CaptainSparklez 2 – Emptying The Himalayas (Minecraft SMP Earth #12)

Video Information

Folks welcome to another episode of SM Perth featuring me and all the other people who are currently on the server of which there are many well they’re really all a bunch of people on I don’t know what’s going on although I do know that now there there are things there

Are guns there guns is they’ve cost money and I need diamonds I need diamonds okay I need 60 diamonds to get a snippy riffle because I saw a little video in my timeline earlier on the tweeter of friggin snippy riffle just one hit ruining somebody’s day so

There’s that I need to go on a diamond mining expedition the Himalayas are no longer claimed I have my fortune and I know there’s a whole bunch of stuff that happened with claiming and stuff since last time also I did do do wait is my farmer not okay my farmer is still

Chillin good I troubleshooted my thing in single-player what I determined is we do need a bell we need a bell otherwise it doesn’t seem like they actually actually changed crops but what does happen is it was a mistake to give the villager over here carrots because carrots flow from high

Inventory low inventory so you actually want the villager over here to have nothing in their inventory at all otherwise this guy won’t toss stuff to the other dude so it needs to be a brand new villager well bring the brand-new villager over here we got to have a bell

Put right here it’s kind of required it looks like and then it should he’ll throw the crops over Moby chill seems fine anyway I am yeah sorry I trouble shoot it and we should be good let me let me see I can’t do any breeding right

Now so maybe now is the time we just head on over the freaking Himalayas dude and we just do what we got to do we’ll just do the thing we’ll just frickin do the thing okay that’s what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna do the thing and

Hopefully you will be able to get some diamonds hopefully they have an all been mined over there but yeah anyway and then after that then I’ll come back here bye we need to buy I have actually bred animals in a while place the cows and I’d love to get an actual Blake supply

Of meat going because that would be more efficient for my hunger bar so we’ll do that and also I haven’t read the chickens in a while either so let me begin them by doing that oh it’s about to be daytime maybe should do a little villager breeds you doodles because we

Are gonna need a new villager that we’re kind of rural transportation again to bring the new villager out but then we also need a we do need a bill from a blast furnace boyo and so yeah I do the last furnace they can use and all that stuff but anywho badger filled thanks

For the sub hidden 3000 thanks for 18 months of subbing appreciate yeah and yet tonight tonight is the last night of the week and that means that whoever is on top of the bit and the sub leaderboards is gonna die put down a torture I didn’t is going to have the

Farm named after them the both of them and also also also also what I another thing so at the end of the like the last episode had a little discussion and the last tray title discussion like is there thing I could do for like runner-ups for

A second and and third on the on the sub gift and bit leaderboard so I might do like a little just like a little wall or something just put a wall down or put signs for people’s names on the wall okay it’s gotten loud over here just as

Like a little bit of a runner-up situation kind of things so they even if you got to like second or third you just like you don’t have to be like oh god dang it I I did all this bits of subs and then I didn’t get the farm named

After me just like you know just a little thing so we’ll do like a little wall and and that’ll work we’re gonna do what yeah it’d be like the wall of fame the wall of the wall of second and third place the wall of honorable mentions that’s probably a

Better way to phrase it rather than the wall of second in third place skull rocker thank you for the 200 bits and good evening glad to check into the glad to catch a stream I haven’t gotten any notifications in about a week so mr. live stream is fortunately notification

Seem to be working now well that’s good to hear that they are fixed x-m our mystery giri guy thank you for the sub nerd McGirt thank you for the eight months it’ll be a beautiful sand stone wall is what it will be so it’ll be lovely absolutely beautiful

And okay so we are all good I think to do what we have to do which is we must I don’t bring any mortal wood any more of diamonds no it’s not fine right we’re just gonna go we’re just gonna go after I breed my villager boyos over here

We’re gonna go because I think it’s about time for daytime playing pulsar thank you for the sub how did you get out how did you do that I don’t know how you got out how did you get out I don’t know what you did but you need to go

Back in to another bet how did you do that hold on I need to get another bed i genuinely don’t know how that noob road like got out that’s that’s that’s a question but anyway we’ll bring upload with us as well justjust in case boat and beddy-bye alrighty the next villager

To be birthed will be actually you know I could just take this boy although I don’t know has this boy gotten any carrots has this boy you procreated at all that’s the thing actually I need to just take a new villager cuz I don’t know who has collected carrots here and

Who has not and for that reason I needed to be a fresh a fresh villager baby all right can you guys guys cook up a nice fresh villager baby guys do that for me really appreciate it I’ll do them all out of bed right there dude alright you

Just bake up take one of those up dude bake a fresh villager baby in the oven that’d be great it’d be really great I need you guys to hear holla yeah here we go here we go now you can now you can do the thing together right yeah it’s from

Talking about dude give you got you like a queen king-sized bad dude it’s gonna be sick there you go get the oh yeah dude make pop one out bun in the oven dude bun in the oven need another one the other one had met its it met its maker in the minecart

Hoppers it God entity crammed it was a really unfortunate thing that I don’t think anybody wants to relive okay but you guys if you could do the baby thing that’d be cool cuz I need to take my boy here alright you would do that there we

Go oh yeah they’re doing what they got to do they’re doing the deed that’s what I like to see can’t wait we can’t do that that’s always an unfortunate thing but it’s fine because we could do this we can do these and then we can bring

You in to where you’re supposed to be because that that boys probably get this probably gonna be blast furnace boy right here dude I think a little bit yeah bun in the oven I’m gonna actually put that dude in a boat gonna preload him now preload that safe and that’ll be

Sick and then we’ll be good okay I don’t want to hit my boy here unfortunately accidentally there we go nice nice all right all right my boy all right my boy let me figure out how I’m gonna get you out of here how am I gonna get out of

Here dude first off I need to split you guys up okay actually no no we should keep you together but if I could split you up real quick nope wrong shoot wrong wrong wrong wrong wait wait wait there we go there we go now you guys are chillin over there you

Get rid of this all right bud let me get you into the boat I just want a pre look can a villager grow up if it’s in a boat I don’t know the answer to that one but anyway it’s fine a little bit of that

Yeah you can hop on out you’re free dude you’re free and now hop in that boat yeah that’s what I like to see that’s what I like to see my dude nice nice now we’ll just pull them to over here you know and now we got this all

Ready to go this will be all ready to go as soon as we go on our diamond mining expedition we don’t come back and we’re gonna we’re gonna move that guy over to where he’s got to beat you to I guess you guys can cut kind of commingle

Because we need you to breed more villagers anyway and in the future and life’s good that’s great it was pretty great it’s looking good that’s looking great all righty sick stuff let me go get some more food and we will be on our way I

Guess oh we shall okay that goes there I don’t need to spend the eggs Exeter okay and you should I bring more torches sure we’ll do some of that a little bit more of them cool and great good times all around except just you know a little bit

More food just have their own reserve okay um well a that could get worked out easily let’s see what we got we got Friday’s thanks for 200 bits and glad you enjoy the new car always happy to cheer people up and stuff gara dog thanks to two months burning cub thanks

For the sub luminous Jansen thank you for the thousand bits playing with pulsar thanks for do a tab it’s glad you’re enjoying the series and stuff stuffed over a quick sub and be back once I finish watching the vods on YouTube all righty sounds good it’s me 93 thanks for where seven months

Not been able to watch as much lately but enjoying S&P at the moment sweet dude I mean this is vods on YouTube does look great thanks for 3000 bits that’s pretty generous good evening to you as well Reilly thanks six months aruna rune RP r thanks for 2 years dude and enjoy

The new badge diamond dingus thanks 14 months Marco o Panzer thanks for four months four eyes Inger’s best thanks for 800 students normally a bit harder because of time delay but currently 521 am but enjoying it well I appreciate the dedication that’s really early to get up dere dog thanks to

It’s an dry Walker thank you for the sub okay maybe we should done that while I was flying over to the Himalayas could I could add an alive to two birds with one stone but you know it’s chill all right the garage let’s get that playing out ode and unlock you up and

Boom went to the Auto Show today speaking of cars and vehicles and planes and stuff like that and that’s pretty cool I feel like there wasn’t anything necessarily SuperDuper standout that I can think of why don’t I show up on the map I just realized I’m not showing up

On the map that’s weird refresh am i there like try it okay there we go need to I need to be able to reference my location it’s kind of important um okay yeah I know I didn’t use the airfield sorry I know people have been waiting for a while so it’s just like

Let’s just go go go go go dude Friday’s thinking for the 300 bits much appreciated oh my lord haha okay um is so Mego Rex just did 54 sub gifts in one one fell swoop so that that’s a thing that just happened and I’m assuming it it brought them to

Second place which is actually first place because winters heart said that it’s okay whoever gets second can take the name and so yep alrighty mango Rex just coming in hot dude just coming in real hot yeah the whole stream will be sub soon my goodness thank you

Did thanks I’m sure a lot of people are pretty stoked on that and if you had whoever ended up getting hit with one of those so if you’re watching on YouTube that’s why there are a lot of lot of notifications that are currently gonna be streaming through for the next few

Seconds and stuff Frye Walker thanks for 200 it’s official bandy thank you as well for 200 bits and what do you think what do you think everybody there gonna be any diamonds left in the Himalayas or are we gonna be short out of luck that’s what I want

I’ll be garage despawn all the vehicles and let’s just head on in there I have a feeling that it’s gonna it’s gonna be pretty barren in here at this point but we’ll see fingers crossed that we can get some luck deer dog fence 300 bits please help from

An Asian or African Alliance to defend against the Europeans I’ve not been assaulted by anybody so I ain’t gonna go out and get myself into trouble for now but if I’m a tag then yeah for sure right Walker thanks for your new bits Mockingjay thanks for the sub and za za

Z Z axial thank you for the 300 bits as well much appreciated alright well let’s let’s just head on down there’s torches here so that’s a bad sign that’s that’s a bad sign we want to go where there aren’t torches because that that means people in the ER

And that means I’m probably not gonna find diamonds hmm also there’s a chance I’ve been here before yeah that could also be the case so you never you never know we don’t we go heavy Oh a tiffy thank you for the three months and I thank you appreciate it if you are able

To continue for many more months early yeah or it’s 61 oh we got to go way down down more and Joe Kashi Kashi Oh Cassie oh thank you this up dude appreciate it okay so how are we yeah higher don’t I wonder if we’re gonna I wonder I’m probably honestly going to

The same places that I have been in myself and it’s just gonna be like a cool dude these diamonds are missing little do I realize if I just like went back to my other stream oh that was me that mind that vein huh whoops whoops whoops whoops anyway alright well here

We are we back in the mine y equals 8 and let’s look around I also poured myself a drink I’m gonna do that mmm okey-dokey rye Walker thanks for five hundo bits I’m new watch most videos on YouTube thought I’d finally show my support well thanks Ben appreciate you stopping I’m gonna keep

Getting myself incinerated by my own sword over and over are 9 mega wrecks thank you for the 6 months thanks for the minecraft lightly recovering from hand surgery and been unable to play any games oh yeah my name is Megan BT Dubbs alright well I will also refer to you as

Megan in the future hopefully I will try to remember nerd alert thank you for the sub appreciate that uh I feel like maybe this hasn’t been gotten yet I should get iron 2 shouldn’t I I’m learning that iron is actually kind of useful thank God to every freaking time i incinerate

Myself looking for like missing missing things that look like they were blocks but aren’t echovirus thank you for this up um and i’m gonna also get iron yuccas apparently I need it barely iron can be useful for things like making anvils and other stuff um so I will acquire iron as

Well and hopefully not wear my pickaxe down see you much dude I have a guy no torture chute probably not gonna be Minnie oh okay a lot of torches a lot of torches wood that’s bad we want to go where there aren’t people with torches down on the ground Braille I have

Officially this is somebody else cuz I would never use wood to build up so somebody else has been here color the conclusion that baby Yoda is basically the cutest character that’s ever been introduced into any show and I’m gonna watch the mandalorian exclusively for baby Yoda oh my god dude

I can’t I can’t handle this dude the the sheer pain and distraught that I felt when he handed okay no I can’t say cuz it’s spoilers I can’t say baby Yoda is is my my hero it really is it’s oh my god when Nick was talking about it in trials like he

Thought it was like one of the cutest characters that he was not lying baby Yoda is is just top tier dude it is just it’s top tier hub flupper thank you for the sub Rhinestone Cowboy thanks for the sub as well I would absolutely unaligned for baby

Yoda baby Yoda is my king yeah and when baby Yoda goes to sleep after exerting himself it’s just like oh my goodness dude bug hug thank you for the 200 bits that’s the thing that was like so baby Yoda hasn’t so the Mandalorian supposedly takes place between Episode

Six and Episode seven well sorry episode three and episode set but it’s likes it takes place between Return of the Jedi and force awakens chronologically but the thing is you know there’s nothing about baby Yoda in in what should we call it in the force awakens or the next

One after that so I’m like is it gonna have any impact it seems like oh my god that’s five Emeralds right there that’s big place so would baby Yoda it why isn’t baby Yoda in the in other movies right it should be there baby Yoda where’s baby Yoda at baby Yoda needs to

Be in the movies and stuff it’s not really a spoiler alert it’s not really a spoiler alert because the Mandalorians knew whereas the movies like there’s no baby Yoda and that does to spoil anything the fact there’s no baby Yoda in the other Star Wars movies I’m sorry I have not spoiled anything

I don’t know anyway um let’s see bug hug yeah thank you for the tune of its maybe a single greatest product the Star Wars franchise and I will be monetize by this statement Josten thank you because you would have its first time during I thought I’d show my

Support by the way name is pronounced Johnston dude I got you I got you rock star thanks for the sub trust thanks for the two in a bit zine it Xena none your faction please I mean I I can’t promise if he wants to join or not whoa whoa Jesus Christ Wow

So that’s a creeper with the server resource pack just in time for guns on the server holy crap yeah I didn’t know that was gonna happen everybody in Santa bas thank you for the sub where I walk he thinks 200 bits no one’s claimed Norway could you I believe

Somebody has yeah Norway is most definitely claimed my dude sorry about that that was nothing you were not the first to think of that crusher CUDA thinks so Kiwi thanks for 38 months that’s this is a very long time thanks for doing the modding and stuff like that – appreciate you

Patek licious thank you in a bit spillage a neighboring country of attainments uh this is the best place to air was the best place to get diamonds if I can’t find it anymore because it’s probably fully gotten and but that was diamonds right there that that’s something I just actually mined like two

Seconds ago anyway baby Yoda absolute legend I’m hooked the series is made by baby Yoda I also I like how they have both a CG and also a like practical model a bit it’s like they have a little bit of combination of both it’s like they also

And they managed to make a practical effect baby Yoda really cute and like oh my goodness oh my goodness anything happens to baby Yoda I will riot it will be the end dude nothing can happen – baby Yoda Ryan Thunder thank you for the eight months much appreciated okay don’t do

The thing where you push me off to the side god dang it please diamonds I need you how much iron 23 you not a great deal how about some diamonds though how about some diamonds I can’t the frickin lat the the there’s a slight amount of latency on this

Server and it just destroys me when I’m trying to use this flame sword their fire aspect I think fire aspect is kind of a mistake with the server lag because you just always end up getting a lid on fire oh there’s a diamond there is it

That’s what I’m talking about is it a single one nope is – its – how many we get six six out of two I’ll take it dude now that we’re 10% of the way to getting what we need we got a new person job ballsacks those or torches those are torches see

Ryan Thunder thank you for the eight months I need all the mandolin right now I agree dude live in the shadow thanks for two months much appreciate hello there goddamn somebody who’s saying raid I must have missed the notification or something like that but uh if I did I apologize

But welcome people’s um okay I need to find it no more torches god dang it dude like the entirety of the Himalayas has been got and it upsets me greatly am I really gonna have to strip mine if I want to get diamonds I don’t like this everything cost diamonds now I really

Should have I should have made a point to just go ham in the beginning so what is this y equals a right a little bit I just do a little bit I just do a little bit digging and then maybe maybe maybe maybe I can now like find my way into

Another cave and then and then it’ll be an untouched cave brand-new unseen to the rest of the entire world and that’ll be good I mean I could dude I should do Windows as well when I’m doing this okay we’re gonna get our pickaxe swinging from cave to cave and I’m also gonna

Wear it down though I need to I definitely need to get some more levels on this thing more experience so I can get it repaired I don’t know if anyone’s made any farms yet experienced farms I mean I mean I think that the odds of running into diamonds here strip mining

Is kind of the same as mining anyway that’s the thing so it’s like not really much of a point of strip mining in the Himalayas versus strip mining back in Kingdom of Jordan so least pickaxe fast you know just we got that going for us

Also I might end up like if I end up outside the bounds of the Himalayas and I might need to mine back over you know we’ll go this direction now actually I hopefully I’ll end up inside of another cavern or something like that a cavern unseen by the rest of humanity really

We’re really speedrunning earth here if all the diamonds just are gone immediately I feel like I feel like real-life diamond mines are supposed to last a little bit longer than like a couple weeks otherwise that wouldn’t be a very sustainable business model for a mining operation which requires a good

Bit of startup cost a lot of startup cost Casa Carra thank you for the 200 bits you want top three listed and launched at for the week yeah that’d be good that will definitely help because I will probably forget to read it off and make note of it myself so that would

That would be much appreciated thank you for that and if you are tuning in and you haven’t done the following thing feel free to do that and if you’re watching on YouTube slash CaptainSparklez is where these things are streamed and you can catch everything as it happens live and

In person and that is a big vein of lapis filling you can get that with diamonds that’d be pretty cool okay I feel like I’ve gotten enough lap ease for a while so maybe just throw out some other stuff here that Kara is not coming because she blew overhead go to y equals

14 I was actually told by the admins themselves that y equals 8 is the best location for diamonds on this particular server because all of the terrain is custom Jen so they y equals 8 is where the highest value is that they set in the parameters when the world was gende so

That’s why we here that’s why we here kind of surprised we’re not making my way into another cavern why is it deadly thank you for the 200 bits so I’m going to reach the top this week thing I’m gonna hold on to the rest of these bits well you have another week starting

Tomorrow if you feel like making that your week there’s no guarantees though I can’t guarantee anything so won’t you just swoop in and be like this is my week now I am the captain now I’ll be like well that’s my title no diamonds I feel like dot that’s the thing though

Diamonds seem to be kind of rare when it comes to strip mining on this server hey is this a new untapped cavern maybe oh you know what the fact that they’re just emeralds chillin on the ground is kind of a good sign sorry bud if you were back at my house I would

Totally heal you okay yeah there’s no torches there’s a bunch of auras on the ground this could be good this could be it looks big that it looks like pretty big and wide open but I give it this place is gonna continue to get looted hard I am gonna make it my

Mission to get all the remaining diamonds that are exposed on the surface of the Himalayas within the caves so yeah tip 11,000 thanks for thirteen months when you make the sub server you should hold events like giving everyone Opie and just sitting back and seeing what happens I’m definitely gonna be doing

Things for videos and stuff once that happened so yeah just just you wait and see but definitely open for ideas from folks and things like that okay I don’t want you to go kaboom because I’m scared of the sound it’s a terrifying sound when you do that gray wing thank you for

The sub okay please please it looks like this might be untapped it might be it’s very possible mmm not someone just ignored everything except for that’s freaking nether quartz over there that’s the heck I did not think we were in a nether he kind of biome dude

Well that’s new though I hadn’t hadn’t actually gotten any of that before um just want to kind of sit down low though diamonds anyone and embody diamonds please hey that’s a nice iron vein right there only again we could find some diamonds like that’d be really cool oh

Oh I think we did yes I did actually I think this is actually a new spot and the first to get here that’s what strip mining will do for you I guess and only one diamond nice mm-hmm whatever it fine that’s where I came in oh there big big iron gate over here

Mmm God dang it how are you doing okay just clear out some space I think I need all that lap Eze bones are good gunpowder is good once I get I need to actually I need the levels to get the unbreaking and mending on my electra and then we’ll be shilling anything over

Here we’re adults how about some diamonds though yeah I think there’s still more over the other direction that I was just at like everything is there more over here oh don’t mind if I do you’re too good to me oh this is god abyss saw new this is

All-new Oh finding an OS a diamond that’s diamond finding an undiscovered cave area system in the Himalayas his clutch where were those there were emeralds as well and I don’t know exactly where they were please be more than one yeah yeah there we are there we are

Oh thank you thank you don’t mind if I that’s only 12 we’re not really getting a good deals out a fortune are we no we aren’t dizzle the great thank you for 5k bits which now has swapped the standings over on the leaderboards for this week oh dang we got some last-minute adjustments

Here ladies and gentlemen I know I missed emeralds because I prioritize the diamonds emeralds up there there’s also emeralds over in that direction right there that’s where they were well we’re the fork are literally any diamonds ah dude if only Africa Africa really I still haven’t received confirmation from any of the server

Admins as to whether or not there’s actually like better distribution of diamonds in Africa but regardless the caves and the Himalayas are way better whoo there’s some morals everywhere the cave systems here are way better and so regardless of if the distribution is better I think you find them quicker in the Himalayas

Okay and then there were more where I caught them kinda in the distance other up there yeah dude that was that was the key though just finding finding a new place thank you ninja Killa thank you for the subdued okay so let’s see yeah gotta be some

Stuff over here got it then I can go back to the other cavern and see more oh there we go yeah look around like every every nook and cranny I just know big veins yet I think the biggest diamond veins of ours for I don’t like the fact that four is

Something to get excited about I don’t want it to be like eight packs even even ten packs or something that can’t even be found in vanilla would be great because we can’t even afford a snippy riffle yet that’s 60 diamonds I wish emeralds are still the currency

Emeralds seem to be much easier to find all right use the shell cur to put things in you you have a point you have a point why am I not using the shoulder box okay guess we can put that in there and that’s probably that’s probably good

It’s probably gonna like wait hold on and I see something she’s probably gonna leave me to it new area she’s like I don’t know when I should move to the new area versus covering all the possible spots of the place I’ve already been we’ve been over here I know that we have

Can laugh these into blocks yeah I can definitely do that right now we’re not crunched on space though because of the shocker box so don’t need to do it quite yet Andy Cass thank you for the four months of sorry oh my god it just keeps going

In there’s more emeralds and did I see diamonds I don’t think I did oh oh oh look at these emeralds boys look at these emeralds okay gonna get out of here with so many emeralds and like no diamonds at all just one god it’s always just one oh yeah they spew out fortune

But yeah we’re just popping off in the Emerald Department dude whatever world’s good for anymore I don’t even know now that they’re not used as currency uh snow dog TW thanks for the five min of its mesmerizer thank you for 300 bits how far to first it looks like what is

That 1700 plus tame blizzard thank you for the sub come on come on come on you think over here anything over here gotta just check them all missed emerald Tim Blizzard thank you for doing 10 sub gifts super generous – thanks man oh I did miss emerald you’re not wrong

Oh I missed a lot of emeralds dang there’s just one little thing poking up for a whole underground thing if only diamonds could be like that but they’re not maybe over here oh god it’s a whole new air oh my god a whole new world so

Much so much is new to explore I need more diamonds to show up though myself thank you for the tuner bits respond to Cara did Cara say so and jordo are you back in the mine oh I didn’t see thank you for alerting me to that I need diamonds

Hey there we go okay see this one if only it could be like a thing that’s like more diamonds it’s always won the diamond generation sucks ah why is it always won it’s never that way infinitely good at least like a few hmm this is a very frustrate I am very

Frustrated with diamonds on the yielding like a null diamonds at all I am using fortune my pickaxe has fortune also it’s like fully region thanks to all the experience of getting for all this stuff so that’s pretty dope dude we are stacking it up though and emeralds came

Blizzard thank you for doing a sub gift appreciate it dude perhaps we can find the motor diamonds as we continue down this direction it is a good good location though I must say very good location how about down here where yeah Oh 13 we’re high up boys you

Way to hide mesmerizer thinking the 2,000 bits how long am i streaming tonight I’m not sure exactly we’ll just go with the flow see how it do you know let’s see all right American don’t associate me with what I am NOT I’m Jordanian mesmerizer that I guess

That did bring him to back to number one for the farm naming no man dude we got oh yeah we’re going on we got Wars going on on the server we got Wars going on on farm naming and all that stuff sued Indies and I’m deez nutz Ian thanks

Still no torches no torches anywhere I’m not seeing torches this is good this is good out looking for hogs thank you for gifting 5 subs bro very nice very chill of you more gold how about the mortar diamond they’re like that see when I get out of this place

I need to have enough actually how much does the plane cost how much does the higher tier plane cost cuz maybe I should I should prioritize that perhaps oh this big big iron hey guy you’re good wait vehicles shop what’s the what does that cost two hundred and ten thousand for

Fat Albert’s and what is two hundred and ten thousands equal because the guns listed two hundred ten thousand is no no I didn’t want it I did not want to do that I did not want to do that okay thank goodness not have enough money to

Buy this yeah good good I don’t 220 diamonds so it’s like 40 41 or 42 diamonds for the best plane well we need more diamonds we need more diamonds and I’m sure that I’ve skipped over some probably like just around the corner instead they go a few more blocks in another direction

Than oh there’s some diamonds right Walker thank you for 200 more bits okay well there’s some emeralds and Mary Anubis thanks three months paddock licious thank you for the 200 trade with someone for diamonds I don’t know what to trade though like is that an exit there just unloaded chunks

I can’t tell okay that’s just some little chunks uh well someone has been here it looks like cuz there’s that cobblestone so perhaps I should yeah okay someone’s been here so these are probably mined out chunks but maybe they headed in another direction so we gotta

Go back to where we came from which I think was over in this direction like I don’t other than obviously you can use emeralds to buy stuff with my villagers which is kind of convenient and then I can get up to being able to get bells

Quicker um but other than that I don’t know really what emeralds do at this point they do some crafting recipes so there’s that but otherwise not many diamonds not many diamonds at all have you tried x-ray ha dude why didn’t I think of that earlier dude I should I

Should go get x-rays installed I’ll be smart I probably give me a lot of diamonds for l-wire bells good because they facilitate my automated villager farm that I’m Trey there we go that I’m trying to work towards gonna be one it’s always just one why are you always only

One it’s ridiculous it’s like somebody got the rest and they left one just to troll the next person who comes by is like really excited oh man I’m gonna get diamonds nope you’re just gonna get one whose birthday is it I guess it’s Michaels breath I don’t

Actually know I don’t even know were wishing happy birthday see wouldn’t bandwagoning dude we’re just typing it in Africa has bigger veins hmm there could be thing why isn’t deadly thank you because you’re any bits happy with a spoon oh okay got it got it got it is

Spoons bday does Africa actually have bigger veins we’d have to strip-mine there which is the only downside but who knows maybe maybe they’d be better cuz there’s own hell other than having to focus on where has somebody been and where is somebody not been instead for strip-mining it’s

Just like well as long as we’re going straight ahead we’re probably chill my armor gets worn down so hard because of the lag that the frickin mobs always hit me God dang it Frick lay there all I want for Christmas is rocks my armor is gonna get so

Wrecked so fast and I blame all of it on the lag don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got because I’m still Geordie from the block Rai Walker thanks for 300 bits gonna be 300 but accidentally hit enter too messed up actually have to go

At 6:00 a.m. start work at 7:00 for q4 starting hope this dream so late but have fun just watch the YouTube video when it goes live I’m sorry for starting this dream early actually because it’s it’s 6:00 a.m. for you couch strangler thank you for the sub

Not many diamonds folks not the mini I need to ask like an anti I really do need to go ask an admin if there are actually differences in the diamond generation between locations on the planet can’t we like if you change the emeralds and the dice which the emeralds

And the Diamonds around that’d be that’d be pretty SuperDuper suggest I’ve so many emeralds now and I don’t even know what to do with them whereas diamonds I can never get enough of at this point because ammo is also apparently like really expensive There were other areas I hadn’t been to I’m just trying to figure out how to might work my way back towards them Cody Bom thank you for the sub appreciate ya well we’ll give it until kind of like the hour on the episode and then we’ll probably we’ll probably wind

It down but at least we’ve got this forgotten xxx can’t really can’t get the most expensive plane but I can be I’ll continue to save up most expensive plane also descends really quickly so it’s really nice it’s really nice and then after this stream is done all like ask

Ship or something like that hey yeah yeah is there actually a difference between the generation from place to place or is that purely made-up mythology that’s that’s kind of going about now is somebody been here or is that just from lava hitting water I can’t tell mm I cannot the tail if

Anybody has been here or not tattered soul thanks for subbing dude I don’t want skin little reminder for anyone who’s tuning in who isn’t already following if you have a twitch account you might as well do the follow thing that way you can know when streams are happening since I am terrible at

Actually having a schedule of any kind but you know try to get on reasonably regularly and if you’re on YouTube once again slash CaptainSparklez feel free to do the follow over there and then you tune in these okay somebody has been here before cool torches alright we’ve successfully

Worked our way back from our strip mining expedition to places that have already been explored so that is probably our cue to dip on out and next time we’re just gonna go I mean it’s not like I have come up empty hand dear 30 diamonds couple stacks not a bad haul also some

Levels so that I can enchant my Elektra it’s not all bad it’s not all bad now I just have to get out of here without analyzing so yeah let’s I guess let’s get out of here probably done what there is to do for the most part I’ve got a lot of

Resources to smelt when we get home and hopefully we won’t be running out of iron too much anytime soon either so yeah no I will I will be continuing the stream we’ll just probably wrap up the episode after the hour mark something like that a big cal thanks for the sub appreciate it

I can keep getting iron though might as well while we’re here oh yeah I’ll probably over here I’m so I I do seriously regret not having come here real early on though if I had known if I had only known that diamonds were gonna turn into the currency it’s like that

Was just changed because of how easy it ended up being to get a hold of everything using emeralds because the villagers and I know it was gonna switch to diamonds oh my god dude I’d have been out here just going ham trying to try to get all the diamonds on the planet is

This where it came in got this might even be where I came in I might be that good oh no we didn’t test the course for it in the plane you’re right oh I can’t believe it I can’t believe it guys we’ll do that we’ll do that when we get home

Because I yeah I need to get the chorus route I don’t have that so anyway whoa okay we’re out my heading in the right direction whoops West cool alright haha potatoes thank you for sixty six months that is five and a half years good lord good luck on getting more diamonds in

The future thanks for all the years of content I’m gonna have to like make a new sub badge just because you exist I think that you can do them all the way up to like eight years so I don’t like you have to do that and probably three

More months until 69 well yeah I’m gonna have to do like it’s it’s gonna be a potato five years you’ll get a potato for your sub badge and everyone who reaches it’ll go like hah that’s potatoes and it’s because of haha potatoes I’m Jordan Zion thank you for

The sub and Shadow the wolf also thank you for the sub and we are almost back home I don’t know if anyone else is at five years currently so I could I could just do potato it would be kind of funny I don’t know if it would show up in that

Low resolution would be the only thing though okay alright plane go ahead descend really slowly I really need the better plan dude I really need the better plane I’m just slowly wait for it I think this actually is the fastest way is you just wait for it you just kind of

No hands and then it goes down do minecraft potatoes I don’t know if I can do that mmm that might not actually be allowed dragons tear our dragons here thank you for the sub and paddock licious thinking of the tuna bits felt so left out not selling all these years mostly because I

Was 12 that’s no worries dude oh my god oh my god I am an airplane God am I about to land on the runway I know hand autopilot in it to the Air Jordan runway Wow wow that was amazing I am so stoked on that dude holy crap I how could I

Possibly know there’s no I couldn’t know that is the sickest God if ever minecraft and streaming and YouTube as a whole goes down I’m an airline pilot boys I’m an airline pilot that was the sickest thing it has happened so far on this server damn damn yeah they building

These new planes of that autopilot system now dude okay let’s harvest these things no creeper uh-uh do not think so Oh nope nope don’t blow up my stuff don’t do it that was top tier top tier the absolute best my inventory is very full it’s looking like okay I guess it’s

Time to fix our villagers farm isn’t it I believe that would be a good use of our time here but now let’s there’s so many people on I think it’s having a hard time loading all the chunks God why is everybody on it’s crazy now there’s anything wrong with that

It’s just like that’s a lot of people do that’s a whole bunch of people I am going to make a more furnace because I need more furnace to do all of these this is the worst sound but I don’t like that sound why is that the anvil sound

It’s terrible sound the default anvil sound is way better ah what is that it’s a terrible sound who did that it’s just it’s like a mixture just like hair stand up on your terrible unlive scumbag thank you for the sub and – art for speed thank you everybody

Oh oh it’s the I guess it’s the gun sound that’s what they did is they say oh in order to do that without like having a mod you just have to substitute resource pack sounds I see I see that’s what it is yeah that’s and that’s fair enough there is only

Vats and of this and these and these and these nice and cool okay so that’s all going ooh we do have 39 diamonds that’s not bad it’s not bad at all can I have a lot of paper we can trade to cartographers if I were to ever do a

Cartographer so that could be worth Oh Pete unaligned unfortunate very unfortunate I do of the levels though I think – okay so I’m going to this and then all right light trial with delays okay and now it’s four six don’t wanna be the 4k and 8k there we go um and then

Make some fireworks actually okay yeah before we before we wrap things up before we wrap things up I got it I gotta do the thing I got to do I got to do the thing we got a test Horace fruit in an airplane I’m worried that this is going to break my plane

That’s the concern I might actually wait cuz okay so there is a glitch where your plane can be ruined and you can’t use it anymore and I’m worried that might be it and so I almost kind of want to wait until I can afford the big plane and

Then I’ll do that because if I do I made you monetize in a while not if the plane is like really close to the ground I think it’ll be okay but I know I I know I promised it but it might just render my plane broken and

That’s not what I am looking to have happen so I’m gonna ask somebody else real quick I asked somebody else real quick yeah yeah hey quick question I don’t know if anyone would know the answer this if I ate a course fruit in an airplane and it works and I got out

Of the airplane with the airplane be like broken would be done and then I’d need to buy a new airplane it’ll come back once they reset the server oh but I’d have to wait for the server to be reset yes I see no I didn’t but I’ve

Wanted to test doing a course fruit in an airplane and I’m I’m realizing that this might be bad idea until I can afford a new airplane I want well I mean I want the super duper airplane but well know that that was the ideas I was gonna

Do in the bad airplane but I can’t afford the super duper airplane yet yeah that’s that’s that’s the thing but I’m saving up I don’t know what just I’m saving up for guns I’m saving up for airplanes I don’t know what to save up for first I don’t know okay much help

Many well alrighty well mmm cool the air beep that sounded bad if I want it okay so I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what that means we don’t do it this episode but we maybe do it later on the stream I’m gonna wind down the episode here

Thanks everybody for tuning in much pre-show cleave enjoyed me sure like if you’d like to watch it on youtube also followed slash Kevin’s far home especially for watching like do that playlist in the description on youtubes you want to catch up on any episode see how we got to this point in

The Kingdom of Jordan and that’s it I will see you a next time

This video, titled ‘Emptying The Himalayas (Minecraft SMP Earth #12)’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2019-12-06 01:00:02. It has garnered 104666 views and 2856 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:52 or 3952 seconds.

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    Insane Curse Mod in Minecraft #134! 😱🔥 #minecraftmodsVideo Information Baru Malam sih ini kayaknya tidur ya Semoga aja gak meledak sih H Semoga aja gak meledak sih Wah ini guys ini meledak nih Gua yakin ini bakal meledak sih Entar entar gua gua pengalaman soalnya nih ya padahal gak ada monster guys Oke aman ya aman aman jangan sampai kepancing ya Soalnya kalau kayak tadi itu guys ya kayak ada monster nerby gitu guys itu bisa jadi langsung meledak guys loh What the hell Oke baru juga Baru juga bangun guys This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #134 #minecraft #mcpe #mcpc #mods #error422’, was uploaded… Read More

  • EternalRealms

    EternalRealmsEternal realms | A new Era is a new experience to the Minecraft world, join the fight to end the reign of terror that has been caused by Temerus The death-walker , gear up and get out to the land of Amedell fight monsters and players who stand in your way, level up and collect loot on your adventures. Do you have what it takes to be at the top? The world of Amedell needs you. build your guild and level up together to end the wrath of Temerus The deathwalker. What are you waiting for ? Join now. Read More

  • Verda Realms SMP & Factions: Join now!

    Welcome to our Java 1.20 SMP Server! If you’re looking to lead a nation, farm, or explore, this server is perfect for you. No mods required! Features: Dynmap: Take a sneak peek at our world here. Medieval Factions: Claim land, build communities, and join nations. Large Biomes Currencies To join, you must be 15+. Apply for the whitelist on our Discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Plugin Smp

    Plugin SmpThis Is A Lifesteal Smp Where Players Can Steal Hearts by killing each other in the serverthis server is 24/7 onlineIt’s free for allIt’s also supports all versionsThere Are Custom Crates , Armors Also ​​​​​​​join now!Come And Play With UsServer owner Plugin GamerServer Admin Tahir Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Suck it, Diamond Island High

    Looks like this meme has been reposted so many times, it’s now a baker’s dozen in score! Read More

  • Village Machine Madness on InstantSMP! | Ep228

    Village Machine Madness on InstantSMP! | Ep228 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We revisit BucketSMP, in a virtual dream. Village machines previewed, in Episode 228, Updates and news, in a rhyming display. The presenter, bucketsunset, with a smile so bright, Guiding us through the server, in the dead of night. No new developments, but a glimpse of the past, Exploring old areas, where memories last. The enchanting table, untouched for so long, The village machine, where villagers belong. Fixing up the old, making it new, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come true. Water disasters, flooding the land, But with a… Read More

  • “Stepping on Legos vs Stepping on Cursed Traps” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Stepping on Legos vs Stepping on Cursed Traps" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 10: “Oh no, a trap! Better run away!” Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 20: “I’ve seen this trap before, I’ll just disarm it with ease.” Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 30: “I’ll just build a redstone contraption to bypass this trap, no big deal.” Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 40: “I’ll just call my kids to come deal with this trap for me.” Read More


    EPIC SURVIVAL SERIES: GANESH ADDON 2.0 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Crafting Diamond Armor and Mining Diamonds Exploring the Modern House In this episode of the Minecraft Survival Series, the player finally reaches their modern house after days of being away. As the evening sets in, they are exhausted but excited to explore their new abode. Mining for Diamonds Venturing into the depths of caves, the player embarks on a mining adventure to find precious diamonds. With determination and skill, they gather a total of 17 diamonds, along with other valuable resources like iron ore. Crafting Diamond Armor Back at their crafting table, the player sets out… Read More