Become a Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Master

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Hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more J so Kaizen mod with me and I do say welcome back because well this is technically the start of a new series it’s off the back of several other series uh yeah may may be slightly because this mod has a lot

Of different ways you can play it and th having a lot of fun with it also enem is currently out I’m quite HED to play it and we’re getting regular updates which always help but yes we’re finally doing it it’s happening b b so we’ve played as

Ability cuz you get new cop ability that was really cool we played with Cur spit manipulation with G’s ability that was really fun it was also a really different style because I was very used to having like abilities to actively fight with whereas he was very passive

In a lot of ways because you could summon things to fight for you and I wasn’t as keen on that to begin with whenever we’re doing that sort of again we’re going to use Mega’s ability we’re going to use the 10 Shadows cuz people have been asking for the de FR ages

Originally I wasn’t interested in doing it but you know recent updates have changed and suede my mind a little bit so here we are so yeah we’re doing this now it’s happening again it’s never ending b b although some things have changed some things have changed I have

The little s mod working again uh yeah so turns out I never had it working at 1.6 before that was a thing I I never had it working also I’m currently in Creative mod I forgot I had to fly over make sure the l c was working I literally I never had it

Working before I apparently while 16 they had a different system in place to get it working it works sing It’s Easy in single player on a server slightly different I fa it wasn’t that hard but I hadn’t done it before so like I previously used L season 1.12 I just

Start it up for it to work at 1.2 and so my brain went well you’ve used it before it should just work then I went to the world and nothing happened and I’m like oh okay that’s weird and then I just sort of went away from there and didn’t

Really notice how to fix it then I went had a proper look at the mod page follow its instructions and very quickly realized what I was doing wrong essentially I had to start a single player world then move a folder from the single player world over to my

Multiplayer but yeah it was easy once I got it going but I had to I very quickly since I joined the world went C FW make sure one of these existing so I’m like no I’m making sure this actually works this time but hey we’ve got it why would

I want this in simple lots of buildings destroy this mod is so cool for its destruction properties uh like slammed against things and exploding or get just moves gently smashing and destroying things having big structures just seems like a fun time honestly using a c map

With this mod would be amazing so yeah anyway should we get started proper so we’ve got our outfit which we’ll be using probably we’ve got bug so never we don’t have to eat anymore lovely and then finally we’re going to use Mei and with

That we have the T Shadow s so how does this thing work well apparent ly since the last update it now has all 10 Shadows which uh I I wrongfully said it did previously then it didn’t but it got the last one it got the deer the deer is

Now in they’re all in they’re all here all of them including that guy but yeah also yeah tiger fural piercing CR deer rabbit Escape Max elephant toad Great Serpent new Dain dog black and Dain dog white all here I currently have access to the vain dogs to get other ones I

Have to beat them and that will give me access to them kill kill kill also got access to General stuff and fight and bum but we’re starting a brand new thing so go go for there ox’s a prison there probably shouldn’t enter that cuz I get a weird feeling I know what will

Happen even if I summon the dogs I’m currently like I’m brand new I’ve got like next to powerups I need to kill some curses and stuff so yeah maybe let’s not go into prison straight away maybe let’s go and look at like things to fight s be go vain dog White kill

Him yeah there we go I’m not great four sorcer Al the hell apparently yeah know people have been asking you to do this kind of series for a while cuz they know the Shadows technique is pretty cool I did thought about it but I wasn’t super interested idea originally then did Cur Spirit

Manipulation that kind of swayed me about an idea of using mobs because beforeand I was more interested in active abilities you know things like you give my copy abilities I can use a bunch of stuff for things like go Jones abilities I could use really flashy C techniques and stuff and all

That kind of I I was more interested in things like that originally I didn’t really like the passive abilities nearly as much yeah I’m SL I’m slightly more suede now I’m more interested in the idea of you know this kind of thing cuz I quite bit of fun with the Cur Spirit

Manipulation CU yeah turns of just being tanky and having things fight for you can have some fun of its own I would say though yeah as a curs spirit manipulator we had access to way more stuff and way more of a variety because you could literally summon like curses that could

Use the main expansions among other things so yeah there there was a whole bunch of stuff going on there but whatever it’s fine it’s cool my dog here dog still here hello dog pretty sure I was a Max elephant amongst there also I’m going to go in the tunnel really quick you can

Spawn no this one’s not going to okay okay okay okay okay interesting yeah oh no there is things yeah this is what I’m going to like about this world is Lost Cities moding so that means technically we can find some C cities to go around and that will just mean unique

Structures and unique things spawning in areas and yeah things like the bridges and stuff to F on I know a slight twist a slight different technique we’re going to use also yeah I feel I go for the thing in the room yeah we know there’s some other things I can be doing with

This power I’ll probably get to that at some point we’ll see how it goes I need to build myself up to that point first I think okay first first things first I need to do a couple of things like I need to go and yeah get Woods do the

Usual start mcraft stuff I need to get a weapon of some kind so I need something to hit things with probably need to go set my spawn point somewhere that isn’t the middle of a SE so arguably finding a sky a good idea I need to get better armor but we know we

Can do that now know that’s actually be really easy cuz if we find a graveyard we can get better armor really simply I mean we just have to speed that tier one curse Darkness being H double manage that b b there thing there yeah let’s not fight him he’ll s

Way better things than I will I to oh me forgetting I’m not even looking at my inventory properly me forgetting we’ve got we’ve got things in our inventory slightly I need to fight the instinct to right click these things also where is my dog wait what dog I care Ry dog no we’re

Hust is wait what do you mean he’s dead wait what huh dog dead why dog dead apparently the vine White’s dead okay how’d that happen when did he fight what Happ I didn’t see what happened or just cuz I ran out a frame for me just because that it counts me I

Don’t know I don’t know what happen there cool okay there’s a thing okay that’s not what we need to find oh oh no hold on that is a thing we need to find that is a thing need to find what just happened there oh no well now I know what happened

Oh this is what we want to see look at this okay it didn’t take very long for us K to rock his thing holy F okay yeah all right so k k is here then a that lovely so what I was going to say is I

Want the so s on top of that cuz then I can get the touching Soul ability thing which the is where are they they’re somewhere down there obviously uh yeah I don’t see them anywhere oh God okay yeah maybe we don’t go into the C this is kind of the thing

We want I want to see like using you fcker uh domain expansion in a c that seems like so much fun boom bom also before we go any further probably should actually do a thing me forgetting and I have to actually fight all these things

I can’t I can’t do what I did before where I just right clicked them and got rid of the inconveniences it’s going to be so getting away from that instinct i’ I’ve been collecting curses for the last couple of weeks oh it’s G weird F night instin but okay

It’s fine it’s fine it’s fine we’re different different St we’ll adapt we’ll adapt boom okay I need to collect some basic stuff just so we’ve got it then go from there see I grab a bit of caro grab a bit of coal us your shenanigans I think it’s about hit night time well

That’ll be fun uh yeah I expect to die at some point I’m going to try and for the Skyland to sleep on see if I can keep myself safe for a bit but yeah we’ll see how that goes I don’t think I can go there and get the curs thing I

Don’t think can beat Darkness yet I am a grade four sorcerer it’s a grade one Spirit like probably going to lose oh also also reason why I think I’ll probably lose so yeah I can summon to to to whatever it’s called I can summon him big wolf um

Thing though so apparently her summoning abilities work is basically the her powerful the thing you summon is partially dictated by your level so me being stronger should affect my summons I think so like it’s not case of I just summon a strong thing and it’s going to

Be strong it’s a case of I will summon a thing it’ll be whatever level is and as I get stronger it in theory should get at least a bit stronger if it’s similar to how cation works then yeah the elephants became ungodly powerful specifically once I got the achievement

For getting that Soul Sand for one but also yeah they they par got stronger because I became a special rank I things so yeah we gu we work towards that part of the way there’s a worm I can’t eat that anymore I just have to kill it toally murder

It there it is get it Twi get it it’s a grade two we can kill it together how strong is Twi I I actually no no no no no that’s a bunch of stuff hey yo all this stuff wait what is all this stuff why I

Getting I got all that charie cancer so yeah okay he’s back uh oh yeah curse energy I’m so not used to having to use this so like chis Spirit me evation I could summon like a bajillion [ __ ] and it uses no energy not the case uh shami being part

Of the technique and you’re forming them I don’t know exactly how basically Yi actually cost me curse energy so like complication so I probably shouldn’t be summing the big one for this this but also I can’t really leave you out because I move too quick and apparently I’ll lose you

So I you you’ll kind of teleport to me you’ll be really handy for beating up the little curses in local area and for arguably just protecting me in general I think about it though there’s one thing I could do really early I just got an idea actually I

Think this will work technically hold on I you get like an opening get an opening for this I’ve got an idea okay road yeah that’ll work this is fine okay what we’re going to do if I summon the deer you don’t fight this is played out to me I was

Confused to the deer didn’t fight when I summoned it in the mod review cuz it only attacks cursed Spirits so it’s just a free it’s just free there it’s just I can just take it then like yeah I can’t use it for a bit cuz like you know wait where is it where

Is it where is it there is okay right after wait why is it after oh there okay yeah no it’s it’s where it normally is where normally is I getting confused there okay okay okay okay yeah I can just beat him then cuz like yeah there’s

Just I’m dead oh God told yeah no D coming no wonder oh this is awkward this my spawn by the way uh I just spawned underground inside this building um it’s missing a floor oven I will actually grab that that’s actually good for Stuff uh but okay yeah

People told you yeah if he comes after me I’m going to be like season 2 just get trashed it’s over why am I spawned like this this is horrible where am I underground what happens am I underground I was in fact underground why why I spawn underground I didn’t set my

Spawn wait hold on can I get this with Iron Stone yeah I get with stone beautiful uh actually speaking iron we have iron so I should upgrade to iron because I am going to need stal so look get tools I probably should get like the the other tool mods working

But whatever normally I been B with a shovel so I don’t have to dig much in the way door but I actually do want to collect Soul this so I will I will grab some so I won’t need that I’ll grab I we grabb some upgrades for shovel we’ll

We’ll take an upgrade okay we need be careful I think like you that he’s going ABS Anni SP we are we’re very squidy which I’m not used to cuz most like when I went from you to yeah I’m going to be back at being I wait I spawned in that building what

Oh God I can’t heit him I can’t heit him def dog wa oh yeah plus I die all my G are dead come back so that’s cool uh thing thing thing thing oh wow the rabbits they destroying him he’s being swarmed beautiful yeah I set my spawn to

Be like over here like on this roof here where I started the video CU I just thought it’ be fun to like spawn in a a town dog get him dog actually does good damage yo more damage than I can do why I okay I can pick off little curses this

Is fine can we at least get to like grade three or something that’ be good dog can help me get the grade three divain dog black there you go just d right bit oh stingy yo wait hold on are you yeah you technically I can kill your curses I think it still counts

Technically probably shouldn’t though I really don’t want to pick up fight with him he’s way stronger stuff than I do at its current stage okay yeah let’s pick on some little curses we’ got dogs they helpers I’ve got deer so deer cost to

Get out but if I have it out I can use it heal I’m great nice yeah okay so I can use uh the deer to here so here so if I get really injured and have a moment I can summon it and it will use reverse Cur call me so that could be

Really handy apparently oo attacks curs Spirits that’s Dragon I used to be so excited so I I to completely Chang my mainset this is show we’re going from Cur SP Evolution cuz my entire Main it justed always be if I see a really cool thing I think that’s I

Think that’s his one okay we don’t have to care about that then let’s just leave I used to like excited to go over these things I used to want to go over to all these things even early on cuz I wanted to eat them I can’t do that though uh so yeah I

Need to actually Bear in mind yeah my limitations don’t just try and Chase everything things will kill you also where are my dogs dogs help help kill the thing it’s annoying to hit help dog yeah there we go good job wait where yeah okay wait back here Co hello

Hello oh yeah spawners in this place oh yes a regular mobs will spawn too I even think about that Bonk cool uh I don’t think there’s really anything in here o that’s something to early oh yeah okay if we see a hospital in this one we definitely

Need to go and R it like as soon as we see a hospital start riding it is thought process because yeah the to on dying there we need to collect those this time we we need a collection going get as many totens of one dying as we can cuz like yeah they’re incredibly

Useful in this world for one but also they’ll make very useful TOS when I’m going against the bigger fights later on cuz I arguably think the technique I think is weaker than Kirk spurt manipulation I think I think it’s weaker in a lot of ways cuz I mean actually no definitely nowadays because

Yeah the generals been debuffed so yeah like I think we’re technically weaker because I was able to get you know bunch of other people where’s the worm going there it is Bonk kill it kill oh yeah I I the later on F are going to be way harder I think cuz of

That like I don’t know how I’m going to deal with some of the them also where okay there’s there’s there’s there’s dark black there’s dark okay you’re both here go go go go go H I’m going to go into the prison s it let’s go actually

Hold on I’m going to do since I’m injured or I want to just in the prison so the deer will charge Things o decisions uh Z let’s go around the front of the thing first BK right part your building go come dear heal me beautiful oh okay durable charge thing cool

Now okay that wasn’t part of the plan that wasn’t part of the plan that wasn’t part of I didn’t mean to fall down here there’s a fish where’s my I can’t get over to the monster where is my curses seriously you’re not going to you’re not going to help he going to

Stand there not going to jump down and defend me can’t hit monster very well he’s an annoying Target he’s breaking Fox Okay uh H the finger bear is not here I was wondering if round deer could work against it being a’t here yeah never mind it’s probably because I left the

Area oh hold on wonder way again I twil come out again you die I summon rounder wait where’s round deer yeah round deer is still here huh I mean I like to he’s a really powerful creature I just don’t get why die again I I just I just moved away from

It that is odds yeah whatever right okay stay time again let’s go look for another floaty place to go live I need I need a new spawn point is not necess oh hello okay there a graveyard there right okay hold on hold on hold on S things

One bed where’s a bed why youing at my spawn point in this local area there’s a bed Perfect all right spawn point set not a great spawn point but it’s Set uh then we’re going to steal this bed for sleeping in later cool next thing area

Boom boom we’re going in that second one oh no this is a mistake I’ve I’ve made mistakes toity go we’re we’re we’re around here come heal me please shle me shle me please let me stay under your head thank you right try this again sure we can beat this thing with

To helping us to is pretty strong okay we got done yeah to is tanking yeah that worked to murder oh yeah I tank that no bother this is what round deer is for wa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I don’t think so

Mate what you do see my poor dear oh my poor dear getting ATT apparently Iron Golems don’t like him then what are you up to interesting hard I guess I need to cancel technique before going underr see probably cancel technique so the only thing used to be cancel

Technique it was no bother cuz you know Su again didn’t cost anything by thing I’m talking about when I had C SP manipulation I’m always going to be talking about when I spr manipulation it’s going to be it’s going to be on my brain the fact that it’s different now

Bonk so attack could be useful here cuz I’m weak I need to be up a bunch of skeletons things get bad I’ll summon the I’ll summon the deer again it’s fine else what we got in here bunch of thing bunch of thing bunch of thing thing actually this might be

Useful like yeah I don’t think a going app be too useful I actually thinking maybe it will be useful I get attacked by a bunch of stuff stuff I’ll take it right um what there’s over here I saw things I saw things I saw things what’s happening in here there

Bad things happening in here how bad are things yeah okay we’re going to summon we’re going to summon we’re going to summon TW go TW wait hold on can you even hit us wait we’re on the ground I just summon you uhoh you no wait you I can face face hold on

You’re a burn that can f he actually is doing a pretty good job of still being a pain yo you’re a really handy thing but I need I need you to okay yeah tally assist please T’s so strong I didn’t mean to summon him oh God I have enough energy to summon

Up oh no oh no you’re just going to kill us you the [ __ ] yeah yeah you thought summoning the bird in a confined space good idea until you remember it has a paralyzing wing attack and has the mobility of the fishing yeah no never never never never a good idea that was

Silly never do that again as it turns out yeah uh small annoying creatures that I always find annoying yeah they’re still annoying get away they’re still annoying no you’re still here oh no oh no oh no hold on hold on hold on I don’t if this one count I have this one can’t

For me the dog black where go okay M you spawned there okay whatever he that or he just spawned off to a different area no no there he is there he is dog wait help never yes you okay okay that sorted out yeah never never again never again never

Never did that kind of thing that was a silly idea but never mind it worked on our favor this time after dying uh I was more worried something bad would be down here I thought yeah okay I’ll set a thing so if I die I can come

Back really quick yeah I didn’t think that thing was going to me summoning the wrong thing never mind okay so uh yeah reum I want come down here as diamonds I’m netherite in it also ambr which I actually think about it will be really f

For if we want to get books cuz we’re have to get like mending at some point so that’s going to help move things along to that but yeah crucially right now how do this work again if I use this hold on it’s like if I use yeah that there we go gu smithing

Table technically I can make diamond chest plate and then make another just lovely first upgrades just straight into netherite perfect exactly what we want yeah this mod makes a lot easier getting stuff out also my sword is getting damaged okay I’m going to go find a rainbow dragon Hill cuz has more

Weapons in it there’s a thought what I would say if I didn’t know there was another one of these hilles right here okay we’re doing this first we’re doing this first there we go here we go wait help there we go right uh we want I

Think new to help us cuz new is a flyer you can batter think also you apparently has a bit of Health as a bit of tanky show you know he going to you assist wait I can fly on use back can I I can least sit on your back yo where

Are you use off murdering stuff hello oh it’s a good bird can I use you to f oh I can okay Sor Sor can you actually go up or what oh oh oh a w hold on hold on y come the [ __ ] can I can wa come

Here okay it’s like it’s it’s very it’s very over the place but I think it can the works I could I could sort of use it I it’s not like perfect flight very stretch you know it’s certainly something that is literally the thone right there Bonk

Hello where is yeah the dog black and white go kill all the things kill all the things so little ones actually you just can handle them you just can handle them no bother BK right’s that we’ll get our second piece of nether armor I I need this even

Though I’m a low level I I need this there’s too many powerful things in this world unfortunately like things like toi and that just going to exist like yeah I’m still not going to be able to beat toi but at the very least I can like not instantly die which would be

Nice the [ __ ] oh this is what you’re meant to First go in oh it’s under a grave oh I see I I never I never want to actually thought doing that so you might go in there there’s not be opening there you might go through this area here up these stairs

Here then round the gate okay okay I mean we’re not cuz like I mean we could but we’re not going to do that it’s going to break through the floor and jump down I suppose it seems like the more optimal way to do it if I’m being honest but um

Okay guess I can use this to go at the very least and with that some nether leggings beautiful lovely right so get out of the way two graveyards next to each other fantastic moving on yeah I still haven’t find a good place to place my bed like

Okay having a like a town in door bits nice but yeah honestly bad things will spawn in then actually destroy the village at some point if I’m in the area they more likely to occur if I’m up in the air it’s far less likely our creature is going to spawn up

There yeah that’s not good uh nah I’m good uh I don’t I I don’t think I try that I think I just move away from there and uh let other people handle It a while before we’re going anywhere near that that is the angle there G A well before we can even attempt something like that well elephant can you me from under here I don’t think you can you know you can’t so simple to beat him stand on the ground so simple you aiming

At no idea he just killed them oh I really did he okay apparently it wasn’t just my one that got buff in no he’s definitely stronger he’s definitely stronger there’s no way he was going toble going be able to do that before there’s no freaking way oh no lost me dogs that’s unfortunate

Tsunami I think I tsunami like CH or something that I saw no thank you is that is that Dory that’s his territory it’s fine on ow well want just up on there I want to get the sh s up there don’t know if I can now oh no it’s over it’s over we’ve

Dropped we’re down below oh no oh no yeah maybe there’s stuff down here I can find stuff I think m s is going to get Mur I can’t get back up wait oh wait hold on no no let me no come back I need to fly

On you get us up there come on I don’t know if you can I don’t know if you can just give give it your best shot mate I generally don’t know if this bird can even fly like on commands like if I start looking a direction like pressing up and stuff

And any control to this thing like he will move in directions I point out like if I tell him to go that way and that way he will go that way just the flying aspects doesn’t really seem to do F he’ll fly in his own when he feels like

It that’s s of it oh oh no we’re going we’re going and he’s back down again you were doing so well there mate and you got distracted by those enemies just ignore them get me out of here I need out of this hole come on come on

You up there b up there come on oh oh he’s going oh oh band ship band ship we get here we’re good here cancel curse technique I’m station now whatever we’ll just run through it whatever I’m on the surface okay K works it kind of it’ll kind of

Let you fly on them a bit like wasn’t nothing that is a dead end oh dear well luck I can beat the app that was something bigger chasing there i’ be a lot of trouble ra now a a platform yes go now yeah they just run around they

Randomly until I found a platform excellent beautiful fantastic bum go yeah so um couple of things just running through that there so that reminded me of some stuff so uh yeah I play D as a thing uh some people notice cuz you know mention before and yeah so

One things that doing one it’s based off of our web comics where they’re currently thing underground and and it’s based off a power system where IR the gas system and coins and you know all that kind of as kind but it also get me thinking the

Fact that I was like yeah if I had to do d and d and I wanted to like start like one channel I thought like people are going to have any level interest in it probably to be anime would it I’m like okay what anime ones would you do and

Like obviously one be spring to cuz like that seems like an obvious one for me um I I started thinking of was like what if youu your kaen d& D how would that work how would you implement like these techniques and stuff into that cuz you ka is a weird one where like

Monsters very easily you can just have curse Spirits be monstered like it it seems like it’s a thing it could work then how do you implement the curse Spirit techniques stuff like like sorry uh the curse techniques not the Cur Spirit techniques how you implement the curse techniques that comes the next

Question I don’t know thought say he’s there he’s there hold on need to get ins save Round Here charge I need to heal while fighting I need to heal W fighting I need to heal W fighting him he’s technically a special G he’s technically quite strong but I have netherite armor

Now on I think he’s killed the bird yeah okay the armor is definitely helping I can tank so much better now I have damage resiliance I have a deer it’s really high level heal me oh you are a good thing you are a good summon and you’re basically

Free what can he do he doesn’t fight back he only attacks cursers he’s so good than good dear a beautiful huh so got one of these then h i wonder I wonder what it’s uh wonder wonder what it’s worth doing with that interesting thought that interesting got one of these so early I

Actually wasn’t sure if I able to beat the Cur better early but getting NE right armor boosted my confidence and uh yeah the deer it’s free we can use it Sky Island beautiful also Nom we’re doing it we’re doing it we’re going this rout it’s happening screw

It also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to our late members the joining members Sebastian Ramsey Alex barar 13 and BG the loser and our on member monster Q thank you all very

Much for the extra awesome support but

This video, titled ‘LETS MASTER THE COMPELETE 10 SHADOWS STYLE! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 1’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2023-12-05 21:00:08. It has garnered 5361 views and 383 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:05 or 2105 seconds.

Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v20) –



GingyGames Channel –

LETS MASTER THE COMPELETE 10 SHADOWS STYLE! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 1

#JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft

Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ

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    Minecraft: Beating Game in Tiny Space! The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Beating the Game in a 3×3 Area! Imagine being confined to a tiny 3×3 box that extends all the way to bedrock in Minecraft. Sounds impossible, right? Well, not for the brave souls who take on this ultimate challenge. Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where players push the limits of survival in the most confined space imaginable. The Challenge Begins Stuck in a cramped 3×3 area, players must navigate the limited space while striving to beat the game. Every move counts, every resource is precious. From mining to crafting, every action requires… Read More

  • Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie – Minecraft Cities & Castles

    Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie - Minecraft Cities & Castles Exploring Castle Leslie in Minecraft Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Cities & Castles, the dynamic duo of Castle Leslie enthusiasts, featuring Frayte and the narrator, embark on a thrilling adventure to explore the ancient site of Castle Leslie. This historic location boasts a modern castle that has undergone numerous expansions and rebuilds over the generations. Castle Leslie: A Blend of History and Modernity The journey through Castle Leslie in Minecraft reveals a fascinating blend of history and modern architecture. The castle stands as a testament to the evolution of architectural styles, showcasing the intricate details and grandeur… Read More

  • Crafting a Monster Bear Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Monster Bear Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious World of Minecraft: Creating the Monster Bear Portal Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, players often delve into the realm of crafting portals to explore new dimensions and encounter unique creatures. One such intriguing portal is the Monster Bear portal from the Zoonomaly game. Let’s embark on a journey to discover how to create this portal and encounter the fearsome Monster Bear. Unveiling the Monster Bear The Monster Bear is a creature shrouded in mystery and terror within the Zoonomaly game. Resembling a grizzly bear, this anomaly possesses a slender body… Read More

  • World’s First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build

    World's First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build I Built a MEGA HEART as my Nether Portal in Hardcore SupNinjaz embarked on a monumental project in his Minecraft Hardcore series by constructing a massive Nether Portal in the shape of a heart. This ambitious endeavor took him a month to complete, utilizing over 10,000 blocks. However, as he neared the finishing touches, a chilling event unfolded, adding a mysterious twist to the project. Building the Giant Heart Nether Portal SupNinjaz outlined his game plan, dividing the project into four main parts. First, he meticulously crafted the external pixel units of the heart using black concrete to give… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans

    Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft: Vijivaniyani Yorvordik in Uzbek Exploring the Vijivaniya Qilamiza Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Uzbek-language Let’s Play video showcasing the majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza. Dive into the immersive experience with stunning shaders that bring the game to life! Discovering Shaders in Minecraft Uncover the beauty of shaders in Minecraft as you delve into the Uzbek-language gameplay. Spend hours exploring the vast landscapes and intricate details with the latest shaders for a truly captivating experience! Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with shaders enabled in this… Read More

  • Block by Block: Crafting a Barn in Minecraft Survival #2

    Block by Block: Crafting a Barn in Minecraft Survival #2 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our hero sets out to fulfill their dream. Building a barn house, block by block, Surviving the challenges, ticking like a clock. With creativity and skill, they craft their abode, In survival mode, where dangers unfold. Each block placed with care, each detail refined, In this virtual world, their imagination shines. Gaming is their passion, their escape from reality, Exploring new horizons with boundless vitality. With each challenge faced, they grow stronger, In this digital world, they can’t wait any longer. So join the adventure, into the unknown, Where creativity… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #Shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😯 #minecraft#shorts #trending#wizy king #fyp’, was uploaded by WIZY KING on 2024-04-23 16:00:16. It has garnered 6684 views and 159 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys, I haven’t been able to post a video in a long time because I’m sick.They keep posting videos. Subscribe to the channel and keep it guys subscribe 🔔…….♥️ Read More

  • Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥

    Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥Video Information क्या आपको पता है मा में विलेजर्स दो टाइप के होते हैं विश्वास नहीं है तो देख लो फर्स्ट ये और सेकंड ये तो अब आप लोगों के दिमाग में क्वेश्चन आर आ रहा होगा कि भाई तूने ये विलेजर्स कैसे स्पर्म कि बताता हूं उससे पहले कर लो हमारे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब आपको जंगल बम में आपके जैसे ही आप विलेजर्स स्पम करोगे तो य विलेजर्स आना शुरू हो जाएंगे This video, titled ‘New Villagers In Minecraft 😲 #minecraft #hacks #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gulabisadi’, was uploaded by Flox Gamerz on 2024-04-16 09:47:50. It has garnered 555 views and 22… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: I Turned into a Giant Monster in Minecraft!

    EPIC PRANK: I Turned into a Giant Monster in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Pranked My Friend as a Monster Giant Alex in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-04-09 09:30:07. It has garnered 41726 views and 1521 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:39 or 759 seconds. Title: I Pranked My Friend as a Monster Giant Alex in Minecraft! Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash, Dafuq!?Boom! Parody! Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, HabitatPH 2024 Also Watch: @EsoniTV @PepeSanTV @OLIPTV @ArArPlays @potpot Comments available on: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, Sheyyyn Plays, HabitatPH 2024, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_ , Jey Jey, Moira YT, Micolee_, Shannel PH, Viccc… Read More


    💥ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION: Jerome Becomes OPTIMUS PRIME!💥Video Information today my friends and I had Transformers lucky blocks to Minecraft walls with 20 minutes to break the blocks to get the best gear possible we then battle it out in a lives battle to see who the best is in the description we added a bunch of new stuff including the Floppy Fish bomb which dropsy has no idea what we’re talking about yet but she’ll know but she’ll know soon I I’m still recovering from the balance of War can I not find out I don’t know chat what do you think else find out this… Read More

  • GREENGHOST – Secret Minecraft Realms Revealed!

    GREENGHOST - Secret Minecraft Realms Revealed!Video Information I have a video to edit I think that’s what I’m going to do your uh yeah I know they’re I think they’re going to figure out a way to make it so like the camera on your phone stays on they’re still working on stuff hey flower yeah yeah yeah yeah textas speech working now I just had to restart console all right I got to do the thumbnail yo Viper hey yes flower look at my look look at your look hold on I’m back hey text to speech is working now so my foral mem… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Armor & End Portal Hunt! MUST SEE!

    EPIC Minecraft Armor & End Portal Hunt! MUST SEE!Video Information oh I didn’t bother typing it in crap not that one come on there it goes sweet cool I wonder if that drop is still active on T talk side or not let’s see let’s see yep still going cool got that going got that going uh I think I’m good although let’s see how to go again oh that’s the armor trims okay so that makes sense and then you got those for the gold bars make the netherite bars right but then how do you go about what’s up Fort and tonight question mark I might… Read More


    ULTIMATE COOMER TEX PACK in MINECRAFT! 😱Video Information [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls and fellow cumers arise for the best texture pack ever made the ultimate Kumer texture pack in Minecraft the Cute Mob Models this pack has got me cuming 24/7 I will not be showing any baby versions of the mobs you creeps [Music] oh This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE COOMER TEXTURE PACK IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zeeknee on 2024-04-21 13:00:20. It has garnered 1011 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS PACK NOW #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftskywars #shorts THIS… Read More

  • Insane! Titanium Watermelon Flower Budget 40M DRAWAGE

    Insane! Titanium Watermelon Flower Budget 40M DRAWAGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 03:42:23. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:32 or 392 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDY

    Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDYVideo Information tiny emot Left Foot Right Foot left yeah oh This video, titled ‘GRIDDY in MINECRAFT ! Flauschi MACHT DEN GRIDDY’, was uploaded by Candy on 2024-01-08 13:00:06. It has garnered 63935 views and 4890 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. ➤➤🎉 Don’t forget to subscribe! ➤➤My real-life VLOGS: ➤➤Youtuberinsel 2: ➤➤🎮 Discord: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: ✔️ This video is kid friendly / family friendly! Read More

  • ODBO Network

    ODBO NetworkEmbark on a journey like no other and immerse yourself in the captivating world of ODBO Network. Our server is fueled by the passion and dedication of our community, and we rely on your support to help it flourish. Share your experiences on social media, create engaging content, and invite your friends to join the adventure. Together, we can expand the realm of ODBO SMP, welcoming new players, and building a vibrant community that thrives on friendship, camaraderie, and the exhilaration of Skyblock, Survival, lifesteal combat. Join us today and become a part of something extraordinary —ODBO Network awaits your… Read More

  • Complexity SMP Modded SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to Complexity SMP Complexity SMP is a 3-month-old server focused on exploration and quality of life improvements. Join our tight-knit, active community for a long-lasting world with endless creativity. Features: Explore with mods like Alex’s Caves and Create Built-in economy and Discord chat integration Unique mods for a fun late game experience Join Us: Ready to embark on a new journey? Join our Discord and check out the modpack to get started! We look forward to seeing new faces in our community! Read More

  • Minecraft boys: Hotter than Nether! 🔥

    Minecraft boys: Hotter than Nether! 🔥 When you and the boys are playing Minecraft and someone accidentally hits a pig and suddenly it’s a full-on manhunt to take down the entire village. #MinecraftProblems #PiggyPayback Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore: The Results

    100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore: The Results The Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Challenge: Surviving 100 Days Introduction Embark on an epic journey of hardcore survival in the unforgiving world of Minecraft. In this challenge, players must survive for 100 days in Hardcore Mode, where death means game over with no second chances. Day 1-10: Establishing the Basics The first days are crucial for gathering essential resources like wood, stone, and food. Exploring villages and constructing a basic shelter for protection against hostile creatures is key to survival. Day 11-30: Expanding and Mining As days progress, it’s time to delve deep underground for valuable resources like diamonds and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in Love

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in LoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Falling Pixel Art: two lovers’, was uploaded by SculptCraftQueen on 2024-05-08 06:00:28. It has garnered 445 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Embark on a journey of creativity in Minecraft as I bring forth unique and innovative creations. Witness the magic as blocks assemble and flames dance beneath, only to reveal a stunning masterpiece upon their destruction. Join me as I showcase the beauty of my craft, turning ordinary landscapes into extraordinary works of art. Don’t miss out on the enchantment; subscribe now for a world… Read More

  • TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang’s Minecraft Bans

    TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang's Minecraft BansVideo Information Minecraft is no stranger to adding features suggested or created by the community in fact there is an entire website fittingly called the feedback website and a popular subreddit where they take the community’s many suggestions some of which have even been added to the game but what’s much lesser known is that there is an interesting but mostly hidden list of features which Mojang will never add to the game they aren’t allowed and in fact will remove your post and potentially ban your account from the site if you do try to suggest them but why… Read More

  • Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!

    Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!Video Information we are here on the brand new season of Sky Block over here on complex MC and boys it literally just released not even a full hour ago so there is still a plenty of time if you guys want to go ahead and hop on and play alongside me the IP is heroic mc- is for 1.18 and above and actually both Java and Bedrock compatible now it is obviously start of the world so our journey starts today and I believe our faction from actually factions is creating an island over here on Sky Block… Read More

  • Karan – 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft Attack

    Karan - 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft AttackVideo Information you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower a bunch of flowers dude I don’t know man I’m just all about my my sunflower you know post Malone gold I told him to meet us here like is he is he over there I don’t know gold I just wanted to show him my my my play button that YouTube sent me for 200k Subs guys that I almost have oh my God you don’t have 200k Subs I almost have you don’t have you literally do not have 200k at this very moment why are you… Read More

  • Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz Oyuncu

    Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz OyuncuVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft deneyleri’, was uploaded by deli oyuncu on 2024-02-10 16:52:16. It has garnered 5508 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱

    Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱Video Information जल्दी से अबे मेरे में इतना दम नहीं है कि मैं इसको इतनी बड़ी स्ड से मार दूं यार लगता है मुझे ही मारना पड़ेगा गाइस लगता है मुझे स् ओ मिनियन ने आखिरकार अपना अपनी ताकत दिखा ली इसका साइज तो देखो गाइस मिनियन का साइज तो देखो जरा इस मिनियन का साइज देखो और इस स्ड का साइज देखो इस मिनियन का साइज देखो भाई अबे रहने दे अब तो छोड़ दे अब तो तेरी जान निकल जाएगी अबे तू तू जमीन में दस जाता भाई बच गया वो तो तू गाइस कोई बात नहीं आगे… Read More

  • Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!

    Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!Video Information [Music] the [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Hitting 43⭐ in Skywars (Uncut Teams ft. 2YP)’, was uploaded by Joshpacks on 2024-03-08 13:36:46. It has garnered 1276 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:31 or 1231 seconds. —————————————————————————————— About ➜… Read More

  • Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!

    Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been in the wonder I’m thinking to grab the clip two three [ __ ] is dead before they can dip I’m not in the blastous ACT we see the brothers they act Federal tracks They Splat in at your back hit them You’ been waiting watching with this [ __ ] blood a PL the [ __ ] [ __ ] C before we hit slide up on the [ __ ] holy water on the clip I just hit the [ __ ] for his glutting and I dip slick Sky skinny Scissor… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack – #1 in the Game?

    Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack - #1 in the Game?Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft best Minecraft soundtrack??’, was uploaded by Greenlord on 2024-03-21 15:36:28. It has garnered 29 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Propeller Bedwars

    Propeller BedwarsThis is Propeller Bedwars This server is java and is open to all versions from 1.8-latest If you have any questions or concerns make sure to submit it as a ticket ⁠in discord. At Propeller Bedwars, we ensure QUALITY games. Currently, the only bedwars maps available are the 1v1 map (speedway), the solos map (lighthouse), and the 2v2 map (airshow). We value our players. Join today at Read More

  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Crossplay, HermitCraft Inspired, Whitelist, Squaremap

    Join Robo’s World SMP today! Looking for a small, whitelisted, community-driven, semi-vanilla Minecraft server that never resets the map? Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our dedicated community of Vanilla Minecraft enthusiasts who value teamwork and creativity. Just like the iconic Hermitcraft SMP, our server promotes a friendly environment with no stealing, griefing, or hacking. Everything is done in survival mode to encourage collaboration and fair play. With a map that never resets, your builds and ideas are safe with us. We support crossplay, so you can join us on both Java and Bedrock editions. Apply on our Discord server today… Read More

  • Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you and the boys are trying to build a house in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting it on fire instead. Whoops, looks like we need some fire safety lessons in the virtual world too! #minecraftfail #boyswillbeboys Read More