EPIC Minecraft Cottage Witch Server Adventure!

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Oh Hello welcome to the serenity that is my home definitely still not haunted oh che’s nearby my my almost neighbor has found out that I’m they’re almost neighbor there’s a penny somewhere but where ground are they hiding the heck anyy oh this is ominous morning teetra where the Hank are

You I see you on the mini map where are you why can’t that’s a bear I doubt Penny’s way up there Penny’s like below me somewhere yes I’m aware goodness gracious oh there’s a cave down there calm Down huh how the heck did you get in there have to go figure that out later yes my definitely not haunted home that is definitely safe to enter not at all scary or any of that it’s fine uh you don’t even make any sense log was growing on stairs there we Go see my definitely perfectly safe home a couch I can Vibe oh okay now it’s a little couch I guess I’m kind of tiny my kitchen this jar my bison for carpet in my little living room area don’t congrats aams thanks for the 38 months of support o indeed Mir approves

Meow she said it Mir is working that’s just some statues this is fine there’s a lot of Ash in here let’s clean that up oh whoops not you stay there H The View trees don’t do that that’s weird oh my goodness there’s a lot of Ash here

I apologize I need to sweep up more oh I got a whole planter that’s cute and this is my meat room where I harvest meat with my Harvester as you do uh oh black candle holders some a lot of crossbows my goodness um Redstone Redstone Dust pumpkin seeds

Apples oh it actually lights up that’s cute I don’t like that it’s a little person oh that’s the uh what’s that um more black candle holders arrows that I’m going to need potion of invisibility some iron bars to trap people with you know in here yeah

Fine my freaky little statues I don’t do anything um oh the front door that’s the front door my fun little uh upstairs bit where all the skulls hang my cute little uh office with an abacus for counting uhoh okay careful I have to parkour my own stairs cuz I’m too

Small I need to ask mamy where the uh pocket slot is also I’m going to be giving this chest piece away because I can’t wear chest pieces I cannot wear uh chest pieces or leggings yeah the P the pocket’s SL I need to put actual

Stairs I I always get stuck on that last one why this is the stream guys it’s just me struggling to get go upstairs because I’m too tiny my bed with my cat This one which one of these is pocket oh you can scroll I did not tab I did not realize oh my God there’s a lot of stuff there’s pocket finally we found it another Abacus ooh spectral arrows oh do not try to fight it do not try to

Talk to it do not try to outsmart it don’t investigate don’t try to understand don’t try to be a hero don’t try to be its savior is my sincere hope that I’ve given you all the the answers you want so you won’t make our mistake and try to investigate further there’s

Only one there’s there’s I can read there is one and only one thing you need to do to be safe if you see it run I’m sure it’s fine that back hey Kitty what this one say I always thought my cat had staring problems she always seemed fixated on my

Face until one day when I realized that she was always looking just behind me hey Kitty now the cat’s looking straight at me I know what you’re on about okay back down these demon stairs oh it’s over here fridge that’s not the door yeah that’s my house isn’t it cute my tree

Grew did it grow any bear now that’s not that’s not how that’s supposed to work I’m sure it’s fine um also serenity I found very out of place music hey be I don’t know what I’m going to do with this guy where can I put you you can go here Um yeah I need to uh clear up my house cuz there’s one little issue and that is uh where is it on the other side I can’t remember which height it’s on I feel like it’s not this side oh well that’s one of the issues right there sir all I have is a

Knife he’s trying yeah that’s part of the problem well point is it’s all in there is the issue that need to be cleared Out oh yeah I’ll do that eventually I do have a soul beat now hello who oh little otter hi buddy there we go so yeah I have a little bit of a uh a haunting problem only a little it’s fine sir I bought the deed to this place you need to

Leave you need to leave my house now I bought it faon square with Force yes for one iron nugget what are these flash Pines it says this one like electrifies me but I don’t know what that means I figured it would be a debuff on me didn’t do

Anything hopped in water didn’t do anything so I’m going to assume it’s a It’ll like stun whatever hits me type of situation I did eat one the other day that was freezing but that just froze was me not raccoon cutie so I don’t know how these berries

Work I’ll have to figure that out at some point no more no more ghosty poos running around then look like it heck oh wait that means there is one where are you here ghosty ghosty ghost oh you’re in here how do I get in here oh there’s no actual door to get into

There not to break in uh there it is let’s eat this up what’s this room for it’s just here to be weird and spawn things that’s annoying whatever there so uh dealing with my my little haunting problem aside my goal for today I think oh oh there’s just wait huh what what just

Happened huh he in any case uh my goal for today is to find a flying Mount I want to find a phoenix but now I have cinnamon in my yard look Sal there is cinnamon with proof um that was weird why did my tree around go up I don’t

Know uh I did find the moth or I didn’t find the moth uh rather I did see it but I thought about it somewh I’m like I really want a phoenix though I only have one saddle second I realize it’s very quiet uh extremely quiet even what do you mean not again

Oh I forgot that I played this yesterday so I’m not on my usual playlist but we already have cinnamon you don’t have to worry we already have some it’s okay oh so now the question is where should I start trying to oh I didn’t go there I

Don’t think going to go past Chewy’s house I know this is flying there’s no getting to that for a while not until I get a flying melt all right Um m m what command is it for teams now I’m assuming that’s different I don’t know cuz it’s not what I’m used to anymore I should have brought a boat like to make it so people can you know open doors in your claim you know

Open oh well I have to mess with it later hi bear hi chewy Wherever You Are hi hi he template manager okay don’t know what that is not touching it so let’s see it looks like the village was like back behind I really should have brought a boat I think it’s back

Here just do a little swim yeah hi hi everybody I hope everyone’s doing well today I’m here I’m vibing my cats have already made me uh cry today so it’s been a day it’s been a day also I I got some pretty not great news

Today so forgive if I’m a little on the wonky side I’m doing my best thank you uh let’s see that’s the floating city so or this what is that this is material imagine it’s a giant antill that’ be kind of horrifying oh for what purpose B

B how’ I get to a savannah oh my God is that how you pronounce it bow B or is it like bobab bobab uh oh a bustling town I wonder if it’s going to be like a savannah town if it counts since I am in a b bobab

Savannah wait Ras yep I already have RAs now phoenixes usually hang around near towns I believe mermer like not in them but near them hello bet you weren’t expecting me to fit in your kitchen aha I’m here to steal your sushi oh and I get a bowl perfect okay I have

Meals what do I feel like taking I’m kind of in the mood for shepherd’s pie what you cooking nothing a white flag again I have rainbows there’s a be a per but no giant glowing birds but we do have raccoons what the heck huh oh come on that’s even more reason

To get a bird right Zeus do I get to speak to the gods if I go up there you think they’re nice oh my do I dare do I dare have a have a peak do I dare take and Peep yeah most Gods kind of suck don’t they ow my ankles

Uh unfortunately links are not allowed in the chat so that’s why are is that an emu yep what is going on oh wait oh no it’s it’s one of those floaty cities it’s the floaty City I saw it just looks kind of wild let me just peek out a little bit this is

Fine don’t tell germ what I’m doing cannot see oh they got a little baby there was a little baby emu there I see oh oh wor a shot oh hm that’s not good is it so close to Greatness maybe it’d be easier like if there is a

Phoenix around here it’d be easier to see at night though I’m of a mind to say there is no Phoenix here feel like it would have popped up by now you’re not a bird either you’re a skeleton oh hello chai what are you doing what are you crackling over there my cat’s being

Suspicious Cat is being very suspicious well still no phoenixes those are spiders big difference oh oh no little bird oh never mind it’s not a full Ravine it’s just they here oh maybe I don’t want to go down no Phoenix only angry kitty we’re not going to discuss that Gap I just jumped

Oh yeah I wanted to see well that timing oh that didn’t do anything it just made me refused glowy raccoon eyeballs oh what wrong try chy what’s wrong why are you yelling we both know you’ve been fed oh cranky baby perish or okay guess not don’t perish then carry on I suppose do

Mushroom wonder how everyone else is probably doing something of interest and then there’s me I want to find BB and I proceed to go places where the BBS would not be I mean if I find a moth I can at least use that to get around a little faster until I can find

BD oh just a little dip there Chewy’s house there’s a little mushroom friend again hi hello buddy God I want sushi it’s been a while hello huh never seen a beehive like wedged into a tree like that before hello are there any moths around maybe Birds no that’s a creeper don’t want that

This bird flying Mount of some sort hello not a roof just dirt you know I guess if I were to look for oh well P for that darn I think the mods only come out at night oh oh would you look at that I’m off careful hello

Oh my God wait where’s that okay do you want to be my friend I’d like to think I’m a pretty cool friend please please no oh okay how dare you how dare you hurt them off now it’s scared and it won’t land for a while oh I hate it

He and it’s not going to land like I could go for the the red one over here but my eyes were like locked onto the cute white one cuz it looks like like a snow snow snow puff oh well will you land already where is it going what Adventure are you going onun

Flying back and forth oh now the red ones leaving too well that’s my luck isn’t it it’s still just going back and forth the red one just straight up left here redmouth where are you I know you’re over here somewhere oh delightful uh how am I going to do

This oh there is no doing this I’m just simply too small hello buddy friend oh God if I fall off with this I’m going to die and break my ankles oh come on ah I can’t get on their backs when they’re flying they have to be landed hello hello oh goodbye

Come here just come a little closer bud you made it oh yeah it’s just that it needs to land no can’t go on it if it’s floating but it’s very carefully just not Landing ah I don’t even know where the white one went uh I think maybe they only stay put

During the night and during the day they just kind of float around I was going to say the reason I like the white one is because it looks like a cotton ball but I can’t say that because miam’s here he hello I would like to be your friend and oh

Gosh I have to I’m so small M moth obtained and the white one’s also sitting if you have a saddle I don’t know saddle oh okay well Bye-bye where there it is just casually ditch Mammy a I’ll come back for it in a minute I don’t know if you can hear me I just want to investigate what this is up here we I made it up did it I’m here I found a sky village

There’s no one here oh never mind there’s someone here you know what would be really unfortunate is if I got off this mouth and it decided to walk off and float down gently oh I’m very high up aren’t I yeah I got the red one I don’t remember where mam

Is oh I guess mamy left well you mushroom oh no he fell off he fell off the sky village that’s unfortunate okay the number one is still I would like to find a phoenix I can finally visit that crazy uh tree up here oh you didn’t leave you were still

Back there but you didn’t show up on my map like isn’t this a cute little spot though M right now is not a good time oh someone’s already been here I think Penny’s probably oh wait hello all right here I can’t see his armor for you there’s seagull up up here thank

You my hand who lives is up here there’s a house but it’s not claimed I don’t know but there’s a crafting bench and I have leather so maybe I can make a saddle uh do you need rope it’s three leather and like a rope well I have strings so I can make a

Rope ni this is a cute little spot just this little like automnal tiger in the middle of a frozen Peaks and everything uh Dexter is somewhere up north like somewhere up here can’t remember where what was that oh zombie noises I guess yep I’m go set up in this tree

Mostly just because I can’t see very much past these giant hecking Wings you know what he probably isie could have sworn he was like up here somewhere maybe they moved oh there it is X is clean as always in the snow but look how much like snow area there is like from here to here is all just snow isn’t that

Ridiculous I almost want to just go and map out all the snow I might do that for fun maybe I’ll find a Phoenix on the way maybe I doubt it but I I I I’m going to go do that hi Ms you already jumped down this is my adventure for today map out

Snow I don’t think the moth would get tired so it should be fine keyword should maybe find Father Christmas you never know ch’s over Here up a little bit okay through here and I think I should start hitting snow in a second maybe no h it’s not oh there it is h no it’s not there’s also another biome I kind of wanted to find and I’m thinking of like

If I can do it if I can maybe move the house down the line to be in a biome I prefer would also mean I wouldn’t be Chewy’s almost neighbor anymore but you know then I’d be in a cute spot that would make me happy no birds you little area though

Odd spot for this I think this is in the wrong biome it looks like a jungle yeah it’s like it’s like a jungle thing that it didn’t know what to do because it’s considered an ocean over here so it’s a weird jungle fishing town but it’s in the middle of a you

Know ice it’s in the middle of ice what’s this tree Frosty Blossom cute cute building hello cute building cute buildings very cute buildings hello what are you no achievement popped up might be the indigan and I’m just looking at it from a funny angle oh wait this is a really cute building hello

Hello there’s villagers is in there I think it is the end and I’m just looking at it from a funny angle oh this is really cute big fan not a fan of that guy though I’m glad more people are logging in though oh interesting look when I hit

Tab it shows me things that are nearby interesting I just need to be lower down to the ground there’s a lot of raccoons over there huh I wonder if there’s a way to turn that on to just stay who the heck threw the FL flashbang what happened oh what are you you look

Cute oh and it’s in a cute spot wait oh no do I have to kill people I have to kill people to move in may stick what the wait hold on who whoa whoa whoa I’m sorry you can place sticks you can’t oh you can’t interesting you can make like a little

Like tight roope situation interesting what is this place besides cute oh I do like this oh these people’s days might be Numbered might have to do some Killing did I find a bar what is this no is it just a whole village wedged into like one little building ah I can oh milk delicious I don’t think I have carrots yet so I’ll take those dirty another bucket of milk taking that bread honeyed apples fulfilling meal heck

Yes mushroom stew taking that sort taking the mushrooms too that Stacks h Huh indeed’s a shoot to you like to stuff into it and it goes down somewhere oh I think it is that’d be cute hmm having a second home might be interesting run could explore new places and meet

Different people just make sure I have enough window cells to nap on meow meow warm Blossom sapling I’m taking that sorry fellas you have the flower pot but I’m taking the sapling interesting it is actually keeping time cute ah I love it Sunny Blossom Leaf hedge uh cricket song tree fertilizer powerful

Combination of minerals using useful for growing saplings in tight spaces creates a tree regardless of its spacing conditions oh my wonder I can make this so there is um a thing in this mod pack where I think you can make a custom like biome air oh look at that help I’m small cute

Um yeah there’s the uh biomes and jars mod that I saw so I could in I could like um collect stuff to make a couple of these and essentially change a whole biome over but my main concern is finding another one of those houses I haven’t really edited like I haven’t affected

The house really the one that I’m in right now so if I find another one in a more ideal spot I could just you know move and fix stuff up oh I haven’t gone upstairs yet oh boy I have to look through people’s belongings oh yeah I never looked into

These crafting blueprints did I I wonder what that’s all about oh my God tools look at that take these just in case feather fall oh I spooked to myself for no reason that blends in way too well I almost missed those not like there was anything in there but you

Know why is it always carrots on a stick why do they keep these outside oh uh oh I put the stick away again didn’t I I did okay so right now my working theory is that those houses only spawn in or near dark forests cuz while I did find my

House outside of one it was like barely outside of one I looked around and there’s like one right there so I’m going to continue looking for dark forests hey Hunter remember what you said about Father Christmas uh what if Father Christmas really likes bees cuz I think that is that a rainbow bee

Hello it’s so cute wait rainbow be I want to meet you come here can’t look at you properly oh cute yeah it seems Father Christmas really likes bees I hope I get cold this here yeah might rainbow be wait hold on um doesn’t say anything specific that I can

See I just everything just says be God I I wish there was a smaller fire from mounts I don’t think we have that unfortunately and kill to have a smaller like moth or something just it needs to be small it’s so hard to see over wait

No we don’t need that we there is there should be oh I need germ he knows more about Mount stuff than I do I can’t remember if it was the warts or the other thing that I need oh that means I’m probably I’m going to have to go back for the other moth

Later cuz it needs to be a baby if I remember right now this is a weird comboy it jungle ice H little Ax Bike a this is a lot of snow there’s an alligator down there and a quackling everyone’s favorite the quackling I’m going not going to make it to the quackling

Though where is he is right here see him oh God there’s a lot of snow isn’t there isn’t there I was going to go back down to map it but there it looks like it goes right back up over here it’s just all snow half of our area is just

Snow like look at this snow I wonder where where uh mamy and mchi are there’s starb question is does it go up or doesn’t look like it Bas goodness gracious there’s so much snow we’re living in the great white North over here oh oh wait you have a gift what

A what a cutie I love him what’s that I see something I see a town but no bird just one of those horrible angry boore things oh no what is this the outcast what’s happening oh high bouns or like a weird little abandoned house at the edge of

Town it is a weird little abandoned house at the edge of town weird or social outcast either or they’re like way out of town I thought I saw something over here but that’s just my own shadow I have veered away from the snow I’m not going to find a phoenix

Seeing a bunch of rabbits bunnies drimys creepers zombies a moose getting distracted back up back up back up back up bunch of rabbits again on Minecraft I have done no mining nor crafting I’ve just done wandering but I need to get into the habit of using this more to look at my

Mini map map makes it much easier to see if there’s anything nearby God there’s a lot of snow the only unfortunate thing is I’m not going to be able to um make a new version of the Mario Kart track we had mostly because there’s no Cars but nope not dealing with the wildlands goodbye those things are scary is it safe here no probably not I’m going to go back up jeez I’m almost connected to to here though and then I need to go from here like down probably like connect over here and

Then just continue just to map out all the snow well all the bordering on the snow the knowing how this is looking so far there’s probably more like giant swaths of snow like up and down below where I’m mapping my God we’re in a very cold climate though it

Seems little autumnal Valley with giant pumpkins a suspicious town with pumpkin people what is this pumpkin land like look at him little pumpkin villager H interesting heyam I like the little weird pumpkin people they’re interesting I did find Halloween Town no wonder they’re having troubles they’re that far away from Christmas Town

Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go I’m not that small Chestnut why is it just called a chestnut what’s out here that is just called a chestnut hello H weird those weren’t real stairs and you know it the flashbang those were

Broken you can’t go up those like normal stairs regardless of your height so those don’t count another Village wait wait I found something important where are they look hello hello did I bring the bones with me I only have three no I’m going to have to go kill some skellies yes

I have a shib how do I take you home pet the puppy how do I take the puppy home wait is there like a okay there are lassos uh hold animals I need an ender pearl um does anyone have an ender pearl I can borrow as well as some

String maybe mamy can come and clutch right now for me frontal maybe chewy can make me one and then when chewy comes over here they’ll see they’ll see why they’ll understand they’ll understand my plight hello you down here hi you’re tiny okay hopefully there’s a stuff I

Can make make this with cuz look who I found oh my God yeah earlier there’s another one walking around bones I had three and I locked out on the third one uh okay I do have wood ladybug oh you got a ladybug cute all right nuggets um I can just pop you

In there right yes now you can take that stick and craft it uh diagonal from the uh crafting bench and you can make a crafting bench on the stick oh right I forgot that exists okay how do I pick you up can I just how do I how does this

You’re on grass move your butt move your butt puppy hey oh that’s weird thank You my sh uh pick you up like actually my hero uh there we go I should have made one of those before I knew they existed I just forgot I’m just dumb okay you wait here for a second I need to just look around uh there it is let’s chewy with

It where is the other pup there you are hey puppy work soup wait what think about being what I am I can’t actually eat food oh what are you um I’m like a redstone automaton so basically I have the coal in my all hand keeps

Myself charged I can also do have U like iron or copper to heal myself I can shoot arrows in my offand and basically that’s it oh I also have a power that gives me nine Slots of storage nice oh oh M we didn’t realize all right where are you there you are

Hi I got it there’s a shib here bones oh wait you want bones do you want bones here TR you can go catch one I’ll go see if I can find a there’s all the crap there’s uh oh gold nuggets I don’t know whatever you need yeah you’re going to need those

Gold nuggets for uh Carles oh yeah wait what do you do with the star bules uh the star if you see them throw gold nugget on the ground and they’ll give you starbuckle shards which you can use to craft star bule sort of like emblems and you use the star bules as

Sort of like automated like poppers and stuff it just like run around and pick stuff up ground huh and put them in chests what about if you find one with a little treasure like not a treasure um a gift on its back okay have fun oh a

Gift um if you can get the gift off you can either open it yourself or you can give it to someone else for more so that they get more St cute but if you do manage to get one it’s just you know it’s just pry loot uh

Oh oh did I accidentally release you I’m sorry go back home you go yeah I guess so I’m I’ve been seeing so many Star bubun and then we saw that one with the with the gift on it on its butt and we just left

It um wait which way did I come from oh connects right here what’s snuff snuffle friend friend I hear you I think heard a weird hello what are you I love you Oh I don’t know what you are but I love you M come back snow leopard well we know what that means though right oh there’s one there’s one I wonder if the lasso works on the star buun uh there it is hey little guy oh this one’s more like mamy um please don’t

Leave they put um wait sit down uh where’d it go h oh it’s a different one oh there’s two here I guess hello what oh it just pops out whenever he pleases oh my lass is going to break I need to get home Uh huh we’ve come to a situation here he will not go back in the golden lasso you stay in there it’s not safe um maybe I should go home I’m going have to physically go home with this moth or I can be cute and leave the shib

The little shib puer at spawn so everyone can see cute dog spawns like down here somewhere so it’s like right there I can leave the ship next to the uh the um direwolf that I have over there so everyone can pet dogs as they should yeah this pup definitely has had

Enough of being in the lasso Dive Dive Dive don’t don’t dive that hard hold on slow down easy easy oh wait come back think it’s sitting it’s hard so hard to tell because of the stupid anti-grav arrow thing on my screen hey going pet the

Dog you know I didn’t intend for them to almost be matching color-wise but funny how that works so wait can I use this on anyone can I I can oh that’s really nice then I can just go here and drop my moth off oh that’s really nice

Actually it’s not what I do want to do right now cuz I I still need to you know go adventuring and stuff oh more blood oh um someone’s still need cob web inedible Spell ingredient okay another thing I really need to do mail um probably do that after a

Now I have as sleep in my totally safe bed does the moth also just roundly pop out like I know it’s in my backpack right now but what if it doesn’t because my moth is Chill unlike the pupp find that soon it looks like it’s going to pop out in a

Second if it does it’d be nice if it didn’t just because it’s in my backpack but I have a feeling it will celery right here oh only had one hit left well I guess no one needed the cobwebs hi otter that means I can bring cute animals

Home like the bear who really wants to live with me it seems feel like I should keep some of this with ah I hit the wrong button what a fool I am uh don’t worry about the weird noises beside me here it’s fine okay we’re good good I

Think I’ll clear that out at some point maybe um all right I huh um should I plant these maybe I can get more later I plant these like at the edge over here open spot need to go get did I I did uh let’s do it on this

Guy that’s as big as it’s going to get huh oh wait actually never mind that’s a large tree we’re good okay ax do we get more saplings I got tea leaves that makes no sense I’ll take it but it doesn’t make sense to me he I got

More I should go get a cup of tea in a second here maybe I can like completely replant this whole area to be cute like like pastel colored trees I will hydrate moment arily I don’t actually have a drink I have not eaten and I have not drank today other than water

Uh yeah so we’re in a tempered rainforest but right there is a dark Forest so it just barely might be like cuz I think somewhere it just barely stops like here and it might still count it oh you do that like it’s something new I don’t never

Eat okay um we are back one second while I go get a cup of tea and see if I have some kind of snack okay okay BB Oh N N N Oh A A N N N I’ve returned with a piece of cheese as well as some tea and a milk tea just as a treat you know what I should have done I should have uh written down or tried to remember what the uh weird tree fertilizer was is it just called tree fertilizer I hope it is it

Is two flowers bone meal and some Coral is so I’ve never played around with coral much in Minecraft other than you know seeing it in a cute spot being like oh look there’s coral and then moving on with my life hi bear are you chill you’re pretty chill aren’t you never mind not

Chill doesn’t like us being near up mrder um am I wearing something that’s giving me like a extra hearts oh now that I know there’s more slots I need to go get that stuff out of the uh out of storage look all the candy I found I also have a diamond shovel but

It has butter fingers on it I don’t know what that means oh yep uh swap that out ha will it tell me what the soap is for all I can think of is that it’s like last Char oh it’s literally to clean stuff off there’s a Blackboard so you can make like a

Little make a little classroom there’s a bubble blow oh you oh yeah then to remove dyes off of things huh that’s interesting cute I’d imagine so that’s why like it shows you can use soap on it to clean it so I imagine that means you can write on it and I know there’s

CH that’s what the chalk stuff is for so when I when I when I tame the pup it said I know how to draw draw like hearts with chalk now but I didn’t know what that meant and when I slept in the same bed three nights in a row it gave

Me like a house chalk thing it must be for that color can I change yes does that affect my claim nope perfectly stressed I’m already there bugs squished what what does that even mean oh I need to see a nuda branch apparently beginning there we go welcome in I’m here I put that

There oh gosh okay hold on huh oh weird interesting the book of baby fat baby fat okay oh does that just Oh oh well um creatures s this is what I’ve been hunting uh oh Goat Face is here but where do you find it those things are falling over there like crazy no no no Blossom L how do you make a bubble blower oh easy okay um one day I’ll get around to organizing

All this when I you know live inside instead of in a weird like shed on the side of the building where is my iron uh oh wait can you not turn an iron ingot in into nuggets uhoh wait yeah I should be able to why isn’t it letting me um

Oh okay not going to worry about it my crafting is just kind of broken I guess um uh now I need now we wait hello hi hi hi uh I can’t really hear you because my like voice the voice thing is not working correctly but hello yeah you’re very

Quiet how how do what what do I press hold uh V for Victor and my computer’s also lagging uh probably should turn everybody up it’s kind of hard to hear everyone I haven’t heard MCH yet but I’m going to assume I should turn them up anyway there everyone’s going to be

Loud hi there is sorry I’m having audio issues what you smell bad well of course you’re tiny everything smells a lot worse to you that doesn’t make any sense what do you mean that doesn’t make any sense you there’s more smell for you to take it what were all these

Bubbles I learned I can’t eat apples so here’s some apples those bubbles look pretty I need to figure out how to do voice stuff what button do I press again sorry there now he knows I said it to him V okay thank you okay I think mamy died I sent him a TPA

Request it’s going to expire because he died yep there it is okay I can hear you better oh thank God so how how how’s exploring you did you run into that witch near your house again no there’s no witches near my house silly only uh The Souls of the Damned ma’ you wake

Up M wake up please I don’t like this pleas wake up mmy wake up where is this nerd fish hello Mr otter do you want a fish you go he’s enjoying yeah and I gave him a fish what do you what are you talking about Cisco what

There just an otter where the otter right there in the water there’s an otter in the water want to go get something to eat water H water hello Hello second I want him as a pet uh I’ll start bringing him fish as an off blob blob blob hello otter hello otter oh wait oh that’s so funny guys my sha is live He’s streaming your dogs are out damn what grandma always talking about toes so weird honestly he has a

Problem point is though my dog is Al that’s funny just set of co- stream with my dog are you telling me to watch uh yeah oh the ninja here you are Hi how are you doing need to sort my inventory out big time Oh wrong I need germ to like log on later

Cuz I need him to help me with Mount stuff where Goat Face go and I can see my heck where the heck are you oh I think he went underwater see so from here I connected here so I have to go down this way little flag up here C

I love that there actually is one villager in that our uh spawn town but he’s stuck under like a fence underwater under the buildings he can’t leave that spot so I might make a lasso lator to see if I can like get him out of there or something well needs help

I am sad though it’s the last bit of my cheese what’s over here or is it the exact same as the other one it is the exact same as the other one H one thing that makes me sad though is it’s really cute that the diamond armor becomes like little specks on the wings but like this light blue would look so nice with like a white M oh well that’s a problem there’s pillagers over there in that Tower and then there’s a bunch of

Vindicators and stuff over there I don’t know know what they’re in a little Camp oh what’s that what’s this what’s this what’s this what’s this Snowden it’s a snowy temple God there’s a lot of cherry blossom forests too the snow and ice is definitely a lot more common on our server than cherry

Blossoms though cherry blossoms are a close second I feel but I feel like I see those a lot lower ourselves down a little bit you probably need to like travel a decent ways away to get away from all the snow and ice though cuz my goodness oh that’s bothering me these

Weird little undiscovered areas yeah like here’s here’s Blossom woods and here’s Blossom Woods that’s like the first witch hazel thing maybe there’s another Blossom Woods there’s another Blossom Woods there’s technically another separate one there too I think we saw one up here somewhere nope no we didn’t I’m lying to

Myself oh yeah this cool little island has one too what is this oh it’s like an exposed Lush cave interesting yeah it’s a lot of ice I need to slow it down I’m probably also like causing issues on the server a little bit with all this exploring

Oh it’s fish that’s what R Sho Are oh nothing okay we’re we’re turning up a little bit on the mini map it’s a lot of pillagers and illers and whatever J is over here I’m missing the snow oddly enough oh yep big old world loading situation F to see of me oddly I haven’t seen another Dark

Forest not very oddly I suppose uh I’m going to assume this thing’s on over here yep goodness land give her a second oh technically this keeps going down I guess should I follow it down should I just leave it I’ll leave it I’ll just keep going up this

Way yeah it looks like it curves here and maybe it goes back down again because all this oh all of this and yet still no time with the Phoenix Phoenix that was a struggle to say for some reason ah no no yep we’re curving back down I’m not crazy right the Phoenix is

Supposed to spawn near towns that’s the thing that’s its thing correct oh what the heck oh it’s a portal oh jeez it really curves back down my god oh no uh Yeti there’s a yeti in there somewhere waiting for Server back up they’re not asking about why they’re lagging ignore

That definitely not my fault oh my God there’s so much snow why does this never end sh don’t say anything don’t say anything just keep the conversation casual when does this snow end though what is this I find what is this hello oh there’s wild down there maybe I don’t

Dismount yeah I’m just looking for Phoenix’s what hello any Phoenix is in the area just foxes no phoenixes just uh pigs foxes grimy the what desert show me which way desert is all I found is snow I’m going to beat you up thank you for reminding me what I need to work on

Tomorrow hi Dex well the only interesting creature out here so far is is llama oh whoops I’m all right I’m hunting birds someone got the name Roma like lettuce oh wait I no hello have you people seen Phoenix’s anywhere that’s a bald eagle and a lot of

Lobsters where is the bald eagle I’m in America now oh my god there they are you guys have to like salute when you see a bald eagle in the wild is that a thing Americans have to do uh I mean if you really want to be a flea you can be a

Flea I guess but in the end no phoenixes also germ germ I’m going to need your help making uh small amounts again cuz this is this is difficult I’m too small for this oh that’s a lot of witch why are there so many witches over here hello did I find a

Coven oh my God I think I did find a coven hello ladies Adams oh there’s one right there I was looking at who mamy was Whit listing and it just a witch just showed up and like hello sips drink right in front ah it’s remain underscore in any case that’s going to

Be a a next project we need to get stuff so we can make uh small amounts flying this guy is liberating but very unwieldy these are big wings a very big wings goodness Spruce creepers Blue Jays zombies Librarians Iron Golems seals on seals on seals on seals on seals many seals Penguins lobsters

Drimys more Penguins so many penguins polar bears y yetis again maybe I can actually see it this time are those the yees hello are you violent you don’t seem to be violent nice they’re violent they’re violent I take back everything I said oh o Cute uh there there’s no one here a little abandoned Town situation no one’s here it’s cute and abandoned I think there’s something like this like somewhere around here no that’s not it but there’s something like that around here somewhere and that one’s a little bit more messed

Up and I stole two of their drying racks so you know maybe oh we’ve hit skyus so I have to go up this way again wait no I don’t the snow do be continuing over here God let me there you go gracious me m did you did you realize

Just how much snow was in our area because my God I’m I’m so what what I’m doing right now is I’m just following the look at this I’m following the border of snow all the way around it just keeps going I I think I’ve been at this for what half an hour maybe

Longer just following the snow think yeah get sidetracked every so often to see if the village that I spot might have a phoenix but need to get lower very elevated over here that’s a weird looking tree oh it’s a thingy tree that’s why point is there is a lot of

Snow it looks like a boss from undertale does it God the ice and snow just does not end it’s to keep an eye on the water now where the water is darkest that’s considered ice as well wait no it’s called wait we’re in a deep frozen ocean maybe this goes on for

Way too long maybe I should turn back this is ridiculous okay I’m just going to go down until it stops let’s see what happens see how far down it goes like I’m already here I may as well look right uh that being said I think my moth needs a minute

Never mind maybe not a minute over here maybe a minute somewhere else took me a second took me a second to realize what that sound was and my moth needs a second hearts are low like look at this this is too much cold huh what I’m not muted I’m just not

Speaking because I was chewing um how’s my moth doing o it’s going up slowly should be fine right gosh how far down does this go why is there so much ice I know I keep complaining and I keep questioning it but my goodness if this goes back into like a solid land

Snow biome of some kind I’m going to scream like I will actually just scream I will land my moth and just start screaming still going okay my Ma’s actually almost fully rested again I do need to give her a second and by her I mean the server

Just double checking M me this one’s not on your home system right this one’s hosted the server I mean okay good uh okay good just making sure okay we’re curving we’re curving we’re going at a small Arc here technically I should be going lower but I’m just sticking to the deep

Coldo deep cold and frozen ocean not the just cold ocean dear God maybe I should have just stuck to like solid land oh wait speaking of there’s a tiger right there oh nice okay so I can just finish this off oh wait no it’s it’s it’s going back out again why don’t do

That why are you doing That why is it going back out again be careful okay here should be fine to Land more ainal Forest there who okay this much ice what’s this weird go we little underwater structure yeah I should have stuck with solent land huh yeah I’m going to go back this is too much way too much thought that was a building in the ice for a second

So the lasses are seem to be reusable it’s just that they have a coold down on them and they like pop stuff back out but if you keep it in your backpack the thing stays like whatever you caught ends up staying inside the lasso so that’s

Nice I have no idea if Dr even heard any of that or if D’s even here found a village only pigs where am I going to find a phoenix like I know Phoenix is also a chance thing upon finding a village and it’s fairly low oh time for the journey back

Up where I think I may have found snow again yep even when I try to leave more snow no more I’m going to Mam’s hello hey run what’s up oh bubbles very nice where are we oh I have no idea where I am I was um just running around and now I’m helping

Somebody troubleshoot uh their install oh so they can get on the server um I think there might be an issue cuz like uh I had to help Ram as well the other day but with ram it was just reinstalling it a third time and then it worked huh

Weird what is this little creepy town I like it uh mine is the weird water feature um mod issue how so hustle oh cayen okay put you in there before you pop out randomly was it cenne that you were helping also I’m sorry if you can hear

Me chewing how dare you not like I’ve been nibbling ones whole time it it’s um the Roman guy from um M Servera sorry I didn’t ask your pronouns I mean I uh what was the mod issue to begin with seeing the basalt is giving me memories of the pier I like flowering the pad they cute I like this I want this oh there’s more so I could take a few mebe Water Lettuce wild cabbage I have

Wild cabbage I have cabbage I think I have cabbage o a swamp oh it’s specifically a hexar swamp with mud I can oh so it’s a whole swamp with specifically hex okay so I’m going to have to like come back here often see this is what I mean like I

Want to see if I can maybe transplant that house I have and just bring it over like to somewhere like here like I normally I’m not a big fan of swamps in in Minecraft but this one’s cute minus the guy that’s shooting at me of course that one’s not cute

But this this is cute just yellow do coconuts random coconuts oh ah okay so there’s a o Stone here so I can actually just keep coming back nice oh to live on a cute little island little swamp Island coconuts how does this look just kind of great you know I should probably be

Careful uh I feel like these coconuts can land on my head and kill me I mean you could come and rebuild your Beach i’ help you collect materials to make up for it oh Marsh what’s this I just just uh Cattails we could find you a new beach Spot

Somewhere h no rush of course there we go um where are we compared to look at how big this Blossom wood is where Spawn from here hello oh in there O Okay that hole is further down than I thought it was cl can I

Like what do you do can I eat you I don’t know mystery mystery ingredient What did you guys remove all the other dragons besides volcanic dragons are removed it is very pink this is how you summon Tira so I you doing anything like a berry what does the wise Oak do fing weirdo he’s just there smiling like a little creep I hate him he’s

Horrifying how dare he oh M as opposed to a mango what do you do light meal no ill effects Rec oh oh that’s really useful oh down town with no Phoenix a lot of skeletons Though and like three cats off off in the wild will I ever find a phoenix hey look we’re in snow again what a surprise oh I don’t know if I have this I love these little creepers so much look at them just a little guy oh jeez there’s a lot of bushes here

I’m assuming this place is not friendly and I probably shouldn’t go in there with when all I have was like half of a flint knife that was right hello oh gosh should put on sneake eater again hello the fool he broke his own ankles oh no I’m too Small I fit through the cracks in the floor I don’t like that I fit through the cracks in the floor oh um I can do something about this magic but um how do I go up further uh a jumping puzzle to get up up but no there’s nothing that connects to there un

No um I love this Ken asks what did you all choose for your Origins M you get to say cat Dexter says mountain goat and then there’s me magical manipulator it sounds so silly and then there’s uh penny is saying artificial construct and then there’s heshi marshmallow

Okay well I’m not going to tackle this solo especially when I can’t uh float easy you know what I just realized why am I living in a closet in my house my house is clear it’s safe hello moose so why am I living in a closet outside oh what happened Here okay Ah that’s what happened here that’s what happened here that’s what happened here that’s what happened here I found out what happened here oh no where he at don’t hit the pig don’t hit the pig don’t hit the pig get him I got the pig oh where you at fight me you

Coward get back out here hey why is there so much animal F oh the is right there ah there he goes hold on I need a sandwich before I do a run did you die no you didn’t fly you fool please die thank you okay he’s dead ow Frozen damage it’s chilly out

Here oh I bombed the door apparently oopsie doodle uh oh jeez um all right where’d that door go there it is and put this back at least uh awkwardly yep I know interior design oh there I knew there was more in here not great more but you

More you know what’s weird it looked like there was something else that he dropped but I guess nothing who let out a silverfish stab you evil why is there so much animal fat and pork chop all over the floor though that’s the real question I have Ah that’s what I saw um fine

Oh I might regret this oh that’s not what I meant uh TP H knife at the ready I’m prepared this is the new stronghold oh fancy oh there’s a bunch of witch stuff here and silverfish gross cute stuff the chair oh and going to have to ransack a place like this down the

Line what and I could ride one of those things as a mount oh oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you he’s having a little sit I would steal stuff I don’t have any room to steal stuff we kind of full uh there’s no Auto stack

Button that’s about all I can do on that front hi mmy hello my good sir hello oh hello he’s very Angry it’s a fire resistance potion there’s little shells I’m going to cry why mod so cute under the right click this right click this J right right click the jar cck you can just Dr straight the jar nice that’s actually really convenient isn’t it Dy belladon

Yeah that’s from the Hat you might want to pick up that mixing need it to make a buor a mixing C yet uh my inventory is screaming in pain pick that up too wait what if you find a blood room pick up that pick up that too because uh you’re going to need

Two got it if I find one oh who are you I’m keeping you I found a bucket of slime I’m sorry gamer skunk bath water what did you just give me oh my God it’s condensed basil it’s just condensed basil yeah you like stick it on the ground pick it back up

The I guess it’s just aticle effect thing oh hold on let me see if I can Fireballs spectral energy of this there’s a was the second floor energy shield first floor I don’t know how this works oh there’s a was on wait up or down I don’t know what level we’re on right

Now don’t fall through the cracks don’t fall through the cracks don’t fall through the cracks don’t fall through the cracks again cuz I am small where is the way oh there it is strong okay sweet oh God press open up your map oh look at this place God dang absolutely

Beautiful oh there’s an amethyst Noe up there see you see you I’ll come for you later hi M you didn’t have to deal hello oh that is a lot of silverfish they’re arriving oh I want big cool door maybe I don’t live in that cute house I found look at the icky silverfish

Die oh what the heck is that oh it’s a lamp just a really creepy lamp bonsai trees what bonsai trees where oh my God the silverfish are here for dinner they’re waiting for their meals where the Oh you mean the the plant the potted plants yeah they’re little Spruce and

They they’re like little bonsai trees yeah whenever you put saplings in there they become small like that why are there so many out of here grossy who’s shooting at me hello oh Enderman more Silverfish gosh They Bowsers and that’s why there’s so many meeting record excuse me I’m reading God uh are we break breaking the spawners here say what or Le are we breaking the spawners or leaving them do you want to leave them I don’t care I’m in different look who I found M look at my

Hand Dam uh I one second oh I’m getting cake and stuff we could just light up yeah look who I found yeah you oh oh no in my hand SL guy slime there’s another chest up here yeah my um I’m going to go home real quick I’ll be back my inventory is extremely

Full uh I’m going to there oh these don’t stack just put everything away I’ll hold on to that just in case I do want to read this real quick uh meeting record day 63 meeting led by topic discussed Grand library today the topic of the newly built Grand

Library was discussed we decided its use will consist of research storing books and in the second room we will study nice I’ll put the book put all this stuff away too my gosh I have so much garbage oh no uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

Well I mean you’re hanging out just fine so I’m going to just leave you there and hope for the best I guess um oh dear I need to excuse me honey I need to get by you oh no this is a problem okay not a problem wait whoa I got spun

Around um h sweetie you’re in the way how much time was left on the lasso get back in there oh no there we go uh there probably should hold on to this anyway since it’s food I am running out of inventory space which is a bit of a

Problem um put you back in the backpack where are those sticks I need one at least uh you know for safety sake also keep my food with me DPA now we wait hello oh where are we up here I’m just uh climbing up the bookshelf Moss paste what’s Moss paste

For baked potatoes heck yeah I’m going to take this I don’t know what it’s for Moss paste oh honey bucket or the most part it seems to just be food oh oh scripture of the dragon two scriptures of the Dragon more rope oh why am I so

Clumsy you doing okay r no no I’m not I’m just clumsy wait where are you trying to get I wanted to take this I wanted the uh present so I can like put stuff in it turn go I love these little candle holders they’re so

Cute what do you guys got up here oh you can Place Books it’s so cute protection two this fragment interesting wa interesting and sword I guess I should that instead it’s for the pets oh it makes your pets shoot out Shadows oh nice mine says oh oh yeah Shadow hands too

Weird oh great more soap that’s what I wanted I can make more bubbles oh do you actually need soap yep okay chain light one second I mean I don’t need it but you know that’s what I’m using it for you have a use for it yeah it has a couple uses um there

Was something about like like removing dyes and stuff off of things there’s some more I just threw it on the ground uh of arop these disc frags for um nine of them to make a music disc how many do I have right now four curious water water and Potatoes yeah the glass shards as well you can use soap with them but I don’t know what that does I’m going to take them now I wasn’t taking them before but I’m curious there’s a whole cake in here there’s a whole cake in here who put a cake in a box but excuse

Me punch that just punch it it up nice I didn’t make one of these it’s like like a little storage thing I can find one just like punch it and pick it up oh it’s for me yeah oh thank you cute all the hexar stuff is so cute o ooh oh

Gosh now I’m having second thoughts about just like living in uh that building I found I’m like oh man I want to build my own house so I can have all this all this can I fit in here oh my gosh I can I’m so

Small wait I don’t even need to crouch I can just walk in there that’s funny H remains in they can’t actually shoot us too who’s out here putting cakes in boxes this is a lot of cake I have three cakes so far so far I already have that one I

Think well dinner is served at the very least oh hey this is the book they not book the disc I can make I think again let’s see pumpkin pie delicious it’s the disc I just found oh is that you yeah it’s me sorry I thought there’s a skeleton here

My okay uh this goes in pocket that’s pocket nice Uh can I get a lift bro thank you the laziest TP known to man he you got gotten what in the quest tab in Beginnings if you the tutorials there’s a slime SL down there a I haven’t done the quest stuff at all I’ve just been walking around a more or less

Aimlessly oh oh no we’ve interrupted dinner oh oh oh R yep that was IW I’m aware I can awkwardly jump away from it though hi what’s up oh I’m free YY Spider-Man’s a little too hard allad uh where is that oh Sword this guy’s just sitting and shooting what the hell oh they’re still spawning gotcha oh no okay um does anyone want a sword I can’t use it really got some Co or charcoal water I need this give me I okay oh an iron knife oh nothing else we got soup for

Days what is this dirty glass shards what this huh huh oh this is safe this is fine this is okay I take it back it’s not safe it’s not fine it’s not okay ow ah I thought I fell further than I did it’s not safe back here let me out R want out

Help no I’ve been [Laughter] abandoned help it’s not safe in there what okay fine I’ll go with hi Sala trust me I need those chewy look in here over here over here ah oh why do you want me why do you want me honey what is

She that was a murmur oh I had I think I have like six of those in my basement right now Scar the piss out of me when I first saw one oh Willow saplings wait oh this Oh I see very cute okay just a jar Source jar potion of Mana regeneration uh think um got it oh it’s so quiet without that music now play it again oh jeez there’s a lot in here that take that why not take everything finally have this Abacus now

I can finally see what it Does oh it’s literally for it’s literally for counting that’s silly um was there anything else in This there is so much to this my Gosh Uh Book of Shadows huh this is a guide book of hex for now it must be placed on an altar to be read Dy the cover upon crafting based on the D given give dye the corners by dying the book again oh um hello hello blood sigil Nice is it slash uh set home point or slash home Set uh set home set home oh boy uh Chey I’m trust me I’m trying to hurry but there’s so much stuff in here how do I get I’m so short um do I have any no of course I don’t I left

Everything at home zza when are you joining oh god um I should have done that thing Tre was talking about man you wouldn’t happen to have anything that would make it so I could get up there would you oh get up where that box up there oh all the way up there

Yeah um oh I need to eat and then maybe I can here take this I have sandwiches what are you talking about I have oh no I like I have food I just needed to eat it ah and also I’m full so like I can’t take anything why can’t I

Move oh what did you do I see why I’m full there we go how do I get up there could break some stuff a little bit I suppose but um uh some kind of ransacking jerk I got the dried belladon jar okay I got it looted oh grab a

Sand all right if you want to teleport up to me yep give me a second I’m like trying to clear a little oh God I have no room for anything there’s too much neat stuff and I want all of it a greedy little Goblin right now you can just

Yeah golden apples you can use these for magic uh I may as well I already have some thank you down to see where chewy went oh oh great without tripping and falling and breaking my everything mush gos who what the heck what’s this doing underground is huge this is really

Cool I need to go home and drop stuff off again my backpack is full and so is my inventory there’s so much neat Stuff and nothing else Stacks can use this for magic at least um broke my don’t wake anything up down there crazy oh more blank rooms straddle jump oh wait saw that where’ M go spooky door building apples I think I got the only Sher so should be

Good oh this is probably for the door uh why was that glowing that is a forgot want to keep that oh nice because it drops that oh hey it’s the ghosts that hang out at my house hey guys what’s up oh wait some light this seems fine right here this got a

SC wait wait there’s another car for you right up here I am going to need to make more chests just right next to that chest I’m going to need to make more chests oh boy what is that salinite cluster just you can put stuff like this on pedestals and it just looks neat

Oh thanks thanks for the 17 months of support vant lemon boster here’s a virtual pet for you asterisk purs and rubs against your leg asterisk meow what did you just call him me did she just call you the lemon bastard that’s kind of great second lemon

Bastard no the G lemon bastard the G lemon bastard no one want this uh cof I can’t uh well maybe I can take something I don’t know give me a minute hey a matrix enchanting table no one wants what sorry uh my inventory is full oh no oh it

Was what were you looking at and asking if no one wanted this enchanting table was called a matrix for a second until I opened it who needs a spell book oh what kind is it right here that’s a free spell book that’s what I’ve got right in my

Hand I’m using it to cast B like oh I need to I need to learn so many mods my God allows crows gather oh neat oh did you find the uh one of those little boxes yeah there’s an herb jar with which has stage in

It uh oh looks weird and I also have a crow cute Crow familiar you your water M you didn’t share with me what the heck the gaing thing what the the Gent lemon bastard had shihat and he didn’t share with me oh like that seems like a good

Idea uh oh I have no inventory SP oh great I have a silverfish spawner just what I’ve always wanted um honestly I should Pro there’s a couple things I should be getting rid of like this she will stop the from rising she will will Elevate us to new levels

Together we will transform this world into a sanctuary for all free of violence suffering and bir we know this we have already seen it in in the rocks from the sky ow wa I’m raiding reading not raing reading doesn’t happen for another few weeks uh she waits for us with her

Thunderous Roar she waits for us us with her magical breath she waits for us Flying high in the sky she waits for us and we will find her vabulous where the butts are we these are some Swanky chairs even though I know they’re train doors why are there so many silver like

I get it we’re underground it’s gross I get it but come on I hate the way those things move I don’t know why it’s upsetting to me sometimes just lamps now where are YY and ch Just seeing silverfish I think they both left oh no wait hello like Great Glass shards just broken glass right okay that’s it I’m going to try follow me may we can get you to sit the heck down hey hey there that one set oh perfect I wanted That well my inventory is full so I’m getting the heck out of here oh my God the light of day I forgot my ship is still alive look at this live Sheba oh uh one [Applause] [Applause] second Okay be back you know at some point I’m going to have to go get an actual meal cuz uh a little bit of cheese isn’t really uh a meal where is this guy heard him he cat how hope you’re doing well going to crack ify somewhere really

Obvious like if he’s managed to unstuck himself oh let me guess you’re empty oh no you actually have stuff in it for once I’m all right I’m playing some Minecraft oh there you are you actually did unstuck yourself good job you want Tomatoes huh oh wait you know what used to speci your

No schematic is the word I’m looking for okay there are schematics so if I go through it and make all this stuff I can probably just move that house to a different spot I think that might be what I end up doing but I’m going to take another

Short break so I can get some more tea because uh I don’t know if you can hear but my throat starting to suffer a bit so I will be back in like 5 minutes don’t break anything in the meantime okay okay be right Back A Yeah N N N Yeah N N Oh N A N N N A Oh Boo I’m back okay right that’s my dog what I missed while I was gone you guys didn’t break anything right no good spinch acquired what M has a house also I found out why salza isn’t playing Minecraft too busy playing see of Thieves how dare oh

Mmy I never actually I I still haven’t gone home to drop this stuff off so I still have everything in my pockets uh life is you know what I’m just going to get rid of this I have no use for this die actually no never mind I don’t there clean right has

Ending maybe now you can accept my request it might expire yep there it goes oh where is this it’s pretty close to spawn actually nice oh but I can’t I can’t open these boxes cuz it’s uh claimed oh it’s one of these Hunty houses it’s one of these hunting

Houses I was like well this is good enough then I don’t need to build anything yeah uh cenne and I found one of these on we on the test server still so what I’m thinking right now is I might work towards making a uh a schematic thingy so I can kind of pick

Up my house and put it somewhere else oh yeah cuz I’ll be real even though we have the teleported thing I don’t like being that far away from like you know yeah from everything I look give a little spot over here to sit and work with your toolbox cute and there’s Loom

There multiple Looms in fact where does this shoot go is it just garbage or or does it lead somewhere there’s been chests up here to what Moss oh yeah oh oh Dex is north of us what Dex is north of us he’s walking Around in the snow C’s right there see this is what I mean like I don’t want to be so far away from Spawn right now like spawns over here right do it spawn from Spawn I’m like way over there it’s a wayss it’s one heck of a distance oh cute I like that Precious She sup hi what’s going on just working out the Map to go B people there a everywhere so you’re going to be happy yeah oh yeah I I live in like the middle living in the middle of like a mountain area there what the heck oh this must have been where we were must be like an entire just mountain peak

Area it’s nice yeah Dex I went around earlier and I I think I just um I I just skirted the border of all the ice and snow I think I got half so is it if you want me to I I can I Traverse the terrain very

Quickly still explore wait can you see my stream deck yeah yeah I have this is what I mean so it still goes down south yeah it goes down into a frozen ocean I eventually just gave up because it was just so much frozen ocean I just turned around funny thing is I

Went up north and you there’s like a little strip of just normal and then it goes straight back to snow yeah I figured I I figured there’d be like lumps of snow all around anyway because there’s more over here too that’s like the one clean lump

That’s just in the middle just so much I have a speed boost here so that’s why you’ll usually see me in colder biomes just kind of sprinting around all besides the fact you just like being in colder biomes to begin with yeah yeah you’re very predictable I am a little predictable extremely

Predictable I’m going to go harass people oh CH G oh CH gave me a oh I didn’t see that I was being too stupid what oh a thank you hello I think I may have dropped you by accident yeah no that’s fine I I don’t take fall damage all right okay I’m

Going to go fly around a little bit I want to go see what uh what’s going on over there with cayenne cen’s right where I found the direwolves earlier and there they be right where I found the direwolves mushroom oh wait I no they didn’t hello oh K’s muted howy hello

Hello got two dogs oh did you find the direwolves second like back in oh crap uh oh okay never mind they’re okay I think hold on one second I have to put my moth away I can’t do it in your uh claim sorry let me up nope NOP NOP Char

Struggling here should be far enough get in there who’s hiding down there okay I’m here hi hello thank you holy can can you eat that I can’t eat it but I’ll have it as a prize do I have anything you can eat since you’re a carnivore uh I don’t think

So no everything I have is like meat with vegetables not just straight meat Dar ah okay that works oh oh my God more tea thank you drop they drop from the spruce trees around you yeah I’ve been getting it from like other trees as well but I don’t

Understand I appreciate it because I like tea but yeah you want you can steal the man um kind of didn’t know what to do with him I got one cabin oh I wonder if I can if I can make a lasso and just bring him to spawn or something rehome him oh

Bir I don’t remember how this God my inventory is so very full you want a music disc what’s this music disc oh wow integrated stronghold oh yeah you’ve been to the stronghold that’s cute I can oh over here there’s some loot chests in the oh I probably can’t pick them up or

Affect them because of this claim Tre oh yeah I hate him he scares me I don’t know so silly a guy but in here C there a lot of um stuff oh this cab yeah this cabin’s cute I saw another one elsewhere these are cute I really like this cabin rooms

You can go into the chest and stuff so yeah I need to mess with my claim stuff cuz like right now I can’t touch anything in here has a lot of food items oh yes I can the heck oh sweet I have a honey P out oh my God I need

To oh hey delicious I need to clear my inventory it’s so full my God rabbit St you eat the rabbits too there’s so much cake Builder’s tea I think you’ll have better use oh no I don’t think I have room I don’t heck are you too full oh no I am

Extremely full I have a bowl I can get rid of that here sir you can have a bowl you can have a bowl so you can put more soup in more soup in like this beet soup over here I might take the I know that scared

Me hav’t like I probably will get this guy a job like a cool little in with like I like the idea that you you just took over this Inn and you’re like yeah this is my Inn now work for me I think it’s just really neat I don’t know oh

Yeah this place is really cute there oh yeah there’s a lot of dir wolves out here so if you want to take of those you always can yep that’s where I got the one that um right in front of the but I saw one running around here

The the one at spawn I got over here I still have like the be over there marked from when I found it maybe one of the white dots are like that direction ah wait is my thing no it’s not okay I need to go home and drop stuff off because I am full

Goodbye I need to move my stuff inside I need to make like a storage shed that isn’t this cuz this is already full this is already so very full uh there’s not a whole lot left that’ll stack at all okay um picked up a chick wait can we pick up

Creatures in this did I miss something I’m not going to test it with the bear the bear is not going to appreciate being picked up contrary to what teacher wishes oh you didn’t grow but you did you grew kind of lumpy too nice you didn’t grow

Either I like I grab bamboo like on day one oh but I might need scaffolding and low now I’m here this seems like a good idea right going down here right now okay there’s a lot down there I’m not going to mess with it at the Moment oh my God I have pigs iing sweet yes bear I know a bear oh yeah this is where I cleaned out her oh I have a murder well no one told me I had a murder well that’s nice this house has so many features can I put the bone back

In house came with so many features I really need to just move stuff though because my goodness a random hole okay a little outdoor seating area cute um it’s on this side then right oh gosh there’s a lot of string um where there it is uhoh I’ve been

Noticed okay I guess we’re doing this now but foist uh Why is there so much candy in this Basement there really is an absurd amount of candy down here near the Pig how do I get back up and out of here Oh I’ll eat the Apple yeah they’re not paying rent hammering I was having a pleasant dream when that what sounded like hammering woke me after that I could barely hear the muffled sound of dirt covering the coffin over my own screams h there’s so much candy in this Basement where’s the way out of here am I just stuck h How do I get out of here Ah that was a delayed s oh hey Diamond hello sir oh another one oh come on now how does one Exit there’s no like actual staircase out of here that I’m seeing it’s all just I think the implication is that I just you know I die down here because I’m trapped but the you know what is that andesite coal like I could just type slh home and get back out but that’s that’s

Lazy but at the same time that might just be what I have to do yeah there’s no actual way out I don’t think hey you guys mind I’m busy if nothing else this is a good supply of Bones is what I would have said if I got enough more bones than just

12 um fine I have to try and remember which side the the shed is on or whatever you want to call it the cellar ah there we go yeah let’s try that again without falling in the pit in the middle of the room this time look at them all over there

Uh a baby why is there a bucket of Axel lottle down here the heck why did that can I can I use rope to get like up and down out of here is that a thing uh can I walk on this probably not oh man I’m down here again with a bunch of

Nerds oh oh oh infighting infighting is happening there’s infighting I’ll just eat my sandwich and watch or not okay die I’m watching something I’m watching my shows oh I don’t know if this is infighting their aim is imaculate okay guys knock it off not in my basement not in my basement Oh here come more of them wait so do you do anything or you just hear to make spooky noises you hurt no don’t do anything you’re just here to Vibe okay I’m here oh he’s gone oh jeez I one shot he do you mind fall in the Hole oh God I think he fell down what do we got in here oh my goodness more spell ingredients oh everyone’s favorite disc 11 um I don’t think I saw any other spawners yeah that’s what we’ve learned it’s it’s just been a friend this whole time instant

Damage another ax a beab in a cup I didn’t actually put anything away yet I’m not a smart I am not smart could have sworn there was more oh my goodness how many oxid dools were these people keeping there were two Saddles down here this whole time wow this garbage

Man oh I got a sling shot cute okay turns out I okay hey buddy keep in watch have to be careful I don’t want to fall through the cracks oh you’re making pig noises okay I thought there was a pig nearby okay my my home is not as haunted

As I thought it was that’s nice and then I have my Crypt wow another diamond shovel and this one doesn’t have sticky fingers on it or butter fingers whatever it was I could be a huge jerk and like plant some of these stat statues in front of people’s yards and

Just just give him a give him a good old spook now the question is where would be a good spot to have simple storage I wonder the elevator we used to have was create right I mean there is an ele like elevator pulley maybe that that works for an elevator maybe

Okay but today we’ve learned that my house isn’t as haunted as we thought we went on a cute adventure and I have a pet moth now so I think this might be a good spot for me to end obviously I’m going to continue playing Minecraft um I will see you guys again on

Saturday um if all goes well we should be playing lethal company then um let’s see who to raid let’s go raid salza and go yell at him for for not playing Minecraft with good timing too because chai just showed up and she’s angry what’s wrong what’s wrong wrong

Little yeah I’m probably going to go like make a salad or something in a bit but take care guys bye-bye s do you want to say goodbye no nope chai does not want to Say Goodbye Oh I’ll say bye for her Byebye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】02. Playing On Our Cottage Witch Server’, was uploaded by Rune on 2023-12-22 19:32:00. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:41 or 14561 seconds.

【The Hunt for Birb】

00:00 – Intro

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a thrilling trailer and felt inspired to create your own epic adventures? That’s exactly the kind of motivation you’ll find on Minewind. With a vibrant community of players who are passionate about art, music, and all things Minecraft, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Join us on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no… Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

    Ultimate Modern House Build Guide Minecraft: Building a Large Modern House Tutorial In this Minecraft tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a large modern house with detailed interior decoration. The house features various rooms such as a kitchen, living room, study room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and even a swimming pool on the second floor. Let’s delve into the step-by-step process of creating this impressive modern abode. Exterior Design The foundation is laid using “Smooth Quartz Blocks” and the surrounding ground is replaced with “Smooth Stone.” The layout is built up with various blocks like “Jungle Planks,” “Brown Wool,” “Polished Andesite,” “Polished Granite,” and “Smooth… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in Love

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in LoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Falling Pixel Art: two lovers’, was uploaded by SculptCraftQueen on 2024-05-08 06:00:28. It has garnered 445 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Embark on a journey of creativity in Minecraft as I bring forth unique and innovative creations. Witness the magic as blocks assemble and flames dance beneath, only to reveal a stunning masterpiece upon their destruction. Join me as I showcase the beauty of my craft, turning ordinary landscapes into extraordinary works of art. Don’t miss out on the enchantment; subscribe now for a world… Read More

  • TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang’s Minecraft Bans

    TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang's Minecraft BansVideo Information Minecraft is no stranger to adding features suggested or created by the community in fact there is an entire website fittingly called the feedback website and a popular subreddit where they take the community’s many suggestions some of which have even been added to the game but what’s much lesser known is that there is an interesting but mostly hidden list of features which Mojang will never add to the game they aren’t allowed and in fact will remove your post and potentially ban your account from the site if you do try to suggest them but why… Read More

  • Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!

    Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!Video Information we are here on the brand new season of Sky Block over here on complex MC and boys it literally just released not even a full hour ago so there is still a plenty of time if you guys want to go ahead and hop on and play alongside me the IP is heroic mc- complex.com is for 1.18 and above and actually both Java and Bedrock compatible now it is obviously start of the world so our journey starts today and I believe our faction from actually factions is creating an island over here on Sky Block… Read More

  • Karan – 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft Attack

    Karan - 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft AttackVideo Information you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower a bunch of flowers dude I don’t know man I’m just all about my my sunflower you know post Malone gold I told him to meet us here like is he is he over there I don’t know gold I just wanted to show him my my my play button that YouTube sent me for 200k Subs guys that I almost have oh my God you don’t have 200k Subs I almost have you don’t have you literally do not have 200k at this very moment why are you… Read More

  • Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz Oyuncu

    Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz OyuncuVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft deneyleri’, was uploaded by deli oyuncu on 2024-02-10 16:52:16. It has garnered 5508 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱

    Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱Video Information जल्दी से अबे मेरे में इतना दम नहीं है कि मैं इसको इतनी बड़ी स्ड से मार दूं यार लगता है मुझे ही मारना पड़ेगा गाइस लगता है मुझे स् ओ मिनियन ने आखिरकार अपना अपनी ताकत दिखा ली इसका साइज तो देखो गाइस मिनियन का साइज तो देखो जरा इस मिनियन का साइज देखो और इस स्ड का साइज देखो इस मिनियन का साइज देखो भाई अबे रहने दे अब तो छोड़ दे अब तो तेरी जान निकल जाएगी अबे तू तू जमीन में दस जाता भाई बच गया वो तो तू गाइस कोई बात नहीं आगे… Read More

  • Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!

    Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!Video Information [Music] the [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Hitting 43⭐ in Skywars (Uncut Teams ft. 2YP)’, was uploaded by Joshpacks on 2024-03-08 13:36:46. It has garnered 1276 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:31 or 1231 seconds. —————————————————————————————— About ➜… Read More

  • Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!

    Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been in the wonder I’m thinking to grab the clip two three [ __ ] is dead before they can dip I’m not in the blastous ACT we see the brothers they act Federal tracks They Splat in at your back hit them You’ been waiting watching with this [ __ ] blood a PL the [ __ ] [ __ ] C before we hit slide up on the [ __ ] holy water on the clip I just hit the [ __ ] for his glutting and I dip slick Sky skinny Scissor… Read More