EPIC Light & Colour Exhibit in 1.20 SMP!

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A [Applause] hey what’s up everybody how you doing I woke woke up feeling a little medium this morning so I decided to go back to bed then I decided I was just going to stream with no camera on so I could stay in my PJs all day oh I’m a genius how are you

Everybody it’s weird I woke up simultaneously extremely motivated to work on the museum but also extremely tired so like you’re like simply take the day off it’s like well I want to work on specifically uh the light and Color Museum Wing uh and speaking of

Which I should label all of the wings so if you didn’t see it previously here’s a little a little diagram of how everything is going to look and so I should uh I should fix that so yeah let’s get some signs I’m going to need like 16 of

Them and then uh let’s get parting like a rockar shall we that’s only seven signs oh conditions are terrible 17 I accept you’d like it to be Friday what happens on Friday y so according to the museum diagram this is the anthropology Wing great so oh they’re not oh no all right whatever

Tools cross from tools we have have armor and weapon Friday is the end of the work week okay that’s fair that’s fair uh this would be or products no this could be one line how do I even use a keyboard oh I should do maybe I should do the

Staircases as warm-up task this morning no no no I just want to work on uh of light and color uh so that means this room should be light and color it doesn’t really matter as long as it’s like close enough you know all right cross from light and color we have archa ology

Archology I have no idea if that’s how you spell it properly Stone product wood product RK all oie I love it oh Subs dang uh Chucky thank you so much for 32 the Half Stack zag thank you for 64 the full stack that’s a million months oh my

God it is before 11: I’m just going to believe that that is in fact correct dang all right so now I’m upstairs in the Natural History Wing this is aquatic oh and binary 64 is a million that’s cool my only friend the end hey what’s up Shay yeah good morning Indiana

Surge is that because it belongs in a museum can we get a gift of chair for the no cam days pull a dolphin chemist dolphin chemist is basically a vtuber except it’s only ever just chair what’s up jumping up and down hope the move is going swimmingly sure

Well I mean I successfully moved to Alberta but no I I appreciate that the uh part two of the move is a ways away though we’ll see all right so I am super motivated today uh to work specifically on lights and color which is going to be very cool

Very cool very exciting hey do the do thank you so much for the diamond Bean friend I appreciate it what’s part two part two is where I move back to Victoria the uh the whole move to Alberta thing was was never uh was never Kaku you know it was never part of the

Plan it just sort of ended up happening goodbye forever sheep does this Museum have a zoo no that is not within the scope of the museum the museum is just a museum how do you accidentally move to Alberta exclamation announcement I believe all right so for the color room I need

Oh yeah oh good job pass surge yes oh I’m the happiest man alive all right great start so uh I don’t need bucket of tadpool anymore either well oh all right so we’ve got white conrete amazing I mean I guess I should keep this on me it is after all a light which

Is part of light and color uh what do I do with those frog lights I think I left them there there which is fine the next thing I need is a bunch of terracotta yeah I was worried about that how we’re doing for glass lofa the Alberta thing sounds stressful how

My coping I mean I’ve been here for three months it’s kind I hate to be like it’s old news now but it kind of is and it is what it is you know I was more stressed like 3 months ago in August where I didn’t know what I was going to be

Living but you know it’s fine all right so I might want I want white concrete which I have uh and maybe I’ll just worry about that for now let’s go do a little bit of miny mine do I have a beacon on me don’t have a beacon on me how is that

Possible what is this Swift sneak do I have a beacon in a different box how do I not have a beacon just like lying around do I have any beacons in here ah there we go all right never mind I do have a beacon all right Alberta is the solution to the problem

Not the problem that’s a great way of phrasing it zag yeah Alber is fine uh all right I’m not going to worry too much about anything else right now so what I want to do is I want to start setting up a foundation for what my uh what my

Colored room is going to look like and I want to make look kind of like an Art Exhibit so I’m going to make the walls all they’re all gone I’m going to make the walls all white concrete uh and then I want to get a bunch of canyan terracotta to like do

Basically like very flat pillars I think white and black would be too dark so I’m going to do white and S terracotta and then I want to do these like giant splashes of color uh you can’t see it I’m gesturing with my arms these like giant splashes of color for um for

Like well the color section of light and color so we’re going to get rainbow wool and maybe some like glass and candles and stuff into there but first what I need to do is I need to go to the desert and I need to get a whole bunch of I

Mean I guess I need to go to the Mesa technically I need to get a whole bunch of Terra Cotta you pictured exactly that the gesturing thank you practicing for my new house where I’m also going to make it look like an Art Exhibit James’s butt LOL he never

Noticed oh we got him so good where do you think he’s taking me I guess I could smelt it man ooh oh where’d he go oh all right uh is there any like I shouldn’t touch you think or can I just kind of take whatever it’s a

Mystery Take It All We Don’t definitely don’t need that much hey what up rage thank you so much for 20 months yeah what kind of jump boost is this I thought jump boost let you jump too high weird what’s up devil risen how am I doing you know good chilling parting like a

Rockstar all right we want to go to the Mesa which is this way so I have no idea how much cyan I need I don’t really I can’t really picture how many resources a room is going to take at this point like it could be I don’t know like I just don’t know

The rooms are deceptively big maybe they’ll end up feeling smaller than I think once we actually get into it so I believe if I go this way Southwest West yeah believe if I go Southwest it’s where the uh the Mesa is what up scuba hope I’m feeling a little bit more

Rested so I I went back to bed for 30 minutes and then I just kind of chilled which was really nice just kind of chilled I played some brot see I’m feeling better thank you scuba wait a second I see a chain hanging there out of the of my eye I

Did love the new M shaft changes TKA nice so neat fact for terracotta if you have an efficiency 5 pick you only need a baby Beacon to instant mind is that interesting so downsides of the baby Beacon the range isn’t as far but like whatever we don’t need a ton of ton

We’re not strip mining this entire Mountain so we specifically want the plain terra cotta here so we can D it he says mining a bunch of red terracotta be gone all right so it feels like the timeline for a lot of the things that we need to do

For this Museum have been moved forward and I don’t know how to feel about that we had like a little pre meeting from m: clock where we were talking about like yeah December 19th December 19th we feel like uh we’ll probably have a good chance of most of the like

Collect all the things being done they’re like yeah okay that makes sense and I’m checking the calendar and that’s giving me you know a couple of weeks I’m like yeah and then during M o00 yesterday James is like huh so we’re going to be done uh next

Week and I was like I beg your pardon what how did how did our timeline suddenly move that quickly oh it’s good coffee and then James is like it sure would be nice if you know the museum was done round about the same time as I

Collect all the things was done I’m just like oh my God my dude why do you do this to me maybe was thinking in Minecraft days I I don’t know I mean it made sense we were sitting there we were talking about it cuz you know there’s only so much we can get

Done in each episode of m: what kind of coffee are we drinking today Joe this is a delicious bright and fruity Costa Rican from an albertan Roastery called Eclipse which is kind of cool new to us you know what let’s just fill this whole shulker

Box no reason not to you think the first estimate included putting stuff up into the museum no it definitely didn’t no the first estimate was literally just like how long how many streams do you think it’ll take to finish collecting all the things we looked at the calendar

Right we’re like all right so we got the 29th we got the 6th we got the 13th oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I’m looking at the wrong dates like like we got the fifth uh we got the 12th and then yeah the 19th right so we got this and then

Maybe two more weeks and we’ll all be done on the 19th you’re like great and then and then yeah that just wasn’t the Case all right baby Beacon has baby Beacon range there we go uh is there maybe a solid layer of nope all right I don’t really want all these different colors whatever we’ll just run while we have the range grab as much as we can and then

Uh and then that’ll do that’ll do Beacon that’ll do so I think one of the ways if I want to try and get this done on time would be to do more of it off camera but like I think the exhibits are actually like a really interesting part of this

Build cuz they’re they’re all going to be so different and so creative I kind of want to show everybody you know that part getting made I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how we want to do it the museum build is definitely under the category of uh quite large

So exhibits are definitely going to be good content well I thank you all right uh oh that’s just annoying I’ll get 24 more there we go could the exhibits be a group effort a little I want to make at least one together but I don’t I don’t so to be perfectly honest three

People collaborating on a creative project is always kind of challenging right especially if there aren’t really clearly defined parameters on one of look like and uh it’s also possible to be like all right you do this room you do this room you do this room but then I I

My worry on that is it won’t have like a cohesive Vision if that makes sense so I almost feel like it doesn’t quite make sense to split it up like I kind of feel like I have to do it not not like a chore but I think it makes more sense in that

Way cuz what I’d love is you know obviously help to get the materials together and to get input on how things go but like I don’t necessarily want other people to build the rooms what up ncto I’ll give you that coffee drink you a AR cuz he can’t see me what up

Lilith there that’s the content you all wanted perfectly ordinary human drinking coffee [Laughter] noises what is going on there oh a little uh drowned City but up on top of the water all right I go this way there we are all right terracotta get green dye get white concrete

Get so something I haven’t be able to figure out yet is what I want the floor of the museum to look like I still this is like the biggest thing I’ve been struggling on right now so if the walls are white concrete and the ceiling and some of the pillars are made

Of cyan terracotta do I do do I do calite I think all calite will be boring I definitely don’t want it to be the same as the hallways or the same as the as the other room I need to come up with like a simple and resource cheap yet visually distinct

Floor which is like harder than you think I don’t know I still have no idea what to do maybe I just do maybe I just do whatever this block is andesite I do like andesite I don’t know this is the hardest part for me and I don’t know how to resolve

It all right so the other thing I want to do is I don’t want to necessarily dye all of it right now how much is that whatever grab this throw it all into the D box got plenty for blue dye uh I should also grab more random

Lights I think I left the Frog lights there cuz I want this room to be nice and bright right I want lots of glass I want lot right color Jesus Oh surge I definitely don’t need tinted glass whoa whoa whoa oh whatever bad sge apparently

Do I not have the other two tall flowers really oh wait P is one of the two talls what up Chris you’re also on coffee number two nice definitely feels like a two coffee morning eh hands up if you’re you’re on more than one coffee [Laughter] today what up

Molson uh wait how do I do here yeah this goes this goes back in the box as well you’re on nun coffee sorry to hear that raise his hand for three coffee gang let’s go so I got a bunch of bone blocks there that’s all fine um the next thing I need to

Do on my way I need to stop by the shopping district and I need to grab wool you count cups are you rather be counting uh pots of coffee there caffeine got a caffeine sensitivity no fair enough yeah maybe I will just make the floor andesite for now oh

Hello blue ice yellow dye slime that’s you know what that’s actually like a a pretty respectable spread there I was heading to the wool shop so here’s what I want I want four stacks for two diamonds so somebody help me out with some math here if I want two stacks of every color

And there I is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 * 2 is 32 / 4 eight do I owe eight diamonds does that make sense anybody else I think it does nine coffees in a day that’s look I love

Coffee that’s a lot of coffee that’s a lot of coffee I don’t want to yuck anybody’s [Laughter] yum perhaps too much does this all fit in one shulker no you hit 14 cups of coffee one day without realizing it holy moly all right I need to go raid pink

Wall from uh Dan’s I paid for it y’all saw me I paid for eight short two stacks of wool which is unacceptable you’re in the Church of deep crunch I’m sorry to hear that caffeine your cousin would drink a full in the morning for a few months until he

Started having heart problems yeah yeah no kidding so I mean that’s the interesting thing right like people like God s you drink so much coffee and I’m like do I I have a couple cups every day but like compared to people who go who like

Brew a pot of coffee I’m not doing much at all I don’t know teach their own right all right uh wool that’s glass where where does this get deposited to there from what you’ve shown on stream either they’re not massive mugs they’re like 8 oz cups

You drink just the right amount for you I it’s so true wait wait wait hold on did this break this looks like we’re a storage system used to be like Hoppers would run out of this and then run over in this direction so like did this all break

Yeah look what where there used to be this Farm doesn’t work anymore what do I do yeah this is this is a farm that has been no this is not a server reset this is also not my farm fix it this is not my base simply steal the

Sheep well no you don’t I mean look you don’t touch other people’s stuff right it’s like rule number one of playing on a server with people is uh you be respectful so what I need to do now is I need to get two more stacks of wool and I just

Need to dye it myself so pink dye uh is that just red and white mixed together how do you get pink temporar steal their pink sheep I’m not shearing a sheep 64 times and waiting for it to eat the grass that sounds miserable n [Laughter]

No yeah I’m not quite sure if the peie is the um is the pink D or not white and red works okay yeah one yeah one pink sheep sheared to get two stacks of wool is going to take five ever you didn’t say it was a good plan

All right well as long as we we’re in agreement Uh yeah maybe just the anide Flor be fine we’ll see we’ll see all right so first order of business are you what I want you to be yes 32 I need 16 of you so I do this and then you turn into 34 die question mark uh and then it’s

One: one okay great uh 34 which means I need another 94 47 yeah I kind of wish there was a two tall flower for every color of die TBH but that’s fine what’s up moose you having a good one bam just like that BM you love see

It all right so we got the colors we got some spare Dy uh let’s grab us some andesite we’ll just put down andesite for now it’s fine so we’ve got andesite we’ve got the tyan the the Terracotta on me we’ve got the white concrete on me what else do I want

To do in that room for now this is fine all right so according to the legend upstairs to the right so it should be here question mark light and color clap clap clap clap clap everything’s Full oh the new Showdown is up hey Vampires versus molk you don’t Say oh no really I thought I did it man off stream I thought I went and I finished all of these corner pillers literally except for the one room I’m working on today oh that’s so funny what are the chances all right all right all right please hold Wild Ow I like literally logged in last night just to do this Disturbed Erica while she was Streaming trying to think about how I wanted to make these staircases as well and I uh I still don’t have a good Idea so oh by the way uh this platform goes on the inside so that while I’m uh building the staircase from the inside I know where to stop I think that’ll be helpful I don’t know it could have been left blank ah how audible is my mouse clicking by the

Way does that like does that get picked up or no I find when building a staircase you shouldn’t get too caught up in the plenty of the big picture it’s better to go step by step thank you you can’t hear it not for me okay good

Good not hearing on your end I know sometimes like when I hear streamers with super like clickey clacky mechanical keyboards it’s all I can hear so I didn’t know if that was uh as present or as bad you know especially on a day like today or it’s just all audio Vibes

There’s no visuals from my face good job microphone Mouse is often by the side while a keyboard is directly underneath the microphone that’s fair that’s fair and also very true got to take the staircase step by step really appreciate it if you wouldn’t backseat so much cutter God this guy this guy

Why not stop the sterile at the floor the height of the second floor since the ster don’t go any higher would it give you more space I don’t want more space I’ve been very specifically trying to make the spaces smaller and more manageable if there’s one thing that

This place does not lack it’s more space uh one of my biggest worries is making the rooms feel full and interesting right like I have so much space I have to fill I just want you to know that I punned in my dream last night which is new wow

I I drank coffee in my dreams last night which is maybe not new tell me about your dream puns Gunner what is the highest form of punning that you could only achieve in your sleep tell us a story set the stage [Laughter] ah [Laughter] oh [Laughter] is there going to be a museum reception desk information booth yes let me consult the diagram or a gift shop let me consult the diagram yes don’t make me tap on the sign so it would appear that pass surge got something

Wrong when he was laying out the floors here you Haven seen the diagram no no no you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine all right so Gunner I mean this is a dream so it doesn’t make a ton of sense but a woman was doing that thing that like Bully older siblings do and

They hook a lugie and it’s SL oh gross and I said in the dream how would your father feel if he knew you were drooling over some guy all right all right so I don’t know how I got this wrong so clearly this Netherrack was in the wrong place which is

Funny I mean not to me it’s actually very very bad but you know that sounds so gross you don’t know what it means I know I can picture exactly what Gunner is talking about and I don’t know if modern kids do it but it was definitely a thing if you were

Watching like The Goonies era shows especially about like brothers like you got to picture like a 12 to 14-year-old boy cuz that that’s really the only people who are doing that like spit thing I don’t want to describe it any further than that if you know you

Know anyways I’m proud of you for unlocking the Milestone pun in your dreams Gunner anyways I built this wall perfect first try all right oh wait I still want to be upstairs all right so let’s put this stuff away on the first try too look it’s it’s

Not easy being this good at video games but uh someone’s got to do it you know this was all smooth sandstone and like within the recent scope of the build too yeah all right we’re good so what I’m going to do is I’m going to make the entire floor and a site for

Now with the assumption that I’m probably going to have to add more details to it later so let’s do that uh the other thing that I know I’m going to want to do is I’m going to want to make all of the interior walls white concrete so I don’t have to fully

Fill everything so I can just do sort of like this all right hey friends I was talking about this a little bit on Moc clock but I’m uh I’m curious about your thoughts as well if I and we’re very much in the planning stages here if we started to design a Serge craft

4 what would you like the main hook to be and I don’t mean necessarily a mod I’m almost thinking like this is session zero of a D and D campaign right and you want to start thinking about um the world and the setting and all that stuff canal and museums y’all are the

Worst wow Venice I mean honestly I thought about Islands so the problem with that is like do we suddenly have to do a a train generation thing where the whole world is just a thing or is that the sort of thing where like we just roll seeds until we find an area and

Everybody just kind of hangs out there I don’t know it’s it’s interesting stuff right God an aide’s just such a pretty block trains trains is interesting so the problem with trains uh so create I think needs to be in this pack cuz crate’s so good good right

Now but like trains and Islands don’t go well together and like trains are really cool so I don’t know so the problem with Sky cities is I want my friend Max to be able to play with us and they’ve got a very legitimate fear of heights so like

A Sky Block World isn’t really going to work and neither are sky islands if I want to be able to include them and I want to be able to include them cuz I like Max a lot you hate modded seeds I know I really do so Dwarven kingdom is interesting and

Uh you know something we have fairly recently done but like that’s fine no ideas off the thing could do like a water world or Dune theme so there’s actually a brand new mod pack that just came out which is like um I think it you describe it as an expert level Quest

Exploration pack called desert World which is really interesting the whole world is a desert and they actually add uh like a heat and a thirst mechanic to keep you alive so one of the things there that’s kind of cool is you know there’s like a framework that you can build upon but I

Don’t want to make saraphina have to do like a quest pack you know what I mean that sounds like so much work Mad Max it up yeah like a desert world with trains and stuff is kind of neat water world is really neat so when

We played uh I think it was called Ocean Block Ocean Block is still one of the more interesting packs that I’ve played in a while I think my issue with Ocean Block is it just had too many mods in it like by the end you know you’re doing draconic stuff and

Yeah that was all that was all a little too much for me all right so look at this our first room has a floor which is an odd Milestone to be celebrating but a great milestone nonetheless hey Zed oh my God Zed thank you for the 64

A Dwarven Kingdom and needs to reclaim the deep dark that’s kind of interesting but like I think that works good for a single player I don’t know if that works well for a setting for different a bunch of different players to have bases in but

Yeah all right let’s see if all of these Stacks are enough you knew that 64 was important but you couldn’t remember [Laughter] why so I don’t know if this is going to be cool or not we’ll see what about code hangers what about code hangers hey what up M tats thank

You so much for 59 months Cod hangers have good hooks oh my God Gunner how dare you so like here’s the thought so far you know I don’t know how high I want to bring this up yet so if it goes to there uh one 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight eight

Tall and how tall is the downstairs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 oh oh that window’s the exact same height fascinating so do I want it to be extra tall does make sense that it is symmetrical huh so like I guess I could go up to

Those windows at the top but I don’t know if I want this room to be that tall cuz that that just makes so much more o is this room extra dark now are we good do I have have torches I do I mean there’s not like there’s sunlight [Laughter] anyways

Uh yeah maybe I do go right up to that I’m going to need more concrete if I do that well it start going up so that’s flush with the hallway if I go all the way up I end up covering part of the framing of that window maybe that’s fine

So I don’t know what I’m doing anymore I don’t have a plan I’m just kind of we’re kind of improvising here all right and I’m going to have to go get so much more white concrete oh my goodness I thought half a shulker box would be enough well we’ll see we’ll see

How close we get before I start panicking and saying I don’t have nearly enough hey what’s up guia how you doing friend good morning to You maybe I have the perfect amount maybe I’m secretly a gen thoughts chances are good your day so far drinking coffee avoiding responsibilities o I like the way you think especially the coffee part big fan so step one much like a painting we have to prepare our

Canvas which is going to be the White Blank coat step two is going to be to add the ceiling and the support pillars which will start to give this room some shape some form some contrast then we’re going to start putting in the giant like feature thingies uh that’s the uh the technical

Term a giant feature thingy then we get to start adding the small details all right so how much concrete do we have left can we keep going higher signs point to [Laughter] no so like man this was most of a shulker of white concrete this is what I’m

Talking about the rooms being uh simultaneously larger and smaller than you think right like what in the world so let’s be real do we do we just put the ceiling on it now or do we go higher I don’t know if the room has to be this much higher than this oh

Man what if I could go two layers higher all right how many blocks does it take to do one layer can I do one layer higher well this is lights and color is what we’re working on and so I already picked the exhibits that are going to have a lower ceiling

As the bottom floor with the ex with the understanding that this one was going to be slightly taller all right so I’ve done an extra layer and so one layer takes one and a half stacks can I just take it from the corners the corners is not enough to

Help I could take it from 1 2 3 four five six corners but that’s only like a stack and I need like six more Stacks I wanted to go higher actually you know what um I could in theory if I just wanted to go one layer higher or maybe this is good

Enough maybe this is the height I wanted at because then if we go through when we view it from above I don’t know like how important these windows are right maybe this is plenty tall maybe this is already plenty tall all right uh the next order of business is let’s make some

Cyan let’s make some San terra cotta the prettiest color of Terra Cotta so I need nine stacks of San terracotta is it 1: one or 8: one how do you make all right it is uh 8 to one so that means I need nine Stacks wait I don’t know how math Works

Actually uh let’s just assume this is the exact amount I need that’s for eight let’s make eight stacks of this for now so the goal is to be at this height for the inside of this room do I want to do a vaulted ceiling I don’t know I was thinking I was thinking

Of just making it pretty flat and very modern and just adding more texture to it later so let’s get this in for now and then we’ll uh re-evaluate if we need additional depth I hear you spider Museum’s not open yet stay outside oh jeez so in my mind as I’m building these

Things I’m already trying to think about like where my vertical pillars are going to go and I’m thinking oh interesting this room is somewhat asymmetrical now but maybe that gives us an opportunity I think the other thing that’s important to remember is we do want to try and get

These I don’t want to spend an infinite amount of time on each exhibit right so it’s like all right given the constraint of time what is the most what is the best and most interesting way that we can make a room right obviously each one needs to look

Kind of cool in and of itself but like they don’t necessarily need to be the most detail perfect Rich things ever I don’t know um what’s the light level up here five six oh yeah we’re fine all right so now we head back inside oh love that love that uh and now

I was thinking of doing a little bit of right we do a little bit of we do a little bit of like modern stuff here oh my God I’m out I’m already out uh all right so I want a little bit of asymmetry in the wall so let’s do

Four more Stacks which means I’m going to want uh 16 of this and 16 of this and then so I kind of like the idea of this strip maybe coming around like this little hello wait multiple spiders just the one so yeah I don’t know ow oh I just oh my knee

How wide is this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 dang 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 okay 15 is fine [Laughter] ow so like big pillars here got a little bit of asymmetry going now love it dig

It maybe I do want to make that big strip the whole way around the outside maybe I kind of like that just ending like that to be honest all right let’s do that over here as well then bad hello spoter yeah they scream they want to come into the museum so bad and

I get it you know I can’t wait for this to be open either they really got to wait their time they’re just chilling you know they’re chilling uh I hate how symmetrical that is right now all right let’s ignore that for now uh the next thing I want to do and this

Is going to be a little ambitious uh I I’ve pictured this in my mind’s eye but I haven’t actually built it yet uh where’s all my wool so I want to do like a giant rainbow wrapping thing and I don’t know what that means uh what are the seven colors of the rainbow

Red orange yellow green blue indigo violet Roy Roy I’ve got a couple more colors here though cuz I’ve also got these pinks right oh my God it’s already lunchtime so my thought here is what if we do one rainbow from right to left that’s left to right and then another rainbow from

Right to left and they kind of gradient from one side to the other but then they but then they um you know you know all right does that make sense at all like sech that’s impossible how could that possibly make sense all right uh let me grab my special shears Mr

Pinchy all right let’s grab a couple of extra colors here so we have red orange yellow green this is bigger than I thought maybe two colors each so I get more colors in all right so red orange yellow green other green blue other blue darker

Blue four blocks of each um I worry a little bit about four blocks of each so now we can get some more interesting colors in here right so if we do pink um and then we maybe do white gray I don’t know right so if we do that this side

Looks like neopolitan ice cream now it would be more so if it was brown I’m eating pizza now is that a Neapolitan wall it is it is thank you for asking maybe I do want it to be three I don’t know how much um interesting color stuff I can do if

It’s just that limited right so now my other plan is to take the same rainbow and start it along the top of the ceiling and run it that way and then just do this wild I don’t know what that noise was you know Thing I don’t know if it’s supposed to be like specifically a spooky rainbow ghost noises I wonder if a border would look good in between it maybe the columns already do a good job of isolating that side of the room does the rainbow need to continue past that I

Mean it does cuz then otherwise it’s not very big I mean the other the other option is I could start the rainbow here and then maybe oh all right you you win you win hold on hold on hold on new plan um red orange yellow green darker green

Blue the shades of of blue just keep on going uh then we go into purple then this then this then this and this you know what I I think you might be on to something there uh and then you know what what if I what if I do this so

Pink and we want uh magenta no all right then we want U magenta then we want per after purple we want blue other blue lighter blue green green all right so then what I want to do wonder if this is going to work I have no idea I’ve had this idea in my

Brain for a while and um this is my first time trying to put it out into the world and so let’s see what happens you know for oh the colors should have maybe been slightly skewed we’ll see no cam today but I thought this was

A surge stream hey I see what you did there [Laughter] what up Virgil right only I can prevent wall zombies shoot well it’s too late it’s too late now so I thought this was like a really interesting idea as a a backsplash sort of like color exhibit

Wall for the light and color area and I don’t know how I feel about it right like you walk into the room it’s it’s got a pretty basic like modern Decor of a light floor basic White Walls but then you come in and one of the walls is like this giant splash

Of color right you’ve got that and then we put some stuff sort of in the middle here yeah the other thing that I could do if we wanted to make it even more interesting is I think it’d be nice if it was offset right so like maybe if that was

One gray then the white would it wouldn’t be these like vertical strips it would be you know what I mean like I should maybe do two of red you know uh cuz then this pillar isn’t just super vertical what do you what do you think

Of do you like the vertical strips or do you think I should um I should offset it paron of me eating pizza right now for all right let’s collect everything right now uh I know this changes the idea but it’ be cool if you could do like a paint

Trip style from the roof down and the floor could be wool uh I worry about just the the the scope sort of at that point it’s not not a bad idea yeah paint DP is hard to do at the scale with this many colors so like we do individual

Individual paint drops but I don’t know if we could do like a whole thing if that makes sense all right last thing I need to do was just hop in oh there was none in here neat all right uh so now I want orange and I want yellow and after yellow I want

Lime after lime I want green and then I want blue other blue darker blue uh and then I want purple after purple I want magenta tips hat ah after magenta we want pink after pink we want white absolutely loving this style so far thank you I mean again we’re in the museum

Here so the idea is especially for like the lights and color is for it to be loud for it to be fun all right so now we have done the offset instead of the vertical strips and I think I like that even better let’s take a step back and view

It from afar oh yeah oh yeah that’s way more interesting what do you think about that nice all right heck yeah let’s go to celebrate I’m going to eat some more Pizza am I missing black I’m missing quite a few colors There are 16 different colors in Minecraft uh something that I don’t love is I don’t love how symmetrical it is uh do you want me to try and get a little bit more a little bit more asymmetrical Here that’s wrong supposed to be this color so like that that breaks it up a little bit here cuz otherwise it was very syy there we go so what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to mix up where the center point was before it felt very level and now

It’s yeah now it’s way more asymmetrical which I think is kind of interesting except for this corner this one is too flat there we go yeah all right all right next question next question do I encase that in glass let me let me demonstrate let me show

You what I was thinking uh first things first yeah I didn’t even use those colors are you doing that to shrink the space well no I’m trying to do it to make it look more like uh like an exhibit right so right now it just looks like we painted the wall an interesting

Color but go with me on this journey so now if I let’s go get our light box here uh this one so if we grab this box and actually while we’re at it I should grab this box And this box maybe also this box concrete how uh quartz fine oh you know what also might look really good in here is also some Birch good modern museum Embraces a touchable experience uh hold that thought we’re going to have interactive stuff I just don’t know if this one

Needs to be the touchable one all right so I got I don’t know I’m just going to put a bunch of stuff down here all right so let me grab the white glass let me grab the white now concrete did I put away the rest of the cyan concrete so I’m almost

300% certainly going to have to uh get more white concrete which does not spark Joy oh they do line up ooh all right so for there so go with me on this journey so my thought was I do something like this all right and then we take

Our glow rods wherever they are end rods glow rods end rods and we do something like this right and then we do the same thing along the ceiling Kia Sterling yo what’s up friend thank you so much for 39 months the third Baker’s Dozen oh my God

At what point does a baker stop counting in dozens or is that just their life is that just a number they’re doomed to repeat oh wait a second so I like the idea of the N Rods uh because they’re visible but what if what if we brought some of these in

Instead I have a new idea and I don’t know if I love it or not but let’s give it a try oh oh oh no listen to this noise oh what a tremendously unpleasant noise to build with that does not spark Joy why is it so moist sounding listen to

This is it become came out of a frog’s butt how tremendously unpleasant FYI frog lights are directional we’re not really going to see them though but yes yes yes yes they are you are absolutely correct so like now it’s feeling more like an exhibit to

Me and my thought was if we put it behind glass right so before I do that whole thing how do you feel about that now and then you walk in and you’re like oh well this isn’t that interesting uh and then it’s lit so it’s lit from above and

Below do you like that better than it was just a wall does that feel like more of an Art Exhibit to you or actually man we could do the hold up hold up hold up uh I didn’t bring white panes with me what if we just did panes along the

Bottom uh such that it looks like it’s um just to make it look like it’s a barrier you like the idea of a glass as a barrier yeah yeah all right let’s go let’s go uh kind of wish I had brought I have so many glass panes and I thought I

Wanted solid glass but whatever all right so let’s make Uh there oh yeah and we don’t need this anymore so yeah how does that look like for our first exhibit in the light and color section really nailed the vibe awesome now if I were to add lights huh I thought about doing a book or lecturn thing on what the entries are no

God that’s so much work let’s just make it look good first and we can think about documenting it after so I’m starting to feel like it’s a little too syy uh the strip of white along the top is interesting just cuz it’s contrast but it’s making me feel like um this is

Too much of the same same color and I don’t know how to do that try F out the colors even more yeah I mean it does get rid of that strip in the center but I don’t I don’t think I necessarily want to redo it again but you’re right like if red

Started there for example and it wasn’t it wasn’t the because the way we did it right is we have uh the starting point of both being the exact opposites whereas if offset by like three you know you think of it like a uh like a Cannon

As a musical as a piece of music right but that’s fine so I brought up Birch cuz I honestly think that like I honestly think that strip Birch is going to look really really good in here let’s give you some light so you can see what we’re working on

Here so I kind of want to replace some of these vertical pillars or at the very least have another color in here but I don’t know ah maybe maybe again it’s fine maybe the goal is to have just like a very very very simple very very very simple everything and right like everything

Else just kind of takes care of itself see if like we change that one wall to Birch that that also really helps yeah the strip of white along the top is interesting I I like it I think I’d like it more than if it was the same I think because of how it’s

Um contained in there it works yeah I think I I think we need that highlight color up top so next thing English the next thing I’m trying to think of is um where do we put other stuff I should probably put some displays in the center

Of the room uh we need more light we need more color in here right so maybe this side is just lights I don’t know I’ve never designed a museum before I’m kind of making it up as I go along don’t judge me too hard so like what if here now for

Example I feel like we don’t need two tables though if I’m going to do this the way I think I’m going to do this I think we just put the one table here maybe I put it maybe I Center it where I had it before maybe it was centered before man spacing

Is hard all right so we do this and then we grab um Frog Light the next and then Frog Light the next so that’s frustrating am I off by one on one side so I’m over there on that side no that’s correct it’s just

Even what if I Lin it up with the inside of the table so it’s here here and here what oh right it’s even it’s never going to line up the pillars behind because I have three things that I’m showing what if I put a sea lantern on there as the fourth

One one two three one two three how H how how 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 two yellow three green two pink I I don’t think that’ll look good trying to find a symmetry here so it’s odd to me that I can’t Center either three or

Four I mean I guess maybe I’m just supposed to put no spaces in the middle here but then it doesn’t really space it out I have one extra wool on me somehow see like if they’re all if they’re all sitting together and they don’t look like showcase items you know what I

Mean which is why I don’t love that whereas if they have a gap in between them they look like something that’s being displayed so it turns out if I just keep staring at it it doesn’t fix [Laughter] itself new plan uh I’m going to rotate the tables I wish just staring at your problems would fix them right yeah saw suggestion to maybe make this wall a little bit smaller don’t mind that I like it yeah I think that helps too move them up a block but then they’re not spaced evenly I think that’s a nice

Spacing so I wonder again if this is the sort of thing where we’re supposed to put up like like a little glass exhibit like look but don’t touch you know do we like that idea do we like do we like encasing everything in glass

I mean the other thing I can do if I just do this it floats a little actually uh I know what I can do I can do can make it look like it’s a table that obviously didn’t work so the trick here is making sure that we don’t build any blocks that um

The glass attaches to only there was a Velvet Rope yeah I mean we could we could technically do vertical chains which is kind of funny but I don’t know if that would look I don’t know if that would look like the ropes you you’re you’re thinking of um so we could try something

Like but it it’s so low right so I don’t I don’t know if that necessarily or if we put it up top then it ends up um obstructing the line of sight of what you’re looking at you know I think the glass just works better unfortunately hey what up

Nibbles yeah I think the glass works better but it’s important to test these things out right like there’s no harm in being like all right how does how does this look do we do we like this y or nay what about a chain attached to a fch

Post the chain won’t attach and again that doesn’t solve the problem of the height my issue with the chain is more specifically um how high it is right where did this andde come from I guess I broke a floor block somewhere let’s put you away the Birch back down what about new

Signs so new signs have the weird little hangy bits which is not bad it’s just they have the weird little hangy beds I think I really like this little table design right so we do this it’s got its weird little fees uh and we’re specifically doing it so that the glass doesn’t

Attach uh what do you like better do you like it here or do you like it attached to the wall kind of like it attached to the wall what if we pulled it away from the wall and let them walk around it I don’t know if we need to let them do

That I think we can do like a big Central exhibit in the middle here of something that people can walk around um is this this is four ah four wide why did I make it even from a distance it looks better attached yeah I feel like I need more

Color definitely feel like I need more color somewhere is this odd or even 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 this is nine which means uh one two 3 four so if I did here for example sick let’s go uh actually out by one

I think you need to have a beacon somewhere right I’ve lost my white shulker in that box I was like uh where did it go so I think that looks rad I like the beacon in this center now uh we’ve got a couple more exhibits of like things that

You can walk around now here’s a question does glass attach to a beacon sure does that’s too bad I mean like I could do this is this suddenly too cramped no I think that’s fine uh we need to get a little bit of lighting in here too just for like the actual uh

Actual lighting h i don’t love that now I don’t love that that’s not symmetrical No what do you do I was like I’ll maybe I just don’t do this oops oh God I’m smashing everything maybe that’s just good enough we got enough light I don’t really I don’t think it really needs glass on the floor with the lip of the table for the beacon

Uh I think it looks better framed personally I don’t know I kind of like that it’s on quartz but you just can’t walk up to it right like that that’s interesting to me also kind of a fun perspective thing I like the Birch of the window frame and

The Birch right there too I think that’s great so this side’s a little plain still but I mean I think if I look in this direction you see the block under the beacon oh you can uh you know what let’s make that uh let’s actually make that obsidian

Because I think that’ll look really good to have it sit on obsidian like that oh I think that looks great nice catch login all right so we’ve got a little bit of light and we’ve got a little bit of color but we’re not quite done there yet you

Know stained glass over here could replicate the wool on the opposite side so the problem with that is we have the window um but I was thinking of having splashes of color Somewhere all right so give me a second um I think it’d be cool to get some lighted glass hanging from the ceiling maybe as like another exhibit uh I also think it’d be kind of cool to do something with uh hanging lanterns maybe asymmetrically through this

Area I’ve got a bunch of different ideas I’m trying to think about where they should go so I want to do a bunch of hanging lanterns here maybe maybe maybe like maybe like this a little bit of a I don’t know a thing a chandela here

Possibly we can’t do too big of a chandelier just cuz the ceiling is so low um I was thinking it might be kind of cool to just do colored glass period this feels like the fun part to collect them all I yeah sure I’m just like oh God this is so much

Work uh I also need a stair case to exit here so maybe maybe before I solve this corner we should put the staircase in so that we know where it’s going to exit if that makes sense cuz uh otherwise we could be in for a really unpleasant

Surprise when it just like doesn’t work or whatever you know hello chat can see you pat pat my face they really missed out Joe says yeah yeah you missed out chat look at that we reclaimed almost a full stack wow all right uh this is the glass

Box I don’t know where this oh sign came from it’s kind of freaking me out so let’s put that there let’s put Mr Pinchy away oh those those shears the other ones are Mr Pinchy pardon me okay uh so I need andesite and andesite stairs andesite stairs are back this

Way so in the previous staircases we did andesite andesite stairs and Spruce for railings let me just double check oh spruce floors interesting well I got Spruce on me so it doesn’t really matter talk to me about staircases do you think the staircase should face this wall or this

Wall uh we need to set the be like the the point here and then it’s kind of going to work out whoever it works out above it so do you think you should see the staircase when you come into the entrance or do you think it should be

Like somewhat obscured and be in the corner so we have yeah this is a more public side that’s a more obscured side you like it obscured okay let’s give it a try put it over here by the wall one two three four five six okay nope it’s fine

Ow so I needed to have just some Plain andesite on me as well and I forgot all right so we’re a little bit Limited in terms of How High we can actually go elevator no I don’t think we need an elevator just feels like every floor can maybe only go up two which

Is uh really quite inefficient uh no no no that’s not true that’s not true I’m also trying to respect the window right so if we do this now there we go all right we got the design uh we kind of respect the window a [Laughter] little oh it’s so dark

Now so if I rotate it slightly I mean that’s a that’s a pretty good starting point for a staircase though so if we walked this way I rotated it uh 90 de so that the first staircase is actually how does that Work no that’s bad cuz then the staircase obscures that side okay so that doesn’t work what if the first staircase was here that’s really weird for that window okay so what are my other options I think I got that about as good as I

Could yeah I think I think it has to go here cuz if we try and rotate the staircase from this side what happens is the stair ends up coming through this doorway and I think that’s a good height right yeah I think I put it back to where it

Was which is like this never fear SNES here thank you sge I was getting afraid ever fear sges here uhoh now now I’m worried sge before before I wasn’t so if I do this oh this definitely doesn’t work so it has to come out this way a little

Bit that’s Ah that’s pretty tight there suddenly oh oh it’s the wrong height maybe this is actually fine maybe we do this what it help if the downstairs door was on the other side uh not particularly cuz again I was looking at the placement of the stairs in relation to the windows

And trying to obstruct it as little as possible which we kind of did right that’s perfectly centered there no no no no this is great all right so next thing we need to do is we need to make the stairs look better and then grab the trap doors

And how well is this going to work you know that’s not bad I think this is kind of working out great to be honest uh I probably need a couple more than that let’s do ourselves some favors here so does this work as well as I want

It to no it definitely does not I was kind of hoping to put um something like this in but then the final step doesn’t quite work with it right uh maybe it does actually move the final step on the other wall what do we move the final step on the

Other wall where else could that step go and keep it too wide the whole way right so if we put it up here then we got an L shape I mean maybe the other yeah it’s it feels too low if we have the stair down there so what we could do could go

Here right is that what you’re thinking so we continue the pattern for longer but then once we’re high enough we just kind of chill so the problem Here oh I’ve got an idea hold up hold up hold up this is going to be a little cheeky but we could do this now we just put it on the inside right what do you think you know what that for just like a little closet staircase that works remarkably well

Huh so you walk out here you’re in the light and color exhibit good use of space thank you do you think I should do another Birch wall here just to switch it up or I could actually make the give me give me uh give me a second to cook

Here so if I put all of the spruce away I’m done with the spruce then I put the andesite away because I’m down I’m done with the andesite so my thought would be do we want this to be symmetrical I kind of like that it’s asymmetrical currently but I do feel

That this is too flat and it’s got kind of like a weird like almost mushroom cap thing going on with that lip and I don’t know what the fix to that is so on the one hand that wall would look kind of good with like the Birch and the

Birch you know like if we cut a door into that I think that would totally work oh I love how much depth there is there by the way like look at that oh love it love it big fan let’s make maybe not work on that right now and instead I’ll do the thing

That I know is going to be [Laughter] easier I Need Just A miscellaneous box now ah odd question I hear Let Them cook all across lur I know what it means but where did it come from I have no idea I uh I do not have my my finger on

The pulse of society enough to have answers to questions like that unfortunately Adam well no Adam Adam didn’t make something like that up I hope this doesn’t look stupid trying to go for sort of another weird exhibit that like ties things in together if that makes sense all right and now

Apparently let him let that boy cook his from a rapper called Lil be back in 2010 but the internet took it in 2022 neat so my biggest issue with this is they’re all the same height which is fascinating so like oh maybe if we got a little bit of variation between the

Green and the blue I think if I get more height variation this will look interesting uh a little bit of variation between green and blue is a good call as well but yeah like I think the problem here is like they’re all just the same height which I don’t know how that happened

Like the one just straight attached to the ceiling I think that adds a lot more variation which is kind of interesting to it yeah all right no I think we got I got I think we got a plan Nows hello all right so that makes it way better like way way way

Better uh and I do kind of love the suggestion to replace half of those with the blue ones right yeah you know it’s kind of funky you walk in you got sort of three exhibits you got this you got this you’ve got this and I’m going to try and do

Something with colored glass in this corner afterwards and then hopefully that is uh everything we need and then you know what I think the floor is fine I got enough light in here I don’t need floor torches I might need one here just just until the

End all right so for the GH for the the the soul lanterns I’m going to have to go back to my base cuz I definitely don’t have what I need and actually while I’m there I guess what I’m going to do is I’m going to make some more white concrete huh that’s fine

And then I think I need to do a little bit more quartz here to sort of frame my way in right maybe I extend this I don’t know we’ll see we’ll we’ll figure we’ll figure that transition out so I don’t know if I want the floor to be too interesting uh for these

Particular rooms CU I don’t want I don’t want people to be interested in the floor I want people to look at the exhibits right and so I don’t quite know what the what the the science is there you know how do you make somebody look at the uh how do you make somebody

Not look at at the floor all right once head back to the base I need Soul lanterns and I need to grab a little bit more white concrete which is all doable you’re a gamer you never look up well that means you only ever look at

The floor so you should be an expert in floor coverings make the floor as plain as possible kind of what I was thinking but on the other hand I don’t necessarily like just like boring flat textures so I don’t know how to reconcile that I’m halfway between team

Yeah just leave it leave it plain and also on Team No it must be textured like maybe I add just a little bit of Polish terracotta to indicate where people have walked I don’t know ow wait do they just have soul lanterns in Bastion H I’m not going into a Bastion

Just for whatever make some carpet the problem with carpet is it’s ugly carpet just doesn’t look good CU it’s the same texture as wool right that’s a lot of clay surge why did I grab all that clay in the past like I’m not going to complain I’m just

Curious oh I already have a bunch of Soul torches let’s go let’s go pass surge oh right I was also thinking it’d be kind of cool if I grabbed a bunch of candles maybe all right uh so I need need that and I need iron you do lines on the floor to like

Direct people the issue my only issue with that is everything in Minecraft is 1 M by 1 me squared so like you know Ikea floor arrows or whatever might work if they’re a little bit more subtle but like the only sort of Arrow you can make is

Magenta glazed terra cotta which is Big vibrant pink right you know so I thought maybe maybe we could use a little bit of uh polished andesite just to show where people had walked but we’ll see so I’ll uh I’ll show you somewhere where I did do that right and that’s uh where is

It there’s like a little bit of texture in here which which is kind of neat but even this area right you just haveo you just have that just a little bit just so it’s not as flat oh I have so much iron on me why’ I go buy more whatever good job Serge

Supporting the local economy yeah Ooh ooh I think that little bit of blue helped a lot actually actually now do we like the color of the bar that’s hanging from the ceiling I don’t mind it I don’t mind it nice all right well that was a lot of work for what that ended up [Laughter] being uh okay

Oh uh sure you live in here now we’re going to let this iron spawn I brought all the Soul Sand on me why’ I do that well neat all right so the next thing I wanted to do was a bit of a glass exhibit over here a bit of a colored glass thing

I think if I get a little bit yellow glass in there too it’ll help so I got these colors and then I’ve got uh sea lanterns was my thought for a light source on the inside and then people are like I feel like it needs to be actually this is an interesting

Idea I try and gradient it a little I don’t know what I’m doing by the way I’m just kind of placing some blocks and we’ll see if it works out uh yeah don’t know what I was going for there but uh that ain’t it yet that ain’t it so

Far maybe it is I don’t know maybe if I added some pains to it too H okay how do I make this more interesting h all right let’s let’s try this again let’s try this again it uh it got too big for the amount of space we had to

Work in so far that’s a problem that’s a problem who else here Works in exhibits is try not to gatekeep and be polite yeah I’ve had a couple of people reach out and DMS to be like hey I literally curate museums and stuff like that look

I’m just trying to make a museum a room that looks good and that’s okay right and that’s all I’m that’s all I’m that’s all I’m looking to do I just need one other thing to run along this strip and I think I’ll be happy I think I’ll be happy to call this room

Done right so I know I want to use colored glass and I know I want to use a light source so my options are to embed a light source into the wall and put glass over it and then give it like a pedestal so this is a thought I have

And just do some stuff like this along this wall just asymmetrically which might be kind of interesting right like it just gives us a little bit of something there for the side which is nice and then I need I feel like I need one more thing like I could do the same

Thing here and here right should they all be three Heights should I play like do a little bit of variation in the height of them as well like what if we what if we get a little bit more height variation in here you know I mean that’s kind of neat too we

Just looking for stuff and if I put one more thing in the center here I think this is interesting candles are neat call I don’t know I mean actually candles are hilarious to me so let’s do this do that I have way too many fireworks on me suddenly which was

Unexpected I think I expected to be out for longer one more thing here let’s grab another table grab another table and somebody said just a table of candles oh I’ve got an idea I’ve got an idea for this all right so let me do this uh I need the white stained glass

Panes so let’s assume where’s the center point start like here there this might be like the silliest exhibit ever but my thought is behold candles huh [Laughter] all right so let me let me pick up all of of the shulker boxes and let me put everything else

Away and then let’s do a walk through and ask ourselves does this scream Museum I guess museums shouldn’t scream but you know what I mean not lighting them no I think there’d be too much light there I kind of like that they’re off cuz it’s unexpected you know what you know what

I mean does this look like an exhibit that screams light and color to you I I really like it I think this is really cute without being too busy right so we’ve got we’ve got like a nice little sort of asymmetrical thing that ties it together we’ve got little pops

Of stuff in the background uh we’ve got sort of like a a main EX IIT here and other things that you can look at I don’t I don’t know I don’t I don’t mind this at all what’s the first thing you see the first thing you see is

That and then you walk in and I would almost argue that these lights draw your attention over here so my my argument would be you see here first and and then those lights draw your attention over to this I like that the center’s open actually you know what it’s missing it’s missing benches

Right so I could put I kind of want to put a bench here and maybe some Greenery uh and then I’m kind of tempted to put like a bench here too you have good left to right rotation without getting cluttered oh man look if any of your museums need a

Hand with uh putting together exhibits my rates are quite affordable uh I just need to I just need to put in some quartz here all right so there’s a couple of very minor touches I want to do right now uh block of Quartz so I need to do this

Uh you know what that’s fine question mark is that fine uh I think that’s fine watch out for scope creeping clutter adding seeds or plants might make the eye path get all confused well if we if we put stuff in and we hate it we can always take it out beautiful

Thing about Minecraft is uh nothing is permanent typically museums don’t put seats in the galleries so there isn’t a traffic jam oh that’s interesting I do I do worry that some of the areas are a little plain so I did think about maybe putting a bench

Here but we’ll see if that uh if that clutters too much so I have the anvils on me what I don’t have on me is the dark oak or pardon me the do uh do I have the Anvil box on me I do yeah you know what that that little

Bench there I think is great actually just little just a little bench little Nook there uh I do think maybe this would be too busy we put one there as well yeah I don’t know if I love that do you think it wants any plants in here

Or no oh love the view of the sun uh my favorite part is the uh the big red pillar in the distance our our sight lines oh I’m so happy all right so I have literally been like I haven’t been able to get the idea of this place out

Of my mind this room in particular I’ve been thinking about like all the time let’s actually put some of the dark oak Just Right Next there you go I can make benches by itself all right last thing we need to do is just a little a little Teensy tiny that great English

Surge a little bit of texturing I think I don’t know uh those are in line with each other brains are very good at spotting patterns I do I do think breaking up the floor even just a little bit like that adds a lot instead of just making it too flat what do you

Think you in you not in Joe likes it that’s what really matters yes floor one last question are the chest with the individual item no there’s going to be a big Vault room remember all of the items are going to basically go into a Secure Vault well secure I’m using heavy air

Quotes here Vault I’m basically going to make a storage room under underground in most museums if we want to go for realism suddenly you only see a fraction of what’s actually on display right uh and that’s going to be the same here last question uh muffin top roof

Here do you think it needs another vertical pillar somewhere I like that it’s asymmetrical I just don’t love this corner and I don’t know how to fix it uh one potential option I don’t know how you feel about asymmetry yeah I don’t think I’m doing it any favors right now

Walls too flat without the muffin top yeah kind of Agreed drag the corner into a column I I don’t know if I like in this particular instance a uh a big depth corner like this maybe I do I don’t know I’ve been kind of trying to avoid specifically that but maybe that’s maybe that’s what I wanted all along I don’t know better

Worse I feel like it calls too much attention to that corner now like it’s just there having it open allows the eye to move over yeah I kind of agree with that right like as soon as it’s down it just kind of stops the flow and it had really good flow

Before makes that corner heavier yeah wish I can move all these shulkers I mean I have the technology all right so we’re walking down the hallway sorry I need to grab that shul box so we’re walking down the hallway Oo Ooh Museum oh this is I think I knew this and I totally forgot I forgot that sea lanterns are animated do I put up signage I think the signage will be really busy there was a mention that maybe we could bring this out by one what do you think leave the table

Where it is or bring it out into the room a little bit further I like where that is there am I lighting the candles no table looks good there I think it’s all right yeah I like I like that it’s in line with this can we do different colors of

Candles maybe I like that it just goes one to four I think if we just added a bunch of colors to this this tape would be really loud I like the Simplicity of it the only issue with the um the table placement is this block hey good night

Friend no I’m happy I’m happy I think this is an excellent start to our exhibits one of 16 [Laughter] done one down 15 to go so I think my plan for next time will be to hit one of the nature ones so reminder this is the this is the plan

Right we’ve got the rough layout we’ve got the upstairs and the downstairs and we got the wings and so basically we just finished uh light and color which is right there and some of these are easier than others maybe we’ll do mob drops with uh James and

Uno I just need to plan my exhibit rotation for the next 5 years oh Lord uh uh maybe we’ll try and do Botanical Endor aquatic next I think these will be super easy Botanical I’m basically just going to make a garden right like we’re going

To go we’re going to go in and there’s going to be trees and there’s going to be foliage everywhere and it’s just going to be very pretty and uh something else I might do and tell me if you love or hate this idea what if the floor was

Grass with a path block for the Botanical area is that too immersive or are you like yeah let’s go actually other ones would be really easy to do in that same style would be Stone and ores some good theming thank you okay big fan of that yeah so if I wanted

To if I wanted to actually Crush two rooms super duper quickly I think I could get stone and ore done quite fast maybe we’ll start with stone and ores next man I can’t believe how many folks in chat have worked in a museum before that’s like actually kind of wild to

Me all right uh last thing I want to do today because again I’m going to do a shorter stream today last thing I want to do is I’m going to go repair my tools because uh I flying to the Ender Ender with all these shulkers on me is giant mistake whatever

I’ve never worked in a museum the closest thing to that is uh Joe worked at the zoo which was kind of cool volunteer at the Museum of Natural History in La wow oh you only worked at the gift shop of the zoo oh still still counts Joe a good friend of mine from

University actually works as a museum curator now which is kind of cool God I’ve actually never been so scared of flying to my Ender Ender before as I am with 18 shulker boxes full of Highly valuable materials on me I don’t know what the word dant means doint are super important part of

A museum you’re the face of the institution what is it doent doent what is that word doent cool I’m unfamiliar with that term ow oh means a guide oh cool so like especially extra knowledgeable like goed guy uh guided tour guide sort of thing volunteers to do tours and answer questions and

Gallery spaces amazing uh when I got to go to the S Familia pardon my awful Spanish pronunciation pronunciation in uh in Barcelona they had dosens yeah as well people who would sort of show you around and tell you about the significance of what you’re

Looking at as well as the uh as well as the you know um age of various exhibits I got to go to like a really cool like Cathedral SL Museum in the south of England that had one as well some kind of Cathedral thingy so now I know what they’re called

Amazing didn’t learn that word until recently we don’t tend to use it in my industry yeah I never encountered that before very cool all right uh as I said shorter stream to today it was in Salsbury yeah Zed shorter stream today I’m going to call it there hey thanks for hanging out

I’m so excited that we are starting to basically knock off some of these exhibits thank you for joining for the super cozy shorter day I think you’re amazing and um yeah we should be back to normal tomorrow uh kind of a cool thing December 1st oh which is Friday so maybe

It be Saturday Sunday there’s a brand new game coming out that I’m pretty hyped to check out called oh brain what are you called hold steam World build comes out December first which is really neat so uh looking forward to a brand new variety game for this

Weekend yeah this is a combination City Builder and then underneath the city Builder there’s a like almost Dungeon Crawler sort of adventure thing underneath yeah uh it seems exactly our gem like our sort of jam gem Jam so tomorrow more Museum and then this weekend we got some steam World build

For variety so look forward to all of that all right go to the offline screen here let’s pick somebody The Raid uh thank you for joining me on this uh camelis day as well I don’t often do celess streams but uh I appreciate you stopping on

By I want to rate Adam so we’re going to go for very different Vibes here my buddy Adam is playing a new Rog likee game called astral Ascent let’s go send him some love just as a heads up uh I’m very familyfriendly Adam is very not

He’s an absolute Delight he’s got a huge heart I love him dearly but uh you’re going to encounter some bad words so just be just be heads up for that all right thank you everybody you’re beautiful talk to you soon by bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Our First Exhibit: Light & Colour – Ep 35 Minecraft 1.20 SMP’, was uploaded by Serge Yager on 2023-12-01 18:00:27. It has garnered 235 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:14 or 11174 seconds.

Minecraft 1.20 – Vanilla

Today we build the first exhibit in our museum, Light and Colour, for our quest to collect All The Things in Minecraft.

Broadcast: November 29, 2023

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Music from BigGiantCircles: https://biggiantcircles.bandcamp.com/

C418: Minecraft – Game play

0:00 Stream Start 5:54 Game Start 11:32 Getting Organized 16:48 James Helps Out 18:55 Gathering Resources 29:04 Getting Organized 45:18 Museum Building 54:42 Light & Colour Exhibit 2:06:17 Building A Staircase 2:19:45 Light & Colour Exhibit 2:29:54 Gathering Resources 2:33:22 Light & Colour Exhibit 2:55:32 Touring The Exhibit 2:58:25 The Plan 3:00:37 Tool Mending 3:03:40 Wrap Up

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    ULTIMATE COOMER TEX PACK in MINECRAFT! 😱Video Information [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls and fellow cumers arise for the best texture pack ever made the ultimate Kumer texture pack in Minecraft the Cute Mob Models this pack has got me cuming 24/7 I will not be showing any baby versions of the mobs you creeps [Music] oh This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE COOMER TEXTURE PACK IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zeeknee on 2024-04-21 13:00:20. It has garnered 1011 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS PACK NOW #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftskywars #shorts THIS… Read More

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    Insane! Titanium Watermelon Flower Budget 40M DRAWAGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 03:42:23. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:32 or 392 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDY

    Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDYVideo Information tiny emot Left Foot Right Foot left yeah oh This video, titled ‘GRIDDY in MINECRAFT ! Flauschi MACHT DEN GRIDDY’, was uploaded by Candy on 2024-01-08 13:00:06. It has garnered 63935 views and 4890 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. ➤➤🎉 Don’t forget to subscribe! ➤➤My real-life VLOGS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM1UBBs_BQJk_dLe1nE5GKd7iWhhTFVeW ➤➤Youtuberinsel 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyWMUO85ECQ&list=PLM1UBBs_BQJnzIKW2MIo99ggbMSF8p7Rr ➤➤🎮 Discord: https://discord.gg/P7PwRXHGSp Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com ✔️ This video is kid friendly / family friendly! Read More