Can You Beat Minecraft On An Amplified World…

Video Information

In this spicy video guys i want to see if i got what it takes to beat minecraft on amplified is it possible is it doable i feel like amplify does not get nearly enough love as it should it’s dangerous it’s tall there’s lots of cliffs so will we have

What it takes to be able to beat the game also joining me in this video i got my friend scratch we’re gonna see if we can actually beat the game together uh i got scratch joining because a long time ago him and i were gonna start an amplified

Series together and then he ended up canceling it on his channel because he wanted to cancel himself so he has no more career but if you guys also want to see a manhunt on amplified drop a like on this video right now let me know also subscribe if

You guys are new here let’s get into the video you are you loading in or uh yeah i’m loading in where’d you where’d you spawn all right there you are all right there we go all right welcome to amplified how did you not die oh there’s water

Down there oh there’s a skeleton too there’s a skeleton too no shot bro all right amplified baby scratch you know why you’re in this video right is it because you had an amplified world that you never you never completed or anything hardcore you’re right it was no no

You’re an expert at dying and amplified all right and that’s why this isn’t on hardcore mode right now because you won’t make it that far into the video there’s also a village literally right next to us which is pretty pogu i don’t know where you are but i’m going

To get stone and i’m also going to go to this village are you not at the v i’m at the v you’re robbing the village without me you know i love pillaging with the boys scratch and you’re gonna pillage without me you did you want me to leave a chest

I just really wanted food because i know i’m gonna be taking an insane amount of fall damage probably an unbearable amount why would you be falling paul because i’m with you scratch i love you so much i’m falling for you all right moving on i’m gonna need some stone uh

Village helen’s the village got stone tools baby we’re stoning now these people have nothing yeah i know it’s kind of a garbage village i’m not gonna lie this is where the loot’s at right here you know minecraft also recommends that this is for people with op computers scratch um

So you you holding up champ you doing all right my computer was really sick in 2012 your computer is like that that uh guy that’s still trying to act like he’s in college but he’s like 30 you know yeah my computer is trying to yeah it’s trying to keep up

It’s just not quite able to your computer also yeah has chad personality well not entirely you’re taking all the food fatty whoa hey i can uh make you some stone tools but i’m not going to is this a joke no it’s not um so yeah

Next thing on the agenda baby we need to find ourselves uh lava well we know actually iron golem it’s my first time playing minecraft yeah i found him yeah enemy spotted you know you’re gonna go in there i’m not touching it i’m so good with this game bro i’m so

Good at this game baby oh god i thought you’re i think you’re gonna hit me off the post they can get me off the stand scratch the wood back there you go all right actually you got brad what am i doing got that gluten bro look how big this

Is though this is scary amplified is more like have you ever had a fever dream or like you felt like you were really small and like the world and everything around you is giant all right it’s usually just me trying to run and usually i’m running from

Something giant and i don’t know what it is i’m gonna go down this what’s with these textures is that the textures what’s going on oh yeah this is a 1.17 dude yeah it’s kind of gross oh it’s got some iron yeah you know what iron drops it drops it drops that um

That rod oh crash wait they changed iron yeah it drops wrong iron now no no it’s good because if you have fortune then you get multiple raw irons whereas like diamonds you remember how you get the diamond it went deeper oh yeah there there was deeper yeah there’s

A ravine there’s no there is there is there is the ravine amplified there’s moldy rocks yeah those are moldy rocks yeah it doesn’t matter hoping for a lava pool oh big true big tree i didn’t even think of that yeah let’s get out of this cave

Maybe we cook up a little bit of that good good cook up a little bit of that iron oh my god i’m gonna die i just smacked you in the cheeks stop son you just call him stepson i said what’s up you know what yeah yes they’re relaxed

All right here i’ll make you some stone tools you looked a little stuck there steps all right um here you go stone tools scratch bam bam brand new thank you ma’am all right are you are you sure these are brand new i just made them scratch are you are you questioning the ability

That my ability of crafting things here i’m gonna make those i’m gonna make up some shields uh we also need flint and steel which i got three iron for that oh i wanted an iron pick we didn’t get any beds here here’s an actually a brand new pick and yeah we’re

Dumb we didn’t get any is this our first night in minecraft what’s going on i don’t need this one i’ll keep it though yeah yeah this might be our first time yeah it might be our first time right here uh we could run back it’s not far we could you know you’re not

You’re not supposed to start an adventure on a tuesday anyways right don’t look eyes down hey how are you doing how you doing pal oh no oh my god oh my god scratch scratch okay we’re okay we’re okay we’re okay did he stop he just stopped caring he

Just actually still i’ve never seen that scratch we have visitors we got people coming over tonight excuse me excuse me you ruined our house how you doing over there champ a little cold yeah oh i forgot to give you a blanket when you slept over

Oh my i’m sorry i’m sorry dude i’m sorry wrap it up with a pizza box literally every sleepover with a friend oh you should have told me that you were going to be freezing tonight i don’t know why didn’t you use the couch kitchen why didn’t you use the couch kitchen bro

Adventure time though baby and grab your scratch because we’re going to a very distant or rhyming scratch no i don’t know all right uh stand hold on snack break snack break snack break i need to put that buckets any extra no no extra buckets why you need a pee break poop break yeah

Break break it looks like fun scratch we are an amplified we need to use amplified to our advantage you know how long it takes to get to one of these mountains to the top no no scratch i got a water bucket brother that’s gonna be a nightmare what are you

Talking about i’m actually a legend at minecraft are you new here i’m freaking insane all right scratch you ready i’m climbing i want to know i’ve i’ve had to tower up so many wait for me no no no no no no oh my god you’re pushing me out of my own water

Yeah i’ve had to climb up so many end towers just to get to those crystals scratch i’m a legend at this look at this this waterfall’s already halfway down oh my god we gotta go down to go up he pushed me oh wait we need gravel anyways look this is calculated oh my

God there’s a huge fire over there oh gravel first try gravel first try travel first or uh yeah gravel oh my god this is all right this is amplified this is a little scary oh you jumped off to swim up you big brainer hold on i’m taking a snack break before i swim

All right hopefully i don’t cramp but you just now you ate yeah just right before i swam yeah um paul yeah yeah i’m cramping a little but we’re okay you’re pushing me oh charlie horse are you just eating while swimming yeah dude see this isn’t taking that

Long i feel like this is a small mountain compared to normal amplified isn’t it we’re gonna get up here and there’s gonna be a massive mountain behind it yeah i knew it oh my god what do we even spawn on true what level are we at we’re at 198.92 right now right here

Yeah this is this is a big boy this is a big boy world over there i do see um an abandoned portal and it is very far we’re very hot well there’s a goat dude you gotta go scratch um [Laughter] You don’t feel safe i don’t know it looks like some open planes that way we could definitely hit that i think you can mlg water bucket as both both yeah at the same time yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely three two one go oh no i’m first up first

Yeah so you’re fine but i will water bucket yeah you know um that was very unfortunate um moving on so how are you uh how are you on food huh doing good uh you know we’re we’re borderline starving understandable um i got 14 bread and i

After seeing how many hay bales you took i’m sure you have like 38. look paul i have only the things you’ve given me and the things i’ve stolen so you’ve never punched a single piece of wood are you above that do you think you’re better than the wood

This is an rpg now paul really crafting i want none of it yeah i do think we’re gonna have to find lava inside of a cave though i do feel like we’re not going to really find a lava pool on the surface yeah he’s paul you do this for a living

Hey jake cuts out jay cuts out the ums and the the the gaps all right relax so they don’t know they don’t know i’ll tell them oh you’re fired um i’m taking fall damage and we’re not even in the amplified area i keep breaking my ankles uh we got uh mushroom forest yeah

Mushroom forest a rooftop a rooftop oh we got an ocean i didn’t know oceans were inamplified i’m making a boat i’m making a boat see scratch i chop one so you don’t have to i’ll never have to chop a lawn can look like this oh oh wait wait wait wait

Oh i thought you got in why are you so slow why are you so slow drifting i know you can’t swim scratch get in get it let’s go over to this boat uh drown ourselves and pick up loot and then also continue on are mushroom volumes inside of uh amplified

Actually now i’m curious i just want to make an amplified hardcore world now these look cool yeah no amplified worlds are dope i got a bunch of iron this uh the ship’s garbage so i’m leaving i got leather pants yeah what you got a dolphin you got a

Dolphin it’s outside the boat he’s kind of following me though that’s unfortunate wait wait wait is that a desert no like it is do you not see this desert what are you thinking about it’s a desert this is man-made yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah this whole map i

Made in uh in world headache you got my vote better treat her nice better won’t better one everybody that’s why you don’t do drugs wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait one chance one chance one time another one they got one they go a little splash little splash all right

There’s gotta be there’s gotta be lava oh my god it’s the tiniest desert bottom ever i think i don’t think llama’s gonna spawn i know it’s a very vertical desert that’s all it is wait there’s a cave maybe lava i think it might be lava no

Shot was shot but i think it is there’s it’s not it’s not it’s not there is a cave though oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my god crash what’s up son what’s up scratch give him the clap clap all right ooh the one two one two the bait and switch

Room lava where are you don’t tell me it’s dead end it’s getting narrow yeah oh my god scratch i will continue to fight what are you good are you good bro i’m gonna have to mine dude i barely survived that and barely how many hearts planting dramatic second pole oh we got

An amethyst over there oh we’re going mad deep scratch maddy we got gold y level 23. oh there it is scratch there’s a lava bacon a portal oh oh i really messed up there it’s fine though nothing ain’t nothing all right top in paul i haven’t done this in ages

Is another amplified i don’t know i don’t know find out in this episode oh paul google that’s a bus all by him all right great oh my god we’re going the other way path of least resistance also you need gold booties baby or else you’re going

To get your cheeks beat out here me however i’m cool i got the gucci pants on he’s coming when he sees he sees no no i’m with the crew i’m with the crew i’m with the boys we’re friends i have two gold ingredients i only got

Two i’m gonna know he’s gonna pick him up oh my god pearls pearls pearls or else you die girls or else you die pearls are all see die rolls or else you die pearl’s hurt what’s up brother yep moving on um here we go we’re starting to see that

The kid oh here we go here we go we got gold right here baby ain’t nothing get you some gold pants some gold shoes something here we go here we go here we go those are the ones dude scratch watch this i’m gonna show you how it’s done

Get rid of that just in case oh my god and then just burn all three of them there’s two right there there’s a third behind you yeah yeah i saw all three okay there we go just keep picking it up and setting it down against the geneva convention or

Something you know i hope so but either way there’s gonna be like 15 pigs in here so we’re gonna have to clear them out real quick um all right so i’m gonna lure a guy down here or do i need to be somewhere yeah you wanna be on top of like two

Pillars at least two yeah yeah yeah just in case okay i’m gonna start luring them out all right scratch it gets a little a little scary they break your shield and then you die one guy one guy oh he’s mad is he chasing them oh my god

She’s going for you he’s oh she’s close he’s close he’s looking at me he’s looking at me he picked up a lava bucket didn’t you i i i can get lava down there that’s all right no no no no no that’s all right maybe yeah i’ll just be here that’s the

Scratch thing i’ve ever heard you know what you know what you’re right i’ll just do nothing got a dance got a man he didn’t smell me he smells me oh you why are you always coming he’s somebody’s coming next time he’s coming he’s coming he’s stopped he’s going

He’s coming he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming are you smiling hey come on come on come on dumb dirty face oh my god okay no he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming i break it i break it yeah where is he where is he where is he i’m scared my

Job nothing more for me to do goodbye there we go crawl back out dude dude they have so much health they’re literally like an iron golem with an axe i did break your block on your way over here so like can you replace that or scratch i cleared out this rampart we

Should be chilling but there will be more pigs i broke all of them okay well i’m gonna start collecting a little bit of gold get the boys a little upset i’ll hang out here here we go get in the hulk in the hole there we go there is

More piglets though and another rampart near me and i’m a little scared how many are there now no there’s literally like like four or five penguin boots in just this side alone and then inside the uh the actual like the big section with the lava pit

There’s so many either way i got trades going on you could come up this right side it’s safe i swear the air force once oh i took their gold you took the gold toxic actually toxic i don’t want crying obsidian i was gonna say we need obsidian

Is there a stuff oh no they drop more i got 16 pearls obviously that’s enough so we’re chilling on that yeah let’s get out of here let’s go down to go up right i lost you already okay down to yeah go down to go up

Hold my hand hold my hand and we can just go back up this real quick right here okay fortress actually on the other side just remembered scratch i’m literally just trying to escort you right now i like i could ask you can you build across this real quick i know i’m

Asking for a lot okay making you work a little bit yeah crazy idea well i’m out okay so fortress was out in this direction i don’t know how far we don’t have the obsidian that we need for another portal but honestly we should be fine we’re obsidian yeah i have one so

Definitely not enough obsidian however we’re not far from our original portal how did that actually hit me bro this kid’s on x game mode what’s up what’s up oh my god oh my god oh my god dude what is this oh god i’m so scared i’m so scared place

In the lobby’s done done oh my god right through them cheeks oh dude you’re so true thank you i know i know i know oh my god all right yeah yeah watching watching you’re so actually bad scratch no yeah you’re actually on the move move you blocked

Move move move that was me okay yeah look at these shoes i i warmed them up for you yeah yeah yeah you got them primed oh here’s the fortress it’s this way you see it now with your near sight oh my god look at the fortress here um

Can you hay bale drop this baby cannon do you want me to oh baby can i step daniel i don’t know can you that looked way farther than i thought it was god amongst men this is toxic you got to get your own way up scratch

Your big kid i know you can do it sure i’ll build a staircase over here though don’t worry i have no social awareness so like i don’t know if you’re talking about anything but me of course all right scratch i see a blade spawner literally straight ahead

As the script says am i blind in this script you might be the daily bit that’s the bit is that you just can’t see anything busting cheeks oh yeah i forgot dude we’re two-timing these guys i got three for three by the way i might be dreaming it okay oh four for

Four scratches oh no no no i do i will say i will say i think it’s because you killed two and i’ve killed two two you know okay all right all right look i dropped one too no shot what is this we’re five already oh dude oh i get them scotch

Get them scratch them crafting you better get them i better not get hurt oh my god scratch you are so bad you are actually a trash can why am i hurting i’m hurting i have one bread by the way can i get that last uh blazer let’s get out of here

All right yeah oh oh oh that bear oh you jumped into it oh my god oh my god it’s gonna switch that there i’m done i have no bread i have no food i’m a golden apple i have one bread and what do i get in

Return the boat you get the boat that we sailed in together good good i’m leaving i’m leaving i’m leaving get that guy off the edge come on come on guys i’m leaving scratch i’m gone goodbye i’m coming too bye good boy oh i’m chilling i’m chilling i’m chilling

Give me a hard time about wanting food well i have two bread yeah you sound like she’s injured you sound a little stingy scratch i mean considering the fact that you have two considering the fact that you have two means that we can both be my calculations are correct scratch i’m

Literally about to run out of food or hunger which means i’m walking but if my calculations aren’t correct also the portal should be right here baby oh i stopped running i can’t run anymore that’s it scratch if it’s night time i’m done it’s over it’s over it’s over oh we’re

In a cave i gotta get out of the cave bro oh my god scratch give me that one bread i need one bread i need one bread i would not you would not believe it paul you ate both guys you did not oh my god i have the pearls i have the

Pearls that’s cool scratch i can kill hold my how is there i literally had half a heart left oh my god there’s a skelly a gapple a gapple that wasn’t a secret food that wasn’t a secret i was trying to i was on the verge of that’s paul

That wasn’t a secret i told you i had it i don’t have a good memory paul you gotta completely i could sprint now though so like i’m living oh my god dude i’m so scared scratch i’m so scared no no small i’m not gonna die to an infant eat a

Rotten flesh i will i will gladly actually might give me enough to regen oh my god i got regen i got regen i’m living it up now there was never any problems by the way you’re the provider and you’ve been oh my god there’s a creeper behind us i’m scared scratch

I’m scared there’s a creeper see looking out for you babe all right there’s gotta be an exit like right here but there’s sandstone that means exit this is amplified yeah you’re right yeah you’re right i thought about digging up earlier too i thought about it and then i was like amplified

You don’t you don’t go up in amplified yeah oh i see light is that not sun is that not the sun i’m just saying things no it’s like a mirage but in a cave i’m going i’m scotch what kind of streamer luck is that dude oh we’re not even

In it pigs i should have just cooked them with my uh with my bucket of lava yeah you know there’s a couple more over here i’m getting food we’re eating good scratch never let my baby girl ever starve again this is not just a killing spree oh my god chicken sense to

Die dang it yeah chickens you can just uh you can just set them on fire oh that’s a baby yeah that doesn’t drop anything throw so much food down put down the eye paul the science guy here um i do not have a fern eye anymore however i can

Make one with the low low price of uh one pork chop what about the 16 pearls oh you know i mean i could take those well you know i would gladly take those off your yeah all right well i also yeah i got the eyeballs primed and ready dropping

All my garbage clearing out inventory space i’m gonna give it the first yay eat scratch come on hold on we’re going ooh we’re actually going back back the way we came you still got that boat i gave you of course yeah you better cause that’s that’s our boat scratch

A little little aggressive there’s an amethyst right there a rock i really don’t have to dig in the side of a mountain so oh it’s literally right here literally right here i’m going through the amethyst that’s the key amethyst is the key it’s all blue it’s all yeah you get in

The water is terrifying oh no i’m scared i’m scared i’m scared i’m scared we’re drowning here good doing it though oh oh my god just more water because it said to go back which is this way so it’s got to be over here i just you know i

I just know we’re going to miss it oh you want some diamonds lapis leads to diamonds oh i actually found stronghold wowie zowie dude i found him actually yeah what is this what is this lapis leads to diamonds clay patches lead to diamonds there’s a lot of diamonds too baby we splitting him

Diamond oh you got one too we got eight yeah that’s an eight stack baby um i got it it’s a brand new iron pick here’s a brand new sword all right let’s find portal room oh my god i found the portal room i accidentally found it no

Yeah no i actually just found it even watch my videos what if i told you no you don’t scratch that means uh i’m gonna have to kick you from this lobby we’ll see how it goes baby i’m scared all right here we go scratch about to beam it down baby

Oh oh you know i’m just i’m insane don’t worry about it i’m insane i’m insane look at that boom oh my god that one actually barely came up short you can’t even see that high can you i can see you fine there you are you hit the dragon yeah nice shots

Gotcha it’s fine you’ll get it one day champ you’ll get it one day i’ll go get all the other ones i’m literally getting all the other ones first shot i’m out of arrows nice stretch way to really partake in helping out the team maybe you climb up it and then

You punch it through the hole there you go see now you’re thinking and helping this is the last thing i wanted to do ready for the craziest minecraft moment of your life i don’t think i am i don’t know if it’s still there because it’s not going over the heel

And it’s kind of triggering me here scratch come on i’m being i’m putting them working you’re doing what are you doing i’m sure he doesn’t get healed i’m pretty certain i hit it because it flew past the tower and didn’t get healed the arrows are despawning

Is that what you’re trying to get no no i’m trying to make sure he’s not going to get healed fall it’s a she oh my gosh dude this thing’s flying at light speeds and i can’t hit it oh scratch scratch back off you’re gonna die yes get back scratch

You guys get back here you guys come back oh my god oh i just stared at one two i started two all right guys leave that water leave that water leave that water you’re gonna need it oh scratch uh pearl into the dragon roll into the dragon it’ll

It’ll save you i swear oh my god okay okay dragon saved us oh i need to eat where’s that face oh yeah okay okay are they all dead are they all dead they’re not all dead they’re not all that they’re not there they’re not all dead your water’s over here come over

Here come over here you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine oh oh i almost hit you if the dragon spits over your scratch we run and we cry gosh dude how many i hate water okay i’m fighting i’m fighting no more enderman no more problems just a dragon getting his cheeks beat

Here shoot it shoot it scratch here you go waste my time wednesday right now what is this dragon doing well it’s my time it’s coming down oh this is it scratch if we tag teamer i’m going in come in oh baby here we go let’s say oh look at that damage maximum damage

Maximum oh there’s no shot stretch where’s that arrow scratch where’s that arrow there’s one right here give me the bow give me the bow give me the bow i know why you gave me like i already had it i know it was it was a crappy joke all right scratch here it is

Done better than i can’t miss my career is like writing on this you can’t afford to i can’t afford to miss my career is literally riding on this right now if i missed this i lose a million subscribers baby there it is everyone has to like and subscribe now thank you i appreciate

It um all right there it is amplified baby i’ve never beaten amplified once in my life scratch i’m glad i did with you have you ever attempted it no well i did with you on your series did we really try though

This video, titled ‘Can You Beat Minecraft On An Amplified World…’, was uploaded by PaulGG on 2021-07-14 15:00:22. It has garnered 482817 views and 27850 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:08 or 1388 seconds.

Minecraft, But The World Is Randomized… ➡ I feel like minecraft amplified worlds dont get enough love! So I have my friend @skratchmebb8452 joining me to attempt to defeat the ender dragon while trying to speedrun on an amplified world. #minecraft #minecraftchallenge

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    1 JT DAMAGE WEAPON ONE-SHOT MINECRAFT BOSS Minecraft Bosses: Can a 1K Damage Weapon One-Shot Them? From the comments on the previous video, curiosity sparked. Yesterday, we tested the bosses in Eden, and now, we’re here to find out if this weapon can take down Minecraft bosses like the Warden, Ender Dragon, and Wither. In this video, we’ll put it to the test. Testing the Weapon As the experiment begins, the weapon doesn’t feel powerful at first. However, as the battle progresses, the damage starts to add up. Upgraded to a million damage, the anticipation builds. Results First up, the Wither. With a single shot, it’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting challenge? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and experience a unique gameplay experience like never before. With an array of mods and plugins to enhance your gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling adventure for all players. Immerse yourself in a world where you can battle ultimate gods, protect villagers with Guard Villagers, and explore new dimensions with mods like The John Reborn and Mowzie’s Mobs. With Timeless and Classics Guns, Tac Craft Tactical armor pack, and Better Missiles at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Join… Read More

  • NOTCH’s New Game: Minecraft 2.0?

    NOTCH's New Game: Minecraft 2.0? Exploring Notch’s New Game: Levers and Chests Notch, the mastermind behind Minecraft, has embarked on a new gaming venture with the creation of Levers and Chests. Let’s delve into the initial glimpses of the game and Notch’s statements! Notch: The Minecraft Maestro Before diving into the new project, let’s take a moment to appreciate the journey of Marcus Persson, also known as Notch. His childhood fascination with video games eventually led to the creation of Minecraft, a game that captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Despite selling Minecraft to Microsoft for a staggering sum, Notch’s true passion lies in… Read More

  • GLOWEY returns to Minecraft Island?!

    GLOWEY returns to Minecraft Island?!Video Information we’re back on Squid Island me jelly and crina and today is going to be a big big day King glowey will be returning but how can I explain this everything goes wrong hi we’re back really did you make a pyramid out of tree okay guys well who can we just talk about this a second we’re back in Squid Island wow I forgot sorry I got distracted by thater I built a and hope going to because I started a pyramid Foundation okay but but but but but before we get into that today is going… Read More

  • Insane Drama in Minecraft with VTuber Girlfriends! 😱

    Insane Drama in Minecraft with VTuber Girlfriends! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I guess you guys heard my uh clicking before you actually heard me oopsie that’s loud as hell oopsie all right is that a good volume I think that’s a good volume I think that’s fine all right so what we’re doing today is modern Minecraft I actually made the mod like I made the mod pack like 30 minutes ago I hope it works if it doesn’t then it doesn’t if it does then yay all right hi hello how are you doing today okay okay o so… Read More

  • Barnava Gaming – Herobrine absorbs Death Note power and destroys everything! #Minecraft animation

    Barnava Gaming - Herobrine absorbs Death Note power and destroys everything! #Minecraft animationVideo Information menos de um minuto vou te levar ao céu vou te catucar e fazer o ell This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb mello death note Power and destroy note|#Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-01-10 08:00:32. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb mello death note Power and destroy note|#Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #power #shorts #herobrine #shorts #wife #devilface #bestfriend #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #absorb #tvman #skibiditoilet 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Experiments: Level 1 to 100

    Insane Minecraft Experiments: Level 1 to 100Video Information if you drop sand into water it will do this satisfying bounce but did you know this also works in real life today we’re testing the most satisfying Minecraft experiments in real life and to start breaking a tower of scaffolding is extremely satisfying so we’re going to do it in real life but that’s not how scaffolding Works in real life but it is abomino work just like breaking the bottom Scaffolding in Minecraft causes everything to come crumbling down it’s the same for dominoes it’s the same for dominoes how it’s the [Applause] same and that… Read More


    campfire.plPolski serwer Survival na najnowszej wersji gry 1.15.2. Posiadamy masę innowacyjnych rozwiązań! Na serwerze znajdziesz bardzo rozbudowany system działek, w których możesz konfigurować wiele ustawień. Dysponujemy autorskim systemem zadań, dzięki któremu nie zawieję nudą. Read More

  • Fermium MC Roleplay Survival Tool Leveling Races Quarries Infinite Blocks Custom Model Weapons PVE Quests Jobs Sellwands Buildwands Supply Drops Upgradable Spawners ViaVersion 1.20.X

    Hello! 👋 Looking for a fun, family-friendly Minecraft survival server? 🚸 Well, look no further! ⤵️ This server includes land claiming, quarries, player cosmetics, player shops, quest, player warps, build wands, sell wands, custom 3d weapons and armor, pets, particles, rotating shop, jobs and more! If you want more information regarding Fermium MC, join our Discord channel! Come have fun with us on the server join now! 🔵Discord: IP: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Illagers are way superior anyways

    Illagers may be better, but at least villagers can actually hold a conversation without trying to raid your house! Read More

  • Villager Trade Hall: Java Jive, Business Bonanza!

    Villager Trade Hall: Java Jive, Business Bonanza! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Gala_CZ brings us trading halls with no chains. Villagers selling all for just one emerald, XP gathering fast, the process is heralded. Zombies infecting villagers, the process is clear, With weapons in hand, the infection is near. But fear not, for Weakness potions are here, To cure the villagers, make the infection disappear. Gala_CZ guides us through, step by step, Building the trading hall, no need to fret. With trapdoors and pistons, the setup is grand, Ensuring the villagers are safe and sound in the land. So join us in the… Read More

  • Car vs Portal: The Ultimate Gegagedigedagedago Showdown! 🔥😂

    Car vs Portal: The Ultimate Gegagedigedagedago Showdown! 🔥😂 Why did the car challenge the Gegagedigedagedago Portal Upgrade to a race? Because it wanted to show off its horsepower! #vroomvroom 🚗💨 Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8 Minecraft Adventure: Exploring New Mods and Features Introduction In this episode of Minecraft, Pilot delves into a world filled with new mods and features that enhance the gameplay experience. With a plethora of mods like Additional Structures, Alex’s Mobs, and Biomes O’ Plenty, the adventure is bound to be exciting and unpredictable. Discovering New Possibilities Pilot embarks on a journey to explore various structures and encounters unique mobs like witches with sophisticated backpacks. The addition of mods like Dungeon Crawl and Dungeons and Taverns adds depth to the exploration, making each discovery a thrilling experience. Challenges and Triumphs Throughout… Read More

  • Easy Minecraft Build Tutorial

    Easy Minecraft Build Tutorial Minecraft Build: Easy and Fun Creations! Are you looking for some easy and fun Minecraft builds to try out? Look no further! In this video, the creator showcases a build that is not only simple to make but also incredibly enjoyable. Step-by-Step Guide The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to create this particular Minecraft build. From gathering the necessary materials to putting the final touches, every detail is covered to ensure a smooth building process. Engaging Content With clear instructions and a visually appealing design, this Minecraft build is sure to capture the attention of both new… Read More

  • Minecraft CRAZIEST VIDEO ever! MUST WATCH TILL END #shorts

    Minecraft CRAZIEST VIDEO ever! MUST WATCH TILL END #shortsVideo Information [Music] woo This video, titled ‘Minecraft you have to watch this video till the end #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-02-12 08:30:09. It has garnered 102 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- Minecraft_ you have to watch this video till the end #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pro Tips

    Ultimate Minecraft Pro TipsVideo Information annp oh is ANP you know what it means yeah he doesn’t so anyway you live in [ __ ] pistan mate [ __ ] up angry said he Liv pistan we lost we lost another OG but I’m not giving you all this I found Bro you’ve been playing without us that’s so cra fat oh I just found a what it called aole is this [ __ ] whatever version we play on the newest version which version are we playing on I don’t know who asked youing the host your balls if you don’t hush down all right I’m not playing… Read More

  • Pro Gamer Masterfully Dominates PVP Legacy in Minecraft

    Pro Gamer Masterfully Dominates PVP Legacy in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing PVP Legacy and not doing bad (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Gentalaman on 2024-02-14 05:00:06. It has garnered 41 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:39 or 1959 seconds. hope u guys enjoyed the vid pls like it up and sub 🙂 Kevins channel discord: tiktok: heard this helps: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP /… Read More

  • 🔥 Top 10 ADDONS para SURVIVAL en MINECRAFT 1.20! 💥

    🔥 Top 10 ADDONS para SURVIVAL en MINECRAFT 1.20! 💥Video Information Looking to add a fresh and exciting touch to your Minecraft bedrock experience? With exciting additional content that is designed to improve your experience and free you from monotony, today you have come to the right place because in this video I share with you my top 10 of the most incredible addons for Minecraft bedrock for versions 1.20, but don’t forget to subscribe and leave your like so that this Minecraft channel reaches more people to start I send a greeting to the following little people if you want a greeting Comment many times the word addons… Read More

  • Minecraft Parkour Profiles – Mind-Blowing Pixel Art!

    Minecraft Parkour Profiles - Mind-Blowing Pixel Art!Video Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,642’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-14 04:46:21. It has garnered 558 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,642 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • Minecraft TikTok Hack That Actually Works? 😱

    Minecraft TikTok Hack That Actually Works? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-02-29 02:30:03. It has garnered 884 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯fishing#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral @TechnoGamerzOfficial @imbixu #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Norah vs. Luna Realm Store Challenge!

    Norah vs. Luna Realm Store Challenge!Video Information [Music] stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon no I’m not late I’ve been waiting on you I’ve been here waiting on you I’ve been here all this time waiting on you waiting on you waiting on you wait is stream starting soon what time is it hang on I’m not ready 3 2 1 stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is starting soon stream is… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT TIPS & TRICKS- Boost your skills FAST!Video Information some moments in Minecraft can get confusing for example easily finding diamonds getting overpowered armor and fishing if you consider that as confusing so here are 35 tips and tricks to help you become a better Minecraft player we all know the golden rule of Minecraft and that is to never dig straight down because you can either fall in lava fall from a great height fall into a cluster of mobs that you can’t handle or awaken the warden like waking up Dad if you are going to dig straight down Dig A 1 by two hole… Read More

  • Shocking: Minecraft Granny House with FX Shivam69 #Trending

    Shocking: Minecraft Granny House with FX Shivam69 #TrendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘LET’S MAKE TO GRANNY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!!#fxshivam69 #minecraft #grannyhouse #trending’, was uploaded by FX SHIVAM 69 on 2024-02-16 03:55:34. It has garnered 2880 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:51 or 771 seconds. LET’S MAKE TO GRANNY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!!#fxshivam69 #minecraft #grannyhouse #trending 📷 Instagram: / Priyanshu_Patel_89 🕊️Twitter:- / fxshivam69 👍 Facebook: / FX SHIVAM 69 📶@Priyanshupatel89 Email: [email protected] 🔥 Like Share & Subscribe My Channel. granny house in Minecraft Minecraft best house granny new video Granny wala game granny wala cartoon Gulli bulli game granny chapter1 ki video granny grandpa… Read More

  • AmiSMP

    AmiSMPWe are a SMP server for all, we have a few YouTubers and Streamers and would love some more! If you want to join us click the discord link, we are active, have friendly staff. Read More

  • SoulCraft Vanilla – No Whitelist – Hermitcraft – Rewards

    🌟 Join a Thriving Community: Immerse yourself in a mature and vibrant player community inspired by the legendary Hermitcraft. Discord Invite: 🌍 Explore a Fresh Server: Embark on an epic journey in a brand-new league, where every adventurer starts on equal ground. 🏆 Claim Your Rewards: Seize the opportunity for epic rewards in this exciting league—your chance to stand out and be recognized! ⚔️ Choose Your Path: Whether you’re a master builder, redstone wizard, or intrepid explorer, Soulcraft welcomes diverse playstyles. ✨ Craft Your Legacy: Be part of a dynamic world where creativity knows no bounds. Shape your destiny… Read More

  • Boom Time Villagers: Minecraft Pocket Edition Addon Madness

    Boom Time Villagers: Minecraft Pocket Edition Addon Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Two addons to explore, like a vivid dream. First up, the TNT addon, with explosions so grand, Redstone and blocks, in your hand they’ll land. Launch the TNT, watch the world destroy, With lava and more, it’s a sight to enjoy. Ultimate TNT, rainbow TNT too, Beautiful and deadly, a colorful view. Next up, the Warrior Villagers, a brave new sight, Defending your village, ready to fight. Links in the comments, for you to download, Enjoy the game, let your adventures unfold. That’s all for today, in the world of… Read More

  • CATNAP VS ZOONOMALY: The Ultimate Poopy Playtime Showdown! 😹🦍 #minecraftmeme

    CATNAP VS ZOONOMALY: The Ultimate Poopy Playtime Showdown! 😹🦍 #minecraftmeme “Catnap vs Zoonomaly: the ultimate battle of who can nap the longest without getting caught by their owner! Place your bets now, folks!” 😹 #catfight #naptimebattle #whoisgoingtowin Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft servers! Today, we want to introduce you to a server that is taking the Minecraft community by storm – Minewind. While watching a video about the best PvP server for Minecraft, you may have come across some exciting gameplay and intense battles. If you’re looking to experience that level of excitement and challenge for yourself, then Minewind is the place to be. With a focus on PvP gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling and competitive environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Boubou’s Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun

    Boubou's Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun Minecraft Community Server Adventure Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players from all over come together to explore, build, and survive. Join Boubou on his community server, where Java and Bedrock players unite to embark on thrilling adventures in version 1.20.4 and 1.20.71, respectively. To join the fun, become a Level 2 channel member on Boubou’s Klötzchenbande and hop into Discord to accept the rules, provide your in-game name, and get whitelisted. It’s a token of appreciation for the amazing support from the community. Exclusive Benefits and Support For those looking to take their involvement to the… Read More

  • Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!

    Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!Video Information this is Sky Revolutions a fairly new 1.19 questing mod pack from the creator of project sacrifice however unlike project sacrifice which was a previous Sky Block that we played best around blood magic this one here is much more techb as you can see on the left hand side here in the quest book we do have mechanism we do have thermal expansion we do have I believe a little bit of pneumatic craft and of course we have some create as well and as you might guess this Quest book here starts up at the top… Read More

  • Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?

    Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?Video Information I just woled down food without chewing so it’s time to bounce my buddies must have missed me big time oh husk hey glad to see you what about you man I was actually enjoying my time when you weren’t around come on buddy calm down where are our other Pals alaster and Charlie I overheard some sounds sounded like moans I bet they’re up to something important in bed man I envy Charlie right now got anything to drink bro let me check seems like I’ve got something stashed here any booze will do drown the sorrow… Read More

  • INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Madness

    INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by HapLegit on 2024-03-27 06:30:03. It has garnered 389 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Hardcore This is a trailer for my new minecraft smp video. It has to be planned to be uploaded in April. Make sure to subscribe to channel to get the notification.. The video took me a month to make. I hope you will like it. I will try to take you guys after we will have good… Read More

Can You Beat Minecraft On An Amplified World…