Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 17 – A Familiar Evil Takes Form…

Video Information

Hello my fellow citizens of the sermon the universe – back player – if you wish to be less specific and welcome back to another episode Oh dragon bloxy shattered Dimensions episode 17 what can look them harps look at them perhaps that’s actually kinda cool like look at

The map around me that is freakin cool looking but anyways yes this is episode 17 of dragon block so you shattered matches hope you guys are enjoying the series as much as I am providing it to you guys and yes so last episode as you remember we achieved the Super Saiyan

God Super Saiyan ridiculous his name that is we achieved it we’re freakin boss and awesome nothing could stop us so I’m still got to figure out what the heck we are going to do so I believe trunky boys over there hey chunky boy yeah there he is he’s hiding he’s

Ironing corn doesn’t wanna see me hey drunk boy what do you got for me today okay so there we go right stupid thing messed up again Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan wow I didn’t know such a thing existed you’re really something you know that well anyways I’ve got good news I

Recently found out where the Last Dragon Ball is being kept is located a far away city known as hi Ross fairy it used to be one of the most populated cities of this universe before freezing his men took it over and murdered everyone it’s sad but right now we can’t think about that

I need you go into the city retrieve the Dragonball and get the hell out of there which means no blasting your way through like you always do I need you to sneak around the dead city and and try to find worth drag well Dragon Ball is located

And provide you with some armor and a new sword made from the guides themselves be careful though I have a real bad feeling about this place you always have a bad feeling about everything drunks like everything I ever do you always have a bad feeling yeah

See see you can’t even look at me only wait I want to grab your stuff so woo we got some more senses and we got some more dynamique because obviously that is always a thing together Scouts here we got some assassin clothes which is pretty dang cool and OH

In an Ori void his name of the sword see what this thing looks like when I put it all together so let me go back in survival because remember I have to go and create a mode open up that chest kind of stupid when you think about it

So go back to survival put everything on booyah and then we take this and now we could actually put the sword away because I mean the sword is awesome and everything but I think this one’s going to replace it there we go and boom holy jesus this is a huge Shore

Where I look like oh yes the model of this thing looks sick it looks awesome except I kind of want I want to switch them up so do it this way boom much better much better Jesus that looks freaking cool I like this already but what trunks said before I have to be

Stealthy so even though I have giant swords I have to be stealthy with them which means I can’t use any of my key blasts or anything is that Roy trunks is that right I’ll poke you my sword just poke poke poke poke why way well anyways

As you guys heard from trunks I have to get into the city and try to stealthily get my way through it’s just going to be quite tough but I’m going to do that which means I’m going to insta transmission over there and I’m going to do this with absolutely no power

Whatsoever because obviously they could pick up my power so I’m going to have to do this with no energy and it’s just going to have to use my wits to get through so I’m going to insta transmission over there and I’ll meet you guys when I get there alright think

We’re good now I think we’re at the city I’m at that I might as well manage to get on the outskirts of the city because I don’t want to attract anything in spawn in the middle of stuff because I don’t know what’s in here the city is

Ginormous already let’s get in there I don’t want to I want to speed my way through but at the same time I kind of don’t want to like I don’t want to be too slow but at the same time I don’t want to be so fast

That they can pick up my power level because as it is my power level is already extreme and yes and also you could tell already I turn off the Super Saiyan God because obviously if they’re seeing a Super Saiyan God going everywhere it wouldn’t make sense even

Though they can’t pick up God ki I don’t wanna take my chances so I’m gonna run over there and see this is actually going to take a while you realize this bridge was actually so long so I’m gonna jump over there who cares I’m gonna go

Over there and right when we get to the assets this city I’ll tie off my power again we’ll do this alright okay so turn off the power alright so Maury seeing people already started lining up I mean trunks did say to do this deftly but he did not say I

Couldn’t beat up anybody who opposed me so maybe I could get some information with this Dragonball is I mean I’m gonna try to see if I can stealthily get over there they aren’t looking at me they aren’t really looking at me yet very very confusing I’m actually sort of

Surprised hey get out of here actually surprised they’re not trying to kill okay he’s okay okay there go okay there we go actually surprised they were trying to kill me at first all right so that means you guys need to get the heck out of here this sword is awesome by the

Way get out here maybe they can’t pick me up because how you have no key it Scouters me nothing they can’t use their eyes for some god dang Rezac by the way this is a little that you can do one second yes that’s the reason why all

Right let’s bring this back down get out of here I need to freakin where is the Dragon Ball I need to get out of here I need to figure this out my god they’re key blasts are doing nothing and I’m freaking recharging my health immediately I just realized can’t do

That I don’t want track anymore attention yeah here get out here if we could get out of here these guys get nothing I mean they are protecting the city and stuff and there are humongous explosions or making kind of obvious that I’m here so I need to get them out of here

Where it is the freaking dragon ball that guy is just looking at me through high that guy’s just looking at me through there and fun and it’s bottom there whatever oh okay I’m gonna here go pick up some of the experience maybe I can get some intellect from this stuff

Okay get out of here where is the Dragon Ball where’s the Dragon Ball you even want to talk to me do you even want to let me know what the Dragon Ball is fine whatever line yeah dang it these guys are really not telling me anything are

They oh wait a second give me one second I’m getting something through that through the scouter that trunks gave me I think he’s able to communicate me to me through its I mean you guys can’t hear it because he’s not actually talking like since I he’s not in front

Of me you can’t hear him but he’s telling me that he’s able to communicate through the scouter and he’s gonna let me know if he picks up anything so trunks is actually doing something you just sitting on the sidelines this type freaking slacker swear to God

All right he note he’s kind of upset too that I’m kind of just going through destroying stuff what the heck are you guys Melik medical or bots oh jesus oh we’re starting to get a little bit a little bit dicey err I mean okay he’s

Our they are already after me they oh oh okay so we’re going straight at it huh we’re just gonna go over at it fine fine I guess the stealth armor really isn’t that good I mean it was good to get to Saiyans because I was going up to him

But uh okay this isn’t the end this isn’t do you and I forgot that they are dropping said two veins and I didn’t mean it so I need to get the heck out of here because I mean I could take down these guys any day but I want to attract more

Of them I mean look at that there’s still more over there but okay so I’m gonna roam around the city a little more seeing if there’s okay these guys are following me ah trunks my not allowed to kill these guys they’re freaking attacking me it’s freaking ridiculous oh there’s more over there so

Fine trunks these swords mean nothing I’m just gonna go up and do this the old-fashioned way punch them in the face come on how much am I going to do how much we’re going to do okay I’m not doing any damage because I got no key

So let’s charge up a tiny bit here maybe it can birdie okay never mind totally thirty so uh tricky do this I don’t need to know I don’t need I need you to die I need you to die stop it stop it stop stop stop stop stop stop that stop it you’re dead

And thank you for your free Senzu beans couple bets resent to bean yes indeed so yes so I think maybe like I want those guys are not attacking me for summary I mean they’re not really saying anything they are attacking me I don’t know what I’m saying

They are not saying anything and I didn’t know it was Dragon Ball is this city is huge and you tell me I have to go through this whole city trying to figure out where this stupid Dragon Ball is you gotta be kidding me well I was I’m saying

Maybe if I can maybe I’ll mingle with them they don’t know I’m here so hey buddies I mean okay okay okay they go yep they went after me and they stopped hey um do you know like where Frieza would keep something valuable you know like a shiny dragon ball or anything like that

Uh y-you walk away so I smell or something like that well maybe because I know that I look weird with my freaking armor and I don’t look like any of you guys but come on what the heck what you guys were brows we’re saying pros here okay fine whatever these guys won’t tell

Me anything I don’t know why hey where’s the Dragon Ball where is that we’re air Jets tell me where the tracking ball is find you suck get out of here you suck I know I’m just like murdering everybody but at the same time these guys are the

Guys who killed everybody in this town so I could do what I want to them don’t you think so get out of here you stink and yes so okay there’s more medical or BOTS over there uh maybe there okay Oh God okay so there there are die

You guy they’re attacking me all right so now that the medical robots are attacking me the Saints aside the turn you should not do that okay get the heck out of here get the heck out of here do you even know who I am you medical freaks yes these guys are weak

I used to face a bunch of stronger ones I don’t know what the heck they’re not strong anymore okay I got three sensors um get out of here okay so maybe this one Hey Hey okay I’m gonna stay behind here mustaine back okay ow actually you’re doing nothing to me do

You even know who I am do you doo dodoo dodoo dodoo you don’t do do do do do do do do do do you know probably not but do you know where the Dragon Ball is located to you I got back in the corner do you know do you know I will

Take you out right now I have the ability to take you out in one hit do you know where this Dragon Ball is or I will murder you it retaliating get out of here freaking retaliating mob Buttle mob but anyways um well my scouters getting destroyed a little bit and I

Don’t need that because trunks needs to communicate somehow all right so drunks is telling me now that like with getting all killing all the medical or some stuff like that he’s able to hack into their system a little bit so there’s he’s starting to get it down but we need

To go look around the city a tiny bit more to see if maybe perhaps we can find it without trunks his help I don’t know let’s see okay there we go that there’s some more of them okay so I guess we’re going in the right direction because I

Mean if you know anything if there’s more enemies that means there are more bad guys why is that tree floating I don’t appreciate that that’s creeping me out alright what do you guys know do you guys know all right trunks is telling me now that’s okay well that Dragon Ball doesn’t mean

Anything because it’s not the one I’m looking for you guys don’t mean anything either um yeah cuz this is the mecca and wrecking ball back in Dragon Balls don’t do anything don’t marry because I forgot to get rid of them off the medicals from last season

Whatever Oh get out and I mean the city is just ginormous how the heck am I going to be able to get through this whole thing without like trying to figure out like what’s going on alright okay maybe if I fly around if I keep going there’s more medical arrggh which

Means I gotta be in going in the right direction okay okay maybe if I murder a couple more uh maybe if I continually go around maybe maybe just maybe just maybe get out of here Kate there’s more and more so if I destroyed more and more of these without tracking – too much

Attention I mean there are yelling like intruder alert and true or but my key is down and they can’t seem the track the sands that are all around don’t seem to actually know that I’m around so as long as I keep doing that maybe just maybe we can actually get through the city

Without really like causing any fuss okay I’m gonna break through here see if there’s a something here maybe just maybe there’s more medical errs over there so I guess we’re going in the right direction let’s do some like stealthy stuff let’s go like this and go

Hey okay baby I did stealthy it matter cooler do you wish to die you stupid security BOTS you stink and you’re dropping your fake dragon balls like it’s your job freaking freaking trying to get me out well anyways okay there’s more okay there’s more of them so we’re

You’re doing good you’re doing good okay get out get out get out get out I said get out get out ski doctor say get out I say did it did it did it it it it it it it did it it it it it did it it yeah

Yeah also the fact that I have like stacks up on stacks of sent to beans makes me a little happy because I mean now I’m basically like look at this I took out the unlimited one because I realized that’s kind of cheap but look at my scatter it’s breaking I don’t like this

This guy is breaking alright drunk says that take down a few more of them maybe he’ll just figure out where that where everything is because he’s still deciphering where um where it is on the I think he figured it out I honestly think he figured it out

But he doesn’t know exactly where the coordinates are so maybe if I kill off this last one maybe I’ll figure it out maybe he will maybe he won’t I don’t know okay Hey drunky boy drugs drunky boy just figure it out do you figure out where um where

You we have to go to get this Dragonball I mean oh look at that there’s a commies world in here I didn’t even notice that I guess that I guess I know where we are this frickin building spawn commies world that’s nice well trunks did you

Figure it out figure out where they are where they are stuff alright I think he’s got it I think he’s got it he’s giving me coordinates now all right so where we need to go where do we need to go we need to go to negative 360 236 and

208 so we need to go down this way no we need to go wait we need to go down that way all right and also trunks as they hurry up get on there on the double so now since that they sort I already know that I’m here

What’s the point let’s uh get the heck out of here and let’s actually fly over there so what do we need to go okay we’re getting there we’re getting there were getting there wait okay I just noticed something that’s like really really weird mice my senses are going off the charge like

Something big is near this Dragonball because it I didn’t feel this before and now that I’m over here it I’m starting to feel it more and more so I don’t know what it could be over here but I mean this is the last dragon ball so I can understand it freezes got some

Heavy-hitter but I mean come on we’re a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan now I’m pretty sure we could take them this is it is this where we need to go oh I believe so where the heck is this entrance remember I put it somewhere okay trying to find the entrance of this

Place but I’m getting a bad feeling about this place you guys I really am because I’m flying around here and I’m getting kind of scared I’m not really that scared but I’m like I’m nervous because I haven’t felt this kind of power before but at the same time I feel

Like I have felt this power before okay let me the freaking let me okay let me in thank you right now we have to go in there I made this big hole whatever we have to go in there we have to make see who the heck is guarding this Dragonball

All right si go wait a second no way

This video, titled ‘Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 17 – A Familiar Evil Takes Form…’, was uploaded by owTreyalP – Dragon Ball Z, Anime, and More! on 2015-06-09 18:52:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 17 – A Familiar Evil Takes Form… Our hero, now achieving the …

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    Insane Gaming Challenge: No Deaths in BedWars LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Livestream: No Deaths – BedWars Challenge’, was uploaded by Pryor Gaming on 2024-04-11 04:42:16. It has garnered 785 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:07 or 5287 seconds. In this stream I’m playing Minecraft BedWars, but I’m going to try to beat the 4 core modes each once without dying. This stream is because I want to play BedWars. **Discord and Patreon links:** http://linktr.ee/pryorgaming Read More

  • Unnerving Minecraft Modpack Gameplay

    Unnerving Minecraft Modpack GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Pack Scary Asl #minecraft #modpack #herobrine #scared #fyp #twitch #funny’, was uploaded by TwistedEditzz on 2024-02-23 16:51:57. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. I downloaded The Man From The Frog Texture pack and was left surprised… Read More

  • “TheWOOFisThere – Ultimate Biomes Skygen REVEALED!!” #minecraft #skygen

    "TheWOOFisThere - Ultimate Biomes Skygen REVEALED!!" #minecraft #skygenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Biomes Skygen OFFICIAL PREMIERE!! #minecraft #skygen’, was uploaded by TheWOOFisThere on 2024-04-12 13:00:21. It has garnered 85 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:31 or 211 seconds. Biomes Skygen features – Different maps – Ore mining – PvP – Wilderness / survival mode – Shops: Buy and Sell – More features coming soon Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0yshij22lianuoh/BiomesSkygen.mcworld/file Read More

  • Minecraft:TV in Minecraft – You WON’T Believe This!! #viral

    Minecraft:TV in Minecraft - You WON'T Believe This!! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘mincraft:TV in Minecraft but it’s NOT what you think…#viral #minecraft #trending #shorts#gaming’, was uploaded by Its_smash_ kk on 2024-05-21 23:48:55. It has garnered 1138 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. In this Minecraft video, we explore the concept of having a TV in the game, but with a twist that you wouldn’t expect! Watch as we take the idea of a TV in Minecraft to a whole new level. Join us on this unique and unexpected adventure as we showcase a creative and surprising way to incorporate… Read More

  • GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL?! 😲 || Minecraft Survival #6

    GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL?! 😲 || Minecraft Survival #6Video Information This video, titled ‘I made GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL 😍|| Minecraft Survival #6’, was uploaded by Kanhiya Gupta Gaming on 2024-02-28 11:26:21. It has garnered 218 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. I made GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL 😍|| Minecraft Survival #6 Discord https://discord.com/invite/77j9MQCg My videos My Minecraft house Brain it onhttps://youtu.be/8mLOYskJStQ Guess the YouTuber by their smile https://youtu.be/N1QfZLhfJRE ______________________________________________________________ About Myself My name is Aarav Gupta. I am 14 years old. I am studing in 7th class. . ______________________________________________________________ @totalgaming @desigamers @AnshuBisht @Yessmartypie #trending #viral #minecraft #technogamerz… Read More

  • Crazy Modded Minecraft Fun! Day 1 w/ Friends!

    Crazy Modded Minecraft Fun! Day 1 w/ Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft with friends – Day 1’, was uploaded by CallMeCarsonVODS on 2024-04-01 02:59:49. It has garnered 25141 views and 703 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:11 or 19871 seconds. Streamed on 3/30/24 Follow me on twitch for more! https://www.twitch.tv/callmecarsonlive ♠ Social Media Links ♠ → Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/callmecarsonlive → Twitter – https://twitter.com/callmecarsonyt → Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/callmecarsonyt → Subreddit – https://reddit.com/r/callmecarson → Discord – https://discord.gg/cmc Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft glitch turns player into hero XD

    Unbelievable Minecraft glitch turns player into hero XDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Когда игра дает тебе… | #shorts #minecraft #game #epic #funny #twitch’, was uploaded by Default_xD on 2024-01-03 16:19:44. It has garnered 556 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Subscribe to the channel and come to the streams And a little discord https://discord.gg/7tqRA7W5G5 Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Mace Experiment with MrCrisper!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Mace Experiment with MrCrisper!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Our Best Ideas with Minecraft’s New Mace! (ft. Conraz and The Numenorian)’, was uploaded by MrCrisper on 2024-03-18 18:00:31. It has garnered 204 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:44 or 1784 seconds. Mojang has added the best and most overpowered weapon to the latest snapshot, and we’re here to test it out and see just how much potential it has. Enjoy! For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16 Disclaimer: Not that I should… Read More

  • Insane 3D Minecraft Character Model on Android!

    Insane 3D Minecraft Character Model on Android!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Minecraft 3d Character Model With Item in Android 🤯’, was uploaded by Alex Adi XD on 2024-04-19 04:30:22. It has garnered 354 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:26 or 266 seconds. *Title* – Minecraft 3d Character Modelling With Item in Andriod *⌜ Tags ⌟* #AlexAdiXD #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftinhindi #mcpe #mcpecommunity #prisma3d #minecraftmodel #3dmodel #howto @AlexAryanXD •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• *💙 ⌯ Follow Me On*  *🎯 ⌯ Discord* ‣ https://discord.gg/5Nw4cDacgB *🖼 ⌯ Instagram* ‣ https://www.instagram.com/alexadixd/ *⚡My MODS & APK Download Links * MCPE 1.20.50🎯 – https://gplinks.co/2kVc8R OptiFine🔥 -… Read More

  • Constantiam – Semi-Vanilla Anarchy – No Rules – No Map Resets – 1.19.4

    Connect: You can join right now at: constantiam.net Description: Constantiam is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server running version 1.19.4 with no resets. It features an infinite map size, no gameplay rules, and no admin interference. Established in February 2016, the map is persistent with no resets. Rules: Absolutely no rules, anything is permitted. Survive one of the greatest anarchy servers of all time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man…

    Wow, that meme must have some serious XP points to have a score of 215! Read More

  • Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald’s WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald's WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When you finally find the Totem of Undying in Minecraft but your WiFi decides to die instead. Looks like even the game knows you need a little extra help surviving! #WiFiWoes #MinecraftStruggles 😂🎮📶 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial Exploring Basic Shapes in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the endless possibilities of building? Join 牧飛 as he guides you through the basics of creating various shapes in Minecraft, from circles and rounded edges to triangles and polygons. Get ready to unleash your creativity and build stunning structures in the virtual realm! Building Circles Creating perfect circles in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques, you can achieve smooth and symmetrical shapes. Start by outlining the circle with blocks, then gradually fill in the interior to form… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Magic Feis Reaction – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    EPIC Minecraft Magic Feis Reaction - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft magic 2 skoro’, was uploaded by Feis on 2024-01-16 16:52:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. _- Read More


    GIRL TRANSFORMS INTO SCARY MONSTER PRANKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into OP SCARY GIRL To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-01-29 01:45:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Minecraft world I morph into a SECRET CREEPYPASTA TREVOR HENDERSON BOSSES and then I pranked my friend as … Read More

Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 17 – A Familiar Evil Takes Form…