BallentineLP – Minecraft Mods – FTB Infinity Evolved – Episode 3 – Power & Ore Automation! (Hypermine Server)

Video Information

Good afternoon everybody and welcome back to our episode on the hyper mine feed the beast infinity evolves server hey guys do today I’m doing pretty good just chill down the foot above server playin around boy I wish mod we’re gonna do fun stuff then I get going ok so last

Episode we were doing with our travelers armor which I gave you guys a little few maybe I given you maybe I gave you guys a few misleading things last episode well I didn’t know a lot about the travelers armor and I’ve been messing around with it off-screen you know

Looking at looking a bunch of stuff up about it cuz I had literally I’ve never messed with the traveler Garbutt report never ever I’ve didn’t even know because it was actually it replaced the old exosuit armor if you did not know about the exo-armor they didn’t have it for

Very long but it replaced that so I was doing some research about it and you can actually put some modifiers on this so we’re gonna be messing with that today hopefully maybe maybe maybe because I’ve been running into a few kinks in the armor Ted um there’s a few kinks in the

Armor tab but let’s head back to the base really quickly I learned that you could put modifiers on it like you can put like the each arm pits armor has three modifiers number 1 i’m going to be putting on his auto repair because i have learned also that this stuff is

Gradually loses its protection value over time the more damage it takes as you can see by my armor rating is no longer full diamond armor rating so i am going to be doing every bit of Miss that I can do to make sure that this stuff stays top-notch for as long as possible

So i don’t have the bad armor rating and i don’t want to worry about where did my stuff go what the crap um I don’t oh oh um yeah I’m terrible actor haha I’d say I moved all my stuff because I was getting tired of everything being

Crushed down here and having only one chest so I made a chest room hope you guys like it i was pretty i don’t know i really like it i I’m used a lot of marble in it and I thought it looked wit well I didn’t want to I really to be

Honest when I first did this room I was really going for the all-natural rail look I didn’t want it to look like I created it so I had some you know dirt and stuff over here add some cobblestone i left the ceilings the ceiling the ceilings while there’s

Two of them but i left the ceiling i’m kind of you know just kind of willy nilly i didn’t want to make it all bordered in if i made it like a square it lets look dumb in my opinion but i wanted it to look free formed I didn’t

Want it to look like I made it but I did kind of make I put a design in the wall I put all my barrels over here with all of my main stuff that I didn’t feel like filling up my chest and I made a bunch of golden chest which are just gold

Around an iron chest which is just iron around a regular chest fun stuff like this so yeah i’ve got all my stories now that I’ll ever need and really to be honest i’m not using half of them i got mods drops i have my extra tools down here which I’ll probably be replacing

Some of these maybe not today all of my plant stuff I’ve been collecting a lot of wheat going around doing all of that fun stuff with all the UM the farms and stuff we have in the village so I’ve been going around doing that I got my

Extra stones and stuff we’re going to be messing with some of that stuff in there if you saw it we got wood stuff empty well no we got glass empty empty empty empty and then so yeah we have a lot of empty storage so we’re good on storage

For a little while so we don’t have to worry about any of that stuff really quickly I want to show you guys something I was messing around with you know I was wanting to do auto repair & to do auto repair on your toes or well in general you’re gonna need moss now

How the heck am I gonna make moss let’s go and look at recipe you’re going to need mossy cobblestone now I personally didn’t feel like going out and exploring for mossy cobblestone so I looked up how do you make mossy cobble so let’s look

Up mossy so it says in here you can get regular mossy cobblestone hold on let me get the regular stuff you can either get Moss that’s imbalance of planning it’s around both cobblestone which are doing easy but I don’t know where to get that I think you can only get in swamps or

You could do this recipe which I have done and which is just basically you turn seven kabul in one wheat into with a bucket of water into one mossy cobblestone which I was doing this recipe earlier today putting a bunch i had a like an infinite water source of

Go my god it took forever to get all the monsters i needed it but yeah i just wanted to show you guys that before i crafted it all up i have my crafting stuff up here let’s go ahead and make some more mossy bowels and we’re gonna put that in there put that

In there so let’s go to I don’t think I can do it in there i think i need to get the Tinker station if you guys don’t know about the tinkers armor the only way you can edit it is if you make a tinker station seeker table you need to

Have a toll Forge right next to us crafting station in it good and it creates something called a ticker table which is really really cool so to edit the armory all you got to do is take it and put it in here burial and put the

Thing you need fam so yeah I have all see masti auto repair and I’m hoping I’m hoping since i put model repair on all of my stuff that they’ll repair over time like if I’m in like if I’m by like open lights it’ll automatically repair itself so I’m hoping that he’ll give me

Back my full armor rating does it change the look of it at all I don’t think so it changed the the anima the model on the thing I thought it would add some green to it that look really cool it thought that would be really nice but oh

Well anyways also you could edit this armor based on the wiki I was looking up that and I was afraid because I was trying to do some of that stuff and I might demonstrate it later on the episode because I really want to get into what I want to do today but I

Wasn’t getting it to work and I was afraid it was because the armor wasn’t completely um see look you just thought go up yay 10 1003 now so um but I was afraid it was because it didn’t have a full durability rating and there was a

Meta value and that was a reason I couldn’t add stuff to it so I want to do this first which kind of doesn’t make sense cuz i had auto repair I don’t know it could get to work anyways I’m moving on today I want to get into auto or

Processing I want to get some power online so I was looking through the mod pack so we look at the mod pack we have two different choices we can go with we can either do EU go through icy to all that fun stuff which is not really fun

In my opinion because there’s not very many compatible stuff with it anymore or we can go through RF and with thermal expansion all the other power mods and you know ah it was really a part of me really wanted to do part of me really

Really wanted to do I see two again the season but i think i’m gonna leave that on the back burner just because it’s so difficult to use because of the fact that it just isn’t compatible you just isn’t compatible with all that stuff anymore I really love hybrid solar

Panels if you guys watched my unleashed series i went through EU and did all that fun stuff with a with IC 2 and that and i wouldn’t and i used a lot of hybrid solar panels for my power generation so yeah maybe we my beginning that’s this season maybe maybe not we’ll

Have to see what see of course you have open block not open box but um what is it called um the Hester generators Jenny’s dinner Oh extra utilities generators of course we have those we have thermal expansion in its dynamos we can use those and I’m wondering guess it

Has solar expansion if we go through solar expansion we could do solar power which I thought was really interesting and it really it’s really cool because I have capacities now I didn’t they used to not have capacities um you make solar LED helmet oh that’s really cool okay

How expensive are these so you need photon sales steel Nuggets which isn’t easy to make lead you’re gonna need a lot of lead yeah and then these photons are lapis shards which I’m guessing it’s just lapis yeah lapis shards and more iron and glass okay so maybe we’ll get

Into that later on in the series because i’d like to have um you know it like clean energy sooner or later but for right now i think running off generators would be the easiest thing to do because those really own generators those are really the easiest thing because all

You’re going to do is get it either survivalist generator which is very simple that make it or you can just go in straight into the furnace generators i’m sorry i just say guys I keep burping I’m so sorry let me take a delicious drink in my dollar strength much better

I went to mcdonalds not a sponsor but i think i’m just going to go through this route so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go make a bunch of ginnis i’ll probably make some survival generators and some furnished generators and just run off my coal supply as of right now because i

Have a lot of coal so I’m not really worried about it if I got any more in storage I do so yeah I’m gonna go do that I’m gonna get some stuff all crowded up and then I’ll bring you guys back in we’ll do some stuff with it so yeah I’ll see

You guys in a little bitty bit alright guys welcome back so I’ve been doing a ton of crafting but I think I got everything i’m gonna need so really quick let’s run down what I’m gonna be doing I’ve got five regular furnished generators biome took up so much of my

Iron literally I think that’s all the iron I have left and I kind of borrowed a little bit from the smeltery and I would have made to survivalist generators I love having just some of these to run just like coal blocks because i’ll show you guys that in a

Little bit but they run for a long time i also made some regular ledstone flex ducks and they move to an RF a tick which is just completely fine for what we’re going to be doing for right now because i think each one of these I

Think they’re gonna make for trf a tick so I think it’s going to be fine these are going to be 5 RF it ticks so at my bottle neck a little bit but it’s going to be it’s going to be fine for what we’re doing for right now so let’s go

And make these we might upgrade these pretty quickly to do the hardened versions but we’re going to need n bar so and then we’ve got the basic pulverizer which is going to be used and we’ve got our red stone furnace so sweet so we’ve got everything that we’re

Probably we’re basically going to be needing for four or automation so really quickly let’s go ahead and lay down our pulverizer and our fur and I configured these bad boys I always like having them coming from the left going out the right having both ways and doing that same way

Having that and then we’ll go over here I don’t know how I want to set this up do i want i might i think i’m just gonna have a wall with them on there so let’s go ahead and do this so furnace furnace generator wait are these this ain’t no

Okay i want them running the same way so i have an idea let’s do this is it gonna face them know dang it face the right way there we go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam cool I need a you know what have an idea

Give me this and then give me this we’re on the furnished in right here in the survivalist generator here that way I have a doorway I don’t know I just want a doorway then we’ll grab our college with Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam then run this all the way

Along I know this isn’t the most efficient conduit but it’s the easiest one to make as it right now cuz I can’t get into in dry Oh until I get a la Smeltzer and so i can tell i get Alex out there so I went ahead and just went

With thermal dynamics or yeah thermal dynamics so I just went with their conduit so that should be just fine for right now and then we’re going to go grab run through here we’re gonna grab I think I’m going to need a i think i’m going to just going to do the regular

Set up i usually do so let’s go ahead and make ourselves a hopper which is going to be the last bit of our iron which we’re going to need to make a chest really quickly actually we’re going to make two more so that we can

Put one in here to make a hopper and then we’ll have two extra chests so I’m out of iron completely after using up some of them in the milk smeltery thank you guys and then we’re gonna put that there we’re going to take you away will probably replace that with a with a

Either a half slabs or with a staircase and then we’re gonna do the same thing with you thank you and now this should be just now this should be working just fine let’s go ahead and grab some coal so that should be good we’re going to go

And make some coal blocks bam bam so really quick let’s go ahead and put one in each still one coal block equals five minutes for trf tick sweet and then we’re going to be putting one in each and then one here one here and then these all are going to be running for

Five minutes and the thing I love about the survivals generators is that these things can last for two hours but it only produces 5 RF a tick so that’s the best of downside but they last for two hours so i’ll be able to run for quite a

While with these two if i had an energy source to be in putting energy which i will be creating just a minute because i have an idea for that so let’s go ahead and run some stuff i want to see if there’s any bottleneck with how much

Power we’re producing if there is i’m going to i’m going to upgrade the conduit really quickly and get that out of the way so let’s just grab you know silver let’s go and throw some silver in here it’s going to be feeding through into this machine ok and now we’ve got

Both machines running do we have a bottleneck I don’t think we do I think we succeeded this one’s gonna be running off 20 this is gonna be running off 40 so that’s 60 are for tick we’re making way more than that we did it oh I’m so

Excited oh I’m so excited really quick before i head out and tried to make i’m probably gonna upgrade my conduits really quickly because i’m not producing I’m not transferring enough power because I’m making 40 40 so it’s 1 2 3 4 5 out of 40 that’s going to be too hun

No 40 that’s gonna be 2,000 I think two zeros 45 yeah 2,000 Arfa tick and then 10 here so that’s 2 1010 are fatigued and I’m only moving 200 at a time it looks like I think that’s how these conduits work isn’t it let me look yeah

I can only transfer 200 so I’m bottlenecking on the conduit so I’m gonna go ahead and go make some more conduit I’m probably gonna have to make I’m gonna do I want to go through thermal dynamics hold on let’s look at this really quickly let’s go to conduit

I can either go the energy conduit way through in through in daraya which is the basic one only runs through 640 I would have to go up to the second level to which is 512 or five 5120 eye fatigue but I’m gonna need this which requires

Glowstone and gold which I don’t have a lot of gold anymore gonna have to go to the nether this episode so I’m going to go decide what I’m going to be doing and then once i get a decision made I’ll probably just go ahead and do it so yeah I’ll see you

Guys in a little bitty bit alright guys welcome back so I’ve been doing a little bit of work and deciding on what I was one to do and I know I’m stupid I’m terrible at math but I’m making 210 I take not 2010 so I don’t really worry

About going to the nether which is great I wouldn’t head and made myself an ally smelter which wasn’t that difficult it just caught it just took a lot of iron and I have never stripped mine for iron before but today I’ve stripped mine for iron and borrowed a little bit more from

The smeltery which I’ve taken it all now going to put it back whenever I go strip mining yay ah that’s great time so yeah let’s go ahead make a conduit Richard which is really simple and easy you just need this conduit which you just need conductive iron which is just iron at

Redstone inside of an alloy smelter let’s go grab some more binding you make the binding by making something called more this and yeah you make more of this but you make conduit composite you smelt it down you make conduit minor which is great so let’s go ahead and remove my oh

Yeah my pick broke let’s go ahead and take apart these guys did I don’t need them anymore I’m gonna be upgrading from 200 RF attic to over 600 it’s over 600 oh my god uh it’s great so yeah 640 which is a great upgrade and i love i

Love i absolutely love in rio it’s so much better than a lot of other conduit mods or any energy transfer mods because you can put conduits inside of each other which is great which will be will be able to utilize later on the series these guys look like they’ve all I’ve

Been gone through I’ve already put some more coal in there I’m really quick before we head out cuz I got it one more thing I want to do today’s episode I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to do I have any copper let’s see if visits

Melted up yay look at all this stuff oh my goodness all of the oars yes I love or duplication it makes things so much easier so it’s going to put all the stuff in here I don’t know if you guys noticed but I kind of try to make this

Chest look nobody will ever see it so it’s kind of I set I put my most valuable chest in the floor and it kind of matches around it so hoping nobody sees it just in case I know I won’t I know we’re all friends on the server and we wanted to worry about

Anybody stealing our stuff again if you do if you really do need something it feel free to take from my stuff it won’t bother me just make sure you put it back if you take a lot make sure you put it back if you just take a little bit i

Probably won’t even notice but um I just wanted to make I thought it looked really cool so it was in dent in the floor I wonder if any of you guys even notice it was there anyways that’s that was pretty dumb with me but I thought it

Was pretty funny so let’s go and put some stuff away Bam Bam Bam Bam make sure I get all this stuff out of my inventory just skates fit is in my inventory and we can stick this in here nuggets that should be good composite seems good enough to me put that in

There I don’t really need these anymore I made a bunch of them not knowing that I wasn’t going to use them which is kind of stupid of my part but hey it’s just red stone it’s just red sunlit so let’s go and put that back in there one thing

I want to make I think I’m gonna be able to so let’s grab this grab this I think I’m going to lead I want to make energy cell and make it and to make the energy cell that I’m thinking of let’s look up energy energy code uh uh reference check

So we’re gonna need copper a let’s own energy frame which she’s gonna take some glass do I have any glass please guess I thought ahead so let’s go ahead and make an energy cell because I want to be able to store up the energy that I’m making

That see it because I’m going to be making a surplus of energy I want to be able to store it without worrying about any kind of loss so we’re gonna need this and I think I’m gonna need please tell me I don’t need electrum mmm dang

It i think i can make it really simple since we’ve got the since we’ve got the alley smelter we can make this really simply just like that yeah so let’s go and pass this this up i absolutely love in daraya their stuff is so great i love

Their stuff they have got to be oh my goodness it’s got to be one of my favorite power energy like power mod because it has a lot of great tech they don’t have a lot of power generation in their mud but they have a lot of they

Have a lot of compact systems like compact machines they have a lot of really useful items that they can that really makes the mod really useful so I really are really highly recommend using I see nice but using um and Rio for your all of your conduits

And energy transfer needs so yeah that’s them I don’t know I felt like telling you guys that so let’s do I think we can just take this one out and stick this here and we’ll do BAM receive push and it should be are we stable I think we

Are why are we stable oh I’m receiving from that side and I’m pushing out this side so now we should be receiving power sweet so I won’t be losing any power from this and I’m probably gonna upgrade this right away cuz I’m only accepting it was i’m only sending and receiving

200 RF a tick but to in order to do that I’m gonna need n VAR i think you know what maybe i can make in bar let’s let me look let me look do we have any Ferris um we do and we have one piece of

Iron dang it so we won’t be able to do that for right now but I think that’s gonna be good cuz i really i just want what do I have you in here I remember why I have that in there we’re gonna be running through that in just a couple

Seconds so let’s go and put that back in there back then they’re sweet so off-screen i am going to be messing around with a couple different things i want to mess around with getting some more food because if you haven’t realized yet i’m out of food I need to

Go I have an idea really quickly I want to introduce you guys to Ahmad I was looking through cold we have it on this modpack called Pam’s harvest crap let’s go ahead and do this put that in there and will smell that up how long is this

Going to take sweet that’s not gonna take too long so let’s look at Pam’s harvest craft really quickly Pam’s there and adds a ton of food option so I was looking through this and I was looking for alternatives to my toast because I absolutely love the toast because the

Toast is a lot it’s really good and it’s really easy to make cuz all you got to do is smoke bread breads really easy to get so I thought that was really cool so yeah of course we have our toast but there’s a lot of different alternatives

For toast and I saw you can make hamburgers at a toast I thought that was funny so all you got to do is make a skillet and some iron with a stick and once this stuff up let’s do let’s actually make a little bit on screen with you guys so let’s go

Ahead and smelt apart bread let’s go and make our skillet oh we don’t have a piece of iron oh no oh no I didn’t think about that oh well you guys know what I’m doing so I’m basically going to be going through Pam’s harvest craft pretty

Soon I don’t know if I’m going to be doing it on screen but I’m gonna be doing this off I don’t know if I’m going to be doing on screen or off-screen but I really want to get some better food because I’m basically just using I was

Just using toast but i’d like to go look and see look through the tears because you can use like you can make hamburgers you can make chili I don’t know why you would want to make chili you can make freakin walnut raisin bread why why would you want all this stuff but they

Add so much food and so much food options and I love food I’m just gonna put that out there so I thought that was pretty funny i just want to show you guys that mod oh no i hit the wrong button holy crap up we’re back I think I

Went to hit the what did the escape button or wait what was I doing no I went to hit the back button and accidentally I think I hit f12 on accident and that which is full screen so yeah I’m sorry about the blackout guys but yeah I think that’s gonna be it

For today’s episode guys off-screen I’m probably gonna do a lot of mining i’m also going to be working around look and auto repairs itself I knew it look I’ve got full diamond rating out I’m probably gonna be messing around with his armor off-screen figure out what all i could

Put on it I know you can put feather falling there’s a feather falling modifier there’s a night-vision modified for the goggles there’s a gliding modifier I think for the wings and there’s a lot of other stuff I even thought I even heard that Ivan saw where they said this stuff was fireproof or

Lava proof and I want to go test that out maybe next episode so I’m gonna be doing a lot of this off-screen so yeah that’s gonna be it for today’s episode guys I hope that you guys did enjoy as always if you hated this video you know

Where to put it but if you did enjoy make sure you smash that like button for me guys it really does mean a lot to me i love seeing i love seeing you guys come back every single day and i love i love seeing the new people in the

Comment section so don’t forget to put down any questions comments or smart remarks and comments sections down there I do I really do love hearing from you guys if you’ve made it this far in the video don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already so yeah thank you guys

For sticking to the end of the video you guys are the bomb all of you guys were still here right now you guys are the bomb so thank you guys for all of your amazing support you guys are really i really can’t just say anymore that how

Impressed and amazed that i am how great you guys are thank you guys for all of your support i’ll see you guys next time peace out and help all of you have a great wonderful rest of yo day see you next time guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods – FTB Infinity Evolved – Episode 3 – Power & Ore Automation! (Hypermine Server)’, was uploaded by BallentineLP on 2015-11-19 21:16:01. It has garnered 1214 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:01 or 1441 seconds.

Thank you all so so much for checking out today’s video, i had a ton of fun making it. If you did enjoy make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more content. Also leave me some feed back because you know i love any kinda interaction that comes from all of you.

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    Ultimate Gamerfleet Jack Funny Moments Compilation Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. With its endless possibilities, players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes, mine resources, and build structures ranging from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s open-world nature allows for limitless creativity, making it a favorite among gamers of all ages. Surviving the Night One of the key challenges in Minecraft is surviving the night. As darkness falls, dangerous creatures such as zombies… Read More

  • INSANE! Surviving 100 Days in MCPE 1.20.73

    INSANE! Surviving 100 Days in MCPE 1.20.73Video Information bertahan hidup selama 100 hari di Minecraft Pocket Edition aku gak yakin bisa bertahan hidup sampai hari ke-100 tapi aku akan mencoba untuk tidak mati di challenge ini tujuanku adalah mendapatkan full set Diamond Armor mengalahkan Ender Dragon dan mendapatkan elitra video ini tidak mudah dibuat jadi satu like dan satu subscribe itu sangat berarti bagiku jika kalian penasaran tonton video ini sampai habis di hari pertama aku melihat pohon dari jauh jadi aku langsung ke sana ketika mau menebang pohon aku melihat cari blasum tapi aku putuskan untuk menebang kayu ini saja lalu kayu tadi aku buat… Read More

  • Crossing Boundaries: Gmod Squad Minecraft

    Crossing Boundaries: Gmod Squad MinecraftVideo Information okay I think we’re live hopefully with no internet troubles today oh well that’s a bad sign we good I hope we good are we live [Music] H maybe I think we’re live I think we are okay cool uh so welcome everybody to the stream welcome back to Minecraft and all that just give me one moment while I send uh Crunchy just reached out to me he needs something from me that cannot wait so just give me a moment to really quick quickly take care of that if it’ll let me come on get there… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bedrock School Adventure LIVE

    EPIC Minecraft Bedrock School Adventure LIVEVideo Information ah Hm Aduh iklannya lama banget coy nah Halo teman-teman semua balik lagi bersama aku guys di game Minecraft Coy ya oke [Musik] Halo teman-teman semua ya Welcome back guys Oke mana nih gak ada lagi pertama Wi Halo Satria pertama sama BBM pertama kocak welcome welcome Satria gaming ya Aduh guys guys Entar ya teman-teman gua udah afk selama 3 jam guys ya di tempat ini coyness 3 Uh mantap juga nih guys mantap juga nih tapi looting dua ya Aduh wah ini mantap guys kagak Bong aku ini bagus cok tapi looting dua ng loting guys… Read More

  • Macedawg’s Shocking Rollercoaster Finale – MSMP

    Macedawg's Shocking Rollercoaster Finale - MSMPVideo Information um we’re back at playing some more ma dog smpp um yeah I mean there’s a there’s a lot going on or a lot to get over I guess for this um hopefully everybody’s got the notification um trying to see if I did YouTube’s funky like that if I use streamlabs sometimes it works perfectly fine other times I get absolutely no notification so hopefully for anybody that does want to be watching oh there we go just took an extra minute but hopefully everybody’s here um probably take a couple minutes for everybody to kind of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft sand art MERMAID MAN reveal!

    Unbelievable Minecraft sand art MERMAID MAN reveal!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft sand art (MERMAID MAN) | #shorts #minecraft #sandart #mermaidman’, was uploaded by Aveline Gaming on 2024-01-12 12:00:35. It has garnered 9706 views and 189 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Hello everyone, Aveline here welcome to my channel. Here You will find lots of entertainment, exciting matches, Funny contents and lot more. I’ll stream on daily basis. So #LIKE a .nd #SUBSCRIBE to my channel. SEE you guys in my next stream. You Can Donate Through — UPI I’D : sanchitakundu97-1@okhdfcbank You Can Donate Through — Gpay :… Read More

  • Unbelievable Tetration in Minecraft 1.7.10!

    Unbelievable Tetration in Minecraft 1.7.10!Video Information This video, titled ‘GregTech New Horizons | Minecraft 1.7.10’, was uploaded by Tetration on 2024-03-07 13:34:34. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:49 or 6949 seconds. im back #minecraft #mc #gaming #greg #gregtech #gtnh Read More

  • “Insane Encounter with Creeper in Minecraft!” | Vtuber Highlights

    "Insane Encounter with Creeper in Minecraft!" | Vtuber HighlightsVideo Information shh don’t say a word oh I think he saw us we got a we got a sword on us right no we lost the sword I forgot I’m so scared man I am so scared I don’t know what to do should I just go in and start like hitting him with the with that wooden axe hey okay let’s scare ourselves up give give give me some give me some some motivation buttercups give me something okay he found us we don’t have a choice now hey you oh okay he got a little bit of… Read More

  • “Shocking Minecraft Raid in Woodlands! Episode 2” #Minecraft #EpicBattle

    "Shocking Minecraft Raid in Woodlands! Episode 2" #Minecraft #EpicBattleVideo Information welcome back adventurers Our Heroes saved the city from chaos in our last episode now the quest to find their enemies begins join us as we dive into the mystery and if you’re loving the journey hit like subscribe and share with fellow adventurers let’s dive into the next chapter of our epic Tale guys now the citizens are safe and also I find our enemy base so leave today’s lunch and come to show them what a bit mistake they made it’s a great news so let’s go guys but remember as I know they have enough… Read More

  • Ultimate Pokemon Tycoon Madness!

    Ultimate Pokemon Tycoon Madness!Video Information will imagine a Pokemon world but it’s a tycoon welcome milans to Pokemon Tycoon gen one a brand new challenge we created for you today in Minecraft two teams have a factory where they need to upgrade in order to get their Pokemon Squad the more you upgrade your factory the better the Pokemon can get unlock the training grounds to build up your squad and prepare for the final battle arena comment down below which team you think will win it’s finally happened atlanteans welcome to the first ever Pokemon Tycoon this is going to be amazing… Read More

  • TheSurvivalistSMP

    TheSurvivalistSMPMap Reset 8/1/2022 TheSurvivalistSMP is an up and coming Survival server. Our Survival server offers relaxing, endless gameplay with McMMO, intuitive land claiming, and over 200 quests! With an economy system present, take advantage of jobs to purchase things from other players or from the server! To add to the difficulty of regular Minecraft, we have challenging mobs that begin to spawn following your natural progression. Speaking of progression, there are in-game ranks that can be acquired using your in-game money and playtime to earn more perks as you progress. We also love the idea of player based communities so… Read More

  • Cosmic Station: semi-anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to CosmicStation! Join our semi-anarchy server at, inspired by 2b2t’s charms. The map never resets, allowing you to build or grief without consequences. Our vanilla server has no alterations, and we have a lively Discord community. The only rule is NO CHEATING. Have fun! Read More

  • Scar SMP

    Scar SMPSCAR SMPWelcome to the page for the Scar SMP, a true anarchy survival server based on the 1.12.2 version.Our server runs on Paper, we are a brand new server (Although spawn is already griefed heavily)Our only rules:Dont make lag machines.Dont DDoS/Crash the serverDuping is allowedFlight is enabledWe heavily base our antics on the popular, and oldest anarchy server, 2b2t. Though we beg not to be compared, we are different.WE ARE STILL IN HEAVY DEVELOPMENT AND TWEAKING!!If you have any suggestions, please do join our discord server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “New update: time to flex”

    Minecraft Memes - "New update: time to flex"Looks like the update hit harder than your mom hitting the snooze button in the morning. Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Miser: A Smiley Stingy Surprise!

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Miser: A Smiley Stingy Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With memes and animations, each video a delight, Bringing smiles to faces, shining so bright. From the classroom series to songs adapted with glee, Cube Xuan’s channel is where you want to be. So follow along, subscribe without delay, For Minecraft news in rhymes, each and every day. With humor and fun, Cube Xuan’s style is unique, Crafting content that’s sure to pique. So leap into the verse, let the story take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft PvP Memes to Make You LOL

    Hot Minecraft PvP Memes to Make You LOL “Why did the Minecraft player bring a shovel to the PvP match? To dig their own grave!” #minecrafthumor #pvpfunny #memesfordays Read More

  • Join Minewind: Explore Thrilling Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Explore Thrilling Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video of Sapphire running around a little village in Minecraft. The video was filled with excitement, humor, and unexpected twists that kept us on the edge of our seats. Sapphire’s unique personality and gaming style made us want to dive into the world of Minecraft ourselves. While watching Sapphire’s adventures, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await us on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine exploring vast landscapes, encountering mysterious creatures, and building your own virtual paradise. The thrill of survival, the joy of creativity, and the… Read More

  • Technoblade Roasts YouTubers Over Reuben’s Death

    Technoblade Roasts YouTubers Over Reuben's Death Minecraft: Story Mode – Reuben’s Death Reaction Technoblade’s Emotional Response Technoblade, known for his exceptional Minecraft skills and entertaining content, showcased a rare emotional side in his reaction to Reuben’s death in Minecraft: Story Mode. The loss of Reuben, a beloved character in the game, struck a chord with Technoblade, leading to a heartfelt response that resonated with his audience. Other YouTubers’ Reactions CaptainSparklez, Logdotzip, and DanTDM also shared their reactions to Reuben’s death, each bringing their unique perspective to the emotional moment. These popular YouTubers added depth to the storyline by expressing their genuine feelings towards the character’s… Read More

  • Secret Vault Build in Minecraft Server! Join Now! ?mc

    Secret Vault Build in Minecraft Server! Join Now! ?mcVideo Information what’s good what’s good what’s good all right sorry about that chat live now oh God what am I getting hit by relax spider why is it two spiders inside the base all right what’s up what’s good what’s good hello Frosty sorry chat I was not prepared give me a moment go there how you doing Frosty go to the other stream now hold on go I think on go back please this one there hello Mario what’s good chat what’s good what’s good what’s good what’s good how you guys doing today more Minecraft is this… Read More

  • Terrifying Encounter with MUTANT HEROBRINE

    Terrifying Encounter with MUTANT HEROBRINEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary MUTANT HEROBRINE almost killed me… (Minecraft wait what meme part 6)’, was uploaded by iMuqan on 2024-03-12 17:00:04. It has garnered 2211 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:22 or 202 seconds. Scary MUTANT HEROBRINE almost killed me… (Minecraft wait what meme part 6) The most cursed Minecraft… Check out wait what memes playlist :). ~~~~~~~~~~ 👍 Liking my content will support this channel a lot 👀 Subscribe if you like my Content 🔔 Turn on the Bell TO get my latest content !!! ~~~~~~~~~~ MUSIC BY c418 Read More

  • 🚀 DRONIO: First MOB in Minecraft REVEALED?! #shorts

    🚀 DRONIO: First MOB in Minecraft REVEALED?! #shortsVideo Information Какой самый первый моб в Майнкрафте в Майнкрафте существует 50 видов различных мобов но кого из них добавили самым первым скорее всего многие из вас могут подумать что это Зомби или скелет эти мобы и вправду были добавлены давно Но они всё равно не самые первые настоящие олды Майнкрафта скажут что это паук но и паук не является самым первым мобом Так какой же моб по-настоящему самый первый в Майнкрафте и назывался Он стой ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя… Read More

  • Jeffy’s Craziest Escape in Minecraft MM2!

    Jeffy's Craziest Escape in Minecraft MM2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Don’t Get CAUGHT in Minecraft MM2!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft on 2024-02-02 22:02:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today, Jeffy, Marvin, Daisy and Gooby play MM2 In Minecraft! Will Jeffy be able to survive and figure out who the MURDERER is? Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival in Hindi! 🔥🌲 | Episode 1

    Insane Minecraft Survival in Hindi! 🔥🌲 | Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java Survival Series: Epic Beginnings in Hindi! 🌲🔥 | Gameplay Episode 1 |’, was uploaded by TOXIC PLAYZ on 2024-01-09 14:13:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Java Survival Series: Epic Beginnings in Hindi! | Gameplay Episode 1 🏷️ Tags & Keywords: Minecraft Fps Test … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Challenge! Can We Hit 300k Subs?!

    Insane Minecraft Build Challenge! Can We Hit 300k Subs?!Video Information [Music] oh oh [Music] yo what’s up crater Sky how are you bud [Music] oh oh oh I’m good that’s awesome what’s up ory demon hey easy I wanted to let you know you’re an amazing streamer I do not want you to quit yo Orie Damon yo thank you ory Damon that was very nice thank you that was very nice of you [Music] [Music] yo what’s up Lucas that’s what we like to see W’s happy Thursday happy Thursday Lucas Lucas [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a oh [Music] my you put some amazing work into your videos… Read More

  • 🍁Become a Pokemon Master in Minecraft!

    🍁Become a Pokemon Master in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【JP/EN #minecraft 】ポケモン初心者がマイクラ世界でポケモンマスターになる!?#2【#新人vtuber 】’, was uploaded by 葵杏くれは🍁⛩新人Vtuber on 2024-01-14 14:16:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank-you for coming! I’m still coughing like I have a cold, but please forgive me! ! ! I’m playing Minecraft MOD’s Pixelmon! Almost all Pokemon… Read More

  • Losing my mind in Minecraft Art 145 – CRAZIEST episode yet! 👀

    Losing my mind in Minecraft Art 145 - CRAZIEST episode yet! 👀Video Information we viory [Music] viory viory tomato one one one Ro yeah for we to get down get down 10 kills on the board right now just wa to my friend was gone down I revived him now we’re heading southbound This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 145 | 9/11’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-04-29 15:46:37. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Art Transformation in Minecraft! 😱🎨 #marvel

    Mind-Blowing Anime Art Transformation in Minecraft! 😱🎨 #marvelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Before and After VFX 🎬🟩 Minecraft #marvel #minecraft #music #animation’, was uploaded by anime art🎨 Channel on 2024-01-10 08:40:08. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Before and After VFX 🎬🟩 Minecraft #marvel #minecraft #music #animation Read More

  • Complexity SMP Modded SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to Complexity SMP! About Us: Complexity SMP is a 2 1/2 month-old Minecraft server focused on exploration and quality of life mods. Join our tight-knit community for a long-lasting world full of creativity and adventure. Join Our Discord: Our active Discord server is filled with useful features to help you get started and connect with other players. Join us here! Modpack Features: Explore mods like Alex’s Caves, Create, Cataclysm, and Iron’s Spells for a mix of creative freedom and engaging gameplay. Enjoy the journey to the late game power spikes! Check out the modpack: Click here to explore the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting memes after finding third Minecraft book

    Looks like someone leveled up in meme-making skills! Read More

  • “Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!” 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes

    "Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!" 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes When you’re trying to impress someone with your knowledge of Minecraft materials but all you can think of is the Italian version of the periodic table. #minecraftfail #nerdproblems 😂🤓🇮🇹 Read More

BallentineLP – Minecraft Mods – FTB Infinity Evolved – Episode 3 – Power & Ore Automation! (Hypermine Server)