Biscuit Boys SMP #1 – Lil Minecraft Server (LDShadowLady Twitch Stream)

Video Information

Did i do it right can you guys hear me i’m back i’m live again please come back hello people seriously guys oh why are they killing each other what are they doing whoa you quit oh it’s happening right there okay why do i not have my own okay

Here we go yeah it worked okay i can see you guys now and thank you for catching emu for the 15 month reserve we got it working i think you can hear them running around now i think we’re good okay where how how do i oh that’s still not hello

Hello hello hi how there’s things yeah there’s a lot of things killing you ollie said he’s stuck in a hole i can’t see him anywhere he’s down i heard him slowly fade away and now he’s gone let’s get them all ready take my way out

Oh i can hear you right let’s do it okay can you throw me down some blocks kev how is this nice oh meat very kind i can survive another day some rotten flesh here you go ollie thank you so much that’s how they get you kev that’s what

This is this is how we start our a war is everyone going lizzie would you like to join us in the hole guys i am pushing the zombie down there with you oh no he’s hench push it push in there it’s all right i pushed him in

The hole that’s how i killed my pillager i’ll break the ground beneath him bring him in what are you sending my way take down maneuver my special move okay um oh okay no jump kev kev this is your first test i’m jumping theo has killed me there’s been a murder

Literally how could you it was another pillar i can’t believe you’ve done this no it wasn’t me it was a pillager i killed it no you hit me like a hot second where are they right didn’t someone sit down without any other kind of choice we could do pickaxe if we have wood

It’s going to be nice can i eat rotten flesh yes okay what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna make it daytime for everyone no i don’t i’m sorry the idea of any job oh if we ended up like this no i have nothing guys just get out the hole

You threw down a zombie on me when i tried to get out the hole ah someone pushed me further down Oh yeah they’ve i saw they followed you they wanted they’re one of mine and probably one of the others oh there you go there you go nope maddie how do i fix it it’s a piss guys do i sound better sorry joel we just came in we’re all out the wrong way

On pc because you put it on your default audio device put it on on sound settings and then where is that oh yeah why why i have no idea click on this click settings on my slash arcs properties and then use that yeah use that and then

Disable that one okay is that better people thank you john use the code word if that’s better mic is broken everything’s broken but it wouldn’t be a stream without everything being hello sorry i i’m not the leader i’d like to say that i’m the least qualified person to

Lead this group of unqualified people where is ollie we’ve lost ollie uh he’s he’s run off to do his swearing huh okay well i was hoping that we could um sort of introduce everyone okay louise thank you for subscribing oh oh no yeah that sounds good that sounds like a look yes

Maddie you can start since you’re the most important to me okay well thank you that’s a very nice accolade to have um hello uh i’m maddie i am stardoo maddie and uh i’m not very good at minecraft uh that’s that’s about it really i don’t

Know what else to say i hate these kinds of situations we have to introduce yourself a fun please about you uh i play the harp oh you actually had one i thought that would be a really stress inducing moment well i’ve got very easy one nowadays that’s my go-to

Fact about me is that i play the harp and that’s about it that’s good okay moving on not kev please please introduce yourself and tell us what instrument you play uh oh goodness i’m being interrupted by oliver um i am sorry kev and you may ask why i’m called not kevs because my

Name’s not kevin um i um i used to play minecraft back in the day i’m very excited to be jumping back in because i’ve heard there’s a lots of changes since i last played i’ve seen oh you’re about you’re about to be mind blown thank you thank you mind blown um piho hello

What’s up what what’s introduce yourself you know what the other guys did maybe maybe a bit of that yeah sorry i was talking to my full chat oh okay full at capacity right yeah no one else is laughing i’m very good at every game i play as olly knows uh and

When you’re trying to do a speed run i haven’t actually played minecraft what is your skin uh i’m jack from jack and daxter a 2007 ps1 uh ps2 game i think okay very niche awesome and uh aureon sound or i’ve played a lot of minecraft in my

Time you’ve probably seen me around on the years it’s a pleasure to be working with you on this venture oh okay well that’s the second time um so this is just a minecraft server just to chill out and have fun so maybe we can all go and start uh i’m gonna do

A war bye okay yeah that is very you okay i mean you could you can go off and do separate things if you want or we could do stuff together i’m going to go over here and i’m going to hit some trees but we should reconvene oh if that

Was the thing i was going to say we all need to kill the ender dragon together that’s our goal so we not have like a goal for the day and then if we come back again we’ll have a different the goal for today is to not die whoever dies the least

Is the least embarrassed is there any way to track that because i’ve died one time um i mean i guess just in your head with numbers i’m bad at that i think my goal today is the nether getting together seriously i don’t think my goal is to race theo to the next

I’m good at games yeah can we find out where we’re gonna make our houses we should make them around so here too far i’m becoming a snow biome guy over this it’s over here look it’s cute i’m gonna make it day and then on the cat three we should all run off okay

In what there’s directions 360 degrees to choose from just pick one you can’t go wrong we’re not we’re not sticking together are we you can if you want you can stalk people if you want maddie it’s time to live on your own live by the way maddie might need some assistance ollie she

Doesn’t know she’s crafty i’m really bad at minecraft your chat will help you your chat will help you don’t stress about it um somebody go to these people go to these guys chat as well to help them because they’re a bit new too i was telling Saying guys thank you for bearing with me while i couldn’t chat with you well that was all happening um yeah i’m um i’m going to try and race theo to the end who’s that feral bean oh fenia bean not feral bean of course i want feral bean um thank you for subscribing and

Just trying to move my things around a little bit here there we go everything’s bet i’m set up for a speed run now okay i can do this what shaders are you using i’m using bsl shaders and i just tweaked the settings a little bit to look a bit more like

Rudo plays so i really cranked up the saturation b okay i do want i do want b’s but i also want to be theo to the nether bailey thank you for subscribing i think i might just speed run mode this um i’ve never done this before but i i

Just want to get to the nether so i i’m gonna do it yeah i’m gonna do it i’m just gonna do it really quick like you’ve never seen before i can’t i’ve missed you so so much you’re literally my comfort streamer so glad you’re back though tbh i thought

You deleted your twitch at one point because you unfollowed me la ma but yeah glad you’re back and excited for the new smp lesson well um i’ve not deleted my twitch okay it’s me i’ve got i’ve got i’ve got an achievement um i am on my way to the

Nether that’s where i’m going the texture pack the texture pack is just vanilla minecraft thank you babycon by the way for the bits okay gotta get the iron see i’m thinking oh i need i need a stone pick i’m such a noob need a stone pickaxe for the iron i

Hope theo’s not here listening to all my strategies cause then he will know how to game look at me go up so fast oh my gosh they can’t keep up i need i just need some yeah i just need i need a bucket that’s all i need

Right sister sydney thank you for the 11 month research wait stay out of my hole yeah this is my home it’s got all the good stuff this is my crevice lizzie is our op speeder i mean i’ve seen faster i think i’m not on making great time right now but um brandon

Nutley thank you for subscribing speedrun this is the slow speed i’m probably getting too much iron if anything get an axolotl now i can’t decide should i speedrun and beat theo to the nether or should i get an axolotl it’s a really tough choice i don’t know i just don’t know

I can do both i can do both although i will do the nether thing first and then can you put can you put an axolotl in a cauldron who is that literally i saw her name oh it’s a b i thought he was a person i thought he was someone spying on me

When he was the bee oh there’s made the stone age advancement okay he’s just behind me but he hasn’t acquired the hardware okay okay maybe i get loads of buckets is this is this gonna be enough lava to make a portal no that’s one piece of lava we need more than

That i need to get out of the cave okay i need some blocks so i can get out of the cave if you guys can think of anything that might help me in this moment uh maya major thank you for subscribing please please do leave your comments letting me

Know i need every advantage i can get right now i need the help make a bucket just just get me to the nether and i’m coming straight home you know like i don’t need to stay there to prove that i’ve done it i just need to get there i’m gonna oh no

Oh my gosh he’s so speedy what the heck no no stop i’m just gonna have to go i’m just gonna have to take my take my i forgot how to do it do i need do i need more than one water bucket no i think i just need one water bucket right

Or do i you need flint and steel oh no okay okay and you bet none of you better be going to tell theo my plan somebody’s already done that haven’t they yeah yeah water bucket oh ollie has died he is on oh oh there he is

Rest in peace ollie sorry i can’t stop i’m on a mission why are you still at spawn i’m running this way i’m looking for gravel i think gravel oh no okay i’ve got i’ve got steel we’re good i just need the gravel though two buckets i’ve made a terrible mistake

I’ve made a grave miscalculation and i have left all the iron behind gravel yes oh i hear someone oh hello where are you i’m uh up on this hillside punching a tree oh cool uh i’m i’m on a mission what is your mission i’m trying to get to the nether before thea

Oh my you uh you really took that to heart didn’t you oh yeah okay okay i’m on my way see ya good luck um right we need what do we need a lava pool only make one i need a lava pool okay a lava pool it’s what you’re

Telling me i bet theo’s forgotten the flint and steel i bet i bet he’s an absolute noodle and he’s forgotten the flint and steel we control the horses and then we control the land that’s i’m not even gonna question it i’m not even gonna i’ve i’m crying i’ve cried a

Little bit at what i just overheard i hope you guys heard that where’s the lava that almost was a fall you need liver and food i’m just popping in you know i’m just going to poke my head in and then poke my head right back out where’s the lava guys where

I need loads of lava i’m scared oh my gosh i can’t find any lava and if it gets dark i’m gonna die because i don’t have any armor i don’t have any food okay now i see lizzy you two check your death numbers and statistics

I sound like a big man lizzy is what i sound like a big strong man uh why is do we have key pin vaughn is that intentional no it’s not on because it’s not on that’s vanilla minecraft ollie get used to it that’s normal minecraft right have you got any contributions to make

To my efforts to beat theo to the nether i’m looking for food well since i died and i don’t keep him on i’ve got this piece i’ve got two pieces well thank you you know what that might help i’ll definitely recognize your contributions in my acceptance speech thank you bye if

You ever want to drop by my house is now this big mountain because i quite like the shape okay but it’s it’s only one piece okay we need a lava pool oh no theo’s got the iron theo’s got iron he’s on his way and i’m still looking for a lava pool

Does anyone know where this lava pool is you already passed one did i actually no i didn’t did i seriously he’s made an iron pick why would you do that is he going for diamonds has he forgotten about the nether race you know maybe he has

In which case that’s good for me because i’m guaranteed to win oh my gosh i’ve gone around in a huge circle actually i spiked by him again and i didn’t find any lava you need a desert you need a dead okay a desert a desert a desert right yes no

I can find a desert i can’t find a desert could there be a lava pool here f5 for a larger view whoa No that is the ocean oh no wait that wouldn’t work what if what if i found a completed nether portal out in the middle of nowhere wouldn’t that be good can we do the seed oh you can’t do the seed i can’t buy the lava very low chances very low chances

Okay i’ve got an idea i i need can i find one in there turn on captions how do i do that i’ll do that for next time i didn’t know you could oh no he’s doing it what’s he got he’s got a bucket of lava he’s doing it

He’s doing it without me and i haven’t even got any food i can’t even walk anywhere i’m gonna have to kill this cow and that will be my last act as a loser he found lava did he find a lava pool where i just need to find theo

Come back your sacrifice is necessary oh no oh no okay i’ve not had a very lucky time today hot stuff yeah he’s got hot stuff and i don’t have hot stuff i only have the cold stuff literally in this jar bucket thing is there lava in there probably not oh i

Thought it was lava but it’s just shiny water use your pickaxe to kill oh genius thank you i will do that um also somebody gave me a recommendation a minute ago um via some bits thank you for those and i definitely thought to myself that’s a really good suggestion and i’ve

Forgotten what you said now um oh it’s just that lava but it was a really good suggestion thank you it was like i can’t remember what it was does anyone remember what it was use a bucket of lava and water to make the pot all together you mean meet up with theo

And both go to the nether together so that neither of us lose i like that plan especially as i’m currently losing grand the lava grand the lava that lava is only one piece though i need many pieces to make nether portal how oh was it my statistic death count tip

Yes thank you it was um who said that clay crispy crispy tagons i’m not reading that right thank you so much that it was your tip um so we can look in the statistics to look at our death count um i can’t run anymore and it is night time

Death be upon me i guess death is a lovable lovable oh there’s a big there’s a big heart of things between me and the lava pool unfortunately so we could we could i’ve got a plan this is my plan stay away yes you can’t hurt me huh we all know spiders cut

Okay spiders can swim i wish he would drop food for me to eat oh gosh okay sorry sorry sorry no okay okay he’s gonna kill me he is gonna kill me i need to get to that lava pool guys the flint and steel the flint and steep genius except i’m too slow

Should i eat raw chicken probably not probably don’t eat the raw chicken no i’m going to eat the raw chicken it can’t get much worse oh is this a big zombie i mean he’s not much larger than other zombies he’s just much more well armored okay if i stay here hide in

A hole oh my gosh you know what maybe i should maybe i should maybe i should hide in a hole where’s that chicken gone no chicken yes chicken i should not have left my furnace behind flint and steel to cook the meat you’re a genius why didn’t i think of that i’m just

Gonna kill everything with fire from now on oh that’s a lot of things oh he’s been shot by a skeleton there’s no horse meat in the game okay okay okay okay maddie’s in the stone age there’s a creeper right there creepers will definitely kill me in one shot if i let them

Oh no spider skeletons there’s just a lot of dangers around here oh hello who’s there somebody’s here right i’m scared lizzy have you got a house by any chance no i need a house oh i’m actually over there in the there’s a village over there oh no

Oh that’s smart there’s a village over there in the snow biome okay i’m gonna head for the village okay have you pillaged the village no i haven’t been over there okay would you would you like to uh not not currently i’ll be there i’ll be with you in a moment you’ve got

Secrets if you’ve got secret minds sorry do you have secret minds that you’re not telling me no i don’t have secret minds i just have a secret plan i don’t like the sound of that oh i should have cooked that i’m an idiot i’m an idiot okay here we go i nearly died

It’s so close it’s almost over for me go in there come on oh you dingus ah come on i’m so close to the edge of death no okay you you must die i can’t die i’m the hero okay what am i coordinates oh i’m gonna die i’m definitely about to die help me

Oh who’s there maddie there’s a spider in my hole my my crafting table hole where’s your hole i want to be in the hole i’m it’s not safe out here where are you um i’m on top of this hill i don’t know okay i’m coming

I need the whole oh no follow my voice it’s gone horribly wrong we must find i hate it oh i died too i hate it it’s gone it’s gone all wrong okay you went the same way i went right because i i need to follow you you were near my house okay maybe

Lead the way yeah i’m an idiot no i think he went the other way ollie wait but i followed you to start my stuff my stuff my stuff where is it it’s down here in this hole what are you doing oh my gosh okay we’re gonna get there we’re getting there

Maddie i saw you yeah just just 20 minutes ago has your stream has been watching you live inside of at the whole 20 minutes how did you get in here okay this is it this is it i don’t know what i’m doing but i’m going to do it i can figure this out

I know i can i think i can i know i can let’s do the bottom bits like that okay we got the bottom oh no it’s fine sorry so i’m so sorry for the shouting guys i know it’s horrible i do um i just can’t help it

I’m really high stakes this is high stakes for me right now i’m going to get in the hole yes guys okay can i come in the hole uh it’s not a hole it’s actually a wood cabin i’ve been corrected before okay cabin sorry i’m already building a basement

I’d like to be in there you’re welcome things will crawl up this hole by the way just a little bit i was starting to make a basement i was you know making the next level do not landscaping open that door it’s gonna break its way in i think that’s how it works what

Oh your speed running is not going well oh no okay okay i can do that no he’s got he’s got my hundreds of diamonds yes yes he does maddie look do you have any food to donate no to the house i have one piece of meat how do i throw

It to you is it cute maddie do you have a crafting table it’s outside it’s the step that you can would you not bring it i was about to but then you started destroying the walls okay it was 20 minutes of building this house i’m not good at minecraft no i can see

That that’s why you need mine i gotta go i’m so sorry get out of there maddie you stay with me i hope that they’re alive i hope they’re okay because i’ve got a mission that i need to complete i’m just going to set fire to these things

I wish i’d set fire to the cows oh no there’s so many zombies how can there be so many zombies it look at that one of them is really fast much faster than me if i run out of meat oh my gosh did ollie just kill maddie like on purpose or accident

Yes i need this okay that’s perfect perfect now how can i be masters oh hey maddie sorry to hear about it you killed me yeah i had i had a tragic difficulty could you hold off the heart of zombies for a moment well i tried to achieve this yeah that didn’t go well

A lot a lot of death today you who hasn’t died theo um and that just means he hasn’t overcome adversity like the rest of us and i have lost my bucket yes so that is bad wait no my bucket is here everything is fine lizzy what are you doing i i’m not doing

Anything on purpose uh i am however i i’ve got i’ve just got oh no what’s happening it’s okay i got you i got you got you were kind of a team but kind of a team just don’t stand near the lava lava is dangerous okay yeah i agree with

That is it that oh you protect the creeper right they’re on all sides they’re all burning they’re all burning lizzy’s destroying everything and i didn’t do it i’m not i’m just landscape i know it’s pretty at sports it’s the price we pay but look i’m halfway to a

Portal we’re almost there you know how to do that i’m a little bit stressed i am this is this means whoa oh no this is you can’t see my vision we all make mistakes i killed maddie by accident we all make mistakes yeah i saw that i’m gonna go i’ll go apologize maddie

Okay we’re halfway there halfway there we can do this how did he kill maddie i think he just i think there was a bit of an altercation in in the house we were all sharing a hidey hole together but things got a bit tense oh no okay it’s fine that’s that’s not the

Worst thing i could have done theo has died theo has died and i never thought i’d be so happy but here i am and he’s gotta come past me to to reclaim his stuff i think so many good friends so many classic memories i’m gonna go now to the great beyond

I’m not doing this right am i like there’s definitely a better way to do this i just don’t know what it is so i can’t do it this is what i have to do people is this really frustrating to watch like if you’re a person that knows how to do this

I’m just concentrating really hard you’re doing great thank you thank you so much i mean so much is it tall enough yet is that tall i think that’s tall enough right because if it’s not it is yes oh my gosh thank goodness okay just two more pieces

And then we’re going we go into the nether okay yeah okay okay okay we’re almost there one more piece one more piece and i’ve i’m win okay is that it have i done it is this it is this it i’ve lost my flipping steel i don’t know how this happened oh my gosh

What he’s making a portal right now he’s not because he hasn’t got obsidian yet we all good stupid give me the gravel flint luckily i picked up the last few pieces and here we go here we go here we go what is that oh my gosh look at me go theo

I think that was theo unless that was kev i did it i did it and then kev died is that the nether of course it is look at me go hello i’m gonna die in it oh no oh no oh he’s come with me yeah he has i’ve brought him to the overworld What have i done i’ve unleashed a plague upon the overworld oh i didn’t know that happened cool i’m gonna set him on fire for some bacon okay he’s immune to fire which makes a lot of sense actually and i’m realizing now that i don’t even think theo knew he

Was in a competition with me because he hasn’t said anything i defeated you theo also earlier i forgot to say this earlier but i lied about there being a village over there to distract theo away from my lava pool wait ollie ollie no wait i’m not in there

Into the nether a place never before gone to essex ollie died in there of course he did because it’s the nether too easy yeah me me and olly beat you there well you know what though ollie contributed to two blocks of dirt to that we wouldn’t have been able to do

That without him so we all have to remember the great sacrifice that ollie made uh hey matt oh sorry sorry i’m just doing my screaming where are you oh i’m up i’m up here hello maddie hello do you want me to kill this spider for you no he’s my pet okay why

Did you where did you block up the portal i was speed running speed running what let me in you died in there yeah i want to go back in oh okay yeah yeah so you’re speed running but you don’t have a pickaxe to break this cobblestone yet is that what

You’re talking about speed running to the end dragon i select my new thing when i like don’t do anything is that what dream it’s like no crafting table challenge yeah exactly okay good luck thank you for your contributions to the netherlands what server is this this is just a mess

Around server um i’m calling it the biscuit boys smp you need gold oh yeah i need gold ollie needs gold yeah you need gold not me i don’t need gold you need gold i don’t think he knows that i think he’s kind of a noob um what she’ll write what shall i have

The nether much faster than i thought i could and he was right behind me too he was only like a minute behind me that was scary my heart’s going pitter patter pitta patter oh i just need you to die peacefully and then i can claim the food i’m so sorry Axolotl you’re so right i should get an axolotl because then i will be achieving both of my goals before anyone else and maddie will be jealous i might take the axolotl to maddie because she’ll be really jealous she’ll love the axolotl i think oh for a second there i thought that you

Were smart Oh right where do i go i think i want to go north let’s go north check under ice check under ice and caves lizzy went to the nether for under 30 minutes or in under 30 minutes i did you know what that’s just you know i’m just setting records just such a record

Break of me i’m gonna i’m gonna go get maddie an axolotl and bring it back for her actually i’ll ask her if she has any iron and i will get her a bucket of her own because i’m a baby hey maddie hello where are you i can hear you but i won’t

Where are you is she in her hole how no clearly not apparently not at all oh are you down here yeah oh cool um do you have any iron because if you give me a bucket i’ll give you something cool uh well i’m just mining some iron so i

Can procure some for you yeah give me a bucket thank you for subscribing uh who was that that me by giving you a bucket is that my way of subscribing yes subscribing to the theory that i am the best minecraft player on this server um thank you adelina uh ohms subscribing

Dream could never dream could never i mean imagine getting to the nether and only dying three times what a feat that nobody else would ever be capable of you have a bucket i know i have a bucket but that’s for my axolotl okay oh one way or another remember i’m gonna

Bring the bucket here we go right give me that mutton right iron goes in there i need some extra coal nice okay it’s all no it’s on the cooker i thought i was sneaking up on you but i wasn’t no you looked well you were being very quiet trinidad thank you for subscribing

Okay well well your irons cooking oh here’s one well how many do you need um three for a bucket please three you’ll need three for a bucket yeah oh well it’ll be ready in no time yep that’s what i’m hoping for it’ll be ready in a jiffy let me can i make it

Yes yay we make it oh gosh right here we go oh i’ve already messed up okay i did it okay there you go ready where is it it’s out here thank you i’ll be back okay i don’t die with your bucket i hope not that would be better okay

Let’s go get more stuff that’ll be really bad um because i i mean i haven’t told her what i’m gonna bring her but she’s expecting something now i’m trying to figure out how to check i’m gonna change my mute bind because it’s currently it brings up a whole menu every time and

We don’t want that yeah that’ll do it is getting dark um do people have beds or are we as a civilization not that advanced yet because i i actually can make a bed come to shaq this is how kev gets all the ladies come to shock

I’m a little behind does anyone want to push minecraft beds together or give me a bed in general oh dear so i don’t think we’re gonna get everybody sleeping tonight so i think it’s gonna be a horrible another horrible grueling night in this minecraft world please make beds please make beds people

That is what i request get a shield maybe i will i was going to say no i was going to say no to you there dishwasher soap 21 but i’ve decided that perhaps you are actually more educated on this topic than i am and maybe you know something i don’t know

How do you make a shield i don’t think i can thank you happy days for subscribing oh i can’t wow with my last piece of iron how perfect was that now all i have to do is remember to use this in the right moments acquire many many axolotls oh yes get a

Sword okay maybe i’ll get a sword or maybe i’ll get an axe yeah oh dear come to the fire come on you know you want to Oh no oh that’s a lot of that’s a lot of zombies i might have to go hide in a hole i should have got the plugin on here that lets only two people sleep and it counts for everyone that would be he’s blown up my beef no wait it’s there

It’s fine okay i don’t even know why i got that i’m not even that hungry no there is no beef okay never mind rabbits hi i’m new to twitch welcome new to twitch theo did not know you guys were racing um well you know that probably just made it easier for me so

Say levy there’s only one server where there’s a pet there’s one on my server where only one person can sleep that’s a good idea oh everyone’s getting beds oh i can get a bed sweet dreams people okay i need to get out the bed oh three out of five players sleeping okay

So we need four out of five and then i am tucked up who is not in a bed oh they want maddie to log out oh that’s sad it’s time for you to go it’s my first stream welcome la la la la and sparkle of snuggles thank you for

Subscribing i really hope i don’t maddy log log out please we’re all gonna die axolotl army i mean i can’t have an axolotl army on two servers i’m already gonna have one on the other one miss the brown hair oh yeah oh i forgot to mention i dried it back to pink like

Literally last night in the middle of the night um i hope maddie knows that she can come back and we weren’t just telling her to go away forever because she didn’t have a bed okay good now i am looking for axolotls now they spawn above why level 63 i mean below

Why level 63 because that is water level go mining if you won’t leave wait what go mining if maddie won’t leave oh that was a good idea but maddie however did leave and we were able to sleep i will try to make a bed today promise that is your goal

Maddie always struggles with minecraft she doesn’t really know what to do in a day so now she has the goal to make a bed i mean it might seem like a simple goal on the surface of it but do you guys remember your first ever day playing minecraft and how difficult everything felt

Because that’s where maddie is right now who’s on the snp um it is me my sister stardoo maddie uh olly the orion sound we got theo and not kev so let me give them a little if you click on the the thing below my name where it says biscuit boys i think it

Says streaming streaming on biscuit boys i think it says that does it say that i’ve done it right i should probably check and you should be able to see all their channels oh no i’ve done it wrong okay how do i change my team well i don’t know i’ve done it wrong

I’ve done it wrong people i’ve done wow thank you for subscribing for 16 months i however have not been able to send you to my friends channels properly um so not care i’m just going to link it in the chat so if you guys want to go and drop them a follow that

Is not kev’s channel um that is obviously this person is called not kev um so i heard a weird noise i think it was the horse and then also this is theo’s channel definitely don’t drop him a follow as well because they’re all going to be

Playing on this server with us uh and we’re gonna stream it it’s a stream only server and who knows what will happen probably nothing great because i know this crowd and maddie hasn’t even managed to make a bed yet or go to the nether despite the fact

That the portal is right outside her house i actually have missed streaming um i dyed my hair brown and i just didn’t want to stream anymore because i didn’t feel like myself i felt like i didn’t look like me so i didn’t want to stream but i literally

Dyed my hair pink last night so that i could stream again um my hair is not happy about it let me tell you that it is very damaged but i’m happy about it um katie thank you for subscribing um is that it was there another one i’m not sure

Hey i’m watching you for years and this is my first time shopping by shopping by a stream well welcome this is so random but do you have any favorite or lucky numbers mine are 13 and 17 he he favorite lucky numbers i mean i’m gonna have to be basic and say

Seven because that is my birthday day number and oh for goodness sake i keep burning oh no i do have a piece of steak i keep burning it um it is my birthday day number so it’s kind of kind of the only one i’ve got to go with

I really need to go mining it’s not what is that guys what is that oh it’s a village yeah that was silly that was silly of me because it is a village but now i can pillage the village oh it’s abandoned oh no what’s sad it’s really sad Can you stop not dying it’s really frustrating i’m just not very good at this maybe if i could just get some just get some food i can go get my axolotls in peace without really struggling to be alive just a fletching did you know fletching tables have no purpose

You for coming to my ted talk that’s sad cute cute quietly lights the cow on fire i did do that yes i did belle gonna take the bell me again just wondering if you will be adding more streamers in the future maybe buy applications or something coughs in

Streamer who would love to join slash j less than three um hi babycon thank you for the bits i don’t know if we’re adding new people um at the moment the people that we’re playing with right now are just real life friends that i have

That um wanted to try for fun so we haven’t got anything seriously minecrafty queen of twitch queen of streaming queen of content has returned for her yearly stream and we are all very happy me couldn’t couldn’t be me it is not me you’ve you’ve exaggerated there but i appreciate it i like it

Um oh axl axles have to spawn in the dark they can’t spawn in the light so they can’t spawn in like a river like this so i need to go to the ocean and i think i need to keep going north to get to the ocean and also i should save my pickaxe

Because i won’t i want to cook this meat family is everything family can be everything if you want it to be it doesn’t have to be but it is a good thing um jeff minty thank you for subscribing jasmine t number one thank you for subscribing am i still going not yes i

Am oh remember that b we saw he’s probably dead now oh is this a flower forest oh my gosh yes this is where i would like to live yes it is a flower forest you can find them in flowing water in caves yeah but aren’t caves really dark

Oh so i should look in a cave yeah you’re right i should look in a cave because caves are dark that makes sense i was hoping to find an ocean somewhere if i just kept going in one direction i thought i would for sure find an ocean maybe i got to go south

This is cute though how cute is this flower forest yes maddie and lizzy yeah maddie is my sister like literally my sister that’s why we sound very similar if you go over to her stream right now stardoo maddie you will notice that we sound very similar

And that’s because we are similar in so many ways when’s the next empire video i haven’t actually started working on it yet um chloe lou thank you for the two month resub um yeah i haven’t started working on empires yet i need to take a little break after that insane build that i

Did for no reason how’s your earl garden going also why don’t you use the rude plays shaders d um well to answer your questions i’ll answer this simple one first rudo plays i don’t use it because it’s making me lag um sofia the sugar queen thank you for subscribing and the second question

How’s my irl garden was that um it’s great we i harvested some peas and i uh ate some of the peas they were great i enjoyed the peas even though i don’t normally love peas these ones tasted great and what else did i do i’ve harvested some lettuce i hope

That’s what you asked about because this is what i’m telling you about um i keep posting about it on my um instagram stories sometimes and i feel like people are getting a little bit fed up of my gardening my my incessant gardening posts okay i actually want to go south now because i

Want to go back to where i came from because this doesn’t feel right i’m not getting good vibes from this direct i might go underground i’m going underground the the axolotl search will resume when it gets light again because it’s just too scary and dark right now

Trying to find a good place to go underground we love it we love your gardening i’m so glad i i really enjoy it i get a lot of happiness out of my vegetable garden so am i really excited as well because i have a singular apple that may be ready to eat soon

And today i ate one strawberry from my garden because that was the only one that was ripe that mary didn’t eat already but very exciting very exciting stuff as you can probably guess why was there a little bit of lag there that’s a little worrying

Okay i have enough to make a furnace so i’m gonna do that watch me go speed running minecraft cooking the meat what’s your favorite mod oh hmm for nostalgia my favorite mod is definitely mo creatures i love but they have added a lot of creatures to minecraft since then

So i don’t know if mo creatures is as important now as it used to be do you plan on streaming uh some off-camera moments on empires um probably not because i uh when i record videos i i don’t look like this okay this is me i’m really

Sweaty right now this is a sweaty version of my best appearance but when i record videos i literally look like a little gremlin like i sit like hunched over um i’m in my pajamas sometimes sweatpants sometimes just my pants like genuinely it’s not it’s not a good look it’s not

Cute um and that’s what but that’s my process you know i need to be in gremlin mode to make a good video so streaming it not very possible um hair tutorial because it is the cute cutest thing ever literally just put it into pigtails and then scramble it all

Up until it’s in a bun shape and hope that it stays because it’s very difficult um wait in empires you guys need the fairy lights mod i think we’re just gonna stick with vanilla for empires it’s actually a series run by flip and i don’t think he particularly

Likes mods he’s a really big fan of vanilla so i think we’re gonna keep it vanilla i’m actually i’m sure we’re gonna keep it vanilla um but i do hope to do a modded snp soon maybe later in the year obviously we’re gonna have the fairy lights mod i mean come on

An smp without fairy lights in it are you having a joke are you having a laugh why would we do that right what have we got here oh yes oh they’re gonna want me to sleep in a minute but i can do that because i have two beds not one but two beds

Why did i do that i’m an idiot to sleep i think they want everyone to sleep and i will happily do that maddy got a bed oh my gosh she did congrats on the bed maddie there’s a monster nathan of course he’s letting us down a collective bedtime

Would you ever do a shadowcraft three i angie i really thought about it i was thinking about doing a shadowcraft three but i’ve just had before when i did shadowcraft one and two i i didn’t really play um multiplayer minecraft but now that i’ve played multiplayer i don’t know if

I can go back to single player like i just love multiplayer so much i like that there are other people around um and shadowcraft would obviously have to be single player because it’s just me alone in the world i need the lizzie stings mod it’s really

Broken it is it is a very broken mod um it’s like half finished and very broken oh i should have left my bed hang on actually i’m going to set my spawn point wait did it set my spawn point maybe not i don’t know why did it not say my spawn point guys

I just if i die in the cave i want to come back here i don’t want to have to go back hot tub thank you for subscribing what a username wow just hot tub i’m gonna make a maybe i shouldn’t be in the cave

I don’t want to be in the cave okay it’s light again now i think i can just leave i know i’m a bit all over the place welcome to my stream i don’t have any clear direction whatsoever i am going south though that i guess that is clear direction by some

Definition is that another village or is that the abandoned one that doesn’t look abandoned oh this one’s a live village live villagers there are people alive in this one and i’m gonna steal their bell because i am i haven’t run into any other players in a while either

I don’t know how i feel about that i’m going to be the bell controller of this server nobody’s going to have any bells other than me unless they trade them with villagers but i think these guys don’t know how to do that yet so i can control all the

Bells and i could use them to annoy people i just got to collect them all first kill iron dude this is not a speed run anymore okay it was it really it was for a short while there while i was trying to get to the nether

Do i need no i don’t need it but i’ve got it anyway i took it anyway do you think you can do more bass invaders in the future honestly i’ve run out of ideas i’ve run out of ideas for bases um sometimes i see like cool puzzles and

That inspires me to make a new episode or to just to try out on people but i haven’t had i haven’t seen any new cool puzzles or like come up with any ideas for new cool puzzles in a while but if i do you can bet your bottom

Dollar i’m gonna test out on my friends and make them feel like fools get hay bales you will have like a billion bread but yeah but where are the hay bales where are they pouring where are they okay maddie gave me a bucket no i can’t bring back a llama

I’m gonna have to bring back an axolotl but i think we’re gonna have to go a different way it’s just so embarrassing i told her i was gonna bring her an axle awful back and i haven’t even got one yet at the bottom i don’t see any i

Don’t see any farms is it what is this oh i thought it was like a mountain pass that would have been cool hopefully in the clifton caves update that would be great um i just followed yesterday on twitch for a while now on youtube thank you so much for being a

Great content creator well thank you for watching my content um puppy jigsaw thank you for subscribing for three months as well yes i’m never gonna run out of meat now yeah bring a fish yeah honestly i might i might just have to take her a fish and say that that was what the

Surprise was it’s not quite as cool as an axolotl but it might impress her i hope nobody went and told her i was bringing her an axolotl because it might have to be a fish a salmon she’s gonna love this she’s gonna she’s gonna be like wow

What a treasure what a treat you have found me see registered a nurse thank you for subscribing should i should i give her the fish grab a tropical fish i need that for that i would need to find a tropical see a an ocean biome and i don’t know where that is

Headphones where did you get your headphones i have it written down in the bit at the bottom they are steel series headphones um puffer fish yeah where am i gonna find a perfect fish guys what do you think i am you think i have

A lytra look at look at me go look how slow i am uh brandon thank you for subscribing it’s gonna take me forever um do you are you planning on having royal attire in empires i don’t know um i didn’t want to change my skin because i just really like my skin i

Like it always being the same i don’t know why puff fish might kill her it might this is hard mode not hardcore but hard mode make your own smp well what do you think this is right now we’re in that currently um ducky ducky duck you up oh thank you for subscribing

Please don’t duck me up your voice is just a little higher than maddie’s that might be on account actually i think maddie’s gets quite um high when she’s panicked maybe she’s just really calm right now and i’m just in a constant state of panic so mine never goes down under the ice okay

Good shout i will try that where is the ice i’m very lost i would like to find spawn again i would like to be spawn again get it like born again but spawn again no but i don’t know where i am and i don’t know where i’m going maddie has a

Creeper blow up part of her house oh my well it’s even more important than ever that we get this bucket of salmon to her to ease her loss pop mary mary’s so sad to hear that too ally’s mom mommy thank you for subscribing welcome to the list of people that are

Now subscribed which is not a very catchy name for a group of collective people but that is all we currently have mary is very upset she is did i almost just die no is that the spawn hole no it’s not i’m just gonna have to like start

Shouting and hope that somebody hears me because i don’t know where i am i’m so lost um val drowning thank you for subscribing maybe if i could get my coordinates from earlier when i was almost dying i could go there that would be nissbonne can you say lesbian rights please uh

Lesbian rights please plea like literally please um bring mario buddy in um i think i don’t know where they well i don’t know where buddy is he’s probably found somewhere cool to hang out and mary mary is crazy it’s very hot in here as well she’s much cooler downstairs in the

Kitchen so it’s probably she’ll probably want to stay down there instead um ask for the chords you took a screenshot of the lava pool you’re right you’re right i did where is that it was just before i went no it was it was uh so before this oh yes before we went in

The nether i haven’t i can’t see it oh this one went in the nether there was before then yeah oh it’s gone that’s just hot that’s as high up as it goes okay i’m gonna have to open up my folder and have a look screenshots okay the lava pool was at i’ve just

Pushed up invisible glasses of some kind of muscle memory which i don’t even have because i don’t even wear glasses um 123 okay i’m a thousand blocks away how did i get here how did i do this oh my gosh i’ve been running the wrong way it is that way

And i’ve been going this way we must go that way i could not have been going in a more wrong direction which way is this east i should have been going east how how has that happened i don’t understand i don’t get it and it’s gonna be dark again soon

When it comes to ollie context is very important yep yeah it is it is i love the things all he says if taken out of context just don’t don’t make sense they just don’t um i heard him talking about how he was going to take over the server by first

Controlling the horses earlier now what does that mean i don’t know if only i were tuned into his stream perhaps i would have some context for that alas i was not and therefore i’m just left to wonder mute am i mute am i muted what did i do

My daughter would love um hair your color pink hair this week wait what pink hair this week as it’s summer holiday oh yay we i love to hear more people going for pink hair because it really it really looks good on everyone oh i’m not muted okay

I just saw a bunch of people saying muted but they were saying you’re not muted so that’s good uh do you like ramen i i do like ramen do you know what i think noodles might be one of my weaknesses i really do joel’s not playing now he’s very busy

With empires um and he just he he doesn’t really like streaming that much um well regularly anyway he likes mcc but i don’t think he likes streaming in general um so he i think to be fair i didn’t really invite him i don’t think he would have wanted to play anyway

Uh sabine bean thank you for subscribing i’m getting really distracted as i was reading that out i realized i’ve probably missed like a million i’m not a million obviously not really i’ve probably missed a load of sub alerts and i’ve just i’ve just been running around your streams and videos and i’ve been

Watching you for years now thank you for being such a big impact on my life and making me happy smile oh miranda thank you for the lovely message i love i love to hear from people who’ve been watching for a really long time that’s really that’s really cute i love that thank you

Um i thought i heard a nether portal down that hole but i think it was just the pan not the panda the snow panda what is it polar bear i think it’s just the polar bear sleep sleep people please plea sleep please please the sky looks beautiful i’m glad

You like it did you decline to be on shady oaks i saw somebody say so on twitter i i didn’t decline um i just never got around to it um i kind of stopped streaming actually i don’t know i just i think i was just busy with other series and then i never

Got around to it and i don’t know if anyone plays on it anymore but i come on please people please something’s gonna spawn and it’s gonna get me i think it’s a really cool idea for a server though i think it’s hilarious it really is like a retirement home for all

The minecraft players to go to once they’ve you know lost their whippersnapper youth um fishnets thank you for subscribing okay seriously so who who is not who is not sleeping because you’re murdering us all olly is talking about frosting well is he sleeping no he’s logged out oh fabulous we’ve done it

Um i remember crazy craft you were my whole childhood oh well i’m so quiet i’m so glad you remember crazy craft it was actually a long time ago somebody sent me a tweet the other day and it was like five six years ago that crazy craft started which was a long time ago

Okay i think we’re almost back in the realms of spawn and hopefully we’ll start seeing some familiar faces again soon because it was getting a little lonely out there in the middle of nowhere and i didn’t find what i was looking i might just go and give her this fish

I will see if she’s excited about the fish she probably won’t be this will probably not be a very good gift but i’m gonna do it anyway i’m gonna tell her that she can name it as well and it can be her pet fish guys nobody told her i was bringing her

An axolotl right like she’s not expecting a cute creature right because i don’t have that oh is that her house yeah that’s her house so good so the plan is actually i’m going to take out this middle section so i can have a higher ceiling a vaulted ceiling if you will

Um take oh maybe i wish i could keep my skylight but but this purpose is a safety i think it needs to stay uh closed not not the not we don’t wanna hold that’s exactly what we don’t want uh right so i know birch is probably not gonna look very good

But it’s what we’ve got to wear i don’t like that you don’t no i’m sorry you know i’m very easily jump scared yeah sorry i just couldn’t resist you didn’t see me coming um well thank you for the bucket i have a gift for you oh

Thank you where’s my gift all right um don’t get too excited and pee yourself but here it is what is it it’s a pet salmon oh cool thank you so much you can name it yeah if you put it in an anvil you can name

It and then if you if you put say how do i get let’s go in the house let’s go in the house because you can build a fish tank i’ve covered up the door with some dirt because i was about to do some building oh okay

Um but you should build up to something you’ve got a lot of room here no there isn’t you could build my basement down here look look i’ve got my basement oh yeah very nice um maybe if we just extend it a bit and then you can put the fish down

Yeah how about that yeah that sounds good have you got some what’s it called have you got a shovel all you have oh no you’re just you’re just doing it with a pickaxe okay um yeah it’s a stone i haven’t got around to making that okay so if you put the bucket here

You will see your new pet salmon there he is but i don’t see him okay go to go to options he’s kind of covered up go to options options video settings yeah shaders uh-huh shader options uh-huh water uh-huh and then change it from vanilla to default okay

And now you can sort of see him okay yeah kind of what do you mean kind of he’s huge i think yeah he’s very big i’m swimming with him right so and you know make sure you keep him safe in the bucket for now what

And then when you get an anvil you can name him oh my god what did i say about keeping him safe i’m so sorry i didn’t realize that he wouldn’t come in immediately oh wait now we can’t get out um right we’re just okay forever yeah i really

Need to work on the feng shui of this lace yeah just a little bit just a little bit um it’s looking good though it’s coming along real nicely i’ll be back thank you okay uh and what unfortunately the wood i have she’s got the wrong type of wood i don’t

Know if she even knows that there’s a difference maddie’s pet graveyard income it’s she better not if she kills that salmon i won’t really care because it wasn’t that difficult to get anyway um ej that girl thank you for the 15 month resub wow um yeah that was a little underwhelming i

Obviously i did intend to give her a really cute axolotl but what happened instead is that i didn’t but i’m gonna i’m i’m trying like i’m i’m on my way to an ocean wherever that may be except i think for some reason i think there’s just no ocean around which way

Am i going now okay i’m going east so to return i must go west that is so that we don’t get lost i actually think that there is an ocean over this way i think i saw it earlier so we’re just gonna get on a boat i’m just gonna have

A little sail a little sail around oh actually we don’t even need to sail we can just go underwater because the axles will be right there and i have a bucket i have my bucket all ready um we’ll see there was an ocean and spawn you went past it okay i’m at spawn

Now ish and i do think i do believe there’s an ocean over here because this is where i had the bit with ollie where he gave me the two dirt blocks and then everyone was telling me to grab that piece of lava i mean how dangerous does

That look that doesn’t look like a safe idea at all i’m glad i didn’t try that that would have lost me the race which apparently nobody else was competing in except for me um swimming swimming yeah i can just swim around have you seen the new disney movie luca

I have i watched it with joel i really liked it although not as much as i liked rhea and the last dragon i love that so much oh my gosh i really like the voice actor for the dragon i think her name is aquafina um i love her i think she’s

Hilarious and as a dragon lady even funnier it’s what she was great i loved it um what disney movie taste you have what disney wait wow almost i thought there was an ocean here um h gardner thank you for cheering 400 400 bits is it this way

Is that where i came from or is this where the ocean is okay west no this is back where i came from isn’t it where is it you should be a snow queen oh there it is there is the ocean yeah i’m not going to be the ocean queen on

This though because i’ve kind of already done that on empires and i once a weak cow i’ve already done that on empire so i don’t want to do it again what is the iceland thing iceland um it’s a budget supermarket just kidding i don’t actually know what he’s asking

Ice spikes oh a dolphin okay i can’t put that in a bucket um any axolotls oh i’m gonna drown yeah that’s not good yeah um it’s uh a load of spiky ice so this is kev not kev discovering basic minecraft biomes for clearly the first time um but i’m discovering

The hideout of these axolotls because they’re definitely here somewhere Okay they’re not here loads of dolphins don’t drown yeah you’re right i should not drown that would be silly of me just so i remember where i am just in case i do but i’m not going to because i’m a really good minecraft player who doesn’t drown ever where are the axolotls

Ah turtles maybe we could do maybe we no an axolotl is not a turtle you can’t put the turtle in the bucket okay that was close that was a little bit close axolotls are found in the cave water yeah they are quite often in cave water

But i’ve seen them in the sea i i swear i’ve seen them in the sea i shall ask once more what what shall you ask i didn’t see i’m sorry they’re not here oh no it’s okay i’m okay this is gonna be it’s gonna be fine i’m okay

You should make an axolotl farm look in the underwater ravines the axolotls are normally around tropical fish when they’re in the sea how do i highlight my chat rifts in the sea got to go good stream thank you for coming goodbye have a good day maybe change the water oh a glow squid

Oh there could be an axolotl down here there could yeah there could but there isn’t oh i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i’m gonna die okay i almost died this is not going well if something attacks me i will die but also i can’t craft a boat out here

In the middle of nowhere it’s really hard to see in this water who’s older you are maddie i am older whether you will believe that or not i am hard to believe or is it i don’t know is it hard to believe okay i’m going to place this and then

I’m going up to this this is i’m gonna have to bubbles did the bubbles help though i thought they just dragged you down you can why does the water look so satisfying from above it does it looks cool from above and then down down there it’s

Horrible okay go back down go back down to my crafting table craft a boat craft oh no quick quick crafter oh geez quick quick go oh no oh this is bad am i going up am i going up oh my gosh that was scary i couldn’t see

The top okay we’re in a boat everything’s safe i can’t sleep i need to go back to the shore goodbye crafting table we’re never finding that again um what shaders are you using this is vsl shaders oops which i have customized to look like rudo plays because that is my favorite

I think everyone else has a house and i don’t and i’ve just been looking for an axolotl this whole time um can you guys pop pop to everyone else’s stream see what they’re doing you know how far behind am i can somebody let me know um

The bubbles give you air but you get damaged by the magma yeah that makes sense um sleeping please people i don’t want to die here oh oh geez okay i’m in the bed i’m in the bed you should make a cloud house oh i could

Live in the sky i mean i don’t know how i could get up there without dying currently if you shift on a magma block you don’t get hurt oh so i could go down there and just shift lizzy could you please say happy birthday to la lara happy birthday lara from

Me oh wait you know it’s you so happy birthday you lara oh ollie’s died uh rest in peace that’s probably because you all went to a stream you probably startled him caused him to die okay people we need to sleep please death is on the horizon for me i need a house

That would be safer oh my gosh ollie i am in bed uh what are your pronouns my pronouns are um she her how doxdox thank you for cheering 1 000 bits just no message just a thousand bits thank you so much did you have fun with joey when he

Visited the uk i did it was so nice to see him again it’s been so long okay there’s only okay everyone log out i’ll handle this sleeping is my forte lizzy i’ve been watching your content for seven years it should be illegal to make can’t your contents be this good

Well i’m glad it’s not illegal because i do not like breaking the law okay i have a lot of fear of authority so i just wouldn’t be making videos because i wouldn’t want to scare them i mean i wouldn’t want to scare myself oh oh an animal house

What do you guys think about an animal house like part different parts of the house look like different animals okay what is wrong with people why are they not sleeping um like there could be an axolotl shaped extension and then also i saw a really cute fox shaped house on

Pinterest that i kind of want to try so you know i could always do that should i eat the kelp no i should eat this okay everyone’s logging out so i can sleep oh my gosh oh my god this is painful this is painful just sleep oh my goodness thank you

Heroic on for everyone absolutely heroic um wait why is it up there yes axolotls spawn in coral reefs oh you know they do but i thought they spawned everywhere it just has to be dark but what if what if i could make a gate no i don’t want a gate make

Yeah i could make a gate no it’s not a good idea i’m just going to keep doing the um the swimming almost dying thing again and one day i’m going to find an axolotl and i can only have one i should probably get another bucket oh wait hang on i’ve got an idea

Yeah okay sorry sorry yeah my god this is the stuff i edit out of videos okay i am going back i’m gonna make a gate yes i’m gonna i’m gonna make yeah i’m gonna make the gate no that’s not how you make a gate no maddy’s died

I forgot the bed i guess i did maybe i should have left it there though for my spawn point yeah let’s leave it there for my spawn point look for dead fish on the top of the water oh you’re so smart yeah it should be illegal to be that smart are you alive

These are alive Let’s try the f5 mode for a little zoomed out view look how beautiful it looks so smart does maddie stream yes maddie is streaming oh hi cpk cpk is going to be playing on this server guys um he’s just not playing today but he will be currently we have almost the full roster

Um because he’s in the biscuit boys little team i don’t see any fish i can’t go back without an axolotl deceased what is deceased except for maddie who did who just died how do you feel about lady gaga um i honestly i don’t really like her songs that much

Some of them are okay but i don’t i don’t love them i yeah they’re just not really my vibe like poker face what is that what is that about it’s a weird song i’m sorry bro check maddie’s ping wait yeah maddie’s got a pretty weak ping maddie’s maddie’s twitch is stardoo

Maddie guys i’m looking for dead fish floating on the water that will alert me to the presence of axolotls this is a genius suggestion but i’m getting a little bit impatient now and i would like to just go underwater griffin thank you for subscribing oh gryffindor gryffindor gamer thank you for subscribing

I also kind of want to like go in that k like that that looks like a fun place to be kind of looks so deadly but also fun where are they where are they where are the axles i’m going back to the cave i’m going to the ravine and we’re just going

To go down into the ravine lizzie you’re gonna play the sims again i kind of want to play the sims the cottage uh living expansion i kind of want to try that um glitched veronica thank you for resubscribing but i don’t know if i i

Don’t know if i want to make videos on the sims at at present um i find it i find it really difficult glowing in sex work would work too okay glowing ink sacks or dead fish is what we’re looking for here’s my spawn point here’s my bed

I haven’t found an axolotl in so long oh somebody just subscribed tonight or something and i think i just completely missed it i’m so sorry why am i so bad at this what did i do whoever did something that made a nice noise thank you i’m sorry oh beauty raid

Oh there was a raid did i just completely miss it why am i like this okay i’m going underwater here did i make a gate i made a gate watch me watch me die is this it where’s the wait i need to find the ravine i don’t like this

This is so hard to see through the water i need to change it how do i change it what maybe this would look good um howdy chat how are you well hi juicy hello welcome um how do you pronounce bow tie like bow tie is there are there other ways is

This better okay that’s no better amy please minecraft thank you for subscribing now can you tell me where the cave is because i cannot find it there was a glow squid here a second ago somewhere around here i could just find the glow squid again i think i can find the cave again

Who raided i didn’t see i didn’t see or maybe i did maybe i just missed the alert but i didn’t i didn’t see it um sunflower rat thank you for subscribing what is that oh it’s nothing cool where are my axolotls okay who why are they hiding from me they’re my friends

Do normal vanilla instead of tinted vanilla okay that’s a good idea you know you’re genius more genius than i am i wonder what other people are doing right now normal vanilla where i am almost drowning looking for axolotls everyone else is making a house oh gosh that’s worse making a life for themselves

All i’ve done is give maddie a fish oh i shouldn’t go too far because i don’t want to get really lost but i want to find the axolotls what do you think about marina family knows marina and the diamonds i loved some of the songs by marina and the

Diamonds so i guess i like marina too night potion vision what does that mean um simply adami thank you for subscribing thank you very much um has released his texture pack his texture pack is available to his patreon subscribers so if you guys want to support whip financially so that he

Can keep developing cool texture packs and his videos obviously um then you can get free access to his texture pack um he allowed us to have access to it was that an axolotl because of the server which we’re very grateful for um i feel very privileged

But not a single axolotl was born on this day i’m not posting this on youtube this is just for streaming oh is that oh my gosh i’m gonna live in the safest biome ever that’s where i’m gonna live people i’m gonna live in the mooshroom biome

Or at least maybe i could take the mushroom oh oh hang on wait there’s kelp what does that mean the axolotls didn’t do this oh gosh wait ah i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i’m gonna die okay that’s not safe remember i said about this place being safe yeah it’s not it’s horrible

Are axolotls hostile because they kill things not me but things i’m certain the zombies probably think they’re hostile axolotls can sometimes spawn in the nether oh my oh my goodness how you should make doors so you can move under water that was what the gate was

For but i haven’t found anywhere good to be underwater yet i can’t see any plumbing maybe if i do this ah forgot about this little trick here we go now i can just be on the hunt for axel i’m so silly why didn’t they think of this sooner

And now maybe they’re sort of getting dark we’ll be able to see them better orange bacteria thank you for subscribing live on the mushroom island i mean that is the safest place for me yeah so i think i will thank you switch your water density my way there turn your brightness up

It is up it is up i think it’s the shader pack and the fact that i don’t have night vision is that an accident no it’s blooming dolphin they all look the blooming same to me okay is that better do i have it at the perfect intersection

Oh it’s not very pretty is it turn on your subtitles and check for axolotl chips that’s smart but i would also hear it and i just haven’t heard i haven’t heard it do axolotls even exist that’s my question now i’m just gonna go to the mushroom biome where it’s nice and safe and

That’s where i’m gonna stay and that’s why i’m maybe gonna just build a house is that an axolotl i just need two axolotls and then i can start breeding them maddie has an iron pickaxe i don’t even have an iron pickaxe i’m not even there wait i just

Had a really genius idea guys if i strip mine if i mine sorry in the in the in the mushroom biome i’m never gonna die in the cave it’s gonna be really safe right are there any axolotls i don’t see any i thought i saw one but i think it might

Be a piece of kelp just like everything else i’ve seen so far it has turned out to be a piece of kelp yeah i think that dolphin’s going to sleep over there right let’s just let’s just get in the bed in the safest biome ever if i

Wait let me get my breath oh close squid maybe we’ll stick around if that thing dies and floats up to the surface it’s got to be an axolotl that did that sleep there’s an ad oh i’m sorry tip axolotls in caves i heard it axolotls spawn in caves

Well if they’re not gonna sleep then i’m just gonna go underground that suits me oh there’s a bit of iron already it’s not i’m not even underground technically under air what is this copper okay don’t really need that but it’s a nice flex you heard one yeah did you actually show it what

I don’t want to say that you’re lying but are you sure about that why hasn’t it killed the glow squid well it could be down here it’s not down here i’m alive i don’t see it okay i’ll turn on the i’ll turn on the thing like you asked me to accessibility settings

Is it oh subtitles yes yeah so okay swimming um jagger is so cool thank you so much for subscribing i think you guys lied to me when you told me you heard one because oh my gosh how pretty is this i love it oh so cute i think it might have been a

Dolphin there is a dolphin right there are people sleeping i will happily sleep and then i’m gonna go in the caves i saw one did you actually how come only some people are seeing them are they our axolotls like fairies and only some of you can see it

You want me to move this up it’s kind of low down there um mesa thank you for subscribing thank you very much kill the glow squid but then how will i know if the axolotl killed the glow squid no i thought i thought it was a dead fish but it’s just particles

There’s the glow squid still very much alive and unkilled by axel where have you come from oh he has a nautilus shell those are so rare right or not super rare but they’re pretty rare he gave it to me i have the nautilus shell what do i do with it

Oh thank you dolphin thank you very much um ladybrock thank you for gifting five slopes to the community congrats to everyone that got one i hope that certainly made your day in a small way oh look at this what a what a fabulous biome so safe but no axolotls okay let’s go

Underground look for a ravine oh my what is this no way is this above ground this is crazy there’s nothing in it oh there it is there’s a chest oh my gosh yes sure i’ll take it fishing rod why not um can i can i can i do something with

These guys if i shear them they turn into normal cows and then i have a never-ending supply of cows yeah you’re right that’s not that exciting i don’t know why i got so excited over that maybe somebody else took all the axle bottles is that possible

How could i have searched for so long and not found a single one put the nausea shell in my offhand but why does it do something yeah maybe people saw a cod and they thought it was an axolotl one of these days i’m gonna i might just

Yeah i’m just gonna mine that’s what i’m gonna do i give up i’m sorry i gave maddie her fish and as far as she knows that was the grand prize that i was planning on giving her anyway soup i can make soup yeah but i need to make loads of bowls i

Guess i could do that though oh i’m not gonna find any maybe i’ll find an axolotl underground oh is that a ravine um no but it’s almost there just like that and i just this is where it gets a little dangerous now because we’re going underground oh

How have i lost both my beds oh no wait i think i left a bed on on one of these little spits of land there it is there’s my bed you heard the chirps did you see it in the the subtitles the other island oh that’s where my bed is

I just had to check okay i know there’s never anyone there lizzy can you say no in an australian accent probably not but i’ll try um um no not no no i can’t i can’t do that it’s that no that went a bit that way a bit great this

Oh wait i thought i moved it off the subtitles lizzy there was no chirp well i’m glad that somebody confirmed it because i was thinking i was starting to go a little bit insane now if i set my spawn up here i will be always safe this will be great i can go

Down here and i can die and it’s fine i’ll just leave all the torches on the left-hand wall i don’t know if that actually works but i’m gonna do it in fact i don’t even need to use torches because it’s impossible for a mob to spawn here because we’re in the mushroom biome

Um hi lizzy i didn’t see or hear an axolotl lizzie how far were you i’m in a mooshroom biome it’s great where do you think they’re all together having a great time without me do you think they know how ungeared i am how i don’t even have a single piece of armor

Do you think they know i hope they don’t know it’s a little embarrassing more than a little america i’m gonna make some right now because it is embarrassing me give me this oops okay start smelting this yes very good can you say hi maya hi maya or maya hello

Uh llama army well i don’t have any leads to get a llama army unless you are part of the llama army and you’re just you know doing your like army chanting or something and trying to bring awareness to the llama army how i’m catching emu thank you for gifting a

Sub to the uh to little pig that’s a cute name two two animal themed names just gifting subs to each other would you play subnautica i don’t think so because i don’t like deep water and i think that game would um would involve a lot of deep deep water

And probably make me uncomfortable just came from ollie’s stream he’s trying to cancel tommy in it honestly i think he’s got a good chance honestly what yeah people are definitely gonna side with ollie trying to cancel tommy in it this is this could only end well for olly

Bring back the ostrich song i really thought about trying to get the licensing to do that the other day but i don’t know how i don’t i don’t know how um genji impact i really enjoyed gentian impact but um i don’t think i would stream it

Lizzy will you ever play wow on stream i might if i can think of a fun um mount to try and collect i think that could be a fun stream i’m gonna put my chest plate on i don’t know if anyone else has got this yet because i haven’t seen maddie um iron

Armor dude it’s iron amidu tommy is pog tommy’s pretty pop i mean and ollie’s not nearly pogba enough to try and cancel somebody that park so good luck to him but i don’t see it ending well ollie i’m also how is ollie behind me i’ve spent the last hour looking for an

Axolotl and somehow ollie is still behind me that’s just worrying for ollie who do you mean in genji honestly i don’t play enough genjin to have a mane you’re sitting up for war um no i promise i’m not but i could if i needed to who do i need to fight

Did i already go this way i already went this way i kind of want to wait i heard a bat but there isn’t one in this cave which means there’s there’s another cave somewhere oh this is horrible i hate mining i don’t want to be in the mine i want to

Be on the surface with my new iron armor and i can make some paints and i have bells and i can’t make any boots but that’s okay because we’re gonna go out we’ll find another cave a better cave because this one is bad take my bed with me

I feel so safe here in this biome now which way is spawn this way i think it’s this way it’s like one oh i’m a thousand blocks away how did that happen it’s that way yeah it’s it’s it’s i don’t know how but it’s that way how’d this happen

No it’s not it’s sorry it’s this way that way that way yeah no it’s definitely this way i figured it out now maybe we should go back see what everyone else is doing see if they have anything to offer because i have loads of mushrooms i could give them loads of

Mushrooms that’s what i could do oh my gosh it’s so hot guys i’m not used to this as a person that lives in england where it pretty much just rains all day the the fact that it that we have some heat i’m not doing well i’m struggling

Ah this is kind of cute though i could build hear me out a giant boat and i no i can’t i can’t live on the ocean again i kind of want to live on a boat in the middle of the icebergs okay if anyone sees the axolotl chirp

Pop up down there please just shout at me spanner notes let me know was it hot at chatsworth yesterday it really was it was a really hot day and so i was very happy to jump in the river even though i can’t really swim and i

Didn’t really even go in that deep i sort of just went in and squatted in the river and made it look like i was swimming but i wasn’t really swimming because i can’t really swim any axolotls no no that’s cute though like look at the icebergs from the bottom that’s so cute

Oh no theo is catching up with me i’m gonna drown this is my worst nightmare okay i also can’t swim very well don’t worry mushroom cottage courthouse i might i might but then you know maybe then i’ll be just coming for shelby’s vibe how will she take it an ink sack

Could it have been subjected to an axolotl attack no axolotl swims there it is oh my gosh the bucket is full of lava it’s not the optimal time to be seeing oh gosh oh oh sorry you can blame global warming on me yes oh my gosh you guys are spamming the chat

Should i get the yellow one get in my bucket a golden axolotl people now do i have i’ve done it i have done it it has been achieved everything i had hoped for i don’t have enough to make a second bucket was there another one down there i don’t know if there was

There was there was another one down there i need i need it oh i almost just drowned huh yes we got it we gotta get it yes okay okay okay new plan i’m going back to where is my boat how about how i lost my boat how did that happen

Did i get out of the boat why would i do that why did i do that what is wrong with me i needed that to get around oh there it is more accidental there is another one oh my gosh okay i need i need some iron first though

Okay we’re gonna go back to the go back to the mushroom biome get that i need to take maddie an axolotl it can go right nicely with her right nicely with her pet salmon which she loves obviously she’s treating that with uh dignity i’m sure right now

And definitely not killing it i hope she’s not killing it i hope it’s still alive if it’s not alive i’m not giving her the axolotl trap the one you have in the boat with you yeah but it could drown i mean the opposite of drown you could like breathe too much ah

Okay i just need some just need some iron there is no eye there is no eye okay i’m building a bridge oh it’s cause all he’s building a bridge why is he building a bridge probably some war thing that is very olly i need just one piece of iron anything in the

In the rocks i can sleep if people need me to but i don’t need to i’m sort of beyond that at this point suffocate that’s the word ollie’s died um of course he has yeah i’m so beyond sleeping at this point i’m just like oh so powerful

Why did he live why though what why though i need some iron that’s all i think sleeping is for the week right like who even needs to sleep okay maybe i don’t need to sleep because i found a super passive biome when nothing bad ever spawns maybe i’m the weak one but

Hey who are you to judge okay you can judge if you want wait axolotls can breathe on land they can but only for five minutes and then they suffocate i just looked in the subtitles in case there was something like iron iron tingles iron giggles that’s not gonna help me find the iron

Okay found some coal oh geez that’s not good yeah that’s not good at all some torches that will help ah phantoms oh yeah phantoms do they spawn no there’s no way that they can spawn right i’m in the safe biome right how am i gonna get one dang piece of iron

Ding dang diddly piece of white make a stone pick i should i should you’re right oh it’s very nice out here isn’t it it’s like not scary at all seems kind of peaceful i want to find a cave that i can just see into and see the iron on the surface

I hate digging around mining in minecraft no i don’t want to do that crafting i don’t want to do that either i just want to collect axolotls okay that was my old cave ollie’s died again um i think he might i think he might get the most deaths

Did you bleach your hair to dye it pink or did the pink show up on the brown um i used a color remover which i’ve recently since realized was probably just bleach honestly so i think i’ve just bleached it um to get it back to like blonde and

Then i could put pink over the blonde oh my god oh my ollie are you okay what is going i’m always going he’s struggling he really is um he’s not having a good day ah cave now this is where i’ll find the iron it can’t be another empty cave it’s not possible

It was possible yeah ollie’s not that great of a minecraft player i think is what i’m realizing and you know what else i’m realizing i don’t know where that axolotl was i’m so lost i’ve gotten myself very turned around was it that way it could despawn i think it might have already despawned

Because i walked away from it but we’ll see yes this is the cave this is the cave where iron exists in such vast quantities i’m not gonna believe my eyes how thank you flutter the shine for subscribing for five months but where have you hidden all the iron

Oh my gosh ollie’s died again ollie olly how many times we should i don’t know what we should do about this i think we need an intervention of some sort i feel personally responsible for unleashing him on this world when he clearly wasn’t ready obviously he’s unprepared

We should we should we should invite him to the to the mushroom by him i’m gonna invite him out do you think you would ever do another 100 days in minecraft i have watched that video 80 at least 20 times um honestly that video 100 days in my thank you uh

Angelica rose thank you for subscribing 15 months um the video to do 100 days in minecraft took me an entire week of non-stop recording non-stop minecraft playing to to to do and i was editing as i was going along and it was the most fun i’ve heard playing minecraft in a long time

Like it was a lot of fun really really fun however it was one of the hardest things i’ve ever done ah that was hot it was hard it was hard to stay motivated even though it’s fun it was a long time a long time minecraft

But it was fun so maybe i’m tempted i’m really tempted and bad wolfy thank you for the bits thank you so much yeah i’m kind of tempted no now you’re saying it and i’m tempted and even though it was really hard what if i streamed it instead i mean i could

I’d have to do something different though i’d have to set myself a different goal oh mary i mean we could do 100 days of minecraft like this i mean this hello we’re going to play more than 100 days here streaming it this is it day day 14 and i’m still looking for an

Axe a lot well i found an axe bottle still looking for the second one why in case maddie’s not happy with her salmon i’m wondering what color the other one was i didn’t quite see it what color do i want i haven’t got a yellow one yet on

Any of my series so maybe i want to keep the yellow one what what’s the best level for iron because i’m at 43 right now i don’t want to go much deeper i don’t have many torches it’s getting a little hairy down here all dicey okay two thousand five hundred and sixty

Seven thousand eight hundred fifty two i have yet to hit iron giggle my wee sister says hi well hello oh my gosh there was iron there tell your sister that she is she manifested that she’s responsible for me obtaining iron right now and i’m so grateful

Pink axolotl yeah if i find a pink axle i kind of do want to keep the pink one i can hear the spongebob screen right now oh yeah the one eternity later that is that is sort of my um my go-to yeah i’m sort of sort of addicted to using that

What’s your favorite axolotl color i really like the pink one but it’s a bit basic so i do really like the the rare blue one but it’s a one in 12 000 chance to spawn so i’ve never actually seen it in person myself but one day

Maybe i should do that next in empires maybe would that be crazy yes it would you’re very quiet am i really am i really oh dear okay we can wait this is enough okay we have the bucket now we just have to see if i don’t care i don’t care

About the rest of the iron i don’t care that i’m wasting some coal do i look like i can’t no i could clearly only care about axolotls no you’re good okay cool um my friend actually has the blue axolotl as her first axolotl are you kidding me

Leave something leave some look for the rest of us all right that’s insane i think i’m going to try and breed on empires to try and get the other axolotl the rare blue axolotls my favorite of the brown the gold the brown one is kind of cool how it’s like

A wild axolotl i do really like that okay here is where i started global warming right there so the axle should still be here lizzy i got your youtubes well thank you so much i’m so glad you got it i hope you enjoy it when you get it um

What’s the rarest amount you have on wow oh what is it i don’t know i don’t know i don’t really have any rare ones i don’t really have any rare ones i just have ones that i like let me get back to you on that maybe

When i do a wow stream i can show off my mouth collection yeah there’s no axolotl here anymore sad i deserve this death well we had a lot of look around the iceberg so maybe there are axolotls here lizzy you’re looking to make merch not really um no not really um

Curiosity killed the cat thank you for re-subbing um the problem i have with merch is i know people want it to support um creators but honestly the ad the ad rev is great i’m i’m okay with just the adrev that’s fine thank you very much um

But i i i’m i haven’t bought many clothes recently because i’ve been trying not to do like fast fashion and stuff so i feel kind of weird about then asking you to buy clothes if i don’t even buy them myself so i don’t know um i know a lot of people want clothing

Merch though so i don’t know i don’t know i’m sorry i don’t have a good answer to your question and there are no axolotls around here but the icebergs look really cool like how cool okay if anyone sees the axolotl swims thing pop up down there just please shout at me let me

Know before i drown i need to go back up to the surface okay it’s kind of a long way that’s fine axolotl swims no you didn’t wait no there wasn’t what’s that the axolotl will eat the salmon that is a good point i will tell maddie that was it really

Did you really see one i can’t see it i’m drowning is this a is this a ploy to get me to drown you past one are you kidding me how do i do this how do i manage this this is like the time that joel was in

The cave and he just kept missing the diamonds and it was the most painful thing i’ve ever seen in my life and now i’m doing it with an axolotl swimming swimming just says swimming this is where i was it was around here okay i really need to okay that was really close

Are you sure that you’re not just trying to kill me because you know i’m bad at minecraft i don’t have any meat to cook i might as well cook my iron i can’t eat that but you know i could eat this piece of bread i kind of need to kind of need to

Yes there was one there oh my where where i oh it just melted the ice i’m doing the global warming oh no that’s terrible of me okay so somewhere down here you say furnace crack why are they not killing the squid oh there it is i saw it sorry

Sorry in the distance you guys were right you guys were right i saw it oh my gosh it’s under the ice it’s under the thick ice excuse me polar bear i think there’s an axolotl right here hello there it is there it is come back come back

Oh my gosh it’s a cute one don’t drown please don’t drown yes okay we got it mission accomplished i can go back i can give it to maddie it’s actually 10 past nine already somehow i’ve spent the majority of the stream doing this but i have achieved what i wanted to achieve

Why is there a mesa there where am i where where am i i think i think i gotta go this way that way hello lizzy could you please say happy birthday to grace smile happy birthday grace and thank you free bit for the bits as well that’s very kind of

You to use those on a birthday message for somebody else that’s so sweet unless you are grace in which case happy birthday thank you for the reverse birthday gift oh i’ve gone there i’ve gone near a polar bear with her with her cub axolotl um pink axe wattle oh well

I’m okay with these ones i like these ones it’s okay don’t forget the evil cacti why would you bring that up why would you bring back those memories no i’m confused what does the evil cacti have to do with it there’s another one well i don’t have enough buckets i could

Make one but i i just don’t want to is it this way am i going the right way we want to be heading yeah it’s like 500 blocks this way a little bit that way and we’ll be back home i’m gonna go see maddie’s progress on her house

Oh somebody’s been here i think they’ve done an explode there i wonder who it was because i don’t think it was me ollie is attempting to make his journey to you oh my gosh where is he does anyone know where he is i kind of forgot that i told him to come

To me where is he what biome is he in um thank you love ld chad lady for subscribing i will go check now thank you thank you thank you because i feel terrible but i have lost him i’m so i think i’m going the opposite direction from him right now

Lizzy do you want us to call you betty i’m only only on the days where i’m being a bit of a boomer if i’m being a boomer you can call me betty for real maybe you should ask oh yeah ollie what are you in i forgot that i forgot the

Text chat exists because of the proximity chart the c he’s in the c i’m swimming he’s swimming he’s swimming people please come pick me up oh my goodness what coordinates where where is he i need some food i can’t eat the axolotls that would be crazy

Yes they didn’t give me any food um casey boo thank you for subscribing i think i missed one as well was there another one oh maybe i maybe i didn’t miss one well i don’t know thank you for subscribing though um his coordinates are water and ocean very cool

I thought i thought that was him but it was a bunny okay he is at 400 minus 500. literally how i think he’s like further away from spawn than even i was i would love to eat but i don’t know what to eat should i

Eat this i might i might just do it is this a bad idea oh it’s a bad idea what’s it oh it’s just hunger it’s just hunger i’m fine right stacy bear thank you for gifting another sub and wolfgang thank you for subscribing uh tier three wow

Thank you so much i didn’t know she was on twitch yeah i’ve been on twitch for a while do a bit of mangas on here not the rabbit i’m sorry it’s already dead um you might be a little stream delayed in which case i would like to apologize for my actions

There are underwater men i’m afraid yeah this is ollie seeing drowned for the first time and not knowing that they were a thing okay he’s at minus no wait he’s at 400 minus something wait where is he okay he’s like he’s so far away literally how how

Because i’m not there anymore so that’s a bit awkward really i’m almost at maddie’s house maybe i should just go see i’m just gonna go back to maddie if ollie asks i am working my way towards him he’s going to die anyway who am i kidding he’s going to die soon

And he’s going to be right back at spawn so we’ll just catch him there right now not that i’m willing ollie to die i just don’t want to go all the way back there and then ollie dies because he’s never seen a skeleton before and doesn’t know what to do

And then i’ve wasted my journey add cpk to empire he’s going to be in this he’s going to be in the biscuit biscuit boys i think flip is done at i think it’s 12 12 people um is all he wanted to add so the empire’s smp is currently full

But um cpk is going to be playing on this server so that should be fun poorly yeah but but but it is what’s gonna happen right ollie dying is inevitable it really is um if you’ve ever watched him play minecraft like ever you would know that

I’m just gonna have to stand still for a few seconds because i’ve got the hunger i could cook this kelp and eat the kelp it won’t be very tasty but it will waste some time while i’m just stood here doing nothing bbs mp yes oh my gosh

Biscuit boys snp with theo’s weird skin and not kev like literally not knowing what iceland was or the mesa never seen a mesa before like okay dude how did how i accidentally just made 14 gates instead of 14 fences okay no wait no wait

I’m on my way to you don’t tell olly but ollie might just know from that okay we’re in a rush now we’re in a rush i have a surprise for maddie she doesn’t know she it’s another surprise okay it’s another surprise for you don’t let her leave do not let maddie

Leave i am making haste towards her right now i think it’s this way yeah no wrong way wrong way wrong way i’m going the wrong way it’s this way it’s this way i’ve gone past it i’ve bloody gone past it oh geez oh gee oh geez it’s back that way

Okay it’s 132 ish and then minus 1000. i i don’t know how i went the wrong way but i did this keeps happening to me i need a compass or a map i might get a map oh i nearly just fell in there i wasn’t looking where i was going no no

I’ve been watching you for eight years oh thank you so much for oh for not giving up for not giving up on me and for enjoying the channel use the shield good idea you’re so smart unlike me who keeps forgetting to use the shield which i

Crafted myself with my own two hands and forgot completely forgot about i’ve been carrying it around this whole time and i forgot it even existed okay maddie should be over here somewhere not too much further now oh we’ll run on the ice it’s really fast and slidy

Ollie has claimed the mushroom place i mean i’d like to see him try that man die somebody around here hello i thought i heard somebody maybe not i think it was i think it was the creeper um there’s nothing hostile there so he’s not gonna be used to fighting and then

I’m just gonna come in and kill him and that’s how i will reclaim the mushroom biome and i will reclaim it if i have to slay yes i literally will slay him if necessary okay minus okay we’ve gone we think we’ve gone too far now here we go literally somehow

Gone too far it’s not that way oh goodness um pluto love thank you for the cheer thank you for the bits should probably eat okay i’ve eaten but that was the last of my food unfortunately so oops a rabbit just died i’m almost there is that somebody’s

House is that maddie’s house that looks kind of like maddie’s house can i make it there on this much hunger i don’t know we might be walking up to the creeper at the front door by this point i don’t know i could put it in a boat for her and

Just kind of keep it there forever wait that is that maddie’s house it’s come along it has a roof it has a really pointy roof i don’t even see the creeper that’s a sunflower it looks pretty safe i’m going in hello Big summer blowout blowout uh do you like wow yes this is really smart this is definitely gonna work for something um i haven’t yet um i have a surprise for you oh yes is it a fence hey it’s sharper uh no of course not it is in fact oh wait uh

Which one do i want to give you hang on oh wait where’s the salmon pond he’s in his bucket uh where does he exercise well i mean i i i just put where is he oh there he is he’s in limbo um i mean i could put him here in the

Corner how about that oh [Laughter] rest in peace kev i wonder what happened there you go he’s there now he’s next to my crafting table he helps me he gives me inspiration a house house what if i like wait i don’t know if that’s that’s not gonna happen

Um i’m gonna need like a slightly bigger like pool can you do you have a okay let me make you can make a sideways extension somewhere i’m just gonna make a quick little shovel and if ollie asks by the way i have a mansion oh oh no okay cover that up

And that is definitely the truth i need help slaying mobs wear so i had a lot of wood and i was like you know i’m gonna make some fences so i don’t fall off my path and i think i must i must be quite tired because i accidentally made 14 gates defenses

And a tail as old as time honestly right hang on one of these is for you what is it wait i want the axolotls yeah you can have this one can you see them the white one these like rainbows yeah hang on let me put them out here oh no you okay tada

Look how cute he is he’s very cute he looks like that my little pony i used to have yeah like rarity or something yeah the white one that’s got like pink my little pony there you go now maybe you could use some of your fence

Gates here to like close it off so that he doesn’t escape oh oh yeah oh i’ve got many of them so here we go um just three in a row oops nope not like that is i think i’m brain dead i mean i think i’m brain dead in general but especially today um

I’m really struggling i mean minecraft will do that to you and the heat as well doesn’t help okay now it should be trapped as long as the gates are closed it should be trapped and by trapped i mean enjoying its tiny lagoon now i i have to go because i think my

My ollie’s looking for a house which i definitely have so i’ll be back okay well i’m gonna go now bye bye okay what am i gonna do about the fact that i don’t have a house and ollie thinks that i have a house but i don’t have a house

I hope maddie liked her axolotl though you should go visit everyone that’s a good idea maybe i’ll go visit kev kev where are you co-ords please i’ll go see what he’s up to i’m gonna i’m gonna judge the progress that different oh no don’t steal part of maddie’s house don’t you dare

Don’t you dare i think it might have just exposed part of her house i don’t know i don’t need to know how hairy it is oh oh i’m coming to visit oh i’m visiting oh i’d like to visit i won’t tell him that i’m going to be judging

But that is what i’m going to be doing now if i can find some meat where do you think he settled let me get out of this cave and meet you well i don’t well i don’t know where to go to meet you is he is he around here i

Think i see wood up there maybe he lives up there does everyone live around here maybe i’m gonna have to live closer because everyone seems to be around the corner from each other i think i did see him over here one time i ran into him in the middle of my nether race

Next time guys i’m gonna build a house i promise um if anyone has any ideas for that house that is not where he lives is it oh my gosh is this where somebody lives who lives here maddie thank you for raiding thank you so much wow uh stardoo maddie raid it’s

Usually the other way around but here we are i’m receiving the raid today thank you thank you very much lizzy the axolotl will despawn will it what will it despawn meet you and maddie’s that’s perfect because i need to go check on an emergency situation the axolotl will despawn without any

I’ve never run so slow in my life it’s just like all my nightmares my dreams where i can’t run fast enough yeah the axolotl is gonna it may have already despawned it may already be too late for the axolotl with no name oh no i love green oh whoa

Oh hello you scared me are you sorry sorry i am yeah i’m just um just checking on the excellent maddie’s house actually oh it’s still axolotl yeah it’s still here it’s fine i’m just gonna hold on to it for now i’m not stealing it okay i’m just borrowing it and also the

Salmon i’m gonna hold on to this stuff not stealing borrowing how do you borrow an axolotl well how you borrow anything you take it and then you give it back another time okay oh my gosh this is this is the craziest system this is project these gates this is so dumb okay

Which direction did you all right i’m really close actually um i just got in a tussle fell down a hole so i couldn’t sleep because i built a um i built a uh mine under my house which then i just like blocked up with one block with no

Lights down there and then things were just spawning down there um let me talk you through the concept because at the minute it’s a mess and yeah i know yeah and this bridge looks awful and i’m gonna change those blocks um so i have these two bridges

Over this these bodies of water so uh just to be clear you have spent all your time building bridges and you don’t actually have a house yet oh i have a shack okay in the shack is this the shack yeah this is the shack so this is the shack

Wait this is theo’s mining shack i i named it theo’s mining shack because i was that embarrassed by the dirt roof are you sure you’re not borrowing theo’s mining shack pretending that you built it you can ask him this is my shack i ollie and theo have seeks refuge in him

Many a time i see um this oh sorry it’s not very safe in here oh my god oh sorry i’ll get you shot oh no that was me that was actually a little friendly fire oh gosh no i am getting shot now there we go should be good this is not

Very safe um i’d like to put in a complaint this is not how i left okay i did leave it this way but i went through a different entrance i’m blocking this up for good yes right i told you i needed help um so yeah this is my money

Shack this is where me ollie theo shared a room one night so this is where you live yeah this is my bed um it’s sad isn’t it really yeah oh god it’s very sad i wonder how many days it’s been how many how many hours how

Many days do you think it’s been well i thought i’d just build up the most basic shock possible and put my focus into building um so back to back to the actual thing i’m i want to spend time on okay for bridges but i’m going to burn that to the ground

Are you isn’t bad kingdom brew now yeah i’ve referenced him many a time have you actually throw this build yeah yeah um so two bridges well they’re an absolute state at the minute but we’re getting there which is then going to go up to this kind of central platform

Um which will just be again absolute state which will then yeah uh oh okay so this is where the house is going to be the house is going to be like nice to you inside the mountain where it’s all going to be glass you know what i’m going to do

I’m going to build my house right there so you get an even better view oh well i mean that would be nice because otherwise i’m just looking at fields but fields are nice i thought people liked nature i was trying to ruin your day not make it better well it depends what

You’re going to build to be fair if you’re going to build a shack like mine then yeah do you know me do you know who i am of course it would be of course it would be nice don’t look look at that i’ve already constructed this in your domain that beautiful nether portal

Which you can use anytime you want by the way so have you been to nether i have have you not i i’ve i haven’t left my shack uh i think you might be like the only person on the server that hasn’t been to the nether no you don’t have diamonds either

I i don’t even have iron ready to be smelted but i’m just like i just want to build bridges wow what a noob what a noob can’t relate i’ve got a whole mansion already and i wouldn’t be surprised i only wear iona there but i have a bar back home hello

Where were you you told me to go to your house and then yeah i kind of forgot about that you have a house toxic she doesn’t even Behind the curtain we’ve seen behind your charade you’re no big minecrafter you got nothing i actually that’s a lie i have an axolotl wait it’s out of the water put it in the water it almost dies no you can stay out the water for five minutes and guess what i

Also have a gift for us another axolotl a gift for me careful with that that was a little scary and finally Right let’s all chill out all right this is the start of the war are we all picking tides we’re like episode one i’ve not even got a house i’ve just got a i’ve got a floating island does anyone have food no i was actually yes i do have a mushroom soup

Oh i didn’t pick that up it’s delicious taste the milk of your kale you have cows no they’re like mushy cows yeah have you been to the mushroom by them i guess what else i have a bell what is that yeah oh how do you have a belt oh but you see

You found a village yeah you’ve been busy i’ve just been going back and forth from my mountain and dying repeatedly wow i found axolotls i found fish i’ve got i’ve got a brewing stand okay but like what do you have to use it yet yeah one of

Them is maddie’s what do you have for us is the question oh um i have a nautilus shell okay okay what does that mean i don’t know i haven’t left my shack you guys have been far yeah i mean yeah we’ve been everywhere me and ollie are gonna dock yeah we’re

Gonna we’re about to plan a docking session over there everyone wants to join wait where is theo do you have a house yeah where is it is it close we should all build clothes maybe uh you’ve not seen my floating island you’ll see in the distance

I mean i do have a house i have a mansion but i could move out and i could move closer to here you know it would have to be a smaller house at first though obviously because yeah it does say my great hull to be fair

Sort of like great wow this gives me like zack scott’s scotland vibes i don’t know why i think it’s this like stone tunnel like the best it’s time for the big announcement lizzie because can you guess who’s joining next episode episode this is episode one i’m planning on on a 50 episode series

Oh who’s done it very dangerous so that is ollie’s house that’s his house i’ll come show you my house come along okay come along oh yours is the floating island yeah but it’s more than just that what is it come up here i’ll show you let me show you with me

And you see a world of true imagination the okay keep coming up because it’s actually not just is it the sky block oliver it’s not just the house come over here oh go whoa go his friend i’ve even got a little bridge i even got a little fully formed bridge it’s cute

It smells like oh yeah it’s like an article this is decent i wasted a lot of wood to build the archway did you is this how you kept falling all the time yeah no no no it’s because every time it was night time i tried to get my stuff back and

Died i had to come down for my house and there’s no there’s no ladder yet so i have to just jump off and hope for the best you know what you could get i could do magma blocks in a water elevator i know that’s the plan no it’s soul sand

You’ve got to get soul sense we have the portal to the nether now so you could do that you want to help oh it’s snowing yeah i know you guys yeah we can do that do you want to do that right now you want to get salsa right yeah let’s do

Episode two all right we’ll pause the episode guys hey guys thanks for watching episode two we’ll see you next time bye bye what’s the outro theme episode should we go to the nether just i think we should welcome back everybody do you have any armor no i was hoping lizzie there would bring

Us some but then how do you get a shield what have you done i don’t even know a shield is one iron it’s not i have no idea if you have a chest i can put these these animals in yeah i’m scared about taking them to the

Net i have a lot of wood okay i’m going to put it in theo’s chest because i cannot get up to yours without doubt that’s fair yeah apparently mine’s a work in progress anyway i think if we all sleep by the way it’ll make it not

Rain do you want to do that it’s got some free bowls well i don’t have a bed what do you mean what it’s up at my house we can make it’s not raining oh it’s snowing on your breakfast everyone hope this is not episode two vibes lizzy

Okay okay no no sleeping you’re right sleeping to win okay it’s another episode that nobody watches we know about this you see maddie’s little witch hut yes it’s kooky she’s very cute she’s it’s like the one in battlefield i like gates outside it’s a little earthy on the inside how do you get

Up and down here These aren’t yours thank you for the iron thank you for the axolotls um i’m going to build a chest anything in here oh i know you took something out of there no that was the dinging of my piano yes you did look it did the sound again i’m just

Playing shoes yeah well i have i have subtitles on so it popped up in the bottom saying xp yeah i’m like experienced as a player thank you for noticing um it sounded like it pickaxe can i nick a sword theo it’s you’ve got a broken one i kind of

Want to this is my chest can i borrow it oh yeah it’s horrible but yeah you take it go for it do you want this sword could i have some of this gold can i have four pieces of gold how much do i have you have seven have we got food between them

Is that for the for the for the the boots that i need as well yes it is yes um guys do we have food between us i’ve got two mushroom stews and we can kill animals in the nether right all right i need animals i have no food

Oh i mean either do you want to give yourself a smutten yes soup would be delicious please oh i have bowls uh i got you’ve taken on my bowl i’ve got two bowls but if you give me mushrooms i can make my own soup yeah i mean i’m kind of saving them for

My soup is the thing though i had eggs they just added it oh is it just like like an ingot yes no it’s not in english it’s like an orange it’s an infr right i’m never ready now they’re ready i think i’m never ready as well i’m

Ready enough i’m i’m ready for the nether i’m pretty ready i think that’s all i need wait do we have gold to trade with the piglen so we can get the the ender eyes to get to the end of dragon oh my god it’s olive day one

I got bring the bed for the next cycle let’s go i think you’ve set your goals a little a little high a little lofty i don’t have a house i’ve got to aim high i can’t go any lower i’m just going to put myself stay stay stuff see this place okay let’s go

Quick am i waiting great welcome let’s go guys i might robbed you now i’ve robbed you just ignore that oh he’s got an enchanted bow just ignore it oh wait i need that i’m the bow guy in mcc they call me did you get both of them lizzy

Yeah well your portal is close isn’t it actually yeah it’s right over here okay cool let’s do it this is the best part of what because it’s the first one that was opened on the server theater i actually realized it was a race you

Did you said it was a race yeah you did i actually didn’t even know that it was like i was just taking it leisurely i just happened to get like a portal immediately afterwards it’s funny literally mind i mind ten obsidian i could have built it any time i just well

Yeah i was like i wanted to set it up you happen to mind ten obsidian why would you do that no why would you do that well because we’ll never know oh oh oh help help help help help okay it’s kind of safe wait there’s a pig man will i say that yes

Oh no oh no oh no okay we’re close by i’ll just pop back in they won’t even notice i was gone or anything this is not very safe oh my goodness i’m back in the portal and then there was a zombie that instantly killed me who’s stopping my cookbook i’m back hello

Protect me why is there a baby zombie here all my stuff protect me i think i might have everybody guys baby zombies into here yeah that wasn’t me there’s a one there’s a giant pig thing oh yeah you guys don’t have the old boots you’re dead by the way right

Uh can anyone pick up um a sword or something that was mine yeah i have watch out what deal it’s fine for your help okay he was not really helpful there i don’t think this was a good idea guys giant pig how scientific i mean what else would you describe it as

I think this was a terrible idea wow big kev has stolen my armor i think i can’t believe it the axolotls the axolotls were okay i emptied them they’re in a chest okay he does damage i want to try again you guys are making them angry oh somebody took my stuff hello

Oh everyone left hello everyone left i left left everyone left they just left me here hello hello quick quick quick come out and jump up as high as you can just climb climb oh this is horrible i’m getting shot um i picked up a load of somebody’s

Stuff oh i think it was mine i think it was my stuff um yeah i think it probably was come up come up on top of the trees i’m just collecting the stuff at the minute it is safe up here can i climb this oh no no

Yeah you can oh no no i’m getting shot so much oh no this is bad oh he’s dead but that’s my stuff i’ll just go get it oh god oh my i bought the mission i bought the mission guys this is a terrible idea i was you know i thought about helping

Him maybe i should have at least i got my hunger back i just want to get my stuff now i bought the mission okay guys we need a concentrated effort to do this all together are we going in okay yeah there is a creeper going in after

You oh dear that’s not good okay i’m just getting distracted what are you guys doing we’re just getting sheltered yeah yeah we’re waiting okay i’m going to another no don’t wait away from me i’m getting my stuff oh he’s died again okay i can do

It i am the horseman behind you oh jeez pumbaa’s on the kill yeah he is if i just keep running he’ll never catch me and also they won’t catch me like my friends okay i just need the thing is people keep picking up my stuff and then going to a silly place to

Die with it and then i have to go get it and that makes it harder for me hey guys i’m alive guys hello hello get in a tree get in a tree help me quick get in a tree did you pick up my stuff kev uh i’ve died a hundred you’ve lost my

Stuff haven’t you um where let me go i think i know where it is i’ll get it nothing to live for and the tree park do we all need gold boots yeah pretty much yeah why don’t we do that first um good question would you like to come

Back and get some gold food no i think we should do this because gold boots are for the week what are we doing what are we getting i think i can okay i can just i can do this i can get all this stuff i got everything i’ve picked everything

Up i’ve retrieved it okay are you in a tree i am in a tree how how how did you giant pig thing i jumped into the tree pot ollie has died again careful with the hogland jump in the tree jump in the tree cool i think i’m safe it’s chasing it’s chasing hotline

Don’t try and fly here don’t try and fight it they’re so hench i did it it’s dead right has anyone by any chance stolen my leggings uh no i’ve got nothing do you have a spare stone sword um you probably don’t want to try using it it’s better than

We only came here so we can get ollie soul sand and he has yet to live where is he he’s dying where is ollie okay what if we like cover the portal so it’s sort of safe for him yes oh he’s been killed by a skeleton

Just now he’s born so far away as well oh my gosh he’s died again A lot more intimidating now yeah why is this so scary ish what this guy’s got like a enchanted bow ollie just keeps dying um my things how do we proceed why are you building a safe portal do you get soul sand from the fortresses or oh no it’s just lying around isn’t it

It’s awesome is this sort of safe it’s not super safe it’s uh joel can you bring me a bucket who are you talking to what olly he said in chat joking so you’re talking to yourself bucket why does he need a bucket oh my gosh what’s wrong with him what a bucket

Um does anyone have a bucket i can take to wally uh nope mine is gone should i just get ollie his soul sand and we’d take it back yeah i’m gonna go find ollie now i’m coming uh actually i’ll come with you lizzy because where you’re going is more scary we’re

Almost certainly going to die yeah that’s fine i have nothing uh draw the fire oh oliver he’s back off oliver what’s happening in here why did you need a bucket come here because i i struggled to jump down from my house with that i need to get to the other portal

Other portals there’s two portals there’s another port follow me there’s another portal oh that’s mine yeah i’ll speed through just give me that doesn’t look good no i’m coming i’m coming it’s that way i don’t know circles no i’m figuring it out i just need to get my bearings you’re not

Figuring out you’ve just gone around inside i’ve been there twice before i’ll get my bearing oh i hate hogly it’s this way it’s this way i got it i got it oh my goodness he’s down here you should do a little bit of parkour have you ever done ace

Race on the mcc server it’s like that uh yeah that’s not me no i don’t know where they’ve gone lizzy i have been watching you for as long as i can remember i love your content so much you are the source of my happiness less than three oh baby izzy thank you for

The lovely message thank you so much thank you for tuning in to the stream and the bits as well um i’ve lost my friends but it feels safe up here hello lizzy there is so many angry pigs um yeah they’ll they’ll do that they’ll be angry did they go off to find the

Other portal i think i might just go find some soul sand and see if i live okay right um let’s just go let’s go get the soul sand i’m going let’s get it it’s a dangerous mission it’s worth it oh geez it’s a lot more dangerous than i thought it was gonna be

Right okay up here this way try this way okay oh geez these crossbars okay falling inside the tree but it’s so safe yeah they have they have got i was enchanted okay do you think there’s soul sand down there why is this so dangerous now wow

Ollie just keeps down oh no there’s a pig down there oh my god it’s so damn i don’t want to be here should we leave yeah i feel like we shouldn’t be gone let’s back it up let’s back it up let’s get out of here do they just not kill us

If we have gold yeah so they respect gold and they won’t kill you if you have gold on and you can also like throw gold items at them and they’ll trade they’ll trade with you they’ll give you something random in return Okay hello we’re leaving yeah we’re getting out of here i hate this place yeah we hate it i’m leaving goodbye you two sweats you going man find me and joel stay here okay i think oh it’s raining i think i’m going to end my stream um i need to build a house next

Time whenever it’s whenever i next get on and it’s getting really dark in my room and somehow even hotter so i’ll see you next time theo are you going to stream because i’ll rage you after i’ll keep going yeah okay cool all right i’m going to go over here and talk to myself

Okay guys thank you so much for coming to the stream oh so hot um i am going to end the stream but i’m going to raid one of the guys need to plant a lot of warped fungus on nylium or place some on flower posts to scare away the hoglands oh

That’s a good idea um thank you enzi dressed up for the good idea and the bits um i will definitely do that next time i’m going to build a house next time if you’ve got any ideas for me please tweet them at me i’m going to

Raid one of my friends i might as well raid theo because i know who’s channeling actually do i know his channel name y’all i’ve forgotten his channel name so make sure you go there um give him a follow some nice messages what’s his stream

Okay it’s two e’s and two o’s uh and i will see you next time whenever that is i also want to play some among us so let me know if you prefer with the proximity mod because that’s kind of what i want to do okay thank you for everyone for subbing and

Everything that was really sweet of everyone okay bye

This video, titled ‘Biscuit Boys SMP #1 – Lil Minecraft Server (LDShadowLady Twitch Stream)’, was uploaded by LDShadowLady Twitch Streams on 2021-08-22 00:59:45. It has garnered 101501 views and 974 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:09 or 9609 seconds.

A recent stream of Lizzie’s. Go follow her on Twitch!

Disclaimer – she said anyone can upload her stream VOD’s ❤

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  • 100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Modded Hardcore Fail

    100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Modded Hardcore Fail Minecraft Adventures: A Journey Through Modded Hardcore Gameplay Embark on an epic Minecraft adventure with PlayFusion145 as they dive into the world of modded hardcore gameplay. Join the excitement on Twitch, stay connected on Discord, and catch glimpses of the action on Instagram. For more thrilling content, check out Mini Draco 2’s YouTube channel and explore unique creations on planetminecraft. Exploring New Horizons With a dedicated community following, PlayFusion145 immerses viewers in a world of challenges and triumphs. Witness the highs and lows of surviving 100 days in a modded Minecraft universe. From resource gathering to facing formidable foes,… Read More

  • Ultimate Fully Automated Tree Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Fully Automated Tree Farm in Minecraft! Komplett OP Baumfarm voll automatisch! Welcome back to another exciting episode of Minecraft! Today, we delve into the world of Simple Tree Farms using the Create mod. These tree farms are not only easy to set up but also incredibly efficient. With minimal items required, you can have your tree farm up and running in no time! Setting Up a Simple Tree Farm Creating a basic tree farm in the Create mod is a breeze. In this episode, you’ll learn how to set up a straightforward tree farm that will meet your wood production needs. Stay tuned as we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!Video Information al [Música] e [Música] sient di te quiero chingar te voy aar Déjate llevar el celular si está conigo no te va pasar [Música] nada tu est Mándame tu mu arrim de tik conmigo en su que conmigo cabrón Pon avón lo bón sup para m yo por ti [Música] me quiero chingar voy aar para asegur si está con no te va a pasar nada lo [Música] dejar Yo quiero contigo y tú quieres conmigo [Música] pon tu conigo es gata se acabó el que la rompe soy yo me la robó de menor otra noche dándote… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!

    Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!Video Information oh that sounded good no I freaking hate this huh huh well this one definitely busted and doesn’t work now I need to go cool down in the bathtub or something piece of garbage garbage doesn’t even work huh like everything else in this game it’s all busted hey and my Minecraft crashed perfect in these videos we’ve covered everything from ghosts to living entities inside of mountains but our next myth is probably the scariest yet players have found a new entity that is more terrifying than anything we’ve ever seen blood Steve you have to start… Read More

  • Craftiland

    CraftilandEs un server completamente survival para la version 1.15.2 (y otras pero es recomendable la 1.15.2 por la compatibilidad de items y plugins) Read More

  • Wisteria SMP Modded SMP

    Wisteria SMP Fabric 1.20.1 Join us on Discord: This is a new cobblemon + create server with a focus on building and creativity. Join us if you enjoy building with create and cobblemon mods! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Enchanted Cave: Minecraft’s Amethyst Wonderland”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Enchanted Cave: Minecraft's Amethyst Wonderland"“Wow, talk about a gem of a find! I bet the creepers are just dying to get their hands on all that bling underground.” Read More

  • SUBSCRIBE for HOT Minecraft Memes! 🔥

    SUBSCRIBE for HOT Minecraft Memes! 🔥 When you’re trying to get more subscribers but all you’re getting is creepers blowing up your channel. #minecraftstruggles 😂👾 Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft shorts and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part of something special. Don’t miss out on the fun – see you in the game! Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: LuisVr explores magical Minecraft world!

    UNBELIEVABLE: LuisVr explores magical Minecraft world!Video Information so ich bin live ganz kurz auf ich bin live was geht was geht warte ich jetzt guck ich gehen wir schell auf youtube gucken ob da auch alles läuft B Moderation wenn man live geht was geht geht okay sieht schon mal bis jetzt gut aus und jetzt sieht sogar noch besser aus let’s go also Jungs ladet ihr mich ein also und die haben schon ein bisschen hier gespielt ich noch nicht ich habe ze Abos gemacht ich nicht mal gemerkt egal so also wir haben schon insgesamt ganze 7 Stunden gespielt ja ich leider leider… Read More

  • Is Minecraft Really This Terrifying?

    Is Minecraft Really This Terrifying?Video Information [Musik] [Musik] Hm Entar dulu mana [Musik] youtube-nya ada .30 .0 tadi mau jalan nyari takjil dulu silakan [Musik] oke [Musik] [Musik] Tir [Musik] oke ya Halo semua selamat datang dan selamat sore semuanya para Vi Saya di sini bersama saya dan lauka di sini yo iya oke halo cuy ka berbagi semuanya yo oke ya jadi kali ini ya kita bakalan lanjutin live streaming pada sor kita sambil ngabuburit ya teman-teman dan y kali ini saya bakalan mainin Minecraft lagi ya Sesuai dengan janji tadi sahur lebih tepatnya dan Y ini saya banyakal mainin Minecraft tapi ini… Read More

  • Dolanan Gayeng – EPIC SPORTS COMPETITION! 🏆 #minecraft

    Dolanan Gayeng - EPIC SPORTS COMPETITION! 🏆 #minecraftVideo Information Oke sekarang kita adu olahraga yang pertama aku yeay Misa garang [Musik] aku Yes mantap giliranmu aduh bisa enggak ya aku [Musik] i bantu like dan subscribe ak aku bisa teman-teman dan tulis di kolom komentar bisa bisa bisa Iya what This video, titled ‘LOMBA OLAHRAGA #minecraft #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-01-16 11:00:20. It has garnered 7918 views and 726 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. #minecraft #skibiditoilet #gameplay #shorts instagram : Minecraft Minecraft Indonesia Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Survival Minecraft Creativ plants vs zombies 2 Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Havoc Games: Crafting Dead Adventure!” #minecraft #gaming

    "EPIC Minecraft Havoc Games: Crafting Dead Adventure!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information if you like The Walking Dead just as much as we do then this server is for you welcome to the mining dead the first ever Minecraft Recreation of The Walking Dead where you need to survive a zombie apocalypse explore the map full of the same spots from the real Walking Dead show like the power plant the sanctuary and more and we’re available for free on Java and Bedrock come play This video, titled ‘The Walking Dead in Minecraft! #minecraft #craftingdead #minecraftip #gaming #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by Havoc Games on 2024-04-25 22:15:00. It has garnered 10729… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown LIVE with Sukuna! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown LIVE with Sukuna! 🔥Video Information [हंसी] हे गाइस गा वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम स्ट्रीम गाइस कैसे हो आप माल पानी बढ़िया अरे यार ए नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं मैंने क्या क्या है नहीं यार अबे अभी तो मैंने इसको सही कर दिया था क्या भाई अलग ही चीज है [संगीत] [संगीत] इस हम चल सही हो गया पीवीपी नल [संगीत] इधर बैटल होता है क्या हम [संगीत] हम [संगीत] क्या भी नहीं बन रहा एक एक की मां बहन मर ही गया ब प्रैक्टिस प्रैक्टिस प्रैक्टिस जिंबा [संगीत] हम यार कोई तो बैटल बैटल बैटल बैटल बैटल अे यार य कालू का लड़ा… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Stream Survival w/ Subs!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Stream Survival w/ Subs!Video Information тутуту а мощную придумал фантастику я придумал прямо мега супер пупер придумал й люди больше не услышат юны тундун са тутутутутутуту Ты что тут сидишь А что нельзя на хз Ты просто один ту сидишь и что Великая причина сидеть постоять я сейчас зайду в ма заходи О ты что уже пришёл Да я вообще жёстко заспидранил на 15 минут вышел А блин я вообще я думал ты уже ушёл я забыл я думал ты уже всё с концами я не пойду уже но очень грустно вообще жесть Я рад давай ты скажешь Не давай ты скажешь что… Read More

  • Insane Vertical Minecraft Stream! Join Now on RandomKitz Server!

    Insane Vertical Minecraft Stream! Join Now on RandomKitz Server!Video Information boo hello everybody I’m live for the first time in a [Music] while hold up grab this let me this quick and then [Music] chat uh hold up grab this open this open this that that hello hi smug donut and Hi H I’m doing good how about you guys just playing some hopl do how’s everyone doing this morning morning or afternoon or whatever time it is for you what’s going on up might as well loot this Min shaft and grab our cobwebs I never really do and I probably always should [Music] got to do… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS FIGHT! 🔥 #103Video Information he This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS #103 #minecraft #mush #bedwars #hylex #pvp #hypixel.mp4’, was uploaded by LuisKly on 2024-01-08 14:00:05. It has garnered 2355 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT BED WARS SIGMA # HYPIXEL HYLEX MUSH #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft Read More

  • ⚡️UNSTOPPABLE Banana Meme – HILARIOUS Animation #shorts

    ⚡️UNSTOPPABLE Banana Meme - HILARIOUS Animation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unstoppable – Funny Version (Animation Meme) #shorts #funny #meme #banana #youtubeshorts #respect’, was uploaded by Fyp to video on 2024-01-22 04:35:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts youtube shorts reels respect shorts youtube short respect videos video shorts videos short video instgaram minecraft … Read More

  • Darkhelmet Minecraft

    Darkhelmet MinecraftSurvival, Towny/GriefDefender, mcMMO, Jobs, Auctions, Orders, Stocks, Lottery, Crates, Mini-Games, Contests, and more! Custom plugins, expert hosting. Ranks are playtime-based. Since 2011 DHMC has been the first and last server for thousands. Donations cover operating costs and get cosmetic perks only! Zero Pay-to-Win! Read More

  • UneasyVanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Hacks No Reset

    UneasyVanilla UneasyVanilla – Vanilla Anarchy with NO Hacking. UneasyVanilla is a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server running since 10th of March 2020, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. There are no gameplay-altering plugins, no teleportation, no sethome, no grief prevention, and no pre-determined economy. Griefing and raiding are permitted but using hacks/cheats is not. IP: Version: 1.20.4 Website: Discord: Join our community today. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Whether you’re seeking alliances, testing your skills, or taking on massive… Read More

  • Baine Junior High School

    Vanilla SMP, Small community that's trying to build our numbers. We have a shopping district, /trigger home, spawn, back, /trigger set home. Nether roof hub, multiple xp farms. Join the discord & fill out the application to join. 18+ Server. Come Hang Out With Us. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting prediction with these guys

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting prediction with these guys“I bet these guys were the original beta testers for Minecraft, constantly trying to figure out how to make a diamond pickaxe before it was even added to the game.” Read More

  • Herobrine Unleashed: Minecraft’s Summoning Guide

    Herobrine Unleashed: Minecraft's Summoning Guide In the world of Minecraft, where legends reside, Herobrine’s presence, a mystery to confide. Follow the steps, with caution and care, Summoning him, a thrill beyond compare. With a block of command, the process begins, Redstone torches, the power within. Assemble the command, with a click and a spark, Herobrine’s arrival, a journey to embark. Click the items, to bring him near, Await his presence, without any fear. In the realm of Minecraft, where legends unfold, Summoning Herobrine, a tale to be told. Read More

  • Subscribe for hot Minecraft memes 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Subscribe for hot Minecraft memes 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Me: *subscribes and leaves a like* Also me: *waits for diamonds to magically appear in my real life* #minecraftlogic” Read More

  • Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed

    Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed The Power of the Mace in Minecraft Have you ever wondered how powerful the Mace is compared to other weapons in Minecraft? In this video, a fascinating experiment is conducted to determine the speed and efficiency of the Mace in combat. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the potential of this unique weapon. The Experiment The experiment involves testing the Mace’s ability to defeat a Guardian by hitting blocks at different distances. Starting from one block, then ten blocks, and finally reaching a height of 100 blocks, the Mace’s effectiveness is put to the test. Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine

    Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine The Legend of “L’ombra nella Miniera” in Minecraft In a remote village in Minecraft, a dark and terrifying legend existed that only the bravest dared to whisper under the moonlight. It was said that there was an abandoned mine, where the darkness was so dense and oppressive that it seemed to envelop the heart of the earth itself. Rumors spoke of an evil and mysterious entity lurking in those timeless depths, known only as “L’ombra.” The Haunting of the Abandoned Mine During moonless nights, strange noises could be heard emanating from the mine: anguished cries, eerie whispers, and the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP Wizard Tower Build!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP Wizard Tower Build!Video Information 9 you later where are you no problem all right I won’t make y’all wait any longer I just want to get that pin message out um hello everybody hello hello um how’s everyone doing man you guys are really early today huh let’s get on in here just get on in here let’s let’s not cut look you guys are so early so let’s not waste any time hello everybody Welcome in how’s everyone doing [Music] tonight some of you might be immediately asking R you’re wearing a robe what’s going on well fairly simple I don’t… Read More

  • Daring New Minecraft Survival with Members | Ep 4

    Daring New Minecraft Survival with Members | Ep 4Video Information hello hello hello YouTube how are you guys doing welcome to the stream what’s up everyone what’s up Flores Quant crafter torn bird Angel cool name by the way me how you doing me uh Hitman what’s up guys Matt random chat my man mini wolf how are you guys doing welcome to the stream welcome to the stream hello hello hello if is everything working it has been a while since I streamed actually it feels very weird and very off uh but here we are again in Minecraft Survival it is time for episode number four… Read More


    🦈JOIN MY CUSTOM SMP WORLD NOW!🔥 #MXSharkbaitVideo Information for for all right sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I just thought like you know what I was like I was just like setting everything up and then like yeah okay so okay so here okay okay I know you guys were like you know just I was just I was just like making a cool entrance okay I was just making a good entrance okay I was just trying to make a cool entrance okay I just you know peer out of nowhere like poof like but that’s not the case so anyways hi… Read More

Biscuit Boys SMP #1 – Lil Minecraft Server (LDShadowLady Twitch Stream)