🍑 My Server Minecraft Sunday – Let’s Play LIVE

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Hold on one second guys I’m getting something set up I promise I’m I’m here I’m I’m looking at chat my PC just completely reset so I’m everything that I prepared man well there’s my face that’s a good sign right it’s a good sign that something’s working right please please don’t do this to

Me okay so here’s the thing I’m um I can’t edit how big my camera is so I’m just on half the screen right now give me a second I’m about to lose it I am about to actually lose it um me just put this as live so you guys can

See me struggling right now hold on jump scare I’m sorry how do I fix this hold on hold on um configure please help okay I can see properties if you go down to like uh properties and then look at how like like look at this I’m trying to fix it

Look at this sizing you ready transform edit transform watch this I have to put my mic up to my face look at this you ready ready for this absolute look at that hey guys welcome back to my stream um can’t do that we’re not going to do that I don’t feel like being

Squished today I don’t know why it’s not Sky Legend I don’t know why it’s not letting me make it smaller um I’m struggling right now so I may just have to put put myself in the corner be like hey guys you guys see that it’s so stupid we see Sushi I don’t

Think Sushi’s in my room right now but the moment she comes into my room sush sometimes she comes when called she has been really like affectionate recently so maybe I can get her to come into my room usually I can edit how how big this this tab can be oh oh my God

I’m just stupid sorry um hi guys welcome back to stream today we’re going to be playing Minecraft let’s get into it you guys have already been waiting like 10 plus minutes um the first stream died because I accidentally unplugged my PC when I was trying to fix

My camera I have a USB cord thing like extender and it was connected to the wall and it’s a very strong cord because the moment I pulled it it just yanked yed the whole plug from the wall um my this thing I can hear it it has a

Problem okay that may be a lot better yes yes it is okay sorry my mixer was like cutting out my voice a lot it’s better now though all right daily deed where Nuna go oh n is running technically I didn’t kill you you just jumped and killed yourself

But I did do most of the damage anyways um what is judge says judge what does that mean okay my mic is still cutting out I’m lagging how bad is my stream lagging okay it’s not lagging anymore lots of lag I don’t I don’t know what to say

About that looking for my lip balm I may have left it in my car I went to go get coffee this morning and all of the coffee shops were closed so I had to go to McDonald’s no hate to McDonald’s coffee love McDonald’s coffee but I like coffee shop coffee

More um yeah we’re going to be doing some building you guys want me to do building or you guys want me to do other stuff do you guys want to go see my auction horses that I got let’s go see my my auction horses I bought yesterday

At the auction this is the back of the auction ignore this let me know if it’s still lagging it’s smooth now okay good um oh wait I bought them I bought them I brought them uh to my Ranch okay this this is going to lag My Stream I can

Already tell you it’s going to lag My Stream just give me a second let me speedrun this where where where is she there’s one of them let me grab the other two popop popop okay I think this will be a lot less laggy because I cleared out a lot of animals

Here okay so we have Luke who is a galane I can just put him with the Mars I’m guessing why are all my horses doing this oh is it because I have no I have the right shaders on wait why are you guys doing this what did I do did I not

Where’s entity Shadows entity Shadows off that should fix it maybe it may it’s not on my shaders cuz I have the same preset that I always had oh did I fix it are you normal no oh my God Shader pack settings sorry I’m going to turn my

Heater off because it’s just going to be a bunch of background noise I’m warm I’m okay um I believe it’s in lighting might not be give me a second guys entity Shadows makes the horse’s to pose if they’re on should be in Shadows um complimentary is the only one that

Works I found with entity Shadow see I turned it off on both my ridium or it would be OptiFine if you use OptiFine and also in my Shader pack settings and the hsees stop T posing so if you ever have that problem just turn entity Shadows off on both your OptiFine ridium

Slash well you can’t really use Iris because iris is Fabric and swm isn’t for fabric but if you ever have a problem with Mobs T posing in different mods then try entity Shadows because that is a problem with a lot of different mods okay then we have

Echo Echo and then Estella and I believe Estella is from ver question mark all these horses were bred by other people um oh I need to go grab let me go grab Kismet from Annie I completely forgot to do that I had a horse being trained by Annie let me go grab my

Horse how’s my day been my day has been really really slow I feel like um I’ve been working all day except for like some server time oh thank you thank you thank you my voice may cut out it’s just because I’m not saying stuff loud enough

If I talk really quietly cuts out I can’t do ASMR unless I’m like right here I don’t like doing ASMR like that can I train train horses I’m going to have to you guys are going to have to put up with me training horses I’m sorry about

That I I can’t I have to train my my pixel ponies at some point um I think I’m going to train kind of want to train this horse but I’m going to make this horse a Barrel’s horse so I don’t need to train him currently because he’s

Speed three and I want him to compete in speed 3es um so should we train Ekko Luke or Estella estella’s already trained a little bit so is Luke and jump too estella’s trained in estella’s trained decently so maybe we should try eeko okay what color we thinking for his

Tac I’m thinking that he would look good in red is it the half no what is it quarter sheet not half sheet quter sheet there we go and by the way the quarter sheets and all the color Tack and all the fancy tack is tre’s T shop it’s available on

Curs Forge this is going to be a nightmare training this horse because this horse is reluctant and it has never been trained look at that this horse I don’t think has ever been even ridden it was just popped into the auction I don’t mind projects though project horses are

Fun you’re not late we’ve only been going for like 15 minutes the actual stream’s only been going for like I don’t know 10 minutes I have a lighter you want to come grab a lighter my mom’s going to come and grab the lighter the lighter because I’ve been

Liting my candles with the lighter I need to grab another lighter CU this is our only lighter I’ll put it on my all right thank you thank you that was mama peachy Mama peachy oh the horse jumped it how do you put things in your inventory without dragging if you shift

Um like for example this you can shift and put it into your inventory you can also drag shifts so this you can do that it’s also easier yeah shift is definitely the best way I don’t know how to do it on Console though I sucked at

Gameplay on Xbox I feel like anybody on my YouTube who watched gameplay on my Xbox would have actually unsubscribed after watching how I play Minecraft on Console same thing with red dead Red Dead one on Xbox was infuriating cuz I just would forget the controls I’m not good at console there’s really skilled

Console players I just can’t do it nothing against console I love console just I I can’t do it last time I played Minecraft was with my siblings on Console where we’d all split screen and Joel with his potato farm Joel I think we still have your potato

Farm map up by the way I need to go through my old Maps I should do that one of these days hook up my Xbox our old Xbox to my PC and go through all of my old Minecraft maps some of them are horsey some of them were like City potato farm

Okay hi everyone new should I do a giveaway should we do some giveaways do I have to log in again oh my gosh please stop it oh this is annoying hi no man peaches peaches Pizza Pizza okay one second where’s giveaways show me giveaways enough with this enough with cloudbot come

Here um let’s do this one why not uh just listen to what streamlabs says in chat okay we listen to streamlabs in this chat I’m going to be doing a one Monon access to my server you do not have to have membership um to access it you can just

Access it straight off now you won’t get other membership benefits you will just get access to my server but I think that would be a fun option for people who want to play and don’t want to pay for membership okay streamlabs you need to calm down

Jeez um so how you join my server is you have to be member on Kofi or YouTube it’s always been a perk for members so it was never meant to be public um the cheapest roll is $3 USD and you get access to all of the parts of the server the only difference

In tiers or in ranks is the amount of animals you can own that is it everyone else gets access to everything um not only because of Minecraft Ula but because I didn’t really want to restrict access to different tiers I did in the very beginning but then I was like okay

It’s kind of against the purpose of members having a place to relax if they can’t get into certain areas I’m not about to be Star Stable online okay uh a raffle ticket um if you have a ticket you have to wait to actually win well Florence

You already have member so all you have to do is um connect your Discord to your YouTube or your YouTube to your Discord if you go to settings and Discord then connections you can go ahead and connect your YouTube you don’t have to show it

On your profile for it to work and then if you’re in my server it should automatically connect you to a YouTube member so now you can see the member chats and then you go to server info and that’s where you can apply to wh list and currently we have an issue where

Layers can’t be whitelisted manually I have to test again to see if it works because Mojang has some servers down so we have to do by hand through like the wh list um file on the server so wh listing happens a little less frequently than it did before but it still happens because

We have a few people that we Whit listed from yesterday so many new members I love it yes Alice you do the member is for or the member the server was for members only initially so I may make make a public server in the future but it won’t be for a while

Because I would have to get a lot of staff I would need a little bit of a bigger income to pay people because I do want to pay people if they’re working for me you know I don’t want too many volunteers who are working hard hours to just not be rewarded like that

Um and that way I can get everything organized slowly but surely getting there I’ve been able to employ more people which is nice been able to commission more people yeah servers are a lot of money I didn’t know how much you have to spend on servers I’m not talking about hosting

Literally just everything else commissioned builds um volunteers who are being paid for example Riley System Manager I mean she does so much work so definitely a lot of money and energy put into a server that not a lot of people realize gets put in and I

Didn’t know it until I owned my own server so yeah you learn a lot when you own a server there’s 11 minutes left on the thing so if you guys want to um enter that we currently have 25 entries going on I can still hear some problems with the

Threshold okay I think that may have helped it a little bit for some reason my voice is cutting out really bad and I don’t know how to fix that with the goxlr thing it’s very frustrating to learn how to use it uh oh cut chat off right there

Okay thank you matalina so that’s how you say your name I’m sorry if I said it wrong the polls they aren’t a mod actually they’re resource pack called equestrian CIT you can see like right here you can just play stuff down all you need is OptiFine a ridium and then

You can use the resources please Echo please horse work with me here no it’s like a raffle you know you can’t get multiple tickets as one per person do you guys like the new membership badges I got new ones made I love them you’re not hearing any voice cutting out

Maybe it’s with feedback I’m not sure what’s my favorite horse my favorite horse in swam is Gooseberry because it was my inspiration and my favorite horse IRL I really like oldenburg’s but if I were to buy one IRL I think I’d like a Mustang only problem with mustangs is it

Would have to be a taller Mustang or like a draft horse because I’m I’m 5’11 IRL and I feel like if I’m on any undersized horse I would look too tall I’m want to go show the the F really quick you stay here jazz is in here where’s the fo at

This is the full the f is slowly growing song is so joyful my gosh yeah you can see right here how much time it has left to grow it has 10,000 seconds because it takes our fulls 5 hours with chunks loaded to grow up on the server that way people don’t

Over breed and that way it’s more realistic you know you see your horse or you see your full grow up and you have to physically be there for it to grow that’s why when you have a full growing you just train around it you know train your horse while the chunks are loaded

We love the realism that’s what we’re trying we had a show this morning hosted by air was some show jumping I was going to do a popup show today but I have so much work to do after stream that I’m not going to be able to host I hosted the last like two

Days though so that’s okay um yeah should we go should we go mess with some people oh my gosh I want to go mess with Caris go bother Caris oh sorry oh you have a lot of stuff just chilling I want to see your cows where are the

Cows this is the Kings Landing Barn see members can have access to all of the barns both the member Barns and the paid barns um obviously they have to like buy the barn in order to get it put on their plot they also have it access on single

Player like normal but they can get it put on their plot cuz we have plot versions of them we have them over here which the map isn’t completely loaded but like we have all of them set up so people can go look at them and that way

When people join they don’t have to make a whole Barn if they don’t want to oh sorry Caris don’t mean to bother the calm chaos yeah wait is Val online Val isn’t online there is a VC going on but I think I’ll wait to join it just because

I don’t want too much I don’t want too much chaos this is meant to be a calm Sunday stream so see ooh this is these are the cows oh my gosh look how cute it is oh it name is peach you named it Peach the other day I was Breeding baby

Cows and I don’t really like I didn’t really need them I was just breeding them them to see if I could get any cool new colors cuz you know like genetic animals so every time I got a baby cow that I just either didn’t need or just

Didn’t really want I would TP to Caris and be like here new baby cow here new baby cow cuz I just love tping to random players like new players and just giving them random things and I’m like here you go and then I disappear it’s so fun to

Me I don’t know so I gave a bunch of different um cows to Caris look at this one so pretty I remember some of them that I gave I remember this one I gave they’re big now they were babies before and now they’re bigger it’s okay I have so many cows

Already I do not need more cows don’t enable me Caris don’t enable me thank you for letting me see them all my cows are named milk I’m going to go bother Meadow you were not lying you were not lying when you said all of them were

Named milk oh my gosh even the even the poor sheep is named wool it already knows its future it already knows it’s fate Meadow what have you done oh my God I was about to say what is this one name horse meat or something what are

You about to name your animals huh is it someone named eggs literally Thing One and Thing Two okay I see I see your system what is this I feel like I just walked into some morbid Farm social experiment oh my God they also know their

Fate okay GNA go TP to Nuna what is Nuna doing oh Nuna doesn’t know I’m here just know okay let’s see carpet string cheese bag dresser door Swedish meatball you guys name almost perker what are you guys doing microwave pillow Lucifer there’s like a normal name bed what are these names

Mattress oh my gosh I don’t think I can do this that’s a very Majestic name this is a very Majestic llama she was almost a burger okay chs’s male llama oh I sold this one one at the auction yesterday oh he looks amazing in pink he looks absolutely dashing in pink

Who else is here um let’s go bother V really quick sorry in advance ver doesn’t even know we’re here oh I love when people don’t know that we’re here I just smacked your sheep I’m so sorry I just smacked your sheep um you didn’t see that you didn’t

See me smack your sheep I’m sorry it’s okay I’m sorry I was trying to smack you and you moved you moved at the last second this is what my dream was of having a server just terrorizing people I’m sorry I’m so sorry I’ll give you a gift I’ll give you a gift

Give you one gold ingot a sign to say that I’m sorry at the pretty Pig you know what at least this one has I wouldn’t say normal names that’s mean that’s mean to Nuna those are normal names personally I’ve never seen a sheep name mattress but I have now I can I can

Proudly say I’ve now seen a sheep named mattress and it’s because of Nuna thank you Nuna for your sacrifice oh this is nor this is the plant water drinking horse when Vera first joined the server I spawned in her horse for her and the horse just instantly started drinking

Out of a trough that had like plants on top of it noris just a plant water Drinker you know pork chop the pig I love naming animals that are like named after dinner but they’re not dinner you know when people are like oh I named my my chicken like

You know chicken nugget or something and like they’re never going to kill that chicken but it’s I don’t know she’s so funny to me hi Matthew announce the raffle when it’s over it has a minute 20 left we need a pig Nam pork chop we do oh I thought you

Meant one of yours’ name pork chop I’m like I didn’t see that peachy PC table now pc pc table where’s May hi May oh I see you’re making your oh you’re making somebody do all the work huh wow I see how you work you’re just watching watching as

Ashy doing all the work don’t look okay my bad my bad I didn’t see anything y’all blink I blinked I blinked for a long time all right let’s go see lunar lunar Luna Loki what are they up to oh this is stami this is the horse I sold yesterday hi

Lunar are you guys all watching my stream is that how you know you’re I’m talking to you or do you just like come back become self- aware oh this one you also bought at the auction you bought a lot of horses at the auction is from the auction Flora

Salami you have a lot of cool horses in here sorry I’m just casually looking through your barn I can stop I feel like that’s kind of invasive it’s just to look through people’s properties I just wanted to say hi to everyone so if anybody’s uncomfortable with that please tell me to go away

Um what is naughty box is that the timeout box oh it’s a timeout box this is where people get put when they’re in timeout magazines this is a timeout box congratulations player you’ve been putting timeout how did you end up here why not rad the rules I don’t think I’ve

Ever read that part there’s clocks everywhere potato soup rabbit stew oh my gosh when you’re in timeout you can’t hit anything so they wouldn’t be able to destroy anything we have different types of timeout so if I were to do myself it would be grounded regular and silent I

Think grounded is like you can’t move you can’t speak silent is you can move but you can’t speak and regular I think is you can move and speak but you can’t hit anything so you’re basically like there’s different variants um thank you to moth who they developed this whole

Thing for me I paid them to develop it but it was originally made as a joke um oh you’re TP it was originally made as a joke um for Val because Val would say some out- of- pocket things and I’d be like Val you’re going into

Timeout but it’s been very useful so far we we have put a few people in timeout May is at my barn you have smacking abilities what do you mean 22 is playing at my work instantly thought of pachy oh my God there’s Val Val is currently at work oh sorry

Didn’t mean to hit you that time promise um should we have a training session Al together here let me grab my mob ball okay we can go to Triumph and trophy go to Lavender woods and and I think there’s a new course that was made

By air today so we can use that to train and everyone else can come and join we can have a little training session together we also do this outside of stream too we go into VC and just I think last time I streamed True Crime I’ve streamed True Crime so many times

To random members and they just watch and silently train with me it’s so great can bring Dave yes and one of the next streams I will be naming coats so I’m designing a bunch of free Minecraft horse coats um once I get my data pack up and running on the

Server there’s going to be a ton of new horse coats added to my server and a lot of them are going to be done by me because I don’t want to have to ask a bunch of coat makers to make coats um yeah are you busy right now um

No I can I can do something what’s up may be live but I’m not incapable I can still type I got you um you make the coats on block bench should I stream making the coats oh I should do a cozy coat making stream one of these

Times once I learn how to make models like actual models I’ll also stream making animals too I want to try and make my own mod someday I think that would be super cool I want to make a a fantasy mod like a medieval fantasy mod maybe some additions to swm Tac too

Oh why is my okay my stream was my stream was lagging does this say so I keep trying to break blocks but they break and then reappear like I don’t try Rel logging that’s happened to me the other day what is this what is that so

Great yeah you can TP to me you’re okay MCH let me know if it keeps on happening I’ll help at that point I don’t really know how to help but I’ll try my best my mod list is also my mod pack oh sorry I’ll try to stay away from

Horses fun fact swim horses can kill animals if you’re not careful okay Dave you need to calm down should we get the flute out let me pause the music again sorry a this one creeper oh man it’s a classic it’s a little bit laggy questional beat can’t hear game

Audio all right so you just heard me say creeper a man with no context hold on let me let me get this together uh you can hear game audio you can’t hear game audio that’s crazy anyways There we go creeper oh Man it’s so offbeat because it’s so laggy in this area with all these horses when there’s a when there’s a ton of players online and they’re all loading in chunks in different areas it is tough sometimes for the server to catch up nobody I don’t think anybody

Lags like like for example I’m not lagging right now but other people may see me lagging but I’m personally on my screen not lagging that’s kind of how it is sometimes but that’s just when the server gets overwhelmed the other day on no is yesterday we maxed out the server

I was so excited um we had max player account so nobody could log in it sounds annoying but yeah okay let’s see pick winner who won foxy congratulations foxy foxy if you’re in the chat just chat once um and join my Discord for me or if you’re already in my Discord message me

And I can get you your rank and everything all right what update have we seen what is this no bye luck okay let’s do it again okay I can see foxy saying OMG so Fox you are here that’s good that’s good just message me on Discord if you can I think it is

Pooky all right let’s see See let’s pick another winner not like over foxy foxy still gets it but okay Nuna you’re already you’re already member okay Ry Cloverwood look at the fifth page Dave says hi and stop by my barn sometimes okay I got that I got that I was at your barn today I had to help

Someone Escape your stall first day on the server and you’re already a menace to society oh my gosh um I can do one more run oh yep oh okay we started a kick that that’s not good started a strand of kicks if you guys want to know what mods

I’m using it is in my description under my mod pack feel free to go check that out those are all the mods I’m using right now like I’m just playing my mod pack straight from curse Forge oh my gosh what is going on with that horse let’s

See okay we do have a new one running if you guys want to join that you can see in chat and you’re know because I don’t want to be hit and killed sorry oh okay my horse is about to die hold on hold on uh uh do I have a

Health booster back home I may have to go buy a health booster do we even sell Health boosters at the market oh my God where’s my wallet go buy some stuff that is dangerous got to be careful doing that got to go shop got to go Shopping it’ll be in pet okay for God I’m in uh I’m in creative oopsies okay where’s my horse horsey I’m sorry okay we’re good he’s back to his normal Health that could have been bad that could have been bad yeah cuz when horses die on the server you don’t get him back

If they die natural deaths like being killed by a mob or you know you falling into lava with them that’s why you don’t go mining with your horse or you know you going and doing different things your horses die which is rare but it’s possible you don’t get them back because

It’s counted as a natural death thankfully the horse population on this server is busting it’s it’s a great population you know there’s always people selling always people buying always people training new FS every day but it is tough when you lose your own horse oh wow oh wow uh

Okay the timeout mod does work just testing it for you guys on stream okay yeah can you can’t move can you Nuna is completely silent oh you can’t okay you can you can move you’re just muted can you mute people oh you can ooh interesting I know you can kick

And ban yeah know you sit in shame for what you did how dare you kill me when I killed you earlier it’s crazy it’s a joke youa knows it’s a joke it’s a minute okay it’s okay I don’t abuse Nuna yeah we also have the rescue which

Is a good place to find animals for cheaper um I wouldn’t say cheaper but animals that aren’t really like wanted or they were surrendered so that’s a good place to find animals what should we do now got to delete this delete way point confirm deletion oh nuna’s still in the

Same spot Nuna I think you can talk Now why is it show all of these so rude how do you rescue um you go through the Daydream rescue on the Discord everything’s on Discord so you can function completely on the server through Discord also on the giveaway there is 10 minutes left so for those

Who want to wait you can feel free to auctions are also fun we had an auction yesterday I didn’t stream it cuz I was so concentrated in doing everything but auctions are really fun we had a lot of animals I think we had like 30 30 animals it was a

Lot all of them got adopted but I think or not adopted but auctioned off I think but like 3 or 4 it was I think it took 2 hours to auction everything it was a long auction my legs are so sore oh my gosh because I did leg day yesterday and

I regret it oh my God story time so I was in the I was in the gym right so my gym just recently upgraded all of their machines um I guess just either because of New Year’s resolutions and they’re like expecting people to come in or they like just had really broken down

Machines it could have been a mixture cuz they did have really broken down machines well basically I was using the leg press if you guys don’t know the leg press is it’s where you sit in a seat and put your legs up and then it’s on like a a

Flat surface and then you put a weight in and you press it up and then it comes back down towards you and you push it back up and it trains your thigh muscles right and your calves if you do the right foot position I do about

Uh I would say about 10 so three sets of 10 on 200 lb and then I do another like until failure on 160 right I didn’t really think my legs were that badly affected cuz all it really was was muscle cramping cuz I haven’t done leg

Day in like a week and my legs are just I guess they’re just like not used to it where the hell is this bar I’m trying to look for this Barn while I talk oh it’s right over here so I get up off of the machine and there’s

This guy behind me training arms he’s doing like an arm machine or something and he’s we’re just kind of next to each other we’re looking at each other every so often you know we’re all like looking around the gym wasn’t anything weird my legs give out right in front of this

Man I like actually almost go down onto my knees because my legs are jell when I stood up I was like I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk back over to my bag like my legs were just gone so I sat back down he’s like are you okay I was

Like I’m great I’m great I want to cry because I just did that in front of some random man um obviously you know wasn’t anything awkward at the gym cuz we’re there to work out I’m not like embarrassed but it was just a was really stupid um yeah est’s making the front stalls

Right here once those are updated we’ll go ahead and um show the barn progress then but for right now we can just design the different rooms that’s why you can’t go to the public gym yeah I used to have major gym anxiety now I don’t I feel like if the

Gym was more populated I would um I don’t really know if I should work on this Barn right now what I was going to do is make a new Kofi property with my current Barn at the ranch so this is my barn from the ranch um it’s the palette is completely

Different cuz Riley redid the pallette so what I’ll probably do is take this barn and redo the palette a little bit more and then make it into a Kofi property or a member Barn just make it out I haven’t done a member Barn since last year I know this crazy right I

Haven’t done a member Barn in like months so I feel like I should do a member barn and then offer it on Kofi for like $5 or something for people who aren’t members and just want to purchase it really quick that way members can get it for free since they’re paying

Monthly um because I don’t want to do like too many Kofi barns where you guys either can’t afford it or members feel like they’re not getting what they paid for or like what they originally you know applied for um so I feel like we should try that

This one was built by Hannah from swam and bod back like a while ago I think a year ago it’s been about a year now the next one that I’m going to be doing is it’s not this one this is uh this one is Carolina Cascades this one right here

Is the next one this one is ry’s barn on well it’s originally like this barn but Riley redid the palette and redesigned it in her own way for her um for hellhound Stables I think I said that right know was hellhound something sorry I’m uneducated so I’m going to be

Redoing this pallette and I’m going to be playing that on Kofi but for this one right over here I think I’m just going to put it for members there you guys can get a free Barn I know what you mean Chris um only thing is this is meant for like member

Only perks so I understand the whole money dist strangers or money to things that they don’t really understand my parents were the same way when I was younger we didn’t really really get to spend money on random games a lot but that is something that my members have

Been paying for so it’s not exactly something I can give away for free okay let’s go to a random spot in schematics oh all right so maybe not that spot okay this is the racetrack we go over here bye okay sorry I’m loading chunks and people are probably lagging because of it

Okay so I redesigned the entire Barn for my Ranch Barn I’m going to take this one and design it completely differently because I don’t want it to be like directly like my um exactly like my Ranch barn but I want it to be like still nice looking obviously I’m

Not not going to like you know half fast or anything cuz it’s not a paid Barn technically is a paid Barn cuz it’s for my members but it’s about time I put into you know work and effort into something right oh I’m kidding it’s

Crazy cuz a year ago if you had asked me oh well how many hours do you put in on you know your work and everything and YouTube and Minecraft and all that stuff I would have probably been like maybe like 30 35 hours a week now I’m pulling

Like 60 to 80 a week which pays off it pays off you know you guys help me you know with a full-time job I’ve been able to live my dream but it is a lot of work and I hope one day I can kind of distribute my work to have some people

Help with it like whether it’s editors or for example Riley’s been helping with system management and server management it would be nice for that to happen um at some point but I do love my job I don’t think I trade it for the world honestly so I’m going to put a

Poll up in chat do you guys think that we should do armor Armor’s Workshop I think I have permission from esto to show the stall doors let me go find a picture of it how do I get in here hold on okay I’m looking for it one second so

Do we want armors Workshop stall doors or regular stall stall doors in case you guys don’t want Armor’s Workshop in your mod pack know why I’m struggling so bad with words today he It’s called Spring into spring award Tech competition going to go up here haven’t seen any recent photos that EST posted

Is lotus on no okay I think I just go to can go to the thing with the with the map go to the property with the map I just want to show the the stall sides really quick after that I’ll go ahead and continue with what I’m

Doing sorry once I get concentrated on something it’s really difficult to get off of it bye Macy thank you so much for joining okay here they are see these were made with Armor’s workshop and they’re like you can walk through them and the horses can’t get out but you can

Walk into them and like do your stall thing and esto is making them for the free Barn so you guys can have um I’ll offer like other versions of it so you guys can have either the Armor’s Workshop it’s not a big mod so it’s not like something

That’ll kill your Minecraft but it’s not like um chisels and bits which will actually end a server cuz our chisels and bits was eating up Ram um so it’s a lot different but this is like for example what it would look like um and you know of course we have

The wearable items I have all my helmets and everything you know that’s made with Armor’s Workshop everyone’s like special uh accessories are made with armors Workshop so the mod has a lot of Duality to it you can make jumps with it um I think I still have yeah I still

Have uh still have the Among Us jump Toppers I need to use from Armor’s Workshop I have uh lipton’s antlers that she made for for me and I have all types of things from Armor’s Workshop so it’s definitely worth it if you’re looking for like um self-designed blocks you can

Get templates online too so you don’t have to make everything by yourself but from what I heard from a lot of people is it’s easier to make stuff by yourself I don’t know why I went to the blossom Throne it’s easier to make stuff by yourself so I think that’s why some

People do it cuz obviously there’s not templates like a ton of templates online for making stall doors or stall sides or um all types of things you can make like Jolly balls you can make blocks in Minecraft that aren’t there with Armor’s Workshop so hey pumpkin oh thank you pumpkin you’re

Sweet where’s foxy what’s nice is I guess when I was a kid in Minecraft I just remember being like bored with how Minecraft was because we didn’t have all of the schematics that we do now and I kind of wish when I was a kid that I had

The resources that I do now like if I could just go online and get a barn for cheap online I mean $20 to a lot of people or $15 to a lot of people isn’t cheap not saying it’s cheap but not you know spend a ton of money on a game just

For the horse experience so also towards the end of the stream I’ll go ahead and hop on to um Horse Life simulator so you guys can see some of that too cuz I’m posting a video on it but it’s such a cool game I love it so

Far I want to do a whole stream dedicated to it but there’s not really that much to do so I’ll probably do it for um unbridled instead cuz unbridled just had a huge update for the closed beta so I should probably I’m going to put echo down actually let me just set home

Here I need to go put them down by food cuz I don’t want them to miss a meal when they miss meals they get depressed and then they don’t go to like m speed make sure your water’s full there you go Bud we e some food are you guys

Eating over here oh yeah you guys are eating over here my the hay is gone they won’t eat the Timothy Bale for some reason or the oat Bal sorry they don’t eat the oat Bales but they eat the quality Bales I just kind of drop them for them to just go about

Make sure they have food over there you guys been thirsty thirsty thirsty just going to drop some hay for them to eat about cuz when feeding time comes around it’s 7:00 a.m. I think it’s 7: a.m. and something else I don’t know how many feeding times there are

Throughout the day but at 7:00 a.m. all the horses eat and if they miss the meal then they get kind of angry and their health doesn’t go up cuz the way to level up the health is to overfeed them since we have a Minecraft mod that makes

Days really long you can see right here in the top left underneath the map you’ll see the time it’s kind of hard to see but it says 11:15 a.m. see how slow it’s going so Minecraft days take a lot longer to go through same thing with Minecraft nights I think it’s like it’s

Kind of like Red Dead where it’s like 20 minutes it’s 20 minutes to get through one of the days or even longer which is nice because when you’re playing Minecraft Within like 10 minutes the Minecraft day is over so it’s it’s kind of difficult to get stuff done in regular

Minecraft without the mod which Riley designed and everything so it’s nice horses don’t eat constantly they don’t go to the bathroom constantly which is nice what’s Gooseberry favorite snack on Red Dead Gooseberry helped me pick carrots so I always gave her carrots every time she’d pick a carrot I’d give it to her

She was a good horse she was she is a good horse is not dead okay so let me put up a pole Al so when is this going to be over 51 seconds oh actually I think it’s done okay let’s pick a winner human at human congratulations the OG horses you want

To see the OG horses okay oh this is going to lag me it’s going to lag me really bad all the horses are doing good tesu had a baby jazz had a baby Winnie had a baby um Kings did not have a baby but he did produce a baby with a

Stallion I don’t know how to explain this uh when the whole gender update thing came around Riley changed her stallion’s uh gender to a mayor and then had the fo Kings his baby and then change it back to a stallion so technically Kings had a baby with another male

Horse scientific Miracle let’s just call it that okay so yeah they’re all they’re all doing good I don’t think I’ve sold any of them uh blue was sold but blue was kind of out of my role plays Malibu was never respawned Malibu just never came back

Into the world after she glitched I’m so sorry to say um but I am going to be introducing some more horses into my role play soon soon I have like more role plays coming out it’s just working on the rdr2 series working on all of my other videos is

Difficult okay let me see this really quick okay human are you able to talk at all in chat just say something to let me know that you’re in chat should I make custom stall sides okay put a poll in chat feel free to vote unless you’re lurking don’t

Worry about it cuz I know some of you are lurking in gaming Steve is still around did I not show him with the he was just at the show Barn all of my regular horses are at the show Barn okay the chunks are taking a while to load

Because there’s so many people online all my ogs are back here this is Steve it’s Steve and your friend Steve Steve there’s dolphin Sterling who I haven’t really introduced I made the video about Sterling and then my Dimension like got wiped pyralis uh GUI Jericho who’s supposed to have a

Custom coat on don’t worry about that coat Jazzy dolphin who is Jazzy or Jazz and dolphin’s son who um lip and was training and we have Dove by the way these are part of my server the um blankets we had a blanket contest I showed them on the Instagram on the

Peach’s pixel plays Instagram by the way my server does have an Instagram if you guys are interested in like server events but they’re down here um maybe not hold on let me just go to the blankets and go to the award blankets like this one is like a plaid

One or like a flannel this one’s like a a nice like gold trimmed green one this one I think this was made by I want to say don’t want to say it wrong um so yeah there’s some of them already on the horse like this one is the red

The red design I need to look at the makers of them because I wouldn’t credit them correctly but I forgot who made what this one’s one of my favorites um I don’t think we put it in with with the emblem but there was an emblem on one of the original

Designs and then this one this this one also had an emblem so yeah 10:15 p.m. and I have school tomorrow I’m suffering from severe social anxiety and I’m watching your stream to calm down I’m really scared to go to school tomorrow though I feel you that’s why I dropped out of school um

Don’t recommend doing that I dropped out sophomore year and did Junior and Senior year online didn’t really do any of my work still got a 4.0 in college it’s fine social anxiety kills a lot of motiv a so if you’re really struggling with it like you feel like it’s affecting your

Mental health cuz I came home crying every single night then I would definitely try and talk with your parents um my mom was pretty strict with school she was like you know you need to go to school you need to learn but I remember I came home crying one night

And I was like I can’t do it so the next morning she called our principal and was like hey here’s the issue and then the principal said here let’s bring up some ideas yeah make custom stall sides okay I’m going to have to watch a video

On how to do Armor’s Workshop because I want to try some by myself I feel like I’ll be able to do it it’ll just take time um so we we won’t worry about the stall sides right now but I do want to make some extra rooms so this right here

Is to The Loft upstairs I will update this should we change up the palette are we thinking changing up the palette should I do a poll for that one too okay human human did not reply I’m sorry human what about aen aen are you here just talk once in

Chat yeah shaders well I think shaders is fine now cuz I’m not in a big area my PC is not having to load a ton of things but before it was pretty bad um should we change the pallet up or should we keep it let me put a pull up

Okay aen I’m guessing you’re in chat cuz you just said you were crying please don’t cry okay so all you have to do Aileen is just uh really quickly message me on Discord it will put it into a request okay foxy I got yours all right alen if you can just

Message me on Discord all you have to do is press the link in the description and it will bring you to my Discord let’s see what you guys are saying change them up I also want to change them up not going to lie don’t really like the palette that much it’s

Very it was off of a realistic Barn so the original Builders didn’t like decide the palette completely um but I don’t really like the gray roof ooh should we do a metal roof oh my gosh should we do like a a farm Barn little farming barn with a Red

Roof okay let’s pick one more winner okay is Manon in here Manon you in chat all you have to do is talk and I’ll see it on the tab that’s what I like about cloudbot it like Narrows down all the messages so you don’t have to look hi

Manon congrats I can see that you’re chatting okay let’s go ahead and select over here we’re going to try the red you guys can also suggest some colors I don’t really want to do white cuz that’s what my barn already is but I may try if it looks best

Okay let me go ahead and select one more over here okay so what is this one roof shingle gray slab to roof metal red slab okay shingle to roof metal red slab and I’m going to put the up Arrow so it copies everything that looks so good wait the red looks so

Good it’s not too like bright you know how some Reds are so bright they scream at you they scare you a little bit it’s crazy let’s try this now I like it then we can do stairs this what makes world that it’s so fun you can change stuff that quick let’s do

Wall to change that do we like it I kind of like it let’s see oh banjo from France hello I love your language the people there are kind of mean though but I love your language they’re not they’re not mean as much as they are real you go to America

And some people are like oh well if you take a right and people in France are like if you use your freaking ass I love it so much I was only in the airport though I can’t judge I can’t judge an entire yeah can’t judge an entire country or a

Set of people or culture off of a an experience in an airport yeah but definitely some interesting people okay let’s see um if you message me on Discord Manon I can get you settled okay I see you I will add the role directly after the stream you guys so if you do message

Me I will I’ll get I’ll take care of it okay you much enjoy the USA I’m glad I’m glad it wasn’t a poor experience I’ve heard uh Europeans tell me that they would sell a kidney to go to Target one time it’s not that good keep your kidneys

Okay don’t get me wrong going into Target after living in Europe cuz after I I went to Europe or after I went to the UK everything’s in small shops um there’s like you know of course like Tesco um Aldi all these stores but it’s very difficult to find specific things

Sometimes you can find everything in Target but people are like I would I would sell my firstborn to go to Target I’m like other than the Starbucks inside Target you’ll get lost in there and then you’ll end up buying a bunch of things you don’t need okay do we like the

Red now to change these what are we feeling for these blocks we have the oak plank so it’s Oak what other wood type do we have maybe thatch I think the other Barn was changed up to thatch we also have Birch do we feel like I feel like Birch would

Look good I don’t like using Birch but wait this may look good stripped Birch links or wood is it log or wood I think it was log it was not it was wood even though I just looked at it I forgot I’m the worst with looking at stuff and directly forgetting we’re

Obviously going to have to change these the trap doors cuz it doesn’t go good with it but look at that I like that it’s like the light with the the saturated red they don’t cancel each other out bye Sean thank you so much for joining I’m sorry if I’m not paying the

Best attention to stream chat bye schles thank you so much for joining don’t come to Wales then yeah I’ve already gone to Wales before we just went right inside of the border the the road signs are funny your guys’ language is very funny I like Welsh personally you don’t like the

Birch yeah I can try different designs if you guys want any uh any wood designs dark oak would maybe look good too let’s try this Oak PL thanks I don’t know I feel like it needs a light maybe with dark oak and then thatch it would look good I don’t

Know I just I don’t think it looks good with the red it’s the only problem I see what you mean about the Birch though the the Birch is a little bit too light but I also I I just don’t like how well it goes together I don’t know if that goes well

With it should we do white wash do we have red trap doors do we have cottage style we have mroo Crimson would be way too yeah Crimson would be way too pink kind of counteract with the red wait that actually looks really good with the blossom okay what style is this hold on

Spruce oh it’s just a spruce trapdoor Blossom Cottage okay I don’t know what to call this every comp MCT Quirk okay we’ll just go from there and it was Cottage trapo oopsies that’s why you do the arrow so it doesn’t replace everything weird I like that

Wait okay listen I like to mess mess with things a little bit to see if it looks good but I don’t think I didn’t think it would actually come out looking this good do you guys not like it I don’t know I like it do we have Blossom

Like blocks though cuz it’s a wood type so of course we’re going to have blocks right I can see some yeah we have stairs with quk thank God for quk every day I wake up and thank God for quk you don’t like the Birch with it what do you guys think would look

Different with the Birch or look would look good instead of the birch cuz I’m fine with changing it it’s not letting you join alen does it say why it’s not letting you join bir throws you off still I could try thatch instead let’s try thatch instead that may be Better is it only log there we go do we like that instead it’s a very it’s a very soft tone I kind of like that too this looks a lot better in my opinion even it like with the red it kind of looks like it has a red tint as well

That’s the color theory right there that’s how light affects color with relative colors did you know if you have a room with purple purple LEDs some colors will appear black when they’re like a darker color my old desk chair whenever I would have um pink LEDs in my room like brighter

Pink LEDs my chair would appear completely red cuz it was pink but it was like a different shade of pink it’s crazy color theory is also just used for art in general but supporting Spruce idea you guys want to try Spruce okay we can try Spruce I would have to change

The uh I would have to change the blocks up here then because Spruce with Spruce it’s like stripes on stripes doesn’t look very good unless you guys want me to keep That I don’t know I don’t know if I like that but at the same time if you guys like it I’ll keep it Just playing cuz it’s not wood um and then it is why did I do s swdm I’m not concentrating like I’m supposed to be this is where my brain starts getting tired okay do we like that is that something you guys want make it Pink Hey listen I can don’t tempt

Me I can make a pink barn and I’ll do it right now I mean what is this with every comp just the the intrusive thoughts man the impulsive thoughts I’m thinking about it pink do it oh my god Um was it AF no that’s that’s the farmers mod this one that wasn’t it let’s just go through here okay let’s copy this and X out of it I’m just going to try it I don’t think and there’s also this very loud yellow one that one too hey what’s up Timber okay

Vertical is this is that not it oh no it’s Q pink planks and then we go to the other one these and we get the other one I just reloaded shaders oopsies replace uh Spruce full stripped Spruce Wood and then do this again hear me out hypothetically

Speaking if I did a white undertone change this to White cuz red and pink just don’t go together in my opinion it could work I would do a completely separate Barn so I’d do the one I just showed with the spruce it could work and I could call it Barbie’s Dream

Barn hear me out listen the marketing it adds up listen the the marketing It lines up perfectly right right Barbie barn I don’t know if I would do it with this one should I do it with the other Barn listen I’m tempted I’ll do it another

Day oh that would have been such a good idea too just testing out blocks okay so we we good with Spruce you guys good with this look or would you rather something else change roof pink with Birch blocks we could do that let’s see should we do metal or

Shingles I feel like shingles may go well that’s magenta get that out of here okay with roof shingle pink slab okay it’s very bright it’s very very bright you guys may not you guys may not be able to like see how bright it is from my screen but maybe it’s cuz I have

Shaders on okay maybe without shaders It looks interesting of course I’d have to change it to bird I’ll put a pull up I’ll put a pull up since you guys are going to be indecisive a little bit won’t say indecisive but more or less like more opinions

Okay I can also do two but that would be designing two different barns two different tones I would be tired I would actually rip a little bit of my hair out doing that if I won’t with this Barn already you’re going to make a cute pink

Barn you should we don’t have a lot of like really super color colorful barns we have like single tone barns not bad just we don’t have like a ton of out of- pocket barns can somebody join and make a SpongeBob Barn that’s that’s all I that’s all I’m asking for see s Um I’m not sure a on why it’s doing that you may have to verify your Discord but I don’t know why it would be do me that okay 54% there’s a close there’s a close vote so far on the two I thought it was going

To be a one-sided vote this is not a one decided vote if you guys are lurking just pop back into the tab really quick and vote and then continue doing what you’re Doing what’ you say Yi oh rdr2 robbed a train God it’s so fun robbing trains that’s actually how one of my first horses died yeah I was robbing a train and he ran into in front of the train trying to like I called him I whistled for him and

He just ran right in front of the train and I had to carry his saddle all the way to Valentine I didn’t know that when you go into the Stables they give you your saddle back so I carried my saddle all the way to Valentine and I somehow got the good ending

So hi Sophia Sophia do you like your new badge I like the new badges I got them designed by Kiki vtuber on Fiverr she’s great okay so we have Red Roof Spruce so we’re going to do that for now do we like this or do you think there’s something that should be changed

Pineapple Barn I like the idea it’s kind of loud I like the inso um are we thinking SpongeBob or like just a pineapple in general cuz if so I may as well make Squidward’s Little Rock Rock thing Patrick is the rock but he’s not Dwayne Johnson he owns The Rock

He doesn’t own Dwayne Johnson he lives under a rock not the rock sorry should have specified um Squidward also lives in a rock technically but it’s not under a rock unless I’m wrong make the whole Squad I don’t know what to do with this Barn so Far let’s see so we’re making custom stall doors I’ll be making them in the back too should probably work on areas then I’m going to make this a tack room and I’m going to make this a feed room and I’ll design the top part in a second I’m just making the frames so

That way we’ll have uh four so eight stalls still so you guys will still have plenty of ways to store your horses because you’re going to have eight stalls which is a typical amount of stalls for the barns that I put on Kofi or for members

For my member Barns and then you’ll also have a attack room and a feed room and an upstairs Loft wait technically should I make this a room too I feel like I should make this the pet room across here will be the like Loft Stairs and we can put a whole upstairs area up there for players to live in this would be the perfect survival Barn if you think of it thought he lived under dirt he lives under like a a coral Rock cuz it has all the pores on it I think it’s meant to be

Like a you know like a coral reef rock where it’s like living and it has little like holes to to breathe or like the Lava Rock okay Sophie says that everyone in stream should say hi to her because she’s special also everyone say happy birthday to Riley today’s Riley’s

Birthday let’s wish Riley a happy birthday in chat and if you’re in my Discord go see happy birthday in general Riley has been a huge help to not only my Discord but also my YouTube and my Minecraft server for the last year or so so Riley deserves a good old happy

Birthday I already surprised her with a present and I have more on the way I just have to actually make them sorry correction Mama Peach has to make them not I’m again not me my mom I’m about to call myself Mama Peach that’s freaking weird I don’t know I watching a streamer

The other day and she’s like okay everyone say goodbye to Mommy and I was like I’m not saying that love you but I’m not saying I’m not calling you Mommy that’s weird she was she was like 19 she’s younger than a lot of the people who watch

Her um if that’s how you want to run your stream that’s fine but I’m 22 years old I’m not calling anybody any streamer mommy say it as a joke to my friend sometimes you know like the mommy sorry Mommy but if you ever call me ever call me or catch me trying to

Get someone to call me Mommy put me down put me down just take me out of this world really quick um okay so should we I don’t think we should start with the Loft I think we should start with with we’ll start with the pallet inside don’t like the

Flooring I’m thinking it would look good as a lighter tone I’m just selecting so I can change it quick after I make the palette are we thinking like a cobble Isis way or a smooth Stone isleway what are we thinking listen it’s a lifestyle no for real listen people who people who have

The confidence to ask for that that is perfectly fine but me personally I’m not calling you Mommy I’m not calling you mommy man so whenever I say mama pachy they’re like oh like you and I’m like I’m not a mother I mother sometimes but I’m not a

Mother okay you know like mother is mothering I think it’s kind of illegal to like say that say to yourself that you’re mothering I don’t know sounds like stuck up sometimes I think I’m mother how about that okay or we can do like a mixture of

Blocks smooth Stone I am a mother to Sushi and I’m I’m going to be mother to another cat soon that one I want to record everything on I want to record me going to the Humane Society or an adoption place and I want to record me

Meeting the cat and me bringing it home and sticking it into a small space or a bathroom for like 2 or 3 days I’m scared of how Sushi will react with a new cat though Sushi’s mean I say that a lot but Sushi’s really mean sometimes and

I’m scared a cat’s not going to get along with her which is fun because you can just go to a Humane Society and be like hey listen I have a cat that is very picky on what cat she likes she’s not mean she’s just overwhelming she

Wants to play with every single cat and her way of playing is very aggressive um I talked about this all the time but fairy the the deaf cat she couldn’t hear Sushi sneaking up on her and we would hear screaming from across the house and we’d we’d uh walk into the kitchen and

Sushi would be like on top of this deaf kitten so don’t cancel her okay she doesn’t know she’s disabled okay don’t cancel my cat okay she doesn’t she doesn’t know what she’s doing she just wants to play now the cat was like five times the size of this

Kitten um I’m a pet Mom that’s it yeah until I’m older and until I am mentally stable financially stable spiritually stable emotionally stable all of the Stables I’m not going to become a mom no kid deserves that type of uh future okay you remember me talking about death cat

Yeah I really wanted to uh keep de cat but I think this one may look best I wanted to keep de cat but we already had 11 kittens in the home plus our three cats so actually Four cats because we had Monty at the time rest in peace Monty he was a good

Cat I don’t know if I like this one now that I’m looking at it let me look at other smooth Stones thinking the dark worm is good but she got adopted out by a really loving family um she met up with us in a parking lot and picked up the kitten and she

Sent pictures and she sent like text messages the adoption fee was very small we just charged how much we we spent at the vet for them we didn’t we didn’t like sell them or anything we were just like hey we did get them vaccinated so

It’s going to be 20 bucks and they were fine with it they renamed her Opa really sweet place with was it dark I think it was medium warm right it was dark warm I was right kind of like that and this one would be changed to Cobble

I don’t know if I like that though we try can we try something different can I try like medium warm not dark worm imagine if that’s how we called like lukewarm water hey can I get this medium warm like lukewarm no medium warm not like light warm medium warm feel like I would

Be okay kicked out of a place for saying that yeah I guess the reason I’m scared to get sushi a friend as well is because I’m you know whenever you get a pet you’re kind of scared of like what’s going to happen to them you know if they

Were to get out or something I’m always scared of you know Sushi escaping like that’s one of my biggest fears is Sushi escaping and get getting hit by a car or taken by a dog or cuz we have dogs like not even a block away that have killed our cats

Before um they’re now on you know whenever they go outside they are on very strong wires but you know whenever you own an animal it’s a part of your family you’re scared something’s going to happen to them and Sushi she’s not the brightest um she’s not I wouldn’t even

Say the Brightest Bulb in the pack she’s not one of the not the brightest you know she’s smart but in her own ways and those ways are not in survival so when she goes outside she’s having the time of her life she’s chasing things she’ll look

Right in the eyes of a car and be like oh it’s a friend it’s not a friend so I’m scared that that’s going to happen but she is scared of big noises she’s scared of cars passing she’s scared of that she doesn’t go outside unsupervised every time she comes

Outside on the deck or outside in the back she’s always following us around she’s she hasn’t gone out enough for her to like want to go out constantly but she does try to sneak out Sometimes it’s forbidden to sell animals on the street it’s also necessary to register the animals yeah that’s a good law to have though that’s how Paro ends up everywhere oh thank you flickers for getting Baby Peach Parvo is a very deadly thing for puppies older dogs can get it

But since older dogs have a strong immune system they can usually fight it off very quickly but puppies whenever they get parvo the biggest reason they get parvo is because they’re either from very unclean litters and situations or they got it from another dog so usually

When you get a dog from a breeder it won’t have parvo or won’t get parvo cuz parvo isn’t something that can exactly be vaccinated against I don’t know if there’s a Paro vaccine but even if there is it doesn’t mean the dog can’t get parvo just means it exposes it

To parvo enough or when it does eventually get exposed to parvo it’s easier to fight off or it’s not noticeable yeah yeah it’s a sad topic I don’t want to make anyone sad with it but yeah no it’s definitely definitely a tough thing to deal with

Um I don’t really know how to light this oh wait what am I doing no not Cobblestone this one or we wanted medium warm I remember I changed it to medium medium not medium cool worm doesn’t make sense medium warm there we go it’s a little bit

Brighter it looks scuffed on shaders but when you take shaders off it looks normal that’s the only thing about swlm is the lighting blocks do make shaders look a little bit weird what is my favorite movie Divergent I love Divergent do we like this color tone or would you

Guys rather we do a different one I like this one annual dog tax my gosh you’re telling me you don’t even have to you don’t just pay taxes for yourself you pay taxes for your animals too oh the government did that here I don’t know what I

Do I don’t own I only own one cat now but my parents own a lot of animals and I feel like they would they would be pretty pissed I spent $200 the other day at the vet getting her vaccinations on Thursday I brought her to the vet was it Thursday or

Friday I’m building a a member Barn not a Kofi but a member for YouTube members you guys can also purchase it on my Kofi so even if you’re not a member you can still have access to it if you pay for it which it would be easier for you to

Just become a member than get all of my member barns but that’s just for people who are like Hey I Just Want This Barn hi Chris have you seen Brooklyn 99 I’ve only watched like four or five episodes not going to lie that in the office in

Parks and wreck I don’t know why but I just can’t I can’t like the show or if I do I have to watch it with other people I’m going to design these stairs really quick while I talk okay let’s see oh that is a W LM

Okay what show I used to really love watching and you can judge me all you want I used to watch it while playing um Red Dead 2 by myself when I would hunt and get my Trader level up on Aro is Teen Mom oh my God I don’t know why but the

Drama I usually don’t like like reality TV show type things but that one was great and you know you can watch them like slowly like grow up as they raise this baby but then you realize how irresponsible some mothers who are like old enough to have kids are cuz some of these Teen

Moms hi hello you thank you so much for watching my content much love what is she doing uptown funk I am building a barn what is new also I love your name Jackson Miss shippi SAR is it’s a Vibe back in my day sorry just love I I can’t wait to say

That to my grandkids well when I was your age yeah definitely going to the nursing home for making some of those comments not about my grandparents I’m not saying that about my grandparents I’m talking about when I’m I’m old love my grandparents would never say that about them I just want to

Clarify okay going to make this the pet room I’m going to put signs down so I know where everything is pet room okay well can I have something with like black writing here we go pet room feed room attack equipment room and I’m probably not going to have

An office maybe I can build like a a separate office so we have three different areas to store things like pets and Tack and Equipment slash uh feed I don’t know why I my brain just died for a split second so you guys have uh equipment rooms you know to put

Your equipment pet rooms to store your pets and feed rooms that way you don’t have to like make space for it on the property cuz sometimes with Barnes they don’t have those and then we have let’s see I believe it’s still eight stalls right 1 two 3

4 so yeah we have eight stalls on either side so you guys will still have plenty of room plus an upstairs for building player items player areas um and then we can have a pathway I don’t know how I’m going to do the layout just yet depends on how big I make the

Property I probably won’t make the property super big just cuz I want you guys to be able to design your own and I won’t I won’t surround it with trees like I usually do cuz that has been a complaint I’m not sure if everyone complains about about

That but that has been a pretty popular complaint is why do you surround it with trees I’m like I don’t know okay I’m trying to figure out where I should work next feel like I should make the feed room the pet room look at that would that be good that’s what I

Use for the back of my horse ranch barn but I don’t care if you guys use it I don’t care if if it’s used in a in another build how dare you use my build ideas how dare you take inspiration off my build how dare you use Minecraft

Blocks that anybody could use get out of here with that oh my God it’s like when someone’s like you can’t use my Minecraft pet it’s like oh my God kind of can though so sorry to say you dmed me see I don’t see any requests where did you DM

On oh you dm’ me on Instagram I see I’ll read it directly after stream don’t don’t you worry I was like where did you did you D me on we get all the corners yeah we did cool you finished Gooseberry I want to see somebody sent me a bunch of coats

The other day to use a lot of you guys have been sending me coats to use in my videos and one of them was Gooseberry redone and not that the original Gober was bad but this one was like really good like oh my gosh um obviously if you guys use uh

Swm’s horse coats and then like edit them that’s illegal do not do that especially don’t post them online cuz you can get a lawsuit for that don’t think it would end up happening but don’t test the waters please don’t test the waters and get a lawsuit let’s do light rubber

Mat there we go now it’s a little bit brighter in the Stalls so what do you guys planning to do for the week it’s not holidays anymore so are you guys back in school back to college guessing back to college already if I was still in college I’d be back doing

Classes so confused on what’s going on in chat but I will read that later oh thank you horse lover if you guys can’t get into my Discord it is discord.gg Peachy plays sometimes the link doesn’t work feel free to use the slj pey plays cuz that is an official

Server link now which is crazy CU like I didn’t think my Discord server would be like a big thing like that I don’t know if I like this flooring kind of just want red concrete would red conrete look yeah it looks really weird um let’s do gray concrete powder I’m

Going to do that for the equipment room as well the feed room pet Room should we do that or should we do gray concrete or just gray Concrete in general so I don’t really like the swlm look there will be Lighting in there I’ll put lamps in there and everything bye Mia thank you so much for joining thank you for saying hello to

Everyone as well bye Flo 11:00 p.m. school tomorrow yes no please go to bed thank you for staying in stream for so long though all the moment when work will continue I think in about 2 to 3 weeks it work for what I’m reading up in chat hold on gain the

Lore or your work Sophia it’s morning for you are you in Australia maybe Australian Australian or cute Pro Builder thank you this I’m just letting you guys know this Barn wasn’t built by me I just changed the pette up it was built by bod and Hannah from swim

Team a year ago a year plus ago I’m pretty sure at this point so they get full credits for the build they built it as somewhat of a a paycheck or whatever for my marketing work which was very much appreciated CU I did free marketing as a volunteer bye beia um

Going to change out here to something I don’t know what to change this to should we do powder or should we just do the flooring that’s in there like the aisle way oh oh wait no that didn’t change okay we’re good I don’t really like the outside let’s see what’s the glass

Brick so used to commands and you stopped doing underscore for everything ooh or the red glass bricks the ideas are so confusing sometimes wait that looks good does that look too red though do you guys think that looks too Red I need to switch the borders to Cobblestone I think that looks

Good yeah usually all Americans use 12-hour clocks that’s why when I went to the UK I was like it was a guest game almost sometimes I’m like okay it’s 12 then 13 14 15 16 like you had to add it would to take away 2 hours if it was past

12 but after 12:00 a.m. it’s pretty easy to tell what time it is until 12:00 p.m. and then it kind of becomes like a subtraction game I like that it looks fine okay let’s see how it looks without shaders cuz sometimes shaders does affected no I I do like

That I don’t know with flowers and everything it’ll look good it’s 11:06 p.m. for me oh wow I know it was 11:00 p.m. for the start of it for rattle rattle and I we talking before Stream and she was like oh it’s 11:00 p.m. it’s time for your stream and I’m like 11:00 p.m. I forgot rattle is South African to your name in German oh yeah you told me earlier bye pixel wolf thank you so much for joining yeah some countries like generate like

It’s for example we use Fahrenheit but a lot of people in America use celsius but like the national temperature uh like what would you call it it’s it’s out of my brain format I guess would be a good way to say it is Fahrenheit but a lot of us

Use celsius I don’t know Celsius from Fahrenheit except for freezing level Fahrenheit is 32 Celsius is zero so when people say 10 below I’m like oh my gosh that’s really cold and then they’re like Celsius and I’m like oh still cold but in Fahrenheit that would be like still

In the positives I’m pretty sure do I ride IRL I do not I’m going to be though soon I’m going to go visit Jessica on February 10th I’m so excited I’m going to be be going in probably shouldn’t say yet what I’m going to be doing there cuz I don’t want to get

Anybody’s hopes up and I don’t want to get my own hopes up by talking about it all the time but I’m going to see her hores she has two horses there she lives on a property with a barn with a bunch of horses so I will be sharing videos

And everything of us looking at the horses possibly riding it’s going to be cold there I’m looking at upgrades I can do thinking this really quick I’m just looking at this doesn’t really matter right what’ you miss Eve you missed a lot I’m not going to lie unless you’ve

Been here before you missed a lot um I’m going to be ending the stream soon we’re almost a 2 hours so sadly you have yeah yeah I’m excited um going to visit Jessica to possibly move in with Jessica Jessica lives on a property with a barn and the boarding there

Is 200 a month so who knows who knows you know I may be getting horse doubt it though cuz horses are expensive it’s going to be 200 boarding plus like all the vet fees everything but if I do move there and I over get you know more on YouTube and get more

Involved and become a little bit more uh financially stable maybe pick up another job which would kill my sleep schedule and my motivation for anything in life cuz I already have so much work to do with my YouTube which I’m very grateful for by the way I would be able to maybe

Go to an auction or buy a cheaper horse I would definitely want a horse that is not going to kill me because I don’t have a ton of riding experience but I’d also want a bigger horse which again don’t want it to kill me so I may go for a draft

My friend ships you Jessica you need to spell her name right if you’re going to ship us [Laughter] together well if you need more notifications Eve I have them on Discord and also on Instagram that I put them on so yeah I’m excited because I kind of

Just want to like do rescue stuff but I feel like I would have a lot of funds to have to be put towards that so I don’t know maybe a grant or something but I don’t think people do grants for big rescues unless it’s like a organization

Which that would be a lot of work I wouldn’t be able to do that by myself somebody would have to help me with that isn’t bad thing but I don’t I definitely can’t do that by myself sadly but I’m also going to be traveling a lot more no matter where I

Move yeah Jessica is with a k j s i k a she hasn’t been here in a while sometimes she joins in and pops in and says Hi I know how tall we can’t get too big of a horse or too small since I’m pretty tall and I have shorter siblings oh that

Must suck yeah if I ever get a horse it’s going to be my horse if somebody’s short when riding it then that’s on them I know Jessica is 411 so if I ever get a horse that she rides it’s going to be a little unfortunate for her cuz I

Want my horse to be tall all right bye to I don’t know I think a draft horse would be so cute I wouldn’t say a Clydesdale Clydesdales are surprisingly very expensive Clydesdales are known in a lot of ways as uh expensive breeds they’re like a designer breed almost I would say um

Probably go for a standard draft horse there’s tons of different draft horses other than Clyde stales I guess that’s the first one that came to mind when I thought of draft Yeah cly sales are expensive shyers are good shers are actually perfect because retired Amish horses they’re really good but sometimes

They can be very difficult to ride because of how like use they are to work and they’re very sensitive what about gooseberry oo should I get a replica of Gooseberry see the problem is is I won’t be able to actually buy a horse for a lot of money until I have that

Money um someday if my channel does a lot better I’ll be able to afford a lot more but until then I’m going to have to either get another job or just wait grateful for what I’ve been given don’t get me wrong but I won’t be able

To buy a really specific horse I’m going to have I can’t just pick and choose that’s what I was thinking I was thinking a mule but like just a pasture mule like a mini mule or oh my gosh my friend she went to a Slaughter auction really sad she said she cried a

Lot but she went home with two miniature da donkeys or mules because there’s always a miniature mule or donkey there because they’re so popular and then people don’t want them and they give them away and then they somehow end up there and they’re always just like so

Sweet and so ready to like explore their new homes and stuff she sent me so many videos and they’re always so confused they get home and they’re like is this for me is that for me so thank you Pineapple don’t worry I’m a girl Pineapple that does not stop some people it’s okay

Oh hi Ruda sorry right now I’m just talking the stream not really doing much building maybe a little boring for some people what I want to get is a warm blood but warm Bloods are known for not only being extremely expensive I but also very hotheaded some of them at

Least You’ think oh it’s a warm blood so it’s warm blood you know it’s it’s going to be nice no no or OTB but even that OT I don’t want to die I don’t want to get a horse that I’m not I don’t have the right riding experience for and then

In my opinion that’s a form of mistreatment getting a horse that you can’t ride because uh you don’t really know how to handle the horse or you do you do a little bit and you you train the horse or whatever but you teach it bad habits you ever see those videos of

Those horses acting up and all the comments are like it’s the rider it is 100% the rider and you look at it and you’re like I guess it is yeah I would delete my YouTube channel if I posted a video and somebody was like you suck at riding this it’s your

Fault that the horse is acting like this I’d be like you know what you’re probably right so I would definitely get a trainer at least before I bought um the barn though that Jessica lives here is board only though so I would have to do off property lease and then bring it

Over you own a Clyde stale he’s absolutely sweet a absolute sweetest I love Clyde stales they’re big teddy bears I think I turned off my shaders to see what it looked like okay so we have a lot of work to do with this Barn I’m going to try and finish the free Barn

Though before I finish this one because I do want you guys to be able to enjoy a free Barn it’ll kind of be like sunflower and um what’s the other one I did Emerald where you guys can donate if you’d like but it’s not required you

Guys can get it for 100% free I won’t be doing on Planet Minecraft though it’s only on Kofi I did it on Planet Minecraft and so many people complained and they’re like pachy we can’t access it pachy it won’t work and then I tested on Kofi and I’ve had no problems since

Then so so um I do put the listing on Planet Minecraft but then I direct it over to Kofi so it is offered on Planet Minecraft but the download isn’t if that makes sense um Dutch harness horses are good too I’m limited on breeds because I’m tall so yeah price doesn’t always determine

Quality see I think that is it for today’s stream I would go longer but my brain is hurting I have so much editing to do I have so much to do and I feel like if I keep this going I won’t be able to concentrate on the rest of my workday I

Was going to do horse life simulator but I’ll probably just post the video on on that and then do streams as the game and demo updates I don’t know if I’ll be getting an updated demo the dev was nice enough to give me a playable demo for my YouTube so that’s

Completely up to the dev if that’s something that they’re wanting to do um if the Discord is not working just do discord.gg PG plays like this look Discord GG just peachy plays eyy pey and just paste that into your browser everything on my media is either

Just peachy plays or only a peach I think link tree is the only one left is only a peach but yeah um thank you guys for watching I hope you guys have a good rest of your Sunday thanks for joining and chatting I do have a new video out that came out

Today but feel free to watch that for a new mod review and I’ll miss you guys stay warm or cool if you live in Australia or land yeah goodbye everyone my stream deck still doesn’t work with stopping I need to fix it but every time I try it doesn’t work so

We’re just going to do it the oldfashioned way clicking a button and just do doing it that way goodbye Everyone For

This video, titled ‘LET’S PLAY: My Server 🔴 Minecraft Sunday’, was uploaded by just peachy on 2024-01-07 23:28:24. It has garnered 1278 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:41 or 7901 seconds.

Ooooo new stuff!?! Let’s see!

🍓 All of my links in ONE place: https://linktr.ee/onlyapeach 🎁 My Throne Wishlist: https://thronegifts.com/u/justpeachyplays 🧸 My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justpeachyplays/ 🌼 My Twitter: https://twitter.com/justpeachyplays ☁️ Join my Discord and chat!: https://discord.gg/nbYm4gXvbW ✨ My Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@justpeachyplays 🍑 Channel Member Perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbreLzVIqzOyklyXwWGBi2w/join ☕ Ko-Fi Donate: https://ko-fi.com/justpeachykofi 🦋 Business Email: [email protected] (Business enquiries ONLY)

🎁 Want to send me something? Here’s my P.O. box! Just Peachy PO Box 1082 Berryville, AR 72616

♡ My Equipment CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800x 8 core CPU Cooler: be quiet! Dark Rock 4 Motherboard: MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC Memory: 32 GB (2×16 GB) Corsair Vengeance RGB 3600 MHz Graphics Card: MSI GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Ventus OC Power Supply: Corsair CX750 Bronze rated Hard drive(s): Seagate M.2 SSD

Microphone: Blue Yeti Nano Streaming software: Streamlabs Recording software: GeForce Experience Editing Software: Sony Vegas

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    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/dynastycraft-official-modpack.1982222/aboutDiscord Server: https://discord.gg/fRKxthEv32View our Dynasty Tree: https://app.mural.co/t/dynastycraft4614/m/dynastycraft4614/1703342169285/7d3e8296da894640518ff985c62981ae56bd74bb?sender=u4466355caa360503a5113250 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More