SHOCKING: Pomni Pregnant with Twins in Block Buddies Movie!

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Today we’re doing a build challenge with the amazing digital circus but wait py are you pregnant uh yeah I am so do you guys mind building me a family house oh don’t worry that’s exactly what we were planning on doing right TV man uh what

In the what a family house I thought we were going to build a super cool gaming house what do you mean I don’t care that she’s pregnant uh TV man that’s really rude and that’s something you should never say to a woman and you guys are

Going to build me a family house uh yeah what she said TV man the baby’s coming soon we have to get this house done and by we I mean like you mostly to be honest hey don’t forget about me I’ll be helping too but quick thing congratulations pomy I hope it’s a

Healthy birth yeah I sure hope things go well I mean last time that was uh yeah that was something all right let’s build this house I guess I’ll do this for you guys since you guys are pretty cool and you know I’m friends with most of you

Guys here uh I wouldn’t really say we’re friends maybe like acquaintances co-workers maybe are you serious right now J come on dude you know we’re friends stop blabbering on we have a job to do let’s continue building uh well I’m starting to feel a little tired so

I’m going to relax over here but you guys better finish up my house okay don’t worry pommy we’re going to build the absolute best house for our baby yeah hurry up TV man do that already what are you talking about Jack you have to help out anyway isn’t this your kid

Are you serious right now well yeah but I got to make sure uh pom’s okay I can’t worry about the house well anyway let’s just hope that this baby’s not like evil or anything that would be pretty bad and when is the baby supposed to come too

Jackson you know why are you asking me man do I look like a doctor but hopefully it’s not before the house is finished all right well anyway let’s keep building up this house and Kane we should probably add like a little baby room for like when the baby actually

Comes H you’ve got the points I was creating a couch but I guess we can make a baby room real quick all right let’s do that I’m going to work on the exterior and why don’t you help out with the interior let’s add some of this

Right here and boah there we go wait should we add like a TV for the baby no no no we don’t want to R the baby’s brain we should put like a little play pin what do you mean dude TVs are the best you know I’m literally TV man are

You serious right now you’ve got a point I guess we could add a TV but we need to limit their game time all right let’s add like a little like crib or something we could use some fences all right let me see what we got here and oh we got to

Add a bathroom but wait babies literally don’t know how to go to the bathroom okay maybe we should add like another thing all right here we go here’s going to be the crib there we go let’s put down some carpets so they’re comfortable yes sir let’s do that right now we’ll

Put it right here and here and oh my goodness that looks so good M I don’t think purple would work it’s probably going to be a boy so we should probably make it like blue or something oh wait Kane you’re actually so right dude let’s make it blue uh guys my stomach’s are

Really starting to hurt I’m just going to chill a little more well I mean the baby’s not supposed to come for a couple weeks I think I don’t really remember what the doctor said but I’m sure it’s just like I don’t know a stomach ache or something Jack how don’t you remember

We’re literally married well I’m just getting in some early practice for when I go and get some milk you know all right let’s add like a little opening right here and this is going to look so awesome this is like the entrance to the house and wait let’s put down like 11

Ever to get in and we’ll add a core door this door’s trash who cares about what the door looks like just build it already hurry up dude oh my gosh Jack can you help out again this is literally your base right like this is for you yeah I am helping I’m supervising you

Are not doing anything anyway this is for your baby so why are you making me do everything are you serious right now cuz we’re friends right buddy wink wink nudge nudge well it would be very nice if you were to help us out you know it

Is going to end up being your house so you can customize it however you want yeah that’s cool and all Kane but I kind of didn’t ask just hurry up and finish oh fine fine you’re always so lazy ja true you know what whatever ja I wouldn’t be doing this right now but

You’re one of my good friends and I’m really happy that you’re having a baby like that’s pretty cool wow thanks TV man you’re the best friend I ever had and the one who’s best at building houses so like uh keep it up uh isn’t it obvious TV man we’re naming him after

The greatest man I’ve ever known me Jax junor are you serious right now uh py are you okay with that name well we were discussing baby names and that one did come up but I’m not so sure about it what are you talking about we already

Agreed if it’s a boy it’s Jax Jor if it’s a girl it’s also Jax Jr whatever Jax H let’s see how about JX or maybe Jaxon that could work I don’t need your garbage suggestions it’s going to be Jax Jr why would I take advice from a guy

Named Kane of all things that’s really rude to say that my father was really good with names I’m helping you with this house and everything oh yeah right forgot about that yeah keep up the good work oh my goodness anyway let’s keep building up this house because the baby

Should be coming soon right Jax TV man how many times do I need to say this it’s not coming for quite a bit we have a lot of time here W saw this I’m so alive oh Who and the who are you oh um hi I’m Jax Junior who and what are you

Wait pomy are you okay what just happened well uh I delivered baby Jackson uh what in the what the baby’s here I thought he was coming like a lot later oh my gosh is that my son Jax Jor actually it’s jackon it’s Jax junor man I don’t care I’ll make my name whenever

I want my name to be you suck and you suck I hate you both I literally gave birth to you you cannot talk to me like that don’t worry pomy he’s just like me a chip off the old block I know that’s why it’s bad all right well baby Jax I

Just built you this backyard with a little swing and stuff because I know you’re just a newborn and I know you’ll love that man do I look like I was born yesterday I don’t need this boom it’s terrible oh hey oh excuse me baby Jack no don’t explode that oh my goodness Are

You seriously serious right now why would you do that because it was ugly do I look like a little baby to you I don’t need this stuff I want a car son what are you doing I know you’re just trying to impress your Dad but this is a bit

Much even for me impress you I don’t care what you think I did this cuz it was terrible okay son that is just a tad bit too far I mean these nice workers of mine have been building you a house yeah I’ve literally been building you this

Whole entire house for your family are you serious right now you’re going to act that ungrateful man I don’t care I hate this house it’s ugly I’m going to destroy it what’s wrong with him did he hit his head on his way out I don’t know

I was never acting like this when I was a kid I mean even as an adult blowing things up although it is pretty funny I mean it’s too far well I appreciate your guys’s opinions but I don’t care I do whatever I want cuz I’m the greatest

Digital circus what in the what stop exploding my house are you serious right now oh my goodness are you serious what is going on what is happening why is everything blowing up is this the new baby why’ she blow up the house H maybe

I won’t blow it up you guys build me a new gaming setup Tommy There is seriously something wrong with your kid I mean like it’s not just like he’s taking after me I mean if anything he’s gotten the crazy from you but like there has to be something wrong with him uh

Jackson it’s your kid by the way not hers dude are you serious right now but anyway hey baby why are you exploding our and putting our fouls on fire um because it’s funny it is not funny dude hey hey stop this right now seriously

I’ve spent a lot of time on this wa you want me to stop blowing stuff up well you’re never going to stop me because I’m evil wait did he just say he’s evil what is he talking about I have no idea I’m just going to keep building up your

House anyway this is really bad but wait maybe we shouldn’t keep building up the house if Jax is going to destroy it baby Jax yeah this is really weird I don’t think it’s from Jax and he is my kid it’s not like he’s adopted or anything

All right son I think we might have gotten off on the wrong foot how about you play catch with your old dad oo I love catch yeah let’s go I’ll throw the ball first stand back oh maybe he’s actually nice ja look at that he’s going to play ball with you that’s so

Wholesome he’s bonding with his father you ready here it comes three two one oh what the one a ball that is not a ball what the heck are you doing where did you even get that from um internet well you can’t tell me what to do you’re not

My dad actually I am your father unfortunately well I hate it and I hate you I’m going to go in the house and play fortnite uh what is going on here like as a parents like I have no idea what’s going on with you too hey hey

Guys where’s my gaming setup where is it h maybe I’m just not built to be a dad this is so much work work work you’re not the one who carried him for 9 months and yeah this is really weird something’s really wrong with this child

Hey hey pin heads if I don’t have a gaming setup in this house in 5 minutes I’m blowing the whole place up all adults please report to the kitchen and the second floor I need to talk to you guys about something oh Kane is that you talking okay uh everyone come to the

Second floor besides the kid okay not that everyone’s here let me just block this off so he doesn’t come up okay I might know what’s wrong with him how would you know what’s wrong with him Kane he’s my kid well yeah he is your kid but I I’ve seen these symptoms

Before an overly evil child I think your child may have been a little bit cursed cursed no no there’s no way this is happening I I made sure I took care care of myself this whole pregnancy don’t worry we can fix them there’s a couple

Of items that should be able to fix it I think but it’s going to be a bit difficult I mean to be perfectly honest I thought he was just you know growing up trying to be like me but it yeah it’s a bit much so what do we got to do I

Have a test for you guys I need you guys to get that kid under control before he does any more damage we need to bring him with us and I’m going to go prepare our uh visit to an underground Sanctuary that’s really scary and is that safe I’m

Not sure we can do that it’s not entirely safe but it’s the only place that has underground relics that can save your child we have to where is my fin night dude stop okay stop it stop it we’ll build you a gaming setup dude can

You please just chill out yeah get it to me now hey uh baby we got to tell you something you’re sadly evil uh I’m sorry I don’t your parents aren’t going to tell you but you’re evil so we’re going to have to fix you yeah I know I’m evil

Now give me my fortnite all right son just calm down hurry up and build him his gaming setup TV boy calm down calm down I’ll show you a way to calm down buddy oh watch where you’re pointing that thing be careful how did you even

Get a gun already wait I think it might be mine actually where’d you get that from oh I uh you know just found it a few miles away you know at your house which I also exploded you blew up my house you absolute psychopath where’s your father dead hopefully oh wait I’m his

Father we seriously need to fix him I don’t know how much longer I can deal with that thing uh we have to listen to Kane and do the ritual or whatever cuz no way in heck am I living with that all right well anyway we’re going to have to

Get a hold of him wait guys should we put him in a cage or something I think that’s really good here let’s get a cage trap going in here do you think a cage will actually hold him wait that’s a great idea TV man yes sir and what’s

Going to happen he’s going to run in here and just get trapped in the cage and I’m pretty sure he can’t break the cage because he doesn’t have any pickaxes or anything he should be coming in any minute now hey nerds is my gaming setup ready oh there you are look at you

Now you’re trapped in a cage and you’re not allowed to leave man let me out of here let me out uh I’ll let you out in approximately 3 hours 3 hours man I’m going to be dead by that I need food and I need fortnite here here take some

Golden apples and some steak you can have that for now that’ll be your food Jack this is all your fault get out of here dummy stupid head Le how is this my fault you’re the one that walked into the cage like an idiot I would never

Anyway TV man how do we how are we going to get this crazy kid to the challenges uh I have no idea we’re probably going to have to ask Kane because he’s literally a psychopath if he leaves this cage he’s just going to run out and

Destroy our whole base oh wait I have a really good idea let me try something I read it in a parenting book hey little Jackson uh if you come with us on this really fun adventure I’ll get you the fortnite battle pass oh my God that’s so

Cool can you give me some OG skins tooe sure sure just just come with us and and um yeah yeah okay okay I’ll be on my best behavior as long as I can get Renegade Raider thank you thank you this is why you’re so much better than Jack I

Know I know okay come on now can we let him out of the cage TV man oh I don’t know if we should trust him that quickly hold on let me ask Kane oh Kane what do we do dude so should we let him out of the cage he’s kind of going haywire

Right now but I think pomy calmed him down wait you calmed him down oh oh I okay I guess I won’t have to use a sleeping potion okay I did find where we need to go wait a second you found where we have to go that’s perfect but that’s

Really really funny it’s right under this house it must have spawned him when he literally became alive yeah ancient technology is always really weird oh wait if I’m hearing this right all we have to do is go underground yeah but there is one slight issue it won’t allow

Us in if we are in Creative so I’m going to be forced to put us all in survival okay well well let’s get all the materials we need and all the good stuff before we turn into survival and where’s Jax at Jack hello he was right behind

You TV man uh where oh hey Jack yeah right here buddy anyway can we hurry up and get all that gear and whatever else we need also can you throw that potion on him he’s kind of being a bit annoying just like me oh I guess uh here stand

Still little one hey don’t put that potion on me stay away give it away you know what I have oh man oh that stuff works fortnite battle all right finally that ugly little kid has shut up now I can finally think maybe you should try using your brain again some peace and

Quiet well hopefully once we go underground and we turn him into a normal person again he’s going to be a really nice kid right hopefully okay everyone I got him out of the cage and I’m going to transport him to the challenge era you guys just get geared

Up all right well I’m going to go grab some stuff let me get this let me get this ooh I forgot about this one guys we got to stack up because we are literally going to be in survival mode I’m going to grab everything I can guys let’s grab

Like bows let’s grab everything we can don’t forget food oh I already got some food you guys need some golden apples here take some thank you TV man you should get some potions too TV man just in case we need to put that dumb kid to

Sleep again uh what in the way I I’m pretty sure that would just slow us down because he has to be there for the challenges but yeah like just grab that everything you can all right let’s grab this diamond sword right there wo this looks so cool or wait we could literally

Grab any of these really cool swords these are so awes talking about those medieval weapons yeah those are awesome yes sir I’m literally talking about that and let’s get a long bow wait are there any other bows we could grab let me see okay the baby is in the correct location

Then we’re waiting for you I built an enchantment table for you guys to upgrade your gear wao this is so good let’s have this diamond sorted wait it only had knockback to are you serious right now okay I’m going to grab a different one that’s trash all right

Let’s enchant our stuff in sharpness three that’s goated oh my goodness and wait we should probably add like an anvil as well so we can combine them and make it even better oh adding enchantments that’s a good idea yes sir I just added this sword and I named it

The amazing sword let’s enchant this pickaxe right here and wao this pickaxe is so good and guys don’t forget to enchant your armor you guys all have armor on right of course wait maybe we should grab some of this other armor we could also grab some like medieval armor

Oh it completely slipped my mind good idea TV man hey Kane is that bab still asleep by the way oh don’t worry the baby will be asleep for a while it’s a very strong potion and I have a I believe two extras right there we go I

Just put this bow and let’s call this pickaxe we’ll call it the pic it’s so awesome I don’t know about you guys but I think we’re ready uh I think I’m ready as well wait let me grab one of these shields and wo this is so awesome did I

Hear you guys are ready yes sir I am ready Kane we’re ready for survival mode okay while you guys were readying I grabbed a couple of items that might be needed in the ritual to turn your son back so let’s get going all righty I really hope this works and before we

Enter underground I’m going to have to turn you into survival I hope you guys are adequately prepared I am so ready come on and booah and wao I’m in survival mode now let’s go down there and see and oh there’s the baby yeah I’m pretty sure he’s still asleep just try

Not to be too loud cuz I’d rather him not wake up okay well we should probably push him down there right go down there baby oh well I just fell on my own are you serious right now why am I why am I in water where am I ah who are you I

Guess the water took away the sleeping effects oh hey there son you finally woke up are you ready to be cured cured why don’t want you to be cured I’m perfect I don’t want to be cured you creep stay away from me come on son remember our deal the fortnite battle

Pass oh you you have fortnite where is it where can I get to fortnite it’s over here in challenge one come over here dude come on Jackson junior come on okay okay I’m coming Tommy this fortnite idea of yours was so good especially since we’re not even going to give it to him

In the end it’s going to be so funny when we see his face he’s probably going to cry well well after he’s back to normal I will give him the battle pass because you know he is our son yeah that’s right I’m great I get the battle

Pass wait a minute why do you guys all have armor did you forget to bring armor for the baby oh don’t worry I made some armor and Advance here you go oh thank you now I can use this to kill my dad get over here stinky it’s over for you

Buddy you got nothing on me buddy you’re we stop fighting stop fighting we’re in a challenge right now this going to be really bad fighting each other the challenge get over here Jackson the fortnite pass remember be on your B Behavior he’s not giving me the fortnite

Pass you are I’m going to beat him up get over here and what in the is that a ski toilet oh my gosh ski what what are these ski what it’s a sky toilet do you guys know skib toilet do you guys know speaker man and cameraman you guys know

These guys or what no what the heck is scoy toilet TV man are you okay did you hit your head when you fell from the hole what the what are you talking about are you serious right now you guys don’t know scoy Doo toilet what’s a scoid d oh

My gosh I’m listening to Jack too much it’s skiy toilet okay anyway that was really easy and oh my good goodness a these guys are so powerful are you serious right now oh where are they built like that actually they’re pretty muscular Jack why don’t you work out

It’d be nice if you worked out for a bit instead of your skinny noodle arms I work out for strength not looks man I bet you never even worked out a day in your life man I just almost killed you and I literally a newborn uh excuse you

I’m the reason you’re here and you have such good looks um and I’m the reason you’re going to die Jack Jackson junior just please stop fighting why are you talking to me like that he’s the one that started it anyway let’s get this over with we need to fix this kid yes

Sir and we’re fighting off these monsters as long as we can beat all these challenges we’ll be able to fix him and a wait I’m getting really low on health I’m going to die I’ll defend you for a little TV man hello everyone sorry about that I don’t know what happened to

Me let’s kill them they we’re almost dead oh my goodness on the last one and there we go come on that’s got to be the end of the monsters right oh that was the end of it that means I can kill my dad wao Jackson no if you kill your

Father that means no v-bucks no fortnite battle pass no skins no emotes no nothing I mean that’s not fair you’re so mean too all right well anyway it looks like there’s a chest right here and wait it has the holy water what in the what

Is that oh those are one of the ancient relics they could be used to cure your baby I’m not sure if it will work though so but we might as well try it ancient holy water oh that sounds musty don’t worry about this there’s a chance it

Might kill your son all right give me that already TV man what are you doing here take it take it try to throw it on your son see if it fixes it you a brat what why did you just throw them in that stuff smells musty you that tastes like

Dirt get out of here e this is gross and you know what it made me even more Angry get over here buddy boom who w w where’ you get that Jack everybody outside everybody outside okay okay he is still very evil but good thing there’s some more challenges and maybe one of them

Will fix him let’s go to challenge two now Kan I told you the water was musty well it was there was a chance I can turn it back but there has to be a new item back here that might change it back let’s go all right and what in the world

Is this a parkour are you serious right now oh if I had my abilities i’ would be able to just fly right by here hey you’re not the one who delivered this demon child into the world okay pomy just sit back there in babysit Jax Jr

The guys will handle this uh okay hey uh Jackson do you want to uh tell Meck J Jackson I I gave birth to him okay Jackson uh tell me more about fortnite well you know Mom I appreciate you being so nice to me and all but I got to go do

Something real quick get over here get over here it’s over for you buddy get over here ja you’re done you’re done oh my gosh the baby is out of control let’s get out of here grab the item and wait there’s an item and wait it’s just liquid Starlight bucket what in the what

Is that I guess it’s some kind of I don’t know maybe you can fix your baby let’s is this’s is run away oh no he’s chasing us okay let’s go to the next challenge before he literally kills us this is craziness get over here it’s over for you dude everyone run run

Run what is this room what is there wrong with this kid why is he trying to kill me me I’m such a nice guy anyway I found this lever over here and wait what in the what does that do it must do something Jack oh this is so much work

We need to hurry up and fix my kid do it already TV man this is your fault what it’s my fault are you serious right now I’m trying to help you out dude and wait this just opened up are you ser ious right now hurry hurry come on we got to

Go we got to go we got to save this kid before he literally explodes everything and ruins it and wait what in the what is this what what is this it looks like a cauldron like something that holds water or some kind of liquid all right

I’m going to put this inside and booah is that going to work all right did anything happen and what in the what is inside of here a potion of healing it just spawned I guess The Cauldron made that whenever we put the Starlight in there try at the baby oh wait I can’t

Throw it I don’t think it’s one of those types of potions oh then what do you do I have a really good idea watch this okay hey uh not son you’re are not my son thank goodness okay uh evil baby I have something to tell you yeah what is

That stinky man all right dude I have a really cool thing so you know like the slurp juice from fortnite dude I love the slurp juice from fortnite dude I literally got it in real life look that’s literally it you see that that’s the slurp juice if you drink it you’ll

Literally get infinite v-bucks and infinite battle passes oh dude you’re so right dud it’s actually the slurp juice and it tastes so good thanks man and you know what I’m actually feeling a bit happier hey sneaky head I mean dad you know I don’t actually hate you as much I

No you know no yeah I hate you you know I think maybe that potion worked a little bit but uh we kind of got to finish the job already so let’s do that guys but the weird thing is I think that was the last artifact here I guess there

Is one more room but I’m pretty sure that’s the exit I guess we’ll just have to go backwards to see what we can find all right and I’m pretty sure there was like one other challenge we have to do so let’s go over to that last Challenge

And fully fix this baby let’s go what the before we go though I think I want to blow up this room too boom no Jackson oh okay never mind don’t worry this is oh actually he actually did blow it there’s like okay there’s no booby traps

In this right oh well if they were they are gone now so we don’t have to worry about that uhoh you see and I am nicer I blew it up without you guys in there you know okay uh baby steps baby steps why can’t we leave there the exit’s like

Over here see it says Exit but we can’t get out wait I see that but there must be like one last challenge we have to do right I don’t know TV man there’s no more doors so what are we even supposed to do I have no idea pomy I’m just as

Confused as you are wa what is that what what is that oh no fight this guy Jax is this you it’s obviously not me although he is very handsome ow ow he’s really powerful oh my goodness I’m actually going to die from this guy he is way too

Powerful oh my gosh don’t let him get close to you he’s really powerful use your bows I’m trying my best and he’s really ugly huh I mean he’s really well no he is kind of ugly oh and wait we just killed him that was way too easy

I’m not going to lie I thought he was more powerful than that guys look he’s right here get him get him he’s right here get him Jackson that’s your father that’s your real one wait a second uh guys guys everyone stop talking look there’s like this weird thing that just

Spawned here a resonating gem what in the what is that wait did you say a resonating gem yes sir I brought an ancient artifact with me take a look wait what in the what is this is this a resonating wand wait is this going to

Help us cure the baby exactly I want you to put the Jeb on the altar then right click it with the wand all right let me try that and Bo there we go I just did it should have sucked any evil from within the general area into the crystal

Oh oh guys oh something doesn’t feel right I’m getting sucked in help me guys uh what in the what just happened that was crazy he just like fell from the guy wa oh my god dad mom it’s so good to see you guys Jackson I I think he’s

Cured Jackson are you cured I’m coming over oh cured I don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m your son though and I haven’t seen you guys ever it’s so good to see you so Jackson do you know your dad ja wait what this handsome

Devil is my dad look at this guy he’s so goodl looking no no not me it’s this guy oh uh yeah you’re so cool hey Dad I’m so glad I have a dad oh my gosh is this finally it my real son Jax Jr is that

You it it’s Jackson yeah she just called me Jackson which one is it you’re confusing me already anyway Dad can we pleas some caps sure we can son just make sure not to blow me up this time blow you up this time man what are you talking about me you’re so silly already

Daddy our son is cured thank you TV man thank you Kane or wherever Kane is uh we’re over here we’re going to get out of here everyone come on the baby’s CED let’s go come on Jackson let’s go oh uh Jackson if you want I’ll buy you that

Fortnite battle pass you wanted oh man I don’t care about fortnite I just want to spend time with my family a he’s so sweet well I’m glad we got that all sorted out now you guys can have a normal family Jack’s py is mine why are

You trying to steal her from me uh steal her from you what do you mean mean she’s mine no she’s not guys you can stop fighting over me I mean you’re both really cool and whatnot but I can only choose one so maybe we should have like some challenges to decide who’s the

Better partner for me no pomy I thought I’m your husband don’t listen to Jack why do you even like Jack why is he even here bro what do you mean cuz she’s going to be my wife uh um uh well right now I haven’t really decided so we

Should do those challenges and you guys should stay a little far away from me cuz you’re kind of creeping me out I ain’t doing challenges bro this isn’t fair Jack bro why are you trying to steal my girl real sub how can I steal her she was never yours back

Here hey what’s your problem dude you’re a loser and you’re stealing my girlfriend away from me sounds like you’re just jealous she likes me better get back here no you’re not going to get away hey hey hey why you Jing me out get back here ow ow ow oh you’re so much

Better than me right can’t even catch me I’m just going to yeah okay it’s that’s um enough fighting you two uh let’s see if you want to be my husband or my boyfriend you’re going to learn how to cook okay you got to know how to cook bro I’m not

Doing that okay I guess I’ll choose Jack then no no no no okay okay fine fine I’ll learn how to cook that’s right okay wait you need to learn how to cook are you serious you don’t know how to cook already you’re a grown man dude bro I

Just order uh fast food all the time I don’t need to cook of course you do you probably don’t even eat vegetables either oh my goody goodness are you serious right now bro what is wrong with you dude I eat vegetables bro all right anyway uh what are we going to make well

Uh I don’t actually have anything particular so just whip something up just keep in mind I hate anything with onions in it oh and I’m allergic to peanuts are you serious right now bro ain’t no way dude all right uh anyway how do we even use this oven huh oh

There’s nothing in there hey where do you get the food and supplies at well there’s food in the fridge so you just like take ingredients and make something all right let’s grab this we got some potatoes raw beef ew This stuff’s so gross oh my gosh it’s all raw and stuff

Well uh you kind of have to cook it all right and we grab this right here we’ll put that in the oven there we go and it should be cooking up right now and all righty all right it’s been about 10 minutes let’s see if it’s ready oh my

Goody goodness it looks like it’s ready it’s a little bit rare but it should be fine all right let’s grab my bro why is there all this food here dude what what’s going on I didn’t make this oh yeah that I already made it have you been cooking this entire time man what

Have you got yeah bro get rid of this plate dude I have to put down my own plate look I got this brand do steak look how good it looks oh that looks like it it’s very red I do like the color red dude that thing’s still mooing

Did you cook it at all okay well uh I guess I’m going to try Jack’s food first oh what’s this oh rabbit still I mean I feel kind of weird eating that in front of you Jax do you mind or anything no of course not I made it I eat it all the

Time oh okay uh let’s see oh wow this is this is actually really good the the flavors they’re just melting on my tongue okay um let’s see oops uh let’s try the fish I do like fish that’s not b wa Jax how’ you make all this food bro I

Literally only made one thing this day what do you mean man cooking’s easy okay yeah this is really good it’s season to Perfection you really know how to season your food Jack of course it is okay uh let’s see you bet I do uh let’s uh try

TV man yummy isn’t it good pomy come on it’s busting busting I I think I’m yeah it’s great can I can uh can you excuse me for a second I just got to oh bro she throwing up ain’t nowhere Right Now TV man what the heck is wrong with

You are trying to poison her you just fed her raw steak man are you serious now it’s not my fault hey I I’m sorry man oh my gosh are you serious right now okay let’s move on I’m I’m done throwing up for now it’s it’s probably going to

Get worse later thanks for giving me salmonella TV man thanks for that right now Jax is in the it’s fine P you could just cook food when we’re married right uh well sometimes I won’t be able to make the food all the time there should be equal work between the husband and

The wife that’s how marriage is supposed to be come on pomy do we really need to do this stupid game and dance I’m obviously better than him just pick me already uh well this is only like the first part of the challenge I got to see your full potential so uh next challenge

Let’s go outside and see who can build me the biggest heart to prove your love for me I ain’t doing that no that’s so stupid we’re not doing that oh okay I guess I’ll go date Kane then okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m fine

We’ll do it we’ll do it we’ll do it fine was just kid kidding oh well that’s fine if you don’t want to do it I mean you know I could just always find another husband and just kidding hey what’d you just throw at me what what the heck was

That wait a second where am I right now and Jax are you okay do I look like I’m okay I’m trapped in a cage good morning boys how’d you sleep uh weird bro what is wrong with you it was weird pretty well actually okay well at least Jax has

Good manners TV man well said you didn’t want to build the heart we’re going to have to do a different sort of challenge bro are you serious right now I don’t want to do that at this point I’m starting to think of choosing Jax over this huge baby man I’m sorry he

Definitely should I’m way better no you’re not bro you don’t know who Jax is he’s a weirdo and he’s really mean at least Jax isn’t the one complaining all right you know this is great and all but can you just get me out of this cage already woman uh that’s a really strange

Pet name but sure I guess took you long enough oh my goodness bro be nicer dude what’s wrong with what do you mean be nicer what are you talking about uh I’m talking to you loser bro does not respect women but you’ll learn to respect women right ja right oh my go

Bro are you serious right now hey yo watch where you’re pointing that thing I was just kidding whoops my hand slipped hey yo this p is crazy bro let’s just let’s just move on to the challenges anyway Jack I’m going to steal your girl bro even though she ate your girl jack

Good luck with that that’s not happening all right let’s go to this Challenge and uh J there’s lava yeah I can see that oh um this seems kind of dangerous I think we just shouldn’t do this to be honest well why wouldn’t you do this

This is a great test to see if you really love me Jax of course I could just always yeah let’s do it come on not quite sure how that works but yeah sure I guess I’ll do it then oh that lava looks really hot bro don’t be a baby

Dude just do the parkour I am doing it loser shut up all righty here we go woohoo oh my gosh that lava Park is crazy bro wait if I fall Lally going to die come on Jax are you even really trying TV man is way ahead of you come

On Jax are you even trying t man’s way ahead of you you’re practically eating his dust okay well he cheated he got a head start I didn’t cheat bro you’re just trash I think like honestly you’re just garbage yeah am I trash am I trash

Hey are you trash hey hey hey hey stop hitting me hey hey you’re not hard bro you’re not hard you’re not either ow ow okay stop stop stop hitting me stop hitting me oh my gosh what’s wrong with you cry baby oh my goody goodness and wa

What is this this place bro so now that we’re here this is going to be a build to survive so I want to see which one of you is the best builder cuz of course you know if we get married we’ll have to move into a new house and make sure it’s

Absolutely perfect well protected so uh here you go and here you go bro Jack are going down dude you’re actually trash at this anyway here we go go to creative in three two one you’re the one that’s going to win shut up let’s go booah I’m

Now in creative mode Let’s get it baby all right I got to build the most protective base ever so I can prove my love to PNE here we go so we’re going to do something like this to start off the base wow that’s a really good looking

House TV man that dirt is definitely a great choice idiot bro what dirt’s literally goated right p uh I mean uh I guess it’s pretty good uh cuz you know uh dirt and whatnot uh oh that’s what you yeah that’s not that’s that’s not it really I’m sorry wait what’s wrong with

Dirt bro dirt’s literally so good all right maybe I should change it then right yeah that that’ll probably be a good idea all righty here we go instead of this dirt maybe we’ll do some iron iron yeah like iron you know Iron is I Iran Iran are you talking about a

Country oh my gosh pomy you actually have lrz bro like what is wrong with you pomy you literally don’t know how to do anything okay yeah I’m choosing jackon that’s it that is it no no no no no I’m sorry it was a joke that’s a great

Choice I mean t man does kind of have a point though you aren’t really the sharpest uh clown in the circus okay well excuse excuse you first of all I’m not a clown and second of all why would you say that well maybe I’ll just choose

Kane instead cuz both of you are being really rude you guys are so mean to me why would you do this I thought you liked me oh no I feel really bad to I’m going to give her a flower hey py I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be actually mean

To you here you go take this flower oh a flower oh that’s that’s really sweet of you T man I I actually really like that uh really dude you’re going to make her cry and then give her a flower that’s so manipulative bro are you serious right

Now dude you would you don’t even know what a flower is dude cuz you have l i mean you’re the one that made her cry in the first place just saying oh my gosh I’m sorry P I didn’t mean it I’m I’m a loser for that one I’m sorry please

Forgive me well no you’re just a loser in general bro shut up you smell bad you smell like rabbits bro I am a rabbit so so I’m going to Ste your girl well not even your girl well thank you for apologizing to you man that’s really big

Of you and I don’t get to say that often yeah Jax is not cool for like you know being rude and stuff anyway you’re the one who said it first so uh do you guys like animals yeah I love dogs and cats why would anybody like animals they’re

So disgusting like TV man aren’t you an animal Jack yeah you’re literally a rabbit uh not really no uh Jax you literally are bro are you serious right now what are you talking about what are you yapping about bro I mean he is an anthropomorph amop he’s a humanoid

Rabbit basically see pomy this is what’s wrong with you you can barely even talk properly this is why you need to date me so I can set you straight bro how could you say that dude that’s so messed up cuz I’m right are you literally just going to be my English teacher from

Middle school and just harass me constantly telling me how dumb I am is that what you’re going to do I would never do that pomy thank you I know I have a bit of a speech impediment sometimes yeah I understand a poor pomy I have AIT speech impediment loser that’s ableist you

Can’t do that um watch who you’re talking to I’m already basically your boyfriend bro what no you’re not all right ask poy herself hey py are you dating Jack yet uh well with how things are going right now it’s looking like never but I can’t be too hasty with the

Decision this will determine who I spend the rest of my life with so I I guess I’ll give him a couple of chances but look I you a chance B yeah of course you’re you’re still here guys look at my rabbit isn’t he so cute I am cute aren’t

I I don’t think she’s talking about you bro yeah I was talking about ion uh yeah he’s actually pretty cool not going to lie yeah he’s he’s really fluffy do you want to pet him TV man sure oh you sound hesitant are you allergic to rabbits or something

No yeah not oh hey I seems to like you you know pomy can I tell you something uh sure I I guess are you an angel that fell from heaven because your face is all messed up I wait what huh say you’re an angel okay first of all that sounds

Really weird second of all did you just insult my face bro Jack what is wrong with you bro why would you do that what do you mean I didn’t do anything what are you talking about bro you just made fun of P’s face on I’m not ugly am I I

On yeah you’re my only friend in this world no one oh seriously you’re crying you’re crying now okay I’ll give you something to cry about no no please I I oh my bro are you serious right now bro what is your problem ja what heill bro you just killed her pet

So she was one being a baby I was teaching her a lesson all right here we go let’s add some of these lasers right here because I got to make the best defense ever so I can survive this build to survive and prove my love to py I

Don’t know what Jackson dude he’s kind of fumbling right now J you killed ion and for that you must pay so guess who’s going to be my new pet rabbit now oh my gosh but I’ll give you one more chance because you’re kind of cute yeah I am uh

But it’s okay that wasn’t really ion I have another pet that was a distraction not very bright this one is he wait so ja what are you wait where are you right now oh my goody goodness bro ain’t no way you’re trapped in here dude you’re

Trash shut up TV man you just don’t know how to get women bro are you serious right now she does not want you after all that dude you literally just fumbled the bag dude you actually had it too but you fbl no she so wants me all woman

Want a guy to be mean to them I’m not sure about that I that’s not I mean I guess some people are into that but not me really well this build to survive will determine who really loves me and who doesn’t but right now Jack’s here on

Timeout so you have a bit of a disadvantage but I’m pretty sure you can bounce back from that of course I can my house is already way better anyways no it’s not bro all right let me see your house since you literally are not even there right now all right let’s check

Jax’s house jaxie poo where are you that where I’m get out of my house what are you doing trying to cheat hold on let me change your face let me make you look stupid hold on hey py look at this look at this look how dummy looks now oh huh

That’s kind I mean that’s that oh that’s really funny TV man hopefully nothing awful happens to your house later bro what nothing’s going to happen to my house you’re not funny for that yeah definitely nothing’s happening to your house for sure bro look how stupid he

Looks J you’re supposed to be on timeout you can’t have games in there hold let me make his eyes look really stupid too that’s that’s kind of that’s not I mean that’s T man that’s not funny we we shouldn’t do that why it is kind of

Funny though well it is but knowing Jax he’s probably going to do something a your base if you um no would never in fact you should let me out I think I’ve learned my lesson pom bro Jack why don’t you just go for rith at this point bro

You know py doesn’t want you dude she wants me why don’t you go for TV Woman TV man oh wait because she doesn’t like you anymore yeah but oh but I don’t like her anymore so it doesn’t matter dude yeah that sounds like cope from a guy

Who got dumped bro you know speaker woman a camera woman literally want me so bad dude but I want P anymore uhhuh yeah that’s definitely happening bro you don’t even know the lore dude what’s lore bro it’s a scoy toilet reference bro what the heck is Scooby-Doo toilet

Can somebody let me out already uh okay here I’ll let you out uh take some of this dude what is this let me out sorry it’s some Ender sap it smells really good right all right there you go you got out all right Jax I’m only letting

You out now uh you have to be on high alert now Jax I have to tell you something since we have to surviv this building survive I was wondering if you wanted to team up but I take pomy and you know we’ll bring ragath here we’ll

Do like a double date and then uh yeah you know no all right back in the cage go back in the cage uh no you don’t you can’t do that oh come on no get back in the cage right now this is not cool wait actually I had a great idea yeah let’s

Work together on this build to survive TV man uh okay bet you down yeah let me can I just get into your house real quick no oh well didn’t you say we were working together no uh well Jax your time out time is over but uh what’s

Going on uh Jax is trying to get in my house we were supposed to work together on the building but you know he’s like being weird now and like I don’t know what’s going on and I let him out of the cage cuz I thought he was going to be

Cool and now he’s being weird and he’s smiling at me really weirdly and I’m just going going to go back to my base that’s how I always look he always smiles he kind of always smiles I’m just going to go back to my base I can’t I

Think about it you don’t have a face all right well I got to figure out a way to make this base way bigger come on all right let me think what I can do and also we got to make this place way more reinforced all righty here we go we’re

Going to make this base way bigger come on hey uh pomy can I H tell you something it’s kind of important uh yeah sure you know T man doesn’t actually like you by the way it’s actually really messed up he told me he’s trying to get

With you because he just wants to break up and make TV woman jealous oh that’s uh I don’t know what to say about that I know isn’t that messed up he’s just using you to try and get back with his ex isn’t that sick Bro wait what Jax

What are you talking about over there dude I’m not sure what you’re talking about I wasn’t talking about anything man what’s it’s just your imagination chill stop being so paranoid bro you better be Capp you better not be being weird over there bro hey yo ja wait what

Did you say dude I didn’t even hear you I didn’t say anything I know what you’re talking about ja I’m pretty positive he doesn’t like TV woman anymore because you know uh I kind of witnessed the whole thing go down BR are you serious right now dude hey yo this is actually

So weird py you know I only like you and you only I don’t know what they’re talking about he’s actually so weird I really hope so I would hate to have someone use me just for their own personal gain cuz that’s kind of that’s kind of mean don’t you think bro I would

Never do that dude I literally just like you for you I don’t know what Jax is talking about he’s Tripp you say that but then you like call me dude and whatnot you don’t have like a cute pet name for me bro what uh I just don’t

Have Riz I guess I don’t know how to talk to girls anyway uh ja I have a qu what is this what is what bro what n this can’t be real get rid of this now get rid of this now oh you mean this yeah my bad dude I’ll get rid of it

Right away give me one second uh okay yeah get rid of it get rid of it right now I’ll just get rid of it not no way you did that hey yo what what’s the commotion oh is he is he crying I know it’s kind of pathetic isn’t it what a

Loser actually actually no I actually like it when guys are sensitive and they actually don’t have to hold up a front all the time you know it’s kind of nice that he’s showing his sensitive side something really bad must oh Jack did you do this did I do what

That I mean not really TV man had like a TNT infestation under his house and he asked me to get rid of it so I just helped them oh my goodness Jack you’re dunzo dude I’m going to win this build Sur I and proove my lot upon me you’re

The worst well um time’s up guys so I hope you’re ready and if you’re not that um well that kind of sucks so get ready wait what are you talking about uh wait survival mode uh bro wait wait wait I don’t have hey Jack Let Me In what no

Get out of my house no I’m going in right now wait where’s all your stuff I need to grab all your stuff give me all this what what are you doing no oh my gosh I got to grab all of Jack’s stuff come on and all right grab all this

Armor give me all of it what the heck is your problem dude you’re such a cheater get out hey hey you put me in the poison are you serious right now bro and you stole my stuff yeah too bad dude it’s cuz you’re a loser that’s why oh no the

Monster’s coming soon I’m actually so scared I don’t even have my base to use to protect myself I’m actually dzone bro but that’s it I’m going to prove my love to py watch this py I’m going to actually save the day oh my goodness oh there’s monsters coming over here it’s

Pomes too did you just say pom’s a monster what a jerk no that’s not what I meant Are you serious right now what it sounded like now that I think about it why why am I spawning myself cuz then you guys are just killing me that’s kind

Of weird but either way it um I guess it proves your love so who’s the better boyfriend uh me I’m the better boyfriend I’ve always been I’m literally TV man like we can’t get better than me I’m from skimy toilet like the best series ever who cares about being her boyfriend

I’m going to be her husband are you serious right now kind kind of cooked with that one actually no I’m I’m better right like I’m not mean to you like how Jax is all right oh my gosh there’s big ones and these guys are really scary

Okay well I’m I’m I’m facing a problem Jax is really good with almost everything he does but he’s also incredibly mean but then there’s you you’re very kind and you have a good heart but you also suck at everything you do hey yeah that’s really mean are

You serious right now I’m going to prove that I love you more than JX cuz Jax is weird no I’m not and pomy being mean is how I show I care you don’t care dude you’re a loser you were making fun of her rabbits you killed her rabbit you

Literally killed yeah you killed my pet cuz I just wanted to make you tougher it’s tough love no it’s not bro are you serious right now hey yo there’s all these mini ones and they’re actually so powerful are you serious right now so tiny and so cute I like tiny things well

I would advise being careful where you step cuz if you fall into a trap then uh that might be uh the end of you what do you mean traps who even put traps around here anyway yeah like what who put traps around here uh I did bro Jack you’re so

Stupid dude yeah you think I’m the stupid one you are the stupid what’s 2 plus two five oh well uh well consider how Jax is in the cage Right Now TV man uh you won this challenge let’s go baby uh JX I’ll be honest I kind of liked you

A bit more at the star but now you’re proving to be a real jerk shut up know your place oh that’s rude all right and wait this is a maze oh my gosh okay so this is the last challenge for this you have to be the first one to escape this

Will test your intelligence and uh if TV man wins this one Jack yeah he’ll be my boyfriend cuz you’re you guys are on equal Playing Fields right now but we’ll see there’s no way that loser is going to win no you’re going to lose Jack

You’re trash dude get out of my way get out of my way loser I’m so much better than you at everything you can’t even cook a steak uh well I it doesn’t matter about cooking I’m better I’m just a better person than you I’m going to win

This hey he slow down wait wait Jackson what’s behind you what’s look behind you what is that what there’s nothing behind that’s this is secret exit look you see that over there no there what are you talking about do you see it look a you’re such a cheater loser oh my gosh

I won let’s go well uh I guess the winner is TV man sorry ja he didn’t really get there fast enough uh so TV man do you maybe want to go out on a date or something of course I do Jax you’re a loser bro yeah Jax eat this I’m

A loser you’re the one that cheat needs to cheat to win let’s go baby it doesn’t matter I still want it hey hey whoa whoa whoaa calm down jck calm down oh whoa whoa Jack you don’t my hand hey Jack go date rocket heyy hit me out today we’re

Doing a build challenge with the amazing digital circus yeah it’s going to be so much fun right pommy we should build a house together since you know we’re dating and all oh yeah of course uh but hi TV man uh hi pomy you know I missed

You a lot what in the world are you talking about anyways we got to build the best house ever uh who’s this we go over there with Kane and build a house over there well hello TV man I wasn’t expecting you to be here today why don’t

We build a house uh I’m down to build a house together Kane but I thought we were all going to build together why we building separately uh isn’t it obvious cuz those guys over there are losers no offense and besides this can be like a

Date you know uh yeah I guess but I want to be with TV man I like never see him he’s like a really good friend of mine are you serious pomy I mean we’re kind of on a date right now you know you can talk with your friend later actually how

Do you even have any friends man you’re doing a fantastic job look at all this brick this a really well earned touch yes sir and we are now focusing on the windows and we’re going to use this super cool glass ask Kane do you like how this looks it does look amazing what

Color of door should we use uh I don’t know what color door we should use wait let’s use red cuz red is your favorite color oh that is perfect a perfect idea all right let’s put that right there and wait our house is already starting to

Look super cool hey py I have a great idea you know it’ be hilarious if we pulled a prank on TV man we should like blow up his house or something wait what Jack so why would you say that TV man’s one of my friends I would never do that

To him well yeah he’s your friend that’s why we’re going to prank him it’s just a prank it’s all in good fun right no Jack I really really like TV man I don’t want to do this to him uh what do you mean you really like him I mean you’re kind

Of dating me remember I yeah how could I forgotten oh what in the what is py even talking about right now I’m actually really confused H sounds to me like there may be a crushing situation going on TV man oh wait Kane on me of course you can’t be that dense dude she

Literally has a boyfriend that is so weird I would never do that ew anyways I’m going to keep building this house up and let’s start building the interior let’s go quick question TV man what’s your favorite color we should add some into our build uh my favorite color Kane

My favorite color is probably purple cuz on my TV there’s like this weird little purple thing and like that’s probably my favorite color oh I see purple you say hm I’m going to build you a little surprise oh hi TV man wow this place looks really nice did you design it all

By yourself uh yeah I did pomy what are you doing it’s on my b I thought you were going on like a date with Jack oh oh yeah uh I was just looking at your house just for like a little inspiration you know uh okay I mean you probably

Should have knocked before you came in but whatever what’s up pomy how you doing oh he asked me what I was doing that’s so sweet uh pomy okay uh I don’t know what’s going on but you should probably get out of my house now and go

Work with Jack oh pomy where are you I need your help on the roof uh uh coming that was really weird I’m not going to lie like there’s no way she actually has a crush on me that’s really weird like I’m not going to lie that’s like basically cheating oh what are you

Saying she’s probably making a joke out of it a joke that is really weird I’m not going to lie wow look at TV man’s building it looks really good huh I mean it looks okay I guess it’s nothing compared to ours but why do you care

About him so much anyway no I don’t it’s just I wish you were a better Builder as all uh excuse you how why would you say that when we’re on a date right now and besides he has Kane helping him and you’re kind of just sitting around Lolly

Gagging while I do all the work surprisingly ja you’re so mean TV man would never treat me like that what are you talking about who cares about what TV man would say or do stop being weird I have no idea what’s going on over there but it’s making me really

Uncomfortable like what is she even talking about we’re just friends like what I would never do that to Jack yeah this is really weird things are getting off the handles but there not much we can really do about this anyway I’m just going to keep building my base because I

Got to make the best base ever and show the amazing digital circus how good I am at building all right let’s add some of this hot spring water and oh my goodness this looks so cool wo that’s a really good touch with the water it’s even spring water it gives us regeneration if

We stand in it wait a second it gives us regeneration that is actually so cool Wow TV man I love what you’ve done with the place it looks really good compared to our house uh thanks I guess PNE but could you just shoe and maybe focus on

Your own base I’m not going to lie I don’t mean that in a mean way I know you don’t silly uh okay well can can you go away no I want to hang out with you py why you’re you’re on a date right now this is really weird but you’re the

Better Builder it’s more fun to watch you build than watch Jack’s build he has um well we’re having some artistic differences well before we get further into this Build Challenge I already built something for you actually oh what are you talking about pomy what did you

Build me I oh no did I say that out loud um it was this purple Castle thing behind your base that I built for you oh you built this this actually pretty cool I’m not going to lie Pony but like there’s all these other ones too what

Uh nothing just forget I said anything Tomy what the heck are you doing where are you it’s my job to slack off ja why don’t you make yourself more useful and be like TV man uh excuse you I’m the one doing everything here what are you doing

Well you’re the guy you’re supposed to do everything TV man would build me a house if I asked him to uh no he wouldn’t not that bum and besides can you like quit it already it’s TV man this TV man that why don’t you talk about me what is your issue uh oh

There’s nothing wrong uh what in the what is going on over there I’m getting very concerned for Jack like what is happening I don’t even like pomy like that cuz she’s literally taken she has a boyfriend that’s so weird yeah that is kind of odd she’s been acting way

Different lately I don’t know why that could be maybe it’s because you’re just better than Jack in every way I don’t know what are you talking about no Jax is a really cool guy in anyway we just got to keep building up our base I don’t

Have time for this oh yeah you are correct we do need to build the best base over and I’m pretty sure we’re already pretty far where that go yes sir and now I’m going to be building the bathroom and wait we need to add like a

Shower as well let’s put down a shower wa this bathroom’s fantastic we even have our own trash can that’s amazing yes sir and wait I literally forgot a toilet are you serious right now we got to add the best toilet ever cuz I’m literally from SK toilet perfect perfect

I’m almost done with your surprise so you just keep building and I’ll call you over soon uh okay Kane I appreciate that dude but I’m going to keep building this up and let’s put down like a really cool door let’s do a pine door that’s pretty

Cool all right and there we go it’s looking pretty awesome maybe we should change the location of the shower we’ll put it right there and then we’ll put the bathtub right here as well oo you even added a door and I think W this place looks F even better now I didn’t

Even know it could get better yes sir and now I’m going to add a little bit more here let’s put down like some oak wood right here just to add a little bit of the design to the bathroom a feels just like home well this is going to be

Our new home right Kane that’s true that’s true oh you’re building a bathtub T man that’s so cool chck would never build me a bathtub oh what in the world are you talking about pomy why are you even in here this is so weird why are we

In the bathroom together ew let me get out of there what the heck okay can you leave pom I was just going to wash my hands uh no I have to work on the bathroom I’m building you’re such a hardworking Man TV man P Le stop acting

So weird go help up your boyfriend or something Kane what are you doing are you like stalking me I knew I was like ear resistable but you’re being a real creep why would I ever stalk you this is our house you came over here whatever I

Was just here to hang out with TV man I didn’t expect you to be here where else would I be go hang out with your boyfriend that’s what he’s there for oh my goodness what is up with pom she’s acting so weird right now but anyway I’m

Going to add this little water fountain I keep messing it up a you need to you need to make sure this the water goes into some place where it can fall down just like oh oh you’re right wait wait I add a slab right here that’ll be good

Kane what are you doing in there move I’m sorry there we go we got it but wait should we add like a cooler different water source we can add something else that would look way better it would be very menacing if we put lava in there

Wait I have a better idea watch this wait no I don’t like that one watch this game this is going to look so cool and it’s going to scare them so much scare who P yeah watch this look oh my goodness oh wait what the heck oh there

It is it’s moving oh it’s quick sand I hate quick sand yes sir so what I want you to do now Kane is walk in it and see if you can get out M sure let’s see oh K oh my goodness look at you you’re in the

Quick set let me try to go in there oh oh Kate I’m stuck I’m stuck oh my gosh well uh that happened this is actually a very dangerous thing to have in our house are you sure it should be here uh yeah it’s pretty funny why don’t we build our house bigger and

Better like TV man ours kind of is you know trash py what is your problem you’re being so ungrateful you’re sounding like me I’m sorry I I just don’t don’t understand why you can’t be more like TV man why would I want to be more like TV man I’m me like what is

Wrong with you why are you acting like this there’s um it’s I you know when I just forget about it all right let’s keep building up this base and wait I really like what we’re doing with these fences so now we can have like an outdoor balcony this is so

Cool man you always have to practice idea fence is going to make it so we never get invaded and we also have access to this purple Tower yes sir and wait oh my goodness we can literally access this purple tower now we should probably add something cool here well

Before we do anything with the purple Tower I have something to show you uh what Kane what do you have to show me right down here your very own gaming setup what you built this all for me wao this is so cool and it’s purple my favorite color what I even made some

Speakers for you so you can have some Surround Sounds wait like speaker man oh my goodness I can invite speaker man over and he can literally like oh my gosh he can use his speakers all day let’s go you’re actually the best thank you so much dude I’m actually so happy

We’re able to build together but TV man wouldn’t you be more happy if you built with me I’m a really good interior designer what in the what is is that pomy talking pomy what TV man it’d be better if I was building right uh I I

Don’t know maybe I I don’t think so though I really like building with Kane he’s one of my good friends seriously you want to hang out with that idiot Kane he doesn’t even brush his teeth they don’t make any brushes in my size that sounds like a you problem Kan what

Is going on no don’t be mean to Kane Kane’s really cool why would you say that P you ever heard of mouthwash Kane Kane why are you being such a jerk why are you trying to take away my future boyriend but my my my best friend from

Me uh I don’t know what you’re about to say but all I’m doing is building with him yeah I have no idea what’s going on pomy you’re acting very weird and I I just don’t know what to say about it it’s kind of weird pomy where are you

Why am I the one doing everything we’re supposed to be working together sorry ja I was just um out stargazing uh it’s the middle of the day uh yeah the sun’s a star I was looking uh directly at the sun that’s not a good idea all right anyway I don’t know

What’s going on over there I’m just going to keep building my house and minding my own business but whoo our base looks so cool I’m not going to lie it’s the better the PO of Jax is yes this is the easiest challenge ever we’re going to destroy them and everything

They worked for wao what do you mean destroy them everything they work for they’re they’re they’re cool like I really like Jax and pomy but we should just build a better base that’s true I guess we don’t have to be too harsh on them I’m just trying to say that we

Built a much better base oh R anyway I’m going to add like this really cool skyscraper looking thing and it’s going to looks so awesome and I’m literally going to impress everyone here with this this looks very intriguing TV man maybe we could have like a rooftop pool up

Here whoa that would be such an awesome idea Kane I love it let’s do it well don’t worry this isn’t going to be everything I have other plans that have already been s in motion this is going to be the best base ever wa I’m so

Excited Kane I can’t wait dude as long as pomy doesn’t bother me a lot we should be fine and be able to build this oh my gosh he said my name uh I’m coming over what no what pomy no oh my gosh I didn’t say your name but whatever pomy

Can you just leave me alone but I can help with designing and building I’m a really good Builder and designer I’m much better than jackon uh you know I can hear you pomy well you better be working on the downstairs at least if you’re going to be talking like that oh

Yeah of course uh what in the what she’s literally inside my house right now that is so weird pomy get away Jack going get angry it’s okay TV man he won’t find out what are you talking about you’re literally dating him this is so weird pomy TV man don’t worry about it just

Let me help out with the base I don’t think we needs any help our base looks just fine the way we’re building it he no one was asking you once again you try to ruin my plans with TV man plans what are you planning um uh a picnic a picnic why

Would you take TV be for a picnic you’re dating Jack why would you take him this is very suspicious pomy wait pomy is that why you’ve been so busy you’re planning on taking me on a picnic a yeah JX uh uh just remind me again what’s your uh favorite flavor of cake

Uh you’re joking right you should have know it’s so obvious oh yeah carrot cake all right anyway let’s add this cool pool right here this looks so awesome I’m not going to lie wait we can literally just take this off and this is like an infinity pool this is so cool

Hello t has the pool coming along it’s looking amazing and wait uh do you have anything else I should add to this it looks kind of weird as it’s floating I’m going to add some like supports to make it look more realistic all right and I’m

Going to make it look more like an infinity pool so we should probably get rid of this some of this water right here and it will like flow down oh my goodness that looks so cool it truly does look wonderful TV man but I’m running out of ideas and wait a second I

Have a really good idea for this so we’re going to add some solid air blocks right there and we’re going to make it look like it’s literally floating oh my goodness look at this wo that is it looks dangerous at first but then you notice you’re in safety that’s genius

Yes sir yeah we should definitely add some like support beams oh I’ll help you with that Kane oh my goodness all right here we go we got to make sure this staircase is safe and oh my gosh it’s actually safe and wait I have another really good idea Kane another good idea

I bet it’s brilliant yes sir it might be a little dangerous but what if we added a trampoline right next to the infinity pool H that does sound dangerous as well as long as everybody’s careful then it should be fine yeah we’ll add some like fences around it so it’ll be pretty safe

Okay let me grab some fences let’s grab some Oak fences and put it all around the trampoline oh you’re right that is pretty safe we should make a little staircase so then they can jump off right into the Ling and right into the pool wait uh that looks really

Unsafe I’m not going to lie like if you fall you’re going to die from the B I’m not a fool I will fall off and I don’t think you are a fool either we’re fine okay okay I’ll try it I’ll try it no T man be careful don’t do that it’s really

Dangerous you py what are you doing doing here anyway I want to do this this looks really fun T man if you do this I’m going to be really upset with you it’s so dangerous uh I don’t really care what you think like you’re not my mother

Okay let me jump and do it woohoo ow okay I’m fine but I am your best friend so you’re obligated to also listen to me and why’ you do it what in the what best friend uh I I don’t think we are best friends uh TV man it is kind of weird

That pomy is on our side again I know she’s just sitting in this couch pomy go away do you like the couches I thought it’d be a nice ad I like the couches they’re very red it is a cool color but no come on TV man we could sit here and

Watch the Stars we could look for constellations watch the Stars that’s something you should do with your boyfriend not me what are you doing but ja is boring all he does is talk about himself eat and sit around doing nothing I know right TV man is like that uh J

How did you even hear me uh you’re upstairs right what do you mean how can I hear you I have big ears anyway I’m finished building up here let me see what you’re doing down there uh I was doing nothing uh got to go TV man

See you later bye uh pomy where are you you’re not down here uh here I’m here uh what were you doing it doesn’t look like you’ve done anything in this room uh well I was looking outside again uh enjoying the wonders of nature oh my goodness anyway let’s keep building this

Up and wo this looks so awesome Kanan wait what is this armor it’s some of my special armor I call it the god tier armor it’s armor only I can craft I’m going to make this our Armory wa that looks so cool I’m not going to lie I’m

Just thinking what else do we could should put here maybe some crafting TS or some anvils do you have any ideas uh yeah I actually have some really good ideas okay here here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to add some guns I’m going to give you some of these and

These and these and these H these seem a bit dangerous but yes we should include them in our ja you made the top of our house your face why is everything always about you uh cuz I’m the main character what do you mean TV man would never do that he

Doesn’t have as much as a huge ego as you do can you like shut up about TV man like do we need to have a talk about this or something no no no no sorry all right anyway I’m just going to keep building up my room here and wait we

Literally forgot to make bedrooms Kane oh right you’re right H I don’t know where to put them uh here come over to me Kane we’re going to put our bedroom right here and wait do you want to like share a bedroom or you want to have multiple bedrooms like what do you want

To do we could do anything dude that’s true we could have one room here and like a door connecting over here which would be another bedroom it we would have our separate rooms wo I love that idea dude let’s do it wait k why don’t we do like a bedroom inside of this

Instead of making it out here I feel like it would look better do have a point and we are in Creative so we can break this we could have a window looking into the nothingness wo I love that idea this is going to be so awesome

I’m not going to lie wait I I want the window of view I want the window view uh fine fine I’ll take the other one let’s go okay here I I can make my room a little bit smaller if you want Kane but don’t worry dude I’m going to have the

Best view in the house all right let’s add some glass right here and oh my goodness I love this view so much man I I I should have called dibs first you got you got that you got the window view I love looking out into nothingness yeah

It’s going to look so cool even when imagine like the sunset is not going to look so awesome oh you’re so right which direction is that I believe that is South so I think you’ll be seeing the sunet oh my goodness I love that idea all right let’s add the bed right here

And wait maybe I should do like a bunk bed just in case I have friends over oh some friends H I think we could have like kfo or ragi in there that’ be interesting we could play like some games not ragi she’s literally a girl

But a cough yeah for sure he’s he’s my boy got a point yeah you’re right all right let’s add this bed right here we’ll make it red for Kane because me and Kane will have sleepovers oh there’s a bed is this for me cuz red is like my

Second favorite color oh what in the what wait pomy are you here right now what are you doing here who wao where did you come from this is my bedroom the that one’s that one’s TV men’s oh so I’m sharing one with TV man W it’s like a no

This is not happening right now pomy seriously get out of my room you’re so silly come on we can just have sleepovers as friends I tell really good spooky stories what in the what no pomy no absolutely not I’m not having a girl have a sleepover with me that’s gross

God come on please no get out of my room now now okay I see you’re busy today so we’ll have one tomorrow then what are you asleep over tomorrow no no do you have a boyfriend why would I do that T man I I it’s just impossible to ignore

At this point did you know anything that could have happened to py that just making her so driven toward you dude I have no idea I’m not going to lie Kane it is very weird and I do not like it because she literally has a boyfriend

That is actually yeah if Jack finds out you’re kind of have done for him man cuz he definitely loves to blame people other than his girlfriend dude I I haven’t done a single thing this whole time it’s literally him yeah that’s probably the worst part so we might need

To tell Jack ourselves and try to get all the heat off us uh yeah maybe but not you me but yeah you’re probably right dude because this is not me this is definitely not me I I don’t even want a girlfriend like ew wait wait what she

Asked you to be your girlfriend well she’s been saying like future boyfriend all this weird stuff and I do not like it k it’s weird but this is very very strange we probably should tell JX about this uh if we tell JX he’s going to

Blame it all on me I haven’t done a single thing this whole time I I don’t know what to do I’m freaking out hey uh TV man I’ve been working on something it’ll be ready in about um 10 minutes so will you be available to see it then all

Right let’s keep building up this base and maybe we can add some extra rooms and stuff but let’s see what’s been going on in this first floor oh and wait this TV setup looks so good I’m not going to lie I’m actually so happy with this maybe we can add some like TV

Stands right here or something oh pomy what in the what is this uh it’s just a little hallway connecting our bases nothing huge no no py this is really weird I’m not going to lie we cannot connect bases but wao your base is actually really cool ja you did a

Good job wherever you are oh don’t worry I know I did an amazing job but wait why are you even in my base get out what do you mean dude Jax I was just saying I looked your base dude in anyway py just connected our bases dude it’s weird what

She would never it was probably you wao what in the what you think I would connect bases dude I’m good what T man why’ you connect our bases do you like me that much stop I have a boyfriend you know see and you were trying to deny it

Earlier it was so obvious I’m so sorry pommy I don’t know what this creeps problem is what no what are you talking about I didn’t do anything dude oh my goodness I’m getting rid of this right now no seriously pomy this is really messed up oh TV man you’re so cute uh

What in the what you have a boyfriend stop oh my my gosh this is so weird oh maybe she’s just playing a prank on me or something this has got to be like one big joke I don’t know it’s just very weird anyway she said she like built

Something for me she said it but then she said never mind and I’m very confused what that is and wo Kane I didn’t even realize you literally built this super cool basement oh yes I forgot I made the basement isn’t it so cool I was expecting it to be our storage room

It is literally amazing I’m not going to lie oh yeah by the way I saw something weird in our water reme it’s like some kind of some sort of pink block I’m wasn’t sure to what to make what are you talking about a pink Block in our water

Mode that must be like a glitch or something wait let me see this real quick Kane all right wait what were you talking about a pink block and wait I see that pink block too that looks like something a girl would have built I I

Know for sure I didn’t build it uh maybe we should go check out what this is I’m pretty sure it’s just a block though there’s nothing to be worried about oh wait there’s another pink Block H I guess we’re already in this de let’s find out waa oh no wait wait be careful

Be careful dude do not dig down that much and wait what in the what is this what the what is this oh I have no idea whoa what is this is this part of PES and Jax’s house why is it under our house that’s the real question I have no

Idea but what in the what does this say am I reading this right or am I in a dream uh I think I think so and it seems like it was misspelled earlier wow whoever first typed it in must be really stupid you love me too right TV man what

No no this can’t be real what does this sign say we are meant to be together oh my gosh no I hate this we will be together who is saying this I don’t think Jax would say this no no and I know you wouldn’t do this either so it

Has to be pom oh no was this py if ja finds out what’s going on here I’m actually dead meat this is so bad E TV man I love you oh my gosh what else is going on in here and what in the what is this okay this was definitely PNE she is

Actually done for Kane I am very confused what’s going on in here this is so creepy no this place is so weird but there’s one more room we haven’t checked over here oh and what hi TV man I guess you found the little secret I made you

But uh uh can I uh get out of the bathroom first uh what in the what Kane what is happening well I think we may have just run into a landmine Kane if I come out of this bathroom and you’re still here I’m going to knock all the

Teeth out from you okay okay that is really unfortunate for you T man cuz this is now your problem good luck okay no Kate don’t leave dude oh my goodness are you serious right now up py hey I got to go P see you wait don’t leave me

Oh my gosh what do you want Pony seriously I cannot be here right now this is really weird no one’s going to find out T man we can just like secretly date you know what in the what no no I would never do that H well this looks

Like a good spot for a basement let me just keep making it a little bigger wait what what the heck is this uhoh uh TV man what are you doing here with py ja a TV man told me to come here he wanted to tell me something what what no

That is not true py tell them the truth now I’m sick of this you’re sick of what you know TV man I have a boyfriend I am so sick of this TV man why are you trying to steal my girlfriend and like what are these signs did you write like

Love letters or something like uh no the opposite of I love you you love me too right TV man why why is it spelled wrong wait TV man did you not do this no I haven’t done any of the weird things she’s been doing I promise you dude ja

You know we’re friends right I would never do that you oh my I know what’s going on now it’s Kane isn’t it uh Jack you know it wasn’t me or Kane come on well I guess you’re right you wouldn’t use these colors like what is this weird

Pink room ew yuck so then it was PNE no Jack it wasn’t me you’re still going to keep lying to me at this point really okay it might have been me but I I I just don’t know anymore I can’t believe this pomy after all the time we’ve spent

Together you know what this is why ker told me to to never trust women I’m sticking with the boys can I move them with you guys uh I’m not going to lie you guys should probably talk this out I I really don’t want to be here right now

But pomy I’m very mad at you for blaming me the whole time I’m out of here steing man come on I know you love me no get away from me pomy ew oh my gosh I got to get away from those creeps and what in the what Kane why are you hiding in

There dude dude pum this a scary girl she she was going to punch my teeth out do you think I wouldn’t be scared oh my gosh C but good thing Jax found out that pomy was literally like cheating on him wait Jack found out oh no what what

Happened down there hey ja we can talk this out and TV man we could still be a thing whoa whoa no absolutely not wow trying to two time them right in front of their faces that’s kind of messed up H you know TV man I’m sorry for blaming

You man it’s just you look so untrustworthy you know no offense what are you talking about dude I would never do anything like that we’re literally friends but anyway I guess you could live with us if kan’s okay with it yeah I’m fine with that I think pomy is

Really the crazy one here what is she even doing enough about pomy who cares about girls they’re so lame in fact where are you pomy I have a present for you uh ja you hit our pool are you serious right now dude no you cannot do

This dude I didn’t hit it the pool was in my way I was aiming for the house hey don’t don’t explode your house except for my beautiful face this is why boys are better I’m done with this chapter of my life let’s get rid of this place no

Not our house jack why would you do this wait a second where am I right now oh hi TV man or should I say my boyfriend Hy oh what are you doing and why am I in this cage right now and we are not dating who do you think you are uh your

Girlfriend of course I mean we obviously are dating or else you wouldn’t be in my cage of course uh I I don’t know what you’re talking about pomy please let me out of here this is so weird nuh-uh uh where’s Jax I could have sworn he was in

This cage with you uh I have no idea where Jax is bro anyway uh I just spawned here please let me out no I think I’m good T hey TV man over here give me a hand all right jack I’m going to get you out right now come on in Boom

Come on oh thanks man Jack how did we even get trapped here in the first place dude what is this place dude I don’t know the only thing I know these chicks are cray cray we got to get out of here well it’s just PNE what are you talking

About it’s not just PNE haven’t you noticed oh oh there he is there’s Jack I’m not here you’re coming with me Jack no no I think I’m staying here actually this is very comfortable oh oh no that that wasn’t a request that’s a demand you you have to come with me now no

Now TV man save me dude what am I going to do bro I can’t save you dude I’m trying come on let my friend out help me no uh pomy are you serious right now let us out right now well we just let Jack

Out one at a time okay and I can’t have you escaping from me not again what in the nah bro this is crazy craziness well it’s getting late already I’m going to go to bed so I’ll see you in the morning e what is your problem bye I again yes

Oh no I’m all here alone I guess I’m just going to try to go to sleep that was a really nice sleep why did the door just open uh hello hey T man T man Jax what’s up I found a way out we got to

Get out of here man let me break you out real quick oh my goody goodness bro how do you have that pickaxe dude that’s crazy oh I just kind of keep it on me actually bro you could have gotten us out earlier are you serious right now

Well that would have been boring anyway it doesn’t matter we got to get out of here okay we have to be very quiet I don’t even know where we are right now this place is so weird all right jack let’s go and oh what’s that noise Jack

What’s going on oh my you must have tripped an alarm we got to hide oh no hide hide hide okay going just hide in this bookshelf oh oh my gosh something tripped the alarm I don’t know what it was but I have to check it out they could have escaped right they’re too

Dumb uhoh Jax oh Jax that’s a really good hiding spot dude and you said they couldn’t escape huh look what happened okay so so maybe they did well they could they couldn’t have gotten far I mean this place is heavily secure there’s no way they can escape okay

Whatever you say okay Jax what are we going to do bro this is so bad stop talking so loud we have to find a way around them sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I’ll check over here and you check over there uhoh uh-oh Jacks are coming over here okay anything

Suspicious oh that’s that’s a nice touch to the the armor stand I didn’t know we had like little ears on it that that’s that’s pretty cool actually um okay nothing peculiar I guess and nothing out of the ordinary so I guess okay well they’re not there so I don’t know where

Else they could be uh yeah I looked around and there was nothing here either I obviously I I I really don’t know where they went uh okay well that’s a problem for future us but I really like what you did with the armor stand like adding those ears that was actually a

Really nice touch you know that actually she’s going to blow my cover it really popped off you know um ears what ears um on the armor stand here come on come look uhoh Jack they’re both coming over here okay just be quiet be quiet just be quiet okay move move I

Can’t move anymore you move I can’t I’m in the wait a minute um there was ears here okay sure whatever you say uh but maybe it would look nice if we added some ears here so yeah maybe ears like um what do you think cat ears rabbit

Ears human ears I don’t know there’s different kinds uh Jack’s go we got to go dude they’re just keep talking oh my God just go oh my God yeah this is our chance yeah this is our chance wait the door’s locked the door oh my watch the

Door’s locked are you serious right now there has to be a cheese somewhere we got to go look for it um I don’t know maybe rabbit ears I mean it reminds us of Jax and oh wait speaking of Jax we’re supposed to be looking for him and TV

Man uh maybe we should worry about this later let’s put a pin in this all right jack let’s go yeah we actually have to do something uh they’re they’re they’re literally walking over to us I’m just going to close the door uh there we go

Um I Heard a door closed do you think someone is upstairs or something uh I don’t know should we check it out I mean it’s worth a shot I think we cleared downstairs there’s nothing here so um on to the next one I guess wow are these

Girls blind or what I think so they’re so stupid bro how did they see us all right anyway ja we got to find a way out of here right now before they catch us yeah there has to be a key around here somewhere okay you look out there I’ll

Check this room okay okay yeah I’ll do that but I got to be very quiet to make sure there’s no pomes anywhere and oh they’re on the second floor I think all right let’s go this way come on it’s got to be somewhere around here it’s got to

Be be really quiet that I don’t catch into any of those pomes cuz they’re really weird all right here we go come on where’s that key at I need it okay uh this is actually uh at first I wasn’t too concerned cuz you know we have like

The best defenses ever but now um I can’t find them and this is going to be really bad cuz if if I don’t have TV man I’m going to probably abstract and I don’t have TV man we can’t get married we can’t have our 25 children and and’ll never never be able

To I won’t be able to take my son to see his basketball game and oh I am freaking out here what am I going to do pomy pomy pomy pomy pomy you hey yo what is she talking about chill okay everything’s going to be fine we’re going to catch

Them in no time we’ll just look a little harder I guess I mean we can send other clones to look I don’t I don’t know but there’s no way they can escape all right let’s find that key come on it’s got to be somewhere around here and oh my goash

Wait I just got the key let’s get it I actually just got the key right now J hey yo Jack oh I got to be quiet J where are you dude Jack really dude are you seriously seriously serious right now are you really just playing video games

Oh yeah what’s up uh T me yeah the key was not in fortnite all right let’s go let’s go did you find it dude come on man yeah I got the key dude but why why haven’t you been helping I have been I was looking all over this room and the

Internet let’s let’s just go forget about it oh my goody goodness fine whatever dude and here we go we should be able to open it through this door right here and let’s go oh my good goodness hey y oh Jack are right there hide oh they see us the we’re done we’re

Done wa they see us see I told you we’d find them in no time you you got you worried too much there you guys are now come back I have a special surprise for you you did not just shut the door in my face did you wait Jack did you do that

How did you do that what do you mean I just pushed it closed oh my goodness eat that pom yeah get away from us you are not my girlfriend little I’m not your bro or whatever I am your girlfriend and your future wife and don’t you forget it

Let’s go and grab that potion of fire resistance wait what are we going to need this for well all I see is lava in here so maybe for that yeah but I don’t know what we’re supposed to do like jump in the lava like what dude but anyway I

Don’t know why pom’s trying to date me like she thinks we’re literally dating dude it’s so weird yeah I don’t know who would want to date you anyway full offense but I see right here there’s a sign that says down maybe we can go down there what does that mean down okay I

Guess I’ll grab that fire resistance potion and see what is down here let’s go W all righty wo whoo whoo wo wo oh my goody goodness what is this place I have no idea but how do we get out of here I have no clue bro all right let’s go over

Here and oh my go there’s a creative switcher no way right now I’ve never had one of these in a long time Jack that’s awfully convenient all right let’s activate this in three two 1 and woohoo let’s get it I’m in creative mode right now Jax you are too bro yeah

That’s how they work what do you mean dude let’s go but wait let’s try to leave this place here we go uh can you break it or can I can you not I can’t break these walls that is uh unlucky okay I’m going to try this one

Over here woohoo oh come on bro there’s no way there’s actually no way dude so uh what now wait let’s try to leave from the top that’s a good idea and up it just stopped me bro I can’t even leave bro get me out of here so what does that creative switcher

Do for us then this thing is useless bro I have no idea dude but I guess we have inventory of cool stuff but I just want to leave this place jack this place sucks yeah you’re telling me buddy uh TV man you might want to take a look behind

You uh homni and ah who are you oh gosh oh you’re ugly excuse you there’s no way to talk to me actually but I don’t believe we’ met uh who are you let us out of here please just let us out a get me out of here please

Oh your screams are delightful but um I don’t think I’ll let you out because you actually have to do something for us no no I’m not doing anything let me out now I want to go back to my family I want to see TV woman I I want to see uh my my

Son and TV TV woman I guess yep okay well you can just practice go getting the milk cuz you’re not going to see them okay um I know my ears didn’t to see me did I just hear something about TV woman who in the world is that is that

Someone I’m going to have to eliminate so um that there’s no one in my way hey don’t you dare don’t you dare do that yeah that’s just his wife like what’s your problem why would you bro are you serious right now oh my goodness please

Let us out of here please let us out I’m singing so uh will that uh get you guys to let us out wow that’s actually so amazing that you’re that dumb oh no we’re not going to let you out actually because you have to build a

House for us it’s really not that hard you have to prove your love and maybe just maybe then we won’t actually kill T no you better not all right jack we might just have to BU I will I do whatever I want I’m not like pomy I’m

Worse okay okay crazy there oh my gosh your face is so I I’m not just I’m just not gonna look at you um so um maybe let’s uh you need to chill a bit you’re kind of scaring TV man and me a bit um but any who could you okay sure Jack’s

Too I’ll be nice for once um but could you please uh lay off TV man cuz you know uh he’s going to be my boyfriend and my husband what no I’m not oh pomy sweet little pom pom you think I’ll I’ll just lay off like that no he’s going to be our

Boyfriend our husband I don’t do only can we just start building I don’t think these girls are going to shut up look at me when I’m talking to you shut up you rabbit or else I’ll put you in a stew that’s pretty funny you should do that

Hi you know don’t get don’t get me tempted we don’t really need Jacks in fact no one needs Jacks who even wants Jack oh I know death wants him so why don’t we just put him in a stew and we’ll have him for lunch isn’t that

Incredible okay I mean if the one you all want is like a TV man or whatever can you just like let me go I like want to play some video games you know you don’t really need me anyway oh you oh okay well I don’t really want to do this

The hard way but you know that’s so much more fun if you don’t stop building a house right this instant I am going to put you in a alive Jack alive uh Jack chill chill you’re really fixated on that stew thing aren’t you all right let’s uh just get

Building I guess I just love right here Jack look we’re going to build this right here we’re going to grab some of this dirt and then uh here we go something like this wow this looks terrible who cares who cares we just have to make a base and they have to

Like it I think they’re going to care dude they won’t care about yes I care very much I don’t mean to agree with crazy here oh my gosh oh my gosh uh but I I recommend maybe building a nicer house that uh this is nice look it’s a dirt

You know it’s a dirt Mansion dude look dirt Mansion like a dirt hobble that was actually kind of fun I mean no that’s not funny I wasn’t laughing she she’s there she’s back okay uh just make it really nice please I’m actually more afraid for my life and than yours right

Now so please actually make it you know nice please okay I’m back we not miss oh that’s that’s wow that is that that is not a house that is not a house at all you know I don’t know maybe you guys could use the motivation or something well um what are you talking

About what you know there’s going to be monsters coming and if you don’t build a proper base you’re going to die and um I recommend you do it as soon as possible cuz if I get angry you would not want to see the outcome of that know would we

Love um no no I’m sorry so um what did I miss I was going to do something and I obviously wasn’t sneaking off in playing games oh um who who invited crazy over here um oh we’re just we’re just making we’re just making TV man Jax

Build a nice lovely base to prove their love for us no piggy oh and if they fail we’re I don’t love you I don’t love you sorry sorry oh you don’t love me no you can’t do that to me me I’m sorry I’m sorry okay anyway let’s just focus on

Making this base good uh I’m just not going to talk to those girls are really weird but anyway here we go we got some of this we’re going to change this into iron what in the world is iron you mean Iron Iron stop listening to my conversations you loser oh oh a feisty

One aren’t we oh um T man I was thinking of maybe making you like some stew or something would you perhaps want some rabbit that be nice I actually like I’m really hungry oh that’s lovely um hey Jack I need you to come here for a

Second love wait wait wait wait wait not rabbits too right I mean I’d be down for some rabbits dude oh no no no Jack no no no no no dude what you’re you’re a rabbit that’s actually messed up okay that’s a lot coming from you lady even I

Think that’s Twisted no no I I thought that was pretty Twisted as well I don’t know you get bonus points for that I guess um maybe I’ll let him have like a setup or something I’m evil not a m monster wait a second son dad help me help me dad

Uh she look at this I have a little I have a little kid by me you know I’m great with kids I mean I don’t believe that just a little no I really am why don’t you believe me dad help me help me Dad shut up you

Little BR I promise son I will definitely help you oh he’s goner no he’s going to get the milk sorry he’s really not coming back no jackon now I have some motivation for you so now you better work your back off or else the next time you’re going to be saying your

Son is in your food do I make myself clear what in the Bro she’s crazy excuse you I always work hard she’s crazy bro Jack we got to build bro oh nice voice crack by the way just stop talking to her she’s being crazy dude oh I’m more than crazy I’m

Evil oh my goody goodness she’s so weird and you’re ugly I know I’m ugly that’s what keeps the men away from me all right here we go let’s play some of this right here and I guess we could do this purple theme but it’s pretty annoying

Like we always do purple Jacks well duh purple’s the best color no it’s not bro no I think you should probably do red red like the Crimson blood of your [Laughter] enemies I’m good on that but anyway Jack we should probably add a fence somewhere

Right dude why are you asking me I don’t know just work bro that’s what I’m doing are you serious right now because there’s apparently going to be monsters that are going to spawn and they might kill us then why are you just using a normal fence use like an electric one or

Something oh wait you’re actually so right dude I’m so stupid for that okay I’m going to make an electric fence right here let’s go and Ja what other uh and Ja what other things can we add to make this place more protective well I

Mean we can add like a moat or like some cameras or lasers or something I don’t know man we just got to work my son’s life is on the line and uh our life is on the line to Loser okay I never said it wasn’t chill I’m quite bored I’m

Quite bored you know I could use some entertainment do do a little dance or song or something entertain I’m not doing that that’s Jack Jack I said Jack yeah that’s Jack I Can’t Dance come on sing a song for me little bird okay well

Then sing uh what do you want me to sing a a song Something entertain me well pick something woman I said sing uh she wants you to sing a song Jack do it okay fine fine just give me a second give me a second um okay we got a number one

Victory Royale yeah fortnite about to get down 10 kills on the board right now just WIP out what do you mean I’m singing what the what in the world is a tomato town and what what’s a fortnite okay Boomer oh my goody goodness bro ja we just got

To focus on the base dude okay what do you think I’ve been doing okay Bro you’ve been singing fortnite actually maybe ja because you was putting a gun at me you can have a break if you if you if you be my personal Jester you know

Just like do a little song again for me I just want to I Just Want to Have a good laugh and not like a malicious laugh like I just like chopped off your son’s head but like a ha he haha moment so sing you little bird or rabbit bird I

Mean do you really need a Jester like you literally are one oh do you want to say that to my face oh that’s right I have your son you’re wearing a Jester outfit what do you mean oh oh I just realized I’m feeling hungry are you

Feeling quite hungry TV man no no I mean I’m kind of hungry to be honest oh perfect I’ll go whip up some rabbit stew with my special ingredient Jax Junior wait I’m not hungry anymore actually I mean I’m a little bit hungry but don’t

Kill my son I said sing I said sing I want entertainment bro this girl’s crazy dude we got to find a way out of here Jack this is insane Jack you’re telling me I am telling you come on just a little Sing Song now anything anything goes

Anything’s good just I just want to be entertained just do something before I blow my top um TV man why are you making it so protected you should really focus on making it nice you know there’s no reason to build up all the defenses I I

Mean a nice house for like us to live in with like a family and stuff you know but they but the evil girl said there’s going to be monsters so I need to make it safe and I need to get out of here cuz you got you girls are psychopath

Okay well I I I know maybe I’m a little love crazy cuz is I I just want some attention a little okay okay maybe maybe a lot um I I just want someone to love me like no one would no one ever could because you just seem so nice and so

Caring and so sweet and I just want someone to love me um um that’s not me maybe Jack would but I’m good I’m good I’m good really I’ve known Jax for a while he’s not the type who would um love you unconditionally but um yeah I’m

Way too good for her anyway o get roasted oh oh yeah oh that’s not get out of my house private property oh well okay well at least if you escape private private property no no please please listen to me please listen to me please please wait wait wait please I’m also

Scared of um evil pomy as well she’s really freaking me out I think she’s starting to corrupt the place if you see she’s already made herself a little Red Throne out of probably the blood of her enemies um and I I really don’t want to stay

Here with her so maybe I could just tag along with you guys afterward please please save me I don’t want to be near her please she’s scary we have to talk um uh I I don’t know but maybe talk to Jack ask Jack yeah that’s going to be a

No from me uh you did kind of like kidnap us and trap us in a cage so I think you’re kind of just getting what you deserve it’s like Karma okay okay okay well well it’s all good fun I mean I’m not I wasn’t holding your son

Hostage and and uh come on I’m desperate please please yeah we can tell please I don’t want to die okay enough about that loser crybaby pomy TV man check out this awesome setup I made by the way did you notice wait what a setup

Bro oh my goash you did hey yo why did you have one bed dude we should be sleeping like two of us okay put down your own bed knock knock oh Jack are we who is it oh it’s it’s not you private property it’s private property you cannot be in here

Oh I can do whatever I want to TV man um can you step out of the way I’m trying to have a conversation with jock don’t stay I think you’re find where you are TV man or not um are you slacking off Jack no me I would never oh is is this

Um this one of your little do hickey game thingies no it’s not a game it’s a simulation it’s training yeah he’s playing a space game look look at the space game isn’t it cool oh how fun I mean I obviously didn’t put you here to work so you could play your

Little games I put you to work so you could build a house it’s not a game it’s it’s training okay well you can train without this now get back to work oh you’re so ugly but don’t worry the monsters are coming so you can use that

As a simulation and use this house and hopefully it will show your you know your love for me and me only I’m not sharing you with anyone else oh my great looking forward to it hey yo Jack this is so weird bro hey hey who’s breaking stuff outside bro what is

This um what in the what’s going on brother there’s lava pools of blood hey yo what is that are you sure this is blood it could just be like Cherry Kool-Aid no that’s definitely blood hey y bro what if that’s your son why would you even say that this is not the time

For jokes TV man we got to deal with these monsters and save my son all right let’s save your son jack but anyway what else can we add to this place to make it more defensive oh I have a really good idea ja watch this here we go we’re

Going to add a little boat right here I already said we could do that I I didn’t think about it at first but you were right ja well I’m always right anyway whatever all right here we go we’re going to place a little bit of that so

We’ll probably add like poison to the boat or something Jax that’s such a good idea poison sounds good to me he Jax we have a problem that is not poison and it is a it is a blood oh my God where is this stuff even coming from my favorite oh you know I

Just my ability to summon it whenever I want you know I’m slowly corrupting this whole place so soon you guys won’t even have a choice and you’ll just belong to me easy peasy are you serious right now what is wrong with her did you say your

Ability is to summon blood oh a lot of things are wrong with me yes why do you have a problem with that I mean whatever that’s just kind of weird oh oh oh you want to talk you know you know I could um give your son a a first class ticket

To the underworld and you know you’ll never see him again hey yo no don’t do that bro anyway ja I have an idea bro we we’ve literally forgot about this we need to add a ton of like resources and like stuff we can use to fight off these

Monsters wherever they are what do you mean forgot about it I already have a weapon what’s your weapon jack gun are you serious right now bro it’s not enough we need like crazy enchantments dude so up here I’m going to add a ton of Enchantment you do that I’m good with my

Gun all right well over here I’m going to add an enchantment table so we can start enchanting everything all right once you finish this enchantment room I’ll uh work on some armor okay let’s get it well I just basically finished it but I guess I can make this place more

Protective because you know it’s really scary and I don’t want to get caught oh boys guess what I have uh what what do you want you both have been working so very hard so I thought I’d just give you a little food yummy treat to you know

Food give me give me oh it’s awesome this stuff is good what is it oh oh it’s just a little recipe I got from my great great great grandmother um it’s rabbit stew with fresh rabbits oh dope can I get the recipe this is really good actually oh oh sure actually no

One’s ever actually asked me for that no no no no no the point is this is a warning this is what’s going to happen if you don’t make this how I want that’s what’s going to happen to your son and eventually Maybe maybe you oh wait this

Isn’t this was just some rabbits right this isn’t my kid oh no not yet you know I told you it was a warning can you just stop this you psycho like TV man we got to get out of here dude that’s what I’ve been trying to do bro oh you’re so cute

Boop don’t do that oh he’s so he’s he’s fluffy boop can you stop can you stop that what is wrong with you stay away from me you’re just so so adorable and so so boopable or whatever I don’t know you you you like animals too manro you

Know what pomy this is why nobody likes you because you’re stupid and you’re ugly and you don’t respect boundaries oh get roasted oh wow he really went for the head oh oh yeah you’re right I don’t respect boundaries yeah that’s what I just said okay well you know I’ll just spawn the

Monsters now because oh no no no no no I’m that much of a crazy psycho do it no no no bro are you serious right now oh you would love to test me don’t you oh no okay good thing there’s our here but I think we have to start fighting these

Bers are really scared right now Jack why would you do that dude why would I do what dude she’s about to spawn in other monsters with pom okay so what we’re fine we’re ready hey pomy you said after this you’d take me to the amusement park right oh yeah of course

If um they didn’t finish completing fighting the monsters and whatnot but yeah uh is there anywhere else you’d like to go yipp oh no we’re going to have to fight these monsters now Jax where are you dude I’m in our base what do you think all right just close

Everything oh no close everything I’m really scared oh my goody goodness bro what are these things doing hey yo it’s poy what is going on evil stop this oh no I’m really scared ah they’re here oh they’re up here too oh no we’re actually done Zone come on fight these girls oh

Our electric fence are actually working pretty well though this is so entertaining it’s probably actually more entertaining than hearing Jack sing like that that was bad I’m still like bleeding in my ears but you know that it wasn’t you’re the one that forced me to

Woman well it was funny it was a little silly you know you can be a little silly sometimes oh my goodness these Ponies are so powerful are you serious right now I’m actually going to die here there’s so many of them too fight them let’s go oh my good hey yo what there’s

Mini ones too ow ow they’re really powerful too hey get away from me you weirdos not I don’t care didn’t ask bro you trapped me in this prison anyway it’s all your fault okay I’m sorry I may have gone a little overboard don’t take that out on me please a little okay a

Lot overboard I’m realizing my mistakes hey at least I’m growing in maturity no I don’t care didn’t ask you left me in here with that crazy evil lady who thinks we’re dating you think we’re dating too you weirdo I’m just going to I’m just going to watch but it’s okay

Chck if you die I I’ll I’ll take care of your son okay how about you just help me to not die uh well I can’t really do that all right come on oh no there’s evil ones ow ow they’re really powerful oh my good goodness ow ow ow ow ow ow ow

Ow they’re really powerful get away from me evil Evil’s ow ow this is so entertaining to watch yes you are weird heyy yo feed off their energy rip them to strength hey yo what is she talking about yo ja there’s a lot of them around me bro I think I’m actually

Going to die dude I’m covering you just keep running oh oh wait ja ja turn around turn around Jack where you even are you my guy I’m on the roof why would you jump down oh my good goodness bro they were scaring me dude I almost died

Where are you bro are you just sitting there really I just told you I’m on the roof shooting at them oh ja that was a little silly of me I can be quite silly at times can you help me what are you doing okay I’m going to

Help you jack oh my goodness there’s so many of them are you serious right now ow there’s all this blood everywhere too it’s so weird oh my gosh there’s so many come on kill these girls wow they’re actually doing really well against the mobs I think they actually might make it

They actually might survive let’s go I know and that’s making me angry they cannot leave they will never be able to leave their mine and mine alone just watch us shut up rabbit okay no one asked you see I’m learning this no one asked you no one asked you fatty go on a

Diet my goodness what are you talking about oh my goodness I’m so scared just let us go please just let us go this is so scary and oh no there’s more hello no oh wait there is one way you could leave actually if you agreed to marry me

And be mine forever you know just like you could leave like you could at this point I’d rather actually married the other py over you loser really You’ actually want to marry me no no no no no no no no just a comparison oh oh okay okay I’ll just cancel the wedding plans

We were going to have a three tier cake it’s fine I’ll just eat that three tier cake myself and cry okay well look here look here this will be our last round and I know you won’t be able to survive this you guys will be mine and mine

Forever oh my good goodness just makes me tingle inside oh no they’re so powerful too he oh why are they so big too they’re so gross looking e yeah they’re so fat oh my goody goodness you’re so fat idiot them oh my goodness come on ow ow I’m actually going to die

Ja ow ow ow ow ow ow okay that sounds like a you problem oh my gosh what’s going on what’s going on everything’s exploding oh oh that’s a bit early wouldn’t you say I didn’t expect it to blow that soon hey yo Jack build up build up something’s exploding over

There looks like there’s a passageway opening I don’t have any blocks no no no no no let let’s not do that actually you’re supposed to stay here with me and we’re supposed to get married don’t you agree no J come on we got to go we got to go

Get us out of here there’s way out here oh my was there’s a way out come on ah there’s TNT exploding everywhere oh no go no no this can’t be hening no come back here you’re not supposed to leave Jack Go Jack f no get back here

Please please you can’t leave me oh my goodness we got to go but wait we might have to do this jump if we want to survive let’s go just stop crying jump oh my gosh I just jumped and literally boat clutch that thing let’s go come on

Wait no you guys can’t leave okay that’s Dum I guess I’ll just go play a game again I I really don’t really care wait no no no no please T you said um well I don’t know today we’re doing a build to survive with PNE and Jack yeah this is

Going to be so much fun I’m so excited me too I can’t wait to build yeah guys I am so excited anyway mobs are going to come out of this super scary cave in a little bit but wait are those babies over there wait how the heck did our

Kids get on this build to survive they don’t know what they’re doing why why my PC I want it I want to play fortnite who their build me a PC too wait where are we why the heck are you asking me what the heck is this weird TV guy doing here

And Mom and Dad oh uh it looks like two of our children are here ja oh my gosh this is going to be so much extra work now we have to build an extra safe house so they stay away from the monsters safe from the monsters no you got to save

Those kids from my ’90s in fortnite make me a house for fortnite uh no we are not building a house for fortnite kids we need to survive these monsters anyway I’m going to start building this house and guys I need as much help as I can

Adults help out okay TV man how many monsters do you think are going to spawn here dude there’s going to be a lot of monsters that spawn in a little bit and we need to defend ourselves or El so we’re literally going to die and all

Those kids are going to die too so we need to literally build the best family house ever yeah we need to make this quickly so kids are safe who cares about that I just want to play fortnite hey you know what guys we should totally build our own house to get away from

These silly adults hey kids no you have to follow the rules no you guys stay in your little play pin up what in the what are you guys doing what um shut up why would I even listen to you you’re not my mom or my dad dude there’s literally

Going to be a ton of monsters that come out of this cage later and you’re going to regret building your own place you need to survive with us kids what the heck are you doing over there that house looks like garbage just coming ours garbage so you’re going to insult us and

Expect us to live with you heck no man all right anyway kids just come over to our house eventually and uh you should be fine from the monsters anyway let’s keep building this and wao this roof looks so good all right here we go and

Wait this is going to look so good I am so excited about this and it’s already looking super high-tech and we have a ton of time left until those monsters spawn oh yeah I can’t wait to play fortnite and Minecraft and Call of Duty yeah guys look at this our house is

Already almost done it’s got everything we need three PCS for fortnite uh kids that is not going to help you when all the zombies attack your Bas man zombies zombies got nothing on these ’90s baby get away from here can you shut up and leave us alone you’re not our parents

Stranger danger okay you kids need to follow the rules especially my kids I’m looking at you Jax um don’t tell me what to do Mom Dad always told me to break the rules yeah guys let’s break the rules let’s build the best setup ever uh

No guys this is a very bad idea I’m telling you these monsters are going to be very powerful and they’re probably going to kill you all right anyway I got to talk to the adults here all right listen you got to get your kids under control they’re acting very bad I don’t

Know what to do TV man I’m trying everything I can they just won’t listen Okay well we need to do something or else they’re literally going to die maybe we should put them through a ton of strength challenges or something yeah that’s a really good idea we should get

Those kids trained teach moles yeah we really need to do that anyway uh how about someone starts doing that or building that all right well I’ll get started on that I guess it’s going to be a while all right here we go and let’s start adding some exterior designs to

This even though designing doesn’t really matter that much we just got to be able to survive hey guys you know what we should totally do we should go over over there and we should grief their house with TNT well I don’t know that sounds kind of dangerous man you’re

Such a baby come here and check out how awesome this explosion is going to be what in the way hey hey hey stop this kid oh oh my gosh are you serious right now no no no no no no no no no no are you serious right

Now what just happened I I don’t know mom um TV man kind of just like blew up your house for some reason I don’t know um what in the what are you serious right now that was not me dude don’t blame this on me seriously I don’t

Believe TV man would do that Jacks wait mom he totally did like there’s two of us and only one of him who are you going to believe your own flesh and Blood come on are you serious R you’re actually the worst dude I actually hate you guys oh

My goodness can you guys please just come in the house and help us and not do your stupid trolls this isn’t funny well I told him not to do it but they did it anyway oh shut up man we’re supposed to P it on TV man oh my goodness are you

Serious right now No One Believes you you guys are just goofy anyway I’m just going to keep decorating my house you guys are so annoying I hope you guys know those monsters are just a myth man they’re not going to be spawning anyway that’s why we can just keep having fun

Uh dude are you serious right now have you ever done a build to survive there’s going to be so many monsters what are you talking about anyway I’m just going to keep building up our base because we’re going to have to survive against these monsters all right well these

Shrink challenges are going pretty nicely considering I’m the one building them how are my kids doing up there uh uh they are acting very rude Jack I’m not going to lie they are making me very angry and they’re not following the rules dude at all kids what are you

Doing get in the house already listen a TV man man I’m not going to listen to you you’re not my dad uh unfortunately I am your father now listen oh my goodness kids can you please just listen to your dad besides Kane I don’t think that’s

His dad but anyway just listen to your father I mean I’ll listen to him if he gives me $10,000 $10,000 are you kidding me just get in the house okay we’ll get in the house come on guys let’s get in our house F you kids are so annoying it must be

Pne’s side well I I guess let’s just work on the house right now we can worry about the kids later we just need to really up our defenses all right anyway I got to figure out a way to like get them to stop but I’m just going to keep

Building up my base we got to make this so secure or else the monsters are going to kill us listen TV man how about I cut you a deal uh what in the what do you want baby pomy we’ll come live with you and we’ll listen to you guys for 5,000

V-bucks for v-bucks are you serious Ry now no I I am not doing that dude um I might as well just go ahead and blow up your house again no no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay okay listen dude just please leave us alone I I don’t

Care about anything you’re doing please just leave us alone so we can build a good house so you guys could survive yeah it’s such a good house buddy your windows aren’t even e oh my goodness I’ll even them out then anyway I’m going to go back to winning my game see you

Man oh my goodness are you serious right now what is wrong with you I don’t know what’s wrong with them I I can’t do this right now I’ll just keep building yeah I don’t know what’s going on with your kids but I’m the one Babys sitting here

And they’re not even my children anyway this is looking really good but I feel we need to up our defenses and actually make it way better hey guys you want to see something funny watch this H what in the way hey hey hey guys uh where’ the

Roof go oh my goodness are you serious right now don’t even worry about it P me I’ll fix it kids you guys are so annoying I’m going to have my fifth mental breakdown what the heck was that explosion what was that noise yo Jack no way dude that was actually so funny that

Was not funny kids are you serious right now you guys are being on very bad behavior I’m going to have to tell your parents oh no yeah tell my parents I’m so scared all right I’m just going to keep working on this base and here we go

Let’s add some fences right there and like that looks really trash I’m not going to lie we need to like up the quality of this it’s literally out of wood like we need to make it maybe iron or something yeah iron would be way better why were you building out of wood

TV man I have no idea but iron is going to be way better because then we’re actually going to be able to defend ourselves way more oh I love that idea iron is amazing it really is awesome I love this so much you know what else I’d

Love a vacation all righty here we go let’s keep building this up and uh this iron actually looks so good but we’re going to need to like fill it around the whole entire house oh and wait we literally have this other room over here maybe we can make this like the bedroom

For the kids so they could like shut up when the monsters are coming or maybe we could just teach the kids how to fight but I I don’t know if we’re going to be to do that come on TV man we’re definitely going to be able to teach him

I mean they’re my kids after all well two of them are I don’t know about that third one yeah who invited that one I have no idea anyway I don’t know how the kids even got on this map but we just got to make sure they stay alive or else

We’re all going to die man you silly adults don’t know anything we’re going to survive this with or without you what are you talking about dude you’re literally just a child you don’t know anything I’m sorry to break it to you buddy just a child man does the child

Have this many wins in fortnite dude who cares about fortnite are you serious right now that doesn’t matter dude of course it matters all right you know what kids I I’m going to see your gaming setup see what you guys have been working on up really get out you’re not

Allowed in here oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway what does this say cool Pro fortnite are you serious no we’re breaking that sign we are not doing this right now hey man did you just break my sign dude please just stop you need to help us with the base or

Just like do something else you guys are not being productive at all man I love that sign since you broke something I loved I’m going to break something you love here I go no no no no stop it stop it stop it nice armor stand you got here

Buddy not anymore are you serious right now really dude are are you serious I can’t take this anymore what are you doing you just made your mom cry only I’m allowed to do that oh I mean yeah maybe I shouldn’t have done that Mom I’m sorry I I just can’t

We we’ve been working so hard to keep you safe and then and then you just blow up our hard work why can’t you just behave will you at least help us build this house yeah I think I’m going to say no oh you see serious right now dude you

Actually so messed up all right let’s just stop with the whining can we just finish this base already guys yeah we’re doing it and Jack did you build those strength challenges yet can you chill out TV man I’m working on it it takes time for an artist to make art all right

Well anyway we’re going to have to eventually make those strength challenges because those kids need to survive this build to survive and they need to learn how to like be strong anyway I’m working on this separate room over here and this looks so awesome it’s like made out of iron and stuff this

Looks so cool guys honestly I feel like we should go help the parents out what dude are you insane why do you want to go help them out they’re all old and they smell because we really haven’t been doing anything to help them and I

Just feel bad for them can you shut up already you’re such a loser this is why your parents don’t love you okay I’m sorry oh my goodness those kids are actually so rude I can’t believe this right now all right here we go and we’re building this roof right now and this

Looks so good and our house is actually starting to look really awesome I’m not going to lie but I feel like we need to make it more protective just keep replacing the wood with iron TV man it wouldn’t have been a problem if you did

It right the first time you know oh my goodness are you serious right now I’m doing that right now maybe we should change the stairs let’s do like cour stairs that’ll look so cool let’s do something like that and oh my goodness wait our interior is literally trash

What is going on here well if those kids hadn’t exploded it maybe it might have looked a little nice okay you know what I’ll help you with this Interior right now Pony because this is probably the most important part so we don’t get stormed in on here we go I don’t know

What to do about my let’s do something like this we’ll add like a little interior thing like that maybe we should have some better blocks let me check if there’s anything else we can use all right TV what’s up poy can I ask for a little advice uh yeah what’s up you seem

To be better with children than I am what should I do about my kids they’re always misbehaving and I can never get them to cooperate I really think you should yell at them and tell them to stop but that should be Jax’s problem not not yours I I rarely ever raise my

Voice I don’t think you should raise your voice but you need to put them in play in their place they literally think they could do anything well how am I supposed to do that without yelling at them you know I can probably help you out I I mean I’ve been trying to help

You out but these kids are literally so annoying and they don’t do anything what if I take away their fortnite or their gaming Set uh that could be a very bad idea what if they get very angry and like try to kill you or something that’s

True I can’t believe I’m afraid of my own kids yeah why don’t we just take it away we should have thought of that earlier yeah ja maybe we should just take away their stuff but I feel like that could spiral out of control and maybe make everything way worse I don’t

Know it’s it’s a 50/50 on that one come on there’s no way it could go wrong what do you mean there’s no way it could go wrong are you serious right now I think I think it could only go wrong all right let’s keep adding this detail right here

And wo this looks so awesome I’m not going to lie let’s keep it going here we go we’re going to replace that with iron and I really like this detail I’m doing with this like Spruce Wood thing I actually love this P do you like the

Interior so far doesn’t it look so good oh wow this is amazing did you do all this of course I did what are you talking about have you not seen me build all this I’m very impressed sorry I’ve been busy pulling out strands of my hair cuz these kids are stressing me

Out I’m going to cry uh pop po it’s okay you you’ll get through this trust me I don’t want to have kids anymore okay that that’s stretching it poy come on they’re they’re not that bad right they exploded our base twice I I don’t I need

To pray pomy can you stop being such a baby let the kids cry you’re a grown woman okay okay okay you’re right jack I’m sure we’ll be able to figure this out one way or another all right and this is looking so good I’m not going to lie I actually just transformed this

Place I’ll work on it later but let me go talk to those kids okay thank you we need to fix their attitude all righty kids uh we got something to talk about everyone meet me over here and don’t tell me what to do weirdo hey let’s just

Listen to what he has to say what’s in it for me uh what do you mean what’s in it for you okay listen you see that little area over there like like literally right here you’re going to be right in front of the monsters when they

Spawn in and if you guys are in this gaming setup you guys are literally going to die I mean I don’t think those mobs are going to be real so I think it’s fine all right uh baby Jack did you listen to anything I just said did you

Just say something oh my goodness are you serious right now listen to me get out of my house what oh my goodness I am actually so annoyed right now okay kids I I hate to do this but sadly your gaming setup has to go no buddy here

Wait no you better put that away man stay away from my stay away I I don’t know what else I can do here sadly so uh it looks like you guys are going to go go goodbye no stop why it’s so messed up man all right guys

That’s it you guys are done it’s over for you guys yeah how are you going to like it when we blow up your house guys come on just relax shut up nerd nobody asked you 3 2 1 explosion hold up hold up little one oh Kane what in the world

Are you doing here oh your child’s here say hi hello this is where you been why in the heck are you here you’re not you’re supposed to be at home I was hanging out with Jackson py junor and and I thought I would be okay I said you

Could hang out with them for like a couple hours it’s been like 10 hours that’s besides the point I’ve been hearing that two other kids besides my own have been very uncooperative recently so I’m going to dish out a little bit of punishment and put you

Guys in survival for a bit survival what are you talking about man what are those monsters coming to eat us well you better ask your parents for help then there we go yeah you could be turned into survival mode anyways if those monster came by so hey Dad what’s up can

I have a shotgun just in case M I would prefer no I don’t like giving out shotguns especially to you I know what you can do with them I’m not the one acting up they’re the one being disrespectful I know I know I’ve been watching now kids go do something

Productive man don’t tell me what to do stay away from me weirdo all right anyway I don’t have time to listen to all this stupid since I’m just going to keep building up my base and wo it’s actually starting to look so good but we need to upgrade

Maybe our defenses on this side all right let’s just break all of this because this stuff looks trash I’m not going to lie we need to maybe make it like iron bars or wait is there anything better than iron bars wait there’s electric fences that’s going to be so

Goated uh so uh TV man are the kids finally behaving have you talked to them or anything uh yeah there was a special guest who just came normal Kane not the sun normal Kane came and I yelled at them and put them in survival oh uh that’s wonderful Maybe I should try that

Sometime hey TV man are our kids finally behaving uh yeah I guess so Kan wao Baby Kane thank you so much for helping no problem yeah see look one of the kids is already helping but sadly he’s not one of your one of your own I I don’t know

About the other guys but we’re just going to make this base really good and then uh help them with the strength challenges no I’m not doing any strength challenges what are you guys even talking about dude no you have to help out a little bit what are you talking

About are you serious right now you blew up my base you expect me to help you and you tattle tailed on Kane I didn’t tattletail dude he just hurt us I guess he’s like ruing this like build a Survivor or something but we got to

Fight cuz there’s going to be a ton of monsters that come all right anyway this iron fence thingy is looking so good I’m not going to lie it is actually looking amazing I love this so much and you know what maybe we could even add some more

Things let me think what else we could do honestly this roof needs a lot of work and baby Jack what in the water are you doing up here huh what does it look like I was sleeping until you woke me up you jerk now build me my base up here

What are you doing Chop Chop TV boy excuse me what who do you think you are dude no that you are not allowed to do that dude you’re in survival mode so you have to listen to the adults shut up nobody asked you hey J you need to start

Listening to TV men and our parents because without them we’re going to die um why are you even talking to me like that it’s no wonder you’re such a loser if your dad’s such a jerk I’m just trying to help you out man you don’t

Have to be so mean why would I want help from a bozo like you stop talking to me all right anyway you are being super rude baby jackon now get out of here I’m building this little thing right here this is literally the top of the house

And it’s a little dangerous for you to be up here too why are you even up here are you serious right now I can go where I want to don’t tell me what to Doe raised you like why do you act like this dude what do you mean I learned

Everything I know from my father whoa check it out I’m up on the roof this is so awesome I love freaking rules hey kids come on uh Baby Kane is helping out a lot actually you guys need to start helping here I’ll give you guys some

Blocks if you want to start helping I mean sure I’ll take some blocks what is that o iron uh whoa who are you going to use it to help the house or what I mean yeah I’m definitely not going to go sell it for money all right I’m not getting

You anything that’s it what do you mean don’t you want my help no I I don’t to be honest just stay in the house you’re going to have to do strength challenge as soon anyway I’m not doing those St challenges buddy good luck getting me to

Dude you’re going to have to you need to become strong because there’s going to be a ton of monsters that come you don’t understand how dangerous they are man I need to get strong I’m already stronger than you buddy uh do you want a sword battle seriously dude you’re not going

To win I mean yeah I’m down let’s do it all right you know what uh here you go buddy take this why did you hit me Mom Mom you asked for it kid Mom Mom right here Mom Mom help me TV man just hit me stop making up live

Okay just go do something useful or better yet uh sit in the corner lies he literally tried to kill me mhm yeah of course whatever you say honey mom can you just build me this zet out please well you haven’t been on your best behavior but if you continue to be on

Good behavior maybe I’ll get you a setup okay um I I’ll be good I’ve been good the whole time and I’ll keep being good that is Cap you have not been on good behavior Little Bro you’ve been trying to ruin this whole time literally dude can you please just just help out okay

Here I’m going to give you some carpets and you can place them okay buddy here you go take some of this take some of that and here TV yes P I’m trying to parent Could you um uh scoot oh oh I’m sorry I’m sorry yeah py do your thing

Yep yep yep yep okay I’m just going to keep building this though man I just got a ton of blocks now I’m going build my setup in the house uh I heard you I I I I meant a red carpet to the house oh my goodness are you serious right now

Anyway as long as you’re helping out to contributing to the house you know do whatever you want but don’t build a gaming setup you have no gaming setup for me man oh finally I fin those strength challenges we can do them whenever all wait the kids have to do

Them right not us because we’re already strong well yeah I that’s what I meant what did you think idiot all right well okay dude you don’t have to be so mean but anyway I’m just going to keep building this up and we got to make this

Super secure Jack uh I guess I’ll help with the house now since the monsters are going to be coming in like 20 minutes even though I work so hard on those strength challenges already all right well anyway we should probably start using reinforced stuff I don’t know why we haven’t used reinforced

Stuff but anyway let’s put some reinforced glass right here wait should we use normal reinforced glass or reinforced white stained glass what do you think py um probably reinforced I think it will help us protect okay let’s just use normal reinforced and wo this stuff is so protective we are actually

Going to win this pill to survive there’s no way reinforced wait you weren’t using that the whole time TV man that’s exactly what I told you to do what are you doing man uh what are you talking about dude I forgot about reinforced stuff I mean I don’t know all

Right let’s just put some glass right here and we’ll Place three right there and we’ll get a little four here and oh my goodness it’s already starting to look super duper secure oo the reinforced looks really good with our house I love it yeah it does look really

Good but we need to put it everywhere and py and Jack watch you guys help out of course of course all right we’re just going to keep making this more protected and let me think of what else I can do here huh let me think let’s check the

Other reinforced blocks we can use and wait we could use reinforced iron bars that’s going to be so goated what else can we use reinforced ice oh that’s so good imagine like when the monsters coming they’re going to slide on the ice and die but T man I feel like we could

Up our defenses just a bit what do you think all right and I think this ice is actually a goated idea because these monsters are going to literally die from this this round is going to be so easy to survive I just hope our kids join us

I really don’t think it’s going to be easy py cuz we literally have like a ton of time until the monsters come that means it’s going to be like one really scary wave oh don’t worry guys it’s going to be like the hardest wave ever cuz there’s only one so yeah it’s going

To be really fun yay I’m so excited to get killed no guys don’t worry though we’re going to be able to win this we just got to keep building our defenses I really don’t have any idea what else we could yeah there’s really no other way I don’t

Think we can leave this place I don’t think we can do anything but our base is really starting to look good at baby Jacks what what are you doing up there what do you mean can you start helping out a little bit I mean your friends are

Helping you’re not I am helping I’m making sure everybody does their job properly stop nagging me what are you talking about are you serious right now no you’re not doing anything dude you’re being lazy is that Jack Junior on top of the house yes he’s literally being

Annoying hey get out of here hey move ja please get off the top that’s really scaring me I’m going to have a heart attack please get off all right that’s it I’m calling your father hey J J your son is on top of the building and he’s

Being very weird and gross and annoying huh what are you talking about TV man what’s going on uh look at your son he thinks he’s cool up there he’s not cool he’s being annoying are you sure I mean he does look pretty cool up there to be

Honest see this is what where where you’re going wrong you’re not telling him it’s bad tell him this is a very dangerous well yeah it’s dangerous but you know what’s life without a little danger but you know son even though you are my favorite you need to start

Helping out your brother is yeah you need to start helping out baby Jax or else you’re not going to be able to survive this build to survive shut up TV man I’m here for a good time not a long time and Dad I’ve been doing like everything everything that’s been going

On down there is like all a part of my master plan what no that is cap that is actually cap oh really son you’re more like me than I thought all right carry on then what no Jack you need to tell him not to do that oh my goodness are

You serious right now anyway where are the other kids and uh who who who let him put this set up here wa what are you guys doing in here get out of my room what this is not your room this is the main room your room I built most of this

Stuff yeah you guys said you built it to protect me right so that means it’s my room py did you build him this setup are you serious right now I said if he was on good behavior I buil him a setup but I haven’t seen any good behavior since

You don’t deserve this setup hey stop breaking my setup like I literally built this red carpet out here you don’t like it all right listen kid you’re you’re going to need to get stronger soon so we’re going to put you through some strength challenges in a bit with all

Your other friends what did it for me okay you know what how about this if you beat all the strength challenges I will give you 5,000 v-bucks and all the fortnite cards you ever want 5,000 yeah let’s do it buddy let’s go where’s it at

No I think I’m going to call my wait a minute I’m going to do it myself I want all the v-bucks to myself let’s go uh no you need to do it with all your friends where’s baby Jax okay baby Jax you’re coming with us we’re doing strength

Challenges now um no I’m not I’m good leave me alone old man yes you are no no you are you have to because these bu these Builder survive monsters are coming soon and what where’s Kan at Kan hello K why in the why are you there oh

Uh I’m just looking out for the monsters you aren’t my kid but that’s really dangerous uh why don’t you come inside our house n I’m good my Dad should be coming to get me anyway I don’t mean to be rude um Kane Jor but your dad’s a lunatic and you’re probably safer inside

Our house my daddy is not a lunatic he is the leader of the great digital circus give up he can die for what for all I care py excuse me no that’s really rude but anyway let’s just put these two kids for the strike challenges for v-bucks K v-bucks v-bucks okay I’m

Coming wait did somebody say v-bucks I want v-bucks v-bucks v-bucks hey TV man did you manage to round up all those kids we’re about to start the string challenges uh yeah but they think they’re going to wait a ton of v-bucks if they’re able to do it so just just go

Along with it they’re not actually going to win anything but just don’t tell you want me to lie to my kids that’s a great idea okay okay yeah yep yep just agree with me okay kids everybody we’re going to go get some v-bucks everyone follow me okay wa yeah v-bucks where we going

Take me there okay okay slow down slow down everyone okay this is a strength challenge that was built by my good friend JX right here and wait this place is actually really cool I’m not going to lie free v-bucks at the end wait end of

What okay listen this is going to be a strength challenge so when the build to survive monsters come you guys are going to be able to be strong enough to fight them okay okay man this is so boring but I’ll just do it for the v-bucks all right guys here’s your first challenge

It’s going to be the gym now you guys have to do some bench press and some push-ups and some boxing bags so let’s see what you guys are made of wait you only want me to bench 135 that’s so easy all right let’s see it dude come on are

You sure this is a good idea I mean they’re really tiny and it could crush them okay okay guys we’re going to do some jumps first okay everyone come over here kids man this is so dumb man I’ve done all this stuff before I just want

To go play fortnite man I want to be here all right kids first one to break this boxing bag wins come on go go go go go man this is so easy that was easy wao Jax you’re actually really strong dude I’m not going to lie I just said that

Wait what you guys are the blue ones are easier to break man it’s got to be that way there’s no way no maybe you’re just trash I’m not going to lie you can’t break it do you hear this Mom you’re to let a grown man talk to me a child like

That I mean TV man is it kind of um a little weird that you’re trying to roast a child okay I’m only doing this to make him stronger okay this is just a good way to make him stronger right jack yeah sure whatever you say man I don’t really

Care yeah this is way too easy I’m so strong let me try and bench this real quick you got it come on wait this might be a little too heavy I’m not going to lie that weighs like three times much as you do Jack doesn’t matter watch this oh

It’s falling it’s falling where’s my spotter oh okay H there you go okay you’re good whatever this is lame anyway let’s just do those other challenges already oh guys no no there is more to the gym challenge guys everyone we got to do 50 Jumping Jacks and push-ups come

On guys help I’ll do it with you so we can get stronger jumping jacks what am I eight come on man this is so lame you have to do it dude if you want to get stronger no you’re eight and a half I’m already the strongest one here well you

Didn’t break the punching bag first so sadly you’re not the strongest I’m to break you buddy ha you’re a weakling he hey hey hey don’t talk to a TV man like that I’m actually feeling a lot stronger cuz I’m actually following the directions like these other two what do

You mean I’m literally doing it right now look at me I mean give me a second give me give me hey hey you’re cheting go dude what cheating man I was just having a little snack all right anyway let’s move on to the next challenge oh

These kids are so annoying anyway we got to parkour you guys have to get through the whole parkour hit this doorbell at the end all right we’re going to take this slow and steady slow and steady wins the race after all slow and steady that’s for nerds watch this oh wo whoa

Wao slow down ja you might die it burns it burns okay Jack here stand on this you got it get out get out get out does he need my we got we got to do an emergency thing here here you go are you okay Jack uh Jack uh stop drop

And roll I think or yeah stop droing roll shut up mom I’m fine a little lava never hurt anybody I meant to jump in well you lost this challenge sadly buddy I would argue that man you’re so trash at parkour I got this stuff easy check

Me out fast as the way to go fast steady dud help me please it’s so hot oh my gosh who’s trash now uh stop drop and roll oh my gosh it looks like Kane’s the only one who actually survived Kane you got this dude yeah I got this I’m almost

There come on you got it Kane come on yeah wow look at that slow and steady did win the race even if it is what a loser would do but good job I guess well thanks guys I appreciate it good job Kane even though uh the two others are

Oh my gosh are you serious right now guys guys come on stop what the heck man it’s about to win oh my gosh let’s just move on to the next challenge all right here’s the last challenge kids we have the ring now you guys have to fight each

Other right here TV man is it a good idea to pit children against each other and make them fight to the death well this is the only way they’re going to get stronger by beating each other up I’m starting to question your methods yes yes yes Tomy what are you talking

About this is just to help them fight the monsters well I guess it’s worth the shot it’s just if any of them get hurt they won’t be in any condition to fight the monsters well whenever they tap out that means they lose so guys everyone get in the middle and we’re going to

Start and the winner will get the v-bucks W yeah v-bucks let me add him let me add him I can’t wait honestly I don’t even care about the v-bucks Mr TV man honestly I just want to get stronger oh that’s so wholesome Kade all right in

Three 2 one go what’s up buddy what’s up buddy get out of here you guys about this guys bring on stop teaming up on me stop it stop guys stop okay I’m done I’m out stop crying baby get out of the ring that’s it you’re done wait you cheated

What the heck well it looks like Kate is the winner congratulations buddy yay all right well I think we’re all ready and you guys must have gotten stronger right me I was already the strongest here so like I didn’t really need that you know if you’re the strongest then how’ you

Get out first all right anyway guys the build of survival will be happening soon and the monsters are going to come so we need to build the rest of this base and then the monsters are going to come and it’s going to be really scary and guys

It is night time that means it’s is getting close okay we got to build our defenses up but hopefully you guys got stronger from that and that help thank you so much Jack for building that as well yeah no worries tevie man it was for my kids after all even though that

Weird one won in the end and uh what in the what it is raining oh no the Builder survive is going to happen soon everyone kids help out build the base and I’m pretty excited I mean I mean there not going to be monsters since you know guys

It was all fake it’s all a myth right what in the what are you talking about are you serious right now look it’s getting stormy and scary but anyway I’m going to keep building up our defenses and wait I have a banger idea boys let’s put down some laser lasers that’s

Actually going to be so good that’s such a great idea hopefully we survive this and kids don’t forget to help okay okay all right here we go we got to instead put the lasers here so I can actually still walk inside of the house but oh no

I’m really scared right now and it’s storming it’s going to be happening any minute all right and let’s put some lasers right here and oh my gosh lasers are actually goated and wait I completely forgot we’re going to need to add a ton of like gear and resources and

Stuff maybe we need to make an enchantment table pomy do we have an enchantment table already on it I also have a Lucky Sword here some armor uh lots of food lots of enchanted golden apples steak bows and arrows swords uh I just was making sure we’re prepared and

I also have bunk beds for the kids oh that’s awesome thank you so much I’m good I’m getting better at this parenting thing I think yeah you are good job hey TV man do you think that training worked and all do you think they’re stronger now I actually do think

They got a little stronger but I don’t know they were messing around the whole time it was kind of annoying like I don’t know yeah I don’t know why my kids always mess around like that they had to have gotten it from their mother excuse me uh you shouldn’t have said it out

Loud are you serious right now anyway can you just help out with the defenses look at this laser thingy too it looks so good Dad what are you doing build me something up here I’m so cold from this ring dude what in the what no you can’t

Be up there dude just go inside the house and sit in there no that’s for losers all right and just like that my setup is complete you’re kidding me right after all the training you’ve done I thought you were finally having a better attitude why don’t you care about

The monsters are going to be spawning soon all you care about is playing video games I don’t only just care about video I I care about a lot more man that’s such C all well why don’t you show us then dude I’m going to show you guys the

Best defense ever and and I’m going to build it fortnite themed it’s going to be great and you guys are going to be jealous it’s going to be so helpful what in the what are you yapping about low bro stop it dude can you just help out

With the base I am helping right now what the heck is that guy’s problem just shut up already all right anyway we’re going to grab some buckets right here and wait I have a really good idea we could use fium and I’m pretty sure this stuff is like poisonous from the moners

And if they get in here they’re literally going to die this is perfect I really hope our defenses are good enough to hold against these mobs you have any idea what they’re going to be they’re going to be very scary py I’m telling you so we need to build the best

Defenses ever and it looks like we’re doing a really good job honestly like we honestly like have made this base goed hey guys you like my uh my Soul Sand path here uh yeah actually I don’t mind that wait does that slow you down oh that’s really smart dude good job thanks

For helping yeah thanks man yeah I thought it slow on the mob so they couldn’t get us when we were in the house and playing fortnite uh no we’re not going to play fortnite you can play fortnite after if you’re on good behavior okay dude okay okay I’ll be on

The best behavior and I’ll help you build the best house okay do you have any other ideas child um I say uh gun turret uh that would be way too hard to set up okay anyway I’m going to work on getting the gear set up all right let’s

Grab a chest right here and we’re going to put down all this super good armor watch this guys and excuse me Baby Kane watch out here we go now let’s clear my inventory right here and guys watch this we are literally going to get the best

Combat ever all right and if we look here we have this medieval Arbor set and wo this stuff is going to be so goated maybe we should get like a lot of it so everyone else can have some let’s grab some of this and wait pomy here throw

Some of this in the chest oh uhuh here you go grab some of this and this stuff is going to be goated and we’ll also grab some more stuff and wait we can grab all these super good swords and stuff this stuff looks so awesome let’s grab some Diamond short swords and we

Can also grab some netherite swords as well we’re going to have to enchant all these as well don’t worry we have an enchantment table I made sure I added it we’ll add some Shields as well oh wait you add an enchantment table oh thank you so much pomy this is goated no

Problem a day in the life of a mother is never done all right here we go I’m going to grabb one of these swords and maybe I’m going to grab some of this armor as well so I can start enchanting it here we go let’s grab some of these

Pants and here we go let’s put this in here and oh my goodness I cannot I can’t even enchant this armor are you serious righto so I guess we could just give that armor to the kids uh yeah just kids with weapons I think that’s a good idea

Well there’s nothing else we can really do pomy I’m not going to lie like we have to trust them besides maybe baby Jack but he’s not he’s not really doing anything so maybe I’ll just give him like a sleeping potion so we’ll sleep through it yeah maybe we could do that

Because you know uh the other gu is actually helping out baby your baby is actually helping out a lot that’s wonderful maybe he will get that set up all right here we go and I just got my enchanted armor this stuff looks so good let’s put this on and we’re going to be

Ready soon and let’s also grab some food let’s put some golden apples in here we got to get as many golden enchantment apples as we can I’m just going to put them all in here oh wait TV man I have some up here oh wait you have all these

Golden apples up here oh that’s goed here we go oh wait we need a bow as well for the mobs don’t worry there’s some over here oh wow you’re actually amazing you’ve done so much thank you so much py I always liked it plan ahead hey Jack

You know man I think we should actually like start helping out um what did you just say no I’m like I’m pretty sure the monsters are actually real like it’s raining and it’s getting dark now uh the other monsters are real who cares I care

Man I don’t know it was kind of funny watching you think they weren’t all right that’s it I’m going to help build the house and you better help too buddy uh I’m good why don’t you help for me you can do like my work all right anyway

Let’s just finish up this interior we only have a little bit of time left let’s grab some reinforced bars this is going to be it inside of here just for some more Extra Protection I hope this holds up we’ve TR we’ve done our best yeah we really have done our best and I

Think it will hold up pomy don’t worry I done one with my dad before it’s very scary you’ve done one of these before oh how scary is it Kane let’s just say one of us is going to die here today uh what in the what are you serious right not if

We have our bases like this good I’m not going to lie but maybe but me and my dad had a better defense than you guys did it’s because we weren’t sitting here messing around talking about fortnite and stuff well that’s not me that’s the kids okay listen here okay this is

Looking a lot better though we just got to keep building our defenses and I’m getting really terrified right now can you guys all help sure what do you need me to help with I I don’t know just do anything because the monsters are going to come soon okay uh does anyone want to

Hear a story do that you wouldn’t want me to make them food that that’s not going to help I’m not going to lie pomy how about you go help Jax with whatever he’s doing uh okay uh JX where are you um isn’t it obvious can’t you tell just

From looking I’ve been working on the interior of the house look how fabulous it looks please please don’t make another life-sized version of your head hey TV Man TV man check this out dude uh what in the what are you doing right now dud look it’s a trap for the mobs look

If they step on it watch step on it you’ll get tra wait really really ah heyy well that’s actually pretty cool I’m not going to lie that’s goated wait maybe we should put some like flint and steel around it too oh yeah that’ be so scary the mobs will catch on fire yeah

This is awesome and guys our base is actually starting to look so good what else can we add to this let me see all right for the last set of defenses until we start let’s do something like this or maybe we’ll have some more time but this

Stuff looks so cool and maybe the monsters will get scared of this stuff you never know wow that’s a really really good idea I’m pretty sure you can’t break that stuff in survival really that is actually so fire I’m not going to lie maybe we could do that so

We could actually walk around still so we’ll do something like that and oh my goodness this looking so good and wait the Soul Sand idea was actually so goed let’s add some more of that hey TV man I’m I’m really sorry for being so me earlier about the gaming setup and you

Know blowing up your house and stuff uh it’s fine you’re just a kid I I understand you are you know just doing your kid things but you know you got to help out cuz we might die here and I really hope we don’t but anyway we’re just adding the finishing touches right

Now and we should be done soon and we should be able to do this this looks so nice it looks kind of nice I mean we didn’t really focus on making it look good we just had to make it secure I think it looks nice I really like the

Pop of color see this is what happens when we all work together all right here we go and wo this base looks so good now I really like this design right here and wait I’m in survival mode oh no TV man oh there you are oh what’s going on K

I’m in survival mode oh if you’re in survival mode that clearly meant that the build survive is about to happen so you should probably go tell everyone uh guys everyone get inside the house everyone go come on the build of survive is happening now oh my dam good luck

Wait wait what oh man right now oh I’m so scared guys help me uh wait is everyone here okay we have pomy we have baby Jack we have uh Baby Kane and we have baby uh pomy junor where where in the where is Jack uh I’m not sure it’s

Fine he’ll be fine on his own he usually like builds a little base no he won’t no he won’t this is going to be very terrifying I’m not going to lie oh no and the monsters are coming at minute now oh this is so bad I think he’s going

To be on his own I don’t think we we have enough time to get to him what what there’s a monster coming in everyone hide close the door close the door close the door very terrified okay I’ll kill him off it’s fine he’s he’s not that

Powerful oh there we go we got him in the lava okay it’s looking good now all right kids I told you this building survive is real this is very real oh no they’re coming watch in the one close the door ow ow oh my gosh you just hit

Me Kane are you serious right now don’t open the door oh my gosh we just opened it okay I’m going to kill these guys is that cough though are you serious right now can you guys keep it down over there I’m trying to take a nap what are you

Talking about dude there’s a ton of monsters oh my gosh are you serious right now kill the skiy toilets don’t worry guys I’ll get him I’ll get him by myself I got you oh my God okay everyone back up back up back up there’s too many

Of them oh pomy where are you T man I’m over here H I forgot to give Jack man help I forgot to knock Jax out uh one second hey JX come here uh wait what are you doing to him don’t worry I’m just having him take a little nap I do not

Want to listen to him Yap the whole time oh my goodness we got to fight these monsters maybe we should just go out there and fight them but we can just stay inside the house and have our defenses wait who and the who is that oh my go are you

Okay okay okay I’m saving you I’m saving you oh my goodness are you okay dude save my child uh T man watch out they’re they’re coming they’re getting up on you we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine fight the monsters okay we got it oh my

Goodness I just hit my own child oh we just trapped him your child just get back in the house get back in the house oh my goodness that was way too scary get back in the house everyone close the door just close it close the door close

The door oh my gosh this is getting really terrifying I’m not going to lie guys and where in the where is Jack guys where the heck are you I need your help where the heck are you Jack I just heard your noise oh my goodness and what in

The what is that oh no just close the door oh my gosh let me in let me in let me in oh ja where were you dude I thought you died oh my gosh Jack are you okay is there a scratch do you need any

Food I’m fine I’m fine it’s just I was taking a nap outside and then I woke up and then everyone was attacking dude that is so scary but let’s just kill these monsters oh no J I’m really hope you’re I’m really glad you’re okay dude that was way too scary oh my goodness

And what what are these gross thingies kill them oh my gosh e what even is that I have no idea hey P you keep hitting me I’m sorry I’m sorry you’re just really big and in the way uh in in a nice way guys we’re doing such a good job and

We’re actually defending these kids pretty well adults why are you T man turn around turn around uh what wait who’s not here is Oh Baby Kane okay you’re fine yeah I think I saw my dad out there I’m going to go save him no no

No no baby Kane he flew away he’s not there I don’t care he’s my dad I’m going to save him he’s going to get milk okay he’s going to get milk he’s not out there stupid he’s my dad I’m going to go save him no no no no no stop oh my

Goodness are you serious right now what are you doing I got to save you now that’s a bad idea okay kids stay inside stay inside BR it on where where is your dad oh no I’m getting cornered I need to get back to the house I told you he

Wasn’t out here silly and oh my gosh we got to fight these monsters but good thing our defenses are so good oh guys it’s raining even harder it looks like another wave’s going to spawn and Jax are you really not doing anything with your son are you serious right now what

Do you mean I already worked so hard you guys can handle all this like father like son oh my gosh and H guys guys that that is a glitch give toilet oh no these guys are really powerful ow ow okay he is very powerful everyone back up back

Up he just hit you through the door back up you know what kids I’m not going to lie this might be too difficult for you guys so everyone just stay maybe go on top of this bunk bed we can’t through who is that is that

Bubble get out of here dude what are you doing in the house oh my goodness that’s so disgusting oh no he literally just broke through our house are you serious right now oh no guys oh no this is really bad they’re breaking into our house oh no

I’m in the are you serious right here they come oh no this is really bad uh kids hide in the bathroom go in the bathroom hide in the B go in the bathroom in the bathroom oh no they’re they’re they’re actually getting into our house now Jax can you do something

Dude oh no this is really bad all I’ll give you some encouragement you can do it guys you got this really are you serious right now that’s not helping dude oh no fight them come on oh no uh guys guys there’s too many coming into the house okay I got to wake

Up baby Jack baby Jack get up get up get up get up get up oh my gosh we got to go we got to go oh no everyone get in the bathroom got to retreat okay every gets out the bathroom and hide oh my goodness where’s everyone else take that H that

Take that how do we hide in the bathroom baby can’t get in the bathroom come on guys come on oh my goodness are you guys all good in the bathroom now wait a second where’s Jax Junior we can’t get him I’m sorry it’s too powerful out

There and scary no my baby we have to he’s my favorite kid okay okay we can in a minute we can in a minute but we have to stay here cuz there’s too many monsters out there wait he’s your what he’s my favorite kid what do you mean

Wasn’t it obvious I mean look at you Jack’s the first step of parenting is to not have favorites I do things my way oh my goodness wait that shark thing is literally breaking into our house e what is he doing guys guys he’s trying to get into

Our place now oh no this is actually really bad when is this going to end this is so scary we don’t have anywhere we don’t have anywhere else to go and we already lost Jack I don’t think we lost him okay he’s not dead we don’t know

That yet he’s as good as dead oh my goodness and wait they’re all just crowding around here this is so scary I can’t believe this right now so scared right now come man guys this is a cool oh my goodness and there’s more here are you serious right now oh no wait don’t

Let them in oh this is really scary I really hope my son’s okay i’ go out there and get him myself but this bath is so nice oh no he’s fine don’t worry about it but oh this is so scary I think the Builder survive should be done any

Minute and oh my God she’s trying to break in I don’t know how much longer I can take [Applause] this oh my goodness what’s going on I really hope it’s over it looks like it’s over though there’s no more rain wait no there’s a lot of rain okay and uh what

In the what there’s too many of them oh no this is really bad they’re breaking in wait they’re breaking in oh no no no way oh no guys I’m sad to say this but we might die here you know what if we’re going to be get taken out I might as

Well fight to the death come on we got to fight them fight them get him guys get them if we’re going to die at least I can share my final last words okay I don’t like any of you children what in the what are you serious right now oh no there’s too

Many of them they’re all spawning in ah guys guys oh no I’m going to die I’m going to die oh and uh guys are you all in Creative wait yeah is is it over uh I think so let me check it baby Jack is okay baby

Jack baby Jack what what what is going on can you all shut up out there I’m trying to sleep you were napping this whole time your father and I thought you like died um obviously I’m fine me and those monsters are cool we go way back

Wow son I knew you’d be okay you’re just like your old dad all right to celebrate how about we go out and eat together wait we can all go out to eat that sounds so fun yeah shut up I don’t want to go anywhere with you TV man but guys

I think we did it the weather’s clear and oh my goodness it is daytime now that was enough stress for one day well guys we did it woohoo today we’re doing a build to survive with pmne and Jack yeah oh boy it’s going to be so much fun

Right pomy yeah I’m really excited all right everyone get to their own squares right here I’m going to go on this one and guys start building up your bases because monsters are going to start spawning hello everyone how’s everybody doing this fine morning we’re good Kane

What in the what are you doing here I’m here to cheer you guys on so good luck wait a second pomy why are we sharing a house I mean we’re married after all I mean I guess we have to be on our own squares um anyways uh hi TV man it’s

Been a while since I’ve seen you how are you doing I’m doing pretty good pomy but uh you should probably focus on your base and not really talk to me cuz we got to survive this build to survive if we don’t we literally die yeah pomy we

Got to work hard and work together otherwise we’re not going to make this let me go over there and give you a hand real quick uh J I’m not sure if you’re allowed to do that so uh TV man what should busy building there uh I’m just

Building my house pomy why are you talking to me anyway uh I don’t know just um striking up some friendly conversation so uh pomy are you excited for this build to survive I bet it’s going to be fun uh I’m not really that excited considering we have to fight

Monsters and all that yeah why would you be excited Jack are you serious right now but that’s like the whole point that’s the best part man I’m just pretty excited to get to see TV man you know cuz I haven’t seen him in a long time

What in the what are you talking about pomy I I mean I guess I’m kind of happy to see you but not that excited why are you excited to see TV man anyway that guy’s a complete loser no offense man uh anyways I don’t care just tank jackon it

Looks like it is survival and night time this means it’s round one oh no I’m I’m really scared uh can someone help me please all right guys everyone just protect ourselves we probably should have made a little bit of a better base but anyway this is just round one

Everyone get ready and uh what what in the what why are there skiy toilets are you serious right now ah I’m just going to hide in my house uh I really don’t want to get killed right now yeah you can handle those guys out there right TV

Man I mean they’re like your people after all right oh no I cannot handle them they’re literally skiy toilets and they’re all chasing me oh they’re really powerful too oh my goodness are you serious right now I need help someone help me uh uh don’t worry I’m coming

Wait what P you’re going to save me thank you so much please save me oh no I’m getting really low on health I’m actually going to die in like a second oh my goodness py thank you so much you actually just saved me but ja thanks for

Not helping me you have a base why don’t you use it uh I forgot to put down doors are you serious right now you’re so silly why’d you even save that loser TV man anyway what do you mean dude I’m not that bad anyway she was trying to be

Nice unlike you I was just trying to be nice Jack and plus you wouldn’t want to die would you I mean maybe a little bit anyway you shouldn’t talk to him I mean he’s a total boo I mean he’s from like Scooby-Doo toilet oh my goodness are you

Serious right now ja can you have some compassion for me dude you’re actually so mean to me for no reason what do you mean I have a reason ja would it hurt you to just fix up your attitude TV man never acts like the way you do you’re

Such a jerk sometimes well yeah cuz I am a jerk duh uh my base isn’t looking that good and TV man could probably use some help so I’m going to go help him uh excuse me weren’t you the one that said we couldn’t work together pomy well

You’re not the one struggling and last round TV man almost died so I think it’s okay if I just help him out a bit oh pomy I’m not sure if that’s a good idea IDE to help me out to be honest why don’t you go help out your husband he’s

Literally your husband well I think he’s doing fine by himself and I I don’t really want to uh pomy are you serious right now you cannot be doing this right now pomy come on I’m your husband help me out or I mean I could help you out

For once maybe I don’t know thanks for the offer ja but I think I’ll pass uh what in the what are you serious right now no do not do this anyway I’m just going to build up my architecture cuz that’s all I can do right now this is

Really awkward but anyway let’s keep building this up so for our defenses we’re going to add this hot spring water and this is going to look so good oh my goodness that’s such an awesome idea TV man yeah pomy look at how good this water looks it actually looks amazing I

Can actually drink all this but isn’t it hot spring water uh yeah isn’t that good uh if it’s a hot spring you might burn yourself TV man oh yeah you’re right all right anyway let’s keep building up this house and wait let me see if there’s any

Cool things I can add to this house all right and wo I can add all of these super cool details this looks so awesome we should we find a way to protect this space and make sure none of us die you know yeah that’s a really good idea pomy

But you should probably go back to your Square I don’t really need help anymore to be honest okay uh well then I’ll just stay here with you and keep you company uh no pomy no seriously this is really weird I’m not going to lie you literally have

A husband are you serious right now Tomy can you stop helping that guy if you’re not going to help me at least work on your own house uh here uh I got to ask Kane something really quick uh Hey Kane hello what is your fine question uh I

Was just wonder wondering if there’s any way that I could move in with TV man and uh continue helping him oh what in the what no no no pomy I’m not okay with this I guess it could be done if you want it so badly I’ll do it I’ll get

Started on right now wait what hey k no I I’m not agreeing to this oh my goodness are you serious right now no Jax is literally married to her well it’s her decision thanks so much Kane uh no no no no no Kane stop oh you’re going

To deny the request from a fair Maiden how cruel TV man uh what are you guys talking about over there uh nothing okay I I don’t know what’s going on here but he’s just uh being weird okay wait Kane what the heck are you doing why are their bases like connected now they

Asked me to do it uh I didn’t it was it was PNE TV man no it was pomy oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway I have a lot more space to build a really cool house okay T man I was thinking over here I’ll build us like a

Pool house something we can like sit down and enjoy and maybe then add like a little food bar so we can have like some okay PNE PNE I’m going to build my own house I’m not going to lie you’re making me very uncomfortable and anyway you’re

Married to Jack so I’m good I’m just going to do my own thing no you can’t do that we just connected faces after all Hy but it’s really weird like you’re married to Jax why don’t you go build with Jax Jax will just make me do all

The work uh TV man can you stop talking to her you’re clearly bothering her dude what in the what I’m actually just building right now dude I have nothing to do with her okay please just leave me alone anyway for round two I’m going to add some resources and gear in here

Let’s grab some of this we’ll put down like an iron sword maybe let’s get some some iron armor as well let’s put this in here let’s only make one set because uh I don’t want to give anything to pom here we go we’ll get some of that and

Then we’ll grab these golden apples and put it in there and Booyah we should be good for round two all right and that looks super good we could probably add some more things like I could probably get some other resources and stuff but wait is it round two oh no are you

Serious right now it looks like it’s round two so let’s grab this iron sword let’s put on some of this armor and we got some golden apples now as well wait it’s round two already I haven’t finished yet well too bad it is time to fight the these monsters oh no these

Guys are really powerful a what the what e what is this guy’s name who is this is he from skibby toilet no of course silly that’s gangle a dear friend of ours who in the who is gangle are you serious right now anyway let’s fight off these monsters you’re so

Stupid come on let’s kill this SK toilight come on you got this team man I know you can do it you’re so strong uh okay are you even helping out pomy uh yeah I’m building up the base oh my goodness are you serious right now ow these guys are really powerful too wow

You know maybe it isn’t so bad having TV man all around he can be bait for all the monsters that makes things a lot easier for me uh are you serious right now you’re actually so annoying Jack come on fight these monsters oh my goodness are you serious right now they’re so

Powerful come here come on let’s kill the skimi is and oh no I’m getting really low on health ow ow I need help don’t worry TV man I got you oh my goodness thank you py finally I needed some help I was at like two hearts and

Dang it I wish I stored some more materials in gear cuz I definitely needed it you had gear and materials uh yeah you have a diamond sword are you serious right now what in the water are you talking about anyway I got to build

My own house and get rid of this one I’m just going to explode this one I don’t really care you can explode that one if you want I wasn’t really even trying but can you help me build this one uh what in the water are you serious right now

No I don’t want to help you with this one I want to build my own base you’re weird anyway I just exploded this and let’s break this all come on let’s break it come on we got all this really weird resource stuff oh this is like pom’s

Favorite colors I TV man what the heck do you think you’re doing why’d you just destroy my wife’s base uh because she’s not using it anymore uh I you know what I’m just going to build my own part here pomy I’m going to cut this off here we

Go just so you could get away and like I don’t want to be anywhere near you pomy hey what do you think you’re doing only I’m allowed to mess with the white lines oh my goodness are you serious right now okay can you just put it back to what it

Was in the originally no no no both people have to be in agreement for that to happen tomney can you agree that we should change the white lines back to normal but I like working with you why would I want to change it oh my goodness are you serious right now all right

Whatever I’m just going to build my own house over here oh glad we SED that out t all right well guys I have a super cool command I can do if I use SL SL wand I can start building and using world edit so guys let’s do this and

We’ll do SL SL set wood and guys look we could build the best base ever using world edit and you know what instead of building a super big house like these guys let’s think of a way we could like make our defenses like insane so let’s

Add some grass right here you know we’ll make this base a lot smaller and let’s add some like fences or something let’s grab these white fences and this will be like the first part of the security system here we go we’re going to build it like that and oh my goodness this is

Already looking super good all right and let’s grab some more wood let’s see what we could use and wo we could use Spruce planks this will be so awesome so I was thinking to you man maybe um after this we could like go to the movies or

Something or lunch or uh the movies what in the what are you talking about pomy you’re literally married why don’t you go to the movies with Jack he doesn’t like movies that much he rather sit and play video games uh that’s very unfortunate Jack’s why don’t you go to

The movies with your wife she’s asking me so why don’t you go with her uh cuz she only wants to see bad movies besides the only reason she’s even be asking you is cuz you’re the only other person here get over yourself buddy and anyway I bet

She wasn’t even asking why would she ask someone like you oh yeah I didn’t ask him at all uh you definitely did pomy are you serious right now stop lying the only Li you’re here is you TV man weirdo what do you mean the only reason you’re

Here is cuz of me what are you talking about anyway I’m just going to keep doing my own thing I don’t have time to talk to you guys I got to beat this build to survive all right let’s grab some of this and wao this MO is to looks

So good look at this guys ew what is that thing TV man what are you talking about Jackson you talking about my base oh is that what it is are you serious right now my base is so good what are you talking about all right you know what Jax you’re actually making me

Really angry maybe I need to set some trolls on you hey pomy why don’t we troll Jack okay uh that sounds like a really fun idea uh what exactly did you have in mind okay uh so basically I’m going to grab a piece of TNT and just

Put it on his house or something all right and wait I should probably go invisible for this troll so let me grab a splash potion of invisibility and pomy wait where are you uh I’m in my house making a a special drink for you what in the what are you talking about anyway

Let’s go invisible and troll Jack come on all right I have this piece of TNT let’s grab a redstone torch and here we go let’s put it inside of his house when he’s not looking oh that T man is so stupid and ugly like who does he think

He is all right let’s put this TNT right there and oh my goodness okay run what the what the heck was that oh my goodness come on explod it ah get out get out get out who put this TNT here but anyway good thing I used reinforced blocks already since I’m in Creative

What kind of idiot would try and blow that up let me see if it was tvman oh okay I got to go out of invisibility and oh my goodness okay I’m good now hey TV man were you the one that put the TNT in

My house uh no why why would I ever do that dude are you serious right now cuz you’re a jerk that’s why oh hello everyone I can clear this up stop lying TV man we all know you did it what in the what are you talking about Kan

You’re ruining the joke dude what are you talking about po pomy can you vouch it and do anything uh yeah TV man didn’t do anything he was just H hanging out with me anyway I don’t have time to talk to you guys okay I got to start building

Up my house some more Are you seriously trying to just brush this off I mean Kane’s an idiot but he wouldn’t lie okay okay okay maybe I did troll you a little bit but dude it was just a joke relax oh just a joke you want to see a joke TV

Man oh no no no don’t do anything to my house please please H are you serious right now that was a funny joke wasn’t that funny why would you do that dude I don’t have reinforced blocks like you I’m not as cool as you bro why would you

Do that why would you try and blow my house what do you mean you started it oh my goodness are you serious right now ja if you mess with TV man you mess with me okay you don’t want to do that what are you talking about woman we’re literally

Married I I forgot you forgot how could you forget that are you an idiot like TV man that’s pretty harsh I’m not going to lie Jack how do you feel about that one buddy I feel like I want to blow up your house some more TV man you want me to do

That no no okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry that’s what I thought I just hit my head and I think I may have just forgot a little yeah that’s pretty unfortunate I’m not going to lie but Jax is a a loser okay all right anyway let’s

Just keep building all right and wait it looks like I’m in survival mode right now are you serious right now okay uh we got to fight off these monsters I’m really scared though but I think we got this uh my base is broken so I’m just

Going to room in with you TV man it must have been ja did you Exploder base ja oh my goodness he’s actually so mad that his marriage isn’t working out uh TV man what are those things he said speaker woman speaker woman what are you doing

Here okay uh fight the speaker woman hey she’s so ugly yeah she really is ugly I’ve always hated speaker woman anyway hey TV man oh wait that’s not TV man that’s speaker man you’re TV man silly what the heck are all these ugly things

Get out of my house oh my gosh okay I’m I’m getting out of your house I had to protect myself somehow oh no help I’m drowning in the M oh oh oh you okay Pony here I’ll get you out of there ow ow okay this is a poisonous water okay let

Me get out of that get away from pomy what are you doing you’re putting her in danger what are you going to do about Jack are going to leave your house buddy huh no you never mind oh my goodness you’re actually such a baby Jack you’re

Literally the one who put the mode in poy we really need to troll Jax X around and like break his house before the round starts that’ll be so funny or something it would I’m getting really fed up with Jack all he thinks about is himself oh my goodness are there any

Other monsters there’s no way that was round three that was way too easy and what in the what is that ew it’s an amazing digital circus creature H they’re so ugly excuse you look in the mirror buddy ouch Buddy skipp any toilet’s better anyway oh my goodness

Come on fight these monsters I’m from amazing digital circus TV man are you calling me ugly I thought we were progressing our friendship you know I thought we were even becoming more than good friends uh what in the world are you talking about no you are literally

Married to Jack that is’s so weird are you serious right now he is really weird and that’s why next round we should totally prank him oh we should totally prank him okay how are we going to prank him again though let’s see what is something that Jax really hates uh you

Uh me uh okay wait I have a really good idea that let’s call in Kane Kane hello yes you call oh Kane I need I need something from you I need you to spawn in a ton of TV men inside of Jax’s house for next round okay uh sure but why uh

Because he hates me so much and it’ll be a funny prank okay that’s true it would be funny I do love funny things so sure all right anyway let’s keep adding on to my house here and we’ll start by making this even taller than it’s ever been we

Can make it like literally a skyscraper all right let’s keep placing it and wait I have a really good idea for this design let’s put like maybe fences right here and wait this looks so good okay let’s even this up and uh what in the what is happening Jax what are you doing

Huh what do you mean what do you mean Jax stop this right now seriously this is not funny this is not funny seriously dude what is your problem I’m just helping you build uh I think you’re just mad that I’m stealing your girl not going to lie TV man you’re not smart

Enough to steal anything shut up you’re just mad that he has W RZ and you don’t Jax huh what do you mean I have W oh yeah I’m sure all all all right spit some lines on pomy then buddy yeah yeah why would I have to do that she’s

Literally my wife well uh you think you have better RZ than me you do not have better RZ you didn’t even do anything uh are you serious right now okay dude I I am literally protecting your wife right now and you should be doing that you’re just sitting here with your lazy head

Just doing nothing fine you want to see some Riz yeah yeah yeah hey pomy did you fall from Heaven because your face is all messed up what oh Jack that is L Riz my guy okay uh just get away get away what are you talking about stop building

On my property Jack are you a vacuum because you suck ooh that’s a good one that’s a good one wait why would you say that because you you you said my face was messed up yeah but in a good way like you know like plastic surgery you

Know in a good way I’ve never had plastic surgery in my life I never said you did I’m just saying like it that’s it I’m getting a divorce o that’s a rough life what do you mean she’s obviously just joking I mean look at her

She’s like a clown jack I want you to sign these now oh my goodness okay it’s it’s actually happening you you guys are actually getting a divorce L is Jack what do you mean I’m not signing these what are you talking about uh I think

You have to oh do I watch this oh oh my gosh oh that that’s rough Jack that’s it the house is going to go oh my goodness oh oh that’s crazy what are you doing fine I’ll mess with TV man’s house then hey hey hey hey stop messing with my

House jack oh my goodness no no no no no no no oh my gosh why why don’t you mess with Po’s house cuz this is your fault no this is a really bad idea Jack I’m not going to lie dude the next round’s going to start any minute all right let

Me just grab all the gear I can let me grab some diamond swords let me grab some armor oh no this is really bad oh no Jack seriously stop it oh are you serious right now we are literally in survival mode oh no this is so bad okay

Let me change this armor out this is just great no this is not great pomy this is terrible I’m sorry uh I’m just not feeling the best right now don’t worry about it pomy we just got to fight up these monsters anyway Jax you’re literally a loser dude you have lrz and

You’re literally trash shut up you’re just jealous jealous of you are you serious right now no I would never be jealous of you and uh is that ragi she’s seen better days ra these guys are so powerful or girls ah it’s okay TV man I’ll help defend her

Oh HS hurting my best friend uh Raga literally smells so bad Raga okay that’s rude wow nice Riz TV man all those women over there are trying to kill you what did you just say to them dude you’re literally trash you’re hiding dude that is not Riz bro oh my goodness okay fight

Off these monsters oh no these guys are so powerful what in the way oh no I’m cornered py help me don’t worry I’m trying my best I think we’re thinning them out though uh yeah we’re doing a really good job P I’m not going to lie

We don’t even have a base to protect ourselves like I’m pretty sure the rounds are going to get way more difficult too it is time it it is time time for what Kane what did you say TV man get out of my house lunch time that’s not me what the heck are

These things oh wait you’re right they’re so much uglier oh my goodness wait that’s like a TV man double mind size hey buddy I hope we’re friends and okay okay we’re not friends then dude oh my goodness are you serious right now wait there’s no way TV men are actually

In your house and oh my goodness there it is house that’s so funny oh my goodness these guys are so powerful but they’re pretty trash I’m not going to Li why are they fighting me I’m literally part of you guys I’m literally your teammate okay TV men consume what in the

What consume what in the what is happening oh my goodness Jack’s house is like literally dying wait why the heck are they only going after my house what this just this is so stupid this is so funny maybe they just want to get rid of

The ugly oh they want to get rid of the ugly let’s go you’re trash you’re going to go not a sigma okay just wait until this round is over then TV we’ll see who’s laughing oh my goodness are you serious right now my house looks like it’s holding up the

Best cuz I actually focused on defenses little bro shut up idiot oh my goodness okay we got to fight up these monsters and ew what is the TV men doing all over my house anyway they’re not that powerful they’re really not killing me cuz I’m literally a part of the TV men

These guys are really powerful what do you mean uh well they’re not powerful anymore cuz it’s the next round it is the next round okay let’s fight off these monsters and let’s make our base even better than last time hello everyone how was the last round uh it

Was pretty funny I’m not going to lie Jax’s whole base is ruined that was actually so funny oh that’s weird how could that have ever happened I’m not sure Jax is just trash at everything wait you know what else was funny K T man’s house also got ruined uh it really

Did oh maybe it did a little bit but anyways I don’t really care I could just rebuild it you’re too lazy to rebuild yours are you sure it was no no no oh my goodness pretty R to me are you serious right now you better get that fixed

Because well the next round is going to be very difficult and you your terrain might change a bit Jack are you serious right now huh what do you mean TV man broke my house it only makes sense that a Jax breaks yours hey Jax I’m not going

To lie you’re you’re just mad that I stole your girl that’s that I think that’s what the problem is here uh you didn’t steal anything what are you even talking about well uh technically I’m dating TV man now um no you’re not uh yes or wait are we actually dating what

I mean we can uh what in the what that is crazy I’m not going to lie I was just trolling Jack but I’m single now no py I’m not going to lie that was a joke just to make Jax’s angry we’re not really dating that’s really weird wait

Wait wait wait wait um wait before okay I I prepared something thing uh do you know what you would look really beautiful in TV man uh what my arms no no no no no no no pomy that is really weird I’m not going to lie I’m sorry I

Am not interested like that it was just a joke to uh mess with Jack you’re so silly cuz now you’re teasing me you totally want me what in the what are you serious right now Jack just to let you know TV man’s always been and he is much

Better with women than you will ever be oh but you know what I’m better at then having a house hey hey he ja oh my goodness are you serious no Jax don’t explode this one too this is our last house we have oh did you say explode

This one too you’re so petty jck this is exactly why I didn’t want to be married with you you’re a jerk you’re ugly you smell and worst of all you have a huge ego okay I’m back and what what happened it was Jack’s fault it was Jack’s okay

Okay I see what’s going on you guys seem to have a have had a little scuffle it’s Jack’s fault a little scuffle okay well I I might have to issue a couple of punishments here first one wait wait wait no no no no Kane no no punish are

Are you serious right now Kane no you can’t do this what’s going on okay now let’s see one punishment let’s see let me think Kan what did you do to our house and everything oh no you are all going to be forced to build one house one look what

You did TV man because you just had the snitch now we’re all in trouble oh my goodness are you serious right now this is actually the worst thing that’s ever happened in my whole life how am I going to have to do this I have to build a

House with Jack that’s so awkward I don’t want to live with my ex he literally smells so bad too and oh wait your ex oh yeah you guys are divorced your ex what what did that oh I guess it doesn’t matter one more thing I need to

Tell you because ja apparently blew up everything I’m going to have to issue one last punishment what in the what is that punishment oh don’t worry please wipe him from the face of the Earth um I would do that but that wouldn’t be as fun I’m going to issue it right before

The next round uh Kane explain what that punishment is it’s not for me right it’s for Jack yeah it’s not for me uh who knows you’ll only find out by the time the next round comes around so good luck I hope you’re happy now TV man look what

You did now none of us have anything and it’s all your fault no it’s your fault cuz you have lrz and then you pissed off you made mad it’s your fault Jack shut up we just got to build a house like I don’t know about you guys but I want to

Survive and just because you have lrz doesn’t mean you have to be mad at TV man that’s your own fault for being so lame work on yourself go to the gym I don’t know chug a couple of protein shakes all right fine whatever let’s work together all right guys since

You’re going to be built doing all the work stop making this blue this is garbage H what in know what no no no no no blue is our favorite color what do you think you’re doing we are not doing purple dude do it purple or we’re not

Having a house jack we are not having your face on everything what do you mean not having a house oh my goodness fine we’ll do it purple Jack yeah that’s what I thought Jack I’ll give you one last chance to turn it back blue or else or

Else what what are you going to do cry py just make it purple okay just make it purple or else this yeah just make it purple pomy just make it purple oh she’s G out oh okay uh oh I have one too I have one too

Sorry that’s what I thought all right J you asked for it this is my cage gun what in the what and what the heck is this I said it was my cage gun stupid okay let’s put that right there so we can’t get out Jack how is it in there

Buddy a it’s a little bunny rabbit a he’s so cute yeah it is cute cuz now I get to stay here perfectly safe while you guys have to try and survive have fun okay that’s better than hearing your annoying voice well you can still hear my annoying voice sorry I should have

Made it sound post okay let’s let’s do some noise cancelling on this guy hold on let me put some sponges all around him here we go Jack oh you think you’re so funny you’re so funny loser guys this isn’t funny what are you doing stop we can barely hear

Now what’s wrong sorry I I thought I heard something hey Jax I hope this feels good buddy you’re going to stay in there until it’s done what are you doing all right anyway let’s keep building up this base and wait I just realized we don’t have to make a purple cuz jack isn’t

Here that’s so funny I know it was so funny we can’t even hear him anymore I know that is so funny I’m not going to lie uh TV man uh now that I’m single what do you think about going to the movies uh what in the what you

Maybe just maybe okay maybe if we could beat this build to survive maybe I’ll go out with you a thank you I knew you’d give me a chance I mean who wouldn’t I’m I’m such a cutie hello everyone Kane you really need to stop doing that you’re

Scaring me yeah Kane that scared me dude but scaring people makes them have the funniest reactions speaking about funny reactions where’s JX oh I I have no clue we we have no clue where Jax is oh uh uh he’s just been a bit silent these days yeah yeah he he he’s

Somewhere around here I’m not sure he just needs some quiet time well I guess it’s no matter I have come to give you a suggestion on your build to prepare for the next round uh what in the what is your suggestion dude you have no walls dude of course we don’t have walls

Stupid we’re working on it uh Kane we’re working on it you should it’s going to start very soon if you don’t have any walls you might be in a bit of trouble oh wait you’re right okay a pomy let’s go come on maybe we should we focus on

Gear or should we start building yeah we got to speed run this uh I’d say focus on building okay okay let’s do that all right let’s just do like two stories up like this just two blocks up and then we’ll put some gear down uh TV man uh I

Have a question for you another one uh yeah yeah yeah uh is your uh wait um how’s it go uh yeah uh your hand looks heavy can I hold it for you uh what in the what that was El I’m not going to lie P me anyway let’s grab some of this

Gear oh all right anyway let’s grab some of this gear and wait I literally lost everything are you serious right now all right let’s grab some of this diamond gear and wait we should probably enchant it as well pomy let’s let’s put that like an enchantment table somewhere oh

Yeah that’s a really good idea and wait pomy I just realized how much more relaxing it is without uh Jack’s talking in my ear I know there’s like it’s a nice peaceful silence no no nagging no really weird comments no sarcastic little bunny to bother me he also smells

Really bad yeah he smells so much like carrot juice it’s kind of freaking me out oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway let’s grab some of this and enchant it and anyway py you could enchant armor if you go in your creative menu and you can get some diamond armor

O that sounds amazing actually P me here just take this here you go a you’re so sweet and let me grab some food as well let’s grab some golden apples I like apples wait a second pomy what in the what is happening here what it lava I

Have no idea I I don’t know pomy I’m very scared I think we’re going to be in survival soon but this is really scary oh I don’t like this I really don’t like this either and what in the what guys it looks like we’re in survival now we got

To fight up these monsters but look at this there’s all this lava oh no hello Kane what do you want I’m just here to inform you about your punishment that you probably already see uh are you serious right now anyway I am really scared wait this is a punishment I don’t

Get it because of all that commotion made AR you’re going to have limited movements you’re going to have to fight the mobs now not just run away oh no are you serious right now Kane that’s not fair yeah Kane that’s not fair dude oh

Yes and by the way I’m not dumb I know Jack is in here I’m going to let him out no uh oh no that’s that’s kind of awkward hey buddy hey Jax H he seems really tired he seems sleepy hey Jax wake up buddy hey hey hey hey hey what

The what the heck is your problem I was taking a nap in there man wait a second you’re the ones that tra me in here TV man you jerk hey hey hey don’t push me in the lava don’t push me in the lava please please please push you in the

Lava oh oh that is very awkward I’m not going to lie Jack the monsters are going to spawn any minute dude chill out please I’m going to go hiding wait this place is blue uh are you serious right now anyway you didn’t even help with

This so uh toodles ja what are you going to do cry about it okay the mods will be spawning in about 1 minute so you better get some gear T gear what are you talking about dude we can’t get anything are you serious right now T man here

Let’s let’s seal this off I don’t want Jackson here he’ll make the whole place smell like carrot juice uh Jax stop Jax how are you in Creative still well somebody seems to still be in Creative H that’s a penalty let me just clear his inventory real quick oo that’s rough

Jack you’re the one that controls it Kane you idiot thanks TV man now I’m in survival and have nothing you had nothing before and you are nothing ja just deal with it and uh what in the what who is that is that a glitch givy

Toilet e no wonder they wear a mask on their face they’re probably really ugly oh py py py watch out dude they are really ugly they’re scary oh no and I think they’re really powerful too ow ow they are very powerful fight off the glitch giveing the

Toilets one just fell on me oh no ew e I’m in his cage I in Jack’s cage it smells like gross rabbits in here e excuse you you’re the one that trapped me in there and sealed It Off idiot shut up Jackson wait I just realized my boots

Have literally double jumping what in the what is that CMO that’s that’s kinger same thing they’re literally the same person okay I fight them they really aren’t they really aren’t shut up Jax you’re not helping out wait I don’t have any weapons somebody help me uh no

Let’s let them die pomy that’s a good idea wait they’re going to kill me I’m going to get you TV man uh what in the way hey I’m in the lava oh my goodness are you serious right now and wait did Jax just die uh ja hello ja oh no no no

Seems like one of your teammates have fallen remember as long as one of you live you don’t lose but if you all die a cruel punishment awaits you oh my goodness are you serious right now that’s literally round six how we going to be able to survive all this in uh Who

And the who is that is that kmo ew it’s kinger wait it’s ker yeah no that one’s kmo no this is kmo kinger is the chest piece oh oh yeah same same person sorry I’m from scy toil I don’t know any of these people really most of you guys

From Scooby dooo toilet look the same it’s ski it is skiy toilet py how don’t you know this I thought we were like dating now oh who we are uh oh you said we are and you basically divorced your friend or your your boyfriend well I

Guess I don’t have to use this love potion anymore so love whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Love Potion what are you talking about uh I didn’t say anything it was probably Cosmo over here whoa what the TV man what dude you literally died you’re trash kid you’re trash it’s

All your fault so I’m going to break this garbage house no no no Jax you can’t be doing that I’m going to make sure you stay in survival this time what you can’t do this to me Kane how is this Fair it’s cuz I’m a rabbit isn’t it no

It’s cuz you’re trash and you smell bad and you’re you have L RZ and you’re not a sigma bro he’s right little bro is literally from skibby toilet shut up he said it not me okay Jax you’re going to have to find a way to survive even

Without creative so I guess you’re going to have to ask for some help from these two ja that’s pretty funny dude go ask your wife I don’t want to help him exwife all right how about uh you give me blocks TV man or I’ll blow up your

House uh how are you going to blow it up if if you’re in survival mode cuz he didn’t clear my inventory this time and your inventory is cleared uh Kane I need you to clear Jack’s inventory he’s cheating no I’m not oh cheating I heard

One sec oh what what that is so funny are you serious right now what the heck ja you’re just taking a really big L today yeah L Bozo man shut up ugly didn’t ask ugly you are literally married to her dude not anymore why would I want to be married to her look

At her I don’t want to be married to him he smells oh this sucks I do kind of miss her a little bit but I hate you even more TV man I want us to lose do you mean you want us to lose are you serious right now dude what do you mean

Why do you want to lose I want to lose cuz you ruined my life what do you mean ruined your life dude you’re the one being weird you’re the one trying to steal my wife and ruining my fun in this build to survive what do you mean

Stealing your wife dude she’s the one who wanted me you’re the one being a jerk dude I’m not going to lie you’re such a liar you’re just mad that I’m making this house blue I am cuz blue is such an ugly disgusting color Jack it’s

Just blue it’s not going to hurt you or are you going to cry I’m not going to cry it’s just ugly it hurts my eyes to look at it then how would you look at a mirror all right jack listen dude why don’t we stop fighting and we could just

Become friends okay I will be civil with you if you be civil to me back you no what’s wrong with you have some standards man what are you talking about I’m trying to win this build to survive dude all right anyway I’m just going to keep building up our defenses cuz that’s

More important anyway I don’t need to talk to you jack all right and instead of water I have a really good idea let’s put down some lava I was just thinking the same thing look oh wow that’s so smart wait wait how about we do like a

Different one for this part too we’ll add a different one hold on watch this PPP all right instead of lava let’s check out all the different buckets we could choose and wo we can literally choose like anything we can do quick s we can literally do blood let’s do blood

Oh okay yeah that’s uh pretty cool I guess um sorry I have to go lie down I have a horrid fear of blood I’m feeling laded I’m sorry POI do you want me to get rid of it it’s okay I’ll be fine all right let’s fill this in and wait I’m

Pretty sure like if you step in this it’ll actually kill you shut up over there TV man I’m trying to sulk over here what in the what does that even mean are you serious right now it means he’s having a little temper tantrum TV man always have tempered Tantrums poy

Yeah he once cried when I didn’t make him his favorite dinner what the the time I cried was cuz you almost poison me I did not poison you I just burnt the food a little okay all right guys guys and you put peanuts in it and you know

I’m allergic all right let’s just keep building up our defenses here and wait I just realiz we could add some electric fences right here to make it even more secure that’s so smart T man you’re just full of good ideas I know look at this this is actually going to be so secure

Like there’s no way anyone’s going to be able to come in here wait how are we going to get in though how are we going to get in well we could just uh we can make like a little Bridge are you ready for this py watch this

Ooh oh all right actually I have a really good idea okay let’s put a ton of lava here so there’s like a bridge that you have to go over to get to our house isn’t that so secure that’s really secure the securest oh I need to figure

Out a way to prank these guys back maybe I can get Kane to give me creative again oh kanee uh what do you want can I pretty pretty please with the cherry on top have creative back uh let me me think no but it’d be funny Kane isn’t that the

Most important thing it’d be so funny it’s much funnier what you struggle than seeing you blow up anything oh you’re so ugly Kane whatever never mind that’s rude why don’t I just banish you from this like little thing and you just have the finishing punishment now do it you

Won’t I don’t like let’s see wait I’m just kidding I just I was just kidding uh are you serious right now Jack what are you doing to yourself dude you’re actually so stupid all righty and booah there we go this base is starting to look so awesome look at this you like

This oo I love it wait wait I here I prepared this one uh uh I thought this was a build to survive but I must be in a museum because you’re a piece of art oh that was so cringey oh I’m working on it but hey it’s way nicer than what Jax

Would have said oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway let’s just keep building up this base and wao I love this design of these electric fences okay Kane Kane if I can’t have creative can you at least give me some blocks please I’ll help I can’t come over uh

Right now let me just drop some off next to you oh that’s pretty cool wait you’re getting on these blocks and wait what happened uh ja you want to tell her Kane gave me blocks what’s so funny shut up you got dirt dude dirt’s fine

Oh hey hey you can’t build dirt on our base it’s going to ruin it it’s going to look ugly go somewhere else don’t tell me what to do you are what you eat piece of dirt once I get my creative back TV man you’re going to regret how you

Treated me what do you mean dude are you serious right now I didn’t do anything dude you’re the one being weird okay what do you mean you ruined my relationship and you’re trying to ruin this build to survive for me I am not trying to ruin it for you pomy can you

Tell them I’m not trying to ruin it for Jack stop being a big baby fact all right let’s keep placing that there and wo this looks so good this is an awesome stone slab thing I built I love this wow it’s amazing you’re just so good at

Building to you man oh uh by the way I got you something just a little gift wait what did you get me pomy hold on a second I’m finishing this up and this base looks so ugly with jacks on top of it all right let me see um it’s not much

But I’m pretty sure I had these gold apples already but thank you I guess I appreciate that oh okay oh why are you coming around here TV man you’re jealous no I’m not jealous get rid of this base this is so ugly what are you doing this

Is my perfect base this is the last of my blocks too what is your issue man okay Jack listen dude you could just help us help us with the our base and not ruin it by adding dirt on top bro then give me blocks then give you blocks

Okay uh here I’ll give you some reinforced blocks and you can take them and you have to be careful with them okay and actually use them okay thanks I’ll build my own home base now loser hey hey you can’t use our blocks then Jack no watch me oh my goodness are you

Serious right now CD I was married to that yeah I feel bad to that uh you know we’re still married by the way pomy I didn’t sign those stupid papers you gave me okay well I’ll make you sign them no you won’t yeah I will won’t you want to

Go in a cage again bunny boy do it you won oh you want to go in a cage again I don’t know if that’s a smart idea she still has the gun Jack do you really want to do that don’t test me yeah how’s

She going to shoot me in here oh I don’t know I don’t know am I getting creative no how is this Fair why is it Kane do anything to you guys because uh I heard my name uh uh uh Kane we’re not doing anything we are just uh po come back to

That Kane they’re bullying me you’re a baby Jack seeing you being bullied is music to my ears it’s always great to hear you grel but I really came here for a specific reason you guys have a couple of gifts waiting for you at the gate the

Front gate gifts wait what gifts we have gifts are you serious right now let me see this hold on a second let me clear my inventory uh Jack put that back that’s not for you doesn’t matter they’re mine now don’t make me clear your inventory again do it hey he took

That from mine and no no inventory oh that’s too bad pomy I guess you don’t get anything now let me just take these two hey hey hey don’t take all my stuff oh are you serious or oh my dude what are you doing Kane can we put them in a

Cage again oh that’s unfortunate well since everybody’s being untruthful I’m going to have to clear all your inventories and get rid of these gift no no oh my goodness Jack you said you were being bullied how about I actually bully you now yeah let’s bully Jax pomy hey Jax take this

Buddy take this what is your problem stay away from me weirdo hey pomy do you have any other guns that you could use to like trap him in a cage but like make the cage way bigger and way more scary so like there’s like spiders at spot

Everything just kill him yeah I think I stored something in the chest over here py do you have anything please come on you got to tell me you have something I have this what is that oh was in the wood that is crazy get back here Jack is

That actually going to work oh my wait how many bullets I only have one so I have to make this shot count get ready ja what in the what wait what the heck how’d you get another one of these uh py had one last bullet and uh good job you’re going to

Stay in there now forever bye a I caught a rabbit does a rabbit want the pet you want a pet you want a car uh a little bit actually yeah okay I’ll give you a oh wait no that’s okay fine well I’m not a monster wow thanks pomy you’re the

Best wife a guy could ask for whatever we’re not even dating and we’re not married oh my goodness I mean we’re still married that’s crazy ja I’m not going to lie I think the next round’s starting any minute now too have fun in your cage little bunny oh wait wait pomy we don’t

Have any resources or any any materials or anything we got to grab that now come on grab it uh okay oh no let’s grab a Lucky Sword okay I a Lucky Sword that’ll be good enough let me grab some armor too oh no this is really bad oh no

What’s coming oh no we are in survival mode are you serious right now I we have a Lucky Sword it’s okay I I made sure to pack some food in the chest don’t worry oh thank goodness okay we have enough armor at least to give to get us the

Next round I think okay let me grab this there we go let’s drink this golden apples and oh no uh it’s lightning strikes this is really scary and jackon might die here I’m not going to lie oh poor Jax his ears are probably very sensitive to the lightning but uh

Whatever I don’t really care about him I really care about you TV man why what in the what all right let’s fight off these monsters where are they I’m ready hey TV man come over here come over here oh what what do you want ow ow what the

Heck that shocked me got him oh my goodness you’re not funny fight off this guy and wo this Lucky Sword is so good come on come on it wa where did he go ah what the heck and uh what in the what are those things oh they’re glitch give Ono

Fight them come on ah TNT oh no and wao these guys are really scary these skiy toilets are getting really more powerful too oh and they’re getting uglier they really are getting uglier I’m not going to lie but this Lucky Sword is actually

Goed and up p p p p py help what oh my goodness are you serious right now come on ew is that who even is that is that Zub yeah that’s Zub there oh no oh my goodness this Lucky Sword is actually working and Jack is just in there doing

Nothing okay maybe we shouldn’t trap him in a cage anymore well do you want him to build dirt houses on our house I don’t know but this is really scary I’m not going to lie I don’t know I don’t maybe he could help out a little bit uh

Uh oh I’m I might be stuck oh wait where are you oh PNE are you inside of that Cobblestone cobweb thingy yeah I I okay I’ll get you out I’ll get you out okay I got to get you out guys chase me ow ow ow oh my gosh I’m getting so low on

Health get some golden apples Tomy I almost got you out come on oh come on and booya oh you’re out now okay run thank you py run py run there’s so many of them oh my goodness oh you okay yeah I’m fine oh myness out I’m getting low

On health oh no oh thank goodness your golden apples are coming in clutch oh you guys having fun over there I’m having a great time in here perfectly safe from the monsters no Jax we are not having fun we are not having fun dude are you serious right now this is so

Trash that’s too bad oh my goodness come on these guys are too powerful are you serious right now it’s okay uh some of them are dying off maybe we should push them into the lava or something into the lava oh that’s really smart actually but maybe we should just get inside of our

House that we built I don’t know why we’re fighting them let’s do that oh my goodness it looks like there’s not that many more monsters left and there’s only like two more left let’s fight these guys come on good thing none of them spawn near me they can all go after you

Losers shut up Jack you’re actually trash buddy we’re not the ones in the cage Jack yeah you’re the one in a cage little bro you wish you were in this cage I’m perfectly safe in here shut your face buddy and oh what the what yeah wait who’s this handsome fell what

Is he doing he this Jax versus Jax this is pretty funny pomy look at this oh I don’t know who’s going to win honestly they both have really skinny noodle arms so what is this guy’s issue stop hitting oh he broke me out oh no oh

Gosh are you serious right now who is this Jax killed this other guy hey buddy who are you I’m Jax you idiot there’s two of them I’m the real one which one’s the real one which is the real one I am we say something the real Jack would

Know stop hitting me you idiot oh wait which oh where did the other Jack go oh oh my goodness and now Jax is out of the cage serious right no oh God what’s this guy doing hey hey Jack stop this stop ja oh maybe this guy isn’t so bad keep

Going buddy get out get out get out now hey oh what in the way he just despawned are you serious right now oh now we’re here with Jacks oh no P do you have any more of those Portal guns sorry I used my last bullet yeah what’s up D guess you guys

Are stuck with me again oh my goodness are you serious right now oh whatever we can figure this out I’m just going to ignore him yeah we’ll just ignore him let him do his own thing all right right it looks like we are on the next round

And let’s just build up our base pomy come on and that guy literally broke all of our base so we got to rebuild it up well it’s time to rebuild but if I’m building I’m really glad I’m building with you cuz now we get a chance to know

Each other even more now yeah py it’s really nice building with you but I I I don’t know if I like you like that you’re so silly TV man I know you like me like that what what are you talking about you don’t even know me

Like that I I don’t know like aren’t you dating like I I know you just divorced Jax but like I don’t know it’s just weird like why do you want to date me so I know everything about you I know what you like I know where you live I know

Where you’re from We’re soulmates and I will not take no for an answer what in the what no no no no py seriously stopped this right now you’re acting insane too you’re acting like Jack I’m nothing like Jack I’m way better way prettier and I’m the perfect

Match for you come on pomy what in the heck are you yapping about do you seriously like this guy I thought you were just playing hard to get no I love him Jax you don’t understand we’re meant to be together what in the what are you

Serious right now that is so weird don’t worry TV man she’s probably just pranking you know she’s going to act like she likes you and then break your heart well maybe you’re just a loser not going to lie maybe I am a loser but you’re one too well you’re the one who

Doesn’t have creative buddy I wouldn’t date a loser okay I don’t need creative you know what I need I need you TV man what no what ew you just gave me the cooties e that’s gross come on can you guys just shut up already I’m trying to break this house

Uh good luck breaking it it’s all reinforced little bro and anyway we got to finish these last few rounds I think there’s only like two rounds left two more rounds and then we can go in our date TV man uh that’s not happening we’re still married remember sip it

Bunny boy no all right let’s keep building and whoo this looks so awesome now our base is actually looking so good all right let’s keep building this up and here we go we’ll have to make this look really good because uh wait what in the what Kade what are you doing hello

I’ve been listening into to your little uh let’s say events with p uh what what are you what are you talking about oh events like she’s like asking me out and she’s acting a little insane yeah yeah what about it yeah I teleported here to give you a little little bit of an

Advice what do you mean what advice do you have little bro so it seems like um P’s getting a little crazy he’s getting a little like y area she’s getting a bit dangerous yeah yeah she is getting a little bit dangerous but it’s fine dude don’t worry about it I think you should

Be worried about it she might try something very drastic soon what in the what are you talking about so I’m going to teleport you back and just be very very careful okay okay good luck oh uh TV man you’re back uh I got you a little

Present go on and check what are you talking about hey hey hey what are you hey why are you pushing me what what uh what in the what is this hey hello hey get me out of here wait why am I in survival mode hey get me out py py py hey

Now you’re all mine uh what in the what are you serious right now no pomy what are you doing seriously I’ll go on a date with you fine that’s not enough I want you to be mine oh what’s up bozos what’s going on in TV man why are you in

A cage how’s it feel buddy how’s it feel get me out of here this is so annoying hey Kane Kane I’m in a cage it’s no use calling for Kane TV man this is a soundproof cage he can’t hear your cries for help oh my goodness are you serious right

Now no come on this isn’t fair what if there’s monsters at spawn well then you’ll be safe and don’t worry I’m there to protect you hey how come you never acted like this around me uh well to be fair you kind of smell and it’s really

Hard to like be obsessed when you smell like carrot juice what’s wrong with carrots veggies are good for you anyway stop flirting with this guy he sucks although we can’t keep him in the cage to be honest that’s pretty funny Jack don’t talk that way about about him or

What what are you going to do put me in a cage you’re so silly no I’m going to kill you no you won’t you want to test me not really but it’s fine shut up whatever whatever just get me out of this cage come on this isn’t fair why

Would I let you out you didn’t let me out oh my goodness are you serious right now hello everyone really nice house you built here you guys ready for the next round yeah uh not really help me help uh nothing to say interesting you guys pom can you explain this it’s very confusing

To me and it doesn’t really seem very practical oh uh uh uh TV man had a headache and we’re trying a new method so we can get rid of a headache no she’s lying she’s insane she’s lit insane she’s trapping me in here and I just

Want to get out of here please come on had a feeling this might happen Okay TV man just hop on out my gosh P so because I need everybody to participate in these rounds you get this is a team effort if one of you are locked up did it’s not fun you

Just destroyed my PL okay sorry about that everyone I just I got a little insane there any who uh TV man uh will you go on a date with me uh yeah sure sure I gu I guess you’re lying aren’t you what no I’m not lying oh my goodness

Can this round just started already I need to get out of this build to survive they’re all acting insane see TV man this is why I broke up with this psycho also but the way nice W Riz Bozo oh my goodness are you serious right now ah

They’re so powerful oh my goodness wait it’s night time and oh no it’s the last rounded oh py just get away from me py I’m back oh my goodness come on this is the last round come on we got to do this oh finally I can’t wait to get out of

Here I’ve been stuck it feels like I’ve been stuck with you losers for days uh okay it wasn’t that bad dude but anyway it’s the last round so everyone just do this we got to win yeah you’re right this is a team effort we got to win but

Do you promise to go on a date with me do you swear on your life do you swear on your very existence I do I do I do ow ow ow what the heck oh no and they’re literally pomes chasing us these are so powerful and what what they’re really powerful ow

Ow why don’t you hurt Jack stop hurting TV man he can’t go on a date with me if he’s all wounded what do you mean what are they supposed to do TV man has W RZ after all that’s why they’re trying to kill him right Shut Up Ja oh my goodness

Are you serious right now fight off these monsters are you calling me a monster no oh my goodness I’m not calling you a monster I’m just H this is so annoying oh my goodness are you serious right now fight these monsters this is really easy though I’m not going

To lie they’re not that powerful and what in the what oh my go oh oh gosh a p me ow oh these guys are way too powerful are you serious right now oh no I’m really scared oh this is how it build to survive should be me just relaxing up

Here watching TV man get mauled by a giant pomy beautiful oh my goodness are you serious right now fight enough these pomes we got to win this build to survive oh no oh gosh there’s too many of them they’re all chasing me oh there’s one on Jackson’s house now get

Out of here get TV man oh no oh no oh gosh I’m going to die I’m getting cornered ah fight these mobs you guys have one and a half more minutes left good luck it’s going to get harder oh my gosh let’s trap them in here come on

It’s working oh it’s literally working now they’re all stuck in there go go go these pomies are trash okay I’m going to fight them all come on we got to beat this and oh there’s too many of them I think it’s too powerful come on come My Lucky Sword is working it’s doing

Wonders I can’t wait after this round’s finished you’re going to take me on a date e I’m not taking you okay yes I am taking you on to dat sorry what you say no I didn’t say anything I didn’t say anything okay just f up these monsters what I thought ew there’s so

Many of these mini ones ew what in the what that is so gross but wait if I just lure them over to my lasers they w die at wait they’re getting in oh no oh no oh no no wait did you hear that pomy he just called you gross are you going to

Take that I don’t know I’ll take him on a date what the what no no no no gosh there’s too many of these PES this is really gross why are you doing this py this is gross why am I doing this because I love you all this is for you Jax why don’t

You take your girlfriend back dude what is going on right now uh going to be honest man you can have her at this point I’m good oh my goodness are you serious right now come on fight these monsters all right Ken that’s it you can shut off the monsters my goal is

Complete what your is what what are you talking about pom we’re going on a DAT I’m still excited gosh can you guys hurry up and get this over with I want to get out of here I I think we finished but this portal should be opening up any minute

And then I have to go on a date with py but whatever yeah have fun with that buddy I give you my blessing have fun with her oh my goodness are you serious right now all right let’s go on our date TV man it’s just through this portal oh

No whatever let’s go thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow subscribe guys subscribe subscribe and click a video up on screen let’s go guys and oh hey K hey I’m just going to

Accompany on you on your date

This video, titled ‘Pomni is PREGNANT with TWINS In Minecraft! (Pomni)’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-02-19 18:00:11. It has garnered 27058 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:52 or 12172 seconds.

Pomni is PREGNANT with TWINS In Minecraft! (Pomni)

Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More