Command Witchery – Custom Armor Tutorial – Part 1: HATS – Minecraft Java 1.19

Video Information

Oh sorry i didn’t realize people were already here um okay hello everyone welcome to another video in uh today’s video is going to be a very special video um it’s the the most requested video in the history of my channel also the first requested video in the history of my channel um

So yeah as you probably guessed by my super cool outfit we are going to be making custom armor together and also custom tools and weapons and stuff um so yeah um that’s basically it um it’s going to be using optifine for the armor and as for the weapons i’ll teach both an optifine

Method and a non-multiply method this tutorial is kind of mainly because of me making armor for solidarity gaming and then people kind of wanted to know how i made the armor so i guess this is also an explanation for how i did it yeah that’s basically that the premise

Of this video um i hope you enjoy and uh let’s get started hi this is me from the the future like a day later so as you can see i’m a really cool person now i’ve got a mask um and you can also see that i don’t have any

Armor or a weapon yet um well um i am not that good in estimating how long something takes to explain so just making this mask took 41 minutes apparently so um the rest will come in a later video so yeah that that’s just me coming from the future telling you all you will

Learn is to make a like fancy three-dimensional helmet um the the actual like chest plate leggings and boots and a normal helmet that’s two-dimensional like minecraft um those can come in a second video and then if i want to make weapons eventually there will also be a third video and

Explaining how to make a just any item um but yeah that’s just pretty quickly me explaining this because um i messed up in calculating how long things would take and this is already 40 minutes so uh yeah um bye okay so before we get going on the actual modeling and the texturing

We obviously need the programs to edit textures and to model and to open files properly and all that um okay so first of all uh the the first program that we need is blockbench super cool logo totally not in editing okay so blockbench is a 3d modelling program

Which is your student x3d models like my hats or my my magical wand or if you want to see it in compared to jimmy’s resource pack that would be his uh cod hat his shield his bow and also his sword but let’s not talk about that one’s a bit complicated and all of

His tools because they’re all 3d models second we need not microsoft paint microsoft paint is bad don’t use microsoft paint um the reason for that is because microsoft paints doesn’t support transparency and does and also paint others just objectively speaking better um and it’s free so it’s really quite good um

And apart from that next and last but not least is a visual studio code um uh visual studio code is a super cool code editor Yeah for everyone who’s watching this who’s probably not a programmer uh scary yes terms basically all that that is is a basically a text episode like notepad but it has syntax highlighting it can open folders and then you can see all the files inside you can open the files you

Can have multiple files open at the same time it it it auto-corrects you at some times and just auto completes and it’s cool and awesome um and i advise using it um but yeah that’s basically all the programs that you need all three of those will have download links in the

Description down below um and and you can just click them and download them i trust that you know how to download it so anyway that’s basically it um let’s actually get started on the the modeling the programming okay all right don’t mind the fact that there’s suddenly more of my screen visible

Okay so before we can get started on making all the models no texturing what i generally do is first make a resource pack for to test it out inside of um because you need to be able to see things right so this retrospection is obviously put somewhere to make it usable

So what i uh do generally is just click on options respects and here you can see open pack folder meaning that you open your wristback folder and when you click on next you’re going to be put inside of freeze packs and you’re probably gonna have less resource packs than this

I had significantly more before i cleaned it up this is just you know more recent projects you know i’m a busy person okay most of these are unreleased by the way um some of these are unreleased and very much able to be released because they’re already like all done

But you know hey it’s fine why would i ever upload something nah um anyway yeah inside of here is where you’re going to make a new wrist pack by just saying hey i want a new map you know new folder uh don’t mind my dutch everything is in dutch because i in fact

Am dutch okay so here you can just put some text like this is a tutorial and then you can go in here and there’s absolutely nothing yet but there shall be um in order to open your resource pack properly you know having it open in in windows

Explorer is literally just as good but you know hey i like this more so we’re going to open command prompt and i hope you know how to use it because it is super cool so i just press enter and this has appeared on another monitor so yeah you can see yep microsoft

Windows blah blah more dutch um yeah you can see that this is my file location right so it’s pretty cool um anyway so instead of here what i do is just type code dot saying hey i want to open my code editor in this folder so

Then you can see right now it i’m just inside of the folder it it doesn’t really look all that cool but if i make a new file and say test oh text txt use the text file and say hi and save and now go back to my windows explorer

You can see i made a new file so what i’m now really going to do off camera is really quickly make all of the beginning files and folders so you just don’t have to go through that um and i’ll probably also put this begin point in the description okay i did it

Okay so um as you can see this is my folder structure i’m gonna close the assets folder for just a moment and i’m gonna focus on these two okay so you have back.png this is just a random image um it needs to be a specific size blah blah blah it’s just

An image which is shown as the icon of the wrist back if it’s not there it’s not a a very big deal i think it still functions but it doesn’t look anywhere near as cool because you can have your own image which is significantly better instead of

Just the the standard hey mystic texture um then you have the pectoral mcmeta this is very necessary because this gives your pack its information it basically tells you hey this is my respect it is it has data in the pack it has a format which is seven which tells you which version it’s

Supposed to use if you have a lower number then it says hey this version is incompatible with the respect and that’s all it does it just says hey it’s for this version and you have the description the description is the text that it displays and this looks very complicated with my

Syntax highlighting it looks ooh it’s code basically all it’s saying is hey it has text which is made by and then has a color which is this color and then it has text which is someone likes to copy paste and then you have a color which is this color you can also

Say hey it should be italic true um it’s just the classic json format if you want to learn json to the point of using a generator to do it for you i will put a link to a json generator in the description it’s really quite simple and when i say json

Generator i mean for minecraft not json in general um yeah anyway then you have the assets folder which is really complicated um as in it has a lot of things in it so you have the minecraft namespace which is what vanilla minecraft uses and then there’s something called my

Namespace you can rename this to code armor you can rename this to a awesome armor you can rename it to basically anything you can’t use spaces i think and you have to use lowercase i think otherwise you might get issues but you can just name it do something like tutorial

What the original name i know right so this is where you’re gonna put your models um because that’s better basically otherwise you have a chance that someone else puts a model with the same name in the same folder and then you start overriding each other

And that’s kind of an issue it’s not the best so just to avoid that what i always do is for every single project i make a new namespace folder inside of my reverse pack so for instance for my shadow landsat if i could shadow lands from my steampunk

Snail i say steampunk’s nail and just like that i just separate everything all nice and tidy and everything is way better and sometimes i have multiple so for my superhero pack for every single superhero i have a different folder just so everything is proper and neat and organized

Um okay so instead of the minecraft folder which is the vanilla uh assets i made a models folder and said that i made an items folder so in there we’re going to be changing the vanilla items so for instance if i want a stick to be my custom item my custom weapon my

Custom thing um when not using optifine you need to remodel a normal stick but um let’s let’s go ahead and go to micro pretty quickly don’t look at the virus therefore later so for instance if you get a bow and this is one item but if i shoot

It has four different states you can see it has not been drawn back you can drop slightly and you can you know it has multiple different models that it cycles through these are models and all the models do is say use this texture but it is a different model so

Basically we’ll be using a predicate saying hey the condition for using a different model is some data which can only be changed in creative mode um so sadly in vanilla minecraft you can’t change a model dependent on the name you have to use a mod like optifine

To do that for you but i will be also showing how to do that using optifine um just first of all i want to show you how to do it in uh vanilla minecraft no mods because that’s generally how one does it and then here i have an open defined

Folder where we’re going to be changing the armor because that can’t be done in vanilla minecraft so you need of the phone um and also doing the custom item using the name trick but yeah that’s basically the full thing explained for the minecraft folder um then the tutorial thing is where

We’re going to be putting our custom models so the models such item will reference something that is in here and this will reference one of the textures so yeah um that’s basically that um i hope i’ve been relatively clear um but yeah that’s basically that should be relatively self-explanatory once i get

To actually making the models and the textures and putting them in those locations you’ll just see where i put the things and i’ll explain a bit better when i actually get going with all that um but yeah on to the the next phase okay so first of all we’re going to be

Working on a helmet um and for this helmet we’re obviously going to be making a 3d model uh just like the the hats that jimmy has for the cod hats with the antlers um okay so what for this you need to do is to open block bench as you can see here

It’s workbench and first of all i’d like to explain all the differences when you open book bench to an eye open bench okay so of the colors they are preferences i have changed all of them because i like my colors you can go to theme change every single color and do

This until your heart is content you might be busy for quite a while but you know it looks quite nice then after that the main difference of every color is different you have you probably have less options here because well some of these are you know non-public

And you probably have less recent models because you probably haven’t modeled anything yet um okay but what we want is a java block slash item because well we want it for vanilla minecraft no mods not bad work edition java edition so here you can see loads of things and i just click

Away and just ignore it completely because ignoring it completely works so that’s good um okay so you can press the button here for add a cube then you can go over here say resize you can resize it to be any cube that you want and you can click here for rotate and then

You can rotate it around a certain point if you want to rotate it around different points you can click on pivot and move it and then you can rotate it and then it’s rotated around a different point as you can see however you can’t rotate on two axis

That’s one of the limitations of jaffa minecraft you can only rotate it on one axis in increases that are really jacket which are quite annoying um but yeah that’s basically that also you can see that i am just doing all of this oops uh without clicking on

These it’s is because you can see i have you know shortcuts oh also if you have two cubes uh yellow um and you would like to like move them you can use vertex snap to like move it nicely and you can also use vertex snap to light

With a new and click on scale instead and then click to this corner you can see it scales up to be perfect right really nice um yeah that’s basically that that’s all these tools you can go to preferences keybinds and here you can see basically all the things that there are

And you know yeah all of the keybinds that are there um you know it’s a lot but you know hey if you want to get going it saves a lot of time i’ll admit that so i do advise using the keybinds and changing them to what you like um

But it it it will probably take a long time to like properly get everything situated for you to get used to how everything works um but yeah that’s basically that um yeah without anything else i think i’ll get going on actually modeling the thing and i’ll probably just put a time lapse of

Me modeling it and then cut back to me explaining what i’ve modeled and then go continue modeling and then explain and then continue modeling um yeah so it’s in bit in steps but you actually have some showing of what i’ve been doing um so yeah let’s get started okay so

This is my base it um doesn’t really look all that impressive yet but uh i think it will um okay so what this exactly is is this yellow clue cube in the middle is my head which you could see me use display to position all nicely

And then here i have a folder or a group and inside of that i just put all of my cubes that are actually relevant to my thing um it’s it’s it’s not necessary it’s just you know how i do it um okay so then you can see that that’s all nice

Uh the the another thing to notice is that this has actually no top face and no bottom face and no face on uh this side which is done by um saying uh clicking on the cube first of all so i can click here you can see that this is the east side

This is the south side this is the west side by which thing is selected so i can click on the south side right click texture transparent and then now this has no longer a face um so yeah because this is going to be like a headband holding it to your head

Because it’s going to be like a mask right um yeah a headband shouldn’t be like proper three-dimensional in my mind so i’ve made it like this i’ve also used the same trick over here um so yeah also these should be a slightly bigger because right now they are a width of zero

But that means that this face and this face are in the same position right and that means that later on my texturing is going to start fighting over which one should be placed here uh which is called z fighting so i’m just going to put it in 0.01 and

Now it’s just slightly bigger but that should be enough so it doesn’t have any issues like that um okay yeah that’s basically it if i now go to my display settings you can see this all looks bad but if i click on my head so

What it looks like if i put it on my head you can see here this is how it looks which is actually quite nice in my opinion and you can see that i fiddled with the height of it a bit because it actually was here and then i moved it up here

And they also mess with the scale because it was normally a good bit smaller but i mean bigger so it actually covers your head okay also this would normally be not visible so what it looks like is this whenever i’m wearing it also the skin is able to be changed once

Again in just you know references settings you get the drill um okay yeah now that i’ve got this base thing of just bland colors um also you can chase a color by going to marker color and then picking a different thing there um but yeah now that we have all that

What i want is to exclude my head and only target my hat and say that i want to have a new texture for this section right and let’s name this hacked because i’m great at naming things and what i want is for this to be a template and i do want padding

Now you don’t know what any of this does not all that relevance but if i now click confirm you can see now i’ve got this beautiful 64 by 64 texture with all of the faces having their unique things you can see here the headband has a thing and it all has

Colors depending on where it looks but if you once get this color you can see that i can now paint on it and just paint my own thing um so yeah it’s great now i can just draw on it and it’s all nice i can save this

And then use edit it if you prefer that um or you can just edit it using the paint setting then you can have a paintbrush you can have a filling an entire face you can fill an entire cube like that um you can also fill connected colors you

Can fill any colors you can erase a texture you can color pick you can draw a shape like this and you can do a lot of extra things let’s get going on actually making the thing now okay Okay so i’ve now got some base colors down um all i really wanted to show you now is that what i can do let’s click here ctrl c so i copy this face go over here click here you can see now it’s the south side i can control v

And now you can see i copy the texture now i can click on uv mirror x and now you can see i have my architectures now i can do that inside the faster pace again and again and again and then you can see now it’s the same forwards as backwards Also you can just copy it from over here um you don’t need to click on a specific site to change which direction it is you can also click on these um it’s just a matter of what you’re used to um okay okay i’ll continue under the base now and uh

Yeah enjoy continuing watching i guess Okay so i’ve now kind of got my base down and that there are some small refinements that i can do like changing that changing that you know some small details but for the most part this is basically done now um at least the front of the back um

So yeah what i can also do is just do that that that just you know continue along with this um what i wanted to first of all kind of point out is that while if i do that not um and really quickly just go ahead and finish it um

I messed up slightly here but that’s not all that relevance um yeah well now this is all really good looking this is now what i i was talking about before with these feathers uh right here you can see that sometimes it’s one texture sometimes another sometimes it’s a mix of the two

It’s kind of a small area so it’s kind of difficult to show yeah the way to fix that is by making them not at the same location obviously so i just say hey yep you are negative 0.01 down and now you see that there’s no longer that issue

Now you do have fact that this color is not that color right so you can just really quickly fix that like so and if i do the same thing over here there we go now it should be basically perfect um but yeah i thought that i really just wanted to show you that

Okay so it’s mostly finished now um i might change the the textures a tad make it the colors slightly better because this was obviously quite rushed um but i think it looks quite nice by now um but yeah so next is let’s really quickly just put some display settings on this

So what generally works is saying hey i would like to apply a preset which is just how blocks normally look and let’s just do that for most slots except for the head and view as well you can now see that it looks kind of small um

So that’s pretty cool we just changed it slightly like that let’s now rotate it so it’s a bit more focused on the actual masks section instead of more of the band which is empty air okay so this is how it looks in your inventory this is how it’s going to look

When it’s an item frame you should be able to just be 111 There we go uh on the ground you should just be fine there you go so this is how it looks on the ground then you obviously have it on your head which is already done i think i might make it slightly smaller um i’ve gotten so good at guessing where

Things are okay so you can see now this is basically at your head uh i might do it slightly lower as well like that okay then now in my hand well first of all let’s just briefly do this you can be a bit like that let’s just make it a

Eight there we go you leave it like that that’s how it work that’s not the right buttons um so that’s how it looks when you’re holding it then now when you’re holding it in third person you need to obviously also make it look like something uh uh there you go

Oh that is a bit too big in my mind i’ll just keep it like this i think and just move it so that you’re holding it okay there we go so that’s now how you’re holding it in your right hand and in your left hand okay so that’s basically all of the

Displacement is all done but now comes the fact that you need to save things right so now let’s go to uh you can get close okay so now i need the texture to be here right so i say right click on the item because item is separate from textures and click copy path

Then go back to bloodbench and save this not in my chair i want this in my tutorial which is back in the texture slash item inside of tutorial thingy i’m just going to save this as hats because i am 100 sure there will be another hat in this um

Well there will be but that will be for later um so the texture is saved but the texture is if i edit it and then click away all of the things that are for the video um you can see that this won’t do us just this i i need something

To interpret what this means um so that is the model so you want to export it as a block item model and this is not a battleship this is also not the texture this is when you go to the tutorial namespace you see models item and here i just name it hat

And you can see it’s saved as hat.js um and now i can click this away um so now if i go over here you can see this is my resource pack and i now have a hat.json and a hack of png inside of my resource pack so now

All i need is to add a way of viewing this model inside of minecraft okay so i’ve added the model in the minecraft section so this model is now going to replace all curved pumpkin items um okay so what is replacing it with well the exact same as it normally is

The block curve pumpkin as apparent so it refers to and uses all data from this thing um however it has overrides saying that it should override it if the predicate which is here is true then it should use this override and it is top to bottom so if i have this one here

And add another one and make this two and then say have to then versus checks this one then it checks this one but if this one is true then it won’t use that right so it basically stops basically bottom to top i guess is a

Better way to explain it but on the top and it stops if it finds something that matches um but yeah so what this does is say hey if it has the predicate custom model data three four one five zero one so if the mbt data called customer data mbt data

Is something like the name or the durability or anything like that that’s imp data um but there is a custom empty data thing which is basically only used by resource packs called custom model data and can only be gotten through a gif command um yeah if the value for that is 341501

Or above it’ll uh be true and i’ll use this uh why did i pick this rate of a number well that’s because other people might also want to replace garth pumpkin so this is the number that i picked for what this regis pack is and this is the number that i picked for

This item zero one um and then my next one would be zero two and keep upping these two digits oh and you should be aware of trying to keep it below eight digits because i remember that there is an issue and it and it’s above eight digits that starts getting a bit wacky

Um as in that sometimes it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to um anyway so now with all that done if i now get myself a pumpkin it doesn’t work why because i need to first of all have enabled the resource pack so it needs to be like put into the selected section

And then i need to refresh it if i had already done that so that is by pressing f3 and t at the same time and now you can see in my inventory i’ve got a beautiful carved pumpkin however you can see that i still have that cube in the middle um

That’s because while i made it invisible it still existed anyway so now you can see that while in first person i have a very big pumpkin shoe but yeah basically it’s quite nice and i now have all of that you can go ahead and look into my face

Um but yeah that’s basically that the issue however is that there is the cube in the middle but i’ll really quickly remove that okay i remove the cube and now you can see it’s a whole lot more logical right um it’s not if i put this on

You can now see that i’ve just got a hat and you can see my eyes through it because i made this for my skin and my skin has eyes right there um but yeah you can just walk around you can take one of these they can understand right

And use this armor stand and place it down and you know obviously it is still the car pumpkin so i do still have this image on my screen yeah you can just give it to an arm stand and then it looks perfect just the way it is

Uh yeah that’s basically it for the helmet um with all the custom you know bits and bobs however it is not quite done yet um because i also promised on explaining how to change it by name but yeah so this is for the custom model data version

This is now inside of the the also inside of the video description it’s a paste bin link to this whole thing um okay so there is however still the optifine folder right here which was unused until i just made this so i uh have a hat stop properties

I have a hat.png which is the texture from over here and i have a hat.json which has been changed to use dot slash hat which is not how it works in here because this is how normal minecraft uses it but optifine doesn’t understand that you can have different name spaces so

It just says hey i want it in this folder slash hat so inside of sit slash so this folder uh so this file is sort of used as a model it replaces scarf pumpkins and it is nicer right however that’s not quite everything that i wanted because i obviously also said

I wanted to just make it so that only one it has a specific name that’s mp3 built in this way because it the name is from display settings uh and then that is name and i can say well if that is equal well i want a bit more than just selling dexter because

Well um because while this would work it’s a bit messy and i would like it to i may or may not be reading documentation at the same point as um making this um where does it say that should say i pattern i remember exactly

What it says but i want to not mess this up now there it is ipad i pattern um which can then have it come along and here is basically what i now should set so i should say that this is a mask but i wanted not to just only be

Whenever someone names a mask i want it to be whenever someone also uh has something in front or behind it which is what i did with jimmy’s items so i said cod but something before something behind so it became called father thing and just anything really like that

So now if uh this is the curve pumpkin that existed this is a normal carved pumpkin and now i should give at s and bill you can also do this through the creative inventory but i am smart so i’m doing it this way because it’s totally at all better

Um so yeah this is now cool mars also because i used ipad and instead of i think it’s pattern uh it’s also in a case in sensitive so naming it mask with lower m also works if you do this now it has to be capitalized but i like it

Not necessary anyway so now if i refresh my resource pack it should all work okay so now you can see that this car pumpkin isn’t anything this scarf pumpkin is the one that does it by a vanilla minecraft using custom model data and this is the one that uses the custom name technique

Um so yeah that’s basically that i can also show how it looks when renaming the item and already have encrypted so then you can just say mask and then you can see that this changes it really simple really awesome i’ll probably also put this in a base bin so

Um also i’m not going to give you the model that i made i’m like as in the the not carved pumpkin but my hats because i want you to make your own things and not just shake mine because that’s not how learning works but this i i will let you take because

That’s just making it slightly quicker also what you can do is just put a folder in here like test and then putting these all inside of the test folder and then renaming this test to something else is how you would make sure that it is your custom thing because

Putting this optifine folder inside of your custom namespace doesn’t work like i mentioned it just breaks um so then this would then be for instance solidarity is what i did for the the one that’s uh jimmy used um but for a moment i’ll just say tutorial

And now if i refresh it should all still work and there we go so you can see now that even though this one um doesn’t have it directly in the sit folder it does still work um but yeah uh seeing as it’s probably going to already have been around 40 minutes

Right about now um i am thinking that i will leave the armor for a Following video where i’ll just do the armor and properly explain how to do the armor instead of rushing it in five minutes um and then maybe if you guys want i can also do one specifically for a held item like maybe like a staff or something and then also adding in um

Making it do something custom like shooting a projectile yeah and that would then be using also data packs um yeah if you want to watch me make a custom item like that then let me know in the comments down below um the armor i am almost most

Definitely going to make but uh i don’t know yet about the custom item just doing a projectile thing or whether or not i should just stick to doing it um purely resource pack based um but yeah that that that’s basically it uh normally i would do it inside of this

Box but uh outro right here i’m cool like that um i’m totally not lazy to get my camera hands on no nothing to do with it um yeah i uh hope you all enjoyed um if you’d like to see more videos like this leave a like

Or you know go to the video section and click on another video um but yeah i hope you enjoyed and i will see you all in the next one goodbye everyone

This video, titled ‘Custom Armor Tutorial – Part 1: HATS – Minecraft Java 1.19’, was uploaded by Command Witchery on 2021-08-29 17:49:46. It has garnered 73813 views and 2196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:30 or 2550 seconds.

In this tutorial I explain how to make custom armor in vanilla minecraft 1.19 This will still work when 1.20 is released! I explain how you can make a 3 dimensional hat like the one I created for SolidarityGaming to use in Empires SMP! In part 2 I will explain other things like how you can make actual custom armor pieces other using Optifine!

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 2:25 Needed programs 4:58 Setting up the resourcepack 14:03 Modeling 31:31 Using the model (Custom Model Data) 35:43 Using the model (Using Optifine) 41:15 Outro

Blockbench Download: Download:

Visual Studio Code Download:

My Twitch:

My discord for questions:

The Starting Point:

JSON Tellraw Editor:

Pastebin for Model Conditions of Carved Pumpkin:

Pastebin for Optifine Properties file:

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    ProBoiz95's Minecraft Misery: A Series of Self-Hate In the world of Minecraft, Proboiz95 reigns supreme, Crafting stories and adventures that make us dream. But why does he hate his own series, we wonder, Is there a twist in the plot that we must uncover? Dark Heroes and challenges, Proboiz faces with grace, Junkeyy by his side, in every thrilling race. But the question remains, why the hate, Is there a secret twist, sealed by fate? Subscribe to MaxoClips for more Minecraft delight, Follow on Instagram, for a glimpse of the night. Business inquiries, reach out with glee, To [email protected], for all to see. Proboiz’s journey, a… Read More

  • Narrow Escape from Creeper in Hardcore Minecraft

    Narrow Escape from Creeper in Hardcore Minecraft Close Call With a Creeper in Hardcore Minecraft Surviving the Creeper Encounter In the world of Minecraft, danger lurks around every corner, and one wrong move can spell disaster. Our intrepid player found themselves in a heart-pounding situation when a creeper crept up behind them, ready to explode. With lightning-fast reflexes, they narrowly avoided the blast, saving their precious resources and progress in their hardcore world. Hardcore Mode Challenges Playing in hardcore mode in Minecraft adds an extra layer of intensity to the game. In this mode, players have only one life, and if they die, their world is… Read More

  • Creating Country Flags in Minecraft

    Creating Country Flags in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Flags Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players have the opportunity to create and explore a multitude of designs, including flags representing various countries. One such flag that caught the attention of gamers is the Ireland flag. Creating the Ireland Flag The process of crafting the Ireland flag in Minecraft involves a combination of creativity and precision. Players meticulously place blocks to replicate the green, white, and orange stripes that symbolize the Irish flag. The attention to detail and dedication to accuracy make this task both challenging and rewarding. Engaging with the Minecraft… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Nostalgic Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Nostalgic Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an IP of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. While watching the YouTube video titled “People are like a trident, useless without loyalty,” it’s clear that loyalty and community are important aspects of any gaming experience. At Minewind, you’ll find a welcoming community of players who are dedicated to creating a fun and inclusive environment for all. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More


    BEN 10 MINECRAFT SERIES Minecraft: NOVA SÉRIE DO BEN 10 ‹‹ S5João ›› The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as a new series featuring Ben 10 has been introduced by S5João. This innovative Mod Pack brings a fresh perspective to the game, offering players a unique experience filled with adventure and heroics. Exploring the Ben 10 Mod Pack The Ben 10 Mod Pack introduces players to a world where heroes reign supreme. With the powerful hero Ben 10 at the forefront, players embark on thrilling quests and face formidable challenges. The mod pack adds a new layer of excitement to the game,… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Welcome to! Are you ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, we have something special for you. After watching the latest YouTube video on Minecraft Crazy Build Hack #92, you must be feeling inspired and eager to try out new building techniques and creative strategies. Well, we have the perfect place for you to unleash your creativity and showcase your skills – Minewind Minecraft Server. At Minewind, you can join a vibrant community of builders, redstone engineers, and gamers who are passionate… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods: Daily Dice Roll

    Insane Minecraft Mods: Daily Dice Roll The Madness of Mods in Minecraft: A Daily Dice Roll Embark on a journey through the Multiverse where the rules are thrown out the window. Instead of carefully curated mod packs, imagine a world where randomness reigns supreme. Each day brings a new mod, determined by the roll of a dice. Let’s dive into this chaotic adventure and see what unfolds! Day One: Unhealthy Dying As the dice is rolled, the first mod revealed is “Unhealthy Dying.” In a hardcore video setting, our adventurer spawns in front of a village, setting the stage for a speedrun strategy. Gathering resources,… Read More

  • Mine Shorts: Crafty Minecraft Moments

    Mine Shorts: Crafty Minecraft Moments In Minecraft’s world, secrets unfold, Testing the limits, stories untold. Creeper lurking, ready to explode, In the game, adventures, we boldly rode. Up in a tree, safe from the chase, Avoiding danger, finding our place. The music plays, setting the pace, In Minecraft’s realm, we embrace. Exploring the depths, uncovering the lore, With friends by our side, we always want more. In this world of blocks, we always soar, Minecraft’s magic, we adore. Read More

  • Mutant Steve takes on Golem Army! #minecraftmadness

    Mutant Steve takes on Golem Army! #minecraftmadness Mutant Steve thought he could take on all the golems in Minecraft, but little did he know they were all in cahoots with each other. It was a real “rocky” situation for poor Steve! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Crafting a Kickin’ Chicken Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Kickin' Chicken Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Kickin Chicken Portal (Poppy Playtime) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms and creating unique portals. One such portal that has gained popularity is the Kickin Chicken portal inspired by the game Poppy Playtime. Let’s dive into the process of creating this intriguing portal. Creating the Portal To begin the creation of the Kickin Chicken portal, UzeMing gathers the necessary materials such as obsidian, flint, steel, yellow wall, and black wall. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, using black walls in the corners and yellow walls in the… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! If you’re a fan of the popular game and looking for a new server to join, look no further than Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine a world where you can escape the stresses of everyday life and immerse yourself in a virtual realm filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Minecraft Creepy Depths

    Minecraft Creepy Depths Minecraft Creepy: The Dark Depths In a Minecraft server managed by a relatively unknown Italian YouTuber, there stood a magnificent city crafted with skill by his loyal followers. The streets were illuminated by enchanted lanterns, while the buildings rose towards the sky as monuments to creativity and ingenuity. However, beneath the glittering surface of the city lay a dark secret. It was said that in the underground tunnels and caves of the city, mysterious and malevolent creatures resided. No one dared to venture too deep, fearing what lurked in the shadows below. The Tale of Marco One day, a… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Created the ULTIMATE Minecraft Weapon in Hardcore Mode

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Created the ULTIMATE Minecraft Weapon in Hardcore ModeVideo Information this is the ultimate survival Adventure over 200 mods with one really unique challenge find all 12 Hidden eyes from around the world and beat the game this is episode 5 and I’ve been farming fighting fusing and fishing my way through a bunch of different challenges to unlock a quarter of the eyes I need so far the only problem is I’m now going up against enemies that can kill me in one hit like these dragons flying around the battlefield this is a problem but through a Stroke of Luck I was able to kill one… Read More

  • Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft!

    Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft!Video Information yo is me or I just want zombie p upst and no no I forget to work from P you’ll be like my God he forgot about from the fog shut up I forgot about from the fog I going finish from F next time from F no not even from the fog I said tier last time I play from fog I sh one small tier not big tier shut up big guy this sh looking good though oh my God ex this stars in the sky I got Mr the Beast here the te she trade… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Survival Build – Creating EPIC Barn!

    INSANE Minecraft Survival Build - Creating EPIC Barn!Video Information हेलो गा वेलकम बक मा न आज हम करने वाले हैं फ हमारे बनाएंगे आज बा जान के लिए तोलो चलते य हमारा र बनाया बनाया मैंने दे बना [संगीत] देता मैंने एरिया इधर कंपलीट कर दिया थोड़ालू तो मैंने इतना बना दिया है और बीच में रिकॉर्डिंग ब हो गया था थोड़ा सा गड़बड़ हो गया थो क्या करने डाला ता नहीं रिकॉडिंग कैसे हो चालू किया है और पूरा बा बना दिया बस जानता और र मे पास लेके [संगीत] आता से लेके [संगीत] आया जाता चलो चता बारी [संगीत] अलग करना थोड़ा मुश्किल [संगीत] काम… Read More

  • Ultimate Kaboodle vs. Evil Greg.jar

    Ultimate Kaboodle vs. Evil Greg.jarVideo Information every Minecraft world is unique with no Two Worlds being exactly the same but for me there is one deadly force inhabiting every world I make every Universe I travel to every timeline I exist in this guy oh but he’s so cute no he’s evil and this Twisted soulless creature seeks to corrupt everything I’ve ever cared about and I have no idea how to stop him so I ran away while I still had my life intact and never played Minecraft again unfortunately I couldn’t live with myself if I sacrificed all of Minecraft to the… Read More

  • Unleash Your Power on the Ultimate Lifesteal Server #Minecraft #Gaming

    Unleash Your Power on the Ultimate Lifesteal Server #Minecraft #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best Lifesteal Server For Minecraft MCPE 1.20.40 And Java #minecraft#server#lifesteal’, was uploaded by Mr A GAMING on 2023-12-28 20:45:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • DINGLEBUTT vs DEVIL: CRAZY Adventures in Minecraft!

    DINGLEBUTT vs DEVIL: CRAZY Adventures in Minecraft!Video Information oh well my name is Tick that’s my name my daddy gave me the name dle but I’m lovely and orange and hopefully you’ll be able to see me more often H I think I’m on TV oh well here we have it this this my very favorite house okay these are my friends they don’t move very often because I I have many friends so what they’ve done is they given me uh this is a queer I call him a Mr que funny enough and this is uh this is Susan oh I love then what… Read More

  • Insane DJ Tutorial: Create Suisei’s “Stellar Stellar” in Minecraft

    Insane DJ Tutorial: Create Suisei's "Stellar Stellar" in MinecraftVideo Information あ [音楽] [拍手] [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] [拍手] A [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] DETで [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] です [音楽] あ [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] 8 [音楽] あ [音楽] [音楽] あ [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] あです [音楽] [音楽] This video, titled ‘(HARD) How to make “Hoshimachi Suisei – Stellar Stellar” (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by DJ Minecraft on 2024-05-07 08:00:05. It has garnered 369 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:44 or 404 seconds. (HARD) How to make “Hoshimachi Suisei – Stellar Stellar” (Minecraft) Completed Original song We’re making a lot of songs… Read More

  • Insane! Mario Party in Minecraft!? (Exclusive Cut)

    Insane! Mario Party in Minecraft!? (Exclusive Cut)Video Information e put away my shot alrighty guys we are back and this is a stream that I was honestly not expecting to do today cuz I was I was tot under the impression I’m like oh hey totally Mario’s going to be available for the Nuzlocke right yeah he’s totally available that’s fine we’re going to have a good Nuzlocke video today maybe we’ll have a death but it’s fine it’s still going to be a good video of the Pokemon next to why nuzlock but like no he’s like I I could read you the exact DM… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Ultimate Circus Mod – Skibidi Craft 2

    Minecraft PE Ultimate Circus Mod - Skibidi Craft 2Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERY The Amazing Digital Circus ADDON in (MINECRAFT PE) 2’, was uploaded by Skibidi Craft on 2024-01-12 02:16:23. It has garnered 9294 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:09 or 549 seconds. subscribe:) Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – The Best Anarchy Minecraft server in 2024! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest: Unleash your creativity with no bans or limits on this Java-based Minecraft anarchy server! Hack like a pro with only kicks for attempts. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Pure Vanilla Delights: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Embrace griefing in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0… Read More


    OBEXCRAFT NETWORKOBEXCRAFT NETWORK JAVA & BEDROCK 1.20.1X A Server full of challenges, dungeuns, terraformed world, shops, ranks, levels, RPG skills, custom enchantments and many other things. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting with an Attitude”

    Well, clearly this meme is reaching expert level status with a score of 9! Guess we’ll just have to wait for the judges’ final verdict. Read More

  • Creeper Sight, Video Rewind: Minecraft’s Short Surprise

    Creeper Sight, Video Rewind: Minecraft's Short Surprise In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We craft and we build, fulfilling our dream. But beware of the Creeper, lurking in the night, One wrong move, and it’s kaboom, out of sight. So gather your resources, mine and explore, In this pixelated world, there’s always more. From diamonds to iron, to wood and to stone, Every block tells a story, every seed is sown. But if you see a Creeper, don’t run in fear, Just face it head-on, let your courage appear. For in this game of blocks, where creativity thrives, It’s the challenges we face… Read More

  • Minecraft: Explosive Battery Upgrade! 🔥

    Minecraft: Explosive Battery Upgrade! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the TNT with the highest battery and suddenly your whole world is blown to smithereens…oops, there goes your diamond castle! #minecraftproblems #blownaway #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Mastering Ice Parkour on Minehut Server

    Mastering Ice Parkour on Minehut Server Exploring Ice Parkour on Minehut Server in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure through the icy landscapes of Minehut server in Minecraft version 1.20.6! Strap on your virtual boots and get ready for some heart-pounding parkour challenges that will test your agility and reflexes. Chilling Parkour Action As you navigate through the frosty terrain, you’ll encounter a series of checkpoints that will keep you on your toes. The sound of your footsteps echoes in the icy expanse as you leap from one platform to another, trying to reach the next checkpoint before time runs out. Mastering the Art of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles! Welcome to! Are you a fan of intense Minecraft PvP battles like the one in the video titled “@Armegon i beat you :)”? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! Experience the thrill of PvP combat in a unique and exciting environment. With a dedicated community of players and a variety of game modes to choose from, Minewind offers endless hours of entertainment for Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a seasoned PvP pro or just starting out, there’s a place for… Read More

  • Vanishing Act in Hypixel Bedwars

    Vanishing Act in Hypixel Bedwars The World of Hypixel Minecraft Bedwars Exploring the vast and exciting world of Minecraft, players often find themselves immersed in various game modes that offer unique challenges and experiences. One such popular game mode is Hypixel Minecraft Bedwars, where players must strategize, build, and defend their beds to emerge victorious. Gameplay Mechanics In Hypixel Minecraft Bedwars, players are tasked with protecting their beds while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. This intense PvP (Player vs. Player) gameplay requires quick thinking, teamwork, and resource management. Each team starts on their own island, equipped with a bed that serves… Read More

  • Minecraft Quickies: Insane Adventures for You! #viral #shorts

    Minecraft Quickies: Insane Adventures for You! #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Quickies: Bite -Sized Adventures for Your Entertainment! #viral #shorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by CraftAn on 2024-04-13 13:37:17. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft 1.20,minecraft facts,minecraft update,minecraft seed,minecraft how to,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft rarest,minecraft tutorial,minecraft tips,shorts minecraft,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft fun facts,minecraft survival,minecraft memes,minecraft animation,minecraft funny gaming,gaming pc,gaming setup,total gaming,ferran gaming,royalty gaming,pc gaming,#gaming,royalty family gaming,ferran gaming channel,royalty gaming channel,gaming funny,gaming games,gaming memes,gaming watch,power gaming,gaming music,camodo gaming,gaming shorts,gaming trivia,gaming… Read More

  • Mikey vs JJ Minecraft Survival Battle

    Mikey vs JJ Minecraft Survival BattleVideo Information get JJ oh my God I’m going down oh no oh no what have you done oh my God you blew up my tank you should have you think you can take me down so easily in an airplane I’ll show you ah oh my God I’m lucky I survived that crash I’m kind of okay and I can walk but I feel a little sick Mikey and I are at War I want to teach that stupid slug a lesson because he’s been letting me do too much lately I remember exactly how I Dropped a Bomb… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Trap Escapes at Every Rank | ak _gaming

    Unbelievable Minecraft Trap Escapes at Every Rank | ak _gamingVideo Information for watch This video, titled ‘how to escape minecraft traps at every rank#minecraft’, was uploaded by ak _gaming. on 2024-01-12 17:27:13. It has garnered 4430 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Talyuli’s Insane Minecraft Fisherman House Hack

    Talyuli's Insane Minecraft Fisherman House HackVideo Information [Music] [Music] is [Music] e [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] is [Music] e [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] look [Music] is [Music] is [Music] for [Music] is [Music] is [Music] for [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] a [Music] I [Music] I [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] then [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause]… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Action & Secrets REVEALED 🔥 | Zohaib Gaming Pt. 1

    Insane Bedwars Action & Secrets REVEALED 🔥 | Zohaib Gaming Pt. 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars Servers Part 1 #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Zohaib Gaming Point on 2024-01-05 16:42:15. It has garnered 17 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Sonic Speed Network: Ultimate Minecraft Vacation with Sonic & Friends!

    Sonic Speed Network: Ultimate Minecraft Vacation with Sonic & Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sonic & Friend’s Universal Minecraft Vacation Ft. More Sonic’s【Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Sonic Speed Network on 2024-02-16 18:40:54. It has garnered 887 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:38 or 8438 seconds. Feel like helping our goal to help an amazing friend, why not donate here? #SpeedForCare ➣ Rule #1: Be respectful and considerate. Rule #2: Keep the language family-friendly. Rule #3: No slurs or hate-speech. Rule #4: Keep the chat fun and playful. Rule #5: Don’t spam or advertise other channels. Rule #6: Be respectful to the way past… Read More

  • Hololive-EN: Tragic Puppy Theft leaves you with nothing 🐾

    Hololive-EN: Tragic Puppy Theft leaves you with nothing 🐾Video Information This video, titled ‘【#ホロドロケイ2024】fluffy puppy thieves rob you and leave you with NOTHING 🐾【FUWAWA POV】’, was uploaded by FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-04-28 13:40:47. It has garnered 135936 views and 10624 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:57 or 9237 seconds. holo DOROKEI is a game of cops & robbers ✨ lovely illustration by @uki_shu 💕 Minecraft skins by @aozane 💕 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (∪・ω・∪ ♡:::::::::::::::♡ ∪・ω・∪) #FUWAMOCO (Streams distribution) #FWMCpix (Fanart drawing) #helpFWMC (Requests, Assets, Q&A requests/materials/Q&A) #lilFWMC (Clips) #FWMCbeats (Music)… Read More

  • Unbelievable Gemming Tricks – Free Minecraft Builds 🤯 | Hindi

    Unbelievable Gemming Tricks - Free Minecraft Builds 🤯 | HindiVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build download 🤯 | in hindi’, was uploaded by Trouble Geming on 2024-03-15 07:00:04. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. minecraft build download | build for minecraft | in hindi, minecraft build with world download, minecraft build download link, minecraft build mod download, how to download build battle in minecraft, minecraft building for minecraft app, minecraft builds with world download, minecraft building for minecraft pe, minecraft construction mod download, how to download builds in minecraft pe, how to download building for minecraft… Read More

Command Witchery – Custom Armor Tutorial – Part 1: HATS – Minecraft Java 1.19