be pretty immune to knockback I don’t feel very fast something’s wrong yeah so this armor needs power from power cells so that’s bit of a predicament that would explain why I’m not particularly fast uh-oh making power cells in good mudded Minecraft fashion NE their own special

Multiblock machine one which I do not currently possess luckily the fabricator multiblock is not very hard and it’s even less hard than it would be if I hadn’t just made the metallurgic infuser so that I can make circuit super fast now it’s such a lifesaver and here we are

Ow I really need to do something to speed up my plastic automation it’s only partially automated right now but that’s something for a different time while I’m waiting to get plastic I realized I could make these protection upgrades which is kind of a way of enchanting Tech Guns armor cuz you can’t actually

Really put enchantments on it very well normally but you can make these specific items that’ll upgrade it and then put it in an upgrade bench so that’s why I did now supposedly they have couple levels of protection well here’s my plastic I got a stack of plastic I’m going to make an

Entire Stacks worth of these energy cells cuz if I’m going to make them I might as well make a lot of them that’s usually how I do things in this mod pack if I have any of the resources of course I need another block I need a charging station separate from my existing

Charging station mind you so I can actually charge my power cells well here we are at least it’s working and now it’s the moment of truth how fast am I I better be super fast I better be fast as F boy oh yeah I am I’m

I’m pretty fast this is pretty good was it worth it um I mean that’s debatable we’re going to assume it’s worth it check it out a super conductor magnet very fancy as I mentioned I need Dash to make titanium plates which are needed for a black hole Fusion reactor but the

Actual reason that it prompted me to go to Mars in the last video was my inability to craft an energy collector Mark 1 without a space-time equalizer which I couldn’t make without Dash and the whole reason I wanted the energy collector was to make glowstone automatically all of this was originally

For automatic glow stone thankfully I’m now able to almost craft A Spacetime equal izer All That Remains is an isolinear circuit Mark 2 which I can’t quite make yet what I can make though is a redstone furnace which will allow me to double my Dash ore because the

Crusher can’t double it or at least I would like to make the Redstone furnace except it needs a lithium ion cells which need H get this lithium manganese dioxide alloy this wouldn’t be hard if it weren’t for the fact that manganese dioxide ingots can only be made by

Infusing manganese oxide with oxygen in a fluid infuser and I don’t have a fluid infuser so what do I have to do other than make the fluid infuser well yeah that’s about my only option you see I actually already have made the fluid infuser but it’s been used in some other

Automation so I’ll make it again it’s fine I really need I need to have just a usable copy of every single nucle craft machine at this point and there we are fluid infuser since I’m going to be using it for oxygen I already actually have oxygen automated it’s just there’s an oxygen

Collector over here it just pulls it from the air or something like that it’s kind of magical and might as well just connect the infuser straight to that so that it gets oxygen gas quite quickly and there we are manganese oxide or no manganese dioxide powder which then gets combined with

Lithium and then you get the you get the alloy for the lithium ion cells that’s way more annoying than it should be you need to get out of my place goodbye and here we are very cool electric furnace I don’t care about that all I needed that for was so I can craft

My Redstone furnace now that I have a redstone furnace I have to make a special augmentation for it because nothing’s ever easy I can’t just put the ore in there and have it double I have to make this augmentation which there it is I’ve now done that now once I uh uh

Once I put this in the furnace it should be good to Go of course nothing’s easy I can’t just put it in there I have to upgrade the furnace luckily I’ve gotten upgrades from Quest book rewards but still it’s a little bit frustrating At Last I can get doubled Dash that was way more annoying than it should have been in order to

Make an isol linear circuit Mark I I need a molecular inscriber well this machine isn’t particularly difficult to craft it only functions in zero gravity conditions like those of a space station well I’m not missing much so that’s good although I’ve have noticed I’m missing heavy radiation shielding for my armor

Because I’m pretty sure the existing radiation shielding that I had on my previous set of armor that I used to craft my current set is gone and since there’s a nuclear reactor above my ceiling or at least pretty darn close seems like it might be a good

Idea this time I’m actually planning to make heavy radiation shielding I might as well invest the time into protecting myself and from liquefying at least I won’t lii liquefy as quickly it’s not particularly hard to make radiation shielding there’s just a couple tedious steps you have to go through you have to

Make like bio plastic sheets of transparent stuff you have to make a few Alloys you have to craft a couple tiers of plates why are there zombies appearing in my basement from over there again I’m not actually quite sure why is there another one they’re falling

Down through my ceiling see this is why I need to finish my ceiling I’m getting to too distracted distracted from the important things in life like having a ceiling oh my God why are okay this you need you need to die I hate these things

So much I don’t know why it’s in my base I don’t know why it’s breaking my torches actually I do um but I don’t like it it needs to not do that in my base oh hey look at that there’s a tier one back in well not anymore but put but

There was for a very short amount of time but I’m so tired of waiting for plastic I’m going to do something about this soon well I can use the plastic to make advanced plating so that I can help make my heavy radiation shielding there we go heavy rad shielding let’s go it’s the

Best I can make for my armor oh right it doesn’t go in an anvel I always forget this you put it in the crafting table it’s kind of weird and just to make everything more annoying I actually have to combine it with 100% durability armor meaning I have to fix

My armor even though it they’ve only lost like two durability or something stupid but uh s such as mod in Minecraft well now that I have that done let me go back and make the molecular assembler and maybe I won’t be distracted for another 10 minutes so it needs three

Precision Tools these are pretty easy they just need some rods some aluminum some steel a couple Motors maybe nothing nothing terribly crazy I don’t know why but these precision tools are kind of satisfying to make and the textures are really nice just makes the whole thing satisfying huh there we are molecular

Assembler let’s go so if I’m going to make a space station I’m going to need some power in the space station so why don’t I make solar panels specifically Galacticraft solar panels I might as well do that I am not touching nuclearcraft solar panels if I can help it those are really

Bad they’re inefficient and they’re expensive if I’m going to build a space station I want noxin Supply up there in the world of Galacticraft creating an infinite supply of oxygen is as simple as putting large quantities of leaf blocks near an oxygen collector why do baby skeletons exist this is not

Something that should exist all right I need some oxygen machines for my space Su I need an oxygen collector and I need an oxygen sealer you use the collector well it’s pry self-explanatory it collects oxygen from the leaves like I said and then you PPE the oxygen into the oxygen sealer

And it will then once there’s a valid sealed area it will fill that space with oxygen and you don’t have to use oxygen tanks it’s pretty cool but unsurprisingly all of this takes power so let’s try to make some solar panels I like to make 16 solar panels although

They’re a little bit more annoying than I expected upon closer inspection of these recipes especially with the Silicon this is kind of a meta thing but the Silicon has been an issue in this mod pack for a while just because of how many types of silicon there are and

Trying to get the right one it’s I’m still in the process of trying to fix it it’s a bit lame especially cuz I realized I can only get the right silicon from quartz nether quarts and I don’t have nether quartz automated it’s a good thing I have all

The string and plant fibers and hemp fibers lying around for some reason crafting aluminum cable thinging for solar panels takes an obscene amount of wool and I don’t have a wool Farm what I do have are unused Garden closes that used to be growing cotton I used to grow Cactus I used to

Grow sugar cane I grew a lot of these things and then just stored up a bunch of it but I do need to just continuously grow cotton which I can turn into string which can be turned into wool so we’ll start with an infinite water source

Block it’s going to give our close some water and of course I need to put the cotton in there but first let’s deal with the output so it outputs it’s going to Output the cotton itself which is great but it also outputs the cotton seeds which I need to do something with

Maybe I’ll delete them sounds like a good idea on second thought I actually have a better idea I could do something else with the cotton seeds what I could do with them instead is put them into a presser and it will press the cotton seeds and give me cooking oil and grain

Bait the grain bait is what you put in traps that collect meat for you automatically without actually killing animals I don’t need the cooking oil so I can use the trash can to delete the cooking oil I I’m not going to need all that uh but I can just store the grain

Bait and eventually I could route it into some ground traps if I want to collect meat automatically which I probably will want to collect meat automatically at some point doesn’t everyone want to do that I don’t know it’s so expensive nowadays I wish I could collect me automatically oh cool

It’s deleting stuff now that’s great and it will be storing the grain bait in that storage drawer and this other stor in drawer is going to store our cotton so that’s perfect that’s cotton automated here’s some aluminum wires and again the amount of wool is staggering

In these small wires although I am in I am in charge of this mod pack P I suppose I could change the recipes if I really wanted to but it’s not so unreasonable that I have to do that well there I’ve got the the big the thick

Wires I’ve got enough of those but that’s not the only thing that need well I’ve also got the Wafers the advanced Wafers they very tasty and we’re compressing steel which I need some of all all this is easy the hard part is the full solar panels these items you

See because it needs more aluminum wires and it it it needs solar panel pieces or whatever these are which take yet more wires everything takes wires it’s it all comes back to wool that’s the problem everything needs wool out of here and then these blue solar panel

Pieces take more silicon and they even take diamonds which is a little bit annoying I mean diamonds are easier for me to get than wool but I kind of hate using that many diamonds but what can I do well what I can do is go get more

Silicon which means I need to get more nether quarts so I I think I know where I’ll be going here very nice now I have a lot of nether quarts this will tied me over for a little while until I have to get so much of it at some point that I decide

To make an excavator to M it because yes unsurprisingly that’s a thing that you can do rather disappointingly after uh all that other stuff that I did there was barely even two stacks of cotton there which is not a lot of wool when you condense it down it’s a little bit

Unfortunate and I still have a lot of solar modules to make I don’t know what those are even called here let me try to make phyto grow which is fertilizer and I might be able to put I should be able to put this fertilizer in the garden

Clos and it might speed up the production of cotton at least that’s what it’s supposed to do well it filled up the fertilizer bar I’m not sure if it’s doing anything so I guess I’ll just have to wait maybe it is and regardless of whether or not it’s

Working it’s still too slow it’s actually more efficient to literally go to a village and steal the wool from the village then to wait around for my garden clo to work I mean check that out right there I just got almost a stack of wool I don’t

Know why I didn’t do this from the beginning ah why is there an alien bug why why are you here you need to get out of here it’s way too fast okay this is why I don’t live in a desert alien bugs don’t like that well I

Think this should be all of the solar pieces that I need finally yep that’s all of them at least I can make my 16 solar panels now yeah I’m just saying all of this is for 16 solar panels that’s not very many if you think about

It I don’t think that’s going to produce that much power I mean it’ll produce enough but it’s not like insane levels that we’re talking here I mean technically these are Advanced solar panels and they do look kind of cool but I think there’s even a higher level of

Solar panel that I could make if I wanted if I really wanted to just put myself through a bunch of misery which I Don’t aha I knew I heard something trying to get a tier two back in over here I’m not going to let this guy turn into tier three got forid a tier four back in I’m not not doing that again especially so close to the surface that

Is not good everybody good down here we good yeah you guys look pretty good well since the whole point of me going there is to make isolino circuits circuit Mark 2s I should probably make some Mark 1es first also I will actually bring a little bit of the dreaded

Aluminum wire with me just in case I need it to connect to something Galactic Craft that the leadstone flux Ducks won’t connect to but uh conveniently the flux Ducks and the wired do connect to each other so that’s nice now that the hard part is out of the way I’ll just

Make some tin space station decoration block thingies I I don’t know if any blocks at all will work for the space station but I’ll just use these I mean they’re kind of cheap and they look cool I need to make the air lock pieces as

Well because I need an air lock for the whole sealed room thing if I don’t have that I can’t really get in and out very easily and it’ be a huge pain luckily this stuff is not particularly hard to make I mean none of it’s going to seem hard after making those solar

Panels I suppose I should probably make an oxygen compressor as well I wasn’t going to make one but I mean you never know when you might need to refill oxygen tanks or I might need a new fuel loader as well I I don’t know I may as

Well make those they’re not that hard to make and they’re kind of just a safety measure to have with me it’s more just like better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them well here we go I think I’m actually ready to go do this let’s go

Build a space station I’ve never built a space station before all I’ve done is just had this little pre-built thing but I’m excited to see how this works oh there goes my Barrel I don’t want to lose that come back here come on come on get it get the barrel oh no oh

No that wasn’t supposed to happen you got to be kidding me okay we’ll be right back cool we’re all good we’re all back it’s all fine nothing happened anyways as you can see I’m able to use the molecular inscriber here uhoh I don’t seem to be able to break it I

Think I need a specific tool for that it’s fine it’s fine I can figure it out well I’m just going to build my airlock right here off of one of the sides of my little pre-built space station thing so far it’s a little bit difficult working in zero gravity as in you tend

To fly all over the place if you’re not careful and sometimes even if you are careful oh this is going to be a a bit of a struggle trying to build this in zero gravity I’m not not so sure I like this you know on second thought maybe I should have

Brought a building Gadget with me that might have made this a lot easier oh my God what is happening with my movement I seem to be like magnetizing to the blocks or something and I don’t like that I would like to turn that off if it’s possible

Cool I built the whole structure very slowly and tediously while teleporting from place to place I really need that to be turned off if somebody knows how to turn that off or what that is that would be amazing but look in here it’s very nice actually I have a very scenic view of

The Endless space right here I’m going to put a covered cable block thing so I can pass the energy through the wall and still seal all the room because that that would be nice to not lose all my oxygen and on the F side I need to somehow

Build a solar panel array here you know which is it’s easy to do in theory but in practice when you’re teleporting and being magnetized to blocks it’s not very easy of course this is placed 180° the wrong way oh there we go now it’s connected very nice I’m actually a big

Fan of these solar panels now that I made them next step is for me to get the oxygen up and running so you can see here I’ve got these Leaf blocks I’m trying to put them uh around the space dude whatever this garbage is messing with my movement mechanics is going to

Make me un alive myself in m Minecraft of course heck maybe doing that would stop whatever is happening also I seem to be filling in most of my windows I don’t have a very scenic view anymore it’s more of a green wall hey look at that oh now it’s only

Using 40 oxygen a second I don’t know why it showed 240 initially I that’s kind of weird wow I’ve discovered that I can put much fewer Leaf blocks much closer to the oxygen collected than I previously thought and still get a ton of oxygen from them

I guess I won’t have to completely block the nice view out of my windows after all now if I stick a capacitor here I can save up my power and have a buffer in case I start drawing too much of it too quickly which I guess I’m not actually

Doing despite running the molecular inscriber and check it out and isol linear circuit Mark I that’s pretty cool now if I put the hopper up here I can insert them automatically and now I kind of just have to wait for a little bit until I get more of

Them well I got a stack of them let’s go home let’s go back home I realized now I could actually just jump off my space station and save the rocket fuel but it’s uh it’s a little bit late maybe next time home sweet home let’s make this

Machine casing now we’re going to make the Heisenberg compensator I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s called it needs an eye ofender meaning I have to use my magic but it’s all good there’s our SpaceTime equalizer and just like that I can finally make myself an energy collector interestingly you can equip

The SpaceTime equalizer in the chest plate armor slot and I think it’s supposed to stop you from getting sucked into gravitational anomalies or something to that effect uhoh I’m noticing that my durability is slightly decreased on The Equalizer is that because I got shot with skeleton Arrow when I was wearing

It did it damage my equalizer meaning I have to make another one now if I want to craft my energy collector are you kidding me while it may initially seem like a Calamity it’s actually not the worst thing ever because I already had the mark two circuits so I just had to

Make some more superconductor magnets but still so the way this energy collector works is when it’s exposed to light it accumulates EMC and uses it to transmute certain types of items into more fuel or EMC dense versions of themselves for example it transmuted this piece of redstone dust into a piece

Of coal after collecting some EMC given long enough it could take something like a single piece of redstone dust and upgrade it all the way to eternalist fuel interestingly one of the upgrade steps is a redstone block so it’s possible to easily refill the system by transmitting Redstone Dust into redstone

Blocks and recycling some of the blocks back in the dust as I mentioned I mainly wanted to collect glowstone blocks from the energy collector however to do this truly automatically I’ll need more than one collector I’d like to start automating this but not outside so I kind of

Assumed initially that I needed to actually bring sunlight down into wherever I wanted to automate it just put it under a skylight basically but I discovered that it doesn’t actually need sunlight it’s just light in general which I mentioned earlier but I didn’t initially know that when I was first

Experimenting which is helpful I mean I don’t really want to make Skylight it’s much easier just to put a blaze Lantern or some other light block on top of it and now it’s at it’s at full charge that’s pretty cool as I mentioned I can’t fully automate this or at least I

Don’t want to fully automate it without multiple energy collectors so all I’m going to really do now is just learn a little bit how it works like it looks like the hopper can take it out of the bottom it doesn’t seem like I can extract stuff from the side which is a

Little unfortunate but either way I filled it up with redstone and now I’ve selected it so that it will make only red stone blocks well at some point in the future I would like to make more of those but I’m also just happy to have the

Glowstone cuz it allows me to fill in my ceiling more I also happened to notice that there was an awful lot of pollution trapped in a little crevice in the ceiling of my factory I was hoping that that might have been the why I still die of pollution poisoning every time I go

Near my my turbines but it unfortunately wasn’t there still is uh no evidence of pollution anywhere near the turbines despite me dying it’s really annoying it’s time for a trip though trip to New unloaded chunks because I ran out of osmium again and I really need

More and I seem to have found a military Outpost faster than I found a decent cave although ‘s a cave right here near near The Outpost I’m going to ignore that Outpost for now but don’t think I’m forgetting about it ooh it’s uh it’s one of these things

A little mob spawner box spawns a bunch of mobs that’s pretty cool I’m I’m very intimidated okay I made it out alive it was a great struggle for sure oh there’s an attack helicopter over there that should be Fun once again I am made almost uh invulnerable because of my Jetpack and ability to fly away from stuff that I don’t Like despite defeating the helicopter there’s still a small army of NPCs in this base with guns and they’re not very happy with me unsurprisingly I blew up their helicopter and I’m about to steal their stuff once they’re all Gone He oh my goodness this is not good actually it’s just fine it would be not good if I had bad armor but it’s actually paying off that I spent all that time upgrading my armor and giving it protection and all the fancy stuff well I killed all

Them so I can loot their stuff now get some nice little bits of ammo and crafting components from these crates here they’re actually like loot crates that’s actually close to like two and a half stacks once I double it so that’s pretty good given that I don’t

Really have to use osmia blocks right now making superconductor magnets requires ender pearls which are in short supply however it’s possible to create more Ender Pearls by melting resonant endstone into resonant Ender using a magma Crucible which is one of the machines I’m making here it’s then possible to

Combine the resonant Ender with cryotheum dust in a fluid transposer thus creating four ender pearls resonant endstone is very easy to get but cryotheum dust is not as uh at this moment it’s only possible to derive it from rods dropped by blizz mobs if I could produce large quantities of cryotheum it

Would be very useful as a coolant for many things but alas I’m afraid I won’t be able to mass produce it until I unlock mystical agriculture in the interstellar age okay time for the first checkup on my energy collector ooh look at that it’s 22 redstone blocks that’s

Pretty good so a lot more Redstone I started with well I guess if I want to make more of these energy collectors I have to make more of the SpaceTime equalizers meaning I need more superconductor magnets which is kind of why I made the ender pearls because

Those magnets like I said they need the pearls they also need a lot of solenoids now I have a ton of copper so the copper is not a problem the magnets are a little bit of a problem though now that I have the additional SpaceTime equalizers I’m just missing Elite solar

Panels which are a nightmare to obtain in their own right mainly because you have to craft through several tiers to reach Elite and each tier takes three of the previous tier to make check it out that’s the crafting recipe for one tier one or basic solar panel that’s just one

And it takes a lot of those to get to one Elite solar panel this is not going to be good not good at all all I can really do is start though so I started with the graphite dust which is made from pulverizing coal my problems begin with my capacity to craft

Magnets for copper solenoids specifically the red dye is the problem like with my cotton I used to also automate be beetroots in a garden clo for this exact purpose I could restart the beetroot production I suppose but first let me let me go try putting a

Roose bush in a garden Clos and seeing what happens maybe that would work well that didn’t work beetroots it is well I guess I’ll just make another Garden Clos and we’ll put that down right next to the other one and we’ll use it to grow beetroots very nice I’ve already

Supplied it with water let me grab my beetroot I need one of those so that I can actually grow more never mind I need beetroot seeds I was is a little bit stupid beetroots are not particularly helpful unfortunately I can’t do anything with the beetroot seeds which I

Also will get when I’m growing these so I’m just going to delete the seeds I I can’t even give them like put them in the presser and turn them into grain bait they just need to go away the beetroots on the other hand I’d actually like to automatically turn into

Red dieye meaning I have to make a crafting block like the what’s it called some kind of thermal expansion machine a sequential fabricator a yes that’s what it’s called not just a crafting block I literally went to all the trouble to make one of those just to turn beetroots into red diey

Automatically oh my God can you not try to break my wall down I understand there’s an invasion but does that mean you have to try to break my wall and then let the bats in and then the bats are going to try to kill me I don’t like

This cool at least the beatroots aren’t falling out of the bottom of my machine now so that’s one step and good it’s finally working automatically and everything is entering and exiting where it’s supposed to awesome we’ve now automated our red dye and our cotton and

I guess grain bait as well on a related note I discovered I could kill two birds with one stone when it came to producing lapis for blue dye for the magnets while I could already get lots of lapis in my Crusher I could also get lots of lapis

From the induction smelter along with producing Rich slag as a byproduct I’ve had my eye on Rich slag for for a long time is something I wanted because it’s used to create the actually good fertilizer which can then be upgraded to Epic fertilizer the induction smelter

Needs sand to be smelted along with the lapis ore so I’m going to stick it where I already have sand automated so that it can just steal it from that pipe right there it’s actually quite ingenious if you ask me but now you can see that I am

Smelting The Ore automatically with the sand The Ore just coming from the storage crate that I had lying around I put the is into compacting storage drawer now the slag is going into a normal storage drawer and this is pretty good I’m happy now that I can just let that run and get Slide it’s a good thing too that I have a massive amount of copper cuz I need a massive amount of copper wire for those solenoids I would also have run out of red die a long time ago if I didn’t automate that that was a very good and necessary

Decision 10 stacks of solenoids should be sufficient for making enough solar panels for my stupid energy collector remember this is for the energy collectors this is what like all these solenoids and stuff are not to say that I won’t need the solenoids later when I start making superconductor

Magnets for the black hole Fusion reactor but right now the stuff there that I’ve got all this garbage it’s just for the stupid solar panels I’m a little bit salty when it comes to these solar panels if you can’t tell I really need to automate quartz as well and would you

Look at that there is a Quartzsite vein there actually is a way to automate it I just need to find one of those veins here’s a ton of iron pressure plates which are needed for the basic solar panels and at least I can start crafting these now although my inventory is too

Full of garbage good grief well I almost have enough what I needed was nine different little partial stacks of 27 that according to my mental math that should be enough to make the three Elite solar panels I don’t actually know if that’s right but we’re going to find out I

Suppose either way I have a lot of these solar panels and then I realized that I can’t actually make the second tier of solar panel because they need Advanced plating and advanced plating needs plastic and I need like I don’t know over 20 stacks of plastic and it takes forever just to get

32 plas plastic so all that you know I’ve been complaining about plastic automation for a while I guess it’s time I actually did something about that which means I need a phytogenic insulator in other words a machine that can grow trees for me automatically specifically I can grow the

Wood ah at long last I finally can craft a phytogenic insulator a machine that allows automation of almost every type of crop that exists most importantly for me though it can automate normal and food producing trees something the garden clo can’t do this is why I was so

Eager to begin producing that high quality fertilizer as well because I need it for the garden clo not the garden clo the photogenic insulator I can always use more coils I try to craft additional of every single crafting component whenever I’m making them which just saves a lot of time in

Addition to that photogenic insulator I need to make an energetic infuser which is a yet another charging station kind of thing but in particular it can create flux phyto grow whatever it like charges the fertilizer it’s kind of weird you can see it up in the bookmarks area It’s

Kind it’s kind of cool but you can only make that fertilizer in the one machine and unfortunately this machine needs lithium ion cells and we all know how fun that is oh no the cells are accumulating power from my my backpack capacitor and now I can’t even craft the

Machine with it this is so sad well I I guess I could try to drain the power very slowly this is a little bit too slow I it might just be easier to make new cells we’re going to do That hey well at least I can take this Rich slag now we can make Rich phyto grow that’s a that’s a lot of phyto grow not that not that I’m complaining it’s very good to have a lot of it especially because I’m going to need a lot of it for automating

Wood then I can take it and stick it in the energetic infuser like I said and it will Infuse the phy grow and make it even better more powerful fertilizer I actually need to make an augmentation thing before I can effectively use the garden growing machine I already forgot

What it’s called this is bad I have to make a lumium out of Glowstone to make lumium plates which I need for the sapling infuser I think that’s what it’s called it’s one of the miscellaneous augments yeah that’s what it’s called sapling infuser so now I can stick this

In the photogenic insulator that that’s the right name and it will have grow saplings for me and produce the wood could we maybe not have a tornado right now that would be kind of cool I’m in kind of in the middle of something again I can kill two birds with one

Stone by simultaneously automating wood and Plastic what did I just say can we really please I don’t want to do this I don’t want to do this and in fact you know what you know what I’m going to go over here I’m going to go over to my weather deflector we’re just going to

Kill the thunderstorm I’m going to kill the tornado I I’m not dealing with this right now nice now I can actually go do something all right we upgraded a few times and now I have two slots for augmentation cuz I actually discovered there’s another augmentation thing that

I’d like to add to it that can help conserve fertilizer so if I connect this back to the power then all this stuff should get powered up again and it also should be getting water now it’s actually should be running actually no it’s not it needs fertilizer once I give it the fertilizer

It should start producing aha see there we are it’s actually kind of slow but it is producing the wood I think the wood actually already went through everything yeah I produced 16 wood with one I don’t know crafting process that’s it’s all thanks to the fertilizer and that wood

Is already well on its way to becoming plastic if you’re wondering why wood is even needed for plastic as well should probably mention it’s because it get turn it gets turned into rubber which then gets turned into plastic with the oil I have no idea if that’s realistic

To real life or not but that’s what the mod is doing yeah see there’s this other augmentation I can make need signalum blend which is it’s not that bad to make um then I can make this augmentation which will recycle the fertilizer most of the time so I need even less of it

Than I would normally monoculture recycling or cycle or something like that not that I exactly have any shortage of fertilizer but it’s going to be even nicer now I’ve also added a little mini electric furnace to this thing so that it will just Auto smelt the raw plastic into

Plastic sheets so it should be a fully automated system now assuming it continues to get wool or not wool assuming it continues to get oil it should just work indefinitely I need so much Redstone so much Redstone for all these magnets cuz the magnets it takes four stacks of

Redstone dust just to make one single stack of magnets speaking of redstone I’m actually getting a lot from my uh my energy collector oh wow this is going to take a while to crit enough plastic despite being automated at least I have enough plastic that I can make a lot of speed upgrades

And a lot of energy upgrades which will make everything faster over here these are for the nuclear craft machines as long as you add somewhat corresponding amounts of each type of upgrade then you can make it really fast and not use too much power which is good given that I’m trying to

Make advanced plates for my solar panels I need a lot of tough alloy which I’m kind of making by hand still okay this is not the right time can we can we not do the invasion again I’m pretty sure we just had one of these and instead of breaking through my wall

They’re digging through my floor now this is amazing no you’re still not going to grow not happening get out of here not even close uh well I guess while I’m waiting I’d like to kill two more birds with what single stone I’d better stop that before all the birds are gone but

Then again birds are just a conspiracy theory created by the government gravitational stabilizers are blocks needed in the creation of a black hole Fusion reactor these blocks require laser focuses which are only craftable in a reaction chamber also known as yet another multi-block machine that I don’t

Have yet among other things Blazer rod are also craftable with the reaction chamber requiring only some nether quarts and lava just think of how much incendiary ammo I could create with an automated supply of blaze powder it’s a good thing I can make a lot of processors because these machines

These blocks need a lot of processors to craft and I also need chemical laboratories for each of them that’s a little bit annoying it needs cybernetic Parts as well good grief I mean at least I have a fabricator which I made in the video so I can actually craft the

Cybernetic Parts somewhat easily but again I still need processors so I guess I’ll be going through this crafting again at least I don’t have to go mine more osmium that’s very helpful and here are four Elite control circuits also known as processors it’s basically the same thing so that’s good

For the heat ray Focus thing it’s also good for the controller but I I’m still going to need a few more anyways that should be everything thank goodness I’m can go make this reaction action chamber now although I don’t have anything to put in it for the

Most part so I’m going to go ahead and see if I can’t find a quartz site vein and would you look at that that’s literally the first one I tried and it’s in my base that’s so convenient that’s amazing you would think i’ planned it that way which I didn’t cuz I don’t

Think there’s any way to even like force a mineral vein to go in a certain spot let me just grab this unoccupied unused excavator and I’ll move it over to my base and put it in the ceiling because it can magically dig out of the ground that’s how it works in this

Game and there we are look at that it’s just mining from thin air you love to see it love to see automated quartz it also has giving me seris quartz which is nice I don’t have a use for it right now but I’ll need it later oh look at that

We got a little bit more plastic plastic update so this machine is a it’s a 3X 3X 4×3 it’s actually it’s not it’s not a small machine and I think it uses a significant amount of power as well which well at least I’ve got high voltage power lines

Nearby all right so I need to get the nether quartz ore over to that machine and somewhere along the way I need it turned into quartz rods it needs to go from The Ore to the rods so we’re going to separate out the ore itself and then

We’re going to drop it down this shoot an easy way for me to process the nether quartz ore is with the same tion smelter setup I used for the lapis ore it actually works out perfectly because I already got tons of lapis and nether quartz ore also provides Rich slag when

Processed and the way I need to get sand is I’m going to take this manufactory and I’m going to stick a cobblestone generator next to it and the manufactory will uh manufacture the Cobblestone into sand because that’s how that works it’s actually quite a simple process I just

Need to make sure it’s fast enough to produce sand and boom just like that we’ve got four nether cords being created per ore and then here’s another sequential fabricator which I took the liberty of making and now it can fabricate the quartz into quartz rods which should

Make their way over to the reaction chamber which they are not doing so that’s great now but before I completely turn on the blaze automation I need to make these like laser focuses which you use uh use some melted Redstone destabilized Redstone and diamonds in the reaction chamber for

Although we seem to be having problems I’m not actually sure what’s going wrong here I just realized I have to manually manipulate the settings of this machine while it’s active to stop it from failing to craft I wish I’d realized that sooner because I already wasted quite a few diamonds on

This while it’s not guaranteed to fail and break the item every time on its own it’s uh it’s kind of annoying because it will break it fairly often and that means my Blaze Rod production will be a little inefficient this is the black hole Fusion reactor controller recipe

Right now I’m missing tier three and four isolino circuits in addition to copious amounts of superconductor magnets for the fusion coil blocks you if I couldn’t double my Dash I would be in big trouble I’m glad my thing is mining just fine though and doesn’t seem to be having any

Problems I need to make these Harden fluiduct so that I can transport lava from my little lava smelter melter thingy over to the reaction chamber so that I can completely automate the blaze rods which it’s now doing I mean it’s wasting a lot of the rods but it’s still

Worth it getting the blaze rods okay so I still need more ender pearls despite all the stuff that I did earlier to make ender pearls from other means other than killing Endermen I still need more because I haven’t magically gotten any blizz blizz rods

For Chum which means I have to go to the end what better place to find and kill Endermen than the end dimension anyways let me go make a ton of tritanium plates and use all my ender pearls that I just collected I think I got over a stack of Ender Pearls well

Four Stacks 16 you get what I mean and that right there is an entire stack of super conductor magnets boy is that expensive that is a lot of Dash and a lot of tritanium a lot of it’s a lot of many things copper iron all this fun

Stuff but I’m slowly plugging away at the fusion reactor controller that recipe just made the holographic sign there make these little machine casing things I there’s a lot of machine casings in this pack these are not blocks these are items and there’s my nine Fusion reactor coil blocks that’s

What those super conductor magnets are for it’s about time I finally got all my plastic hey at least I can can finally go and make those Advanced plates now so I can keep working on those solar panels that I kind of had to take a break from oh yeah this is very Satisfying let me just go get some uh some uranium beans separated out so that I’m ready to make depleted uranium plates next well yeah I’m going to have to go back to my space station pretty soon if I want to get these Mark 3 and Mark 4

Iol your circuits that’s going to be a bit of a pain but I’ll put that off as long as I can it’s a good thing I have so much lithium because I have to make a ton of tough alloy I actually have to make as much tough alloy as I did plastic which

Is a bit of a pain because I didn’t automate tough alloy I’ve just been slowly making it by hand in between other stuff but there I’ve actually made most of the advanced solar panels which is tier 2 out of four that I have to make

The next tier is the DU solar panel or depleted uranium solar panel I don’t really know why you’d want your solar panels to have depleted uranium in them that seems a little bit hazardous oh my God get out of my face don’t you dare blow up near my very expensive or wall tough

Alloy nice hopefully that should be most of the advanced plates that I need and I also have more uranium 238 now which is what you use to make depleted uranium plates and that right there should be all of the depleted uranium plates that I need great now I don’t need normal

Solenoids I need magnesium diboride solenoids I’m pretty sure that’s what they’re called and there’s my 27 du solar panels oh wait this is oh okay I guess I must have miscalculated some stuff at least I still have Boron arsenide from other things cuz that’s

Not a fun thing to make last up is just Elite plating which is honestly going to be a lot easier than the advanced plaum because I don’t need 20 some stacks of plastic I already have calcium sulfate mentioned that before that’s the thing that I automated that I forgot I

Automated and it might seem complicated but it only takes water sulfur and nitrate inputs and eventually it turns into calcium sulfate that’s pretty cool there’s my crystal binder and that’s the hardest part of the whole Elite plate thing check it out 36 Elite plates let’s go somewhere along the line I messed up

My mental math of how many resources I needed in in the good kind of way though meaning I actually have quite a few extra Elite solar panels I guess I’ll be set if I ever want to make even more energy collectors at some point well I I I mean I guess I’ll just

Make them now I I only really needed three more at this at this moment I mean I could make I could make my glow stone even faster but I’m going to start with three more this factorized block will split redstone blocks into Redstone Dust without using any power thus making the

Automation process that much easier so I’m going to have two of these collectors creating redstone blocks out of redstone dust and then I’m going to have to figure out how to make the redstone blocks recycle this setup works by transmuting Redstone Dust into redstone blocks then recycling the blocks back into dust some

Of which is used to self-perpetuate the system and the rest of which is sent off to uh different energy collectors where it’s turned into glowstone blocks so now I’ve added two additional energy collectors where the Redstone Dust gets sent to and it these should be refilled with redstone dust from that factorized

Block at least that’s how it’s supposed to work and it it’s supposed to Target specifically glowstone it’s a little bit annoying getting it to initially select that but now you can see it should be selected and cuz I’m always missing something I have to make a electrical

Steel Yeta wrench so that I can manipulate these enderio conduits I Mayan not to say it’s not worth it Ender enderio conduits are literally the best ways for moving everything in the game without a doubt not just because you can put multiple types in one block but yes

I now have my glowstone automated turning my attention back to the black hole Fusion reactor controller I must make a visit first to Mars to figure out why my production has stopped and then to the space station to create tier three and four isol linear circuits here we are again let’s find

Out what the problem is no get away from my thingy no stop it okay I’m kind of invincible well the excavator is actually not working it’s it looks like it’s getting power it is not getting power in fact which is kind of what I suspected I

I thought it might be because my gas turbine shut down I assume it shut down from a lack of diesel at some point but but I have to restart it obviously it’s one of those things where it can’t restart on its own it’s a little bit

Annoying that way mainly cuz I mean I don’t want to get into specifics but you have to like power it up to a certain point and then cut the power which which I just did and then then it’ll accelerate it’ll speed up to maximum speed but you can’t do that on so at

Least not very easily I’m sure that you could I’m sure it’d be possible to make a system but you could do it remotely but I am not going to take the time to do that right now while I’m here I might as well not waste the uh opportunity to collect some more parasite

Parts there’s a couple types that I’m specifically targeting including the Summoners and then there’s one other type that I don’t remember right now don’t know when I Here Oh nice I finally got one of two orbs needed to craft the four thingy each living weapon needs I’ve gotten enough stuff more than enough stuff I’m going home or um I’m going I’m going to the space station well yeah this might take a little while so there’s a slight problem

Okay like not really a problem it’s just that each of these circuits takes a minimum of 30 seconds to craft so I think I’m going to be sitting here a little while Well that took forever and that’s only the mark three circuit so I still need some mark four

Circuits yay one mark for circuit we getting there slowly but surely home sweet home I can add even more stuff to my collection of parasite Parts one of these days I’m going to be able to make one of those weapons but right now this very day I can make the black hole

Fusion controller arguably the the most difficult part of the whole thing based just on the crafting recipe alone when placed down the controller displays a hologram of the rest of the structure and where it needs to be in relation to a gravitational anomaly uh-oh uh I can’t exactly break it oh

There we go I needed a specific tool conveniently there’s a gravitational anomaly literally right above my head however without four gravitational stabilizers this anomaly will tear apart my entire facility when I begin feeding it items to increase its mass glowstone check 28 glowstone let’s go you know I

Think I’m going to take a day off from crafting I’m a little bit crafted out at the moment I think I’m going to do a little bit of building instead partially to fix my roof which was all kind of made nasty from pollution and I’d like to build some additional stuff around

Here it’s fairly unfinished on the inside of this Building h i don’t think we’re making enough oil it’s possible that that is the issue here is where I need to place the reactor controller in relation to the gravitational anomaly I guess the next thing to do probably a good idea would be to make those gravitational stabilizers and that’s where these uh

These laser focuses come in so I need multiple of them for each stabilizer and I need four stabilizers total ah we have another problem my Mars Miner stopped producing again well perhaps it’s run out of fuel this time so we still have oil left in this oil vein that the pump jacks are

Using so I don’t know why I would have run out of diesel at my mining Outpost that’s weird I’m going to have to attend to that very soon it’s just I don’t want to right now because I’m trying to craft this stuff I’m kind of in the middle of crafting ing gravitational stabilizers

It’s a little bit important cool that’s two of them that’s that’s half of what I need oh God I’m TI well this is kind of what it looks like that’s where it needs to go in relation to everything else it looks pretty cool oh my goodness that’s not

Good that could have been bad oh thank goodness it dropped the blocks I would have been so mad if it blew up my reaction chamber blocks and I didn’t get them back I was just just trying to see how many blaze rods I had and Creeper shows up and

Like I don’t have very much titanium left I hope I have enough I don’t have it automated it’s not easy to automate actually anyways here are the last two gravitational stabilizers so that makes four out of four for that fine fine f fine I’ll go attend to my oil now maybe

Maybe I’m not making enough diesel still for some reason perhaps this is because the oil throughput in my pipes is too slow from the pump jacks I suppose I could try to pressurize my pipes or I could actually um I I could just build a fourth pump jack yeah I think I’ll do

That heavy engineering blocks are the bane of my existence why did I make the crafting recipe for them what I did I Am My Own Worst Enemy in more ways than one thankfully there’s just barely enough room here for me to build a fourth pumpjack and it also is nice that the

Pumpjacks don’t take that much power relative to other things okay well there’s four of these working now it’s going to drain the reservoir of oil even faster but look at that we’re actually making enough diesel that it filled up the storage tank that’s supposed to be

Filled with diesel that means we are uh we’re in the green we’re doing well now we’re in the black whatever well so I’ve never actually built the black hole Fusion reactor before and after looking up a tutorial I realized I needed two matter decomposers to supply the controller with liquid matter which is

Its own whole other deal that I’m not going to get into meaningfully right now these things aren’t actually that hard to make compared to some of the other pieces of the fusion controller except for one thing of course though since this is modded Minecraft I have to make an entirely new

Machine just to make the refined glow stone for the decomposers although I don’t really have anyone but myself to blame since I’m the one that made this mod pack all right well I’m here to figure out why my stuff is still not producing even though I was just here I

Don’t know what the problem is even the gaster mine is just fine I am so confused oh now I get it my existing World Spike was only covering a 3X3 chunk area which only included the gas turbine and not the excavator so if I create another world Spike and put it

Next to the excavator every everything critical should continue while I’m off world remember how I got extra gold and copper a long time ago well I’m glad I did because I’m here making yet another world Spike without going home this time it should be the last World Spike that I

Need yeah and I actually had to go back to the space station as well I have to be here so I can make some tier 4 Mark for isolinear circuits maybe I was wrong when I said the matter decomposers were easy oh this is so darn slow this is not

Good uh you know I could just go straight down this way I’ve been meaning to do this but I keep forgetting see look at that it’s so much easier no Rocket Fuel expended no hassle nothing I just fall into the sky kind of like kind of like Master Chief I for for

A brick I flew pretty good thank God we’re actually getting stuff automatically from Mars now it took long enough good grief well I need to go back and I need to make that osmium infuser thing so it’s not actually that bad a lot of Steel plates some dur aluminum plates linear

Actuators some compressed Dash then uh well basic gas tanks are actually very easy there’s our still casings uh-oh this is nearly everything for the osmium infuser machine but now I really hate my past self because I’m missing cubic boron nitride what is cubic boron nitride you might ask well

Let’s just say it’s one of those fun nuclear craft items that goes through half a dozen chemical reactor steps to produce starting from a combination of molten Boron and hydrogen the material progresses through several more steps one of which requires ammonia hydrogen and ammonia two rather annoying gases

Not easy for me to get in large quantities right the second ammonia is easily is Created from rotten flesh in a fermentor but I don’t have an infinite supply of rotten flesh I have some of it but I don’t have a lot of it that’s the

Issue I do have a ton of hydrochloric acid though which I can turn into hydrogen gas and an electrolyzer so I I suppose that’ll work I just actually have to go get a barrel and stick it in the hydrogen gas or hydr Floric acid output cuz it was getting deleted before

But I can take a lot of it from that if you’re wondering it’s it’s a byproduct of producing the calcium sulfate stuff Well here here’s molten Boron and here’s hydrogen gas gas so I suppose this is going to turn into what’s this turn into dorin dorin something like

That I don’t actually know what that is but when you combine it with water water it will uh it will turn into boric acid and then I also get the hydrogen gas back so that’s kind of cool I do kind of need a uh another fermentor though well here’s some ammonia I took

Some of my rotten flesh and put it in the fermentor and I’m getting ammonia out of it and another crystallizer all these things I’ve made before but they also got stuck in automation that’s the problem I have to keep making duplicates of these machines either way I can put this uh

This solution into the crystallizer and get my hexagonal boron nitride which then I have to put into a pressurizer and then I I’m pretty sure that’ll get me my cubic Boron Nitro luckily this stuff while being tedious to craft is pretty easy I it’s all stuff I have nice cubic boron

Nitride finally osmium compressor all for a little bit of refined glowstone just so I can make matter decomposers again I questioned myself was it worth it well I don’t know I guess we’ll see very cool eight pieces of refined glow stone enough for two matter decomposers All That Remains for the

Reactor are Fusion coil blocks and machine Hall blocks having made Fusion coil blocks previously I already know that they most just need a lot of superconductor magnets the machine hols on the other hand each require a machine chassis and each chassis needs a lunar Sapphire I don’t have enough of sad

Sapphires for all of the machine halls and rather than go mining on the moon I’ve decided to save or sa I can never get that right crushed obsidian to get normal sapphires which I can use to craft lunar sapphires so I need to go build build this build this little semi-automatic

System for advanced sing but the good thing is I actually have some enchanted books for seeve um seeve meshes there’s a SE Fortune book and a seeve efficiency book and I managed to put both of them on my diamond stiffen mesh in other words it should be faster and I should

Get even more stuff from it which is exactly what I want I just need to take a little bit of obsidian and stick it in my rock Crusher not be confused with the other Crusher there’s multiple things oh wait uh I actually can’t use that that’s

A heavy seeve I need a normal seeve conveniently I have a normal seeve I just have to steal it from an old automatic system that I had a long time ago and now you can see it’s it’s taken in the crushed obsidian and we’re getting all these different gems from it

And the crafting recipe I created for lunar sapphires takes eight normal sapphires so I’m going to need over a stack of normal sapphires now while I’m doing that I can try to make more of the fusion coil blocks but once again I find myself in need of superc conductor

Magnets and out of Ender Pearls which means back to the end I go it’s going to be a glorious day once I finally unlock mystical Agriculture and I can grow stuff on plants like blizz rots here’s the usual song and dance of crafting a gajillion different magnets

And need so much wires at least I have so much copper cuz I need so many wires it’s it’s bad well we seem to have a lot of stuff now and I’ve got more stacks of the crushed obsidian so that’s slowly making progress we’re getting there we’re getting there also with the super

Conductor magnets and the solenoids my favorite thing to craft is superconductor magnets there a whole another stack of them that should be plenty for actually yeah that’s more than enough I have some left over for my nine Fusion reactor coils now 16 machine holes that’s the

Last thing which is means 16 of these chassis fun fun that’s why I needed 16 lunar sapphires which I don’t actually own yet when in doubt always make more of these various components than what you need and you’ll be happy later that’s one of my rules when I’m playing

This mod pack always make more if you can which I I proceeded not to follow my own rule here cuz I made exactly 16 heavy engineering blocks yay lead plates stack of lead plates for 16 machine chass steel chases whatever the there’s a lot of chassis if

You haven’t noticed this is one type so I have to craft 10 additional lunar Sapphires and that right there that’s we got enough for eight so uh need to grab a little bit more but now I have 16 of my lunar sapphires quite expensive in normal sapphires but it’s totally worth

Not going to the moon and my already existing titanium plates combined with that give me 16 machine holes in other words all the materials all the blocks for a black hole Fusion reactor we’re on day 82 that that’s pretty good time not going to lie that’s pretty good and I with that I

Actually can unlock the interstellar age you can see right there we just unlocked it that was a quest that does it that was the big the big culmination of the Space Age and it even gave me more SpaceTime equalizers as a reward I’m I’ll take it and I’ll I’ll celebrate by making

Some incendiary shotgun shells which I kind of need cuz it’s an invasion Knight but isn’t it always I’m going to start by adding in the gravitational stabilizers it just seems like a good idea to stabilize the the black hole that’s right there I I don’t really want to mess around with that I don’t want it to annihilate my entire base that would be very sad I’d have to

Load it back up well well okay these things are in place let me try to add the fusion coils now it’s three of these behind some of those other controls so that’s that’s the wrong block I don’t want tritanium plate I want machine Hall yes please very cool this should be a

Completed ring after one more block yep that should be that should be good for our reactor so it it kind of needs some more stuff but it’s almost ready I believe everything is set up correctly and I’ve begun feeding energy into the reactor controller these diamonds should decompose into a significant amount of

Matter for the controller as well additionally I’m using a cobblestone generator to slowly build up the mass of the gravitational Anomaly by feeding it items as the stored power matter and mass increase we should start seeing some net power production H it is kind of satisfying to watch I’ll give it that but

Still um little suspicious 70% 70% charge 50% matter won’t take much more matter 7 75% matter and now look at that at 100% charge let me go try something I’m a little bit concerned what what would happen if I powered this excavator with the output of the reactor right now

What would happen if I did that it’s not connected to any other power source it’s actually coming out of the reactor controller now why is that why is it showing zero net power and but it’s still managing to power the excavator a little bit H well the power is at 100%

In the core and I’ve uh begun to form a concerning Theory you see I’ve disconnected the reactor controller from my power grid and it doesn’t show internally any net power gain but it’s outputting some power to that excavator over there and the internal power stor is managing to rise despite

Being at 100% or at least reading as 100% I even tried giving it some diamonds to see if I could increase the mass of the black hole faster in other words it may uh it may be able to Output free infinite energy which I saw some reports about online while looking at tutorials

And it might not seem like a bad thing but it’s kind of broken well let me think about that for a little bit let me while I’m thinking about that craft another energy collector and let me make this one just generate a Tous fuel that would be pretty cool H there’s another Fusion

Reactor so this video would have been done much sooner but I took took this opportunity to release a big update to the mod pack with many new changes I’ve been putting off for a while you can find a full change L on curse Forge but the most important thing that will

Affect me right now is the removal of matter overdrive and its black hole Fusion reactors yep it’s gone completely gone now that I actually have played through this part of the mod pack I realize how silly it is that you build the M overdrive Fusion reactor at the

End of the space stage only to turn right around and build the nuclearcraft fusion reactor at the start of the interstellar age not to mention that the overdrive Fusion reactor is rather broken like really broken so I’ve moved the nuclearcraft fusion reactor to the end of the Space Age instead of the M

Overdrive one this is what I’ll be working on going forward oh finally I got the quest book to update I had to go do that manually I had to go delete the file in the world and then add the new file and well I’ve redone a lot of the questbook that’s one

Of the things I did you can see it’s there’s a lot more stuff in some of these tabs and I reorganized a lot of it cuz it was kind of trash before not to say it’s amazing now but it’s a little better oh that’s awkward that is I have

Not fixed that um questbook reward yet luckily at the time of this being recorded I have not released the mod pack update so uh that’s just fine in the update and unfortunately I have to remove the interstellar age from myself because I have no longer actually completed it I haven’t built the fusion

Reactor from nuclear CFT yet and that’s now the trigger for the interstellar age so uh it was shortlived very sad no more Interstellar age we’ll have to get to that a little bit later I also seem to be missing some tools because I had a titanium ax and pickaxe but um on the

Bri side I can actually make a spaxel ho or spaxel or whatever they’re called it’s a multi-tool and it works now it was bugged previously unfortunately the the best spaxel ho uses um my favorite resource cubic boron nitride that’s what’s used and I have to make that why is the brine texture broken

What the heck is wrong with the brine texture now that’s so stupid I have actually no idea how to fix that as well cuz I have no idea why fluid textures randomly break okay well you already saw me make a lot of the cubic boron nitride so I

Have to do the same thing but more so I’m only going to show you guys the new stuff that I did to make it easier and the first thing I did that’s new I’m doing right now is I’m making a or another electrolyzer multi block and this thing takes water and it quite

Quickly turns the water into oxygen gas and hydrogen gas now normally I would want the oxygen but right now I actually want the hydrogen which is what I’m collecting and I will be end up I’ll just end up deleting the oxygen here in a sec the other thing I needed was

Ammonia and I was getting ammonia from rotten flesh and the fermentor but you can also get ammonia from another way a way that needs nitrogen gas and there’s this block called a nitrogen collector and all it does is it that collects nitrogen gas and outputs it and then I

Can take that uh nitrogen gas and combine it with some hydrogen gas in a chemical reactor and at least I think it’s a chemical reactor and it will provide me some ammonia which is nice cuz it doesn’t need the uh doesn’t need the rotten flesh I don’t have a Zombie

Farm believe it or not I actually don’t have a lot of rotten flesh for some reason I’ve made the hydrogen production even faster by adding more infinite water sources to the electrolyzer input and now I’ve got nine out of the 11 hexagonal boron nitride I have enough of the fluid stuff

Ready that I’m just going through the very steps of I I have enough of that to make quite a lot more than two more of the pieces so I’ll have extra for whatever I might need in the future hopefully I never have to do this ever

Again though that would be nice well at least I can go ahead and make these tools now so I think it’ll be worth it it literally combines pretty much all the tools into one thing I mean I don’t need it for a sword or anything like

That but it’ll be great for the axe pickaxe shovel even a hoe I guess it’s nice it’s nice that it works now and it the best part I didn’t mention you might have seen it but it has 9,000 durability which obviously could be a lot more with

Unbreaking hence the reason I’m at the enchantment table right now I’m trying to get some kind of decent enchantment some efficiency someone breaking on it none of these are things I really want I don’t want soulbound I I already have a gravestone when I die it’s not helpful

When in need of XP simply Farm blazes for a little bit oh look at that an XP boost Enchantment speakon of experience that’s I’ll take that I mean it only gave me XP boost but sure I guess I’ll take that and I can combine it with a mending book

That I already had I think I got it a video or two ago maybe it was even this one it was from a Galacticraft dungeon but now I should never actually break the multi-tool which would be nice so remember how I said Fusion reactor from craft I mean that’s what we got to

Do and one thing I’m going to do since I expended a ton of time making crafting materials for that matter overdrive reactor which I deleted and lost I am going to whenever I get to that point spawn in an equivalent a number of solenoids um equivalent to how many I

Expended making on that matter overdrive reactor because I need a ton of the same stuff for the gal or no the nuclearcraft fusion reactor and I don’t want to waste a ton of time making that again I don’t have to do that right this second but at some point I’m going to do

That ah a return to Magic the tier three crafting table needed to make the fusion core needs a whole lot of star metal luminescence and if I’m not mistaken a Celestial Crystal with maxed out attributes all things I’m in quite short supply of also I still need a lot of

Compressed Dash and compressed Dash now requires osmium which is instead of titanium that’s one of the things I changed since titanium doesn’t EX exist anymore on the bright side I’ve added an excavator vein that includes osmium there was an excavator vein that used to give you seris quartz among other things

And it no longer gives you seris quartz for other reasons and instead it gives you osmium unfortunately I had already found a vein of this but it seems to be uh empty it’s at negative one or that’s not very good so I have to find a new vein of

Pegmatite oh look a quz vein a new quartz vein that’s nice I think that my existing quartzite vein is probably gone cuz I kind of changed That ooh an oil shell vein that’s nice cuz that includes aquamarines aquam me aquamarines from astral sorcery finally pagma typ vein oh my god I’ve been here a lot longer than it might seem if you’re watching the video but that that took a long time to find

It I had to go through a lot of chunks to get that so let me remove an old unused excavator and move it over to a new vein one that will give me osmium ore by the way I actually have memorized the way you build these now I’m very

Impressive and I need to touch grass this thing actually this vein actually makes four different types of ore the probably the most useful other type being lithium which I actually it’s nice to get more but I don’t have a ton of lithium okay well we’re getting power

Now uhoh wait what wait why is it not why is it not mining what the heck oh no did I screw up the code or whatever for this this has happened before actually no I I didn’t it was actually fine I it’s not that I didn’t screw up something I just didn’t screw

Up the code what I did screw up is I realized I didn’t I didn’t quite build it in in the chunk all the way that’s a really stupid mistake of all the things to mess up that’s actually more embarrassing than messing up the script for the new xator veins that’s that’s

Kind of bad well at on on the bright side at least it’s working now despite the zombies and despite my own stupidity I’ll take it so I’ve been looking at this and I realized I need a tier three crafting table to even make the fusion core and I

Don’t have a tier three crafting table so there’s not even a lot of point in me working on the fusion reactor components if I can’t even make them like I I physically cannot craft the core so I might as well turn my attention to making a tier three crafting table which

Actually means that I need a total of what eight tier one or no I need four tier one crafting tables to make two tier 2 crafting tables and then those tier 2 tables make a tier three table good grief that was confusing I’m sorry you probably didn’t understand

That anyways all this stuff takes a lot of black Iron which is a combination of titanium and thorium not exactly iron but it’s whatever and now uh the basic stuff is it needs illumination powder instead of luminescence so I don’t actually have enough illumination powder we’re start

We’re starting to get into magic again this is some astral sorcery stuff this is kind of how I tied magic into the mod pack at least I happen to have several stacks of Glowstone from my glowstone automation which is great because a lot of this stuff takes glow stone what’s

Not great is my lack of aquamarines so I kind of need to go looking around my rivers and get as much of the aquamarine bar as I can cuz I’m going to be needing a lot of them this here this should be enough it’s also finally night time I

Was kind of waiting around for it to be nighttime so that I could craft this stuff so a lot how a lot of Astral sorcery works is you can only do it at nighttime unsurprisingly but anyways I have a lot of Illumination powder now so I can go

Ahead and make the four tier one tables but the problem is the uh the tier 2 tables it needs luminesence which is an infused version of Illumination powder infused with Starlight no less and unfortunately every single piece of illumin Ence takes an entire bucket of staright and starlight is only created

By slowly collecting it in these basins with the help of aquamarines and occasionally it breaks the aquamarines and that is my problem oh look at that a flare I don’t know what that is but it it’s kind of cool it spawned right next to my stuff

Right next to my light Wells this is how you actually get star Starlight liquid Starlight yeah so I’m going to need way more Starlight than I’m currently producing I may even need to automate Starlight and unfortunately that means I will need a lot more um aquamarines because you can see the aquamarines will

Break from time to time they don’t just sit there forever and once they break then no more Starlight for you yeah I only have 10 aquam Marines left that’s not going to cut it but what did I say earlier I got a uh a core sample drill

That told me there was an oil shell vein not that far away or some kind of shell vein I don’t know if it’s actually oil it does include oil sand but the most importantly like I mentioned it includes uh aquamarine shell so I can actually use the excavator to get aquamarine or

Automatically which is exactly what I intend to do I have another excavator that was sitting on unused over an empty vein which I can bring over here and start it at uh start it on mining some aquamarines I mean plus it gives me sand

And oil sand and if I need more oil or bitamin I can turn the oil sand into stuff so that’s kind of cool yay aquam Marines let’s go so I mentioned I wanted to automate Starlight where I might need to and that’s exactly what I’m going to do now

So why don’t I make a big tank like an elite tank get out of my face chicken I’m going to make this Elite tank and I’m going to also get some uh conduits some fluid conduits because Ender iio conduits are amazing have I said that before I feel like I’ve mentioned that I

Probably have but we’re going to say it again so these pressurized fluid conduits are what I want I don’t need very many of them that should be enough so if I stick these underneath the light Wells I can configure them so that they extract the liquid staright and then I

Can make it so that they dump the liquid Starlight into the elite fluid tank that I just crafted and you can see here it actually is already put a little bit in there I can store a lot of buckers in there by the way that’s why it’s an elite

Tank next I can take my um my item conduits and since this is Ender iio I can stick them in the same block as the fluid conduits and it’s amazing and I can use them to insert aquamarines into the light Wells at least I should hang on what’s

Wrong something’s messed up okay there we go you see now it put the aquamarines in there and it’s automatically slurping out the staright and putting it in my tank cool so I’ve actually automated Starlite now assuming I can continue to give it aquamarines which I should be able to I

Mean look it I’ve got 45 of the ore and that’s going to give me a whole lot of aquamarine per ore I think it’s like I think I’m getting six of the aquamin for every single block that’s really good we’re getting there got 13 buckets of

Starlight now I can make some of the uh the tier 2 the advanced components for my two tier 2 tables try saying that five times fast I’m not gonna yes here we are it’s the uh the two tier 2 tables unfortunately I still need more luminescence for the tier three

Components but I also need a crap ton of star metal ore and star metal ore is a little bit difficult to get especially when you’re in a tornado that makes everything more difficult as you would expect so right now the easiest way for me to get star metal or is by taking

Iron ore and going over to one of these ruins that has a crystal in it then what I can do is I can I can take the Crystal and Link it to these ore blocks and it should transmute them into star metal ore should be the operative word okay

Here we go it turns out that it has to be nighttime and it has to be exposed to the sky and since those things are now true it’s transmuting my iron ore into star metal ore despite it being magical ore I am able to double it though with some of my

Existing machines so I’m not going to need a huge amount although it it seems to be daytime now and I think that’s going to put a halt to my star metal production yep we’re not getting anymore oh right yep we’re not getting anymore let’s go back why is this machine running out of

Power and why am I not being electrocuted by this wire here oh no we seem to have wiring problems this is no good I need to figure out what’s happening and I need Creepers to not blow my stuff up this is is making it even worse can’t can’t can’t a dude just

Fix his his wiring in piece yeah even the wires down here are broken I don’t know what the deal is I mean now there’s power in that it’s almost killed me actually the creepers are coming back oh no that’s the problem the wires are burning out there’s too much power

Trying to go through them that’s that that that’s the line that goes to the excavators eventually I think it’s cuz there’s two excavators on that line plus some other stuff it’s it’s bad well I was able to fix the wiring problem and it’s all fine now but that

Was more annoying than it needed to be not that I’ve shown a lot of it but I’ve been here a while making luminescence I I needed over 40 luminescence for the tier 3 table for all of that stuff but at least now I’m able to make all of the crafting

Component things for the table can even start assembling it now there we’ve got that put in my star metal my six additional star metal ingots then I can make my 12 additional Elite components and now all that I’m missing is a Celestial Crystal bu so I need to go and get rock crystals

I’m out of raw crystals I used all of mine and that’s how you make Celestial crystals and I also want to go retrieve uh this is completely UNR anything I want to retrieve my painting machine from my Mountain nuclear base thingy that I built a while ago that this train

Track goes to while I’m there uh I can go digging for rock crystals but I also want the painting machine oh good grief there’s zombies and there’s parasites this is not a great time okay here we are here is a old nuclear reactor that’s no longer functional and right in the corner this

Is what I’m looking for is a painting machine it it can paint blocks with other block textures like um I can paint Cobblestone with steel block textures that’s the main point in order to make a celestial Crystal I first need a rock crystal which is only easily located at

Night time while holding a particular wand in your hand as I mentioned I would try to find rock crystals which I have now done and wow I get a lot with Fortune that’s way more than I expected that actually should be plenty uh there’s also a suspicious number of parasites up Here oh my God he’s zooming he’s zoom in a lot this is a bit of a strange fight on this Frozen Blake good grief that was insane oh my God what is that well it’s uh it’s day 799 and I’m going I’m going home I can’t actually make my Celestial crystals

Until it’s nighttime again because I need additional star metal ore and we all know how that works so I will have to do something else until it’s night time but I have an idea I’m going to mow my lawn it’s a great idea Right you know I really have a strange need for some uh steel chain link fences to put up around my lawn to keep my my freshly mowed lawn nice and um safe well it’s night time again here’s some more uh star metal or I really only

Needed four of it you see I need to put the staral or here on the ground not well not really on the ground it’s in the air but you get the point Celestial crystals are created by dropping a rock crystal and star metal dust into a pool

Of liquid staright after a few moments a Celestial Crystal cluster is formed and must grow for a certain amount of time the growth is sped up by having the cluster grow on top of star metal ore now I just have to wait a little bit oh we got one we got another one

Nice so it formed this Celestial Crystal cluster now these things have to grow on their own a little bit more but they are certainly not ready to harvest yet which is a little unfortunate cuz it’s day 800 I suppose I will do a little a little

Bit more while I wait because they stay 100 but I really want to get those crystals before the end of the video I’m going to go back to my lawn I’m going to completely rip my lawn up because well who needs a lawn anyways and we’re going

To replace it with coarse dirt which can’t grow a lawn oh yeah no more lawn care for me oh that’s perfect that’s so much nicer looking I am a big fan now I’m going to stick my painted Cobblestone that looks like steel blocks we’re going to put it here in between

The gaps in my steel fence now we’re going to make the steel fence four blocks tall but I’m not done I’ve got more ples see there’s this nice thing called razor wire and we’re going to use it to keep nasty mobs like these these horses and these skeletons out of my Yard even the pigs don’t like me nobody Does M three stacks of razor wire I could do a lot with this and unsurprisingly when you walk in it you start to take damage and you get slowed down like cobweb so naturally we’re going to stick it at the base of my fence and then we’re going to

Put it on top of the fence as well so we got double layers of razor wire nobody is getting in or probably out of my uh my yard anymore except for me so uh to check on the rock crystals it is definitely still day 800 uh don’t

Don’t worry about it it’s just fine to check check on these it looks like we got at least one of them ready to harvest and look at that one Celestial Crystal did I call them rock crystals I think I did it’s a Celestial Crystal it’s not exactly the correct um correct

Size correct sharpness correct Purity all that so that I can actually craft the uh tier three table but I can remedy that with a few things like Starlight but I’m afraid that’s all I’ve got time for it’s a good Run I can’t wait for the next video where I can build a Thanksgiving dinner Factory in my new Razer wire protected compound I need to add turrets still and I’m pretty sure I can even Electrify the razor wire as well this is going to be

So epic well I did build a black ho Fusion reactor in this video I mean I might have deleted it right afterward but I still built it nonetheless but there is still one Fusion reactor that is available to me and I seem to find myself rather lacking in the fusion

Reactor Department right about now as as always if you enjoyed this video don’t forget to drop a like And subscribe below additionally my picture on SMP server using this mod pack is restarting with a new update about the time this video goes up so if you’re looking to

Jump into an S SMP now is a great time by the way big shout out to my patrons you guys are awesome I appreciate the support thanks for watching hope you guys have a good rest of your day and I’ll see you in the next video or live stream bye can’t

Imagine but I would even say this has be become a passion that is changing me we speaking a language and I want understand the surface I know this will never end

This video, titled ‘I Survived 800 Days in the Ages of History in Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sbeev on 2023-11-24 15:08:23. It has garnered 36225 views and 1679 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:35 or 7235 seconds.

Continuing the Space Age, I build a mining outpost on the planet Mars and work to construct a Black Hole Fusion Reactor to further my progression through the ages of history in my Minecaft modpack: Epoch Runner. ___________________________________

Previous 700 days: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfXXolPy7rygqOwmMb4YJwVFxqqtjjWRT Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/epoch-runner

✅Be sure to drop a like if you enjoy! 🔔Subscribe with notifications on to be notified when I upload and go LIVE! ___________________________________

⚫Bisect Hosting 25% Off Code SBEEVYT: https://bisecthosting.com/sbeevyt ⚫Discord Server: https://discord.gg/GaVWj7X ⚫Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sbeev

___________________________________ #Minecraft #100Days #Sbeev

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  • Exploring Heavenly Villages! | Milestone: 2K Subs! Minecraft

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  • Uncovering the DARK secrets of a DEAD Minecraft server!

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  • Insane Speed: Benx runs at 6,325,931 km/h in Minecraft!

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  • Introducing JayUU_, the Insane New Boss of Samurai SMP! #minecraft #gaming

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  • Game Herobrine Absorbs Power, Destroys – Meme Animation

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    EPIC MINECRAFT 1000 PING HEROBRINE saves PRINCESS Mermaid!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1000 PING HEROBRINE saves PRINCESS Mermaid sped up and slowed down’, was uploaded by GunnarDeMinecraft on 2024-03-16 06:00:03. It has garnered 418198 views and 13156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Also watch: The FLASH VS Sirenhead minecraft FOR REAL! Five nights at Freddy mod playthrough TOO! https://youtu.be/Eis7taWRtXY Video like this one? Who should we collab with?? WHAT’S INSIDE MINIONS BRAIN in MINECRAFT ! Scary Minion vs Minions – Gameplay Movie traps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8TMAxqWmn0 CURSED MINECRAFT BUT IT’S UNLUCKY LUCKY FUNNY MOMENTS Grape Craft Scrapy @Scrapy @Scooby Craft This is… Read More

  • INSANE Art Fails! 🎨 Draw with Me Challenge!

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  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft VR BIRTHDAY PARTY 🎉

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  • AeroCraft Network

    AeroCraft Network250+ custom enchantments! – Lands – Skills – Ranks – Creative – Custom Terrain & Bosses / Events! — What version does Aero-Craft Network server support? Aero-Craft Network supports Minecraft version: 1.17 through 1.19, and even allows Cracked players! You may also use any other older or lower versions to connect and play on the server. What are you waiting for? Come check us out! Read More

  • 16+ Vanilla Bedrock Realm for Builders! Great Community, SMP, Whitelist

    Welcome to Ooooo! This is a vanilla Minecraft world where players can showcase their unique design interests. Similar to hermit craft, the realm features player-made shops and mega bases. We are now accepting applications from players worldwide through our discord, with pictures of past builds required. No griefing or PvP, but still turned on for mischievous fun! One player sleep is enabled. Join our discord here for more information and decide if it’s the right fit for you. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Nintendo Workers and My Haters Only: Enter the Rage Pit”

    Minecraft Memes - "Nintendo Workers and My Haters Only: Enter the Rage Pit"“Looks like even Minecraft has an HR department now for all the Nintendo workers and annoying people getting sent to the pit of shame.” Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled: Fallen in Minecraft

    Secrets Unveiled: Fallen in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, secrets unfold, In “Fallen,” a tale of a girl so bold. She fell from the sky, a mystery untold, With friends and foes, her story will mold. Sirius, the hero, with a heart so true, Searching for answers, in a world askew. With Mars and Ju, they’ll find the clue, To save their friend, no matter what they must do. Halley, the trickster, with secrets to share, In the hidden room, she’ll find what’s rare. But Ju and Mars, with caution, beware, For trust is fragile, handle with care. Sol, the ruler, with a… Read More

  • Shulker’s Hot Golem Smackdown! #minecraft #meme

    Shulker's Hot Golem Smackdown! #minecraft #meme When the Shulker saw all those golems coming at him, he must have thought, “I’ve made a huge mistake.” It’s like the ultimate game of rock-paper-scissors, but with more explosions and less paper cuts. #minecraftmishaps Read More

  • Unleashing Terrifying New Creepers in Minecraft!

    Unleashing Terrifying New Creepers in Minecraft! The Terrifying World of Creepy Creepers Mod 1.20.1 Embark on a spine-chilling adventure with the Creepy Creepers Mod 1.20.1 for Minecraft. This mod introduces a new level of fear to the game by unleashing a horde of terrifying Creepers that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From corrupted Creepers to phantom Creepers, each one brings a unique challenge that will test your survival skills to the limit. Exploring the Creepers Let’s dive into the world of these nightmarish creatures. The corrupted Creeper, with its eerie corruption, boasts double the health of a normal Creeper. The phantom… Read More