Video Information

Foreign Thank you Thank you Foreign Thank you foreign Thank you hello everybody how are we doing today welcome welcome welcome oh it’s excellent seal out here well come on in good to have you good to have you hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi happy Friday happy happy Friday oh my gosh hi everybody

Oh my gosh we get awesome Hugo in here we got Astro blossoms we got Connor we got Franklin we got Brenna sparrowro umberfi what’s up Sarah how we doing not liko I don’t know what your name is done that’s fine but it’s not liko we got that blue lobster blocky how we doing

Skipper chenae Ash Emmy hello frostbite hello hello hello hello hello oh my gosh pixeled waffle what’s going on oh my gosh Wicca Stacy hello hello ah hi everybody how we doing welcome on in be sure to leave a cheeky like there on the stream if you have not already I

Very much do appreciate it helps me out a ton so thank you everybody for doing there we’re almost at 400 likes already my headphones are all tangled up okay let’s fix that alrighty Turner thank you for the one year of Super Fan my dude thank you so very much

That is extremely kind of you ah all right glad to be here welcome on in Shola welcome welcome welcome Kayla how kale Kaleb I’m sure there’s also a Kayla out here right they’re probably I could be both can be right also I gotta start off studifier thank

You so much for the gift membership uh Turner said on their one year said it’s been so long I never get to catch an actual stream been watching every single stream replay though don’t worry hey glad you still get to enjoy them that is absolutely awesome Brenda thank you so

Much for the five gift memberships oh hi everybody hi Jade how you doing Comfort streamer honestly that makes me so happy because I know I have so many Comfort streamers that I just lurk in their streams and I just hang most aren’t Minecraft streamers and I’m just like

Happy being there there’s a world Warcraft streamer that I’ve been watching for like nine years now like I don’t even play the game I’m I haven’t played retail wow in like two years but I was still just chill in a stream and he’s a he’s a wow PVP players and never

Never done any of that but I just love it it’s just the chillest vibe so that’s that’s awesome that’s amazing thank you everybody oh my gosh z-man thank you so much for becoming a member we got status fire with the two months thank you thank you thank you

Teacher of sign thank you so much for the two months love being a member thank you for your videos and streams thank you Chloe thanks so much for the Dono holy cow I’ll let that one read itself out it’s gonna be here soon oh my gosh I

Always tell all my friends and family members to watch your videos on the streams very nice to you also see we got Iron Knight in here I’m trying to read out the new new people that I’m seeing and uh my birthday is also on April I’m

Assuming August 9th that was a fun day but I didn’t get to see you stream and now we’re no more hey you know you’re all good we dug a really big hole and flooded it happy belated oh my God THX for all the hours of entertainment

Here take my money thank you Chloe thank you I appreciate that holy cow hi everybody how are we doing smallest stand uh smallest ham thank you so much for the one year it has been a year oh my gosh so glad to be here hey thank you so very much I

Really appreciate that Justin at ODST thanks so much for coming to supporter my dude I know you’re here all the time so I really do appreciate I hope you’re doing well Joshua thank you so much for becoming a member turns out killing over three stacks of Withers takes a while dude

It’s one of those things where I’m just like man I would love to use beacons to decorate more and I’m not it’s not the annoying part of getting the Wither Skeleton skulls because I have so many it’s not the annoying part of having to fight a Wither and being risk dying it’s

The fact that every single nether star takes like 20 seconds maybe 15 seconds just to uh like kill the Wither because you got to spawn it wait for it to come in and then you gotta kill it and I’m just like man it’s so time consuming like

It should be like the hardest boss in the game right and I’m over here just like yeah man it takes so long oh my gosh jelly pops thank you so much for the donut I do appreciate it welcome welcome welcome to your first stream I know that’ll read it so fast we’ll get

In there no DST thanks so much for the Dono nice to meet you all righty what be what were you up to on your birthday after stream uh we grilled some steaks we sit made a delicious risotto um and then smiley face smiley face so we did that for dinner it was really

Really yummy and then smiley face can we get some smiley faces in chat if anybody wants to add a smiley face in chat right now now’s your timed at it enjoy enjoy enjoy there we go thank you for all the smiley faces thank you thank you Jolly Pop I want you know you

Started this this is your fault but uh thank you also two thank you so much for the 18 months Joshua thank you so much for coming a member I really do appreciate everybody thank you for all the support but yeah um birthday I basically finished stream

Decided I hung out with one of my buddies played Diablo for a few hours just catching up with him uh so that was really fun and then jumped off there we made dinner uh we ordered crumble cookie so we had some delicious cookies and then we watched an episode of the bear

And went to bed and it was great because every other day of this week is something else last night we went to meet up with a different family with my mom and did dinner with them so that was super fun and then tonight we’re going to meet up

With my stepmom a bunch of other family and all that stuff so that’s also going to be super fun and we’re like you know I was like you know what the birthday itself like I just kind of want I just want to like chill crumble cookies so Dangerously Delicious

What is crumble cookie it’s a cookie brand company here in the US you can order from they’re delicious laughs but it’s all good what’s the bear uh it’s just showing Hulu uh very very much language warning and everything like that uh definitely if you are under 18 check with your parents before

You watch it it is unappropriate but it’s a really good show it’s not they it’s they swear a lot there is a lot of language use in it but the show is so good it’s really really good we watched one of the episodes for anybody who is watching the show we

Watched The Feast the Christmas episode we both finished it and said and I were like how do I go to bed now really just like just like it’s a there’s episodes are either like pretty nice and like really just like lovey and then the other episodes are just like full-on like anxiety trip

Inducing but still so good like oh my gosh what’s your preferred doneness on steak I’m like a medium rare guy a perfect point oh my gosh all right Jenny thanks so much for the donut you streamed on your birthday and now you’re streaming on mine hey happy birthday also Sierra

Thank you so much for the gift membership I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you the feast was insane oh my the entire you’re right the entire episode I know the show’s been out for a while but we’re watching it for the first time and I’m just like

What this is what oh my God all right on that note let’s jump into Minecraft Minecraft yeah Minecraft oh Sunset over the desert to start our day the clouds disappearing into the distance look how beautiful they are that’s where we can start we’re over here we’re over here today

We’re gonna somebody left a comment by the way they’re trying sea pickles quite a few people actually did so I put some over here as like a mini Cactus kind of like a succulent almost it’s like growing out here with the cactuses and I

Was like what could be kind of cool so I might add a few more thanks so much for the 19 months and the very important message of like the stream everybody we got a thousand people in here we’re not even at 600 likes I believe I believe

You all get you all can click the like button you can find it I believe in you so I built this bridge it’s pretty cool and then I realized this I realized that I never came back to get so we’re going to start off with the removing red sand today uh we’re gonna

Get the red sand out of here and then I want to come back and put regular sand in place of it and then also I’ve started a new burb tree so we’re anytime we find a parrot we’re gonna add them to the trees along the river because I think it’d be really cool

Um and then if we get some extra time afterwards I really want to spend some time working on the river itself because a lot of sections I just kind of ran out of time and I was like I want to focus on finishing the biome under the river

Can be done a little bit later so a lot of it is just that one deep from there and then pretty much all of the Mesa sections that I had to tear out they’re only a block deep right now just to save time because I put so many hours into

The video I was like I just we’re gonna cut some Corners here so I was like we can drink and fix that stuff on streams not the Red Sand I know we hate red sand no we like red sand we just don’t like red sand in the Mesa I’m

Definitely gonna bring some red sand back in I’ve been walking through Papyrus a bunch the kind of my my first not kind of but my first desert city and I’ve been just keeping track of where I how I was doing details and what kind of blocks I was using because I wanted to

Do a similar block palette when we get into here and I noticed that a lot of red sand was used for trims and things um and so I was like I gotta remember that I gotta remember that for when I actually get in there and start working on the place so

That’s where we’re gonna get started where’s that’s dead bushes okay step one we might need to go repair the shears and I don’t have any extra iron on me because all those are for beacons and we’ll see see pickles Galore you got it Cody you got it

Thank you so much for the donut I do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you and oh full van thank you so very much for becoming a member I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you flip you have 1.2 K viewers cool awesome welcome to the Friday stream everybody

Lovely to have every single one of you in here Mission no more red stand well first we need the dead bush we cannot leave without the dead bush if there’s no dead bush how can I decorate on top of this place I already almost like that the whole that shulker we just opened

Um that was all spent on Reed dead bouchifying the entire place over there also I don’t know what you all think about it but the cactus patches with the flowers on top I’ve been just kind of sitting in the world looking at the project and trying to figure out

Where I want to take the next one and oh you know what for the early stream gang for those of you that are in here you all can see this I got you I got you this you all can see this one this this is the plan

This is the plan for the region I got it so we’re gonna add a Farmland region in here we’re gonna have another Bridge here this whole village is gonna get removed and those villagers are going to get distributed throughout the two Farmland regions and then we’re gonna have the city here

That’s gonna kind of be working off of this Inlet coming in so that we can have like a protected Harbor which would be cool I want to build like an actual Oasis Pond out here with some trees and things just in the middle and we’ll have

Another road to spearing off up that way I don’t know where it’s gonna go but that’s kind of the the plan that’s that’s the general idea that I got right now so early early stream gang you get you guys get you got you all get the updates

Because I appreciate you jumping in here Mountain City in the Badlands now it’s gonna be a desert city uh oh like up there I thought about doing one of those like Adobe style cities but then I don’t know I don’t know I feel like it’s hard

To add too much detail to them they’re always very Bland isn’t the right word because they look really cool but it’s a very simplistic style it’s very just like built into the Cliffside cut it out create your homes and that’s that’s what it is that is the the entire

Thing and so I’m kind of like uh I mean it could be kind of fun but also I don’t know we’ll see maybe at some point we’ll add something on top of one of the Mesa Hills I still need to find a place because I want to

Rebuild part of the Papyrus uh red sandstone uh for those that remember it the palace that we made I want to rebuild part of that just sticking out of the sand like like the top layer and like a corner of it just the exact copy of it because I

Think it could be really funny just to have it in here so I think it’d be good I think it’d be cool to have just as like the full callback for the old series as if this is like thousands of years in the future of that

Thing was just buried in the Sands I thought it could be fun so I’ve been made I haven’t figured out a spot for it yet but I think it’d be cool what are you doing with the red sand or the all this stuff we’re gonna we’re gonna use it somewhere probably

Turn a lot of it into red sandstone and smelt it for smooth red sandstone and when you do that sand disappears quick as soon as you start turning sand into sandstone it goes by fast because it’s four stacks of sand for one stack of sandstone I mean it’s for something that’s not

Renewable those rates are crazy I mean you can also mine Sandstone but like getting red Sandstone the only way to naturally find red Sandstone there’s a little patch of it up here but you gotta run around and find like just a little tiny overhangs there’s no way to get red Sandstone without just

Absolutely destroying a Mesa you can ask Joel how that went in Empire’s season one all I know is uh I sent him the Red Sand count I had and his was still so much larger than what I’ve done in this world I was like maybe eventually because

We’re gonna have to tear out so much more this Mesa to keep the expansion of the white the regular Sans Mesa vanilla sand whatever it might be it was like maybe one day we’ll we’ll pass Joel’s red sand mine what day you on four four two you can duplicate Zan I don’t dupe

Anything outside of TNT and I will stop duping TNT as soon as Mojang gives us a way to create flying machines and whatnot that allow you to like move and drop TNT if we have the ability to like move dispensers and things and then trigger them on a flying

Machine I I would not use TNT duping I’ll use TNT duping because it’s so essential to clear large areas right there there’s red Sandstone this is naturally forming red Sandstone this these are the only places you can find it weird little overhangs but yeah I I don’t I don’t like duping

Anything and the so the only thing I allow myself to do is uh TNT and it’s just because it’s so essential for certain farms and the cost of TNT is very high I’m taking a little break from new life right now um I’m hoping we can get a few of the

Crash issues sorted and then I will be back on there but I have not started recording the next one yet I’ve mentioned it a few times on stream but I’m just kind of enjoying working on the hardcore series for the for a few weeks I I really have never

Given myself time to just dedicate to a series like a single series that is very rare for me to do so I figured also we’re gonna bring this land up so that red sand can stay because I’m not I’m gonna cover it with the road

But I figured it’d be kind of fun for just a little while to allow myself to just focus on one series I don’t think I’ve ever done that of my own choice it’s always only been because another Series has ended um so I don’t know we’re gonna see how it goes

Put that there happy belated birthday thank you I really appreciate that hardcore is way funny yeah I really like this series I have I have a lot of fun and I don’t get me wrong I I do enjoy new life it’s good but it’s fine

It’s also really nice just to log in and just be like yep we’re just opening up this Minecraft instance and this is this is what I’m working on today I couldn’t tell you the last time that I finished a Hardcore Minecraft episode and then started planning the next Hardcore Minecraft episode before that

One even released Mission remove the Red Sand is a go we’re back at it I think this we might just leave terracotta it’s kind of nice to have a little Cliff face almost bring the sand back in on top all that good stuff you like anime not a whole lot I

Wouldn’t say I’m like a big anime fan there’s a few I enjoy but I definitely I don’t like the cringiness of anime I don’t do cringy TV so a lot of like the like I I can’t do the office hate it it’s too much cringe not for me

Uh and so I a lot of like the anime cringy stuff it’s just like I don’t know not my favorite have you removed the Red Sand that you forgot about in the video oh that little like little Hill over there on the edge no I left it

It’s like nah it’s fine it’ll be a little Easter egg the only red stand that remains but this will be a decent amount and I should have the sand already to refill I I got two shulkers that we can fill up of this stuff so hopefully we don’t need more

But after my last time Gathering red sand who knows I needed a lot more shulkers after that Thank you yeah I I appreciate like anime that has like a lot of them have really good stories and they’re really like the story itself is good and then you just get a little bit farther into it and it’s always just there’s a few characters that are just I think it’s

The version of like comedic relief that they’re at again but they’re just like so cringe I’m just like no do it Santa’s so satisfying we’re getting in there get in there it’s Friday grinding stream day we we have chill Friday vibes get into the end of the week get to the weekend and we chill died in my hardcore world because I didn’t realize I went AFK outside my

House and Skelly shot me and I I don’t know you wouldn’t be surprised the amount of times that I like aim downstairs doing something and I just I’m like did I pause did I log out of the hardcore world and I’ll just like Sprint upstairs to be

Like no and I I I’ve caught it once or twice where I’m just like sitting there like there’s ones in the video where I was just like sitting over there and I got it before nighttime started because I’ll just like walk downstairs to go like fill my water or something and I’ll

Be like oh okay and I’ll open my inventory assuming that paused it or something I’m like nope nope dumb idea oh a live stream welcome on in are you enjoying summer I yeah I have been we’ve had a really mild summer in the Seattle area which is really nice

Typically we get a really hot late August September so I’m kind of scared for what’s to come but yeah the last few years about this time we’ve just been it’s been so hot and this year like I think it’s gonna be maybe 70 today Fahrenheit which is very very nice just saw the

Newest Hardcore episode used to name the biome of fertile River Valley call it back to the Mesopotamians and ancient Egyptians yeah I’ve seen a lot of that I’ve also seen like Rush River delta I think is the route that I’m going right now mostly because I know that

12 year olds of the internet if I name something fertile they’re gonna have a Heyday with it so I was like maybe Lush instead it’s also more of a minecrafty term when we have Lush caves make and just calling this also Lush I was like that’s feels more minecrafty to me and I

Was like it technically is going to be a river Delta when we’re done with it because it connects to the ocean right over there so I’m really happy with how it turned out and the support on the video yesterday even though I did click bait you all congratulations you have been yet again

Click baited thank you for clicking people so many people like that’s not the worst biome I love the Mesa and I was like yeah but it makes for a much better title if I say I transform the worst biome in Minecraft so congratulations you have been clickbaited thank you thank you for clicking

I’m definitely like I the fertile River Valley devil is probably more like if you talk to like a geologist I believe that would be the profession that would be talking about it um for historians they’d be like yeah it was a fertile River Valley I’m like yeah

That does make sense that is much more accurate but I’m also like I’m on the internet clicking on the vid is the best part of the vid and I’ll take it okay so what is the worst biome Mushroom Island probably I’d actually mesa’s I love this now with the regular

Sand in there I love it Mesa is definitely up there on biomes I don’t like mostly because all the foliage is brown and I’m red green colorblind so when you add red tones on red tones on more red tones on other warm tones on adding some extra brown tones in there

It just looks like mush like the the detail in this biome that probably people who aren’t colorblind it’s completely lost on me where I am and there’s been Wild so that’s fun oh my gosh stay safe I’m so sorry about that also I meant I’ve missed so many I’ve just been

Going I’ve missed so many holy cow where did all these come from not liko thank you so much for the Dono uh the connection with your community that you have is so sweetest pleasure to be in your lives hey thank you so very much change my name to not liko to pull a

Joke on people might nickname is my next I’m assuming nickname all right Minecraft all day long thanks so much for coming to support her Malo with the one year at Mega fan thank you so very much for that how’s your day so far it’s been really

Good it’s been a chill day woke up got a workout in took their doggies for a walk and no nothing else that is that has been it I made a thumbnail so I could have this live stream that’s been that’s been my morning it’s been good uh but mallow thank you

So very much for the full one year at Mega fan cool I really wish YouTube allowed me to create custom member badges on the different tiers because that’d be so I’d love to be able to see those in chat it’s only the one member badged here maybe they’ll change maybe one day maybe

One day we could ask we can hope uh Cody thanks so much for becoming a supporter uh what’s your favorite Minecraft build in this world I really like the end the entry I feel like I’m not out there enough but I really want to work on it some more

Um Nat Renee thanks so much for the 18 months at tier two finally able to catch the stream of happy Friday hey happy Friday right back at you thank you so much for being here I really appreciate it and thank you for the support and blocky thanks so much for the 13 months

At tier two yeah and like the stream everybody like the stream blocky said so and blocky is good blocky I don’t know if you saw the stream on Wednesday I was showing off your boat designs that you sent me for the Riverboat and where I was going to

Add them into the hardcore City so thank you again for those we’re gonna I’m gonna get those added and it’s probably as soon as we get back over to work in that section we’re gonna be adding some boats we’re gonna be good good stuff

All right who else do I got in here Malo thank you so much for the five gift memberships on top of that thank you so very much I really do appreciate that and Brenna thank you so much for the Dono I really really do appreciate that and hope you’re surviving over there uh

Drink a lot of water and stay cool in Octavia thank you so much for the four months footpart right back at you all right I appreciate that sorry everybody I I had to get caught up there I was like I’ve been ranting I’ve been I’ve been missing them I gotta turn up

The notification sound at my end I gotta figure out how to do that just make it louder in my ear loading rod stand floating sand what’s your worst build I really know I feel like I don’t I don’t know I if I have a build that I don’t like I

Typically change it or I don’t make it so I I’m I don’t know I don’t know I don’t think I have a horse I probably have a worse build but nothing comes to mind because maybe an organic I tried making where I was like yeah this is close as

We’re getting this is this this is the best I can do but I don’t really have many organic builds I mean the build that I’ve done that needs the most work on it I will say is the Giga tree that we got a long grab and staring at that the more been like

Yeah I need to fix this so looks like you’re recreating the Nile just need a few pyramids yeah I don’t know we might we might add like a desert temple upgrade but I feel like that’s been done so many times yeah like building a pyramid in

Minecraft has been it’s been done like a million times and let’s be honest they are boring structures I kind of like what Kalani did recently where he did like the mega Beacon so we could do something like our own spin on that that doesn’t look like a beacon but it

Like it’s like a giant pyramid type structure probably more like a stepped something more almost like more like an Aztec Aztec in pyramid or Mayan pyramid where it’s like big steps instead of just the clean lines going up uh I think something like that could

Work a little bit better and we can like build a beacon into it could be fun so I don’t know yeah it’s more like a ziggurat yeah that’s if I pronounced that correctly I don’t know that’s all that’s always how I pronounced it could be wrong Kalani makes really good videos

For the the one a month video that he puts out there they’re good I also appreciate that he took Hardcore Minecraft in such a different route just by like just saying yeah no I completely broke the game I did all these ridiculous things changing Minecraft game versions over and over

Again and just completely broke the game and I just think that’s funny I think that’s such a fun way to do it it’s very different Build an incomplete pyramid that could be kind of fun like showing that they’re actively like making a structure that could be cool 300 durability just under we’re fine right now thank you though Prince Ewan thanks so much for the 13 months my dude hey hey hey how you doing

Almost 1K likes we need eight likes we need eight like arenos I believe chat I believe he’s seven like Arena you need three like arenos and now we have done it thank you everybody can we just get a whoop just a little just one just a little

Okay uh I have my bed on me so I can just sleep right here thank you just just like a little just like a little woo oh my gosh it’s the cutest thing ever I’ve been trying forever to get it on camera but Coda My Husky uh

He does these little howls where he’ll just want your attention and he’ll just come up to you and just go just like the softest little oh and if you don’t give him attention he’ll give you a like really howling at you but his like starting is always just

And it’s the cutest thing ever I love it so much okay we are definitely gonna need another shulker box short palm trees please these are pretty sharp these are about as short as I want to take them because we go any shorter they’re gonna blend in too much with the

Ground foliage and I like that separation if you’re all your anxieties it showed me one of her good friends just got a husky puppy and it is the most adorable thing ever diagonal palm trees yeah I saw a lot of people in like you need to make the palm trees lean out

Over the water and I was like yeah they could but I also really like the Simplicity of these because they get sure a palm tree might lean over the water but that’s when you have like much more of a dense area and they’re fighting for Sunshine these I

Want to make so sparse that they really don’t need to or and I also kept them up off of the river so much that I was like they’re gonna be on like the the more solid soil I don’t know we can we can we can try

That we can try a few of those later we’re gonna if we get all this stuff wrapped up I’m hoping we can do it in a decent amount of time a little bit more red sand here than I thought there was lovely palm trees yeah I think they

Worked out really well we actually designed these palm trees about a year and a half ago on a stream it was on a YouTube stream I think uh where I was like you know what I just want to log in and build a custom biome and I pretty much built

In in World painter and then brought it into game and just was having some fun with it we pretty much built this just like a from a world painter map I would love to incorporate some packed mud rocks I did realize after the fact in the video that I called out that I

Was gonna grab some packed mud and I did to build rocks and then I just never built the rocks so we might go back and Dot those in but I’m also like I don’t know how many rocks we really need okay I I kind of like it as is but we’ll

Add in a few maybe as we get farther away from the Mesa thingies plateaus loading sand it’s also just a bummer that packed mud doesn’t have um slabs and stairs I don’t know why I feel like it’s such a miss you have to make pack mud bricks to

Get slabs and stairs we can get stone slabs and stairs and it’s it’s basically the equivalent of stone if it turns into mud bricks same way Stone turns into stone bricks so I’m like why can’t we have stairs and slabs floating sand just sprinkle of rocks yeah just some small

Ones I almost want to like the problem is well not the problem but the thing is I don’t want to over busy the biome because deserts are supposed to just be like in the Minecraft desert it’s just sand like that’s a lot of sand going on

For a long distance I mean look at that you’re mostly just seeing sand with the occasional Cactus and dead Bush and I’m trying to really convey that because I don’t want to make it look so full of different things because I think it loses a lot of the charm so it’s kind of

A it’s a bit of a tougher challenge than I thought it’s making something detailed and unique and good and like look really cool but also not look like the original but also kind of honor the original when it’s there’s not too much going on with it it’s difficult building a custom

Desert in Minecraft it’s harder than I thought it would be I’m not gonna lie I it was I think they’re doing little patches of cactuses and things helped a lot and that’s kind of the the route that I want to take it also annoyed thank you

So much for the seven months I really do appreciate that sorry I missed that a few minutes ago thank you thank you thank you to be sick for there to be Dunes all right un momento un momento I must share this this is a photo that was shared by nembomb

A little while ago and um let me see here uh how can I do this let’s do this there we go you see this you see this this is a nembomb is the dev he was tweeting out about how they fixed cam fixed camels not being able to

Stand up ignore the upside down camels spider camel spider um you see back here enhance now we’re Max enhanced you see do you see that do you see the sand that’s a layer that’s a lair it’s a mod you think of Minecraft developers tweeting out a screenshot that they’re making on an

Official fix for a bug and using a mod in the background I don’t think that’s likely because that could get them in so much trouble do you know how much that would cause the community to Riot if they started tweeting out screenshots of things that they’re fixing and working on with just

Random mods in the background not even to mention that the Minecraft mods that they’re working on aren’t updated because the mod developers don’t have access to the version that they’re making like that that’s a legit potential thing coming into the game I’m just saying a little tinfoil hat over here but you

Know I’m just saying sand layers and I’m not you best believe until I know what that next 1.21 update is I’m not building any sand dunes until I know exactly whether or not I’m getting sand layers you could add those mud break rocks next to the dunes so you can use some Granite

As texturing yeah I thought about Granite but it’s a little too Red I wanna I want that like brown tone the granite pops out a little too much I use Granite for rocks back in the original Papyrus just because we didn’t really have access to anything else and

It wasn’t anything else it wasn’t my favorite though he said it was his own testing I mean I’m just uh I’m just tinful of hatting over here just a little just a little it’s like a healthy amount of tin foil adding if they’re testing things that means it’s a potential feature

That’s how testing works you test features any chance you’re coming to Pax West in Seattle I don’t think so uh Pax West is a difficult one because that is our wedding anniversary weekend so it’s a little hard to convince and say hey can we go to Pax

Also if I knew people coming into town for it I’d be more likely to go like other creators but I just don’t really know anybody who’s going this year that I’m aware of problem when I’m out of the friend group the only West Coast creators are me Shelby and Joey

Everybody else is other side of the world so many coming in what the heck uh tiny moose thank you so much for the three months your profile picture is adorable I’m doing well thanks Astro blossoms thanks so much for the nine months hope you’re doing well I’ve been keeping up lately do the

Health stuff but happy to keep sporting hey I really appreciate that what have you got going on you’re able to get sorted out and all that stuff but thank you so very much we’re here if you need a break and no worries if you gotta run yeah sausages on the East Coast

Everybody else is in the UK well besides Gem and Pearl what happened to one Skyblock I haven’t done a one Block Skyblock in a very long time okay so we’re about a three shulker box of sand over here and I brought one it’s gonna take you basically the equivalent of this we need

In sand after the fact you might have to go mine some sand but we are almost done we’re almost done here get in there I think it’s literally just this last layer is that down there don’t really care about probably going to cover up this Ravine anyways

Or just leave it and ignore it because it’s kind of Dipping down into the land so who’s gonna notice have you tried the sweet berries this prickly pear cactus yet I haven’t I have not grabbed any quite yet oh that was wrong button okay how much sand do I have

Not enough that’s the answer the answer is not enough sand okay I’m gonna pause nice to meet you we’re gonna run back and drop all this red sand off and nice to meet you in the old world I’m trying to keep my storage somewhat organized back in the old world and just

Taking the trips instead of really utilizing that storage room I know I made it but I’m like I really need it uh Ruth thank you so much for becoming a member I really do appreciate that and Caitlyn thank you so much for coming to supporter uh my son

And I both love your videos thank you for being awesome hey Ruth I really appreciate that hello to both of you hope you’re doing well you show the boat you built we can go check it out when we get back getting good at flying out of that nether portal be honest

And get a real good at flying out of that nether portal episode 43 working on it right now but we are we’ve already had a 40 second episode uh so we gotta really be careful about how much you know we dedicate into the next episode because I think I only get

A 43 second episode next time I’m a little ashamed how much red sand we have especially when we just got another like 5 000 of it oh this is exactful wow oh it’s because I’d bring shul garage hooker back thank God I think after a while I was

Just like I’m not bothering saving it anymore it’s like I’ve just let it get fall on the ground this last look is full I don’t want to go unload again holy red sand Batman that is 60 000 red sand now everybody we are officially above 60 000 red sand

Okay so we have a shulker of sand back over at the place you can just bring this I don’t want to go mining for sand right now I’m Gonna Fill This and that’ll be enough my junk shulker back over there hey buddy Yippee it’s actually red sand passed obsidian obsidian stopped at 45 800 so you know that’s a pretty small number at this point it’s only the seventh most Mind Block in the world is uh obsidian so you know there’s that still don’t know how I feel about it but here we are

That was your birthday it was good it was good birthday was good been doing a lot of just like hanging with family and things like that this week so it’s been yeah it’s been a lot of just hanging with the fam which has been fantastic it’s been really nice catching up with everybody

I always love that birthdays are just an excuse to see everybody you love so that’s that’s always Nash what’s your top Mind Block I think it’s Netherrack we’re the heck did you spawn up there sir sir I just want to ask questions right there top mind blocks Netherrack stone is

Actually catching Netherrack sand is flying up there at this rate with our current project and then dirt and grass blocks alone we combine those together because it’s basically the same thing that would be up in here we’ve got a lot of blocks we’ve got a lot of blocks above the 10K Point too

Which is kind of cool I know there’s some people with absurd stats like we still haven’t used any tools over a million times and or 4 600 days in the world but I also I think that shows that we do more building here than like big grind projects I I do my

Fair share of large grind projects I’m looking at a Giant Gas Farm but I don’t like to grind just for the sake of like having a grindy project every project I pick is always the purpose of either the materials are going to be used again later at some point maybe hopefully is the

Goal and then um usually I like I don’t really I haven’t done many projects where I’m like let’s just dig a giant hole just for the sake of digging a giant hole you know we should we could have a cool big hole here so it’s the way it goes I’ll tell you

What Chad I’ll be right back though I gotta go use the restroom real quick so I’ll brb’s one moment enjoy the music thank you Foreign Ty back Yeah now that we dug up all the Red Sand we got to replace the Red Sand it’s gonna be so fun oh my gosh I’m hoping that once we can finish that though we can actually do some uh work around the area not that this isn’t essential work to be

Doing in the area but like here we are okay time to get to a Santa placeing Oh chat by the way question for you all because I haven’t been able to figure it out quite yet where I want to take this can I play with you sometime and I enjoy watching hey Jarvis thank you so very much I really do appreciate the Dono uh I

Typically don’t play on public service or anything like that if you are looking for a place to hang we do have an awesome Community server that I try and jump on there every once in a while I’ll be honest I’m not on there all the time but uh that would be

The route to go for uh two two members enough but apologies I only have so many hours in the day and I gotta keep them towards making videos thank you for all the support though I really do appreciate that thank you thank you but anyways question chat question

I want to figure out a way to build the pathway through the desert I have not decided on a block yet what yeah the community server is Java only we don’t have it set up for Bedrock right now but what block do you think would look

Good for a road going through a desert I’ve been thinking red sand yeah we could do red sand we do a red sand Road who’s heard of the Silk Road nobody you’ve heard of Red Sand Road pack mud mud brick um yeah we could that’s kind of why I’m

Leaning I kind of want like but I’m worried about that the brown being a little too contrasty honestly maybe once we finish this we can kind of go into creative and just in a copy and test some things out Terracotta Red samples terracotta yeah yeah I was leaning towards dirt but then I

Was like ooh but rooted dirt and then I was like uh rooted dirt how much time do I think I have to build a road I’m about to be spend in six hours Gathering root of dirt to build a road yeah let’s go okay we’ll leave that there because I

Kind of like the exposed face path block path block is what I used in the original one and I think it could work I don’t know I’ll show you what we did the original time once we’re in the city dirt coarse dirt and all that stuff is gonna be great that’s fantastic I’m

Trying to figure out I’m almost leaning towards like Birch planks or Oak flanks right now for the like out of city road because I want it to look like the desert is kind of it’s there like it’ll probably be a highly traveled road so we can have a little bit more detail cut

Into it but I’m like I don’t know act mud mud breaking Brown mushroom yeah jungle wood jungle it could work we’ll go test some things after this I I want to go test some things I also need to save the replay so it can work out for that too

I think clearing and replacing the sand back won’t take nearly as much time as it did clear it all out kind of spam spam everywhere just Spam the blocks all you gotta do just Spam the blocks hay bales popped into my head that sounds so awful to collect could be good on the

Coloring but there is no way I am collecting enough hay bales for a road that is a creative Minecraft solution do I do some of those in Hardcore Minecraft quite often you bet your butt I do but uh I think that’s where I draw the line favorite food

I really love like a lot of the Asian Cuisine foods that are like a good Street taco a good bowl of ramen or something oh it’s delicious honestly just like a good teriyaki place which is like katsu chicken on a bed of rice you got your little cucumber salad with it

Very much a Seattle thing that they’re everywhere up here but oh my gosh that is comfort food for me Celsius uh Orange today I swapped over to the sparkling ones recently the carbonation is a little weird but I found that it made my uh I didn’t get it I was getting really like

Not I was getting like really I felt like my jaw was getting really tense drinking the regular Celsius or not the regular the green tea ones so I swapped over the carbonated to see if that would help and it actually has helped a lot so I’ve kind of been sticking with those since

Which is nice I think whatever they’re doing in the green tea ones was making just like a little too much or too much caffeine laughs okay we need to go up here and cover the top of this rock have you made a before map of the desert like Minecraft maps no I didn’t

I typically don’t make before and after Maps uh honestly the only place we’re probably gonna have the world map for is like the main base in the old world I keep calling it old world but it’s like it’s not done yet and we’re also in the

Same world so I think it’s confused a few people but the old region of this world where like the city is and all that I’ve I think that’s the only reason I’m gonna actually map maybe once we’re done here we’ll build a map in like the whatever Palace structure or whatever we

End up making here as like the grand piece on top but yeah I don’t know and stone would look nice yeah do you have a home gym we have kind of like a partial home gym like we have a Peloton bike which is awesome and then we got a bunch of

Weights that we use but we don’t have like any like crazy gym equipment outside of the bike I would love to I’ve looked into it but there are expensive we’ve talked about potentially converting part of our garage into a gym and getting some things out there

But uh our garage was full of my brother’s stuff right now because he moved back to the Seattle area recently so gotta wait for him to find a more permanent place so he can take all his his stuff out of there and then we can fill it in with more stuff

For a cool circle map in the ceiling yeah we could use like a almost like a mosaic could be the map like in the ceiling of whatever Palace we make that could be kind of fun that’d look really cool filling with flip was your favorite series it was a good one

I felt like I I grew so much like if I didn’t do the building with flip series I would not be in the position I’m at now that’s for sure like I grew so much you’re doing building with whip and I’m so happy I did it

But I’m also so happy that like where I’m at now like no part of me wants to go back to it but I think it was very core for me to grow as a YouTuber was just to stick with a really long series there’s so many people that are like oh

My gosh how do I become a YouTuber but and how do I do all this stuff like I can’t find any growth and I can’t get my feet under me and like get moving like how how did you do it and then you look at their Channel and they have

They’re on season 50 of their Minecraft let’s play and every season is 10 episodes or less because they’re like oh man I did everything in this world I don’t know what to do next it’s like well yeah there’s the reason you’re not growing right there you’re not giving

People any reason to stick around so I think for me like really honing in on yeah I liked I I know that I enjoy doing longer series like that is the thing that for me from building with whip was the most important was like I know that

I can do a long series and I will be very happy the entire time doing it and I can keep finding new projects to do on a series that’s also a really important part that a lot of people struggle with is they’re like well I did

All the stuff like I have my base I uh have my mind I have my villager trading Hall I have these farms and I killed the dragon got my live show I got my full enchants okay I got my netherite and uh what now and they’re like oh I

Don’t know let’s go fight a really difficult raid oh my gosh I died in Hardcore Minecraft I guess I have to restart and do it all over again and then they do the exact same thing what are we doing we just tore up a bunch of red sand and we’re coming back

In and replacing it with a regular sand to be on theme with the video that released yesterday if you have not seen it it’s a fantastic video where we built all that and I love it you proved that you like long series because this isn’t your only yours

Because isn’t this only your second hardcore series uh this is season three of Hardcore unfortunately I started a new world and it’s only survival but I’ve been pretty like hardcore yeah for me I like when we were doing Empires I very much treated a season two like

Hardcore for me unless I was like messing around with other people like it’s ingrained in my brain now of like my Minecraft play style since I’ve turned into hardcore YouTuber has or hardcore Minecrafter has become so defensive and so cautious like I’m always very aware of whatever my Escape Route is if

I get into a situation I now like my ability to memorize like routes out of caves and things like that and like get them like as I’m walking I’m basically creating a mental map for myself of if I have to run away I know how the heck to get out of here

And that has been so helpful for hardcore I just being able to know how the heck to get out of a situation is the reason why I’m still alive okay that that’s a big part of it so if you’re struggling in your hardcore worlds you’re like I die all the time

Try to pay attention to your surroundings more like figure out what’s around you like if you get in a sticky situation what’s gonna happen what are you gonna do safety is our number one priority you’re right that is the wrong series rip Goblin you shall be remembered for your delicious okay pickles

Yeah Hardcore Season one was not an SMP so I guess I’m technically on season two of single player hardcore but season one we played very single player it was a series that Joel and I started and we’re like we’ve all started hardcore series around the same time I was like hey

What do you think about we just combined the worlds and live like 5 000 blocks apart and we can interact if we want to to do something fun um and so we decided to do that and it was it was really cool and then he died and then I was alone

And then uh well before Joel died Jimmy joined Scott joined and they both died pretty quick and I Callum joined but he didn’t play too much so I eventually messaged him and I was like hey man like for the sake of like me being able to

Survive longer like I I’m gonna take a world download and move to single player like if you want the download to continue yourself uh here it is uh and I was like we just haven’t interacted at all so just I’m just gonna go single player and I don’t think he continued after

That I don’t I don’t think he ever logged back in but that was a fun one then season two we started built the honestly that castle I think is still one of my favorite castles I ever designed I was kind of bummed that I didn’t get to do the expansion into

Like the palace section that would have been really cool I had some fun plans for that but live and we learn of uh don’t try and fight zombies when you’re stuck in the water remember that hardcore world yeah season one we lived in a mega tiger that was so

Super fun we built the tried attempt at building a massive mountain and uh taunted the Minecraft Gods and they answered with a creeper and uh then we died there I think it what’s interesting is season one we lasted about a thousand to two thousand days is where the play time

Like came out to because it was hard since it was on a server it was hard harder to track the day count um and then season two we lasted just like 2500 I think and now season three we’re at 4 646. 4646 so we’re still we’re cruising

I think third time’s the charm here do you have a camel yeah we got a camel two episodes back the other one I died to the creeper I know that was so sad where Sabo broke the no swearing rule in chat because he’s a moderator so he couldn’t get blacklisted

Still find that so funny the only person who swears when I die it’s Sabo it pops up on the on-screen chat in the video too just like we’re just gonna run it when is next vid um well I just released a video yesterday so I’m just starting the next one and I

Typically take about a week to record a video so probably next Thursday oh it’s not the answer many people are hoping for but that’s where we’re at I also took a break yesterday I I kind of took yesterday pretty easy the desert one was definitely a lot

Bigger of a bit video than I was expecting it to be like that that whole thing took a lot longer than I expected it would uh which I kind of talked about a lot during the video process seemed like people enjoyed more of the context

Behind it so I’m gonna try and do that more often because I think so much of like Hardcore Minecraft YouTube right now just because it’s all these just crazy Grand projects and everybody’s like here’s this and I’m doing this I’m doing this step and over here and like and I perfectly planned

Out the entire route that I’m going for it and so I’m just kind of over here like yeah so I tried winging it and uh I made a mistake this is really big that was kind of funny just like the the difference the difference in how I was

Talking about in my video versus what everybody else is doing I was just like yeah so um I completely underestimated how much time this was gonna take yeah my bad y’all my bad yeah one but he’s that dude masks out everything he could possibly Ever Need

But I also feel like he probably is making it up as he goes more so but when he’s in because there’s no way that one but does all of that like recording live everything is talking like from a third person perspective like looking back on it and

Like telling a story so he probably just is like all right I think the voice things will be more interesting if I tell like this ultimate plan I had along the way whereas I would hope that he probably just do like my own personal sanity I hope that he’s also making it

Up as he goes because there’s how he would know that he needs like these 20 Farms to do this thing I’m just like mm-hmm yeah well I guess if you design the whole build and you’re like okay here’s my block list let’s figure out how to

Get these okay what Farms do I need for these okay cool but I typically don’t plan my build until I’m like ready to build it like usually I’ll get into creative mode and start planning the build when I’m like okay I need something to fill this space

And whatever it’s gonna be like I’ll do all the terraforming first and get that and so I can know what the area is going to look like and then I’ll come back in and make the build unless it’s in the city I kind of have those buildings

Floating and I mostly just build the roads out where I want them to go for the height variation in the city and then we come back in and then put in the buildings in place because I want the buildings to very Naturally Fit with whatever terrain I’m making

I don’t want to build terrain to fit buildings I want to build buildings to fit the terrain that’s a very core goal I’ve always I’ve had for the last year or two and I I like it I feel like it makes things a lot more unique and less Flack

What s p was your favorite uh Empire is I think Empire season one it was just so fun everything was so new and we did such a good job at just like making it up as we go like everything in Empire season one was just made up on the Fly even zornoth

Zornoth was absolutely made up on the Fly hey for real that was not planned at all E3 it’s awesome it was somebody wanting to prank Shelby downloaded a voice mod to mask their voice and that’s where zornoch came from and that it just naturally turned into

Such a big thing and that so that was really cool dead Boy Thanks so very much for the donut have you played baller Skate 3 it’s awesome if you haven’t I watched Scott playing it for a little while um and it looks really fun and I’ve been watching a few other streamers playing

It I know Scott’s like 10 hours into him he’s loving it so I think I’m gonna pick it up I think Lizzie’s playing it too and so we’ve talked about doing like uh we all have our own little single player playthroughs that we’re doing and once

We learn the game a little bit better coming back and doing a co-op play through just as friends and not streaming it just because we want to just chill and play the game uh so I I that to me sounds super fun so I think I’m gonna pick it up I I

Finishing the Diablo 4 season right now I’m like progressing the final boss and as soon as I win I’m probably gonna be okay cool I’m done so I’m I’m getting there and as soon as I wrap up Diablo I think I’m gonna pick up Baldur’s Gate

I love the first one this is the first two because you’re from Seattle you have a favorite grunge band I’m so bad with names of bands I’ll be honest I’m so awful as a kid though I really did like I really like Nirvana as a kid I had a big metal phase

Until like from my probably like sixth grade through like sophomore year of high school I was had a big metal phase so I was going to a lot of the metal concerts in the Seattle area and then I I hard swap not really hard swap I actually feel like it’s pretty

Natural Music progression I went from especially more nowadays I went from being a very heavy metal kid straight into dubstep just absolutely just right there and now I feel like I’m very much into like the electronic like dance music scene dubstep is a little too wub wub so I

Don’t listen to it too much but I definitely enjoy dance music and it’s still a decent amount of grunge like look at the playlist I’ve made for that I use in videos a lot of it is kind of grunge Rocky music mostly because it’s so different from what

Everybody else was doing at the time everybody had the same either electro swing which is good but everybody does it or they have the same um like just electronic like dubsteppy or whatever songs like there’s so much like mismatch between all the different creators I was like I’m gonna find all

This new stuff that nobody’s using now everybody’s using my music I found it was mine have you seen Oppenheimer yet no we haven’t we haven’t made it out for to see that or Barbie we’ve very much been wanting to but we have been so busy we have not had a free night

And the any the times that we have had a free night we’ve been like stay home yeah yeah stay home it’s it’s been great but we’ve had so many different events happening recently between we have a few birthdays my family is very heavy on the summer birthdays um and then

We’ve also had a few weddings that we’ve been going to we’ve also just like been meeting up with friends outside of that and it’s like it’s uh absolutely love it I really shouldn’t be complaining about having so many people that we get to spend time with in our

Lives but it’s it’s been very busy we we keep being like yeah we’re gonna take a down time like this is gonna be a little down time and then we’re like oh no the calendars fall so is what it is I think that’s just the way life goes

It’s been it’s been fine but as soon as we have a free weekend we are hoping to get out there and see Barbie and Oppenheimer because I already ordered uh Ken merch so I probably should see the movie before the Ken merch arrives otherwise that’s a little weird I bought

The fuzzy I am kanuff sweatshirt and I’m going to live in that this winter you best believe I’m gonna be living in that thing Barbie’s not political but we’re not gonna get into that because the people that Barbie as itself is not a political movie but people have turned it political

Because they’re uncomfortable with what’s being talked about but it’s not in itself a political movie I don’t know but we’re not going to get into that today we’re not we’re not going there because it’s all that’s going to result in is me Banning a lot of you all for being stupid

And uh we can do that we can make this community more cozy and safe place but you know that’s that’s up to you all if you want to get if you want to get a band hammer or not okay we are done on the sand we’re here to play Minecraft

Okay that looks a lot better that looks much much better and I kind of do like the little bits of terracotta popping up over there and it’s sorry for the replay mod thing being a little stupid um yeah right I mean it’s one of those things where I know people always come

In here asking me to like talk about all these controversial things and whatever that they basically want to have a gotcha moment of haha we saw you mess up streamer like dude I’m here to play Minecraft like you don’t need to know everything about my life we don’t like

I’ll share things with you all that I want to share with you all but just simply by me being on the internet does not need to be that we need to talk about every single thing ever we can we can have a very healthy safe place of a community that a lot of

People can be welcome in if they would like to where we just don’t need to talk about all that stuff or whatever it might be and I I think it’s also one of those things where if you know me by now and you’re watching my videos

You probably know where I stand on most of the topics anyways but we don’t need to like bring that into anything like it doesn’t need to be talked about constantly and it’s I think it’s there’s it’s been a weird thing of all these creators more recently have

Been engaging in every form of content I’m like it just purely by being a content creator doesn’t mean that we have to respond to every single thing out there and I think having that separation is a really good thing because there’s so much just craziness happening everywhere in the

World that it’s kind of nice to have a place where you can go and just like not bring those things up that’s that’s all I’m gonna say about it today all of this is gonna fall I want to just patch this in I think it will look a little bit better if it’s

Flattened also don’t I just I don’t get the gotcha meta like where everybody’s like I got this stream I exposed them for doing blah blah I’m like no no no if they’re if they deserve to be exposed for stuff they’ll expose themselves you don’t need to do it

Okay uh let’s just do that I kind of like this face being exposed here I think it looks nice Seattle nice play some considering applying to University of Washington I love Seattle it’s definitely a city that is in the process of a lot of change right now misunderstand them and fear what they

Don’t know draw our good folks I wish I got the reference for that one dead boy thank you so much for the donut I do appreciate it I’m assuming it’s the ball just get three um yeah I love Seattle I absolutely love this city and the Pacific Northwest in general I

Plan to live here for a very very long time you do have to be okay with rain I will say that now um and more so with the dark winners more so than the rain I think is a big thing to be aware of but I love the city

I I absolutely love it here it’s definitely Universal Washington I didn’t go there for school but it’s uh I know a lot of people that did and they all very much loved it the big school though very big school sounds like home yeah right it’s just part of life here exactly yeah

How long you streaming for probably another hour I’ve only been going an hour and a half today oh I wanted to go test out Road stuff but that just being sand instead of red sand oh it looks so much cleaner I love it so let’s go test out a few Road pallets

And then we’ll probably bring the course dirt along there I’m sure we can just do that now I think I have the coarse dirt to make that a habit I have 57 of course dirt hello hello hello let’s fix up this I got plenty of dirt dirt

Problem is is this is all grass down here so we gotta be careful of that grab a little sand we can kind of do like a little where the road is going to be going through the desert just to touch how many monitors do I have I have three right now

I’m on that three monitor life it’s pretty nice and then we’re gonna go I like the water edge down here we’re gonna add a little bit of moss to bring it out of touch we’re gonna bring in a lot of moss along the edge here to get that little that

Really Lush section back thank you and we can do that and we can kind of start the road is gonna go like along here I think so we can kind of do like a little bit of a thicker Corsair section there so it doesn’t grow over quite as much then we can also

Bring a little bit of our sand in to really kind of edge that point off and basically trying to stop the grass from being able to grow in here and then we’re going to bring in a lot of dirt then then and then then and then then it’ll be totally fine

Got a lot more and then we also probably need to transform this into just some regular sand and we can fix that little Hill up there in a bit and you get more dirt dirt no see I have a 49 restrain uh one of your streams I was wondering why your

Video is only 1080p even though your PC is so powerful it needs to be 4K full honestly that’s the reason I don’t think Minecraft looks much better in 4k than it does without my monitors are 4K I will say that and the only thing that I notice a part of

That is that because I have a 240 refresh rate monitors and that makes a difference that makes a huge difference but that doesn’t convey across YouTube um was where YouTube’s current compression is Minecraft Gameplay does not benefit much from it so I would rather put that computing power towards doing other

Things like the bit rate being higher I think gives a better product and a lot of the people who do Post 4K Minecraft videos they actually don’t record in 4k they record in 1080P and then they just um render it out in 4k so like I could do

That and it does give a little bit diff better quality than it is but that’s fine I don’t I don’t think it matters much I’ve tried it I’ve tried it in the past you can find some videos on my channel that are 4K but I don’t think it gave

Like a noticeably big difference and I it also didn’t make the video get any more views or anything like that so I’m not gonna waste the time on it what’s a bit right on your stream uh bit right on the Stream 5700 right now 1080p 5700 bit right

And I I could probably bump it up some more I have gig internet like up and down which is very nice but I’m always a little scared about it because YouTube if it goes down it’s really annoying to get your screen back so I tend to I I purposely have it a

Little bit lower so if there’s a bad connection issue or something the stream isn’t just like hard down I want some more wiggle room in case issues do pop up just binge this whole series thank you I hope you enjoyed it I could probably do a lot of things to

Make my video quality better but I think it’s fine and until YouTube pushes out something that gives us more incentive to make higher quality videos I just I don’t think I’m going to the amount of effort and energy and everything that that would use and need to get it there

Just because that’s additional upload and render time and everything like that and when I’m working with an editor like that takes a while we already have too many nights on a week that Marcos and I are up till like 11 p.m waiting for a

Video to render so I can get it back and post it the next day so trying to save him some more time and also file storage of 4K files versus 1080p files is very different thank you I was plans for the stream it’s just expand Mossy Riverbank I want to get

Over there and start turning this whole Lush environment that we’ve created I wanted the end goal is to have it along this entire River Network like over here stretching out to there it’s going to come around here we’ll probably widen this River out a bunch and it’s going to come through here and

Everything and so I figured that’s honestly what we’re going to be doing a lot of streams for the future is working on this and just really cleaning that up because I don’t want to spend too many videos doing it um so yeah that’s kind of like main plan right now

Is just to focus on that in here otherwise it’s gonna grow somehow so that’s that’s where I think a lot of streams are going to be for the next little bit is just kind of fixing up the riverbank and working on this custom biome but I I don’t know I I really enjoy

Custom biome stuff on stream I think it’s uh just just the chill atmosphere and be able to just like work on it slowly it’s nice there’s video settings actually you can’t see any of them if you want to know a specific in-game quality setting

You can ask me for that and I can find the setting for you but as you can see there are a lot of options a lot of everything if you’re asking for in-game settings I can tell you what they are but I can also tell you that if you run them at

The same settings that I do and you have a potato PC you will not be a happy camper and it will not look the same just fair warning just because I’m running the settings doesn’t mean your computer is going to be able to also

And uh a lot of people I know used to copy my settings when I used to be like oh here’s what I do blah blah blah and then they’d be like why should my Minecraft look like yours scale because we have two different computers and mine is able to run it and

Yours unfortunately is not how to turn gamma my gamma bug uh if you’re on Java Edition there’s a mod called gamma utilities or there’s a file in your dot Minecraft let me find what it is called options dot text open that and there is a setting in there for gamma

And you can change that around manually if you’re not able to change it in game you can change it in there potato PC yeah most people probably have a potato PC versus your PC yeah I know it’s fair but mine is a business expense because this is my job

If this was not my full-time job I would not have this computer I can tell you that much would I want to have this computer yeah would I no the file doesn’t work anymore needs a mod to it doesn’t so it doesn’t reset I think within the file you can change it

Up to 200 brightness but you can’t change it above that because it does reset but you can still change it within like the in-game parameters but yeah I used to be able to you could change that file up to like a thousand percent brightness but you can’t do that anymore that is true

Wait till you learn that NASA grade PCS are actually pretty simple because they’re programs they run aren’t that complex when you build a program to only do one thing and the computer’s entire purpose does run that one program you don’t need that complex of a PC

It’s when you add in all the bloatware of everything else that we’re trying to run on our computers is when you need to have crazy high performing computers we’re almost out of pork chops my pork the pork economy isn’t okay uh we’re gonna go back and

Drop these two shulker boxes off but first oh I never resume that pretty you can use the texture pack to do what often would you play Minecraft if it wasn’t your job well before it became my job I was still playing like two days a week probably like

Four I was playing like four or five hours of Minecraft a week pretty consistently and if I had a project I absolutely loved I was playing every day for two or three hours um but yeah I I kind of let inspiration dictate that if I was playing a lot or not

Um I’m just gonna let this save but while we’re doing that let’s just jump in here we can use this as our test plot so you can talk about this so what I’ve tried before and this is way too busy this is not how I build roads anymore

But this is how I built roads back back in the day yield in times of we had course dirt we had path block we had Oaks labs and we had a little Granite thrown in there for a little bit of color and then some sand leeching in it was fine throwing the best

Um and I did that throughout everywhere and it’s just it’s so busy I don’t like paths like this if you’re building paths like this in your world turn them into blobs instead um I’ve also tried the End Stone path that somebody had mentioned before so you can see that over here

It’s a little vibrant but I had to end Stone in a texture pack back in the day that made it basically Sandstone colored so I brought it a lot more in line um but things I’m playing around with here sorry for the weird tool tip it’s saving replay it’s bugged our

Kind of want to do like wood planks to a road but that’s a little too dark that’s kind of nice I’m debating on this to be honest let’s see price stripped Birch it’s like this or a whole Road and we can have like a little bit of our like from a distance

I like that this creative world or old world please this is my old survival world that I just kind of use for Creative testing every once in a while now that’s nice strip burst for the tire marks yeah looks like tracks up close honestly I think more Birch planks not only for

Personal sanity but like this is also another option which I think is going to be a little too dark but I could give it a little bit of that extra texture and the road is probably going to be about five blocks wide because that’s kind of the standard I typically take

For my Minecraft roads as I usually have them being five blocks I just find that works the best for me and sometimes I’ll make it a little bit wider don’t like the oak plank that is that’s a no-go like that up close is a little busy but all the way from back here

Do we like and and stone is a little too like vibrant though is the issue just Birch let’s try replacing that with sand so we can kind of break it up a touch so it’s not just Blobby now that’s a little too much but also we

Have an option oh we can save that of another option that I’ve considered is just path block path Block’s hard to mix with things because it does give that little lip and it’s also it’s pretty dark now I’m looking at it that’s really dark foreign

So we can have the outside edges be like really frayed and we just kind of get rid of some things along here because like the sand would be coming back over like from out here I like the birch strip mushrooms would fit you think of the inside texture of a

Mushroom block I was thinking about that you’re thinking I’m assuming eggs you mean this this is a dangerous option because I was also thinking it and then I was like it works really well it works really really well so if you want to use Sandstone here you don’t even need smooth Sandstone because

The top of sandstone and smooth Sandstone are the same but in order to do that I have to run around in place like this and I have to place ones on top and then I have to clear those the command shovel thing is world edit because normally it’s that and you have

To come here and reveal eggs I was thinking it but I was not wanting to try it because I felt like if I tried it I was going to be like me likey it looks like little Pebbles too so when you’re down here on foot like that actually looks more like a road

Because you have the little texturing in there then the wood does which is really nice honestly it would be a flex do we go for the flex it’s for the look it’s for the look you can thank me for Force I do have a brown mushroom farm

I open Pandora’s Box you’re right all right I think we know what it is I think we know what it is excuse me trying to not choke on the water I’m drinking also uh xandro I don’t know why Sears things never popped up on my notifications but thank you so

Much for the four months my dude and we’re gonna build a castle and your builds have been a big inspiration for it I use your city wall design for it it turned out great hey fantastic dude I want the credits well eggs you mostly just forced my hand

In doing what I thought I was already gonna do so I don’t know about that how does it look the packed mat is so dark like I think I’m more likely to use jungle still pretty dark that’s like we want a darker color I think that’s almost our best bet

Hay bales are gonna be too yellow do we use hay bales way too yellow you want me to build a road with raw iron blocks honestly raw iron blocks with like a you’re trying to do like a real dirt dirt horse dirt raw iron Cobble gonna almost kind of work

You need like one more in between those guys but you could you could get there you could do that as like a like a really rocky place beehives could work but I feel like that is so expensive like I’m already looking at doing mushroom I’m already looking at doing the inner

Texture of mushrooms yeah tough could work there so the packed mod that people are bringing up just look how much darker this is like from back here if we Zoom this far out like what we’re working in is a really nice color palette and then you

Got back here and all you see is that that darkness and I think of the packed mud in there I think it could work as like some rocks along the edge but then that gets us back into the chaos that is this road that I really want to avoid

Because this is so so off and then as soon as I got out of the desert I hard transitioned into this which I thought back in the day was cool and really good and if I were to do this now just cut the path block out and introduce more coarse dirt or more

Gravel like there’s there’s one too many blocks in here but this is basically also when we only had Cobblestone slabs like these this is old like this is an old old pathway leading all the way up over here like that that section right here I think I’ve built in like 2017 2018 and

When I thought building a road from there to here was a full episode that was a big project for me too back then chiseled bookshelves yeah I think we got it though I think chiseled bookshelves is a little too formed it could work that could be fun as like

An entrance into the city like I’ll tell you I’ll tell I’ll show you where that’s making me think about something we come over to The Far Side here and chiseled bookshelves as like a fancy mosaic as you’re walking into the city I’m definitely gonna keep that in mind I

Like this a lot that’s a good idea thank you like that right there is like your fancy little like walk through the gate [Applause] so I really want this world to be a lot and I mean a lot about or this section of the world to be very heavy on the um

It’s like it’s just a lot gonna be a lot of mosaics a lot of fancy Vibes and a lot of just High detailed sections just for the sake of like art and that right there that’s really cool I mean we clean it up a little bit more

Than it is right now but it looks good all right sorry I was just looking outside I heard a truck Sandstone may work with the pathway Sandstone is pretty good but it’s so it’s like it doesn’t pop much I think we can try it like Sandstone if we

It kind of Smooths it out which is good like that’s fine it’s a little bit lighter it’s almost a little too bright it gives a highlight kind of which world is this this is building a flip the original survival world my old five-year Minecraft series where I built all these

We did a little bit of building in this world a teeny tiny teeny tiny bit of building the crazy part is that the city here I’m like this is so massive I think the new hardcore city is technically bigger I think they knew I mean like the city

Itself like when you add in the castle over here and probably this section like this like this city section here alone I think the new one is bigger than but when you add in the other elements it’s probably not quite there but this was city was meant to fill

All of this like all the way over here here’s like roads and things leading to different ideas and my first survival Minecraft castle just like those off-camera mining sessions sounds like somebody never watched this series because everything in this world was done legit and it all has proof and plus this

Yeah this is the mountain range this is a custom train and you’re probably like yeah there’s no way you’ve got those blocks remember yeah there is no way I got all those blocks that’s that’s one of the mines but where at what’s this world at yeah we’re over a million blocks mined

On the pickaxe and that was this was Diamond another I wasn’t even in the game yet another that’s 350. Mountain Mondays every Monday we streamed working on the mountain range okay uh let’s jump back into hardcore yeah I just buried the whole world underneath it that was the goal

It was bury it all okay watch so many buildings my websites last year yeah that mountain range was fun I definitely got a love for terraforming for me going mushroom is definitely the best I think honestly we’re gonna check but I think I have a ton of red mushrooms

Okay I think I got a good amount of red mushroom we can use not a ton oh I could probably between all these I don’t really want to use the brown because I use that for buildings we might have to go Harvest some red mushrooms but I think it’s a

That’s a decent amount of mushroom blocks yeah definitely need more Birch though because I don’t think I think all the Birch I have is that which is a decent amount don’t you have a mushroom parm I have a brown mushroom farm which we could use I need to fix it

And then in here we have oh I got a decent amount of birch we should be fine okay let’s go work on the Lush section work on a new point of it small extroverted introvert welcome on in happy Friday welcome welcome welcome he’s in red rusher more white inside

Than brown I thought it’s the same I thought they’re the same block you can go honestly let’s look but I could have sworn it was the exact same could have sworn yeah so if we do boom boom boom boom oh they’re the same yeah now those are the exact same

Doesn’t matter which we use what’s the best tip for starting a world like yours set expectations that it’s going to take you a long time to get there if you start a Minecraft world and you’re like I want to build all this and I want it to be done and blah blah

You’re not gonna get there you got you gotta take it one day at a time one building at a time I’ve been working on this world for almost two years now so you gotta you gotta take that into account this thing has been going on for a long time and this

Taking a long time to get here so all I can say is if you’re if you want to start a world like this do it that’s fantastic I hope you have so much fun but make sure you take it slowly you you gotta you gotta

Remember that you can’t do all this in a day especially if you’re playing Survival so we’re almost at a thousand hours of IRL time put into this into this world so gotta remember that side of it all right uh we need to go get a little bit of rooted dirt

So let’s go find a near empty box and we can go find some of that let’s see what effect I mean the red one did look darker it’s been two years yeah uh November is going to be two years in this world so September October and then we’re two years

Well it’s end of November so base to a little under three months out I guess a little over three months out so I I’m rounding up for sure I need some mushroom buck or rooted dirt sorry because I have a stack and one that’s not enough root of dirt to keep us from

Rocking yeah two years is crazy to think we’re so proud of our streamer thank you thank you anima we’ll have to start introducing that Birch and mushroom stem like here and then take it into the desert I don’t I don’t want to work on that yet because I

Don’t know which way I want to take the path so what I want to do next we probably got another 45 minutes before I’m gonna be like I am starving because that’s the usual time frame what time is it now yeah it’s 12 30.

Um I want to go get some rooted dirt and then we’ll probably work on like the base like what we did there we’ll work on that for like this section and kind of clean that up across the river what we need have you seen Herobrine nope fish Bedrock had day counts because

I would love to see what day I’m on yeah you have an answer for why you stream a lot or just because you like streaming streaming is the only time as a content creator that you get to directly interact with your community and I I really value that time I I know

I don’t stream for that long and I only stream two days a week because that’s a limitation that I’ve realized for myself that if I want to stay productive and moving forwards that’s kind of where for me I feel like I start to lose out on other aspects of getting so tired and

Just burnt out so I found a really healthy balance for me but streaming part of me wishes I could be one of those people that streams like every day all day long and just like work on all these things live and do all that because I love interacting with all

Of you and it’s so fun to be able to have that YouTube is a very isolating job oh this is an untouched untouched never mind it’s actually very touched did I not nope nope I just patched it back in Sue but yeah YouTube’s a very isolating job if you

Um especially if you only record single player content um you don’t talk to anybody and all you do is listen to your own voice all day long so it can get very isolating I guess and so streaming is a really nice way of being able to actually like get that response more

Than just reading comments like having a conversation with people is so much different than just reading comments about whatever the video might be like I love reading comments it’s fantastic it’s very very nice to like get that point of touching base with the community and everything but it’s also live stream and

Actually being able to chat is very different than just here’s the thing I posted what do you think you ever watched WBC builds I’ve chatted with him a few times in the past um I don’t watch his content too much but I remember chatting with him a long

Time ago and he was asking for some advice I just don’t really watch too many creative Minecrafters don’t know if it’s a me thing or what but I just can’t be bothered there’s not I don’t know I find creative Minecraft channels to be a little boring and the only way that they’re not

Is they do stuff that is so unobtainable that it’s nice to meet you impossible to really like fathom what’s going on and it’s all super command-based so like they look cool the Creations they make look amazing but then at the same time it’s like none of that is possible in

Survival which is great for them and how they play the game and I think it’s fantastic that they’re doing what they’re doing but it’s not how I play the game so it doesn’t really apply to me like when the debug stick is like their main way of making things

I’m a little like not me Smurf thanks so much for becoming a member I really do appreciate that or things get built on such Grand scales like they’re like here’s a 10 000 block Long Dragon I’m like you can’t even render that like how do you render that in one frame it’s impossible

Uh Kiana thanks so much for the 16 months been a while since I joined the live stream High flip hey welcome back in 16 months at tier two I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you I’ve been here since dookonia series that was these were fast six years holy

Cow Mike that is true indeed duconia was a it was a good place to get started I still talk with quite a few people from that server not not in every day anymore but I I keep tabs with quite a few of the people over there Thomas is uh Thomas has been

Around helping me admin things in the community ever since duconia days that was fun though Dakota was a good job good way is there a rooted dirt farm yes but it’s extremely slow you can Farm rooted dirt by bone mealing an azalea bush on top of a piece of dirt

Well anything and it turns it to one piece of rooted dirt per Bush that you bone not not a good way it’s so much easier just to go in your world and find a lust tree and dig down like this and take a little bit more time for like

To get started but like long term wise I would I will always do this because you find one of these and you just dig it all out and you just fly back up to the top it’s it’s not bad you’ll see how much we get at the end usually it depends how

Far down it is it depends if you get one of these like if you can find an azalea tree on top of a mountain that goes to the Deep slate level before the Lush cave starts you can get so many specs it’s not as common anymore post uh ancient cities and deep dark

Being introduced but you used to be able to find some I think my record once I got two and a half shulker boxes of rooted dirt off of one of these and I was like yes I still think hanging Roots need to be able to craft rooted dirt

I just that just seems to make sense for sustainability of Minecraft worlds and they keep trying to introduce things that are very easy to like make renewable I feel like that could be a good way easy easy like four four hanging roots makes one piece of dirt a root of dirt that

Is all I want I don’t want like a one to one one to one is not needed that’d be op but four four rooted dirt like in like a little plus shape and one piece of dirt gives you a root of dirt I think that is a very fair

Cost because that’s four bone meal to make one rooted dirt and you already have to have a root of dirt to begin with so it just allows you to get more and I think that’s I think that’s more of that I think I’d be okay with that

I don’t know why they don’t make rooted dirt yeah it’s I don’t know hanging roots are fun to work with though they’re I wish there was a way to like flip them and use them on top of blocks kind of like a dead Bush but smaller gosh that would have been so good

Because here if you look at this already that’s not bad we’ve got in one two three four five stacks and almost six sorry if it’s a little laggy for a second I really need to upgrade to 1.20.1 but I haven’t bothered now that 1.20.2 is being looked at I’m like I’m just gonna

Wait and after you gather a few of these you can kind of figure out where there is or is not going to be rooted dirt in the corners I pretty much try and just dig like a two by two all the way down and then you can easily fly back out the top

When’s the next classic flip mountain range build I think it’s probably gonna be I want to finish the tree Giga tree is the next like gigantic thing we’re gonna do around that place and once the Giga okay we’re almost at the bottom uh once the Giga tree is

Finished and wrapped up and looking fantastic then we’re probably gonna work on the mountain ranges around the city my end goal for the starter region my end goal for my Minecraft starter base is to um calling it a starter base is so funny to me um but the end goal there

Is to completely transform pretty much everything around the city so all of those mountain peaks I want to redo every single one of them I want to um oh maybe we can get some small drip leaf or Adventure welcome to Adventure Time we gotta make sure we clear this so we

Can fly back up I definitely won’t kill myself on that right but yeah so I want to redo all the mountain ranges around it I think that could look so cool so that’s definitely a goal when that happens I don’t know I’m gonna I’m not letting myself do it before the

Tree so and the tree originally I was hoping to do by the end of this year uh I but I hadn’t planned for this break to go out and just kind of start the desert place so who knows because I don’t want to just go back over there

And be like you know what I’m gonna do now a giant project that requires 30 30 000 azalea leaves and uh blah blah blah blah blah I’m like that doesn’t sound like a way to be sustainable and healthy and what I’m working on we had a chunk border

It’s weird this this is a broken chunk no no no no actually is it it is right there but it’s not right there aha so who knows we’ll see there is definitely more Mountains planned in the series though and that that part I can confirm and actually no that’s a fish

Small drip life gold nailed it in a creative world I thought you’re gonna treat with a full kit uh the only difference that has more hanging Cherry petals it looks really oh a full Cannon nice nice yeah I would love to build like a giant cherry tree like

Um I saw a green put his video out recently where he was talking about the cherry tree that he and Scar made him was really showing off like how far the leaves travel I was like that’s really cool but you also have to be so close for the leaves to like start traveling

Like you have to be right next to them for that particle to start loading in which is a bit of a bummer I think it’s a bit of a Miss because then you can’t build like a giant cherry tree that’s just like okay we got 668 rooted dirt off of this one

Pretty good I’ll take that I think that’s a really healthy amount off of One Tree coming all the way down here okay let’s just run around and grab a little small drip leaf that we can these caves are usually safe we don’t have to be too scared in here

We see any Spore blossoms we’ll grab those two for sure probably get my torches anything back here no uh net gaming thanks so much for coming to tier one member my dude thank you oh hi fishy hello I see particles I think that’s just the gravel that’s the green

Particle where are you bar blows up where’s the support let’s stand here ooh piece of candy oh piece of candy nothing what about putting barrels horizontal for an entrance yeah you could do that that works pretty well you get kind of that little like iron bar effect off the side of it

Can be pretty cool diamonds free Diamond free Diamond by that I saw it there’s a Spore Blossom around here somewhere we will get it it’s over in this corner ah barely any small drip Leaf but I thought that was another sport Blossom that is lapis new I’ve been Hoodwinked been bamboozled

Low liking it’s fine just getting here what have I missed uh we tore out a lot of red sand today surprise surprise we put down a lot of sand today big surprise and then um we’re in a lush cave right now trying to find small drip Leaf but there

Don’t seem to be too many why small drip Leaf is a such a beautiful block yet so terrible to obtain pleased to meet you I don’t no I should probably have my bow nailed it okay well oh there’s another one hello do you know where small drip life

Is hello oh no okay thank you have a nice day oh that’s we’ll eat the potato they gave me a potato we can we can munch on that axolotl look at the little waddling who wants to come up you’re cute nope okay you don’t want to okay this one’s fun with me

You wanna come you can come to uh yes you can go mom ah it’s like where’s the zombie behind me small dripley small dribbler small driver I get very excited it is still I think my favorite Block in the game there’s more that’s not even a block it’s so

Beautiful though why small drip Leaf is so hard to get and there’s no way to get more outside of farming wandering Traders or just absolutely devouring these Lush caves I don’t know man I don’t know such a miss such a miss the Axolotl kidnapper the axolotl re-homer thank you yoink oink

Um hi buddy yeah hi goodbye thank you thank you thank you thank you don’t come again okay uh what’s in this cave up here nothing really oh a geode yeah cool destroy dodging weed oh he got me too good of this game though these skeletons got nothing I never found

Reggie again no I can’t find him I did find a giant underwater cave Network so he’s probably living down there just devouring every Glow squid he could find so I think he’s off to happy happy places there’s no small jump relief I think we leave

Yeah so good wow do you see that I’m so good at parkour amazing amazing he’s so talented more down there yeah not there where is the way out ah Till I find the way out I should probably wear the chess piece there we go is it night time looks like it’s night time we land on this island you probably find it with a bunch of glowing sacks yeah he’s just down there just fat and happy I didn’t have the chess

Piece on that’s probably an issue paper ifani is short for Anakin and two South African rand is short for R2D2 what’s Luke short for he he a stormtrooper eggs thank you for the donut I appreciate it too short for a stormtrooper any idea what the new 1.21 will be I

Typically but I got some hopes we I showed a picture earlier about the oh there’s the there’s the biome oh it looks so good fading in but I think um I don’t think I hope I hope that it’s gonna be like updating other biomes I think

That’s just like a free win for Mojang if they did like if they went through an updated half because it’s still a good amount if they add all the features they wanted for each of the custom biomes that we had in the old biome boats like if they just

Updated all of those at once that to me would make a really good update I think that’d be a good size update that would I think I make a lot of people pretty happy so I don’t know I’m hoping I’m hoping that they do that and I think Mojang really

Just needs a free win I know there’s still gonna be people who are just so butthurt and bitter about it that they’re not going to be happy no matter what Mojang does that they like there’s so many people out there that love Minecraft but the second Mojang’s like here’s what

We’re doing on our update and this is what we want to work on next the people like you’re ruining the game you’re killing it this is destroying it and it’s like one chill chill it’s fine um and so I don’t know I I think there’s always going to be that really loud loud

Vocal minority that’s talking about how terrible the game is and how much Mojang is Microsoft has ruined it which is not true at all um but I I think a very free win for them to get a lot of positivity back is to go back and follow through on their

Promise that they made a long time ago of hey here’s a biome vote let us know which one you want us to update first and once you update all of where once we we will do this one first that wins the vote and then we’re gonna come back and update

These other ones and I think that is a huge possibility that they have and they should really they should if they go through and do that because that brings us a lot of new biomes that brings a desert update that brings a savannah update that brings

Because so far we’ve had what the Taiga and the swamp and the mountains we’ve had those Um well I guess we didn’t have the swamp update we kind of did we kind of we got the mangrove swamps but the swamps themselves didn’t really get updated outside of dead Bush’s spawn there now um but yeah I think that would be cool you could use like pink glass panes through

Makeshift Cherry particles yeah that’s true yeah or an end update an end update is really cool over promise and under deliver is Mojang’s goal I see you have been uh right in the you’ve been probably surfing the Minecraft subreddit a lot I don’t think that’s true especially because they they’ve acknowledged in the

Past that for the Wild update they shared all of this feed like all these concept Arts that they’re like hey this is what we would love to do this is what we were going to do and then everybody freaked out oh my gosh Birch force is getting

Updated and then they didn’t do it because they ran out of time and did all these other things that they added and took longer to implement than they thought and the community freaked the heck out because they’re like where’s my Birch forest update when Mojang never ever

Said that they were gonna do that so all these people that are like Mojang’s over promising blah blah blah they literally said hey we’re sorry we did that we’re gonna be more careful about that on the future and then now people are like oh my gosh they’re over promising under delivering

And then the next update they did for 1.20 they’re like yeah we’re not gonna share anything until it’s a fully finished fleshed out feature and then people are still like Mojang where’s all the updates why aren’t you telling us anything what’s going on why don’t we know anything it’s like no that is

That’s one of the stupidest take staff I’ll be honest I I hate when people say that it’s so dumb it’s it’s just you’ve been reading the the internet too much and you should go outside that’s the I don’t know there are a lot of things that they did

In the past try and say hey our goal is to do this and then they’ve owned up to the not delivering part and then they’ve said and now they’ve moved into a phase where they’re not doing that like and now people are mad that they’re not communicating enough it’s like what do

You want do you want them to communicate their ideas or do you want them to communicate what they’re actually doing and right now there’s no there’s so many people that are just so upset at them but those are the same people complaining that they were over sharing and under delivering a

Blah blah and now they’re mad that they’re not sharing enough so I don’t know it’s I don’t know people are stupid okay moving on from that though we’ve got some River stuff to work on I like how open this is but I think we can

Etch this out like a block or two closer you should see the tarkov community after seeing the Diablo 4 Community I don’t want to gaming communities are ruining video games I will a hundred percent stand by that Die Hard gaming fans who are like the super die-hard just obsessed with games

They are ruining video games sure there’s a lot of people out there that are like there’s a lot of really crappy AAA Studios and there’s a lot of people that are making bad decisions in terms of profits and shareholders and things like that but then you get the game

Communities that actually listen and the devs are like okay we see that you want those things we’ll try and make that a reality we’ll try and make that happen and then you get a bunch of people who are just on the Reddit and whatever just talking about how terrible and here’s

How to fix the game and then the devs Implement exactly what the players said they wanted I I feel like it’s a lot of like uh really you wanted this all right fine this is what you keep complaining about get it dig your own dig your own grave

You can dig the own grave and make this game worse and then they start complaining about how terrible it was and everything I don’t know just if you go and like watch the Diablo Community right now the devs went through and did a patch that they were like okay this is we hear

The community this is what you want we’re gonna add those things into the game because you won’t stop asking for them it’s pretty much what they said and then they released that patch and so many people are now complaining the amount of people now complaining

That the game is so much worse and I just hope the devs out there are just some of the devs are like we told you this is not what we should have done but you all wouldn’t shut up so we did it and now you’re mad deal with it like

This is the game you apparently wanted or you could let us do our job and I find it so funny how mad the people are now that the devs did what they wanted them to do so I don’t know I I think the developers they love the games that

They work on otherwise why would they put up with the internet that has to be such a true statement like if I was a game developer and I wasn’t working on a game that I absolutely loved I probably would have quit by now because the internet is so rude to them

They’re the internet is terrible to game developers unless you’re like making a tiny little cozy game that like is not going after a big audience that you’re just making for yourself pretty much and then you’re like yeah I guess I can see if other people want to play it so yeah let’s put

It online like it it’s I don’t know the Gaming Community nowadays they’re actively killing gaming and it’s really sad to see you name an example of that happening uh yeah so Diablo 4 let’s go back there uh the community was like wow the enchanting system in this game it’s so

Impossible to get stats because there’s all these buckets that you get have priorities of what enchantment will come from which bucket Diablo 4 developers you need to remove this because it makes it so much harder because we’re we’re trying to fish for this bucket and that bucket’s not

Possible to get because blah blah blah blah and so it makes it harder to find these things and then Dad said sure let’s do that now it’s a hundred percent randomized and there are so many statistics that you can get like stats you can get for

Your gear in that game that now your chance of getting a piece where before you could at least be like okay this piece is in that bucket so I know that I can get the one that I want eventually like I I can get there like I have the ability to get there

And I know eventually I can do it and now it’s so up in the air on whether it’s gonna work or not because it’s full 100 randomized that the community wanted them the community wanted it to be full random and the devs were like okay sure

We’ll make it full random for you and now the community is like whoa whoa whoa this is a terrible change why’d you make this change because they asked for it the community literally was like you need to do this otherwise your game’s gonna die because we’re all gonna quit

Playing so of course the devs are like okay yeah we got it we’re in a phase of we’re listening to you we are we’re very we’re going to listen to what the community says we’re gonna make those updates it made the game so much worse it is really difficult now getting a perfect

Piece of gear in that game is so difficult yeah same thing happened with Destiny 2 you go look at any like long-running thing it’s happened with a lot of those one of the only ones that’s really helped hold like held true to not doing that I would say is World of Warcraft

And they’ve had a lot of ups and downs but they’ve come back and done a lot of good things but yeah I don’t know there’s so many people that are just their love for games and wanting to have these games and things like that is just

Expressed in such a bad way that they’re actively ruining the games that they want to be good so you know screaming into the void isn’t always about here’s the solution to these things might not actually be the solution I don’t play I don’t update to new versions you don’t update between new

Versions against data I don’t update because I’ve been too depressed for anything a month we’re not the same at all yeah well just make sure you’re working on yourself okay yeah I don’t know I I hope that there’s like a re like a gaming Renaissance soon which I don’t think will happen because

Just the Minecraft not Minecraft but just like gaming culture in general is so toxic and it’s only getting more toxic when you have things like kick and all those like popping up and being allowed to platform what they’re platforming and it’s just it’s so bad if you all haven’t heard

About like seeing the drama on their like staff nap signed with them recently with in most of his community is very young but uh tubbo tubbo is going out on on he’s he’s out there campaigning against how terrible it is and that dude has a lot of really smart things to be

Saying I’m very proud of I don’t know tubbo too well but what he’s been out there and like really just like putting himself out on the line being like no this is inappropriate and here’s why and here’s and like backing it up with like hard facts like he’s not

Making anything up he is like here our screenshots here’s the receipts and so if you haven’t seen tubbo stuff where he’s been kind of talking about what’s going on with Kik it’s it’s worth a read and it’s I hope it’s something that forces change and for the better

Because kick is such a place of just toxicity of being allowed to just funnel and become even more toxic so one of the co-founders of Kik like responded to him when he was and told him how like everything he was saying was wrong and then tabo’s like here’s

The receipts and here is actually uh right now as I’m typing this here’s a picture of one of your kick streamers who’s also one of your actual like co-founders and like part owner of the company here’s screen shots from their chat right now while they’re live as we’re talking please tell me please

Please respond and then the co-founder just he just he went silent he disappeared get him but I don’t know that’s one I I just I would love for a time where people just aren’t toxic purely for the sake of being toxic like there’s so many people

I feel like are out there just like disgruntled about something completely unrelated and they’re just like you know where I’m gonna go take it out on the internet on some random person that’s not fair that’s not for anybody so that’s why we have happy Vibes in this community

And we try and keep it that way okay um let’s actually pick up a little sand when’s the next episode it’ll probably be next Thursday I decided to take a little bit of a break though so we’ll see when that happens I’m I usually start recording by now and

All I’ve done for the video is build that bridge and then what we have on stream today so it’s gonna be a while it’ll probably be next Thursday if not next Saturday talk about old Minecraft what about it glad we’re not playing on it anymore Minecraft has gotten so much better over

The updates and if you go back and play like 1.0 or anything like that right now it is so bad The Nostalgia can’t even carry it anymore I’ll be honest The Nostalgia of OG Minecraft to not carry that it is such a bad game

I I will say I think one of the best things that ever happened in Minecraft for lack of whatever you want to bring drum into it was not giving it away or basically saying yeah yeah I’ll allow Microsoft to buy me out and he went hands off

I’ll give him credit that he started a great game but uh the way he was programming it as the gameplay and everything like that it was not it’s not that great it was like a fun game but it wasn’t the Minecraft that we know now and it was never going to be

I I know a lot of the recent updates have been small on new features and whatnot but if you look at like the performance increases and things that we’re getting out of them to make the game run faster make the movement be smoother and all that stuff

That alone is so good for the game old textures and new textures old textures are terrible they were so they’re so bad cobblestone was incredibly ugly japa coming in and like oh being there to overhaul all of it and update it into what it is now was very needed Minecraft is

Like if you purely just look at how I’ve run my channel when the old textures were here I made a texture pack for myself to make it better to make it something that I could play and now that the the new textures are here I don’t use that texture pack

Anymore I don’t need it I like how Minecraft looks I think Minecraft is really beautiful the old Netherrack was terrible oh my gosh that was so bad Minecraft isn’t popular because it’s good it’s popular because it’s a good idea and has no viable competition I mean it’s basically virtual Legos

The only Sandbox game out there that the main aspect of the game is not surviving and also being purely voxel-based like everything is a cube instead of like you existed in this 3D World and inside this 3D world you can build your square base inside this perfectly like

Smoothed out World gen like that alone for Minecraft made it so much more popular because like look at arc Arc had a really big day for a while when it came out it was very popular and people loved it but there’s no like longevity to it because there’s only so much you could

Do in building and it was more about collecting the dinosaurs because the building was very generic and it got very samey it got very Samy very quick and there was only you couldn’t you couldn’t do too much after a while you’re like this is pretty much all the options I have to decorate

With and uh it looks really out of place in the terrain that I’m in and that’s that’s that’s it that’s a wrap then you bring in Minecraft where I can create this I can I can create all this just out of my own brain and it fits

Very well into the world it doesn’t look like I created obviously I did but it looks like it belongs in the world instead of something I added on top of it and that’s a huge difference playlist should be on shuffle but we’re probably looping at this point it’s like

A two hour playlist we’ve been live for two and a half Arc is still huge and you look at Park Peak for sure back in the day like it’s still around I’ll I’ll give it a I’ll give Ark survival still here it’s very much a thing and a lot of

People still enjoy it and that’s fantastic I’m not trying to take away from that but if you look at the surge it had on YouTube and how many Minecraft content creators ditched Minecraft to go play it versus how many are still playing Arc or have come back to Minecraft

Like it’s it’s a huge difference and a lot that um when to play are came back to Minecraft and their audience didn’t follow him back because it was all arcs evolved and they’re really chasing that Trend and it just didn’t work out for him uh one example there I love the dude but

It’s very apparent to see his uh slip Gator he went fully in on Ark survival when it launched he got insane growth out of it his he probably made so much money doing that to the point where now he’s more or less retired and just living on a sailboat living his dream

Which is great very happy for him on that but when Arc started to die down he was like you know what I think I’m gonna go back to Minecraft and his audience did not stick around for Minecraft like he had a core audience for sure but

Compared to what he had when Arc was big it was very small you check out Axiom I watched germsy boys stream um from earlier this week I watched the replay just to kind of see what was going on let me close my window real quick somebody’s out there blowing a leaf blower

You do anything except for Minecraft yeah I uh I’ve been playing uh yeah before recently here’s accessibility controls for everybody who’s curious um I think I’m gonna pick up other Skate 3 and I think I’m gonna I’ve been trying to just like get off the computer to be honest do more other things

If you need to look at this you can pause but okay I feel like I just spent a lot of time on my computer and I’m trying to not I’m trying to keep it more of like if I’m working I’m here and doing things but outside of that like maybe I can go

Outside gotta do that before the winner gets here and I can’t go outside too much anymore then it’s a little too cold real problem with given the real problems with Arc in the publish from my base it does so well but still yeah I mean there’s always going to be a group

Of people that love dinosaurs and love the fact that you can just jump in Ark and go tame a T-Rex like there will always be people that will be excited to do that so like Arc is going to stick around for a long time

Uh and I think like as long as I keep updating it as much as they are like it it’ll have an audience it’ll be there but I don’t think it’s ever going to get back to the point that it was like Arc was massive like there were YouTubers that went from

No views on their channel to billions of views it’s looking pretty good I like this being a little bit more Lush because we have River basically all the way around it again they there are some YouTubers that hard swapped Arc did that probably made millions of dollars because they were

Just getting like 10 15 million views of video because everybody was obsessed with it for a while you go drop a little I’m just gonna drop two stacks of sand because we’re gonna be picking it up I want to make sure it doesn’t despawn Rowan thanks so very much for the donut

I really appreciate that haven’t got a stream in a long time started working at McDonald’s I haven’t caught a stream in a long time started working at McDonald’s and this is the first Friday I have head off and I just completely forgot so glad to catch you well come on in my friend

Enjoy your Friday enjoy your Friday off that sounds wonderful are you so good at building I’ve been doing it for a long time lots and lots of practice big part of it yeah in summary of what we were talking about and all that stuff all I ask and I this is the constant

Thing that I will compare campaign for just be nice on the internet and also assume good intentions that’s all I got that’s all I got if everybody can just like be on the internet and assume that people aren’t out there to just destroy them and it might be a nicer place

That’s that’s all I got there is this uh subreddit out there that I was reading a while ago I I stopped I was like this is so bad um but it it’s like one of the bad like Petty Revenge ideas and things like that there’s some funny things in there but

Then you read the comments of being like my neighbor has been like picked fruit off my tree what should I do to them and people are like burn their house down it’s like what that escalated quickly are we sure we want to go with that route

Are we are we sure we want to go with that route it’s like guys come on now let’s think about this maybe maybe they just I don’t know you could have a conversation have you tried a conversation see why why they’re doing it ask them to stop before we burned their house down

That’s all I got it’s hard to tell where the Moss and the grass is when we’re this close or when it’s in the river biome that’s the little grass this is a little bit more Mash so no burning yeah no no burning houses down actually that’s that’s arson

Start college student and I was wondering if you had any ideas for just general burnout honestly the biggest thing in college at least what I remember when I was getting in there like starting out and everything is that there are so many things happening all

Of the time and I mean all of the time your friends are always you always have a friend that is not in class you will always have a friend that is skipping class you’ll always have a friend that’s doing something going to the gym going

To a party whatever it might be and the biggest thing for me I had to realize in college was that I was getting burnt out because I just kept saying Yeah I want to go yeah yeah I want to be there I want to do that too oh yeah no that

Sounds fun let’s do that and being able to just say no I need some personal time I need I need a little bit of down time just to like recharge it’s a very hard thing to do and all your friends are like hey let’s go do this

Hey let’s go or you’re like I’m trying to meet people so I want to be at all the events and things and that’s the honestly the best advice I can give is just make sure you remember to take care of yourself instead of just uh being there to

Try it I mean there’s there’s like your social battery you gotta you gotta entertain the social life and all that like that’s a big part of it because you’re never gonna have that college experience again and it’s really something cool and you got a lot of

Amazing Friends out of it but you also gotta remember to take care of your own um and do all that instead of just being like I want to make all the friends ever that’s all I gotta say uh who who we got in here mystery thanks so much for the

Six months the tree grows indeed uh Omak thanks so much for the four months and remember four months been a member of my favorite hardcore player I hope yeah I hope the tree’s still grown hey thank you so very much for the support I really do appreciate it

Imagine having friends I don’t know I got like four I got like four friends that aren’t family no I I I will say most of my friend group now is the people that I now know on YouTube outside of that I think I I think I got like

Both Sid and I are very much like we’d rather have smaller we’d rather have a smaller friend group of people that we know super well and like all of the connections are really close than having a larger friend group where you don’t you’re like you’re not as close with everybody like both have

Their benefits and both have their perks to it and all that um we both just kind of prefer to have a few friends that were really really good friends with instead of just having like so like just being like the people that know everybody for us at least that’s healthier you

Never knew you never know it’s different for each each person we’re gonna bring all this sand up we’re gonna need a lot more sand I guess I could have left this as a pond and did the Border yeah what if we just instead of all this I know it just place it down

Much easier to maintain smaller friend groups let’s do that kind of like we did on the far side and come back in with a grass water around here where I need some more grass though but now we’re full on in desert let me turn this into like a Little Rock

Along here or something I don’t know we’ll get around to it and then take it back there and do another little Loop but I need some more grass been following your hardcore since I started and it’s been giving me a lot of inspiration from our hardcore world for 500 Days ooh congrats dude

We build more around the farmhouses you made along the road to the desert we’ll add a few more things around there but also kind of the main purpose of those was just to be like set dressing along the path I would love to transform those Villages though don’t get me wrong

The only thing I’m ever gonna pass up the opportunity for a good Village transformation I’m always down I believe we’re gonna be transforming some more villages in this world this next hardcore video I guess is gonna kind of have a village transformation in it not like a full one

But it’s gonna have a little bit of Village transforming vibes we’re gonna do this that’ll work it’s grass get moss perfect yeah that’ll work we’ll just come back in with some dirt later and fill that in underneath you’re very using grass or moss and terraforming I prefer grass typically

But I want this to look really Lush and I don’t really get that out of the biome coloring especially when we were over there in the Mesa that was Moss was very needed grass because it’s easier to bone meal I I really don’t like dealing with moss

Covering everything I wish there was a way to like turn that off turn off my spread but I guess you know you need that to make Farms okay we’re gonna finish off this little section I’ll take this all the way back over here stuff too much stuff

My sand can’t leave my sand behind no that’s why too much stuff all I have are half stacks uh that’s a little grass in there so we needed some root of dirt and they’re gonna do like a little like this trying to be very careful about the dirt not connecting to

Our grass that’s Moss that is all grass grass grass grass that is five blocks in a diagonal line we’re not doing that okay that’ll work now with this we still have to come back in and talk like Place Tall Grass manually on top of all of it otherwise it looks lock

Awkward to it is what it is my time spookies I’m ready for battle I don’t want to be in battle though this is why we got all the root of dirt can I use it from here we’re gonna go mostly dirt extend our sand out a little

This must be so time consuming there’s a reason why that last video took 80 hours but thankfully here we’ll just like this section up there I’m not even gonna bother with it like I’m not going to touch that at all as you build a custom Village in the sky

That would be cool I really I I know this is like a weird take but I hate floating structures in Minecraft I the fact that underneath it just turns into a giant mob spawner upsets me so much more than it should but it makes me not want to build anything floating in

This game so I just like I just don’t that’s that’s that’s all I got I just outside of my mountain range what about big air balloons yeah I mean I’ll do like an air balloon I’ll do like a small little like floating Airship or something but anything that is I was

Actually randomly think about it this morning when I was walking the dogs I I don’t don’t ask me what I think about Minecraft when I’m walking my dogs um it’s fine it’s not a problem yeah that’ll be really good over there but like anything that’s more than 15 blocks

Wide so basically the middle is Mob spawnable Joel did a good job with it on strato so if he had so much open air around it that allowed the uh light level to be pretty like pretty good underneath he didn’t have too many mob spawning positions um so like that helps a lot

We’re definitely going to need to bring that down but I gotta focus on the road and everything across first all right my friends I think that’s it for me today I gotta get out of here and go grab some lunch thank you everybody so very much for

Being here I very much do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you thank you y’all are absolutely amazing I really appreciate it hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend and have a good Friday and all that stuff and be good to each other all that cool stuff

Remember kind of I don’t know think about what we’re talking about today I’m not that it’s homework or anything like that but just go be good people on the internet don’t don’t be out there and be negative towards other people they’re real people on the computer if they’re

Being rude kill them with kindness all that cool stuff but that my friends I’m Maddie for now so thank you all so very much for watching I really do appreciate it subscribe if you haven’t if you want to see more stuff uh if you didn’t see it the hardcore video came out yesterday

I absolutely love it I think it’s a really good video so if you haven’t checked it out be sure to do that and also thank you all for the support on it it seems like a lot of people are loving it so that’s really cool but with that

I’ll catch you all on the flip side a bite Foreign

This video, titled ‘DESERT BASE EXPANSION in MINECRAFT 1.20 – HARDCORE Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-08-11 21:00:59. It has garnered 38149 views and 2501 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:55 or 10315 seconds.

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  • Unbelievable! Minecraft’s Oldest Bug Finally Fixed! 24w21b Snapshot

    Unbelievable! Minecraft's Oldest Bug Finally Fixed! 24w21b SnapshotVideo Information one of the oldest bugs in Minecraft getting fixed more links in the menu new interactive map for 15year anniversary and many tweaks to the upcoming 1.21 features hello there Ray here and today we’ll take a look at all of these Plus at the end of the video I’ll help you get all three of the Minecraft capes before the upcoming deadline guys we got our old piston sound back it sounds so much more natural I’m not sure why they all of a sudden decided to completely change that sound as it just didn’t quite seem… Read More


    EPIC PVP SHOWDOWN IN UNZMXD - #1Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP#1’, was uploaded by UnZmxD on 2024-03-16 15:52:11. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. I don’t own the music in this video #minecraft #pvp#potpvp#controller#asiapot tags (ignore): forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, intent, store, novaline, artermis, juul not working, juul, juul not loading, whitelist failure of jule, intent, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020, fps boost… Read More

  • Xanva’s Heartbreaking Hamster in GMOD

    Xanva's Heartbreaking Hamster in GMODVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sad Hamster █ GMOD’, was uploaded by Xanva on 2024-03-01 12:34:14. It has garnered 8491 views and 229 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Tags: animation funny cartoon animated minecraft shorts parody gmod mario minecraft but nextbot gmod horde sad hamster meme gmod nextbot sad hamster song the backrooms princess peach toad animal nintendo video game (industry) sad hamster elmo gmod animation meme team fortress 2 horror comedy gmod nextbots compilation gmod nextbot survival nextbot gmod shorts minecraft nicos nextbots nico’s nextbot nico’s nextbots liminal hotel nextbots nextbot chase nicos… Read More


    🔥 MINECRAFT SMP LIVE HINDI INDIA - 750 SUBS GOAL!! 🎮Video Information एरी टाइम व से गुड बाय ट इज वी ग वन या य वा मी [संगीत] टंग ऑफ माय मा सो आई गे बा i [संगीत] w फ य इन द मंगली वि गली वि ग ब एरी टाम से गुड बा व ल नोट इट [संगीत] i’m टंग ऑफ मा मा सो आई गे बाय आई वा बी [संगीत] फ य इन [संगीत] म आई वा बी [संगीत] हैपी एरी टाम व से गुड बा दे ट इट वीज ग वन लास्ट ा या यू वा मी ब्रेक टाम [संगीत] हेलो हेलो वेलकम वेलकम फल वेलकम आई… Read More

  • 🧟‍♂️ZOMBIE FAMILY VS LUCKY BLOCK RACE! 💥 #minecraftmoments

    🧟‍♂️ZOMBIE FAMILY VS LUCKY BLOCK RACE! 💥 #minecraftmomentsVideo Information oh wait I you have a killer bunny but I’ve got a thousand zombies to take care of so let me start taking out every single one of these red luck oh it’s empty inside okay that’s so much easier we’ve got less lucky blocks to destroy I thought it was completely full oh wait it’s p over here okay semi full this what is this a pencil it does 22 attack damage for a pencil okay we can take out these zombies easy but I might save it for zombie Mark and I battle at the end… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Anime Adventure: Steve & Alex Go Crazy!

    Epic Minecraft Anime Adventure: Steve & Alex Go Crazy!Video Information [Music] yay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh This video, titled ‘STEVE BORN | Minecraft Anime ​| steve and alex’, was uploaded by MuTube on 2024-01-17 05:12:26. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. STEVE BORN | Minecraft Anime ​| steve and alex Steve born | Minecraft Anime ​| steve and alex #Steve’s #anime #animation Sound Effects Lucid Dreamer The original music : Biome Fest – Minecraft (Music box cover) Kilpeach: Read More

  • GlowCraft PVE SMP Crossplay 1.20+ Quests No-Grief LandClaims Player Economy Jobs

    Join Us on Discord: Discord: Visit Our Website: Website: Play on GlowCraft: Server Information: Java: 25565 Bedrock: 19132 Description: GlowCraft is a laid-back Survival Multiplayer network focusing on economy and PvE. Join us to “Build Your Own Adventure” with custom items and normal gameplay. Economy Focus: Interact with the community through trading and in-game purchases without the need for a webstore. Enjoy Crate Keys, Vote Rewards, and Glow Sticks. Main Features: Everything is obtainable through gameplay Jobs Daily Quests GlowQuest Chapter 1 (Beta) Season 3 Elemental Fully Player Run Economy Chest Shops Player Warps In-Game Reward Shops… Read More

  • ♦—♦—Pokenova—♦—♦-RPGskills- -CustomTextures!- -PokeSnap-

    ♦—♦—Pokenova—♦—♦-RPGskills- -CustomTextures!- -PokeSnap- Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lackin’ Iron Pickaxe

    Why did the Iron Deficiency Pickaxe go to therapy? Because it couldn’t handle all the pressure of mining for diamonds! Read More

  • Crafty Grill, Minecraft Thrill

    Crafty Grill, Minecraft Thrill In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and news are like a gamer’s dream. I’ll craft my rhymes with a playful spin, And share the latest, let the fun begin. From new mobs to biomes, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a rhyming scene. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, where the adventure’s never done. So let’s dive in, with a rhyme in hand, And explore the world, of blocks and sand. This grill is not a home, as the lyrics say, But in Minecraft, we’ll… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥😂

    Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥😂 When you accidentally unleash the Wither Storm in Minecraft and suddenly regret not building that extra layer of protection around your house 😈 #minecraftproblems #shouldhavelistenedtomycreeperneighbor Read More

  • Malayalam Minecraft Oneblock: New Beginnings

    Malayalam Minecraft Oneblock: New Beginnings Minecraft Oneblock Malayalam Gameplay: A New Adventure Begins! Join Ravenger DD Gaming on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with their OneBlock series. The video kicks off with a brief intro at 00:01, setting the stage for the adventure that awaits. Exploring the OneBlock World As the video officially starts at 0:35, viewers are immersed in the captivating world of Minecraft. Ravenger DD Gaming navigates through the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the OneBlock gameplay, showcasing their skills and creativity. Timelapse Fun At 7:20, a timelapse adds a dynamic element to the gameplay, compressing time and… Read More

  • Experience Next-Level Realism on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Next-Level Realism on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Today, we’re excited to share with you the top 3 *NEW* Ultra Realistic Shaders for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81+ (Android, iOS & Windows 10). While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, we believe that joining Minewind can enhance your Minecraft experience even further. These shaders showcased in the video are truly amazing and can take your gameplay to the next level. Imagine exploring a world that looks incredibly realistic and stunning, with enhanced graphics and visual effects. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, joining Minewind Minecraft Server can provide you… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update! Mob Portal Review

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update! Mob Portal Review Exploring the Latest Minecraft Updates: Snapshot 24w21a As Minecraft enthusiasts eagerly await the pre-release of version 1.21, developers continue to refine and enhance the upcoming update. The recent snapshots, including 24w19a, 24w19b, 24w20a, and the latest 24w21a and b, offer a glimpse into the upcoming “Cunning Trials” update of version 1.21. Let’s dive into the exciting new features added in these snapshots. Snapshot 24w19a: Sound Updates and Enchantments In this snapshot, developers revamped the sound effects for toggling copper lamps, aiming for a more cohesive audio experience. Additionally, they reintroduced the ability to enchant the “Flame” enchantment on tridents,… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Bedwars – Join NOW! #livebattle

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Bedwars - Join NOW! #livebattleVideo Information हैकर ब ब फिर नेट गया तो तो फिर प्रॉब्लम है फिर गीगाबाइट ये सब कम करूंगा मैं लसी दे कोई डिस्टर्ब ना करे हा डिस्टर्ब करने वाले का ब कटना चाहिए गला और अच्छी सेटिंग कर लू क्या मैं इसकी ग्राफिक्स की अटेड सब कुछ व तो खेता एडवांस में भाई मैंने आ चीज लोलो रखी हुई है देखते हैं इससे क्या चेंस आते हैं ट्स अन वेलकम जी तुम बहुत बड़े नहीं हो यार मैं तुम्हारी फोटो चार बार देख चुका यार सही बताओ ना तो हमसे ही बड़े लग रहे हो सच में झूठ नहीं… Read More

  • Surviving Inside an Active Volcano ft. JeromeASF

    Surviving Inside an Active Volcano ft. JeromeASFVideo Information hello hello everybody what is up Jerome Your Love with the buddies and welcome to an awesome live stream we are back in the middle of the volcano now this is a series we had going on now we’re on episode like four maybe or something like that uh We’ve accomplished a good amount still a lot more to go uh but where I personally left off was I was looking at the create line and I actually almost finished it up in a single live stream which is pretty nuts uh but I’m stuck on three two… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Blow Up Friend’s House! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Blow Up Friend's House! #shortsVideo Information sh and This video, titled ‘How To Blow Your Friend’s House in Minecraft🤣 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-04-30 16:00:47. It has garnered 82830 views and 4320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ –My Socials– –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • MilkLusion Finale: Ultimate Betrayal?!

    MilkLusion Finale: Ultimate Betrayal?!Video Information This video, titled ‘𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐜𝐡𝐮 // The Movie // Series Finale (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by MilkLusion on 2024-01-10 07:11:23. It has garnered 1917 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:00 or 7260 seconds. This channel is partnered with Bisect Hosting! When purchasing your first ever server, get 25% off with your first month’s payment using code MilkLusionYT when buying ___________________ 🔻Socials/Links🔻 ▶🔗 2nd channel: ▶🔗 Twitter: ▶🔗 Twitch: ▶🔗 Discord Server: ▶🔗 Instagram: _________________________ 🔻Cast in this episode🔻 MilkLusion as Milk Dahntay_ as Dahntay MrSlimey5000 as Terry… Read More

  • Adadawshma’s Crazy Progression Adventure in Minecraft #8

    Adadawshma's Crazy Progression Adventure in Minecraft #8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MAIS je dois faire TOUS les PROGRES #8.’, was uploaded by Adadawshma on 2024-02-23 16:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack: Portal to Monster High!

    Insane Minecraft Hack: Portal to Monster High!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make a portal to monster high in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Dr jee gamer on 2024-04-02 14:11:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • INSANE New 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft 2024

    INSANE New 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-17 07:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • Sizzling Sunday Gaming With Subscribers 🔥

    Sizzling Sunday Gaming With Subscribers 🔥Video Information probando especial probando [Música] especial Te quiero comer te quiero chingar vamos al celular no va a pasar nadao vamos a coronar ah Hola hola hola probando probando B Hola hola yes yes yes Oh Yes s s eso eso S yes yes probando B probando B probando mi nos gabri dice hola hola x estoy jugando cont no detectan Gabriel dice y el counter no detecta la fucking el fucking el no detecta tu Estoy jugando ahorita cómo le bajo el volumen al sonido tiene música con c mano no hay mano no hay volumen del juego… Read More

  • Embark on a Nostalgic Journey with this Piano Minecraft Music!

    Embark on a Nostalgic Journey with this Piano Minecraft Music!Video Information This video, titled ‘This music is way too nostalgic #piano #minecraft’, was uploaded by vectorDelta_music on 2024-02-25 23:02:24. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • Alathra: New Frontiers – Semi-Vanilla, Worldbuilding, Geopolitical, Light Roleplay, 1.20+

    Alathra: New Frontiers Alathra: New Frontiers A Worldbuilding, Geopolitical, Light Roleplay Server. Server IP: About Alathra Alathra is a top world building server where players can create their own stories. Join towns, start nations, master trade, or live a solitary life on a mountain. Key Features: Towny: Create your own towns or join existing ones to build and store items safely. Lore, RP & Worldbuilding: Dive into captivating lore, RP, and geopolitics to create your own unique story. Custom World: Explore a custom map with various biomes, continents, and landmarks. Custom Plugins: Enjoy unique features like lockpicking, custom war… Read More

  • ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴᴄʀᴀꜰᴛ (1.20+)ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ ✯ ᴇᴄᴏɴᴏᴍʏ ✯ ɢᴀᴄʜᴀ

    ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴᴄʀᴀꜰᴛ (1.20+)ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ ✯ ᴇᴄᴏɴᴏᴍʏ ✯ ɢᴀᴄʜᴀ Read More

  • Boundless Battlegrounds

    Welcome to Boundless Battlegrounds: Where Adventure Awaits!Are you ready to embark on an epic journey in a world filled with endless possibilities? Join us on Boundless Battlegroundsthe ultimate Minecraft server where your creativity and skills are put to the test. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone.Why Choose Boundless Battlegrounds?🌟 Unique Boss Battles: Challenge powerful bosses designed to test your strength and strategy. Each boss comes with unique abilities and epic loot!🏰 Custom Builds: Explore our stunning custom-built landscapes and structures. From majestic castles to hidden dungeons, there’s always something new… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I don’t strip mine, but I hear from those who do.

    I guess you could say those strip miners are really digging deep for the diamonds! Read More

  • Spicy Strips: Minecraft’s Nutritious Twist!

    Spicy Strips: Minecraft's Nutritious Twist! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter, like a delightful dream. With animations that sparkle, and humor that shines, Each video a treasure, a true gold mine. Spicy strips, the most nutritious treat? In Minecraft Cube Xuan, it’s a tasty feat. Join the fun, subscribe today, For MC adventures in a playful way. From classroom series to song adaptation, Fangkuaixuan’s content brings elation. So come along, join the ride, In the world of Minecraft, where joy resides. Read More