Blood Magic (Minecraft Mod Showcase 1.12.2)

Video Information

What’s up guys my name is dean aka the blue crusader and welcome back to the channel in today’s minecraft mod showcase we’ll be taking a look at the minecraft blood magic mod i’m going to show you all the basics of setting up how to make the blood alter

And partake in the blood rituals and basically use all the magical features in this mod if you like magic mods make sure to check in the description below i have a mod showcase on yesterday’s video which was the electro blobs wizardry mod and also top

10 videos on more magic mods for you to check out too let’s get into the mod so to get started off in blood magic we need something called demonic wills which are actually items which we gather from mobs when we kill them these are basically special drops

Now there’s a few ways to actually obtain these demonic wills in the blood magic mod one is by killing a hostile mob that’s already been snared and waiting for the particle effect to appear and then kill them and then you get the drop or killing a hostile mob with a sentient

Weapon which is something which will be covered a little bit later and also the guide which you can check in the description below if we don’t have access to the sentient weapons which we clearly don’t right now but you did see me use one of them in

The intro which was the sentient sword then the next best thing to use is something called snares so these are called rudimentary snares and you throw them at monsters and then kill the monsters once they’ve been clearly marked by them to obtain the demonic will as an item

Drop now let me show you how to actually craft these because this is super important because most of you guys are going to be in survival mode and not have access to the items in creative so you’re gonna need a multitude of items to actually make these so the first being

Is we’re gonna need some string we’re also gonna need some iron ingots and also some redstone now i’m just gonna craft tons of these because i have quite a lot of materials at my disposal right here so this would be the recipe okay so string around the sides

With the iron at the left and right on top and bottom and redstone in the middle and it gives us rudimentary snares which actually go in stacks of 16 in the inventory so now we have the rudimentary snares what do we do with them well basically

We have to wait for monsters to spawn so logically the best thing for this to be would be for the game to be a nighttime mode so let’s switch to nighttime mode and wait for some monsters to spawn and we’re just going to give ourselves a diamond sword just for the purpose of

Testing it in this video and once we found some monsters what we’re going to do is we’re going to mark them with these rudimentary snares and what this does is it basically mocks them for will so instead of marking them for death it mocks them for will

As the item drop so if we throw one of them at the mob you can see it took a little bit of damage didn’t it okay so this mob took a bit of damage and now we wait for the mob to actually have the special particles on it now

When it does actually have the special particles when it’s been snared then we can actually kill it now you don’t just hit it with one you may have to actually use a few on the mob to actually snare it now luckily i have this mob health bar so you can see

That i’m not actually killing it and now you can see some of these white particles have come off the skeleton so if it doesn’t happen when you throw the first one just keep throwing them until something actually happens and you can see this guy now has the white particles like i

Mentioned before so we can just kill him there’s no problem with killing him now and you’ll see that he’s dropped this special new item okay so this item is the demonic will this is what we’ve been looking for this is basically how you mark them and

Get the items as drops now like i said before you really don’t have to worry about these snares damaging the mobs i’m literally in a modded version of minecraft so i can see these health bars and even if we throw tons of these at this creeper he’s not going to take any

Damage whatsoever so we can just throw tons of him until he drops the demonic wheels and we can pick one up from the creeper too now one thing to know is these items don’t stack which can be a little bit annoying and they just go in stacks of one so you may

Need a bit of inventory space if you are farming a lot of these but it has a little tool tip which says will quality you do have a little bit of a different quality amount per which one which you get dropped so this one’s 0.82 so that seems like quite high quality

Whereas this one’s only 0.54 the one that we got from the creeper now the quality doesn’t really matter but what it does say on the original guide for blood magic is any will with a quality below one is really not worth keeping so if you do get a few bad ones like i

Have it’s best just to keep farming them until you get a better one so for an example over here i got a demonic will with the quality of 4.72 which is drastically higher than the other two previous ones which i actually collected so now the process would be you would

Just basically go around the world with the amount of snares which you do actually have obviously if you craft them in survival modes you’re not going to have as many as i do in my inventory so you obviously can’t gather as many of the demonic wheels as i’m doing right now

But obviously the next step would just be to go around the world and gather as many of these as possible in your inventory so we actually have these for later collect as many as you can with the snares which you have at your disposal and make sure not to waste

Them on passive mobs because the snares only work on hostile mobs so you can’t get the demonic wheels from normal passive mobs so you would just be wasting your snares at that point now you can see the zombies taking absolutely tons of these snares to actually mark him

And we’re gonna kill this guy and we’re gonna get another demonic will so you can see now i have a few so i have one that’s 1.36 that’s good we have a 4.72 which is probably amazing and we have these two first ones we got which i’m just going to go ahead and

Delete because they’re low quality this one is 0.09 which is absolutely terrible and this is 2.78 and this is 0.43 so any of the ones that are over one i’m going to keep and we’re going to move on to the next stage of the guide

Now one thing to know before we do that though is that mobs that have a higher health value will actually drop demonic will with a higher will quality so for an example if you kill spiders you’re more likely to get a will with a low quality whereas if you do actually kill an

Enderman because endermen are pretty tanky and quite hard to kill minecraft those guys will actually have a higher chance of dropping a higher quality one so let me just spawn for the purpose of the guy just to prove to you guys that that’s correct let’s just kill an enderman and we’ll

Mark him with a will he’s obviously going to teleport away so this is going to be a bit of a frustrating process damn this dude is jumping into a new dimension right okay this guy’s marked now so technically we could kill him and remember also he’s in water so remember endermen

Do get hurt from water we are in creative mode so he’s not gonna fight as he’s gonna more likely teleport now one thing to note is this guy didn’t actually drop a will so there is a chance that enderman sometimes won’t always drop a will he was definitely marked for one though

But like i said kill an enderman will usually give you a high quality one okay so we’re back to where we originally were so the next step is to create something called the hellfire forge so i’ve already bookmarked it over here this is part of the alchemical wizardry portion of

The blood magic mod so this is the recipe over here so we’re gonna need some ironing dots some smooth stone which is baked cobblestone and also gold and iron so let’s go ahead and just get these items that we need and let’s go craft it so i’m gonna spawn myself just a stack

Of everything that we need just to make it easier on myself we’re gonna get some gold ingots and also we’re just gonna get some basic stone which is smooth stone and we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna craft the hellfire forge so this is the recipe we’re gonna make

This and if you’re wondering what this is for we’re just gonna place this down next to our crafting bench this basically is used to craft the recipes that require demonic will so as you can see if we go into the interface we have four main outer

Inputs and then a middle input then this bar over here which you can see if we click on it if you have just enough items which i would always recommend installing with these complex mods you can show the recipes and here we have the output slot 2. now these four outer nose slots

Are actually used for the crafting materials and it really doesn’t matter where these items go in the interface and this fifth middle slot which lies in the middle of the interface is where the crafted item will actually appear and this bar here where it said show recipes this will fill up with the

Demonic will so this is the bar that shows you the amount of demonic will which will fill up during the crafting process and this right hand slot is actually the fuel slot so this is where we would actually put the demonic will inside the interface too now one thing to actually

Know is that when we use the demonic will in this hellfire forge the demonic wheel item itself will not actually be used up it will actually use the will quality contained within the item when you’re actually crafting and if your item does not actually start to craft when you have all the right

Materials for it this could mean that the world quality of the item is not good enough this is also another reason why i told you guys that anything above a will quality of one is a good demonic will to keep and anything below it is probably worth just deleting or dropping

Out of your inventory so we’re just gonna get some ingredients just to start crafting okay so we can get rid of all these ingredients we use to actually craft the hellfire forge itself because we’ve already made one and i’m going to get some lapis or zuli

All of these materials you can gather in survival mode most of it is self-explanatory you can just gather most of these in vanilla minecraft i’m going to get some gold ingots some redstone some being of some materials which i actually previously had and i’m going to get some glass and just

To show you an example of putting stuff inside the interface you would put the demonic one here i’m going to put the 4.721 in because it’s the highest value you want to have we put the gold up here the lapis here and the redstone down here for an example

And then you can see the demonic will bar will actually go up in this progress bar and once it reaches the highest value when the bar actually completes it will create something in the middle so we’ve created something called the petty tartaric gem this is a gem used to contain a

Little will and the will quality right now is zero and it contains raw will which we drained from this gem so we used basically one will out the demonic will that we gathered to create this small gem so if we used a demonic will that had one quality

It would drain all of it but since we used a high one we didn’t use all of it in this process so now we have this petty tartaric gem and you can see if we view the recipe on it here in the just enough items mod

You can see we can have basically the whole recipe here to craft it now one thing to note is when you look at recipes inside this interface if you mouse over the actual arrow itself it actually tells you how much will you need as a minimum

To actually make the recipe this is the minimum amount that you need to actually start the crafting process and drained itself is how much will will be drained out of the demonic worldview input after the whole crafting recipe has actually finished its final stage now as you can see the reason we created

This petty tartare gem is it’s just to explain the next step of actually storing demonic will in the mod because the way that we used before which was marking mobs with these snares and then killing them to collect them on a wheel that’s not a very good process to do is

It because we have to continuously just hunt down mobs at night time just to potentially get really bad at demonic well now the best way to do this is actually use these gems and other gems which are actually entryway levels of storing up to 64 demonic will so

This gem itself can store up to 64. so this is like a weaker gem to store demonic willing but it’s a lot better because we can store a lot in here rather than just collecting these really low will quality demonic wheels via the first process which i showed you

Which is how you begin the mod so let’s do the exact same process which we used before at the start of the video let’s get our snares and we’ll set it to night time and mob spawning should be extremely quickly because the mob spawn weight of things like skeletons

And creepers is extremely high at nighttime so let’s go find ourselves a monster and do the exact same process which we did before we’ll snare it so you can see we’ve already got a spawn group over here so let’s snare this spider he basically got snared

In one hit and let’s kill him and you can see the demonic will instead of giving it to us now as an item what it’s done is it created a small charge in the gem so you can see the world quality of the gem

Is now 3.15 so i’m just going to kill a few groups of these different mobs so we’ll kill this creeper for an example we’ll kill a few of these creepers and you can see the more that we kill the more that these guys will actually stack this jam so it’s now not dropping

Any items or demonic will drops for me it’s actually just recharging this jam so that’s the whole purpose of this petty territory gem that we’ve just created the whole purpose is just to charge them on it will without having to carry all of these demonic will stones in our inventory

So you can see this is now charging and the more we can kill and collect the more that it consistently just stacks and it goes around a circle like that this is until of course you recharge it to its maximum capacity which goes up to 64. so it may be a while

Until you you can actually kill enough mobs to fully charge this but it will mean that we don’t have hundreds of these demonic wheels just sitting in our inventory taking up space so it saves inventory space but you still do have to put a bit of time into the process

So we could search up tartaric gem and i’m just gonna spawn two of them that have been fully charged so as you can see over here we have two fully charged ones now you can see this contains raw will and i’m spawning ones that contain corrosive well or these ones which

Contain raw will so i’m going to spawn the raw will ones which are the ones we have just to show you it’s the same process but there are obviously different types of will which are part of the blood magic mode too so we’ll fly back to where we were before

Just so we can find our blood altar or a hellfire forge now what we can do is we can take this demonic wheel out of this and we can put one of these fully charged tartaric gems in the hellfire forge as the fuel so now what we can do

Is we can use the raw will inside of this gem to actually charge and use for our crafting recipes now too instead of just using the demonic world from before so this is a lot better for the hellfire forge because we can get more out of it

And the next stage of the mod what we want to do is we want to create one of those swords which i showed in the intro of the video so as you can see over here we have the sentient sword and this is an item in the mod

That we want to create now to create this we can create it with a normal iron sword in the inventory of the hellfire forge along with a petty tartaric gem so let me just go ahead and spawn an iron sword which should be pretty easy to craft in survival mode for you guys

Let’s take these out of the hellfire forge right now and we’re gonna put the iron sword in here along with a fully charged petty tartary gem next to it and once we charge that it will craft the sentient sword so now we have this sentient sword item

It’s obviously not as high in damage as a diamond sword but it is part of the progression in the mod and he uses demon will to unleash his full potential and it contains raw will which we use to craft it so this is the next stage we’ve created

A scenting sword and this will collect demonic will so when we looked at the gems before and it said it contains vengeful will corrosive will steadfast will there’s a few different types of wills okay well this sword is going to collect demonic will now the next one also if you want to

Upgrade your gem is the lesser tartaric jam okay so basically this is a type of jam which is the next stage up from the petty one which we created so this one is created via a few different materials so we would use a normal petty one which we already have

Along with a lapis lazuli block a diamond and a block of redstone so we’ll spawn a lapis block a diamond and also some redstone so then what we’ll do is we’re going to actually use this to craft now i’m going to get a fully charged petty gem the reason for this is to

Craft the lesser one we actually need a gem that actually already has some raw will contained inside it you’re going to need 60 total will in the gem to craft this but it’s only going to consume about 20 of it so we’re going to put the gem in there

We’re going to put the diamond in we’re going to put the block flappers in and the redstone and make sure it’s a redstone block that you put in and then it’s going to start the crafting process over here it doesn’t matter which order we have these in by the way is still

Going to create the lesser tartaric gem and then we have the next stage of the gem which we need in blood magic now if you want the difference between these two gems if you’re curious about it basically the petty tartary gem stores up to 64 will inside it

But the lesser tartary gem which is the next stage we’ve just created that will store anywhere up to 256 will in this gem so it’s a higher capacity one which stores far more than what we could before okay so you should have created the sentient sword at this stage which i

Showed you how to create earlier so let’s touch on this sentient sword and talk about it a little bit so i’m gonna first show you how much damage it does to mobs as you can see basically three shot skeletons over here and we’re gonna drop it and we’re gonna

Pick it up again after dropping on the ground now for some reason i don’t know why it does this but i showed you earlier the attack damage was pretty low it was like three or four when we drop it and pick it up again it gives us 7.5 attack damage on the sword

Not a clue why but when you drop it on the ground and pick it up again it makes the sword more powerful i don’t know why that happens in the blood magic mod but that’s something to note now it’s basically improved it so much that it’s better than a diamond sword quality

So make sure to drop it and pick up again because for some reason that’s an easter egg that makes the minecraft gods unleash the sword’s full potential on us so you can upgrade it that way which is a super little neat trick that most people probably don’t know

So killing mobs with this sword will make them drop demonic will if we already have a gem he’ll obviously recharge the gem with that will if we don’t have a gem it will drop demonic will as a normal item just like it did before so we can basically use this sword

To recharge the money will just as we would by just killing items with snares so this basically takes the whole idea of snares away from the game so killing mobs will now recharge gemstones without the use of snares so we don’t need to craft these rudimentary snares anymore

Now that you’ve crafted this sentient sword so this basically eradicates that really annoying duo stage of having to do both procedures so all i now need is the sword to kill a mob and it’s as simple as that now the sword can also be upgraded okay so if we use the

Sword in an enchanting bench we can upgrade it and add looting to the sword to increase the amount of will which actually drops so standard vanilla enchantments will also boost this sword and make it more efficient and as you upgrade your gems and collect more demonic will as you

Just play through the blood magic mod this sword will continuously get more powerful and increase in power so for some reason now it’s gone back down to six attack damage i don’t know why because i dropped it and picked it up again the mods are a little bit glitchy but

The sword will increase in power the more we play so basically this is the sword which you want to just keep using that that’s going to stick with you while you play okay so let’s get on to the next block which we want to craft

So the next one which we want to create is the blood altar okay so the blood altar is this item over here and you’ve probably seen this in the blood magic mods website or some of the images and basically we’re going to need some golden goats which we already have

We’re also going to need some stone and we’re also going to need a furnace so now that we have the required materials let’s go ahead and craft this this is the crafting recipe so not only do we need all these items but we also need one demonic whale which we probably

Should already have in our inventory when we collected a few earlier because obviously we’ve been using the sword to collect well but we should still have some raw will as long as you haven’t dropped it so we can use one of those as part of crafting this blood altar

So now we have the next item of the blood magic mod to use okay now i’m just going to go ahead and delete this and i’m going to put this all the way over here now the reason why i’m keeping this separate to the forge which we created earlier is

This is probably best to have a whole room dedicated to this block because as we progress through the modern play the altar will need a bigger base or room to store it because we’ll have to upgrade it through different tiers so it’s best to kind of just keep it separate from everything

Which we have going over there now tier one of this is just keeping the blood altar on the ground we don’t need to upgrade it in any way but to actually use this thing we actually need to fuel it with blood because it’s a blood alter we can’t use it without actually having

An input to it which in this case is blood so blood is basically life points in the mod and it’s what we spend in the blood altar to craft items with it now there’s a few ways which we can fill this thing and we’re going to use this

Basically for all of the time during the mod so it’s good to actually generate the life points to use via it you can see if we type in blood in the mod we have blood orbs which store raw life essence and these are in a few different types and tiers and we also

Have these blood tanks as well up here too and it has different capacities now blood will go in this middle base in here so basically when we put blood in you’ll actually visually see it in here and the more you put in it and the more it holds then it will

Become more red and the liquid will start to show all tears of this blood altar can hold up to 10 000 life points so that’s basically what blood is in the mod and to increase the capacity of the blood altar we need to make something called

Ruins of capacity and as you can see these runes of capacity are all the way over here and these are some of the ways to actually craft these we use a few different items in the march now ignore the blood around this altar i’ve just put that there for

Decorative purposes by spawning a life essence bucket because you can actually put the liquid inside a bucket so let’s move on to how to fill life points up in the game so let’s move on to the next stage so that’s actually creating another item which which is actually called the sacrificial

Dagger so you can see over here we have the sacrificial dagger and i’ll show you just how to create it we need basically a colored type of stained glass a gold ingot and an iron ingot so we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to create this because this is the next step

So we’re going to get some ironing dots we’ve already got some golden darts and then we need a stained glass stack so we’re just going to get some random green stained glass over here and then we’re going to craft this sacrificial dagger now the reason we need this

Is we can actually use this as a basic way to generate life points so if we right click on ourselves when we use this basically it just pricks yourself or stabs yourself and it will slowly fill the altar up so you can see now we’ve actually started to fill this thing

And the more we right click with it the more we actually fill this up now obviously i’m in creative mode so i can consistently just hold right click and keep doing this which is kind of abusing the system but if you’re in survival mode you will lose

Health from doing this so do keep that in mind but i’m just showing you that we have actually filled up this blood altar now so i’m just going to remove this blood source from below the altar because this may be confusing for you guys because i actually spawned this just to kind of

Decorate it this wasn’t actually there and we don’t need this to be there now at the cost of one heart we will actually fill this up up to 200 life points and one heart is basically one full heart and two health so we have a pretty full up inventory right now so

I’m just gonna go ahead and just delete some of these items we don’t need okay so let’s move on to some of the other items we can use to generate lp so the first one is the coat of arms okay so this is the crafting recipe for this we use iron

Stained glass a bucket and a leather chest with one of these blank slate items used over here so let’s just spawn one of these okay so the the coat of arms is basically a chess piece like an armor piece okay and it gives you a little bit of

Armor and you can see it says stored zero lp now the reason for this is when we’re actually in combat so let’s say we’re fighting a skeleton instead of a llama for an example and we go to war with this thing let’s just say let’s just say that we kill this thing

Okay and when you’re in combat now you can see it says stored 483 lp so anything that you fight or kill after you’ve engaged in combat for an example it will actually store life points in this chest armor piece so this is another way that you can generate life

Points or blood in the mod but this isn’t the only chess piece that does this for an example there’s also a second one which is called the blood letters pack and this does exactly the same basically it will slowly bring you down to half health and then convert

These life points lost into blood points in the march so to actually store the stored blood in the altar you just hold the item in your hand and then shift right click on the altar and it will actually slightly fill up which you may have seen there now

Currently this is at full capacity so i can’t actually fill this up anymore but that’s how to fill up from the stored item piece straight to the alter so all of this blood which we’ve now stored in here this is going to be useful for us when

We want to craft something but it’s still stored in the actual block so one thing what we could do is we could spawn one of these blood orbs like what i showed you before so a weak blood orb so i’m just gonna spawn one of these

And the way that we would get a basic blood orb the one that i am actually referring to is if we get one diamond and what we do is we fill the blood altar to full capacity or up to 2000 lp will be sufficient enough and then we right click and put the

Diamond on the actual altar so it hovers above and then what this will do is we’ll right click it with the hand we’ll just leave this here right okay and you can see now there’s some particles that kind of surround this diamond to show that something is actually

Happening when we hold it above the blood altar so as you can see now blood altar is actually a little bit lower than the height that it was before i believe it’s actually training it right now now that we’ve got the diamond above it you might even be able to slowly see if

You just really focus on the corner of the altar it is actually draining a lot of the blood which is inside and then it will convert it into this blood orb which i showed you before so it’s just the weak blood orb so we can right click this now and get it

And then right click with the item one more time in the hand and this will bind it to our character if you don’t bind it by right clicking it won’t collect any life points so that’s an important step to take and it says current owner the blue crusader which shows that you’ve now

Binded it to your character so basically what this does is it converts the life essence which is contained within the alter that we’ve been doing so far into a stored form of energy so we can actually store it within this orb but you can’t turn it back to a physical

Liquid once you’ve actually stored it in the orb so you do need to consider this before you use it and once you’ve done this it can basically be stored in the owner’s network so you can access it yourself now we have something called the owner’s network in

The blood magic system because a lot of the items later in the mod will actually take from this network and use this set of life points to perform their basic tasks so the basic tier which is the first one this can store up to 5000 lp so it has a pretty decent capacity

And obviously each orb has a different next here like i mentioned before which has a better capacity so once we actually have the blood orb we do exactly the same as what we did with diamond and we right click on the actual blood altar itself and we’ll have different particles this time

Which look more like the ones on a nether portal and then what this will do is it’ll actually bring the blood from the altar and store it inside the orb so this is the next stage of it so it’s basically the same thing as we did with

Diamond but we’re putting the orb back on the altar this will basically gradually draw out more of these life points or the blood from the altar and then store it inside the orb so this is going to consistently continue to just drop and become a little bit more empty

The longer this is on here because we’ve obviously used this twice and started to drain it twice now this will continue until either the blood altar is completely empty or the orb itself which we’ve placed down here is full or at full capacity so you basically

Just have to wait for this just like we did before so at some point we’ll be able to use the blood hub for crafting and it won’t be destroyed when you craft you’ll get it back but it’ll remove the life points required in the craft

And as you can see i’ve right clicked on the blood orb now after it stopped and it should have stored basically to its full capacity so there’s something in the mod called ruins which basically customize your blood altar and perform a few different functions now since we only have the first tier of

Blood orb and our blood altar’s not really come that far just yet we can only access a few of these runes but to actually start creating runes we actually need to first create something called blank slates so we just right click stone on a blood altar and it will create those same particles

That happen before and what this will do is it will convert these stone pieces into blank slates as you can see over here which we can right click and collect and then we can start using these in the process of creating the runes now you can see that crafting these also drains the

Blood in the altar too so basically any function you do in this mod will drain more of this blood inside the altar so there needs to be at least i believe a thousand in the altar to actually create these or to create these blank slates so basically what we need we need a

Total of 16 of these blank slates to create eight blank rooms so they don’t really take long to create at all we’ll need 16 of these to create eight blank runes that we need and as you can see this item called speed rune over here we use these blank slates we’ve just

Created to make these speed runes and basically what these do is it will make crafting things inside the blood altar and also just generally filling it up 20 quicker so basically these are something which you do want to spawn so these are speed runes which upgrade

The altar and as you can see if we just type in rune there’s so many different types here like efficiency rune of sacrifice and a lot of different ones which improve the ultra in different ways this is just an example of one of them and what it does now another cool

Feature of the mod is the lava crystal so we make these with lava buckets one of the blood orbs just like the weak one we created so you can use that in this process too to craft it and we create this lava crystal so basically what this lava crystal does

Is it basically performs as an everlasting fuel source for the furnace and what i mean everlasting it really depends how much lp points which is the collective blood we have in our personal network so we can use this and then we can right click with it to bind it to ourself

And now it says current owner of blue crusader and then we can throw in our furnace okay and what this basically does is it acts as a fuel source in our furnace so now if we throw an ore it will actually use the life points we’ve collected

And use that as a fuel source so that will continuously work until you run out of life points and after that point it will start making the player nauseous and give you negative effects if you keep using it so this is a really cool item which uses the system there’s also the divination

Sigil okay so we can craft these using those blank slates we created and basically if we spawn one of these these are useful because they show us how much lp points we actually currently have now first what you need to do is you need to create these things called arcane ashes

Inside the hellfire forge what these do is they’ll basically mark the ground so we need one of those gems which we had before and we also need bone meal redstone gunpowder and coal and if we spawn this it spawns in stacks of one and if we right click on the floor it basically

Marks the floor for a ritual and triangulates the area next we’re gonna right click it with redstone to create a different type of pattern and you can see it’s changed a little bit now and then those blank slates were created earlier we can right click with that and it will start spinning the

Pattern and this weird animation will happen and it’ll elevate off the ground and start spinning and then after this happens you’ll get the divination sigil which i showed you before and this is how you basically get it then all you have to do is just right

Click in your hand and it shows you the current essence which is the life points that you have stored already in your personal network and it’ll show you how much you have already now if we look at a normal blood alter nothing happens right but if we have our divination sigil out

In the top left it will show us a few different things so it will show us the current stage of its upgrade which is the tier at what it’s at which is currently tier two and then below it we show the stored amount of lp which the alter still has contained in it

So this is really useful to know how much you have in your network and how much is in your blood altar which is really crucial when you’re performing all the tasks in the mod now another block is the incense altar so this is another block which we use

The blood orb to craft along with some smooth stone and also charcoal so let me just spawn one of these now that i’ve showed you the crafting recipe and you can see over here we can spawn a nice little incense halter so i’m gonna make a three by three square over here

And i’m going to fill this in with polished andestite or andersites and i’m going to put this incense ultra on the top where it looks really nice now basically this gives us a more efficient way instead of just consistently pricking ourselves with the sacrificial dagger we can use this next method to generate

Points a little bit easier this basically boosts the power of our dagger and gives us bonus lp now the divination sigil we had before we can also hover over this incense altar with that too and it’ll show you that we have a 20 bonus and a tranquility level which is the top

Value of zero now let’s just get out this sacrificial dagger and take it out and you’ll see now that we’re in this proximity of this incense altar you’ll see our sacrificial dagger is now glowing and it’s glowing purple just as if it was an enchanted weapon which didn’t happen before this

Basically gives us the incensed buff okay and you can see it’s also shining and glowing in our inventory at the bottom too to indicate the same thing now be careful because the first time we use this it will take away 90 of your health when it’s incense

But it will give you an additional 20 per heart that’s actually used this is 20 additional life points per heart now for 20 seconds we can’t use the super the supercharged effect again which takes away more of your life but it gives you a soul-free debuff which basically prevents this

So for example once you use it the first time then you then have a cool down until you can use that super effect again now we have a tier 2 altar over here or allegedly we do as according to the divination sigil the higher tier your altar is the more

Bonus you have to the tranquility which further increases the efficiency of the incense altar now i’m not going to go into the full sigil system in the mod because it’s kind of complex and there’s a lot of different proportions to it but you can see that the sigil we created was the

Divination sigil which is the most basic but there’s a few others here too like the water and lava sigil so for an example let’s just cover the water one so it says infinite water when you right click with this sigil it creates a water source block

So you can create infinite water and the lava one will create a lava source block so these are basically used to create different sources of liquids and there’s other ones too like haste suppression and holding which give you all the bonuses so there’s a lot of different sigils you can mess around

With in the blood magic mulch so the next block which i’m going to cover is this which is the alchemy table so let me spawn one of these and place these down too in our little collection we have here now alchemy tables are pretty crucial in the blood magic mod too

You can see it has a pretty nifty interface over here and if we look at the recipe we use another blood orb so this same blood orb which we created earlier like i said is used in so many recipes in the mod and we use some smooth stone

Some wood and a blaze rod which i’ll have to get from the nether and gold ingots and we shall create this alchemy table now this is basically used for making various ingredients which we’re going to need in the mod and it can be made to make potions too just like the bruin stand

And also used to double the amount of all which you have it really depends what you know and how to use it now it takes lp from a blood orb to use which would go in this section over here and the crafting process takes a little bit of time when we’re actually crafting

With this you’ll have access to more recipes in the alchemy table the more you progress in the blood magic mod but it basically unlocks a lot of different features for us to use now with this weak blood orb which we’ve already created we can create things like plant oil

Which is over here this is plant oil and basically this is a crafting ingredient we use to make saltpeter it’s a basic cutting fluid and later we can use it as an antiseptic the cutting fluid over here for anyone who’s curious basically has a limited amount of uses

And it’s used in the alchemy table with other ores alongside it to craft two different dust of that ore so this is how you would actually do the ore dublin process which i mentioned a little bit a few moments ago and another recipe with a

Weak blood orb that we can create is the explosive powder which has 64 users and basically it’s a grinder that will turn cobblestone to gravel and gravel to sand so for the next stage i’m just going to set the time today and i’m going to just do a basic ritual

In the mod just to show you how those work so i’m just going to spawn a ritual stone we’re going to use the imperfect ritual stone for this purpose of the section of the video we can use obsidian smooth stone and one of the blood orbs

To create these so we’re going to place one of these down and i’m going to create a lapis block on top of here so we’re going to place a lapis block on top of here and then we’re going to right click on the lapis block and the block below it which is the

Imperfect ritual stone and it’s simple as that like we literally just did a ritual with two blocks right clicking on the ritual stone below the lapis block it will turn day to night time and it will basically have like a thunder strike in the sky so this was my minecraft blood magic mod

Showcase and guide i hope i showed you as much of the blood magic mod as i could possible i showed you i think everything in the first tier of the blood ritual process so everything from tier 1 should be covered in this video for tears two and tears three that would

Make the video probably an extra few hours long if you do want me to make a second mod showcase covering the further parts of the mod the other rituals which we can do i’ve only showed you two examples here and also the other further tiers which

Is tier number two and three let me know in the comments below make sure to like the video and subscribe with notifications turned on and check out the description for some more awesome minecraft magic mod videos linked down there too thanks for watching and i’ll see you next time

Yes which is tier number two and three let me let me know in the comments below make sure to like video and subscribe with notifications turned on and check out the description for some more awesome minecraft

This video, titled ‘Blood Magic (Minecraft Mod Showcase 1.12.2)’, was uploaded by thebluecrusader on 2021-04-13 12:00:20. It has garnered 68361 views and 1182 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:28 or 2248 seconds.

Minecraft Blood Magic mod guide – How to Start with Blood Magic Guide (Blood Magic basics & Blood Magic Minecraft mod showcase). 1.16+

In this Blood Magic Minecraft mod showcase 1.12.2 by the blue crusader (thebluecrusader mods) we look at another addition to the Minecraft mods collection. This is the Blood Magic mod showcase on Blood Magic 1.12.2. You can get blood Magic 1.16.5 down below too. This Minecraft mod is one of my favourite Minecraft magic mods, we’ll take a look at the Blood Altar, the Blood Magic Tartaric Gem and more in this Blood Magic tutorial. This Blood Magic basics guide will cover the general howto start with Blood Magic progression curve (works on Blood Magic 1.16 or 1.12) and the Blood Magic Incense Altar setup and more.


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Blood Magic Mod 1.12.2 Download (1.16.4/1.16.5 + too)

Top 10 Best Minecraft Magic Mods

Top 10 Minecraft Magic Mods (Part 1)




TOP 10 VIDEOS THAT CONFUSE YOUR MIND ———————————————————————————————————- MY VIDEO EQUIPMENT & GEAR Canon G7X Mark III (Gaming Face Cam & Vlogs): Elgato HD60 Pro Capture Card (For Facecam via HDMI): Rode Procaster XLR Microphone: Focusrite Scarlett Solo (My XLR Audio Mixer): RED PSA1 Microphone Arm: Camera Tripod For Static Recording: Neewer Ring Light (My Lighting Setup): My Gaming Chair (Back Support): EasySMX Wireless PC Xbox Gamepad: —————————————————————————————————————————— Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:30 – Demonic Will 6:18 – Hellfire Forge 9:12 – Petty Tartaric Gem 13:21 – Sentient Sword 14:27 – Lesser Tartaric Gem 15:52 – Sentient Sword Info & Stats 18:07 – Blood Altar 20:45 – Sacrificial Dagger 22:15 – Generate LP (Life Points) 23:47 – Blood Orbs 26:55 – Runes 28:33 – Lava Crystal 29:28 – Divination Sigil 31:02 – Incense Altar 33:43 – Alchemy Table 35:26 – Rituals 36:12 – Outro —————— 😊 This channel has no negative language, so although my audience is older, everyone can join in on the fun! Share The Videos! 😊🤘

►Credits Music By Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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  • Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!

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  • “DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎” #clickbait

    "DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] you one of 13 [Music] BL not bad [Music] [Music] Dam [Music] This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 🙋 | TOOL TIME MINECRAFT TOOLKIT TUTORIAL 🛠️ #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-05-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 85 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:28 or 88 seconds. “Get ready to tool up in Minecraft! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a comprehensive toolkit that will make you a master builder and adventurer. With its clever design and functional features, this toolkit is the ultimate accessory for any Minecraft enthusiast…. Read More

  • Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraft

    Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bunk Bed🛌 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Lomby Shorts on 2024-05-12 17:33:43. It has garnered 38700 views and 2642 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACK

    Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Unleaked Vape Client V4.2 **FREE** CRACK (link in description)’, was uploaded by mentalhealthissues1337 on 2024-04-28 15:44:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Link : the L!nk is also in comment Minecraft best cheat client made free from now! Enjoy vape v4,vape lite … Read More

  • “UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 – Minecraft” #clickbait

    "UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 - Minecraft" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mekanism Fussion & Anti-Matter in Enigmatica 9 – Twitch VoD #minecraft’, was uploaded by PristineFrog Gaming on 2024-01-15 19:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mekanism Fussion & Anti-Matter in Enigmatica 9 – Twitch VoD Welcome to anotherVoD of our Enigmatica 9 Server which is … Read More

  • Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1

    Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Roblox Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft – Part 1’, was uploaded by Qwerty on 2024-03-22 19:05:13. It has garnered 286 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. Building the Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft! Since it is not possible to build so low underground in Minecraft’s flat worlds, I did not get to make the cells. Maybe I can hide the cell part inside a mountain in the next video. The police station will also be finished in the next video! 🎵Music Used in the Video: Egzod, Maestro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Facts & Challenges – Must Watch!!

    INSANE Minecraft Facts & Challenges - Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #animation #@MPGAMERANURAG75 #funny’, was uploaded by MP Gamer ANURAG on 2024-05-18 06:55:24. It has garnered 7 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. @MPGAMERANURAG75 Minecraft, ek sandbox video game hai jo Mojang Studios ne develop kiya hai. 2024 1. **Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Update** 2. **The Wild Update** 3. **New Biomes** 4. **Deep Dark Cities** 5. **Warden Boss Mob** 6. **Mangrove Swamps** 7. **Frogs and Tadpoles** 8. **Fireflies** 9. **Archaeology** 10. **Cherry Blossom Biome** 11. **Ancient Cities** 12. **Allay Mob** 13. **Updated Swamps**… Read More

  • CosmicGalaxy

    CosmicGalaxyPrepare for an otherworldly adventure at CosmicGalaxy, a faction server in the depths of space. In this cosmic frontier, you and your faction will tackle mind-bending dungeons and trials that will push your limits and camaraderie to the max. Traverse uncharted galaxies, overcome enigmatic challenges, and rise as the cosmic conquerors. Join us and let your stardust legacy begin! Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong community and active players. No hacking or duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ Escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Can you do better? Join Today! Read More

Blood Magic (Minecraft Mod Showcase 1.12.2)