EPIC ADVENTURE in Minecraft’s BEST MAP!! 😱

Video Information

Hold on a second hi hold on I know hold on a second I’m getting I’m getting a couple of things reconfigured just bear with me here we go here we go soon I’m just getting my desktop audio to be happy which takes a moment hi everybody I’m doing well

There’s music in my ear and it’s not in your ear I’m also simultaneously live on Twitch and YouTube which is also going to be weird don’t worry about that if you’re on YouTube don’t worry about me being on Twitch if you’re on Twitch hello and hi this is weird you can

Yeah and thank you for subscribing to the channel Savory I appreciate you uh give me a second just give me a second why is it laggy it’s laggy because I’m see when I when I Tab out of the screen this is going to be a loud stream

So hold that just just bear with me bear with me just making sure I can get my audio my desktop audio through I’m trying some new stuff out you should notice an improved quality on YouTube because YouTube has a lot of really cool stuff that I wasn’t using um

Particularly since I have a a high performance graphics card I’m able to get av1 encoding which is very very pretty um so just give me a a second let me make sure I’m getting my desktop audio going and just hang out here guys for just a second I’m trying out some

New stuff today so this is kind of like a it’s kind of like a fun little test recording but we’re gonna we’re going to be hanging out today YouTube peeps everyone’s special okay yes I have very beautiful music in my ear and I will be you will be experiencing it very

Shortly There It Is I’ve done it I’ve done it I’ve done it yes hello hello hello everybody and welcome yes there’s music I managed to do it I’m I’ve been messing with my my OBS ohoo that’s some pretty music I’ve been messing with my OBS probably a bit too

Much um because uh because well one I’ve been wanting to get my recordings with other creators to be a bit more streamlined so so yeah hopefully uh guys let me know how the music music loud I’ve turned it down it’s quite a bit down it’s actually sitting in the greens

And low low yellows but let me know let me know if these music’s too loud have it just confus you I’ll be switching between YouTube and twitch at random points wonderful guys girls everyone people human beings welcome to what I believe is Minecraft’s Greatest Adventure Map also known as

Dremel also known as Dremel this is in a beta it’s in beta and uh it’s just unbelievably beautiful it is massive there are custom items and data packs and amazing incredible things what about yours it’s this is better than mine this has a whole team this has a

Whole team I’m just me and and they’ve decided not to uh limit them elves to only command blocks so they they the the sky is the limit and they use world edit and a bunch of amazing tools that I I don’t use maybe one day but for now

Hello DD welcome jump you jump uh I’ve got some I got some new shaders on for this stream as well uh it’s my it’s my buddy whimsy’s shaders he gave me his Shader settings and I love them I think they look so good um and uh and I’ve got

A plan today it’s actually in the thumbnail nail there’s a there’s a village there’s a place that I want to go to not a person welcome to your first Avid stream welcome welcome everybody new follower and thank you for the follow on Twitch I’m on Twitch and

YouTube I figured I’d just try it look I watched Ludwig’s most recent video where his contract ended with YouTube and he was like I want to reach the most people possible new follower thank you for the follow on Twitch uh and uh and now I was

Like that seems he wants to reach the most number of people that seems reasonable so I I decided to sim will stream but I’m mostly on YouTube but twitch is cool and you know I’d really love to go to twitchcon one day seems like uh how do I get down from this I’m

Sorry by the way I’m like Mega distracted new follower thank you for the follow uh and I have no idea how to get off of this I’m just going to go for it I it doesn’t matter okay first things first we got to get our horse problem with our the horse

Is there’s a ravager in front of it in the last stream we obtained this weapon which is called 1,000 scars um so it’s a pretty crazy sword it does some stuff uh that you’ll see in a moment um I believe it makes us very slow but it has a crazy high attack power

Um so I’m really excited to try to use it and that’s the only way we’re going to get our horse back is if we can get past that ravager cuz in the last uh last stream we went through this castle and got this sword and it was it was pretty Cool uh draw War asks Avid I watched one of your videos from a year ago want to know how you change the color of your text ah the ravager oh no oh okay that is is deeply unfortunate I thought I set my bed no well that horse is long

Gone dang it dang it well at least we can appreciate the beauty of this area this happens too often I thought I set my spawn like that I shouldn’t have been reading comments well the answer is better command block UI is your question there this happens this happens too

Freak frequently I think Skybox is important later fascinating fascinating this is a playthrough not a person yes this is a playthrough of Dremel which is an extraordinarily beautiful Minecraft map um I kind of know where to go I think it’s like 2,000 2,000 something so we’re going to

Try to get back to our horse now and spend some time walking and talking dang it that ravager he’s knock up on me Aid don’t go there well I need to get back to my stuff so I think it’s somewhere in that direction and if we find something fun

Along the way then that’s what we’ll do is that a texture pack no it’s uh it’s it’s uh shaders it’s just shaders just pretty shaders oh it does include a texture pack that’s right there is a texture pack in here thank you it’s been a while

It’s been a while while since I streamed Dremel these streams are a bit more relaxed so for those who are just you know hanging out um thanks for being here and let’s let’s just have a good time today stard Droid best of luck at the orthodontist best of

Luck so yeah my goals my goals in Dremel are are fairly basic one keep the horse alive two explore as much as possible subscriber acquired thank you the for the Subscribe appreciate you we have some people who are hanging out in twitch but then YouTube in their ears

Thanks for watching on both platforms that’s pretty cool I don’t know this whole twitch thing is new to me I’m mostly on YouTube I’m a YouTube person I’ve never I don’t really use twitch I I use twitch to watch like two people Viking my buddy and fool my buddy and

Trog my buddy three people when they stream and that’s basically It juel the uh the lazy lazyy big brain time says the best YouTuber worldwide I’m under your first 50 subscri subscribers can you please make a new command block tutorial oh command block tutorials those are those are those those those those make me feel things they’re a lot of

Effort and uh and I’d rather teach by by showing then teach by tutorial liing if that makes sense Avid can you configure the shaders maybe elaborate on what you would like to see and I can I can entertain the the idea I used to use BSL but I really do

Like these uh I like the brightness of the shaders everything just looks a lot more vibrant I’m watching while making commands you are my relaxes relax are relaxing I’m glad you like listening to me and thanks for being here oh the Skybox isn’t Canon that’s right this is

The uh the shaders are overriding the sky box that’s right let me see what I can do about that let me see I’ll check really quick let’s see video shaders that’s what you’re talking about with the Sky Box Shader settings Sky off off uh let’s see what happens what that Does um I feel like it’s still taking over the Sky Box like all these clouds and stuff Shader clouds will turn off um that actually looks pretty good it might not be exactly what we’re going for though I might have to switch to BSL if we want the authentic Dremel Skybox with moons and all that stuff so I have to

Install a mod to change the color of the command block text yes better command block UI is the Mod today we we also have some other problems food food food is a problem food is a problem today um Phoenix says I agree with teach by showing but you can explain more in vids please I I agree I agree um I recently watched a video o that’s a spooky sound hey that’s

A new tower this might actually help us a lot finding our body um Let me let me just tuck this sound just down here I recently watched a video for Like A meta video on being a YouTuber and they talked a bit about different types of YouTubers and you can

Start to spot them if you think if you bend them into like four categories I don’t remember all the categories but there were two one is teacher there’s lots of channels that are teachers and they want to they want to teach you things they’re tricking you into learning this is so

Pretty these shaders um I used I started out as a teacher and uh and that kind of content is really cool it’s really rewarding as a as somebody who loves to teach but also as a smaller Creator when you start your channel as a teacher and you solve real problems and

You and you answer people’s questions um in the best way possible we’re going to have some trouble here uh you you get you get you get traffic that you normally wouldn’t because you get what’s called search engine optimization hello there I’m going to slice you with the

Sword of a thousand murders excuse me please let me slice you that is so satisfying um I started out as a teacher and uh and and that’s great Pro I love this sword so much problem with uh with making teaching style content just straight up teaching is um that people don’t really stick

Around for you because they don’t really like they don’t really know you and they don’t really care that much about like you as a Creator they just want to get their answer and then they want to and then they want to leave which is totally

Fine I’m the same way I’m the exact same way um and so there’s kind of an upper limit to the impact that you can make as a Creator when you’re purely doing tutoriales content we’re going to get upstairs there so so I I had to make the decision

At one point to shift my content from and shift my myself as a Creator from teacher to what they call hero which is very fancy hero which is watch me do cool [Laughter] things but I think there are subcategories in there uh which wow this is so pretty

Guys just enjoy the music for a second let me crank the music here for a second and just enjoy this H let’s get the uh this is what I’m talking about when I say this is one of the best if not the best adventure map ever created there are many layers to that

Comment and one of the layers is the Aesthetics the World building the the world itself and nothing comes close to dremel perfect timing as always I’m amazing all right why why did I just click for those who don’t know Dremel why did I just click that Tower what

Does that do for me yada yada yada the answer to that is basically this is like Zelda like tear the kingdom and stuff I think where you need to find these these shrines these towers and when you unlock one you can then fast travel between

Them so we just found a new one which was in the Gulf of Dremel now the question is oh right there’s music here hold on don’t there’s music Dremel has its own music in itself I like to layer my own on sometimes um but uh the this area in

Particular has some really amazing Music The World building man you SE nothing I know I keep hearing that um okay so we have unlocked several Towers already uh ebony velt anyone in the in the chat know where the closest Tower is to where I died I think it might be the EM Vel

We’ll try that one um this is the full map so cool how they’ve done this so cool Heartwood Heartwood okay thank you well let’s take a look at the outer Towers I don’t think we’ve been to any of these nope subscriber acquired thank you for subscribing uh the Heartwood Heartwood

That’s where we’re going okay cool all right let’s try it out bring me home take me home okay all right yes I kind of have a sense of where we need to go to get back to our dead body I believe we’re going to go in that

Direction fortunately oh I hope I get slow falling for a long time oh please give me it for a long time oh okay oh boy that could have been bad you spent an entire stream in Heartwood hey what’s going on numbers oh I’m stuck I spent an entire stream in

Heartwood sure did I’m slow so if if I ever go to like a if I ever travel there’s some people who want to just Like jump between locations I’m sure some of you are like this trog I’m glad you you like my decision to switch away from uh tutorial style content thank you I appreciate that I think there’s still I I didn’t really finish that hang on yeah I got a

Couple of trains of thought here moving away from tutorial style content um has allowed me to reach more people and it’s allowed people to kind of invest more in me as a Creator rather than just like the information that I provide and I think there’s a balance between having

Uh personality driven content where you do cool things and you can still teach people at the same time Ed mment there’s a bridge but anyways there’s some people do you mind there’s some people when they travel where they just want to like bounce between places some of these

People they exist I am not that person I’m the person where I go to a new place um new city what have you and I want to walk every single Street I want to eat at every single shop like I very much try to get my get a sense of every little

Aspect of where I am before moving on and that makes me that it makes me very stressed out when traveling because I feel like you miss a lot of stuff you kind of have to um so I’m slow and so if I were to travel I would want to be somewhere for

A long time um I lived in Rome for a couple months and that was cool I lived in Rome enough to know I don’t like Rome but I wasn’t stressed out about it I just learned a lot about what I don’t like very touristy Florence is really

More for me if I were to live in Italy um Sorry by the way guys I’ll promise to look at chat uh I think you should do both entainment and entertainment I agree I think I’m trying to find that balance with my content my most recent video with the 100 traps um less

Educational for sure definitely more entertainment um but that’s okay if you can forgive me for that we had fun oh this is a nice little place Pardon Me by the way that sound in the background was one of my tablets uh Abby what graphics card do you use I

Have a 490 TI um all my specs are in my Discord uh I’m just not going to go down there like that’s that’s that’s how it’s going to be it’s it’s nasty down there all right let’s be smart I’m dumb it’s fine all right let’s do this 1,000 this

Sword is amazing slice you okay that’s fine it’s cool slice and dice you give me your soul you teach good but also entertain good that’s good to hear I’m sorry uh I’m sorry I I’m really forcing myself not to correct [Laughter] that uh I hope I’m going this way I think I

Am it’s bit of a drop here do I have any water no ever been to Trieste clear clearly not cuz I don’t know what that is Trist trest is that is that in Italy um one of my favorite places in Italy people have ever been um chinqua the five towns uh

It is amazing it’s in Italy okay yeah I have not been there um yeah it’s it’s amazing because I really like the outdoors I like hiking in the with teror the cool thing about it is you you can hike thank you for the follow on Twitch uh I can hike

Between the towns and then you can eat at every single town and like not feel bad about yourself because you’re you’re burning it all off you’ve been to the chinku Tera uh awesome it’s an amazing Place new follower thank you for the follow on Twitch thank you I wish I

Could see I don’t have a good setup right I have one monitor but it’s really wide and so when people like follow me and stuff I can’t actually see the names I can just hear it in my ear um but funny enough I recorded all of those sounds all those like sub like

That one subscriber acquired I that’s me talking in the AL voice and I and I added a little like techy B sound and all that I I uh I try to roll my own when I can excuse me baby children no die die death death oh my goodness

This Forest is horrible it’s filled with terrible things yeah highly recommend the chinua 40° see that is very hot that is too hot it’s also very humid so you want like and if you’re going to hike it you want very you want cool cool temperature hello my name is me hello and

Welcome thanks for being here wait I did not expect you to do the voices yeah well you know a thing that I do is is the voices for things so I I kind of naturally had had to I had to do it for this and that’s Al

You know he’s my main he’s my character he’s my dude um yeah I’m playing Minecraft right now and all I hear is death death Death sorry I’ll try not to scare you next time for those uh confused if you’re on Twitch or on YouTube I’m streaming on both twitch and YouTube

Decided to try it out today but most of the time I’m on YouTube but we’re playing on Minecraft’s best in my opinion best adventure map I may know a thing or two about adventure maps because I you Knuckleheads yeah you fight each other I don’t care about you

I I make I make one I happen to have been working on one for 3 years that’s kind of the whole Foundation of my my channel um and so I uh I really appreciate these kind of things and I know how much time goes into these things it’s excuse

Me and Dremel dremel’s in a league of its own let’s just say that also if people have ideas on how I can get food I’m all ears I’m really really I’m all ears please die thank you in your opinion NAD Dremel is best objectively I mean yeah when people tell

Me that’s you know that’s nonsense I’m like tell me a better map show me a better map tell me dremel’s got it all I mean look at this place as we as we’re trying to approach where we died because I’m a dummy and forgot to set my spawn just look at this

Stunningly beautiful even when it rains hello my name is me says I came to your channel from chunk lock like everyone else but I’m super invested in Avid Adventures now that’s awesome to hear because a big worry of mine hey this is one of my beds

I’ve been here this is good oh I set my bed and then I yeah let’s let’s set our let’s just like set a little checkpoint for ourselves let’s be smart um I was worried that when I made chunk lock people would be like yeah you do that

Now don’t do anything else you you Creator you you did you did something good for once you’re stuck you’re stuck shaders hi Sky Knight good to see you I’m glad I’m glad you uh you stayed for Avid Adventures that’s a very special series for me um and so I iate that thank you

For subscribing the last few days have been really crazy with subscriptions if people have noticed hi friends oh we’re not friends I did I have not been up here okay hi you’re a good guy though excuse me you have any good trades no you’re a nitwit you’re kind of just a

Just kind of a dummy dummy face dummy face with big big little blushy cheeks I just want to squeeze your little cheeks you look like a little sweet little sweet face oh it’s all junk carrots though food set spawn I did I did but I

Died uh I know my stuff is around here because this is where I think it’s like in this direction pretty sure Minecraft Kitty 16.7k now I know so I posted the video with Lizzy also known as LD shadow lady um and and uh I I mean first off that whole experience

Is like kind of like mind-blowing um and I’m extremely grateful for it uh and I posted that video and it was the single biggest day uh in terms of subscribers of my Channel’s history something like almost 800 Subs in a single day uh which is insane because I remember it took

Me took me like 5 months to get to 100 and I remember my friend durd who’s who’s been with me since the beginning in this whole journey um he’s the one who really convinced me to make a channel he he I remember he sent me a

Congratulations for 100 and I was like I feel like I’m on top of the world Rags to Riches I just placed a bed but didn’t click it aha well then let’s keep you all on your toes streamer brain brain uh can you do an Al or TD coding

Tutorial uh I could I again don’t really do tutorials anymore um MLG can’t seem to land that but I try to I try to teach through ED edutainment Style um hello my name is me says I don’t know if it was only me or everyone else though on the chunk lock to Avid

Adventures conversion yeah I don’t know um um after chunk loock though I think my Adventures videos definitely got more views so I do think a lot of people came over from chunk loock speaking of Chunk loock I had a really great call with quilby today and we were talking about

Something something chunk lock adjacent um it’s going to be a while away but you’re the first to hear about it everyone here JJ says I found you through chunk lock no kidding well chunk lock was a very was a very uh great series to grow my channel it was a high

It’s high risk guys I don’t I don’t play by the conventional rules of most channels I do not play it safe and the only thing that I really risk is my time but I I am not interested in taking the path you know most traveled to to grow my channel you know

The safe thing to do to get the fancy editing and to do the clicky clicky bait stuff I I just I want to do things that make me happy and I also really badly want this chest because there’s a runic Catalyst yes heck yeah that’s good me thinks this is the wrong

Direction uh me thinks you’re correct hello my name is me says you should make a video promoting my twitch Channel I but I mean I don’t know I yeah probably what do people I mean streaming on YouTube streaming on Twitch it’s interesting right like can you really

Truly reach a larger audience I have no idea see you Luke nah keep going numbers are you sure can I trust you just go somewhere you haven’t gone before but I want my horse but I will go somewhere I haven’t gone before I just really want my

Horse I agree with numbers here just go somewhere all right forget the horse guys you’ll get a horse later ah well I mean if it was my if it was my horse from the beginning that I named lemon um then I would uh I would feel a little more I would

Feel a little more worried about it but it’s all right lemon lemon’s long gone lemon died to episode one of this stream uh question from twitch why is there a certain tag I don’t know and I’m not going to die to try to figure it out right

Now I think I was planning on running my 100 traps video uh I’m actually doing that tomorrow with Josh um and so I figured I think I had a Decked Out Tag in there to like tell people it’s kind of similar it’s a Dungey thing but it’s

There now it is it is in the tag of this stream January face reveal by the way yes I will be showing my face and I don’t want it to be a big deal so let’s not make it get a big deal it’ll just happen and we move on with

Our lives it will not be in videos okay I’m not going to like bug you with it but I have a lot of reasons for why I want to do it some people are going to be mad some people are going to be happy some people are going to have comments

That are mean some people are going to have comments that are very complimentary they’re going to say how handsome I am and that’s very sweet it’ll be a big deal I don’t think it’s a big deal I really and it My Hope Is by doing it this early in my YouTube

Journey it won’t be a big deal can I eat one of the traps it would hurt your mouth um but uh but here’s my thinking my thinking is in the rise of AI generated content and YouTube channels that are made made up of people oo this is spooky

Music for it made up of people who aren’t actually people it’s just some kind of business where there’s an editor and a script writer and a thumbnail artist and a voiceover actor in a world where we can’t trust who we are watching is genuinely a real person the only

Way the only way to to prove this to you guys and show I’m a real person and also I think to anybody to myself to to the world is to is to be more of a real person and I think that’s that’s going to go a long way in the coming years

When it comes to YouTube it’s being called the era of authenticity I don’t think it’ll be a big deal trog honestly look at these Knuckleheads who’s going to win all right place your bets now left or right left or right left or right uh my bets on my bets on oh you’re too

Late the music fits the speech perfectly well thank you and I think we found something very cool so we’re going to head over there hi what did I lose you left nothing left welcome Naj you’re just in time you’re just in time guys we are low on

Food we are very low on food like we’re going to have to start dipping into the golden apple Supply or something a little nervous authenticity is the word of the year we should have like a word of the day all right guys today’s word of the day is

Blurple sometimes when you look at the color blurple from One Direction it looks blue but other times when you look at the color blurple it looks purple what’s up with that ah blurple ah Leave Me Alone um up we go I have yet to set my spawn friends

We’re going to have to do that too whoa I made it to a live stream hello and welcome hello and welcome you don’t need to face reveal your voice is handsome enough [Laughter] that’s very silly did somebody intend for me to parkour this who wants me to do it what’s this pressure

Plate they did intend for me to parkour this hello missile and welcome to the stream that was a magical moment we all know Avid is a professional model see that’s the problem is if you get that in your head then your expectations are going to be

Shattered and if I wait I don’t even know what what what tower was that what was the name of that Tower I’m I’m like watching my stream back now what was the name of that Tower anybody anybody paying attention what the name of that Tower was I’ll let

You guys figure it out me I made the parkour but I’m also okay with people just pillaring up hi Kiko and welcome Purity Peaks thank you thank you thank you very epic music very loud music okay Purity Peaks here we are guys for those who don’t know we

Have a few developers very VIPs if you will in the YouTube chat right now creators of Dremel so feel free to ask questions about Dremel if you have any it’s an amazing amazing adventure map um okay so I saw saw a purple thing there I’m going to this my only guess is

That’s winter home and I can become a a sorcerer so going to head in that direction but I am going to sleep through the night guys it’s rude to put expectations on Avid this rule only applies to advid advid Avid Kiko good to have you in chat good

To uh and toast good to have you in chat as well toaster just happy to have you here toaster um yeah no expectations uh expectations are oh it’s so pretty Kiko I hope you don’t mind but I have shaders on that like kind of mess with the sky box and so I

Don’t I’m not getting the cool like moons and stuff and I apologize for that I apologize for that but I just found this new Shader pack and it makes drem will look even better if that was even possible it’s just it’s oh wait look at the Suns the suns are being

Rendered by my Shader pack well that’s cool it’s not the traditional Skybox but I at least I got the multi Suns turn on vanilla Sun Moon overlay okay hold on uh Sky vanilla Sun did I do it Cloud settings vanilla oh oh yeah vanilla Sun Moon overlay on I did it overlay and

Turn off the Shader Sun Moon and all the sky boxes should work well cool thank you am I too late n you’re just on time welcome um but no I wanted to I want to address the face stuff I lost the sun I feel like I lost the Sun by doing that

And turn off Shader Sun Moon okay sorry Shader Sun Moon is off vanilla Sun Moon moon is on Sun Moon Horizon makes the Sun Moon disappear below the Horizon level that seems right it doesn’t is this strange I feel like I had it working before yeah you’re good

Now okay cool thanks um dream made too big of a deal out of his face reveal and he tried to and he and also he didn’t have good PR in General I think he he definitely was asking for the response and I I feel bad I do feel bad because

Nobody should have to go through that um no matter how unfavorable you you may be um but uh but I want to avoid that like as much as possible and I thought for the longest time ah you know you just you just don’t you just don’t do a face reveal ever you

Just do take the isuma void route and never show your face um that’s not really me I want to like go to like conventions and meet people and um I don’t like I would be I’m not afraid to do that um so that was that kind of checked that box the other was

Uh like the longer you wait the bigger a deal it becomes and so I’m just not going to make it a big deal but it is very funny it is very funny Zuma I love Zuma Z Zuma shasham B fantastic content creator uh Kiko says my expectations for your face will be

That you have a foot long chin you look like an exaggerated cartoon superhero that is the correct expectation to go into this um that is that is the right way to do It low expectations people low expectations face reveal January confirmed yes I look like rumbled still skin haters are jealous haters say everything everything is bad even if they think it’s good it’s true it’s true they do uh so what’s going on with these little things clearly there’s a chest uh

Suspended in the air so I definitely want to check that out probably something good in there o parkour seriously epic parkour okay I it I always feel bad like ruining these beautiful this beautiful artwork by just putting a bunch of my Cobblestone crap like all around it I always feel

Terrible like breaking this like I get it it’s what you’re supposed to hello What timefall boots feather falling four and mending let’s go okay I didn’t even have boots this was maybe the first structure made for the map no kidding well that’s awesome it’s very pretty and it works all right let’s put up our render distance and pick a direction to go

People I’ll ask you guys which way we can go trog I could you could always do a trog bridge and make it more beautiful that’s very true by the way you have really low ping that really must be something in my settings cuz my uh I have a wait low ping is good

Right my internet guys I pay for one gig up one gig down I get like 600 up 600 down uh so hopefully especially on YouTube my video quality should be really good if anyone on YouTube notices better than normal quality that makes me happy if it’s as good as before

Okay I guess I’ll live I’ll live with it I’m glad I have low ping I I am literally I have set up my my house to do this beautiful yes okay wonderful um the only thing I’m not streaming in is 4K which I could do I I it’s really not

An issue for my setup fancy landscape yes let’s go to that town over there I think that’s what we’ll do that direction I’m playing with the chunk distance just I don’t think I can play smoothly at 32 like I get I my computer’s a beast but I’m still only at 50 frames

Per second right now so you know trying to be smart okay we have feather falling four now so we can do stuff like this right okay maybe maybe not try to do that too often 4K Ultra HD raid that Village okay let’s go see let’s go see if it’s

Good guys or bad guys and hopefully they have food the main perk of av1 is that it uses the same quality but less band bandwidth is needed oh that’s very cool JJ thank you for that um I did not know yeah and that’s something that’s uh believe exclusive to the 4,000 series

Graphics card so I’m really happy that I I bought this PC this year it’s a very good investment Lord quack it says oh I know that part of Dremel oh do you don’t spoil it chunk lock in Dremel wouldn’t work unfortunately chunk lock requires Minecraft 1.9.4 or higher due to the use

Of block displays hello my name is me says on Twitch says wait only 15 followers this is literally my first twitch stream of all time uh welcome to heav heack shed your weapons visitor do I have to like I can keep them right Kiko am I going to get K am I

Going to get killed if I do I have to like put in a chest naak you have a twitch Channel yeah I’ve had it for a while I’m just trying to dual streaming thing it’s it’s going to be fun Munch hello good to see you on the

Twitch side does anybody know all right I’m just going to go in I’m just going to go just keep your weapons in case okay if you want to excuse me oh are these like weapons like sat out I’m going to obey I’m going to obey guys I’m not messing with this I need

Wood I’m not messing with this I don’t want to get in trouble am I the only rapper in chat I’m going to bet yes but then again the chat my chat they always surprise me what’s better than watching an a stream on one monitor well you get the

Idea yeah the difference in quality uh YouTube is going to have a much higher quality stream just because YouTube supports higher bandwidth um and higher quality like I could stream in 4k on YouTube and they they’d actually allocate me a higher bit rate and all that fancy Nish um it’s pretty cool

Pretty cool what what counts as a weapon I guess I’ll just very naively stash all this stuff and also I I I lost my bed again so hopefully I can find one let’s see a bow is a weapon I’m just going to I’m stashing I’m stashing I’m not taking the risk arrows

Okay chops down tree to make chests to place weapons in can’t help it is a stick a weapon I don’t think so all right guys what is this Village all about well there are weapons all over the place hello friend what are you why are you purple you’re like a hippo hello hippo

Man hi this is like Perfect music for this little Area it’s like a town of hippo and rabbit people like a peaceful little village of little sweet little sweet people hi hi everybody what are we what are we doing today you have mostly junk Aiden yo I’m new going to sub welcome welcome to the stream uh we’re

Chilling on Dremel today we’re chilling on Dremel uh but they’re Dragon people they’re Dragon people oh I see it oh yeah they got horns okay so they’re like against weapons and stuff oh look at all this stuff do you sell good stuff Celestial cowl surprisingly heavy when held up to the

Light purple glimmers betray the presence of metallic fiber within the weave cool in a medeor buckler with Unbreaking acquired thank you for subscribing uh let’s see lord of the yam may your yams be forever delicious so Styler app thank you again for the follow up on that tokushima I appreciate the subscription

I appreciate you thank you I’ve got to figure out my like my windows I got sub acquired I can’t like the thing is to look at that I’d have to yeah I’ve got to figure out my windows and stuff at some point um I’m taking this these

Tools are uh are really good so I will take that I am sorry for robbing you and let’s find a bed for real hippo people are better I I like Dragon people I think it it’s cooler I the reason my my brain went to hippo was because of uh Joel and

Um playing on the ex life series and he was a hippo hippogriff I have no food we’re going to have to figure out this situation here I saw Fields so let’s get some of this wheat going is none of this wheat grown there’s some there’s a lot of wheat that we can

Harvest to turn into some bread people this is all the food we’re going to get today food is a problem for me like I’m very much a Wanderer in Dremel I’ve never really I’ve never really uh settled down anywhere I’m not going to mess with that

I I could steal this but I don’t really want to um so the problem is I’ve never really made any farms like like for steak and stuff like that Bread’s not an amazing food either but Aid try to hit the villagers and see what happens I’m a I’m on a peaceful

Playthrough I’m a friend I’m a friendly guy illusion hello and welcome respects the rules ma magic says respects the rules by not bringing weapons steals a weapon I respect the rules to a point we have some donkey friends all right let’s see if we can find a Bed carrots yes oh that’s big

Food I’ll replant this don’t worry I’m not evil just try I’m not going to fight a dragon person I’m a nice guy I’m a nice guy the twitch chat is having a very interesting conversation on the differences and nuances between twitch and YouTube and streaming quality I’m

Very curious I don’t know much about twitch so it’s it’s just not something that I really think about like I’ve always streamed on YouTube um but like now that twitch Has Lifted that whole you can only stream on one platform thing um it it’s definitely an interesting idea because I can reach

More people which to me new follower Thank you new follower on Twitch um is uh and welcome welcome welcome welcome wow I want to see you on Twitch what’s the channel name I think it’s Avid MC on Twitch ooh guys we have some lore hang on a

Second let me get my lore my lore my lore going hold on I have lore reading voice and it’s it’s like it’s an extra thing so give me a second voice voice mod hello hello hello hear me twice for a second and then then I’m going to drop this hello hello hello

Voice mod is still working good oh uh okay and then we’re going to switch over to my Storyteller let me know if you guys can uh let me know if you can hear this new follower the Lord lady is a Vain and fickle one rarely uh deciding to speak with her

Worshippers but this uh to uh but to this congregation’s delight he has spoken directly to us not once but Thrice this is unheard of and worthy of immense celebration alone and while and wise as she is he must have foreseen as much we have been tasked with conducting

Rituals of utmost importance three great sigal must be constructed formed with canals of flowing freshwat The Plains of Lord lady are ambitious in scale but we shall serve with devotion and Zeal failure is Unthinkable cool did that come through on the cool with the voice he’s multiplying he’s multiplying hopefully that came

Through uh that’s cool so some kind of channels and interesting a a a priest or Priestess asking asking of this community to uh to dig these channels oh yeah oh the night sky is so beautiful okay does this entire Village have a bed there’s cake Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum some bread

Scales there’s a bed right there excuse me I would like to get in your bed too far away hold on a second I’m just going to scoop around the side here hi yes I’m sorry Mr Dragon man Avid hit one villager never it’s against my

Code I’m too good of a person to do that I’m too nice I’m the sweetest Adventurer you’ll ever meet actually they called me they called me the world’s sweetest YouTuber yep that’s me that’s my that’s my whole thing I’m trying to be the sweetest the sweetest one I’m back to YouTube hello and

Welcome back to YouTube hello back to YouTube I’m Dad this is why I decide to stream on Twitch chog says I love Channel points and all that I uh I I I’m a big fan of Channel points as well it’s very cool let me steal your bed here are we cool yeah we’re

Cool here you can have these wheat seeds and I’m going to take as much food as I can and uh see if there’s anything else in this Village but now we have food this is a big deal it’s a big deal for us guys I don’t need all these wheat seeds all that

Junk crafting table I accept look at that 30 oh stacks of food amazing can even throw some of that in the bundle jeez look at all these carrots I can never need that much that many um they’re called tari ah the dragon people got it okay I mean yeah

There’s so much food here I’ll be fine for a while now that was that was a good move coming here now I wonder if there’s anything important in this Village that we need to worry about like obviously they’re going to be people to trade with there’s this guy with the

Armor hey you got anything up there I’m getting distracted oh he’s got like a different ores there D doesn’t have mod privileges DD I can give you mod privileges where is it there add as moderator here there you go enjoy dird asks dird gets that’s how it works D’s one of the

Ogs okay just looking around here I’m uh I’m just going to explore some of the village knowing knowing the devs of Dremel they’re there’s always something to find in The Villages typically I found good people to trade with interesting interesting quests that I can begin lore so we’re

Going to try to just see if we see what we can find and make sure we have yet we have a bed um trari are drari humans ascended from by the aspects whom are the gods from the first aim a I I never pronounced that word right they now live

Um on the Golden Moon in the night sky that’s so cool oh that’s so cool serial production says please Avid listen I need permission from you to do something oh boy you need my permission that scares me ghost gone good morning good morning to you and welcome welcome to the

Stream okay all right um we’re just going to pick a direction and go that is just a lot of iron holy cow that is a lot of iron that is an unnecessary amount of iron we’re going to keep moving aan what about uh oh right subscriber acquired thanks for subscribing you’re

Amazing hello my name is me says I’m by my wood stove it’s nice and warm that sounds amazing oh just sitting by a nice little fire relaxing sounds amazing Lord quackit asks Avid how do you make your NPCs in the shrouded aisles It’s a Wonderful question

I use MC stacker for everything and you should too um it’s going to it’s going to save you a lot of time if you use MC stacker it allows you to create villagers and all those kind of things it’s very fancy um but it’s a great

Tool so let’s see I don’t need that iron pickaxe I have this one but I want the spark stoker I guess I want a bow man my inventory management guys I mean do I really need three Diamond chest plates on me probably not so we’ll leave those

This is we’re leaving this behind this stuff’s getting left behind yeah Dremel would not exist without MC stacker yes I agree yeah I my Avid Adventures would not exist without MC stacker is a wonderful tool let’s get our inventory all sorted axe of growth uh this

One I need to repair the flamer wait there was an anvil oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I need to repair my flamer my my flame ham flame ham flammer flammer flam Jam Avid I have arrived the voice of Jiminy is here welcome some guy Nam JJ uh JJ asks Avid

You can add capitalization on your Twitch channel name by changing your display name oh good to know but only the capitalization can be changed noted there’s an anvil here right guys did you see an anvil I my brain is telling me there’s an anvil here jimy has arrived

That’s what I did good to know I will do that thank you I’ll remember to do that did people see an anvil I thought I saw an anvil like over here by the blacksmith yes oh this is the first Anvil we’ve seen in a while too okay if

I’m not mistaken I can repair this yes inscription cost yes that’s a big deal oh man I was worried that thing was going to break this thing’s amazing guys it uh well let me show you let me show you Can you place blocks in the Fast Travel area I believe you cannot I believe that’s the only area you cannot do that in man so pretty all right let’s take a quick uh let’s just mine through this really quick I’ll show you why this thing’s amazing just wait for

This the Jiminy cult is here okay okay here we Goom excuse me I’m just going to mine through this entire Boulder to the other side not only does it mine really fast but it also mines a 3X3 area and so like collecting stuff is just ridiculously easy I love this thing I love this thing

So much and it takes just a little bit of uh iron to fix so not going to complain about that either um I’m tempted to stay but I think we’re going to keep moving tempted to say some guy named JJ ad Avid what if I were to make a uh aimy

Emoji sticker would you consider adding it to the Discord sure uh let’s see hello my name is me can you answer my question is it snowing where you live is there snow and has it snowed today uh it’s a very good question um so I live in Denver people

Know this I live in Colorado um and uh it did Snow a couple days ago and it wasn’t a lot so it didn’t stick around and and out here um you know we’re we’re 5,28 80 ft above sea level so uh the snow doesn’t really stick around that

Long cuz the sun is just so strong here um so yeah I hope that answers your question thanks for asking I think Kiko mentioned a flamer Nerf a while ago Kiko do not this is a beautiful thing and it was hard to find guys a little bit of avid lore to catch

You up on for those who don’t follow the Dremel streams this is our fifth Dremel stream by the way which I’m excited about I like to have something that I I do periodically like this um just before I released chunk loock I was at like 6,000 subscribers on

YouTube and I was convinced to go into a cave that stream told me was called content content cave or content Cavern I think and when you come out of content Cavern you get all the subs in the world it was we were joking around with each

Other it was funny and that’s where I got this is flamer but then you know what you know what happened since then it’s not been that long you look at the stream you go back to that stream it was maybe a 5 months ago maybe we’re at almost 17,000 subscribers now like

Things went weird content Cavern may have actually done Something you Americans get snow JJ says I don’t get any until February we do get snow Kiko you haven’t nerfed it or oh I see yeah numbers numbers I got you I got you got you yo Avid it’s 11:00 p.m. at my place I got to go thanks for being here I will

Get it next patch why would you Nerf it you don’t want you want to N I get it I’m also a game designer designing person and I get when things are too good but is it really too good what are the advantages that it buys me right now also flower place flower area

Cool answer me now or you shy guy can you answer me please you live in Colorado Springs that’s cool the Springs has a cool place I don’t know what your question is you have so many messages that tell me to answer you that I’ve lost the question it’s funny I don’t know why

It’s so funny I said I want to put up a poster riew in my project free for people to see of course you can do that serial of course you can sleep creeper welcome no you didn’t miss acquired gosh the subscribers lately I’m going to have to that notification might

Start getting annoying to you guys I’m and I’m not just saying that to like I’m very happy I’m very thankful that things are going in the way they’re going I just don’t want to annoy you guys with that sound but that is my voice subscriber acquired Avid stream elements is

Advertising what does that mean what do you mean it’s advertising like doing something I don’t want it to do stream elements is advertising exam uh Sky Knight exams today were dot dot dot great oh I’m sorry I hope they’re going okay um let’s see Munch says all right

Uh Avid have you had any creative thoughts on the theme of ACC 4 I want it to be different I really really want it to be different I really I don’t know though my mind is changing about bosses Sorry by the way for this music it’s extremely intense my mind is

Changing about bosses in general and the need to do bosses to be successful as a YouTuber um so I don’t think it’ll be bosses see you JJ thanks for sticking around any tips towards mik settings for Content creation oh man my my audio setup well there’s a lot to there’s a

Lot to audio guys are you seeing this area dude this is so cool and the music is just right for it music maybe nope not yet at least um audio my audio setup you can there are levels to your audio setup don’t go cheap on your first mic but you

Don’t have to break the bank either I recommend a Blue Yeti X or a Yeti X um it’s the mic I started on you you listen to my earlier videos my goodness that is so pretty it reminds me of like Italy oh so cool I love this

Map Best Town incoming best town we found the best town Apparently ghost gone says if Etho is anything to go by all you need is a tissue box stand that is true all right I’m going to cut the music here uh just because apparently music is coming up so we’re going to let that we’re going to let the

Real music roll and I’m going to try to find the right entrance here best town in terms of vibe cool mics aren’t required just speak so loud that everyone in the world can hear you that is that is the thing um my mic my mic my audio quality is something that

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about I’ve done research on other creators um and I’ve spent a lot of time and money quite frankly um but you don’t have to break the bank like I said you can start with something cheaper um but I wouldn’t recommend going too cheap because how

You sound is is really important when you’re making videos um and people are really going to value that and it’s going to make you stand out acc4 best RuneScape song cover no but RuneScape theme would be fun deep cool we have like a little sign post here

Great city of DPS cool let’s go oh my gosh you guys look at this look at this what’s my favorite song um I’m a huge fan of bony ve if you guys don’t know who that is then um that’s my that’s [Laughter] it hello my name is me says your streams

Seem to function as a podcast well that’s cool I uh I’m glad you say that I try to really focus on audio quality let’s all take this in for a moment I’m not going to answer questions for a second we’re just going to take in whatever the heck is going on Here this is in-game Music oh hello the painted City oh Wow I I love this oh my gosh it’s so beautiful Well we definitely have to go to the cemetery first to rob the grave so let’s make sure we do that um and then you know we’ll explore the rest of the city as we go cemetery is it’s a custom it’s a it’s customary guys don’t get don’t get weird about it

Um let’s see if I go straight straight this way wait yeah cemeter is this way let’s go rob some Graves there’s always good stuff in the graves hello there Burant oh honey Merchant this is beautiful Kiko Kiko this is beautiful Kiko you should be so proud the legend of Minecraft breath of the wild I hope they speak French I feel like they would canonically they should oh my goodness oh my goodness I’m just SM I’m smiling so much right now

Oh he so pretty let’s see what this is the blossom a bed and breakfast try our famous honey roasted potatoes don’t mind if I do a honey roasted potato it cost two scales okay well I mean it’s expensive ensive wait I want this one please do

Not click the button that buys all of them okay all right guys we’re going to take this with us and we’re going to eat this like by a fountain or something nice Aid’s so happy right now but I’m just waiting for the end game the end game come on

Man you got to you got to take your time remember when I said at the beginning of the stream whenever I go to a new place I I I have to explore every nook in cranny oh we have a little bit of lore if it’s

More than okay it’s not too bad I was going to say if it’s like 90 Pages might have to consider not reading it but we’re going to read this Thing here we Go the city state of anel was once the largest and wealthiest place uh places in Dremel in the early days of av2 growing Rich during the deity War by famously not taking sides it’s like Switzerland its monarchs were begrudgingly respected and despised in equal measure even in those early days

There are records of a tunnel system beneath a home to countless corpses oh there are also secondary sources from aaham that suggest that the Arts of alchemy were first theorized deep within the wise Nobles of Eno but ever Secrets they may have hid in these those days it is certainly true

That the tunnels grew in importance during the reign of emperor zorus ifel of aaham in a ceremonial gesture after the capture of the serial killer known as lakan whoa I want Lake man parts of the CPS of Asoka Ro Roma became Infamous as asam’s highest security prison Legends of the

Crypts would continue to resurface from time uh to the time of up until the present day but the two things seem to be likely first entrances to the tunnel Network are increasingly few and far between the last documented entry was buried in in a landslide in AV 3301 second there are rumors of

Magnificent treasure somewhere within the CPS of akaroa up until now however wbe finders have had little luck finding their secrets only time will tell exactly what role history still has for these mysterious passages in one of the oldest of civilization we have got to do this how do we get legend of the

Crips how do I go here I want to do This Kiko no worries about length of lore books by the way my lore books are also exceedingly long how do I get there I know there were instructions but I also know chat’s going to help me so what’s it going to be chat are you going to help me find that Crypt or What treasure hunt treasure hunt treasure hunt yeah that’s right that’s Right what is this oh it’s a cat you Blended right in uh we got to go to this the graveyard super quick there’s a map you can buy from an adventuring Merchant here I’m in all right guys we’re going to buy a map and we’re going on a

Treasure is it this guy I mean all right we already found him okay all right all right we got to talk about some stuff right I don’t have enough runic catalysts yet wait a second oh I’m so close I’m so close though I have 11

Runic catalysts and I need 12 to get a shulker box I’m so close to that ah I want a runic catalus but this is the map the map of the region surrounding yeah important location so this is going to get us a map my inventory is such a mess to that

Treasure hunt we’re going on a treasure hunt today guys whoa how did you make it look like this uhhuh I assume red is where we’re going to go maybe man I don’t know how to mod YouTube chat so do I have permission to just do whatever waterf flow I trust you you are

Chaotic neutral but I do trust you uh huh okay I’m going to get the music back just for a moment here so stinking beautiful this area so beautiful red is where you are aha okay good to know we’re going to figure this out chat we’re going to figure this

Out together but first I got to I got to Rob some Graves okay uh death by beasting Perfect Perfect all right buddy let’s see what you got in there honey bottle naturally you know what I’ll drink it we’re also we got a potato to eat we’re busy today guys we’re busy and

I’ll put this down for a second did we figure out the sky blocks yeah I think we did Kiko helped me we got it all figured out um let’s see I’m not going to read that maybe that’s just gosh okay what on Earth are these gravestones

I’m not sure if any of this is like okay cool uh Dremel boom I’m de boom prior to death oh hello blast protection 4 Unbreaking 3 bomb plate oh we’re getting the uh we’re getting the music again there we go uh this looks good my inventory is a

Mess I’m just going to take it like all of the graves are jokes malahar my friends Momo and muet like Romeo and sharpness 10 and I just have to repair it I mean that’s insane this is an insane sword hello Atronach welcome and hello my name is me welcome back yum honey mixed with blood what uh do I this is like an amazing weapon I can’t repair this it’s not repairable all right well

I’m hitting somebody with it that makes me mad so I got to hit somebody with it now inventory is a mess Fook what does that mean oh okay F fabook okay unmarked Graves as well seem to not have bodies in Them a redstone torch for rip me gone some of these are like whoosh right over my head couldn’t wake up and it’s a bed well might as well you ever sleep in a grave before you were going to try to you’re messed up man you’re just you’re part of

The problem Derek let’s see what Derek Left Behind P pants and a pickle not going to read into that too much K Kiko oh wait a second you put yourself in here Unbreaking 10 fishing rod I kind of want this I’m taking it my inventory is a

Mess I really need that shoulder box okay priorities priorities priorities priorities the Lord’s Garden if I could get one more runic Catalyst then uh I can buy a Shuler box it’s going to change our lives for those who knows can I get a runic Catalyst anywhere nearby I would like just one it’s going to be lifechanging think about how happy you’ll make me grave robbing

Yum it’s part of the Dremel experience if you’re not robbing Graves and Dremel what are you doing with your life ghost gone thanks for being here oh this area is so pretty come on please tell me there’s no runic Catalyst up here but at least we can get some

Scales lapis I might have some room for put it all in the bundle with some Honeycombs there’s a lot of Honey around here I notice no one’s going to tell me if there’s a runic Catalyst that I can get I just need one runic catalyst is it so

Much to ask uh to the thing with the snow I live in Germany here we had no positive temperature weeks since uh and snow is 30 cm deep nice that means skiing is going to be good though maybe there’s a runic Catalyst up at up top let’s go check get the music Back Avid I think there’s 11 11 runic Catalyst stash nearby in your pockets that’s not helpful Magic I just need One ow ow I just want one Kiko god of the runic catalysts please oh please grant me one runic catalyst so I can buy a Shuler box just one it’ll change everything is this my lighthouse no it’s not my lighthouse is it is my lighthouse your

Lighthouse DD it might be it might be no runic Catalyst nearby I’ll probably just find them yeah I figured I figured as much I just need one okay well we have our map so we might as well go on an adventure oh look at this Distillery hello

There got our music back double double music it’s hard to manage the the sounds okay sometimes these guys sell runic catalysts Too Avid stream elements is advertising your Discord server again yes it does that I I tell it to do that now I understand what you mean by saying that I tell it to do That all right y’all I’m feeling a treasure hunt I don’t think there might be runic catalysts in there in the Treasure Hunt because I there’s no way I’m not not just going to find one oh wait no there’s one directly east from here like 200 blocks away all right heck yeah Kiko

This is why I love the lead developer just like being in my chat so I can just like play the Pixel Perfect gameplay that I play as you guys know east east is this way 200 blocks all right ha got you the first time though you did

You did I love um these banners it’s so good like a lot of people would just use a typical just single banner pattern but you’ve gone and made these really pretty banners I really like Them guys we’re going on a treasure hunt today we’re going on a treasure hunt and I’m not afraid I got a Kiko by my side 200 blocks this way huh there’s another town that has some fun banners oh very cool I like fun banners okay this is my plan I’m laying

It out to you guys take it or leave it step one uh oh sorry uh hello my name is uh me is asking are I am I playing apotheosis or primordial I am playing Dremel 2.2 that is primordial primordial I 2.2 it’s the latest one is that the primordial is

That the one or is it apotheosis I forget which one is the names but uh yes this is my plan everybody we’re going on a treasure hunt the first thing that apotheos is beta thank you apotheosis beta yes apotheosis 2.2 beta okay so we’re going to get a shulker box well we’re

Going to get this runic Catalyst first then we’re going to get a shulker box then we’re going to go on a treasure hunt to find this Crypt thing and we’re going to get some amazing treasure apparently there’s some amazing treasure for us I’m very excited for that first I’ve got to scale this

Gorgeous mountain of Terra Cotta or is it concrete I think it might be concrete there’s some kind of Lake Jacob Gilmore hi Avid just wanted to say that I’ve loved your stuff for a while now and deserve all the success uh you’ve been getting LD shadow lady Etc

Uh you are awesome thank you so much for that it’s very sweet um yeah I am I am super grateful for everything that’s been happening and uh I know there’s a long road ahead but it’s it’s been really amazing it’s been honestly last few weeks months maybe year has been

Just so mind-blowingly amazing terms of people supporting and everything so thank you thank you so much for saying that goats okay where’s this Lake there’s some kind of mountain lake that we’re trying to get I’m going to continue East what is that oh it’s a b with a little pollen on his butt 200 blocks each acquired thank you for subscribing thank you cheese it’s to your right at the base of the slopes

Cool I just need one I’m not I don’t cheat that much where are you going numbers I have a directionality problem you see in the last stream people started asking me and don’t do this I’m at I realized by asking you guys not to do something you’re going to do

Something but what I ask from you is to really not do this people started to ask me capitals of places what’s the capital of Norway what’s the capital of Australia look it’s not something I’m good at I’m good at a lot of things I’m good at math science are you a friend no

Ow you are definitely not a friend I’m going to thousand thousand Cuts your face ow gosh get obliterated what’s the capital of absam I don’t know look at this NE these aren’t really NEOS but you know what I mean hi all right A Thousand Cuts come here oh is so

Satisfying all right we have our chest here ladies and gentlemen this is phase one of our multiphase plan that now puts us up to 12 of the primor uh the UHS the runic catalysts with 12 thank you for Kiko for telling me this where it

Was I remember Absol yes I do what was your favorite Shader rethinking voxels or complimentary I liked BSL until I did a 100 days playthrough uh the one Munch says Avid didn’t you want to make a big monkey boss or something for lizz’s jungle temple do I want to do that I

Have no idea I have no idea uh my favorite Shader was BSL and then I played a whole hundred days in it and it like hurt my brain it’s too foggy there’s something like there’s something funny about it where like it’s it’s too foggy what’s the capital of other side

From Avid Adventures other side is kind of like a like a like another dimension so it’s not really like a place that can have a capital yeah B SL has too much Bloom and so I I did a whole 100 days playthrough in it and now I go back and look at it

And I’m like I can’t stand that oops happens my favorite Shader now uh hello my name is is um complimentary with a bunch of settings that my friend Whimsy uh showed like showed me he shared with me cuz he’s got good good settings I usually will just stream with

It though I I I like to keep my content aside from like a time lapse here and there I like to keep my content like as vanilla as possible water flow I’m not going to get a single Capital so other side is the perfect dimension for Avid it doesn’t

Include capitals or cities genius yes you’re right I can make my own lore hello mister oh we’re getting the music from the town Make an actual Dimension that is the plan that is the plan I will be learning custom Dimension making I am not worried about it either I’m actually quite excited oh I love this little lime glaze terra cotta sometimes sometimes works just came back and you’re in Oklahoma awesome Oklahoma you call this

Oklahoma why do you call this Oklahoma the Dremel Community guys they have all their inside jokes okay we need to find that Adventurer I’m trying to remember the direction and then we’re going to eat our sweet baked potato and we’re going to go on our journey where was he he was somewhere over here I Think you know at this point Minecraft could be considered a game engine yes okay let’s dump out all of our stuff all of our valuables I don’t want lapis I don’t want Iron there we go runed Catalyst yes yes this is game changing guys this is a big deal this is a big Deal all of our stuff is going to go in here back up food oh my gosh we got a shulker box this is such a big deal like I have such an inventory problem I don’t know I’m going to put everything in here I won’t put bundles

In there that doesn’t make much sense but like I don’t need all this extra food extra blocks sure iron axe this cat toy lapis amazing oh inventory woes goodbye get my iron pick there’s a runic blacksmith here that sells some good equipment unless you want to save up for the map of

Dremel I have just enough scales to buy the map I kind of want the map in a diamond yeah I’m in oh we’re going to be stacked I’ve been wanting to buy this since the beginning too exactly the right amount oh look at that oh that’s beautiful collector’s item as well as

Kind of helpful to figure out where we are in the world all right let’s get a little out of town eat our eat our baked our honey roasted potato Here you should take the shield out of your offhand to look at Maps that’s probably a good idea all right guys let’s see how good this this baked potato actually is while we enjoy this gorgeous view there we go all right well let’s go find a crypt and Rob it that’s a very

Disappointing baked potato I just want to tell you I expected that was too scales that was a very expensive potato I’m angry now we’re Le now we are definitely leaving oh trog thanks by the way sorry I missed your message what MC version is

2.2 beta I believe this is 1 out 18 you did not did you not read the description I just I don’t know I don’t know maybe not yes two scales at least scales are renewable essentially um okay all right I’m angry let’s begin okay so this map has me at the

Red and according to that Book there’s an entrance to hold on a second I got to go read that book again let’s go grab that book oh it’s on 1.7 not 1.18 thank you 1.7 apologies 1.7 the Library here we go I love the accordion when do when did the next stream when did the next stream happen or when will the next stream happen the next stream is going to happen tomorrow I’m streaming a lot this week okay so blah BL BL BL BL BL blah blah

Emperor legend of the Crips would continue to resurface and increasing fume far between between the last document entry was buried second there are rumors of magnificent treasure hold on a second the only two things seem to be likely Hello mystery corpse and welcome speaking of corpses we’re about to go

Raid a crypt you’re just in time legends of the Crips the Crips of alaroma so I assume I want to go to I can’t really point to it but on my map I have alaro Aloma so that’s where we’re gonna go time tomorrow stream BST time

Tomorrow stream BST would be 3 hours um ago starting tomorrow speaking of corpses you are in Oklahoma okay I’m in Oklahoma but it doesn’t have you guys actually been see you haven’t even been to Oklahoma I have been to Oklahoma cuz it’s next to Colorado it is not what you think

It is very boring this is not Oklahoma do I celebrate St Nicholas Day is that like Christmas um yes if that is the question I do uh what is north in this actually hold on a second I should probably get my bearings North is this

Way so I kind of want to go like over there let’s go this way big brain time I am in Denver that is correct corre I’m in Denver that’s why my internet is so good cuz we happen to have Sentry Link like it’s the headquarters so I have like some pretty

Good fiber which is why my ping is so low I have low ping all right I see a tower so that’s a good distraction for me to definitely not get this treasure hunt done in time and then we’re going to try to get to these ruins and uh see if we can go

Corpse raing you have good internet too that’s good to hear there’s lots of good internet in lots of different places ooh hello there dolphins how did you guys get in this Lake very confusing okay let’s get up here I bet you we’re going to get another whoop parkour

Master yep hello yes we’re already uh getting our runic catalysts back our supply seral have a good night what is the purpose SL plot of this map you know I’m trying to like piece together the overarching story but I did I woke up in cryosleep in a very technologically advanced uh facility

And there have been multiple what I assume to be apocalypses we are in the third age which I believe occurs after the second apocalypse and there are a lot of uh there’s a lot of lore just scattered everywhere and I’m trying to put the pieces together as I try to

Figure out my own identity a little bit of Amnesia going on what did I come back to what do you mean I’m raiding I’m going to raate a I’m going to raid some corpses we’re going to find treasure is that a little treeh house gosh the distractions on this map I have

ADHD do you care about me Dremel devs do you realize what you do to me is I have to do this uh I would say it’s not like wincraft at all um and I would say it I have never played wincraft to be fair wow what is

This oh I see this gets me to the tower oh oh that’s so cool mystery corpse say I just came across your channel by watching 100 traps dungeon V video dude it was awesome to watch thank you so much uh thank you it is yeah that that video I’m

So happy with how it’s doing um it’s growing my channel which is really exciting I’m just going to pill her up and thank you thank you for being here I am such a dummy let’s try that again again shall we have you fought any bosses yet no I haven’t found

Any not yet Avid explores windcraft I’ve considered it the MMO part of it is kind of the meth part of it to be honest with like being around other people that’s the part I didn’t like about MMOs and I’m not like an introvert or anything but it’s just

Like it’s just sometimes it’s not for me oh no oh [Laughter] no okay we can get our way back there it’s not too hard thankfully broh oh use the scroll where does it bring me return to my spawn point no man my spawn my spawn point is uh is nowhere to

Be found because I have not slept in a bed or every every bed I’ve uh I’ve slept in I have destroyed it’s okay we just need to find a tower we’ll get back there oh man that’s such a bummer I even have feather falling four that must have

Been a I mean I the problem was I I MLG and saved myself I was on one heart and then uh and I got shot by a skeleton so very unlucky well Avid you did figure out yes you did not set your spawn we keep

Telling you I thought I said it in the Dremel Village it’s just it just didn’t I don’t know what happened since I’ve been gone died maybe maybe died once or twice thankfully keep inventories on watching secret life has made me anxious uh watching YouTubers take damage

Yes hello agoba I hope I pronounced your name correctly or baa and welcome uh Kiko says windcraft is decent fun if you like MMOs but it has some really flawed Quest design and writing interesting the best part is the loot game build crafting that’s not for everyone yeah I’m just not an MMO

Person um played World of Warcraft definitely got the appeal of it um but it never really like sunk its teeth into me you know like it does with a lot of people would you just go away yeah you guys just fight each other you Knuckleheads never really sunk it never

Really yeah it never sunk its teeth into me which um which is probably for the best cuz I’ve heard some people get really sucked into that game so Avid are you ever going to start selling merch I mean I’m not going to say no to that um but like to sell merch

You need to be able to uh guarantee a certain volume um especially when it comes to like plushies and stuff holy holy cow keep moving um and so I I think I would need a little bit bigger of an audience until I can actually sell merch but I

Definitely would love to sell some merch um in in the future and I appreciate you for asking that question because that assumes I guess that you have some interest in that which is cool yeah MMOs in general just like aren’t for me and that’s that’s all really

Is I think it’s good to appreciate the differences and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with liking wincraft or liking Dremel liking both um I’ve heard a lot of good things about wincraft my buddy Devin has played a bunch of it he really likes it um okay what is the

Closest what is the closest Tower um to where we died I believe not the central yeah wait is it it was not Hartwood that’s that was the last one what is Dremel oh it’s Minecraft’s Greatest Adventure Map yeah p Peaks yep yep yep yep yep Purity Peaks pry pry Peaks Dremel is

This Dremel is this and it’s a beautiful Adventure Map let’s break my bed as is custom and head back over in that direction if only I had a horse everyone keeps telling me don’t don’t worry about horses Dremel Minecraft on I don’t know if it’s Minecraft on crack but it’s

Minecraft’s like it’s what if you had all the tools to make a game like Skyrim or a game like tears of the Kingdom but I think more closely to Skyrim um what if you had the tools to do that in Minecraft and what if you spend a lot of time and you grab

Got some of the most talented people out there to come together to do it um let’s see uh uh Magic says also do you want hours to be in the speedrun timer or just go past 60 Minutes you have to do the math yourself other side speedruns require another scoreboard for

What the what what you’re talking about speedrunning uh other side I know where we are I know where we are hey Avid I think it’s really cool that you’re putting Minecraft mapmaking into the spotlight with relevant YouTubers the community is amazing I agree Munch a lot um I have never met such a

Bright not like an old man such a bright and wonderful but like seriously I mean like the people in the mapmaking community are ridiculously smart they are extremely friendly extremely willing to help um and they support each other and it’s really cool CR I do mapmaking well then

You’re in the right place Minnie moose hello and welcome welcome to Minecraft’s greatest adventure map in my opinion and I have one so that means I think mine isn’t the greatest can you believe that that’s cool you’ve come to the right place I’m not good but hey hey

That’s how we all start and chances are you’re probably better than you think you are what is this junk Unbreaking one bow I guess that’s better than what I have I guess it’s not junk it’s scales and a saddle that’s good I don’t see any need

For a clock though I was really hoping there was going to be something different in that this music is very spooky for this area let’s swap that let’s do something a little let’s see Avid uh do you know the speed or timer I asked about and ask out

Anything I’d have to double check that magic I don’t remember um have you heard of heard of Phoenix sc’s Firefly plush I have not but now I have am I drowning oh many map makers are in one big Community but like I don’t know any of them and Dremel was made in complete

Isolation um I feel that way too to be honest Kiko um because well my map isn’t really like I think with dremel I our like the reasons for why we made the map our maps are just so different like you made this map to be like a complete product and

Not to say that mine like is isn’t but you really have focused on like creating a a full end to-end experience and and you brought together the right people for me like it started as just like I just want my friends to keep playing Minecraft with me like they just beat

The End Dragon and then then they then they quit and so like for me I was like I just want to build like mini quests very much inspired by like Tango and decked out and all that stuff um and so mine became more of like how do I take you know Minecraft

Vanilla mechanics and like like stretch them as far as I think I can um and I think it’s definitely something different this is like an an adventure an experience for me mine’s more of like a like a template like a template World um where like I would want people

To you know play Survival on it and um and play normal Minecraft quote unquote um but then like when they’re bored they go and play my stuff so they’re different I mean we just have different priorities and I think that’s what’s cool about creating things in isolation is

That you’re going to come out with something that’s so incredibly unique because it’s not a der it’s not derivative you know um Kiko says that’s actually what sparked dremo in the first place it was my uh it was from my friends yeah and that’s that’s why it’s so great because

Like you were making it because you loved it because you wanted to everything starts with friends it’s true Dremel game coming in 90 years mini moose I’ve been watching your vids you’re good at what you do thank you thank you so much for that thank You uh hello my name is me Aid can you accept my Discord friend request I’m usually I used to be like super open about Discord friend requests um like super open I was like really good about it and I would like probably more so than I should have been

But I’m I’m probably too trusting um and then uh I accepted a friend request from a couple people and they just like I think they were younger they kept calling me and so I had to block them and I was like this is a bummer because

Now I’m like basically just not going to accept friend requests from people I don’t know and it is what it is it is what it is so I apologize if I don’t accept your your friend request how far am am I on my maze boss

Avid my maze boss maze boss maze boss oh that one uh it’s the Boss Arena is mostly Built okay but like personally this is a hilarious story it was pretty funny hey we’re back to where we died it was pretty pretty funny I guess uh Griffin Brooks is this on Twitch as well yes it is also on Twitch Avid do you use NBT auto complete

Yes uh juel the laely when is AVID Adventures going public when I can finish the main story which is going to take some time and I’m also having my patrons work out all the bugs um so it’s going to be a little bit I’m I’m slow

And I’m sorry um but I just want it to be good like when I put a product out there no matter what it is like I want it to be the best version of itself um because I know I know there’s a lot of people are like ah I’ll take it with the

Bugs and just do it well you know not a lot of people are like that um a lot of people will just take it at face value and go oh avid’s nobody wash up you know his Venture map stinks um so I don’t want that um okay okay okay okay we need

To get to we need to get to uh in the gesture the yeah there’s some killer the lak man um and a aklo roma roma um so it’s a prison first entrance into the tone Network increasing few and far between the last document entry was buried in a landslide magnificent treasure somewhere

Within the CPS okay so we’re going to try to get to these Crips of aklo Roma that’s what we’re going to try Do if people don’t want bugs then they just don’t play it yes but I don’t want people to play it with bugs that’s the thing now that’s the thing uh Munch says well darn you’re already further than my similar boss but I’ve paused progression on the map for a

While now because of busy time in my I totally get it Munch um for me I’m in a fortunate position where I have a bunch of friends who are highly motivated content creators and so for instance Zepp lington um has done an incredible job uh on the arena and I didn’t he did

The work so I’m able to do a lot of stuff in parallel where’s that map okay the map is in my hand we need to kind of go like I’m going to kind of go down I’m just going to follow the path which is down and then it looks like there’s like a

V a Beta release has bugs that’s wild yes I feel like my map Dremel is a very technical experience um my map is more prone to bugs than Dremel because I use command blocks and Redstone for everything which is my own I dug my own grave with that

Astro guy what’s going on and welcome hello my name is I won’t call you don’t worry I appreciate it I know it’s just it was I’m working I’m working my trust back I trust you but still by the way you’re heading south the tower where you died was North yeah I know I

Just I see on the map that it kind of like forks and then goes back up and I wanted to follow the path and then I saw this bridge I know I’m going backwards I just all right right I’ll just go I’ll just go this way I’ll just go this way it’s

Fine command blocks have charm to them no it’s fine I I I’ll do it no you’re right um I’m also like talking and like half thinking where is this man going stop it yeah so command blocks allow me to bridge the gap and this is a really important thing command blocks are a

Strategic Choice one is I kind of fell into them because I was playing on Realms Minecraft realms and in Realms it’s really hard to put data packs on your realm yes you can do it you can download the world and then you can put the data pack on and then you play on

The world and oops the your Realms updates automatically all right well oh your data Pack’s broken uh guess you got to download the whole world and update it again okay uhoh your World’s 3 gabt now it takes you hours to download it it’s impractical it is quite impractical to

Work with data packs and Realms um so I kind of learned a I learned because I had to this weird command block way of doing everything um I wish slash stats still existed interesting SL stats is that like a oh hello who are you uh hang on a second guys I’m going

To be smart okay I’m going to slice you what is he a mar what was that guy marmalade something this is going to freak people out but I’m taking my bed also command blocks are simple enough that I can use yeah so first off I learned Comm I learned on command

Blocks um and so it’s kind of just what I’m familiar with but second is that there’s a strategic thing which is that the content that I watch is not like M it’s not like data pack content I don’t really watch that stuff so like I’ve also kind of developed my channel

And my ability with data packs and all that stuff in a bubble similar to um what Kiko was saying with dremel and how Dremel was created kind of in this bubble um and uh and what I really watch I watch hermitcraft I watch Empires you know like my heroes in this industry are

Like you know grien Lizzy Mumbo um impulse ski uh Tango skis yeah skis skis is cool um gem Pearl these are the people that I love to watch um and the thing is what they do the they are amazing at what they do I can’t do what they do as well as they

Do it I can’t I’m not a builder I’m not a I’m not a redstoner I don’t know Minecraft like they do but I’ve spent the last decade being a programmer and playing Minecraft and so I figured there could be a way to bridge the gap between them and the data pack

Pack world I figured there could be there could be a way and that is that is one of the primary reasons why hello I use command blocks and Redstone is because I am trying to bridge the gap speaking of hermitcraft did you watch The Life Series yeah gem is great

Gem is great I love gem I would love to work with gem someday I would love to work with all of them someday where is the Tower there is the tower sador I do not watch any Minecraft youtubers at all except for me thank you because I play Dremel well I appreciate

That I really appreciate that when is the next adventure map contest and can I send a Bedrock map uh I don’t know when the next adventure map contest is but I’m it’s it’s rumbling in my in my tumbling I’m thinking about it uh Magic welcome back um I’m thinking about it I’ve not

Made a map before but I love uh making little command block creations and data packs uh says hello my name is uh I’ll work my way up to map map making yep exactly one step at a time um don’t die again Avid I will not Ethos

Lab I’m so sorry I forgot eth’s lab Etho is obviously one of the ogs see if I had started making content I have been watching Minecraft content as long as they have been making content and I wanted to make content back then but I

Mean I was in a dorm room and it was loud and I didn’t have a microphone and I I really regret not starting when I when my brain was like you should start this cuz I could have started alongside bebs and Etho and all of them um but you

Know life is filled with CA should of w is and it’s just a matter of like my one of my favorite quotes um sayings it’s rumbling in my tumbling it’s one of them it’s a that’s wiy the Pooh uh sort of wa the bee almost pushed me off what on Earth is

This I’m going to eat this um one of the best quotes that I ever heard and it’s it’s one to kind of tackle fomo not fomo but like I wish I’d started sooner ISM which is that do you know the two best times to plant a tree you guys know the

Two best times to plant a tree there’s nothing in there hello Felix the two best times to plant a tree first best time is 10 years ago you’re already too late sorry the second best time to plant a tree is right now and if you think about that 10 years

Ago well 10 years before that there wasn’t YouTube but my point still stands you can always start sooner the best time to start is now so don’t beat yourself up about it if you’re trying to do whatever you want to do it in life you can get there start

Now you’re not going to you’re not going to achieve immediate success it took me like a year to get a th000 subscribers and that’s fast Kiko okay but what if I don’t want to get up and I and plant a tree tomorrow and I plant the tree tomorrow instead tomorrow is still today

Tomorrow my point still stands tomorrow is the third best time and the day after is the fourth you get it you get it I’m a cow says Felix well that’s that’s very strange that you’re watching Youtube as a cow but I do support your ability to choose to be a cow Munch

Uh Munch says I’m glad you started when you did because otherwise I would not have become so invested in this community I am Munch you’re a winner of acc3 you know like you’re so incredibly talented at what you do everyone who submitted ACC Maps um but I’m just

Highlighting the fact that you were a winner because you’re exceptionally talented and you should you should be ridiculously proud of that um honestly the Dremel Dev should hire you no I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m not going to get in the middle of that Dremel you guys have an amazing team too

Um I’m a compliment machine if you guys are ever having a bad day and you’re like I could really I could really use a pickme up I don’t care if I’m having the worst day ever I will compliment the heck out of you hey we have open applications okay that’s cool just saying

Munch if you ever that dremel’s dremel’s oh H I don’t want to say hiring I feel so formal okay I’m going to have a little bit of PTSD here for a second guys so just bear with me I can’t jump that Gap I’m not going to try this

Time hey who thinks I should set my spawn on no guess what I’m not doing it let’s let’s really stress out chat I’m not doing it I’m not going to do it that’s that’s for nerds okay I want to get up to the top nah nah don’t die it’s unhealthy all right

Fair Avid you can jump that Gap don’t worry I am a nerd paintballer I know I’m a nerd that allows me to say the word without feeling guilty right oh my goodness oh my goodness that’s really scary I must slice you with 1,000 scars Lars aderant goodbye oh that’s so satisfying Nerf

Lars I’m not going to apply for Dev I want to focus on content creator guy who hasn’t uploaded in a month yeah uploading having an upload schedule don’t don’t stick to a schedule let let your creativity fly okay this is Al oh we’re in the we’re in the place

Guys okay I’m going to push this button before I do anything silly here um broxy games welcome I would join ACC if I didn’t spend my time making Roblox games hey that’s that’s another place to be creative whoa did you see those okay I made scientific progress guys I did

Something okay I’ve discovered 25% of the towers that means I get one of these things it’s a Compai give me oh it’s another locator oh cool remember you can read advancement descriptions thank you for that right right right absis has requested Your Presence at the an ancillary research facility I have a crypt to Rob I will do it but I have a crypt to Rob

First and I don’t know if I have time for both we’re going to rob a crypt Kiko will you help me Rob this Crypt also how do I where am I I think I need to go over here the towers are definitely heavily inspired by the research Towers waterf I don’t think

I I have probably a half hour max I don’t want to cut it that close is the thing unless you think I can do it in that amount of time oh I want the Crypt we we started with a treasure hunt Eastern Towers yeah I don’t have time for both I

Don’t have time for both I want the Crypt we’re doing the Crypt today and we’ll do the 25% on the next stream the Crips are going to kick my butt oh man how far is this 25% the Crips are going to kick my butt see you munch thank

You guys what do you think I should do Crips come on Crips let’s do the Crips we promised everybody just do the Crips let’s do the crypts the castle looking thing was the Doom Towers that’s where the Crypt is okay cool all right I’m going to the

Crypt let’s see North so I want to go north basically do north and then a little bit that way we’re going to the Crypt I want my butt to get kicked I have the sword of a thousand scars 25 is at pry Peaks that’s even easier to do next time what could go

Wrong what could go wrong hi oh hi no this thing takes forever to get ready oh gosh all right I have a sharpness 10 sword with one hit so I’m going to use that for sure sure it’s like a shotgun man these things take forever die would you just die thank you I’ve

Got good armor I have some food good luck with the Crips doesn’t sound like there’s a lot of confidence in me I lost my bed wait no I didn’t all right I’m going to sleep through this night real quick RQ as the kids are saying okay chat let’s see who will win

1,000 scars or a mob with semi semic competent move speed yeah 1,000 scars bit of a bit of a slow swinging sword uh juel says I could not make an adventure map for years my ADHD stopped me so bad but because you started uh you could start to you’re the best of all

Time I have ADHD uh I get it I I get it um so much and oh that’s where we’re going let’s go sounds like the looks like the screenshot for the next video too bet the next stream no one will remember 25% I have it in my inventory I

Have a compass that says go here that’d be hard to forget I can do it thank you if you go to the Crips and don’t set your spawn I will unsub fair fair content you think do you think of when I exit these Crips I will become a famous

Streamer I want to make a map but unfortunately I am stupid Sly I Believe In You content Crips content Crips okay content Crips all right hello name is me I will uh see you in a little bit um content CP content Crips yeah this is a pretty cool uh pretty cool

Looking Castle not going to lie 10 mil Subs by the end of this no no no creeper if you remember how it works you it kind of like is the butterfly effect we set the wheels in motion oh hello we set the wheels in motion for massive sub gains

Wow oh yeah look at That S I believe in you not I believe that you’re stupid I believe in you that you are less stupid than you think magic I can’t believe Avid will shortly meet gem after this gem would be on my short list uh yeah that would be really cool um she

Seems like a very downto Earth person um and she’s Canadian and I’m Canadian not like I don’t live in Canada but my grandmother was a Canadian Citizen and she never got her United States citizenship she was like super adamant about That this Castle was made by nater Gator who is very dedicated to making a super realistic historically accurate Castle he’s the guy who does all of the Stream little Bridges and terrain details amazing this is uh stunningly beautiful and I say that all the time but this is stunningly

Beautiful this structure is going to kick my butt well as long it doesn’t kill me then I’ll be fine plus I can cheese anything right what it’s just bees who cares it’s just bees I died here with full diamond and mythical weapons oh god oh

Boy I can do it I like chat’s blind confidence in me just going to burrow my way into this uh historically accurate gorgeous Castle oh set spawn okay yeah wait a second I can just set spawn unless this is like the uh spawn point spawn point thank you

Everybody okay that’s not like a way in that I anticipated uh let’s see hang on shovel probably a skill issue water flow is definitely better at this than me go through the entrance bre but but ho in wall make entrance so I go through through hole in wall okay okay okay uh vexes

[Laughter] right okay don’t want to be below those guys he admitted it was a skill issue and and you guys think I have like some oh yeah look at all those guys huh vexus can go through walls too right and I have like no all right here’s the

Here’s the deal guys we’ve got unlimited chances at this I’m going in with my sharpness 10 Single use sword and we’re going to whack one of those vindicators come on we got to run ignore the lore book where is he there he is he’s in the he’s in the ground I see you

Okay it broke it broke it’s fine it’s not fine it’s it’s fine we set our spawn oh we’re going to be fine now easy mode easy mode your limit is the durability of my armor that is true I have Unbreaking three on my chain mail chain mail is not too good is it

That is a limit though and I do acknowledge that okay okay the vexes will die after I kill the host yeah oh a totem no one tell him about assist I am not bad at this game you’re bad at this game look I just thousand scarred Vex in the

Middle of the air tell me that’s bad at this game look at they dropped the stuff he’s got the sauce is that what they say 30 seconds though right 30 seconds assist mode doesn’t really look for it what does that mean assist mode although the goddesses may have left us we shall

Continue whether all coming trials um our faith is strong and our Wills are stronger we will not falter in the path that she be ordained Blessed Be Her Sacred Waters blessed be the Kiln I think I accidentally dug into the sacred Waters does that mean come on nothing figured I’d check sacred

Waters maybe has like a secret sacred chest in it all right what’s my uh I just want to check my frames 49 let’s turn down oh I have 32 render distance on no wonder my frames are at 40 I was like feeling a little framy I think I heard a

Ravager excuse me where where oh you hi I have no range this aren’t the waters the waters are the Kil okay understood it’s like a metaphorical Waters I hear a horse hi scales and some bread um I do have a very bad bow that’s nearly

Broken my first bow shot nice look at me playing this game like a gamer three hits could be worse get bowed yes okay you guys are going to be proud of me at the end of this like what’s the story with these guys why are they

Here oh it’s like some kind of oh not like a prison or anything episode 5 and he hit an enemy with his bow for the first time technically I hit the enemy with the arrow they captured they captured lemon advancement might have Info shooting something with an arrow you mean oh hysteric Palace Fortress traditional Nexus of aloman political and alchemical power what strange and Sinister events May Be occurring behind its multicolored walls Neat I hear a witch guys we’re going to find out we’re going to find out the secrets to this place lots of zombies hello oh why do I still have why has nobody told me to maybe switch out the map for a shield nobody nobody said a thing or if

You did I you didn’t say loud enough okay hi uh are we friends get thousands scar thousand scar oh oh no run I’m going in here ow oh my gosh oh my gosh there are bows in here none of them look Enchanted though it’s like the Joker we’re killing the

Rich let me swap out the music it’s a little more epic all right we’re going to heal up there are bows in here but they’re all bad I see You three hits 1 2 3 okay down there is a way we can Go chest a runic book of Unbreaking two me I mean I guess I have a shulker for it there we go I would like a Bed is this the first major dungeon I’ve been to this is a major dungeon oh boy not sure I’m ready for it hi hi hi this is awkward this is awkward God they pack a punch good night waterf flow get some sleep it’s late where you are

Hi wait if I don’t hit him here yep look now they’re dummies enjoy fight each other forever you Knuckleheads okay nothing this way ow but he’s weakened man they really Pack-a-Punch my greatest pride is dungeon design so I love watching people go through them well I want to get to

The dungeon so I think I’m going to stop like walking around and really try to focus on getting there I do wish I had a bed like a closer bed so I’ve been kind of like poking around looking for that hi I’m very excited I also like to D

Design dungeons oh wait I thought there were Strays they’re just slowness arrows yeah now I wish I had that Unbreaking uh come here come on hit your friend hit your friend come on hit your friend we’re doing it together teamwork Ow ow gosh they pack a punch there we go redstone torch oh my gosh I’m like super nervous right now okay the end goal is for Avid to find lemon meins I I hate to break it to you but lemon died like long time ago that was episode one like you want

Me to find lemon I dropped my bundle I got my bundle I found it I see it thank you okay I’m just going to keep like kind of Meandering my way oh hello Royal C hold on let me just charge up my thousand slices of death you seem to have played yourself new

Song oh it’s good guys and bad guys ah really hope not to get hit but okay um there are good guys here guys the drari what’s going on are they like in in trouble hostages yeah that’s what I’m thinking or like they’re helping them or something oh that’s cool cool little map

Up there of the castle very pretty okay uh why are there just dispensers is that like to hurt people okay just trying to figure out oh hi yeah just please leave oh oh oh that’s good stuff oh my gosh that’s a throne of like really valuable stuff okay

Well let’s see how much we can do from up here that Throne has I think that ore isn’t that ore like that’s not the scale ore is it that’s like something else also running low on arrows you have infinite health hello I see you take your time in this place the

Whole castle is considered a dungeon cool okay I didn’t know if I had to like go below to find the dungeon I know I’m going to run out of arrows soon um this this gives me a lot of the same Vibes of like incendium Ah I need to charge my sword just wait thousand bladed oh my gosh he still got Health okay I see how it is why are two villagers jumping on a chest I think they’re trying to tell me to to go to that chest aren’t they hey

Guys oh I love armor sand stuff wait a second is that like a good Helmet or is that just a head I think it’s a head isn’t it looks like it I like it yeah it doesn’t do anything but it’s a cosmetic left for those flashing swords

Strike down a crimson star go beyond the Fool’s Embrace to find a furtive scar the Fool’s Embrace okay sorry guys I’m using you as Shields hi you seem to be very mean my shield is about to break do you mind like are we good excuse me oh no oh

Run I’m running I’m leaving I will I will leave I’m too slow oh no this is very bad for me okay The Shield’s going holy cow I’m blinded hey I did all right are you guys kind of proud a little bit of me you got to be a little proud of that

That was pretty good I need another shield now so maybe I can find some iron kind of I’ll take kind of piercing and Fire Protection books heal’s getting back oh food real food if only there was a shield down there I would feel better but basically like I’m going to

Be in I’m going ow okay I’m going I guess we’re down ow okay not exactly where I want it to be there it is oh hi don’t mind me MMO found is a riddle but it’s a hard one yeah the fools it’s behind the fool I have to

Reread it or I’ll have or stream will help chat will help me hi you’re just kind of like a a guy hanging Out axe any good nope food and scales any memo you find here is only relevant to the room it’s found in oh no kidding okay I’ll head back there oh hi is there a shield I really need a shield I’m kind of in trouble the memos give really good

Loot if you solve them okay cool anybody here wait a second I would expect this to go somewhere but this kind of ends right at that room it’s a draw Bri bridge that then goes to this what on Earth could you craft a shield it’s a

Good question I think I might be able to that’s a very good question hold on a Second I need a little bit of wood let me just steal it aha uh hold on okay just going to do this all right so what I’m thinking is yeah that’s a really great Point make a crafting table if I can craft a shield I believe I have my Sher box here

That has one iron ingot it’s just one iron ingot right sh Shield yes okay I just need a couple more planks yeah Shields are really cheap you’re right I should really should be be using them more oh dang it good suggestion creeper ad I thought something in the throne room I don’t

Know if it’s a custom item I will double check that magic I’ll double check that we’re here for the treasure guys we’re here for the treasure so whatever we can find all right that is a big deal I’m actually going to use this I’m not even going to

Use this Shield till it breaks cuz if it breaks on me while I’m like fighting somebody I’m surely going to die so let’s grab our Shuler box let’s do this thing probably don’t need some of this junk like I don’t need eight yellow concrete that’s all I could really get

Rid of and uh I’m going to switch this sword it’s a good backup sword this thing is so op okay here we go hello just going to kind of Juggle him here nice some food I mean oh Golden Apple that’s good I’ll take that otherwise uh nothing too impressive here yet hello

Friend let me just thousand scars you really quick there you go I’m just going to steal your soul or whatever it does two hits from that but you have to tank on The Shield a lot I don’t love that ow okay okay the dinner bone Pig oh he’s

Got an apple in his mouth poor buddy I’m sorry I’m killing him I’m killing him I’m sorry Pig oh there’s a shield I would I will take that Shield that’s a better Shield man I could have just waited wow is this invulnerable or something junk

Junk junk can I not take the shield I can there it is oh it’s very broken okay pass press Q near a fire it gives you a super op weapon I yeah uh Sly I agree with you I it would be cool if the flamer could be toggled so that you don’t accidentally

Like destroy an entire thing but you still want to use it as a pickaxe cuz there’s really no point in me carrying around a pickaxe anymore just like a standalone pickaxe but it is very much a blunt to I’m getting shot hello oh you shot the armor stand dude don’t

You have any respect for your like stuff oh are you guys shooting each other now cool thanks who’s going to win left or right chat left or right left or right left or right right one I mean left other left cool gold armor devs listen to this man I mean I

Have very very little feedback in general I mostly just have fun left you were right get it uh okay man this is a massive dungeon excuse me who are you Alchemists Alchemist what right cuz they said this is a uh this is like an alchemist uh like Discovery research area kind of thing

Right ah no all right you come here you thousand scarred Alchemist th th cool okay th oh they’re all over they’re not being nice either hello thr I’m enthralled to meet you oh there’s a spawner that would do it nobody said anything about a spawner ow gosh they are annoying ankle

Biters new weapon bread thr means Slave oh okay I’m not enthralled to meet you then creeper head man this is a massive area oh hi are we cool hang on sorry oh I’m poisoned I was charging my thing okay all right all right I just stood there and watched her that was so

Stupid hi wow you have like unlimited health okay all right I just expected you to be a normal witch I don’t know why I expected that clearly that wasn’t very smart but she seems to be stuck in the wall if I slap someone with bread do

They lose health or do I I think they lose respect in you it’s basically what it is uh you can’t die from Poison right let we just wait how long how long is the poison it does not say it’s not new Minecraft where you can check that I don’t think they heal

Themselves I know I know maybe this can do some damage what is that like some kind of plushy ow was that instant damage I think it was man this thing is hard to kill I have weakness noted die yes what is this thing it’s very cute it’s drinking yeah okay healing

Pots oh somebody forgot to rewind Daily Ledger confirmation has just come in uh blueprints for the azmak era technology was found in the old uh insw ay facility while the golden order will doubtless have interesting in conducting their own investigation to make a trip there to uh

Post haste before they learn any secrets so this is all the this is The Alchemist the great work will be me all right well you’re dead so whatever thing you thought you were going to do it’s not happening we’ve been here okay back to the throne room I

Think uh let’s see best way to get there it’s all over isn’t it down there we can go I believe the throne room is like right in this area oh yeah we went in the sideway and that means we can also check out this uh puzzle again oh hi oh

Hi that is unfortunate Elite Royal Guard Elite of course how long do I want to stream we’re getting to that point we’re getting to that point um I do want to see if I can beat this so my my hope is to clear out this area um and then we

Might call it at that point we’re getting there but there’s some stuff I still want to do still just some stuff to check out what’s down here hold on a second it’s like boarded up why do I feel like I found something do I not have an axe I do have an

Axe not playing that game oh my hello I don’t think I should be down here which is exactly why I’m going to be down here a bed okay oh hi you missed no you didn’t I’m good at this game yeah come here oh you like lunged it’s tough down here he dropped

His head ooh that’s a better that’s a better head than the one I had yeah okay upgrading someone should probably empty and clean that ancient sink in the sister room it looks like it’s been overfilling so maybe that’ll help fix the water system a bit empty and clean

That ancient sink think if I had a bucket I could probably do that I don’t have a bucket my guess is I should empty that what are my thoughts on 1.21 so far uh the trial Chambers look really cool I like the uh mechanics that it brings I it’s very

Neat oh there’s something here let me just destroy the whole wall some meat yes Magic did I miss something if I can empty this very excited yeah I’m very excited to have trial spawners too there’s bottles in the brewing stand oh I could use bottles that’s right bottles right great

Idea uh let’s get rid of this junk excellent okay oh this is going to be the slowest cauldron ever and they said I had to clean it so now I’m drinking like disgusting in water okay so I’ve emptied it empty and clean they say right that’s what the memo

Said probably empty and clean that ancient sink in the sistern room I assume this is the sistern room cray what’s going on man yeah autocrafters are pretty cool they may make me want to play vanilla Minecraft again like survival maybe that’ll help fix the water system a bit empty and

Clean anybody know what this uh puzzle’s trying to tell me empty and clean the sink any idea I like the breeze mob also I think that’s really cool and I love copper you guys know I have a whole dungeon dedicated to Copper I’m overthinking it probably fill it with other

Water hm okay try that or Break It with this oh wait oh wait wait I found something what is all this I’m not meant to be here that cauldron was okay yeah wow I love how you’re using all Redstone to do this instead of like commands you have a bunch of and Gates

Here anding with something else cheating well am I this went pardon me just going to oh I’ve really done a mess here uh up and over here okay wow this is quite the okay and that then causes these to retract which then reveals a chest yes recently recovered from the CPS of

Akara uh this abic guard’s chest plate was built by Blue Exodus to allow the wearer to perceive detain and silence an an anarchist an Arcanist before they can utter a single word riddle solved I’m sorry Kiko man I’m actually kind of sad though to get rid of uh this this chest plate

With blast protection and all that but this seems pretty cool it’s an artifact wait plus six armor is that wrong 8% attack damage I’ll take it we’ll see how it goes I am guys I am the best puzzle solver you will ever meet I think I broke the Redstone Avid yes

You’re right magic I think I did no that’s right it has iron armor stats okay interesting uh I do want to find the other other puzzles here excuse me may I enter speak friend then enter just looking around uh-huh I knew it I knew it I knew it is it under the

Table yes it is leave me alone I don’t like you I do not I do not like the babies okay empty maps and papers Alchemy is the study of Truth while archinist conquer the land and its artificers seek to fill their own Pockets Alchemists pursue wisdom and their betterment of

Their souls what nobler Pursuit exists than that of understanding I agree like all schools of magic one must first Master the basic runes calligraphy carving painting H I would read this but we are getting close to the end but not quite at the end yet I do want to see what’s in here

I will eat where wow okay I’ve been here I’ve been here cool okay hang on back down starting to connect things what else could there be I assume just like many of the dungeons here there’s some kind of like epic weapon that I’m going to want oh

Hi oh thanks for that there’s a lot of redstone in this room wonder why junk junk and junk broke down the door for nothing let’s see let’s head over this way oh wow would you look at that hello oh hi I heard the sound of him pulling his

Crossbow well before I saw him okay all right let’s break our way out of here hi Elite Royal Guard enjoy a thousand slices to your face oh both of them too let’s slice their faces thank you for just standing there with your fancy diamond hi yes you’re now dead we break our way

In I heard a sound and it wasn’t a nice sound I’m going to just set my spawn here now oh hi pardon just gonna there we go gosh it’s like a labyrinth oh a diamond there’s there is so much here it’s like uh I’m overwhelmed at which way is the way to

Go which there probably is no one right way let’s see let’s see what’s over here this looks fancy oh this feels like the right way to go oh boy new Viking hi buddy thank you for the follow and yes I am on Twitch and on YouTube simultaneously we are nearing the end of

This stream but we are not quite at the end because whenever I see a giant spiral staircase in Dremel that usually means I’m about to approach some kind of Mega weapon so I’m just going to make everybody okay let me just take care of that super duper quick

Like that’s the bottom of the staircase there hi Viking welcome I’m trying to like balance twitch and YouTube and it’s hard on my brain I feel like my eyes are going cross where did everybody go oh hi there you are no you th Sodor thank you so much for your $5

Canadian even though you paid me in Canadian currency it’s still I still appreciate it that’s a joke that is a joke I actually I genuinely really thank you and I appreciate that and I know I make that joke cuz you can handle it thank you uh it’s just these are just all filled

With it’s all just filled with Canadian money Mike yeah Viking multiple chats is hard kind of yes kind of yes I have like both of them next to each other and right like in the same eyesight so I don’t have to look left and right but it

Still it Stills a lot wow I guess my money isn’t welcome here no oh I’m understanding now by the way we are in the Crips now guys we are in the Crips remember they said it there was a cave in that’s where the cave- in is cador I really appreciate it and

Thank you you said your video is going to come out after this stream so if it if it does then let me know and I will post it in my videos channel and Discord they killed creepers down here guys this place is messed up oh I know Dremel that’s a

Thing n I’m a genius potion of night vision I don’t believe I need that with my shaders I believe my shaders are extremely cheaty right now blame Whimsy whose video sodor’s video whose video oh okay Breaky Breaky eggs and bakey Breaky Breaky Breaky Breaky watch this watch this MLG watch this

MLG that was some MLG right I’m almost dead I don’t have any blocks whoa that’s a cool head I don’t have any blocks now I do no I don’t I don’t make videos what are you talking about I know you make videos Viking now you’re in both hi in

Both I figured I’d give the multicast thing a a try I like uh I like trying to do things technical things and it was kind of a it was an interesting process to get it set up so I figured hey why not let’s just try it out this is the

Part where you can no longer die Avid this is the content Crypt oh oh no well the problem is there are THS everywhere hello thra hello I dude this I love this sword sometimes I hate this sword it’s like you can swing once per minute MLG F FRFR for Real uh for real

Z’s let’s see I’m going to try to get I don’t I don’t need I need to really figure out my inventory management one of these days um all right content Crypt hello I see you just going to break right through here over to this side Hi friend this is bad um

Are they getting hurt Avid that’s the exit you’re the exit I’ve been lurking in both since three say goodbye to your Avid no I’m not going to die I’m just very poisoned and I can’t this is Minecraft 117 so you can’t like see your poison

Duration but I am very much wedged in in here not excited about that all right I’m going to be a hero and like all good Heroes I’m booking it excuse me goodbye have fun goodbye forever I’m a hero okay uh in Dremel whenever you see this block it usually means

Oh I found the thing what is this Alchemy is okay this I think this deserve it of the voice uh yo we found something cool so let’s do the voice this is a terrible song for this not really feeling that one either this one’s good Orchard aay orader Alchemy as modern practitioners

Know it was born in the lavish Halls of the ordinary Castle although initially Bound by a strict code of ethics disagreements about these limits led to infighting and societal collapse From the Ashes a new order arose which renounced all moral boundaries oh my gosh you guys killing

An enemy grants bonus experience and it has looting uh four and Unbreaking three cool I dig that it’s the vile Thord the vile Thorn sword I like that name flower weapon we’re going to have to use that on our friends over there in a second is this just gold

Here just blocks of gold do I care about that I don’t think I do vile Thord cool is that the is that the thing that I’m supposed to find or is there more I will continue to search the extra XP is probably pretty nice yeah yeah well especially cuz I die

So much let’s try it let’s try it out on our witches hi ladies let me know guys in the chat if there’s anything else I’m I’m missing are they gone friends oh that’s no fun they despawned all right dang it is that the is this the thing I’m

Supposed to find in the dungeon did I win the dungeon am I officially better than water flow couple more things yeah okay I figured I thought cuz I saw there was a uh yeah there’s a staircase down okay cool yeah we’re to keep going not quite

At the end of this dungeon yet ladies and gentlemen but yes I found the main thing cool that subscriber acquired thank you for subscribing I’m scared hang on let me just take a minute to get this weapon out this is the bottom of the staircase hell hello hi excuse me

Hi ow you jerk this thing is actually still pretty good if you don’t use like the Super Attack okay I want to use the the new sword I just I’m worried about the ankle biters junk in my quick analysis hello yeah heal up yeah you should heal up waste your

Time oh cool oh look at these guys they’re just in a hole for me thank you what kind of Sword is this it’s pretty good that’s pretty good I like it I I feel like it’s like a rose Whip or something you know very cool weapon oh I know this What oh it’s the exit okay hang on I know I saw one more thing that is a that is a really cool way to get me out of the dungeon okay I want to make a comment about level design because you asked me to that is

Amazing when when you make people do a lot like put a lot of time into getting through a dungeon or a very difficult section um once they’re through it don’t make them go back through and that’s exactly what you did there you have that exit Rose whip OMG

Aid that’s a way better name thank you um fast attack and looting yeah it’s I’m pretty good I’m pretty happy with that um is there anything left in the catacombs because if not let me turn down the music for a second that is extraordinarily loud if if that’s everything in the catacombs I

Just want to go back up to the top there’s that one room that has the memo and I want to just get the thing that the memo was pointing to but if I’ve beaten if I’ve done the catacombs then I’m going to you can let

Me know you let me know while I look around subscriber acquired thank you for subscribing you amazing human being thank you thank you means a lot up we go man this thing is so cool or let’s see if I can pronounce it or should daier we’ll soon leave the content Crypt

And gain many subscribers thanks to gem yep that’s what’s going to happen Gem’s going to call me right after this hey Avid I saw your stream hi there you’re not supposed to be here oh I love it the Looting is awesome too with a witch you can kind of stun

Lock them because now they’re like yeah now look at all the loot holy cow that’s very nice if only I could get mending on this thing yeah my favorite thing in Souls games is like little shortcuts back to checkpoints I’m a huge fan of souls games you know that love souls games um

They’ve inspired a lot of my quests and and the difficulty of said quests um okay guys there’s one last thing I want to get here and then we’re out I want to go there and I want to get that stuff just got to take care of these

Nuggets it’s a pretty good sword or axe of growth is not half bad I want this thing I believe this is a special ore that’s like super good don’t quote me on that amethyst is that good I don’t think that’s good but this is good runic

Catalyst we we we try to get as many of these as possible gosh I have so much stuff there it is scales I like how amyst tile block I like that yeah nothing really beats Souls levels oh my gosh you know I totally agree um bloodborne actually got me into Dark

Souls and uh and then I was like you know what I might as well play like the the real Souls games and then I think my favorite was Dark Souls 3 I just had the most fun with dark souls 3 but uh a close a close second is probably the remake

Of uh Demon Souls it was really good it was it wasn’t that tough they made it easier all right there’s a memo in here left of those with flashing swords strike down a crimson star left of those left of those with flashing swords left of those strike down a crimson

Star come on I thought I had it I thought that was a crimson star go beyond the Fool’s Embrace to find a furtive scar I yeah yeah I knew it I knew it cryp Keeper’s helmet recently recovered from the CPS of Al Aloma the asaha arms helmet was built with blue

Exodus to allow the wear to perceive detain uh detain uh detain and silence in anarch uh in in archinist uh before they utter a single word cool so it’s like the companion item so I have the chest and I have the helmet are there pants now now I’m like my completionist

Brain is like driving me nuts like saying I have to find everything surely there are pants hello guys you’re free I’ve rescued you my favorite is bloodborne Seco uh Seco is an amazing game I that’s the only Souls game I have yet to complete it’s too hard um Kiko is there are there

Pants if so can you help me out before before I before this stream is ends oh hello Diamond another saddle some obsidian I want the pants if not you know what wait it’s 4:30 my time I think I think it’s about that time there are pants and boots one of

The memos in the underground Library beneath the stone brick building there’s also a Trader in the orange house that will be I do have the helmet I do I just got it that will be for next time ladies and gentlemen uh it is that time for me

4:30 uh streamed for a little longer than I wanted to today but also uh it was cuz it was awesome and we had a lot of fun um if you guys enjoyed the stream feel free to please give it a like if you aren’t subscribed consider subscribing I’m also uh on Twitch doing

The twitch thing just because so uh if You’ prefer it there yeah I’m over there um at uh twitch.tv/ avmc um but uh I’m mostly here on YouTube and guys thank you so much for being here and I’ll see you all I’ll see you all next time bye bye goodbye you’re amazing

This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Best Adventure Map | Ep. 4’, was uploaded by AvidMc on 2023-12-05 23:43:45. It has garnered 841 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:43 or 10843 seconds.

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    Block by Block: Crafting a Barn in Minecraft Survival #2 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our hero sets out to fulfill their dream. Building a barn house, block by block, Surviving the challenges, ticking like a clock. With creativity and skill, they craft their abode, In survival mode, where dangers unfold. Each block placed with care, each detail refined, In this virtual world, their imagination shines. Gaming is their passion, their escape from reality, Exploring new horizons with boundless vitality. With each challenge faced, they grow stronger, In this digital world, they can’t wait any longer. So join the adventure, into the unknown, Where creativity… Read More

  • Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song

    Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With Liam and William, their story told. A friendship tested, emotions run high, As they navigate through the dark sky. Jurias and Ameyra, a chance encounter, Their paths crossing, feelings begin to stir. But trouble lurks in the shadows deep, As secrets and mysteries slowly seep. In the realm of Minecraft, where stories intertwine, The characters’ fates, in the hands of time. With each twist and turn, a new chapter starts, In this world of blocks, where creativity sparks. Read More

  • Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely!

    Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely! I would choose the cursed Nether portal that leads to a never-ending supply of diamonds and enchanted gear, because who needs safety when you’re decked out in bling? #minecraftlogic Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience! Are you tired of the same old servers and looking for something new and exciting? Look no further than Minewind! Join a vibrant community of players from around the world on this epic Minecraft server. With a focus on survival gameplay and exciting events, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling experience for all players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join the fun today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Immerse yourself in a world of adventure, creativity, and… Read More

  • EPIC 15th Anniversary Build with Grian

    EPIC 15th Anniversary Build with Grian Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft with a Massive Real-Life Build For Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary, the community came together to create something truly spectacular – a massive Minecraft block in real life! The event took place at Alexandra Palace in London, where fans gathered to bring to life a series of Minecraft artworks inspired by the creativity and imagination of players worldwide. Reflecting on 15 Years of Minecraft Over the past 15 years, Minecraft has become a global phenomenon, captivating players of all ages with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. The game has seen incredible feats accomplished by… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️

    Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (11)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-13 06:19:20. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Sab & Friends

    Minecraft Madness with Sab & FriendsVideo Information for for for e all right who the heck I can play geometry Das all my controller this is actually so cool by the way I do not play Geometry Dash so I do not know how good I am going to be at this this looks kind of fun though it looked really fun though like on while I was watching other YouTubers play it and I just decided to down spend five on it and then just play it so I used to play it a lot on my uh phone though when I was a… Read More

  • Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter Quests

    Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter QuestsVideo Information on day one I spawned in as an awesome Warden ninja right in the middle of my Warden ninja Hideout but there were no other Warden ninjas around in fact the whole place was full of dread ghouls while several of them were standing at attention one of them was standing back and giving orders destroy everything my dark Warriors we are under orders to eliminate every last warden ninja we can find I didn’t understand why this was happening but I wasn’t going to take it lying down who’s giving you these orders you cowardly dread ghoul… Read More

  • Insane Parkour in Minecraft – Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPS

    Insane Parkour in Minecraft - Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPSVideo Information [Music] listen TR love [Music] is the must the must it seems [Music] bright smoking of for the pain J is all like a unicorn I step inside the club I see her on the FL a white designer dress is what she call I position and BRAC toen in my as she looks up I’m standing in the life I don’t know your name and you do not know I office but that does not matter at least for my office are let no to to the moov in the sky my it seems right toight [Music]… Read More

  • 🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ Minecraft

    🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ MinecraftVideo Information [Music] fore [Music] speech speech [Music] spe [Music] for [Music] spee [Music] spee [Music] [Music] you [Music] you This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШИЕ ТЕКСТУРПАКИ ДЛЯ ПВП 1.16.5+ x5 Minecraft | HolyWorld | FunTime | ReallyWorld | РП | МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by __Crook__ on 2024-03-16 17:52:20. It has garnered 7715 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. open, here rp open, here rp open, here rp SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE BRO THANKS FOR WATCHING i love ❤️ ● tgk with rp: https://t.me/crookrp =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ⚡•Nick:FeDaMonsTeerka ⚡•Ds:Chupaa#9577 ⚡• My fanpay – https://funpay.com/uk/users/8107098/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ● tgk… Read More

  • Intense ThorJ vs. Wafflecat10 Sires Battle

    Intense ThorJ vs. Wafflecat10 Sires BattleVideo Information disclaimer before this video starts this is not the video clip that we are using this is just a this is just a episode of what we were planning to be a series but then WF fail the whole recording and then we decide to do the series again so that starting series episode like the next one that’s going to be the real series will come out a later date C is basically a pilot and yeah please like subscribe and enjoy the video w welcome everybody to the long awaited Minecraft series with your boy 4J… Read More

  • Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1

    Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1 – The Zombie two-step’, was uploaded by DogOfKrondor on 2024-01-10 14:00:08. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:37 or 1237 seconds. A MineCraft recorded round organised by Codwhy Thanks to Spyro, Rochket, Crow and Camkart for teaming! Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Glitches! #kazirikashi

    Crazy Minecraft Glitches! #kazirikashiVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 Illogical & wierd things in Minecraft #kazirikashi’, was uploaded by Kazirikashi on 2024-02-19 16:38:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftrtx #realistic #mine #craft #minecraft #creeper #vs #gun #enderman #herobrine #amazing #minecraft #shorts … Read More

  • Diamondi Pie: World Record MLG Cobweb Break! 😱🔥 #Minecraft #Dream

    Diamondi Pie: World Record MLG Cobweb Break! 😱🔥 #Minecraft #DreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘I broke the world record of cobweb mlg 😎😎#minecraft #dream’, was uploaded by The diamondi pie on 2024-05-16 18:34:49. It has garnered 432 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. I broke the world record of cobweb mlg #minecraft #bossa nova jazz #cafe music #coffee shop music #dream #jazz instrumental #jazz music #jazz relaxing music #live insaan #meditation music #morning jazz #mr beast #palworldshorts #smooth jazz #soft jazz # gameplay # Minecraft animation https://www.facebook.com/shibu.shaw.5205?mibextid=ZbWKwL Read More

  • GuySky

    GuySkyWelcome to GuySky, an extraordinary cracked Minecraft server that aims to transport you to a world of limitless possibilities, inspired by the legendary Hypixel network. Prepare yourself for an unparalleled gaming experience, where adventure knows no bounds and unforgettable memories are waiting to be forged. Step into a thriving community of passionate players, united by their love for Minecraft. GuySky offers a vibrant and bustling hub where players from all corners of the globe converge to embark on epic quests, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore a vast and diverse world brimming with hidden treasures, challenging dungeons, and awe-inspiring… Read More

  • David’s Cloud: SMP Network PvE Java Bedrock – Latest Version – U.S.A. – 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that believes in creating a place for all gamers to get together and enjoy playing various games together without worry of pay-to-win spoiling the enjoyment. Our community is friendly and works together to achieve a place everyone can find something to enjoy. Our Minecraft server, specifically, has been around since 1.7.10 and plans on staying around for a long time to come. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server has variety of features for our members to enjoy. Key to keeping your experience enjoyable is our grief prevention system and friendly admin team. Players… Read More

  • Survivor’s Sanctuary SMP

    Survivor's Sanctuary SMP🌍 Welcome to Survivor’s Sanctuary! 🌍Join us on Survivor’s Sanctuarya brand new Survival Multiplayer (SMP) Minecraft server run on Paper! Owned by Audiatorix, our server is a friendly and relaxing environment where players can unleash their creativity, build massive structures, and enjoy a plethora of features.✨ Why Choose Survivor’s Sanctuary?Friendly Community: Connect with like-minded players and make new friends.Grief Prevention: Build with peace of mind knowing your creations are safe.Voting Rewards: Get rewarded for supporting the server.GUI Shops: Easy-to-use shops for all your needs.Active Staff: We’re looking for dedicated staff members to join our team.📢 Join Us Today!Server IP: play.survivorsanctuarysmp.onlineDiscord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He Just can’t stop dying

    Minecraft Memes - He Just can't stop dyingWhy kill an iron golem when you can just go mining and avoid making it mad? Plus, you won’t have to deal with the guilt of betraying your peaceful iron friend. Read More

  • Sasha’s Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi’s Basics Mod

    Sasha's Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi's Basics Mod In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Sasha takes over, with mods that entertain. From Baldi’s Basics to new adventures to try, Each video a journey, reaching for the sky. What version of Minecraft will be next in line? Leave a comment, let your voice shine. Like and subscribe, show your support, For Sasha’s content, a fun-filled resort. Read More

  • Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown! Rank 1 ore be like: “I’m rare and mystical!” Rank 999 ore be like: “Hold my pickaxe, peasant.” Read More

  • Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether

    Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to encounter some truly terrifying mods. One such mod that caught the attention of many players is the “From The Fog” mod. This mod introduces eerie creatures and spine-chilling experiences that can send shivers down your spine. Herobrine and The Man From The Fog Before delving into the depths of the Nether, Madi decided to dip her toes into the world of modded Minecraft with the Herobrine and The Man From The Fog mods. These mods added a new level of suspense and mystery… Read More

  • New Minecraft Update 1.21 Leak?!

    New Minecraft Update 1.21 Leak?! Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s Coming Next? New Features Await in Minecraft 1.21 In the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update, players can expect a plethora of exciting new features to enhance their gameplay experience. One of the most anticipated additions is the introduction of 9 new types of dogs, each uniquely found in different biomes within your world. These furry companions are sure to add a new dimension to your adventures. Discover Hidden Trials and Treasures Delve deep underground to uncover the mysterious Trial Chambers, where you can obtain valuable items such as the Heavy Core and the Whirlwind Rod. These… Read More

  • EPIC Hive Party with Facecam! Don’t Miss Out! #hivemc

    EPIC Hive Party with Facecam! Don't Miss Out! #hivemcVideo Information yo what’s up everybody let me know when y’all can hear me I would appreciate it if y’all could let me know when you can hear me thank you thank you should take just a second here then it should be good so let me know once again when y’all can hear me come on come on where is it at let me know when y’all could hear me let me know when yall could hear me there we go okay I think you should be able to hear me now we got a lot of laws in… Read More

  • TOXIC FAMILY in Minecraft Parody

    TOXIC FAMILY in Minecraft ParodyVideo Information what’s going on Dad I’m bad boy oh my gosh why does my son have a deeper voice than me there’s a guy is he peeing on the floor bab stop move out of the way I’m watching what that so guys today I’m having a toxic family really really toxic family this is going to be interesting going to be married as Batman and Batwoman what no Crystal we’re not getting married but check it out look at my bat boy what’s going on Dad I’m bad boy oh my gosh why does my son have a… Read More

  • INSANE TWIST: Venom Controls Me! Ep. 9 #Minecraft

    INSANE TWIST: Venom Controls Me! Ep. 9 #MinecraftVideo Information 33 đến 35 ngày chim ngốc hăng hãy trở thành người của tôi tôi khiến anh trở nên mạnh hơn hắn cũng thành công trở thành người của tôi rồi lúc này tôi có 30 trái tim ta có thể triệu hồi Võ Hồn chân thân các cậu đang làm cái máy bay gì thế mâu giết hắn đi tôi không mơ đâu thật là thái quá toàn bộ phi thuyền bắt đầu chìm với kỹ năng dịch chuyển chúng ta không cần phải sợ hãi hắn cũng đã thành công trong việc thoát khỏi tàu bay vên… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic Explained! You Won’t Believe #Viral

    Minecraft Logic Explained! You Won't Believe #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic video #minecraft #viral #memes #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WORLD on 2024-03-22 09:52:09. It has garnered 13474 views and 507 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like share and subscribe❤️ 🔴 Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of… Read More

  • Unlock the Power – Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide! ⚔️

    Unlock the Power - Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide! ⚔️Video Information cinq astuces pour survivre sur Minecraft astuce numéro 1 le premier item que tu dois crafte ce n’est pas une armure mais un bouclier il te permettra de parer n’importe quel dégâts venant de monstre astuce numéro 2 si tu n’as pas encore de bouclier tu peux poser un bloc entre toi et le creeper pour ne pas prendre de dégâts d’Explosion astuce numéro 3 poser des bateaux peut bloquer plein de monstres et dans certaines situations ça peut vraiment être pratique astuce numéro 4 si tu pars à FK pense à te cacher dans un composteur avec… Read More


    🔥SONDERGAMER CREATES EPIC GAMER WORLD 3🔥Video Information [Música] Hola a todos chicos chicas de YouTube estamos un nuevo video para el canal y Bueno chicos en el día de hoy estamos aquí en mundo Gamer número tres comenzando desde lo dejamos en el episodio anterior episodio en el cual si no recuerdo mal estuvimos creo que seguimos con la construcción de lo que venía a ser la muralla y también estuvimos aplanando un poco la zona que creo que lo hice en directo si no recuerdo mal pero bueno el caso me dirán vale Sander Y qué vamos a hacer durante el episodio del día… Read More


    🚨 SHOCKING REVEAL: AJHT TV RETURNS TO MINECRAFT AFTER 3 WEEKS! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘SOM SPÄŤ! Minecraft po troch týždňoch…’, was uploaded by AJHT tv on 2024-04-11 06:48:08. It has garnered 210 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:15 or 8115 seconds. mc.qplay.cz mc.survival-games.cz mc.hypixel.net eu.minemen.club Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ajhttv/ Discord: https://discord.gg/yt2TCrVhzf Donate: https://streamlabs.com/ajhttv/tip Read More

  • Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!

    Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Forge and Mod Installation- Minecraft Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by Sky Guy 1 on 2024-03-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. Thanks for watching! Hope y’all enjoyed it 🙂 —Subscribe here for more content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzY61qUs-sRPc_89yLxKjFg —My Friends Channels! Consider Subscribing? —DannyGamerYT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1AfHnPiZYYlvM7UHj2MSkg —Cyrus Da Grape: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg90p-UivNc-6PEgsXXoNvQ —Intro song: Password-Infinity-123276 —Outro song: Abstract-Technology-112288 Read More

  • SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE’s EPIC Minecraft Garden Tutorial

    SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE's EPIC Minecraft Garden TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to build a Simple garden in Minecraft | Minecraft Tutorial |’, was uploaded by GAMER FIVE on 2024-05-02 10:40:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to build a Simple Garden in #minecraft ° ° ° ° ° Minecraft Tutorial video Music Used : Carefree Kevin MacLeod … Read More