Bee Farms for Honey, Honeycomb, & Candles! ▫ The Hardcore Survival Guide [Ep.15] ▫ Minecraft 1.17

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixariffs and welcome back to the hardcore survival guide my bees have gone missing i put a campfire under this bee nest that naturally generated here in our plains village and wanted to farm it for a little bit more honeycomb and probably eventually some honey but

Unfortunately bees have a tendency to wander off a little bit but now we have hold of our silk touch pickaxe i’m actually kind of tempted to start farming honey we’re working up to the dragon fight of course and i think we’re probably going to do what

I did in the empire’s snp and what i have done in the past as well and try and bridge the end void without fighting the dragon first get our elytra get a little bit of insurance against dying in the void and then come back and fight the dragon afterwards it’s an

Approach that i’ve seen a few other folks taking recently there’s a bunch of popular youtubers recently decided to bridge the end void without fighting the dragon first i think it’s probably going to be a good approach to the dragon fight in this world and potentially if you’re not watching too many

Minecraft videos something that you haven’t seen before so we need to start with that is dipping into the nearby forests to see if we can get hold of some more beehives and i am fresh out of that pillager raid that we did in the last episode i haven’t really done

Much in this world since as you can tell from the fact that i still have hero of the village so i’ve still got a little bit of stuff on me got a totem of undying the ominous banners and everything but we’re not gonna need much to go and find

These bees we shouldn’t even need a campfire to be honest with you because the way beehive harvesting works will be nest harvesting out here in the forest is all we need to do is find a bee nest wait until the bees go into the hive and

Silk touch it with a pickaxe or an axe whatever silk touch tool you have to hand and the bees should stay in the hive without you needing to worry about a campfire and once i found a bee nest around here with at least two bees we can breed more and

From there we should be able to start producing our own hives the place i recommend going looking for naturally spawned bee nests to begin with is in a flower forest because flower forests have so many flowers around that it’s an ideal environment for bees and they actually have a higher percentage

Chance of spawning a bee nest in amongst these trees but my flower forest biome is this hilly variant that is actually kind of lacking in trees and it’s not that large which means i will probably not end up finding a bee nest here i didn’t see any bees

Hovering around this area so it looks like we might actually be out of luck here there are three other biomes where you can find bee nests you’ll find them in plains biomes although the trees there are obviously a little bit more sparse i think the best place to go looking for

Them if you can’t find a flower forest is either a birch forest like this one or the regular forest that’s a mixture of oak and birch between the two of those biomes you should hopefully be able to find a bee nest or two once you have your silk touch

Tools available and it took a while but eventually around a thousand blocks out diagonally i stumbled upon a tree with a bee nest in it and i don’t see any bees flying around here which means that the bees were working in the nest and hopefully

We should have two in there that we can use to breed if not just in case i am gonna see if i can grab another nest before we return to our base and of course once we’re at the base we can actually start farming bee nests themselves this right here is looking

Like nest number two it’s already got some honey fantastic and the total b location advancement means that nest actually had three bees inside so that is perfect that is exactly what we need to head back to our base with and start farming some bees ourselves and now we’re back at the village of

Course my hero the village effect is about to wear off i wasn’t really planning on using it all that much anyway and so we’re going to dig out an area at the back of the hobbit hole here for our bee breeding program the main reason for that being

I don’t want the bees to escape right now i’m kind of keen on keeping the bees all in one place and if you leave them out in the open natural though it looks they do have a tendency to wander off so i’d like to keep the bees

Fairly well contained we are going to create a little mossy environment for them back here temporarily just so that we can breed them up and have them visit flowers and then return to the hives and make some honey for us so i’m just gonna bone meal this moss

Block once to spread a little bit of moss around here we can take out all of the extra stuff azalea and grass and whatnot but we’ve got enough light in here that we can get started and we can place down a couple of flowers flowers are important for the bees to

Visit so that they can collect pollen which will encourage them to make a little bit of honey and let’s get a door in here just before we put the bees down for real i’m also grabbing some trap doors to put down here because we’re gonna place a campfire we’ll use the soul campfire

Because i’m fairly certain these work for b nest as well and if we put the b nest there this should now allow us to come through and gather any honeycomb or honey from the hives using shears or a glass bottle and we are going to start with the

Shears because our first task here there we go we got the honeycomb it didn’t anger the bees are perfect the first job here really is to make more hives to create a beehive we just need six oak planks arranged like so three honeycomb in the middle we have ourselves a artificial beehive this

Rather crucially gives us the option to breed more bees and have a home for them to return to and every time a bee enters and then leaves the hive again the honey level of that hive goes up to a maximum of five at which point the honey is ready to

Harvest as either honeycomb or honey bottles now as i was saying if you have a bit of trouble finding a naturally spawned bee nest to get your bee farming project started one thing i would recommend doing is in basically any biome you want to setting down a couple of saplings with

Some flowers a block away i think the flowers can actually be arranged anywhere within a two block radius of the sapling being one empty block and then a flower placed on this block here and i believe that even works diagonally so this is basically the outside range through

Which you can put the flowers and just one flower should do but any virtual oak sapling grown in close proximity to a flower like this has i think a five percent chance to spawn a bee nest when it grows so in theory you can set up this alternating pattern of

Flowers and saplings and eventually one of these trees is going to grow into a tree that has a bee nest attached to it at which point you can start farming bees and breeding bees from the two bees that will pop out of the hype and i think it’s normally two

Occasionally you’ll get three but i think most of the time it will give you enough bees to breed with and of course you can always bone meal these trees to grow them a little faster they don’t need to grow naturally it’s just whether or not you have the bone meal available so i’m

Going to transform this little patch in here into a row of hives or nests with a row of campfires in front of them and with the flowers around here we can start breeding the bees up so we have a decent swarm we’ve got two bees out here right now and you’ll notice

That they stop paying attention to the planted flowers if you’re holding a flower in your hand you can just right click on the two of them they will breed and produce a tiny bee which is frankly pretty adorable and honestly i’m quite surprised that that’s the first animal we’ve bred in this world

But apparently it is so with two nests and two hives here or with campfires underneath that should be enough to get our bee population started and once we have bred up a few more and been able to craft a few more hives we can take this into the automated stage

So while our swarm in here is expanding and expand it is it is actually doing really well right now with a few bees bred up at this point we’re gonna head outside figure out a spot that we’re going to put our bee farm which i think is probably going to be maybe over

Here on the hill by the way there are already at least three free roaming iron golems around this village in case anyone was concerned about the fact that i killed all of the golems at the end at the beginning of the last episode there are oh boy there are a lot of them

There’s one over there there’s one behind me here there is one who was basically on the other side of the village they all came back very very quickly so we’re going to be working on an automated honeycomb farm that takes advantage of shias being able to automatically shear bee hives or be

Nests the first thing i’m going to do of course is head over here and trade with one of my fletches for bows because why bother crafting anything in this game when you can trade it for emeralds so with four bows we can have four dispensers i’ve already crafted four

Observers we just need a couple of blocks and some redstone dust we’re going to turn some of the honeycomb into honeycomb blocks which aren’t really useful for anything aside from decoration but we’re going to use those in the formation of our beehive farm and here is a quick

Tip if you want to craft a bunch of dispensers in a hurry you won’t be able to stack bows in the center because they’re unstackable items but you can stack all the other items in the crafting recipe and then all you need to do is hold down shift and

Left click on the dispenser and then a bow from your inventory and it turns it from a dropper into a dispenser making crafting those ultimately a little bit quicker this farm really comes in two components the first is the auto shearing mechanism which i’m going to explain very quickly here before we put

Together the other part of the farm which is going to be the collection mechanism first of all a fundamental difference between dispensers and droppers droppers will spit out basically any item you put in there without using any of them whereas dispensers will do that with most items

But they actually have a couple of items where they can use the right click action of a tool for example shears can automatically shear sheep if a sheep is standing in front of a dispenser flint and steel will set something on fire and if you have a dispenser

Directly bone meal a grass block it will actually grow grass around it in the same way that it would if you right clicked on a block with bonemeal so she is in the dispenser we’ll be able to shear the honeycomb from a hive in the same way

That we’ve been doing manually first of all we’re going to put a crafting table here to represent the hive we’ll need something over the top of it to detect when the hive gets full of honey and in this case it can be an observer facing downwards with the redstone

Output on the top here we place one solid block next to that and then two pieces of redstone dust over the top so the signal from the observer is transferred into this block here powering the dispenser below it and now every time something happens to the block underneath here

The dispenser will fire and the cool thing about this is that dispensers don’t use up the durability of shias if the shias can’t perform an action so as the honeycomb level of that hive or nest fills up it will activate the observer multiple times but the shears

Will only consume durability when it is able to shear the honeycomb from the hive and that actually means that the shears will last in there perfectly efficiently in the meantime so in this little compact b farm design we’re going to have a series of dispensers facing inwards towards

Some flowers that are going to be placed on a block here and in fact we could probably build this in a plus shape so all of the bees end up on one block swarming around the same flower so with a flower on this block in the center

Something above that so the bees don’t fly out of the top and some blocks around the outside so they don’t fly out of the sides we have a pretty decent little honeycomb farm but we do not have a means of collecting the honeycomb quite yet and that is where we need to

Go and get some hopper mine cuts hopper minecarts are actually really good for this job because if you end up shearing the honeycomb from a hive manually you’ll notice it pops out at a kind of random direction those two all popped out the front but that one you can see popped

Out the top there and that one popped off to the right there’s a bunch of different directions it can travel and in fact that one over there is one i can’t get to unless i dig around the side and open up this wall here and that’s because when you shear

The hive the honeycomb actually appears inside the block itself and the block just sort of pushes it out in a fairly random direction but the cool thing about that is it makes it ideal for it to be picked up using a hopper minecart because hopper mine carts

Are really good at picking up items through blocks so we just need to pick a side to put the output for all of this i figure we’re going to use this side here since it’s fairly close to the way i walk up here from the hobbit hole we’ve got a bunch of hoppers

Leading outwards towards where the collection chest can be and each of the hives is going to be in this space in front of the dispenser we want to leave a block gap and then we need to place a little cross shape of hoppers we put rails underneath where each of the hives

Are going to go like this and then we add a hopper minecart on top of each of those we place a flower right there and that will end up being the only block that the bees can exit out onto which means they should just swarm around that flower and

Immediately return to the hives when they’ve gathered any pollen i expect this farm is probably going to produce a fair amount so i’m going to leave a double chest here on the output hopper we can fill in the block above that because the hopper’s not going to be

Getting any items from above it i think everything looks pretty good here now we just have to place in the bees at this point i think i bred up enough bees that we might actually have a surplus and it’s usually a pretty good sign that all of

Your hives are full when some of the bees end up pollinating from the flowers and then can’t find a hive to go into from all of the available options once you see that being the case it’s fairly safe to wander in there and just grab one of the hives with silk touch

Once again to make sure that the bees don’t get mad at you for breaking it and we can take that outside and put it in the farm and the best time to do that is usually at night because bees in the overworld will always return to their hives around

Night time if they can so i am kind of checking the weather outside checking the height of the sun and waiting for my opportunity to come in and swipe a few of these hives it looks like most of them are in the hives though and if i’m right i think we should be

Able to grab this one and this one and probably also these two and the next phase is to place some slabs around the outside here because we want to make sure that the bees cannot escape the farm i already have a glass block on the top there but we need to be able

To place the hives inside this setup as well and for that we will need a bunch of slabs around the outside and i’m also going to place a trapdoor standing in the trap door and opening it puts me in crawl mode and from here i should be able to place the

Rest of the hives we want one there like so we want one there and we want one there like so and that is all of the hives all good now the sun is going down we should be able to sleep for the night and in the

Morning we can check on how the farm is doing we can hear the sound of all of the bees working in the hives and i’m actually going to block up the sides here so that the bees don’t end up somehow phasing through these blocks and escaping we could do it

With more elegant blocks than cobblestone of course but that’s just what i have on me right now and every time one of these bees leaves the hive you’ll notice the redstone there flashes for a second and that’s because it’s checking for the honey level having changed and

Right now it isn’t going to shear anything because we don’t have any shears in these dispensers so we need to get on that quick otherwise we’ll need to shear the hives manually the first time luckily shears are pretty cheap they’re only two iron each and you can also buy

Them from shepherd villages i believe but we don’t have one of those in the village right now so i’m just going to put three shears in each of those and hopefully each time the hives end up producing honey now they should automatically be sheared for honeycomb which will end up in this chest

Automatically shearing honeycomb from hives or using a dispenser to remove the honey bottles which is what we’re going to be doing in a second here doesn’t actually require a campfire to be underneath because the bees can’t detect who is doing it they don’t get angry at the player for it

And there we go it sounds like one of the hives was just scraped and there we go we’ve got three honeycomb sat there in the chest perfect this should now be a hive of activity pun definitely intended and hopefully will produce a decent amount of honeycomb for the foreseeable future i’m

Only seeing a couple of bees here though so we might have gotten unlucky there and picked the hives that didn’t have any occupants quite yet so we might need to replace some of these hives once we’ve bred up a couple more bees but that should be simple enough our honey farm requires a

Little bit more of a complex redstone circuit but overall this should be easy enough to follow i’m going to place down an output chest let’s say here and we’re going to build this farm basically right next to this one so our honey farms are all

Kind of in a row now we’re going to place a hopper obviously inputting into the output chest we’re going to have the beehives on top of the hopper like so we’re going to have a row of these and on top of this one is where we need

To place the dispenser so the dispenser is actually going to go face down over the top of the hive this time unfortunately we can’t use an observer to detect the changes in the hive this time around because a dispenser will spit out the glass bottles that it uses to gather

Up honey if it doesn’t manage to successfully get honey out of the hives so in theory we would be wasting several glass bottles by doing it that way instead what we need to do is detect the honey level in the hive by using a redstone comparator right now

This is a fresh hive so the honey level is naturally at zero we don’t need to worry too much about that yet since the honey level of the hive or the nest can reach a maximum of five that is the maximum signal strength we will get out of the

Redstone dust coming out of the back of this comparator meaning the redstone signal will travel five blocks like so and the sixth block over here would not receive any redstone power what we need to do is wrap this redstone wire back around into the dispenser over here making sure

That once the comparator has a signal output of five the dispenser is powered and the dispenser gathers honey from the hive using an empty glass bottle so the best way i’ve found of doing this is placing a block in front of the comparator that block actually receives the signal strength

From the comparator and will output it on the opposite side so we can place a redstone dust here then we need to place a piece of glass in front of that and on top of here we’re actually going to wrap around into two solid blocks like that and that

Actually allows for the redstone signal to travel upwards because glass as a transparent block does not block redstone wire from traveling upwards in the same way that putting a solid block here would for example if i put a solid block there that reverts to a dot of redstone

Meaning that the signal isn’t going to travel upwards we want the signal to be able to travel upwards so we’re gonna place two glass blocks like so we’re gonna have that come along to this block here and that’s one two three four five blocks of travel the redstone wire will actually power

The block underneath it meaning that this dispenser will be powered by that block and it’ll shoot a glass bottle out collect the honey and if this dispenser is full of glass bottles the honey bottle will have nowhere to go but out of the dispenser and the hopper

Underneath will pick it up and transfer it into the chest so the idea behind this part of the farm is basically just to keep this dispenser full of empty glass bottles at all times so that any glass bottles that collect honey get spat out into the hopper and into

The chest the cool thing about this circuit is like our storage system it is a tileable circuit so we can build as many of these side by side as we want to and since the comparator signal strength will only reach the relevant dispenser each time we can

Basically build this section as long as we want each of the hoppers can be directed into the central hopper and the overall output of the farm is just going to end up in this chest here although we might have to move the chest outwards a little bit because i’ve just realized we’re going

To need flowers in front of all of these hives so that the bees can gather pollen from them so i guess we need another two hoppers so that we can put a row of dirt blocks along the front here those can revert to grass or we could replace

Them with moss or whatever we want to those are going to have the flowers on and we’ll surround those with blocks to make sure the bees do not escape my preference is to do this with glass since we can see the bees working on the inside of here and

Once i have optifine install for 117.1 which i think there is a preview version out now if not there will be one fairly soon we’ll be able to just see this like a single block of glass and the bees will be nice and visible inside the farm so

In the meantime i put one more hopper in there we’re going to fill this back in it looks like the the grass has already started to spread over here which is great we can fill out the rest of these circuits now i’ve brought a few extra glass blocks so

That we can fill out the rest of the redstone we want one more comparator to go in there and we can come up with a more inventive surrounding for this a little bit later but for now this farm is pretty much fully functional with the exception of needing a row of flowers

And a row of full bee hives that’s all the flowers in place now i just need to replace these front blocks with slabs so that when we place the hives in there the bees won’t be able to get out and i think this farm should be up and running

Oh no it isn’t no it isn’t one more thing i need to do i need to get the glass bottles in here that would have been a bit of a mistake i’m going to start with a stack in each dispenser to begin with got plenty of glass traded from the librarians

So that’s perfectly fine and that should last for the first little while but we basically want to keep these topped up as much as possible so having hoppers with storage above this so that glass bottles can be transferred straight into the dispenser at all times it’s going to

Mean a steady flow of honey bottles without any fear of the farm breaking night is falling outside and the bees should be returning to their hives shortly looks like all of these are absolutely stacked with honey which is great just gonna wait for it to get a little

Bit darker so that all of the bees decide to go in for the night and at that point we should be good at least we have a few extra golems around the village so i don’t have to immediately leap to the villagers defense yep looks like all the bees are re-entering the

Hives and i think it’s fair to say that we can take this one here that one’s got a full load of honey these two in the corner as well those can come with us lovely and we’ll take those two and that should be all the hives we need

Good morning it is bee farming time and i can just put the last few glass bottles into the dispensers because since all of these hives are already loaded up with honey they’re going to give us a first honey bottle basically immediately once we put them into the

System here so i’m going to break this with my silk touch yep there we go we can place some slabs across the front here to make sure the bees do not escape the first places we’re going to want to place hives will be at either end because that’s going to

Block this off or we need to block off the area with the comparator as well we’re placing one hive there and one hive there it’s gonna immediately harvest the honey from any of the hives which are full we can place one more there the bees are already coming out to play and

As you can see the slab is preventing them from getting out here which is great oh i have a feeling the hive at the end might actually have been the hive that i took down my demonstration hive so maybe i’ll have to wait until the bees get

Back in here and then replace it or maybe i can walk up into the side here be sneaky swap that into my off hand and hold down both the left and the right click no no oh no well i broke the comparator didn’t i i broke the comparator that’s

That’s something i should maybe have been a little bit better prepared for now all the bees are angry at me i’ve been poisoned this is the worst day ever luckily for me the bees will calm down after a while and we can potentially lure them back in towards the hives by holding

Flowers in our hands like so come on come on over this way you can also put bees on leads which is kind of a hilarious image actually and is worth doing if you need to be to come to a specific location but honestly all i should need to do is

Open this up and the bees will be able to return to their hives over here which yeah of course ended up going into the chest there right now i’m having to stand here basically to block any of the other bees from escaping the little ones are still going to try though but they

Should hopefully be able to make it underneath those slabs at the front and once this blockage is cleared by some of the bees returning to the hives i might be able to replace this one oh that was a rookie mistake i’m pretty sure once bees pollinate and

Enter a hive they can enter it from any side of the block but i believe they do need to exit from the front of the hive so uh there we go yes we finally have that back in place and we’ll need to coax some of the other bees around here

Back towards the hive that way we should be able to let them in somehow and they should be able to return to the hives they consider home we might actually be able to encourage our wayward bees here to re-enter the honeycomb farm if we keep them

In this area they should be able to track back to these blocks and claim them as their new homes in the meantime i’ve bred up some of the bees inside the farm to repopulate those numbers and if anything yeah this is going to make our honeycomb farm slightly more effective i’m just going

To hang around here with a flower so the bees stay in this area and at night time they should all try and make their way into any available space in these hives i’m also going to let out this one because it’s just stuck in the redstone mechanism right now there we go

Come on out and yeah hopefully these five should all fit into some space in the hives down here here we go night is falling once again we’ve read up a few more bees inside the honey farm we should be able to place a bunch of glass blocks in front of there

All of the honeycomb farm bees have been restocked and we’re going to place some glass around the outside of these now just to make sure they are contained inside of there let’s very quickly get some sleep and hopefully all of our farms should be up and running

At full capacity there we go all of the honeybees are out we’ve got a bunch of honey bottles already in the chest here and the honeycomb farm is producing nicely as well well despite how disastrous that could have turned out with the bees poisoning me and everything i think

We did all right there we can remove the glass blocks from the sides of here now that we don’t have to contain any more bees in the redstone mechanism we can work a little bit more on dressing this stuff up a little later but for now we are at least getting some

Honey which we can turn into honey blocks and that will get us at the glass bottles back from the crafting recipe meaning that we can add them back into the dispensers up here and if you were smart there might be a way that you could set this up so a crafting

Station up here allows you to just throw out the glass bottles and have them evenly distributed amongst these dispensers for now though i’m just going to keep filling up the dispensers we shouldn’t need more than about five hives for what i have in mind because sooner or later all of these

Will just provide us with tons and tons of honey blocks people talk about efficiency in farms in minecraft a lot and obviously the rates of farms are important if you want a bunch of stuff in a hurry but really even with a small farm the only factor

You need to worry about is time if you have time to hang around these farms for a little while then they will eventually deliver you all the honey and honeycomb you could ever ask for and honeycomb is of course a little bit more important in minecraft 1.17 being the active ingredient in

Waxing copper it also allows you to make candles using honeycomb and string in the crafting recipe so i’m going to grab a couple of those and use them to lightly decorate the hobbit hole there we go can place candles around here in clusters of up to

Four and once they are lit with a flint and steel they provide a really nice ambiance provided that you haven’t lit something else on fire in the process but folks i think that is where we’re going to leave it for today’s episode of the hardcore survival guide adventures with bees have begun

And hopefully there we go should be getting a few more honey bottles coming through the pipeline as well thank you folks so much for watching this episode don’t forget to leave a like on it if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and i

Will see you guys soon take care bye for now Do You

This video, titled ‘Bee Farms for Honey, Honeycomb, & Candles! ▫ The Hardcore Survival Guide [Ep.15] ▫ Minecraft 1.17’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2021-07-13 11:00:25. It has garnered 159497 views and 7222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds.

The Hardcore Minecraft Survival Guide continues! Now in the Caves & Cliffs Update Part 1, this tutorial will show you how to locate and breed bees, craft your own hives, and set up automated farms for honey and honeycomb! Honeycomb has new uses in 1.17, for both candles and waxing copper blocks, so this feels like an essential farm to have around.

This series is an ‘advanced’ version of the Minecraft Survival Guide, with the aim of teaching you how to master Hardcore Mode. This will also be my Single Player Minecraft Let’s Play series until the Survival Guide restarts in 1.18 for Part 2 of the Caves & Cliffs Update!

Hardcore Survival Guide World Seed (Java Edition only): 1965694967707067084

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Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm BST!

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GNU Paranor001

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  • Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina

    Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Odo Potatoes and Levina Vina, brave and bold. Their adventures in animation, a sight to behold, With each frame, a story, beautifully scrolled. From the depths of creativity, they rise, In Indonesian animation, they mesmerize. Kulpi Semungku channel, a place to subscribe, For funny, unique experiences, they prescribe. So join the journey, explore the extraordinary, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are visionary. Support with likes, subscribe with glee, For Kulpi Semungku channel, where animation is free. In every upload, a week’s worth of creation, With characters like… Read More

  • New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1

    New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1 Minecraft Java Edition Playthrough – EP 1 – A New World Embarking on a New Adventure Nine-year-old Alexa Grace D. Elizaga takes on the challenge of playing Minecraft Java Edition in Survival Mode for the first time. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, she sets out to explore a brand new world. Surviving the Unknown As Alexa navigates through the game, she encounters challenges like finding sheep for wool and dealing with the dangers of nighttime. Her survival instincts kick in as she builds a makeshift shelter and crafts essential tools to stay safe. Exploring the Terrain Despite… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase Exploring the Latest MiniaTuria Mod Update for Minecraft The MiniaTuria Mod for Minecraft has recently received a significant update, transitioning from version 1.8 to version 8. This update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game, focusing primarily on decorative elements. From animal blocks to chest blocks, weapons, tools, backpacks, and more, players can now enjoy an expanded array of customization options. Additionally, the update introduces new building materials such as the golden series and rock texture series, providing players with a wide selection of resources to unleash their creativity. Key Features of the MiniaTuria Mod… Read More

  • Adelia’s Trauma: Sam’s Minecraft Saga

    Adelia's Trauma: Sam's Minecraft Saga In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Adelia’s trauma began, a tale to survive. Nico, Mark, and Lira, a family so tight, But darkness crept in, casting shadows in sight. Adelia, the youngest, with eyes full of fear, Her innocence shattered, her cries hard to hear. A tragedy struck, leaving scars deep within, As grief and despair, their hearts did begin. But through all the pain, they stood strong as a team, Facing their demons, in a world so extreme. With love as their armor, they fought through the night, In Minecraft’s vast world, where dreams take… Read More

  • Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide

    Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide Minecraft Tipped Arrows: A Powerful Battle Tool Are you ready to take your Minecraft battles to the next level? Tipped arrows are a game-changer when it comes to combat, offering a variety of effects that can give you the upper hand against your enemies. In this quick guide, you’ll learn how to craft these powerful arrows and unleash their full potential in the game. Ingredients Needed To create tipped arrows in Minecraft, you’ll need the following ingredients: Arrow: The base ammunition for your tipped arrows. Potion: A potion of your choice to add the desired effect to your arrows…. Read More


    🌊🔥NOOB VS PRO: CARDBOARD HOUSE TSUNAMI BATTLE! #SHADYNUBICVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌊🏠НУБ И ПРО СТРОЯТ ДОМ ИЗ КАРТОНА ПРОТИВ ЦУНАМИ В МАЙНКРАФТ! ШЕДИ ЛЕСКА И НУБИК MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MrShadyMan on 2024-01-13 13:30:17. It has garnered 362520 views and 18506 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:01 or 1261 seconds. Today we will build a cardboard house against the tsunami in Minecraft! 👧LESKA: ✅NUBIK: 🔴SECOND CHANNEL: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🍏 TikTok: 🍊 INST: 🍉 My VK page: 🍋 All episodes: 🍒 VK group: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A little about myself: Greetings friend, my name is Slava or ShadiMan. On my channel you… Read More


    UGC SMPUGC SMP is a newly launched survival multiplayer that strives to capture the feel of vanilla survival while having small server changes to make playing with friends and members more fun! UGC is a global discord community where we host weekly events, giveaways, and many different types of game servers. Join us and see what UGC is all about! Read More

  • Earth – vanilla anarchy

    Earth – Endure & Survive IP: Anarchy Server running on the Beta 1.7.3 Version of Minecraft Java Edition. Vanilla server with no special mods or installations required. Main objective is to keep the server running 24/7 under any conditions. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Get your gay cape ready in Minecraft! 🏳️‍🌈

    Well, I guess this meme really needs to level up its gay cape game to get a higher score! Read More

  • Experiment Gone Wrong: Minecraft Mobs Unleashed!

    Experiment Gone Wrong: Minecraft Mobs Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, experiments run wild, Mutant mobs roam, fierce and untamed, not mild. Zombie mutants, red and scary, immune to the sun, Skeleton mutants, armored and fierce, ready to stun. Wolf mutants with two tails, a sight to behold, Spider mutants with big fangs, fierce and bold. Chicken mutants turned into T-Rex, a fright at night, In the world of Minecraft, mutants take flight. So subscribe and like, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, mutants bring the heat. Stay tuned for more adventures, more experiments to see, In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal in summer

    Hotter than a Nether portal in summer Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Crafty Carrot & Wool Farming

    Crafty Carrot & Wool Farming Minecraft Adventures: Carrot and Wool Farming Setting Up the Carrot Farm In the bustling world of Minecraft 1.20, Emmysim embarks on a new project – a carrot farm. With a keen eye for design, she carefully plans out the layout of the field, leaving space for a charming coastal path. Planting the carrots with precision, she envisions the bountiful harvest that will aid in her villager trades. Automating the Sheep Farm While tending to the carrot farm, Emmysim also delves into automating her sheep farm. With a meticulous approach, she constructs segments for the sheep, ensuring a seamless process… Read More

  • EPIC NEW Minecraft Mounts by Pro Player!

    EPIC NEW Minecraft Mounts by Pro Player!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mounts | VOL.5’, was uploaded by Samus2002 on 2024-06-01 17:39:31. It has garnered 5407 views and 326 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:58 or 178 seconds. This is not a mod! (More description below in “NOTE:”) MMORPG mounts in Minecraft – Vol 5 Get The Mount Pack VOL.5 now: Also on MCModels: Requires MythicMobs, MCPets, and ModelEngine ItemsAdder support Oraxen support Check out my other products: Join our discord community: NOTE: I totally understand a lot of people are confused about the price, I see lots of comments… Read More

  • Minecraft Server for Both Java & Bedrock Players!

    Minecraft Server for Both Java & Bedrock Players!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] so welcome everyone to my s m live stream today actually we are playing Minecraft today it was completely unprepared I well did that last minute so if anything doesn’t work as it should please don’t be too harsh on me with your judgment because well really I had literally just like a couple of hours and even then I had to do a lot of stuff so let me hop into the chat let me see who is here let me see who is already in the house today I expect a lot of… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Challenge! Minecraft Shorts Pt. 3

    Ultimate Survival Challenge! Minecraft Shorts Pt. 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft short survival series part 3 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Absr Gaming on 2024-05-08 05:30:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #short About this video Minecraft short survival series part 3 #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe tags minecraft minecraft … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Transformation! #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Transformation! #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: new vs old #viral #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by KSG670 on 2024-05-09 12:53:30. It has garnered 4518 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: new vs old #viral #minecraft #shorts youtube queries minecraft old vs new sound minecraft old minecraft vs new minecraft minecraft meme minecraft memes new vs old Read More

  • Playing Minecraft with YOU! Join the fun now! 🎮

    Playing Minecraft with YOU! Join the fun now! 🎮Video Information so Leute was geht geht ab muss kurz no was machen passt so okay [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] เอม อื อยาก กิน อ [Musik] ne dude hellна [Musik] m also okay wir machen kurz was okay weil wir Tech Probleme haben muss ich kurz paar Sachen machen [Musik] we kan sch warum dauert so lange dast mich gerade soll anderes nehmen weil das ich glaub [Musik] anderes ja geh [Musik] sch drin verkackt [Musik] drin [Musik] [Musik] sch passt so K [Musik] starten wenn jetzt exakt nichts geklappt hat das gut reden einfach nicht mal darüber dass die cpuüberlastung… Read More


    K_D BROTHERS - CRAZY REACTION WITH SUBVideo Information ओके तो आ चुके हैं दोबारा से लाइव ए क्या हाल सो या गा आज की इस वाली स्ट्रीम के अंदर हम खेलने वाले वापस से माइन कफ्ट एक सेकंड मैं मेरी स्ट्रीम ओपन कर लेता हूं ए या ओके तो आ चुके है दोबारा से ओके ओके ओके ओके इंडिया गा आज की इस वाली स्ट्रीम में बहुत मजा आने वाला है सो हम चलेंगे इसमें इसम किसम इसम 36 7 ए भाई ये क्या हुआ स लॉगिन लॉगिन हो चुका है य भाई ये क्या है आज एफपीएस मेरे वट द हेक मेरे एफपीएस आज इसे… Read More

  • EPIC Rio Ch. UPROAR!! Day 2 Solo Hardcore Cake Quest

    EPIC Rio Ch. UPROAR!! Day 2 Solo Hardcore Cake QuestVideo Information DET お待たせしま待ってBGMなく ないお待たせしまし たよいしょこれ今何流れてるちょ待てよえ これ全然YouTubeに映像行かへんや んと思って待ってたらはってなったそう いえば前回の前回の配信は Tってことはあごめん多分ね音小さいの マイクの方向いてないからねああ ああ焦っ たというわけで久々のマイク 前回11月24らしいよハード コアやってく かちょっと鼻水ズルズルで申し訳ないん ですけど今日はでもだいぶ楽昨日やばかっ たマジで鼻からの呼吸が困難なレベルで カンダンサーアレルギーがボコボコでし た わいねよく花粉症ですかって言われるんだ けど花粉症じゃないんだよねカダス アレルギーなんです よ目とかは全然 無事めっちゃ久しぶり だもうどこまで進んでたっ けちょっとこれであと卵あるぞ卵 と卵と牛乳と待って待って待って思った よりすぐできちゃうかも ケーキ卵と牛乳と砂糖だっけ あれ何がいるんだっけマイクラのケーキっ てえマイクラ [音楽] ケ小麦か卵小麦砂糖牛乳牛乳が3ついり ます ね カダされるどうなんだろうわかんないえ なんかなんか入れ替わっちゃった 入れ替わってるマイクラ自体がちょっと 久しぶりで操作がつか ないえんだったっけあれEじゃなかったっ けあれ何だったっけあ右クリック だはいはい はい 一旦バケツ を作って牛乳を探しに行か なきゃ牛さん 探し うい 今間に冒険 です行くぞこれ家の座標とか覚えてるか な一応間違えたショ取っ とこうえちょっと鼻水ズビズビで 引きしまったら申し訳ないだいぶだいぶ 増しになった昨日マジでねあの もうぼーっとするレベルで鼻が詰まってて もう鼻にから一切1mmの空気も入らない しなんか熱があるみたいなさぼやみたいな 感じになっちゃって さぐじぐじでした ねちょっと鼻声 でしょやばいゲーム中いいねができない ごめんハッピーバレンタインデー ありがとうなんかさ毎年さそのカダス アレルギーが発症するのがさ まあピンポイントなわけですよタイミング 的に あのなんて言う のあの本当に本当に急激な気温の変化が 起きた時に急に来るみたいなですぐ治る みたいな感じだからさ毎年さ自分がカダス アレルギーのことを忘れていてさなんだ この 花詰まりと鼻水はみたいななってついに 花粉症になってしまったかって毎年思って 毎年違うんだよね今ん とこついにデビューですか みたいももなんか普段はさめちゃめちゃ なんかの通りい方だから さマジでね急な鼻詰まりに驚いてねうわ 花粉ですかみたいな思う けどそんなことないワンチャンえ待って牛 さんもういるやんやばい思ったより普通に ケーキ作ろうと思ったらすぐできちゃうな 普通にハードコア 遊ぼうケーキ作って普通にハードコア 遊ぼう花粉症はねなんか生まれつきって いうか多分子供の頃になってる人もいれば なんか個人個人でキャパが決まってる らしい ね僕は今んとこね花粉症になったことは ないんですよ実 はけどねあの感ダンサアレルギーだし僕 あのハウスダストアレルギーでもあるから 結構ねズビズビになる時はずずに なる なんか埃りっぽいところとか行ったりと かこう掃除とかを ね貯めて一気にやったりとかするともう その日はマジでズビズビになる… Read More

  • INSANE!! AFK GOLD FARM Time Lapse – MUST WATCH!! #Minecraft

    INSANE!! AFK GOLD FARM Time Lapse - MUST WATCH!! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SASTIFING!!!! Gold Farm afk time lapse.#viralvideo #video #minecraft’, was uploaded by greenntage on 2024-01-08 20:32:24. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Hello Guys hope you enjoy. You’re about to enjoy a Hardcore Minecraft story where I’m building a world like Wadzee, Sandiction, Ph1Lza, fWhip, SB737, aCookieGod, Kolanii, Beppo, LockDownLife, Wunba, NotNotBrock and others. Except it’s a super coherent world. All with a single life and upload multiple videos days a week Read More

  • Bee in Minecraft Does WHAT? 🐝 #viral

    Bee in Minecraft Does WHAT? 🐝 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft LOGIC?🤔 #viral #minecraft #shortfeed’, was uploaded by Good Bee 1 on 2024-01-13 15:57:31. It has garnered 30 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft LOGIC?🤔 #viral #minecraft #shortfeed @anshubist minecraft at 1 logic all logic gates in minecraft minecraft at 0 logic making logic gates out of actual gates in minecraft minecraft all level logic minecraft at 0.1 logic minecraft logic be like shorts minecraft logic bionic minecraft logic bedrock edition minecraft logic bangla minecraft bedrock logic gates minecraft bedrock logic minecraft best logic breaking minecraft… Read More

  • Queens Land

    Queens LandWelcome to Queen’s Land! Here we offer you freedom where you you can explore hangout or look for adventures with friends and get prizes! More Coming Soon… This is a work in progress server trying to make a name for itself. Read More

  • SwipeSMP Vanilla 1.20.4

    BETA TESTERS NEEDED A fresh 1.20 vanilla SMP has emerged! Beta testers are needed for a short period! Feel free to join and play as normal, feedback is needed! No whitelist permission needed. Server: 1.20.4 ( Read More

  • 🔥 FamilyMC 1.21 Pre Release 3 New World🔥 Survival Hard World 🔥

    🔥 FamilyMC 1.21 Pre Release 3 New World🔥 Survival Hard World 🔥Welcome to FamilyMC 1.21 pre release We strive to provide a safe environment for everyone to play in. 24/7 with 100 percent uptime, absolutely 0 lag, FamilyMC is the place to be. Our 1.21 world is set on hard mode.After the full release of 1.21 our server will update to use plugins. Like our previous servers, we will offer land claiming, a rank system, player warps, events, scrolls, towny, boss battles, etc.We are hosted on powerful dedicated hardware running overclocked hardware and can provide you a lag-free experience. Our staff is available to solve any issues you encounter.Useful commands:/trigger spawn/trigger… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wither on the Loose!

    Minecraft Memes - Wither on the Loose!Looks like the Wither decided to “wither” away from your trap! Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Player Goat Meme 🔥

    Minecraft Pro Player Goat Meme 🔥 Why did the Minecraft player bring a ladder to the game? Because he heard it was a high stakes adventure! #minecraftjokes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft YouTubers Unite! Join the adventure with a group of talented Minecraft YouTubers as they explore the vast world of blocks and possibilities. From epic builds to thrilling survival challenges, these content creators bring the game to life in exciting ways. Let’s meet the members of this dynamic group: Coleman Follow Coleman’s channel for creative building projects and entertaining gameplay. Talley Join Talley on thrilling survival missions and engaging multiplayer sessions. Solo Experience Solo’s unique perspective on Minecraft with a mix of tutorials and let’s play videos. WindSword Embark on epic adventures with WindSword as he tackles dungeons and… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Secret Tunnels Revealed!

    Minecraft Pro Secret Tunnels Revealed!Video Information I found the most interesting closed tunnels in Minecraft hey guys it’s zomac here today let’s look at some very unusual interesting tunnels we guys have these giant really cool ones these are the characters here this white cloud red minion is evil the kind Angela Talking dim dimit and catnip well let’s get started I suggest we probably go all characters will be seen today so off we go first cat meu don’t forget to like subscribe please very important and we’re going to go here guys look these firebenders and catnap have taken over the place… Read More

  • Vape V4 BYPASS 2024 – Get It Now!

    Vape V4 BYPASS 2024 – Get It Now!Video Information oh you see the Flames that burn your passion when I look in your eyes yes yes yes are you afraid to feel what you know is real like any other guy the when I look in your eyes yeah are you afraid to see what you know real like any other guy I the when I look in your eyes yeah say yes are you afraid to be what you know is real like any other [Music] guy you got to come on inside my heart open up This video, titled ‘Vape V4 BYPASS 2024 | (DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Hold Blink to Save Villager #shorts

    Insane Challenge: Hold Blink to Save Villager #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] stop s l Sal This video, titled ‘Challenge Tahan Kedip Mata Untuk Selamatkan Villager #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Patrick Man ID on 2024-02-17 11:00:34. It has garnered 3072 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Challenge Hold the Blink of an Eye to Save the Villager Welcome to Patrick Man ID This video is not BeaconCream, NightD, or ElestialHD, Brutal Hero or Viva Fantasy livestream, not Minecraft’s Weirdest Jundy Juns Creepypasta, not Minecraft’s ending speedrun Clementdav, and also not Baww or ItsSandwich 100 in Minecraft Hardcore. Tag:… Read More

  • Unreal OP in Minecraft Survival! #Shorts

    Unreal OP in Minecraft Survival! #ShortsVideo Information how overpowered can you get in Minecraft you might think you just have to get the best armor and tools in some totems but tools lose durability and you don’t want to run to your Enderman Farm to repair them every few hours like a peasant so I decided to make a full Shar of elyra and of every type of neite tool one set of every type of armor and Shas for golden carrots Rockets Redstone beacons and other stuff to put them all in my Ender Chest that took like 40 hours because I had to… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Horror Mod That’ll Make You JUMP!

    INSANE Minecraft Horror Mod That'll Make You JUMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Mods 1’, was uploaded by Recoil Mojo on 2024-04-01 15:06:42. It has garnered 10 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Dive into the ultimate Minecraft mod pack adventure with our comprehensive Cursed Walking series, now available in action-packed YouTube Shorts and detailed survival guides. From harrowing encounters in the Nether to epic battles in the End, each piece of content is crafted to capture the essence of survival, strategy, and the sheer will to conquer in this hardcore mod pack. 🔥 Epic Journeys & Fierce… Read More

  • EPIC TWIST! Tsubasa83 ch. – (03.30) off/season part 5

    EPIC TWIST! Tsubasa83 ch. - (03.30) off/season part 5Video Information [Music] welcome to the monastery fishing feel confused to tell you about it just catch whatever fish requests have till the end [Music] of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you caught one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I tried to get the Su with the benefit of the doubt but I can’t anymore this place is [Music] evil [Music] I tried to get the suit the benefit of the doubt but I can’t anymore this place is evil [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]… Read More

  • SG GAMING PRO shows INSANE Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shorts

    SG GAMING PRO shows INSANE Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by SG GAMING PRO on 2023-12-29 04:31:14. It has garnered 5864 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez’s Ultimate Adventure

    EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez's Ultimate AdventureVideo Information you know how the sign of a really good movie is when you think about it throughout the following day I think this is the first time that’s ever happened to me with a Minecraft map this is kacha Labs 3 and after thinking about it the last day I pretty firmly believe it’s the best Minecraft map ever made obviously that’s a pretty bold claim and we played Maps like diversity 3 Canadians escape map on the main Channel and even that recent box pushing puzzle map this channel but in terms of an overall experience story… Read More

Bee Farms for Honey, Honeycomb, & Candles! ▫ The Hardcore Survival Guide [Ep.15] ▫ Minecraft 1.17