EPIC Minecraft ATM9: NEW Home & KING!

Video Information

Hey Minecrafters welcome back to the channel or to the channel if you’re new here and to episode 18 in our all the mods 9 series so as you can see behind me things have changed a little bit and I’m excited to go over everything with you so grab a drink grab a snack

Whatever it is that you get for while you watch videos and let’s get on with the fun all righty so as mentioned in the intro yes things are different um nothing too extreme I have been talking about moving this house over here near where I want to do everything uh for a

Couple of episodes now so I finally did it and honestly it’s not uh all that crazy I will fly and just show you this is the outline of the the temp base quote on quote and I’ll I’ll kind of go over what I’ve done here in a sec but I

Of course want to go over some of the comments you guys have left especially answering a couple of the questions that I had in the last episode and they’ have been really helpful especially with the coral ones so apparently the gift is going away soon

Um and I have to open this at a grave oh it’s gone oh well we missed the chance oh well that’s fine it’s okay I I haven’t been playing obviously I did um Medieval Minecraft for the first video but yeah uh you guys should go check that out as well that

Was that was a fun episode but first of all happy New Year the obviously it is a new year now and we just hit we just surpassed 9,000 subscribers so thank thank you just for everything for making 2023 such an amazing year and for sticking around and I hope you guys uh

Are ready for all the fun stuff that I have planned for the year cuz I am really excited but yeah thank you so much for all the support it means the absolute world to me and I’m sure you’re sick of me saying this by now but

Whatever get used to it because I am so grateful for you guys so thank you um and also again for the all the mods team for putting me on the curse Forge page I’m still there and I could couldn’t be more thankful for that so thank you to

The team as well you guys rock um but yeah so I have some comments I want to go over as always now I’m not going to go over every single one as I always say because that would take like an hour of the video but Sora said uh if you want

To get the most powerful sword I’d find a way to find farm for the parts for 83 Ender upgrades and get into the I don’t know if I’m going to say this right mahu mod Mah Mah using that mod to get the most powerful sword is a journey but

Definitely worth it and they said something about it being like 3 million damage which is wild to me so thank you Sora um so Deborah also said you have to make a gravestone to open the gift the grave has to have a soul circleing it to be active lightning brings a soul So

That obviously doesn’t apply anymore cuz the gift is gone but I will remember that for the other Coral stuff cuz apparently that applies to like the the the familiars and all that stuff as well which is really really cool um let me see here so John said if the all the

Mods team didn’t change anything the maximum fortune that you can get on a pickaxe is 14 so I was I was incorrect when I said that uh it was up to 10 so I can go higher So eventually I will farm for some more uh experience for our

Beefy pickaxe here we can get even more Fortune which is freaking awesome I’m really excited about that so thank you John and uh you can get perfect Gems by upgrading two gems that are the same type and obviously I’ve done that we’ve gone over that in another episode but

Thank you for that the tips that’s really really really helpful um where is the other one hold on hold on I have it here hold on easy breezy mention getting a dragon model when I get more scales or when I go get more scales if I haven’t already

Yes definitely good idea and a lot of people have mentioned a Library of Alexandria it lets you store enchanted books and CRA this is by the way this comments from night fighter but a lot of people have mentioned this um they said it lets you store in enchanted books and

Crafts new ones so for instance if you have a book with five different enchants you can place it inside and pull five books each with a unique enchant so no more splitting or worrying about uh blast 5 being on the book as well uh and yeah so I don’t know why my brain

Just like farted in the middle of that but thank you night fighter because I put my own little note on there too I was like wait they didn’t say that part but yeah thank you guys for those tips I really appreciate it we are going to

Look into the coral stuff I do want to go to or at least start Twilight Forest today cuz I want to see how different it is in this pack if it is different at all we’re not going to dive super deep into I’ve done Twilight Forest in every

Series um but we I am 100% in this pack so we’re going to finish it but today I mean we’re not going to just like plow through the whole thing I do want to go and get some models from there if I can as well and that is the plan for that

And that’s pretty much all I wanted to babyon about at the start of the video you know you know me and I did he that there is an all the mods team member that now carries around way stones because of my videos which I find absolutely adorable

Because it’s true listen carrying her on way stones is the best so I love that I love that so much I am a positive influence I swear but yeah it’s it is definitely good to um to carry them around so DJ that’s don’t worry that’s a good

Thing but yeah so this is our our new little our new little area so this is in the the area that I said I wanted to be in I obviously put a mega torch down I’ve put my uh my ferof flare lanterns down and so I’ll kind of give you like

An idea of where my brain is with this this this quote unquote house this is the skeleton of it so it’s obviously Cherry I had mentioned I wanted to use Cherry logs and calite and stuff like that so these calite pillar are from the normal stone cutter

Um The Architects cutter which is from domum ornamentum which actually I discovered through mine colonies I’ve actually made these really cool looking log bricks from the the Cherrywood so I use the the light ones around the outside wait no I didn’t wait I thought I used the did I

Decide to change that normally I use the dark ones I must have decided to use the light ones usually I’ll use the dark ones hold on did I just like troll myself I think I did okay so there’s two variants of this there’s a dark and a light but I think I

Went with the light for some reason to match like the calite but normally I use the dark ones that’s weird I swear anyways whatever that’s just it’s just a skeleton for now anyways so what I do is I put like the logs here and then I’ll

Put these fences along here to kind of like make a cool little trim I really don’t like it with the light I’m I don’t I whatever I’ll change it later I’ll show you guys what the the dark one looks like hold on I think I have to do

It with planks if I remember correctly hold on so you go over here and you go here oops is it planks no it might not be it might not be it might not be it might not be it’s been a minute since I’ve been in the

Pack so give just bear with me a sec here there we go okay so these ones here normally I use these ones as the outside of the house I don’t I swear that I use this because it kind of like half matches that you know what I mean like

You can see how it suits it no that doesn’t make any any sense no no no no no no no something not making sense here hold on can I change these back oh and I’ve got my backpack picking things up here hold on can I change them back sometimes you can

Change them back no unfortunately you can’t okay so hold on where’s my building wand we’re going to we’re going to do just a a rando fix here oh you can’t use the domum ornamentum stuff with the infinity wand I don’t know why I don’t know why why I hate it

Because now I have to manually place all of this oh my God Creo is building oh my God hold the phones Creo Creo is doing a building a building thing oh my go oh crap hold on Creo Creo is doing something she she’s placing oops oops oops oops she’s

Placing blocks oh my God what what is this who is this person who can’t place blocks apparently uhoh I think I don’t have enough do I I do okay yeah cuz normally I use this one because it matches the bark on the Cherry log because it is made from the Cherry

Log and I discovered this while playing mine colonies because that Architects cutter is really cool okay there we go I just love the look of this against every just just it’s so pretty anyways okay so back to talking about what the heck is going on so these pillars here are from the

Normal stone cutter and then I did like calside stairs and stuff like that and so this is going to be like the the porch kind of I I I love Victorian houses I’ve always loved old Victorian houses um eventually if I ever it’s a dream to have an old Victorian house and

An old property and you know like have a nice beautiful like Gothic Victorian style um so I’m trying to kind of filter that into this there’s pillars in the front here there’s pillars here I don’t quite know how I’m going to do the the patio I kind of just made a house shaped

To kind of just fit all of our machines in here and they fit perfectly I didn’t measure how many machines I needed or like how much space I needed for them so they kind of fit wellish they’re kind of jammed in here but we will have an

Upstairs and things like that so just kind of picture like an old Victorian house and that that’s what I’m going for with this um but yeah it was time to move I couldn’t look at that villager house anymore it was it was awful it was

So so so awful and I’ve got things going for for the Um words applied energes stic stuff but what I want to look at is that grave hold on what is this grave that I can make is it these oh simple grave okay W car is like oh it has its own stone cutter hold on oh but it doesn’t show any of the

Blocks wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait wait I’m super super curious now hold on I’m super curious if it adds blocks like uh domum does hold on let’s take a look uh hello show let’s see jackar Sawmill let’s take a look oh by the way the door is jackar

Because I just think that looks a lot nicer with the uh the calite so what is this you are so tiny and adorable oh my God hello can I do like Cherrywood in you oh I see so just is okay what about Cal what about jackar I’m curious what blocks do you do

Oh so you just oh I see okay so it’s just like a crafting table okay cool cool beans okay so let’s try that grave thing cuz there have so many poppets oh have seeds hold on there have so many poppets and I just I don’t it’s something about combining in the

Inventory but like what I still don’t understand how those work so let’s make it gray what do we need dark marble oh okay there we go wait I have dark marble okay hold W to ponder okay so there’s oh I have to take care of mobs okay this is a rare chance

To drop Graves dust I have tons of that I have all of that okay oh okay what okay oh we’ve got some stuff that we can do here okay oh my alignments all the way on the good side oh that’s probably why those um those uh enchants were

Really borking with me because I’m all the way over here not over here okay so let’s see improve s and speed that’s Shadow Walker okay two enchantments extracted improves potions let’s do potions okay okay so let’s put this just we can move it obviously but let’s put it over

Here does it not say anything on it okay so oh cool okay is that spoopy noise going to happen no I just started recording thank you please please we’re we are setting up apply energy sticks today I don’t even care okay so this is just telling me the same

Thing so where is the um these things here pray near a decorative Grave by holding the receptacle in your offand should allow you to bring back to life you’re familiar uh I don’t want to bring it back to life I don’t have one yet stray husk zom Pig row skeleton

Jinny Robin it was Robin horse wither skeleton zombie horse I want a Zombie horse hold on so in your off hands okay how do I pray how does one do this a pray or decorative Grave by holding the receptacle in your off hand should allow you to bring back to life

Oh that’s back to life wait what how does this work to do this what does it [Laughter] help let’s figure this out after we get apply distance going because I’m going to get so freaking distracted with all of this it’s wild okay so we should have

Have some stuff here so I’ve got these we’re going to need a way way way more logic processors than any oh my God everything’s popping up everywhere so I don’t want to turn to my quests and stuff without you guys here okay so eliminated panel okay so it’s the

Quartz glass that I have to make some of okay I think we might have to go and mine for some quartz but that’s fine I think that’s the thing that I’m hurting for the most right now I have Sky Stone and stuff in here doing the Dust um I have enough of

You right now I need you to start doing Sky stone dust please so while that’s doing that we’re actually going to go get some quartz I have a quartz doohickey right here do you have stuff in you no you do not which is good okay so let’s head over to

The mining Dimension let’s go get ourselves some quartz I spent all this time setting my shoes I did make some more uh because we had a whole ton of the inferium so I ended up making some insanium Farmland because we had a whole bunch of inferium and everything in here as well that’s

Why all this is over here we’ll turn in the quests before we go I did see in the patch notes so I updated today again before recording so for the people who were talking about the distance between the structures in the other uh they actually I think reduced the distance between the

Structures so if you guys don’t have the nfly um rule removed like I do for that dimension should be a little bit easier for you guys to find them so just use your structure compass and look for alium uh either dungeon or uh I think

It’s pyramid for the other one um and I think there’s another one but I haven’t really looked at the other the other option I is it is there only two hold on I could be putting my foot in my mouth one sec so piglin Village dungeon and pyramid I haven’t found the piglin

Village yet so I’m not sure if that’s if that’s um words if that’s in that Dimension fluix dust wait do I need to do fluix as well oh crap hold on oh I may have made an Uber boo boo yeah I need fluix dust to crud okay hold

On let’s get some fluix dust going as well by the way I labeled these so logic gold engineering Diamond calculation certis silicon duh I don’t know why I was I was in a mood that day I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t

Know why I don’t know what was going through my brain that day but uh [Laughter] yeah oh man I don’t know I don’t know it’s uh it’s a it’s just how it goes with with me okay so I thought it broke again that’s my brain was just like help

Okay I’m just going to get rid of all of this stuff for now and let it do its thing do you guys can just do do your do your thing here I’ll let you go back in here when that’s done okay much better now now let’s go and get some quartz so Um I think our mining dimension thing is back at the other house but that’s fine because I have this and then we can go like thing and then let slow that down a bit I think I’ve mined out a lot of the quarts around here because this is what I was

Doing uh between episodes to get some quarts to get that started but we can go this way now and yeah we can just uh have a little chat about stuff while I do this so streams are going to be starting in the next few weeks um again I have

Mentioned before that they will be completely random because my sleep schedule is completely different every week uh so what I’ll try to do is I’ll try to post at the start of the week when I have a better idea of kind of like the timing of things and and try to

Plan it out a bit better I’m only going to start with maybe one a week maybe one every other maybe every other week because I obviously I do want to still keep my my videos going and I’ve only just now started getting into the swing of things of like a proper video

Schedule especially with Mr editor and his work and everything like that as well so um and then once I get comfortable with that then we can kind of increase it you know gradually and see how that goes but yeah that’s how it’s going to go and obviously the first stream is going to

Be you know there might be a few bumps along the way cuz setting up alerts and all that stuff and testing uh well you guys can be a part be a part of the the test run and see how it goes and all that stuff but yeah so I’m really

Excited I I really did enjoy streaming um but making videos is definitely a lot more comfortable for me yeah it’ll be nice to be able to chat with you guys live every once in a while and you know do some of the grindy stuff together and

And once I get a little more comfortable then we can definitely make it more frequent and stuff like that but I’m really excited because I don’t know this community is amazing and you guys are I know every content creator says their Community is the best but it I’m sure all of us feel

That way because we meet so many amazing people and you guys just rock so and there’s people that are part of many communities so technically it applies to it applies across the board cuz a lot of us share the same you know subscribers and stuff which is great I

Love it I love it I love it let’s grab tons of those quartz and all that St oh my bag can’t keep up with the feeding that’s why I have it on when feed when like a little bit hungry because doing this would be absolutely OB cious that

It need lots of quartz please need all the quartz please Gib we should have tons now oh yeah oh these bags okay they’re not picking it up okay give me all the quartz give me give me give me eventually I’ll probably just like reset the mining Dimension cuz it’s

Going to be an absolute mess but it I’m pretty sure it’s like the size of the world right in Minecraft which is another thing that I was really fascinating that I was watching is there’s this video I wish I remembered I wish I wow words I wish I could remember

What channel it was but it was showing like the comparison of all of the like the world maps and different games and it kind of went from like small to big I think Minecraft like a fullsize worlds no no world Borders or anything like that is the second biggest in all of

Games like ever period in history it could be different now I don’t know this was an older video like a few years old at least but yeah it’s huge my a Minecraft fullsize world is freaking insanely massive um I don’t think I’ve ever hit a world Border in a non reduced

World ever and I mean I explore and you guys know I explore so yeah Minecraft worlds are big like millions of blocks big so I’m sure the mining Dimension is also the science of the world I would assume if it’s not I mean I could be

Wrong if if I’m incorrect let me know uh if I am Incorrect and it is reduced and it is uh limited then I would probably reset it but I mean I don’t have anything here so it doesn’t really matter and I’ve already explained how you guys can reset things in your files

It’s easy peasy just go to your dimension folder and get rid of what you want to get rid of look at all this uh this delicious uh cinabun that we’re getting very nice very very nice I don’t know why they look like cinnabuns to me but I don’t know where I picked up

Somebody must have said it give me all the quartz I need Applied Energy sticks I’m so sick of refined storage being a dork I think the fun part is going to be uh transferring all of the stuff over almost have files transferring all of the items over

Because I don’t think I’ve ever done it in the way that you guys are trying to teach me with the transferring to a chest and then transferring you know over and whatever um so that’s going to be fun to try to figure out and set up

Because normally my poor hands do it by you know the stack by Stack which is wild and a pain literally we’ll have to try to figure that out and get that set up I hope everyone is having a great new year so far because I know

2024 is a change for a lot of people and you know we’re still reeling from all the this stuff that happens in the last few years but yeah I hope you’re all doing good your families are doing good and you know you’re giving some yourself time to relax cuz that is really

Important especially if you’re in school or you have a hectic job and things like that so just give yourself some down time your brain definitely needs it this is coming from somebody who is constantly overthinking constantly worrying about things always looking you know at numbers and you know charts and

Things like that so I have to remind myself of the same thing don’t worry so we can all remind ourselves together and do the stuff and the things okay promise my Mode’s over um I think we should have plenty oh my God look at just oh that’s so beautiful I love you

You beautiful [Applause] pickaxe uh yeah I think we should be all right we should be all right so let’s turn this off D and then we’ll grab all of this delicious or oh my God look at all this Greg Tech stuff honestly like Greg Tech I always like joke around and rag

On it but like it’s it’s got some really cool looking stuff somebody made a comment about like Greg like likes to troll his fellow Minecraft Youtuber or not YouTubers fellow Minecraft like uh players or whatever I can’t remember the exact wording of the comment but I found it I found it absolutely

Hilarious I’m guessing it’s an actual person I mean it has to be like a they made the mod oh my God it’s very weird to go from oh goodness it’s very weird to go from UM playing Medieval Minecraft with music all the time to back to this but after

The little bit of a scare that has been happening with the the system uh with music I’m actually kind of glad that I’m back to just Minecraft music because it has been verified by the Minecraft uh by by Mo yangang themselves that their music is always uh Royal to free so

There’s never going to be any bot issues and stuff with that but definitely scared about using like I have mentioned in a previous uh Al the mods video that I am terrified of putting on anything that is not just like basic Minecraft music because of the exact issue that happened

With my most recent video so you guys are ever wondering why it’s just me babbling all the time and I don’t put any music over top that’s like royalty-free list royaltyfree lists are great don’t get me wrong but they’re never completely safe a because there’s a lot of people that are taking music

That isn’t theirs and putting claims on it which causes not only a lot of drama for the Creator it puts a strike on their Channel it causes drama for the original artist who make some music and it’s just a whole thing so if you guys are ever curious why I don’t play music

That’s outside of Minecraft music that’s why especially as a small Creator it can be really really really detrimental to our channel to you know deal with something like that so what was I doing oh yeah quartz if you’re ever wondering that’s that’s why so let’s do this let’s do this oh

Yeah look at all this quartz be it’s he full so much quartz thank you Fortune so we need to put this in here I need to make a bunch of glass I think I could cooked up a bunch of glass when I was doing the house so I

Had that uh in mind so let’s see oh I didn’t finish doing the uh applied energis stics stuff on this screen here so we are going to do up to 256 if I can I’m not going to do into the the super crazy high ones right now because

Obviously we don’t have a ton of that so this this this this and then this and then we are going to do the item Drive which is this beautiful Bean right here where is she uh not you you and Then just doing my my tried andrue system that I love with all of my heart do I have everything here I don’t I don’t have the pipe on the cable hold on where’ she be where where you at there you are I need this I need to trade with

These guys I need some more fluix stuff I need you to pump out some of that for me please thank you beautiful need to make some of you I need to make right I just did that thank you sir much appreciated there we go we need those

Thank you and then I need to make this thank you and then I need to make this I need to make these I need fluix dust of course I do is why I pre-planned for all of this I wish this would move a little bit faster but it’s

Whatever um I need you thank you I need you thank you and then I need you crafting table easy peasy okay em crafting table B bam or terminal whatever then we need to make the Emy controller so I need Sky stone blocks right did I put all of

My sky Stone in here I did oops look at all the Silicon love it we’ll grab that uh actually we can grab that right now so we need to make some more of these thank you you can tell that I went on a little bit of a quartz

Rampage while I was waiting for stuff to do its thing so take those we’re going to grab ourselves whoopsy doopsy one of these an Emmy Drive okay all of that’s done good and we have a generator for it so that’s fine so that is all taken care of so now

We need to make make these do hickeys now that’s where the fun is going to happen because we don’t have Redstone really excuse me I forgot how much Redstone you needed for this it’s wild okay there we go onek B bam you should have plenty now cuz I have been doing a thing

Between episodes oh yeah look at that bam bam baby let’s go okay oh crap I just made the I just made the AE it doesn’t matter like the AE editions one and the um the uh normal Applied Energy sticks 256 are exactly the same thing it doesn’t matter

So we’ll just keep this one for now but oh that sucks I really wanted to make the purple one I wish oh man I wish I could turn it into I don’t want to waste it I don’t want to waste it I don’t want to waste

It but oh it’s going to suck cuz now now I have to make this one I mean it’s not bad man I wish there was a way to like extract it out so I could just take the thing out and then you know why do I do this to myself now my

Brain is going to be in like hyper paranoid mode that this isn’t going to be that whatever whatever whatever it’s fine so it should be enough space so here’s the thing I don’t want to do this by hand right now obviously so what is this importer exporter thing you guys are talking about

Like what I’ve never I’ve never done it this way I’ve never done it this way compared exporter bus is that what you guys are talking about I’m going to have to Tinker with this I’m going to have to figure out extended import bus what about export I’ve always just done it tag export

Bus so is that what it is but I don’t see one for refined storage so how is it going to work oh exporter right here huh so I would export out of this into a chest and then import from that chest into am I am I am I understanding this

Correctly is that what you guys are talking about is that what that is the extended importer oh my God the figuring out of the things okay so you and then oh okay so I can’t make the extended one right now what are these oh maybe I can do I have enough

Diamonds oh my God I have like no Diamonds oh I do right here I was like wait I thought I had a ton of diamonds what the heck is going on okay so I want to try this like extended import or whatever because it looks like it’s um quite important

Okay so how does this work hell let’s let’s do a test here okay so is it going to work with ooh is it going to work with this though so how does this does this ex does this go here oh I guess I need those cables okay oh but I guess I

Need an importer for that like this oops okay or does it have to go here um I’ve never done this I’m so sorry I know this is really painful to watch I know I’m so sorry so I have to go like here um how does this

Work I am going to have to do some tinkering like super super big tinkering cuz I don’t know how this works like does it have to go to the crafting grid like does that attach To oh there’s even like Elite importers are those faster ooh okay huh okay I’m going to have to tinger with that between up I I I don’t want to be spending a million years doing this right now but yeah so yeah we’ve made it we’ve made we’ve made the we’ve made our applied

Energ applied energistics stuff that’s good I’ve shown you guys how to do the discs and stuff like that so I’m going to settle that up between episodes and get all of our stuff transferred over assuming that I can figure out how the heck to do this but uh this video is

Going up on Saturday I will probably figure it out for then but if just by chance if I don’t you guys can feel free to leave it in the comments and let me know how to make that work I’m sure I’ll Google it and and figure it out but

Whatever anyways I want to go to Twilight Forest I don’t have flying turned on there so we are going to have to use I almost said to use a mount we are not in medieval Minecraft I don’t have a mount H hm hm H I think we’re going to have to figure out the coral thing because I want him M okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay how does this fre work I want one of these mounts oh my God does this work oh okay but this is just telling me the

Same thing I know is there a coral book wait is there a coral thing in here oh my God look at all the stuff we just got o there is not a coril thing in here I’m not reading all of that you guys I’m sure you guys can read it in

Your in your games if you want me to if you want to pause you can read it that’s just a lot of information that we already know about because I’ve just done it all okay so we might read this actually so cables are used to connect blocks okay

Actually the cable one I don’t need to read but these I do the exporter is used to push items from your system into a block from your network storage this can be used to fill furnaces with ores or fuel push materials into designated chest Etc you can also use you can also

Filter what items are pushed need more filter slots upgrade it okay but do I need like a wrench then the Importer is used to pull items from a connected block for example you you can use these on furnaces to pull the finished products make sure to grab

Some speed or stack upgrades you can also filter what items are pulled okay oh do I need a wrench is used to rotate blocks instantly break refined storage blocks or break covers no because it was where I wanted it to be does it have to go oh I have to Google this hold

On before being able to export anything the player has to choose the items or fluids to export The Chosen items can be configured to be NBT or damage sensitive the exporter should face the Block it’s exporting to in a way that The Wanted Slaughter fluid tank is possible to reach from that side

Oh wait was it because it was on the wrong side but I also didn’t configure figure but that’s the thing this has so many things that I want to transfer wait but that doesn’t make it what hold on so like okay so like we’ll do this exporter importer okay items H okay I I’m going to have to uh I have no idea I have I have no idea I have no idea this is going to I’m not figuring this out right now this is like the stuff that we’ll be doing on stream like this is this is a kind of

Craziness it isn’t going to be progress uh pack progress but it’s going to be like me sitting here being an absolute doofus okay it’s the Corel stuff I keep getting distracted I’m so sorry so caral I need a mount are these lollies going to disappear when I put

Them no I still got lollies okay um uh familiar what if I type in familiar I really want the zombie horse how do you pray how do you I mean that’s carel pray Minecraft maybe praying near to blah blah blah blah blah blah do I need an

An do I need an ank is that what it is am I saying that right ank ank ank allows you to pray for your soul on graves original Graves still allowing the practice of magic do I need to make one of these okay do I have to have this in my

Off hand and this in my main hand hi oh my God why didn’t I all I read was ank and I was like maybe that’s what I need oh my God I have a horse okay I need to I need a saddle what else can I get dude who who

What was the other one Deborah hold on I need to go saddle our horse hold on where’s our horse he’s not going to die is he cuz he’s a zombie horse you’re not the fastest and you’re kind of suck at jumping oh maybe not okay so you stay

There oh God now I’m on this whole like aail kick oh this is so cool oh this is so freaking cool hold Oner controlled zombie Wither Skeleton what’s a pyro stray husk donkey what’s a falia oh my God this is so exciting okay the jinny Robin Robin that was her name not Brenda horse horse zebra summoned direwolf baby Leviathan I can have a baby Leviathan what what oh god uh should I get a mob

Y uhoh uhoh okay that I broke again just going to grab this just in case oh it’s on cool down it doesn’t appear to be the right time 3 hours can I make another unk wa a man okay so we have to remember to do

The oh frick okay that sucks I wanted to see if I could do a baby Leviathan is there a way to make the cool down shorter I’m sure there’s a way to make the cool down shorter there has to be right do I have to like uh level up into that let’s see

H it’s cool that we got a Zombie horse we’re going to use them in the in the thing oh let’s see anything about the approve zombify and prey of Undead Okay well I don’t know how that works but you are not the fastest but you are definitely cool you have a

Zombie horse do I need armor for you maybe wait we got um reindeers didn’t we we did does it say what their speed is let’s see it doesn’t how fast are you though oh you’re s you’re way faster um what about you does this one seem faster I don’t

Know okay we’re actually going to bring the Reindeer cuz they’re a bit faster okay mhm mhm mhm mhm yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep that just happened yep yep yep yep yep yep where the freak are my Chargers there they

Are I don’t really need this but I’m going to put it on me just in case kind of just comfort you know okay so I mean we’ve done the we’ve done the Um oh my God it would really help if I could word I’ve done the Twilight Forest portal help I have done the Twilight Forest portal enough times to know how to do it that’s what I was trying to say my brain was like uh I am going to bring some

Models because I think it’s red caps that I need am I am I am I remembering this correctly let’s see which models we can get from um I know we can get the yeti so yeah the red caps they give the same amount of coal as the um the dudes

Do but that’s fine oh God that’s so dark what do ravens give oh yeah the Raven feather which I don’t really care about the map skeleton Druid I’m curious to see what they give oh bones okay we can get the Naga which is awesome what do you give Naga scales

Right for the Naga armor okay you are glowstone winter wolves a hello trolls give my magic beans Twilight ice Elementals which are super cool Snow Queen hello friend tribo cool Tower wood Bor Bor Essence I’m going to bring a whole bunch I just want all of

Them o gunpowder o that’s a good way to get gunpowder okay I I love neural networks I don’t know what it is O Death TOS give a lot of paper good good good Carmite Golems cool okay let’s bring just a whole bunch of them because I’m going to want to collect all of

Them really oh I’m so stupid I turned them into freaking planks like a not planks a slabs like a doofus okay that should be plenty now flowers I mean I could I could just buy some from our Market guy which by the way I don’t think I put our Market guy

Back down I’m going to keep breaking it till we get emerald muncher though because Emerald muncher is our our buddy hiy okay hi friends there’s a couple of names you can get I think I’m luncher is our buddy I need I’m going to need more flowers

Anyways when I do mine colonies oh yeah I forgot you can get the piter plants which are so pretty look at all these beautiful flowers again I’m pretty sure you can use modded flowers I think I’ve tested this before but I’m going to use should be enough I

Think do like a variation of colors there we go and then we need water dirt and a diamond is it a 2 by two I think it’s a 2 by two I’m going a yeed diamond into there and also I need to turn off my backpack do hickeys and turn off my

Magnets let’s go find some dirt I think over here would be fine going to make it presentable that should be good and then go and then put in some wo there we go and then actually going to extend this a little bit there we go we’re going to put our flowers

In like so or in around I mean oh we got a green yon that that and then do like that and then do like that and then do like that and then we should T thankfully that didn’t do the super loud sounds going to mute you thank you pretty okay put all this stuff away there we go and let’s go to Twilight Forest so we going to do that we’re going to turn these back on we’re going to do this now that I’m remembering to hit

B all right oh yeah so here’s the thing with shaders uh with because I use complimentary shaders and not Unbound or rebound or whatever uh whatever the other names are they they are goober in Twilight Forest unfortunately so like I say in all my oh we already are we’re at the Lich Tower

Look at that um the the skyline’s going to be a bit goober but I’m not flying because you can’t fly in this in this Dimension so I don’t think you can even hover no Okay so yeah uh my apologies we’re going to have to do with the goober

Skyline okay cool anyways uh so the first thing we’re going to do we’re going to go and find a oops a one of the Mounds I know we need to do the Naga then the Lich and all that stuff but that’s fine we’ll do that later I need to find one of those

Mounds and I I’m honestly I’m curious to see if Twilight Forest has been updated for 1.20 I know it hasn’t had uh a big update or an update really in a while I know that end Castle is still I think unfinished um and like I said in my other series I do

Hope that they finish it sometime soon cuz that Castle’s really probably one of my favorite places to get those really pretty um to get blocks that are kind of mystical like that this is where the Druids are so let’s grab you let’s grab this hello thank you I can probably grab your

Spawner oh right there’s a basement here I forgot about that so there should be oh there’s nothing in these chests is this going to be a loot Place hey I’d love this pickaxe with every fiber of my being it is wonderful where’s all the loot oh right

Here so you’re going to see a cut there because I forgot to rebind my narrator key narrator but uh yeah it should should it should be should be is the operative words there or are the operative words there but that freaking button drives me absolutely Bonkers oh no I forgot about [Laughter]

That I forgot that some of these are trapped whoopsie um well Okie do Arty choke back up we go oh are we near a mound cuz I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure I hear the dudes the sound oh actually I’m super Speedy I don’t need my I’m faster than my horse

Um I thought I just heard yeah over here so we were amount okay yeah I did hear them okay in here hi bore oh I’m I’m absolutely if I can o actually I should have hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I need to go home really

Quickly because I want to grab the quest RAM and we’re also going to need to get um Whatchamacallit every color of wool for the quest Ram so hold on little little small little detour here just for a a brief second um because because I want the quest RAM and also we

Need every color of wool which I don’t think I’m going to be able to do oh what am I doing okay so we need white black gray oh for Pete’s sake gray gray lime green pink okay so what don’t we have we need brown which I don’t have cocoa beans do

I seriously not have cocoa beans oh my God are we doing another detour let’s sleep we’re going to go to a jungle actually we’re kind of like in we’re in a rainforest so we should have C Ian here somewhere so let’s see let’s do where’s my Nature’s Compass

Hello hello Nature’s Compass where did you go what oh literally right in front of my face like an absolute doofus just a normal jungle please thank you teleport coca beans hi thank you just need you for some Dy please thank you much appreciated thank you thank you thank

You do this as quick as I possibly humanly can uh red red Dy oh no I don’t want to use the pretty NOP almost use the little don’t want to do that there we go red wool thank you orange wool need orange dye that’s fine got lots of that Bo boom

B bam B bam yellow hello thank you yellow and we got green we’ve got that I need cyan green dye oh perfect oh I am A literally was so happy that I had the one thing that I needed and then I went and did that like a doofus I don’t need all of that you know this is what happens when you click too quickly that is what happens cyan cyan thank you B bam and then light blue

Like so and then blue wait do we have blue already no we don’t a blue thank you and then a purple uh thank you and then a magenta uh thank you and then we have pink is that it white gray light gray gr gray black brown red orange yellow lime

Green cyan light blue blue purple magenta okay and I know that there’s like a thing like a dispenser that gives you some of the wool but I don’t want to risk having to not have some of it so okay oh actually what am I

Doing yes I I know I know I know it is I know it is okay so now we’re going to go uh this way we’re going to go see our little friends down here oh yeah look at all these goodies hello uh I might use egg

Boer oh I meant to get a red cap oops oops oops oops oops hold on oh oh forever my favorite sound in Twilight Forest oh hold on oh you guys are turned down quite low hold on just a moment oh wait oh you’re a boom boom you are not a normal Red

Cap if you guys don’t know these caves are freaking nuts oh wait wait wait wait where’s the normal red caps oh no don’t tell me you guys are all red cap sappers was that a hold on okay so egg Boer has chaining on it but I want a normal Red Cap

Please you normal Red Cap thank you I got to find all your spawners what was the other model I wanted I don’t have time to stop because obviously there’s a can I do you guys oh I can hello okay so it’s Cobalt red caps lots of coal oh my uh my thing is

Still who you sniffing oh my God look at all this coal I keep forgetting how much ore is in these places look at all of this ore blank magic map I don’t really use the maps in this cuz we have the normal map it’s all good to have though what

Are you wearing on your feet Mister those are fancy can I do a model of you no dang it I hear more Stinkies forgot my magnet wasn’t on oh oh hello so are you guys oh you put down boom booms oh maybe you don’t it’s a creeper let me up oh you’re a tough guy okay that’s all I came here for thank you for your service appreciate

You that is all I came here for oh can I get I can get a thing of you guys can’t I oh wait and then I can get a thing of oh crap I can get a thing of the uh the Slime bugs too I think hold

On oh do I not have wait oh yeah I do right here I need to find another slime bug oh they’re just spawning oh that’s just a spirit okay I need a slime bug slime bug slime bug is there any more of you I don’t

Want to have to go to the oh yep right there oh there’s no slime bug specimen dang it that would have been so cool Okay so we’ve got I think all the specimens that I want okay yeah we’ve got all the specimens I want it would have been really cool for uh

Slime did I break the Twilight Forest portal I think I did I should have left it up top so I don’t have to climb my way out of here but I’m going to have to aren’t I yes I think I am get out of here stinky oh that’s that’s not the right one

Whoops o living room okay we have a scapade perfect so I can’t go in the darkwoods right now I mean I can go in the border of it but uh there’s no point in going down there right now because we have to go do the Naga and then we have to do the

Um the Lich but do we want to maybe find a Naga right now maybe kind of just Tinker around just a little bit wasn’t planning on doing a whole ton of it today but where’s my dank where is my dank oh no I put my dank away didn’t I like an absolute

Doofus for Pete’s sake hold on hold on I’ll just leave this one here where’s my dank of course I did we’ll just leave this one here but the reason I wanted that was for building blocks because since we can’t fly and I don’t have a flying Mount to

Get up to where the Naga is I need to uh I need to build up there oh jeez do you have a basement or are you a basement lless one okay we going this way I know this is where I came from but I meant to go this way what’s this

Oh let us see Hello I would use my reindeer but I run way faster which one of these has speed on it is it you wait one of you has speed I was really Speedy holding you was it you wait was it my bow where’s my bow o that B’s

Nice but holding you I should be Speedy oh yeah yeah oh I don’t have an arrow hold on okay now I’m Speedy uh this way oh yeah look at that speed baby it sounds like they’re laughing uh that’s the Dark Forest what’s this what is that

Huh oh I can’t go in the swamp yet I have to defeat the the things first what is that is that just like weird generation I think it’s just weird generation I can’t go over there anyways and I can’t beat the Lich yet I need to find the the

Naga I I I’m assuming the Twilight progression is set in this uh welcome to tlight Forest the portal yeah yeah we’ve done that the toilet Forest there are a bunch of new entities to discover one of the worst is the cicada I suggest killing this for the achievement by killing any

Twilight Forest mob will work the cicas are really annoying so I’m guessing you it is cuz in the in the config files you can turn on the progression or um like make it so the areas are locked I’m guessing they have done that because that’s part of the the

Coolest part of the pack um or the the mod I mean so we need to find anaga so I know that Skyline is awful I’m so sorry but like I mentioned before I adore the complimentary Shader Dev but I’m not a fan of the newer shaders just the the original complimentary shaders

So I’m going to be sticking with this so I apologize but it’s fine we just ignore it I need to be careful because I could go zooming into a biome I’m not meant to be in I can’t go into the winter one yet I can’t go into the swamp yet

I need to find myself I will the structure compass work here hold on will this work here it will okay Hydra no that’s not you doofus that’s not what it’s called Naga Courtyard 863 K so we were going the right way okay man the structure Compass is literally everything definitely a good investment

As soon as you guys can get it oh Naga where are you I need your trophy so I can progress oh my freaking God you guys are really in here too is it going to be like a twilight forest variation of an apotheosis boss I keep seeing these things here are those not

From the Stargate mod I can’t go over there right now and my arrows are doing the thing again is this the thing that has a Stargate mod thing on it or the Stargate thing or is it just a random no wait hold up oh oh I was going to say the Naga is

Not in the the cold there just a little loop [Applause] around so freaking Speedy let’s go okay I see it I see it all right let’s go battle a giant snake which hurts my heart because I love snakes but let’s go get her and I forget how to get in here without

Flying I guess I’ll just do this hello princess oh it’s so weird doing this from the ground hi it’s very interesting seeing you from this this angle God she’s so cool bye excuse me okay that’s new has this mod been updated I mean obviously it has it’s

1.20 but like has it been updated in sense in the sense of like progression hold on the real final boss growing trees I’ve already done that lamp Of Cinders every Thorn has its Rose oh so there’s a Cobalt that spawns in as a placeholder but you will get

Nothing from killing it so that’s new cuz I never saw a Cobalt there before but they just talk about getting cool blocks but I guess that the castle isn’t finished but that’s still I there wasn’t a Cobalt there before so that’s progress I guess all right we have got the Naga head

So Ze there’s Ze Ze hold on hold on hold zeth so I was wondering what zeth meant that they said that they’re they’re uh they were in the Twilight Forest like part of the pack I didn’t know what they meant but look at them oh that’s so cool I love it oh wait

I meant to do a thing hold on ze’s in my Discord so hold on hold on hold on we’re going to do this there we go there we go this boop boop oop oop that’s not what I meant to do oh my God I pressing all the wrong buttons help hold on okay

Sorry zeep said my Discord so uh by the way should join the Discord lots of cool people there but uh I wanted to show them that I finally realized oh God our bags are full um I guess I need to go home and do an empty and I know you guys keep

Telling me that I can hook my bag up to do this and that and you know I know I know I like manually emptying them um at some point it’ll get to the point where I do that but because there’s always random things that I I find that I want

To keep and I don’t have locked to a slot that it’s just easier to do it this way so I’m going to empty this I’ll bring you guys back and then we will continue and try to find the quest Ram cuz I think that should be in here cuz

I’m pretty sure that’s like the Rainbow Forest or something um yeah I’ll have to find it but yeah I will be right back okay so and of course as I was emptying everything was going into my inventory so we got some more achievements I think some of the gear

Like the ore magnets and stuff went in there uh want to make the Overworld feel more like Twilight Forest you can use this powder on Overworld animals to convert them into their Twilight Forest variants very cool very very cool oops I forgot to turn in the other one hold on the Naga

There it is the first boss on your Twilight Forest Adventure can be found within the courtyard yep yep yep the next one is the Lich so I should have put a Way Stone at the Lich Tower like the absolute dork that I am but I’m pretty sure there should

Be the one that’s just down over here so we will go this way where it should be showing on the map this way do we get everything from here yes let’s head over here hello sheep and we’ll head back around justno I really hope we get lucky with our first

Uh un Al living of this guy because I really want that zombie scepter but also the one that shoots the ender pearls because that’s really good against the year Gast am I doing a stupid right now I am doing a stupid right now I am doing a stupid right now oh my

Good gravy my throat should I try to run through the snow cuz I can see the yetis thing there but I don’t know if I want to risk that cuz I’m pretty sure it’s yeah yeah it’s really snowy really really snowy yeah yeah oh wait wait I can get a thing

Of you can’t I hello thank you can I get one of the Twilight Lich oh I didn’t get one of the Naga oh I did not mean to forget that hold on we go out of the warden what hold on I need to go oh my God I’m

So sorry I need to go back and get more models because um I want to get one of the of the Lich as well I’m pretty sure you can get one of every boss so I should have just remembered that like the Dorst that I am seriously I missing Stone oh well that’s

Because it’s all in blocks like derp there now we have plenty okay why aren’t you stacking oh you don’t stack whatever okay guess I’ll have to get another Naga one but that’s fine we don’t really need one for them what I want is the Twilight Lich because I’m pretty

Sure you have a chance to get the weapon from him that way no where is he yeah here yeah you have the chance to get it from him in there okay so we definitely want to grab him and I think I’m getting yeah I have

To go all the way around oh my good gravy we so speedy oh and I can get one of the books too so let’s remember to do that as well cuz that is a good resource for paper and we’re going to need a lot of books and paper for mine

Colonies especially for the calonia builds which is the prettiest one IMO and I know I know you can like design your own and things like that and eventually when I get more in tune with mine colonies um which I’ve been really loving in my own world um outside of

Recording I might eventually like make my own because I know that you can like design your own or something if I’m reading that correctly but I definitely don’t have the brain power for that right now that’s definitely something we can do on stream that’d be kind of cool

Especially because there’s so many cool building blocks but I would would really love to make like a Gothic one oh that’d be so cool cuz there’s so many things like I love about the calonia build but there’s also things I really don’t like like the gold and the different colors that they

Use but uh and unfortunately you can remodel the mine excuse me the mine colonies houses but you just can’t break like the main things like the beds and stuff like that and some of the beds are just the worst colors so hi I’m here for

The books which I got one of you guys and for zich so thank you much appreciated oh it’s such a cool data model I love it thankfully I have my cave um brightness turned I forgot to put the holes in the floors oh you can get a lot of cool

Paintings here I wonder if there’s a mod in here that gives you more painting options cuz it looks like it is or there is here to fight the l oh my God hi cool paintings bro thank you love it I might have random sniffles I’m so

Sorry I keep stopping to blow my nose but like just will not stop it’s one of those days dang it oh more paintings thank you I’m not going to go in all these side hallways right now I’m just here for the Lich and all these paintings apparently

Oh am I being followed by you oh freaking arrows I love the sound they make it’s so pleasant hi you’re so cool do you hurt a little bit okay I’m here for you big boy look at the Axel paintings oh my God oh my But okay first of all I know I need to shoot his things back at him I’m going to have to turn that down but uh yeah the um Whatchamacallit I need to block this off first hi can you shoot your balls at me please balls please balls

Please I forget which balls I have to shoot at him I always forget those ones right there we go give me Balls are we dancing are we dancing there we go next one please thank you bye oh yeah yeah the animations are different too oh yeah that is definitely new ooh scepter of Life draining okay that one’s new oh I should have put it in my bag oops okay I want these

Paintings I mean technically they they uh don’t save so like you have to put them down anyways but I definitely definitely am just going to grab all these paintings because I want that freaking Axel painting that’s so cool look at the little babies oh my God

They’re so cute I want them I know again it doesn’t save but we’re getting a good idea of the paintings that we can get there has to be a mod in here that’s adding different paintings for sure I have no interest in battling all these other rooms cuz it’s really not

That much stuff actually some of them they depending on if uh the looter chests are in here we might go look and see if they are oh that one’s so cool oh my God I’m so oh look at that one too okay we have enough paintings though so

We can just put them down later on oh that’s so awesome okay okay so I am hoping that there’s decent chests in here oh um apparently I can’t function properly oh right I forgot that there’s just like a whole bunch of wonky stuff in these towers where’s the loot rooms I forget

Like isn’t there like rooms of books and stuff in them where are they are they down in the other rooms oh yeah here’s the books but I mean oh hold on but that’s not really what I’m here for oh hello I hear more Flappy

Sapp I mean I should just grab a lot of this mossy cobblestone and mossy stone bricks cuz I’m going to need a ton of that for mine colonies as well but I’m not worried about that right now where’s the books there we go okay so looter chests are in

This doesn’t seem like the loots any better though so I’m not really concerned so the next one after the N or after the Lich is oh crap uh I put it in my bag there we go and also where’s the wands where went into one of these there we

Go okay so now the next one I believe is the I wonder if we’ll find Shrek that’s so funny because in my other uh I can’t remember which series it was either better Minecraft or Medieval Minecraft Mr editor put in a Shrek like um a Shrek voice over when I was like

Talking about the swamp so that’s so funny that that’s there I love that so let’s go find our actually no we’re going to go do the quest Ram cuz uh the the structure Compass actually directs you to the quest area so this 2,840 blocks that way

Now I know you have to do the swamp to unlock other stuff so I guess we’re going to go for a little bit of a run and I’ll bring you guys back when we get there so I’m running over here and one of the things that I noticed when you

Get close to the castle area is you can actually see the acid rain now which is really nice because I don’t know if that was a thing before but any other time that I was um playing this I couldn’t see the acid rain and the smacking sound which actually

Obviously isn’t going to happen here now we’re just going to get sizzled but before it was like this random smacking sound so obviously the the mod Dev is I think it’s Benny is working on it because that that seems to be new so I’m really really glad that they added

Some stuff like that some visuals um so we should be close I had to kind of go around there we go there’s the rainbow area let’s go see our buddy the quest room oh I love this area it’s so pretty of course we’ve already got all

These trees growing so we don’t need to take any of this stuff but I do need to find our Quest Ram friends cuz I want my rainbow limo I wonder if it it would be really cool if you could ride him like have a rainbow limo Mount that’d be so fun

Hello hi oh you’re so pretty hello so now there’s a thing up here you guys can press to uh to get wool I don’t think it gives you all of them no it only gives you three so uh is there a model for you no okay so let’s do this

This let’s grab your wool hello I think that’s all of them why does it look like that’s not I love the sounds that it does oh do you not want blue do I have to do them in a certain order oh you know what did I not bring

White this is the same oh I did okay I was like this is the same thing that I did oh he’s leaving where are you going bud I’m back I want to hear my song I freaking love this oh no I put the flipping yoinker back oh dang it hold on Man why is my brain like this hello mob Yer please thanks much appreciated please tell me I can take him hey oh no I can’t Mo okay I was going to say better be able to mob you onor my quest room okay so what did we get where

Is it shouldn’t we have gotten like a sack of something yeah bundle but don’t you also get the horn yeah the horn this thing is so cool it does have durability on it though so I wonder if you can add a uh Unbreaking to it or unbreakable or

Whatever which by the way I know we still have to do um Whatchamacallit uh brain fart forbidden arcanas all right ramification now do we have time I have a little bit more time so let’s see how far the swamp is we might be able to get one more in but I’m

Pretty sure this one is the one I have to go searching for freaking ever for cuz we can find the swamp but the swamp isn’t the issue it’s finding this the the uh be beef or beef I read strog and off and thought beef the um mushroom guy cuz

That place is like a literal Labyrinth so let’s see we might have to do that next time let’s see swamp swamp swamp swamp bab boop boop boop boop wait is it medium Hollow Hill or mushroom no wait I yeah it’s definitely this guy but what is this it’s time to go to the

Swamps in the swamps you find an odd looking Hill with an entrance this is a mishroom labyrinth yeah so oh this is just there to oh that’s not part of a oh okay so it is M it is the mushroom one okay I forgot the name of it I only done

This a million freaking times what is it is it Large Hollow Hill no Large Hollow Hill is the Um is this here isn’t it what’s the biome though cuz it should say swamp but it’s not saying swamp yeah hold on yeah the bottom of a labyrinth Labyrinth I think this should be it cuz they’re in the swamp if I remember correctly unless they’ve been moved to their own

Biome I see mushrooms over here so maybe they aren’t in the swamp anymore cuz there’s a bunch of mushrooms over here so wait maybe maybe this means I need to find the swamp first but the Labyrinth is leading me over here or the Labyrinth the the what it

Compass is leading me here but this isn’t a swamp this is a mushroom Forest oh there’s the swamp Okay so I shouldn’t get the hunger debuff okay we should be fine secas are going to be here somewhere though or not the cicas the um bugs oh there’s the

Lies did I just get it no I didn’t wait am I am I getting the lies oh I am getting the lies okay okay here it is here so we should have a little bit of time to search this place but I kind of don’t want to start

It and then not be able to finish it so maybe we’ll put a Way Stone here and then we’ll do this next episode because yeah this place is massive so we’ll start this next episode we’ll go home I’m going to put that on the list oh I wish um Mythic mouse was in

This cuz I really want to find a moth there that’d be so cute okay so we got the quest Ram trophy so what does the scepter of Life draining do I mean probably exactly what it says Creo let’s get some more of the um whatchamacallit the applied energistics stuff going as

Well to end out the episode um I guess we can how much oh your Fe isn’t as high as these guys okay I’m getting distracted I need to empty my bags first because it’s going to get confusing so let’s get all this crap out of here and make sure that we

Have stuff going here do I have any gold in here I do so we’ll grab some of these this this got plenty of redstone there I need some silicon there silicon there put these here these are engineering calculation there we go those should all have plenty of power in them

Yes you should have plenty of dust for me good good good good how many more of these can I make oh so many delicious delicious glow stone really I missing glow glow stone I should have so much freaking glow stone seriously yeah what the heck can I break it down like this oh

God of course I can’t oh why am I making this harder on myself than I need to there we go hello clicked okay so now we have that it’s going to drive me nuts making those but like oops now I kind of have to I think two should be fine for

Now let’s get this set up um maybe I’ll move this here so I can power both so we’ll do this this this this and then we’ll go we’ll put you here so you can power both you should be able to power both yes just so it’s going to be easier for

Me to move things if I oh can’t figure out uh the other thing oh but you need a disc drive next to you um crap I wonder if I just put the disc drive on top if I can just get away with oh oops that is not what I meant to

Do can I just do this for now and just make it super cheesy like that I know it’s ugly but like I I just I just uh it looks so bizarre I promise it’s not going to stay like this I promise I promise it is not going to stay like

This oh I should put my bed back down though um I guess I’ll just sleep here between the machines let’s get the rest of the stuff out of here oh these lies are so pretty um the ank should still be on cool down no how long how much longer an hour oh

Is there a way to reduce that that’s really long I’m sure there is a way in the config file but I mean does that seem long to any body else like do you think I should turn that down cuz it seems a bit long I feel like that’s really long okay so

Now I guess I should start putting everything in here but but it looks so funny like that oh my God I love it um I’m so glad that we have oh you know oh I did put them in wait they’re not showing though oh I guess because they’re

Not the normal ones oh that’s going to drive me nuts I want to see them is there a way can I disassemble these I really wish I could man maybe I’ll put them down here and just let them be like their own little thing oh wait oh you can see

Them they’re just not 3D oh what hold on wait hold on hold on hold on hold on I’m just going to first science this cuz I have so many materials it’s fine any quartz crap crap crap crap crap I need you guys to start pumping out some quartz for me okay

Thanks oh what am I doing I need to take some of these but yeah I should have all of that but I should also have some of the um the Greg Tech ones as well right I found a whole bunch of the Greg Tech ones I swear I did did I

Not oh maybe not I I swore I did okay oh I also found out that these uh grungle saplings produce gral I don’t know what a grungle is can be used as slingshot ammo oh why would I want to use it a oh why would you ever want to do that

No actually you know what let’s let these guys live in peace I’m put one here they’re going to be a little Annoying that’s okay you guys can live out here with me poor little babies not going to use these slingshot ammo that’s cruel you go in the water no oh crap now I’m

Stuck I put the little gral everywhere oh I was facing the wrong way there we go let the little gral live why are you in such a weird there we go okay that’s enough gral for now they don’t really move but they’re cute so which should be

Good so now I just want to see oh we’re missing netherite in and gets oh no okay hold on oh our Auto squeezer is uh not set up oops whoopsy doopsy I forgot to reset up the auto squeezer my bad I knew I would forget something I don’t know where I’m going

To put it per se oh I guess we’re going to have to move our bed again oh maybe I could put it here let me place a oh wait wait hello wait that that and then that that then you guys and then wait oh you

Have power in you still oh just going to steal one of the oh maybe I shouldn’t steal coal from there because it’s powering two things right now so much coal it’s ridiculous you should be fine with just the one yes the auto squeezer Is Amazing by the

Way this thing is great okay what am I doing again this so we’re going to see if there is a difference yeah so those ones show up like purple okay so maybe I’ll make a second purple one and put it down below I mean I guess it doesn’t really matter

Right they’re kind of the same thing what am I missing now oh logic okay well I have to do some more tinkering around and getting all of that uh that set up because yeah I got a lot of stuff what am I missing now oh I don’t think we’re going to have enough

Oh okay we still have that one I guess there we go oh yeah that’s plenty that’s like almost a million all right that’s good that’s good all right everyone thank you so much for watching it was a lot of fun coming back into all the mods and getting to Tinker around

With everything and go to the Twilight Forest but we will continue that in the next episode for sure and if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like on it subscribe if you haven’t already and I will see you in the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Episode 18 (A New Home And A King!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-01-06 13:00:25. It has garnered 2073 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:21 or 6741 seconds.

Hey everyone! So it finally happened….I FINALLY moved us elsewhere after all this time and I also went to go explore the Twilight Forest because I couldn’t resist but honestly I’m glad that I did because it was SO much fun.

If you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a “like” on it/subscribe if you haven’t already and I’ll see you in the next one!

#minecraft #allthemods #atm9 #modpack #survival #series #episode

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  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

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    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More


    ULTIMATE PAIN: EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVE’, was uploaded by PAIN YT on 2024-05-16 14:14:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. #freefirelive #classyff#nonstopgaming #ajjubhailive #2bgamer #raista 🏷Tags : #freefire #freefirehighlights #freefiregaaraff #freefireconta #spas12 #aimbotfreefire #hackfreefire #sho They think I’m an Emulatortgunhandcam #shotgun #x1freefire #freefirebrasil #freefireclipes #melhoresmomentos #handcam #loud #freefire #freefirehighlights #equipou #habash #bestplayer #m1014 #spas12 #dpifreefire #contarara #bestmoments #Iphonefreefire #androidfreefire #emuladorfreefire #heroic #season #equipou #highlight #RuokFF #ff #RUOK #Freefire​ #GarenaFreeFire​ #MENA​ Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, rap, bad vibes forever / empire, hip hop & rap, xxx,… Read More

  • Clowdy Skies

    Clowdy SkiesWelcome to Clowdy Skies, where epic battles, cunning strategies, and thrilling adventures await. We’ve meticulously crafted a unique and immersive Minecraft Factions server. Engage in heart-pounding custom raiding, unlock treasures from our exclusive crate system, experience balanced PvP, and prove your skills in dedicated arenas. Our dedicated and friendly community is at the heart of it all, and we’re committed to creating a server where every detail counts. Join us in shaping this evolving network as we build our community and perfect our Minecraft world together. Patience is key, but the journey promises excitement at every turn. play.clowdyskies.com Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP Cross-Play McMMO Dungeons Mob Arenas Custom Enchants Shops Pinata Party Crates

    Charged Creeper SMP Server Hark, brave adventurers! Welcome to Charged Creeper, an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. Join us for a captivating and enriched survival experience like no other. What’s in store for you: A lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Quality of Life features like Player Warps, Homes, and Land Claiming A voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Cross-platform play with friends Informative Discord channel and custom Help menu Links: Website Discord Channel Gallery Java IP: mc.chargedcreeper.com Bedrock Port: 25566 We eagerly await new faces on our server and extend our warmest… Read More

  • Lycana Network

    Lycana Network🌟 Welcome to Lycana Network – Your Ultimate Minecraft Destination! 🌟Get ready to embark on an unforgettable Minecraft journey with Lycana Network! 🗺️✨ Our network offers a diverse range of servers, each meticulously crafted to provide you with unique and thrilling experiences. Whether you’re a fan of classic Survival gameplay or the excitement of Prison servers, we’ve got you covered!🏕️ Immerse Yourself in a Captivating Survival Experience 🏕️Step into a world of endless possibilities with our feature-rich Survival server! Explore beautifully designed worlds, engage in epic PVP battles, and unleash your creativity with our exclusive features:🌿 Discover four immersive worlds… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Ominous Trials ain’t got nothin’!

    Why am I not surprised? With a score like that, this meme is definitely a survivor! Read More

  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

    Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of rich and poor football players, their stories untold. Efekan, a talent, with skills so bright, Becomes a millionaire, his future alight. Training hard, scoring goals with ease, Fans cheering, cameras clicking, a breeze. But Yusuf, watching from afar, Dreams of glory, a shining star. The coach, the manager, all in awe, Of Efekan’s talent, his football law. But in the end, it’s not just about fame, It’s about passion, love for the game. So whether rich or poor, young or old, In Minecraft or real life, let your story be… Read More

  • Cat Edit: HOT DAMN! #minecraft #memes

    Cat Edit: HOT DAMN! #minecraft #memes When your cat discovers your secret Minecraft world and starts wreaking havoc like a creeper on a rampage. #catpocalypse #minecraftmayhem Read More

  • Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft

    Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft Minecraft Crimecraft: Operation Rob Peaches The Heist Begins In the latest episode of Crimecraft SMP, Archie O’Grady sets out on a mission to reclaim his stolen doubloons from the elusive OPPeaches. Armed with determination and a plan, Archie delves into the world of heists and thievery in the modded multiplayer Minecraft server hosted by Finn Sowle. A Phantom’s Deception Discovering that Phantoms like OPPeaches cannot see buried barrels, Archie strategizes to Phantom-proof his future stockpile. With alliances formed and plans in motion, Archie embarks on a quest to outsmart his nemesis and retrieve what is rightfully his. The Comedy… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

    Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You! Bugs in Minecraft That Can Save You! 😎 Introduction In a recent video, Vinícius showcased five bugs in Minecraft that could potentially save players in tricky situations. These bugs, although unconventional, can be game-changers when utilized effectively. Let’s delve into each bug and how they can be used to your advantage. The Boat Bug One of the bugs Vinícius demonstrated involves using a boat to avoid fall damage. By standing on a boat and continuously entering and exiting it, players can descend from heights without taking any damage. This bug can be a lifesaver when navigating treacherous terrain quickly…. Read More

  • Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-EN

    Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-ENVideo Information [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] you didn’t see anything listen we like doing a little bit of pranking we like doing a little bit of trolling we do a little bit of trolling okay we do a little bit trolling we do a little bit trolling you know do I’m just building in Minecraft what are you talking about anyway hello bu welcome to another uh stream Pogo stream today uh I’m playing Minecraft uh but this upcoming week as you guys have seen on my schedule I’m not going to be… Read More

  • Friends In High Places – Parasitic Skies #2

    Friends In High Places - Parasitic Skies #2Video Information hey guys it’s uh Clubby here uh apologies about uh the audio in this video I uh apparently bumped the gain knob on my microphone before recording that and and I didn’t uh I didn’t even notice uh and so the next 3 hours uh I Peak my mic a lot and it’s really really hard for you to hear uh my friend Evan who’s joining me in this video um um I’m really sorry about that and there’s not really much I can do now and post um but just so you know I am aware of… Read More

  • Insane Finale on FireMM!

    Insane Finale on FireMM!Video Information [Music] all right all right um here we go we are on okay so today guys today what we are going to do hang on my music is way too loud I’m not going to lie um I know it is an early stream uh I’ll wait for you guys to join before I properly say everything but um I know it’s an early stream and stuff like that however wow all right hang on um hang on hang on hang on hang on let me cook here let me cook um maybe a bit laggy that’s the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hacks You Need to Try!”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-25 06:35:54. It has garnered 93 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a suggested description for a Minecraft Shorts video designed to go viral on YouTube: — 🔥 Welcome to my Minecraft Shorts! 🔥 In this video, we dive into [brief summary of content, e.g., epic builds, crazy hacks, or insane moments]! Watch as I [specific highlight, e.g., create a massive castle in under a minute, showcase unbelievable redstone… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!

    Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!Video Information clown hey Kaboodle hi hey Kabuto hi what hey kabood what are you doing the [ __ ] is that that one kab what yes hi hey Kaboodle yes what do you want Kaboodle yes hi you can hear me right hello hi kabood I mute hello no I didn’t mute you’re just an [ __ ] what hello what I’m here you can hear me stop being a dick hello Kaboodle hello wait can hi hello Kaboodle hello helloo hello Kaboodle hi what kabood what you can hear me are you there yes I’m here what you… Read More