CONTROLLING 2 DEVIL FRUITS AT ONCE!?! | Minecraft – [One Hour One Piece #19]

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Guys and welcome finally to the end battle this isn’t the finale I’m just saying that unless we die of course but welcome we’re about to jump into the end portal and take on the Ender Dragon in one hour one piece but I’m sure you guys already knew that you clicked on the

Video for a reason if you didn’t see the end of last video I have a little surprise for you we have the yummy yummy Nomi meaning the darkness fruit can finally be consumed and I could be a light and dark user literally yin and yang like people are saying so before we

Jump in I think I’m gonna eat this obviously I think that’s fair is there anything you need to do before we jump in and I start the timer I actually don’t think so so I’m gonna I’m gonna zenitsu Thunderclap and Flash uh to all these different chests and just just

Rate it all bring it all here all the food anything I think would be necessary for an m fight but remember I never do go through I do want to say please don’t use your over over super destructive moves on the like portal structures and like the towers because I feel like that

Might not go so well so I I think to not break the game just avoid using those you know easy like what oh what are you doing over there collected stuff all right well that’s it I’m going to timer we have one hour we should go through and I’m going to consume this

Fruit real quick you want to come watch me eat it it’s not that exciting I guess it’s not really the best thing in the world yo bro you want to come watch me eat this freaking fruit I found on the floor yes oh my God that sounds like the

Highlight of my day I bet then you know they’re very exciting days let’s get it bro I just had a mini heart attack I thought what if I died I had like a flash right before I ate it that this could kill me but there we go the yummy

Yummy Nomi and the pika pika oh [ __ ] okay oh I have too many abilities sets I’m gonna have to clean up my inventory a little bit real quick oh my God so my my fruit is in the same category as the other fruit and I just have more moves

Oh man so I have black hole Black Road Liberation kuruzu I’ve got who I butchered that one dark matter and black World luckily I do have the logi of invulnerability due to the light fruit I don’t think I would have gotten that with the dark dark fruit or the yummy

Yummy so I think these are just really powerful moves I’m excited to see them but I also don’t want to break anything we don’t want broken yeah I know right I’ve got too many all right all right creates a strong gravitational you know I’m just gonna grab a few yeah yeah sure

I’ve got two knots set but oh screw it I’ll set them later there we go now I’ve got a few sets all right cool do you wanna uh should we should we see what these moves do get out of the pit before we go to fight the dragon uh I would

Love to see you at the movies all right I’m just gonna quickly teleport out of the pit all right well uh these moves you know I’m just gonna have a beer handful because I don’t know what they’re gonna do but then we’re going to start with the basic stuff and the first

One being how do I check what these are the first move being black hole these creates Darkness over the target area which engulfs and suffocates everyone with inside okay oh [ __ ] it works like you sorry oh my God look at this whoa okay sorry about that oh my God what where are you

Are you are you okay I’m Adam okay good oh thank God yeah do they stay like that do they turn back can I break it is it dark I can’t break it oh no okay whoa all right very powerful very powerful move that one all right

Something all right I’ll see you on the other side Captain oh yo wait wait wait wait wait are you okay oh you’re dying hold on seven oh there we go cool that sucks up all of my all of the darkness oh my God that [ __ ] you’re

Stuck in oh yeah you’re in this wall here hold on I got you I got you I got shot [Laughter] no so that was just darkness so apparent okay this is gonna be really complicated it’s a bit of a complicated fruit it seems because I can make stuff so here

We go six will create a oh a Darkness path in front of me so if I go six don’t stand in front of me but and then six I’m gonna go for a run there we go so that does that the longer I charge it

The bigger the damage will be but now if I click seven I suck up all that Darkness again so all the stuff that becomes Darkness I take back you can get rid of whole areas and yeah yeah that’s uh that’s just a few of the moves though

Hold on let’s see what the other ones are Liberation was the one that allows me to suck back up the darkness the next one we haven’t seen is the kuruzu creates a strong gravitational force that pulls the opponent towards the user ah okay so I cannot pull this Marine oh

So what it just oh so wherever I’m looking literally I can just pull people towards me dude that’s it can you see a wizard over there yeah let’s see if I can get him to come say hi hold on a second hold on yeah that’s what happens when I bring

Someone over as well I give them blindness after that we still have dark matter and black World these I think are going to be the really strong ones we have launches of ball of Darkness that engulfs the opponent and then Blackwell which is the user spreads their power to

The surroundings blinding enemies and creating pillars of Darkness okay I’m gonna move all right bet bet all right let’s see uh this one first the the ball of Darkness ball of Darkness oh okay charge it up and then fire oh okay and then I just like leave a

Little area oh that’s pretty cool and then can I like pick it back up yeah all right sick hell yeah I kind of wish absorbing the darkness gave me hunger like it was like food that would be cool you know I’ll take what it is I’ll take

What it is and then we have anything to not have to eat the last big move stand back because I don’t know how big this one is you might want to go onto the edge over there because this is the surround the area with darkness and them

Spike pillars apparently so okay okay oh so it just makes some pills around me okay that’s not the pro can I take them back so then uh six um there we go I have to be looking directly at him all right that’s kind of her all right was that move intentional

Because you brought a whole heap of blocks out of just black holes in the sky and they dropped them oh what oh no I did not know that I feel like if you gather enough stuff with your black holes yeah I can just release my look

Ready oh I didn’t have enough hold on I need to build some up hold on let’s get some targets real quick here let’s charge it up and sorry Mountain there we go and then suck it up okay and then what can I just now let’s look over

There and just look at this mountain of stuff over here so six so I’d pick up the medicine that is so cool oh all right I’m here for it I’m here for it well that’s it though do we want to go fight the dragon now is it yes

Oh these are going to be very good attacks for dragon fighting but hey they’re still really cool it’s an actual move oh over this way well I don’t have much uh much food I just realized uh I do have Dragonfire flesh that’ll be enough screw it oh yeah

Thank you very much yeah that should be enough for the fight okay are you ready good sir as ready as I will be all right let’s get it I’m going we’re in oh welcome all right let’s get up there we have to teleport off this platform

Before we get knocked into the void here we go hey dragon all right careful of it and remember because remember they can hurt us now I think we’re gonna destroy these crystals first should be our first priority goal all right go on oh this is

Gonna be a lot work man we just gotta focus on the crystals and we should be fine if you see hips maybe absorbing from a crystal as well go to that one yeah go to that one oh yeah abilities don’t oh crap yeah abilities don’t work on the

Crystals ah just oh yeah no they definitely don’t work I just tried two different abilities and neither of them worked all right what about on the dragon who all right so how do I break the crystal oh you have to hit me a weapon teleport yeah any weapon you should do that works

All right let’s get it come on we got this we got this easy it’s just the Ender Dragon you know he’s a little tougher because the mugs would have installed and there’s two of us but other than that you know he’s pretty chill that’s all right oh mate I’ve

Barely even noticed him at this point yeah I know right he’s not even swooping us quick enough all right you got that one you can see teleporting over there oh there he is there we go all right teleport up here and oh can I hit him God damn he’s quick

Man he’s hard to hit all right but there we go the crystals are dealt with he should start oh crap Enderman back off he should start Darkness void it yeah all right stick all right cool I’m supposed to try and stuff man this is crazy I don’t think I can hit him with

My uh lightning move sorry I’m just trying different stuffers just stop working I gotta be attacked by somebody okay see there we go all right coming out of the pit okay Dragon oh he’s down on the pillar all right can you hit him with any of your moves I don’t think so

But I’m gonna try and dash through him no my Dash didn’t work we just have to hit him get him get him make sure you don’t fly any swings just trying to hit him oh my God it’s not even working can I use a diamond sword no what this

This hello here as well does that just mean we activate it okay so can I I don’t have anybody except for observation no it’s not working I mean we know you’re not frozen Dragon what’s going on oh he just hit me up into the sky oh

Thank God I didn’t take full damage all right well if he’s just gonna chill there I’m gonna collect all this stuff yeah I’m gonna drop some blocks on him oh he just moved oh crap never mind all right well I guess we’re gonna have to

Try and hit him while he’s in the sky all right yeah bro he’s immune immune to the abilities I don’t know what that means he’s immune to everything because at the moment he seems to be immune to pretty much all of it stupid Dragon we can’t hit him

He’s cheating at the dragon this is wait wait do I ever I have some okay hold on uh I don’t have enough damn it I don’t have enough wood hold on hold on try it when he comes back downhill I’m gonna give you permission use your light like

Cooldown lightning ability the orb yeah no no yeah the mega or that that should do something surely come here right get I don’t care how much poison you drop on me come on buddy come on just fly down just fly down here that’s all we want

Just you just come down here that’s it that’s all we need once he lands I feel like he’s gonna get one shot by this thing generally this does hit him he’s getting one shot hey better this is so much poison all right come on buddy it’s

Time for you to face it this is the end damn Dragon really I mean at least I got the shirt guys the darkness before this because this is pathetic on the dragon’s pot yeah can I like Darkness this whole area where are you hey and Dominion come

Over come say hi hey buddies oh they actually fall into oh my god oh that is oh my god oh that is my God that is graphic yo hey guys yeah but they don’t want to get back close to me they just fall back in Australian even still alive yeah oh yeah

Just give him a minute there we go here we go get ready get ready he’s battling all right buddy cast it hey come on let’s see let’s see huh what happened well that was um anti-climactic tons of [ __ ] died and then is he dead he’s I think he’s dead I think he’s dead

What the [ __ ] uh all right well sick just careful not to fall in but there we go we can’t grab this uh because it will just teleport but if we can come back here with a piston then we’ll be able to pick it up okay

Um that was really it back to do we want to go back to the base real quick yeah okay back to the portal oh Escape yeah I’m skipping that all right how’s the farm doing down here is it showing any progress at all are we getting any five sugarcane it’s showing some

Progress five yeah just five at the moment but hey that’s all right all right well with that I’m just gonna quickly go up here sleep through the night and then do we want to go back to the end and explore the new goodies that are in that end Dimension yes sorry I’m

Still in the farm try again hey there’s another wizard there we go yes let’s go back to the end travel by Waypoint and back oh dude the fact that we can do that that I don’t know if you is realized but that in itself saves US 20

Minutes of travel time that is like so much time saved just from that little travel there oh that’s starting let’s jump back there we go and then we go up here all right cool now you will need an end what’s it what are these called again I’ve got into Pearl that’s it all

Right you will need to feel like I just dropped oh there we go yeah there should be tons surrounding us and then we need to go to I think I saw one over here before when we bet the dragon where is it where is it where is there it is a

Little Stone thing yeah this thing all right uh I might need to grab some blocks real quick because I don’t really have any unless I can um I mean it’s shy I mean slowly I guess I can slowly build a path man I could slowly do it I’m not gonna do this I’m

Just gonna grab some blocks all right this should be close enough and then end a pearl yeah it worked all right I went through over on the other side welcome just like that this is the new end Dimension welcome there are some goodies to explore here I’m just going to quickly

Take a screenshot of the portal where we entered and we have 38 minutes to explore this whole new place there is some exciting stuff here now be very careful we do not fall uh but let’s start maybe heading in this direction and start looking for an end City

Because that’s our main main objective while we’re here all right so we’re looking for an end City yes they’re gonna be easier than a sky island because God I mean maybe maybe let’s start let’s start traveling this way and oh it’s a big gap all right uh teleport again

Oh made it whoa okay over there that’s right okay yeah I’m just gonna go to these dry Towers because see these trees and we chop these down they give us these little berries and these chorus fruits should allow us to at least oh what do you mean oh through an ender

Pearl Mist a teleported and the Pearl just fell oh okay well it’s gone okay all right that’s all right just be very very careful bro we don’t want to fall off oh what’s that over there over there that looks like an end ship which should

Have elyters on it if we can get a light to us bro that combined with our teleport will be unstoppable oh literally we’re running the right direction yeah no this this way this way this way straight up this way you can see it once we get close you’re gonna

See the city because oh they’re pretty big you see the city I do yeah those things are sick I’m gonna go straight to the ship if you want to enter the bottom and build your way up feel free because there is a lot of good loot in that City

Most of its diamond armor you can find really good books there’s some really high tier stuff and hey we might even find some devil fruit boxes in there if we’re lucky I don’t know I don’t know if they do this one but if they do they the

Bell be in there this is one of the highest TR places made it to the boat hey guys all right be also very careful of the the skulkers they’re like little they look like blocks but they open up okay uh and they’ll fire a block at you

And it’ll give you levitation which will just cause you to float in the air for a little bit if you kill them they’ll drop shocker shells and if you combine two of those with a chest you can make a shulker box which is basically a chest

You can carry carry on you okay and just like that already found better armor than what I had oh and a better diamond sword oh let’s go and just like that elytra the sky is the limit oh my God I can’t believe I actually have it so can I also no I

Can’t do that okay but there we go I’m having a lighter now wait I think I see you in there are you in there hold on at the top yeah oh what the heck are those there’s some stuff going on there’s like some slime what are they oh killed it oh

Wow hey buddies all right uh and you’re all dead oh dude these guys drop slime like actual slime like slime slimes what we can use yes we need slime slime we need slime let’s go our most convenient and stuff ever wait have you checked all these places

No no I haven’t checked anything I’ve only checked the giant thing and I’m gonna see if flying and teleporting works it does you can float in the air and just teleport up and then just float back down okay we need to get you some Elijah ah hold on I’m getting there I’m

Getting there there we go all right cool I’ve only got one skulco shell I need to get two at least I want to make a box because they are actually pretty convenient oh my God it just fell through this is stupid there we go got

It all right got a box or a skulker box I can make all right we need to find you another one of those Sky boats find you one of those we can get you in a like try and elytra’s just make traveling so much quicker especially in the end

Dimension yeah that see that point in the sky it’s just floating that’s kind of above the island yeah those are the things that have them and those the only spots you can find them right so I need to find another city that’s right they’re pretty easy to find once you

Find the first one just gotta keep looking I do see I’m on top of that oh you’re on the boat oh yo look at you with the tripped out diamond armor I’m just out of here yo what’s up bro uh I’ve got some Diamond pants if you want

Any um they’ve got blast protection three and Unbreaking three let’s see if we make it you got two teleports you’ll make it make sure you don’t fall into the water oh you’re sick gotta watch out for that as well yeah you just gotta oh just gotta land on a lily pad because there

Are giant lily pads here or land on the tree yeah land on the tree Okay so we’ve got avoid that if we fall into we’ll die what if we fall into will drown and yeah no just a bunch of Enderman that can also hit us this is just a recipe for

Disaster man of course please tell me a joke I have no I’ve got a door though don’t worry I’m just gonna keep searching and yeah we I think I see you yeah over there I think if you’re actually in a distance to look at stuff you will just make the distance like if

I look down there at that purple tree yeah as long as the the yellow or the part of your like light touches the block you’re looking at I think you will teleport to it yeah it looks like it yeah if you look at something that has

No end it’ll throw you to uh its lengthiest thing you are I see you oh my God I see the Elijah yeah yeah I’m just gliding through the sky whoa you see what I mean though you can just use your teleport teleport up high okay and then

Just start gliding oh what’s that oh do you see that over that way follow me oh yeah how dope is this I think this is a way we can go back like I think we can make a portal back to uh the Overworld like this is another way

To get back okay oh crap also do you wanna uh Chuck down an instant health potion I know you don’t really need it but you go I also think in these things there are crystals we can put I don’t know have you mined any of those blocks

Like the end crystals yes if you have some I think this is what you put them in I remember seeing one thing on it once but hey I’m sure the comment section will tell us they’re always coming in clutch what about this yeah that’s what I’m talking about what’s

That that’s a crystal shot okay well we need that unless these can be used to make a bigger Crystal no it doesn’t look like it they can make uh Latins but that’s it okay and now that we have all of these little we just need the last

Few blocks so we need these blocks on the other side okay so we gotta find them somewhere yeah unless they’re scattered along here and they’re just fallen off I’m not too sure I don’t think so though I feel like we’re close to this one but maybe we could find a

Non-damaged portal let’s grab all these crystals and we can maybe find a non-damaged one in the future we can make an aurora Crystal with a crafting table no it’s all right keep moving for now because it’s not even put together so even if we made the right things it

Won’t activate there we go all right oh man this this mod I love how these biomes look they look even better when you have shaders on because all the biome trees glow and stuff it’s so pretty I’m like the guy in Avatar when he first gets there and he’s like he

Eats this and it runs down here wow look at this it’s so cool that’s oh my God where’s the wait there’s a big panther coming somewhere damn wait oh over there in city and it has a ship on it unless we somehow did a giant Loop and that’s

One we’ve already been to I don’t know I’m gonna go check the boat for you I’ll be back God I hope it’s not one it doesn’t no this looks like a different ship yes it is sorry why all right I’m gonna head downstairs please tell me

They’ve got yes they do hey shock Up and Kill You There we go thank you and imma take your elytra very good all right cool we got two elyters now did you pick up the elytra yes I’ve got the elytra would you like it now nah nope we’ll

Wait till we get back we’ll wait till we get back because we do need to get some books of mending all I’m saying I’m saying something do you see my name tag hold on I’m just gonna go okay I don’t know it might be a structure it might be my imagination uh

But I don’t know it looks like a structure I’ve never seen so I’m interested in it okay here you go yeah have this now Chuck it on your back up sir and we’re gonna have a little flight we’re just gonna go straight out this way I’ve never used this before how do I

Do it yeah it’s like Batman’s glider you jump and then you click space when you’re in the air and you deploy the glider just go click it once so you go jump jump and it will deploy all right now it is momentum based so when you look down

Your gain speed I recommend going into F5 for it but just over here there is something I knew I found something and make sure you just land oh God yeah that’s right that’s right that’s right all right well this thing what is this now take off your Elijah and put your

Armor back on so we use it for traversal but that’s it you make sure you do not damage it and there we go how good the traversal of the electric is going to be so much easier all right well should we um get on in there yeah just get on in

Here real quick wait oh yo dude do you see that look at that what is that all right we might have it looks like a gorilla yeah hey hey oh good I think it’s like a ender oh there’s an entrance right oh [ __ ] I’m gonna see if it does anything [Applause]

I don’t know what it’s used for when right click you summon a void ruin huh I don’t know if I want to do that right now lever oh I found a underground area oh dude I found something down here oh I’m coming you can drop down yeah I feel

Like we’re walking into a trap but this is sick mentally discovered there’s another one we have to go what do you mean hold on hold on I need to put some stuff away first oh you wanna go oh he woke up again I took his CDs turns out

He cares about his music I’m sorry that’s right there was it was that little Center area oh hey buddy hold on I’ll kill him this time because you’ve got the achieved last time I want to get him yeah go a [ __ ] out out okay you do

Hurt a little bit that’s all right pucky activate yeah oh mate simple as that yeah I mean you did a ton of damage already so may as well just have a look over here as well nothing too good here he had a had a mixtape he had a mixtape

Yeah I wanted to listen to it he was like it’s not working there’s another one it’s another one there’s another one all right I can see your name tag I don’t forget can I just break it down oh you can grab that there you go don’t

Know what they do but we got him now got tons of them I’m hoping we can find a bit of food soon because I am running um a bit low on the tank in the food department yeah I don’t have a whole even with myself if worst comes to worse

We could just eat uh some chorus fruits which which will teleport us around but eh at least we’re still keep staying fed I don’t think there’s anything left down here I’m just carrying the last little sections and there’s a sword with looting three oh that would be helpful

For Wither Skull hunting actually I’ll grab that and other than that it’s not looking oh there’s a flooded area yeah sure I’ll go through that with my devil fruit Powers here we go all right I just dropped a whole bunch of stuff are you still alive yeah oh I found the next

Section I think hold on hold on all right all right I’ll wait here I’ll wait here taking the shortcut route oh man I don’t have much food okay there’s no choice there is no choice hey bud whoa oh [ __ ] okay we got this let’s get it oh my God

Okay go bro go Josh that’s right Me hard activating my ability there we go let’s go sorry to take that at the end then but then there we go hey oh man was doing some damage and just like that he dropped the gauntlet of God oh my God you could oh wait whoa not bro this is

For the cyborg I can’t I can’t take that you’re a cyborg dude aren’t you that’s all yours you can have a look at what that does that looks so disciple I guess I I can’t I can’t take that from you man how do I win in Maine here Uh with what you can tell which hand he is right click uh all right what’s right here I can pull entity with right click all right try it on me screw it it’s not working oh can you right click the floor and do anything or is it just like a

Heavy hitter no I think it needs to be a mob no no bro is that in your main hand or you’re offhand because your main hand is the one you punch with oh yeah so that’s it okay I’m hearing something this time I’m hearing like an interaction are you gonna hear something

Yeah I can hear you do doing something well how much damage does it do because I think it’s also an attack uh 1.1 one point what what let me have a look I want to see what this thing is garbage yeah this thing sounds trash we just

Took out a boss for this crap oh man no bro it’s an 11 attack damage it’s got 1.1 attack speed it gives you three plus armor two armor toughness and one plus knock back when you have it oh this is pretty good for you man I don’t think

That’s better than that give me oh I think that should be your main thing generally it goes with your cyborg aesthetic as well that’s dope oh it’s 11 attack all right 17 and someone was talking about me not using swords so I’ll pick up a cyborg arm and start

Swinging them I think it looks sick I love the look of it like that’s so cool we find another one of these bruh straight up is there any I don’t think there’s anything else here I’m just gonna have a little hover in the air and

Have a little scan well there is an area over there you’re running towards here what’s this nah nothing here all right cool well that seems to be all this place left and we still have 10 minutes we may as well start heading back because now that I have my um devil

Fruit fully complete I do have a new thing that I would like to uh put on for the before we get to the finale few episodes that we have coming up oh hell yes ah I need to figure out how the hell am I get back uh yeah we we need to I’m

Just gonna quickly eat a bit more because oh God this course fruit’s the only thing keeping me going right now teleport into the sky all right uh do you have your light truck yes all right well meet me on top of one of these blue the tallest blue yeah that giant ass

Blue Tower you see the giant blue one um oh yeah all right sick and if I’m correct I’m gonna get the coordinates up and we’ll just fly out that way all right so where are we flying all right we are flying if I am correct on it

Let’s just make sure this way and then are we just going this way I think we’re just going this way man all right yeah we’re going out this way sorry about this way shall we go up and then we Glide at a slight angle oh

My God yeah oh we’ve got it now boy all right cool and then we just head this way for a little bit more and once we get to negative 1030 we straighten up a little bit let’s see if I can fly into it and oh I missed it damn it race gone freeze

Attempt let’s see it come on bro fly straight oh hey you got it I can get it I can get it let’s teleport oh got it there we go all right sit and then we should be able to just jump back through that portal over there and then

That will take us back to our base on a second all righty oh God hey buddy all right take that off and then put my chest plate on sick oh what a lovely little trouble hey and this actually probably worked that time thank God for that and

There we go the end has been conquered we have found all the stuff that we really need from the end there’s nothing really major left there here’s all this Glass by the way you’re smelled oh not that but now that I know that those bosses do exist it’s made me realize

That we still have the Wither to fight and there is another boss in the nether that we can find and fight so I would love to try and do that but while we’re here um I’m thinking how much longer do we have we only have four minutes left I

Would love to go test some of my abilities out and I feel like the only real reasonable place to test them out is over by the portal I don’t like destroying the area by us so it’s going to teleport time real quick there we go and I’m just gonna go to start testing

Some mobilities real quick and freaking around try to level up my hucky a little bit more as well because I think we can level that up still little tiny bit oh Cyclops perfect to test my abilities on all right cool and then charge this ability oh my God yeah I’m gonna charge

It charge it charge it oh he’s picked me up and go yes all right he’s sinking in so what is he gonna die did I do it I think man’s is just stuck in him with this so oh my God I think he is literally just stuck

In that Darkness oh sorry bro I feel kind of a little bit better oh oh what don’t kill him Cyclops skull I need to figure out how much damage this punching arm does it does 11. yeah but like I want to see how effective it

Is who’s a killing try it on a sheep let’s see what it does to a sheep I ain’t murdered the shape straight away oh all right cool what about this dragon’s denim we already I think we’ve already been to it but we may as well have a little look oh there’s also a

Village here oh we haven’t grabbed a lot of the items in here so may as well right stock up do you have any more abilities to check out not that I’m aware of I think I’ve showcased all my abilities I think unless I have not all

My fish man’s done I’ve got come over here are you seeing this sorry this little standing Marine Hut over here oh oh yo should I go over and just like use my darkness in the middle of it like the black hole I would love to see that all

Right hold on let’s go see what that does because I want to I want to see how destructive it is there we go all right and then black hole all right cool let’s see it uh I might also take some of that food while I’m in here but hey guys I’m

Gonna go into the very center and black hole oh okay well okay that’s done the whole bottom layer can I go upstairs I mean they’re dying yeah can I go upstairs wait you want to go upstairs and black hole there yeah and then I’m gonna try

And take it all back and then black hole there we go all right cool and now that I’ve done that I can take it back with six well oh my God it’s gone uh yeah if I covered something fully in darkness then yeah there’s nothing they could do it would

Just be done that’s it so if I touch it if I oh the timer just went off no wait no I want to punch this dude in the face all right well you do that I just want to quickly go to the roof and see if I

Cover that in darkness as well will that um just get rid of the whole boring base land up here uh I don’t want to go too high so I’m just going to do this there we go and then that’s covered let’s quickly take it back oh [ __ ] oh God

Something happened sorry about that I was gonna say game loved that yeah the game did not like that on my head all right where is this oh are you all good yeah I’m fighting the cycle oh you got him hey cycle ah always always when I come in isn’t it

I always take the last hit I always I happen to do that God damn it well there we go guys I hope you did enjoy this video obviously we still have a lot left to do like fighting all the bosses left being the Wither boss and all the secret

Bosses we still haven’t even seen plus building the finale base on top of this bridge once we have that complete I think generally we’re gonna aim for 24 hours once we get 24 hours I think we’re done I think at that point we will have everything done so I hope you guys did

Enjoy this one hour 20 is next if you guys have anything you want to see then be sure to let us know down in the comment section below but anyway my name is Troy I’m going to show you guys that new skin I have planned next video and

I’ll see you guys in the next video see you guys Foreign

This video, titled ‘CONTROLLING 2 DEVIL FRUITS AT ONCE!?! | Minecraft – [One Hour One Piece #19]’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2023-08-19 16:00:00. It has garnered 59854 views and 3865 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:25 or 1885 seconds.

Check out the boi @RhythmVids for more from him!!

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(Modpack Release @ End of Series) 🎮 Get the mod for yourself:

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❗️ Please do not steal or reupload this video without permission from @ButterJaffa. #ButterJaffa

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  • Master Minecraft Money: Click Now!

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  • Ultimate Creeper Pranks and Scares

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  • Insane Parkour Challenge Live Stream ft. Pr.Ziyu 🔥

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  • Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94

    Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94Video Information बिना कहीं ऊंची हाइट के जाए बिना आप ऐसे उठ सकते हो मेरी तरह इस वीडियो में मैं आज बताने वाला हूं कि हाउ टू फ्लाई इलेक्ट्रा इन माफ्ट पॉकेट एडिशन तो सबसे पहले आपको इलेक्ट्रा लेनी है मैंने इलेक्ट्रा लेने के लिए क्रिएटिव में गया हूं क्योंकि क्रिएटिव से जल्दी मिल जाती है पर आप सर्वाइवल सीरीज में हो तो सर्वाइवल सीरीज के लिए आपको सबसे पहले एंडर ड्रैगन को मारना पड़ेगा फिर वहां से एंड एंड सिटी में जाके फिर आपको इलेक्टर वहां प इजली मिल जाती है फायरवर्क्स तो क्रीपर को मार से उनके पाउडर… Read More

  • Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #Viral

    Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #ViralVideo Information ओम माम माम बिंग बिंग बो न सस्ते न से तार चिपक गई छाती से ओम माम माम बिंग बिंग बो न सस्ते न सेता है ढीली कौन कसे कौन क कौन कसे कौन क कौन क कौन क कन कसे कन कसेन की बतिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप ले [संगीत] दो लूप में ट्यू बज के थोड़ा [संगीत] हिट [संगीत] परवा ु कमरान इधर अगर तुमको पूरी वीडियो देखनी है तो जाओ देखो यार चैनल पर पूरी वीडियो डल चुकी है और आल्सो लिंक इन डिस्क्रिप्शन और वीडियो देखो बहुत मजा आएगा और मेरी तरफ से हैप्पी… Read More

  • PokeXplore

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  • Werewolves VS Vampires UPDATE – SMP

    Welcome to the Werewolves vs Vampires Server! Join now and experience life as a werewolf, vampire, or hunter in our updated 1.20 modpack. Level up, unlock new skills, and become the ultimate Vampire Prince, Hunter Brigadier, or Werewolf Alpha. Features: Vampirism Werewolves Vampiric Aging Farmer’s Delight Quark Simple Voice Chat Waystones Vampires Need Umbrellas Join our Discord Download the Modpack Read More

CONTROLLING 2 DEVIL FRUITS AT ONCE!?! | Minecraft – [One Hour One Piece #19]