EPIC! Building Factory in Survival Minecraft!

Video Information

Y there we go hello everybody I had to turn my mic on that’s so embarrassing uh hello welcome been subscribed for seven months very cool glad you still subscribed still here hello hello I um I had to reset my streaming like settings CU I got a new computer so everything like

Reset so I don’t know if how good this is going to look I don’t know if the stream is going to be clear or it’s going to be really bad cuz I don’t I haven’t really mess messed with any of the settings so I don’t know if it’s it might look really

Bad uh but I guess we’re going to figure out I’m going to keep 50 villagers inside the basement of the factory what no um but we’re going to see how this goes because this is it’s like it’s like starting all new for me it looks fine hello welcome everybody

Welcome welcome here is is the we’re building a factory a copper Factory um this is what we’re we’re building I uh I have kind of an idea of what this is going to look like but we need more things before we start really getting into this um so we’re going to

Put all of these blocks in here for now that we need that’s dirt uh uh oh there’s so much dirt we’ll put the copper in here we’ll put wood in there to too we’ll put that in there so it’s such a mess it’s not even organized um and what we’re going to do

First is get more materials like Granite uh andesite and well I don’t think we need any Spruce we have plenty of spruce we’re going to let’s go find a place to go mining how about that how about that guys how about we go mining for a little

Bit can you send me new specs so I can get an idea of what I need for my PC um um yeah I don’t know what they are I forget some of the stuff I know I have a ryzen 5 5600 uh but I could send you the rest

Later once the stream’s done once I can remember what my graphics card is cuz I always forget what it is I don’t think it’s really anything too good I’m going to I want to upgrade it and get a better one eventually but we’ll do it one day yo it’s Commander it’s me hello

Welcome welcome welcome welcome to the Stream I’ve been uh hard at work editing the next video um that’s actually why we’re building this Factory it’s going to be part of the next video so that’s exciting more Commander eight content build the charcoal factor I was building Bala unfortunately I don’t

Remember what it looked like cuz it’s been a couple years when’s the GTA 6 stream probably in like three 2 to 3 years when they finally release it for PC and then hopefully my computer can can handle it it’s going to be a while ancient relics

True look at this we have we have granite and andesite all in one it does not get much better than this is this my okay that’s not my my uh what the uh silk touch pickaxe I don’t want to use it has some Physics if you know what I mean a $4,000

Budget you can get you can get an insane PC if you if you buy the parts and then build it yourself you can get an an insane PC for 4,000 that’s insane I encourage you to not get a pre-built one cuz it’s it’s just extra it’s just

Expensive for no reason when you can get a better PC if you build it yourself that’s what I always do it will save you and it’s more fun I think actually building a PC is fun I mean I guess if it doesn’t if you like put it together and then something

Happens and it doesn’t work then that could be not fun but what’s your next what’s your next vid uh it’s going to be we’re building a copper Factory um it’s going to be a really good video I’m excited about it I’m really excited about it but it’s going to be cool I don’t

Know when it’s going to be released um most likely early next week we do need copper let’s grab this yeah it’s going to release GTA 6 is going to release in 2025 but that’s only going to be for like console and stuff they’re gonna probably take a year or not maybe not a

Full year but near a year to release it for like PC and stuff because they did that with um whatever that one game was called that I forget oh Red Dead when we get basement reveal there’s no basement I have no basement I’m sorry no basement also my uh webcam doesn’t work

Anymore so that’s why there’s no face cam anymore there was one stream I was doing and it started turning like really glitchy and started like going becoming green it was really weird and then it just stopped working very sad very sad times send you a PS5 Pro GTA 6 bundle that would be

Insane I have a lot of copper now look at that we’re going to need a lot of granite should have released GTA 6 for console this year and should have released it for PC I just don’t think it’s fully ready yet I think that’s the problem I think there’s still so

Much like still stuff they’re working on which is fine I mean i’ I’d rather them take their time than release a game that’s not fully ready yet even if it means waiting another year I mean rockstars is known for making sure their games are really good

So it kind of makes sense and their games always do turn out really good so it’s going to be worth the wait I already know that yeah five years on Red Dead yeah Red Dead 2 is like one of the best games too hello salty welcome to the stream

Welcome welcome we’re building up a factory well not not currently right now we’re Mining and we’re going to try not to break my pickaxe cuz if I if I did that that’ be so embarrassing and I would be so upset also it’s really annoying that getting netherite is so difficult now

You have to like find a Bastion and get a a a thing for it it’s kind of cringe they had Penguins to GTA 6 it’ll be goated I unfortunately it is in Florida and um I’ve lived in Florida my entire life I’ve never once seen a penguin in

Florida so that’s unfortunate I don’t think it’s happening so there’s no hope for us there’s no hope for the penguin species in GTA also I don’t think I want penguins in that game because people would just kill them probably and that would be sad it would be hard to

Watch I’ll never forgive Mojang for not adding Penguins into Minecraft though we we really don’t need the the AR the what is it what is that an armadillo we don’t need it who voted for that hi hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome we’re playing we’re playing Minecraft we are oh

Oh my pickaxe is so close to be to being broken why did you guys not say anything that was nearly terrible we don’t need Penguins either mods can we ban him can we ban Joo can we get him out of here cuz he’s lying right now we do need penguins

Actually rtp2 when RTP is never happening again so go talk to Captain a about that dog armor anything Minecraft ever adds in the future that’s just not true you know your dog can still die to like one Creeper explosion the armor does nothing it’s not even that strong it’s

Useless just cuz you’re a bad dog owner and can’t keep your dog alive doesn’t mean we need this just be a good dog owner and keep your dog alive yo n what’s up what’s up hello not much is going on just playing Minecraft trying to get some resources

To build a factory just chilling how about you how how how’s your day going hope you guys had a good Christmas or whatever you celebrate and hopefully have a new a good New Year’s okay that’s uh that’s a good amount that’s a good amount of granite and we could take four of these

And then make a bunch of that and put that in there now what we need next it’s a good amount of that’s probably plenty for that um what else do we need we have plenty of dirt I have a lot of spruce we’re good on that we’re going to need a lot more

Copper that’s for sure let’s go to sleep here’s my look at my dog look at them oh who’s a good boy he doesn’t need dog armor when’s command IRL dropping I don’t know never there’s nothing interesting happening IRL unfortunately so there’s nothing I can do Nate un busy yourself what does that

Even what does that even mean un busy myself your dog died in Minecraft that’s so sad we can now bring dogs into battle you could always do do that it’s just they would die easily get a sniffer I do want to get a sniffer eventually okay this copper is not even

Close to being oxidized yet so that’s kind of embarrassing that’s fine we’re just going to build with it and then we’ll just wait 17 years for it to oxidize I don’t I don’t care I don’t know what the song is either it’s kind of cringe I don’t know what it was but I

Didn’t like it these okay can we get hold on I need to find a better playlist um one that’s good you don’t have to worry as much as your dog but your dogs are still going to die to one Creeper explosion it’s not going to stop much I

Promise your dog will still die very easily there’s no saving your dog it’s it’s it’s j when’s the IM met Joo IRL video you live all the way in Canada this just never you’re just too far I’m not going over there way too far what will you build your next video

We’re going to be building well we have I have a couple plans um one of them is the um the fact Factory that’ll be in the video uh we have some interior stuff we’re going to do and uh some pathor we’re going to do making some paths who said you come to

Canada nobody but that’s all I’m saying is if you if you is all all I’m saying is I’m not going there I’m not going to Canada blood is the most normal Minecraft streamer I think that is that good but yeah we’re going to I’m going to try I really want to connect this

Village up with the city oh I’m flying so we have to so part of what we’re going to be doing is going to be taking this path you can’t even see the path if I go to free cam you can taking this path and then we’re going to bend it around here

Maybe make a bridge and then it’s going to go to the trees and then up to that and it’ll connect the whole world together and it’s going to be great you’re going to Florida all swamp swy that’s true it is all swampy goat movie um are you asking what’s the

Greatest of all time movie if you are it’s Revenge of the Sith easily not even close that movie is the best movie to ever exist and no one can tell me otherwise Minecraft mob votes are getting worse yeah I don’t know why they don’t just add all of them why not just add

All the mobs I mean it wouldn’t be that difficult they really wouldn’t it’d be so easy it’ be way too easy all right I’m just going to take this with me I don’t I really don’t care if it’s not oxidized yet we can build with unoxidized copper it’ll be fine right

Donkey revenge of this is this is the goat I agree Hayden Christensen and un McGregor are they did a fantastic job and they can’t forget about Natalie Portman I mean padame goated one of the best characters in Star Wars ever 2020 was the worst year for Minecraft players because of the glow

Squid I don’t I don’t really remember that vote much I remember there was like the glow squid and the I think the cow with like flowers on it I don’t remember what the other ones were wasn’t one the the ice Pillager guy I thought Minecraft was supposed to be a small storage

Game I don’t even know how much it is to be honest I don’t it’s it’s it depends I mean if you keep installing worlds it could be very big yeah the iser yeah he would have been cool he would have been really cool make a video where you PvP with your

Friend I’m not really good at PVP so it’d be kind of kind of embarrassing be really embarrassing if I did that 1.14 would have been better with the is oler honestly true I’ll agree is this free copper in here that I didn’t know about oh oh I’m so I didn’t even know

About this I didn’t know it was in there aha hello welcome toast welcome to the party we’re building greatest of all time reality TV show I don’t watch reality TV so I don’t know any reality TV shows I don’t watch them I only watch funny comedy stuff yo yo welcome

Welcome just collecting Copper at the moment and then we’re going to start building a a copper Factory this takes so long I think isn’t hold on don’t I have I think I have a a uh one of those things that goes that makes it go fast Blast

Furnace yeah let’s I think this makes the process go by faster go greatest of all time CNC movie are you saying what it is that the is that the captain eight Cinematic Universe because if so then I’m going to have to go with Captain eight uh two that one was goated everybody can

Agree I oler greater than any of the mob Vates so far except for the blaze one um I think the penguin would have been the best mob ever but I think I have a bias towards that so I don’t know if that really counts Vernell 2 was the greatest I

Don’t know I haven’t seen it I didn’t want to see it chose not to got more copper here so much copper oh and copper ore okay we need to fix this pickaxe a little bit so let’s head to XP farm real quick I’m his successor no oh that’s the guy who’s a penguin

That’s why you’re saying that I forgot he was a penguin I forgot it wasn’t the only penguin the only Minecraft penguin what’s the time where you live 12:50 a.m p.m. I don’t know you’ll have to guess it could be could be anything I need to make an Enderman Farm or

Something this thing takes too long I think Enderman give more XP I was going to do that um I was going to make Enderman Farm but then I I didn’t is that still a plan you’re a pro building I cannot even build that much in Creative well thank

You I’m appreciate that you just got to you just got to kind of get some inspiration and just start going for it just go for it see where it takes you and have have like multiple different projects you’re working on so then you can always switch between them

And not get burnt out doing one project right now am am F show how long you been playing Minecraft I’ve been playing Minecraft since I think like 2011 2012 so like when the game was very new uh and it’s really funny cuz when I first played Minecraft for like the very

First time I kind I I thought it was dumb I was like man Minecraft is dumb this is a dumb game I don’t like this game there’s nothing to do 10 years later more than 10 now uh I have a I have two YouTube channels dedicated to Minecraft

So I guess Minecraft isn’t Dumb after all I guess it’s actually the greatest game of all time and I there has not been like a year ever since then where I haven’t played the heck out of Minecraft like it’s insane I played too much of this game I

Still can’t believe that it’s still popular and I’m still playing it it’s actually in it’s actually mind-blowing like no other game would I ever be able to play for this long especially for someone like me where I get bored easily but somehow this simple little block game this simple little block

Game add some spikes there something that is sharp but then I don’t get you don’t get XP unless you kill them I think so I don’t want them to die I want to be the one to kill them this goes spice so slow but that should be enough to get this 14 copper

Or I really need to get a a better XP farm we’re going to do that one day I promise one day one day oh you know what we also need I don’t think I have enough bread bricks we’re definitely going to need a lot more

Bricks but that is easy to get so I’m fine with that how long have you worked on this world I started oh man when was the first video how long ago was it I want to say I don’t know June I want to say June maybe summertime Maybe

And I have no idea I’ll have to check that out later and figure that out it’s been a couple months it’s been a couple months and uh I’m still learning new things which is fun that’s another thing I love about Minecraft is there’s always something new to learn

About one of our mugs broke first video was 10 months ago but I don’t know if it was related with this world I’m your biggest fan I think I think though that you should do a movie watch this for help like another um survival world a thousand Day movie I’ll make one again

Eventually once I hit 2,000 days we’ll do another one let’s I’m actually really curious I want to check right now um when was this world made where’s episode one yeah okay yeah so episode one was 10 months ago so February January February yeah make a featurelength

Film what for like Pixar you want me to like get a job as a movie director about a penguin pirate I think I’ve seen that one before there been 10 months in this world that’s pretty crazy actually it’s kind of wild will become famous in July 2024 or in

June he’s already I am not famous you going to Virginia next year nice Virginia’s cool I’ve been to Virginia a couple times man this takes so long this is such a long process do a 5,000 days vid that takes so long though I’ll probably just do movies and

Like increments of a th000 so once we get 2,000 days I’ll do like a 2,000 day one and then a 3,000 day one and then a 4,000 day one have you ever drank root beer yes I like root beer my favorite one is the one I forget what it’s called but the

Gray the gray can I forget the name of that one but that one’s my favorite how often do you live stream not much to be honest I want to live stream more I don’t live stream enough I think is the real thing but I’d like to i’ would like to do it

More uh let’s do should we do should we keep it Let’s do let’s turn it into the cut copper I think it looks cool we’ll go with that copper looks nice bargs yeah that’s what it’s called they have like the red barrels as the logo or something like that that one’s

Good but I I like rub ruper is like one of the only sodas I can actually drink I don’t like many other sodas surprisingly Ro beer is like the only one I like some people say it tastes like medicine I don’t know how they think that I think they’re

Weird I think those people need to get a grip although I do feel terrible every time I drink soda cuz it’s like I know it’s terrible for you I’m here for a good time let’s see if I have any other uh let’s see if I have copper anywhere else hiding around

Here nope not in there oh you know what we could do I need to bring my horse back that’s what we’ll do once we head back is bring my horse so he’s not stuck here all the time ow ow where’s my horse I think he’s over

Here do I have a lead I don’t we’re going to have to just hope he doesn’t run away have you ever drink alcohol I have I have before um but I’m 21 so I I legally did it I’m not I’m not a criminal um but I don’t like it and I

Would rather just stay sober I think it’s I think it’s cooler and I think alcohol is is terrible and does really bad things to people and I would not like to partake in those activities cuz you can have just as much fun being sober right Captain eight he

Agrees all right what we’re going to do I don’t want to sit here all stream waiting so let’s do this and then let’s head back and we can start building oh no no we need we need clay too so let’s head back and get clay and oh my gosh

This horse is slow hello first time being here welcome welcome welcome glad you’re here hope you enjoy the stream we are getting materials right now and then we’re going to start building a factory and I will make unfunny jokes here don’t we all don’t we all ow that hurt

Wait is this which one is my oh here it is Fortune give me this yes please thank you okay ow when did you first start YouTube um I first started this channel on April 13th of was it April 13th yeah April 13th of 2020 but I actually had a few channels

Before this one um that weren’t even they weren’t even Minecraft related surprisingly but this channel when I officially started a a real a good channel was April 13th 2020 all the all the other channels before this were terrible really bad hello donkeys and then started my second Channel um couple months

Ago there you go horse yes he’s there for he’s going to be so safe now I can also check in here copper copper copper copper bricks we can take bricks copper copper copper this is such a mess okay storage room next let’s go check the storage room or

Well it’s not really a room it’s just a shack the storage shack you start an SMP with other YouTubers I really want to um the only the only problem I think maybe I’m just bad at finding them but finding a an SMP where it’s like YouTubers around the same

Subscriber range is very difficult cuz they either have way more than you or they have less than you so it’s like it’s a I feel like it’s a really weird I don’t know I feel like I’m just in the middle of everyone but I would like to get in a

Good one but it’s difficult have you ever eat sushi uh I have I don’t like it I don’t like raw food that’s not how you make that oh I don’t have enough I only have eight um yeah not a fan of it to be honest what else do we have anything

Else I might need um what do we have for here I could use these I think this could be a cool thing for the door let’s bring that that could be cool let’s get clay tell you fun facts about cartoons and movies like in Twilight there’s an ending why because three

Actors died and two of them were kids what where’s my shovel here it is time to get more clay does this have fortune on it can you put fortune on a shovel I have no idea try California R there’s no raw fish what’s on it isn’t like Avoca actually that’s I

Think it’s like avocados right I like avocados I don’t know I don’t know if I’m a I’m a sushi guy though I’d have to try it but I don’t know if I’m a sushi guy I don’t know if it’s for me any more clay please please please

Please do you think bedro edition on Minecraft is bad I don’t think it’s as good as Java um but I also probably have bias just because I’ve been only playing Java my entire life but I do like the fact that bedrock exists because it used to be the only

Way I could play Minecraft with friends cuz all my friends didn’t even have um none of them had Java Edition so I had to use Bedrock Edition my inventory is full let’s go back and put stuff away that’s not how you fly here we go avocado fake crab in cucumber cucumber in

Sushi I guess that makes sense that’s actually very normal I don’t know for some reason for a second I thought that was weird but that’s kind of normal some small Youtubers with less than 10,000 maybe I could start my own server that’s an idea Commander Nate starts his own Minecraft server with

Other YouTubers that’s an idea what would we call it uino smpp um where can we put this stuff away put stuff in there where’s the copper put copper in here um take this dirt out put that in there we can cook that take that out put that there and cook

That and then is it four perfect oh yes how much do we have we have six two stacks 64 and one not terrible what the there we go Oh I thought oh that’s gravel I thought that was Clay I was like d that’s a big patch of clay but this is

Clay I need to find one of those Lush caves then I can find a lot of clay but I think I don’t know where one is actually I think there’s one that’s really far that way I don’t remember I do not know more clay over here also if you hear noises like loud

Bangs or something my neighbors are like I don’t know what they’re doing I think they’re like fixing their roof or something but they’ve been noisy all day no idea what’s going on do they not know I’m playing Minecraft have you ever joined a YouTuber SMP I did um a couple months

Ago I joined one called um uh what was it called uh eternals SMP I joined that one a bunch of smaller YouTube YouTubers they were really cool but I uh I got really busy during that time dealing with like college was really crazy during that time and deal with other

Stuff so I eventually left your pizza’s ready W bro got pizza but it was fun I would definitely want to join another one eventually for sure for sure it’s always nice to ow meet new people see how what they can do see their building styles and learn new things from how they play

The game that’s always fun especially cuz I’m not like I’m not one to to dive too deep into like different ways of playing the game and like I just build so it’s always fun for me to see different little techniques and things people can do with this

Game cuz I feel like I’m just so simple-minded when it comes to this game if that makes sense sense I don’t know how it would make sense but it makes sense if you think about it you just got to trust got to trust trust me just trust me on this

One I need to find my second dog I don’t know where he is but I have this one I know my second dog is somewhere out there would you ever do 100 days in hardcore video I’ve tried before um it was in I was it wasn’t normal Minecraft it was like in

Antarctica and it was it was going to be like this cool thing uh turns out I underestimated how many days 100 days is and I got to like day 60 and I was like what do I even do now like there’s nothing for me to do

Anymore but I think it’d be a lot easier if I just did a 100 days in hardcore if it was just like a regular Minecraft I think that’d be a lot easier then I could easily do it it’s just that just takes a really long time it’s a lot of

Days but maybe maybe maybe I could do that one day maybe I could do that in my hardcore world I also really like having a bunch of videos in one world and like expanding on it and usually when people do like the 100 days or 1,000 days in

Hardcore they always like abandon the world after I just never could I really enjoy having episodes and stuff and every episode you you build something new expand on it and then you can like go back and watch the prog it’s super cool watching the progress and stuff right

Doggo it’s one thing I’ve like always wanted to do when I first started watching like Minecraft content on YouTube I was like man that is so cool I want to I want to start my own Survival series that looks like it’d be so fun um I was like when I first thought of

That though I was probably like 14 13 nobody wants to watch a 14 or 13y old play Minecraft so I was like that’s okay I’ll just have to wait a couple years and here I am I’ve done it I have finally done it fulfilled my childhood dream and it was so

Easy let’s make more furnaces we don’t have enough okay by more furnaces I meant one furnace 1 2 three four five six seven eight I think that is maybe have you ever been in a one 100 player simulate civilization video I have not I have not I’m kind of the

Opposite of most people so like the The Meta on YouTube right now is like long form content you’re posting like an hour long video like 30 to 30 minutes to an hour long video um and people love that I’m not that person and I actually prefer shorter

Videos um so when I see a lot of those videos where it’s like 100 player simulate civilization those are always really long videos and my attention span isn’t good enough for that so I never watch those videos so I’ve just never I’ve never uh been subscribed to

Anybody that does those type of videos I’ve just never been in one I get distracted easily so it has to be short content or I will get bored unless it’s just a super exciting video there you go got more got more we’re going to need a lot of a lot

Of bricks that’s like the main part of this Factory how often do you post videos uh not often enough I really want to post more um and that’s one thing I’m really going to try committing to in 2024 is trying to get on top of all of that and post

More so that’s something we’re going to be trying but definitely want I definitely want to post more here we go let see how many do we have almost three stacks we’re going to need so much I want to just get enough so I can start

Building and I have to stop I want to just get enough to keep going so once I start there’s no stopping is this a bat what is a what is a bat doing out here in broad daylight how are my sheep doing they’re doing great look at them look at my

Sheep make more make more sheep please I need more where’s the baby oh he’s so adorable I wish there was baby bats that would look that would be so awesome I would love that I would love a baby bat I’m almost there that’s 10 more and two more copper oh baby and

Then we could do that and make that into that all right let’s see how far we can get uh let’s use the Silk Touch One does it have Unbreaking it has Unbreaking three so yeah let’s use it get this and this I’ll put that there and let’s just grab that okay uh

Oh wait we also need where is it where is it we need this two and where is it where is it where is it here it is we need this to put this there for now and Miss there for now how long do you play Minecraft a

Daily it all depends on what I’m doing if I’m recording I can play a lot um I’ve already played I’ve already been recording this morning and now I’m streaming so it’s probably been like 4 hours already today uh but if I’m editing then probably not I don’t play

That much CU I’m just editing the entire day let’s first hit record so we can use this for the video then we’re going to make this entrance here so we’re going to go one so that’s three four five six seven maybe is a good height

Seven should we go to nine we should go to nine big door big door let’s go across oh I’m already out thought I had much more than that that we have a little bit more I don’t think it’s going to be enough ow we need more of course we do can people

Join um unfortunately no this is just a single player world um yeah so no sadly I have no more oh I do I have 64 oh I have so many I have so much I have plenty what am I talking about I’m so dumb I’m so silly okay then we’re going

To bring this up do that break this collect it go along here I want to use x-ray why would you do this why would you want to use x-ray that’s so silly oh I can’t even reach up there can I reach that one no I can’t reach that one here we

Go hi hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome welcome we’re building a factory all right so we’re going to do that for there and then we’re just going to build up these walls mixing in um granite and Bricks so it gives it that brick look like how factories in real life

Have if you’ve ever seen a factory we can also mix in some right there we can even mix in some of the polished within the wall I think that could look pretty good too wouldn’t be too bad no let’s not do that one let’s wait a little bit put one right there

Sure there’s no Rhyme or Reason you just kind of do things and you just hope it looks good just hope and pray I wish I had a water bucket I have wings why am I wishing I had a water bucket what am I dumb I could just do this that’s so much

Easier do you play Hive um I don’t to be honest I don’t really play on many servers to be be completely honest unless you count the ryen rule server then I do play on that one sometimes and I think we’ll go up um we’ll go up a couple more we’ll make

This thing really tall I don’t know how tall exactly I do also want to make a cool little thing here so if we grab Spruce stairs and this we can maybe go like this this stare there stare there that there that there that there that there and then

This this and then maybe just oh got to make more and maybe just do that yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m rocking with it I’m rocking with it not too bad that’s another thing I love about building is like you you place all these blocks and then you look at it

And if it looks the way you hope it looks it’s like really it’s really nice and satisfying to be like yeah I built that then you can show it off to everybody and be like yeah I’m a I’m a pro builder in Minecraft even though I’m

Not a pro but I would like to say I’m I’m pretty good at least I hope I think I am let’s go up um one more go up one more here and then this will be where we’re going to do a roof yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oh yes like I’m liking it do you have any tips for building in m inecraft one thing I like to do that I think really helps is have a super flat world where you could just go and practice building like in creative mode um and then if you want to build

Something like like for this Factory I have a a super flat world where I kind of build ideas I have and then once I’m happy with the idea and I’m like okay this looks good then I can go into the survival world and start building it and

Then it makes the process go by a lot easier cuz you already have something to reference and it’s going to hopefully make the build look better if that makes sense oh thank you so much for the two bucks keep up the great work thank you so much I

Appreciate it thank you thank you ah get out of here zombie thank you thank you um but what we can do now what I want to do now is also another tip for um building is think about texturing so like right here you don’t like if I just did bricks only

It really wouldn’t look that good and it would look too uniform like if you look at a factory or a brick building in real life it’s not going to be perfect brick everywhere cuz you know over time things deteriorate so that’s another thing that’s really important is to add that

Aspect and then make sure it doesn’t look too uniform because you want your buildings to look like they’ve been there and if it’s been there for a long time it’s not going to be perfect there’s going to be cracks and there there’s going to be different things in

There so that’s another another great tip let’s use this and then this and then try to land on it if we can no I missed water would probably would be quicker but that’s fine okay there we go and we’re going to do one two th wait is this what I want to

Do oh I’m trying to remember speaking of super flat world thank you for the super chat um I have this design here so like this is kind of the the idea I’m going for um as you can kind of see so now I can look at this in here and

Get an idea of okay that’s what we’re going for now I can head back to the survival world and replicate it and now I already know what I’m going for it’s great it’s fantastic it’s it’s a really good thing to do which means we do need more and

Toite oh actually hold on no we don’t no we don’t we have stuff in here we can do these stairs and these stairs yes yes yes maybe more okay there we go do I have food I do and then try to land on it okay there we

Go and then we’ll guess I guess we can like do this except we need to remove this one cuz that’s going to go there we’ll do andesite then bricks andesite bricks andesite bricks andesite bricks andesite oh no I’m not recording and aite Bricks uh angle this one that way that

There bricks and a site bricks and then angle this one that way and then we’re going to go one two three have dirt perfect and then one two one one two one two three one two one one two and then we could do two again I don’t think I’m going to I might

Have enough actually might be close close I might have I might have just enough oh one one extra nice so there’s the front of it and I don’t think I’m going to add the windows I think we’re going to leave it without the windows this for now and then do I have my

Shovel we can get rid of the dirt cuz obviously I don’t want dirt to just be sitting there that would be Goofy and then time to build more and we need more bricks do we have any more no looks like we have to make more bricks copper going in there for now

16 we need a lot more we need to go get some uh can I pause this oh perfect let’s go get more clay somewhere wherever there is Clay here’s clay oh a lot of clay all the clay we could ever ask for bam nice nice nice nice all right now let’s head

Back it is so nice having an elytra I remember the days when I didn’t have one had to walk everywhere the sad days now we can get a kind of an idea of what this Factory is going to look like if we’re at the city so if we if we fly down

Here get a nice little glimpse of it let’s see if we go down to the dock yeah that’s going to look really cool that’s going to look great perfect can I get rid of this dirt block while flying that is the question ow smacked into it let’s fill this up real

Quick can I join uh it’s a single player world so not really a way to join one two three four five six seven that’s eight 1 two 3 four 5 six seven eight I think that’s eight I need more coal now whatever we’ll do that eventually I can actually find coal

Somewhere right has to be has to be coal in this in this big hole coal in the hole greetings welcome is there coal is there coal in here there’s there’s more copper everybody loves copper oh there’s coal down there is this my I want I want fortune Fortune is so

Good it gives you so much coal gives me all the coal I would ever need look at that and just like that we have a almost a stack look at that we have we have a stack already now one two three four five six seven

Eight Bam Bam Bam Bam all right um while this is doing this I’m G to fly I’m not going to fly I’m actually going to use water so I don’t waste my arrow or my um whatever those things are called Rockets we’re going to do this real quick as I do it really

Badly and we’re going to stand up here so enemies can’t get me and I’m going to be back I’m going to get some water real quick you got yourself another subscriber thank you so much thank you for subscribing I will be back I’m going to get some water real quick

All right I’m back I am back face cam yeah the face cam isn’t working my camera broke so no face cam for for now for who knows how long could be forever if I ever get another camera I did have a camera yeah I did I did a face Reve like a while

Ago one of the older streams you could probably find it all right and then we need to make can you make walls out of this oh that would be perfect if you could of course you can’t uh looks like we need more andesite let’s go to sleep first right

Now we are building a factory we’re going to be building a copper Factory uh so the the lore the lore right now for this Factory is uh over in that town they have copper roofs as you can tell they use a lot of copper over there and if I go to free

Cam mode this boat right here is bringing copper from this Factory over here to the town to give them the copper they need for the rofes um so that’s the whole point of this factor is to be producing and then over here eventually we’re going to have a big query where

They’re mining the copper and then they’re going to bring it to the factory to process it um and make it into copper blocks and I do love copper I think copper is my copper is my new favorite block uh but that’s the that’s the lore

For this I think it’s going to be really cool and did I build that town yes um I’m very proud of that town I think it turned out really cool but we’ve been working on that town for a while always adding things and doing stuff with

It that was a good time uh I’m hoping for this to turn into uh a city eventually with the factory over here I think that’ll be really cool so that’s kind of the plan here let’s head back up here there we go that was a lot

Better all right and then we just start filling in all of this and then we can get the andesite later cuz I forgot that I did need that I’m not even going to have enough bricks actually that’s okay and then we’ll go to the window will be is there a

Middle I think this is the middle right so we’ll go there and then where’s the this is the middle one two three one yeah I think this is the middle so then we’ll put the andesite walls there and you’ll see what that’s going to look like soon once I can get the

Andesite recording paused oh no thank you oh I’m so bad at remembering that thank you for letting me know would have been embarrassing I forget what project I was working on but I I remember I was doing a stream and I completely forgot to hit record so the entire build process

Wasn’t even like there in the video and I was like a this stinks okay we need oh and then my dog is barking oh so silly uh eight bam and then one two three four eight and we should go get more got to pause it again hello welcome welcome to the

Stream we are building a factory over there but we are actually currently getting more copper the one connected it the town to the land front of the factory what are you what are you asking hi hello hello welcome oh I’m dying bro I can only type so

Much this is actually one of the best stream people I’ve ever seen other streamers are mean oh thank you I’m glad you enjoy it I think I always think like one of the best parts about creating content and posting videos is that interaction you get with the community

And I just love having that feedback and so I always really enjoy being able to oh oh that’s what I need and aite um what was I saying I got so distracted love his dreams too thank you I need to eat food too my mind is everywhere

I need more food I have none no more bread what am I down here for andesite right oh and there’s iron right there that’s fun okay that should be good for now we don’t need that many that much we’re fine we leave and then we can turn this into

Walls that’s not how you make a wall guys you did not see that I’m a Minecraft veteran I know what I’m doing I promise uh and then I think I should have bone meal over here somewhere I used to have like a lot um no maybe not in

There watching you make me want to play Minecraft again but I don’t know how to build you just got to practice you just got to practice it it’s taken it takes a while to get like like it’s taken me a long time to get to the point where I’m

At now I’ve just been playing Minecraft for over 10 years and constantly building uh it just takes time just got to practice we got bones right here that’s why I love having a a super flat world where you can just build things and keep practicing trying to get

Get better and experimenting with new build Styles that’s going to be really good seeing that factory just peek right over that house oh that’s going to be perfect oh oh oh before we do anything uh food right we do want food food is kind of important in this game it turns out hello

Horse one thing I do want to get better at is really small details like making like finding ways to add to like area like this whether it be flowers or something small adding a little more details like these tiny buttons for example I want to get better at that cuz

That’s always really fun to do I just always run out of ideas of what to put any food in here turns out we don’t have food that’s fine it’s fine we can get food how many times have you died way too many way too many that’s why I don’t

Like playing hardcore cuz I build really cool things and then I die and they’re gone forever and I get really sad but I’ve I’ve definitely died I would say over 30 times in this world cuz I make really dumb mistakes most of the time like throwing an ender pearl and missing

The island and falling into the void that happened once lost all my netherite from doing that that was a good time you can check in statistics deaths distance walked times died since last last death player kills oh number of death 32 oh I was close oh I was so

Close dang that’s actually insane that’s actually impressive I think Al I almost guessed it right on I knew I died a lot that’s why I like I really like this little area speaking of small details I really like this back area with you add some uh buttons for Stones add some

Stein Steins add some signs to give a little more uh depth I really like doing these on the Windows adding some different little stuff I really like small details it’s really fun which Youtuber do you like the most my favorite Youtubers of all time are uh rtin link from Good Mythical

Morning I watch them pretty much every single day that’s not Minecraft related if you’re if you’re talking Minecraft related then I would probably say uh b o BDubs I used to watch him um a lot a lot a lot a lot he was the first inspiration I had to make like

A survival world and just start building really cool things in it and I forget what I was doing what did I need the bone meal for oh oh oh oh I know what we needed we need sand do we have sand I need Windows oh we have

Plenty um this is a mess this inventory this whole in this whole inventory and organization thing is kind of kind of really bad and I’m you guys have to see this and now you probably hear a vacuum in the background um okay okay let’s do 1 two 3 four five six seven

Eight and then uh we need to actually no don’t do that do the sand instead we need to make white glass I used to have a texture pack that made the white glass panes look really cool um but since I got my new pc I lost

That texture pack so I’m going to have to recreate it but it was really nice I’ll have to make that again I love that texture okay let’s head back up here and then where’s my bucket where did I put the bucket why do I do this to myself what’s your favorite Minecraft block

Um I think I honestly think it’s oxidized copper I love that green greenish blue color I think it’s so good I think that’s my favorite Minecraft block hands down and I have been using it quite a bit and I think it just goes good with almost anything especially

This red and green that’s really nice it goes It goes great with a lot of things and it’s such a unique color a unique a unique color that goes with almost anything is always something great to have and then I think right here we then we’ll go directly over and that will be

Where the window is and then we’re almost done here with this part pause that again there we go there we go looking nice oh wait I have okay I had these I could have stayed up there whatever um and then I think you do this right it makes eight and then you

Do this ah how big is the factory going to be it’s going to be about this tall and then we’re going to bring it out this way to here and that’ll be the main section of it and then we’re going to have another building on the side here

So it’s going to be pretty big if I hit the map mod I mean compared to the rest of the buildings over here it’s it’s a good size it’s a good size I’m thinking that I’m going to have like a lot more buildings around this

Area and turn it into a city so I didn’t want the factory to be like the largest part of the city so I think having it I mean it’s still pretty big but it’s not going to be the biggest building in the city which will be cool once we can start working on

Those buildings eventually that might be oh that’s that’s enough that’s perfect perfect nice forgot to unpause the recording whatever who cares now that we got that part done now all we now it’s just building up the rest of the walls really but that part’s that part’s easy once we get enough

Bricks I don’t think we need to burn all of that I think we’ll be fine for now that’s plenty of glass I think just go go in there go in there for now if I need more glass I’ll get you again we just need a lot of bricks what we can do right

Now is grab more of these and we can do all of these pillars and get these out of the way so we just do this and add some of that for a nice texture and then how high is it right to here and do the same thing hi hello welcome to the

Stream we are building a factory a copper Factory where they will take copper ore and turn it into copper blocks so then people can build roofs with it oh I went over we go definitely going to need more of this polish do I have more of it okay I have

Plenty actually we should be fine good thing I got a lot of granite is this a server uh no it’s my single player survival world one day I’ll join a server and I can actually have other people in the world and I can actually sell my copper

To people and not just have it as lore but that’s another fun thing about a single player world is you can create all your own lore and it’s it’s all your own and that’s fun make your own little world we go ow maybe go up two make it different variations one more

Ow see once we get these pillars done I mean it’s really not too difficult then all I have to do is raise up these walls that’s not really too difficult I think the hardest part is really just the roof I don’t know what we’re going to do

For the roof I think I want to do I think in between the copper maybe we do deep slate cuz it’s like a nice a nice black color I think I think I could contrast really well with the the green I think that’s a good idea what are you building in this

Factory uh in in this in this giant Warehouse part I want to really make it look like there’s just a ton of cargo and stuff which I guess would just be a bunch of copper but I want to I want to find a way to make like a

Cool um shipping container design that I can use and then put a lot of those in there and have a lot of different stuff hanging maybe from the ceilings like they’re moving stuff around different carts um and then around it we’ll have some cranes so then there could be

Unloading stuff onto the boat and off the boat and then we’ll have other piles of copper in different areas I just need to I just want to make it look like there’s a lot of machinery and a lot of stuff going on that is the plan ow oh it’s paused resume there we

Go ow going to die if I keep doing that must remember to eat here we go we have just two more on the main building I only clicked random video so you are the chosen one let’s go I am the chosen one well welcome I’m glad you clicked on this one welcome to

The stream glad you’re here hope you have a good time hope you enjoy it are you going to finish the factory in this live stream um I hoping I I’m going to get the main building done um but I don’t think I’m going to get the um everything else done like the cranes

And all the other fun stuff that I want to build in here but I definitely want to get this main building done so if I can get that done I’ll be in a good position to get the video done pretty quickly but we’ll see there we go nice nice nice we can

Also actually let’s also do these these aren’t going to be as tall this building is g to be smaller I don’t know how high we’re gonna go I guess we’ll figure that out we can go I’m thinking maybe one more we’ll go right to there yeah that looks good that’s a good

Height I actually might need more Granite possibly maybe I should have enough actually we might be fine we might be fine maybe maybe do you ever made hardcore world uh I do have a hardcore World um I think my last video was in the hardcore world I just really enjoy

Survival just because I I do tend to die quite a bit and I don’t like losing all of my cool builds um so I’m taking it very easy in the hardcore world at the moment I just feel like a survival world is so much more freeing I have the

Ability to die and I could come back that one is a little shorter uhoh pillagers I think we go up one more can I make that okay I made it all right last pillar last pillar one more there we go we did it yes hello welcome welcome to the stream hi

Welcome we are building a factory why do you why do you need copper cuz I love copper copper is the best block in the game why wouldn’t you want Copper it’s so beautiful it’s a nice green I need IP uh it’s not a it’s not a server

There’s no IP it’s just a single player world do I want bad Omen it doesn’t really matter he’s in the water he’s fine he can chill there how old are you I’m asking because of streamers like you has 18 years I’m 21 just stay there dog don’t go fighting it’s okay

Um no more bricks we need a lot of bricks we need a more more bricks I’m about to be shot okay buddy ow well I got bad we’re not going to the Village oh here’s bricks look at that I have plenty I have so many bricks there how did I miss

This what’s your favorite animal a penguin penguins are my favorite it’s why my skin is a penguin cuz penguins are the best penguins are so cool and awesome and epic resume okay now once we’re up here put we’ll do that there then this guy and I’ll go like

This and then that and that and then we’ll put I think we’ll do an arch of the Copper at every one of these pillars I think that will be good did you beat the Ender Dragon I did I did that was a really fun time and surprisingly in this world it was the

First time I actually like beat the Ender Dragon in survival mode without like just cuz I think the only other time I’ve ever beat it was just in creative mode so this like the first time I actually properly beat Minecraft which was super fun for someone who has played

This game for over 10 years it kind of is insane that that was the first time but whatever don’t judge me uh it’s single player so no joining sadly hello welcome welcome to the stream what’s the factory for uh we are going to be uh it’s for

Copper um I can show you in a in a bit to turn this I got to free cam mode so we have this town over here that I built and we have a bunch of copper roofs and uh this town likes copper so we have this little

Boat here bringing them copper uh so that’s what this copper Factory is for they’re going to be uh producing all the copper and then sending it over to this town it’s some nice little nice little lore we have here in this in this world very fun very fun stuff

Ouch how you fly my elytra oh oh how do I do this oh this is uh it’s called what is it called I think it’s just called free cam mod or something but it lets you hit F4 and I could like look at my myself and like

Explore things and it’s really fun it helps helps with building so I can build something and then kind of zoom out and see what it’s looking like it’s a good mod it’s a really good mod it’s fun is that all the bricks I have there goes all my

Bricks I kind of underestimated how many bricks I’m going to need I play Minecraft on mobile well welcome um I used to play Minecraft on mobile too long long time ago when I was so addicted to Minecraft I was trying to get Minecraft on every single platform possible so I could play

It any anywhere anyway hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome hi you big I don’t know what that means but thank you play on PC it’s not as easy as most people think it is that’s there’s no there’s no clay there why am I looking there but I play on

Bedrock yeah I used to play on Bedrock I don’t know Java just feels it’s just I think it’s just because I’ve always I’ve played Java more and it was like the first thing I I would play When Minecraft first came out so I think it’s just the Nostalgia that makes me think

Java is better I mean there’s also it is also a lot nicer when it comes to mods and texture packs and everything so that’s a that’s a plus do you play on any MC servers not really to be honest I’m more of a single player guy who just builds that’s what I

Enjoy I just like to build it’s fun how’s my elyra not even close to Breaking whenever I play Java my computer lags mine used to be pretty laggy but I did recently get a new computer so that’s very nice now it doesn’t lag at all

There we go that should be a good amount of brick for us to continue drink milk you don’t have battan this guy’s thinking this guy’s smart is there a cow anywhere I don’t have any coal anymore got to get more coal too do you play on

TAA launcher I don’t know what that is I just use whatever I just use the regular Minecraft launcher I don’t know how there’s a different one but I just use whatever comes with Minecraft is there no where’s where’s a cow I want to do a fly by milking

Cow ah we did it Fly by milking get milked buddy Minecraft paid yeah I paid for Minecraft I have the real Minecraft I promise oh now we need now we need coal you play Minecraft on every Edition W gotta go okay thank you for joining I appreciate it hope you enjoyed it and

Hopefully I see you next time is there any there’s no coal in here no coal no coal okay we’ll have to find a cave uh I don’t I don’t stream often I I would like to stream more but when you stream do you stream around this

Time um I try to stream around this time this is a nice time to stream how long you going to be streaming I don’t know how long once I finish this um hello spider once I finish this Factory I’m probably going to be pretty much done oh look at that that looks nice

Um we still have a while to go not leaving anytime soon there’s got to be coal in here here we go got a little bit we need more a lot of copper a lot of copper but I do need coal at the moment 20,7 watching yeah I don’t I don’t

Know I don’t understand I I think it’s just cuz I don’t stream much so people just don’t know where something do you survive 100 days in Minecraft Bedrock Edition I’ve never I mean I probably could I’ve never tried but I probably could I feel like it wouldn’t be that

Difficult surprisingly I think the um I think the weather’s actually more difficult in Bedrock though it’s way too easy in Java you can easily just trap them and kill them what’s my favorite food good question um I don’t know actually I really like breakfast sandwiches or Donuts I really like donuts donuts are

Good Donuts are are fire all right that’s enough coal for now back to the factory bedrock with has double the health yeah he also is like I feel like he I feel like he’s just more insane or something like he’s just better at his job so have 200 days but then my world

Got deleted somehow and I would not stop crying bro that’s awful I would hate that if this if this world just randomly got deleted it would be so over there we go finally start cooking more of that and then we can continue how much copper do I have not

Much not as much as I would like we’re going to need more copper we also do need we’ll get we’ll get that later but we’re going to need um deep slate too but we’ll get that later we don’t need it right now I wish it was a faster ready to make

Bricks I’m from India it’s 12:40 a.m. wow shout out to India that’s super cool Bedrock is com extremely hard comparing to Java yeah I mean I’ve never had a problem with Java I don’t think Minecraft is really a hard game though dogs can lie on floor uh so I

Have a um I have a a texture pack called uh it’s fresh animations and it it makes the dogs do like everything moves differently so like the dogs can lay on the floor uh let’s see if I can find a animal there should yeah there’s pigs over here and

Sheep but if you can tell they will they like kind of move differently it’s not like how they usually move in Minecraft if he moves there you go there’s the pig you know it’s not like a normal Minecraft animation so it’s super cool to have though it just looks it’s fun

It’s fun to look at play Minecraft on Xbox One Xbox One X wow yeah it is very adorable when the dogs lay down I do like that and how he wags his tail and his little nose is sniffing a fun way to add some life to the

World I need so much so many bricks let’s put some of this stuff away we’re going to have to go get a bunch of clay I’m running out of fireworks though is that just old or is it new talking about Xbox One X I think that didn’t the

Xbox One X come out actually I have no idea if that’s I think I came out a couple years ago oh forest fire any clay I need more clay you can never have too much clay singing in the shower is fun until you get soap mou then it’s a soap opera so

True so true I hate when that happens there’s bees look at them what are they doing over the lake there we go I need a lot of clay though you need I need like stacks on stacks of clay why is all the clay have to be can

Here here’s where I like I need it to be like right here easy to easy to reach I don’t like when it’s underwater I need to find a lush cave that’d be so much easier oh hi B don’t know why you’re making that Buzzy noise what’s better in your opinion Playstation or

Xbox I personally like Xbox controllers more so I’m I guess I’ll say Xbox on this one but that’s also just cuz that’s what I use if I’m ever if I ever need a controller is an Xbox controller I think axy makes more sense than triangle X Circle and square but that’s my

Opinion can open the land and chat will appear five digigit code that players can join yeah but landan has to be it’s it’s only people that are um connected to your to the same Wi-Fi as you can can join so it’s not like just anybody can join it has to be the

Same to I asked my phone Siri why am I still single and it activated the front camera dang that’s crazy that is so sad that’s a good one please I need more clay please OHA yes how much do we have now we still need a lot more four Stacks is only one stack

Of bricks which really isn’t much and Technical School of programming programming sounds fun oh I’m dying just find a lush cave but I don’t know how to find it’s just going to take too long to find one unless I got lucky and found one with the

Map but that’s just going to it’s going to take too long the last time I had to go find a lush cave it was so far away it was actually insane right piggles the pickles agree if only there was a way to make like an automatic

Clay Farm do you watch anime I actually don’t to be honest I don’t really watch any I just watch uh you either it’s either like a I either watch Sci-Fi stuff or something from like the Disney Channel that’s about it I don’t watch TV too often hi welcome to the stream welcome welcome

Welcome all right we got some we got a few Stacks oh there’s my tower oh look at this this is kind of cool this little Lake down here that’s kind of nice hello oh pink sheep rare rare sheep we have a lot of terraforming we have to do eventually

Here making like a whole Mountain over here I got to go okay thank you so much for joining hope you enjoyed the stream hope to see you again next time thank you so much what other games do you play other than Minecraft um I don’t really play a whole lot other than Minecraft

Um sometimes I play Madden sometimes I play Grand Theft Auto sometimes but it’s usually just mainly Minecraft honestly had to get more FPS because I I get to 12200 FPS but I’m stuck at 700 um I don’t know why you would need that much FPS um but if you’re I know for

Minecraft you can down I don’t know if you have the you can get like a sodium mod sodium helps reduce lag that’s what I use I like it 1 12200 frames is crazy there was actually one thing I wanted to try my dogs are working again but there

Was one thing I wanted to try with the mangrove leaves here what if what if we do maybe that no maybe maybe stairs we can make it kind of like a door almost like it’s can I reach there you go maybe go down to and then maybe maybe it looks like the

Door can come down but it’s like raised up at the moment kind of kind of looks cool I don’t hate it I don’t hate it we’re sticking with it I think that looks pretty cool yeah I don’t hate that I kind of like that that’s good works for

Me and then if we make a bunch of these guys one of my one of my favorite blocks in the game Spruce trap doors they’re so good add some more texture and detail right down here no that’s not what I wanted to

Do I need to get an axe do I have one I do of course I do why wouldn’t I put one right there and then put one right there yeah that looks kind of nice that’s not bad not bad at all one two three four five seven

Eight now we just gotta wait for all of this to smell then it’s going to take a long time it’s going to take a long time it’s just the waiting game gotta go see you thank you so much for joining hope to see you next time hope you enjoyed the stream I appreciate

You being here how long have I been streaming for this could be like this could be the this could be close to the to the record of how long I stream for hi how big is the factory it’s getting up there it’s getting pretty big it’s like like this is the front and

Then it’s going to expand this way it’s going to be pretty big then this second little building part of it do you like toast who doesn’t like toast toast is amazing I love toast we don’t need that anymore we might use that later another thing we can do while we’re waiting let’s make

Stairs I have so much stuff that’s such a mess and what we can do is this and then reach up there and you do this we’ll make a door bam nope not that bam pow there we go there we go we’ll put doors there what is the factory four uh it is going

To be a copper Factory so we are going to be having a bunch of copper in there and then they’re going to have and then they’re going to have this boat that can dock up into here they can load up the copper and then it’s it

Heads off to transport it to the town over there and that is what the factory is for and it’s going to be great it’s going to be fan do I have any more oh of course I have more Spruce I have plenty make some doors here real quick and we could put

Door and then another door here and then we’re not going to have enough we need two more ow two more two more hi hello welcome to the stream we are working on a factory making a good old factory I I have plenty actually didn’t know I had so

Many how many hours do you have playing in this world is that something I can check in the statistics is that did that stair get placed strong oh what did I do I was like that looks weird there we go I think I can check let me check the statistics one

Second um I bred 182 animals I think that’s pretty cool Bell’s rung 15 it’s pretty good time time PL 7.15 days so I guess if you do the math if you do uh 17 time 24 411 hours to be exact wow that’s a lot of hours now that I’m seeing that do you

Have an Xbox I don’t I don’t have an Xbox but I do have an Xbox controller so it’s you know it’s close enough I would say it ain’t much but it’s Hest to work I think we’re going to need more Granite good thing there’s a ton

More than a ton I think all of this Co this Granite weighs more than a ton probably a few tons I got a stretch playing Minecraft too long I got to make sure my pickaxe does not break or that would be embarrassing stream more I will try I definitely want

To I feel like the stream looks really pixelated like it’s really bad quality is it at least it looks like for me I don’t know how I don’t know how to make it look better it used to look better and then I got my new pc and I

Need to figure out the settings again what version is your world in right now it’s 1.20 oh I accidentally used the second rocket uh it’s 1.20 it’s not um 1 Point why are they in there hello welcome to the stream hi hi hi welcome welcome I probably could go to like 1.2.4 the

Newest version but then I’d have to get all my mods downloaded again and I don’t want to do that what are you guys doing in here kill the kill the guy with the the flag yes yes kill him so I don’t have to yep keep keep doing it no you’re

Killing the wrong guy Now kill him yes kill him please ow yes kill the guy with the flag I don’t want bad Omen just kill him nice no please just kill him just please kill him I don’t want to kill him how is that guy not dead yet how many

Arrows does it take to kill this man there’s my last rocket just die please okay you know who cares it it doesn’t matter he’s dead it’s fine doesn’t matter what are you building right now right now we’re building this Factory at least trying to before we got rudely interrupted by

Pillagers but it’s going it’s going nice it’s going nicely we have we’re making good progress I just need more bricks and a lot more bricks at that uh I do not use any any schematic mods I do not use uh lattica I just kind of start building um

And then hope that it turns out to look good CU I really I really want it to be my creation so I don’t and I guess I could use I could build it in my super flat world and then use lattica to do it I don’t want it to

Though I don’t know for some reason it feels like cheating to me even though it’s really not but it feels like it to me that’s a stair that’s a stair again that’s a stair again why do I keep doing that okay do I have my I don’t have all the

Stairs still I need to get them again do this guy this guy this guy Bam Bam Bam and then go like that nice bro you’re still playing I know for real I am kind of crazy I usually don’t stream this long but here I am where’s my bucket of water what happened to

It it’s gone okay there we go now we can Bam Bam aha I think the next step is to get well actually let’s try finishing this part first ow am I going to have enough I think so I should okay um we can do that for now

Now we need to get do people still play Minecraft Pocket Edition I have no idea hello welcome to the stream oh thank you for joining the penguino Army thank you for subscribing welcome welcome hope you enjoy your time here what’s up with YouTubers building factories for every ore I don’t know if

I I don’t know I’ve only seen one other video to be honest of someone building a factory for a certain ore uh but the reason I’m doing it is cuz I was building this town over there and I used a lot of copper and I wanted there to be

Some type of lore reason for why they have copper uh so I decided that it would be cool if we have this Factory here making copper mining copper and then producing it and then putting it on that boat and sending it to the

Town um so I thought it was a kind of a cool idea I think it’s fun we do need need we do need deep sleep that’s what we do need so let’s go see if I have any I don’t want to do any more mining but I might

Have to I like the way you’re building the factory thank you I’m glad you like the factory I think it’s I think it’s turning out pretty cool so far it’s what is happening to me it’s nice and Tall which is good please tell me I have a lot five nice

Beautiful you love to see it you love to see5 I need like Stacks I need a lot I’m gonna have to go mining aren’t I oh we got six now seven I could take these tiles this will be useful where’s my stone cutter search Factory on YouTube and

Four different YouTubers have the same design Factory so this Factory there’s so there’s a factory you can find um on Planet Minecraft and it has I’m basing mine off that one very it’s very similar it’s not exact but it’s based off that design I know which

One you’re talking about I have seen it before here it is yeah but I know what you’re talking about mine looks it’s kind of has that design but it’s going to be a little different I also want to add like copper piping coming like going all around it I

Think that’d be really cool too how long you been playing this world um I think we just checked what was it 411 hours I think it was so that’s we’re on day 12200 and I need to do more mining I need to what was I going to do I was going to go

Mine deep slate why am I here then I don’t have any do I no of course I don’t let’s put this there and then we go we go to our good good cave that we mine all of our stuff in there motivation after eight hours yeah you just kind of you just

Have to kind of find ways to keep yourself busy and interested within the world and the way I do that is just always having like new projects or something to build I’m just I just really like building in Minecraft um so I’m always giving myself new projects and then having having multiple

Different projects to work on so you’re not focus on one is another good like thing to do cuz if you only focus on one you can get burnt out from doing it so like I have I have a I’m trying to build M oh that’s not what I wanted I’m trying

To build a whole like mountain range and a bunch of cliffs over there so that’s like one project um and then now the factory is like another project I have a village way past this map Mountain so it’s just a bunch of different projects so then if whenever you kind of get

Bored of one you could just go to a different one I like building too but I’m so bad at building you just got to practice just about practicing it takes time but you can get there and just looking at inspiration I that’s what I do a lot looking at other

YouTubers see how they build things and then try to uh get some inspiration from what they’ve been doing obviously not just copying it exactly because then it’s not your work but inspiration is always good I should have I should have repaired my tool oh well we can do it right now

Come here zombie I need to repair my pickaxe come here he’s dead please I need more need more enemies or mobs or whatever you call them Minecraft consist of building someone don’t like building the person will get bored playing Minecraft I mean it depends there’s so many different

There’s so many different things you could do in Minecraft I mean there’s people that like to speedrun the there people that like to do redstone there’s people that like to build people that like to just do PVP there’s a lot of different things you could do oh that poor

Zombie I think that’s one thing that’s so cool about Minecraft is there I mean there’s really almost endless possibilities and there’s so many different game modes within like the different servers and stuff that you can play on don’t blow up creeper thank you missed wow this is taking longer than I thought it

Would I have no food I’m going have to eat rotten flesh that’s embarrassing that is so sad now I need milk but there’s no cows down here I just need enough to get a bunch of deep slate and by enough it’s a couple stacks I need a lot come I

Zombie oh my dogs are barking again they’re going crazy it’s actually kind of a shame that I put torches everywhere nothing’s spawning 1200 days in still eating rotten flesh this struggle is real yeah I really need to make a better Farm but for some reason I I refuse and

I just keep eating bread and it’s not even like an automatic wheat farm I haven’t even made that yet I don’t know why ow no please don’t blow up stop please I need the I need the XP it’s fine you know this is going to be enough it’s I don’t care we’ll worry

About it later we’ll see how much we can get from this question I might have an answer hey thank you for joining the penguino Army welcome thank you hope you hope you enjoy the your time here hope hope you enjoy the stream you don’t have Enderman

Or pigin XP farm nope I only have a zombie XP farm I’ve been wanting to build an Enderman one uh but I’ve just been working on other things and I keep um I keep uh forgetting about it and not doing it why don’t I have a shield I I used to

Have totems that I would carry around all the time and I’m going to be honest with you I don’t know where they went so I don’t know I I just don’t have a shield anymore cuz I keep forgetting to get one it’s kind of embarrassing I’m not good at this game

So I should have a SE a shield but why am I sad I don’t know that’s really sad though but you should probably find someone to reach out to and talk to too oh tabed out it’s okay to seek help oh no what did I I got keep tabbing

Out how do we have we have quite we have quite a bit pickaxe is going to break soon no more of that we are good for now my side level is Raising as much as I watch you mine yeah I uh I almost I almost broke it again I wasn’t paying

Attention I’d be looking at Minecraft mobile videos man I really need to get Rockets again I miss flying I’ll AFK at my creeper Farm after missed me go go hi you’re back welcome back leave me alone skele man let me eat my rotten flesh in peace don’t judge me for eating rotten

Flesh can I have your Discord yeah I should have put it in the description why didn’t I get out of here hold on one second I can put it in the description soon let’s just go to sleep and be safe so I don’t die there’s no bed in

Here where is is there a bed I got to go all the way back over there no hello welcome oh God I got to run back to the factory unless I do this uh uh is is there any way I could parkour this my way over there not really oh well

It’s 1:20 a.m. wow I’m glad you’re uh watching my stream I appreciate that that uh the stream is is important enough almost there I should have got food when I was in town but of course I didn’t more rotten flesh get out of here oh that was a close

One all right maybe I have food in here no no no no and no I have two wheat it’s not enough I do I do need food don’t I hi hello welcome to the stream I’m going to have to do something Unthinkable I don’t want to have to do

It but I have no choice I so sorry sheep I’m so sorry I’m so sorry it’s not what I is that a chicken I am so sorry sheep I don’t want to have to do it it’s not what I wanted but it’s what had to happen why is there a chicken in here

Doesn’t make any sense how are you I’m doing fan I’m doing fine I’m doing fantastic I’m enjoying the day how are you bro lives in a castle but has no food listen the struggles are real you don’t understand it’s tough these days I have too much stuff okay let’s

Make tiles cuz the tiles are cool what do you call a sugar cane that can’t grow I don’t know what do you call it do you play Roblox no I don’t I don’t play Roblox I’m not I’m not silly like that let’s put you know

What let’s put this on I don’t have any Rockets anymore so I can’t fly anyways sugar can true that is so true okay now we can make a bunch of these and we can start working on this roof here we go um let’s resume it and I think what we’re going to

Do we’ll just do this do this we’re going to go up until we get to here then we’re going to ow let’s actually get rid of this one we’ll go here we’ll go up again like those classic Factory roofs roofs roofs whatever you say I don’t know I don’t know how to speak

English there we go oh yeah how long you been playing that world for um 411 hours or something like that I think that’s what the number was so quite a long time there we go that is looking nice already almost added bricks already though oh hold

On I could put the Discord server in the description now hello welcome to the stream welcome edit uh let’s do yeah copy hold on one second I’m going to put the the uh Discord server in the description you guys can join penguinos have a good old

Time all right if you restart or refresh the um stream the Discord server should should pop up in the description black roof doesn’t match with the green roof well that’s not going to be fully green I’m going to show you what I’m going to do we’ll use this copper for now it’ll

Oxidize later don’t worry about it back Factory looks awesome thank you so much welcome back what we’re going to do oh I actually don’t know what we’re going to do now that I just realized that this needs so okay so I know what we need to do we need to fix

This we need to fix this let’s let’s put that back we need to go get we need to get Granite stairs how’d you get all the supplies just mining I have um two pickaxes they’re almost dead I got to be careful with them let’s make I’m just going to do all

We’ll just do Granite actually or what I could do maybe we can make these into stairs and throw those on the ground and then we’re going to need these stairs no we shouldn’t we should have enough should make an aquarium an aquarium would be really cool no nightbot any other moderator bot

Here I don’t know I’ve never set up any Bots to be honest so uh for the moment no Bots one day I’ll do it maybe copper grates would look amazing on this build copper grates is that in the new update when they’re adding all that copper stuff which as someone who enjoys and

Loves copper I’m excited for that that is going to be awesome first thing I’m doing when that when that update drops is adding a bunch of cool copper stuff to this building here here here here here and here there there there we go now we can actually build the

Roof what happened to my other stairs no idea but where’s my copper okay how did I lose everything I don’t have my wings the copper blocks look great triy them out myself also water log the copper grates and there’s new tough blocks too really I haven’t checked out

Any of it to be honest I haven’t seen any videos voice C wow embarrassing 21 years old still hitting puberty um but I haven’t seen any videos or I haven’t tried the new blocks out yet um but I’m really that sounds really cool what was I looking for oh I

Forget I was looking for something and I forget oh that looks nice uh that’s not what I wanted oh oh oh oh oh I know what it was these stairs it was the stairs use use polish Stone stairs polish Stone stairs I don’t think that’s a block in Minecraft is

It you mean don’t you mean smooth Stone I’m going to sleep okay thank you for joining the stream hope you enjoyed your time here I hope to see you again maybe maybe next time maybe next stream okay so now what we can do is we need to find so each pillar we’re going

To do copper and then in between we’ll do the black roof hello welcome to the stream go one two three then one two and I think and then this will bring all of it together between the black roof and the turquoise copper and this will oxidize one day I

Know it’s going to take a really long time but it’s okay it’s fine everything’s going to be fine that’s all the copper I have wow fantastic do you stream daily I don’t I don’t I I stream Pretty rarely to be honest and I want to stream

More um so I’ll try to stream more but I can’t promise that I will I think that’s going to look good yeah I’m liking it I’m liking it that’s going to look really cool once that oxidizes in 14 business days it’s going to look nice ow the only problem ow is we still

Need we still need more bricks cuz I’m already pretty much out which is insane but it is 3 300 p.m. and I’ve been streaming for a long time so I think I’m going to end it and I will finish this later cuz I’m kind of hungry and I got plans

Soon but actually let’s go to sleep first no butts yet the copper doors would look great when that’s true saying ow when you fall M so OG what will you produce in this Factory copper a bunch a bunch of copper uh but anyways guys um we got a lot of a lot of

Work done to be honest a lot of good progress uh thank you so much for joining the stream hope you guys enjoyed it and uh I will see you all hopefully next stream and uh look out for the video that will be coming out fairly soon the next episode of the survival world

Uh so thank you again and I’m leaving now bye guys hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day hope you guys have a happy New Year have a happy New Year

This video, titled ‘Finally Building the Factory! Survival Minecraft Live!’, was uploaded by Commandernate on 2023-12-28 20:14:57. It has garnered 613 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:03 or 9303 seconds.


Discord server: https://discord.gg/FggVNXES

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    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creative Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a Strawberry Hot Air Balloon? If so, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on survival gameplay and an emphasis on player interaction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and creativity. Join players from around the world on Minewind and explore a vast open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or… Read More

  • Wireless Power Shenanigans

    Wireless Power Shenanigans Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 19 | Wireless Power Lensmanoz is embarking on a new adventure in Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack as the foundation. This pack boasts over 400 mods, numerous quests, and a well-structured endgame. While it doesn’t contain all the mods in existence, it offers a diverse selection, including newer and lesser-known ones. Building a Minecolonies City Lensmanoz’s goal is to integrate tech mods seamlessly into the construction of a Minecolonies city. Despite facing challenges like unexpected deaths and limitations with the digital miner, progress is steady. Utilizing a second… Read More


    POMNI CAUGHT CHEATING IN BLOCK BUDDIES!Video Information today we’re doing a build to survive with the smiling Critters and the amazing digital circus you got to be kidding me right now again with these circus Freaks Come on okay that was just a bit rude I remember the good old days where you guys didn’t exist what do you mean come on guys we all got to work together as a team The Smiling creators and the amazing digital circus I’m not going to work with these losers okay um oh oh come on uh well I’ll just keep my distance I guess no come… Read More

  • Survive with Friends: Immortal Op’s Chill Minecraft Stream

    Survive with Friends: Immortal Op's Chill Minecraft StreamVideo Information गाली खाने ल क्यों करता है मो अगर तूने एक नहीं सुनूंगा अगर तूने एक और बार बोला तो तू किक खाएगा तो फिर मैं कैसे बताऊ जो मेरे को बोलना है अगर तूने एक और बार वो बात रिपीट करी तो समझ जा बेटा तू गाली खाएगा कुछ नहीं तू चूया आदमी है त गे है भाई तू लेसन है तू एलजीबीटी मेंबर त एलजीबीटी क सपोर्टर है तू ले है तू गे है तू रेनबो फ्लैग है तू एलजीबीटी क का फ्लैग है तू तू तू तू तू आथ है तू भाई आथ आथ आथ आथ… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Livestream ft. Fans 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Livestream ft. Fans 🔥Video Information basically looking for a maybe not a city I don’t know what to call it guys hold when are you going to make the hi Anarchy Peace restorers On Top e all right chat I’m basically looking for a civilization map it’s uh doesn’t seem to be working right now but we looking hopefully we do find one though hopefully we do find one hey why is it only for Java Edition Bru what is this can I join yeah anybody can join and R key peace restored on top hi Jam what’s up Mr crabes now course… Read More

  • Unbelievable Boss Battle in Minecraft’s Kitatcho Labs!

    Unbelievable Boss Battle in Minecraft's Kitatcho Labs!Video Information Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* *La sortie est fermée* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est fermée* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* LE SAVIEZ-VOUS?: BOULES JETABLES(TM)/-C’est la boule qui a le plus grand nombre d’applications!/-C’est le cousin éloigné de la "Boule de slime glacée."/-Les Boules jetables(TM) sont sensibles à 2.78%!/-Quatre fois gagnante du prix Kitatcho de la Boule de slime la plus vendue!/- Les Boules jetables(TM) ne collent pas aux surfaces et tombent. N’essayez pas de le faire./-En fait, le bleu est une couleur… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Live!!!😉😉 || Road to 700 Subscribers!! || #Problizz #live #verticalstream’, was uploaded by Problizz Animations on 2024-04-29 22:41:40. It has garnered 522 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:37 or 6877 seconds. 🌈 Thanks for Tuning In to Problizz Animations! 🌟 If you’ve made it here, you’ve just experienced a whirlwind of creativity and entertainment! 🚀 We hope our animation took you on an unforgettable journey filled with laughs, thrills, and maybe even a sprinkle of magic. 🎨✨ 👍 Loved what you saw? Don’t forget to hit that Like… Read More

  • EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. Friends

    EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. FriendsVideo Information [संगीत] हम सरवाइव करने वाले 15 डेज इस मा फन ब्लॉक पे और यहां पर दूर दूर तक कुछ नहीं है और आज के इस वाली वीडियो में हमारे दो गोल है एक घर बनाना और इस गेम को बीट करना चलो तो जैसे ही मैं गेम के अंदर आया मैंने देखा इसमें एक ब्लॉक पहले से ही साइड में लगा है फर्स्ट ऑफ अपनी सेफ्टी के लिए क्योंकि यह मोड बहुत अच्छा है आपको चाहिए तो कमेंट कर देना मैं दे दूंगा और जैसे मैंने फिर ब्लॉक पर आया और मैं मैंने मांग स्टार्ट कर द फटाफट… Read More

  • Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!Video Information stream I don’t know what I’m doing here I am um playing Minecraft but Minecraft isn’t loading which is crazy but sure Minecraft load thank [Music] you hold up I’m wait still working on my stream uh hello or whatever other language you speak we’re playing m today because you know Minecraft is a game I play sometimes anyways stream say hello to this guy I’m playing with I it’s restarted so I’m yeah he’s there anyways he’s he’s there yeah he’s there don’t worry about him he’s a little special n if anyone if anyone’s special it’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information heute machen wir eine riesen busbauchallenge aber ich werde heimlich Hacks benutzen um meine Freunde le Lucky und B komplett zu Pranken mit dem hackerk slash/p wer ich einen riesigen Bus spawnen aber was meine Freunde auch nicht wissen dass ich die coolsten tnts am Schluss aller Zeiten benutzen werde der ganze Bus wird am Schluss mit dem krassten TNT in die Luft gejagt und jetzt l uns schauen wo unsere Freunde stecken so Freunde seid ihr bereit für die coolste bauchallenge aller Zeiten heute machen wir eine wer weiß es wer weiß es wer weiß es Challenge… Read More

  • Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!

    Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!Video Information [Music] hello guys right okay I I apologize for everything that is going wrong here it seems like everything’s kind of glitching out but um I hope you guys are having a good day today is Sunday we’re kind of vibing I was doing a bit of background things I’m trying to get points to work at the moment uh with streamlabs but streamlabs decided not to work so instead of um everything going smoothly like I wanted you got stuff like that so uh we’re going to we’re going to move on from that now though we’re… Read More

  • AspectSMP

    AspectSMPDM me on discord so i can whitelist you, my username in MrAspect, The server is on 1.19.4 and it is on Java. and also join the discord server. DISCORD RULES: NO Bullying, Racism, Sexism, NO Disturbing pictures/videos NO Spaming NO Self promos (unless in self promo channel) NO Threats. SERVER RULES: NO greefing NO racism NO being mean aspectyes.apexmc.co Read More

  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! Experience a world like never before with unique biomes, over 200 custom structures, and persistent progress. No resets, no wipes—just endless exploration and building. Defeat custom bosses for valuable rewards and forge crate keys in-game. Our town system is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience. Join us on Saturday, June 15 for an unforgettable adventure! Join Our Community: Discord: discord.urvillage.net Map: map.urvillage.net Teaser: TikTok Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

    Looks like those creepers are sneaking up on them faster than they can calculate their meme scores! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More