Trapped on a Demon Island: ONE GIRL’s Story

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Demons are the best yes sir humans suck wo wo wo guys I know that we’re demons and all and we are pretty cool but don’t you think like humans are cool too I always wanted to be friends with one meh humans can’t even fly and they’re not

Awesome like me yeah they may not be able to fly but they have like feelings and stuff and and they’re really nice I heard e w what do you mean ew they’re chill I promise you guys they’re chill oh no if I saw a human right now I’d

Make fun of them what bluke that’s mean but good thing we’re never going to see a human since we live on this demon only Island ah where am I right now help guys a human and uh are you a human girl yes but what are you guys are

You guys demons yeah we’re demons Ro e why are you even talking to that dirty human OHS hey she’s not dirty she could be friendly and I I think she’s kind of pretty I’m not going to lie e GR humans are the worst Roxy no they’re not

We have to all be nice to her cuz she’s new around here I’m going to become her friend oh no dude we were supposed to build our demon house today well I’m going to tell her to build with us so we can all have a giant demon house no way

You’re not building with me and Roxy just go and build with that girl you have a crush on what I don’t have a crush on that’s not even possible but um oop hello oh hi my name is Crystal what’s your name oh my name is SS the

Demon wait aren’t demon supposed to be like really mean to people well my friends are for some reason but I think we should be friends and they said that you can’t build with them oh man I’m going to cry but no no no no no but you

Can build with me and we can show them that even though you’re a human you’re still good wait are you serious you’ll actually do that for me yes sir of course I will and oh no they already started their demon build yes sir you guys don’t even have anything done yet

Y’all are dookie cheese hey stop it be nice to us but Crystal we need a demon home and demons live in the nether yeah so what block should we use we should use some red Nether Bricks OMG that’s the best idea I know right so we could

Start the outlining right here and I know you’re a human so do you know how to place blocks like this wait oh you’re actually doing it oh let’s go a ly check it out my human friend knows how to place blocks but does she know how to

Build a master peace what we’re doing that right now and our build is going to be way better than yours and you’re going to be jealous because we’re making a demon Castle you’re going to make a demon castle with a girl yeah I am because she’s my friend Luke she’s really really

Sweet and she’s kind of cute and she’s just a human dude that’s weird it’s not weird she’s really really nice right Roxy I’m not feeling that dude oh my gosh but Crystal make the outlining and I’m going to make the castle sides like like that all right I got you thank you

See my H is very very sweet to me and on the corners it goes out like this three then inward one then we have to hit three this way go up one one two three upwards then connect it like that and yes human friend Crystal check it out I

Got the two towers in the front laid out so finish up the back walls and let’s build up yes we’re doing better than them look at them look you only have the frame for the front of your house me and my human friend Crystal have the whole entire

Castle frame set hes that’s only cuz you’re trying to impress your crush she is not my crush you do know that it’s not allowed for demons and humans to get with each other everyone knows that then why are you so friendly with her I think

You like her what no that’s not true I’m just helping her because you guys are really mean and I don’t think we should be mean anymore demon should start being nice to people dude come on demon to demon be honest with me do you have a crush on that human

What no I know when you’re lying you totally have a crush on her no I don’t hey that’s super gross and oh my gosh wait I need to put the castle spikes oh my goodness gracious this looks super swag I love it and we can put little

Entrances to the towers over here and ooh Crystal are you working on this Tower yes can you help me I got you anything for you human girl oh no oh no he actually has a crush on her hey Roxy and Luke you guys better not be spreading rumors the only rumor you

Should be spreading is that our build looks better than yours and human demon combo is better than just demons yeah I know that is a rumor what that is not that’s a truth oh my gosh are you serious right now and O nice job human you’re putting in that good work now we

Have to break the blocks over here to do the castle spikes just like that that is awesome now we have to fill up the entire wall but human Crystal I’m going to show you you a really cool method if you grab the magic wand this is called

Demon powers we can grab the magic W then if I fly up over here I can set the first position then fly all the way down here and set the second are you ready for this human Crystal yes what’s about to happen boom instantly put down a wall

Oh my gosh how did you do that it’s called Magic wad grab it and try it out hit the first position then the second position up over there you got this all right I’m doing it I’m doing it and Mak it into red Nether Bricks and Kaboom wao

What the how did you actually just do that I don’t know I’m just that guy pal why you are not that guy pal oh my gosh you’re awesome Crystal here let me get this back W like that y’ then let’s do this one right over here like this oh my

Gosh oh Lu is pook is the third what do you want you Trader boy I’m not a Trader boy I’m a demon boy that built with a real human girl at w I know you see it dude how did you build an entire Castle well it’s because I

Taught our new human friend how to use the magical wand dude that’s only for the demons well now she knows and she’s really really chill so come on human friend we have to make a door right over here like this oh that’s super duper

Coal so now we can walk in and out but what if we wanted to be closed I have a good idea for that I’m going to show you something crazy if I give myself a command block using a command like that I could place it down right over here

And I’m going to make this entire wall closed well you don’t know how to do that of course I do all I have to do is grab the command over here on both Corners copy it and what block do you want it to be lapis is my literal

Favorite o okay let me put some lapis blocks down and would you do the honors of hitting the buttons M lady yes I would what and wow OMG you did not just do that I just did and I know what you’re thinking how do we open it well

To do that all we need is to put a command block here with some air and now when we put a button and you hit it check out what happens all right 1 2 3 come bam it opens it it opens it isn’t that super awesome swaggy this yes it’s

Literally so cool hey hey hey hey why yall sound so happy over here because me and Crystal worked together human and Demon style and created this boom automatic command block door you’re teaching her all of the demon Secrets what dude she’s our friend we have to

Teach her she is not our friend she is just your friend what oh my gosh why are you being so mean to her she’s super duper sweet and has really pretty eyes and is kind of cute in general hey yo SS you have a crush on her that’s gross

What I don’t have a crush on her oh my God squash but Crystal are you ready for this I’m about to blow your mind yes what are you doing well if we grab some magma blocks we could switch to floors so it looks super duper demony and don’t

Worry it shouldn’t hurt your toes cuz we’re in creative mode oh f it feels so nice now I know right and a quicker way we can do this is with the magical w we can just set the first position there fly all the way here and set it all with

Some magma like this do it y now we have an entire floor made out of magma that’s so swag in here I’ll even make the outside have a path of magma so we can walk inside to our magma floored Castle but wait I want to learn how to be a

Real demon like you guys wait what you want to become a demon like me Roxy and ly yes I do you guys look so cool oh my gosh yes yes yes I’ll teach you the way of the demon Roar so first if you want

To be a demon you need to chill like a real demon so right over here we need to grab some seats and of course what’s a demon’s favorite color yes and what’s the Demon’s second favorite color black yeah you got it good job that was your

First test and you pass and over here check it out we’re going to make it in red black red black red black in a chilling area where we can sit wow you’re already chilling like a demon but now I need to put you on some TV shows

So check this out what are you going to put on well normally I’d put on a show that I really like but since we are demons I have to put on a little bit something extra swag I’m going to put on skull flame skull flame that’s a scary

Show I know right at boom Wait no that’s Kung FS boom no that that’s Pig nope that’s Kung Fu finger no no give me skull you’re so silly well I am not silly I’m trying to get the flaming skull really I keep getting the pig and

No there it is oh no that is a demon show if I’ve seen one before it’s scary hey hey don’t be scared how are you going to become a demon if you’re afraid of just some TV silly yeah you’re right but where’s the snacks for when we watch

TV oh yeah you’re totally right so to get the snacks we need a table and what is a demon’s favorite color again red and black yes sersi so check out these tables they’re super duper red whoop out now we got to grab some snacks so let’s

Grab the pl them right over here like this and what snacks do demons eat it has to be something spicy right yeah super spicy yeah you’re exactly right it is spicy demons eat rotten flesh spider eyes R beef and even raw poror chops Mo what’s so ew about it this is a

Healthy nutritious meal spider eyes spider eyes are delicious oh did I hear spider eyes and rotten flash yes sersi here you go my boy take a stack thank you so much my boy see it’s very it’s healthy look oh yeah oh yeah that’s delicious and I got

Poison awesome why is the human being a baby butd I don’t know yo Crystal come on don’t embarrass me don’t embarrass me just have a spider eye just do it just do it okay um um hey oh my gosh oh are you serious in front of Luca see I told you humans are

No good they don’t even like our food but no no she likes it I think she just needs to like grow to like the taste cuz it’s like different from human food I heard they eat little cake and stuff gross super gross super what are you

Eating ew is that a human cookie yeah it’s way better than spider eyes oh no that is super duper Mega gross but let’s make all the snacks line up like this and perfect we have a little snack area it’s delicious how about you try a cookie what a human cookie Crystal I

Can’t do that I’m literally a demon I can’t eat that that’s for humans just try I’ll try your rotten flesh if you try my cookie wait what uh oh gosh I’m a little bit nervous okay fine I’ll try it but I’m not allowed to do this you know

That right it’s okay nobody’s looking yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right okay okay take a piece of rotten flesh and we’re going to eat at the same time hey oh so what are you doing what it’s a magic W magic W demon item demon item m we’re keeping our eyes on

You yeah yeah yeah there’s nothing to see here nothing to see here just like uh go away go away go away and oh my gosh I kind of want to try this cookie I’m not going to lie yeah me and Roxy are going to go build why are you saying that as if

You’re not going to leave can you go please there’s a camera well I thought you were not going to see that yeah well I did and Crystal I’m going to eat it right now let me see an oh my gosh this is is the most delicious

Amazing food ever all my life I have been eating rotten flesh spider eye raw beef and root pork chops and NOP these exist yes I told you they’re delicious human food you love them right dude I don’t love them I more than love them and what Incarnation is that that’s a

Cake eat it what uh is it as good as a cookie better than a cookie uh okay and oh my gosh that was actually bust oh my no what are you doing OHS I’m I’m telling the human um don’t give me that gross food um it’s really bad yep you

Better say that stay away from that girl’s food it’s not healthy yeah don’t worry L at Crystal I need my friend to try this right now but how are you going to do that they really seem like they don’t like human food well I have an

Idea we’re going to make a kitchen right over here and this kitchen’s going to have a little trick to trick them into eating the food so let’s grab all the kitchen things first like a fridge over here we’re going to need a sink and of course chista let me ask you a question

What color are we we’re adding black yes sir and even the six Bo boom cuz I’m going to add black fridges that’s a thing yes sir check that out demon colored baby and right over here we have to add something inside the sink and I know what you’re going to say water no

Silly that’s for humans I’m going to add some lava and we have to throw it inside this is how we wash dishes as a demon okay I’m going to touch it ow ow ow ow ow ow this hurts that hurts oh gosh I don’t think hum should be touching lava

It’s not safe for you but demons it’s all good we can even drink it delicious how did you do that don’t worry you’re going to learn one day but now it’s time to trick my friends check this out I’m going to grab a dispenser right over here and we’re going to make automatic

Food yeers food yeers what does that mean it’s going to eat out food but I’m going to label them as something that they like so right over here is going to be the rotten flesh food eater but I’m going to put a little tray it’s going to

Be all rotten flesh but I’m going to put one cake inside over here in the middle OMG yes yes yes so let’s test it out let’s grab a pressure plate put it right over here grab a redstone dust and Boop now if we step on it we get rotten flesh

But if we step on it enough we have a chance to get cake did you see that no way yes Siri so this is going to be the rotten flesh food eater this is great they’re going to love it I know right so let’s make it rotted flesh my old favorite

Food and then we can make it food ye oh yeah yeah now rotten flesh is like red so we’re going to need some red dye throw that like that and some glow squid to make it super duper super smoper bright wo awesome next up we’re going to

Do spider eyes I don’t like spider eyes hey they’re still really delicious to me so let’s fill it up all the way with the spider eyes just like that then we’re going to need another human food what something that tastes really good cookies remember oh yeah cookies were

Busting let me grab a cookie throw that JW in the middle oh no they’re going to love it so this one is going to be the spider eye food eer oh yeah yeah and a spider eye is more of a magenta color so let’s grab magenta dye like this yeah

Eat it and boom hit it with the glow but wait a minute what’s another human food that’s really really yummy to try how about you try some pumpkin pie pumpkin pie wao what the what is this that looks so weird you have to try it so good oh

Gosh I’m nervous demons always say not try human food because humans are like super duper evil and bad and stuff you already tried cookies and cakes so how about you just try the pumpkin pie all right yeah you’re right okay maybe humans aren’t so bad and oh my goodness

Gracious this is the best food I’ve ever had ever ever ever yay you like it I more than like it I love it oh my goodness gracious so we’re going to put it right over here in between all of the raw beef oh my gosh I’m actually going

To put a little bit extra pumpkin pies in here so there’s a higher chance to get it yes they’re so good right they’re delicioso and I’m going to name this one the raw beef food eater awesome now let’s dye it and raw beef is kind of a

Reddish dye so let’s grab some red dye that John like that Redstone pressure plate perfect now the last food is raw pork chop ew gross it’s not gross they’re really really yummy but tell me something about a human food or it’s something that’s super duper duper

Busing this is a little bit more healthy but do you want to try a melon slice what a melon slice wo it’s red take it oh my gosh this John is literally just like me I’m going to try it and it’s so juicy and like watery and

Sugary and delicioso e and it’s super healthy what it’s also healthy oh my gosh this is like the best food ever raw pork chop just tastes like like poop kind of ew why do you guys even eat that stuff because we’re demons I didn’t even know that this food existed I thought

All humans were like bad well obviously not well yeah now I know that they’re not so this one is a raw pork chop food eer oh my gosh the boys are going to actually love this one and let’s throw them in here then Boop then Boop and oh

My gosh it’s all ready and all we need is the pink D since raw pork chops are pink let’s throw that down then boom boom glow squid that John up this is so cool I know right and we need to spice it up a little bit so it looks more

Pretty so they’re going to want to use it so I’m going to highlight it all with some red because as we said a demon’s favorite color is what red and black yes sersi so let’s throw down some red over here and on top I’m going to make a

Giant red sign that says three food and you already know that they’re going to run to this right away because it’s literally free food who doesn’t want that yes that’s a great idea so let’s go all the way around and we have to fill all of this red up with Red Blocks so

Help me out Crystal please let’s use some human demon teamwork all right I’m done it yes Siri we’re teaming up baby let’s go down over here like that y over here and fill it all the way across and you can fill the rest up because I need

To grab the black to write the word free food OMG yes that’s such a good idea yes sir and oh gosh how do we sell free that’s so many letters it’s literally not that much what what are you talking about F oh gosh let’s just give up and destroy

Everything no silly try to sound it out with me what uh sound it out f f f f f f f that’s an F sound yes yes you got it oh my gosh so does that mean the first letter would be an F yes you’re doing so good okay so f

F River that’s R yeah yeah yeah just like River so it’s F then R yes you got the next letter oh my gosh so e wait it sounds like it’s a double letter e e and wait a minute e that’s e yeah and there’s two e oh that makes

Sense so let’s put the E right over here like this then an e right over here just like that y check it out it says free and wait I’m gonna make this one Higher so they’re all evened out oh mg y it looks so nice now I know right so we

Have free on top now we need food oh no wait that just like free it’s an F yes let’s go I’m learning how to spell as a demon this is easy picking so let’s put the F right here so fre F ooh wait a minute I think it’s just like the E

Right out it’s ooh and E and o that’s the first letter on my name oh so it’s f o o yes oh my gosh let’s go we’re learning how to spell so O then o right over here and last letter food d d d and

Wait a minute that’s a d yes you got it oh my gosh let’s go now we have the free food area this is awesome they’re not going to be able to resist this beautiful sign look look at that giant sign it says free food oh welcome Roxy

And Luke we have a present for you all it is the free food and as you can see it says rotten flesh food eater spider ey food eater robw beef food eater and Rob pork chop food eater this is perfect I’m been getting so hungry oh awesome

And guys pick whichever one you want to eat from I’m going to get the rod and flesh oh all right perfect get it and he’s actually about to do it and oh he has M why does this rotten flesh look weird uh no reason um come over here to

The table and um this is a different type of rotten flesh you have to like place it down on the table trust me it’s really good though why does this look like human food just eat it it’s not human food um just just try it and Luke

You should give it a try too it’s um really good it’s a new rotten flesh recipe I’m a little sused out but I’ll take a little bite just a little uh I it it’s delicious let’s go wait let me take a bite I love it let’s go delicious right it’s delicious wait a

Minute if you guys like that new recipe of uh raw in flesh you’re going to love this new recipe spider eyes I can’t wait try it out grab that John at oh no ain’t no way they believe that wait a minute why is this brown oh no are they going

To believe it it’s like a new type um it’s like still an eye cuz it’s a circle right guys and just give it a little bite I promise you especially you see that brown stuff on top this stuff is delicious yes Roxy give it a try give it a try do you like

It yay they like it everyone go to the spider eye food eater oh my gosh Crystal this is the best thing ever all my friends love it well they’re going to love the pumpkin P oh yeah I mean yeah you’re right crystal they’re going to love the raw beef right wink wink why

Are you wink winking but I need to try this give it a try my boys and Boop oh no this is going to be busing because it’s the pumpkin pie wo this looks really weird I know right give it a try my boys take a bite all right I’m very

Cautious with this one and okay I’m going to take another it is delicious yay Roxy you give to bite now I can’t even talk that’s how good it is yay you can’t even talk that’s how good it is oh my gosh Crystal you’re the best and now finally guys the raw pork chop

Food eater this is one of my favorites give it a shot it’s really healthy I use a new recipe M it’s really juicy and and sweet and stuff exactly R yeah it is red just like us demons and do you guys like it my boy this is the most busting shees

Food No Cap ever yes let’s go well do you like your Roxy especially the raw pork shops oh my gosh all right thank you you can go you you guys can go I I need to talk to Crystal I need to talk to Crystal talk to her about what

Nothing just just go just go oh my gosh Crystal that was literally the best prank ever they loved all the foods I know right wait oh you give me some more let me I’m delicious SS have you ever heard of a human thing called a backyard

Wait what a backyard uh no what’s that oh my gosh are you serious it’s basically like having a park in the back at your house wait what like like putting a door right over here and having a park yeah it’s so much fun oh my gosh wa wait that actually sounds so

Cool let’s do it yay oh my gosh you’re becoming a human what no no no no no I’m not supposed to become a human you’re supposed to become a demon and wait a minute you said this a place to have fun right yeah well we’re going to have a

Lot of fun first we need to grab some netherite blocks off what no no no no don’t worry it’s totally safe and we have to build out all the way over here cuz we’re about to do something really really cool so let’s build like that grab the magical W set the first

Position there then we have to set the second position super duper down low just like bloop bloop bloop and that should be good now with the magic wand we have to set it all to netherite blocks what are you doing you’re going to see in a second don’t worry and Boop

Then we could set the first position here fly all the way over and set this second position all the way down like this please please please tell me what you’re doing you’re going to see just wait and now Welcome to our netherite pool and I know humans have water pools

Right yes they so much fun well this is going to be a demon pool so it’s going to be a lava pool oh no are you sure that I can go in this yeah totally you should be fine take a jump inside all right okay water water ow no my toes

Hurt oh no wait did you just get burned yeah it’s so nice in the water oh gosh I need to figure out a way for a human like Crystal to hop inside lava and I have an idea so check it out we need to get an item called a brewing stand

Brewing stand what are you doing well I’m going to make a little potion so first we need to grab a bottle and then with this glass bottle Boop I could collect some water then put it inside the brewing stand then we’re going to need some blaze powder Y and another War

What are you doing with that thing well the blaze powder is going to charge the brewing stand and the Nether wart is going to transform this water bottle into an awkward potion now with this all we need is a very special item o what’s the item it’s called magma cream you can

Only find something like this in the nether then you have have to put it inside and check it out now it’s Brewing something from the awkward potion what is it going to turn into it’s going to turn into a fire resistance potion so now if you drink this you’re able to

Jump in the lava pool all right let me try it this is good this is really good yeah now hop in the lava pool all right boom wait what it doesn’t hurt yay awesome now you can chill in the lava pool with us isn’t this super swag so

Much fun it’s just like a real swimming pool I know right but a little bit thicker and you know what the best part about a lava pool is no what is it well you know how in like cumin pools you can do a bunch of stuff like you could play

Games inside you could do sports inside well for demons in a lava pool we could play a really fun game called lava boat parkour wait what’s lava boat parkour oh my gosh really let me show you all we need to do is grab a chest put it right

Over here grab some boats and spam the boats in the chest like this and what you’re going to have to do is time your boat placement last second on top of the lava because you could actually step on boats and you have to jump from boat to

Boat to boat all the way till you reach the end all right let me give it a shot 1 2 W wo you’re actually going crazy you made it halfway and let me show you a professional atw work you have to go Boop and then Boop no I failed it what

The all right how did you just do that I don’t know I’m just that guy bro what oh my you’re actually crazy okay okay I need to give it a shot it’s all about timeing y jumps what are you doing it backwards yeah it’s so much fun hey

Chill and oh I made it awesome sauce and wait let me try it backwards that was actually crazy hey hey oh I’m doing it I’m doing it Crystal look Crystal look at oh my gosh the backwards is actually crazy hard yeah and it’s so much fun I know

And what how are you doing that I have no idea I’m just that guy B why I’m that guy too I’m going crazy oh my gosh this is oh insane I made it with with the backwards one wo you guys look like you’re having so much fun let me try all

Right Roxy wo what Roxy doing the human way of going backwards nice job dude wait did you just say this is a human way yeah doing it backwards is a human way Crystal just came up with it but that’s so much fun how did she come up

With that cuz humans are actually pretty cool and wait wait Crystal you ready for this I’m going to do a first try boom and then boom and then boom and then boom and then boom yes did you see that yes it was so good and I’m going to try

It backwards down oh yeah Roxy look look look I’m going crazy I’m going crazy I’m going crazy I’m going crazy I’m going crazy I’m going crazy oh gosh I can’t fold oh Crystal’s getting really close no it’s so hard to do it backwards this

Is lip but she’s a human I’m out of here Roxy you just had fun with her I know you saw that Luka she she she’s not really cool she’s just a a little um cool normal chill chill she’s chill she chill I think you think that she’s cool

And you just don’t want to say it no no no oh my gosh Crystal I think the boys are actually starting to like you M do you really yes seriously and oh my gosh our backyard is lit but hm Crystal tell me about humans what did they do for fun

Oh humans go to zoos wait a minute have you ever been to a backyard Zoo OMG yes that sounds awesome but there’s another twist what if we used only nether mobs come on crystal follow me we have to expand the island that is such a good

Idea let’s do it so let’s go down all the way over here and I’m going to use the magical wand so let’s build out in around like that y then grab the magic wand set the first position here fly all the way to you hi Crystal set the second

Position here and boom set it with some Netherrack do it boom now we just need to make it look good from all angles so let me set it over here like that y then let’s go over here set it going all the way down over here like this Boop then I

Have to do this part by hand cuz it’s a little bit circular so we could go around here then go inside like this and Crystal how you doing filling it up I’m doing really good oh nice now just help me out with this side I could use the

Magic wand for this row just like that easy pickings then let’s shave off these blocks and we can do the rest by hand yay our teamwork is awesome sauce Let’s go Team Mak the DreamWork I know right and are you ready for this we’re going

To make the zo right over here so we can make a little walking path like that going all the way down oh I have a good idea for the walking path we can make it magma OMG just like the floors of our house yes sir boom let me set it there

Then we can walk all the way down this way then we could walk all the way from here all the way down here set it with Magma put it right there Boop set it into here popop and then we can make it end off all the way down here just like this now

Further Ado let’s set up their habitat and for the first one what should we do what’s one of the nether mobs how about the most classic nether mob ever a blaze what’s a blaze what you’ve never seen a Blaze before Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my

Gosh all right for the habitats we have to make it out of glass like this and make it really really big I want them to have a lot of room oh all right let’s do it so let’s go all the way here and wait wait we could just use a magic wand to

Make this super duper quick we can fly up then set it with some glass boom then we have to hollow it out wait a minute instead of just doing it all one by one you could go all the way over here and do all of them at once what do you mean

Well if we Boop set the glass like that and then we go inside then set the first position there go under here set the second position there and then make it all into air wow we have a giant habitat area and we can just block them off from

Each other so they don’t fight yeah it’s awesome so let’s set all the glass like that Y and since these are blazes they want to be around lava so we could put one up over here one up over here one up over here and one up over here and just

To make sure that it doesn’t overflow we could set some glass just like that y some over here then some over here oh that looks so good and now for the blazes they like to live next to Nether fortresses let’s grab some Nether Bricks cuz that’s what fortresses are made out

Of and we can make a little Fortress back over here just like that Boop then make it go up over here and oh my gosh it looks just like the real home yay SP them I’m so excited all right Kaboom check it out the blazes are now in the

Building they look so cool OMG I’ve never seen anything like it before yeah they’re super duper cool but wait you know that I’ve never seen any mobs outside of the nether what’s something that’s only in the normal World I’ll give you the opposite of a blaze it’s

Called a dolphin a dolphin huh wait okay where do dolphins live at I want to see this what do we make their habitat they live in the sea in the sea like they live in water how is that even possible water’s like really really gross no it’s

Really fun but uh okay I guess so do we just make the whole habitat out of water yep and then add some Coral leaves inside H okay coral reef let me see this in so colorful can we add blue ones blue and red is my favorite yes you got it

All right let’s do it I’m adding a bunch of wait can I just make them random yep that’s how it looks like in the real sea ooh okay let me throw some around here throw some like this and oh that looks really cool but are you sure that the

Dolphins are going to survive in here yes they live even in here what in the giant ocean no way wait the coral looks just like the real ocean and spawn them in I need to see what a dolphin looks like all right back up oh gosh I’m

Nervous I’m nervous and do it do it do it what the what they’re like floating in water yep and they wiggle their tails all around a they’re adorable that’s just like how the blazes fly they are awesome but I want to show you something really really cool it’s a really

Dangerous pink mob wait we have pink mobs in the normal world they’re called pigs what pigs that’s silly ours is called zoglin and they live in some Crimson nice Sil yum like this so let’s set the floor and I’ll even give them like a little Hill over here so they could

Climb up so they can exercise their legs what are you even doing what do you mean they’re really really strong they are giant and they’re nothing like pigs have you ever seen a pig no actually but ready check this out ZL in three 2 1 they’re super cute ah scary Pig what do

You mean scary Pig these guys are so cute eyes really Crystal you seal me off I’m sorry I thought you liked them why I do like them they’re adorable a look at them they’re so cute well let me show you a pig okay let’s see what a pig

Looks like and we can make their habitat right over here in this row so let’s build up with the glass again like this use the magical wand over here then let’s set it all to some glass all right 3 2 1 do it nice then we have to go

Inside set the inside over here then all the way on the top over here and set it with some air like that easy pickings now it’s all hollowed out but where do pigs live they Liv in grass and tree areas grass what the what is that oh no

This looks gross it’s called nature what nature ew I only know lava and destruction but here I put some grass in what’s a tree OMG you have so much learning to do what’s a tree what do I need first you need some logs ooh okay

Let me grab an oak log is that okay those are the most common trees ooh nice now you need some leaves what leaves and oh I’m going to get the oak trees to match with it and now what do I do now you make a straight line up with the

Logs okay like that yep now add the leaves randomly all around okay randomly randomly I’m adding them everywhere and oh is that a tree yep that’s exactly how a tree looks oh awesome now let me fill up the glass wall over here and let me

Look up pig and pig that’s how you spell it cuz I use the sounding Out we learned and a they look so cute what is that that’s a baby pig oh my gosh he’s so cute I love him he’s adorbs and there super fast o I love

Them so much they’re awesome but wa wa I have something really cool to show you it’s a cute nether mop similar to the pig what is it called this cutie patootie lives in straight lava oh and do you like our pool yeah and he’s like really really big or he could be really

Small it depends some days he’s feeling super chunky and some days he’s feeling like a baby boy well how can he change his size you’re going to see in a second but let’s fill it all up and I’ll put like a little jumping area over here cuz

He could also jump like super duper super high OMG I’m so confused what are you doing check it out it’s called a Magma Cube Magma Cube that sounds scary it SS scary and boom check it out and look at him he super jumpy what are you

Scared of that’s a small one never mind these look really cute actually I know right look at that one it’s a baby and we got giant one scary what it’s that scary silly these dudes are super adorable look at the way they jump they’re super bouncy

And they’re so cool when they jump their body like splits into a bajillion pieces we have some similar to that in the real world too what that this bouncy and looks like a cube that’s literally not possible yes it is build it build a habit quickly all right I’m putting the

Glass I’m putting the glass and how much room do you need the entire row cuz this boy jumps super high what that high ain’t no way that’s not possible here let me set it all with some glass but I don’t believe you you better what all

Right we’ll see about that let me set the first position there fly all the way down and set the second position here set it all to Air and what do we make the Flor floor out of make it out of slime blocks slime blocks all right I

Don’t know why I’m doing that though I’ve never seen a mob that has anything to do with slime you literally just said its name what slime let me look it up andime and slime spawn eggs you were not lying but let’s see if it’s cool and

Wait a minute it’s just like a Magma Cube yep that’s the baby and oh my gosh they come in different sizes o that one’s a baby that one’s a baby at a they’re all bouncy Bo oh my gosh this boy like sucking out to the slime block

Yeah it’s so funny I know right they’re so cool and that boy has bouns the slimes are lit hey SS why are you still talking to the human and what is this this is a human invention Luke it’s called a zoo what the what is a zoo are

You serious right now Luke I’m about to blow your butt pull up right over here my boy and as you can see we have a path and check out all these super cool animals right now we have the blazes and they’re all chilling in lava yep so what

We see blazes all the time well come over here to the Dolphins this is their habitat they live in the ocean it’s like flying but inside water for some reason I want to go in there and destroy them oh my go the crystal grab it okay no no

No luk we have to be friendly to the okay all right you know what I’m just letting them out into the sea go go go go go go they could survive in the sea I’ll take them thank you oh my gosh save that one Crystal save that one Luke are

You serious right now my bad let me just put that back dude we have to be nice these are all super animals well I just let that boy free you’re welcome oh my gosh well check it out over here we have some zins and these guys are already

Used to cuz we live in the nether but look behind them have you ever seen a pig before what the what it’s like zins but like a cute version of them that’s the normal world oh they look really cute I mean uh they suck no no you no no

No you like you like them you like them I know you like them let’s go then over here is magma cubes which we’re used to since we are from the nether but check this out slime what the what are these dudes they’re like magma but they’re green and

They’re bouncy and the slime blocks are lit cuz you could wa jump on them I like them cuz they’re green what are you taking one Yep this is my boy right here oh Luke likes human things wait what it’s human oh my gosh Crystal Luke totally loves it yay babes

We’re the best n bana ly well me and Roxy’s demon room is going to be way better than your human room what how dare you me and Crystal are the best power power friends oh you you’re going to couple with the human no no no I said

Power friends not power couple oh I believe you suck you have a crush on her no I don’t no I don’t but come on crystal we have to make our room super sauce yay where do we put it we could put it in this Tower right over here and

We need to expand the walls but what should we make our wall room out of we use some Canan it’s my favorite color ooh Canan that is such a pretty color it looks just like you so let’s make the room all out of s wait a minute did you

Just call me pretty what no no no no no demons don’t have a crush that’s like not allowed hey yo I heard that SS you have a crush on crystal what no that’s not allowed Roxy I’m a demon and she’s like a human even though I would really

Like to have a crush on her but it’s never going to work out sus suss oh that’s not allowed dude oh my gosh can I just dream what was that El nothing I I just said that you’re like really cool and and stuff um just help me with your

Room please all right let’s do this our room is going to be super duper lit and boom now we have to set the walls up super duper high as high as the castle is OMG I’m so excited I’m going to have the best room yes sir yet we can share

It it could be super duper sauce it’s going to be the human demon room oh my gosh yes and it can have all of our favorite stuff yes sir let’s go all the way and wait a minute we could use the magical wand if I go up over here I

Could set the first position like that then go down here set the second position there then I can set it all with some Zan W Yi fly up over here set it all with some cyan wool y then go underneath and let’s make the floor all

Out of cyan wool starting from over here all the way to this corner underneath just like this y yay awesome this room is so San love I feel like it’s missing a little bit of demon red oh all right let’s add it yay and oh what if we added it on the roof

And we can add redstone blocks it’s so demony cuz it’s super duper red yes let’s do it and wait do the magic W I’m going to do it quicker with my hand cuz I’m that guy pal not if I can do it first no I’m going crazy oh yeah wait I

Can actually beat you I could actually be you’re not that guy Crystal you’re not that guy oh yeah I’m smoking you right now Crystal just give up give up never hold up come on go go go go go go go go go go go I can’t find red stone

Yes let’s go you can’t spell it oh yeah Crystal butts butts butts a I tried to distract you but you missed this whole side over here I’mma beat you on this no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes you’re getting smoked you’re getting smoked you’re getting smoked you’re getting

Smoked yes wait wait yes I placed the last blocks yeah but I placed most of them a nice job Crystal but pull up over here and we need a cute little door and we can make it a ad door and W our room is lady now we need some beds what color

Do you want to add well of course for you we’re going to grab you some s now we need some for me so I’m going to get some red oh get black too oh all right let me get some black beds as well Y and you know what since I’m normally light

Blue as well I’m going to grab some light blue this is going to be the most colorful bed ever so check it out I’m going to make the back base over here out of all of your colors Sayan right then I’m going to literally make myself

So I’m going to put light blue light blue then some black and red over here for my demon wings what are you doing it’s an Els in a crystal bed don’t you see it’s literally me down here it looks just like me wait I see it yes sir ski

This is lit this bed is super swaggy and since you are on the demon only Island we’re going to surround the bed with some crazy lava and since I have that potion you made me it won’t burn yes sir ski so let’s go all around the B just

Like this and set it awesome sauce now we are literally surrounded by lava and we can do the same design we did for the blazes by putting the lava up over there and if we make Hol it shouldn’t overflow everywhere let’s see if it works oh gosh

I’m nervous Crystal it should work yeah I hope so and it should stop right there and oh my gosh it actually stopped let’s go now we can do the same hole design right over here put some holes there and then boom throw the lava down and oh my

Gosh that that actually looks super duper swag I love it so much me too and come on we just need to hope that this works and stop flowing no Crystal that serious look swag and in these little holes I’m going to put some lava so we can be very toasty while we

Sleep yep we don’t want to get cold I know right and over here we should add our wardrobe so let’s grab an armor stand and this is going to be my outfit and Crystal since I am a demon I shall wear the armor of my Fallen enemies

Netherite no not netherite I’m going to put a mutant skeleton entire Arbor on that look scary how does that look scary check me out I look super lit why Crystal come on what’s wrong this is NE armor scary but check it out I get jump boost and speed with this

Armor on I got bounce boy I can’t catch up to you yes sir wait wait I have a gift for you what’s your gift so first let me put my outfit right over here and wo that looks drippy and since you are my really good friend I’m going to grab

You an armor standand put your outfit right next to mine and I’m going to get you wither armor what does that mean it’s a bob that’s just like the skeleton but in the nether check this John out yep since you’ve been doing all of my

Human stuff I’m going to do some of your nether stuff what oh my gosh Crystal you’re the best put that John on Boom oh my gosh we’re literally twitting we’re twitting selfie selfie seriously right now we need a selfie oh yeah oh yeah take it some

S that is so swag I get speed and jump boost too wait are you serious we have bounce together this is super duper swag hey SS why do you sound so happy and excited with your girlfriend she’s not my girlfriend she’s just my human friend that’s a girl but it’s because we’re

Wearing twinning outfits and check it out we have jump boost and speed it’s l wa that’s actually super dope what are you going to do with the jump boost and speed I just got an idea I just got an idea I just got an idea Crystal come

Over here and boom check this out try and make this jump with the jump boosted speed it’s extra far can you make it all right let me try and boom I can what the oh my gosh 1 2 3 four five block jump this is literally insane can you make

This oh gosh this looks crazy and what oh my gosh you actually just did it Crystal you’re crazy let’s make you have to jump up over here now so we got to go all the way up to the wall then we can jump right over here up that right over

Here up and we could start parkouring above the castle oh my gosh that’s such a good idea I know right cuz with the speed and jump boost it’s super duper fun to parkour okay I’m going to make that jump really hard then I’m going to put one over here and Crystal have you

Ever heard of ladder parkour I’ve heard of it but I never tried it well you’re going to try it right now we’re going to make you do some ladder Jump Around parkour these are super duper superer Mega Ultra hard so let’s go all the way

Up over here now give it a shot all right I got the first ladder and oh gosh it’s going to be so hard with your speed and jump up oh you’re doing it nice job and we can parkour over to the boy side OMG great idea so let’s go here and I’ll

Give you a little running start because you’re going to have to jump oh a ton of blocks here then I’ll give you another running start then you’re going to have to jump a couple blocks over here like that to land into their crib all right

Let me try it out I want to try it too let’s try it together so let me go over here and then we go here and then running star and oh my gosh oh hi Luke we pulled up to your kington here what’s goody my boy and I also brought Chrystal

Crystal come over coming and oh she did the parkour nice job and the Crystal’s like really cool now hes are you being serious right now what do you mean am I being serious right now she’s super nice and chill but she’ll never be a demon

Like Us come pull up to the crib what oh no Crystal I’m nervous and what the what this is actual sauce bro what he even has to evil laugh down check it out we have magma trees wa that’s super sauce wo I love this me too and wo dragon heads and look they’re

Biting how did you guys get three it’s cuz we took them all down boy Oh no you’re actually crazy and you have some campfires for some smoke I love it I love it I love it and even a lava Mo yep don’t jump in it yeah I’m not going

To jump in it that’s dangerous I’m jump in wait you’re a human you can’t huh how is she doing that oh I showed her how to use fire resistance SS at this point you should just give her your wings what is that an option no demons have to earn to

Get their wings boy don’t goash your right this living room is gigantic and wa you guys have the red and black seats just like us and flaming skull crystal this is exactly what me this is exactly what we made too did you guys copy us yeah they definitely copied us cuz you

Want to be demons like me and Crystal hey hey hold up she is not a demon but we didn’t do it yeah we totally did te what oh my gosh C you got caught and uh Luke what the what is this and this nothing nothing in particular more gay

Crystal Luke and Roxy are eating human food on purpose oh yeah I know it’s awesome right guys oh my gosh Luke just admit it you love the human food and wait did I just hear Roxy chewing on it it’s so yummy hey yo Roxy I know you

Love it what hey I don’t like it okay I love it oh my gosh see being a human is pretty cool and oh you have the kitchen area over you’re still eating it I thought you weren’t looking at me I’m staring right let me have a bite let me

Have a bite delicioso and you guys have some super mega overpowered armor really cool and ooh a demon bad this is where we sleep wow that’s really cool yes sir I love the red it’s the best oh yeah because you are Red Rock yet ladder come on crystal follow

Me up the ladder and check this out is this a wo lava Fountain yes sir we’d be drinking from it w I want to drink M delicious it’s so yummy I love it too wait what Crystal are you drinking the lava this is so good she’s basically a

Demon hes did you teach her to do that yes sir wait do you guys have a lava pool too yep and we also do Lava Bow parkour here he that was me and Crystal’s idea but fine you you guys can use it but this is lit go Roxy go go

Roxy yo he’s doing tricks on it he’s doing tricks on it I want to do a 360 oh my Roxy’s actually crazy this is lit what is this SP F yeah let’s play oh no you really want to go Roxy cuz you know I’m that guy pal right yeah he’s a

Shovel o all right I’m putting everyone in survival now and throw me one please all right here you go thank you now everyone get in the corner and Chris I’m going to take you last I’m going to destroy Roxy and Luke first and wait I have an idea guys guys I’m going to

Enchant everyone with efficiency so that the shovels are really overpowered boom let’s Rumble boy look I’m coming for your booty first what what are you doing what are you doing this is called the island technique Bo you fell he you’re not that guy hey Roxy leave Crystal

Alone I already got her oh my oh gosh oh gosh Roxy chill chill chill chill chill you’re going down boy you’re going down oh my gosh sorry oh no oh gosh underneath my toes I’m going to get L hi Crystal let’s not fight oh yeah really smart we should have F hey Roxy

Are you serious right now I got you oh my Nar boy no way oh gosh it’s just us three Luke up bye Crystal the Roy balls in your jaws take it boy oh yeah get buy you why you have a dude the rules that does so much

Damage I can’t even move what Roxy cheese I still got you oh no boy is bugging I know right but boys your Demon House Is Awesome Sauce but everyone check out what a human and Demon could do when they work together it’s probably not going to be lit like hours are you

Sure about that well check out the DOR me and Crystal me as you can see Boop you can open and close it with just a button hes why is it lapis oh well um that’s because Crystal’s favorite color is lapis so I thought like maybe put lapis cuz like she likes lapis crush

Crush you have a crush no I don’t have a crush yeah you totally do what oh my gosh but we have two towers over here a little kitchen area and um the food you guys fell for and by the way it’s all human food no demon food wait you’re telling me

This gross gross no no no you like it you like it yeah you’re right it is delicious and L is literally eating in the corner dude I see I’m e oh gosh it’s busting it’s literally busting humans are awesome right well I guess uh human

Food is kind of good actually oh no Luke likes the human food and over here is our TV area and the backyard with our zoo and yeah it’s lit whatever but you didn’t see this room over here here it’s me and Crystal’s bedroom oh yeah it’s

Surrounded by lava and as you can see there’s a little demon OHS over here with the wings to me it kind of looks like a heart what that does not actually I do see the heart but no it’s not a heart it’s not a heart cuz we’re just

Friends nope because SS and Crystal sitting in a room k i SS i n g are you serious that’s not possible because she’s not a demon wait what’s up sound oh my g what how’s that even possible dude remember you said she had to earn her wings and

Well she’s been acting like a demon all day today so she’s officially a part of the demon Squad yay now we can get married and kiss come here wa what oh no and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

This video, titled ‘ONE GIRL Stuck on a DEMON ONLY Island!’, was uploaded by Omz on 2023-12-03 21:17:56. It has garnered 237684 views and 4179 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:51 or 3411 seconds.

Omz Roxy and Luke find a GIRL Crystal in the island! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandCrystal

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More