daKatz’s EPIC Minecraft SMP Adventure!

Video Information

What’s going on guys it’s me the cats and welcome back to another episode of playing on an SMP like it is 2012 this episode is quite an exciting one as we are finally building our wheat and potato farm that we dug out in the previous episode but before we do begin

That just wanted to quickly share with you guys a quick clip of me catching a hacker or more so the other players on the server catching a hacker but he did get a ban which was nice and satisfying also have some quick updates on the

Server as you can see the spawn is a little bit different but I’ll touch on that in just a bit what’s going on ah this player is flying interesting that’s some sussess like they’re they’re in a of this guy oh look at this guy I don’t

Know what his deal is he’s so infatuated with himself he won’t talk though man interesting why would he talk so well that player was clearly hacking so ban him and then ban his alt as well as you can see here following players previously logged in that IP address

Liam meow meow and Tiny pet so both of those players have been banned so one of the changes to the server is the spawn as you guys can see in the theme of Christmas I’ve decided to change things up just a little bit add some candy

Canes um add a bit of snow add a bit of wood just sort of change the theme up a little bit and obviously you can see we’ve also got a slay I’ve changed these guys over to green little elves hopefully you guys have noticed uh but

There is also a villager over there on that sleigh who is Red who is I guess symbolizing Santa but obviously how do we get there to get onto there you need to be a little bit sneaky uh I suppose if you have an elytra then it’s pretty

Easy but that is why I’ve got the ender pearls so I’ve got two ender pearls let’s hope I can Master my throw and land on the sleigh I’m not feeling very hopeful I feel like I’m going to either overshoot this or undershoot this but I feel

Like let’s throw that oh oh my God I literally landed on top of the ladder perfect but yeah as you can see we got ourselves Mr Santa over here and Santa is got quite an expensive sale as you can see so for two stacks of shards we can purchase ourselves a crazy coin

This crazy coin merely is just a collector item it really has no value but it is just a bit of a throwback to the crazy s SMP so yeah I put the slay over here and I popped down a villager and I thought oh well he may as well

Sell something what can he sell I don’t want to add any sort of additional items to the shop just to you know ensure that things aren’t unfair or whatever so I thought I’d just put you know a relic or a collector’s item something that really holds no value uh other than you know

Some sort of sentimental value and so that is why I decided to put the crazy coin so that is a throwback to Crazy S&P if anyone is daring enough to buy it then yeah this is you know the item to get it’s obviously a collector’s item and this will be in place until

Christmas um is up so you know I’m probably at a stage now where I could even afford this I probably have two stacks of shards in the form of diamonds back at my base so if you want me to buy the crazy coin again let me know in the comments

Um and I’ll totally Buy in the next episode it’ll be an absolute waste of diamonds but you know you guys are the viewers you guys make the decisions stop me so if you want to buy the crazy coin I will and I just hope to Lord that I

Don’t accidentally place it on the ground because at the end of the day it is just a sunflower so yeah let me know if you want me to buy it um and then I’ll do so in the next episode so in classic the cat fashion just want to

Give you guys some quick updates in regards to the server and channel so just quickly again the maximum amount of players we’ve had on the server is still sitting at 15 the total amount of unique players who have joined is at 92 which is a bit of a boost our total Discord

Servers again is still sitting at 54 which I don’t know how that’s not change but it hasn’t I guess and our total subscriber count is 2,137 so thank you everybody who has recently subscribed to the channel I do appreciate it all again we’re trying to hit 2500 subscribers before the end of

The year which means we only have a couple of weeks left so now I’m really calling for you guys to subscribe if you haven’t please do I really want to hit this goal um but yeah anyways let’s get on with the video today we’re going to be building this epic farm so strap

Yourselves in grab some popcorn and let’s get to it so we’re back at our base and we have done a little bit more digging out on Stream So I have completely dug out what I think I need to to build my farm uh which involves sort of extending some of the regions

Because I realized I hadn’t really built it long enough I also realized I hadn’t accounted for some things like pathing and uh I made this pathway wider as well which I’m not sure if I mentioned in my original design but uh I think I’ve dug out

Everything uh as far as it needs to be um and I’ve also collected all the resources required to build our Farm hopefully um so we ended up getting a whole bunch of mangroves we found a mangrove swamp uh and then we got everything else that we needed um I’m

Actually I’ve just opened this chest right now and I realized I’m missing my gravel and sand in order to make some concrete cuz we’re going to be needing a bit of blue concrete and the red Dy is for some red glass so let’s really quickly do that first I don’t think I

Have either of the two resources on me but I don’t really think I need too much only about three stacks of sand and two or so stacks of gravel so I’ll just quickly make myself another iron pickaxe just as a backup and I’ll just use these

Two iron shovels to get it and what I’ll do in order to get it is RTP and get lucky the first time and this certainly is not what I’m looking for but it is a sort of mountainous area but usually when you’re in a mountainous area there’s a slight

Chance it might be like a gravel mountainous area so let’s quickly run off maybe in this direction and see if we’re able to find either of the two blocks that we’re after I mean there’s some gravel there not at all as much as what we need but um let

Us start we’ve got four pieces we got another man I feel like every time I RTP I I I come to one of these villager Pillager outposts so let’s just quickly run in here here uh and see if we can get some trims or some cool loot hello anybody home I don’t see

Any any illes or or pillages or Villages around I don’t see any mobs around has this already been looted before we got a goat horn a goat horn that says sing and we got our iron I like that I like that oh ignore me ignore me ignore me I’m no

I come in peace come in peace okay so let’s go back to our Quest we need to find gravel and sand and I suppose the best place really to get gravel might actually be be in the Nether um I can just sort of look where I found ancient debris because you

Always find big chunks of gravel in there and I feel like I’m not going to get any sand anytime soon unless you know this biome turns into a desert so I think what I’ll do is I’ll go back to my home that was an instant TP which

Probably means I am off yep so quickly de up myself you saw nothing but yeah let’s just go into The Nether and we’ll find ourselves whole chunk of gravel in here instead uh where do we want to go go ohore me like there’s a whole bunch of gravel there whoop

Yeah let’s just use this as a start so just to be safe let’s go tunnel a little bit until we find our next chunk of gravel underground and maybe we might get lucky and even find some ancient debris along the way that’d be a nice little bonus oh that is sandstone

No that sorry that is lava go so what will we find first will we find oh crap will we find gravel first or ancient debris hey I’ve never been more pleased to find gravel oh wow double oh you know what that I think is the best possible outcome we could have asked

For now I don’t want it to drop so much Flint if we could just stick to gravel only wish I had a silk touch shovel oh God I’m getting so much Flint 15 pieces of Flint there after I check my inventory we didn’t get another piece of flint so that

One okay so that is almost three stacks I just want to check something else as well yeah look at that we can turn a bit of that Flint into gravel which is nice uh we’ll just keep going until we find another chunk again what are we going to get

Every time I say what are we going to get first I end up finding the gravel but we’ll just dig up all this gravel so that we have it right there we go so I got four stacks of gravel so now let’s go back to our home and drop some of the items

Off I’m going to have to start carrying this horn around with me I kind of like it there we go wow perfect 64 and I got an additional two stacks so I guess I’ll just dump that in one of these chests over here so now we just need to pick up

Ourselves about three and some stacks of sand our RTP cool down has reset please put me in a desert biome nope not a desert not a desert got a jungle though I feel like I’ve been here before like I feel like that really high top mountainous range

With those trees looks like a familiar area is it possible that I’ve been here before I mean probably not I’m probably just imagining things but could you imagine if you rtpd into the exact same location as you’ve been before like imagine you put down a sign

That says you know the cat is here and then you RTP again and it takes you back to the exact same place when the you know potential possibilities are pretty much infinite you know that is some ridiculous odds because the RTP range is set to 10,000 blocks that’s both

Negative and positive so really you know it’s a 20,000 block or a 10,000 block radius from 0 0 um you know and it can be any X or any y or any any X or any Zed value and then the Y is obviously whatever so really you’ve got 10,000 or 20,000 time 20,000

Possibilities what is that that’s like 400 million or 40 million or or something I doing the math on the top of my head it’s probably not but it’s it’s some ex you know exor amount of money and then I wonder if it even takes into account Direction I feel like I just saw

A house did I just see a house here no it’s a village the way that house looked at the top looked custom I thought oh going to God I’m going to run into somebody’s custom biome or custom base it’s just a village like this is a very interesting

Looking Village I don’t or village house I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that looks quite like this okay anyway I don’t want to spend too much or too long in this Village I do want to just go until we find the sand because I feel like every episode

I’m popping out ends up being just an exploration video and I can spend you know as long as I want exploring but I feel like that’s not what you guys always want to see you guys might want to see some building action and I want to do some building today as well you

Know I’ve had this uh Farm idea basically on the back burner for a couple episodes now so I really hope to get it done today and you know within a reasonable time last video was 1 hour which I was pretty happy with and surprisingly it actually did pick up

Quite a few more views than I expected something interesting happened with like episodes um what are we up to seven something interesting happened with like episodes 5 and six like I saw a a drop off in terms of you know viewership and I thought oh you guys aren’t enjoying

This as much or you know maybe I was posting too frequently or I’m not really too sure what the problem was so when I put out episode seven the latest one I thought hm well I don’t know what’s going to happen with the views but ended up

Getting more than the previous two so seems like you guys did enjoy it but also interestingly the engagement was lower even though the average viewership or average uh watch time was higher so if you’re watching this video right now could you please comment something in the comments just so we can have a

Little bit of Engagement comments why I don’t know comment something to do with this brown sheep yeah I don’t know I don’t know specifically but I want you to leave a comment something to do with the brown sheep why was the brown sheep doing xxx something like that in the comments

Just so you guys are there and also of course leave a like as well just for all time sake but let’s jump over this hill and see if we can find ourselves some sand because now I’m getting a little bit desperate you know I’m I’m not looking for anything

Valuable I’m not looking like I feel like you know I’m looking for sand right now but I feel like I’m going to run into a mangrove swamp before I get sand every time I want something I get the last thing that I wanted the thing I

Took such a long time trying to find I’ll find that without without hesitation but sand you’re making it extremely difficult so I might just B up the sand that’s here like I said I’m not really after that much only a couple stacks so guess we’ll just take it from here so

I’ve been watching a really interesting series on YouTube recently in relation to Minecraft um something just randomly popped up on I think it was my Twitter and it’s called to Beta so it’s just a bunch of guys on an S SMP and the S SMP version is like

1.7 or 1.07 or something like that like a really old school version of Minecraft like you know before hunger was added into the game and before there was like an end and before there was so many features that we all know and love today um and I don’t know that S&P like

Really intrigued me part of me was like oh I really wish I could join that s SMP um and I I’ve found that ever since I like started putting out this series and since my return to YouTube I’ve been you know receiving a few opportunities here and there and you know that is

Something I definitely mentioned in one of my earlier episodes um and as much as I would love to join these s smps and you know engage with you know new communities and other content creators and all that stuff I feel like once I do bring in something

New or you know begin something new a new adventure whatever it is then I’m not going to give as much attention to this specific server that I’m on right now like that’s just my my my nature I guess something that I always find I end

Up doing every time I create like a new server or a new let’s play l a new project you know bring in a new project abandon the old one or or devote less time and I think that’s what I was sort of you know trying to touch on when I

Was talking about you know bringing back crazy S&P in my last video now fortunately nobody left any comments related to that so I don’t have to bring in Crazy S&P but I’m glad that I did just totally ignore that idea because I feel like as much as I would love to

Redo another season of crazy SMP I feel like it would just be sort of a duplicate of what some S&P is anyway and the only reason people would join or people would engage with it might be because of a Nostalgia or be you know relevance I feel like crazy S&P has more

Relevance than some SMP if that makes sense like we still have a um a Discord for this for the crazy SMP server which has you know 1,200 or500 members in it or whatever so there is still a community that can be tapped into to you know Drive engagement and viewership on

That server anyway so we got ourselves our sand which is great so something I want to quickly test and I had I had a bit of sand in there as well which is funny but uh what we need I think is just blue concrete for this so I’m just going

To take all the gravel and all of the blue dye and turn this into as much blue concrete powder as possible okay so I think I need obviously need a little bit more blue dye there we go so all blue dye hopefully I don’t regret my decision I

Think with one of the data packs we have on the server we can actually turn like blue dye into other color dyes as well so it’s not really too bad but yeah the other thing I want to test is can I smelt concrete powder into regular blue concrete I think I can

So I’ll just double check that nope nope nope no I didn’t want to do that I didn’t want to do that okay so yeah we’ll do this the oldfashioned way I guess find ourselves a pool of water uh what’s the best what is the best way to do this I don’t even

Remember I think my old favorite way of doing it is just building a tower as high as possible and then placing down water on top of it so I might just do that over here and hopefully I don’t get shot off by a skeleton or anything like that

And that is us at the height limit look at our base look at our farm actually is such a cool biome but if we just Place some water that should turn everything it touches into blue concrete which is what we’re after and if we had our efficiency Beacon we could mine through this

Instantly but this is fine this allows me to catch all the blue concrete so let’s just take this all the way to the bottom and then rinse and repeat a few more times until we’re all done look at that 1 2 3 4 five spiders and two creepers and two zombies

I think we’re going to have a bit of of a fight once we hit the bottom hey guys I’ll take on you I’ll take on easy and all of our concrete is now complete and there are all of our items now it is a little bit of a mess I guess this

Chest and my inventory is a bit of a mess as well more so but this is enough to get started with our build so I think we’ll do precisely that but the first thing I want to do is is just place our dirts so we’re going to do six squares

Essentially so each of these areas here is a 9×9 area which is the optimal amount uh if we place our water buckets in the middle so we’ll just go ahead and make six of these squares so I was originally going to have it all connected but then I

Realized my design wasn’t symmetrical I guess in the way that I was wanting it to be [Applause] the next thing I’ll quickly grab is some slabs so that we can plunk our water in as well that’ll obviously go in the middle not like that just for the moment as well just to

Prevent any mobs spawning we’ll put a torch there however the Torches won’t be in the final design so the next thing I suppose will do is start placing some of these Mangrove logs and one thing I just want to check as well yeah so four logs makes four

Wood I don’t know if that’s the right recipe in regular vanilla in my mind I was thinking four would turn into three for some reason but it is one of the vanilla Twix uh things that gives us four instead of four so I’m just going to turn it all into Mangrove wood for

Now um and I’ll also just grab myself a little bit more deep slate because I know I’m probably going to get through a few axes with what happens next and if you can’t guess that’s fine we’re going to be stripping all of this wood as well

So I don’t know what the best approach for this is either do I just do all the wood placement first and then strip or the other way around not sure but I guess the first thing will’ll do is just dig out all of these blocks here because

These are going to be replaced with the mangrove logs as well Okay so we’ve placed the floor down that was approximately three stacks and just looking at how much resources that eight I feel like I’m actually not going to have enough Mangrove and I probably

Should have got the full 12 Stacks but I sort of stinted out by only getting you know eight or whatever but uh anyway let’s just move on to the next step which will be to do some more Mangrove placement I may as well just turn all my

Mangrove logs into wood it’s not like I’m going to need logs and not wood and just get placing with the next step which is to make some three High pillars except for this which will be the door this probably be higher 1 2 3 4 5 do the same here 2 3 4

5 not too fast with this so this will actually yeah be a door or an entrance way which will continue to go down or up or whatever we want but it basically just means that it’s not a open and closed room still allows for more traveling for [Applause]

I really like the timble plugin like I feel like it’s something I I really just can’t live without these days but for some reason it’s just so loud the sound when it when you when you break stuff like it’s so loud that I can’t even like

Turn it down um I think I need that mod I don’t know what it’s called but I’ve seen in other people’s videos where you can just change uh the different volumes of each of the different sounds in the game CU I feel like there’s some things I would totally turn off and whatever

That sound is when you break a tree that would certainly be one of them so if you know what mod it is that I’m thinking about please let me know in the comments below save me having to Google it myself because you know these days Googling

Things is hard no I’m just kidding I can figure it out but also if you do let me know I’d much appreciate it one of the things I notice whenever I do server development stuff is I’ll use like a plugin and then all the comments will be

Like oh how do I use so and so Plugin or what is the I don’t understand how so and so plugin works or even like the whole like you know server development space anyway like you I don’t actually really developing you know when I develop when I say develop I know that

What I’m doing is not the true you know definition of developing like I am using plugins and configuring those plugins and and doing all that stuff so I’m not actually like doing my own code or creating my own plugins or anything like that I am using other people’s plugins

But I feel like what I do is pretty easy and maybe that’s cuz I have experience and I’ve done it before but when people are like oh I have no idea how to make a server it’s like well it’s not really hard to make a server um you know just

Check some plugins in your plugin folder and then configure them and then in terms of how do you configure them well you just read the website you read the plug-in page but it just seems like so many people don’t know how to do like these really basic things and they’re

Always asking questions and I don’t know mate I I don’t know yeah so anyway let me jump to the next step which is dealing with acia I think well actually I know now that the height of this room has wound up being exactly perfect and I didn’t even measure it I just

Decided I took the room that I had dug out in the previous video and I just said hey I’m just going to raise the ceiling by three blocks just because it was easy to build it that way or dig it out that way turns out it’s actually really difficult to uh

Extend the ceiling but yeah I just dug it out another three blocks and this is going to be perfect oh look at that absolutely perfect amount of glass glass anyway last thing is our shroom lights and this is why I said I’m not too concerned about lighting this area

Up here up but yeah you can see this exactly hits our ceiling and this is so much better than it being like one block too short and then me having to dig it out post build or in the middle of building this is just this is so easy

And yeah have a look at that ceiling yeah looks pretty good so one thing that we’re obviously missing and hopefully you guys have put the pieces together is these sort of this area here which is still open and yes if you guess it that is where we’re going to put our blue

Concrete so I’ll just grab about six stacks and hopefully that is more than enough and I guess the best way to do this uh will be just placing it like this I guess okay now let’s have a look yeah perfect cuz originally my design this was only

Three blocks wide now it’s five blocks wide it does look a little bit odd I think ief would have preferred if it was three blocks wide or if I had just made this whole entire room open but yeah I mean that wasn’t really possible anyway

But uh all good let’s just run up here and see what this is looking like so yeah I mean this this does all need to be blocked off so I guess I’ll just do a I don’t know I guess like this for now not to important so this is like that and then

You come down and you’re in this big room over here so the only thing I really don’t like I guess is this center aisle so I might change this up in my next episode um but yeah let me know in the comments below what do you guys think

About this Sena part or I guess the room in general is there anything in particular that you guys would change or do differently I’d love to hear it um the next thing we need to do is actually change up the floor and with the floor I

Was actually going to do all Mangrove as well but seeing as Mangrove is a little bit expensive I’ll just grab an alternate block for now and what I’m thinking is either uh nether brick or Netherrack it doesn’t really look too bad to be honest maybe after at some point we’ll

Dig into this wall a little bit and we could perhaps put on the left side like an automatic um potato smelter and then on the right we can put a automatic composter and then we can also put our chest stage in as well as another flight of stairs

Which leads even further down so I think probably that’s something we can do in the next episode uh if you guys want to see it unless you guys have anything in particular you guys want me to do but yeah I’m sort of leaning towards doing

That in the next episode uh as well as building a potato no sorry not potato building a pumpkin farm I want to start working with pumpkins cuz they have a really awesome idea and it requires a lot of pumpkins like a lot um you know a couple thousand pumpkins so I can build

A manual Farm which is fine I can build a cool room that’s all good but I think I’d like to build an automatic pumpkin farm as well as a melon farm just cuz uh using you know observers and pistons or whatever so I think that’ll be sort of

My focal point for the next episode and because it is a farm I want to continue it in this room which means I’ll need to dig this down even further or maybe turn it around do a staircase whatever so we do need to extend that so we can build

Our composter and automatic potato cooking machine as well as our little chest storage thingy the Bobby so that’ll all happen in the next episode so I hope you guys are all excited about that oh he scared me That is honestly one of the most satisfying sounds I wish I had a horn that just made that sound that was my impression not a very good one but uh so as you can see our farm is now complete I hope you guys have enjoyed this video

As as a reminder we are trying to hit 2,500 subscribers by the end of the year so if you have enjoyed the video and you’re not yet subscribed please do it’s only one button away and of course if you did like the video leave a like as

Well but anyway guys it’s been your boy cats I hope you have a good rest of your days and I’ll catch you all in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘Playing On A Minecraft SMP Like Its 2012 Again (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by daKatz on 2023-12-20 15:00:52. It has garnered 503 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:46 or 2206 seconds.

🌍 Welcome to Episode 8 of my brand new Minecraft adventure on the “Some SMP” server! Join me as we explore a unique survival experience on this freshly created server. The IP address is “somesmp.net,” so feel free to hop in and play alongside me.

🎮 In this series, I’m taking a different approach to content creation. I aim to make the videos more authentic, less edited, and slower-paced compared to the fast-paced trend in the Minecraft YouTube community. Let’s go back to the roots of enjoying the game, focusing on the journey rather than speedy achievements.

🚀 This server is not just about creating content; it’s a community. I’ve put together SMP to share the joy of playing Minecraft with others. Join me as we explore, mine, and build together. It’s a laid-back survival experience with protection stones to prevent griefing and enhance our multiplayer adventure.

🌐 If you’re interested in joining the server, the IP is “somesmp.net.” We also have a Discord for the community. Remember, it’s all about having fun, being courteous, and enjoying the game. We’re keeping things simple, no massive structures or super-fast achievements. Just a good time in the world of Minecraft.

🎯 Join me on this journey, share your suggestions, and let’s shape the series together. Whether it’s exploring new features, accomplishing specific goals, or simply building a cozy base, your input matters. Let’s make this a memorable and enjoyable Minecraft experience!

Series Goals & Ideas: [ ] Unlock Legend Rank [ ] Get a Redstone Protection Stone [✔️] Get 1 stack of Some Shards [ ] Build a unique base

Server IP – somesmp.net Server Version – 1.19 – 1.20.2 (Java Edition) Server Discordhttps://discord.gg/bsANF8NSnq My Discord! https://discord.gg/TnshEbb

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    Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let's Play Welcome to Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 2 – Diamonds Await! Exploring the Minecraft World In this exciting episode of Let’s Play Minecraft, our adventurers dive deep into the world of Minecraft in version 1.20.1. Armed with a trusty seed of -1056946488598000456, they set out on a quest to uncover the precious diamonds hidden within the vast landscapes. Mod Madness Equipped with an array of mods including Fabric Loader, Fabric API, Sodium, Indium, and more, our players enhance their gaming experience with features like improved graphics, new entities, and enhanced gameplay mechanics. The addition of Iris Shaders and Continuity adds… Read More

  • Raju’s Sacrifice: SenpaiSpider’s Storm SMP Showdown

    Raju's Sacrifice: SenpaiSpider's Storm SMP Showdown Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where the players roam, In the land of Storm SMP, where legends are known. Raju sacrificed for SenpaiSpider, a tale to be told, In the realm of gaming, where the brave are bold. Killer’s Lands channel, a teaser so grand, With Minecraft challenges, a mod in hand. MS Gaming Zone, where heroes unite, In the world of gaming, where battles ignite. Join the adventure, with Killer’s Lands in sight, Subscribe, like, and share, with all your might. For in this world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Every player’s journey, a tale to be… Read More

  • Minecraft’s 10 Best Island Seeds

    Minecraft's 10 Best Island Seeds Exploring the Top 10 Island Seeds in Minecraft Java 1.20.6 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft Java with the top 10 island seeds for the latest version. These unique landscapes offer endless possibilities for exploration, building, and survival. Let’s dive into the diverse worlds that await you! 1. Emerald Isle Discover the lush greenery and sparkling waters of Emerald Isle. This picturesque island is perfect for creating a tranquil retreat or embarking on exciting quests. Keep an eye out for hidden treasures beneath the emerald waves! 2. Volcano Bay Feel the heat at Volcano Bay, where molten lava… Read More

  • Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you tired of fake backgrounds and looking for a genuine and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about creating and exploring in the world of Minecraft. With unique gameplay features and a dedicated player base, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling experience like no other. Connect now by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure today! Let’s craft, build, and survive together in this dynamic and ever-evolving world. See you in the game! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod Adventure

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod AdventureVideo Information [Music] all right we can hear things yay finally some food we need to make another thing okay so what I was realizing um after the stream yesterday is that we have moss and that we can use that Moss to turn rock into moss and um then we can then we can um then we can compost that moss and get um and get bone meal and then we can bir trees so we’re going to try doing that today have this iron cooking than that copper but also let the copper finish I guess I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts’, was uploaded by VIJAY_SHORTS987 on 2024-05-17 10:00:37. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftcomedy #minecraftsurvival #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuilding #minecraftanimation #minecraftpe #minecraftlive Read More

  • Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animation

    Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animationVideo Information This video, titled ‘im not gay #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by raiza dimension on 2024-02-05 07:37:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hello dear cats, I’m Rizqi, the discord dimension cat:https://discord.gg/UUMhWxPc … Read More

  • SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!Video Information I was on my server when I saw the most toxic player online and he was raiding my friend’s base so I took off my armor and threw down an invis potion I went closer and I saw him eliminate my friend and then he started placing a bunch of signs he was griefing this poor base and leaving a massive mess then a few minutes later my friend teleported back and he said he was quitting I couldn’t believe this so I decided to fix his base and soon the base was back to normal 1 hour… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!

    EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!Video Information I let me check real quick hold up are we live Henry you good Jesus no I’m not but thank you no thank you give me one second um are we are we live second I’m at 10:15 a.m. it is 105 hry [Music] stop hold up oh oh wait hold up it says live for me hold up oh oh we’re live okay um hi everyone I I gotta I think I got to open up Safari all right no it’s fine so we’re already live okay so uh hello everyone it is me Hen Henry and… Read More

  • Unbeatable VaroelCreeper – Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraft

    Unbeatable VaroelCreeper - Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraftVideo Information será mi mascota la legendaria sal el salmón acaba de morir por mi culpa es Pues nada no sé dónde está el salmón yo quería llevarme en el cubo y decir gu tú se ha pirado lo acabo de ver se ha pirado se ha pirado o ha muerto No no sí se ha pirado se ha pirado para el principio de la cua voy que yo puedo tener el cubo de agua con un salmón y usarlo como agua entonces mi objetivo es este salmón lleg vi a casa si llega vi a casa va a ser… Read More

  • Unlock Your True Self – CCM Time Secrets!

    Unlock Your True Self - CCM Time Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unshackling Expectations, Becoming Your True Self’, was uploaded by CCM Time on 2024-05-27 13:46:31. It has garnered 93 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #mindfulness Moments in #minecraft #367 Elevating wellness one sandbox at a time. #motivation #help #selfimprovement #mindset #relax #relaxingmusic #selfcare #viral #shorts #mentalhealth #healthandwellness Find out the meaning and purpose of CCM here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fola1ZOmCEY Check out the Coffee, Cannabis & Minecraft Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/767085214082112 (Adults only, sorry kids it’s not personal, it’s a legal thing.) *”CCM Time” videos are intended for mature viewers,… Read More

  • Lost on Island – The Ultimate Beta Day Reveal

    Lost on Island - The Ultimate Beta Day RevealVideo Information hello everybody and welcome back to Beta days I’m beanan and today we are moving some supplies over towards the uh portal stronghold Island yeah or the portal Island whatever it’s called we’re moving some supplies over there because we need to start working on our little base that we have and kind of getting it more syndicated if you will uh to our need before we get into today’s video please remember to leave a like leave a comment and subscribe if you’re new I make videos every Monday Wednesday Friday with random streams and videos throughout… Read More

  • Infaru Semi-vanilla Roleplay Political Sim No resets 17+ Java Bedrock

    Infaru – Vanilla Political Simulation Server Welcome to Infaru, a political simulation server where players lead all events. Join towns, run for Senator, report news, or start an uprising! Features: Utilizes Towny plugin for town creation Complex political landscape GeyserMC plugin for Java and Bedrock cross-play Join us on Discord: Discord Server IP: play.infaru.gay Website: infaru.gay Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gamemodes with friends – the ultimate Minecraft adventure!

    Looks like they ended up with a “fun” game mode called “Accidentally Burnt Down the Entire Village and Villagers Hated Us” mode. Read More

  • “Remember Son… Lava is Hotter Than Your Mixtape” #minecraft #meme

    "Remember Son... Lava is Hotter Than Your Mixtape" #minecraft #meme Remember Son… in Minecraft, always make sure to dig straight down for the best loot! Just kidding, please don’t do that unless you want to fall into a pit of lava and lose all your diamonds. #minecraftprobs #lessonlearned Read More

  • 10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft!

    10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft! The Epic Castle Build in Minecraft Resource Gathering and Preparation After spending hours collecting resources, ShadowClawMCYT embarked on a monumental task – building a castle in Minecraft. With over 3,000 snow blocks and countless other materials, the challenge was set. The Castle Construction Utilizing a layer-by-layer building style, ShadowClawMCYT began constructing the castle walls and towers. The meticulous process led to the creation of a grand structure that stood out in the Minecraft world. The Manor and Details The main Manor within the castle featured intricate details, from mud brick gradients to oak planks and stripped oak logs. Each… Read More

  • Endless Rails in Minecraft Survival

    Endless Rails in Minecraft Survival Explorando Trilhos Infinitos no Minecraft Survival O mundo de Minecraft está repleto de segredos e truques, e um dos mais interessantes é a possibilidade de ter trilhos infinitos no seu modo de sobrevivência. Com um simples bug antigo do jogo, você pode criar uma máquina que produzirá trilhos de forma ilimitada. Vamos explorar como isso é feito e como você pode aproveitar essa funcionalidade única. Como Ter Trilhos Infinitos no Minecraft Para começar, você precisará de alguns materiais básicos: pedregulho (ou outro bloco de sua escolha), um pistão grudento, blocos de slime, um observador, uma alavanca e blocos de… Read More

  • SHOCKING REVEAL: Krummi’s Crazy Secret Revealed! 😱

    SHOCKING REVEAL: Krummi's Crazy Secret Revealed! 😱Video Information also ich weiß ja auch nicht so ganz Leute aber irgendwie kribbelt ganz unangenehm wenn ich hier gerade so rumlaufe in diesem hffelpff [Musik] Gemeinschaftsraum und damit erstmal herzlich willkommen meine lieben Freunde hier zu einer neuen Folge von Let’s build hffelpuff Gemeinschaftsraum aka let’s build hogbots mit mir dem dcky LP hi Leute ja ihr habt vielleicht letzte Folge schon gesehen ich habe damit angefangen die dritte und finale Version von vom hffelpff Gemeinschaftsraum zu bauen genau ich ihr merkt schon an meinem rumgestotter und an meinem verhaspeln der Wörter das es eine sehr ja anspruchsvolle Aufgabe… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jump Give Op Item

    Insane Minecraft Jump Give Op ItemVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But, Jump Gives Op Item 😱’, was uploaded by GaminG-Do on 2024-03-04 01:29:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Video I will Try Minecraft but, jump Gives Op Item in this video making 9 days + Hardwork and if you like this video than … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024!

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days Survival 2024 / new,minecraft,100,days,survival,2024’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / minecraft on 2024-01-15 09:00:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days 2024 / Minecraft / 100 Days / 2024 #minecraft #minecraft100days … Read More

  • EPIC Adventure in Paradise! Minecraft S3 EP.43

    EPIC Adventure in Paradise! Minecraft S3 EP.43Video Information a du coup ça ça me sert à rien là c’est le portail bleu là oua atts etpou paspack que apparemment c’est de la merde vous avez du stand de dragon de glace let’s go voir ce que ça fait c’est abusé par contre les compagnons abusé les bordelas un zombie qui m’a regardé mal s fait [ __ ] ça ah mais d’accord les gars alors je vous préviens tout de suite V comment il peut y avoir un poin de glace dragon dans la maison desx V ça dit de est-ce que ça dit de foncer… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TNT Destruction – Creative Short! #TNT #Crazy #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft TNT Destruction - Creative Short! #TNT #Crazy #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I created something in Minecraft and destroyed it TNT.#minecraft #creative #tnt #destroy #shorts’, was uploaded by Crazy Playz on 2024-03-20 08:40:56. It has garnered 2543 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I created something in Minecraft and destroyed it TNT.#minecraft #creative #tnt #destroy #shorts “Watch as I unleash my creativity in Minecraft, constructing an impressive structure block by block. But the real twist? I rig it with TNT and set off an explosive finale! Don’t miss the blast! 💥🏗️ #minecraft #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftMods #MinecraftSkins #MinecraftPE (for Minecraft Pocket… Read More

  • Unleash Lord Indra’s Ultimate Power in Phase 3!

    Unleash Lord Indra's Ultimate Power in Phase 3!Video Information [Musik] Hello what guys jadi kita hari ini akan melanjutkan brut ada ada ada Dito ada ada ada GL ada Bulbul ada ada Idil ada ada Mandala ada fat ada siram Ada Pak Ada Alvian ada ada cruzi ada ya ada Yon ada Ka ada arsen ada lagi ada Lis ada ada anak em ada ada Mal ada a yaudah lagi ya welcomeakat emang Apa nih Apa nih Apa ni emang ada apaan Ang Ada apaan Ada [Musik] apaan apa apa apa Ada apaan bangk bias Bang mana si an Tadi Ana ada di sih t gini Berti… Read More

  • 🔥 EXPLOSIVE Minecraft Memes on Twitch! #Shorts

    🔥 EXPLOSIVE Minecraft Memes on Twitch! #ShortsVideo Information yatak bana bir yatak yapsana şö uyayım bakalım ne oluyor AB koyduğum ne konulmuyor mu buraya This video, titled ‘Twitch mbdrx #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #keşfet #fypシ #game #latspreas #twitchclips’, was uploaded by MBDR on 2024-01-16 09:41:37. It has garnered 94 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Underwater Mountain House Build! 💥#minecraft

    ULTIMATE Underwater Mountain House Build! 💥#minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] why [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1 [Music] a [Music] p [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] he [Music] hey hey hey [Music] he [Music] hey hey hey hey heyyy [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] heyy [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]… Read More

  • Experience mind-blowing madness in Lekcon’s “THERAPY” MMV

    Experience mind-blowing madness in Lekcon's "THERAPY" MMVVideo Information you’ve got all the answers whenever I’m hurting but I feel like a project and I like a person I don’t know why you try to fix me like I can be fixed overnight don’t try I’m fine don’t tell me you understand I don’t need every need Wonder to with make I need someone to feel my pain and I just walk away I don’t need someone to P to me I just need a little L for send me someone who will shut them mouth and listen what I say I don’t need never pay you… Read More

  • Virtual Earth

    Virtual Earth(WARS, CUSTOM VEHICLES, MILLITARY) | BRAND NEW SERVER!!!! | Discord: https://discord.gg/VS5PyUnczr Java IP: play.coffeeinacup.online port: 25565 (1.20 – 1.20.1) Join us today and write your story! Server is fairly new so there is room for improvement! Thank you for being part of the community! play.coffeeinacup.online Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP Cross-Play McMMO Dungeons Mob Arenas Custom Enchants Shops Pinata Party Crates

    Hark, brave adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. Join us for a captivating survival experience like no other! What to expect: A lite RPG experience: Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Outposts, Quests, McMMO, Custom Enchants & Custom Monsters Excellent QoL: Player Warps, Homes, Monster Heads, RTP, TPA, Autocrafters, Land Claiming, Non-Premium Crates, Live Maps Voting system: Earn rewards with Voting Crate Key & pinata Player-owned economy: Sell what you want at your price Cross-platform play: Play with friends on different MC versions Informative Discord channel: Chat between Discord and Minecraft Custom Help menu: Available 24/7… Read More

  • Minecraft server play.ugnetwork.fun

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.ugnetwork.fun (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Legends of the Block 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Legends of the Block 🔥Why did the Minecraft character go to therapy? To work through his block issues! Read More

  • Scarecraft: My Map’s a Trap, Friends Beware!

    Scarecraft: My Map's a Trap, Friends Beware! In the world of Minecraft, a map was made, To scare friends and viewers, a thrill to cascade. With 50 likes, floor 2 will be unlocked, Feedback and comments, all eyes are clocked. Old videos deleted, a fresh new start, Perfection is key, each detail a part. Subscribe for updates, for floor 2’s debut, In the realm of Minecraft, the adventure ensues. Read More

  • 2024’s Hottest Minecraft Shenanigans! 🔥

    2024's Hottest Minecraft Shenanigans! 🔥 “2024: The year when Minecraft players finally figured out how to trap their friends in a never-ending loop of ‘Creeper Aw Man’ remixes.” Read More

  • Top Mods for Minecraft 2024!

    Top Mods for Minecraft 2024! The Best Mods for Your Minecraft in 2024! In 2024, Minecraft continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and creativity. One way players enhance their gaming experience is by using mods. Here are some of the top mods for Minecraft in 2024: 1. Biomes O’ Plenty Biomes O’ Plenty is a mod that adds a plethora of new biomes to the game, expanding the world and offering new landscapes to explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, this mod brings diversity to your Minecraft experience. You can download it here. 2. Alex’s Mobs Alex’s Mobs introduces a variety… Read More