Insane! Mario Party in Minecraft!? (Exclusive Cut)

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e put away my shot alrighty guys we are back and this is a stream that I was honestly not expecting to do today cuz I was I was tot under the impression I’m like oh hey totally Mario’s going to be available for the Nuzlocke right yeah he’s totally available that’s fine we’re going to have a good Nuzlocke video today maybe we’ll have a death but it’s fine it’s still going to be a good video of the Pokemon next to why nuzlock but like no he’s like I I could read you the exact DM that he sent me it’s actually kind of funny because I can’t tell you going back from Spring Break and like and hearing someone else relating to how I feel like like actually it just makes me feel so better so I said oh shoot I thought you said we wouldn’t do we couldn’t do nuz for like 3 weeks besid I don’t know where he got that from um his mind’s going places besides I’m behind on school work this week cuz I was lazy so I’m probably just going to spend the day getting that done so no in the Nuzlocke today so him being lazy going like straight back from spring break is kind of how I felt cuz I definitely was being a bit lazy of my school work this week and it really cost me on on on two exams and now I learned my lesson that like hey even even though you’re getting back from spring break you got to actually like still try to do good at school man this is like no kids game here bro where you can just fail as many times as you won like a geometry dash no you only got one shot in these exams and it just shows whatever your grade is you get afterwards so it’s life lessons guys but anyways yeah so I was debating between like do I do wild cats revenge or do I do cut from the team I was like I was going back and forth and I was like you know what I’m just kind of in the mood to do cut from the team because the work for this here I feel like like I could easily have some fun if you guys like in the chat like while I’m doing the work because my work today I believe is actually since I got most of my detailing like done around here so the other things I want to go and do though is that like so there’s a lot of the Spikes all around the outside there I think it’d be nice to have like a little bit of those like around the field I think that could be kind of cool to do maybe I can add like a few more water patches like in some places maybe get some lava patches in there and then another thing but then the main thing you’re mainly going to be be seeing me doing this video here is that this is all like all this detail is mainly just done by one block and I say that is not good enough it is not good enough so what I’m going to be doing is I’m going to be doing the detailing in this stream here make it not all this just packed mud everywhere blah we we need to get that detail in there we need to get that pristine awesome looking detail like on the build so that’s what we’re going to be work working on today yes yes yes and I and I don’t go like uh like calmly with with my Detail no I go crazy with the detail yes yes yes yes any of you guys are wondering if you don’t know Mario Party All Too Well well I can give you any of you guys who are new here to like these building streams welcome nice to have you here basically cut from the team if any of you guys have played Mario Party 8 this is a mini game for Mario Party 8 it basically how it works is that you have a couple of ropes up here at the top and with those couple of ropes at the top here like my version of it there is 20 different ropes and 10 of them are bad and 10 of them are good and my version of it basically like if you pick a bad rope then this floor drops in drops under you but if you don’t pick a bad rope then you’re safe for now but but but basically we have like enough like a certain amount of people and until everyone like until we have like one last survivor left then that’s basically how the winner is chosen for cff from the team and I wanted like to have like some mini games in my world that actually are luck based and this is I feel like a pretty fun luck based one and definitely can drive some anxiety from people especially it drives anxiety a lot in Mario party8 and I’m honestly surprised some recent Mario Party 8 sessions I’m not done this game again because the battle mini games they keep choosing like the other four and and never choose C from the team honestly I just kind of want the like the battle game to go choose cut from the team again because I’m like I just want to have that I want to feel that anxiety like from this game again you know so yeah like like I’m honestly going above and beyond here I tried to recreate the structure for this as best as I could there’s still the overhead I got to go do for that so you’ll see that like in some future building stream for this but mainly work that’s been done in the past building streams obviously there’s a lot of this outside work here but then also we’ve done a lot of inside work too making the inside of this tunnel looking pretty cool of all the lanterns floating everywhere and then you got all the spikes like shuting out of the ground there and then you like Drop from that like a it looks like like I really love that effect of like the like the lighting and whatnot like cuz that that that’s where you’re dropping from and once like it’s like not even open like it just looks like a dark abyss up there and then you fall into the spikes down below ooh and if you’re wondering what this spiral thing here we also did a staircase to actually go and get up to the top of the thing here and it’s pretty nice it’s kind of like a little like tight Cavern to go eventually get all the way up to the top yeah that’s why you see like these like bars like wrapped around here because this is a staircase to go and get all the way up and around to get to the top so there’s a manual way to get up or if you just have creative mode obviously you could just fly all the way up to the top so yeah this is looking awesome I’m excited to work on this some more for you guys today and yeah I’m not exactly sure music wise what I’m going to do in the Stream yet I’m still a little bit like debating on that but yeah I hope any of you guys here they watching I hope you guys will enjoy and of course if you do enjoy these and you videos and you want to see more amazing Minecraft building streams you know the easiest thing you got to do it’s really really simple and easy you got to hit that like button and you got to hit that sub button to easy things to do and let me know you want to see more of these awesome Minecraft building streams yes sir or you just want to have a lot of more awesome content here in the channel if I’m Yours Truly which always is a great thing right yes yes yes yes so yeah I think without further Ado um let’s I think the main thing I want to start doing first is I want to start getting the Deep slate stuff all around the place and I have been working on wildcast Revenge and I have a lot of blocks from that I need to clear my inventory out are these all disappearing now oh no did all these okay I was about to say like don’t tell me my don’t tell me my fake blocks here got got removed I know the green ones over here are always annoying and they keep getting removed for some reason cringe if you don’t know what that is it’s one it’s one of my other like uh mini games I have in the world it’s called tiptoe basically any of you guys have played Fall Guys and you know like tiptoe Fall Guys basically how that game works is that there’s like a good pathway like among all those like blocks there and you have to go and figure out like what that pathway actually is that’s basically like the whole like the goal of it you try to get to the middle before like the other teams and then you if you get like to the top like there and press the golden button then you go and win so yeah it’s pretty cool pretty pretty cool indeed that double chest I don’t want to like lose my blocks here so I’m like uh I want to go and store those yeah good old wild cats Revenge looking looking really good still figuring out the layout for the back yeah I I didn’t work on the layout in the back off camera at all I just really wasn’t in the mood I worked on other things off camera just not that nope not that at all it’s always nice when you’re just flying over the world and you just see all your amazing like Creations that you’ve like done over time oh man I feel like at some point I got to do like either like a stream or like a video like on my main Channel like where I go go like and showcase like everything like in this world again cuz I think that’d be like a fun stream and I can definitely talk a lot about it since you know I was pretty much a part of like every one of these like projects here in some kind of way so I would definitely know how to talk about them like that for certain all right guys well we got a one last thing we got before we actually start working we got to decide on what music we want to listen to so I was like debating on sorry I didn’t want that to be there so was debating on either like okay maybe we could just do our good old ordinary like video game music and whatnot or I was like thinking maybe I could do copyright stuff since I have done that before the only thing I I hate about copyright is the fact that like I haven’t even like still like removed like the copyright claims from the previous stream and honestly I don’t feel like doing that anymore any now since I’m making money be nice to get some few extra cents to eventually get to that threshold for the $100 so YouTube can get get me paid so I usually prefer like in most of these streams nowadays just to go and get the non-copyright stuff and just leave all the copyright baloney in the music recordation streams that’s like the that’s that’s like the like the key streams where I just don’t care about copyright at all because you guys can recommend whatever the [ __ ] you want in those streams Sonic Mario a Kirby Pokemon Lincoln Park or some other stuff well Lincoln Park wouldn’t be really fitting for copyright copyright hey Zach nice to see see you’re in the building stream good sir uh how about this I can put I I I can put a poll for you guys we can do we can have the poll between Sonic Mario Kirby and Pokemon how about that you guys like that I’ll give you guys a poll cool cool cool cool let’s see who gets the most votes we’ll do I’m sure people who are on my like my my most recent giveaway would recognize this which one oh no I just like that uh Pokemon Sonic Mario Kirby honestly all these franchises have like absolutely Spectacular music and I have a huge Entourage of like music from these games here like here I’ll I’ll put the poll so you guys can start voting so so let’s see so yeah sonic um I guess we could go we can go on or whatever want to see first kirby music I have 701 pretty crazy uh Mario I have 898 freaking crazy Pokemon’s even crazier I believe yep 940 for Pokemon uh and then I have for Sonic 487 so I love my video game music if you can’t tell I love my video game music poor Mario and Kirby 0% come on the the disrespect back to Mario and Kirby like Big O indeed all right I’m just going to quickly just start placing a bunch of spikes everywhere and then I’ll go and like start building them up people are like we don’t need that lousy like happy go lucky cheerful music from Mario and Kirby we want the rock and roll we want the craziness we want the Epic tunes that both Pokemon and Sonic bring hey you know it’s good to it’s good to not like feel like sadness and destruction and like rock and roll every now and again I mean I appreciate myself some good just cheerful music right now and again you need that good cheerful music in your life bro facts facts facts facts what am I making so uh have you ever played Mario Party 8 before Zach or no well we have a tie I don’t know what the tie is between I see Sonic’s 50% oh wait it’s not a tie okay Sonic’s okay Sonic’s currently still winning right now okay my bad I didn’t realize there was like 25% like one of you guys voted Pokemon one of you guys voted Kirby my bad I didn’t realize that all right any of any other of you guys watching if you want to go and vote on that poll before we decide like what music we’re listening to In The Stream here then currently it’s Sonic right now if you want to potentially change the ties of the of the poll you got to vote on it you must vote it is your destiny I mean you can’t even like oh wow I actually kind of like that like you have like the little specs of like detail there I picked Kirby cuz I felt bad a that’s so nice of you little Jay yes uh do you know the like battle mini game games so there’s one called cut from the team and and it’s the one like where you’re on top of a cliff side and you have to go Cut the Ropes um and whoever is like the last one standing like is the one who wins this is basic basically like my Minecraft version of that game here since I wanted since I do like these fun Minecraft competitions like about like three times a year and I wanted to have some kind of mini game that involves luck so and I thought like you know what cut from the team would be like a really fun one to do and it’ be also pretty cool creation too for the fact that like we’re doing Mario party like in Minecraft so like yeah I I I thought that’d be pretty cool oh yeah the Jays the Jays ever turned yes the Jays are taking over so yeah like this is like my whole like map for it right now you got like the big structure up there you got the ropes there that you go cut and instead of like since I can’t have like cuz the platform normally like it it launches you like a million miles on the air and you like fall somewhere in the distance but I have no idea how to do that in Minecraft so I’m just having it as a drop floor and a drop floor where you go drop down here into uh to a pit of spikes it’s pretty cool like I love it so much so cool I’ll [Music] give uh I’ll give like an I’ll give like a like two more minutes for you guys to go vote on the poll see if it changes at all see if any you guys decide to change your mind within like the like like the next two minutes maybe yeah yeah yeah I probably also should go and uh I think it’s get some more water patches like here and there before I’m like starting to put all these like spikes everywhere all right what the bucket so question can I place blocks underneath these spikes I can’t do that no I cannot that is unfortunate that is very much unfortunate so little fun fact for you guys uh any of you guys uh any of you guys know the band Dragon Force just curious oh my gosh dude like I think I’m starting I think I’m starting to get into like a new B oh my gosh Dragon Force is amazing you don’t know Dragon Force oh my gosh oh yes duhh Dragon Force hype well Jay did you know uh little Jay did you know that Dragon Force released a new album two days ago did you know that I hope you know that and gamer did you know that Dragon Force released a new album like two days ago and I will say even though it’s a it’s a bit on the shorter side unfortunately but oh my gosh dude the songs in there are so good unbelievably good did haven’t listened to like the the to the whole album yet okay okay okay so you are aware of it you are aware of it I forget uh I forget the actual like name of it uh uh I’m sure you can jog my memory little Jay but yeah like the they were doing like some that like Dragon Force like real like like a part of that album there they released like a new song that is a video game related which is one of the first songs they showed like before even like the album was released which is called power of the Triforce and I think if you can take from that name there you can probably guess what franchise they’re singing a song about there’s just some like other just like extremely jaming tunes that I’m just like oh my gosh dude like they went all out like on this like freaking album here dude like I’m I’m genuinely impressed like literally I think I added besides like from an instrumental track I added like every one of the songs like from the new album that’s how much I liked them they even did like a Taylor Swift like Dragon Force like thing too and I was like hold on hold on that guitar player is like freaking insane I’ve also heard of power of the Triforce so I put on randomiz I don’t know anything specific okay okay I’m getting my lava I’m getting my lava and my water patches and yes yes yes yes thank you for seven likes on the video so far guys you guys are the best oh looks like Mario’s winning the poll when it wasn’t before oh boy I think Mario might be our winner winner winner chicken dinner are you guys going to let that stand are y’all going to let that stand are you going to let Sonic falter are you going to let Pokemon falter ooh awesome man this looks really cool thank you thank you yeah I mean if you guys want to see me like potentially what I’m thinking of doing once the giveaways are over like I’m I’m thinking of potentially like replacing them with like doing like like I could do coaster building streams but also do like some fun other builds like this like on the side as well like I I I I personally think that’d be like a really cool thing to do like I I I love working on like Minecraft Builds and honestly I totally wouldn’t mind to go replace the giveaways of the Minecraft building streams mm the uh the poll is for m so basically um poll is for deciding the music to play in the background so it’s either do you want to listen to Pokemon Sonic Mario or Kirby music and I guess while we’re waiting for that here here I’m going to go and uh I’m going to give you guys a little special treat so we will make this a partially copyright stream because I felt like I I I need to at least share some of these Dragon Force Tunes dude they’re so good they’re unbelievably good so we’re going to be listening to some Dragon Force hell yeah I’m sure you guys have no complaints against that probably stappy cat does but who cares about her [Music] opinion I know I’m so mean to her but she’s always so mean to me we have like this love hay relationship with one another all right let’s see where’s my playlist for that um there it is I found it easiness I’m probably going to be blasting this so loud maybe somebody might come in my room oh man okay I’ll play what are two what are free good ones Miss Allen I should play well I know definitely two of them I’m going to play what’s the other one that I should play uh I mean that’d be a pretty good one too yeah yeah okay I think I could do this yeah all right we’ll do this one do this one first because you know you got to do this one first oh I know the other one I got to do I know the other one all right yes yes yes yes yes oh man I’m do you know like that ad like where they have the soap and they cleaning up the duck and whatnot the dawn ad yeah I’m I’m getting that right now I’ve seen this ad like 50 bajillion times like stop showing me this stupid ad it’s actually one of the better ads out there it’s not really stupid I actually like it but it starts getting stupid when you have to listen to it see it so many times ah e e e e e e e and and and I think it gets better it gets better this personally this personally next song like I think power the try for it like I I I’m like debating between do I like that song more or do I like this song more like honestly like I feel like this might be like a song I’ll e e e e e e e e e uh there’s actually two versions of that song too by the way one of the other versions has like a featured singer in it I personally like the version that it’s only like our good old like main singer Dragon Force I personally like that version more but the other version for e e e e e e e e e e e e God this band is so good yeah all this being said I’m not going to show anym like now but yeah go check out their most recent album freaking um what the heck is it called again warp speed Warriors yeah yeah yeah warp speed Warriors highly recommend checking out that album it’s honestly insane Aron and terap Pago’s having a good time oh don’t you know it I saw them I saw them headbanging like the whole time over over here in the corner they were they were going crazy trust me they they actually couldn’t control themselves like from freaking Dragon Force dude they they just couldn’t they couldn’t it was just too crazy for them to handle bro absolutely too crazy all righty looks like Pokemon with the with four votes wins the poll so we’re going to be listening to some Pokemon music as you know of course starting off with Dragon Force as well cuz all the songs I’m going to have to end up blocking later on like me but you know it’s worth it for the moment am I right hell yeah all right here we go get the Pokemon Center first H like I said this is 940 tracks we might get some of the most random stuff ever Sonic didn’t even get like the second those builds that went to Mario how unfortunate I Kirby got the least amount of those Kirby just not getting enough low poor Kirby at least little Jay was like uh been being nice to Kirby and giving him some votes so so so nice he giv giv Kirby the pitting like pity votes I know going for Pokemon music from freaking Dragon Force like is the biggest change of the century it’s like the biggest change ever you think later we could do c all I mean maybe later on like since Mario was the second most voted we can do that and if you guys want to hear like some specific Pokemon Tunes too I can see if I have it and I can go and play it cuz I mean the work that I’m doing on stream here doesn’t really require me a lot of focus so I could go to like a specific tune if you guys want to go and hear it it’s a fighting free Knuckles Jay wasn’t they was Happ when I I play ppil at the end of my giveaway [Music] yesterday I’m so happy that I now actually like have that like in my iTunes oh it’s so good Brandon if you don’t know the power of the Pumpkin Hill then that is just shameful get random 202 X and Y Track fun times yeah if you guys want to hear any like specific Pokemon Tunes at all I could see if I can have it I can play it oo get in poke park that’s a unique one got all iTunes is like showing you the names of the songs like at the side there oo very nice you need to be far more specific than that there’s so many different battling songs you got to be far more pacific than that like the gym leader Alina um like up other battle themes like the trainer battle themes the wild Pokemon battle theme the champion Battle Theme hops Battle Theme Marini’s Battle Theme B’s Battle Theme you got to be way more specific than that come on now Gua battle F Legends you mean Legends archus Legends arus dude that was a freaking I’m actually really excited the fact that like that cuz like like like not realizing it like I I I I totally realized like actually like how much fun that I had like going through Legends archus like Legends arus was like a great game dude and now we’re going to be getting a like a Legends game based on X and Y like bro this is going to be good stuff good good stuff very excited for that I for real only heard theme earlier I’m blanking out of o uh did the pool close YouTube go when I do streams like this my computer just lags like crazy bro lags like crazy uh I haven’t played it since I don’t know well I need more pacifics than that um I think I know we’re [Music] guarante Legend arus right talk about this [Music] one Legends Za rearrange the The Legend uh what are you talking about I need to I need to understand what you being you know the funny thing is like I always love to brag about this I did the Volo fight first try and I see so many YouTube videos of people like struggling out of their minds to go and like actually get the vola fight then and I’m just like H I got it done first try because the funny thing was it’s like how I play Pokemon games it’s like I kind of get distracted uh I get distracted by like doing like doing certain tasks and I think I was mainly getting distracted this time by doing like the Pokedex trying to get a lot of that done so I like from doing the Pokedex my Pokemon were starting to like progressively get gain and gain more and more and more and more levels and of course also I like to be overly stocked in my medical items too so with being Overstock to Medical items and going into like the vola fight of like about level 80 90 Pokemon yeah Vol was a pushover for me I see people though they’re like they actually hate they want to actually try to progress the story while I’m just like over here I’m like hey I’m trying to progress my completion of the game progression of the story whatever who cares I want to play the game however I feel like playing [Music] it yeah Legends uh Pokemon Legends EA that’s it’s going to be pretty dang exciting any chance I can help uh if you have Minecraft Java Edition and um then yeah I can I can I can invite you onto the world uh do you mean like when am I going to do giveaways again like after I end the Indigo disc ones that’s a good question like honestly it like it depends like when the next Pokemon game is or that actually like allows like some kind of trading and whatnot so actually I can go and do the giveaways again until like another Pokemon game uh comes out like with that then that’s pretty much going to be whenn because I want to do it when like new Pokemon games like are popular and people want to go get Pokemon like I’m not going to go back to like sword and shield or something and do giveaways there that just feels weird like unnecessary so it’s basically going to be when like the next big Pokemon title comes out that actually has like trading like features like in it then I’ll go and do then then I’ll go do some trading streams again so basically you just got to wait to whatever the next big Pokemon release is for when the giveaways are going to be happening next next after Indigo disc next giveaway in general though is going to be happening later today and then the other free giveaways on top of that are going to be Friday Saturday and Sunday there going to be the final free we’re on the F we’re on the fourth to last giveaway today all right what’s the next one I’m going to be what’s the next one you guys want to listen to for Pokemon um do you got like a do I’m going to need all the mods you’re using no inversion I’m not using any mods and Realms are Realms are the most recent version of Minecraft it usually always is the most recent version of Minecraft so the most recent version of Minecraft there’s no mods and you just got to tell me your M your Minecraft username uh gotta go you said you had to shower and then you just said you have to leave again sylus what’s going on man I’m like bro big br moment HEI Professor Fe of course it can’t be it can’t be listening to Pokemon music if we don’t like jam out to the AI Professor FES oh I mind you guys uh I can tell you guys I can give you an idea of all the Pokemon games that I have on iTunes like music wise uh official soundtrack calls us battle final boss it’s not even like AI like Professor theme so I got brilliant diamond shine Pearl I got an original Diamond and Pearl um Pokemon Sun and Moon and Ultra sun and moon uh X and Y uh let’s see there’s a bunch of random like Pokemon anime stuff but I’m not going to lie guys I recommend that uh poke Park one and two scarlet and violet uh teal mask and the Indigo disc Legends archus sword and shield and let’s go Pikachu and Eevee those are the Pokemon games you could recommend music [Music] from mustard more like mustard hey mustard from aisle of armor would be very uh would shame on you pickle boy I will honestly say though the like Pokemon the Pokemon scarlet and violet like DLCs are like far more memorable than the sword and shield DLCs ever were I don’t know I didn’t really like I I I I feel like years from now like I’m just totally going to forget about like the aisle like uh aisle of armor and I’m I’m also going to go and uh forget about uh the crown Tundra Crown Tundra actually wasn’t too bad I of armor honestly was one of the most forgettable DLCs though I didn’t really like I of armor that much I also hated it for the fact they had to go find those like like 50 like digletts massive L yeah I don’t have any Mystery Dungeon yet cuz I never played those games funny thing was like that actually was on my radar and actually I do have one I think it’s like a mystery dungeon game that came out for the switch I do actually have it like in my like switch case just I never really like found the time or interest to go and play there’s a lot of more other games right now that are like more in my top of my interest list that I want to go and try out [Music] out sometimes though there’s like some games where I actually just go and listen to the soundtrack though like before I even go and play it I was doing that for Sonic Frontiers and also I did it for Sonic Generation so Sonic honestly is just worth here in the soundtrack before even play the game because Sonic soundtracks are so good uh that’s the best part of the song One Thing Scarlet Violet though like for for being such a rush game like dude it has some one it has some of the best music in any Pokemon game like by far like you’re hearing this this is from scarland Violet unbelievably good and also it has like one of the best stories like in a Pokemon game too like honestly like scarlet and violet like with the like with including seal mask and indigo disc like these are some of my like my favorite stories like in all Pokemon it’s so good it’s so well done honestly just had to hate that like the game is so rush and so buggy and whatnot like why do you have such a rush freaking Pokemon game when it has like such an incredible story or whatnot and freaking AI Professor like the professor boss fights at the end dude with them using either future or past like paradox Pokemon like that is just so and it’s so badass for the fact that like um that they’re just throwing Pokemon from like this huge Tower like up above and and underneath like a time machine that’s like buried like in the freaking area zero area it’s like dude like who thinks of this kind of stuff it’s such a cool it’s such a cool battle and I can’t compare black and white since I never played black and white before so I’ve heard black and is really good I do at some point whenever like I have like the all the free time in the world which I’m not sure if that’s ever going to happen but maybe later on in my life when I have more free time than usual maybe or probably not May when I’m more open like to do more things like maybe I could go and like a check out some of the older Pokemon games [Music] finally complimenting the game harder than uh harder than the CEO CEO hates uh hates Scarlet Violet o hey Clips notot welcome good sir nice to have here Al any you guys I’m not hit that like button yet hey I would love uh I love for you guys to hit that like button also Brandon are you going to my computer’s trash I’m going to use OptiFine uh can you give me your Minecraft username so I can invite you to the realm and again any of you of you guys have a Minecraft uh Java edition if you want to go on the realm and help me out of the build I can probably give you stuff to go and do I’m pretty sure I can well I need you to give me your username or do you not know your username you need them Quest what the heck are you talking about I’ll get it in a little bit [Music] okay say so all right this is the next one I saw I gu some recommend I have Minecraft what version of Minecraft do you have Clips not I feel like it’d be rare to find somebody who honestly doesn’t own Minecraft it’d be rare to go find somebody who doesn’t own Minecraft what’s my you mean like my IRL name oh gamer you don’t have mine well there are select few here in there I’m a poke I’m a Pokemon try hard I see have you doesn’t like any of your own like uh Pokemon what’s my opinion on giganto theme on giganto theme huh you’re asking me my opinion on my favorite song of all time huh I think I don’t need to say anything more than that giganto theme like it it’s it’s one for sure it’s definitely the best Sonic theme of all time like it there there is no question of about it and like I can even like appreciate the song for the fact that like I can listen to it so many times and never get sick of it that’s uh that is like the definition of like a song that should be your number one favorite like I probably listened to undefeatable at least like 200 times at this point and I’m still not sick of it like it’s unbelievable how many times I’ve heard that song and I’m still like I could still rock out to it and whatnot that’s what I just appreciate for the fact like in the lyrics or what not like one the lyrics are extremely like fitting for like like the boss fight which as it should be and like it’s even fitting like even like for you like as a person it’s like it’s time to face your fear cuz when you’re time to face your cuz when your time is come and gone I’ll be the one who carries on and you can throw me to the Wolves cuz I am undefeatable I’m hanging on to the other side I won’t give up till the end of me and what you get when the Stars online now face it you’re just an enemy you could really think about that like in the context of like maybe any like any like strive of like going like in your life or whatnot you can just like shout out like hey I’m hanging on to the other side and I won’t give up like I will conquer you and I I’m I’m what you get when those stars align and now face it you’re just my like you’re just that enemy that I have like uh going on right now so I could just think about like gigantos teaming like in such like relatable like like in such a relatable context like for stuff like going on like in my life and I really appreciate it like for that too and just how much like of a Banger like tune it is like for a video game and like one of my biggest passions is like playing video games and hearing like an insanely damn good rock song like playing in a video game during a boss fight that is like one of the greatest like boss fights in video game history it’s just like bro how could I not like appreciate everything that like undefeatable like is attached to like it totally like I could totally see why it has 20 million views on YouTube now 20 million I’ll break through it all has 9.4 million and find your flame has like 11 million views or something like that so the Sonic frontier’s boss fight like Titan themes like are insanely popular and I’m really excited too for the fact cuz the guy who sang those songs Kellen Quinn I’m going to be hearing him actually singing live with sleeping with a siren so that’s the like his band he’s originally from he’s not just like some random road singer he’s like actually attached to a band called sleeping at the sirens and that band also has like some really good songs as well highly recommend listening to like some of their catalog and yeah I’ll be getting to hear him live but Louder Than Life in Louisville like Louisville [Music] Kentucky okay so you wouldn’t be able to go and play Bros a rapper John Quinn’s not really a rapper per se he’s more of like a big singer a big singer Guy or you talking about something [Music] else also by the way penny scham is about to be over what’s the next gam yall want to listen to what’s the next one let me know let’s [Music] see [Music] than I think you talking about you I mean I could be a pretty good rapper at like some certain things there’s still like some songs though that I really want to oh it worked there’s still some songs that I really want to like learn Raps like too like before like the Sonic Symphony concert hopefully I can find some time like cuz I’m going to another Sonic Symphony son concert the one in Milwaukee Milwaukee Wiscon it’s yeah Milwaukee Wisconsin and I’m going to be able to get so normally like the the sonic Frontier songs they only play live as undefeatable and breakthrough at all but recently they started playing find your flame and I’m here Revisited live so they do the full so they do the full Sonic Frontiers like Titan boss fight like catalog dude it’s in it’s insane and like it’s it’s all in one session too like I don’t understand why they don’t do it like as in like they do it like in the order of the games cuz they do break for it all then undefeatable then find your flame and I’m here visited or they flip I’m here Revisited and find your flame so I’m a little confused why they’re not doing it just in like in the order of the game dude but like when that part of the concert comes up I’m going to be losing my mind again dude and thing is too is I haven’t listened to their like Sonic symphony’s rendition of finds your flame and I’m here Revisited all the way through I’ve listened to little bits of it just to like actually see if this was like if this was actually legit and it definitely was so I’m very excited that I’m get I’m getting to go to another Sonic Symphony show it’s good be so good so so good I’m honestly like floored absolutely floored uh any other new Pokemon theme you want to hear Pokemon theme Pokemon them favorite shiny legendary oh man I’d have to look at all the shiny legendaries I never really thought of an answer to that question a great question uh I’d have to like look at pictures of all the shiny legendaries which I don’t feel like doing right now bar want to pick one I never really like actually thought about that one oh I’m sure you will be Kieran final battle theme you go that doing all the Pokemon [Music] bangers I want to use this theme for some like showing off of a Minecraft build I want to use this theme for something but I don’t know what I want to use it for yet I think I’ve used this theme in some video but I don’t remember which one it was that I used this them in but yeah [Music] God yeah I like you know a theme is good like cuz I remember like one of my favorite shorts that I have is actually probably my most popular short on my streaming Channel sorry I haven’t made my shorts so lately don’t have any time to do that unfortunately but anyways one my favorite shorts is just me reacting to hearing the theme for the first time like in the game and I’m like those electric guitars yes oh I’m so into this like those electric guitars you don’t really hear electric guitars like I’ll too much like in Pokemon themes like honestly Scar the Violet’s like one of like the games that like really uses like electric guitars like in their like uh in their themes like can you think of any other like Pokemon games like that actually use electric guitars like get some of their themes like scar and violet like the only ones I can personally think of the top of my head is um there’s this theme and there’s also the AI like Professor Battle [Music] Theme beat my ass they yeah Professor battle them does have some electric guitars like in there too so yeah they they just don’t have like many like Pokemon doesn’t really do rock too much like in their songs and it’s awesome when you actually get to hear them doing Rock in the song and I’m like yes please Pokemon do more rock like you actually do a genuine good job add it yeah sorry pickle boy I can’t really answer your question on the the favorite Sun legendary I need to actually like genuinely think about [Music] that hey black welcome do you want to be our awesome 10th like on the video we’re trying to get to 10 likes here and you could be our our epic 10th like on the video yes yes yes final cure in battle Fame all right what’s next next if you’re wondering where where whichever the next Pokemon theme is that I see is what I play next yes yes yes yes yes for some reason I was kind of thinking I was looking at like some of like the pictures around me um if you haven’t named your sh oron yeah maybe you could do like sprig or something I was like looking at my Al house and amphibia like poster that I have up there that’s that’s framed and I’m like spr actually be kind of a fun name for Orie Pon kind of like that I know I’m naming it off of a frog character but you know sprigg’s a cute name I like it what was the like go is 10 likes battle trainer blueberry Academy now a little fun fact for you guys it’s actually currently not on 10 likes because YouTube always glitches the like and forward one and the YouTube streams so if it’s saying 10 likes for you it’s wrong wrong wrong wrong so we got to get one more like one more like uh trainer okay I will say it was pretty cool like with the with this update they actually get an idea of like the black and white music dude black and white music’s fire bro any Pokemon music’s just fire [Music] bro Willow would make a good name I think you know actually I mean Willow no actually I wouldn’t mind Willow I think will actually is a pretty dang fitting name like I actually do agree with that that is a that is a good choice I like that I like it I like it mm oh no poor poor Brandon can’t help me out this is sad all right just got a message from Meg sorry M don’t think I could do make this one bro nobody can help me out this so sad freaking mag my mags is bailing on me cringe effect give L Striker having to go make dinner cringe as you say that brand as you say that I literally go and like start giving myself night vision as I say that I didn’t even like I I did that before I saw your comment by the way like as you put that comment down I I start I I start typing the command out for it like bro see the night vision protocal click look different know and it’s kind of off footing you’re one of the chillest YouTubers I know h i mean like there’s like moments like where like yeah I can be really crazy but that’s honestly like who I am most of the time I am definitely like a pretty chill person in general if y’all don’t know like I’m actually like it may not seem like it but I am a pretty introverted person I’ve done YouTube for so long and the streaming and whatnot that I’ve like kind of gotten used to like just being live and talking to people what not like on YouTube but I’m actually a pretty introverted person like IRL though I still make some good friends every now and again but yeah I’m a pretty introverted [Music] person yeah I’m definitely pretty chill like most of the time but on YouTube streams sometimes I like to look go like thr my extroverted self out there like a little bit just have fun with you guys like with whatever I’m doing you know you can add true at the end of the command to get rid of the uh SC the effects really what do you mean by that what do you mean like how do I like like how do I type it ttch Bedrock is the best version of Minecraft together as a Mario master attack I’ve heard about it like and I’ve actually seen a little bit of my sister actually checking it out since she got like Minecraft on Nintendo switch and she was trying it out that was actually like pretty cool I was like dang they got a Mario map bro also I think we need to do some awesome celebration uh for hitting a certain goal I think we need to get some like awesome celebration in here but how do we celebrate that’s a great question Luigi I don’t know how we celebrate h celebrate for Dragon [Music] Force you know I don’t know why for some reason I’m kind of tempted to go and do this I don’t know why for some reason I have an urge to go to to go and do this we’re going for our house names orip Pon Terra or Snap Dragon could work Snap Dragon isn’t cute enough though who’s terara again I still think think will is the most fitting because will is like this like big like powerful like grass like magic like user or what not black should choose black should choose o well if if black were to choose what would he what would he choose exactly curious he was a reason for our like I guess that’s fair reasoning well guys I’ll let BL sure I could let black choose some kind of like certain tune but I feel like uh jamming out to this for some reason though you know how like Jay kind of mentioned like hey we could do like Mario Kirby Sonic Pokemon and also youu in Lincoln Park there well how about we uh how about at least we throw one Lincoln Park in here e e e e e e May absolutely over overplayed like that that that is for sure dud but oh my gosh though it is uh it is Iconic as all F dude and like I could still like jam out like hard to that like song dude it’s so fun so so fun he you know what guys do y’all want do y’all want one more one more LP LP song y’all want one more he probably crashed one more question mark question mark question mark I don’t know I’m not seeing enough hype in the chat for another for for another linol Park song I don’t know I I need to see I need to see a little bit more hype than that I’m naming I Willow all right I am perfectly fine with that I like I like the name Willow another one no Jay do you want to hear another linol punck I can’t tell if that reaction if he wants to hear a new one or not like he’s so he’s I’ll just scream my way it’s like yes the people are asking for it Luigi you must it is your destiny you must give another one a poor gamer poor Gamer’s got to go rip if I were to do another one what’s the other one I would do that is is a great question I think this is a pretty good for e e e e oh gotta love good old in the end and faint dude that song Live is absolutely bloners dude like y’all got to see live videos of that song dude like it’s absolutely Bonkers like I know there’s like a one more like concert that I watch like where they actually instead of bleeded out they ended off of that song I was like oh my gosh this is so hype just the rapping is like insanely good and then like Chester’s like incredibly insanely good screaming vocals is just out of this world I’m amazing like oh my gosh bro oh my gosh I love lol Park so much I got one other song in mind for you guys uh for you guys to celebrate our hitting our 10 likes I feel like like if you hit certain like go we’ll just play some fun fun copyright song instead of playing video games music and I’ll just have to go mute them all afterwards I got one last fun one for you guys this is going to be a fun one and it’s very easy to learn I’m sure Jay will I’m sure Jay Walker will be able to let you know how this like how how to learn this song it’s pretty easy e e e e e moving okay yeah basically so basically around the place you can replace packed mud around with one of the other blocks I I would like around so basic basically so basically what you do um so so for example each of the blocks that I have are what is this one Granite uh Granite Brown mushroom uh mud brick and there’s the what’s that one that’s just Terra right and dripstone I have doing so if you want to add some detail around with some other block that would be awesome ah Okie doie so basically like yeah so like for brown mushroom for example you could just like replace like do stuff like that yeah so basically kind of do it like like don’t do it like in like very small patches but like yeah do it like in some decently sized like P patches I don’t know I personally I personally like it when they’re not like right next to them so yeah and and you don’t have to have them like in you can do it around the outside of spikes inside structure there we go I could easily do that if I a job yeah I mean like the Tas I need help with is not that hard like it’s it’s pretty easy I think you guys don’t have enough a royal public yet are we doing more Royal Republic you guys you guys were jamming that one I mean that’s an easy one I can get my chat to like just absolutely absolutely love stop moving my keyboard is being annoying though I’m sorry to hear that who’s messaging me oh Mario’s messaging me let’s see what he said yeah spring break fed me up and I’m feeling sick today Mar’s feeling sick oh man I don’t know should I do the ratat should I do the ratatata what do you what do you guys think should I do the uh did you know I wouldn’t stop moving if I could stop moving no I I I really no way that’s crazy my mind is blown into Smither that is so crazy yeah Ro Republic is just some random rock band from Sweden and they just got like a lot of just really fun Rock stuff and they’re really enjoyable band I’m really glad my dad randomly like like like discovered them like at a rock show like my life is forever better like with ro Republic in my life or Republic makes uh makes my life so much better just their music is so much fun your stream is really delayed yeah I know it’s like an 8 SEC 8 to like 9 second delay I know I know when you’re talking to me I know I know that’s just how YouTube streams are they’re always going to be delayed comes 5 minutes later that’s why I’m typing to you in the chat good old uh good old uh good sir yeah do y’all want y’all want to hear at least another Royal Republic did you like what you hear like what you heard black would you like to hear another one I’m going crazy Royal rep Royal Republic Royal Republic Royal Republic that’s one of the things they like doing on the live concerts Ro Republic all [Music] right I want move to the beat of your heart wham bam here I am I do believe that I’m your s here I come I do believe that you’re the one your beat is all I got so Drop It Like It’s Hot your rhythm’s got me [Music] hot let’s Give It All We Got let’s party till we drop a your rhythms got me high make me feel like I can [Laughter] fly I I want to move to the beat of your heart you know the beat goes on and on I want to move to the beat of your heart I want to dance to the beat of your sing [Music] it [Music] bam here I am I do believe that I’m your s here I come I got to get get get it come on your beat is all I got so Drop It Like It’s Hot your rhythm’s got me hot on Fire Let’s Give It All We Got let’s part it till it D your rhythm’s got me high and make me feel like I can [Laughter] fly I want to move to the beat of your heart you know the beat goes on and on I want to move to the beat of your heart all right I want to hear everyone of you guys sing [Music] it want to dance to the be of your yeah yeah yeah yeah want to dance the of oh [Music] wow [Music] I want to move to the beat of your heart you know the beos so the other lyrics I want to move to the beat of your heart that’s what you got to say want to move to the beat of your heart all right sing it I I want to move to the beat of your ey I want to move to the beat of your eye want to move to the beat of your eye I want to move to the beat of your heart yes the is strong with the stream again I want to move through the beat of your heart yes Black Killing It killing [Music] it [Music] I want to move to the I want to move to the of i w Tove to the ah fun times fun fun times all right I don’t really want to deal with too much more copyright claims like uh here here forward but I can uh we can go back to some Pokemon music or do you guys want to do another poll and like vote on maybe some different uh video game music what would you guys [Music] like yeah if if you want a black B if you want to hear a lot more Republic like we were jamming to Republic like literally like a whole like building stream one time for for cut from the team so yeah w why Republic’s good [Music] stuff okay it’s not bad it’s not doing too bad [Music] pole for music next don’t you guys like this chill music here come on no one likes the chill music I can’t get myself anion oh yeah here I can do that for you [Music] sec um wait hold on I’m doing wrong command ah ah ah’s going wrong all right give ominous Dragon night vision so how do you say you get rid of it like you do it about the particles hide particles like is that the command uh maybe I can try that okay I I I see how that works [Music] I don’t know I don’t know how that works but yeah I can give it to you with the particles I’m not sure how to give it to you without it though you would have to show me the command for that I like going rock and roll I can’t argue with that this is a fire theme dude by the way the X and Y battle theme bro ah been hearing it count so they might actually knows look and I love it all right well we did Pokemon we’re going to leave we didn’t do too much Pokemon so I can throw Pokemon basically we’re just going to do the same poll again and see who ends up winning this time same poll same [Music] poll if my text would actually register my computer’s lagging so bad go to the next one bro type the name there we go oh my gosh it should not take this long to start a freaking poll bro let me start my poll [Music] please [Music] you already did all the mushroom blocks really I think there’s still plenty of areas you could do more mushroom [Music] blocks [Music] oo now the question is how long should I have the pull up for Jay I’ll be like L you just don’t have it up longer like like like Sonic’s in the lead right now we need to you need to just close the Pole right now like I want I I want Sonic to win I’m like now know Mr greedy Jay over here like I don’t know if I should do that for Mr greedy [Music] J okay hold on I’m looking at my stream replay right [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it’s definitely it’s definitely him because like are you guys about like so basically I I’m going to test this right now who can hear me see how long it takes for people to reply who can hear me can y’all hear [Music] me okay yeah it’s definitely just uh it’s definitely just ominous dragon or Brandon try [Music] this uh time okay power amplifier yeah yeah how is that going to look oh that like shrew like the hide the like [Music] particles do that do that get rid of the particles let me know [Music] for no particles okay well let me try it on myself too give a Luigi Striker night vision 100 infinite uh amplifier 10 uh [Music] true oh yeah I don’t have them anymore there you go guess that worked well I just tested it on myself and yeah it did [Music] work how many votes are on the PO right now four [Music] votes well if they don’t see any more like uh if we don’t see any more V are the PO like that we just go to Sonic [Music] music yeah we might just go to Sonic music I’m sure I’m sure some certain person doesn’t have a problem with that bro don’t give me this one I can’t do that [Music] one already got enough copyright in there stre already I’m sure Sonic’s not going to help me out dude but you know like Kuma watch YouTube’s going to be mean to me and it’s going to be like yeah you did too much copyright crap Luigi um block your video lol suck it out loser you’re bad and I’m like thanks YouTube I really appreci I really don’t appreciate that you suck I hope that doesn’t happen but you you know YouTube has that tendency sometimes to go and do that Kirby mle votes there’s only four votes may maybe I should just go in like in my accounts and just give Kirby some pity votes or something maybe I should do that at least some of was nice to Kirby before and gave Kirby a Pity boat I mean Kirby doesn’t have a lot of like rocking Tunes but there are some pretty good Kirby rocking Tunes just saying are definitely some pretty good [Music] ones have AR of all the pl shiny ar oh nice so like you literally have like a shiny Rus for each and every like one of the plates is that what you’re saying or you have like all the plates like in a shiny Rus little confused by the wording there next giveaway I just want random Pokemon for the trades random all right I’m I mean maybe I’ll remember that not entirely guaranteed I’ll remember that but um see if I can remember that yeah I’ll see if I can remember that okay well I think I’ll leave the poll up for at least like another minute or two and um I think once it says the poll has been up for 9 minutes I’ll go and declare declare the winner yes I shall declare the [Music] winner oh man I will say Pokemon music though is just like still really really really really good stuff dude this is looking amazing wow dude the detail added onto it it’s great I might be done with the mushroom blocks now um [Music] he actually didn’t do too bad of a [Music] job [Music] the Vlog drips St not the pointed DP yeah I know I’m sure you do but just making man just making sure making sure by the way to be honest the only thing I want right now is a shiny NEOS I Soul necros can you even like fuse necros and Soo together like in scarl Violet like is that even something you like you can do I’m sure I probably heard like this before but I don’t like personally remember if that actually like was a thing or not yeah you can oh shoot all right guys well whoever Mario and Pokemon were unfortunately you did not win the poll our poll winner goes to good old Sonic the Hedgehog so we are getting the Sonic Tunes like playing in the Stream now I probably just Shuffle the main Sonic music playlist see what we get wellow we start off with a great one this is a great one to start off with yes Sonic Generations versus Metal Sonic let’s go oh that’s a great one to start off with [Music] I told you guys like I’m I added the S generation soundtrack to my is before I even like started playing the game that’s how excited I am for it I told [Music] y’all I’m always excited for like a new Sonic playthrough dude always hyped for it mix them gotcha gotcha gotcha all right I guess that makes sense [Music] yeah that’s the unfortunate thing black yeah be like uh the people that only care for the Pokemon giveaways and don’t care for the rest of the content that I I provide this is definitely a term you should know uh we term them Pokemon diggers that’s a name that we have termed for them they just be digging for that Pokemon so so much like for every Craven and fiber of their being that they just don’t care about what all the other stuff that I do they’re just like only there for the Pokemon I will say though I do really really appreciate any of y’all who actually decide to go and check out some my like other content you people are the best it’s a good it’s a good name than thank you so yeah I’ve done a lot of mushroom blocks now all right did you get him in the places that I wanted you to get him in okay you did get some there good good good you did do some of the spots I was like okay I’mma move on he really wants to move on from those mushroom blocks you don’t like them didn’t really do any on the spikes here I [Music] noticed where is he doing drip Stone where is he to see how this looks with the [Music] land like if I were to do dripstone blocks like on the tower for example would that look good at all I’m looking at [Music] it [Music] is like the only block [Music] I going to find like other blocks that like work maybe we don’t have to go like in too much incredible detail the other thing I wanted to look at too was like do the mud bricks actually look fine if I had them as like a detailed [Music] block yeah I think I only want the mud bricks to be like the slabs like going around the place uh do I want dripstone though I don’t know do you guys feel like dripstone would be like a good detailing block like with the structure I personally don’t feel like it is and also I feel like my guy is still missing a lot of brown mushrooms around the place Brown mushroom blocks you think so I’m talking about these cuz like they kind just feel out of place I don’t know to me it looks kind of a like just compared like with the rest of like the blocks like being used around the place it’s [Music] like like the like definitely some of the blocks I’m using here like it feels like it’s actually like good all right I’m going to tell him to [Music] [Music] stop [Music] I think the one place that I think could use them though is like the spike Cavern though cuz I mean like it does feel like in place like here [Music] though fun fact I I don’t know if I told you this I I only joined the first giveaway I wish because I wanted Pokemon and your stream didn’t have that many people and I thought your streams were fun and now I’m mod feel I manag to fit that a while nice [Music] touch cuz I think it would work nice here it definitely would look nice here sorry sorry Dragon so now what I want you to do now dragon is um there’s probably still some places I feel like brown mushroom blocks like should be placed I’ll probably place them myself if you want I started doing it over here I started placing a bunch of like tiny dripstone like spikes around the place you can start placing them around the place and if you want to start jutting some more up like a little bit higher you can do that too hey Tyler how you doing good sir sorry I totally I I knew you were here and everything Tyler I was just trying to there was a little bit of a dilemma here so I was trying to go and figure it out apologies ah yeah it’s kind of crazy to think about it like when you say that all at once like [Music] Jay heck oh go good about yourself not that I don’t mind you being here or anything why sudden they coming on the stream all of a sudden just curious I use [Music] comms uh [Music] well oh whenever you get around to hearing this this is no offense to you or anything I like At first like having new people like go in the world I don’t really trust them enough like to go have op like op is like something you got to go and and like earn like earn over time that’s just kind of how I’ve had it it’s like you go and like build a trust and if I feel like I trust you enough to have op then I give it however I do understand that the fact that like you’re pretty good with commands I can definitely tell that I can definitely like see that like from you [Music] so I’m like a little iffy it’s like a me is like yeah maybe I should go M PE like just for the time being because he’s pretty good at commands and I mean you do seem like a decently trustworthy person over all I mean hey you’re willing to go and help me out here well like nobody else was willing to go like and help me out so I appreciate [Music] that so I guess I can but what I may end up doing though is like maybe like I’ll have a I’ll let you have op for now when I’m online but when when I’m offline though I’m I I won’t let you have it though my dude the stream delay is not that long you need to check it out literally only you it’s long look at it may me reload the streen I don’t want to type in the chat all the time berky worky [Music] H basic summary of my message I will give you op for now but only when I am online you will not have it when I am offline still don’t trust you enough do not take offense in that [Music] uh ah hey Tyler I think you forgot to do something that all moderators are supposed to go was is supposed to go and do you forgot to do something I’m sure you can go correct your wrong and go and go and do that right now can my scroller go down I guess not I have to do it manually for a second I thought he had operator like I didn’t give him that like that’s weird my bad just like the video good boy there you go now now now now Tyler’s being a good moderator yes like the video if you haven’t done so guys 12 likes that’s awesome thank y’all y’all the best any anyone who likes Luigi streamer is is awesome I’m going to do first stream which show was a giveaway and I thought you just be one of those famous guys and just not funny but I saw you pretty chill and started liking your streams I appreciate that I’m definitely not famous judging by the fact that I only have like 1, like 300 subscribers but again [Music] no Crush my memory of the commands again I believe I know that [Music] one uh uh Phil this is just uh let’s see packed mud replace drip stone [Music] block that’s like an example of a replace command that’s the one I like [Music] using you deserve more sub true black I agree all thank you guys I appreciate I appreciate the support soundly good to nice to have like some good chill streamers like uh here like like every now and again you know cuz I mean like I know like a lot of people like do really appreciate like a lot of those like crazy YouTubers like with a crazier like commentary on that I mean I I definitely appreciate a lot of those YouTubers too and they like do like really good stuff but it’s nice every now and then just to go appreciate like some of the more chill like YouTubers like maybe you just want to have like a nice chill time jam out to some good music or what not have some good fun conversations cuz another thing that like the nice thing about like not being popular is the fact that like well it’s a little less stress inducing for me in my streams and too I actually get to talk to you guys like a lot easier too cuz you don’t see like popular streamers like moist critical for example like talking to like literally everybody like in his like chat or whatnot like no you don’t see people like that like uh doing that so there’s actually like some benefits for being like a small streamer actually get to like really interact like if your chat more and whatnot so that’s something I like about actually being small no YouTuber and I’m really happy also the fact that like what I’m doing too is also like making some Revenue as well that was a hard January and [Music] February I see what he was doing with the drip Stone I mean like I don’t know I’m looking at it from above here like it I don’t know for like it doesn’t feel fitting for the tower like like the Big Stone structure but it actually doesn’t look too bad on the ground for some reason like what the hell so weird like it’s more fitting on the ground actually it would make sense if it’s more fitting on the ground judging by the fact that we’re like like you place a bunch of these like spikes everywhere what is he even doing right now he’s probably testing out you’re probably testing on both commands okay I got [Music] you it’s actually a good idea to test it over there before you Mak a mistake I actually like that he’s doing that like props in for doing that respond to most comments too yeah I do my best I do my best to go and do that you got it B I guess at this point here if you guys got anything you want to ask me like uh like just like interest questions or whatnot I could do my best to answer them if I can’t answer them I’m sorry but I’m down to answer like some questions right now maybe y y’all may have got anything for me also I feel like you could have just gone around and like replace the dripstone blocks just fine also you really didn’t do too much with BLS it would not have taken that [Music] long do you have a least favorite video [Music] game ooh oh [Music] man that’s a great [Music] question I’m unsure it’s a genuinely good question I never actually thought about [Music] that um uh let’s [Music] see mainly just do it on the floor and not on the bikes or the huge Cliff side no I’ll be back to stream I’ll be on my I’ll be on my account at two weeks on the summer I won’t be on streams what side it’s all over here you can see like little dripstone spikes that haven placed around the place so I’m just kind of like um so this is not like the final thing I’m planning on doing with these like I’m just kind of placing them around like as like little pointed drip Stone but eventually like later on we’re going to go like in like if you want like when you’re placing them you can like Elevate them like this like around the place I think a majority though like try to keep it with one Spike but you can like bring up like some spikes around the place though so for now just kind of place like little one pointed dripstones around the place and then and then like and in some areas like here and there like make them like pretty space like spaced [Music] out I think for the like majority like have it as a small ones but you can like like like space them out like with the big ones cuz all like the big ones like all close together are in the mountain side I only want like the big ones just to be spread out around here so you can build them up or like so mainly have so just mainly have the small ones around the place but like space them out like with the big ones though I don’t even have like the big ones like go up like all too high God see might D for that long yeah it sucks when you’re like members have to go move away it does suck s that’s I feel for you even though I personally well I mean I kind of feel that in my own way too cuz I mean going to college like At first like it was like really hard for me like to leave my family like literally like I I I had like a big like tearful like goodbye like in my freshman year like I was like crying probably like 15 like 20 minutes straight and eventually like when it came time like for them to go and like leave me on my own and whatnot like I just completely really broke down in tears like in front of them dude I was like I was very sad to go and leave my family like when uh when it came to like going to college like it was it was rough obviously now like I I get to see them like like in my breaks and whatnot even like when I’m leaving after my breaks like it’s like hard to go and leave them against I do really like my family I I have a good family I’m really grateful for that got it and only really have them on the floor not on the big spikes or the huge one should I try Shamrock at McDonald if I have but I kind of wonder what it tastes like maybe it’ll be like the new Grimace check you never know oh yes the cyberspace final final Horizon remixes yes they’re so good so so good that’s I have a few years before something like that like happens to me honestly the more and more you grow up the more and more like life is going to get rough unfortunately and and I feel that and one thing that like defin concerns me like it’s actually like I don’t know how much I’m actually going to be able to do videos for you guys like over the summer like I may be going on like a like I’ll definitely be able like to work on some stuff like main Channel and the second Channel eyes I be nice to catch up on some main Channel content but streaming wise though this channel might be pretty dead over the summer actually it might be pretty dead exid for the beginning of beginning of my summer like Luigi why is that well because I’m be having an internship pretty much my whole summer like at theer point and who knows how many days like per week I’m working how many days I have off and also like I don’t know I think I really trust like having all my computer set up and whatnot like actually like like left us like the employees like at Cedar Point like like living in the dorm and whatnot there so I don’t know I’m like there’s a whole lot of concern that I have too and there also the fact that like for my streams too is that they have like like the building that I could like live in too like I have to be pretty quiet like in there too like I can’t be like Rowdy like how I am like in some of my streams and I feel like that would be pretty difficult for me to do I mean I’m I’m sure I could do it but yeah that’d be pretty difficult for me to do though it’s Grim is’s father oh my gosh so yeah like I honestly don’t know how much I am going to be able to do content wise like streaming wise like on my [Music] channel I will say guys I will say this thing is looking very very good this looking very very good like oh my gosh dude this is good stuff I still want to answer like Jay’s question it’s my least favorite video game I played God that’s a hard question hold on I’m going to hold my stream like steamless Library oh God I don’t know dude it’s like like most of the games I play are actually genuinely good and it’s hard to pick like a game that I genuinely hate yeah that’s kind of like the situation I’m in right [Music] now oh what’s a game that I hate with a burning passion it doesn’t have to be a video game per se I’m thinking of like what I’ve played God do you guys have like a least well I know Jay said one but y’all have like a least favorite game y’all played I mean rhythm games are not really my personal favorite but I don’t want to say like Rhythm Heaven Fever is like my least favorite game though and also like I only played Friday night funkin for like an hour but I didn’t really like it all that much CU again I’m not a rhythm game kind of person so maybe I could give the unfortunate honor to Friday night funkin just because Rhythm games are my thing but I feel like that’s also like not really like true because I’ve seen like some of the really cool Friday night funkin stuff that people have done so I appreciate I appreciate it for that so I don’t think like Frid night Funk can be my least favorite [Music] game like I don’t know it’s so hard y’all like y’all have like a a Le favorite game of all time well cuz I was talking about games that I don’t like and I’m not really a huge fan of Rhythm games and the two Rhythm games I’ve played was Rhythm and fever and Friday night funkin Pokemon night he favorite game Roblox you know what I actually may agree with I I may actually agree with you on that one syus yeah if you really into Rhythm games like you would really like like Friday night monin so that’s understandable if you really like that I can definitely tell your delay is a lot better now you’re actually replying to me in decent time [Music] now haven’t gotten any Sonic song in the shuffle yet surprisingly Sonic SS makes up about like 86 of the 487 so it’s not extremely likely that they will go and play but there’s the possibility though I mainly say this so any of you guys who don’t know a good history of my channel like something I like advertising every now and again is I made a Luigi Striker movie on my main channel so yeah I I have like I I have two other channels too this is not like my only Channel I have the main Channel I made the movie on and then which also like has a lot of more of my edited content hey murder Sonic the Hedgehog new one of the newest additions to the Sonic playlist nice let’s go that’s awesome we got murder Sonic dead l anyways but so highly recommend if you want to uh you want to see more of my awesome content that I do you can go subscribe to that uh subscribe to the main Channel or you can subscribe if you like some good old church worship music then you can listen to some of the music from my church and also from my college as well if that interests you that’s the second Channel or you can just subscribe to both just because you want to also support me that’s totally fine too links to links to my other channels are always in the description below so there’s an easy way you can go and get to them easy easy way but B basically basically in my movie though there’s one part that I knew I definitely had to highlight which was the Roblox game yeah the Roblox game so basically a while back ago I for some reason like some high schoolers that I knew like just kept consistently like begging me to go like and do a video on Roblox and I’m just like no I don’t want to do a video on Roblox eventually I remember making this update video like saying like Okay well if you hit this like goal in the video and you hit this sub goal like then I’ll go and do it and I made it pretty difficult to go and get like I was like there ain’t no freaking way they’re going to end up getting this goal and to my surprise they started getting a bunch of alt accounts and like started rapidly subscribing like to my channel and I gained like 60 subscribers or something like that and and they also like liked the video like to the like am out too and I was just like what the fck like so I’m like fine I’ll go play Roblox so I played so honestly Roblox just annoys me for the fact of like what happened to me like back like in early high school and just because they begged me to go like and literally like just like reamed and got like the the light goal like really really easily and I was like oh my goodness gracious like these guys are crazy so and in turn of that too they decided to make a diss track of me when diss tracks were popular yeah I’m like great and and in return they’re like you should make a diss track and I’m like no I did a Cinema Sins Everything Wrong video against them and told them how much I hated this stupid diss track they make I was like it’s terrible dude like literally some of their like part of their like their diss track like sounds like absolute gibberish like absolute [Music] gibberish uh I still think you can go and build up some more drip Stone around the place and there’s still some areas where you definitely need to place a lot more like look around the place some more yeah there should be way more drip Stone on this side you need a lot more than that pal not enough I see them out of drip Stone like on this side here you got to have a lot more than that on the other side I need more more more more kind of like how you need more cowbell we need more drip Stone spikes more drip Stone [Music] also I love the freaking Sonic Generations credits Fame dude it’s like a compilation of like a bunch of like awesome Sonic themes that you know like from the game it’s so good this is great this is great music here in the background bro I’m trying to see where else I need to go play some brick slabs mhm my karate on and and aish isn’t that isn’t that like one of like the noises like that like it makes nice I like it I dig it I dig it uh my brother says it tastes like toothpaste fair enough appreciate the dancing dancing earlier my shiny RC is dancing yes I still can’t believe I tra a shiny Rus for Maron not a bad deal Kate for for Kate Mar I met my RC is weird yeah anybody who names something big daddy is I just kind of like like like you know like the rock like M goes like the that’s what I think uh that’s what I think when I hear someone named big daddy [Music] like oh yeah speed of sound got places to go got to follow my rainbow can’t sck around got to keep moving on cuz what lies ahead only one way to find out let keep on moving ahead no time for and follow my plan instead TR what you can see my lead I’ll set you free follow me set me free and trust me and we will Escape From the City I’ll make it through follow follow me Set Me Free and trust me and we will Escape From the City I’ll make it prove it to you follow me make it through oh yeah [Music] yeah this is just the melody I’m telling you the credits are just The Melody of all the great themes and Sonic Generations good stuff really weird I don’t know surprised I didn’t see Jay Walker singing along with me come on you ask for the Sonic music Jay Walker you’re not even singing along to it [Music] unbelievable that guy failed me failed me Jay Walker can’t believe you done this do I have any new moderators in mind I mean maybe I do possibly I do who knows maybe it could be one of you who’s not moderator in the chat yet maybe maybe I’m thinking of it potentially you never know o the spooky mystery of who’s going to be the next Luigi streamer moderator oo so scary I how Jay hasn’t even implied to me roasting him yet oh J he has vanished he’s vanished from the e oh no rap J F F in the chat for [Music] will I be I definitely don’t know definitely 100% I’m I’m like the most clueless person how would I ever know who’s going to be uh of course you got to have the classic Rooftop Run got to have the classic [Music] [Music] [Music] so need to be so much more more dripstone around the place uh good old Brandon more more no it’s not enough Never [Music] Enough like you need to have a lot of dripstone like close [Music] together like you can kind of see like how I have it over here it’s like you need to just start like rapidly play like play placing them like around the place like you need to have them like very close together like you can’t have much open room like it’s it’s going to be hard to walk around with so much dripstone like little spikes around the place that’s what you got to do you need to make it like so it’s hard to walk around maybe even this area over here too I don’t feel like there’s still enough drip Stone it needs more dripstone we need more cowbell these tows is driving crazy the one thing I will say is potentially the person I am thinking of giving moderator to I think they’re getting pretty close yeah I think they uh I think they are pretty close to going again their moderator status I I think they do deserve it soon that’s one thing I’ll say so someone so someone potentially here I feel like may be close to earning the moderator status ooh now the mystery keep continues even further oh man dang how many of these spikes do I have around the place dude I can’t say who it going going to be that would ruin the surprise who knows maybe I could like make a new moderator in the Stream here you never [Music] know casually casually black after being on these streams for just like a little bit he gets moderator Stylus is like what the hell I bet you’re so much longer than this guy how dare you Luigi now that being said am I actually giving him the moderator I don’t know who knows it’s not confirmed nothing’s confirmed here black just randomly like perks up he’s like wait what sorry I was AFK where you though oh man yeah I think we will be ending off our good old building stream year soon but this was a good building stream I like it I I like this building stream this this was a good one this was a good one maybe next year you have a chance of getting Mo you getting a chance of getting moderated in the Stream is like flying to the moon and back for breakfast it’s never going to happen that’s what we say to people like wave you have the likely chance of getting moders be fly to the moon and then back for breakfast it’s never going to happen it’s one of my favorite lines from America’s Got it’s like it’s like when Simon cow is like roasting people that is like the worst worst editions I’ve ever heard in in my life in my life I haven’t done that oh my gosh that’s some hilarious roast that I’ve heard like from some TV shows dude it’s like a good Gordon Ram one oh man what is that I don’t know Chef it’s not good enough you’re not good enough piss off who’s putting all this in the bin how much you putting in there look look what the freak is this you take your jacket off and get out get out get fed can I can can I do anything sh yeah you can do something get out pack your freaking bags and get out it’s the kind of smoky tiger what the T offit look at it rubber rubber rubber Sharon enough’s enough fre up and go put some more makeup on oh my gosh it looks like a bison’s p word what is that what is that what are you and any sandwich he a sandwich what need a sandwich je Ramsey no it’s not enough drip Stone you don’t understand the power of the dripstone I don’t see enough over here still not enough like do you see the amount of drift stone that I’m doing over here I don’t see that I don’t see that much on the other side there’s probably still more I want to do do over here need far more drip Stone seems like a lot for me well it’s not enough not [Music] enough see like this Blank Space here that didn’t have like enough drip Stone I mean I can help you start placing some dripstone around the place I still trying to figure out my mud brick slabs I still I’m still figuring them out a lot of mud brick slabs I got to go and place around the around these freaking spikes to make them look better I’m trying to go and like place them Mark the spaces well honestly this hole so I think like on so if we’re looking at it from this direction here the right side is pretty good pretty good overall still feel like there could be some work done on this side though there’s still a few spaces that like yeah I could still see there being some more so the the right side overall is looking pretty decent still can do some work but like compared to the right side like like the left side compared to the right side though there’s just nothing compared to character with those they need to like be placing so much more of the tiny drip STS around the [Music] place is this ending it’s going to be ending actually pretty dang soon all right who’s here who’s here towards the end of the stream right now do you want to go off strong or you want to end off just kind of chill like what would you guys what would you guys want do you want to go off strong or do you want to end off chill I’ll [Music] chill what would you guys like all right so I’m probably going to make a note for myself to pick up on the mud bricks end off of building well of course I’m going to be ending it off of building so do you want the do you want to end off the stream in a strong way or do you want to end it off in some calm calm way so you got to either say you got to either say calm uh calm or strong in the chat calm or strong we got one vote for strong what uh Tyler you want to put your uh Pro put in strong every day all right how about the rest of y’all Strong building is strong so I guess that’s have to vote for strong all right uh do a pull we don’t need to do a pull since everybody seems to be agreeing on the strong who needs some pull everyone’s in agreeance all right but how do we end off strong that’s a great question there’s so many amazing ways to going into our strong I think this is a pretty fitting one to go and do since it’s literally we’re at the end of the show here so let’s end off let’s end off this show strong shall we it’s time to find our [Music] flame I’m here go beyond my limit not to compromise and you can tell me if I mean it looking in my eyes cuz I’ve been waiting for my moment to strike so come close so let me show you what it’s like yeah you can try to stand in my path but you’re going to regret it I’ll be the one who last last while I’m making my exit cuz this is only for the strong of heart not if you get it and no matter what the outcome you better accept it well the whole world know your name when we dance [Music] [Music] with I’m never going to stop believing you’ll find your lame oh we can save the day [Music] [Music] day like I’m seeing double vision take a seat them on a mission we got everything to gain in the game yeah to become a everything you’re not you just give it all you got and take the pleasure with the pain yeah I can feel my fire awaken no time for being complacent if there’s a dream on the horizon you know we got to chase it when we get to where we’re going then we start The Invasion best me now you must me mistaken [Music] he sing will the whole world know your name here we go will the whole world now y when we Dan Sun I been arrow and I seen it oh I’m never going to stop believing you find your now here we go it’s the end end of the show hear them they’re calling your name cuz in the end it’s you and your friends find your FL let’s go one last time guys I need to put those Rock fingers and guitars in the chat one last time [Music] here we it’s the end of the show the end of the [Music] show in the [Music] end now it’s the end of the show you’ll find your flame well well well well who who well I will say this build just keeps continuously like uh like more and more and more and more improving like oh my goodness gracious like this build is very much just continuously improving [Music] um it’s looking very very good now I will say yes definitely this side over here is uh looking pretty good I think there should still still still be some more like back here still think there should be but you know mean being me being the picky one over here yeah I mean I think this is definitely looking like really really solid so far like I mean I’m really liking the progress of it still still got us I still say though this side over here it’s it’s getting better I can have to tell it’s getting better still plenty of blank spaces like some blank spaces like here here and there I appreciate what you did I’m not saying I’m not appreciating your work at all by any means like I appreciate your work again you’re not really like you can’t really read my mind or what or what not like of exactly like what I’m looking for like within the build so you’re you’re trying your best and I completely understand like you’re just trying to work like with the ability like that you have just trying to understand trying to understand my brain I do really appreciate your work like definitely whenever I make a video for this and my man you’re getting credited so so far I’ve had Mega Rosie uh and ominous uh ominous Dragon help me out now even with that help though I still did a pretty good majority of this like build here obviously I’m the main Builder but I still really appreciate like the helpers that I get along the way though helpers uh helpers are definitely really really appreciated and yeah if you’re able to come on one of these streams I would totally love to have you come and help again for sure I think definitely there is going to be one thing that we got to go and do I mean I I I I would love to go like if we said it to night hold on I need effect clear the Lu Striker as you can see there is not there there’s not a lot of lighting here at all besides a little lava patches and whatnot I think that’s definitely going to be something that will change in some future streams here oh yeah for sure but I mean yeah overall though I mean we got like a lot a lot of progress like done though like the mud brick uh we got like mud bricks added in the granates got a lot of those like dripstone spikes added around the the place you got the lava and water patches we got some detail inside like they’re done with like the detailing like dude honestly we got like a pretty good chunk of stuff done today there’s still plenty of Left for the cut from the team build to go and do though and uh I do know about the light block and I’m probably that’s going to be something I’m using I actually was using it in in the in inside of the cave as well so yeah we’ll make uh we’ll make it look uh pretty ominous like with the lighting and whatnot I think it’d be very very cool like light up that mountain side like in a certain way then just like give it like that really cool look but yeah this is definitely looking pretty pretty good uh I think the next build I’m so basically I think what will happen is I will keep working on this build if Mario keeps cancelling the Nuzlocke streams but if Mario doesn’t cancel like any of these like upcoming like nuzlock streams honestly personally I hope that he doesn’t because the nuzlock streams are honestly a lot of fun like I really do enjoy doing nuzlock streams but if he does cancel any other nuzlock streams I can either do more of this build here or I can do more of wild cats Revenge which wild cats Revenge the only reason why I decided not to do it today because I just really wasn’t in the mood to go and focus on trying to make the layout since that’s the current part that I’m on layout work at gasters is so annoying but man I once those layouts are done though it looks so so nice oh my gosh though I mean you can you can see how good some of these coasters look once you actually get the layout done and get the supports and everything like dude these coasters look amazing looks absolutely amazing like this one especially like Montu do like this layout man it was tough it was tough but man when you get like freaking lay crazy layouts like this done dude like oh it looks so satisfying so so satisfying and yeah trying to get that wild cats revenge like out done I’m trying to get another coaster done but you know I also have some other side projects too the Mario Kart one behind yeah if any of you guys are wondering what the heck was be like behind the cut from the team thing yeah pretty uh pretty awesome I love this Mario Kart 8 Deluxe uh map Recreation we did here it was for the winter Christmas party have a awesome ice boating mini game here pretty sick again I would love to go do some kind of of the world and show like some of the awesome builds that we’ve done over time but yeah if you’re wondering how I’m flying fast it’s for lunar client I recently decided to go and get it and I was like yep it’s making my game like no longer crash at all and I freaking love it so lunar Klein is like my way to go while while playing Minecraft now so and you get fast you get fast flying and a lot of awesome other features you can go and do it’s good stuff I I definitely personally recommend checking it out uh really really good stuff lunar client here just place it in the chat that’s what it is it’s like a client you can go and download uh you can go and get for Minecraft it’s really really good has a lot of awesome features that I’m sure you would definitely would love and also one of the main ones I love is just being able to fly around fast and I’m not even doing that like for like potion effects or anything it’s just lunar client just does that for you manually it’s awesome all right y’all well I’m going to get ready for Trans iing over to our Pokémon giveaway so yeah it’ll be the fourth to last Indigo disc giveaway and yeah if you guys want to see more of these building streams fortunately in the next building stream that I currently have planned like is going to be a long time from now it’s going to be towards the end of March which is for wild cats Revenge wildcast Revenge mainly because the fact is that I and like well obviously like this week and next week after that like are the the free streams of like the Pokemon giveaways so yeah so that so that one of the main reasons why so yeah so Minecraft building streams will come back two weeks from now so wait two weeks and we’ll have another Minecraft building stream for you guys all right cool all righty I’m going to stop blabbering on like I always do but thank you guys so much again for watching and I’ll see you guys next awesome video on Luigi streamers Channel and I’ll be see you guys next time peace stream stacking out out of here I’ll be seeing you all later byebye see [Music] y’all oh and like the video if you haven’t done so and hit that sub button thank [Music] y’all

This video, titled ‘MARIO PARTY COMING ALIVE IN MINECRAFT!! – Cut from the Team Building 4’, was uploaded by TheLuigiStreamer on 2024-03-17 19:49:31. It has garnered 92 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:13 or 9733 seconds.

We did Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in Minecraft, and now we are doing Mario Party 8 in Minecraft! I always wanted to make more mini-games in my amusement park world. One mini-game I wanted to have was a luck-based mini-game. I felt like a good one to make would be Cut from the Team from Mario Party 8! The way this game works is you cut a rope and if you’re safe you don’t get launched! However, if you cut the wrong rope, bye-bye off the cliff side you go! My version of this will be slightly different and you’ll see how.

I will try my absolute hardest to recreate this mini-game as accurately as I can with the huge rock formation design. I don’t really have a clue how long this will take, but I know it definitely will not take just one stream. I am more than willing to accept help during the building process but keep in mind that I may have trouble finding things for you to help with at some points. I hope y’all are hyped for another Mario MC recreation and like & sub for more Minecraft content in the future! 😀

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    Minecraft Mayhem: Hypixel Mini Games Madness Hypixel Mini Games Madness Live Stream In Minecraft! Get ready for an epic adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Hypixel Mini Games Madness Live Stream! Dive into a virtual universe filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, there’s something for everyone in this thrilling event. Explore the Hypixel Minecraft Server Step into the Hypixel Minecraft server, a hub of creativity and fun. With a wide range of mini-games to choose from, including SkyWars, Bed Wars, and Build Battle, the possibilities are endless. Test your skills, team up with friends,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase Exploring the Latest MiniaTuria Mod Update for Minecraft The MiniaTuria Mod for Minecraft has recently received a significant update, transitioning from version 1.8 to version 8. This update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game, focusing primarily on decorative elements. From animal blocks to chest blocks, weapons, tools, backpacks, and more, players can now enjoy an expanded array of customization options. Additionally, the update introduces new building materials such as the golden series and rock texture series, providing players with a wide selection of resources to unleash their creativity. Key Features of the MiniaTuria Mod… Read More

  • Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers

    Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a domain creator in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original and humorous Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter among audiences. Unique Content Offerings With a focus on creating original and entertaining content, 方块轩’s channel stands out as the sole official channel associated with the creator. Any videos related to 方块轩 on other channels are unauthorized reproductions and lack the creator’s endorsement. Viewers can… Read More

  • Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight

    Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Our favorite news reporter, spinning rhymes that jive. Updates and news, all delivered with flair, In every verse, the essence of gaming is there. From funny animations to unique experiences, Each video brings joy, no room for grievances. With characters like Stress and OdoKentang in play, The world of Minecraft comes alive in a playful display. So like, subscribe, and share with glee, Supporting Kulpi Semungku, the channel that’s key. In every frame, unforgettable moments unfold, In the extraordinary world of animation, stories untold. Read More

  • Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure

    Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure Welcome to the Boundless World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds. In Minecraft, you have the power to explore endless possibilities and embark on thrilling adventures. Exploration and Adventure Await From lush forests to vast oceans, every corner of the world is yours to discover. Build towering castles, sail the high seas, or simply roam the countryside in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Creativity But the world of Minecraft is not just about exploration. It’s about creation. Let your imagination run wild as you design intricate structures, craft powerful tools, and shape the… Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, From hidden temples to mushrooms that astound. Digging down, finding treasure in the ground, With diamond armor and swords that are renowned. But beware of traps, lurking in the dark, One wrong move, and you’ll miss the mark. So light up the way, with torches bright, Navigate carefully, through the night. And when it comes to schoolwork, don’t delay, No excuses for not writing, come what may. Headaches won’t save you, from the task at hand, So grab your pen and paper, and take a stand. In the realm of Minecraft, adventure… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe” 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems

    "Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe" 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. #minecraftproblems #oops #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Melon Madness: EP9 Minecraft Let’s Play

    Melon Madness: EP9 Minecraft Let's Play Vanderzone MC Lets Play Episode 9: Trades, Melons & Treasure Expanding the Villager Trading Hall In this episode, Vanderzone embarks on expanding the villager trading hall to accommodate more villagers and trades. The addition of new villagers brings a variety of trade options, from armor to tools, enriching the gameplay experience. Vanderzone’s meticulous approach to design is evident as they incorporate different materials like andersite and wood to create a visually appealing trading area. Automating Composting with Style One of the highlights of this episode is Vanderzone’s creation of an automatic composter for excess seeds. The attention to detail… Read More

  • EPIC BATTLE: Defeating the Wither in Minecraft! 🤯

    EPIC BATTLE: Defeating the Wither in Minecraft! 🤯Video Information [Musik] ja halli hallo und herzlich willkommen zurück zur finalen Folge hier dieser Staffel bei Minecraft in genau gesagt in der 205 mittlerweile aber ohne experimentelle Futures ne für die die jetzt er eingeschalten haben genau wir wollen in dieser Folge gegen den Witter kämpfen und darauf haben wir uns auf jeden Fall vorbereitet ne ich habe mir ja noch mal eine neue Rüstung gemacht nachdem ich meinen guten stuff wo ich lang dafür gegrindet hab verloren hab habe ich mir noch meine neue Rüstung gemacht und in der letzten Folge haben wir uns den Helm hier noch… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod Adventure

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod AdventureVideo Information [Music] all right we can hear things yay finally some food we need to make another thing okay so what I was realizing um after the stream yesterday is that we have moss and that we can use that Moss to turn rock into moss and um then we can then we can um then we can compost that moss and get um and get bone meal and then we can bir trees so we’re going to try doing that today have this iron cooking than that copper but also let the copper finish I guess I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts’, was uploaded by VIJAY_SHORTS987 on 2024-05-17 10:00:37. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftcomedy #minecraftsurvival #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuilding #minecraftanimation #minecraftpe #minecraftlive Read More

  • Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animation

    Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animationVideo Information This video, titled ‘im not gay #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by raiza dimension on 2024-02-05 07:37:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hello dear cats, I’m Rizqi, the discord dimension cat: … Read More

  • SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!Video Information I was on my server when I saw the most toxic player online and he was raiding my friend’s base so I took off my armor and threw down an invis potion I went closer and I saw him eliminate my friend and then he started placing a bunch of signs he was griefing this poor base and leaving a massive mess then a few minutes later my friend teleported back and he said he was quitting I couldn’t believe this so I decided to fix his base and soon the base was back to normal 1 hour… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!

    EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!Video Information I let me check real quick hold up are we live Henry you good Jesus no I’m not but thank you no thank you give me one second um are we are we live second I’m at 10:15 a.m. it is 105 hry [Music] stop hold up oh oh wait hold up it says live for me hold up oh oh we’re live okay um hi everyone I I gotta I think I got to open up Safari all right no it’s fine so we’re already live okay so uh hello everyone it is me Hen Henry and… Read More

  • Unbeatable VaroelCreeper – Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraft

    Unbeatable VaroelCreeper - Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraftVideo Information será mi mascota la legendaria sal el salmón acaba de morir por mi culpa es Pues nada no sé dónde está el salmón yo quería llevarme en el cubo y decir gu tú se ha pirado lo acabo de ver se ha pirado se ha pirado o ha muerto No no sí se ha pirado se ha pirado para el principio de la cua voy que yo puedo tener el cubo de agua con un salmón y usarlo como agua entonces mi objetivo es este salmón lleg vi a casa si llega vi a casa va a ser… Read More

  • Unlock Your True Self – CCM Time Secrets!

    Unlock Your True Self - CCM Time Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unshackling Expectations, Becoming Your True Self’, was uploaded by CCM Time on 2024-05-27 13:46:31. It has garnered 93 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #mindfulness Moments in #minecraft #367 Elevating wellness one sandbox at a time. #motivation #help #selfimprovement #mindset #relax #relaxingmusic #selfcare #viral #shorts #mentalhealth #healthandwellness Find out the meaning and purpose of CCM here: Check out the Coffee, Cannabis & Minecraft Facebook Group here: (Adults only, sorry kids it’s not personal, it’s a legal thing.) *”CCM Time” videos are intended for mature viewers,… Read More

  • Lost on Island – The Ultimate Beta Day Reveal

    Lost on Island - The Ultimate Beta Day RevealVideo Information hello everybody and welcome back to Beta days I’m beanan and today we are moving some supplies over towards the uh portal stronghold Island yeah or the portal Island whatever it’s called we’re moving some supplies over there because we need to start working on our little base that we have and kind of getting it more syndicated if you will uh to our need before we get into today’s video please remember to leave a like leave a comment and subscribe if you’re new I make videos every Monday Wednesday Friday with random streams and videos throughout… Read More

  • Infaru Semi-vanilla Roleplay Political Sim No resets 17+ Java Bedrock

    Infaru – Vanilla Political Simulation Server Welcome to Infaru, a political simulation server where players lead all events. Join towns, run for Senator, report news, or start an uprising! Features: Utilizes Towny plugin for town creation Complex political landscape GeyserMC plugin for Java and Bedrock cross-play Join us on Discord: Discord Server IP: Website: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gamemodes with friends – the ultimate Minecraft adventure!

    Looks like they ended up with a “fun” game mode called “Accidentally Burnt Down the Entire Village and Villagers Hated Us” mode. Read More

  • Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who’s on Top? Minecraft Showdown!

    Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who's on Top? Minecraft Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, a battle unfolds, Block Bedrock faces all mobs, bold and cold. With each swing and each strike, the story’s told, In the rhythm of rhymes, the tale unfolds. From Creepers to Endermen, they all come near, But Block Bedrock stands strong, without fear. In the heat of the fight, the truth is clear, Block Bedrock reigns supreme, that much is clear. So gather ’round, let the story be told, Of Block Bedrock’s might, brave and bold. In the world of Minecraft, where legends are sold, Block Bedrock stands tall, a sight to behold. Read More

  • “Remember Son… Lava is Hotter Than Your Mixtape” #minecraft #meme

    "Remember Son... Lava is Hotter Than Your Mixtape" #minecraft #meme Remember Son… in Minecraft, always make sure to dig straight down for the best loot! Just kidding, please don’t do that unless you want to fall into a pit of lava and lose all your diamonds. #minecraftprobs #lessonlearned Read More

  • 10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft!

    10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft! The Epic Castle Build in Minecraft Resource Gathering and Preparation After spending hours collecting resources, ShadowClawMCYT embarked on a monumental task – building a castle in Minecraft. With over 3,000 snow blocks and countless other materials, the challenge was set. The Castle Construction Utilizing a layer-by-layer building style, ShadowClawMCYT began constructing the castle walls and towers. The meticulous process led to the creation of a grand structure that stood out in the Minecraft world. The Manor and Details The main Manor within the castle featured intricate details, from mud brick gradients to oak planks and stripped oak logs. Each… Read More

  • Endless Rails in Minecraft Survival

    Endless Rails in Minecraft Survival Explorando Trilhos Infinitos no Minecraft Survival O mundo de Minecraft está repleto de segredos e truques, e um dos mais interessantes é a possibilidade de ter trilhos infinitos no seu modo de sobrevivência. Com um simples bug antigo do jogo, você pode criar uma máquina que produzirá trilhos de forma ilimitada. Vamos explorar como isso é feito e como você pode aproveitar essa funcionalidade única. Como Ter Trilhos Infinitos no Minecraft Para começar, você precisará de alguns materiais básicos: pedregulho (ou outro bloco de sua escolha), um pistão grudento, blocos de slime, um observador, uma alavanca e blocos de… Read More

  • SHOCKING REVEAL: Krummi’s Crazy Secret Revealed! 😱

    SHOCKING REVEAL: Krummi's Crazy Secret Revealed! 😱Video Information also ich weiß ja auch nicht so ganz Leute aber irgendwie kribbelt ganz unangenehm wenn ich hier gerade so rumlaufe in diesem hffelpff [Musik] Gemeinschaftsraum und damit erstmal herzlich willkommen meine lieben Freunde hier zu einer neuen Folge von Let’s build hffelpuff Gemeinschaftsraum aka let’s build hogbots mit mir dem dcky LP hi Leute ja ihr habt vielleicht letzte Folge schon gesehen ich habe damit angefangen die dritte und finale Version von vom hffelpff Gemeinschaftsraum zu bauen genau ich ihr merkt schon an meinem rumgestotter und an meinem verhaspeln der Wörter das es eine sehr ja anspruchsvolle Aufgabe… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jump Give Op Item

    Insane Minecraft Jump Give Op ItemVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But, Jump Gives Op Item 😱’, was uploaded by GaminG-Do on 2024-03-04 01:29:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Video I will Try Minecraft but, jump Gives Op Item in this video making 9 days + Hardwork and if you like this video than … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024!

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days Survival 2024 / new,minecraft,100,days,survival,2024’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / minecraft on 2024-01-15 09:00:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days 2024 / Minecraft / 100 Days / 2024 #minecraft #minecraft100days … Read More

  • EPIC Adventure in Paradise! Minecraft S3 EP.43

    EPIC Adventure in Paradise! Minecraft S3 EP.43Video Information a du coup ça ça me sert à rien là c’est le portail bleu là oua atts etpou paspack que apparemment c’est de la merde vous avez du stand de dragon de glace let’s go voir ce que ça fait c’est abusé par contre les compagnons abusé les bordelas un zombie qui m’a regardé mal s fait [ __ ] ça ah mais d’accord les gars alors je vous préviens tout de suite V comment il peut y avoir un poin de glace dragon dans la maison desx V ça dit de est-ce que ça dit de foncer… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TNT Destruction – Creative Short! #TNT #Crazy #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft TNT Destruction - Creative Short! #TNT #Crazy #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I created something in Minecraft and destroyed it TNT.#minecraft #creative #tnt #destroy #shorts’, was uploaded by Crazy Playz on 2024-03-20 08:40:56. It has garnered 2543 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I created something in Minecraft and destroyed it TNT.#minecraft #creative #tnt #destroy #shorts “Watch as I unleash my creativity in Minecraft, constructing an impressive structure block by block. But the real twist? I rig it with TNT and set off an explosive finale! Don’t miss the blast! 💥🏗️ #minecraft #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftMods #MinecraftSkins #MinecraftPE (for Minecraft Pocket… Read More

  • Unleash Lord Indra’s Ultimate Power in Phase 3!

    Unleash Lord Indra's Ultimate Power in Phase 3!Video Information [Musik] Hello what guys jadi kita hari ini akan melanjutkan brut ada ada ada Dito ada ada ada GL ada Bulbul ada ada Idil ada ada Mandala ada fat ada siram Ada Pak Ada Alvian ada ada cruzi ada ya ada Yon ada Ka ada arsen ada lagi ada Lis ada ada anak em ada ada Mal ada a yaudah lagi ya welcomeakat emang Apa nih Apa nih Apa ni emang ada apaan Ang Ada apaan Ada [Musik] apaan apa apa apa Ada apaan bangk bias Bang mana si an Tadi Ana ada di sih t gini Berti… Read More

  • 🔥 EXPLOSIVE Minecraft Memes on Twitch! #Shorts

    🔥 EXPLOSIVE Minecraft Memes on Twitch! #ShortsVideo Information yatak bana bir yatak yapsana şö uyayım bakalım ne oluyor AB koyduğum ne konulmuyor mu buraya This video, titled ‘Twitch mbdrx #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #keşfet #fypシ #game #latspreas #twitchclips’, was uploaded by MBDR on 2024-01-16 09:41:37. It has garnered 94 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Underwater Mountain House Build! 💥#minecraft

    ULTIMATE Underwater Mountain House Build! 💥#minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] why [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1 [Music] a [Music] p [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] he [Music] hey hey hey [Music] he [Music] hey hey hey hey heyyy [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] heyy [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]… Read More

  • Experience mind-blowing madness in Lekcon’s “THERAPY” MMV

    Experience mind-blowing madness in Lekcon's "THERAPY" MMVVideo Information you’ve got all the answers whenever I’m hurting but I feel like a project and I like a person I don’t know why you try to fix me like I can be fixed overnight don’t try I’m fine don’t tell me you understand I don’t need every need Wonder to with make I need someone to feel my pain and I just walk away I don’t need someone to P to me I just need a little L for send me someone who will shut them mouth and listen what I say I don’t need never pay you… Read More

  • Virtual Earth

    Virtual Earth(WARS, CUSTOM VEHICLES, MILLITARY) | BRAND NEW SERVER!!!! | Discord: Java IP: port: 25565 (1.20 – 1.20.1) Join us today and write your story! Server is fairly new so there is room for improvement! Thank you for being part of the community! Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP Cross-Play McMMO Dungeons Mob Arenas Custom Enchants Shops Pinata Party Crates

    Hark, brave adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. Join us for a captivating survival experience like no other! What to expect: A lite RPG experience: Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Outposts, Quests, McMMO, Custom Enchants & Custom Monsters Excellent QoL: Player Warps, Homes, Monster Heads, RTP, TPA, Autocrafters, Land Claiming, Non-Premium Crates, Live Maps Voting system: Earn rewards with Voting Crate Key & pinata Player-owned economy: Sell what you want at your price Cross-platform play: Play with friends on different MC versions Informative Discord channel: Chat between Discord and Minecraft Custom Help menu: Available 24/7… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More