Bee Batch Gaming: I Captured a Rare Pigman!

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Equally good which is which is awesome for a game to have like that long of a run I I I definitely should the brief of the wild brief it seems like breath was you know had the best gameplay but like wasn’t quite as cool what cuz um you think it was you think

It was just as cool yeah the whole like shica thing it seemed like the the dungeons were all the same and I I mean part of my opinion is been shaped by conversations with Zack but you know also from what I’ve seen like it seemed like the dungeons were kind of all the

Same no um they were different they were just like Puzzles and well I mean weren’t the different temples in Ocarina all like super unique yeah they didn’t look anything alike whereas um well I guess but there are there are dungeons in Skyward store that don’t look or uh in

Breath of the wild that don’t look that don’t look Alik either like there’s unique dungeons too in addition to the shik temples right yeah there was yeah so yeah I don’t know Z Zach’s opinions on I don’t I don’t fully understand Zach’s feelings on video games he tends

To have very strong opinions on him so does Potter whereas I don’t know I feel like I I like as long as the game is has the right gameplay I tend to like it pretty easily more easily I don’t know all right so uh last time I felt like

Right in the middle of things I he up my Chum and then I had to like eat my Chum and so I’m just going to get everything heated and and set right now and um and I’m ready to uh I can start like logging in though because

There’s you know while while my food’s being prepared I can certainly do like tasks okay today we’re going to read The Outpost aren’t we yeah do that exciting I had to remake all my stuff oh right oh you’re poor stuff I’m sorry about what happened it was a

Tragedy it’s not fair got cooked no it’s not fair it’s not fair the game is out to get you why I I don’t know why you’ve played with nothing but honor Brew honor and integrity cuz I killed that merch oh yeah I forgot about that no I guess that wasn’t so honorable or

Integrous Plus didn’t even help you yeah I no I did I got leads from it for the horses did you get her back oh but the leads are gone now oh God they probably are gone now oh no did I put them away you didn’t put them in storage I don’t

Know we’ll find out oh no your karma is complete oh I’m sorry I’m so sorry I believe in you Bri we can we everything that we’ve lost we will get we will gain back tfold and nothing like this will ever happen again no Slender will come out of nowhere and kill

You ever again hopefully I have PTSD okay what happened to you did you disappear oh no he’s gone hello hello hello oh he’s gone no what happened to him oh the [ __ ] happened what happened hang up on you you just got second what the hell I don’t know I didn’t mean

To I didn’t press any buttons related to you’re just getting CED by the game you’re getting CED by Discord uh that was in the past this is W Oh you mean the last time you got cooked by Minecraft that was in the past yeah that’s in the past yes and now it’s

A new day right it’s a new day everything’s gonna be okay the likelihood of you getting cucked in that same way again is like way lower then you know you you got to exhaust all every possibility you you generally don’t get a KN 20 twice in a row my hair looks so

Bad right now Should I put a head on my head you should feel like you have to I guess it’s I’m sure you look fine R you’re your biggest critic am I yeah what people talk [ __ ] about you all the time not all the time just sometimes I’m I bet you

Uh let me know when you’re when you got the game up I’m loaded in right now nice dude I’m so excited about my house it’s G to be so awesome it’s like the guard house I’m the guard even though I’m not as good at fighting as

You I’m the guard are you the guard are we live yes now everyone knows I’m not the guard I’m a I’m an intern I’m I’m doing a guard internship I’m learning how to guard you from you because you guard yourself really well so I’m trying to get better at

Guarding you and I guess I should probably get better at guarding myself too because rescuing me and having me die is like the biggest source of like uh Revenue loss for for the queen for the queendom well I died and I lost a bunch of stuff

Too that’s fair but that was like a that was like a freak accident where it’s like me dying just from out of stupidity is a regular occurrence so uh yeah so I’m in I’m in a uh it’s an internship and as part as the internship I have to build my own house

Which is great I need that I’m so excited to start grading my own cheese this is like a new era Ruby the cheese era yeah the great well it’s been a cheese era but it’s been like [ __ ] powdery ass plasticky ass [ __ ] pre pre-shredded cheese oh no here to four

Or yeah here here to four I think that’s what here to four means like until now I’ll be in a moment I just got to put the Sal salad greens I I I feel a little bad that every time you stream podcast Greg like takes forever to make a meal I don’t

Think there’s been a single stream that I’m a part of where I don’t like make a full meal and eat a full meal and I’m sorry like it’s just I have too on stream well fair but I always like take a long ass [ __ ] time about

It both to cook and to eat because I’m incapable of eating slowly so like if you’re that’s true if you’re watching this you’re what you always used to be eat the slowness yeah I I have always been a slow eater and I also don’t have a

Microwave so I just [ __ ] like in like three steps I like heat up my [ __ ] fry my rice and [ __ ] reheat my chicken re my broccoli so your poor listeners like have to deal with my [ __ ] and then I ask you like hey Bri should I like should I

Like talk actually I’ll just ask you right now should I like talk less about my cooking should I just like is that is that is that low quality content no it’s fine I always ask you stuff like that and you always say no it’s fine and then

I just like still feel like I’m decreasing the quality of the content I still have my lead yay hey good job good job you thought ahead Ah that’s good we’re be okay just got to make more armor and swords and pickaxes and everything yep it’s all right everything

We get back I can put all this stuff downstairs we’ll go on another Mining Adventure and we’ll get everything back and everything’s going to be okay there’s still lots of area under the ground that we haven’t explored that could have any any number of amounts of diamonds that’s true that was a really

Dumb and obvious thing to say why do you even invite me these things just kidding I disrupt the quality of the content by talking endlessly about the stuff that I’m cooking and then taking forever to eat and then I also disrupt the quality of the content by just like

[ __ ] neing myself hardcore oh my God just making every and just depressing everyone oh my God that’s what I did it’s what I’m here for have I crossed the line yet no oh my God please tell me if I do and like try not to be afraid to tell me live CU if

You don’t tell me live I probably won’t Remember tonight on the salad I’m going have I’m going to have the Bal V it has six g of sugar for two tablespoon so it is uh sweetened as a [ __ ] but ibly than I need the dressing think my accident pretty accurate accurate accurate oh I forgot I

Took all the gold out cuz I was trying to lure that guy in I was going to watch some videos about about the zombie pigment maybe some people have some tips for me oh but then I for to get R yeah that there didn’t I have a [ __ ] ton of food

On me too and I died I mean if he’s near the house though we can just dig we just dig a hole under his feet and then seal him and then make it build a tunnel right uh that sounds complicated get him to the exact point that I want him to

Be get him get him there yeah is this person providing any suggest suggestions for how to accomplish the getting there cuz that’s that’s the problem that’s the question nobody knows how do we do the getting yeah uh the the whole teque does not sound that complicated to me I’m

Thinking I just go right up to him dig a few squares under his feet until he falls down and then Seal Seal him in there Seal Seal the um the roof and then just dig a short tunnel because last time short he out he was on the outer

Wall like next to where your staircase is down to the basement so that’s already pretty close it was near the outer wall not on the OU he wasn’t on the wall was he really yeah yeah he was right next to um he was like near the

Front door but like he was near he was near my my old room doors I’m sorry my old room windows the windows that I built all right I’m loading in Valley of the wind beautiful I enter and I’m immediately greeted by like a goat braing and a [ __ ] chicken

Clucking a goat and cats meowing oh sheep sheep oh I mean the Sheep I’m very sorry for any sheep I offended by confusing their species with goats yeah that’s really bad kind of [ __ ] up where I put the bone oh that’s like that’s like a white as a white person confusing East Asian

Cultures with each other like oh yeah I love that [ __ ] I love that uh Chinese karate stuff Chinese karate yeah you guys want to go out for some Chinese food I really want some sushi I just recently saw the episode of South Park with City Sushi you ever see that

One yeah I think we’re watching it together oh do we yeah nice that south parking Blends together at this point South Park is all I watch on my own now no tolerance for anything else someone just subscribed did thank you thank you thank you joh is that my

Shout out to South Park oh John Smith that’s likely thank you John it’s definitely a pseudonym subscribe to my YouTube channel not a real Nim that’s a pseudonym what about just Nims we we hear pseudonyms and antonyms but we never just we never hear about the

NIMS what is that [ __ ] up with what Nims yeah Nims well like like pseudonym like a fake name and like antonym like a word that means the opposite of another word never just regular Nims where the [ __ ] Nims where’s the Nim representation here maybe I’ll become a Nim’s rights

Advocate think I can do it yeah I’ll become a men’s rights Advocate which is even easier oh my God that my calling after all I’m the only man in this Minecraft server and I disproportionately die much more often like that’s that sounds like a systemic issue G it’s gender based

Violence the pig man is a man and he’s my nemesis good is a man it’s true but he’s all he’s already dead so like I feel like that only strengthens my argument um what else do I need all those books that I [ __ ] oh my my experience to

It’s I can’t aant anything no oh a shield I need a shield I’ll be here for you through your grief today B we’ll find we’ll find Hope again can’t believe I got Bamboozled like that yeah you got totally [ __ ] Bamboozled but that seems like like a rare a rare Cur although I it’s worth asking um did you turn up your draw distance slash Is it wise to like can your

Didn’t I guess I could but I don’t want my computer to explode mine yeah mine is pretty good but I I have a fairly fairly solid graphics card all right I’m ready you what I’m ready to kill are you ready all right I am uh just about just

About ready to proceed uh where do you want to go next you going to go to Outpost slot for some slaughtering yeah we’re just going to go in no Enchanted stuff no what no enchantments yeah okay let’s sleep give me like five give me like two to five minutes I hear like really dope Minecraft game music and then from the house I hear like very silly music box music and it’s a cute Contrast nice yeah I still think of this this is like the real this is like actual this is how music sounds in the Minecraft world just all sounds like chip 2 oh my God it’s crazy out there what’s going on lightning oh yeah storm and Norman in Spider-Man 1 with Toby

Maguire there’s like a moment with Norman Norman Roswell Osborne they call him storm nor you’re here right no no don’t go up there don’t go up there Pigman this is not your house no no no where you going stop no that’s the wrong way that’s the wrong wayen big

Man he walked in the house oh he’s in the house now he’s in the house oh [ __ ] your house or mine he’s in my house oh he fell Pigman no it’s not safe up here where is he you okay you let him in the house he’s going

To hang out like by your bed where you sleep every night come to come down here horsey no no no not you horsey no no no yes yes he’s going to go in he’s going to go in go go go go go go horsey horsey [ __ ] you

Sh this this is what happens when you just keep way too many animals in the [ __ ] house Big Man start clogging up your doorways big man come look down here down here bab whatever you do do not open the big basement door me yes okay he’s in here right

Now hi he came he finally came after all this time yeah you want to go down come on look down here yeah come down come on it’s okay it’s not scary not scary yeah he’s the scariest thing in this house right now he should he should be scared when in the

House holy [ __ ] I can’t believe he’s in the house it’s a new day in the first five minutes of playing you accomplish something you spent like an hour trying to accomplish yesterday I know what the [ __ ] do make any sense well it only makes as much sense as the roll of the

Dice that’s just life for oh my God I can’t believe good job I’m so happy for you man if you want to go in the basement you could go in the basement I know it’s nice right you’re so close go down there there’s so cool stuff down there come on yeah good come

On come in come in together yay so wait what were you trying to accomplish this time I’m putting him in the dungeon oh I see I see he’s going to jail he doesn’t know he’s going no no no this is the storage room yeah it’s nice

Right but you got to go a little bit little bit down a little bit more yep yep these are all the chests uhhuh W steal my poor heart again okay won’t steal my poor again go down go down come on yeah oh oh oh it’s okay it’s okay no

No no no no no no go down go down go down no no no no no no no no no no no no no no he likes to be on top of the chest for some reason I don’t know why it’s very mysterious put down a little barrier I

Don’t want him to go up anymore yeah go down there I’m going to build a door here going down what’s happening B got this I didn’t do that hey friend how’s it going oh he’s so close he’s so close I don’t know how I’m going to get

Him in the cage though no no don’t go up don’t go up there’s nothing up there for you there’s nothing there’s nothing you were your home is down there I have a pig friend for you down there no no no no no no no it’s okay it’s

Okay I could help try to Seal Seal it off we already seal up like half of the like hallway like the staircase he’s kind of and he’s almost to where I want him to be in the room but I just got to get him in the cage now no no no

No go down go down you can’t go that way nope nope can’t go that way come on come down here look there’s a pig in here look see a regular Pig yeah look it’s one of your own kind kind of look he’s your friend remember he was in the boat with

You you remember that oh no we’ll come down eventually I can let this pig go because I don’t need this pig all right Pig you’re free free kind of I can’t I don’t want him to go in there okay hey friend I know you want to go back outside but you’re never going

Outside again yeah that’s right that’s right did you get him where you wanted in the dungeon almost he’s on the staircase now he’s trying to go back up but I sealed it yeah he’ll give up eventually I don’t know if I don’t have enough wood blocks to seal it off

Anymore well I had six eggs in my inventory just for bring on your property for like five minutes there a chicken [ __ ] and eggs everywhere go up here can you go up can you jump can you go that way oh look the piggy went back in the cage why don’t

You go in the cage look come in here no I need like um Cobblestone or something listen this is a nice place really live okay no no no no no no stop stop stop it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay he just a little shy he’s so

Clos he’s so close he just has like never experienced just a wholesome happy supportive loving family before he’s only ever known like war and battle and now like undeath and so you know he wants to let his guard down it’s just hard you know that’s true no keeps going back up the

Steps can’t you see it’s a dead end why is your AI so [ __ ] stupid he just he just needs time he’s like wedging the corner now come on there’s so much space over here no no no oh my God he’s in he’s in got him Yes oh yeah I did it I did it hell yeah I’m so happy he’s in there now [ __ ] I tricked you this whole time we were never friends we were never friends this this isn’t your way of showing Love by locking him in a dungeon I thought I thought you were

Doing what was best for him because you wanted to be friends God no he’s a criminal he deserves to be in jail for rest you’re probably right this pig is down here let himig you just stay down here you were just a placeholder Pig this wasn’t your destiny

Oh he was like bait was bait well he was just like cuz I wasn’t I couldn’t put him in so I had to put something in the cage so I put the pig in there right I have these weird because you were mad yeah well now good to let your

Emotions now go what go on our journey okay good yeah um let me just all my shir’s done cooking let me just put it on a plate and then I’m good to go all right I just need to get rid of these walls that I

Put don’t be sad for him this is a good moment in time he deserved it he always deserved it well he deserved it and also we deserve some piece of quiet I don’t want to hear him [ __ ] breathing all the time anymore he needs to pay for his

Crime he needs to do his time he’s probably done a good amount of murder at this point he’s doing tent to life yeah he’s a lifer he’s a lifer not a pro lifer just a lifer he’s probably anti-life he’s probably not life his opinion is that his opinion is

That everyone should be aborted before and after they’re born oh my God all right time to go nothing to see here nothing to see here guys nothing happened don’t worry don’t worry they’re kind or just not welcome in this Kingdom this queendom exactly this is not the nether he shouldn’t be

Here anyway honestly he should he should go back to his where he came from yeah go back to your own country tur JS they took our JS are you done with your house uh well no oh there’s a big hole but it’s going along it’s uh you know the scaffold’s

There it’s uh it’s goinging along it’s a nice shape though right yeah I like this is not a perfect square it’s just like a kind of a weird shape and it’s got a tall route and um I like it that’s nice I’ll put in some windows I’ll put in some uh some

Decor uh make some couches mhm what’s the coolest what’s a what’s a couch what what material do you think I should make a couch out of like what material like obsidian obsidian it’s G be a hard ass cow deep SL well yeah but I mean it’s

All gonna like what what would people do can you do like leather no you do you could do some kind of wool I guess oh wool couch interesting yeah I guess I would want it to look soft if Possible wow you’re so armored yes I’m ready gleam gleam think it is this way snap post because I remember I was looking for cows and then I founded it a baby nice hi doggy found a baby dog baby dog oh just found a wolfy I se puppies no no puppies

Oh hell yeah a hey days hey days I think I do it this Way I forgot to make Aish huh I forgot to make Compass oh I don’t think we need it we just remember which way we came from did you go up the mountain or you still following the the water line going up I’m kind of falling the water too but I also went went up

Sounds like the Superman theme song yeah it does you didn’t give me any leather I am high on top of a hill Oh I do not see you very very high I didn’t go that high up I just a little bit still kind of following the water

Line yeah it’s in the PLS do you see the plains oh not yet it’s on Forest I found it good good What’s better of the Superman theme or the Star Trek next Generation theme I don’t know Star Trek Goes all I’m here final all right so when you talk about planes you’re talking about like grassy planes yeah where just like like dry no trees oh I do see the tower oh I see the tower do you see the village I’m at the Village it’s right next to the

Tower black and white houses no oh I see you you’re on that hill over there I think I see yeah that settlement that Outpost hi that Outpost has one Tower but it also looks like prettyy [ __ ] intimidating with all those like little Huts let’s go in you

Ready are you ready yeah I guess so F I can do it they do have cages oh they have fairies in the cages okay we’re going to kill them first and then we’ll free the fairies yeah I see them the berries fairies oh fairies what oh oh what’s up Bro

[ __ ] why are you in the water what the hell who hit me from behind nice [ __ ] all right there’s some more around see over crafting tables it’s like they it’s like they’re like us but no it can’t be I’m nothing these I should ate first oh

[ __ ] wow there’s a few of them who are on me right now mhm I’m blocking I think that’s probably the best thing for me to do right now okay coming oh this guy’s getting hit by his own people nice oh [ __ ] okay pretty good pretty good wow remember to eat your Foods yeah

Seriously oh there’s one over here there’s two coming there’s an iron golem in here we have to free him oh okay Be Free Buddy oh wow I’ve never seen them before they’re very nice what kind of wood is this is this dark wood you’re free come

Out welcome my friend wow you’re so cool he’s got a big nose like the villagers yeah help so funny awesome is he is he our like friend now like our pet well he just helps a little bit these are fairies are in here there’s so many will he follow us forever no he

Won’t follow us oh why do I hear he’s going to he won’t follow us no he won’t where will we be just around hey fairies wow they look so cool so I think if you give something to these fairies they’ll like give you it back they’ll like find stuff for you keep hearing

One what should what should I do with the f um just for now oh [ __ ] here comes one I miss so much I don’t know what I’m doing wrong exactly looks like my cross Golem yeah hell yeah there’s some more archers okay I got his crossbow oh yeah there’s another one

Over here I don’t remember this is our tower now we still have to go inside but want to get rid get these fairies out to what get the berries out oh yeah you’re free by D oh damn nice you done God Dam it I hit the fairy no fairy what are you

Doing here get away seriously oh my God it’s just s preservation intin you’re supposed to leave not stay they keep spawning in these [ __ ] things you know he went past he went right past me so I thought maybe he was like another NPC that we freed no all right I’m going in the

Tower all right let’s [ __ ] do it um where’s the entrance here cobone have arrow in your head I do oh there’s no one up here just a chest okay we got some potatoes some iron some carrots some wheat some dark oak some arrows an enchanting bottle bottle oh enchanting all right

Well oh yeah yeah gu down no it’s nice Tower yeah I like it they’ll keep spawning as long as a tower exists should we blow it up just chop it down we can make TNT out of gunpowder I mean that would be a ton of

Fun but as as long as we’re not around it doesn’t really matter if they’re spawning does it I guess they they only spawn if we’re around right I think it’ll still be around but oh but there’s one right there okay should probably go back because I don’t have a compass on me

Okay don’t want to go and Any Further Adventures or we can sleep in the village beds before we go back yeah there’s a lot of creepers over here want to okay sorry I’m having like weird time lapses is your internet not good um maybe maybe I need to plug in

I’ll plug in while we sleep you did want to s in the vage this Village is having a raid oh no we’re so [ __ ] who’s raiding them the Raiders are raiding them they’re ra the bells they’re panicking they’re [ __ ] themselves eat eat your food oh no we’re so [ __ ] Bamboozled

It I should switch to my my good sword all right all right right oh they’re coming in over here take cover make sure we have iron golem is getting them oh no did I hit him I think I hit the Iron Golem he’s after me now

Ow he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me Iron Golem is going to is after you yeah look out he’s coming for me I killed them sorry buddy Dam oh no you they’re coming over here I see them yeah there’s so many of

Them I don’t want to fight though run I’m running oh oh you dead oh [ __ ] Vindicator who the [ __ ] is that I got wrecked I got to thank God I’m in the bedom where’d you respawn I re I did at the last second I did a respawn point at

The bed at the bed that I was at here holy [ __ ] that was [ __ ] smart oh my God I could go in there and fight them [ __ ] I mean [ __ ] I I will not be able to find my way over there I’m getting my I’m getting your stuff okay thank you I

Didn’t have that much on me I don’t think nothing important who the [ __ ] is Vindicator what the [ __ ] they’re like super evil I don’t even have a sword equipped I me a shield there’s one more Raider where where is he is he over here huh there he is oh God another wave is

Coming oh my God Bri Bri I’m so sorry poor I think all the Iron Golems are dead at this point oh wait there’s one more they got the [ __ ] bull no the [ __ ] I can’t kill this thing oh no it’s chasing me oh my [ __ ] god get me in get me in

Give me give me get me in oh my God I killed it bull yeah nice I’m not even wearing my armor to put it on holy [ __ ] holy sh ow oh venator yeah I think he hit me in the back I didn’t even see him coming where is he going

What no he’s going to kill me again dude I’m sorry I should be there you can do it you can do it B where’d he go where’d he go hear him [ __ ] are you in here oh you are in here oh the raid’s not stopping it’s not stopping can know

Coming they got a wit what the [ __ ] I’m going inside I’m going inside I’m going inside shut the door shut the door shut the door shut the door I need my uh Shield nice Nice I got poisoned Vindicator is in my ass and I can’t run run he he opened the [ __ ] door he opened the door damn thought you were too dumb to do that you dumb [ __ ] come I’ll pick up this pick a at this point I don’t even know what’s going on anymore

Where is he they’re killing the villagers no they killed the iron golum I holy [ __ ] I wish I wish I was there to help but I know there’s no way I would find my way there it’s e is it yeah I guess I found my way kind of

Found my way there last time ah all right [ __ ] it I need my shoes where’s my helmet where they go those son of a [ __ ] stop jumping all the villagers are dead die die yes run away the witch still alive come on where’s that witch hear her there she

Is [ __ ] all right it’s gonna oh it’s going to start again there’s no one left dude really come on why do you keep raiding when is the waves are going to be over it’s wave after wave after wave I not like that cool song I can’t do this oh

Man I don’t have any weapons or anything I’m making them right now I should have made some iron swords go back out there I see I think one of them is riding a bull stop jumping please holy [ __ ] oh no no Vindicator oh God the bull oh [ __ ] no my

Stuff holy [ __ ] I’m going to lose all my stuff I can’t get to it no [ __ ] get get it get it get it get it get it get it get it get it get it I’m G to have to abandon these people because there’s no way oh no the even I didn’t

Get all the good stuff here [ __ ] [ __ ] oh this is the last one this is the last wave oh [ __ ] they’re shooting at me I can’t get my good stuff no oh God there’s a grand wizard over here what the [ __ ] do I even have a sword I have a

Sword I don’t have my any of my armor though oh my God sh hey friend oh what what the [ __ ] is that can I just pick up my stuff please I don’t know what that [ __ ] is but it’s very scary come here come here friend come here come here come here I

Just want to talk to you yeah [ __ ] I just want to [ __ ] talk to you oh [ __ ] I can’t pick up the [ __ ] oh no what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] turning nighttime which is bad because now these [ __ ] ghost babies are here and I can’t kill

Them is the world like harder because I’m in it no is difficult okay the raid is over this the bar is not even there these [ __ ] are just lingering here now if I could just kill them then they it would be over but they’re guarding my [ __ ] they’ve overstayed their [ __ ]

Welcome help me I need someone to help me sorry help me all our stuff is going to disappear my God the [ __ ] was that instantly dead I didn’t even pick up one thing no no no I couldn’t even hit them did I kill it I think I did kill it no it’s still

[ __ ] alive oh my God this just going to do this forever I guess oh that’s good to have well I don’t want it right now because it’ll respawn me right I really want that okay I just need to I don’t know what to do they’re like chasing

Me I can’t stop because then they’ll just shoot me and I’ll be dead you already get all your stuff no not really some stuff are still on the floor that I want to pick up but I oh my God oh my go I can’t stop running I have to

Keep running it but I can’t drop more [ __ ] because I don’t have enough space in my inventory to pick up more stuff right I’m dead [ __ ] you my God where did I even die right Here I killed one now there’s zombies following me yep I knew that was gonna happen no run why you not running why not oh I killed him oh yeah I think there’s one more no [ __ ] you what the [ __ ] was that well everyone’s dead did did you survive s i muted

Myself I guess so you feel like did do you feel like you Triumph no no no well I wasn’t there I didn’t see any of it but I’m really proud of you you fought well under difficult circumstances I guess I’ll go to sleep okay I’ll do the

Same oh my god look how many times I Di yes ah yes death oh I’m sorry I’m so sorry I should have been there where were you you weren’t here by the time I by the time I got all my [ __ ] ready it was night time I was like now this isless well coming back all right all right next

Time I’m not or something in that situation they only raid Villages right yeah so next time I’m in that situation I’ll do what you did I’ll set my spawn point and then I’m GNA like take cover because I got I got hit in the back that’s how I Died By The Vindicator

There’s no way so maybe we could like do a thing if that happens again we should both sleep reset our spawn point in a bed as soon as possible okay because okay we would probably die a couple times in that raid yeah yep oh yeah no doubt oh hey

Fair but we could do like a Ballers gate style tactics you know we can like get our backs to a wall or something no the vindicators hit you like kill you in like two three hits and they’re soad yeah but like I’m draw the aggro but like I’ll block them but

They’re still so many of them and there was [ __ ] bulls and there was a sorcerer a [ __ ] Grand Wizard and he if we fight if we go in a house [ __ ] and I was like oh my God here’s what we should do we we go we we

Pick our spawn points We Go in different houses and pick our spawn points and then we pick a third house that isn’t either one of our spawn points and we fight from that house like we funnel them into the doorway but they open the door and they immediately kill

You well yeah yeah so so so we stand at the doorway I got my shield up they I draw their Aro they start hitting me and only one one or two can be hitting us at a time because they can’t hit through each other and so I’m blocking I’m you

Know I’m blocking and then you’re hitting them in the side of the head the whole time it could work it could work do you Believe believe I just went [ __ ] yeah that was that was deeply traumatic that was a little traumatic for me I have Survivor skill really should have been there God damn it I don’t even know if I’m going it should been me [ __ ] lost it should have been

Me soorry Survivor skill is a real thing I don’t mean to make light of it actually I do mean to make light of it but I don’t mean I disrespect my making light of it does that make sense yeah it makes sense I found my house you

Think even if I you’re in the house well I found it I’m out okay welcome back Thanks God I’m smoking one for your honor okay your hope and compassion is go if I didn’t respawn if I didn’t set the respawn point at that last second for that Vindicator [ __ ] burst through the [ __ ] door and killed me bro oh [ __ ] I don’t I don’t even have

Class tomorrow this [ __ ] po oh it’s amazing nice yeah oh my God uh yeah okay [ __ ] it yeah let’s uh I’m going to I’m going to take another another hit no class no class no internship going take a double hit uh yeah I’ll take a double hit this ain’t like ain’t like that

Strong your hope and compassion is gone dead out of this Okay I have eaten my food I have smoked my weed I have a nice Trader Joe’s soda um having failed you utterly uh what C what can I do [Laughter] Now I want to help you heal from this recent trauma all the villagers die all the villagers died yep what do you think of my tactic the next time there’s a raid that we like each pick a spawn point and then we hide in one of the houses and so every time

We die we we’ll respawn and there won’t be on our asses they’ll be in a different house and then we like fight out of fight out of a house like I’ll be blocking the door what do you think that plan I don’t I don’t know if it would

Work okay well I have another just burst in and just hit you so hard that you just die immediately it could be it could be but if you have me to draw the aggro and block you know it it could work I’m thinking I’m thinking that could work but but that’s that’s neither

Here nor there cuz we don’t know when the next raid will be so my question is what can I help you with that will help you recover from this trauma and also move forward your your goals like your enchanting table uh I could I could just go out and find cows and get

Their leather yeah should do that you’re going to go by yourself yeah it’s daytime would that be helpful is that what is that what you want me to do I mean I killed all the cows in the area so I don’t know if you will find any you would have to venture

Out have to venture out oh oh I’m sorry yeah you killed all cows right right sorry hello hello hello anybody home in my mind in your house oh no I uh I just I started heading down the hill just in preparation for venturing out to find

Cows but then you then you said that so I’m com back uh oh I’m I’m back at your house I’m in your house oh oh you’re in my house sweet well I finished the roof but it doesn’t look right it looks pretty weird so I’m going to change something about

It I didn’t completely finish the roof I guess but yeah it looks hella weird did not turn out how I expected so uh Bri B what what would you like to do hello I have your stuff what I don’t think I have all your stuff but I have some of your stuff

Oh you have that you got this this is yours this is yours here take it why why you not taking it take it why am I not taking it take it why you not taking it what why am I not taking it take it this makes no sense okay I took finally took

That one why am I not taking these items bri take it take it why what the [ __ ] is happening not Tak am I too close what is wrong with you I can’t stop jumping I throw it throw it this way yeah throw it you’re throwing it like

Right on the ground can you throw it farther away away from you I don’t know you’re throwing it like super close to you there we go that’s what you should be doing yeah SW thank you thank you pickaxe here you have this you go um did you have another pickaxe on

You like an iron one uh no oh now I do okay that’s all I got I do well thank you very much I do I do have that iron pickaxe I just found it if that’s what you’re asking just found it or you know it’s uh it’s in my

Inventory now it wasn’t it wasn’t before now it is all right well yes thank you for getting my stuff um yeah I I am at your disposal I will help you with whatever well we do need leather for the enchant for the BS okay so you want to go out together and

Get it or are you like breeding cows for that the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you doing here who is it it’s a zombie pigman in my [ __ ] animal pen whoa why I guess they just migrate what the [ __ ] just migrants no you don’t like them cuz they’re disturbing your peace and

Quiet I just don’t like him you got to go in the basement how am I going to get that one in the basement now it’s going to be impossible no stop jumping stop oh I even think I have CS here I don’t I don’t have CS

Uh sorry I’m like just arranging my [ __ ] did you want to did you want to go cow hunting was that what you think yeah what you working on now nothing chilling you could go to sleep okay’s Sleep you just looking at all your deaths oh man it’s rough how was a rough that was a rough lber so hard I seriously oh man all right let’s go oh wait Compass that’s what I was gonna do oh good smart uh I will probably have to take more bread if that’s

Okay yeah that’s fine is there any way that I can contribute to the production of bread well you got to work the farm you want to work the farm I I I would like to work the farm okay I would like to have to update up

Update the farm every so often here do you want your own Compass whatever that requires H you want your own Compass uh I should probably have one shouldn’t I yeah if we can afford it yeah we can okay sorry here I have a compass for you oh thank you thank you very

Much uh what am I making I was going to make a stone Axe and I totally forgot uh oh yeah I’m getting bread that’s not good oh hell yeah thank you for such breads if I take the compass out I see how does it what are you singing simple play oh

Nice what what brought that to much the song yeah how can this happen to me no just oh there we go I couldn’t hear the words you were saying so that explains it now uh do you have an extra like Stone axe I can’t find your sticks the sticks are in the wood

J okay I have to play this ad song over with the evil dark song yeah holy [ __ ] oh take me forever to do this holy [ __ ] he down there [ __ ] terrifying yes very clearly but it’s muted too Fu which is also a little creepy [ __ ] let turn my heater up it’s too high

It says that your house is behind me who said that my compass oh the compass leads to the the jungle Compass leads to the Jungle yeah what I thought it would lead to the spawn point well that is a spawn point well it’s the original spawn point

It’s not but it’s not my spawn point yeah that’s true but that’s where for lead well [ __ ] okay try to worrying myself so if you ever get lost you go back to the Jungle then you just remember the way back yeah fair enough got some good over here

Oh sure I lost you what I was going straight I thought I went straight too or I was going straight too you was going straight I was I was going straight uh where are you where’s the compass pointing you like the direction that you’re headed it’s pointing to the

Left okay uh better question oh I see yeah you you were ahead of me you were just hidden temporar like I looked I stopped looking for you for a minute and then when I looked back Gone Like the Wind Cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow H cow MH oh there you Go my webcam is glitching stop that you can’t swim you can’t swim fast and up at the same time yeah again oh yeah you can I don’t know I guess so just get enough time oh bamboo for what no the sugarcane yeah I was thinking like oh there’s just little tiny growths of

Bamboo that’s interesting no no where are the Cals oh man I really do lose you that quickly I’m just going straight you’re you’re not going up you’re not going up this mountain thing no not really not all the way yeah you were not going so you need like a certain amount of

Bookshelves around the enchanting table to get like a certain thing yeah to get like the maximum effect I guess right and what does the current one do oh I don’t know haven’t tried it we’ve deforested the the Black Oak forest and we’ve decaled the plains I see some cows Cows cow Slaughter all right I remember this area I got got no leather five beef nice pretty pretty good areir can’t get snuck on that easily see a cow right there I hear a I heard a spider very clearly for a second which made no sense oh there’s a spider behind

You swimming in the water yeah what what oh I guess I’ll see you in a second that’s impressive nice they’re not dropping that leather I have seven leather oh hell yeah is good for seven bucks there cat right there oh my God there’s creeper behind you [ __ ] glancing blow Baby oh they probably don’t even give leather I feel bad for it they don’t oh but now he’s all in the world yep he is kind of want to put him out of his misery no he’s fine you could do it I guess he is fine cuz the Minecraft

World it’s not a real world so he’ll probably just grow up and be big and strong on his own Yeah [ __ ] you bony Bros how’ you I blocking that you [ __ ] is that a zombie villager over here it is a zombie villager what the [ __ ] I tried to kill it without it detonated but didn’t hurt me just that’s good I’m trying to be expert expert is it doesn’t even detonate

Right yeah I guess that’s what you always want to go for just so there’s no like collateral damage yeah I did where’s the cows though got a little too close could you help the creeper ah holy almost stuck on the tree oh I didn’t see that tree oh there’s some

Cows There’s a Zombie behind you oh yeah Cow still have no leather first strange I have 12 I have 10 raw beef I have 25 beef oh nice I think I saw another cow over here item drops are not happening yeah I found some cows here oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude that vaporized the cow there the cow [ __ ]

Saved my life thank You Mama jamama Mama jamama yeah here oh my M all right this is oh there a quadruple creeper Squad right here get him but I want to get this cow you’re going to go for it no no leave alone leave him alone oh too late yeah they’re too

Much run oh run run what are you doing I couldn’t I got trapped I got trapped on the I was trying to back up oh my God should have been jumping I got stuck on I got stuck on walls r What walls like I’m I’m backing

Up I was backing up like this don’t back up just turn around and run oh yeah I guess that’s better I want to keep them in sight but I guess it’s better to just go fast yeah oh man gota look where you’re going oh watch out for that

Hole I tried to run I tried to Sprint and jump across and I Couldn’t game’s hard for me how did you play the kind of games you good yeah I’m good all right let’s keep going there’s a lava pit over here oh we coming up on some desert oh hell yeah nice looks like a saah jum how are you still alive well well there he goes

And I hit the I hit the grass sometimes when I’m trying to hit the enemies and it doesn’t do any damage they hit me [ __ ] you C all right good good finally got one leather ni let’s go to the desert whoa cool I wonder if this is the desert I

Went to but dude there’s that floating chunk of sky of land in the sky yeah that happens sometimes [ __ ] no I love it I like that it only H has happened in the desert so far the desert has just weird floating orbs of stone this a big

Hole watch out damn look at that that’s [ __ ] Grand Canyon deserty oh jungle Biome probably different from ours because the compass is pointing in the different direction right I don’t know if there’s any cows in the desert I would think so but there’s jack rabbits that’s awesome yeah y if we can like reverse all the pollution that we’ve been doing for the

Last couple hundred years and live with animals again that’s the best life this if you’re just like hanging out in the desert just like playing music and sitting in chairs and a bunch of jack rabbits are running around that’s awesome whoa this biome looks really sussy what is this biome it’s not jungle

Don’t look like it looks like a [ __ ] up jungle whoa oh I kind kind of see what you mean actually trees are like extra dark and trees look different they look yeah they do look droopy what the [ __ ] is this biome is going on here it’s like a swampy jungle

Biome but look at the ground is like oh [ __ ] I got Cactus black you hit a cactus yeah is that sugar cane what is this mud mud this is mud what the [ __ ] are these trees Mangrove roots oh Mangrove yeah oh you need shears to cut this yeah

You do oh you don’t have shears all right bring them wait there is some wait there’s some wood here did you pick it up the wood uh yes it is mangr Vlog o it’s red yeah I like oh I like the red wait the red and the pink might go good together

Oh okay okay should get some of this oh this is what about Mangrove Roots I wonder if you like that do you want the roots as well wonder if we could like plant The Roots how do you how do you get the roots I can’t get them uh I’m using my

Axe on this brown stuff oh that I thought oh these are probably saplings these things saplings we should make a we can make oh you got one I got one what prop glue what the [ __ ] that’s what it’s called what you talking about the little sapling things what is that noise hear something

Weird a toad froggy look at him he’s so cute I don’t I don’t know where you are he’s near me he’s walking around hello oh he’s so nice he’s white he’s albino oh I heard I heard him oh here’s one hey buddy oh he’s a jumper he just jumped all the way

Down oh that’s the same color as the one I have ah hey buddy I think they like eat stuff like they eat other animals I wonder what kind of food he likes hey Buddy’s walking over to me he’s got a cool walk yeah he’s very slow

Yeah he’s a big slow big slow toad they’re so cute I want a froggy how I get them I think I to eat spider what is that there’s like a creature hang a small creature hanging hang in front of where you like this what is this something else like

The spider eyes like what’s what’s right in front of me oh that’s like the sapling thing that was talking oh the one that’s hanging upside down yeah nice I think the merchants sell that sometimes you can clb all the way up up this scaffolding it’s so

Awesome what is a m grve i mangroves like have their roots in the water they’re like they’re special trees because they like their roots are in the water interesting so yeah I forgot like where the mango where there are some mang uh how do

I oh that kind of worked well it was let letting me climb down but then it stopped climbing and I just fell the rest of the way right right very strange strange days a strange Minecraft day yeah strange but educational I also am unable to find the wood you’re talking

About it’s like you can see it if you look up and it’s like red and then you just so there’s only like a couple blocks at a time like small chunks I guess there’s more but if you go up oh I see there we go I like it I like

It it’s got Pizzaz it’s got style all right I’m cool with This strange days are coming all right got some wood do you have to like dig through the leaves in order to find the wood kind of oh I see how these are mangroves cuz the roots are down and then the trunk is up hot that’s [ __ ] awesome it’s [ __ ] mangroves man

Wow it’s like real life it’s like real life Minecraft is just like real life Minecraft has lots of beautiful things from nature though that’s for sure it does diamonds and [ __ ] mangroves and cherry blossoms and [ __ ] all this [ __ ] I don’t know what dark oak Frogg I

Don’t know what’s that and Froggies and frogs Yeah of course frogs are nice friends Buddies I wish I need some frogs wish you knew some frogs Yeah would I would like some friends who are frogs is that so wrong no he’s jumping they jump so high hello oh yeah they do Righty damn these [ __ ] mangrove trees go up crazy High I’m still getting mangr I’m like way up that’s crazy I guess I shouldn’t be surprised if some PR tall that other in this game but like yeah hell yeah and I’m like immersed in its leaves oh all right I reached the top that’s crazy oh I’m going to build this

Tower all the way up and see what it looks like oh God don’t fall I will not fall nice it’s almost night time King the castle oh yeah it is night time all right should I should I take this Tower down and we can go we should probably not be in the

Forest but we could go in the desert uh I’m down I’m down for that we can see better I have only 39 though oh [ __ ] I’m good I’m good I just didn’t realize you fell I found I fell cuz I yeah I did that’s all I need to say there’s more around here

Too you saying there’s more of what there’s more mang gr force on the other side I want to find a village uh oh spawning in mhm what up friends [ __ ] didn’t even see that creeper show up no no focusing on the sky when that torch is there does that mean they won’t spawn

There yeah they won’t spawn there cool I don’t want to go into the jungle you do want to no don’t not right now it’s too spooky some water in there looks so pretty there’s a creeper coming where here oh there it is there’s some desert zombies here oh [ __ ]

Are they different oh it gave me hunger instantly that’s not good oh wow that’s never happened to me before hunger it doesn’t like food doesn’t satiate you yeah we got to wait for it to go away this way here I guess no we up it’s already it’s already gone oh

Well like there’s [ __ ] jungle all around us oh oh I [ __ ] hit you I’m so sorry ah Creeper Creeper ah my sword’s GNA break and I didn’t bring another one oh [ __ ] I triggered it oh no I didn’t trigger it okay I have an extra sword for

You oh I’ll give you my my lesser Ed sword okay I’ll give you my yeah I’ll give you my lesser Ed sword we should heading back yeah sure telling us to go through this jungle right here though nice back I don’t want to go in the jungle sketch there’s a bunch of dudes

Over there I don’t want to trigger though well we didn’t come through the jungle to get here that’s true didn’t so where is it’s a good to go different way back just in case we find any cows sure oh man P go up where the [ __ ] are

You I see you oh I see I see all of this work we are journeying on home with our arms full of red wood I have 18 logs for you oh God this idiot’s going to come in [ __ ] there he’s dead nice job for oh there’s end the mid look at him

Okay there also a creeper what’s up bro have having a good night have a good night have a good one see some terrible B some cheese over here I wonder if this is the old house from a long time ago of course there some cows need some [ __ ]

Lava cows are closer by the lava yeah yeah I feel like that’s pretty pretty logical place for them to be no it’s not got leather that’s good oh this is my old little house that I made here is this a different tra Blossom tra

Blossom gr well yeah it is cuz I it’s an artificial one cuz made it zombie actually this is like a drowner kind of yeah is there a chance to miss miss what yeah like is there like a dice roll that you your your attack will miss

No oh baby zombie baby zombie [ __ ] you zombie nice zombie behind you oh man wellow they actually grew oh you planted these yeah nice I guess not all them grew hello oh that one just grew H you just saw one girl yeah this was my little house ni

Obsidian oh hell yeah I have iron sword in here look like finding some loot Dam 64 sticks it’s pretty good any more cows around here you actually died here I did yeah you did by myself CU I remember oh I remember you died here and then I was by

Myself and there’s a village like right over here and there’s a desert too a in a desert village there’s a village in a desert village where is that it’s over here try to find Good Times yep anyway I don’t know which direction you went I can see you I’m behind

You oh there you are yep so there’s the village over there and then beyond this Village is a desert and then there’s a desert village not nice yeah but I did enjoy the desert yeah this is nice relaxing but we could leave sure low on weapons as we are mhm

All right so we are headed yep just the way I expected there’s a cow here you’re dead dead cow you’re a hamburger that’s the to make a burger joke is always like the biggest discs when you’re killing a cow yeah when you’re threatening a cow it’s like you better stop that you’re

Going to be a burger you’re going to be a hamburger always threat the cow with the hamburger like no I don’t want to be a hamburger I don’t want to be my whole being ground up e that’s crazy sorry Mo move would you rather be uh handheld or uh

Whoa did I just say handheld would you rather be hamburger would you rather be hamburger or fimon hamburger okay yeah I I feel that would you rather be um creep hamburger or like uh New York strip steak like a [ __ ] hamburger all right all right yeah I don’t really care how I if

How I would be eaten if I eaten is this not an enjoyable conversation I’m sorry that’s disgusting I’m just surprised that like triggers your disgust reflex the other stuff doesn’t like what I don’t know there’s a lot of times that you’re laughing laughing about something and I’m grossed out by

It don’t you feel like that happens a lot when we talk yeah I guess so yeah so it’s funny to be on the other end of that I wonder what the flamon on a human is like what’s the what’s the best cut there really isn’t any maybe just like a leg or

Something uh you got to take like a 15 after we got back to the house okay well actually you’re probably going to want to do some housew work anyway so if I go AFK 15 it won’t that’s affect you um I guess should we do yoga break yogur

Break I mean you could do like a twitch yoga oh God you could just like be in the background of your stream I mean you ever just like you ever just like take like leave your stream up and then you’re just like doing something else in

The house yeah sometimes so be like that you just be kind of like in the background oh I just hello hello hey buddy hope you’re having a good time as for the floor bye looked at him that’s hi you want some bones you want bones want bones

Y my nice buddy what about you you want bon bon bon bon B I can’t jump b b b yeah let’s go nice nice got a couple protectors couple don’t explode like my first pet D that was horrible oh I remember that all right um I think I have to go

This way because need to stay in this area we fall in the river yeah the river kind of stops over here I see no longer a river dude the squids are like one of the scariest things in this game GL they’re not all aggressive yeah their mouths are really scary

Yeah squids I don’t think normally have octopi I don’t think oh I guess they do have MS like that I think they’re supposed to be octopi yeah they got beaks or this yeah squids have beaks whereas these guys it’s like their asses are their mouths you know it’s like below and between their

Legs isn’t it isn’t that their mouth isn’t that what you’re talking about yeah [ __ ] highly evolved life form has an ass mouth oh God it’s getting dark real quick what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah storming wait where are you going come over here where the [ __ ] where did you go by

You over here over here over no behind you oh I see you I see you [ __ ] man I lose you so easy you’re just wandering what the [ __ ] I just lose like I’m I’m going in the direction that I thought you I last saw you going because I’ve

Now lost sight of you so I didn’t see what direction you go oh my God E I have a giant hair ball My Pants next time we go on adventure I I will lead and you’ll follow and okay you got like a dark dog yeah he got wet and he never got dried

Again oh nice he never got dried again run run run run y before it’s night Time I got There so if there’s a raid on a villager village we could leave the reason to stay would be to protect the villagers right yeah get some good loot I guess that’s true from from killing the ra the Raiders yeah oh no I tried to jump over a big

Ravine I’m good I survived but I tried to jump over a big Ravine and I [ __ ] fell it’s all right I’m just going to build myself back out but holy [ __ ] [ __ ] hell all right hold on one Sec oh God I’m almost home hopefully I don’t get bambo I’m just going to look at the ground I’m not even going to look up I’m afraid of Ender me there’s my Mountain we’re so close so close to home it’s okay doggies oh my God he just died are you [ __ ] kidding

Me he just [ __ ] died oh he’s running from the doggies get him doggies get him come on guys oh I’m gonna have to go back and try to help her first I’m GNA drop off all my stuff oh I’m sorry I forgot that I was M

I’m so sorry I I was digging myself out of the Ravine and I jumped I tried to jump into my staircase and there was I guess there was a rock above my head and it bounced me back and me like I just didn’t realize there was

Another rock above my head and what the [ __ ] well that’s how that works it’s just like refle okay well I’m glad you’re home I only had two leather you only had two leather to help time wait what else did you have though I mean just like a sword and a

You had the wood though the red wood did have some wood you had some should I try to go back and find your body I don’t even know you’re find it’s at the it’s at the bottom of a gigantic Ravine it reflected me it deflected me back into the

Ravine you got to understand that oh no yeah I mean I I guess I am it’s a learning it’s a learning curve yeah well so that’s what’s happening okay that’s F all right only a few of the wood and and we we can go back another time yeah once we have like

Wood and stuff much supplies yeah yeah now that we know it’s there we could just go back y God I’m sorry I’m sorry if your experience more difficulty though it’s okay like I don’t mind the dying I just feel bad that I’m like wasting your [ __ ] which is why we should

Never give me anything uh valuable oh that Compass I just made you God [ __ ] I tried jump the the original sin is I this happens all the time I’m running across and I try jumping and and it just doesn’t jump like maybe I don’t hit it early enough like I just it just

Doesn’t give me the chance to jump and I fall like I [ __ ] hit the jump button before I leave the ledge but I guess there’s like a timing to it where at a certain point it’s like too late to jump well anyway here I am in my

Basement my in my deformed house that’s good well yeah like somewh weird yeah it could be worse that’s true it could be worse SC cute boots So you want to take a break uh yeah yeah you down yeah we take a little break okay okay party okay okay for A w oh no hello he’s not there let’s look at my oh I have no WiFi on my phone what the heck where here you Go disappeared again oh no I don’t want to do that a large b b oh I say a six piece bacon nuggets and a box Big I love that video I look so greasy I mean I didn’t wash my hair in like two days actually today’s the third day [ __ ] I’m saving it for the weekend okay all right so I got 36 books here that’s pretty good nice oh oh my God I need more

Wood oops the wrong way right I don’t know if I have to put a corner piece like do I have to put a corner piece doesn’t make any sense let me look this up because I don’t know why is my naing people are doing like does it have to be like

That does it have to be the full like setup like what is level 30 enchantment let me watch a video oh you put like little book like little pots on there that’s kind of cute but do I need to do the double stacked up or is this good enough

Let me get some lapis Laz here level 18 required sharpness knockback I don’t know oh hello oh you speak Spanish I don’t know what you’re saying but thank you you’re saying something nice is this it I feel like I did that or maybe like that like stacked up like that 3 three three

And then they like closed it they closed the door I mean I could do that too but then have this well I don’t close the door oh that’s cool interesting don’t worry Okay this came out nine months ago eight years ago damn for some reason I can’t hear the videos but it’s fine oh it’s very low well then the music gets loud brick ah okay okay okay um I mean I could do it like that have it closed in but that’s kind of lame

Right oh dang it I need more wood all right that’s good enough what if I prank him and then put a bunch of chicks in his house that’ be a funny prank right he just comes back and there’s like a million Chums in his house let’s see if I can do

That hopefully he’s not listening right now I thought you were a man is it dark oh no do I look like a man I SAR everybody says I look like a man but I’m not a man I don’t think it’s that dark all right we’re going to prank him prank prank prank

Prank I do it in his basement there’s a creeper on top of his house oh no dude that’s not good how does a creeper he needs to put lights on top of his house then if there’s a creeper on his house all right I’m going to do it over here nothing oh

Sorry sorry sorry oh my God look at that creeper are you [ __ ] kidding me oops oh that’s not my fault that’s not my fault oh you like my base thank you oh no he’s going to be so mad when he comes back probably killed all those [ __ ] chickens anyway oh

No okay I was going to make a bookshelf [ __ ] dude oh God wait where’s my my chest it’s over here all right is this good is this good enough right this is good I don’t even have anything I want to enchant though I did want to make some

Maps let me make some maps because I want to do my map wall these chickens keep getting stuck in the corners move horse oh all right uh I need paper maybe I could do my farm too and I need a [ __ ] ton of compasses what is it three in a row

Yeah oh I accidentally made some sugar I didn’t want to make sugar all right I need Redstone we’re gonna we’re probably going to go mining soon so we’ll get some more iron uh how the [ __ ] do I make make a campus Camp there we go make a couple of

Those how many should we make I guess we’re just making 11 key all right now do I make a map first and then I I put the maps get I forget how I used to do this oh I think I have to like look at it and

Then I want to be able to like put them on the wall okay I have to fill it out a little bit more like this area this corner right here all right I think that’s good huh interesting a [ __ ] I have to do like the other half

Let’s put this one in here for now and then let me go near the farm and then draw another map there I can hear them wait there is is another Pigman here you Pigman all right H interesting oh that’s his house right there okay if I go to the farm oh hello hello

Wow I am so sorry it’s okay I I got a call from an old college friend who I believe has had a psychotic break oh wow that’s all I’m gonna say okay oh my Lord this is not the first time this happened the same person or different

Person no different people that I used to be friend in college wow what the [ __ ] yers yep sorry about that that’s okay yeah all right okay well I’m back uh I am I am down for more Adventures if you are yeah Jesus Christ hey at least hey

While I was on the phone you know I did I threw a bunch of kicks that’s good yeah yeah so B body feels good and uh and now mine feels good cuz I’m off of that inter terminable endless phone call and uh back hang outy hey there’s chobs

In my house house and there’s a hole in my floor oh I might have accidentally pranked you you tricked me but okay this is I went to go prank you putting a bunch of chickens in your house and then a creeper was on your roof and went into the hole and

Exploded oh [ __ ] so that’s what happened oh the creeper went into the went into the hole in my roof yeah it was on your roof and it went in a hole and it dropped down as I was do oh there’s a creeper at your door right now no get

The [ __ ] out of all right I’m going to close up the hole at least oh he’s going to the side why are creeper spawning at your house so much bro yeah I got to close up this hole I do not want to deal with this [ __ ] creeper come here hey chck come over

Here chck them he flew over the thing that I built I built rocking shck them oh oh it’s a hole on your floor yes there is the all of my floor but I finally patched up the hole in my ceiling oh that’s good yeah it’s dark in here make yeah I need make

Torches are you gonna do like lanterns on the ceiling oh lanterns would be great well I’m also going to make uh I’m going to make another floor or I’m going to make a loft are these all the chickens that are left there were so many more chickens they got bled damn

These are only Survivor oh man uh uh yeah so I I I’ll probably do lanterns at some point yeah lanterns would be cute yeah I would really enjoy that uh but okay I’m back uh I’m glad glad very happy to be back oh I’m relaxing my mind and now I

Need stuff I don’t have anything oh no you better come to my house thank you so at some point we’ll go on another adventure to the great to the Great Swamp and we’ll get you some more Red Wood yeah we could do that Mangrove cool this time I will not sound a b

Hello welcome to my Zoo CHR this is more of like their house than it’s your house it really is their house all right I’m going going down the bur hey do you have a pigman down here somewhere yeah he’s all the way down oh he’s all the way down nice yeah he’s all

The way down you want to see him take uh sure I show you nice SM looks great oh [ __ ] he’s in here damn you’re a prisoner you son of a [ __ ] this what you get holy [ __ ] and then what’s going on here this is when to put my big map is gonna be

Here oh wow which I’m kind of working on right now supero yeah and then that was like uh where the cave is this is the cave entrance and I sealed it up because I didn’t want the Pigman to go in there oh nice but that’s the cave cool and then I

Was going to make a hallway over here for some reason I don’t know why I was going down more but it’s fine I don’t know what else to make you don’t want to seal this up no I don’t think any monsters will come up this way not superu

M oh man total victory over that Pigman I know he’ll never never trouble anyone again all right so a sword is two AR I should make two swords right yeah don’t remember how to do this all right I make a chest plate I make SW and make a

Shield ease of the pressure slow down the wheels should I make a steel uh an iron pickaxe yeah you can how to make a map well oh you need item boxes I don’t need an iron axe though right Stone has been working well yeah that’s fine I never made okay okay okay I see oh I see shut up Pigman stop crying is that what he’s doing is that he’s crying he is crying it’s annoying all right I need to make item frames oh I need leather for that too God damn well looks like we’re getting more leather

Yeah another another cow Journey yeah probably uh we’ll get leather and we’ll also get um more that junk uh that Mangrove wood want to well we go back in the same directions oh yeah we yeah we got go way all right I have a I have uh a chest

Plate a shield a sword an Axe and a pickaxe and some food 16 bread am I good I just don’t want to carry anything cuz you you’re always going to get the majority of the loot and so I just want to like give you pretty much all of it

Anyway because it’s just dangerous for me to have it in my possession a I got loot a little bit but I just want to have the bare minimum right now you don’t want to Compass probably not not right now I guess it kind of helped it kind of

Helped last time I should probably take more than 16 bread I should have at least 20 I’ll make one more sword oh yeah I should have an extra sword I’m with the wrong chest okay yes I’ll make one extra St sword all right we good oh should I make a

Shear for you yeah I’ll make some shears oops go we have shears I don’t see any all right okay let’s see what time of day is it it’s night time let’s go to sleep sleep sleep don’t bump my horse I mean it was hey take any my

Horse strong strong horse you don’t care if I bump him bu my weird deformed house it’s fine B SL by vator B SL by vator dark times the war seriously oh yeah come on out chicks oh baby yeah chick you’re so cute looking that baby chick it is a baby

Chicken yeah they’re all babies so Derpy they were just bed out of the egg oh nice did you leave the eggs in there and they got bored no if you throw them if you throw eggs they might a chicken might come out that’s really funny all right which way you want to go

Oh um [ __ ] I don’t know which way we have have or haven’t been really we’ve been that way that way is the mansion over there let’s go this way I have no energy I’m should I keep this cow it’s a mountain cow you could stay what do you mean it’s a mountain

Cow cuz he’s on my Mountain so he’s protected oh yes good he’s one of us I think there is a village over here but I didn’t never went beyond the village and we didn’t hunt cows in this direction oh yes skimming along the bottom feed racer I already see a cow I can

Kill H Up de you Get him hey brother y you have more than one yeah sometimes I drop two Dre maybe I don’t know multiple multiple M multiples check on it would be really cool to be surrounded by animals I gotta say it’ be stinky though well it to have it in the house

Yeah but to have like a chicken cop and like a cow pen like it’s not stinky unless you’re in the cow pen you don’t want like a million animals in your house where you sleep I mean it sounds awesome if somebody else to clean up the Poo they’re like body tra hello

Villagers hey guys don’t get raided we would all die all right let’s go out to the planes oh nice I don’t see any cows see some sheep what’s that song it’s like I’m a cowboy on a steel de or Alive you know I think I got some of it I think I

Got like the first part of wrong some black horses over here o some black and very cool some dark brown horses these are black and white spots that’s cute ying and the Yang oh [ __ ] those are nice horses I like the one with the big spot better big spots that’s like

A all over yeah doesn’t look right you would die L three Come here you [ __ ] dead hell yeah you’re dead you’re dead you’re Dead a lot sheep over here b a b yep that’s what they they B they say B how’d you know how’d you know that because they speak she I spoke it first I spake it I spake itly nice good teamwork some nice gray horses cute nice what some gray horses oh gray family

Hello nice I like them the biodiversity of horses is pretty amazing when you think about it like how [ __ ] there’s a lot of different horses so many different different types and then even within each type they just have like crazy different patterns on it’s Awesome cow’s left like it seems like there’s way more species of horses than there are cows why there is a lot of different cows but are there yeah I feel like there are I mean there’s definitely a few there’s the brown ones and the black and white ones and the all white

Ones the lone horse here he thinks he’s one of them because they’re the same true well now I’m gonna kill your [ __ ] family car didn’t like him much he’s like well I guess I stuck with these people but then we start killing like yeah I didn’t like him much anyway I

Always felt like there was something different about me I was the black sheep of the family oh horse oh there’s a ravine careful yes I do not want what happened earlier to happen all right I’m going for it but it’s it’s a safe jump I mean

There’s another path over here oh oh oh my God yeah I made it no sometimes it sounds like they’re saying no that’s dark it is really dark these are very leather as cows I’ve been very lucky that’s good I P pip we don’t need pip no just like to say hi I’m a

Cowboy see let is I mean leather is kind of disturbing you think about it why do we do that uh I mean it’s it’s a really good idea is it yeah [ __ ] disgusting what else you going to do what else you going to wrap yourself in to keep yourself safe and

Warm oh don’t know fur that sh’ll fall apart you need the skin to to keep the fur together well we don’t need it anymore well yeah we could for for a long time most of our history most of our history uh well yeah but even the W has

To clean something you can’t just like oh okay no it’s true yeah you can weave the wool together but it will never be as durable as Lea Leathers like way harder dirt will last way longer I see a portal over there uh like yes it is gross but like

It’s I I’m very fond of butter I just want it to be ethically sored we asked the cows for consent and they said you could skin them it’s fine well they’ll never consent but I do like the idea of like you know you make sure that all the animals are very well treated

And then you only slaughter them when they’re in adulthood slaughtering that’s when you do this slope to what we got in here we got some obsidian We have a golden pickaxe two golden pickaxes some ironies and some flint and steel [ __ ] yeah good find uh it is getting dark so I would like to find you again I went up to the nether bort you don’t see it hello I see Hello we should go back get out of the

Woods you want to go back home no yeah just like back out look at this guy Cow Cow and Chicken Cow and Chicken that show was weird uh I do remember that show being weird was very c chicken cat dog Ren and Stimpy they were like mine [ __ ] cat

That dog wasn’t that bad no I guess yeah it wasn’t as bad as rippi yeah zomie cows I [ __ ] Slaughter the [ __ ] out of him real quick the time that I took for it to slaughter one you Slaughter three damn look at this nice horse over here hello horsey nice black horse with oh yeah look at you got the cool stripe on on top of his head I love

That very elegant boy nice Buddy what oh SK ha do you hear every time I block something do you hear the sound uh I think so there’s a lot of enemies over there yeah I think some zomes are coming towards us the zombies find you real quick like they can see you a mile away Creeper Creeper watch

Out ah oh that was scary is cre another creeper another creeper [ __ ] is calling me the hell oh zombie on here oh someone called me on Instagram I was like what the [ __ ] I didn’t even know you could do that oh yeah me neither Che comes all right let’s make our way do

It who did you get hurt by that no okay oh cow’s over here oh get the zombie [ __ ] creeper oh I hear a [ __ ] oh no oh oopsie you hit oh you hit me okay I hit you should explain the cow would have totally believed you the cow would never do

That are there bull but they’re Bulls to attack yeah but they look a lot different than the [ __ ] guys hell yeah they’re like well they’re they look like the [ __ ] Raiders they’re like Raider M it’s like super scary that is scary here the Raiders are pretty [ __ ] intimidating with their armor

And their crossbows except for their noses they’re nose make them way Squidward yeah they’re just [ __ ] Squidward I’m Squidward nice trash them I’m Squidward were well we made it to the end of the Plains There’s a Zombie behind you with a shovel oh no shovel zombie unacceptable get

Him yeah nice all right should we cross over sure all right a they Wonder zombie [ __ ] out you fighting him uh yeah I don’t know I don’t know why you don’t have to fight him I didn’t take any damage at least oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] Swim oh well you’re good okay pumpkins call me a punk P pumpkins ah punkin yes they’re kin of the punks yes oh doggy is here hi doggy hey dog hey buddy you have any bones spoter I don’t have any bones Baby zombie zombie ow I got the Skelly two baby zombies oh [ __ ] come on die die die I can’t get him oh god oh good job oh they’re so small [ __ ] so hard to hit them [ __ ] hell all right you heard a gurler yeah he’s

Behind you oh he is yeah is he coming yeah but he’s in the water so it’s fine cool instead of drowners they’re just ggers like drowners gurle too but these guys are like professional ggers professional ggers oh that’s a nice looking horse I like that horse

It’s like a dark brown oh is he I thought it’s black it’s like a spots oh Jesus [ __ ] behind you creeper oh no I tried to Sprint I didn’t see it [ __ ] get my leather okay I can’t see okay dude why do this happen to me okay your

Stuff just get a man Were You full health or were you not full health no I wasn’t full health the zombie hit me a few times oh no got me down fu [ __ ] hell and [ __ ] man hell and [ __ ] [ __ ] oh how do I stop this from happening I don’t

Know maybe just you just need full iron I just need to eat more I need to eat more too no just wear the full iron all right next time I’m GNA wear the full iron it’s like there’s no point in not putting full iron like you should just have it

Okay I don’t know why you punish yourself I probably wasted and then you’re dying more dying more and then losing my iron yeah iron sword iron pickaxe iron chest Plate I’m losing all this [ __ ] because I don’t want to lose okay all right so two things are going to happen I’m going to make a full set of iron armor and I’m going to [ __ ] eat food as soon as as I get hit yeah you should be full health like

Majority of the time all the time especially full health all the time okay I’m not finding any this is good this is good I know what I have to do did you get my bread yeah I got everything all right just looking for cows in the plane in I’ll ohay come you

Are far far away I am pretty far but I have compass and I’ll just go to the jungle and then make my way back all right oh I found a village is this the did we go in a circle I don’t think we went in a

Circle but this kind of looks like the village we were at before did we go in a [ __ ] Circle how may we did go in a circle well that’s good for me so that I could go back easy well oh we got some leather I’m glad you got my leather and

You’re probably not in danger of diamonds not how much leather did you have yeah I like eight eight or nine oh okay okay yeah I got it holy [ __ ] balls yeah I I got to stop doing that you uh you are down to 100 bread okay that’s all the bread I [ __ ]

Wasted we’ve lost so much more bread to my death than to anything else go we make some more bre that’s true okay Farm workk that’s another thing I have to start doing you want to do the farm rotation I have to do I have to do some Farm rotations yes you can

Just explain to me how to do it right yeah it’s easy it just takes a lot you need a hoe you don’t even need a hoe actually right okay but I do have to fix I see here I’m not going to look at him this time these trees never

Grew these [ __ ] big trees they never grew maybe they take more time I don’t know I view this as like the OG Minecraft song It’s like extremely beautiful it’s got those weird kind of like Tibetan sounding bells or whatever he’s like I how it Goes it starts like it starts like that oh yeah and then turns Like something like that are you in the basement yep all I’m coming are you back already yeah I’m back we actually did go in the full circle so that’s pretty hell yeah all got all my stuff oh I glass of stuff I definitely helped kill cows

Hello hello nice to see you look at you yep I’m like a whole real person kind of well I have a bre well you already made a chest plate I have a chest plate for you that oh all right well it’s extra yeah we’ll keep it storage all right what else your Shield

Did you make make a new Shield yeah you did made a new Shield I’ll put that in storage um I have pickaxe yeah I’ll take all that pickaxe and Spoon spoon yeah it’s like a dirt spoon uh you got a sword there you go what else did you have that was it

Really oh you had the breb you want some BRB give you have the bre thank you I do have a lot of beef because I killed so many [ __ ] cows are we cooking mhm what do you make when you cook it what do you mean like what what does

It make just makes like a steak oh nice can you make more complex dishes like in valheim there’s some things you can make not a lot though you make like a sandwich no I don’t think so no no all right let me put the rest of the stuff away for

Okay B what can I do to help you can I do farm stuff yeah you can do the farm or did you want to go on another adventure no I think this is good amount of leather that I have okay okay go down to the farm I can show

You oh you’re going to show me okay uh you are I over the Farms that’s all I need to I hear the big man in the basement from the farm you do from like the the rail but there is a pigman in the farm a different one yeah which is

Great at least it’s not on my Mountain that’s all I care about um okay so the farm is beyond the the cowpen yeah you have an insane amount of cows and sheep yeah this is ridiculous are they breeding I yeah I was breeding them um how do I get out of

Here wow what a beautiful Farm cool okay how could I help so what you’re going to want to do is go through and hit all of these well it’s turning night time now so you probably well you can still do it now you hit anything yeah you can just hit them and

You pick up right and you’re going to get wheat and you’re going to get seeds nice so when you get the seeds then you’re going to replant them okay and every single square has to have a seed every single Brown Square okay so yeah I’ll just plant

These for now that’s it plant you got a che nice I have a cheese the thing okay and I’ll just do it uh line by line yep just do all of them actually does not the vegetables back there just leave the vegetables I’ll just do it right now just do the

Wheat oh did I get vegetables what no the vegetables are over here these some of them are green some of them are different colors yeah the greens are not ready yet oh but it’s fine cuz most of them are ready yes you’re right all right oh that’s fun I could just run and

Do it continuously yeah oh zombie what the heck are you doing here boy oh man if a creeper comes it could damage your field yeah it’s true should I go inside uh should be fine okay all yep whatever J huh I have to flatten the soil in order to plant in

It yeah but it should be flat already this one is not this one is is a lighter color really yes I don’t know why this is fun oh because you hit it with your your your shovel oh don’t jump if you if you fall and then in the water don’t jump on it

Because then it’ll just ruin it that’s what happened that’s what happened it wasn’t the shovel I like I I ruined it and then I hit it with a shovel oh I didn’t realize I had ruined it yeah that happens B sorry don’t go in the water don’t go in the water it turned

Into like mud or something you just turn into regular dirt oh I see what was it what was it um I guess I don’t know yeah oh I do need to make the farm bigger because it’s too small and some spaces are not fixed but

Then I need water so if I make a hoe and I ho that dirt uh it will it’ll go back to the the way that we want it yeah okay okay it’s a beautifully irrigated uh little patch of patch of land M very good job good

Work yep I’ve been doing forest for a long time hell yeah okay ha CH SE SE a seed I’m like a super speed Seed Super Speed seed is not a reputation you want to develop as a lover as a man you want that to be I was thinking

That but but then you I you were probably going to be like oh my God why do you make everything so nasty blah blah blah well that one that one’s uh that one’s just waiting for it that’s not that’s not a reach like some of your

[ __ ] is a reach where that like that’s right there that’s not no none none of your sh has a reach you’ve never reached no you reach i s it no you never seen that se you can’t catch me I gave up no a zombie was trying to

Get me as I went on the mine cart oh nice my cart and mine cart yeah that was too fast too slick nice you got to go fast exactly oh man this is uh this is kind of hard work you got to like uh just keep hit everything like the hitting hitting the

Ones in between the irrigation is pretty easy but hitting the ones on the irrigation point is kind of hard like you got to be precise and make sure you don’t fall in the water oh [ __ ] zombie got him all right I’m good I’m good where’d he go did he fall in the

Water you must have must fall in the water we have a problem we have a problem we do I see a dirt block in my basement that could only mean one thing what could it mean there’s an Enderman in here okay where the [ __ ] is he where the [ __ ]

Oh the this door is open CL that [ __ ] door why God damn it we have an intruder damn oh [ __ ] how could he have gotten in I don’t know he could have teleported in maybe through the through could it have been through the cave where the the spawner is

Probably brutal maybe you’re right to seal it off well the I checked and the door that I placed in there was wide open so that reason door door is no problem for a slender y well it usually is a problem for a slender but it was open oh not a

Problem for him oh [ __ ] I see I hope I was not responsible for that I don’t remember I don’t know either Tomorrow tomorrow you singing the Annie song yes because that’s the melody that you were just saying remind me of it I’m kind of cringing right now though you don’t like an uh I have a little bit of cringe with that whole era of like musicals musicals

In general I tend to not like that much H wasn’t a theater kid oh what were your school plays in high school well uh my junior year I remember I did just go by myself one night one Thursday night and see uh [ __ ] awesome the [ __ ] was it called it was like very

Mystical that’s key but I can’t uh into the woods it was called into the woods yeah that was good [ __ ] yeah I know that one I watched like half of the movie but I didn’t watch the whole thing for some reason oh I don’t know there’s a movie yeah

Is it was it good yeah that was good oh wow I’m on the last line of wheat oh man I was just in the zone there R I mastered it maximally efficient finally good at something in Minecraft wow it’s morning now good all right uh for My OCD I will get a

Hoe mm and I will flat okay is one hoe as good as another like is iron any no no so what’s the point of an iron ho just last longer uh Fair Point once I go from the Annie song then I go to uh put on on De close with you that’s

Good I you know I uh my Camp my summer camp did Hello Dolly so I knew it from that before I saw Wall-E and so it was a trip seeing I’d never seen the movie I just knew that version of my play that my Camp

Did I can see you on the map cool oh cool I’m going up your train tracks I don’t see you on a train track well wa is that no this is me on the map map actually I can see myself where is I can’t see you all right this is the Farm there we go is that you no that’s a lava patch okay interesting [ __ ] is crazy real in the fields all right so I got to make it more got to make more maps put on just On that’s what I recommend your Sunday clothes would be the ones that you wear at church do you have Sunday clothes uh well I work on sun I work some Sundays and I always wear the same stuff to work what that’s not cool clothes then you you’re wearing work clothes I look

Pretty cool in my work clothes I got [ __ ] dark blue scrubs [ __ ] dark blue dark blue scrub pants and I usually wear like a black T-shirt or like a gray t-shirt and like a maybe a long sleeve underneath it I got my black watch on my black shoes that look pretty

Cool tell me about a few people have compared me to a ninja which I appreciate like yo you look like a ninja man kind of I kind of forgot and I always tell them how beautiful of a compliment was it is and how much I appreciate

It the nicest thing you could say to me is is that the nicest thing you can say that oh damn funny I’m gonna put my uh my SE my wheat seeds in the seeds chest I have so many wheat seeds yeah I know it’s so annoying

Uh and the wheat itself I would like to make bread with and how do we do that uh you just put three um Wheats right next to each other oh in the crafting table yeah that’s craft wheat you don’t cook it you craft bread yeah you craft it

Wow yep that’s how you would do it but the easiest way to craft is just to go into the crafting menu and just click it a million times right um I think there’s like if you hold click and press shift at the same time it just like automatically does it

Huh hold okay hold click like click and shift at the same time like C can you run that by me again um oh I see I see I think I got it no I I no I don’t I don’t understand what you’re saying well it’s like if you’re

Making something and then you just like have a bunch of it like in the in the book and you look for the recipe yeah like the bread and then you just click the bread and then you click shift at the same time C oh that’s a

Good way to do it and then just does it oh nice hell yeah super easy wow I’ve been doing it wrong there we go hell yeah nice all right well made some more bread I contributed you want to look at the map yeah it’s not done

Yet it’s not even close to being done yet hey pretty big though nice wow what are these these like picture frames yeah the item frames looks awesome wow it’s going to be beautiful the house right there yeah and there’s the there’s your house the brown spot that’s your head oh

Yeah that’s uh that’s pretty accurate I’m just a just a brown spot on the world oh God all right food yes here is your food chest uh should I save any any of your wheat for anything or should I just make it all into bread you can make it all into Bread

Cool all right now I will use my hoe to complete why not chck them hello horse nice horse that’s Jack oh Bojack is the horse in the house yeah nice Bo Mr BGE Mr BGE I probably will never watch that show a second time that does not seem

Like a show that that need to see again yeah that’s true beautiful beautiful show but hard enough the first time yeah don’t need a second go around I feel all right let’s use this new hoe that I got you you will get planted yes you you would get

H it looks different the soil looks different oh guess it doesn’t Matter oh [ __ ] up what happened the dirt block I I I removed the dirt block because I wanted to like I wanted to change it cuz it looks lighter I didn’t like the way it looked oh so so I removed it but now I can’t put it back cuz it’s full of

Water oh sorry you should you can normally just put a dirt block in water yeah I think it’s fine w’t let me that’s weird it’s like three squares of water I’m trying to fill the middle square with dirt oh I did it I don’t know why I

Was I don’t know why it wasn’t working huh all right so those are good those are good yes yes and then one day I will come back and reclaim all of the breb all the wheat be mine every every Square utilized for my power oh my God I’m sorry no it’s just for

Wheat it’s not for my power so all that leather that you used all that leather that we got did that empower the enchanting table yeah yeah it’s good I think it’s good hell yeah I think it’s good enough so there’s lots of learning it’s the enchanting table is like learning a

Lot yeah very studious it’s absorbing all the information it does absorb a lot of information the runes I love a good Rune nothing like a good Rune nothing like a good good set of runes H Elvish steel it’s a beautiful thing to behold Elvish steel yeah forged by the El

Blacksmith oh [ __ ] yeah so cool was night time and what a beautiful night it is in the cherry blossoms do you want to sleep uh sure hello chick I got full grown chicken in my house at this [ __ ] chat the has made the advancement oh the was blown up by a cper for

Once it’s not me getting blown up or yeah for once I don’t have the majority of the Globes give me this [ __ ] scaffolding you don’t have majority of the dig the diging I did oh the diging yes did most of the well I don’t know what you thought you

Had or what you got but yo this being an MC it takes a lot did you know that uh yeah I knew that are you willing to take the responsibility of this Quest because if you do it right you might not have nothing left it’s real it’s real r

Uh what do you say for the last bit of time before we go to bedtime that I just uh try to work on my house make my roof look good okay cool and anything else uh you want my help for says that no I think I’m good whoa damn you can really build

Scaffold I got to figure out how the scaffolding works like you just you can just build it up so quick mhm I found something what’ you find I found a skeleton Spawner in a cave oh [ __ ] whoa so much horse armor lot of B something hear every day no music we need the Music br well I don’t know what you thought you had or what you got but yo this being an MC it takes a lot what’s that voice I don’t know it’s is my silly and wacky white guy voice oh gee I fell out of the scaffold how the heck did that

Happen cuz he just called through you know I just don’t really I don’t know how all this stuff works all this fancy schmancy scaffolding crap is it that complicated I I just can’t figure quite figure out the physics and I thought pressing Crouch was supposed to make you go down through it

[ __ ] doesn’t crouching generally make yeah shift yeah yeah shift that’s what I me yeah and it uh it’s sometimes works and sometimes it just don’t work I don’t know why how’s this going to look look good how you looking how you [ __ ] looking hey you know looks okay looks

Okay it’s a little weird it’s a little weird but it’s okay I don’t mind it well it’s just a weird shape my house kind of weird shape it’s all right yeah yeah a little weird it’s okay only a little weird it’s okay not well I just don’t want to be too weird

So it’s not tasteful anymore gotta be test test test the food we yes yeah I said it I’m not ashamed of we we can’t say we was that inappropriate yeah no potty talk loud on Minecraft yeah this is a Christian Minecraft server this is a potty mouth

Freak oh it is yeah do you remember I remember you saying that but I didn’t take it seriously because I didn’t think you had accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior but now that I know that you have now we can really connect Minecraft Jesus is that different Jesus what what

Is what why is the scaffolding doing this I don’t understand it’s fine it’s cool see I’m okay because I love the Lord is always okay automatically Jesus saves yo remember that Str stop Str stop make fun of Jesus you’re making fun of him no I love the

Lord I would never do that I would never make fun sorry sorry to imply that my faith is not what it should be all my faiths my faiths are so weak all of them yep oh no I’m not a good believe in every single religion

And every single God D I met people like that yeah I mean it makes sense to believe that yeah because how do you know which one’s the right one so you just believe it all though it really doesn’t make sense to guaranteed you get in to get in just whatever yeah whatever

Whatever’s the real one you just get in because you believed in all of them Well you certainly wouldn’t get into Islam because you gota because you got to accept that uh Muhammad is the prophet and that that’s the whole thing yeah so you can do that but like it’s that he’s

The only prop like he’s the one and like the word of the word the only word and you oh and you can’t do any idolatry you can’t like build any idols and like worship any other gods there there was only one God there was loophole you just got to get past

There’s no loophole you just can’t do it they did that [ __ ] on purpose yeah they [ __ ] totally did because then everyone would just do everything at the same time which could be cool that’ll take a lot of time though to do all those rituals yeah yeah a lot of them are

Pretty involved I bet keep sacrifices and [ __ ] you would have no time to like do anything else just praying every single God all day all day just religion that ain’t no kind of life I say I gu is sh to do but it would be cool to have like lots of different cool

Guys that you could just have cool rituals about wait you said you know people who do that though so how they do it oh well um yeah well they do just spend a lot of time meditating and praying and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah like too much too much not healthy

Are you uh are you want to sleep through the night hold on need to place a map there we go I’m not I’m not urgently needing to sleep through the night I could if you want to yeah I could too all right I’m running upstairs see I need one more p the map

You dang chicks who invited you here I didn’t well I know who invited you here but I didn’t invite you here I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m a cowboy Ste horse I Ride oh are you D Deb or Alive Deborah Deborah or Alive yeah why is Deborah the opposite of alive you saying she’s dead derb der alive Bri is Deborah dead can’t joke about these things Deborah no it’s all right I’m I’m fine was that cool you’re not find

Mis de de that I you know you’re right I should have said it I should have just kept it to myself and just not been honest about my opinion is that what you like is that what you would prefer yes you’re right I overvalue my own opinion

My opinions are just so smart I have the best opinions yeah opinion I should start like a self-help Instagram influencer God that’d be so cool I’ll just tell you all how to like do martial arts really good I don’t do that good what just be like here how you throw a

Kick and then and I’ll show you how to throw a kick but I won’t throw enough kicks myself I’ll teach everybody how to train hard but I won’t train that hard well you’re busy training everyone else so obviously well it’s easy to make videos is it easy well compared to like

[ __ ] training your ass off yeah now je uh Jeff CH MMA shred of Jeff Chan he makes videos and he [ __ ] trains super hard is that 100% confirmed uh no well you know you actually can’t be that good if you don’t train hard like his reflexes are awesome like he like he’s right

There right there for it it’s all movie Magic it’s not real think so FES the whole thing system is rigged yeah that’s a hard that’s a harsh Revelation mhm that’s l oh man harsh re reality is so harsh man that’s why I like to live in Minecraft that’s

Fine well right now um I can do that too too cuz uh my intership is closed tomorrow cuz there’s an in inch of snow and my uh and my classes both my classes are one is canceled one’s remote the one that was canceled might be a remote but like you know

Whatever there’s no way we’re doing a three-hour remote class they better not [ __ ] make us do that that’ be that would be terrible that would completely I’d rather they have in person I could just get high all day just go to class High good really like there would be no consequences for It I’m gonna make my custom raisin ad where I just eat chocolate and eat raisins at the same time custom see that custom how is that c customize it custard it’s my custom custard that’s probably hard to make custard is probably hard to make I never made it you ever made custard

No what’s the most advanced thing you’ve ever cooked uh oh God nothing really that’s fine grilled cheese people should be cooking for you you shouldn’t be cooking for people you should have to cook for yourself somebody should be cooking for you you need a personal chef I Do in fact rer you deserve it I can be a personal chef to Minecraft V I guess I already was your personal craft your personal cook in valheim yeah my contract insired oh no I failed the um the [ __ ] food food safety inspection did yeah in m in valheim like they came in the what [ __ ] department does that

The FDA who who does like food safety audits uh for like restaurants yeah I don’t know you for a restaurant who does like the food safety um the government [ __ ] the feel like [ __ ] the government like with your dick whoa whoa no just being like in general

Oh in general yeah what’s your um what’s your least Fair part about the government um they take my money that’s true tax station St yes it is theft I bet half the students in my master’s program would agree with you at first like if you ask them is taxation

Theft like they would say yes and then they walk it back they would walk it back probably like if you really dug into and you’re like okay well don’t you want social services and you’re like well yeah any Social Services what am I getting I mean could you I don’t know

You probably could get like Snap or something do you have snap that snap like EBT SNAP grapple pop yeah you make food stamps yeah uh probably yeah yeah if you wanted yeah probably good I’m wrong with that but you know you’re not getting them so it’s kind of side the point I’m

No you’re you’re not you uh you’re dead you’re uh Bri Briana uh yeah you uh you died a while ago I did die but I came back so it’s fine yeah yeah so it’s cool I did get my uh my ID renewed so I guess I how about your phone though

Is that ever going to happen oh eventually I could do it I just don’t want to get a new number cuz I like my phone number you like it yeah I have a great number what’s your number oh wait no you should tell we’re in poic we’re

Pu don’t memorize my number by heart oh my god do you know mine no wow that’s because he never we never really texted it we just messaged on Facebook uh I guess that’s true text a little bit but not really well can’t text now could text me I can’t you

Can’t you can’t you can’t call me oh that’s weird your service allows me to text and not call well because my phone is broken oh that’s right well you mean your old phone yeah well and sometimes the text don’t gr through 100% but Facebook is more reliable yeah because it’s on

Wi-Fi all right how’s the interior look looking pretty normal good yeah okay except for that piece of log right there oh I don’t see it you put a torch near it I don’t have any torches it’s like a little piece sticking out uh okay I I have my brightness

Turned way down that’s probably why right there oh thank you you see how it’s like that little piece I do I do see yeah I do see yeah take that out hope and compassion is gone H why why does it do that sometimes it does that I wants to go up

Ski chick two CH there’s two Chi yeah yeah we got a few chicks going on I had like 20 chicks in here and then the creeper came oh man then the creeper came then the creeper came oh well you got another one hello another chicken yeah ah it’s a blessed life it’s a

Blessed a blessed blessed life let me uh put my so things are coming along so I can kind of see so now yeah I’ll probably make my loft I’ll just need to make stairs up to a loft where should the Loft be stay stay this seems like the logical place for it

Your hope and compassion is gone dreams world that’s a good song man I should listen to it I try listening to other stuff and it just like didn’t quite didn’t quite grab me the same way but maybe I should just give it more elen it seemed good but I just like

Generally wouldn’t listen to that kind of music it’s just because that show like me um all right I wonder if I can do it like this I got fat bags of skunk I got pineapple Blunts and I’m about to go get method yeah I’m about to go get

Method I got myself a 40 I got myself a shorty and I’m about to go and stick it stick it yeah this the Method Man m t h o d man pretty good I you know don’t necessarily condone all of the messaging in uh Wu Tang’s lyrics but it’s a classic

I do like the rhyme I got F fat bags of skunk I got pineapple blunts that’s relatable yeah yeah that is pretty related mhm all right maybe if I CH what an eventful Minecraft day we had it was it was pretty eventful I’m make this turn into Ye Old over here

Style does seem like the way to do wait are you singing Method Man in meow yeah nice what you know it it sounded right exactly and you know what it felt right yeah did m t h o d b I don’t know if this are you guys sleepy B yeah sleep is

Good you’re very regular your your sleep time is extremely regular like 12:30 and on it is good it’s healthy but I actually don’t know how this will work making this lofty situation Yes actually I think I stair chick just fell off by L No he could fly so F oh yeah yeah I’m sure he lands super soft scarfield OJ blue you calling out to all your animals like Santa Claus those was r yeah wait uh what’s your bird’s name uh Wall-E W forgot what and I didn’t name my doggies yet we got to name

Them this is Odie OD this is Bodie this is huh what are these two sounds odious odious yeah sound o OD yeah sounds like Odus OD is the dog name and Garfield and so this oh nice awesome to Garfield and then the twins what I need the twins here milk cookie that’s your

Name and then your name is Dr Pepper that’s and then the pig man’s downstairs and then we have a pig and a sheep in here but they’re in the trees they don’t really come down here anymore I know you should uh you should come down part antisocial yeah seriously what the

Hell get over it man are you going to put your bird in your house or you GNA leave them in my house oh I kind of like my house having no pets well I guess I got chicks but hopefully they won’t be there Forever hello hi why do I hear a spider yeah I hear a spider too oh no it’s a spider on your roof oh understandable yeah I hear him he’s right here interesting staircase you have here yeah I’m not sure really what’s what’s going to end up happening with the staircase very interesting very

Interesting I’m a little perplexed by sort of staircase mechanics you got perplexed yeah oh no oh no it kind of clogs up it does I want to make a loft but it just I don’t know how to do it well maybe I could be

Like huh I mean I know I could trim down the stairs St case a little bit like the back end of it yeah oh you maybe I should make a tight spiral that’s what I should do I should make a tight spiral like in the corner oh yeah you could do that like

Right just takes up too much dang space chck they like it oh I know you like my stairs buddies but I gota I gota work why you go downstairs come on down I do not want chicken to my house oh it’s ring I I I did not consent to

This well you got pranked that’s I got planted geted what’ you say I said that’s what happens when you leave oh that’s true I made myself vulnerable my house vulnerable to incursions incursions enion so a tight spiral I mean are you still here oh no you’re GNA go to sleep you can show

Me you sleepy yeah it’s time for sleep okay okay let’s get you to sleep thanks for hosting me in Minecraft we go beautiful Minecrafting M my house is like coming up on complete it looks kind of semi-normal from the outside yeah looks good awesome nice dark wood nice dark

Stone little Mossy Stone on the bottom part I am so proud of my Mossy Stone looks so cool so very cool I like these doors do you are you jealous of my doors these are pretty good doors they look more solid than the the like jungle doors and the Cherry but I

Guess the Cherry doors are especially cute and feminine there’s no windows I can’t see inside your house that’s true but I should I will make some windows for sure I’ll make some big big Windows okay R thanks for watching me what a nice time in the car land nice nice nice time

Valley of the wi we play Minecraft y this is like a weird little weekend it’s like oh well ay don’t have to go to class I have to go toship go just sleep in and do whatever [ __ ] you feel like doing

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft: i captured the pigman!’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-01-17 06:04:44. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:22:35 or 15755 seconds.

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    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More