EPIC 100-Player Minecraft Civilization Build!

Video Information

Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here along with the buddies and welcome to an awesome special live stream everyone we finally have set up the members server which if you get a supporter plus rank or higher at the moment that’ll give you access to it to

Give you an idea of what this is it’s a fun server there’s no real rules outside of you know being uh familyfriendly like you can’t curse or anything but other than that you can do whatever the heck you want the server is set to like reset

Every month or so it’s just is going to be a fun little thing and our goal is every week to add in new like data pack features and stuff like that that we develop um that add a little bit of fun so like as a for instance things you’ve

Seen in our lucky blocks might make their way onto the server like uh Shrek’s fist Gauntlet which needs to happen to me why is Willie the first non- buddy to how much to ban him how much can we kick him get him out of here

Geez can we kick him for free this time okay free kicks all he’s wearing a Christmas sweater kill him what is why will he the Christmas f is fine but why the face it looks like he’s screaming at all time I think you’re supposed to have a

Mustache and a beard I love it doesn’t work and if you couldn’t tell everyone I I’m visiting a friend right now I’m back tonight so I I’ll be back you know my normal setup tomorrow um but yeah and we plan on streaming on the server at least

Once a week um I’ll probably even do more than that uh cuz I’ll probably start rolling out a lot of other features as well we’re since we’ve got access to gifting memberships on YouTube we’ve been trying to find cool things to do with members and so this is one of

The things amongst many other plans that we have um along the way which is going to be fun but another thing I’m going to do is members only streams so I might do those from time to time like a little bit later in the day so these streams

Will still take place at their normal scheduled time but then like maybe in the evenings as a bonus stream or something I might do that just you know hanging out with members um but otherwise yeah it’s kind of chaos I don’t know whatever would go good good luck guys oh we were

Waiting for you to say go while ago I was going to say I kind of already started there you go Jerry a stone pickaxe just for you oh thank you sir and Mr West thank you for nine months of membership dude that’s awesome speaking of the of the membership ow

Luke all right so I think it’s time that we just take out Willie you know he’s got to go he’s got a PVP is not enabled barrier what what is this we always have PVP wait yeah wait what’s going why is there no PVP that’s just PVP watch oh L well

Luke you’re an admin that’s why you’re allowed to punch people wait how come I are we are we living near each other I don’t know I am running so far away yeah nice hot tub dude I’m thinking hobo yeah I’m going enjoy you hey Rob you should

Come join this hat tub I’m thinking I’ll live underground in the caves like a gremlin I think I’m going to live on the mountain side over there and make a cult nasty little oh wait talk me about your cult I’m impressionable and easily convinced of things that make no sense

Cappy come join me then friend yeah what a convincing point I think I’m going to live underneath of the cult you can’t live underneath the cult Steve why not it’s not how that works what what do you mean I guess I’ll try and find you have

To either be a part of it or be rid of that’s what he means yeah yeah you can’t just live underneath and also guys some pretty cool stuff as well the server isn’t just only going to be up when we’re streaming it it’ll be up at all

Times of like day night whatever but we ask and people don’t have to follow this rule because there’s no real rules uh outside of no you know cursing or anything but um if you’re going to do something crazy like monumental insane wait till we’re live cuz I don’t know

The viewers want to see that you know what I mean like I don’t want to like sign in and have all of our homes completely destroyed but like if you rigged it to blow a TNT so that we were on stream and it blew up that’s totally

Fine you know what I mean like you can do anything funny yeah if you’re going prank Dr wait until he’s on stream to do if you want to crush our dreams make sure it’s funny someone asked where’s peanut so peanut is back home so like I’m not home

Like I said but peanut cam will be back tomorrow if he’s feeling if he’s feeling camera beautiful command wit CW hey look at that we got a few people coming on hello CW do you have your work cut out for you cuz Cappy came up with the idea

Beforehand of the hot dog mobile that he wants added dat I want to ride the hotm the hotmobile the hot really yeah that thing words are you I want to ride a hot link through God got him guys immediate surface lava over here guys I found surface lava nice hey Jacob this

Is a $10 stream man wish show was home work right now and I may be good at my job but I’m not good enough to play Minecraft and fix a dozen lap dude like I said you don’t have to worry about it we’re going to do these streams all the

Time and on top of that too you can play like at any time it’s it’s open is Willie part of the cult I need to know not usually he’s not he’s probably our sacrifice to be honest not kill I mean save the sacrifice for I mean Dr

You’re not going to be able to get him again he’s dead you guys took too long you you his blood is I said kill I said kill I said kill don’t put his blood on my hands I didn’t do this no no Steve I’ll take it I’ll take it I I said

It um like I’ll accept you accept the charges if you guys go to 37238 there’s a way down to a huge mine mining reason I didn’t I was not thinking Steve in terms of oh God oh God CW’s trying to get murdered oh that’s not CW it’s fine that right after saying

He wasn’t thinking are you sure it was the CW I don’t know the only person I see up there is a she so unless you’re telling me you just got silenced by the Lambs I think you’re fine I might you might have and whoever did that just wiped my hard

Drive I forgot what I was going to say be that usually happens there we go oh Steve for some reason when you were saying that that’s what it was the coordinates it wasn’t coming with coordinates in my head I thought like you had established like an address like a zip code and everything

And I was like Steve what like yeah this is where if you come down to 42 I live on Joe Street someone going to tell him to Joe Avenue yeah but yeah there’s there’s a ton of iron and gold down here like enough for all of us to get full sets

Probably oh hey Steve all right what did you show up in the area that I said the coordinates to oh hey yeah but I don’t have F3 up I don’t like oh you’re just building out yeah it’s like right near spawn yeah yeah yeah I figured instead to start out

We can build you know we’re going to be a city on the hillside a church on the hillside all right there we go yes yes I love Willie just like I wonder where you could have found that M sha from steal it probably oh yeah I jumped

Down here and he was in his crafting table and I just took too long the greatest crime was that uh Willie presumed that he could have anything okay oh dang how’d you change that name bro so I think four out is fine instead and this

I got to figure out how to go around it wait so four out as in oh you want to do four out here yeah so like this thickness like that okay and then what I’ll do is I’ll start putting up the guard rails so people don’t fall off and

Then this could be like one of the pathways right so it can start going down and stuff like that and around so with that in mind Jerome what was your pathing yeah jome oh by the way Monk’s back from war forgot to say that yeah sounds like it welcome back monk you seen

Things all right instead I think uh let’s bring this out a little more so that that way we can build like a little staircase almost down I have 12 iron so far me instead are the chief Architects on the server so shouldn’t we have built the staircase horrifying Chief

Architects now that’s professional right there dead did you also make sure that the handrail while safe is also danger enough usually we don’t build bridge and then put holes in there we could speed holes Qui his way down right don’t say that is isn’t that a merry Poppins

Quote instead I did it upside down I think I’m beginning to think that maybe maybe we should have done it the way that everyone was telling us to do I’m going go get more logs Bud um are mobs on the server that’s sleeping yeah I ran past

Like a ton of pigs and stuff oh oh okay I mean Hostile Mobs I think it’s night never mind I found some Hostile Mobs is it Willie you got to wait for the first night time for Hostile Mobs to start spawning on you we do need sheep

Too it’s not that I just haven’t needed to eat ah yes stead why would you and I are working on a beautiful thing buddy we had a great thing going with we had a great thing going there with not having to eat there monkey is all I’m saying yeah did you just like

Freaking kick us out of Eden right over here now we have to eat things and suffer I I have food as long as you walk around you don’t have to eat for like a while oh I think I found Jerry’s place oh you oh you mean me and STS and

And if you want you can Jo Vernon I would like to join the cult Vernon it’s not ready yet okay okay I chased him away am I allowed to join the cult I don’t know what’s the password I have diamonds password is that acceptable that is an accepted

Password but you got to learn the actual password there Pilgrim oh no I heard Phantoms why there I did as well how were Phantoms because we were here for quite a few days I wasn’t Hey cap Daniel Daniel Wilson with a $45 stream said I’m not

Saying to blow Steve up but all I’m saying is Cap gets TNT oh no how many how many message received it’s uh how many oh no it’s five I think it’s TNT I heard 50 TNT J oh no oops I heard 15 now cap to be fair you can also

Save it for when we find out where Willie lives oh definitely hot bet let’s go I think you know being there’s not really any rules I think we wage war on the first Village we find you’re saying that as if that’s different from any other day yeah even

When there are rules that’s what you do no that is the rule when there are rules to be fair now it’s a choice stead is this staircase supposed to be upside down for artistic this is no I had to run away because I was getting smacked you okay over there

Steve oh I’m I’m more than okay oh why why do you sound like you’re not okay you sounded upset yeah that’s why I was like angry is the of diamonds I’ve gotten so far guys will he just eating in my ear oh dude it’s 120 man this is like the the

Gold mine for for ores and finding them uh cuz they heard all the complaints in Cliffs and caves and they adjusted itly think you you can find coal more of in the uh like Overworld again instead of it being like in like stone walls and um d uh

Diamonds are you know a little bit more useful again and he said well thank you for the kind words thank you so much dude for watching for over a decade and he said what do I think about streaming Arc again no cap can you tell them what I think about streaming Arc

Again that is the most unamerican thing you could have ever asked I’ll tell you what we won’t stream Arc we’ll stream Arc no Cap’s got a good point oh dude I would told toally guys one of 13 players are sleeping like you’re going to get all us

To sleep can we get the four that’s not me in bed I got mining to do can we get the Fourth of July update in December and just have bald eagles that you can ride on can we get custom fireworks that say GG and then longer form ones that say that means get

Good in parenthesis Aster that means get good just like imagine an entire fireworks system where it’s just like I’m going to talk to you all in fireworks and you just type in chat and it just puts the fireworks in the air seagull Phantoms so we’re starting

Off week one with not much changes I don’t want the seagull Phantoms back nobody wants those B those we’re only getting make us miserable I thought you were about to ask can we get the Fourth Amendment uh data pack no what you know what I would like four dude if they

If they even had the ability right now today to do it blade can we get Shrek’s Gauntlet so I could sacrifice people by launching them off of the I mean yeah we can does a block of raw iron turn into like a solid block of iron no

You have to put it in the ores but it is nine whatever reason was put out for it will equate 10 yeah f is just faster to it’s twice as fast twice as much coal or fuel do you mean half as much fuel or is it like burn through fast yeah he

Means half yeah you get twice the use out of it so it’s half the fuel necessary okay it doesn’t use up more it’s more efficient is that concurrently or does it just use the same amount of coal but at twice the speed I think depends on if

Use the metric system or not I think I prefer my did he blow out his mic for anyone else all I heard was like a muffled like American I heard it kind of like uh Voldemort like you know that Jerome you will need the resource pack um this

Might have a little bit of spoilers for later but is the lucky block resource pack well oh and you read it out loud yeah yeah oh if you want to see the like Gauntlet do you want me to put that away dropy well in order to

Theet okay all right blade I’ll fall for your tricks thank you invisible FPS for being a longtime fan as well and walk flossy thank you as well he said enjoy your day man you deser oh well thank you dude you too you have an awesome day that’s so sick uh oh incoming

Leg God now’s not it’s cuz we don’t have the resource pack so he looks like that can I get can I get some of those like spots in my name over there like that look pretty dope I put on a resource pack and a lot of things changed for the worst I can’t

Like see people’s like like I can’t see drop’s custom name I don’t like it I’m taking it off oh that’s right I’m not because we can’t appreciate nice things oh God now it looks worse than ever oh no no take it off take it off blade I think you broke it

Oh all right why you get all those Extra Spaces in your name like dang real estate value on that name I think we we turn it around the if you guys type or not type if you have an action in chat you guys will have it

Too oh see what you oh wait so that means I need to do something so cap have you decided what you want to do with all the uh nice the TNT Uh no l CH Luke tried to Shrek’s Gauntlet me off a cliff I guess it is on here already but I think that’s what broke all the name tags somehow it is I think you’re Absolut dat adds in different teams than what was already on there that’s why did

Blade just hit me with the developer it’s not a bug it’s a feature yeah so yeah he did it’s okay Jerry the inner minations of developers mind [Laughter] actually sorry darkx Tak the 10 pound stream tip Jerry’s a legend Cappy kicks butts Steve smells dropsy smart stead needs bones

And the monkey is Chill so I feel like only really Steve got the worst one of those yeah I only got the short end of the stick yeah I’m okay with that don’t worry the church is coming along just fine here buddy does the church happen have

Food no not for you price no for a price Jerry oh yeah for a price yeah what’s your price I’ll give you one steak for three diamonds no oh my then starve rotten flesh you can’t make me starve ow ah you can’t make me starve I’ll eat your

Garbage what’s up he this $20 he said what a throwback the Overexposed camera the community Minecraft server the same old you know he you know actually real on the Overexposed camera remember the OG video cam days I know 360p you could barely see his face cuz

Of the computer screen 2 in in front of him hey only OG remember when there wasn’t a camera I remember the days of the track what do you mean over there like oomps hey I found a village well what you music disc I’ve got the music down from here

Yeah I’m going to go down just one layer like this and then do stairs again I got a spare pair of iron pants and a helmet for anyone who wants it later no shot the music disc I just looked at it you guys want to guess what

It is you guess you want to guess it’s cat the best one dud that’s the best one that in mall do you know homeowner has the word Meow in it good I think that’s just big cat Corporation that’s beening no it’s it’s it’s pronounced home Meer D I still just

I I’m sorry people like cats I could just never get behind I just don’t understand like why Diamond why would you want something in your house that doesn’t even like you it’s like like I’ve already got p no I’m just kidding anyway wow that could have been way

Worse you could have been like I’m already getting married oh jeez Jes god wow oh my God right for the jugular oh no oh also big news for the fans watching that liked it um we’re definitely doing Lego Minecraft again and it sounds like uh dropsy and Steve

Have both done a lot of independent research and stuff so I think you mean for by independent research I’m playing a lot of yeah what did I say Minecraft oh yeah Lego fortnite Lego Minecraft just Minecraft all the way no we can find a cool creative way to cut this off so

Like I know even like just something you know and then we’ll just keep going down all right we Daniel Wilson let’s go dude with an $80 stream tip to be our captain of the live stream said hello Jerry I’m your lovely weatherman as you can see there

Is 100% chance of Creeper spawning on Steve no okay no good luck Steve have fun good luck cloudy with the chance of creepers I was really worried that it was on me instead cuz we’re almost done with the walkway to the church I’m actually not in a bad spot this oh good

Free real estate how many are you spawning what is happening what do you mean how many does it take Steve the world may never know Daniel Wilson though thank you again dude ver oh my God imagine dying to Bones oh my God Vernon Daniel thanks being our captain

Dude he was just what he was just up here with AUST so that means there’s a skeleton around here near us stead I’m sorry that I did this the way that I did it I’m so sorry that I didn’t start from the ground up it’s fine me instead are strugg why

Do we why is there a cat out here is there village with prob if it’s not an uh oh wait no are there also that’s anymore I don’t remember no it’s like a straight up cat we have an evil one on the horizon do got him that was quick that that guy just

Died how’ you like he died in lava oh Samantha oh Samantha’s always very nice with a $40 St tip said 1,000 XP for everybody thank Steen you survive the creepers and still have those diamonds you know what I’m saying we could get some enchanting going I do still have the diamonds I

Have a diamond chest plate diamond leggings and a sword with 12 additional diamonds on me oh my I kid you not they’ve gotten so many diamonds monk remember you got to keep quiet keep the targeting off you buddy Steve has so many diamonds you know what looks better than diamonds in

Steve’s Pockets diamonds around Steve’s body oh my God cap the timing on that I literally just hit send on a message to cap he said kill Steve for diamonds as he said that for a small donation you to oh am I not part of the cult no no you are you are your

Father parting in community Steve yeah Steve Community you’re not getting me back now no Steve you were everybody pays their Community dues some of us in death and diamonds he’ll be back I was going to share the diamonds with the community but no not anymore we’re almost there Jerry we’re

Doing good work here buddy I’m just afraid stead of how out of hand it’s going to get overnight when people get on and do stuff with this oh yeah oh yeah blade can we uh also as a small update can we get that like feature that some servers have that like when it’s

Someone’s first time joining it says like welcome so we know to like welcome people obviously it doesn’t matter for today cuz we kind of know that it’s their first time yeah what Jack cell thanks for the $30 stream tip he said have fun what is that one it’s oh jeez dead run sa

Us oh stead once they’re done we should go and collect all the arrows oh yeah do that do that ow I think the arrows can help us out a lot I need more rotten flesh um have you also been surviving on the undead yes I’m just climbing up now see you

Guys have pretty much everything I need from a cave well I don’t really one of my many murdering I got like six raw beef so I’ve been living a dream hey that’s good eating Ste tar yeah that’s that’s nice and all but I also have that’s good eats right

Plent of stuff and it’s just missing food I’m making my way out of the Cave System right now as well what happened to the skeletons I didn’t see where you went I ran across a Ravine and jumped and then they start spawning after the Ravine blade Jerome killed Willie

Earlier do you mean a physical player head yes oh that’s on do we have a beheading mod or something dat yes can we behead plugin mod pack yeah plugin mod pack data pack oh you know what it’s a resource pack I don’t know how I could

Have made such a silly mistake do you need these an axe it’s obviously a Bedrock addon probably oh true actually oh you’re right you’re right yeah big brain it’s not nice you good Jer or do I need to come home someone probably Luke shot me with

Light I would never I wish there was more uses for oh my God this cave is insane what is this worldl genin it’s a large I I have found uh four amethyst JS wow you want you want to pick up a amethyst Shard for me there was amethyst

Nearby one I need it for a spy glass later oh yeah there was an exposed amethyst geode where we drop down at yeah I saw it but now I’m back on the surface and I need food you know I I got sweet berries but they’ll only sustain

Me so long I’m eating blow berries thanks for becoming a member of the channel Jack cell L berries dude I’m excited I want to do more Lego Fortnite is it all it’s cracked up to be I yeah yeah dude it’s pretty great and Steve good news you won’t be alone in in the planning of it knows exactly the Tik Tok you watched for that train so yeah yeah I’m really excited to do that

Actually like it’s going to take a lot of set up but it will I’m excited to see especially if it’s going to help us get from like where drum and cap are to oh no we’re both dead and back home now me no I’m with Steve in a desert

Yeah we’re in the desert he’s in the desert yeah desert the desert that just happens to be like 15 20 minutes away that’s why we’re making the thing deser for goose we’re fixing that Jerome no drops you found out that there are like certain settings we could have done

To avoid that so what are the other settings like oh nearly everything that is possible on there you can toggle you can make it to where you don’t drop items on death you can turn off temperature you can make it to where there’s not a a gauge for stamina and

You can just Sprint the whole time if you want like that sounds not that bad honestly yeah I feel like without the temperature thing you’re missing out on a lot for the game all right so this be our Landing all right can’t believe I’ve already been

Out of the you weren’t kicked out dude it was yeah you weren’t you ban you really think we would kill you yes yes I did do you know what Steve because of that in your cult no Steve we my faith went out the door when Jerome said Hey ow oh my God I

Was typing out a message with a hit on my head well well maybe you should just be a little more trusting Steve yeah instead once we’re done with this do you want to get full iron armor and then go try and find where someone else lives and burn down their house and steal

Everything let me meet up with you so we can bomb them yeah why don’t we just not even take stuff from the chest why we just blow it up L yeah let’s just blow well we kind of need the stuff do we though we’re a

Cult what do you mean we need the stuff guys what do we use it for well more violence store it from yeah exactly but I get you I’m picking up someone understands okay oh no Vernon’s coming up the steps there’s nothing here he could be one of

Us uh yeah yeah he could have been yet well I me got for World spawn yet imagine I don’t think so uh I can give you the coordinates to the church yeah 56 oh my God it’s at exactly 100 stead this is stead this was 56

This this is meant to be the holy realm this right here is said will be the holy platform blessing of our church Minecraft keeps playing a bunch of cave sounds as if I don’t know I’m currently in a cave oh that must mean the warden’s hungry Remington thank you buddy I’m having a

Good day what about you I’m excited to get home to uh to peanut hey Jerry there’s uh four iron in this chest for you oh thank you sir so was man what are the odds of that just randomly stumbled on onto me in the wilderness 5100 uh 50 60 100

173 okay hello I here to join the call oh my God he’s got full oh my God I told you I a lot of diamonds scre and Gerald thank you for becoming supporter plus dude how about I was coming to bring a bunch of stuff to the group to the

Community Steve wasn’t kidding though that that cave really was like it one of the best caves I’ve ever seen I also brought up like 120 iron for us it’s it’s smelting nice dude there you go dude thank you you live for now I live because I proved usefulness yeah you Pro usefulness today

What are you going to prove tomorrow you best watch your Hy liby puy I don’t have any we should probably get an enchantment table before one of us dies a horrible death true Jes Steve that’s a I told you I told you I had H cow I got put down more

Furnaces Daniel Wilson with the $80 stream tip said it’s evening now we have an emergency weather report Mass amounts of creepers have appeared by Jerry goodbye Jerry run rerry liking this weather I like it he’s he’s good they glitched and they didn’t spawn in I live make it rain frogs you don’t have

The gun why is it glitch for him and not for me well you see he’s Jerome and you’re Steve yeah I have what they call streamer luck he has what they call Top oh no it’s still not working hey hey blade what’s that blade what’s that weatherman I think you had some false

Reports Mr weatherman possesses what we in the talk the we and Daniel Wilson said he gives his captain rank to no you can’t come on dude do that do that we’re trying to have a nice day here you can’t just come out here and do something like that I wasn’t listening but

Yeah I get the exact but what zoned out hard for no reason I think you should just get rid of the data pack cuz it’s broken all the name tags it’s broken spawning mobs it’s it’s broken my heart I oh is it like all mobs or is it

Just creepers I’m starting tow does a thing to creepers so oh puppy what is that witch why is there witch here a I only got one blade that is not a creeper I didn’t do it oh my God it was me you Cherry luk did you sp before we update things

Guys give us like a warning no all right that works getting what happened to the deaths uh the data pack rid of them the data pack ruined everything why do I still hear the warded why do I why does it sound closer cuz he’s hunting I guess Daniel I

Guess your weather report wasn’t complete it must have not realized that it had hail AKA Warden coming in too Alysa with a $10 St Jerry don’t you learn when you do these things monkey owes cppy a Dollar by the way also oh my God also still waiting for Willie

Guillotine uh when is that I need to I need to do that finally that was my Willie no not Willie will it Guillotine oh I don’t know J are you sure you want to use no it did sound like he said wiie Guillotine and I also

Got a confused for a second I was like look I’ve been gone a week it was not the most unreasonable thing that I could have heard I don’t know Jerry I don’t know a guillotine Channel seems awfully French I got a point there actually Steve I can’t believe you found

Full set of diamonds already where is caves are insane where is this Behavior Steve when we need to do a beating Minecraft stream where is dude I don’t it’s good question I wish I could tell you didn’t even need the star chart no I actually didn’t even use the

Star chart wow that’s impressive GG I know um what is Vernon holding someone up what put the stuff in the chest that’s all he said is put the stuff don’t worry I got rid of them someone just just got mugged though what a wonderful blue name you have

Jerry oh I’m sorry Alyssa I missed that she wanted to know my favorite Pokemon game hers is Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire I’m stuck between Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and Heart Gold and Soul Silver and I always will be they’re just both so good heart gold is so good

Choices so here’s my question why did they not do an Emerald version of The Omega and Alpha they’ve never done that like even leaf green and fire red they never did yellow they didn’t do they did it for Ruby Sapphire and emerald though the REM no you stay in the remake

I’m saying they never did like a yellow fire red and leaf green they never did a crystal they did heart gold and soul silver they just don’t do the middle game the bridge game they never did a platinum either you just really made someone mad by saying heart gold and soul

Silver well they didn’t doed I don’t care what anyone says jodo is one of the best regions ever it is jodo is pretty great like syic Quil represent listen compared to other Pokemon now he’s not the greatest anymore but he’s he’s he’s the best he’s cool I always like was syndic Quil

Always like super good or no CU in the games I always thought he was like pretty good but he’s literally just Charizard without the flying type I was going to say exact I was going to say he’s he’s he’s good it just like building him on a team nowadays like

It’s not the greatest that’s the part that’s sad he’s usually outclassed by some other fire type but it’s only a typ thing it’s not like a move or a stat thing uh okay unfortunately power creep through the years has just made uh tyion not as good so many bones but he’s still

He’s still my boy though he’s still my boy and his suan tyion good I’m putting it in oh yeah the Ghost Fire yeah he’s so he’s so hype is so cool yeah IO got online that’s right everyone the world’s loudest man has arrived John

Cena you said that as I got hit from a skeleton in behind and I thought it was you like coming to attack me I was like what got really scared there what do you think of our what do you think buddy it’s beautiful pretty great dude doing

Good I got a respawn not just me Ste is too yeah you guys are doing great we need a campfire though so we can have the ritual Circle for our Gatherings yes our peaceful gather campire peaceful gather And So It Begins Nemesis with a $66 stream tip said get them

Luke I’m watching out for you Luke you can’t you can only cause so much damage in this life Luke do you want to you want to be my friend cap you got a dog yeah I got a dog can I that dog you can pet that dog

I only just recently saw the source video and I saw it was a bear it was a yeah you saw D I love that video can I pet that dog those that don’t know it’s this girl she like with an I guess like Southern accent she go like can I pet

That dog and her parents like No And it’s it’s a bear it’s a bear outside of the house I won’t that it’s the funniest video dude it’s it’s it’s me I did see something kind of like that where there were people walking around they saw what they

Thought was just a wild dog walking around their community so they went up and they were playing with it and they were petting it and whatnot no actually it was a wolf oh dude was a full-blown wolf my mom had a pet wolf for a

While oh yeah yeah my dad too but it liked my mom so it’s my mom’s so did you like grow out of that phase or what Jerry no she uh yeah no they had it well they lived in Jersey City they thought

It was a husky but it it was a it was it was not that yeah she loved that dog if any I will take puppy donations please and thank you I want an army of puppies dude I’ll take a steak bomb for the the church and his name is John C oh

Wait Dr come and his name is I can’t place this down his name is John you’ve disappointed me for the last time blade blade it’s not working you know what I’d pay to see like really good footage of just like the Undertaker retired now in WWE and occasionally they

Just throw up the old sound bite of them appearing just like no wait Luke can that be our sacred artifact can you turn my wood platform up there into obsidian and put down the end Crystal yeah sure be the sacred artifact all right if you touch it wrong

It’s the artifact oh yeah don’t do that all right I’ve made it back up top to the church now if only guys if you can get me a steak bombing I’ll make sure that we stay fed forever uh if you guys see any sugar cane definitely pick that up for um enchant

The enchanting table yeah I was just about to I’ll I’ll go out and look for some Steve I’m just waiting yes there it is stead what do you think buddy it’s beautiful Garrett with a $25 stream to said steak bomb on myself can I do that I mean

Yeah can yeah why not totally can oh my gosh that’s hilarious when you’re really desperate for food in a live stream and you just let’s go Jack cell with a $25 stream tip for me to get a steak bomb don’t worry guys the communal steak chest will be ready

Yay no no no it’s our steak chest the people of the of the organization Jerry yes sorry what what are we named anyway we have the we have the artifact now oh God it’s only fitting that we have a name the long trouser boys Garrett what’s your username the long trouser

Boys sound like the worst like his name is Wild West game gar I know right oh Garrett 23 okay I’m Jerry and this is Camp and we’re the long trouser boys yeeha Yeehaw leader h for life leader o we’re multinational multinational International Wild West crime syndicate I found some suar wild

Yeah dry figured it out as well so for members you don’t even have to be I don’t think you even have to be supporter plus if you’re just a member you can type in the members Discord and it’ll pop up on the server it’s not set up for them yet I lied to

You oh God ready what what are the cords for the base the fitness gr past for the cult uh it’s drum there right now oh cool I found a compass that’s going to be actually useful for me I’m sorry that’s actually real big I am so catac to sheep a guate some

100 thanks that’s okay that’s one number I I just remember the hund I hate to tell you the rest is that the X Y or Z that’s a good question Dr tell me the rest6 100 it was 56 561 100 thank you all I heard out of drum’s mouth was 100

And that’s all that is the important one that is okay sweet at least I got the important one down cuz it was purely 100 that’s how you knew it was the promised land exactly see drops he follows the lore instead why can’t you go to law school and medical school like she can

You know yeah come on that would be a horrible thing if I did that me like the Third Doctor lawyer I would have doctor lawyer steadfast represent me in a court case good for you see everyone else is concerned to be supportive of your friend yeah everyone else GL someone’s giving faith in

Him good for you oh more puppy I got the sugar are all the sheeps oh nice I also picked some up and I think stead also picked some up yeah oh more the better dude I want to I’m going to go expl for a little bit I want to find

Where people live and ruin everything I mean mods are kind of scattered nearby if you wantan to okay blade should make one of those someday hey Jerome you should come home real quick oh no why would do that I’m just assuming it’s blade I haven’t done anything actually the thing directly behind you

No that was Luke oh great Jerome asked for it I think he actually already knows about that too okay never mind what yeah Jerome asked for that concerned about the Holy Steve yeah you want to be part of the cult and you don’t know the holy artifact I’ve been busy getting us an

Enchanting table that’s not very I for all of your stuff Steve I think you have to come to apologize Jerome Jerome he has to apologize to the holy artifact Steve you have to kiss the artifact do not if you ruin the dude are you kidding [Laughter]

Me did he kiss it are you actually kidding me did he kiss it I don’t think he is was that blade or Luke who did that did he kiss it though once again I’ve not done anything I was gonna say it say in

The 2 3 but did he kiss it did he kiss I would count that as kissing it yes okay cool cool you can stay in the C big old smoo there’s free loot back at the cult headquarters oh my just kind of showed up there that’s

Czy I’m not really sure how Steve got back there fast enough he’s getting all his stuff Garrett thanks for the $5 doll stream tip that was by far the best idea I’ve ever had good good buddy now just tell me where you live so I can steal it all Vernon die six

Times or guys G through it yeah he’s been having a rough go of it I think that Jerry guy keeps killing him I was going to say not only has he die just to natural causes but there’s a Jerome on the loose yeah Jerome on the loose is never

A good thing all right I guess we’ll start heading back now where was by the way spawn is around 50 the base is 50 181 the cult okay I’m 4694 I’m at a village I’m going to start bringing home beds for every I’m way offer Luke [Laughter]

What tonos thanks for the $25 stream tip Jerry are you saying Ste is not going to be like the man who is a doctor lawyer seal astronaut he you know what I believe in Ste what How’s he gonna hold there someone oh yeah I heard about that

There’s like someone that’s like a Navy SEAL astronaut and like bra surgeon or something just cuz he wanted to that’s the crazy part he was like I’m bored with this career and he switched Navy SEAL I thought it was like a seal with honorary degrees no I like oh it’s a leopard seal

I thought it was a hyperintelligence seal that just had a ton of degrees Alysa thanks for the $5 stream tip also you guys would rule in the planetary pack loot everything kill anyone in your way free stuff for stead to burn sorry DJ dropsy it sounds like a

Fun time it sounds like the kind of thing all that means is I run away early on I going to say it sounds like the kind of thing to be dropsy wrangling Us in and us going off the deep end so tempting to Wrangle us course so Steve did you desecrate the holy

Relic I did not he did he kissed it Luke did I got beds for Everyone by the way Luke literally rejected Steve that it just blew up oh my yep seems legit blame Steve mhm MH I’m sorry you’ll find the Altar for you one day bro all

Right I’ve done a loop around the place but I haven’t seen anything bad oh an Enderman in case we ever want to beat the end that could help nope could could help indeed I I’m excited that maybe for once we’re going to beat the end then actually try and

Like go get elytra the extra like Po game stuff yeah I actually get a chance to do that it’s funny you say that cuz that’s actually where my mind went as well earlier today I was like it’s going to be cool because we don’t do any

Endgame stuff ever so I would love to actually finish end cities build out all the stuff like finish a sea Temple make conduits and like do all the stuff you know what does conduit even do fun stuff a conduit gives you water breathing and uh like the whatever the enchantment is

That’s Vision aqua affinity is that it like better vision and water breathing and like speed water like within a certain uh like distance in between follow me cap got something to show you is this a puppy Adventure should I grab my puppies oh no you don’t want them where we’re going

Helpy get wind sweep off your feet did you find a chance to dance bananas day Milky Way Milky Way Milky Way milk oh dude look at all this Ste that’s a lot of steak get the Flint I don’t have a I don’t have a flint they

Gave you TNT and they skimped out on the Flint and yeah they gave you a toy without batteries dude that is there you go all right they gave it to you there we go that’s what all right let her rip C dead boom G light the light the wood light

The wood oh yeah yeah yeah there we go oh my God look at him wow are falling AP look what did you spawn more netherite skeletons on you no I 17 bows I was let’s go duck dragon with a $60 stream dip sit skeletons on that’s a

Double skeleton B oh they’re going to come back to quite the mess is all I’m going to say that’s fine by me Luke what did what Luke what happened Luke he had a button that teleported me to the mods ow ow they’re killing me press this button quickly Captain Cy press this

Button quickly don’t press the button Gap God I’m also here don’t press the button just run Gap oh God a cramming cring oh mying how many are there bringer how many are there oh my God up PO cap we did good work on The Mod HQ buddy yeah that was pretty great all right Luke where even am I now I have I have a compass so I can just go back listen I don’t know why the mods that teleported you to them kind of

Weird ow but awkwardly enough drum you are going in the right direction is that awkward that he’s going in the right direction I don’t know he has a good sense of direction this is his General like Vibe thank you Matthew Reed for becoming a supporter on the

Channel oh look at that the rain stopped magically I wonder how that could be God yeah sounds right yeah yeah the CR swinging Slammer oh my name tag where’ that go jurar I have met up with you once again and La cap how make long room like long

Room can we have our sacred artifact back hello Garrett I’m not going to kill why you backing up I didn’t do anything to you yet hey welcome Sky welder that enough buds yeah yes Dead all right cool t with a 30 lb stream tip said it’s my birthday

On Friday so I request skeletons on Jerry no pleas no oh my God guys the uh the church is uh in a bad State oh God oh God that’s a lot of Bones cat send your send your wolves out I can’t they’re two good boys I can’t risk them

The skeletons run away they don’t shoot at them cuz they’re be gone my boys that’s one boy gone now will they be caught in the crossfire possibly but get them boys just constantly keeping they so is the rock paper scissors then stead kills dogs dogs kill skeletons

Skeletons kill stead yep yeah I think so seems about right that’s how it’s going to be would make sense oh God what if one of the skeletons shoots the alter anyone want to play De Wolf skeleton with me there it is the holy Relic oh my God can we put barriers

Around it guys there’s there’s Joe there he is yooo my God I don’t like that I just heard an explosion blown up by a skeleton Joe Liv Joe’s still alive dude the foreshadowing is crazy with me saying the skeleton could shoot the alter though right happy birthday

Pan yeah you said that I know happy birthday I know I was just at least there’s a lot of free loot at your C hide out now Yeah it’s all right oh Jerry did you die no more important oh Joe lived it’s okay my death was but a mere sacrifice for the cause as long as Joe is here as long as Joe remains all is well H all right let’s see oh what was that I don’t know I was

Just making you screaming boys so somehow I only it blew off my pants and boots but everything else are are you sure well there’s pants in the chest don’t believe you I’m sorry I you you just took them off like I refuseed the end Crystal blew them

Funny I took the pants from the thing but still missing the boots here they are here they are we’re good we got a campfire and we got our symbol I think a structure cult bylaws right oh bylaws before the structure even well we got to we got to know what what’s

Allowed and what’s not yeah like what if we don’t like building on Tuesdays true all right let me set some stuff up let me set some rules up hey drum did you see the door down here the door yeah someone’s living under our house why do you have to ruin everything

I just saw a door dude what do you mean I just saw door Mak a nice enchantment room down here and then next thing I know hey have you seen the door I just saw door should hide things better if you don’t want them to be found so fast oh my

Me I don’t like how deathly silent it’s Gotten I you I up for the docket Okay order in the port order in the I have the first rule to bring yes y thou shall not willly I agree what about wony W’s fine that’ll be our deity cap w’t uh next OB on the agenda oh okay he’s back oh

Okay he’s good next next object on the agenda uh the ideal room temperature um this was an actual argument we had when the office was still a thing the ideal room temperature for sleeping oo for sleeping 65 God God no no I like to be crazy for that one I like

Crazy proposing a rule thou shal not toucheth the thermostat yeah that’s okay okay but what sort of veto powers do we get cuz if someone’s setting like the indoor thermostat to 75 I’m going to Riot no what should never go what animal does that Cappy that’s why I’m trying to get

Ahead of this because we don’t know who going get into this thing D that was like Steve when Steve lived with me for a while dude he was he would just jack up the thing I’d be sweating in the middle of the night I was saving your electricity I

Wasn’t jacking it up I was just making cost efficient to actually keep it at one stable temperature rather than constantly changing it but Drome wasn’t there when I would do it you Jack sweating you would do he would come no the problem is he would come back and be

Like oh what’s the thermostat set at and I would be like you tried to kill me multiple times I’d come out there and it was set to 70 when I’m trying to sleep you were trying to kill me so just Baseline I think 70 is perfect I think

70 is a good 70 is good for not awake time but sleeping is 68° oh three degrees oh man dude it makes a big don’t you how dare you I see the I see the cult is off to a great start IA what all right I think I

Think what you guys actually need to do before the bylaws is elect the president so that they have final say we have respects dibs Joe is the president he’s right here I’m Joe look it’s my alternate identity Joe is talking theft is not Joe is finally talking oh great wa

Joe what do you foresee hey Peter oh no no I think he likes Family Guy huh weird hey you want to see what you who he’s trying to sacrifice himself well that was that was depressing going work you know the sacrifice platform should be tall enough to kill

People we need make a note of that okay that that’s agenda number one taller like scooter ankle platform I think we got to build more stairs Jerry we need bigger scooters Jerry it needs to be at least 24 blocks in the air 24 how tall up are we that’s pretty close like it’s

God I can’t believe it’s not Jerry measure your y then jump and measure your y all right I’m at 98 and now after jumping 70 it’s only 20 o oh okay okay still four blocks but you we got to go I mean to be safe put it at 30 like 10 we

Can’t make it taller than the holy Monument so I think we need to dig a moat we need to dig we need to dig a hole I have TNT for why we put a trench the holy grounds think about it the holy grounds should we just put a pit to

The yes the pit must never stop L wasn’t me it was thanks for the five pound stream tip how are you tell Steve I went to the job interview and think it went well Steve they did good oh Steve you cut out what oh I cut out I said oh my

Puppies your M does not like saying I said Woo okay put in a very high pitch I still my puppies on fire stead help me out we got to take down this mountain side here all right let me get a iron shovel oh can you make me one too cuz I only

Have a stone and it’s going yeah I got you I if you why don’t I ever learn my lesson yes please H Ru Champion for the5 you want one sure I’m going to be doing a lot of come back digging H Champion thanks for the $5 you’re what animal my dad from Canada

Will set the temperature to 72 to 76 what your dad how cold was it outside when you were doing this 76 is too much yeah 76 is too much but I mean if you’re doing if you’re at night in Canada and it’s like below freezing 72 is fine okay

Now let’s throw a curveball into this debate here you go okay so but if you’re running an intense game your room’s going to get hard hotter than your uh thermostat says like I will say this the basement is warmer than the rest of the house that that makes no sense because heat

Rises I know where your stuff is that’s where like all my like all my computer you didn’t even entertain that for a second dude you didn’t entertain that for you were saying well on the flip side I used to have an attic room like when I lived in

Alabama and the summer was God awful like it would legitimately get so hot up there well attics are usually that makes sense right they got the insulation it it was insane like the only thing that was kind of cool is we had a metal roof so when it rained it was awesome

But I kind of feel bad for Vernon he’s just punching stones with his hand what are you guys doing to him Jesus nothing he’s CH so this is going to be like the general outline of the pit I’m get I’m going go get him a pickax I feel bading know holy

Grounds hey biggy be loss thanks for becoming a member dude will you kill me that’s a great starting question good opener good opener or quite possibly little direct but you know a cave talking to a man named will I’m quick you Jade oh yeah the Minecraft music starting

Up has Minecrafter received any awards for its music I don’t think so good question it should right I feel so I feel like it should got some good good sand okay so are you guys like uh snug as a bug and a rug sort of sleepers or

Do you like dangle that foot out so I dangle that foot out snug is a if my whole body isn’t covered in blanket I can’t sleep yeah I’m like that that’s just a convenient excuse because dropy believes in monsters under her bed that will take her toast they’re going to get

Me at some point this one day like you ever just like wake up in the middle of night your heart just like that’s the tow demons almost got you I feel like we should put lava in our pit just for I thought it was supposed to be Holy Ground not

Yeah something well I’m I think my parents will kill me but go ahead Jerry I would like propose that cheit grooves are the best kind of cheeses okay okay let’s start a fight uh okay so I’m a fan of the classic white cheddar I think they go great white

Cheddar like I they go great with mini soups sorry to interrupt tan with a 45b stream just said cap knock yourself out make stuff explode preferably the base oh no we I heard that was I heard that was 30 TNT is what it was we we’ll up it

To 10 just for more chaos uh I already got 30 bro it’s too late oh my okay it’s called gaming the system player dude cheit grooves though I don’t know this this intern just hears okay everybody move out suck get this this accelerated work plan over here on the holy

Grounds what type of holy grounds is this best move out of the way Jerry uh you didn’t want to nice okay I’ve got 37 more of these things so all right let’s get out of the hole so you should drop them in I’ll be fine I’ll be fine I’ll be

Fine oh wait yeah cap why don’t you go to the sacrifice point and drop them down okay fat B ah so we do need lava in this we well we may want to like extend the platform just a few more blocks I guess or do we want to go to bed

Rock bedrock with that pit I’m going to need a lot more TNT if we want to go to bedrock look we’re going to be here for a month we might as well make ourselves at home we’re going to be here for a month I found a

Village watch be the V away probably is it probably is I think it’s the one that Garrett like base I’m going go cut down some trees can’t tell that’s the same one no oh my God C lost all of his stuff his mic cut out I don’t know if that

Happened for anyone else cap fell he lit the TNT and then fell into the pit with the TNT and so all of his inventory is gone oh my no his ax live ax that’s not how you spell axe no it is what do you mean there’s an e no not my pants survived

Jerry I think it okay how is it when both of you either explode or die only one half of the clothing survives we complete each other’s stands in prison what well I do half Jerry does the other wait that’s what he told me anyway I’m still waiting for him to serve his half

Someone’s building a house nearby I need to go inspect it got to make sure it’s up to standards uh-huh a cool I found the TNT got see the building code what’s in the chests 14 arrows I’ll confiscate those you should take the steak too might as well we have two double chests

Full I’m starting the third Jerry what do you mean to be fair what if we did do that what if every time we got steak bomb we just added more chests and it just got out of hand well you should have a steak trough of Hoppers that just leads into a vast

Network of chests and see how many you can fill oh I killed a llama that’s that was an accident complicated what coppers in go back to school bro yeah cap oh man like that’s like three steps and that’s too many cap I’m going to work on

That oh Vernon I’m sorry not really but oh there goes the pickaxe Jerome I bring gifts I don’t trust it yeah I don’t trust it either dropsy would you trust it you’re usually the smart one here Willie you might also want to bring her giving the gift will willly is giving

It he’s already died five times let him have this once fine let him his William there you go there’s some water down there now I can fix that I need more bombs bombs bombs bombs we make them go boom Boom all right I have one hopper built nice and now I start I think we have a new member of the cult we do yeah think Sky welder wants to become part of the cult I really shouldn’t have so surprised yeah he has to jump he needs to prove his

Worthiness he has to jump if he lives not worthy true what you heard us dead oh if he lives he’s not worthy I was like did cap stutter St no I just didn’t hear it right all right let me I’m going to break apart this chest I’m sorry oh

God should we start building a house um yeah we can we can do that we have a lot of construction projects going on though this is just a cult house this is a cult home Drome I think uh you need to be witness oh never mind he is worthy the witness

Needed he is worthy too many skeletons too many creeps so we have a couple construction projects we’ve got the great the the Great Steak chest we’ve got the pit sorry the holy I have a name proposition for the steak chest thing okay okay we either call it the meat Monument or the meat

You huh interesting seeing a common Trend here with the names yeah it’s about mints Cappy you got any more TNT no I used it all to make a bigger hole okay give me more give me more bombs Ste and cap we we ride ride riding too you just got to

Hold the room that I’m making for the enchantment table no no we don’t even know where that is coming down oh st’s not with us oh whoopsies I’m right behind you guys okay if you see any more puppies Point them out to me I have 64 bones I just deposited my entire

Inventory of who of wood planks someone there down there I don’t know who that is interesting this way guys cross the rivers just around the river B be on the Shore oh no slapped what what Garrett said they know what did they know they know that Luke gave me the secret sauce there they are there they all are what’s happening monk man hey Steve they are all down interesting what’s up with you not much cap back up cap watch out behind

You ow cap like a bunch of rodents there’s too many there’s too many dogs dogs God just kill all the dogs dogs no I can’t this it’s my nature G help oh dear God God that’s so many puppies where are you we need to kill all the dogs oh

God I’ve got bad news yeah monkey thinks his cult’s better than ours he put his on a higher Mountain yes I killed Garrett C behind you you try to start a war Luke is it no to figure out oh yeah Steve’s probably trying to start guys hurry lighting my house on

Fire stead you’re alive yes Steve come with us you have the best armor we need you okay I’m on my way I’m on my way we go try to loot the place uh where’s it at oh you were following me this way no I was I’m getting attack They’re All Dead

They’re All Dead wow said you really just one V7 yeah jeez where is this PVP energy well it might just be that the mod his puppies really not good I mean that’s not to say Ste isn’t good at PVP it’s just that the mods are astonishingly bad in concert with that

Oh my God somebody just blew up the the crystal what I’m just saying he just was blown up by iro I’m going to assume it was iro iro blew up the you just get killed by Ste the the monument yes duck dragon with a $60 stream tip said

Skeleton bomb onstead stead hit the deck buddy oh no all who part of the now uh for us it’s just Sky welder and us okay well the base is being overrun right now yeah by the probably oh no we need to fight back I’m coming back where is it they’re attacking Joe

No they’re not not Joe they’re not killing Joe some lines you just don’t cross they’re not they’re not Joe has fallen Joe he because he’s already dead wow Chad we can’t let this go they swarmed the base and10 another way to prove you’re worthy should be to be tracked down and

Take out Willie there they destroyed our chests as well take out the mods Sky welder is sounding the alarms they destroyed the holy uh I got at least a set of armor coming home oh stead we’re in runes I know killed someone who was trying to give cap a gift

All I saw was them standing next to all of the broken chest I mean I think we need to retreat to the underground we’re not retreating we can’t give up the holy grounds spoken spoken like a true nonbeliever Steve sounding the how dare I don’t think Retreat I honestly don’t

Even know where home is guys a slight Retreat to enchant Jerome is all I’m saying enchant what enchant what dude I got a wood sword they got mugged on the streets Steve they don’t really have much right now Steve we just we just got clowned

Off hard not All Is Lost what do you mean not All Is Lost not All Is Lost Joe is lost wait is that the platform we have our mayor back joe2 electric Baloo he’s here good God L I can’t laugh I’ll start coughing again quick someone tell him a

Joke this this is how I leave for another week I know we’ll never get the coordinates out of you but how’s life dropsy uh pretty good you don’t have like crazy mods coming to overthrow your cult nope I am thousands of blocks away wow lame we’ll find you no this isop dropsy

Doesn’t want to hang out with anyone lame tried to asking if she wanted to earlier and she just ignored me oh I didn’t see it that’s my bad I feel bad cuz Cab’s going to come back and this is bad just so you’re aware I’m not associated with the mods Willie you

Brought them all down with you all pay I found promised lands they Outcast me where where’s the promised lands promis lands I wouldn’t blame them Willie paid me to kill Joe an assassination contract hey wow we’ve devolved into now assassinations this just got interesting that’s

Crazy called out a hit on Joe oh my God JS gaming called him a third rate dualist that’s the best insult I’ve heard in a minute Third Rate dualist with fourth rate deck dang dude Fair accurate all right I don’t even guys if anyone one Espionage out of 10 stream if

You want to help us out please you can do it by giving us steak at a time when we need it most stealing your steak chest too they blew up the top steak chest yeah they blew up everything H the steak funnel system isun coming along pretty nicely though

We’ve got four double chests hooked up to Hoppers now we need more iron though there we go you will never run out of food why is Vernon wearing a baka head how did he get this remember the beheading thing wait they beheaded him they beheaded me no they got Drums head on

Chance I took it back now I’m wear saying now my head is humongous I are we with an $80 stream tip as Joe’s last wish he said kill Garrett Garrett you deserve this for what you’ve done to our people chunga chunga G thank you IR weasel appreciate you buddy that’s awesome

Alysa with the $2 sh said here’s my money go buy yourself a nice steak monk he has more who keeps giving them to wow do you want your armor or not oh yes please boots but thank you weasel Andrew H thank you for the $5 stream say what version this is 1 uh

20.2 hey hey what’s up cap as soon as you lagged out dude they attacked they blew up the crystal they killed Joe and they broke our chests did they poison the water hole no no no oh they did well not yet but are we going to wait around till they

Do I think we go back I got their diamond shovel we go to war there’s no way they’re back at that base still there’s no chance oh no they definit you would be surprised where they are I’ll be honest they’re in are they in the walls yeah check the basement check the basement

Check the basement well I’m naked so uh cap there’s gear in the chest here behind the furnace I don’t think they can there’s Ivy over the door you can’t even open the door anymore well he said I am here with gifts he’s probably lying to you you guys should be ready for a

Fight like kill him to foe oh well if you if you you know if you played him right and you faked you feed innocence and we’re already playing Minecraft we ain’t got time for multiple games bro oh my goodness I don’t know you just play him you know make him

Think is the night vision a command block uh or is that just being app to us uh I believe there a command block for night vision could I actually uh I I need to be able to place torches for lightness and I will not be able to tell with night

Vision I I’m right now I’m just baffled stead so oh there you go yeah CW I know I can remove it from myself but the problem is it’s probably a repeating command block so every time probably should be sent back right yeah like I’ll just I’ll just have it again how did I

I can try though dropsy I found the command center I wasn’t going to rat you out I’m going up dropsy drum they’re coming back they’re making a March immedately oh my God they knew they knew we need to get back at them I’m in the command center dropsy I need more

TN um the command center actually doesn’t have a night vision command yeah it does found it I blew it up Roger Dodger clear yourself quick okay all right thank you don’t let them here cap after what they did you should have been like don’t feed them cap you don’t know what these

Animals have done to us Dr Drum come here real quick yeah Garrett was literally right here the entire time oh my god did you see my Shrine drone This Is War This Means War Jerry are you wearing your own head all right uh I am yeah have you noticed

It’s very big right yeah I love it oh hey I got eight Jerry heads what you get eight that confirms him Luke’s just handed them out yeah Luke you can’t be handing out prized artifacts like that yeah come on Luke Prime real estate these are these are cherished I see an

Iro climbing the stairs I need to find out where Tok of these dogs are for Revenge it’s the only way to get through them I had so many I was so jealous biggy biggy boss said Hollow artifacts I agree chicken like yeah man that is what we’re saying it

Works it works you are right it does work but dang yeah I don’t think you’re going to find them ever again the mods they went that far out they’re probably like four feet away from you far out but they definitely went smarter they’re in the control center of Luke’s sky base

He who put aelia leaves in my house someone with taste what’s wrong with so cat probably I mean there’s nothing wrong with xia they just put yeah obviously flowers stole my food and put as they stole my enchanting table come on dude we got to do something about these mods yeah we got

To take them out well they’re going to have enchantments now because Steve didn’t guard Garrett he’s right outside your door stream we got to do something about these mods give us some help please this is why the cult preaches Unity people you’ve got to come to the

Meetings and you’ve got to AG ther’s here aro’s here he’s trying to kill Joe you sicko he hit how do we nothing nice Sur how do you heal an axel what’s the food how do you do it I don’t think they have a food oh my God what do you

Mean they don’t have a how do you heal them fish yeah you feed them fish oh okay IO came over trying to get it would you like my assistant taking care of them Jerome I got all your stuff Steve nice did you have the enchanting table I

Don’t know I have the cat dis for sure I don’t know yeah no he didn’t he didn’t have the enchanting table Samantha with a $45 stream said eh why not for the Cappy Foundation B yes he Jerry I got a present of TNT I just you he just keep

Oh man that’s crazy didn’t even take they didn’t even take the enchanting table they just broke it with their fist was trying to kill the there unnoticed you get away get get away from Joe you I how long was he sitting there yeah I wasn’t home know

Oh man sorry just I’m used to them just coming I’m sorry Steve I’ve just been dealing with nonstop holigans my goodness all right we got to make a new enchanting table but there’s plenty of obsidian up here Jerry I got oh you Steve I’m going to pretend like you

Didn’t just say that we listen listen it’s uneven cap why don’t we make him uneven why don’t we make you un even huhh I do like that diamond armor make him use the the the drop that I made yeah jump look jumper you’re not cool look I’m just

Saying it’s uneven we can we can make something happen here St proves yeah obvious disappear pal yeah like you don’t don’t who’s coming up here here here get him he’s in house that’s not my house get him io’s here feed him to the Sharks he is in the

Hole wear of the Holy grounds wait blade can we have CW make a shark data pack so we could put them at the bottom of the pit and we can throw people into the shark pit wait be blade could we have CW make them sharks with lasers on their

Head yeah last time you guys calm down laser sharks and overbearing assistance last time you guys wanted seagull this time you want sharks what’s wrong with sharks yeah cuz sharks aren’t going to steal our items from us and disappear you make CW make door too salesman oh my God they’re coming back

Up they’re just never stopping we need to have a actual outow tow will die Len Jerry if we find their place we can destroy them learn to SP well they just keep spawning don’t let him up can’t even spell he’s coming out here hey Jerry you want to go

Somewhere where it’s an adventure I got this book right here for you oh what does the book say I know exactly what it says the coordinates to their base oh my we can’t leave them they just keep coming well I’ve got to go cuz I’ve got the bomb do we leave two people

Behind do you want me to stay behind uh you got the best armor it nice to have you on the front but then again we might need to defend it’s fine me and cap can blow this Popsicle stand good luck got the got so many you might lose him

Bombs caps internet is scaring me though I was about to say I swear as soon as we get there caps is going to be SE it’s just going Steve they’re here Steve it’s been a problem good job stud yeah Power just keeps going out over here guys I’m sorry no it’s not your

Fault meanwhile flesh over to Kappy out of one Outlet he’s got he’s got a microwave refrigerator two computers oh my god there was there was a few years ago me and friends are hanging out at packs and one friend’s like what is this really big plug in the outlet and I was

Like it’s probably one of the appliances over there and he was like oh but it’s probably fine if I plug my switch into it right and I was like ah I don’t know if you should do that he did and the whole thing like exploded like the

Outlet did not work in this Airbnb and I was like you have to be kidding me Oh my he fried it with that one extra plug never saw it instead mhm we got one on the horizon on the horizon you say down we go sir is is this guy part of us which

One Vernon no I don’t know TR don’t trust any of them besides a sky welder maybe just hasn’t went near the Axel so I haven’t bothered with him all right well so have to saying The Hideout in chat M could I hit something important cat oh my God

Cat yeah you might not have the Su for what needs to be done no no no no no no no I’ve got it I’ve got it sleeping on the job you’re good dead St aren’t you supposed to be the guard one of them go go go go I had

To set my respawn put on the job pal I had to reset my spawn point oh my God steam’s going right for it too now I’m not messing around anymore cap something terrible happed there they they tried to do the bait yeah see that’s what they tried yep there’s another staircase down

Here Samantha said yes yes that’s probably togepi’s place too oh oh definitely we got him okay where would we go from here I don’t know is that just Togo’s place we dunked on that might just be toap and yeah I think we just oh job well done buddy we did

It the alarm is sounding okay me and c will head back Sky welder why did you sound the alarm you scared it all seems clear wa false F can’t blame them for being scared dude these are scary times yeah you’ve been raided how many times in the last like 2 minutes probably

275 I tell you the bom the bomb Market is just booming right now Vernon would like to sacrifice yeah we can sacrifice Vernon I wouldn’t trust it oh we should Dr he hasn’t done anything yet he has some of these uh dripstones bottom of the Holy

Ground did you Bo up the entire basement area uh probably with wood I boarded up something okay you keep digging up I’m going to get some oh yeah yeah that was me they were trying to they were trying to come through this way oh okay but I

Don’t think that’s my that that’s not where I was no stead that’s not the basement oh who be this this be oh it’s Jay’s you the one that stole my food oh my gosh cap we have a long way up yeah we do Justin ask when’s the election I

Think we’ll probably do an end of the year one so like a wrap up like the intern of the year you know something big Steve I think they’re burning down the stairs got to be stads what do you mean they’re burning down the stairs there’s like smoke below we got to get

Not no he’s right he’s right they’re trying yeah I think I I think I know some FL and steel when I see FL and steel yeah I make their job harder too though they’re burning down the whole base the whole base is the base you guys forget dead proof your own

Base I just thought people would respect a holy place’s not on we’re we’re safe yeah fire fire when we respect that wait why is fir spread not on that’s lame I don’t know we have more incoming track Jerry I think I went the wrong way anyway cap so it’s probably a

Good thing I’m going to start mining up some stone Steve to start uh reinforcing the base dude they just never stop coming they’re just no because we’re right next to spawn Steve what do you expect it’s like an endless hord of mods yeah they’re just going to keep coming this

Way they like respawn and run straight for the base we could we could find where the spawn is and just cover it in lava yeah sure they’ll just get their SP farther away but the ment it’s a temp temporary solution all right we could do this Luke Luke what you doing there bud

No one’s even been to the nether yet dude buddy old pal Amigo friend die dude man bro nether have I welcome home oh oh look at this guy wait he sacrificed himself well now now I oh has someone been to the ne I didn’t see the has

Apparently oh that’s funny how are the stores of meat oh depressingly low well Jerry you should be looking in the bottom chest because of the Hoppers bro no I know but the fact that we only have two of those I don’t know we need more Hoppers see this is

What I was afraid of with the intern getting himself full netherite no one else has it cuz now Garrett with a $66 stream said look Jo Luke he even spelled Luke which is hilar look join the mods rise up and help us kill Joe oh my God

Okay that’s not fair if he’s got NE 66 on Joe apparently Pyro’s here yep bite his toes and he’s gone toes have been bitten here it’s here as well bite his toes too it’s in the command toe biting confirmed you just try to speed the what do you

Have full like do you have like full diamond at this point like uh close yeah I wasn’t so much worried about diamonds specifically I just mined them when I saw them and then uh got a ton of iron and stuff to just start like Base building when I found an area I

Like blade can CW make a load Stone teleport system so that we can teleport to drop’s house no you guys are not allowed here weel with an $80 stream dip I think that makes you our captain of the live stream too buddy with the other one he

Said on the intern we must defend Joe creeper bomb the intern what I said I guess I’ll go and do that wait is Luke at your base Luke is still in the command center oh I was going to say that would be a little counterintuitive

If they’re in the can we discuss how the first person to go to the the nether wasn’t even somebody who’s playing legit no it was M it minet was the first oh M already went there yeah I could go to the ne he just wanted to oh yeah same

But instead I decided to pick it up and make an enant me too but war crimes just keep me so L is here L is here they misspelled my name so I don’t have to join them yeah but you still have creep is about to spawn on You by the

Buttload oh run Luke run get out of here oh my God wait I got Garrett you got the stairs to this is a disaster hey finally some good news Vernon with a $25 stream tips said hey buddies I’m trying to be peaceful this time and just keep dying anyway okay I’m

Sorry I’ll I’ll leave you alone it’s hard to tell who’s good and bad he said um anyway here’s a steak bomb the meat chest will be my name sign of good faith and good stake well actually I got to I got to break

The top one here to get it to go will it get picked up by The Hoppers yeah no if it falls into it yeah if it falls into it yeah I thought you meant like in a radius like a cie no it’s not like a chunk one it’s like if

It falls into it it’ll eat it yes it’s just a bit slow going it has to it has to uh move them all one by one Ste are you building I I was going to reinforce everything with uh stairs stuff thank you du Dragon for

The $10 stream if Cappy give what I no invisibility potions dude this server is going I mean not that it’s not downhill already but if someone made invisibility potions it’s it’s over like this server is oh who who’s killing Joe Garrett no but stop him Luke I think he just I

Think I just heard him die did you just lose Joe too electric Baloo well hang on yep time for three day Jerome come here why can’t how many mayors why can’t we ever have nice things all right Dr where are you are we I he’s already gone yes he’s still here by the

Way you just let your guard down no we tried to rebuild man you weren’t ready you go Jerome I I had I saw this coming M it must be nice living without problems well I mean the rans sacking of my food stores was a problem did you

Ever find out what mod did that no I did not whoever did is too much of a coward to take responsibility just fak out Garrett so good that is hilarious what’ you do did you he he was up on that dirt pillar up there Jerry and I just pulled

Out a bow I had no arrows all I did was pull out the bow and he just walked off the back end of it I did it again Jerry please Place Joe J’s coming back up Steve Jo three this is just sad don’t worry leave us alone I’m

Prepared for more oh we don’t have water in there how many Joe’s do you have at least 10 Nemesis with a $3 stream tip said skeleton bomb on Jerry oh my god oh no Jerry go the go the worthiness hole go oh my god dude this is a disaster this is all a

Disaster agreed oh jeez they’re trying to speed bu now what is this why can’t you defend us and then potato toap said I’d like to thank you for 19 months of membership and she said I’d like to state only Garrett and iro are messing with you it’s who you associate with Togepi

That’s the problem yeah your network is coming back up you will not defeat did you just hit her with like this like tick top grind like video guys like your network is your network dude I hate those guys so much I just oh I know right funny though

Right now it’s even worse they’re not only coming in and like trying to destroy things they’re also just putting dirt blocks everywhere so it’s just hideous oh my God blade you’re not supposed to have full netherite blade Blade’s killing me with full NE you’re not even you’re not supposed to have full

Netherite either but that’s why oh well you got the achievement for full netherite so no you don’t have video proof who you think are some sort of video why no one gave you a life Togepi said she only fights cuz her dogs got hurt now she only has one I don’t know

What you’re talking about but that’s that’s s Garrett’s here again I was like done sorry Togepi also Garrett you’ve already killed our holy one twice hey hey Dro hear me out why don’t we just sneeze them to the other mods what what you can’t just teleport him around stead I mean we

Could what what do you mean we easily de I have full netherite now oh my God blade did you get full netherite and di I killed come on he had a shield I didn’t no that’s just embarrassed learn that embarassing yeah no the amount of times I’ve beaten Luke with no armor cuz

I have a shield before I die check Luke go in creative mode and delete your netherite don’t give people something that we can’t even get yet that’s ridiculous there’s like three people on the server who could have a scrap or two and you’re out here with a full set well

I mean I got it off blade so I did get it legit technically stop don’t flood the server with netherite or things that we can’t ruining a server economy that only started two and a half the econom is in shambles do not add that to the economy here

Yet you going have burn that place down play do you read did you read rule one Thou shalt not be Willie thanks for the $5 stream tip thou shal not Willie he said he recently not Bann the Discord server but he got hacked uh I don’t

Handle any of that stuff so I um I can’t promise anything to be honest uh especially cuz like the my cousin was using my account excuse has been kind of overdone for the last 20 years so I don’t you know my account was by no I will not kill you Garrett go

For you donated to give me life but you called me look oh but I never said Steve would kill you in a heartbeat wow no remorse wow dude he’s been he’s got 30 deaths for a reason what reason would that be Steve cuz you keep killing him no cuz he keeps

Killing oh wait don’t use that savior wait wait wait wait use it on use the right word it the right word is Messiah wait how much knockback is on that hang on let me jump come over here and do it ready oh you think it’s knock back huh

Oh jeez never mind wait that’s the 200 sharpness Arrow calm down blade please please blade think of the kids break the netherite J help please please take of the kids get the armor yeah wait wait wait wait I have like I gave myself end pearls cuz I need them

Potato too pie said my god oh she said I’ve been trying to make friends I even banned Willie to stay away well that was a good decision that was decision amazing decision what you priorities discovered all right Togepi you know what we’ll let you slide we’ll leave

Your dog your dogs get a free pass you on the other hand do not what about caps dogs well they’re all the way down there yeah I can’t I can’t kill them now he totally can he’s heading towards her right now Alyssa the dragon girl is with

A $5 stream dip said she’s going to a Lindsay Sterling concert on Wednesday that sounds fun oh nice lindsy who yeah great music is that the new away I don’t know I can’t I’m like nervous to answer that cuz I feel like it’s the leadup to joke I know who he’s

Referencing Lindsay looh Garrett with a $10 string who said Luke I’m sorry I wasping fast I’m so sorry can you ever forgive me what what happened they called him look he called me look oh you know the last person to called me look was my high school Spanish teacher oh I’m

Alive is that a good thing or a bad thing I don’t know she just always being live part I never corrected her kind on you look look the intern suspended intern to you this is only season one I’m already getting ideas for season two which I guess would be

January I think I think to make it not like hardcore like ah like I’m scared all the time I do think though making it like maybe 10 lives 20 I guess it’s a whole month like one life a day 30 lives should be more than day I think so

Garrett would be out Garrett would be out even with the bonus 31st day done I think we set like a reasonable amount so that things like this I I back that yeah I back Garrett you single-handedly made me think of a rule when we weren’t going to

Have rules Garrett this is all your fault he was trying to get into the steak chest uh thank you Luke why the holy steak chest come here and uh just saying Garrett extra lives are going to count towards next month nice yeah you’re you’re at 27 lives for

Next month nice have stuff done there and then this let’s see if we can get you like banned for the next year and cleared out this whole thing oh this will be this will be like the the palace it’s going to have its own can I come

See dropsy if I Pinky Promise swear to only stay in spectator and not show coordinates that was literally going to be my conditions it’s like you can only show up with nothing and you’re not allowed to look at the coordinates but if you do those two things then yes you

Can wait monk found you oh yeah thanks Luke Monk thanks Luke yeah what’s up whoa dropsy so I found this this is going to be I’ve been working on this on the inside this is where I needed night vision off but um got to be doing some

Cool stuff here and if anyone shows up you will all die I hope you know C texed me with TC I’m sure I’m sure to explode yet it would only assist me if he blew things up okay yeah bring me over there man no but I thought you said it would be

Helping the you have to meet the same conditions to actually physically be here it would have to be in spectator and no coordinates bro I’m not showing all right what about me why did you say that like you any better I don’t know man I have to think of I have to think

Of more stipulations somehow for you wow you have to have your left hand tie behind your back and you can’t whistle okay we’ve done good work here stead no no start with the letter H guys it is quite sad though it is quite sad we don’t even have a house

Yet that’ll be the constant alert you have a cool uh worthiness platform you could try to call for peace I mean no peace in the realm peace why would we the only peace there is is them leaving in pie got him oh just in case yeah actually oh G’s coming back up I don’t trust Willie goes what my coordinates it’s definitely not his coordinates yeah that’s not just damn did they take all of our beds too what do you said I’m literally looking at three beds right now well there was more than three Jerome jome dud Jerome look out cre

Creeper well I’m not coming I do not your one of my all-time favorite stead moments like top three stead moments right there we’re about 2,000 blocks down no that was it that was the best moment the one that couldn’t be posted we have negative negative 2,000 more blocks up to go so done

Dude very long recording like oh my God yeah that that so block recording bro where are all these creepers coming from why do I feel like Luke’s just spawned oh uh monk your um amethyst Shard is in here um no thank you I’m just moving stuff right now I feel like I should

Probably try and actually get some new one that book no that’s that was the second one that one’s old okay man you guys got to work on your defense sneaking and get io’s already about to get Joe 3 only homeless like VAB both up I know

But he just walked past you said with you just staring at we should be like Nomads I think when we leave the base you need to take Joe with you what in a bucket that’s so CR bucket I would rather be cramped then have my life be in danger

Tiny little egg stuck in that metal metal bucket man that’s so R maybe his life wouldn’t be in danger if the people protecting him could do their jobs right we are what do you mean I have I’m on a 30 kill streak what do you want from me

I’m about Jo one and two back what do you want did you have UAV uh you know maybe like a lava Mo might slow them down or something no they just builded over it also this is survival blade so you can’t get a lava moat we

Don’t have the time to because we just keep getting attacked it’s it’s not even attacked they come at us with fists and nothing else it’s not even a fight at this every morning from the woods naked people arrive and punch dude it literally sounds like a bad anime like it sounds

Like the forest it’s Attack on Titans without the Titans sound like the for it’s Attack on Titans without the Titans that’s what this is but it’s just Joe and his toddler it’s literally Attack on Titans but just normal naked people attacking and that’s it ooh lapis did you that’s good what

What Oh I thought you water bucket down here I mean technically yeah o SoCal Absol that’s a very controversial opinion I like it I’m with it is no I like it I’m with him Attack on Titans overrated it is you have an opinion because you fast forward I haven’t seen

Enough of it to have an opinion I tried my friend my friend begged me to try and watch it and he was so annoying about it probably like four or five months ago like so annoying about it that I was like fine and I watched like four

Episodes five episodes and he was and I was like dude it’s just not good and he’s like what do you mean I’m like it’s not good I do not like cinematic is that the one you sp okay okay monkey did you just say Attack on Titan was a cinematic

Masterpiece dude I’ve never seen it I was just making a joke okay if you were about to legitimately take that stance we were going to have words no I’ve never I’ve never bothered watching it cuz I just I feel like it’s so overhyped that it could not live up to what people

Are you know people say it would okay H any anime that relies on a time travel gimmick is not good what does that mean like Wella you cannot say that about psyche K cuz that show funny would have to that’s you can’t say that yeah but like Attack on Titan has

So much going on as basically what I mean it’s got so much premise so many like themes and stuff like that and then you add time travel to the mix nah all right opinions on Back to the Future great great Christmas movie I never watched it what two I haven’t seen him either

They’re they’re making this like classic J oh wait back to the F no that’s the one with like the Marty McFly guy right yeah no yeah yeah okay why are they just turning this entire thing into like a what is it the base servers with the walls factions yeah that’s what they’re

Treating this like because they’re just speed building over everything like the smallest inconvenience speed bu o you know what I just realized is with all this iron we can make ourselves a few Iron Golems hey uh cap what’s your opinion on code leoco C leoco the anime one another

One the anime where the guy literally turns his video game waiu into a real person Pinocchio style mhm CW I have more work it it’s cool but like that’s like child level anime CW I have more work it’s it’s a French cartoon I wanted to hear this work Jerome so Iron Golems

But that uh you can set to like your team or whatever and then um anyone who’s not that team they Agro they’re like aggressive too o that’s good that’s good okay and and hear me out though hear me out make him Shrek yeah shreky him you got all this C

Good measure you know it’s got to be I hope running all these down because Jerome will actually be legitimately be expecting this weer mobile I’ve been giving him straight good ideas dude this whole time don’t we have like a video ideas thing cap I thought we away from

Spawn but um we didn’t cuz there’s Cobblestone here so someone has been here and probably picked a clean of diamonds monk you’re going to have to reset I’m moving this stuff inside all right right the PE Poo more J no the attacks have slowed down yes because they ran out of dirt they ran out of dirt to speed build up oh yo Drome I found diamonds really yeah uh I found a Cave System a little further down uh I’m in a very I’m good

I’m in like a super big area Captain I’m bound to find something drum I think that’s the one that you see all that obsidian over that massive lava pool yeah that was me early like two hours ago when we first started that was the one Steve was talking

About that big area that you’re in might be picked clean a bit wait he’s just now that’s right near chat I want to thank you guys so much for being so awesome I want to thank our captain of the live stream IR weasel as well and just thank you from

The bottom my heart I want to remind you guys that it really does help support the channel keep it alive and allows us to do what we do is having the love and support from fans like yourselves so genuinely thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support

And uh for keeping this Channel live keeping us doing what we’re doing each and every day um we love you guys thank you thank you and also please give me something to help destroy the mods give me anything please they they’re getting out of hand they’re getting out of

Hand I think you should still be able to use a flint and steel on creepers oh yeah that was a thing wasn’t that can you not anym wow no that was a long time ago I know it was a long time ago but they took it out actually like I

Think if you and another like caveat I think if you hit someone I think if you hit a creeper with like flame fire aspect or a flame bow you should get hit with chares oh yes is that itap was I on on I don’t know how we’re on the same page so much

A saddle cap that reminded me of the time someone genuinely asked me if my twin sister and I had a psychic connection they wanted to do a research paper on it do you no that’s something that’s someone who had a psychic connection with yeah I was going to say

Yeah someone who had a psychic connection with their twin would definitely bring up a story about how they didn’t have a psychic connection with their twin sounds like that was well all right well what happened is monkey started thinking about it and then his sister chimed in is like shut

Up shut up you’re giving away the juice Chad what do you think I think monkey’s telepathic yeah cyber kinetic cyber kinetic yeah dude your about twins are cyber kinetic do you get like a package deal for for your telekinesis or what bro no there’s no buy one get one free for this

You know yeah but what about your minutes what sort of minutes do you get all right um yeah cap I’m not finding anything good incoming diamonds nice I’ve got three on me where are you at see for just a second it didn’t register what you meant so I thought you meant

Stead was incoming and he was attacking the base no that’s better Luke yeah that’s a lot better that’s what I’m about dude no way an eight love it dude dope ni F that’s bigs more diamonds over there all bigs no Smalls cap uh there is a gift for you at

Home we’re the big boys we only take big boy poops yeah that’s like me and peanut yeah my son I only take big poops Max poops like a Man which means to say he doesn’t enjoy it because he eats bad things peanut poops socks sometimes oh God like sock shaped poop or like no like socks he ate the sock he ate the sock and now it’s got to come out the other

End but does it come out hole or is it just like one thread that comes out slowly no it’s like pieces of it like he doesn’t eat the whole sock he’s not an animal jeez really my dog eats the whole sock he’s a he’s a nut God what an animal he’s a mad

Man nope I’m dead I’m maxel getting the fights across the street Street he’ll so he he perches up outside a door that just looks across the street to like some neighbors houses and there’s this dog That’ll Walk by and every time it does he just starts a

Fight well why why is that dog trifling the dog trifling bro duck dragon with a $55 stream tip said steak and Bones on dropsy at least you got steak drops oh I actually needed skeletons ah so he’s actually helping you duck Dragon I don’t know if you

Meant to be helpful but you were nice thank you Dragon and also Duc Dragon I think that makes you our captain of the live stream so thank you buddy thanks for coming out today all righty guys I’ve got more diamonds here I’ve been finding a bunch

More now now I finally got past Steve’s area I’m finding plenty diamonds on the server are insane are they not uh now that literally as soon as I got out of your area Steve I have 19 in a matter of like 2 minutes yeah I just happened to find that cave

System and I was like oh my goodness they’re just abundant they’re everywhere you’re it’s just getting taken out left and right 46 deaths these record numbers I see two of them they’re coming up Steve no surprise there got one where’s the other one instead I saw them I don’t even get what they’re

Trying to get out of this they don’t have any armor weapons they just keep dying it’s screen time CW already Enchanted they’re trying to take out Joe Joe I think it’s Joe three because you’ll let the first two die don’t worry it’s mama hey don’t blame me for that if

Anyone’s fault it was it was dropsy she hasn’t defended Joe one time I’m not in the cult C has four I mean to be fair we’d probably be prettyy close to it by now if it steeve grab that grab that stuff grab what stuff the diamond gear that g

Just put on I ain’t here for a long time Diamond M gave it to us and Garrett swooped it no you just lost Diamond no we didn’t he’s just he just swooped it like tossed it and grabbed at same two Gear Pro three on the the chest plate yeah

But yeah Dr I mean I have a I have stacks of paper right now I was getting ready to make Steve is Rich guys well for enchanting I was going to make bookshelves you didn’t get it’s because people say got that they’re stacking paper it’s it’s fine you guys

Just don’t understand you guys just clearly don’t like music okay let me see right C makes a good point yeah digl honestly um so now we have an extra you could have any fin or fer built anything for you for a day what would it be Diglett oh uh yeah yeah it’d

Be a Minecraft server how is that not an episode they did how did they not make a Minecraft server how did they not have an episode completely devoted to diglet welcome come home Cappy I don’t know though that’s a tough question like anything at all I mean the

Roller coaster was kind of cool let’s be honest well you can’t look alive stead look alive how do you get where is he getting all this stuff because he keeps spawning in dead I mean all he did was get Granite I mean I guess that one’s kind

Of impressive but the dirt hasn’t been yeah like that’s why I’m that one is kind of impressive let’s just test oh a okay hold on so can you give me a ping Rod there we go okay then we then we put the Torches here cuz Soul torch yeah yeah okay and

Then and then and then here you can have that one and then um gently nice I forgot I built the base if you could have like one video game ability digl like Diglett dig digl DM dig dude are you telling me right now if you were in a bad situation that you

Could just dig straight down and end up at whatever location you want dude no doubt no doubt let me pop this to you though Jerry the double jump cap I got stuff for you by the way feel like that’ be kind of limited in actual practicality teleportation controlled by digging that doesn’t beat

There’s nothing that beats that I was thinking more like vanilla abilities rather than the ability to transport through mole tunnels you said any Cy you know what you’re right uh I choose the ability to erase whatever Jerry says what great video game ability I loved

That game yeah I like that one well yeah dreams I just can’t tell you more about it because it just keeps getting erased stre look at that are you proud of your boy I have 32 whole diamonds they’re below us all right now drone do that do that

In the beating Luke no no no that’s iro I just saw him a second ago oh told you didn’t think there’s I think there’s another one over here oh there’s Garrett you just fell right in yeah I just thought it was Luke because it he was just placing

Blocks yeah luk can you cover that thanks dead is 33 that’s enough for the diamond axe diamond pickaxe diamond sword full set of diamond right 33 they’re bringing creepers up they’re bringing creepers up yeah what do you mean they’re bringing creepers up cre they’re bringing creepers up oh my God

Ow like leading them up the stairs I don’t know what else more you want it’s really impressive they don’t even have hands to hold so it’s nice all right I have a couple more diamonds for good luck dude I this is crazy I don’t think I’ve ever had this good of luck with

Diamonds yeah usually I have to like blow up like a metric mile yeah all right 36 of them I mean that’s fine I can start heading back up look at that stream are you proud of me dad the only problem is getting home okay there we go diamond Sword I feel I think they’re just spawn camping Garrett now wait who is I mean keeps trespassing on our land so no it’s raining what does that have to do a spawn camping G think was like no it’s raining not like no it’s Patrick Yeah well that was

Unfortunate scared me so bad oh I jumped and fell in a hole there’s more drop I think you got my helmet I did here you go oh yeah hey Jerome didn’t you get a uh a saddle at some point I did cool I’m going to tame this donkey I

Thought you were going to say I had horse armor but I think it got stolen C why would we do that we T over here too oh no we still have horse armor a donkey can carry a chest yeah but a pig can carry blade I swear to God happiness oh

The other one did you say happiness no happy the C works very wellt this is yours sir over here I need more dirt dude I I was like man I need an Enderman to hold a grass block and when after the skeletons oh thanks yeah I

Need as much dirt as well not a ton more but a bit all right arrow what you doing take him out oh AR I just saw your comment there uh I’m just visiting a friend but I’m going to be back tonight actually so I’ll back in my setup for my streams tomorrow nice

Dude all right get oh this is nice I’m going to get home soon guys don’t worry I’m going to get don’t you I was trying to break one piece of rock in our base and I just keep stepping in front of him I used to think iro was a good guy

Iro is a good guy you never thought that I I want you to know how badly I just wanted to punch you in I know you did I definitely Arrow below here uh Steve you don’t remember all those times I told you that iro is a good chap you’ve never once ever said

That you know blade lying doesn’t look good on you yeah Jerry also remember that time you saved a thousand kittens out of a Burning Tree I do remember that thank you thank you cap for bringing that up again yeah you’re just a great guy just

Like that iro guy you said that one time he was a good guy I remember when Jerome saved a tree from a thousand kittens that’s true it was burning kittens Kitt attacking a tree what what did you accomplish with that he came up and broke two of the

Beds he’s probably trying to stop your respawn point so that he can you know what resp spawn point he can meme you guys thank you jplays for becoming a SP or supporter when did they change the name to supporter we did when it’s always been member that’s the first member

Rank I’ve always I’ve called him sponsors in the past sponsored by Joe sponsored by your mom’s wallet but mostly Joe could you introduce me to Joe Joe who Joe mama I think I’m almost home guys dude Garrett’s already out for like two months Garrett’s literally just GNA be banned from

January he’s six he’s six lives into February and February is a short yeah let’s there seven um 50 what coming up the stairs by the way Steve I don’t know if you see them or not wait 50 170 yep yikes I’m at negative 100 on the Z what what he’s got a leg

Switch who I never heard of a leg switch before okay now is anyone here ever like experienced an actual lag switch Yeah Gears of War used to be bad with it back in like 2010 11 yeah gear PR bad I never had any experience with that what was it like

Like how did it exactly do it work dude Gears of War you would just be stuck you couldn’t move and they would just walk up to you and just demolish you and and that’s just how your day went and you couldn’t do anything about it man that sounds

Garbage it it was like it was literally you couldn’t do anything you just got rolled oh why are my severed heads on Spears well they’re not we’re displaying them oh my God I just got hit by lightning that’s our first line of speed force you have to start running monkey

Monkey CW new idea copper armor that lets you get struck by lightning more frequently and turns you into the Flash The Flash also needs his own superpowers okay good luck oh where did you get this dead my Nick gave it to me where did he

Get this I don’t know you’d have to ask him using sweat efficiency 4 fortune 3 Unbreaking three level sweat yeah oh no that’s not that hard if you get if you get enchantment level 30 that’s not hard yeah that’s like a base thing if you

Combine two of them huh yeah he has the full ench plus with the uh Stone you can just you can keep systematically removing enchantments and putting them on the books so you can craft the books together at a lower cost it’s cheaper I um I actually kept a gold

Helmet I found because it was mending on it and I want that later yeah offo I’m not worrying about that right now but you know like in the future GL you saw that iro is currently on the moon connecting to Australian servers to get here like this is insanity

Dude all right on that note everyone I’m going to call it quits thanks for joining us but remember you can hop on the server anytime but uh tomorrow we’ll be back and I’ll be having a normal setup so take care bye bye-bye friends bye-bye

This video, titled ‘100 Players Build A New Civilization In Minecraft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-12-11 23:10:16. It has garnered 21148 views and 938 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:52 or 8812 seconds.

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    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!Video Information [संगीत] स हे वस पीपल वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो में और आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट यस गा आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट और अभी तक जिसने भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करा प्लीज जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और इसी के साथ हम प्ले करते हैं ओके और लेट वीडियो इसके लिए आई एम रियली सॉरी हो जा यार लोड ओके तो अभी लोड हो चुका है एंड हम वर्ल्ड का नेम रखेंगे रखेंगे हम वर्ल्ड का नेम ही आगे [संगीत] डब्लू ओ आर एल डी एच नहीं डी ओके नाम हमने… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-05-20 10:32:25. It has garnered 357 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More

  • Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle – Build or Destroy?😱

    Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle - Build or Destroy?😱Video Information sech the Shameless I see the aimless I don’t want to be one of the nameless I’m wake up with the mindset that one day I’m going to make it and I don’t think I’ll be fine if I don’t break my limitations don’t try to stop me I exist to write my your story I’ll make it decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory yeah don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring just want a life that is worth every day exploring my whole life I [Music] [Music] justed… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!" #gaming #viralVideo Information ha ha ha ah ah [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he huh huh he [Music] [Music] he ah oh [Applause] [Music] haa [Music] This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by Elite Gamerz on 2024-05-10 21:30:00. It has garnered 587 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana Studio

    EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana StudioVideo Information This video, titled ‘See you again dance [Minecraft Animation]’, was uploaded by Shoshana Studio on 2023-12-30 13:30:24. It has garnered 469 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Let’s see each other again! Song used: https://youtu.be/Q4oZDbMiRVo?si=Oso7xoaUvnAfIE-S ——————————————————————— #minecraftanimation #minecraftanimationshorts Read More