Empires SMP 2: MY FIRST MEGA BUILD!!! [ Minecraft 1.19 Survival ] – Ep.11

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome back to sanctuary hopefully you guys are doing great look at this we built this awesome little crop field area our lovely farm in the last episode and also one of my favorite windmills of all time look at that beautiful thing but you know what i

Don’t think this is enough croppage no i’m gonna need a lot more packed mud so that means we’re gonna need a lot more wheat so before we do anything else i’m gonna go ahead and add another crop field right over here i did a little terraforming so we got plenty of space

Our bees are working really hard over there too oh look how cute let’s make a quick baby though hold on i need more pollinating bees oh no he went home oh no um hi this is awkward now hi can you make a quick bee baby thank you so much

Gonna need a lot of bees around here perfect oh precious look a cute tiny baby you guys are doing great thank you so much is that one more field right here and there we go easy look at that we even have a b already patrolling the

Area to make sure this place just starts growing up real nice this is so cool i’m going to need another a little b home in here uh we’ll get that later though ah but the farms are looking so good i want to add a bunch more coming up for sure

Eddie what’s up bubbles how you doing oh man oh bubbles right there by the fire oh that looks relaxing bubbles oh yes it’s a little cold outside isn’t it let’s go for a little walk girl but eddie don’t you worry i’m on my way right now to the nether i’m gonna blow

Some stuff up bring you back some ancient debris and we can upgrade some other stuff so far all i have is my hoe and my ex but you know what i would love something for my pickaxe and my sword maybe even something for my cuchara tell universal universal spoon

This would be cool but i’ll be right back eddie you’re the best come on girl leave eddie alone you been bothering him all day but i don’t think that he’s ready to get back to work and making those awesome custom armor weapons and tools and stuff like that not yet but at

Least we can have some stuff ready to go in case that time does come you know some things hi now we just gotta check out and see how much our gunpowder supplies at bubbles you’re doing great man you just teleported all over the place all right the moment of truth how

Much gunpowder do we have that’s it i’ve been using so many rockets oh no i know pepe you’ve been telling me for days now i need to go get some more from the thumb of the sheriff but you know what that’s fine for now let’s see how much

Tnt we can make with this okay see what we can do with the stack of 14 and we’re off bubbles i’ll be right back i’m gonna blow stuff up you’re in charge of sanctuary all right let’s do it let’s go into the nether and see if we can get

Some ancient debris wish me luck now where would be the best place for this um let’s just go down here oh how about this little area right here this is uh oh nope i don’t like it a lot of lava around here i want to go a little

Farther away from here this is basically almost like spawn area and i don’t want to run into another um strip mine of ancient debris um let’s take it down this way a little bit so said valley could be peaceful for this i like it here

We just dig down right here you put a little marker just in case now if my calculations are correct at 16 which is right here this is the right spot for this so this is a chunk border so if we go down this way or this way it should be good

Open up this right here though just so we know where we’re at and how to get back out of here a stack in 14ft what did i say what did i say this is fantastic this is good luck this has to be good luck right here oh man this is

Great oh what a lucky day there it is all right so that’s good luck so let’s use all our tnt and see how much we get at the end of this place your bets in the comments section whoever gets it right wins um a job in sanctuary you get your pick

What you want to work at you know you win let’s go [Applause] [Applause] and there we have it all the tnt is gone and i have 16 ancient debris i could make four things with that right this is pretty cool for right now though i only need three i can give one of those to joel eddie eddie eddie eddie eddie eddie

Yo what’s up listen i got all this stuff well i got 16 agent debris you proud of me of course you are okay i put in the blast furnace okay animus was not made specifically by me uh it was made by god magic you know it just happened all of a

Sudden i don’t know if it was god magic mixing with a little bit of the sanctuary nature magic i don’t even know if the nature magic existed when it happened at the time either way you know it just happened which is amazing and we have enemies around

All the time which is so fantastic you taught me everything i need to know to be a really awesome daddy okay so i’m doing my best yeah but you’re granddaddy now all right so you better take care of edmunds whenever i’m not here i know you’re on vacation and everything and

You’ve had enough raising me because i was already a handful but you know what you’re the best eddie that’s fine let me go check on this thing yes we’re just friends okay it’s just an 11 foot god we share a child together it’s no big deal okay it’s ready

It’s ready okay so are you gonna be uh upgrading my stuff or should i do it i do it for now okay i’ll do it for now but whenever you’re ready do a little bit of magic right and you make these super powerful you might need them a little later down

The line you never know get a lot of steak now oh here we go universal gets one i need a name for this thing i know we lost the last one give me another name for our silk touch pickaxe the other one’s gone forever and the sword of sanctuary not with

Loony and sharpness five bang oh oh yes this is pretty powerful but once eddie gets his hands on it oh oh the world better watch out but for right now all of our main tools are set that’s so cool check our lumber mill over here hopefully i don’t need to

Restock too much because ah man my hands are tired from chopping all that wood hello i’m here at home depot i’m here hello hi i’m here to place an order oh sure sure what would you like what do you need well sausage destruction has faced my land i

Was attacked brutally whoa how when when did this happen i was just right next door didn’t hear nothing yeah great watch out oh of course thanks neighbor sorry i i was i was probably just asleep and i had a little siesta i had a lot of hard long nights of chopping down woods

Well apparently stealing someone’s gold that they just leave laying around is worth blowing up a pirate ship and his dock wait did you steal thunder daddy’s gold the stratosphere thing i did it for a good cause there was a beautiful lady who needed gold oh that’s nice wait who who you

Give your gold to i gave it to a beautiful pirate princess we have a pirate princess here on this land whoa that’s cool yes oh that’s nice she’s gonna be my wife oh congratulations let me know when that happens i’ll cater it okay i’ll come down there i’ll give some

Of my best empanadas okay oh oh okay yeah sounds great i’m hungry now i think so i’m rebuilding and i need i need this wood okay how many wood how many i’ll do two stacks oh perfect you know what i got something ready to go here we go okay

What else and then i need two stacks of dark oak and easy two stacks of spruce oh easy oh this is so you’re you’re in for a treat i’ve been busy uh chopping up all this wood man so many people come for my wood and i’m so happy just giving people all

The wood they want here you go bam bam wow bam bang bang bang wow oh there it is and i ring my horn It’s a sign of dominance over my wood okay well i have uh my shop you can go in and grab whatever you need i have chris marine and lanterns and whatever you need to come over there and take what you think is a good grade oh wow i’m gonna

Take so much i’m gonna take everything you got thank you so much well not not everything well the majority of it baby okay thanks that’s great oh it’s fine here have some of my roots have some roots extra roots there no i’m i’m actually i’m maybe i wouldn’t yeah

You could take off but guess what else i brought sausage oh what’d you get what’s your break what else the coveted banner pattern i don’t know you’ve been needing that oh actually it’s okay you can you can have it uh shelby already got it for me thank you so much though thank you

What yeah yeah shelby said the other day she went out and she got her own charge creeper she used you know uh this trident with her thunder capabilities and she got one for herself and she came by and gave me one which is so great yeah i didn’t know that she had that

Power so that’s great you’re telling me that this little wit somehow got a creeper pattern oh yeah yeah yeah she said she got a couple creeper patterns the other day yeah yeah yeah she said she went over some campfire now the one we went to at the beginning when we

First met and there’s some houses she needed she needed a trident yeah she said she used the trident the head channeling on it and everything mm-hmm i don’t know where she got that from which is pretty cool i didn’t i thought you were the only one

With one of those i have to go sausage oh this is this is all news to me i need to yeah wow yeah yeah she probably got her own she probably got her thanks for the valuable information oh you’re welcome okay yeah be careful uh yeah

Oh no um yeah she’ll be buff she’ll take care check out take care of herself i think a war is about to start and whatever we’re safe in sanctuary though oh no now sanctuary is filled with amazing builds all over the place some created by me some created by the magic over here

Magic love you and we’re steadily expanding all around this area and it’s looking pretty awesome and most of our bills have varied in sizes so far from super tiny cookie huts here to big old storage buildings and eddie’s big old blacksmith i think between this one and the storage building this might be

The two biggest bills we have and i think today it’s time to change that the next build is gonna be a big boy build that’s right bbb and i’m thinking i’m putting it right down here in this ugly old spot this thing needs a makeover and it looks like our friend pirate joe’s

Been doing some good makeover jobs over there too oh that’s awesome this is funny i was actually going to do the same thing oh that’s cool look at that we’re going to massify this part because we need a place that people can come and stay the night in sanctuary have a nice

Little drink at the tavern inn right it’s gonna be perfect right here most of the activity of our kingdoms are down this way so this is the perfect spot the first thing they see other than the lumber mill when they come down to sanctuary so step number one let’s

Flatten that part out right there with a little bit of moss a little bit of bone meal let’s get some extra dirt just in case let’s get to work There it is all ready to go a blank canvas for us to build our tavern slash in in this spot it’s gonna be perfect it’s gonna be big though and i think it’s gonna take up all of this space here which is gonna be great now to collect the materials for it because

Oh man it’s a huge list and it’s gonna be a lot of this guy right here dark oak ugh i’m gonna have to dip into our inventory for this one did i mention we’re gonna need a lot of dark oak yeah i think this is enough now it’s

Time for the spruce uh probably not as much but still a good chunk yep ah we’re gonna need a lot of hope too guys i got good news i got a general manager for our tavern and we haven’t even opened yet pix is bringing us somebody very

Special and he just needs my word let’s make some trades oh i see him he’s coming woohoo yeah oh um oh thank you oh he’s so lovely i needed a general manager for my new tavern and i’m opening up and this is perfect this guy’s got to be the general manager

He’s such an airhead oh yeah yeah he’s perfect you know it’s just all in the looks you know people are going to respect them and they’re going to think he’s cute and they’re going to tip him it’s going to be great no complaints at all from this terror when it opens

So cool have you had it have you had a chance to play around with the ladies yet have you seen what they can do no this is the first time i’ve ever seen them everything else has been just a myth for me i’ve never even seen him up close

All right throw a couple of planks and see if he picks them up for you or if he still throws them to me because i think he might have to uh let’s see hi hi little buddy you’re cute oh no it’s came to you

I think he’s gonna return it to me so i think what i can do is if i take this out of his hands and you give him an item oh there it is oh and uh i think that transfers ownership i think that’s a that’s a legally binding contract

Right there oh wow let me see you know what i i really want to get this advancement just because uh it’s amazing and uh and it reminds me of jimmy it’s a little tribute to the sheriff yep tribute to the sheriff yes perfect i’m never i’m never going to be able to

Look at that advancement the same way again never never again that’s forever the jimmy advancement i have some stuff for you you deserve everything you get right there get all that you get everything all my wood everything yes thank you so much i’ve really been in

Need of oak and birchwood so that’s a a huge help and hopefully this guy’s going to be a huge help around here oh he will trust me and you know what just whenever my tavern my little inn opens you get a free drink on the house oh heck yeah that’s right

And he’ll be the one serving you hopefully he doesn’t drop the drink on you all right hang out right there for now i’ll be right back okay bubbles take care of the blue fairy material gathering has gone pretty good i got my whole box of skittles over here we got a

Bunch of other blocks that are very colorful very pretty my alley friend has been helping me out also with pepe and bubbles this is going to be the most magical tavern ever also the old wood the new wood and other stuff and a whole box of other great things yes i am going

To use that mini note blocks and what but there’s a couple miscellaneous things that we’re going to need also i want to put candles everywhere and i think our friend jim can give us a bunch of honeycomb for that plus i want to feed the friends that show up at the

Tavern and james got a bunch of non um animal like fruit products becky delay you’re looking at me right in the back of the head the only thing jem needs is a box of a goodies from my azaleas she needs bushes let’s give her all my bush whoa we’re here oh wow that’s

Pretty that’s new too graceful hello i’m so grateful huh use my horn but oh i i i lost mine to a bard sorry oh apart we have a part here yeah the bard visited the tavern but he took my horn it was really weird yeah i

Think he fell in a hole oh that’s that’s oh he died oh that’s great the horn’s gone i lost our horn for a good two weeks jen i i did everything i couldn’t get it back yep i lost it i had to go all around this world to find it again

And i found it and now you lost so nice i can’t believe it uh i’ll ask i’ll ask the bard if i see him again yeah back if you if you oh i would love to see a bard oh man i wonder if he knows about that ghost that

I saw the other day hmm you saw a ghost yeah yeah i was just walking through the great bridge i looked at the campfire and i saw this thing it was just walking around and i looked a little closer and it just disappeared out of nowhere and there was no one online

That’s so weird did you get my call about about the yellow house oh yes yes oh this is so pretty oh jeff this is very dangerous too these could break easily break yeah watch very strong watch this hey okay no it’s fine it’s fine i’m just

Testing i want to make sure it’s safe oh i got oh this is super safe we’re going to be able to grow crops all year round and dawn now it’ll be great and the bees will be safe it’s going to be so good oh i can’t wait oh i’m gonna need so much

Food coming up yeah i’m building a tavern just like you and i’m gonna need a lot of food coming up oh yes oh i got food all right i guess it’s nap time though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hold on i have so many things for you bing whoa

Look at that isn’t that green that’s very great these technologies oh yeah this is brand new oh yes i got so many of these growers as well oh these are perfect yup you know what i also bring other things that you might need to brighten this place up mm-hmm berries berries yup

Cool bamboo bamboo straight from the jungle yup triple thank you drip leaf those are cool blueberries glow berries oh these are looks so good they match oh they do match some type of slabs yeah and have a few of those those are very rare right there they have magical particles

Spore blossoms oh these are gonna look so epic in here imagine yeah throw it up throw them up there yeah look at that it’s like now little look at that little magical magic is spitting on you now look at that it just spits it’s so nice sausage

Thank you thank you oh we should get you some food then oh yes please yes food food and honeycomb too because i need a million candles too i’m gonna put candles all over the place it’s gonna be a fire hazard in that wooded building oh

Okay no fires but i do have lots of honeycomb oh yes yes that’s fine i’m gonna get your honeycomb and i’m gonna go to catherine’s later uh you know she’s a princess as well i never met her oh you got to be here she’s a princess

She’s nice she also has a deep dart secret that i’m not supposed to tell anybody about you’re really good at not telling me secrets yeah i’m not gonna tell nobody but she has a deep dark secret it’s it’s crazy jim you gotta find out i’m not gonna say what it is

Okay i’ll try to meet her here is here’s the honeycomb uh you can just take how much you need oh i need everything the whole thing thanks jim wow thank you so much no i’m just gonna take our line let me take one little road right there i’m gonna eat so many

Candles oh and you know what i’m building out of the bee boxes too oh those are really pretty i don’t know what exactly you like to feed your tavern oh yeah just give me gold gold golden treats oh this is so good oh also i’m i’m getting i’m a vegetarian now

You’re a vegetarian now i’ll take more then yeah i’m a vegetarian i just like eating uh non-animal stuff because you know it doesn’t make sense too oh yes please oh yes give me an apple oh wow you got so many good things oh oh this is lovely soup did you make this soup

Yourself what the villagers made it oh i don’t ask questions to try it um no yes wow oh give me some more of those oh yes the tavern guests will love it oh thank you so much you know when it opens up i’ll let you know you come on over you get

Free drink on the house free drink for for you jeff friedrich oh great thank you yeah you could eat your own food too at the tavern you know what it’s me heard some sounds from here kind of sounds not like a like a little bit just quiet i’m hearing music everywhere i don’t

Know why it’s weird yeah hello i will find this Part oh look at this box of goodies gem is the greatest song i’m gonna see if i can make some of these little boxes there any what wooden honeycomb there you go beehive blocks for building material i love minecraft now i think it’s time to farm all of this wheat because we’re

Gonna need a lot of pack mud let’s see how much we can get from all these maybe here it is sheep one full harvest of all my wheats oh let’s check this out throw some seeds up here and that is a good amount of wheat almost nine stacks that’s not too bad mud

Mud mud mud mud it’s basically one for one almost nine pretty good pretty good also the amount of glazed terracotta i’m using in this belt is astronomical i think anybody’s used this most glacier cotton bills ever in minecraft it’s rather ridiculous yep this is awesome

Oh yes we’re at the mesa i’m gonna need a little bit of that orange stuff or technically uh red sand this oh somebody’s been taking out from here i’m just gonna go down on this side this is not even part of tumble town tumble town is over there we’re

Preserving tumble town for future generations i’m just gonna need a couple stacks of this red thing yeah it’s ridiculous how many blocks i’m using for this and how many combinations but that’s how we do it in sanctuary oh joel’s here got almost everything i need the only thing now is that i need

Candles we’re gonna have a bunch of candles inside this place and i know just the person who has tons of string also hopefully they have a little bit of leather because i haven’t been killing any of my cows lately because i wanna not do that anymore and i’m gonna need a

Lot of lecterns specifically for railings yeah i use lectures for railings i’m that guy so i think catherine can help us out a lot the only thing she asked in return is some shulker boxes and i’m gonna pick some colors that i know she would like

Magenta purple and pink let’s go over to princess catherine’s area and do a little trading oh we’re almost here oh it’s princess pear oh this is nice oh i’ve heard so many good stories about this place is that a castle look at this gathering hello hi i like jump scares how are you

I’m good how are you oh i’m doing so great this is amazing did you know that one side of your castle is darker than the other side yeah something’s going on i don’t understand yet oh this is awesome this is so good it almost looks like this side is just

Completely engulfed in darkness death and shadows i love it yeah it’s kind of yup cool oh this is a this is a wise choice i need stuff i’m about to open the tavern right and i need a bunch of candles so i got the honeycomb i just need your string i also

Need a bunch of books oh yes books too oh yeah yeah oh paper uh no paper but i have a villager hole oh my god i love villager holes take me to your whole what villagers you want to go there first yes okay okay yay oh i hear him i hear him

Oh this is very sanitary oh this is nice oh hello friends oh lovely yeah how many books would you like oh i got bookshelves oh yeah bookshelves are perfect because i’m going to make lecterns for railings in a huge tavern 36. that’s it perfect that should do it oh my god yay

Oh yeah just to keep them extra safe oh give me a little leather not that much just a little smidgen of leather but i need a whole stack of uh string if you got that oh you have to come in real fast oh god fair is out guess what yeah i have one

Of these now you got a pharah you saved one yeah yeah well no technically i bought one from pix um but it’s fine they’re going to run my tavern they’re going to be the general manager oh that’s very nice yep okay you said how much juice oh

Like a stack of you have that’s perfect there you go oh my god this is amazing yes i would like some wool a little bit of lime if you can i want to make banners for myself oh i’ve got that you’re lucky i just recently made them all rainbow colors oh

That is that’s good that i’m so lucky today this is great oh oh what’s this the bounty board has been added a new a new thing pirates why don’t you say pirate joe on the monster slaying board um did you did you put that there me oh

No i know me me and pirates are friends he’s uh he’s my an alliance he’s next door who may have put this here um i don’t even know somebody want me to kill pirate joe i mean he did try to he okay he came over the other day and he’s

Like trying to marry me but like i’m not gonna kill him for it what pirate joe you’re marrying pirate joe when are you having the other wedding i would love to no i am not no what no no weddings no wedding okay we don’t even have a church around here so maybe

Once we get a church you can have a wedding that’s great oh okay or no wedding home gets your wolf okay oh no i have to figure out who wrote that later yeah yeah yeah that’s that that’s weird oh no no a stack is perfect that they

Should do a lot of banners oh you can even more if you want that’s fine oh yes oh my god you know what here i brought you gifts one two three chocolate boxes are my favorite color i know i picked the best one i knew this i knew it you didn’t even have

To tell me what colors you wanted you’re welcome oh ben um was that everything that you needed yeah i think we’re good yeah yeah um well i have a question for you okay uh i so i know that you make banners and i just built this castle but it doesn’t

Have any banners could you help me out with that oh yeah i could totally help you know what free of charge i’ll make any banners you want right now really yeah we just need to go about 3 000 miles this direction and we can do it let’s go

Here we are welcome to sanctuary come on out here oh god it fell i’m sorry come here let me give you a cookie come on down this is my cookie shop here have some cookies oh thank you you’re welcome there i just baked those this morning you’re welcome and down here this is

What you’ve been waiting for right here this is my banner shop come on in oh perfect yes come on down i made a banner especially for shelby a little while ago uh and it was fantastic this is miguelito the head bannerman hello he is also on break again today uh but

That’s fine i will be taking over the banner making business cool here you go banner created enjoy sauces those are not my colors okay we can start from scratch i was just testing out things but you know what we’ll get to work right now and we’ll build the banner of your dreams

Thank you and bam done look at all these banners that i was able to create with the magic of sanctuary yes these are cool pick your favorite there’s so many good ones here i can’t even i can’t pick i can’t there’s too many which one which one are you feeling which one

Swords we’ve got yep presents this is a present box yeah we even have a mirror a cloud we even have a princess a one here with her eyes very very upset that’s weird yeah i know so many good we would have a mirror this was a miracle

Yup that’s a lovely tiara right there too yeah i like this one it looks like sparkle oh yeah that is sparkly isn’t it look at that oh take it take it it’s all yours oh yes don’t worry about the rest i’ll i’ll clean up after yes enjoy another

Satisfied customer here at sanctuaries a banner shop now with everything we’ve collected so far i think this just might be enough it might not be it might be i don’t care we’re going to get this started because this tavern in it’s humongous So [Applause] This is the most glorious building in sanctuary right now it can’t be topped in this moment in time i will have some other stuff that will top it i i can’t even tell you what it is i got it in my brain and it’s going to come out

I might use the magic for that one because the last couple bills i had zero magic involvement i’m just scared that i might overuse it but it’s fine that’s the creeper that’s fine the magic stopped it from blowing up thanks magic of sanctuary bubbles let’s go there it is oh

Baby baby baby look at all those gradients and different colors all over the place we got bricks and the roughed-up patterns on the bottom we got the nice colorful side buildings here on the corner a nice little tower of wood and sandstone going up there and all

This different terracotta bits we got a little bit of magenta we got some light gray we got a little bit of the regular terracotta going into the yellow oh man some tudor blockage here on the side that’s right don’t you love it i love it

Oh and it’s looking so cool we got this little extension here on the side balconies everywhere but you know what let’s go on the inside that’s the main event right here let’s go come on my friend you’re you you’re new job awaits yes come on in bubbles and here we are

In the tavern oh this is my friend uh they’re they they’re in charge of the code uh checking right here the code checking section right you’re the best we need a name for this one too but come on in look at this i got a lot of

Inspiration from my friend flip who said they were gonna build a tavern too and he said he was gonna do interior first i was like you know what let me give it a shot i’m gonna do it terry first and then you saw it in the time lapse we did

Interior and we did all the layout first and then i built a structure over it it’s one of the hardest things i ever did because i built the interior too big and i had to figure out a way to put a structure over it but i think we nailed

It look at the ceiling so cool there is a whole other floor up there that i have no idea what to put for now is close to the public we’ll figure out something maybe like a secret place right there for secret meetings for a secret society

Of magical beings i don’t know but it’s pretty cool right this is amazing we have a nice little seating area over here seats in the middle on this side when you come around over here is a private little seating area here so you can have fun up there all private in the

Back over here this is where our bar is the main bar come on in you want to come in the back okay no it’s hold on you know what let you know what you could be free in here what am i even doing just hang out in here but this is

The bar area right here i’m going to ask shelby to come down see if you can supply me with the potion so i can sell it down here it’s gonna be great but a little seating area here at the bar you can sit in these tables on the side i

Have this little part not done yet because i want to do maybe like a little basement later on down here but for right now i’m gonna just have that closed off okay we’ll put a little do not pass kind of thing this could also be a little office or something but you

Know what there’s gonna be a basement later for something and what is that i messed up i’m not even gonna look at that but we got a little private seating over here as well okay and then we got ourselves a stage right here so anybody who is musically inclined i heard

There’s a bard out there somewhere in the world that could maybe come down here sing us a song or something the only thing is i don’t think this is supported too well it looks yeah bubbles even if it sees it hold on this looks like it could be very very dangerous

Especially to whoever sings over here so let me add a couple supports there we go the bubbles wait right there that looks awesome yes mama’s gonna sing us a song go ahead girl but there we got some supports here just in case i don’t want this thing to cave

In on the help but also that’s not all we got a bunch of cool stuff in here this is where whoever is going to be coming here to sing if it’s a band a bard whoever if they’re going to do a play over here i don’t know they’re

Going to do shakespeare or something they can come back here they can get ready in this section all right right here there’s a little like makeup counter or whatever they can come up to the top do a little twirly twirl and then up here a couple of beds just for

Them to sleep the night they have free room and board at the end if they’re doing any kind of singing dancing or beatboxing i don’t know what they do but the ceiling nice archway here chandeliers hanging down all over the place another private seating area over

Here we also have private seating on the outside as well look at that we got a nice little loungy area here and a nice little fireplace for people to toast the feedies up right here and relax but then if you want to stay the night we have

One bed two bed oh that was the video three bags or if you are very rich you get the deluxe suite right here which is great and then you can go back down this way you can go multiple ways either down this way over here and then we gotta

Stop the kitchen as well there it is though you know what we need something very very important even bubbles recognize this she’s very attentive to this question we need a name for our tavern inn give me the best name i’m gonna pick it in the next episode if you guys don’t

Even know what to call it if you see something cool like it make it go to the top of the list so i don’t miss it and we’ll pick the name in the next one this place is so cool though oh it’s literally one of my favorite bills of

All time so cool also if you guys want a job at the tavernon please put your resume inside the comments section let me know what are your qualifications and i’ll see if i can add some of you guys here to work oh man but i gotta tell

Eddie about the tavern in they used to love the old tavern back in the day oh they were oh yeah wait wait a minute hey what are you doing here oh you look like you’re having a good time right here oh you want a hug oh hug my friend love

Your face how you been how’s stratos how’s daddy doing oh they might be going to war very dangerous but a lot of fun okay cool all right that’s very nice to know what is this the thunder daddy thanks you for giving him your horn he’s been blowing it all night it may

Be his thunder cheeks clap that’s how much it excited him he wanted to give you some lovely moss that he grew oh that is so nice you know what i love moss i love putting moss everywhere oh thunder daddy oh my goodness gracious me ho ho this could cover up the whole entire

Sanctuary that is so nice oh eddie eddie wake up wake up listen we have a tavern in ready to go you gotta go check it out they got your favorite else not now let’s go right now what are you going to say for man get it oh let’s go

Let’s go have some fun i guess not oh it’s raining hermes is raining listen i’m a little scared you know thunder cheeks thunder dad thunder pop okay uh is having some problems with other people right now it could be a little bit dangerous i’ve been hearing a lot of rumblings about joey blowing

Stuff up i’ve been hearing some stuff that he almost got arrested by the toy i mean by jimmy the the real sheriff not a toy i’ve been hearing a lot of things wardens i saw it the other day a warning literally went into stratos it’s a little dangerous right now so while

Things cool down a bit i want to stay with your auntie just for a couple days just until things cool down and i go ahead and pick you up from auntie’s house later on okay is that cool okay ariana gote big fan big fan hi council how’s everybody doing

How’s lizzy treating you oh yeah oh that’s pretty cool you don’t have any dental you know i have any medical benefits oh that’s messed up i’ll see if i can talk to her or something oh you haven’t had a day off since you got here

Uh you know what we’ll i’ll talk to her don’t worry about it yeah no you don’t need to know these no don’t argue amongst yourselves don’t argue okay it’s fine give me a second let me tell okay thank you ariana okay here we go so this

Is it dear auntie lizzy this is daddy sausage here thunder daddy is currently feuding with many other men at this moment and it’s his weekend to watch hermes but it’s not safe please take care of our boy i’ve sent him with some netherride as a gift thanks oh it’s

Perfect i was going to give that to joel but now you know what let me give it to auntie lizzy what’s the worst that can happen this is going to be fun hermes loves animals just like me oh ariana oh thank you can i have your autograph sign my banner

Sign my banner of sanctuary thank you so much oh this is great i’m a big fan big fan all right i’ll see you bye bye anything goes wrong hermes just scream okay and i can hear you from anywhere just like that okay something very important right now i need to tell you

Okay this is very very important okay nothing to worry about okay hermes has not been kidnapped or anything it’s all fine okay everything’s fine all right but i heard that you might be going to war you went to jail you have people coming after you that might kill you and blow

You up so just for the weekend okay while things blow over okay i gave hermes to auntie lizzy okay i’m okay with that i thought you’re gonna say someone else if you said jimmy then i would have lost it if you’d said joey i’d have lost it even more oh no but no

All this is good yeah okay aunty lizzy has uh hermes for the weekend it’s safe there he’s not going to die okay perfect thank you okay that’s fine that’s fine okay perfect okay okay i trust you all right it’s gonna be fine don’t worry the

Best of the best yes he only had 45 cookies but everything else is fine thank you so much bye bye okay that went well

This video, titled ‘Empires SMP 2: MY FIRST MEGA BUILD!!! [ Minecraft 1.19 Survival ] – Ep.11’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2022-08-13 16:15:00. It has garnered 283147 views and 17482 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:52 or 2272 seconds.

In today’s Action Packed Minecraft Empires SMP episode we’re trading with Pix for an Allay, visiting Gem for some supplies, helping Katherine by making her a brand new banner, giving Joey some wood, and building up the greatest build so far in Sanctuary! The TAVERN INN!!!


Dangthatsalongname: https://www.youtube.com/dangthatsalongname False: https://www.youtube.com/c/FalseSymmetry fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/fwhip GeminiTay: https://www.youtube.com/GeminiTayMC Joey: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeyGraceffaGames Katherine Elizabeth: https://www.youtube.com/katherineelizabethgaming LDShadowlady: https://www.youtube.com/ldshadowlady MythicalSausage: https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage TheOrionSound: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheOrionSound Pixlriffs: https://www.youtube.com/Pixlriffs Shubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/Shubble/ Smallishbeans: https://www.youtube.com/user/SmallishBeans Solidarity: https://www.youtube.com/user/SolidarityGaming

==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW:

►My Merch Store ➜ https://teespring.com/stores/the-mythical-marketplace ►Youtube Sponsor ➜ https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage/join ►Patreon. ➜ https://www.patreon.com/mythicalsausage ►Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/MJNuBzF ►Twitter ➜ http://www.twitter.com/MythicalSausage ►Twitch ➜ http://twitch.tv/MythicalSausage ►Instagram ➜ http://www.instagram.com/mythicals_minecraft


Shaders: BSL Link: https://bitslablab.com/bslshaders/


Music Provided by Epidemic Sound



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  • NitroGaming

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    1 JT DAMAGE WEAPON ONE-SHOT MINECRAFT BOSS Minecraft Bosses: Can a 1K Damage Weapon One-Shot Them? From the comments on the previous video, curiosity sparked. Yesterday, we tested the bosses in Eden, and now, we’re here to find out if this weapon can take down Minecraft bosses like the Warden, Ender Dragon, and Wither. In this video, we’ll put it to the test. Testing the Weapon As the experiment begins, the weapon doesn’t feel powerful at first. However, as the battle progresses, the damage starts to add up. Upgraded to a million damage, the anticipation builds. Results First up, the Wither. With a single shot, it’s… Read More

  • Unbelievable Skyblock Farming Progression in EP8!

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  • Surviving Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse

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  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Deaths from Pro Gamer!

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  • Unbelievable: MaveMarvy Explores Bizarre Minecraft Dimension!

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  • “Dream_pro’s Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!” #minecraftpe #shorts ๐Ÿš€

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  • CaptainSparklez 2 – Ultimate Minecraft Exploits – SDMP #10

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  • Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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  • EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene Landscapes

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  • Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!

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  • UglyDuckling

    UglyDucklingOn UglyDuckling, our goal is to expand our lovely new community with people who want to have fun and be a part of our community. This server is new and we are willing to expand and improve whenever possible. We strive to make a safe space for players to come together and have fun during these weird times. Our server has extra features that add to the fun of the game while keeping a vanilla feel such as Mob heads, /spawn command, /home bed, and multiplayer sleep. mc.uglyduckling.ml Read More

  • Hermitcraft Style SMP Bedrock Vanilla Whitelist

    Welcome to our Bedrock Hermitcraft SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining our small community of builders and players, feel free to reach out on Discord! Requirements: Must be 18+ (exceptions may be made based on maturity) Looking to reach 10 active players on average Contact: Discord: Biippie Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – A spicy Minecraft banger!

    I guess you could say this meme is truly mining for laughs with that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Minecraft Debut!

    Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Minecraft Debut! In the world of Minecraft, a hardcore debut, Building and crafting, a tale to pursue. From cherry tree islands to mountain base high, Every step in rhyme, as we reach for the sky. A world of adventure, with challenges to face, Surviving and thriving, in this blocky place. From farms to fish ponds, and rooms with a view, Every detail in rhyme, as we journey anew. So join me in this journey, in Minecraft’s embrace, As we build and explore, in this blocky space. Let’s craft and create, in this world so vast, Every moment in rhyme, as we… Read More

Empires SMP 2: MY FIRST MEGA BUILD!!! [ Minecraft 1.19 Survival ] – Ep.11