Big Wizard Tower Farm | Minecraft 1.14 Let’s Play Ep. 40 (TheNeoCubest)

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Hey guys what is up the new Cuba steer welcome to episode 40 of my minecraft survival let’s play you guys were right my Electra is in here my electro eggs are in there so don’t gotta worry about that now why was that so loud what I don’t even

Know what that noise was but I want to finish the wizard tower today so we put up some folks kapha ling as you know we don’t use the scaffolding guys we like to just build up a cobblestone so as far as I hope that breaks it all oh no that

Didn’t do anything so let me get up there and finish getting the scaffolding off and then we’ll talk about what we’re gonna do to the wizard tower okay well that’s fixed there’s still a ton like floating up there but I’m sure we’ll get it as we sort of finish out

This tower so yeah so I want to do a few things more importantly do I have anything no I don’t have anything in here good so obviously it’s very basic right now we do have an entrance inside which is super nice I think I’m gonna go with the

Stone brick floor okay minecraft go ahead with the creepy noises go ahead try to scare the audience they’re not scared they’re unfazed I think I have a bunch of smooth stone because I have a silk touch pickaxe ooh I do have this smooth stone as well but I don’t really

Don’t want to use that I do have stone breaks here and then yeah so I’m gonna add some stuff to the outside obviously eventually I want to go to the end and grab some purpura blocks not in this episode but sometime in the future what I’m there I’d like to grab some purpura

Blocks and my plan with those is to put them on the top up there you won’t you can’t even really see it from down here unfortunately just because the tower is so tall but I don’t think that’s a bad problem to have at all all right here we go

We have cleared out the floor so I’m just gonna fill us in with stone brick it should be a good floor material and I’m sorry if you guys can hear my wind not my wind not my wind the Earth’s wind but I’m sorry if you guys can hear the

Howling from coming from my window whenever there’s wind in this new place I’m living there’s like a ton of like howling I’m not sure why this apartment verse is my last I mean it’s in the same like in the same place I don’t know why it’s like so much louder but I don’t

Know if any you guys know anything about Windows but yeah it’s howling I assume that means there’s like a like a leak or something I’m not really sure but yeah so we had the first floor obviously this thing is gonna be absolutely massive maybe we could live in this

Really sure I’d like to have somewhat as some some sort of fancy door I’m not totally sure what I wanted to do just yet although I do know I’m gonna need a little bit of wood we’ll go with some spruce we don’t have a whole lot of spruce wood unfortunately but we’ll try

To get some spruce as time moves on we’ll just use some of this fence for now I’m trying to see what other texturing materials we have everything’s sort of put in these chests so anything we have is gonna be in here do we have any do we have something playing in here

No we don’t I got cat on one of my live streams the the music disc and by the way if you guys are not if you guys are not like you don’t post notifications on you should turn them on I’m only saying that because I do live stream and I

Don’t want you guys to miss all that stuff we’re gonna use jungle wood for the other floors just cuz we already have an absurd amount we’re just gonna make a bunch of sticks out of this just because we need a ton to do a bunch of

Ladders we may actually not and we may not end up needing this many ladders but hey I’m gonna overshoot it just so that we have enough and then we’ll go ahead and put all these sticks up because we’re not gonna need all these sticks where this Dirt Nasty gross dirt okay

And then we’ll use these to separate the floors so what we’re gonna have to do is uh I didn’t even grab doors the one thing I was I was talking about the doors and I never even grabbed a thing for the doors we’re gonna take some of

This we only need a few stairs so I guess I don’t need that many and then I don’t know if we have any doors made but if not yeah we do we have a ton of why don’t we have twelve jungle doors neo what are you doing I always have so many

Like of extra items made I don’t know why but when I craft I always make okay that’s not you’re not supposed to be in there there’s gonna be a lot of stuff spawning especially at that top area I know it’s really dark in here and I do apologize but we’ll get to this

Eventually we could separate this into two floors but I think I’m just gonna I’m gonna make the ladder going up like right here just because like this thing is so tall that it has to be right here otherwise like you can’t all right so let’s before actually know what we can

Follow the way down because we have all that all that feather falling stuff so I hope this episode is the last one I’m working the wizard tower but judging by how large this thing truly is I don’t know if that’s gonna be the case or not is

There anything up here no okay I don’t know if this will be the last episode I’m working on it I honestly don’t I’d like to give you a solid answer but I genuinely have no clue because this thing is huge and it may take a few

Episodes to finish out I’m not sure but like for instance I got to go up here and I got a light this up because it’s so dark and like these blocks these are completely unnecessary so I’m gonna remove them just a few of those blocks that I built when I was building the

Roof that I didn’t know for sure if I was gonna keep so like yeah this is a good use for the scaffolding I have but I only have two on me right now I’m not sure where the rest went oh I put it in the chest but yeah I want to make sure

All these areas up here it lit up just because like I don’t know I don’t want things to spawn like in this little crevice up here that would be like that wouldn’t be too good I’d like to use some lanterns up here and make it look

Nice and fancy but I don’t know well for now we’ll just put torches and I think that’s okay but yeah there’s like these blah there’s these blocks like I don’t want them and then we’ll go ahead and fill up those crevasses up there as well just because I don’t know I don’t want

Things spawning again so we’ll put these right here here and here and then there’s no point in putting anything in the top oh oh I thought I was dead actually I wouldn’t have been dead anyway you know you’re dumb okay and then when I want to put some torches up

Here we’ll put them like here and here and then here and here just like that okay now let’s get down from here so we do have mending on if you guys are new to the series or something we got a minute we got this pickaxe got this sword we’ve got some good enchantments

On our sword in our pickaxe as well as two pieces of our armor which you know are the ones that are full the other ones not so much but we are very protected as far as feather falling goes I’d prefer to not hurt myself a whole

Ton but I don’t want to break that cobblestone thing I built up here otherwise there’d be no point but here we go yeah just broke my legs only three hearts so it’s not that big of a deal now I wanted to do a spiral staircase up

And I went in my creative world and I tried some things out I could sort of copy the base of this and I’m gonna be honest it is so hard to do I never really got one that worked so unfortunately we’re just gonna stick with your basic standard ladder

But there’s nothing wrong with that I mean I don’t mind going up a ladder yeah it’s not as fancy and his wizardy as a spiral staircase go you know but it’s a lot easier on my brain which is honestly the the best the best part okay so I

Know the of one of the floors is gonna have to be like right here not like have to be but I want it we’re gonna put the oh well thank you it just sort of put that out there for me I guess cuz I tried to click on a on an impossible

Area but yeah this is where one of the floors is gonna be right and then we’re gonna as soon as it goes up again we’ll have another floor so though there will be a lot of space above us when we look up so that’ll be kind of cool I guess

I’m not really sure these I mean this thing is just gonna be absolutely massive it is gonna be one chunk of a tower which will be interesting to live I don’t know if we’re gonna live in it I really know I mean we kind of live in

This whole village we have our bed in that Cliff House we built but we don’t ever go in the cliff house except for except asleep so I kind of want to move my bed just because I don’t I don’t know I mean I like that place and it’s nice

And all but we never really used that place for anything other than sleeping and there’s no point and like I don’t know living in a place you don’t like but yeah we’re gonna have to add some torches in here obviously I’m not sure where maybe like up heat up here yeah

Look up here is good I’m just trying to remember what block it was on okay this blocks yeah if you guys could hear that howling I do apologize I can’t stop the wind I wish I could that’d be kind of cool and ooh I do anyone I do want to

Add some windows but again I’m not sure what like windows like mmm I have no idea that’s the fun part I’m really having a lot of fun designing this because I’ve never built anything like this in any way so it’s definitely interesting for me just to sort of build

So I figure I’m just gonna I’m not gonna cut the recording a whole ton if this build takes four or five episodes and it takes four or five episodes but either way I kind of want to take you guys along for the ride so it should be it should be pretty

Interesting I know we’ve just been placing slabs for a little bit so I am I am sorry but after this slab we’re pretty much done we only have to do it once more and we’re just gonna do it right on this block and then up there is the last floor

Obviously that’s where like the very top stuff happens maybe that’s where we’ll do the actual brewing I’m not really sure I can’t have you guys like make fun of me but no I’ve never brewed potions and survival like I just legitimately have never have

And to kind of want to have like I want to have another work farm in here obviously and I like a really big one and then okay we need torches in here a hundred percent cuz it’s so dark I cannot have things spawning and ruin in

My world okay we don’t have torches on this level that has to be fixed immediately I will put them up there sure now my brightness is on bright so it may be a little bit deceiving as far as like if mobs will spawn in here I’m

Not a hundred percent sure if they will but I don’t feel like they will I don’t know it could be a little bit dark maybe in the middle of like this floor for instance like if we turn the brightness no not shaders if we turn the brightness

On like moody you can kind of see like where the brightness actually is low it’s like yeah it’s like almost impossible for you guys to see but like for instance if we don’t hold these torches so yeah it’s like definitely very dark in here so I think I want to

Add okay first of all let’s put this back on bright I want to add Windows but I’m confused on what kind of Windows I want to do I’m not really sure maybe some colored windows or something or maybe iron bars I’m not hmm I think iron bars are gonna

Fit the best so we’ll take a bunch of iron I don’t know how much that is how much iron bars do you get for that much iron okay so I have that many iron bars if I need more we can go ahead and get more but I

Think for now I should be Gucci on that let’s go ahead and take these and let’s add some windows to this build in the front I kind of wanted to have a little bit of like a little bit of an overhang I wanted to do it a little more grand

Than just like your typical so maybe like okay that doesn’t that’s that gonna work okay so maybe we’ll start it off like on this I think like this is fine but then that’s too like that feels too small maybe like ooh hmm like this maybe something like that and then we can like

Have it go over here even like this kind of expand off to ways again I’m not really sure these are the things like I’ve never built a wizard tower so I’m trying to make it look as good as possible but I don’t know exactly what I

Wanted to okay well I’m gonna have to sleep so I’m gonna go to the bed and I’ll meet you guys back at the tower oh yeah like I was saying like this house we don’t really use it that much I kind of want to take all the blast furnaces

And stuff out of here we never even put anything on this floor and then up here we have this bed and then we also have you guys are wondering what’s behind this door well I’ll show you look at the end of this hall we end up in the jungle

I don’t remember when I made this but I like made it and I was like I want to have a tower and then yeah we’re just in the jungle over here so it’s pretty interesting I suppose but yeah I’m gonna sleep and I’ll meet you guys back at the

Tower okay so I just realized in my inventory I only have six torches I’m gonna need a few more torches before I begin this so let’s see if we have any uh let me see if we have any torch I think we have a torch chest maybe I

Don’t know where would I put torches I have no idea I wanna say I think I’m just gonna make more cuz I’m lazy I don’t want to look do I have any sticks yes that’s a stupid question yeah I thought they’d be in here so we need 21

Sticks I can I can handle that here we go boom boom boom alright we got a bunch of torches alright we have this shulker box – I’m kind of scared about losing the shulker box just because of its rarity I know it’s a rare item so I don’t want to lose it

See yeah we have a zombie in here I’m not gonna fly not gonna fly tall I think I have a good idea for like lighting in here a really good idea so let me take some lantern first of all we need glowstone we’re gonna need a bunch of

Soul sand do we have any nether wart I feel like if we do it’s gonna be in some weird not isn’t here okay my inventory is gonna be full let’s put up some things I don’t need this right now or this I don’t think that goes in there

Yeah that goes in there okay so we have iron bars great we have this to build a grower which we don’t need right this second and then what else do we need we don’t need these ladders anymore we made just a few too many ladders we’re not gonna

Need that much fence so we’ll just keep a stack on us but what I wanted to grab was lamp now I know I have a bunch of lanterns so let me look through these chests and hopefully we’ll find them and this is of course where my torches are there in

This in this box right here I’m gonna put them where I’d expect them to be so like in here I guess so we’ll go ahead and put up those only need a stack I don’t think I have lanterns I looked through all the chests and I don’t see

Them so unless I’m blind and I put them in some really dumb spot I guess we actually don’t have any lanterns I guess I used them all either way it’s not a big deal we have a bunch of this so we’ll just make a bunch of nuggets is

That too much a ho that’s way too much okay well you know what we’ll go ahead and just make 64 lanterns if we can can we no of course not but we can make like close to it 32 and then we’ll make this and that and then

We’ll might dude yeah okay so 56 lanterns that’s okay but now I need more torches okay so we got the 56 lanterns we got the fence we’re gonna make this lighting look supercool so we’re gonna hop in here I’m not 100% sure how I’m

Gonna do it just yet but I do have a good idea I need something to tunnel up with we can go ahead and use this I guess I got some XP thing at zombie I kind of want to just hang lanterns from the ceiling and not in any particular pattern just

Kind of hang them from the ceiling so put one on one like one here one here we’ll do like one over here and then we just sort of hang them down like this with fence and yeah we’re just gonna put like a lantern on the end I’m not sure

Exactly what the length of the fences are gonna be like again I have no plan but that’s the fun part about this it’s like I really do want this to be a new build for me I’m gonna branch out we’re gonna try different styles things we’ve

Never done before on this channel I wish I didn’t edit hers think of like edit out my my uh I say I wish I have an editor I actually like editing all my videos myself but it would be kind of nice you guys didn’t have to hear me

Like like Rumble in my chest what’s that called clearing your throat yeah well just go ahead and call it rumbling in your chest cuz that makes sense too but yeah something like that I think that looks pretty good there’s some variety so ones up a little bit higher

Yeah I dig that that’s pretty cool hopefully that fixes the lighting on that and then we may only need like one or two lanterns we definitely just need one and like the center like right here more than anything just to light up the middle of the floor and then we’ll go

Ahead and do the same sort of thing up here which surprisingly the ceilings taller on this floor I don’t know why but oh no that’s not what I meant to do okay just there’s just one okay and then we need to put a little bit of fence

Like this and then a lantern okay should look pretty snazzy yeah looks good to me I did again I just need those little areas lit up because I know they’re super dark and I don’t want them to be and then let’s go up here okay so this

Is definitely not gonna need one just because these torches well go ahead and move them down a block just because they don’t need to be that high up it’s not that big of a deal but yeah I definitely want to add iron bars but I don’t know

How to do them because it’s like a wizard tower right and my thoughts are you can’t just add like big gaping windows into a tower we kind of need some like slits like something like that I’m not sure about here well we’ll try something off the bat we’ll see how it looks

We’re just gonna put our iron bars just like this okay and then we’re gonna try that and then we’ll go up above and then maybe have another little iron bar set like right here something like this and then we do this on all four sides where

It fits at least and then okay can’t grab that okay let’s go ahead and see how this looks on the outside again I’m not sure how it’s gonna look but I’m kind of hoping it’s gonna look pretty dope yeah okay that does it kind of cool

Okay and then I don’t think well the tree growing into it’s honestly fine but yeah okay that does look pretty cool now obviously like when I said I’m gonna texture the outside that’s I’m not just gonna do like a few windows I want to add some things like some walls and

Whatnot and then these are gonna go right here perfect and then we’re gonna do the same thing on all four sides so let me go ahead and add it there in there okay so that’s last window done I guess we’ll go outside and we’ll see how

It looks this ladder I don’t think it looks bad I think it makes it look kind of like a like a rough build which is it’s supposed to be it’s like a wizard tower so yeah looking at that that definitely looks a lot better now that

We have a little bit of light flowing in from the outside as well it also helps us because I mean it just makes it brighter in here we had a couple of problems with like brightness obviously I don’t know what my voice is doing mm-hmm I don’t know

What it is recently like with my voice I have no idea it’s like it’s like cutting out it’s terrible it’s not it’s not terrible I did stream like three hours last night so maybe that’s contributing to it but my voice sounds like much deeper and

Richer right now and help it’s not a bad thing I mean I like it but it’s a welcome change but I don’t think that’s how my voice sounds I think it’s just like a little bit hoarse maybe but I haven’t yelled at all and what could it be

Could I be getting a sickness who knows I don’t know yeah I kind of want to add little coverings over these windows and then maybe some like cobblestone walls or something or like some fence posts going up the sides of the builds side of the build I’m beginning I’m not really

Sure like I don’t have any set sort of thing for this I don’t know what exactly I’m gonna do but I’m trying to do some variety with the windows obviously like on the corners here like I can’t like add something right here like that would never work but I am open to suggestions

So if you guys like have ideas and like things you’d think you that would look good let me know in the comments section right down below and while you’re down there if you don’t have a post notifications off again I hate to be that guy I remember watching youtubers

And like in the first 10 seconds of the video they’re always like make sure to slam dunk that like button and I’m just like dude you first of all the video hasn’t even started how do I know if I like the video yet but I’m just saying

Like if you’ve watched it this far and you want to see my live streams because I do live stream then make sure you have post notifications on just because if you don’t you’ll probably miss them unless you’re on YouTube like all day and hey no harm no foul and doing that

But if you’re not like that then I’d turn them on just so that you can see when I start doing it otherwise YouTube’s terrible about notifying you unless you actually turn them on unfortunately used to it wasn’t like that I hate how it is like that but

That’s just the state of affairs we’re in today so if you want to be sure to see them then do that okay so I’m gonna put these I’m gonna put these windows like so the bottom so the the smaller ones are gonna be on bottom here and

Then the bigger ones are on top so maybe that’s a nice little welcome change I’m not really sure we’ll see how it looks on the outside when we’re done but the very top I’d like to do like a bunch of bars I think again I’m not really sure like a light like I’ve

Said like 50 times during this video I have never built anything even remotely similar to this like not even like a tiny bit similar so I don’t know how it’s all gonna turn out but I think it’ll look pretty good I hope so at least I don’t want to build

This whole thing and then it looks like poopoo well I don’t think it will I don’t think that I don’t think there’s a way this bill could look bad just because it’s so big and monstrous so if it looks bad then well I can it just

Can’t look bad okay you know what you can’t look bad I’m kidding it totally could look bad but I don’t think with how we’re making it it’s gonna look that way now the roof is framed a little funky up here so it may look odd at first but we’ll go ahead

And look at it real quick so we’ll just you know what we’ll do it the Yolo way just because I’m lazy I don’t want to go down the ladder so will this fall real quick okay I love feather falling just cuz yeah I’m just gonna fall a couple blocks so you

Know it’s not a big deal alright so let’s look at it from an angle where we can actually see it ah yes okay much much better although I do I do think that we need to add little coverings over these windows so we’re gonna need a bunch of jungle

Wood slabs which I think we’d have enough to do it we have like three stacks here and then we have a bunch of fence but I feel like we’re gonna need a little bit more jungle wood to do this so I’m gonna grab like for instance we have this giant

Tree right here just sitting here hanging out this axe is running a little bit low I might want to repair it with just like one diamond something like that to be how would we have high efficiency on your efficiency three I feel like we could totally outdo

Efficiency three but we don’t have any pickaxes so a champ it cost us two just to repair it okay yeah don’t mind me guys I’m gonna mine this big old treat and they’ll be right back if you guys are curious how I like to mine these

Trees all I do is I just go up like in a spiral like this and then as I destroy it I just break the spiral down and it makes your life very easy because you don’t have to like build something to like climb up it you’re literally building your own staircase and then

Yeah you’re at the top obviously I have a high efficiency so it makes it a little bit easier and why is that so loud I know I don’t understand that way and I know I complain about this a lot but Minecrafts like a very old game and

Like just sounds like that like sound scrambling where it’s like the sounds are just ridiculously loud because there’s so many things happening at once I understand that but like why is it like a hundred times louder than everything else around because I spend so much time like you that like it’s

Just so loud it’s unnecessary and like they’re a big company they have a huge development team and the kit fix it I don’t know if that’s just a Java exclusive thing or if it’s on bedrock – I have no idea but even then like it

Just the vine broken like I get it like that’s supposed to be a loud thing and I’m gonna break this one – it’s just bothering me so I’ll come back when I’m done with these trees just because I know you don’t want to watch your mind

Trees you want to see me build and I get it but I’ll be back okay so I broke that and I’m trying to see like I have a bunch of okay that’s rotten pleasure no that’s just mob drops okay I was gonna say I thought that was everything but it

Is I’m right so I have a bunch of jungle fence already made I’m not gonna need more of that what I wanted to get mainly this jungle wood for was a few stairs which I may have already had a bunch of but these stairs are gonna be like the

Window awning coverings now this is where I may use scaffolding because we’re gonna need a good bit of it to complete what we’re trying to do here what can I throw into here that I don’t need maybe like there’s logs in here but I don’t I can’t okay that just made the

Problem we’re uh okay you know what we’re deleting that I don’t even care about stack of cobble I don’t know why I’m fretting about it doesn’t matter so for example like right here I know that those spooky sounds you hear like that’s literally just my wind I don’t know why

It’s doing that but it’s my it’s my window again Oh what okay so you press shift to go down on it I get that but why did it okay no okay no so if I’m on scaffolding how do I make it go up so once you’re on the scaffolding you can’t

Make it go up you gotta go to the bottom okay that seems a weird but all right whatever whatever however you want to do it minecraft okay this this might prove to be a little more difficult tonight intended okay I’ll just I’d downstair and then offense and if okay you know

What hold on I got to rethink this cuz I don’t know what I’m doing hmm I’m trying to think how I could do this I don’t want to build it up here because it’s like right before the depth change is gonna kind of mask that but I

Don’t want it I want it to be right here but then how did I typically handle that in my tutorials what the heck oh how did I do it I must know maybe I put like a No see I don’t get it maybe I put a stare

Right here or something I don’t know honestly I think I’ve made it just put like the little thing above the windows like I may have put it like right here which is fine then I put like a fence and a fence and I put like a stair and a

Stair but I don’t know how that looks we’ll see we’ll check it out in a second let’s just look at it from far away no I mean it doesn’t look bad that looks fine okay so we’ll go ahead and do that – all these windows I’m like for instance like

This window right here I’m just not sure because like if there’s a window okay if there’s a window that is smaller like and then there’s a window that’s bigger which one do you build it over do you big it to build it over at the top or

The bottom or both because they build it over both on the same death it just looks weird so I again I don’t know I don’t think I’m at that’s how I’m gonna go about it so I’m gonna go ahead and remove this just because I don’t know I

Don’t know yet this is gonna be like a long standing build because again like this thing is huge I thought I was just gonna like okay we’re just gonna finish this build in this episode no there’s no way in heck I’m gonna I’m gonna finish

It in one episode I do have to do a little bit of soul-searching here and they’ll figure out like what I want to do exactly because I don’t know like I mean there’s a bunch of ways I could texture it like I could add some like

Wood or something but like you know like how do you how do you texture it like do you just kind of go up up the whole building like okay my inventory is full I need to really remove some stuff but yeah I’m gonna have to figure out how to

Texture it again I’m not really sure but if you guys have suggestions for how you think I should texture it I’m all ears or eyes wait yeah I’m all yours I think that’s the correct saying so if you guys have any ideas at all let me know in the

Comment section down below if you don’t have any ideas that’s also okay I don’t hate you it’s all good I’m gonna put up I’m just gonna put up all my wood for now cuz I don’t know what I’m doing just yet I kind of want to plan it out

First I want to go to the inside just because I don’t know I kind of want to do the inside stuff that’s what I’m most excited about so I might as well do it this isn’t the most excited about it okay well come over here and we’ll pick

Up this cobblestone it’s bothering me no I wouldn’t throw it in here doesn’t even matter and then let’s just make some trapdoors like this I’m probably gonna need way more than 18 of course I don’t have very much oak wood the struggle okay well we’ll go find some oak wood I

Don’t know where an oak wood tree his I assume there’s I don’t want to break these these are my original og trees they’ve just been hanging out here the whole time we’ve been playing I think there was a few Oh dude I am so stupid I literally planted

A bunch of oak trees for me to like for me to farm and I’m like yeah I don’t know where any oak trees are like I have no idea like dude how can you not remember you’ve literally planted a whole oak tree farm right here for yourself dude you’re crazy yeah let me

Get all these oak oak trees right here and then we’ll definitely have enough trapdoors I hope I’m not gonna make all this into trapdoors don’t worry but we are gonna need a pretty good bit of trapdoors just because I want to make that another work grower II how I

Typically make them so they’re kind of like framed by oak trapdoors like the glowstone in the soul sand but what’s cool is since this is a circle it’s gonna lead to some interesting some interesting shapes you’ve never seen out of me before which should be kind of fun

To design I think that’s all of them I never get all the oak leaves I think all of us have that strip oh the tree grew and it made me crouch I was like what I think all of us have sort of had that struggle or we never break all the

Leaves I think that’s all the leaves I really hope it is but oh there’s more trees right here okay we’re not gonna get we don’t need all that oak wood but like for example when we walk in here we definitely do need we definitely do need

A crafting table so we can get that off the bat and then we can find a place where we could put it right there that’s all good and I want to make a bunch more of these okay 38 okay that’s good okay 58 that should be maybe

Enough I’m not sure again I don’t know how big this thing’s gonna be I have no idea I can’t tell you mmm but since we have these windows it does make it a little bit tricky mmm we’ll see so rampant Sol sound like right here and I think this is how we’re

Gonna do it at least for this part and then I want to put ideally some glowstone here but the only issue is is then like it’s I don’t know I don’t know we’ll sort of figure this out as we go again cuz I don’t really have oh ah dang

It I want to break it like that it only gave me three back dagnabbit I have my fortune three pick so it definitely should have broken it with that yeah typically when I do nether work breweries like at least when I’m building and creative they’re like

This and I think this is fine if we look at it from the outside I definitely don’t think that’s a bad thing that we’re showing glowstone through the window yeah no not at all it just makes it look like another work brewery and it does connect whatever you can’t I

Couldn’t even tell if it connected till I got right next to it so I’m not concerned about that but we don’t have any brewing stands but we have both oof we don’t have any brewing stands but we have a ton of stuff to make them so I

Think we should be good i’ve never crafted a brewing standing in survival so it should be interesting to watch me watch me fumble with for a few seconds I’ll be like wait how do you how do you do this again you’re like neo you play Minecraft for a job and you can’t even

Build a brewery and I’d be like yeah you’re right you right okay I think like that should be good I’m not sure how much more soul Sam we’re gonna need to grow I’d like to grow more and I think what I’ll do is put rows in here but I need to sort of

Figure out how I’m gonna handle that and also how I’m gonna handle like things like connections right here okay you know what okay but I won’t connect to soul sand I see I see you’re so judgmental you’re so judgmental what is this called I don’t know iron bars huh why are you

So judgmental so we’ll put these blocks right here and you know what I don’t know why that would look terrible I think it’s okay if I show some bear it’s just if you put this right here you can’t put one right there and that’s what I’d ideally like to do but you know

In a perfect world right you know all this should grow pretty easily we’ll go ahead and do more over here on this wall and this wall we can move the crafting table and then we’ll put trapdoors right here and I have a little bit more of a Crone

Rewrite here I know you guys can’t see the blocks just cuz I haven’t placed them yet you guys are probably neo your magic you put trapdoor I used to you couldn’t do that with trapdoors I thought that was so stupid but now you can and I think it’s nice that you can

Know so for like example I kind of want to have like like just little groceries all throughout it but I don’t want them to have any sort of pattern I kind of want them to be a little random which I know is weird but at the same time I

Feel like it’ll give more texture to the build it’ll make it feel like I don’t know again I’m not really sure I just want it to look aesthetically pleasing is that so bad is that so bad but no it does look kind of odd but at

The same time I want this to feel I want this to feel like a grow like a proper grower II for another word but again I don’t know I don’t know exactly how it’s gonna function but some of these are gonna have to have like no trapdoors

Some are gonna have to have all trapdoors it just depends on like what side it’s on see I knew I’d use that many trapdoors I told you we are gonna need a crafting table and I think going by the door will be perfect so okay that’s 12 more trapdoors that gives me

Enough to work with at least where we are gonna need more like for example I can’t put a trapdoor there but it’s okay okay I don’t really mind if I can’t put a trapdoor in every single block but I’d like the majority of them to be trapdoors see like we’re already out of

Trapdoors okay let me go mine more oak wood but yeah this looks pretty dope I know it looks kind of random off the bat but hear me out guys it’s gonna look pretty cool once we’re completely done with it I know like I do recognize off

The bat it does look a little funky I’ll admit it but just just you know I always find a way to make things look decent I never just leave things for they let’s look God and I’m like dude what are you doing I always try to make them look as

Good as possible yeah we mined all this oak wood real quick okay I don’t know if that’s all the oak wood but I’m not even gonna look at it because I don’t want to get my OCD kicked in I’m trying to stay on track we got a bunch of oak logs okay

But yeah I’m gonna have to play around with this in between I may just do it off camera because I’m gonna have to try like 50 different things and figure out what works I don’t have to use a bunch of scaffolding it’s just gonna be pain

In the butt but maybe I’ll do that in between this episode and next and present it to you guys like it’ll be kind of cool like that’ll be the finished product you guys be like whoa that looks cool on you I’m being thank you I spent like six hours on it you’d

Be like what but yeah something like this looks cool I don’t know why I like I don’t know why I’m craving this like randomness like of like nether wart but I don’t know it just feels kind of crazy it feels like a crazy wizards tower to

Me it’s not supposed to be like super like like the same everywhere or anything but yeah I want to do like some stuff in here like for instance we have like a bunch of iron bars that’s fine I want to grab like let’s check this out

Let me show you how I could make this look good so for instance we have a bunch of these a bunch of these like oh my gosh how do we have so much fence I don’t know but not a bad problem to have oh yeah this farm should definitely be

Pretty efficient and there are ways that we can make this farm even better like for instance we could take some of this we could make a few stairs typically do did believe day I’m a wizard ha ha ha ha ha ha I’m a wizard that’s not funny

I was just trying to say like ha ha ha ha like like I don’t know but check this out I don’t know what I’m doing right now but I have an idea in my head and again like I’m kind of a crazy guy like in real life I’m not like a crate little

Not like neurotic but like oh dang it ok fortune yeah get that for bat yeah give me that Ford didn’t even break it oh yeah something like this and like yeah you guys may be looking at this you’re like me oh dude you’re you’re literally crazy if it checks out we’ll

Put a stay right here and then we’ll go ahead and put munot stone brick oh I know that’s not you speak I’m sorry but it’s disrespectful people who actually speak the language I wish I could speak Spanish but I just can’t like I’m just I’m just so bad at second languages I

Tried my best in in high school in middle school when I took it I did not do too well not not very well at all like like really really not well but oh I do see now that I have these tops exposed I got a Phillies in I

Was thinking like you can’t even see the top like I bet the I bet the viewers won’t even notice but now that we can actually see the top you I definitely notice and you guys definitely notice and it has to be filled in and it just

Takes so many trapdoors and some of you may not like that there’s so many trapdoors but like that that’s okay it’s my build and I like trapdoors like okay that was that was MLG even though that probably wasn’t that hard oh yeah I’m putting this in here because I kind

Of want to just have like a random mole hold on a random little platform up here with like for instance a few stone brick a few stone brick slabs that is and maybe I want to have a little bit of a grower up here as well so like that’s

What I mean I kind of want it to be crazy in this build I don’t want anything to be like super linear or anything like that but like maybe I just want a few grows over here as well just so we can have ample nether wart and

Yeah looks like just put like some clothes too and like right here for instance and then hopefully we have enough trapdoors we may we may not I don’t know where’s another word okay cool yeah I’m actually really digging this then we’ll put this over here nope

That’s not what I meant to do give me that okay it’ll put trapdoor and a trapdoor and yeah this will give us something to work towards to sort of finish this wizard tower that’s what I was looking for in the series I just lost direction for a few episodes I was

Like I don’t know what to do but now that I have like a big project to work on that won’t be finished in like one or two episodes it’s killer let me tell you it’s killer and then we’ll put hmmm I don’t know maybe we’ll do some more like

I don’t know just like let’s look at this from like down below see you like a look it just looks even crazier now which is exactly what I’m going for I’m trying to tell you guys I knew this would work out you just got it you got

To trust me you want actually have to trust me but I don’t know I think it looks pretty cool and then maybe we’ll put like do we have any more jungle slabs no we don’t hmm I was gonna say we could put ooh well I like the light

Right there I was gonna say we could put like another little grow right here but then we would put it there’s that little gap and we don’t have any jungle wood slabs you know we’ll just go grab them real quick it’s not a big deal okay we

Have the slabs I realized we’re gonna need eight outdoors so I might need to break some more no we did break it all dang it I was hoping we didn’t break all the oak wood because we literally can’t make anymore trapdoors and that kind of sucks

Maybe we have a little oak wood in here mmm with any no we literally have none any oak trapdoors oh we have four okay that’s perfect I only needed eight because of four on the top four on the bottom and yeah they should look pretty cool

So let’s go up here we got this so we can throw the slab down and then we can do the trapdoors hopefully I can get it on the far side yeah what I was saying is that wind howling noise kind of makes it sound creepy like we’re in like a

Wizard tower it’s kind of creepy I feel like wizard towers are a little bit creepy I don’t know let me know in the comments what do you guys think our wizard tower is creepy I’m not sure that’s why I’m asking but yeah something like this and then maybe yeah like it

Looks a little weird if it’s on the edge so maybe just throw a few slabs down just to sort of contour it like that and then again again no set pattern no set anything just like this just a random little staircase in here you can still access all this nether work yeah that

One’s a little cramped whatever it’s not a big deal you know what it’s a little cramped okay we’ll come in here put a few dip lead ooze in a few Dibley days and look you’re all good just like that like we’ll put this one down as well no

Now you can grab the nether work see so we just sort of fixed our own problem and I don’t know I kind of want it to feel again like I don’t know how many times we’ve said this like a crazy Wizards Tower and I think we’re

Achieving that hmm okay well if you guys enjoyed episode 40 let me know in the comment section down below I’d love to be able to use shaders on the series you guys said you loved them and I really do like how they look and we’ll give our

Second or eyes a second to adjust but they’re just so dark when I go underground maybe I’ll record a few episodes with them on I’m not really sure but like it makes the world just look so much more beautiful I think it’s so much more vibrant like when we walk outside like I

Don’t know it just makes everything look really really good and not that it doesn’t look good without it but like even the tower looks better even though it’s not textured at all obviously we’re gonna add things we’re not done to the outside I may do that in between this

Episode of next I’m not really sure but if you guys enjoyed this video and you want to see more like it be sure to click that subscribe button so you notified when I upload as well as livestream and stuff like that I do post tutorials as well but you

Probably know that if you’ve watched 38 minutes of me just like rambling and gambling but yeah thank you guys for watching episode 40 and I’ll see you either next in a tutorial or episode 41 anyways see you guys later bye

This video, titled ‘Big Wizard Tower Farm | Minecraft 1.14 Let’s Play Ep. 40 (TheNeoCubest)’, was uploaded by TheNeoCubest on 2019-07-23 01:08:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

This Minecraft 1.14 update lets play shows me playing survival Minecraft on the new update of the game Minecraft called 1.14 …

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    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

Big Wizard Tower Farm | Minecraft 1.14 Let’s Play Ep. 40 (TheNeoCubest)