Denny’s Secret CHEAT in Minecraft?!

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Today we’re going to be doing a Minecraft mob battle but little does my friend know I’m going to be using one-way glass to cheat using this one-way glass I can see exactly what my friend is doing and I can use the perfect counter to his mom and speaking

Of which Dogo what are you doing over here oh hey Jenny uh I just decided to build you because you know to embarrass you dude this is not me this looks like a monkey I look so dumb I look like literal poop oh man yeah dude it’s

Speaking of poop you’re gonna be pooping this mob battle we’re doing are you serious well I’ve got the best Mob set up so I can win this challenge we’ll see about that Doga alright good luck to you but not like it’s gonna make any difference all right bye all right I

Just muted and look I can see exactly what doka is doing and let’s see what moppy decides to spawn first what is that shrimpy little ice dragon what’s that gonna do whoa okay that’s more like it that thing oh I think the ice dragon likes me a bit more than Doga so it

Tried to literally come through the wall but I don’t think it can actually see me so for now it’s my foe oh my gosh there’s no way he’s gonna be able to ate this ice dragon we’ll see about that now he decided to use an ice-based creature

So I think I know exactly what to use since he’s using an ice base monster I think I’m best off using a fire based one that way my fire will be able to melt right through his mobs and oh look it’s flying hopefully he doesn’t come

Over the wall okay so like I said I’m going to use a Firebase creature and I think I know exactly which one to use since he’s using a dragon I’m gonna beat him at his own game and spawn a fire dragon oh look at how big these things

Are there’s no way he’s gonna be able to defeat this I’m gonna spawn a couple more okay look at that now we have a whole family of fire dragons ready to compete with his ice dragons and it looks like he’s actually starting to build something looks like a little icy

Till I don’t want him to think he’s better than me so I’m gonna build something on my own I think I’m gonna build a cool looking volcano that way it matches with the theme of the fire dragons and it just looks really cool okay I’m gonna make it out of concrete

And obsidian and look at that I think that looks really cool we’re gonna make a nice little ring like this and make it a bit taller so it starts to actually look like a volcano okay I’m gonna make the base a little bit wider so we can

Have a truly magnetic volcano and then now all I need to do now is add a little hole and fill the hole with lava and then we have a little bit of lava trickling over the top and there we go I think our volcano is just about done now

I don’t really like the grassy floors so I’m gonna add something a bit more fitting okay there we go I think that looks really cool I’m gonna add a bit of a Lava River to finish up this build and there we go I think that looks awesome

And wow docus actually looks really good but unfortunately it’s still not going to be enough to match my dragons Okay Doga are you ready to start the battle yes I am super dupily ready I just need to place a couple of my dragons here just so obviously I can defeat you yeah

I think I’m good alright well if you’re really good I don’t think you really are but if you say you are yeah sure buddy I think that confidence is gonna get you in the bin we’ll see about that Dogo because I’m gonna drop the wall in three

Two one and let the dragons have at it oh my gosh how did you get fire dragons there’s no way you would have known that I just have a bit of Gamer’s intuition okay my fire dragons are lighting up your ice dry dragons oh my gosh how are

You even doing this oh wait the ice dragons are actually freezing my fiery Dragon but I still think my fire dragon is winning oh how did how do you have such a small little dragon there’s no way you’re winning this come on fire beats ice fire beats ice oh you’re ready

To defeat one of my little ones oh no it’s a Trippy one over here come over the edge oh my gosh you have such a big dragon here oh my fire dragons are hot on pursuit of your ice dragons I don’t think your ice dragon is getting away oh

No it got defeated oh man all right my fire truck is just won man my build was so much better than yours and and how did you have the direct counter there’s no way well maybe you shouldn’t have chosen such a bad mom anyway are you

Ready for round two yeah I guess I am let’s hope you can do a bit better this time okay now that round one is over let’s see what Dogo picks next for his next mob and it looks like he’s spawning some giant Cyclops these guys look kind

Of crazy these guys look really strong but fortunately I think there’s still a mob that can counter them perfectly these guys are just big humans and humans don’t do too good when they get struck by lightning so how about I spawn a mob that strikes lightning a Lightning

Dragon oh these guys look crazy these guys are definitely gonna defeat the Cyclops I’m gonna spawn one more and all right let’s get it I wonder if doka is going to build anything oh yeah he definitely is building something looks like he’s building some legs some weiner

Hot dogs what are those what is he building is that a dog okay I think he’s definitely building a giant Cyclops yeah look at that arm and he’s probably gonna do another one yep okay he’s definitely building a giant version of his mob so looks like I’m gonna have to build a

Giant version of mine I’m gonna start by doing some Circles of black concrete for some legs do another leg right here oh I’m sorry I caught one of my dragons right inside of it okay those look like the legs done now I’m gonna add a little

Bit of a body and of course I’m gonna build a giant neck because that’s what dragons have and then I’m also going to build a giant tail oh this is already coming along cool guys look at this okay it looks a little dark so I’m gonna add

A mouth gonna add some eyeballs or a little fella can see or I guess I shouldn’t call this a little fella I’m gonna add some Derpy looking eyes because our guy is friendly he doesn’t mean any harm I’m gonna build a giant snout this guy’s looking like a dragon

More and more every second okay I think I’m gonna add some teeth look at that wow what a cutie gonna add some more teeth at the bottom and look at our Dragon he doesn’t look the most intimidating but he looks friendly and that’s what matters I’m gonna add some

Cool looking scales that go all the way down the back and just like like that I think we’re done with our Dragon looking quite good if I say so myself definitely better than his weird Plankton looking Cyclops over here okay with our build done I think we’re ready to challenge

His Cyclops Army odoga are you all about done with your giant Cyclops I mean wait how did you know about my Cyclops nothing nothing I’ve just had a hunch I heard some Cyclops around the wall oh okay I guess I believe you because you know cyclopses are pretty popular and

They’re pretty strong as well yeah I heard they’re strongest through the wall and I knew it could only be Cyclops oh yeah that’s fair okay I’m ready all right well we’re taking down the wall in three two one and go go go go go oh my gosh oh no they’re already ganking over

One of my dragons Your Dragon’s doing nothing why aren’t they attacking come on come on something bro do something bro oh he’s flying up okay he’s getting some High Ground they’re all ganging up on him though use your lightning bro oh there he goes there he’s using his

Leggings oh and he pushed one right off the edge there he goes door how did you know the direct calendar to my cyclopsis I just had a gamer hunch because I’m so good at Minecraft okay they’re still Genki up on him but there goes another one and oh no

Mike I fell off the map it’s okay though we still have more dragons to contend okay my dragon is ready to tussle with these giant cyclopsis and oh no they’re ganking up on the little baby dragon I don’t know if this one is gonna make it

Guys okay I’m going to cheat and spawn a bit more around this corner so doka doesn’t see it okay we have another one oh my gosh totally gonna win this oh my gosh you killed one of them what the hell oh my God my dragon just killed

One of the cyclopses oh my gosh and he just got another one oh my gosh how did you do that now they’re just falling asleep look at them they’re all sleeping they killed them while they were sleeping oh my gosh they’re falling asleep because this challenge is just

Too easy for them it’s a snooze Fest oh my gosh okay now that the Cyclops are defeated I think we could call that round two concluded oh my gosh how are you already defeated me twice hey let’s make a bet whoever wins the next round wins the whole thing all right that is

The bet I’m willing to take because I’m going to destroy you regardless yeah sure sure I bet you won’t with my next mob keep that pride in check delga because you haven’t seen what mob I’m gonna pick yet okay it’s time for the third and final round and let’s see what

Doga picks for his mom and it looks like a giant Yeti ice beast wow this thing looks crazy and he’s spawning quite a lot of them too this is gonna be quite the fight it looks like Doga is pretty confident in his victory but unfortunately for him I have something

That’s even better better now it would be kind of boring to just use fire against an ice mob again so instead I’m going to use the most powerful mob I have but I can’t spawn it just yet because it’s way too powerful and will literally destroy everything so I’m

Gonna wait to spawn him until the battle actually starts in the meantime it looks like doke is building another icy environment it’s coming along pretty good I must say now normally I would build something of my own but I can’t reveal my most powerful mob just yet so

Instead I’m just going to prank his build oh my gosh I just build my own icy Pole or icy Pop I don’t know what the Americans say I’m Australian crikey mate it looks like he’s building a giant popsicle but it looks kind of bad so we’ll actually be doing him a favor by

Destroying it man I hope nothing bad happens to my build I love icy poles Tastes amazing ill he’s even licking it okay we really gotta get rid of this thing fast before it drives him crazy little does he know what’s about to happen to his bill because I’m about to go invisible and go to his base okay I’m sneaking over very carefully he has no

Idea I’m here and oh my gosh these things look so strong up close all right hope I get this finish in time I bet dense build was terrible compared to mine oh my gosh I’m right next to him and he has absolutely no idea okay so

What I’m going to do is I’m just going to go to the back over here sneaky sticky and I’m just gonna play some TNT inside his blast man this yetis is so adorable when they’re sleeping oh little cuz I’m gonna place a bit more TNT at the top

Just so there’s maximum damage and then now I’m Gonna Let it Loose and sit back from afar and watch the show oh look at that what was that no no my icy ball oh no oh my gosh this icy pop is completely destroyed man how am I gonna fix this

When we only have like 50 seconds left all right so like he said we only have 50 seconds left so only about 50 seconds till I review what mob I have in store and since we have 50 seconds I think I’m gonna do a little bit more damage to

This build using this command I can make myself a giant eraser that erases anything I click Like look at this oh my gosh there’s a giant hole in this build oh my God my eyes there’s a massive hole inside of it oh actually this could be

Good because it’s like okay for my yetis this is perfect okay he thinks it’s good so unfortunately we’re gonna have to make it even worse for him what what the cave is even bigger now oh that’s perfect I can fit more yellow is inside okay he still thinks this is a cave so

We’re just gonna completely destroy this mountain as a whole no more k for him oh my gosh my whole Mountain oh I guess it did look pretty bad I guess that is good okay he may not have liked the mountain but I’m just gonna destroy his icy pop

Some more so he has absolutely nothing to be grateful for no my icy pop this is the only thing I ever cared about no now that we destroyed everything he cares about in life it’s time to start our mob battle oh Doga are you ready to start

The mob battle Yeah I’m ready but someone’s totally just destroyed my whole build uh uh don’t go why is there a massive hole in the wall are you cheating uh no no I swear to God I’m not cheating I’m not cheating there’s no way I hope you’re not cheating maybe you’re

The one who placed all the stupid freaking holes in my wall why would you even accuse me of that I’ve been on this side the entire time I think we’re ready to start our battle and the wall is coming down oh my gosh okay Doga the

Wall is dropping in three two one what there’s nothing there no how about no oh my gosh is that the final boss of anything ever this is the void worm in no way your little puny yetis are gonna survive these wake up yetis wake up come

On you got a battle you guys are getting demolished you’re not even touching them wake up yetis wake up your little guys are so done to my void worms Oh My Gosh your boy worms look so cool how am I gonna defeat this where’s he going though oh he’s going inside a little

Portal oh my gosh he’s coming back oh my gosh look at this complete Mayhem oh my gosh you guys are so done for her there’s no way there’s no way my yetis can lose this I’m sorry to tell you Doga but I think it’s time for you yet I used

To go no there one ghost right there okay the void worms are doing some damage this is complete Madness look at your little guys they’re no match for mine no he’s getting attacked please do something fight back wait he froze him yes hit oh wait how are you guys

Actually doing some damage to mine oh no Frozen Frozen before they could go through the portal okay this guy’s about half health I think my guys are still going to pull through no come on please do it for the icy pole oh you’re guys so done for there’s no way he’s clutching

This no I’ve got one more guy I’ve got one more guy please come on his health is so low oh oh my gosh and there he goes right off the edge oh my gosh I literally had no idea how you could possibly defeat my Frost foxes and how

Did this get here Dogo what is this okay Doga it looks like my mobs were successful in defeating here so it looks like I won the mob battles man that’s so silly how could you defeat me when I have such a big brain it wasn’t big enough Doga it wasn’t big enough

Today we’re going to be doing a Minecraft mob battle but I’m secretly going to use hacks to troll my friend using the morph mod I can morph into the most powerful mobs in the game I could take down whatever mob my friend spawns speaking of which let’s check how he’s

Doing oh Doga what’s up where are you ready in the hole in the hall Daddy please help me why are you so small you look like a little ant I’ve been stuck in this whole for weeks please help me out of you well don’t worry Doga I have just something that

Can help you do you really yeah I can give you a little friend oh my gosh no I love friends but no this one sucks I don’t want this friend please why are they so aggressive maybe that’ll teach you to be so small now come back to

Normal size already fine all right great job now you won’t be attacked by little silverfish anymore oh thank goodness I hate silverfish speaking of silver do you know what we’re doing today um hopefully sniffing feet we’ll do that tomorrow but today we’re doing a Minecraft mob battle Yeah I love my

Battles I always win why do you think I said silver because the silver medal is going to you and the gold one is going to me all right Dogo you stay on this side for no particular reason why go to my side uh just curious is there a

Reason no no reason at all definitely not one-way glass or anything like that oh thank God yeah that would have been crazy all right let’s get started oh you’re going down okay I just muted myself and I didn’t mention this before but I secretly use one-way glass to see

Exactly what he spawns and what is he doing is he spawning Giant versus a me although I do and always will look better okay so it looks like he spawning giant versions of me which means I’m gonna have to spawn a giant mob myself thankfully I think I know exactly what

I’m gonna spawn as and what exactly I’m gonna morph into you see I’m just a giant human and humans don’t do too good when they get stung by bees so what if I spawn a whole bunch of massive bees and that’s not it because here’s the best

Part I can morph myself into a queen bee look at this I am massive I look insane there’s no way Doga is going to be able to beat me like this okay let’s check how doka is doing and it looks like he’s actually started a bill build something

I wonder what he’s deciding on building it kind of looks like a giant version of me but you guys know the Drew I don’t want him to think he’s better than me so I’m gonna build something myself and what better to build than a giant queen bee I’m gonna start by using yellow

Concrete just like this and make a nice round shaped shape okay next up I’m going to make another ball right on top of it it’s gonna be kind of like a big yellow Snowman and I’m really excited for this to be done because it’s already looking so cool gonna make a nice round

Shape shape at the top just like this it’s already coming along so good I think I’m gonna add one giant ball at the top and guys I didn’t go to art class or anything but can I just say this looks really phenomenal and speaking of bees what do you guys think

Are better bees or choo choo Charles whoa what is that giant structure doka started to build it looks like a big black box I like big black things if I say so myself so I think this build’s actually coming along pretty good I don’t usually do this dog but I think

Your build’s actually coming along really good I mean wait that’s that’s so nice of you man but like what how did you know I was building something uh no reason I didn’t know I just took a little lucky guess oh okay well uh yeah I guess my build’s coming along pretty

Well but I’m still kind of confused how you knew that but like that’s okay uh if I really think about it I don’t think it really matters because it is just the build and I’m winning this mob battle uh I don’t think you are a Doga okay I’m

Gonna go back on mute and leave don’t get to his building okay we’re gonna make this build a bit better by adding some eyes that he can see out of we don’t want to be that can’t function without sight so we’re gonna make that better for him that would be bad and I

Don’t want my honey to have problems all right I’m gonna add some eyebrows because I plan on adding some luxurious hair I don’t want any of that getting into his eyes our guy needs to see after all if we’re gonna be able to take down

Doga gonna add a bit of a mouth right here and I just realized this is kind of looking like the B from B movie and I don’t know if I want my B to be from that movie alright guys I’m gonna be honest here I think we need to add some

Hair and if I’m being completely honest this hair looks amazing amazing okay I’m making the hair out of concrete because it’s a very nice solid black color and you really can’t get much blacker than this I really like how this hair is coming along but leave in the comments

How you guys feel about it I think we’re gonna name our guy Jerry I think he looks like a very Dapper fellow all right I think that hair is just about done but you can’t have a b without its stripes I’m gonna add some Stripes out

Of black concrete right here and I think this is looking very cool and speaking of lag what do you guys think are better all right this stripe is coming along very good but I think I’m gonna add a few more to make it look even better

Gonna add another one down here just so he can have a bit more than one strike because you know bees need more than just one okay gonna finish up this stripe real quick because it looks like Doga is already done dumb interesting choice to put the word

Dumb right there hey Doga why did you call me dumb I mean oh shoot wait hold on Timmy okay this is getting really weird how do you know that I’m building these specific things well uh listen you always call me dumb so I just had a

Hunch that maybe you wrote the word dumb on your build too oh well that’s a good hunch but maybe you were just talking about like all the other times off camera that I called you dumb yeah Dogo that’s exactly what I meant no need to look into it further okay well I’m still

Gonna destroy Doga in this Build Challenge why would he call me dumb like that that’s so mean uh you didn’t mute yet Denny oh okay doka’s getting a little bit of an attitude so I’m gonna put him in check might be he’s gonna look so fine that

The queen bees are gonna have no choice but to fight for their man I think two stripes is enough because I really want to just kick doga’s butt right now but you can’t have a b without a stinger it says most Stingers are in the back I

Want to stand out a little bit and do it in the front so let’s go ahead and build this right here okay I just made it out of black concrete the big black stinger and I think this looks great okay just like that our B is done and I think

We’re ready to start this mob battle all right Daddy I don’t think you’re gonna be able to beat me this time oh my gosh you know last time you definitely did beat me but I think I’ve got a Fighting Chance this time I’m sorry Doga but the

Only chance you have is a chance of losing uh we’ll see about that put down these walls and let’s fight all right okay before we take down the Walls I’m gonna spawn my queen bees again and I think it’s about time we take down these walls all right I’m so ready to defeat

You I’m so ready to defeat you alrightoga are you ready I’m ready alright the wall are coming down in three two one and go oh my gosh you’ve got some bees yeah limits can’t handle bees you know that they’re all scary and they have stingers and all that yeah

Okay Doga doesn’t know this but I’m actually disguised as one of the bees right now he has no idea I’m gonna use the super op sword and take down his guys hey I just kind of realized where are you I I don’t understand oh my gosh

No no you’re being defeated oh no my guys were dead now that was so easy for my bees dude I can’t believe you were so bad did you just make some bee puns you know I don’t understand how did my Opie guys get defeated by a silly bug you did

Just kind of like defeat yourself so does that mean I won this round no dog don’t try to do a little bit of a wishy-washy on me I know what you’re up to alright round one has ended the victory so it’s time to put the walls

Back up and start round two okay now that the first round is over I’m gonna unmoor from the queen bee and go back to normal it’s good to be back in my own skin okay and let’s see what Doga has in store for us and it looks like he’s

Spawning some mutant snow golems I wonder why he decided on a mob so weak we’re gonna destroy this all right there’s no way he can defeat all of these Snow Golems they may be a little bit weak but power in numbers there is no way he’s defeating these unless he

Has like a really overpowered boss I don’t know there’s no possible way I don’t know one mob that could be defeated by this dog is in a bit of a state of naivety but don’t worry we’re gonna cleanse that real soon he decided to use snow golems which are already

Weak in the cell but I have the perfect mod that’s gonna completely decimate them okay seems like Dogo decided to go with snow based monsters so we’re gonna fight fire with fire or should I say snow with snow because I’m going to use a snow mob that’s even stronger than his

Snow mobs everyone meet the alpha Yeti look at this guy you do not want to mess with him just to show you how strong this guy is I’m gonna go into survival he’s going to absolutely destroy me oh my gosh look they’re freezing me I didn’t stand a chance against them and

Little does Doga know he’s about to feel that same wrath and speaking of Doga let’s see how he’s doing yodoga how’s it going how’s it going with your build yeah my build’s crap how do you keep knowing I’m building I don’t understand like you’re saying all these like

Suspicious things it’s almost like he can see me no Doga no I don’t know why you would even accuse me of that you’re right I shouldn’t accuse people of some unforgivable things you know what I don’t think you’re a cheetah I think you’re a pretty genuine person thanks

Man and that’s exactly what I am no cheating for me oh my gosh guys he has no idea I’m cheating all right looks like doke has started to build some legs and I think he’s gonna build a giant snowman oh no he’s actually deleting it I was wrong let’s see what else he

Decides to do oh wait he’s building the legs up from scratch again and looks like he’s starting to build a little tummy tummy yummy in my tummy it looks like Dogo is building with pumpkins which confirms my theory of him building giant snow golems which means we’re

Gonna have to build a giant Golem for ourselves in the form of a Yeti okay just like him I’m gonna start by building a bit of a giant frame starting with some legs and just like that we’re gonna add another leg just right here make it nice and tall and then we’re

Gonna add a bit of a body just so he can have a bit of a bot to him all right I think this tummy is starting to come along really good my guy eats his vegetables and you all should too I’m gonna add some arms some really big buff

Arms and another big buff arm right on this side too this is already coming along amazing but we need to do a little bit of something to the top to make it look truly awesome gonna add a bit of a head right here make it nice and round

Okay that’s coming along really good but there’s still some more things we need to add to our Yeti I’m gonna add some horns right here and oh my gosh that is really looking cool and another one right here this one’s a bit taller than

The other one so let’s even it out a bit and yeah that’s looking really cool we want our Yeti to be nice nice and fearsome so I’m gonna add some claws to its hands I’m gonna make him stick out like this and that looks really cool and

We’re gonna add another one to the other side just like this and I think we’re done and just like the other ones we’re gonna add some eyes just so our guy can see because we’re gonna want him to see how much we win this fight all right we

Got some nice looking eyes and they look pretty cool I think I’m gonna add some eyebrows to protect the fur from entering his eyes and speaking of unwanted entering make sure you guys always wear protection all right our guys looking really cool but there’s still one more thing I want to add to

I’m going to add a bit of a belly section in the middle just like this and oh my gosh this actually looks really cool and just like that I think we can call her Yeti friend complete and just in time because it’s time to start the mob battle odoga are you ready looks

Like he’s spawning a whole bunch of snow golems but it’s not gonna matter because I’m gonna be using the morph mod to cheat I’m gonna be secretly going around and destroying all those snow golems all right Denny there is no possible way you can defeat me this time I have over 100

Of my specific mobs they are all boss level damage and health you’re going down we’ll see about that dog I don’t know if your snow golems are gonna stand a chance I mean wait how did you know I have snow golems uh I just made a little

Bit of a guess okay I’m ready all right Dogo are you about you about so ready you are going down we’ll see about that Doga the wall is dropping in three two one and go oh my gosh you have snow yetis wait how did

You no I did Ice and then you did Ice that’s kind of weird now that I think about it also your build looks really really weird weird minus 10 times better than yours so I think my guy’s gonna win uh I don’t think yours is better than

Mine at all I think mine is way better than yours uh I don’t think so actually hmm now that I think about it where are you me oh I’m just chilling out inside my build oh my gosh guys he has absolutely no idea I’m over here killing

His Snow Golems do you have like invisibility maybe I I’m trying to find you right now yeah I’m just invisible chilling inside my snow yeti right now but don’t try to find me you need to focus on the fight no I think I’m gonna look inside the snow yeti uh no you’re

Not this thing’s not Hollow how did you get inside the snow yeti is bad guys I’m gonna need to quickly change back to me so he believes I’m actually over there I’m gonna quickly fly over here I’m gonna do morph real fast real fast okay we’re back to normal Doga I’m right here

See you silly goose I’ve been here the whole time oh you were inside the yeti sorry I I just had a sneaking suspicion that you would I don’t know invisible or something or maybe turn into one of these mobs yeah no problem so no need to

Look into it further if you have that same suspicion again oh okay I’ll I’ll try believe you next time I will all right good all right guys I think my yetis aren’t doing too good so I’m gonna have to help them again morph straight back into the yeti while doka isn’t

Looking okay good now we’re back into our Yeti form and we can continue the fight I’m gonna go over here and Destroy these Snow Golems look how weak they are I thought my snow golems were gonna be ten times better I don’t understand how are you winning right now yo guys what

You had like one guy left I don’t understand well your snow golems are just really bad compared to myself no yetis maybe you should have picked a better mob man you need to get out of your build because you got to see this this is getting really intense well it’s

Okay I know exactly what’s happening that my yetis are destroying your mobs and I think you have one more snow golem here left my Yeti is going to destroy him oh my gosh he does so much damage boom my Yeti’s won oh my gosh there’s no

Way you won that also this Yeti that was killing all the other Snow Golems it was attacking with such a basic attack I don’t understand because the other ones were throwing ice this one’s just hitting really that’s strange well maybe this one has stronger work ethnic I

Don’t know it’s kind of moving weird as well you should come see this uh yeah let me pop out and see real quick okay well I’ma look at the other Yeti see if there’s anything wrong with them this is bad guys doka is starting to suspect me

Okay I’m gonna quickly fly up here while he’s not looking and change back to my original form and dimorphedemorph all right guys we’re back to normal yo Dogo what’d you say was happening who is moving weird it might have been this Yeti I’m not sure like is it kind of

Moving a bit weird to you yeah actually he does look at it whoa he does look really strange this might be an imposter yeah yeah get rid of him and this one and this one and this one does this mean I won the mob battle no you silly little

Platypus you did not win them on Battle I did all right you little walrus I’m gonna clear up this area and let’s start the next battle let’s do it all right let’s get rid of all this and get ready for the final battle all right let’s see what mobdoga decides to spawn next

I think for this final battle I’m gonna spawn a mutant Enderman oh this will be perfect to destroy dance mobs wow mutant Enderman those things look insane but thankfully I had the perfect mob to counter that you see intermittent are always teleporting all over the place but if a creature of higher authority

Tells it not to teleport it won’t go anywhere that’s why I’m going to summon the king mob our king mob will make sure our Enderman does not teleport at all and we’ll keep it in place okay and it looks like doke has started building a giant black Tower and whoa it’s a big

Interman this actually looks really cool in fact it looks a little too cool that’s why I think it’s time to prank him and I think I know exactly how I’m gonna prank him using the morph mod we could turn straight into a creeper just like this and I’m gonna go to his build

And pretend to be a creeper while blowing everything up with this creeper Shard okay I’m on the other side of this build I’m walking slowly so it looks realistic and he has no idea yet hey wait a minute is that a creeper oh no he spotted us okay I’m muted but I’m just

Gonna keep walking toward this build as long as he’s in creative mode I don’t think he’ll think it’s a threat stop going towards my build man stop walking towards the build creeper you’re getting a bit close there man oh man if anything bad happens to it thank God I’m in

Creative mode so there’s no possible way it should be able to blow up all right guys he fell for the bait he does not think my creepers any threat as long as he’s in creative mode but little does he know he’s about to get quite the rude

Awakening I’m gonna go right behind this build uh just gonna add a bit to the side like this make it look way better and let’s start blowing stuff up oh my gosh the creeper it’s blowing everything no oh my gosh stop creeper stop stop

This is too far my my build oh no it’s on his last leg it’s gonna it’s gonna die please no don’t get no oh wait I forgot they don’t fall because it’s Minecraft all right we’re gonna need to wipe that confidence off his voice so

Let’s get rid of his eyes not the eyes oh no how’s it gonna see oh man stop creeper why can’t I kill you oh my God she has no idea I’m the creeper Danny there’s a creeper in creative mode someone do you open it a creeper in creative mode it must be a

Part of one of the mod packs we have oh my gosh it’s got like artificial intelligence I don’t know how it knows what to blow up and it’s not blowing up itself it’s just it’s just blowing everything that sounds crazy well thankfully I didn’t get any kind of

Creeper like that on my side stop it creeper stop it okay I think we’ve done quite enough damage and I think it’s time for the creeper to make his retirement leave leave creeper oh man I guess it will die from Full damage now thank god oh but the damage has already

Been done all right that was a very successful pranking session now let’s go back to our side and finish our build okay I’m gonna keep it simple with the build this time and I think I’m just gonna make a giant Throne to signify our King I’m gonna set this entire place to

Gold right here and this is already a great start for our Throne I’m gonna make it a little bit taller because our King is tall so we need to have quite the fitting throne for him a few more blocks like this and I think we’re all

Good now let’s make a bit of a place for our King to sit and just like that the throne is coming along great but our King is no Brokey so I’m gonna add some rubies down the side we’re gonna add some more rubies on this side and look

At that looking so cool and of course rubies aren’t gonna be enough so I’m gonna add some diamonds on the back too and just like that I think our Throne is done okay now that the throne is done we need a king to sit at it and I think I

Know exactly who me look how good this Throne looks on me I think a stone came along great but now it’s finally time to start the mob battle all right Doga are you ready to start the final round all right I’m ready just gonna spawn in my overbound mobs and you’re going down

Overpowered more like overrated I’m destroying your mobs no matter what they are all right how about this whoever wins this round wins the whole thing that’s a bet I’m willing to take let’s do it all right Doga are you ready for the walls to drop I am ready are you I’m

Ready all right three two one and let the battle begin oh my gosh she got three kings these things are so weak my kings are more than enough to overpower your little mobs uh they don’t seem to be doing anything what’s that about okay this is actually really bad I’m gonna

Have to help them out right now oh wait the Enderman is stuck inside one of my Kings what in the world just happened the Reed that just got destroyed three of your kings just died now you only have one left and he’s holding a weird-looking sword they were holding

Pickaxes before that’s super weird also where are you are you hidden in your build again yeah yeah I’m hitting in my build don’t worry about it oh my gosh guys I have the final King yeah and I can’t allow this I’m gonna go behind here and cheat and spawn a little bit

More okay just sponsor More Kings and Doga has absolutely no idea wait how do you have more Kings I looked away for one second they were just hiding behind the throne silly they look silly well it’s time to continue the mob battle okay I’m gonna attack this Enderman

Right here and destroy him okay this Enderman over here is my next Target gonna completely destroy this guy what a noob he died in three hits all right time for the next one man you totally gonna see this this battle is insane oh my gosh it looks like my King’s over

There are having a bit of trouble so I’m gonna go assist them right after I take down this guy oh my gosh this King right here is so overpowered I don’t know how he’s one shooting every single one of my mobs what keeps happening to the Kings

Over here oh my gosh oh my Enderman is dead and there’s only one king left oh my gosh guys I’m the last king left so I have to clutch up for this mob battle what did you just say uh nothing I just said I only have one king left wait why

Is this King moving as if it’s talking to me while you talk moving I think you’re standing completely still what are you talking about Doga hmm I thought this sword was a bit suspicious at first because that’s not usually what they willed because you know I know this mob

I i invented this mom there’s no possible of a way that this isn’t you I have no idea what you’re talking about I don’t think you know what you’re talking about Doga let’s just continue the mob battle this is you you’ve been cheating this whole time no I haven’t no I

Haven’t oh yeah so if I banned you right now you wouldn’t disappear this King right here wouldn’t disappear if I just banned you right now wait the king’s falling off the edge oh no oh no okay guys I’m gonna quickly transform back into myself so he doesn’t

Know okay you know what I might believe it was you if you just showed up right now Doga said he would believe it was me if I showed up so that’s exactly what I’m going to do hmm I’m not seeing you Dogo what happened here oh my gosh Teddy

Hey what’s up dude you should have seen it I swear you with that King just then what well thanks for calling me a king I appreciate that oh it’s nothing wait a minute no you’re silly I don’t like you well I think it’s safe to say that I won

The mob battle this time I don’t know if it was fair and square it was fair and square to me I mean look at my land it’s absolutely decimated which probably means I won right because my land is completely unscathed no I had a last king standing so that means I won the

Mob battle all right today we’re doing an underwater mob battle I’m secretly going to be using hacks to troll my friend using this one-way glass I can see exactly what my friend is doing at all times hey whatever Bob he spawns I can spawn the perfect counter and

Speaking of which let’s go see how my friend Doga is doing oh Doga what are you doing over here hey Jenny I’m just building my robot you know getting ready for the underwater mob battle robot robots can’t go underwater silly why are you using a robot what do you mean they

They can’t go in the water like look at this ready solution not get out of the world challenge I guess it wasn’t dumb idea yeah it was now are you ready to start this mob battle oh yeah Danny I am ready to start the small battle I’m super duper excited

Because I have not seen anyone use underwater for my battles like ever I’ve never seen it I haven’t seen it either and I’m so excited for this Dogo all right go go go go go leave leave I don’t I don’t want to see your face I want to

Win let’s go let’s go you won’t keep that confidence for long all right guys I just went on mute and as you can see with this one-way glass I can see exactly what my friend Doga is doing let’s see what moppy decides to spawn first and it looks like he’s spawning a

Weird looking green red shrimp creature oh he’s spotting a whole bunch of them wow this is gonna be an insane fight okay he’s spawning a bunch of these shrimps so it looks like I’m gonna have to spawn a bunch of a mob myself and I think I know the perfect mob to counter

These shrimps shrimps are nice creatures and what better to combat a nice creature than a mean creature so I’m going to spawn a sea devil look at these guys you do not want to mess with them these guys are crazy it will turn you to

Dinner if you so much just look at them the wrong way so doga’s mobs are gonna have absolutely no chance against these guys now I’m gonna spawn a bit more of them just so we can have an entire Army of them and these guys look at them they’re insane they’re like a whole

Family there’s no way Doga is going to be able to survive this gonna spawn a bit more around here and just like that I think our family of sea doubles is complete and look at them swimming around I don’t mean to sound weird but these guys are actually kind of cute but

At the same time they are killing machines and let’s see what docus going on with his side and it looks like he’s built a little Kermit the Frog and I have built my Kermit the Frog I mean a shrimp and I’ve built my super duper

Cool shrimp I mean look at him he’s got the same colors as these shrimps oh my gosh I love shrimp so much they’ve got like one two three four like a five billion legs it’s amazing I love you I love you shrimp shrimp I thought that was a frog that

Looks horrible but it does look kind of cute so I’ll give them points for that but since he decided to build his own mob it looks like I’m gonna have to build my mob as well I’m gonna start by placing some black wool right here make

It a little bit floating and I’m gonna make a bit of a body by placing some black wool like this now his head looks a bit bigger than the rest of his body so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do right here making it wider like this and

Make it a bit of a taller head like this now I’m going to add a bit of a mouth and give them some nice white teeth just like that it’s already starting to come along really good and it looks just like our creature right here it looks like he

Has some little white eyes in the front so that’s exactly what I’m gonna give him right here also I’m gonna make his body a little bit wider in the back because he’s looking kind of frail right now can I give him a bit of a fin gonna

Give him a fin that curves around like this and do the same thing at the bottom right here finally I’m gonna add one final fit at the back to finish it all off and just like that I think our sea devil is looking quite devilish indeed

Now with that done I think it’s about time we start our mob battle oh Doga are you about ready to start the mob battle yes I’m just spawning in all my shrimp again just because they uh they are sadly passed away I’m not sure why but

They’re close to the wall now and they are ready to go did I say shrimp I meant Iron Golem I spawned it Iron Golem why do I feel like you’re lying I think I see shrimp on the other side of this wall I mean you see see shrimp what do

You mean see the shrimp there’s a Bedrock wall here there’s no way you could have seen the shrimp oh well uh you see I have an allergy to shrimp so I get a little bit itchy when I come near the wall so I think it just knew it had

To be shrimp over there oh I suppose but that’s not shrimp I promise maybe you got an allergy to Iron Golems or something or maybe like robots because I put robots here we shall see Doga okay are you about ready to start round one of the small battle I am super duper

Ready for this battle and you’re going down there’s no possibility winning this my mobs are 10 times better than yours we’ll see about that okay the wall is coming down in three two one and let’s begin oh my gosh wait what are these oh my they’ve got like lanterns on top of

Them and they have big teeth oh no my shrimp might be in trouble here meet my friends the sea Devils there’s no way your shrimp are gonna survive this Oh look The Fight to get started it looks like these guys are going at it oh my

Gosh this fighting is so intense but I think my seat Devil’s gonna come out on top up and there he did oh my gosh why annoyed my stripper fighting each other they probably had an argument halfway through the fight and they’re just having a disagreement right now please

Come on we can go to therapy we can throw this out his shrimps can’t even get along with each other how are they gonna get along with my sea Devils oh man oh my gosh oh right over here they’re fighting again no one of them got destroyed oh there’s another fight

Right here okay they’re going at it they’re going at it no he’s about to knock him out of the Arena no no this is bad this is actually a way closer fight than I thought it would be oh and it looks like I’m only down to a

Few more sea Devils please come out on top I know okay yes yes more of that more of that how did you get the direct counter I’m just really good at Minecraft oh God I don’t know what to say it looks like there’s only a few

More sea levels left but I think they’re still gonna come out on top no do not knock them over the edge please okay good good mushroom and there’s only one more shrimp left this guy is so shrimpy he’s definitely gonna get Defeated come on it’s pretty shrimply all you have to

Do is hit him no how does this keep happening okay two against one we definitely got this come on come on shrimpleton that’s his name this is the witness name come on a 1v1 a 1v1 no come on stop running away come on yeah I thought I won the mob battle my shrimps better luck next time dog okay are you ready to start round two yeah I’m ready and you’re going down this time all right let’s see who goes down okay my sea Devils did a great job but unfortunately it’s time to clear them

Out for the next fight okay my area is all clear and ready for round two let’s see what mob doka is going to pick and it looks like he’s picking Elder Guardians wow those things are strong those are actually some of the most powerful mobs in vanilla Minecraft but

Luckily this isn’t vanilla in fact I got the perfect mod to add a little flavor to this competition see Elder Guardians are pretty strong but what are stronger than Guardians how about sharks wow doka’s gonna really be in deep water now with these sharks there’s absolutely no

Way doka’s gonna take home this Victory and we are gonna demolish his Guardians don’t get may think he’s good but let’s see if he can handle swimming with the sharks what in the world just happened looks like doke is having some technical difficulties with his side I think the

Guardians gave up on guarding whatever they were guarding Guardians more like Guardian okay I’m gonna spawn a bit more sharks so we can begin this contest and guys my family with sharks is looking quite Majestic and I think I had this Victory pretty much in the bag I think

I’m gonna check on Doga a little bit just to see how he’s doing hey Doga so what mob did you decide to spawn oh you think I’m gonna tell you which mob I’m gonna spawn you are solely mistaken there’s no way you can know my mob until

I have put down the wall well it doesn’t matter because these Guardians are getting defeated I mean wait how did you know I have a guardian huh wait no I mean you know I don’t have a guardian maybe you just had a really good guess which was incorrect by the

Way wow that was a close one guys I almost blew my cover okay I’m gonna go back on you and then I’m gonna finish my side that was super weird and it looks like dog has actually started to build something it looks kind of like a

Grenade oh no it looks like a fish because look here’s the body and here are the fins it looks kind of weird so I’m just gonna let him keep building that while I start to build my own thing I’m gonna build a shark and it’s going to look amazing watch this I’m gonna

Start by having a body floating in the air just like so yeah I’m gonna start making his head a little bit lighter than the rest just so there’s some contrast make his head a bit long because that’s the way sharks are I’m gonna make his head a bit long on the

Size because that’s the way our hammerhead sharks look and already I think this is starting to look really cool I’m gonna add some eyes on the underside just so they can see and add a bit more of a head to the top of them and wow this looks more like he’s

Wearing a hat but I still think he’s looking really cool I’m gonna add some fins on the back just so you can have an easier time swimming and I’m gonna make his body a little bit thicker in the back add another fin like so and then

Another one down here look at that that looks really really cool I’m gonna add a bit more to the top of his head just because it looks a bit flat right now I know it’s a hammerhead shark but still this is too far I’m gonna add one more

Block right here and I think we’re good with the head and finally I’m gonna add some fins on either side just to finish up the shark add some fins like so okay that’s one side done looking very good now I’m gonna do the other side exactly the same the three more blocks right

Here one two three and I think we’re done with the fins and yes our shark is looking amazing and speaking of sharks what do you guys think are better sharks or choo choo Charles leave in the comments below because I’m kind of curious now that we’re done with our

Build it’s time to look at docus and see what he has and wow this actually looks pretty good man my guardian bill is so good right now I’ve got the fence I got the spikes and I think I’m gonna give the effect of slow mining for everyone

That’d be pretty fitting that would not be fitting Doga you know his build looks pretty good but I still think it pales in comparison to our shark now while he’s finalizing his build I’m gonna add a bit more sharks just to add to the family and just like that I think we’re

Done and just about ready to start round two of this mob battle oh Doga are you about ready to start round two yes sir I am ready ready for this mob battle I’ve got an epic build I got epic mobs which somehow you kind of guessed before not

That you did guess it though oh kind of weird though but uh yeah I’m ready for this mod battle all right let’s do it the wall is coming down in three two one and go go go oh my gosh you got hammerhead sharks how are my three

Little Guardians meant to beat that your Guardians aren’t going to guard anything all they’re gonna do is be guarding their grave wait look at this the shark can’t even get really near them oh no actually the other cards are my Shark away in no the first shark is down oh my

Gosh wait your sharks kind of suck my sharks aren’t really even doing anything it looks like they need a bit of motivation but the controlled shock he should be back in line wait this shark already killed one of the Guardians oh wait why I wasn’t looking one of the

Sharks actually destroyed one of the Guardians and oh no I was looking at that one of my sharks just passed away again oh my gosh what are the goddess got taken out we only have one Guardian left oh whoa the sharks are charging the Elder guard oh my gosh no it’s taking a

Lot of damage from the Sharks oh they’re all ganging up on him there’s no way he’s gonna be able to escape no no no if they attack again my Elder Guardian is done for oh look they’re all attacking him they’re all looking and there’s no way he’s gonna survive this come on

Sharks you got it you got it yes oh my gosh and just like before round two is in another Denny Victory the Sharks did a great job but it’s time to clear them out and get ready for round three let’s see what Dogo decides to do

For his third mob and looks like he’s doing some pretty little Iron Golems what is he doing Iron Golems are perfect for an underwater battle because they can’t go to the top of the water therefore they just sink to the bottom and they don’t breathe so they can breathe underwater therefore they’re

Pretty much a fish I love fish especially when they’re made out of iron there’s no way Daddy’s winning this battle all right I guess that’s a pretty interesting justification for using Iron Golems but thankfully I have just a mob that could destroy these since Stoka is spawning giant underwater iron creatures

I think I better spawn my own giant underwater iron creature too and that is this mob right here these guys are absolutely insane look at them you do not want to mess with them and since they’re just like the Iron Golems they too won’t take any water breathing

Damage and in the back too it looks like he built a big Iron Golem so I guess I’m gonna have to build a big version of these nights soon gonna start by making some big gray feet like this and I’m gonna start making himself some legs I’m

Gonna start making him some legs too that’s already coming along really good but I’m gonna make him a bit taller than that I’m gonna do the same thing on the other side just like this I want our Knight to be pretty friendly so I’m gonna make him a bit shorter than normal

But don’t worry he still has maximum Firepower gonna start making him a little tummy like this just like that I think his tummy it’s just about complete and now I’m gonna start on his head I’m gonna make it a cool looking helmet because well that’s what they’re wearing

I’m gonna make it about this stall and then make a little bit of a roof right here in the back I’m gonna Place gray wool just like this it looks like this guy’s hell it has a bit of a division in the shape of a t in the middle so looks

Like that’s what I’m gonna do for my build I’m gonna start on the T right here and just like that the helmet looks really cool he has some horns at the top of his head too so I’m gonna add a bit of those this looks awesome it’s a

Finalized to build I’m gonna add some arms on the side and just like I said he has maximum Firepower so of course he’s gonna be t-posing to sir just dominance and just like that I think we’re about done and ready for for the next mob battle it looks like doka’s actually

Made some more progress on this build but unfortunately for him it still pales in comparison to mine oh Doga you’re just about ready to start the next battle yesterday I am ready to start this next battle I have just finished my build it is looking great good luck

Cause you’re going down all right Dogo we’ll see about that because the wall is coming down oh I’m ready you’re not gonna expect which mobs I’m using good luck well well well we’ll see about that all right the walls coming down in three two one and go go go wait what are these

These are the ferris around not oh my gosh my on Golems are going crazy right now they’re about to hit him oh and he woke him up he woke up he’s done something he did not want to do and boom this is gonna be an absolute Slaughter session and this guy’s completely

Cracked up too two cops are completely done for oh man I might have needed to spawn a couple more these guys in the back are completely scared of my knives they’re not even moving forward oh and it looks like he woke him up again and

Uh I think he’s nervous oh he did a huge ground slam and another ground slam wait I could probably heal this guy with iron I just need to go mining real quick what is Doga doing in the middle of the mob battle come on come on find some iron

Find some iron he’s completely destroying the arena silly Doga oh I didn’t find any iron well what you are finding is your defeat because your iron golems are getting absolutely rolled oh this is terrible Demi and another ax swipe there he goes and another one wow

The skull does not know who he’s messing with and one more hidden he’s gone and boom there he goes no it looks like this guy wants to smoke too but unfortunately that’s exactly what he’s gonna get boom and another hit from the ax oh this guy

Did not learn his lesson from his friend and there he goes to the Grave they literally took no damage and just healed wow all your iron golems got completely wiped out by my knight and they haven’t even been touched look at the health bars you know what I’m gonna go mine for

More iron golems man come on I need to find them please what a silly little guy he’s Mighty but he’s not gonna find any iron in fact it’s far too late for iron to fix what the damage has done I forgot it’s just Bedrock cause it’s a flat

World you’re speaking of flat it seems like your wind count is still zero because I have three wins in a row stop it he’s being a little rager baby cry about it stop I’m telling Mom tell Mom she’s not gonna be able to change the result of this in mob battle I’m

Gonna get rid of this guy and we’re about ready to start round four now let’s see what mob Doga has in store for us right now what in the world is that looks like a pet on the ground is that even a mob oh my gosh I love this head

On the ground it’s gonna be my trophies of power oh my mobs which is gonna be overpowered he seems to think ahead is gonna give him power but I think he’s getting a little ahead of himself oh man I can’t put it on uh I’m getting rid of

It wow that relationship ended quickly let’s see what Doga decides to spawn for real this time and it looks like he started spawning a bunch of sea mold Golems they look kind of crazy they look like they’re made of sea grass and some kind of underwater wood little does

Danny know that this wood is made out of birch and who likes Birch come on literally no one that’s just the most ugly wood in the game and probably the ugliest Block in the game as well hey I like Birch just because he said that I’m

Gonna teach him a little bit of a lesson since he’s using these same old creatures I’m going to use something that’s extremely powerful that’s gonna absolutely destroy these guys and it looks like he actually started spawning some more guys they look like they’re made of sea Barnacles these are some

Crazy underwater mobs and he’s even spawning more in the back wow how many does he have this is kind of crazy you’re not supposed to spawn more than one type of mob but it doesn’t matter because the mob we’re gonna use next is gonna absolutely destroy them all and

That’s because I’m using a giant squid creature look at this massive octopus there’s absolutely no way he’s gonna be able to defeat this and it looks like it’s already ready to start the fight look at how it’s hugging the wall I just can’t wait to get over there and

Completely destroy doga’s creatures I can’t help but wonder if dog is gonna build anything this time and oh look it looks like he started building a little underwater tree and it looks like he’s gonna do another one right over here I don’t really remember the last time I

Saw a tree growing underwater but doka can have what he wants no matter what he builds it’s not gonna be enough to destroy my squid creature it looks like he’s not like a tree in all four corners of the map and I don’t know why he’s

Building trees but I know what I’m gonna build I’m gonna build a model of my octopus creature I’m gonna start by making a big block of floating white wool in the air like this and he has tentacles so I’m gonna add some tentacles coming out of the side I’m

Gonna add another one down here and another one right over here another one right here just so he has more than three I’m gonna add another one right here and then another one right in the middle and then I’m gonna repeat the same thing on this side too I’m gonna

Have a little bit of a tentacle coming down here and one more coming out of the side just like this and just like that I think the tentacles are done but we need to add a bit of a face I’m gonna add some big eyes because our guy’s eyes are

Closed and I want him to see our Victory so I’m gonna give him some eyes and that actually looks really cute I’m gonna give him some eyebrows to finish it off and finally I’m gonna add a little bit of a mouse just to Finish the build and

Look at that that looks so cute and amazing but now that that’s done I think we’re ready to start round four of the mob battle hey Doga are you about ready to start yes Daddy I am super duply ready I’ve got all my mobs ready to destroy whatever you’ve spawned oh well

We’ll see how your little tree creatures hold up against my squid creature I mean my what how did you know that uh I just had a hunch there were some trees on the other side of the wall because trees produce oxygen and I noticed I could suddenly breathe easier oh that’s such a

Strange reason to know that my tree creatures are tree creatures um you know this is an underwater battle so I I don’t even understand why you would try to guess even something remotely clear to land I was trying to like curveball it and give a tree creature not that they are actually

Because um they are all a bunch of piranhas and fishies and uh they’re gonna come kill whatever fish you’ve spawned interesting that you see that well we’ll see in about 10 seconds are you ready to start the mob battle yep five four three two one and the walls

Are down the fighting has begun what is that this is my giant octopus creature that you have absolutely no chance against wait what is that what is this this is my little octopus buddy do you like him he looks ugly as heck we’ll see who looks ugly once this battle is over

Because I’m gonna turn your mobs into mince meat tricks on you they’re made out of wood well I’m gonna turn them to shreds I’m gonna turn them to paper and on that paper I’m gonna print money oh yeah well imma turn your octopus squid thing into calamari oh my gosh it looks

Like he’s starting to shoot Fireballs at the guys he’s gonna shoot another one oh there he goes shooting another Fireball oh this one’s gonna be a direct hit oh and another Direct Hit right there and another Direct Hit I’m gonna punch him back right here and boom I’m gonna punch

This Fireball right into them boom this is so much fun me and my squid creature make a great team and boom a direct hit stop stop go away oh man this guy’s overpowered he’s killing all my mobs your mobs are too scared to even fight back it looks like you guys have finally

Started to actually come from my guy oh no they’re actually kind of eating away in his health fight back fight back fight back come on please play please you need to hurry up and fight back no my creature is getting destroy Droid oh my gosh am I about to win around

Yes I totally won that round Jenny what just happened I can’t believe I just lost oh look the rain has even started for you if we go above oh it’s the sad rain are you sad Teddy no I’m so sad I can’t believe I just lost and I cheated

Too I mean what wait what uh nothing I just said I beat it I I beated my personal record for push-ups yesterday I did 50 in a row all right well I’m ready for the final round which has I’ll be honest I’ve got a secret mode which is

Definitely gonna defeat you we’ll see about that Doga and how about for this Final Round The Winner Takes all all right I’ll see you there at the Finish Line actually I won’t see you at the Finish Line because you will not finish the only thing I’m gonna see you at is

Your funeral get ready to be destroyed Doga oh we’ll see about that Daddy all right the walls are going back up it’s time to start the fifth and Final Round okay let’s see what dog is size to pick for its Fifth and final mob and they look like massive sea serpents oh my

Gosh these guys are absolutely humongous how am I gonna combat these guys and they’re even coming on my side I don’t even know if I have something that can be able to fight these guys nah I’m just joking I have the perfect mob to combat those things what better to find a giant

Sea creature with than another giant sea creature unleash the kraken look at this massive bee this thing is so p and just because I want to show you guys I’m gonna go in survival real quick just so it’s gonna absolutely destroy me look how much damage it did I was dead in two

Hits and I’m so eager to get this battle started so let’s just go straight into it no builds no nothing let’s just jump right into it odoga are you ready for our final battle I’m ready Chuck down that will run now before they get over the wall all right let’s bring down the

Wall Final Countdown three two one and the wall is gone the battle begins oh is that a kraken and they’re making a B-Line throw my crack into they’re gonna attack it oh my gosh but my crack is fighting back valiantly go go oh my gosh my Kraken is destroying them but they’re

Also destroying my Kraken this is a very even fight oh my gosh I only have one serpent left no this is a tragedy this fight is absolutely crazy my crackiness already managed to destroy a few of them oh oh it looks like they’re fighting my crack isn’t doing too I don’t know but

Just one more just one more final fight are you circling around him he’s trying to decide if he wants to spare his light or ruin it can still go away sea creature there’s still a chance for you to live a happy life you don’t have to

Contend with my Kraken leave get a job start a family even Dogo wants you to leave come on it’s it’s not worth it it’s no use the sea creatures fighting bravely against the Kraken even though there’s absolutely no chance of Victory and just like that the sea creature is

Destroyed in the Kraken emerges Victorious no it did lose two tentacles though so it’s not like they didn’t put up a good fight yeah they did sure put up a good fight especially that last one at the end man I just don’t get it how

Do you know the direct counter to all my mobs well doger I feel like I have to come clean about something really Doga I want you to take a look at this wall right now and tell me what you notice um you accidentally placed glass no

Silly go on the other side of it oh I see so you switched it to bedrock now because it was glass before no silly I’m using one-way glass meaning I could see exactly what you’re replacing the entire time One Way Glass wait left bedrock boss Bedrock gloss Bedrock gloss better

Daddy did you cheat yes still guy I’ve been cheating the entire time but it doesn’t matter because I won the mob battle are you serious I’m so angry get away from me with that thing oh I’m gonna come get you in the mob killer yeah yeah okay I feel better now it’s okay

Doga maybe you win next time but honestly I doubt it okay today we’re doing a Minecraft mob battle we have secretly going to be using hacks to throw my friend using the security camera mod I can go to one of these cameras and see exactly what my friend

Doga is doing in all times and because I can see him I can see exactly what mobs he chooses and I can choose the perfect counter and speaking of Doga let’s go see how he’s doing over here odoga where are you oh he’s right over there hey hey

I want you to meet someone this it’s my grandpa this is your grandpa he looks I mean he looks nothing like you how is this your grandpa uh great great great great great great great great great grandpa uh not to be rude but he doesn’t

Look so great to me I mean look he dies in one hit for my sword you could take a little cry baby your grandpa was long fastest time to die anyway how many greats was there like 12. bro said great great great great great grandpa bro it’s a great great

Great miracle he’s not already dead yeah you’re right okay let’s start this mob battle all right let’s do it don’t go I’m gonna go back on my side and let’s get started okay I’m back on my side and look at this this is the best part using

The security camera mod I could go in and see exactly what he’s doing look at him and let’s see what Mommy decides to pick first looks like he’s spotting more things that look like his great grandpa and those must be his cousins are his nephews or something but it looks like

They’re gonna be easy to defeat I mean they only have wooden swords oh and speaking of wood what’s you guys’s favorite type of wood in Minecraft I’m kind of curious because a lot of people hate on burst but I like Birch so yeah leave in the comments what your favorite

Wood is because I’m kind of curious and also leave in the comments which one you like better wood or choo choo Charles okay docus mobs kind of look crazy but it’s okay because I have the perfect mod to counter them you see Enderman don’t like water so if I use a water-based mob

I should be able to just watch them right away and they won’t even be able to fight back and that’s why I’m going to use the yeti and you might be thinking what this isn’t water-based well it’s ice based and because we’re not in an ice biome the ice should melt

Right off into water and be able to destroy the Enderman on the other side additionally it’s just really strong so I don’t think this guy’s gonna get defeated anyway all right I’m gonna spawn a bit more of these all over the place just like this and just a few more

All around right here just to complete the whole family it completely obliterate donkey’s Army okay I’m Gonna Keep spotting my yetis all around just like this and I think the yeti family is just about done and oh my God I can even hear doga’s creatures making weird

Noises across the wall why is there a hole in the wall right here uh guys I think doka is trying to cheat okay if I just open this wall I could probably see inside of what he’s doing hey Doga what are you doing oh man I didn’t get to get a good

Concert what Mommy has dang it Doga do not try to cheat like that again cheating is bad and no one should ever cheat ever you’re right I’m sorry I will never cheat ever that’s crazy guys I can’t believe he tried to cheat what’s a good thing he doesn’t know that we’re

Cheating too okay now that we have our family of Yeti set up I think it’s about time we begin the mob battle in adoga are you ready I am so ready right now I don’t know if you can hear them I hope you can’t or see them that’d be that’d

Be insane if you could see them but eyes have spawned every single one of my mobs right now and I’ve been thinking winning this they’ve got really sharp swords I mean uh nothing yeah I don’t think those puny little Enderman are gonna do anything against my guys wait wait wait

Wait what endo and the what uh Ender and uh uh how did you how I I didn’t say anything I said end your man yeah I said end your man because my yetis are still about to end your man you ready to drop the wall yeah I’m ready all right now people

Oh my gosh what is that wait what are these things oh my gosh they’re massive these are my snow yetis and the water that comes from the snow is so gonna destroy your Enderman wait but that’s my direct counter to my mobs how did you

Know uh I had my waist yoga but don’t worry about it but what we need to be worrying about is this fight over here it looks like one of my yet he’s just completely obliterated one of your guys and he’s going for another one right behind the tree right there and oh my

Gosh go go go go get there he goes it kind of looks like they’re getting poisoned right come on little guys do something you’re just watching what are you doing you’re useless freaking dummy head oh my gosh don’t guys think it’s a little Ranger baby oh my gosh I’m sorry

I’m sorry okay I I better keep my cool I’m sorry but you don’t need to cope because your guys are so dead regardless oh oh man this sucks oh no it looks like they actually defeated one of my guys I can’t believe it wow small victory for

Them I suppose another one here another one here you’re getting outnumbered I think oh no there are actually a lot more of your guys than mine actually no I have a ton left they’re all just chilling out in the back though slacking off hey man we’re in a mob battle not in

A mob Lounge get in the front lines this sucks I don’t like this game yeah because you’re losing sorry about that Doga but it looks like you should have just picked a better mob oh no I’ve got one more left and it’s attacking they’re attacking oh you guys so done for this

Again no your guy bit the dust and looks like I won the first of all battle are you freaking serious you dang it I hate you mobs listen you kill my guy I kill your guy oh no daddy should not mess with my yetis on to the next round I guess yeah

On to the next round and you’re gonna get equally obliterated in this round as you did the last ah get off my son I don’t know how you knew the perfect count out of my mobs but I’ll figure it out all right I got my eye on you yeah

Don’t go it’s not like I’ve been cheating on you this entire time I have not been cheating all right let’s begin to start round two all right all right my yetis and there’s snow water to grave but unfortunately I’m gonna have to clear them out goodbye buddy you did a

Great service to your country and once again I’m gonna hop into my security camera and see what mob dog is planning to use and it looks like he’s planning a bunch of cactuses uh what does he think Cactus are gonna do cactus more like a bactus because they’re bad okay I don’t

Know what dolka’s motive is for spawning Cactus but I should have known my motive and that is to kill them all and I think I know exactly which mob is going to undergo that task Cactus just are just plants and what happens when plants get

Too hot they try up and they lose all their life force I’m going to use a super hot mob that can Scorch the plant to the ground and I think I know exactly which one to use and that is the Wildfire these guys may have lost a mob

Boat but they are sure not losing this mob battle okay I’m gonna spawn a bit more of them like this I don’t want my terrain to catch on fire but it’s okay because I want doga’s mobs to catch on fire I’m gonna place a bit more of them

Because Noka kind of had a lot last round I don’t want to get outnumbered like that again and just like that I think my family of wildfires is complete and I think I’m gonna check on Dogo one last time and see what he’s doing it looks like he hasn’t really done

Anything else except play some more cactuses but I mean no matter how many cactuses there are my blazers are still gonna tear through them I mean zero times 100 is still zero am I right learn that from Naruto it looks like he spawned a mini version of it oh my God

Wait I gotta zoom up on this it looks like Doga is playing with it and it’s running away from him oh my God his own moms don’t even like him unfortunately this is the most I can zoom so I’m actually gonna check out a different

Camera and go and see what’s up gonna go right here and okay we got a very good view right here what is he doing he’s like is he trying to sit on it oh my God you can’t do that man I’ve got all these overpowered cactuses here they’re all

Gonna attack whatever Dan’s placing and then I got this little baby one to encourage my whole Army there’s no way it’s gonna work oh I’m still gonna win this dude you’re gonna win with these Beauty little cactuses I don’t know why out of all the mobs you could have chosen

Dragon’s creatures giant beasts he chose cactuses that is such a common Dogo L okay I think we’re ready to start this mob battle uh Doga are you ready oh yeah I’m ready I just got done placing my uh I’m not gonna say well I know their cactuses anyway oh shoot you know the

What I think I swear you just said exactly this right mob that I placed but uh that’s a plot so uh I don’t know if you can hear that uh I did not say they’re cactuses I said it it’s cap it says because it’s such cap that you’re

Gonna win this mob battle because you’re not that’s cap stop the cap cut the cap okay I yes I believe you all right I’m gonna put down the one three two one now oh and there we go the mobs are Unleashed on each other wait you got the

Fire type mom wait that’s so silly how did you know the exact Council because this is flammable I’m just using fire mobs because I’m on fire today and it looks like a road then we’re already cooked why would you choose such pathetic weak mobs because if you run

Into them you die well they’re not running into anybody they’re just staying completely still they’re too scared to even move what about my baby Cactus he’s gonna get equally cooked in fact I’m gonna be the one to do the honors where is he he made a little

Noises oh no you better tell your little Cactus to get back before he gets sniped I’ll protect you little Cactus I’ll protect you uh oh is that gonna hit him it’s not gonna hit him oh my God [Applause] I told you it was cat that they were

Gonna win why would you choose to spawn a baby on the battlefield because maybe they will encourage everyone to not die to save it no you’re being a baby you think that’s what’s gonna happen the only babies in this mob battle are these cactuses because they’re gonna be

Reincarnated because they died the only babies at this freaking mob battles all right I’ll see you in the next round we have a problem now we got beef I’m gonna find where you live I know your IP address and speaking of beef speaking of beef I’m gonna turn you into steak because

I’m gonna stick a steak in your body you did not just say that oh yeah well I’m gonna get some sushi and put it in your body all right I’ll see you in the next round Jenny well I don’t think I will because your mobs are gonna be dead

Before I can even lay eyes on them yeah we’ll see about that yeah we will see don’t get so bad at this okay I’m gonna go ahead and pick my next mob for round three but after we look at what Doga is planning let’s go into this security camera right here we’re gonna

Use a different angle this time and looks like he’s using some kind of weird looking Gremlin creature oh my God he actually went really close to my security camera for a sec if you guys don’t know the security cameras are physical so if Doga finds him I’m pretty

Much dead I have placed the most genius mob it cannot be shot like the Blazers it cannot be hit like the snow girls It could only be walked on and once it gets walked on they get snapped up it looks like he wants a mob to walk all over

Them so that’s exactly the kind of mob I’m gonna spawn one that’s gonna completely walk over them both literally and metaphorically and what is this weird white box I have around myself okay turn that off real quick because it looked kind of silly I don’t want to be

White okay what better mop to walk over those guys than a hard iron we’re gonna break their teeth so for this battle I’m gonna use iron golems but don’t worry I’m not gonna just use any normal iron golems I’m going to use giant iron golems just like this oh my God they’re

Massive these guys are already Strong Enough by themselves but when they’re massive their damage is Amplified as well there’s absolutely no idea Doga is taking on the victory on this round and I think we knew that from the start but it’s good to just have some Assurance I

Mean look at these guys you do not want to mess with them I’m gonna go on survival and I’m going to show you why not oh my God two hits so yeah now that you know how strong these guys are you guys should have absolutely no doubt

That I’m taking on the victory in this round oh it actually created that little hole in the wall right there gotta pass it up don’t want Joker to think we’re cheating on him okay I think I’m about ready to start this mob battle so I’m

Gonna unmute and ask if dog is ready oh Doga you ready to start I’m ready oh my gosh these moves are overpowered you’re not winning there’s there’s literally no way you can win uh I think there’s no way I can lose wait till you see my mob

In about 10 seconds I really don’t think you are ready yeah we’ll see about that all right Bud all right Bud the wall is dropping in three two one and there the wall goes and it’s time to fight I don’t think you’re on Gomes know exactly where

My mobs are wait a minute I am golden iron’s not going to be very good for what my mob is yeah you guys want something to bite on how about you bite on a hard iron they’re gonna break your jaws wait how did you know my mob’s butt

They’re hidden uh well I actually did my research and looks like this is the monster of the grass and these guys are known to bite um that’s kind of weird don’t worry about it Dogo what we need to be worrying about is the outcome of this

Battle and it looks like my iron golems are kind of a bit shy wait oh my gosh oh never mind looks like they’re trying to strike right now and what are they doing come on guys get him get him oh my God oh okay Lord stay back stay back Guys

These guys are too strong oh no my plans and shambles everyone get them all at once all at once oh my God I’m talking each other they’re getting killed all at once why would you choose such a bad booty mob oh my gosh it looks like they’re kind of getting enraged now all

Right my iron golems are on the way to destroy your guys whatever little of your guys you have left I only have one guy left oh and he just got hit from all the way over here oh my God overpowered your guys that is supposed to show how

Powerful they are maybe he bit him before and died of the toothache oh man I hate two things going to the dentist sucks but it’s very good for you so uh kids definitely go to the dentist yeah and if you can’t go to the dentist be

Sure to always brush and floss at least two minutes at a time and it really helps to preserve your teeth so you don’t end up like dog as a great great great great grandpa well actually he survived very long so maybe you should end up like this well he didn’t have

Very good teeth and I could tell because I’m the one that killed him so oh okay well in that case yeah yeah why are you crying dude it’s over get over it I’m crying from how long you’re taking to start the next round okay you want to get the attitude

Well I’ll show my gratitude because I’m going to destroy you in this next round round four we’ll see about that and it’s round three it’s round three okay now that it’s round three I can put away my iron golem and I can go and check my security camera and see what dog is

Plotting for us I’m gonna use a different camera this time I’m gonna use number two which is all the way at the top and he’s absolutely not gonna see it so let’s go ahead and zoom in zoom in real quick and see what he spawns it

Looks like he’s doing whoa what is that giant red octopus looking creature that guy looks insane I’ve got the most overpowered mob in the game right now there is no possible way that that is ever gonna beat this thing you don’t have to use a really really really good

Mob yeah I will I mean look at that guy he has about 10 eyes I mean I only have two that means he’s about five times more powerful than even me but it’s a good thing because those eyes might actually be a disadvantage for it because I have the perfect mob to

Counter it you see there’s one thing that humans actually are not supposed to look at and that is very very bright light specifically the Sun so what better mop to spawn then the freaking Sun itself this guy looks crazy there’s absolutely no way Douglas gonna be able to combat him because the mesmerizer

Isn’t even going to be able to see it I mean look how bright and radiant it is the Sun is going to Scorch his eyes and he is not going to be able to win this mob challenge because look at what is going on he’s vandalizing my territory

Holy Ghost okay I’m not okay I’m gonna go ahead and destroy him and wait till the mother actually starts oh my God look at the damage he caused Oh Daddy are you ready need to start the mob battle uh yeah I’m about ready in a sec

I just have to clean up something real quick real quick real quick what do you mean clean up something did it there’s something bad should I uh buff up my mob I’m gonna go ahead and extinguish all the Spire oh my God I can’t believe the sun did that on accident imagine what

Happens when he’s fully focused on what he’s trying to destroy don’t guess mob is gonna have no chance okay I just managed to clean up all that fire and I think I’m about ready to start this mob battle odoga are you ready oh I am ready

And I better put the wall down soon so my thing doesn’t fly away I mean anyways okay time to drop the wall in three two one and it’s time oh the wolf’s down in you got the sun oh no that’s gonna be terrible for my thing with eyes the eyes

No you’re gonna need eye cream you’re gonna have to go to a close pharmaceutical you’re gonna have to get all the eye drops down oh my gosh do you even have a wallet do you even have a bank account let me tell you oh my God look at all the havings

They’re causing and oh my God they are so blinding this guy he’s not gonna do anything about it he’s striking all the lightning he can strike all the lightning he can but it’s not gonna help him and actually I think it’s my sons who are striking the lightning at him oh

My gosh I didn’t even know the sun could do that this is insane oh my God yes I learned about in third grade science class holy cow no I can I can water his eyes I can water his eyes that is disgusting oh my God almost as

Disgusting as this damage my son is doing holy cow dude oh damage back damage back you guys getting the whipped oh but he can’t no no yeah you noticed the mesmerizer maybe Mesmerize these wins and your mesmerizers not so mesmerizing because he’s getting vaporized he should be called the

Vaporizer oh my gosh Come on why’d you have to spawn the literal Sun that’s cheating oh your guy has a lot of eyes so I had to spawn something that would blind your eyes I mean what what how did you know that well uh uh uh uh well a

Lot of creatures in this mod pack have a lot of eyes so I I you know I just kind of took a guess it had my gamer intuition that was right well I made that counter is pretty good like almost so good that you took already half the

Health of the best boss in the game uh who evidently he’s not not the best boss because my sons are completely destroying it oh my look at your mesmerizo’s health it’s not doing so good oh for something called the mesmerizer this is not mesmerizing at all oh it’s not mesmerizing for me

You’re right oh no he’s getting destroyed now oh he’s getting striked instructed strike without lightning boom boom boom boom boom Oh my God it looks like he just got one thing I wasn’t mesmerizing was this loss wow that box was almost mesmerized against your great great great great grandpa

He’s dead oh I get it yeah guess on to the last round all right on to the last round and I’m going to completely destroy you in this one yeah we’ll see about that Denny get on your side of the wall do that Pronto okay it’s time for

The next mob battle and I’m going to see what dog has spawn using my security camera right here and we’re gonna go into camera four and see it looks like ew it kind of looks like the thing he spawned before but these guys look even weaker they look like a weird slug

Creatures why would he spawn these the only thing they’re gonna get slugged are by me because I’m gonna slug them into the ground these things are so adorable I love them so much I’m even gonna build a massive Monument just for them adorable more like a horrible I’m still

Gonna destroy them this Mod’s like a weak sauce but I’m still gonna do my best and because of that I’m going to use a perfect mob to counter them and what better the counter slugs in a bone serpent serpents actually eat slugs in real life and on top of the fact of that

They’re beta bones and they’re all dried up and what is dry salt because salt is also a weakness for Slugs so because of their exposure and a lot of salt they must have dried up and that is going to be perfect because our mob on the other

Side of the wall hates salt and we’re gonna completely destroy it and like picking up destroying I keep accidentally destroying this wall I gotta stop okay this bone sermon looks insane I think these guys will have no trouble taking them down but just because I want to go Overkill I’m going

To spawn a whole bunch of them and holy cow these guys look insane wow they’re like a whole family of just bone serpents oh my God bro Dogo is about to be my servant to my serpents and I’m actually gonna check out Doga One Last Time see how he’s doing we’re gonna go

To camera two this time and wow actually it looks like he started to build something right here I’ve got a nice little build of my Abomination but it’s not an Abomination it’s actually a really cute little mob so I’m gonna make a cute version of that mob not saying

It’s not cute though uh cute I don’t know if we’re looking at the same mob here but this guy looks more like a brute than cute and looks like he’s building a red snowband or something well we’ll just let him cook and see what he decides to build and I guess

He’s building a giant socket for an eye looks like yeah he’s falling into a white concrete so it can only be an eye and because he’s putting a giant cute version of his mob I guess I’m going to have to build a giant cute version of mine okay let’s get started I’m gonna

Start by making some balls of bone right here to go and start on the body and I’m planning on making a giant serpent just rapping all the way around the arena I think it’s gonna look really cool give my bone serpents a lot of inspiration okay we’re gonna make it expand over

Here a little bit more and then I’m gonna make it expand all the way around here just like this I’m gonna wrap it all the way around the arena just like this and then now I’m gonna make it a bit taller right here and this is

Exactly where that head is going to be so let’s start by making the jaw we’re gonna make it a bit larger than the rest of his body just like this and then I’m gonna make the rest of the head by making a little bit of a section on top

It’s just like this yeah this is already looking really good and we’re going to finish this in record time that I’m gonna add a little bit of something right here just so we can put his eyes because I feel like just putting his eyes in the middle of nowhere will look

Kind of weird I won’t do it justice so I made two little lumps coming out of the top of his head and of course we’re gonna add his eyes right here we’re gonna make them nice and slender just like what a real Serpent’s Eyes look like and oh my God that looks really

Cool actually I’m actually gonna make his eyes a bit wider because they look kind of dull right now and the last thing I want our serpent to look like is tired because he’s going to need all the energy he can get to win this mob battle

We’re gonna make the teeth out of white wool just like this make a bit more at the top right here and that looks really cool oh my God this is actually coming along really cool I’m gonna make some more right here on the bottom because he

Needs teeth on both the top and bottom you can’t just have teeth at the top and there we go I think our head is done the last thing we really need to add are the horn thinks that the real bone serpent has we just need to add these cool

Looking three bone horn things at the top so let’s get started on that we’re gonna go ahead and make them coming out of the top just like this it kind of looks like he has a bit of a mohawk but it’s okay and then we’re gonna add another one coming out diagonally like

That and then one more coming out diagonally on the other side just like that oh my god that actually looks so cool he kind of looks like Big Nate a little bit with that haircut but I like it it’s definitely way better than this monstrosity dog I tried to build right

Here I mean look at this thing it looks like a My Singing Monster except the only thing that’s about to get sung is a sad song at his funeral because we’re gonna complete yoga are you ready to begin the mob battle I am super ready for this mob

Battle my mobs are all set up yo moms are probably uh pretty bad compared to mine I got my nice build and yeah I think I’m winning the smart battle we’ll see about that okay you ready to drop the wall yep in three two one now whoa

Is that a massive ship it oh it’s just your build anyway whoa what are these Shepherds on the ground you like them these are my bone serpents and they’re gonna completely destroy whatever these weird slug creatures are these are weird slug creatures they’re my babies wait what’s going on one in the Morningside

Wait they’re actually kind of getting destroyed wait a second this is not supposed to be happening my creatures aren’t even fighting back come on Destroy them destroy him wait a minute I don’t think my guys are even gonna attack are these guys not even aggressive wait let me go into survival

Mode real quick and oh no these guys don’t even want to attack me I think I messed up I think I messed up I think I judged by appearance isn’t that something you should never do so I’m so sorry I judge these guys and they look really scary so I thought they were

Gonna absolutely destroy these guys but it looks like they want to have a nice chill time but unfortunately for me these guys do not want to have a chill time they want to see my guy chilling in the grave oh no I think it’s inevitable

But I think I lost this mob challenge no actually I cannot give up yet I’m going to cheat I know I shouldn’t do this but I’m actually going to use the morph mod in transforming so one of those bone creatures I’m gonna go over here while Doga isn’t looking I’m gonna go right

Behind this little weird building I’m going to use the morph mod I’m gonna transform into one of my bone serpents just like this and oh my God there’s no way he’s gonna be able to sell it to me oh my gosh I’m totally winning this mob

Battle get him get him he sucks he sucks get him okay good luck silly serpent you’re done for okay I’m coming out of the Woodworks right here and I’m gonna go and attack his mob yeah get this one now get this one now yeah oh my God he died

Okay maybe that was just a glitch uh hey little guy I know you’re hiding over here but like you gotta go you gotta go get him yeah he is gonna go go to his grave we’re gonna completely destroy him it’s right there he’s right there come

On get him get him get him I’m gonna check him out what the heck this one’s moving all weird all right just like that I’m gonna jab and float like a butterfly sting like a bee yeah boom it’s gone how did I lose this battle hey

Dan where are you oh dog is on to me I’m gonna go ahead and hide behind a corner right here and switch back to my normal self switching back switching back it takes kind of a bit so I need to stall for a little bit okay okay we’re back to

Normal dog I’m right over here did you see the outcome that fight that was crazy oh Dan hey uh yeah somehow I lost even though I thought these guys were passive I thought they were too but it looks like one of them had a bit of fire

Inside of him well that’s super duper stupid weird yeah okay Doga you lost his round and you lost all the previous rounds before it but I’m gonna make you a once in a lifetime deal oh yeah what is it If Everyone likes and subscribes right now

I’m gonna give you one final chance to win this and if you win this last round you’re going to win the entire thing come on everyone please like And subscribe right now I might have a chance like And subscribe if you want to see don’t go get another chance in three

Two one hit that subscribe button right now please come on hit it hit it quickly all right guys thanks for subscribing and because you did I’m going to give Dogo one last chance to redeem himself even though I don’t really know if it’ll make any difference oh it will all right

Let’s see you in the next round yes sir let’s hop to it and begin the final round okay it’s time for the final round and I’m going to check my camera one final time and see what Doga is is doing we’re gonna go to camera number four and

Looks like he still has this thing in the way I don’t know why this is still here I don’t know why he has to clean this up yet oh my God looks like he’s spotting some yetis over there and some small miserable even go for the big one doka’s kind of

Been throwing this entire time but it’s okay because that just makes it easier for us and uh oh look at the top actually I think he stepped up his game a little bit it spotted Alpha Yeti but I’m gonna check my camera just to make

Sure and oh my gosh yeah he is actually stepping it up I think I spoke too soon yeah I spoke way too soon he’s not just spawning one he’s spotting two the deadly Duo and on top of that he has a bunch of children too I mean they are

Small but I think they still will pack a punch so I need to bring my best efforts to this mod battle and because of that I’m going to use the perfect counter to his mobs since they’re snow based I’m going to use a mob that is Firebase and

What better mop to spawn than a fire creature like this oh my gosh this guy looks crazy he looks like he really means business if you guys have ever seen Ghostbusters he actually kind of looks like the ghost at the beginning I mean not like you guys have seen it

Because you’re really young but I mean if your parents know what it is tell them to you know that’s not it because since this is the last round I’m going to go all out and I’m gonna make these guys humongous oh my my word I’m gonna

Spot a whole bunch of them and create my massive giant army I feel so bad for Adobe he’s gonna get completely obliterated this is my battle and there’s abs olutely gonna make them bigger just like that and let’s do another one and these final two over here yes you guys just

Turned go ahead and grow up for me right quick go ahead and grow up for me right quick and just like that we have a whole family of giant fire creatures hey these guys are not fooling around they will melt you if you even so much just look

At them the wrong way or even breathe in their Direction they just don’t want you to breathe at all they’re going to make you not breathe because they’re going to kill you okay I’m gonna check the security camera one last time just to see if dog is doing anything else and it

Looks like oh it looks like he’s actually built a little bit of a Yeti let me change my camera angle real quick because that was not really the best view for it so let’s go to the one at the top and it kind of looks just like

The Woody built last round I think dog is completely giving up I think dog has completely giving up on both his mobs and his bills but it’s okay we’ll entertain them and build our own little guy and to do that I’m gonna set a little bit of myself in the sky how

About how about 10 blocks in the sky just like this I’m gonna grab my brush and send it to orange wool and make a bit of a giant sphere in the air it’s just like that wow look at that but I want it to be massive so I’m gonna make

A whole bunch all around here okay just like that we’re gonna fill in all the little crevices because it looks kind of uneven right now so just like this I’m going to keep on brushing all around just like this and oh my God I don’t want to create a Shadow below it because

I think mobs will accidentally spawn but it’s okay because we have mobs falling off so it doesn’t really matter so I’m just gonna go ahead and continue placing the original like this make it absolutely massive just so Doga will get maximumly intimidated so I’m just gonna

Finish it up just like this because I don’t think we have much time left so I’m Gonna Keep On placing it just like this like this like this and I’m Gonna Keep On placing it just like this and I think this is looking really good guys

But it’s almost done just a few more all around the edges because like I said it kind of looks a bit uneven right now so I’m just gonna place it a bit like this like this like this and a few more blocks all around here and honestly

Right now I think we are done with it and then for the final part I’m gonna add a little bit of a stem coming off well I say it’s a little but it’s actually quite big I’m gonna make it a bit smaller than that okay this should

Be the perfect size and yeah that looks really really cool and then finally this guy has a face so we won’t be doing it justice if we don’t add a face to it I’m gonna make some eyes just like this and then right after this I’m gonna add a

Little bit of a mouth right here and a w shape and okay this looks really really cool and just like that I think we we are done with our pumpkin building I think it is time to start the final mob battle toga are you ready to begin

Yesterday I am super duper ready to begin I think these mobs are so much better than my last ones because you know I had a couple rough ones which I don’t know how my last ones got defeated but anyways it’s it’s fine yeah they may be better than your last ones but they

Are sure going to be your last ones because my guys are so going to destroy them how do you know mine are better though you just said they’re better what okay anyways Danny I’m ready and I’m ready to get ready to drop that wall in

A second all right three and go and oh there they go this guy’s already getting the mulch look at their health bar what oh I just destroyed one of your fire guns wait a minute one of my guys actually just got destroyed really quickly oh no that’s not good no it’s

Just getting wrecked stop no and oh oh wait one of them actually just got destroyed oh no continues it looks like one of your yetis has already fallen wait he’s crying he’s crying did you see that yeah he is crying because his family is getting destroyed oh no this

Is a tragedy where do the other ones go it looks like it’s just this one last loader left and he’s not gonna be able to pull through but we’ll see oh no and oh my gosh it looks like your Yeti has been defeated are you serious right meow

These guys don’t even look that big they don’t even look that fiery they’re just balls I hate balls well my balls were too big for you and they completely destroyed your creatures man do you have pretty average sized Bulls I think I don’t know if they could destroy my

Creatures well you could get upset about my balls if you want I mean my orange boss totally defeated your blue balls why I should have made them all shriveled up looks like your guys just got blue balls it could compete against my orange balls all right another my

Guys won I think it’s safe to say I won the mob battle I guess it’s fair and square yeah oh I’m gonna go over to this corner and cry about it wait a minute oh nice this uh that is okay Dogo I have to come clean about

Something what this whole time I’ve been using security cameras go ahead and look at this Monitor and try them out for yourself wait a minute oh my clipply gosh you’ve been looking at me and spying on me this whole time yeah dog I’ve been spying on you without your

Permission and I’ve been able to see exactly which mobs you’re placing the entire time so I can spawn the perfect counter so you cheated I guess I win then all right you can have the win this time since I cheated I think that seems fair yay I win all right guys that’s

Going to do it for this video thank you so much for watching be sure to leave a comment which mob you thought was your favorite personally I think the bone surfing was my favorite the yeti the yeti or choo choo Charles I love choo choo choos all right guys that’s gonna

Do it for this video I’m Denny and October and we’re done we’ll see on the next one peace I’m better I’m better I’m better I’m better I’m better I’m better I’m better I’m better either one you’re just gonna have a lot of fun

This video, titled ‘I CHEATED In a MINECRAFT MOB BATTLE!!!’, was uploaded by Denny on 2023-01-20 15:00:08. It has garnered 412725 views and 1900 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:12 or 5592 seconds.


Today DennyTV and his friend DogaTV THE NOOB do a Minecraft Mob Battle! Denny secretly CHEATED to see exactly what mobs Doga placed down! Then Denny places exact counters to whatever Doga places!

#minecraft #dennytv #prank

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

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  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

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  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

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  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

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  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

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  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

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  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

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  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

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  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More