EPIC Minecraft Dungeon Build Day 2! MUST SEE

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Uh oh you don’t mind being on the stream right like your voice yeah I don’t I don’t mind just I guess tell me when when it starts it just started like just now so it’s not it’s not a bunch of people watching it or anything it’s just uh for mostly for cataloging my

Stuff neat yep the last one just got like I think it was like 20 views or something so no big no big deal uh so right right now I’m going to we’re going to work on so I kind of forgot to stream earlier so I did make a lot of progress since

Last time for building uh I got to check to see it’s almost the the server is starting I don’t know who broke the server this time I hope they don’t do it again um because I would like to continue the oh there it goes little dinging that means it’s done server is online

Now oh my gosh this uh we got a bit of a roll back situ situation yeah slight roll back okay well most of the stuff I did was just touring anyways so it’s not a huge deal you said a whing Chris toing like showing uh that’s slightly concerning why is

That happening oh it’s because I put the wrong area why is this happening so this sets this off nobody expects the Inquisition yep you’re not wrong I wouldn’t expect it if it happened today nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition something’s going on just about to teleport to the

Forest H it’s probably him using the paintbrush again he always lags the server when he does that that’s not [Applause] working what’s going on with this piston I need to make it work so right about how many um bones and coal pieces do you think would drop

From the amount of skeletons that you summoned uh like a few like five maybe of each consistently all right uh maybe more but it be inconsistent so maybe like whatever you’re selling should be like one or two coal or something like that okay and you said it was going to

Be at the entrance of the dungon but might have to be higher up CU not not not like just above where you put the skeletons okay like um you know that corner with the other skeletons and that with the lava tube oh no for oh oh maybe I’ll make like a funny YouTube

Reference and I’ll make myself the boss fight that’ be really funny now make it some dude named Bob I I don’t know that sounds a bit like or Larry Larry think no no no no make it specifically Wallace from Wallace and grommet okay I’m not going to have walls be the boss

Fight it has to be more engaging than that how about grommet then no gromet is not going to make it engaging uh so wait are you going to be able to be here when we actually like you know run the dungeons no idea that’s why making villager I’ll try and get it

On a day that you’re available but I have no idea when you’re available so we’ll have to add that conversation we have um it won’t be on Christmas or anything so you don’t have to worry about that we’re doing it like after uh I don’t really have work until

Um after New Year’s anyway so yep hey wait what’s uh Ryan the sky whoever skyk what’s what’s Skyhawk yeah with um I need to it’s the same as this Discord right like spelled the same right uh net bro net bro no wait no you’re talking about Skyhawk no sorry

That’s not net bro that’s that’s Ryan and that’s Nitro uh Skyhawk is exact yeah it’s Skyhawk yeah okay um and Ne like lower cases or anything um it’s a capital S he’s on the server he’s he’s nicknamed homo SAA he’s in our he’s in our team chat if you want to look at

Him he’s the Garfield guy in our in our in our uh Team two chat team two yeah uh oh and is it this same spelling as his Discord or is it different because it’s like underscore Skyhawk uncore uh like we’re making everything else out his character’s

Head wait why did AK gamer just get banned uh be funny he said it’s a joke it’s just a joke okay oh let go on why the hell do you have an auto clicker on Burke oh oops I didn’t mean to spawn a repulser that’s repulsive you know it’s just going to be

If if a mob is it has the invulnerable tab Iron Golems will not even attack them they’ll just see it as pointless they’ll just like won’t even attack them I’m just I not having fun when when it comes to this specific situation you just got to pretend I want

To make this door open automatically the problem is it’s not working at all would it be funny if I could if I like actually set it to if I make it so that the the shop keep can be killed but like it takes forever you can die I mean sure I don’t

Know oh yeah yeah make it or give him like give them like a ton of thorns so that every time they hit him they take like seven hearts of damage no like specifically like no like mostly just an insane amount of Health just so yeah you

Could do that too you give like tons of Health if you’re you’re using you’re using the thing right yeah yeah so if you’re using that um you have said make sure you set their Max health and their health ah seriously not the same thing okay yeah so max health health is how

Much health They have Max health is how much like you know if they if they only have health then they’ll have more than their Max health and it won’t work then I’m I’m I’m setting that um so I need to find Max health health heal I’m going to increase the number of

Skelet uh uh inquisitors just to make it more more difficult to deal with I’m gonna roughly double the amount um so I’m going to make it a million Health just for [ __ ] and no no a thousand no it might be too much I might not let you like it might cancel

It out th Health maybe I don’t know um um set health I think can’t you change your health like can’t you do do a thing that isn’t there a thing that allows you to change your health change your health like your player Health yeah I don’t think so you can

Give yourself Health boost and regeneration that’s about it boost that’s what it is cu you can you can get it like stupid High and one Health is one Health is half is half heart professional is I’m going to make him an armor um let fight zombie shop jungle level don’t care Wheeling what

Does Wheeling mean what um just click yes I think it’s like whether they want to trade I don’t know no M willing is mate I’m I’m setting that to false it’s not going to come up but I’m setting that to false last restock oh know XP uh you don’t have to a lot of the stuff you don’t have to set so don’t set them because it might mess it up are you kidding me yeah wait what what are you talking about I’m setting his his inventory instead of what Trad has yeah don’t say your inventory said the

Traits yeah inventory isn’t really important that’s for like if they pick up seeds and stuff I think ah sacas this I just realized this Inquisitor area might be way more difficult than possible see how much experience this villager no no price multiplier special PR you know I really don’t think

They’re going to need to fight that many no idea but the buy um a food no beef stink I’m just going to put raw beef in there for for the to if you give him the raw beef you’re not only screwing yourself over later but you’re also going to get the slow

Potion damn the [ __ ] leaked who leaked the videos on gri cool so one of the trades is now that he can you can trade him beef for raw beef for a splash potion of slowfall H I don’t know where slow fall is supposed to help you really the previous section where’s

That yeah um I’m putting this in the skeleton in the skele with near the skeleton tube remember the skeleton tube which skeleton tube I you uh the lava one oh the lava one oh yeah I mean the last one I’m not even done making right before right before

The final ball there so I’m going to put uh can you kill the cap kill what can you kill the cap the cap the cow yes you can you’re able to yep it’s just a regular cow with a name tag on it there’s nothing special about it yes so

I’m thinking we do a boss fight with me for a slow falling you can put mobs on your side so what I’m thinking is I’ll be the boss and I’ll have like a bunch of of mobs protecting me that they have to fight cool I’m going to make like a

Little shot that’s just like weirdly close to the thing um like a sort of campsite they’re GNA start shooting at at it there’s just G to be like it’s going to be like next to the tube and yeah I think it’s like if I open up

How do you get something there’s a way you can do it where you where you get something’s NBT how do you get a mob’s NBT I know if you right click it you get the spawn egg that’s not what I’m trying to do how do you get a mob’s NBT oh yeah

You you go to F3 that’s what it is I think Or I think you just do that was a weird that’s a weird looking fish that’s a funny looking fish what’s how do you add how do you get their NB t i I just need a clear I’m going to join the other team’s chat real quick hello I know I’m not supposed to

Be in here but how do you join how do you get like get out how do you get a mobs like um not mob’s code to like get them to join a team on on you or something like you need imagine using commands though that’s kind of cheating how do you do

That yeah kicks Lally called cheat codes so oh you’re trying to use commands that’s cheating yeah get out okay B how do you how do you actually do that though um what what are you trying to do so I’m trying to get the like the the

Mobs like code I forget what it’s called but it’s like the thing that allows you to do things to the Mob a reference in a command each oh you’re talking about nbts selectors uh okay so give me an example of What specifically you’re trying to so I’m looking at a zombie I

Want to get this zombie and get to join my team oh um how do I do that you would do what what’s useful about the zombie it’s literally just a zombie I just want the zombie to be on my team A Min this specific zombie and not just all zombies

That would be kind of cool uh Team yeah team two I I don’t care like anything about the zombie I just want it to be on my team or it doesn’t have to be a zombie anything just something I’m looking hor thing to say about your team you would do

Thiss so there’s no way you can do through NBT or whatever is there a way to look at a mob and get it NBT yeah absolutely um how do you do that what NBT are you looking at a mob yeah but what what okay fine one for any idiot

Like not the NBT sorry I’m I using the wrong word but it’s like it’s a it’s The UU ID for that creature oh um you know or or player for that matter yeah the thing that you reference when you’re like uh when you like yeah you

Know what talk so how do you get that for I I I thought there was a way you could literally just look at them and get their get their U ID yeah uh but you have to have The UU ID first you can’t just do that with the command you have

To look at them to get their uid it entity execute at as all players run data get entity Delta s so oh wait no you do execute at that’s how you do it you do execute at yeah it just automatically references that yes okay sweet Delta that’s so sweet leis that’s exactly bre

So sweet leou sweet Lois freaking sweet oh sweet it worked okay awesome awesome I go in survival he won’t attack me freaking sweet freaking sweet leis I’m hey hey freaking sweet talking or is it Joe Hey Joe Hey Joe oh yeah I’m gonna join back on the okay I’m

Back anyways I realized what I needed to do talking tomor she was awake the entire time and she said could decorate the dream guys guys start yeah M he all right um all right so I figured out what I need to do okay so I got one for the sword Oh wait they they Dro coal okay so coal have you guys given them any armor or anything like um I I I definitely give them armor okay uh I got one for the bonees which is the knight’s blade but I’m thinking trying to think of one for

Cold I’m going to give him a fish like two cooked fish like cook huh that’s weird so if I put a villager and a ravager on my team normally the ravager would kill the Villager but the ravager doesn’t kill the Villager but the Villager still runs away I think that’s because by

Default they’re on opposite teams I’m gonna yeah but if they’re on the same team and he still runs but they don’t he doesn’t Chase so it’s really weird yeah uh the cooked salmon have his enchantment glit glint don’t ask me why the what actually the cook salmon has enchant yes it has enchantment

Flint nothing else I don’t want to do so right now the Villager can sell the the players a splash potion of slow falling a long slowing a slash potion of slow falling for raw beef um the kns blade for a bone and two cooked salmon that GL that

Has enchantment GLS for a piece of coal is that that sound about right um and and it has a thousand health I think uh that sounds about right yeah you sure you don’t want to make your own like cool dungeon thing like it doesn’t have to be like a full dungeon

It could just be like a short excerp I’m gonna make this first and get started on something else I don’t know I just thought it would be funny to have to have to have that one item that might actually prove useful in a previous section section be sold at a later section

Yep it’s a very it’s a splash potion so unless you you know the timing of MLG splash potion you it’s not going to be useful for if you fall off the the side of the um the final Boss Arena unless you make that un closed

Yep see uh no AI yes it can still die but it has no AI if you’re wondering what do do you know what no AI means it won’t move won’t do anything it won’t even look at that it won’t do anything you could probably make it an

AI so it like actually does stuff oh wait uh false persistence required what’s persistence it’s do that that means it won’t despawn okay true per required not must pick up can pick up loot um I don’t know don’t worry about that it should have my player head and I’m gonna

Add add a little bit of a a blurb um keeps head it’s going to be bold I can’t make I don’t want to make it up skade bold bold and I guess BL dark blue and is going to have some War you monster it has a drop chance of one

Are you trying to say something you get something from killing him yes I really doubt that’ll come in handy since he has a thousand Health but whatever if they decide to and and cuz he’s still G to react to getting damaged he’s still gonna react to getting damaged so so if

They do manage to kill him I’m this just just you know just because okay okay if you say so also it’s my player head so so I can I can also so just kind of pop in and be like why if if it comes to that though to be honest I’d have

To I’m going to set his health way lower because of that like 100 maybe I don’t know like I wouldn’t but okay 50 50 just 50 it’s not going to take nearly as much but yeah cool you I’m going to give him give him leather armor too leather tunic

It’s uh it doesn’t have it’s not going to drop um yeah anyway I’m going to try and summon him him in now see if it works um uh I think this is counts 1 B expected who’s the repulser oh they’re the they’re the guys having all the fun

Here do I need a do I need a command block for this uh you probably will yeah if it’s any any reasonable amount of like characters unless you’re do something very simple like just making them not despawn and like you’re you’re going to need command blocks for it block

Is there a way to stop people from seeing that what the command block or from you them you getting everyone’s need command block so don’t worry about you the command for getting the command block they won’t see the command that you do though like unless you do it unless you

Do it from your like your chat they won’t see what this thing’s named this thing’s named see if it dies they won’t what wait what it’s a named entity so I think they’ll see if it dies no they won’t they won’t they’ll only see if you um he

Didn’t the chat would be absolutely spammed if that were the case and the amount of things I’ve killed oh wait perfect what is that okay yeah the uh how do I get him to stop walking around though um did you do no AI cuz that [ __ ]

Do no he has AI he has he has you said I said you should like just just put him inside an area where he can’t escape and then you’re good I can’t leash him UHS if wait that’s the same head yeah so just put him in an area

That he can’t get out of yep that’s all you got to do villagers are quite simple like that yeah so he’s in he’s in there now oh he wait does he still need a um does he need an anvil do I need to put an anvil in there in there for him to

Actually restock yeah um just put what if you put whatever wait what what what what is he an armor so he’s um he’s going to need if he’s an armor or he doesn’t need an anvil that’s something else wait did you send him to level

One oh no I think you did uh so just go into the you didn’t exit out of MC stacker did you no it’s it’s still in the background okay wait hold on let me we get a blast furnace cuz that’s armor needs I think oh okay

So yeah no it his things got reset you’re going to need to put him as like a level two like or a level three like armor or something and he has to say he’s willing to trade okay okay so willing is for mating just actually just don’t worry about that

He’s not going to mate with anyone anyways okay it’s GNA be it’s G be as a stupid joke but okay uh untradeable he is set to not be untradeable memories I didn’t mess with that gossips no in love age it’s just to say if they’re like a baby

Or something put like negative I think if they’re a baby hpe jungle level uh three okay so copy the new one kill this man and now he trads sweet I and I mess with the with one of the trades whatever hopefully the all right so yeah that’s the [ __ ] y oh hi

H making stuff explode are we funny how level three is specifically journeyman y 305 30 I’m doing this the long way but I’m automating the process so that’s good yeah oh want know something funny I I forgot that I made a custom a custom pop a save hot bar for like three

Of of the command block things that I made so yeah that’s fun see yeah the beetle with I have something called Beetle wings it’s literally just elra that has armor it’s pretty cool so when you land on a slime wait Michael why are you so quiet let me turn

You up there you go now I can hear you you can oh well if you land on a slime block does it matter how long youve drop and onto it like so what what happens is you bounce up and unless you press shift or space you won’t take fall damage but

What if you land at space it just it just lowers how it just lowers how high you B if you press shift it’ll actually cause you to take damage yeah so you it won’t matter how far you fall from you won’t take fall damage on the Slime okay clear CID

Slowness give come see the shopkeep yeah I go see them oh he’s on fire for some reason why is he on fire I’ve made it so that he’s constantly on fire it’s funny so slow falling for beef bones so gives them nice okay it’s not exact replica of the night

Blade because that one’s a lot a bit op so honestly you can actually check it out you can actually check it out like that’s that’s the one that I that I made compared to the shopkeeps and then I want to make something that automatically clears people of golden swords swords when they

Reach this area uh Slash clear I’m going to do that so let’s or you could just make it so that whatever drops the whatever you made that drops I want them to have it just not for this section I have I have way of doing it

That’s really easy I’ll just put a trip trip wire here as that’ll clear everyone’s inventories of specifically golden swords okay but doesn’t that mean that anyone that specifically manages to make it through that one block Gap will not get cleared or like a literally no way to pass this area without touching these

Strings there’s literally no way it’s it’s it’s physically impossible because you’re going to be levitating so it’s just literally no way but if you’re careful no there’s no way it’s covering the entirety of the area oh okay okay so my understanding of trip wires it’s been broken yeah I know

You just you have to not touch that block entirely in order to to or you need to have shears but there’s no way you’re giving no way in hell you’re giving them even if can you keep pressing it I want to see how far it goes try it again okay that

Works um the other one isn’t activating oh no now it is okay sweet so let’s do clear a uh don’t do it anymore cuz I I don’t cuz I don’t want to clear anyone’s stuff out in case they’re using golden swords so we’re going to save this for when it actually

Happens oh F how did I get how did I get the night’s blade did I trade something you get exper experience I no for some reason I had the night oh I I threw I threw the one I threw the version that I made I made earlier at

You oh okay sweet yeah the version that I don’t remember what the actual thing is but I have the I’m sure I have it in my I have it in my saved hot bar some how do get saved hot bar uh it’s like x one oh yeah yeah I

Remember you can like do and see for if you want to load it no that is if you want to save it I deleted the night okay I want to save this in chat but Craig keeps spawning TNT I think X1 is loading it x1’s loading it ah like x1’s x1’s loading

It now I need to go actually I have the world I I think I still have the world I’m GNA go and uh it’s in Creative I think oh no did I delete that world or mechanical crossbow nights blade I just don’t have the the Beetle wings up so C1 there we go

Funny um crisis averted I have that AR next back nice uh son yeah so wait what does that tree do that that um suicide button oh okay so that’s exactly what it is what I wait cool okay now I have to do this one I also have these mapping

Supplies nice I don’t know why I don’t know why I made mapping supplies like a box of map T okay so if I do this correctly there should be I only need one more it’s going to be like right up here five Force wait they only get one Arrow right

So what if I give them this mechanical this this what if there’s just a chest with this with this with this crossbow at some point like they only get one Arrow so very I mean they they get more arrows maybe if they kill the skeleton boss and they get some

Isn’t let’s see this is 1 two three this 1 two three four five six so this is this 9 13 4 this thing this thing has piercing four and Quick Charge three what it’s just it’s just a crossbow that look look at that it’s just a crossbow that fires really fast

Yep all right so now through stuff if I hook this up properly it should work gravix here I don’t know why he’s here he’s hanging out I guess okay this and this all right so this should be that should make all the sand go down and this should make make it

Reform uh-oh that didn’t work what happened something didn’t work here yeah it’s me sorry did I not do it right uh what What’s Going On 30 what is going on with this why isn’t this working oh I didn’t set the Redstone fully what the that was just that was

Silly sweet okay that works so check this out check this out um so um look over here you can stop firing across for a second oh wait that’s that’s gravic doing it so what this does is this makes the walls go down and freeze them so if you you look over there see

That that makes the walls goes down and freeze them I press this and it makes the walls come back oh neat so that way I can test it out and still not do it so you’re just going to have like a few items that are connected to command

Blocks here well no this is just for the beginning of the fight I’m going to change this later but um like are are no like are you going to have like different items connected to command blocks uh yeah next time on Dragon Ball Z you know

Are you typing out each other yeah we’re I’m whispering to them we’re talking about our plans um I think can I I think I what I think I accidentally set off a repeating command block oh no I think I accidentally set off someone’s trap oops um like I accidentally stepped on a

Pressure plate and a bunch of anvils fell down uh oh it’s gravix wait graic are you in the voice chat oh you are I thought you still weren’t in the voice chat okay yeah so um so what’s going to happen is uh I would have just said it if I realized

You’re in the voice chat so basically how we’re doing it is ask Michael or AKA MDU where his stuff is cuz Michael we need to incorporate your dungeon in somehow um so what we’re going to do is we’re going to have Skyhawk dungeon or Jacob’s dungeon after gravix gravi you’re you

Only have like one area right after you do that area you don’t have anything else or do you want to add like another area where you do stuff like in between other dungeons you want to add Okay cool so uh get um so I I we can’t really do

Much until Jacob is here because we don’t know where his starts and ends but try and make like an end area so my my idea is make an End area like a platform or something like a sort of area that you get teleported to um after Jacob’s dungeon his is

Completed and then you’ll have like it doesn’t matter where Jacob’s dungeon ends at that point because they’ll just be teleported there anyways and then you can have like it be a Transit so you teleport to the next dungeon from there you teleport to like uh Michael’s dungeon cuz I don’t know where Michael’s

Dungeon is we could do something like that that might be like the best you can make like an elevator or something and you can like and he can like copy it for the end of his dungeon uh that’s like make it make it an enclosed space they can’t tell the

Difference I think that’s that’s a good way to transition between he wait what if what if what if instead we have like this weird train thing that you that like we were like hey here’s some lore about these and yeah we could do a train

Yeah no honestly if you want to do that too that works as well um you can work on that Dr conic if you want to yep if you don’t don’t feel like doing that instead of building like a dungeon and stuff then you can or or you can build a

Small dungeon honestly if I were you I would build like a tiny dungeon somewhere and just like have that be part of it or maybe you could even like build a dungeon between train tube so how do you want to how do you want to do

The order um Dr so graic wants to add more more like areas so we don’t know where to start but okay so here here’s how it go I I have an idea my where where are where are you creating your stuff it’s um it’s at the top of a

Freaking uh Ice Mountain that goes up to like 200 elevation so we’ll make the transition do you we want to do do want to make Michael’s second to last Michael do you think that’s good like yours the second to last what I’ll say about mine is mine’s going to be pretty easy and

It’s not going to be that long so you want we’ll have um yours be the second last and we’ll have mine be the last since like the boss fight and stuff what will probably happen is it goes on for 14 hours and then I fall asleep by

The time mine comes on so it’ be so sad it shouldn’t be that big of an issue I mean I think the people playing will have time because we’ll have like a a scheduled day just to do these dungeons so all yeah my schedule has breiz schedule has not been consistent lately

Yeah well find a day that works for like almost everyone uh for the for the thing it’s more consistent in the sense I don’t usually have time for this stuff wow Michael you literally you did a hole in a zombie spawner yeah I did two of them actually

That’s funny um oh yeah I see that uh anyway so we’ll have yours be the second last and Michael just we’ll just have a teleporter at the end of yours that least to like the start of mine um honestly I would rather not do teleporters cuz it would be cooler if we

Had them like walk down a path or something but yours is kind of isolated so I don’t know if that’s possible this seems like pretty far away staircase trick at P does it to the closest character right do do you know what the infinite staircase trick is at

PS closest character yep okay do you know what like the infinite staircase trick is no there’s this thing where where if where you can where you can make it seem like a staircase infinite by teleporting people back down back down in a specific space once they reach a certain space yep oh so

Gra staircase and they wouldn’t even notice if they lost track talking about before we could do like the train thing or like the the elevator room or something like that um if you make one of those at the end of Michaels and also at the start and end of Michaels we

Could kind of like make a seamless transition does not to be super detailed work but yeah we we’ll do it that way and that way we can make it Dynamic and still like not completely like seems like we just put down a command block and press press on it Freaking I need a bed where’s the bed okay yeah know do it that way that that works that works that works perfectly just like yeah just put it in the a wizard did it there’s always the a wizard did it yeah we’ll find some way to the idea here isn’t about like the

Excuse we’re just trying to make it like um at least look nice nice of a transition so it doesn’t look lazy or whatever yeah also I like the a lot more I you edit it because it doesn’t look awful um anyways I’m going to work on

The boss fight now cuz that’s going to be the thing do you guys want to be included in the boss fight because I’m going to include myself in the boss fight uh yeah yeah you know what like oh do you think of like um would it be

Funny if like right before we did the boss fight I have I have a really funny idea so the theme I’m going for here is that the I’m like the main bad guy and like some kind of like propagandist or like dictator or something and I’m going

To have like I’m going to be like a beast master so I have a bunch of mobs and they’ll be in cages I’m going to release them and like have them fight a bunch of mini bosses and I feel like it would be really funny it’ be really

Funny if you like I could release like some of you guys as mini bosses like you guys are in cages like wait um like we’re wearing different mob head hats to represent them like uh you don’t have to wear different mob you don’t have to pretend

To be mob that’s not really no no like it’s more of a theming thing than anything like um like whoever wears the wolf head is more of is more tries to be a bit speedier he’s a bit speedier and tends to go into male play if if they you know like like whatever

Attributes um and we’ll put them on our we’ll put the enemy or the mobs on our team so they won’t attack us and so that that way they’ll be on our side and I’ll just put like Redstone to like open the cages um like um like the uh like if

Someone has like a ra like ravager like I don’t know it depends on what you’re G to do because like if we decide to theme around like whatever mobs it could be fun fun to have like if it’s Wolves it would be that player would be go would be trying would be

Trying to maintain speed and yeah something like that I don’t know we can we can figure out how like what the individual loadouts look like later but I think it’s a good idea what you guys about that the ravager is a bit more of a tank and and and has sword that they

Can swap to there’s there’s going to be actual actual ravagers as well definitely ravagers because I know those are the point is to kill the guy rather is like the ravagers are there but like the main point is to kill like the guys yeah right I guess yeah well

Yeah well you guys will be there as well and then we’ll have um we’ll have some bad guys as well there and then I’ll be like kind of like setting you guys out and then I’ll go fight at the end and get [ __ ] owned in 3 seconds maybe not 3 seconds maybe like

10 seconds but we could make you like a black knight get up and like if we find a player head like a a a player head with like the Black Knight I gota look like The Mastermind so that it’s more satisfying to kill me we mod the game and get a

Cranium or like alien head I don’t know I don’t really like being an alien that much oh okay oh oops I didn’t want to do that okay so these were where the things will be they’re summoning the prime TNT what’s going on I don’t know I have no idea what they’re

Doing and I’ll give myself a suit of armor or something but first i’m going to I got to make the cages I got Nether yeah and I got to do barriers as well you have the you have the um do do you have the migrator you should have you

Have the migrator cape right I pretty sure I do maybe like put that on for the boss fight you know just so you could have a cape I did migrate like are you saying my skin is good enough to be a boss no no no no I

Mean like just the migrer cape I don’t care what other parts of the skin but like like the cape I know I know like it’s it’s cool when bad guys have a cape you’re probably right although I don’t know how to put it on uh you go to your you go to the

Launcher um you click on on skins you click on whatever skin that you’re you’re messing with which for me is Warped you edit it and then you click on the cape and then you click save and use so you might want to make like another skin

Like another copy of your skin for that or something yeah oh yeah I gotta give them more gear can you go around and put like um barrels with like I don’t know like some like very few iron gear in there like maybe like an iron axe Le axes and some

Le le cuz the thing is I gave them enough gear but I I purposefully didn’t give them like full suits for everyone I want them the armor to be like hard to get oh yeah do you know how to make them unbreakable use use um use MC stacker and make it do unbreakable

True for the for the gear because I want all their armor to be unbreakable not their weapons just their armor oh uh okay uh so SL give make sure to put like barrels around in the different floors like in the parkour area and stuff like that and just put

Like an iron ax in there but nothing don’t do too much above iron make like a few iron weapons and like a few iron armor um just like just like so they can all have something to put on okay wait maybe like put like one netherite chest plate or something I was

Just going to go around adding like leather stuff to to some Rand make a little bit more like make give them like some good gear as well cuz we’re going to be fighting since we’re fighting them we’ll have really good GE chain chain mail like we can give them

Like I mean like we want yes we want a range so we want to have like one maybe one netherite piece and like a bunch of leather and like some chain Maybe so like theit the better the gear the less of it there is just put like barrels

Around a single pair of D of diamond boots and just make and make give them give them I want you to give them one netherite chest plate I mean I I could do it but I’m kind of busy on the boss yeah like one one netherite chest

Plate that way they can like fight over it and stuff it’ll be really funny so I’ll make a cage for everyone there’s no tree decorating stockings H oh oh you buy okay okay I’ll work on the gear then later thanks yep no problem and uh I’ll

Let you know maybe when we can do like the dungeon if you’re not here if you’re not able to join tomorrow which you might not be able to for for okay that’s cool I don’t know why we have Mana but whatever hey Michael how’s your thing going Michael h for for h h

For for hey yo yo what’s up uh streakers aren’t being activated when there’s sounds creepers aren’t being activated when the sound streakers uh skull shers yeah I was having a similar issue I’m not sure what happened are you using wool is like is it wool maybe no it’s just I’m I have

They go off when I step on them but if I step on them three times it doesn’t spawn a it doesn’t spawn a warden yeah I have no idea what what’s going on there global sound events set true so like what I want to do like a stealth

Section so I kind of need the ability to spawn a shrier spawn a a warden yeah I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on I I can’t tell you okay cool let just go through all the game rules or something see if that does anything yeah maybe that uh oh

Maybe it’s like a biome thing you know maybe maybe it has to be in the deep dark I don’t know yeah so let’s try that no I could just set the biome here myself is there even a deep dark biome yeah oh set um there’s a way you could set biomes with

Like world edit set biome here we go I have to do a region selection okay see guys all right cool for so right now I’m building the Boss Arena hey Michael you there I don’t know if he’s here I he’s in the he’s in the call I don’t know if he’s actually here

Though for all right time to make the next time to make some mini bosses all right let’s see enchantments d execute that oh [ __ ] I forgot to make him required uh let me do that real quick oopsy daisies oh for for for for for for H Al so nausea doesn’t do the same thing anymore what do you mean what did it used to do with a wavy effect it does do that oh for me it’s just showing a green outline um you might have like do you have OptiFine on or lunar on I have

Lunar yeah lunar I think lunar has a thing that bless you lunar has a thing that makes it not happen that’s not fair yep search up Naza on lunar things doesn’t show right now I’m setting up my my Army so wait gravic do you want to be a mini

Boss you want to be a mini boss M duck was killed perhaps so basically I’m going to have a bunch of cages with bad guys and I’m going to send I’m going to put I’m going to put on press some levers and the people the our our monsters or

People will or mini bosses will come out when I press the lever so basically I’m thinking of putting one of you in the cage if you want to be like in the cage you could like come out and fight them this one’s right yep okay

Okay so right now I’m adding them all to my team so they won’t attack us no matter what but they’ll attack the other guys anyway gra you interested yeah you can you can give yourself some like funny like splash potions or something actually probably don’t do splash potions because you might

Accidentally hit the hitter Ally monsters or whatever they’re called uh That one’s killed too shoot what are you trying to do oh this one is killed I’m doing a parkour thing where it’s like you you can make choices but like they’re they’re on uh command blocks with pressure plates so like the wrong ones will instantly kill you yeah h

Can I make it do a special message when it kills me or is that something okay um I you can make it send a special message but not when you die you just have it say something as well oh cuz um like what what’s the what’s the appropriate level on up here

On this on this game here um do whatever you want honestly I don’t really care really really some people might get offended but I [ __ ] okay I know there’s like a me see someone eight but you know [ __ ] those guys they know they they know the gamer

Word yeah oh yeah yours is fine you just see what [ __ ] Jacob’s is I don’t know if graic was here to witness it I don’t know if he was but you should see Jacob’s area can I uh or should I wait till he’s almost almost here he’s he’s done at

Seven so I can have him explain it to me yeah you can it’s really funny though it’ll be really fun okay I added all of them it took me a while but I added every s each individual one okay they’re going to be in the cage until we’re until I release them so

Basically do you want to do that Michael do you want to be one of the mini bosses at the end me yeah basically I’m putting mobs in the cages and they’re going to be like our minions and I’m going to release the lever and then come out and

Start fighting but I’m also think about like putting like you in a cage as well and then like have you come out be really funny yeah it’s possible you have like your own like custom gear so like you’ll have like powerful more powerful stuff fight them it’ll be really funny

All right so there’s a there’s at a there’s at e there’s R there’s at P there’s at r at s what are all those do okay so at a is all players at E Do not mess with at e okay no I don’t want to do that that’

Be [ __ ] crazy at S I don’t know what that one does I forgot um I could try Michael you know what you should try out what if I said it as I did Kill slill ATS no don’t don’t that might be something else um uh Michael go to m stacker try using MC

Stacker it’s a website that basically allows you to to type in your own your own Uh custom like mobs and like commands you can basically customize every command and it has all the options there for you so you just enter in what you want and then it builds the command

For you interactive NPC generator what I IC I searched up mc mc stacker and it took me for Minecraft so I’m looking at like it’s like a really badly uh [ __ ] made page uh it’s all black and there’s like orange print it has slill SL give SL item is that what

You’re seeing oh yeah yeah click on those to generate a command you basically click on it and it gives you a bunch of fields you can type in like so you could if you want an entity you can type in the field you like you want a

Zombie do you want to have full gold armor do you want to be Invincible this is this useful it’s super useful that’s why I use for generating all of my mobs it’s incredibly useful um you can basically customize your things as much as you want just make sure whatever

You’re doing if you’re making a mob make sure it has persistence required true because then it won’t despawn otherwise it will here he is persistence required true yep you can Ty you can make like a zombie that’s like uh that has that has like full diamond armor and has like a

Diamond sword has like 800 health or something but I wouldn’t recommend giving it that much health because it be very hard for them to kill there’s a YW setting yeah don’t worry about that only the stuff that you know horizontal Direction okay yeah don’t worry about those those are

Just for everything they don’t really do anything um they probably do something but they’re not really worth messing around with oh wait you can edit the team custom name set yeah but where do I put the name boy oh sweet that’s super useful okay has visual fire true that basically

Means that they’re on fire oh never mind I don’t want to kill him isent oh that sounds deadly invulnerable yeah that means they they won’t be able to get damaged by players in survival that sounds really fun K but you can’t kill them in survival that’s

What I use for like things that are just meant to be obstruction and can’t actually die bont okay M How is how is George Floyd’s last name spelled was it two DS or two I don’t it’s f l o y d I think oh just one D I thought it was two D’s for some reason I’ll just do one d i I’m doing fentol Floyd oh my God that’s really [ __ ]

Up all right is it going to it’s really going to okay it’s really going to name that oh yeah I mean yeah this doesn’t have a filter or anything so [ __ ] yeah that’s good all right hurt time death loot table dick I don’t know what that means

Um that means it dies it drops things he’s probably gay so yes left don’t don’t put don’t put things in that things that you don’t know cuz it might [ __ ] up just breaks the game yeah I might [ __ ] up things so I wouldn’t recommend it no AI true it’s just going to sit

There oh he can pick up loot for sure Health yeah four grand sounds good uh wait Michael make sure you’re doing health and Max health because if it he has more Health than Max Health it won’t work you need to the same for both also don’t mess do not mess with movement

Speed at all it will make them like teleport and break the game they don’t do it okay you have to make the number like extremely small and then and it’s like really weird it’s like really weird because of the way it works is like exponential for some reason so just his

Follow range is going to be 100,000 literally just don’t do it if you don’t know what it does it I know what follow range does it means that he’ll be trying to come to us while we’re in someone else a dungeon I don’t know if that works that way M knock back

Resistance I think that might be for like tamed wolves and stuff or something something weird like that cuz for every is baby true are you doing a zombie no I yeah oh well then yeah it’s it could be a baby zombie I don’t want to do baby zombes those things are cancer actually

They their cancer no exactly you know yeah well Floyd was a full-sized guy yeah that’s good yeah copy let’s see if I poed here oh my gosh this is going to be crazy but I land on here yes oh he died no soon as he was born he rested couldn’t Breathe there he is no oh he’s he walked on the he walked on the the the kill the kill switch dude dude no now he’s spawning more fit in all fluids okay you can’t have this yeah you got to be careful he spawn he jump he jumped right on the right on

The other one that said at kill P or whatever the hell [ __ ] dude maybe I shouldn’t have fent off flid spawn here there should be something weird like Oops uh effect give oh wait oh I forgot you could put name tags on stuff and oh we won’t have blocks being able to be destroyed right uh no they’ll be in they will be in adventure mode make sure that you keep but like like no like

Mobs like stuff what about TNT does that destroy stuff um mob griefing but that is not a mob technically I don’t know I don’t know either okay well I I I won’t risk it it would just ruin a lot of stuff yeah just don’t m m oh uh okay so op

Mel team join team one oh M so Michael you want to be a mini boss Michael huh you want to be a mini boss sure okay cool I will uh do you want okay I’ll get some gear for you I guess all right for for [Applause] For for for believe wait do they get healed by this I would hope so oh okay so they don’t get healed they do get healed by harming just like so I’m guessing healing hurts them then yeah it does okay so in the case healing hurts them

So giving them uh gravi do you know if um if giving things poison if they’re like an undead like a zombie will that heal them kind of like regeneration will for like a living thing do you know it shouldn’t okay that’s annoying uh I don’t know how to I kind of want to

Give it passive regen but it’s a phantom so so wait does regen work on them then all right so I I one shot them get rid of my strength give me a sword that should Two Shot Zombies this two shot okay it does now I’m going to get a potion give hash

Potion C effects regeneration like like I don’t know like 30 or 10 or something okay infinite regeneration stop so if I put regeneration on him it literally doesn’t work wait what if I give him can you give something instant damage forever but no that would kill that would regenerate way too fast

M okay so yeah regeneration doesn’t work on these things I wanted to get I wanted to get a um a thing with okay whatever you know what that’s fine that is just fine it will not it will not have regeneration then no wrong command to find a way to get it

Here there we go that works oh okay so Grave’s working on that uh all right the boss fight for let’s see let’s do a I there we go that works for oh did I not make them persistent required I don’t think I did oh no I did

Okay they’re here cool I didn’t forget awesome okay that looks good oh Jacob is should be here soon it’s like 10:15 so okay looks good there we go what is this oh wait it’s because okay right yeah oh that’s why you’re why uh Jacob should be joining soon

Mhm he got off recently so basically I’ve got i’ I finished all the mini bosses except for I’ve got two boxes left I have yet to fill oh yeah I have a giant Phantom in one of them and it’s going to come out when I explode the top with TNT it’s

Going to be so cool that’s going to sounds sound interesting actually I don’t need this much t don’t actually need that much yeah that’s that’s about the amount I need so yeah and then now I just need you could be one of the mini bosses and

Then I could have Jacob be the one maybe if you’re going to be there I think you’re going to be there right you wouldn’t miss the time they actually play our dungeon would you no that’s like the big event right y okay in that case the boss

Fight is pretty much done except for I need to be the boss as well so I need to get some armor of my own so I have to decide what I’m going to have for armor I forget when I’m in streamer mode it actually makes people’s usernames go away so you can’t see

Them like on your on my screen it just shows your profile as dot dot dot really yeah because I’m because that’s that’s what doesn’t stream mode apparently hello hello hello hello jaob a lot has happened a lot has happened today all right tell me bro so I I got

To the top of my tower and I’m doing the boss fight right now so basically I decided what we’re going to do for the boss fight is I’m going to be like The Mastermind and going to be like a beast master or something I’m going to have a

Bunch of cages I have a bunch of like ravagers and stuff inside of them and like uh vindicators and skeletons and stuff and I’m going to release them one by one and they’re each like mini bosses with tons of health and good gear and so

Then uh I was thinking maybe I can have you and like Michael as some of the mini bosses in cages that I open okay I feel like that would be funny mhm and uh yeah so I made the last I made the the last floor especially hellish on my tower so

Question yep why is there like no one’s still on our team I thought that b person was on our team they have not really played the game very much are they even on our team they in the other call but no they’re on they’re on the other team

They’re not on they were never on our team who was on our team uh and he hasn’t really joined yet W that’s cancer yeah so gravic was joining he’s on our team Michael’s on our team you’re on our team um that gives us a total of like

Four people that actually play the game Nate’s supposed to be on our team I don’t know why he’s not [ __ ] playing has Nate done anything I apparent he joined apparently I wasn’t there for it Chris I want to show you something holy crap is gravix thing done what is gravix done um I

Think so I’m not actually sure he he said he acted as if he was done but he still wants to add more to like other places and we’re still deciding how we’re going to connect everything up so what I was thinking is we could do it in

This order we would do gravix and then we would do yours and then Michaels and then mine okay well did you see how we made our H nope so you you want to come to spawn or so first of all they walk down this path okay for mine the main idea is this

Whole uh where are you I have no idea you lost me there we go you go you just go up this Trail and this is the $5 parking PA like so now they have to go over here initially it was going to be just my dungeon but now we’re doing

Gravix I guess so we’re doing gravix to get get up the hike and then we finish that and then we just get over oh no oh no oh no oh um I don’t know man bro what happened that’s gra Just Don’t Go Near it I think it’s I didn’t okay okay hopefully it’s

Not broken just don’t go anywhere near gravix area I know I I did mean to but anyway once you finish that you go down this path and then I haven’t really done anything but I haven’t even I did this wasn’t even going to be my dungeon this

Was just going to be the intro this stupid freaking Nate thing oh okay so we have the this this is a thing uh so what do we do okay so now you can make your dungeon afterwards it’s your dungeon and then Michael’s and then my tower and that’s that’s that’s

The direction we are going with it did you guys put barriers here by the way to stop them from just running off um I’m assuming not I don’t think graic did we’re going to have to put barriers here at some point okay so has Michael made

Anything I uh made a little bit Yeah Michael’s doing his part right now he’s doing like a parkour okay wait Jacob how I think I was on I don’t think you’ve seen my new floor yet have you yeah you haven’t so this floor is kind of cool here uh try out some of

These jumps because they’re pretty hard fine but no wait no no you have to at least look at my thing my little trap I made oh you did I I didn’t realize you did more I didn’t well it was just a little bit but this is where are you bro you’re in spectator

And going in Creative this is what they’re going to do okay so this is one once they pass the uh um thing so you’re going to just go what what what what wait commands disabled what the freak oh shoot okay so wait oh so this is what’s supposed to Happ oh

Wait I think it’s lagging server a little bit Jacob no I think I just put in A okay so this is what’s supposed to happen so come over here just this is kind funny okay anyway and then this is this and then I have have a little bit more but it’s just a bunch of parkour and puzzle stuff the GRE cave as Michael hasn’t seen this yet has

He Michael has not seen this my creation oh no hang on oh are you streaming Michael watch this wait oh no you’re not streaming oh you muted yourself okay you did um how do I is there a way on this thing do you know on the summon thing to make it

Summon more than one of them or is it just like you just got to hit it more than once you got to hit it more than once okay okay wait do you want to see it Michael or no yeah I do give me three

Seconds okay I had to make I had to make fentol Floyd spawn a certain way okay I don’t actually know if this is all set up or not okay it’s okay I heard I heard devious things about it okay I’m assuming this is all set upy watching the Michael so so you’re

Watching right oh the stream hold on a second one second one second one second second live no watch stream watch stream okay here so you just walk down this cave right you see this guy yeah oh Nate yeah welcome to my goon Cavern all right and then what I’m going to do is

There’s a sign over here that’s basically like uh oh shoot I need to delete this uh um basically we’re going to choose a wait hang on let this ATP oh shoot yeah it’s okay just don’t do it yet just don’t do it yet yeah yeah so

It’s um oh wait they see that it’s fine we’re going to volunteer one person and they don’t know what’s coming but this is what’s coming all right oh oh no that’s terrible I can’t move by the way you hear the sounds that’s [ __ ] up I don’t oh you don’t they’re really quiet

Really oh I hear now oh my gosh that’s hilarious wait everyone is is everyone hearing that no oh no okay okay I had to go to I was like I that’s hilarious and then and then and then this is what happens and then you can get your five bucks

Oh I can’t I don’t know but anyway there’s a way you can collect this paper from and it’s $5 okay it’s freaking awesome that’s hilarious is that all you did it’s so [ __ ] up I did a little bit more but that that took like an hour and a

Half to make imagine yeah there a lot of work all of all of what Jacob’s time has been it’s worth it’s worth it I really want to see Nate I I just want to see who they volunteer bro we got to get Nate in here I need to see who they

Volunteer to do this let me suck there some other stuff up here I I thought this is pretty oh he’s not oh he is named okay so how many people are GNA be playing by the way is it five or four I can’t hear anything today I don’t know what it

Is uh try talking now Chris how many people are going to be playing um I’d say like three four maybe five maybe like like on the big day it’s gonna be three or four I don’t know yeah probably I as a people that are playing that have

Played on their team there’s like it could be anywhere from 3 4 five to or six like honestly it could everyone that on their team could be there cuz yeah you never know okay I just have a section where they need to all click at once and I

Just have five why does graic have so many has so many shining goats someone put a bunch of falling anvils at the entrance in my place oh nice man I haven’t like anything so hopefully you guys have done stuff well I’ve done a lot you want to see the the the

Progress I’ve made yeah I’ll look at your little uh your FL oh yeah here go down this is this is fifth floor oh we made five yeah so this this is the fourth floor oh wow oh is this one of these this it’s parkour dude I

Need to have you see you see the little thing yeah here’s night vision uh no I’m fine bro oh you already have night vision mhm okay see yeah look you like the thing I built the art suicide I mean on the wall yeah it’s freaking sick

Bro so yeah you start here what is all this this is what you need to go past is this like a timer uh not really go in survival and try it yeah get to go survival Adventure though oh my jeez dude wait they’re going to fly wait can I do this or no

Can I do this or no uh you can yeah it doesn’t break anything oh wait this is like impossible what you to click the button the button in front of you oh oh that’s clever it extends your time you can keep pressing as much you want but that’s yeah I guess I need

To what is this chicken you have to kill it to win no you have to go up well technically you’re supposed to have a milk bucket oh okay or you can or you can just go you can honestly just go to the bed instead the rest of it is mostly this is

Like wait this is like a really hard jump dude I know it is hard but you tested it right I tested it it’s possible all this is possible I tested all it yeah and you got a skeleton right here we got okay yeah I’m going to give I’m

Going to give fentol Floyd water breathing oh yeah I don’t know why he would need water breathing but whatever he’s not even going to be in the water but uh just oh wait has Nate done anything I don’t know I know he joined but I don’t know if he actually did

Anything oh okay this this jump actually who made this this skull area I don’t know I don’t know what you’re talking about oh it’s not good that was probably maner bro was playing with skull last time he’s going to have magenta wool on his head okay I need to actually play the

Video game now what am I doing can we get Nate in here or no that’s what I want to do can you get try and get a hold of him yeah one second everyone has enough time to build today but if he just has to [ __ ] join although he appears to be

Offline I’ll I’ll try calling him I he has Discord muted so now I have to call him on his [ __ ] Steam account call his phone too this guy is so difficult to get a hold of this is a big ass command holy Mo all right you’re you’re the you’re the obsolete V all

Floida the new Beast has been Arisen he can no longer breathe all right hello please leave your message one of yeah he’s not answering I don’t know what he’s doing hell yeah fentol Floyd is beautiful that’s such a weird thing to say like creation how long does it take to kill

Him though oh okay never mind really bad really bad at the game what he’s really bad at the game no dice no dice actually all the dice I think so yeah okay good good got to give him minions though can’t just be him you’re doing a whole boss fight yeah can I spawn

Herobrine no you can’t are you doing like a cancer parkour section or something I did a little bit of Parkour I’m trying to do like stupid things so I I made there’s like a a room you got to go through that’s like not really a maze more like confusion and then there’s um

Then there’s a there’s going to be like a not really a boss fight just like killing killing a bunch of guys uh it’s going to be Fen all Floyd and the um there going to uh it’s going to be his um his fent enforcers and they’re going

To be uh they’re going to be like different mobs that are like not as strong that are going to be everywhere okay and I I’m going to find out how to do the messages like said to you because it’s going to be like a lot of not breathing I’m going to talked

About I’m going to get um I’m going to I’m going to make a a a netherite chest plate we’re going to I’m going to name it Destin’s crusty shirt dude hell yeah are you able to do a description under it too yeah I am should I do that you like it

Smells sweet what it smells sweet Ryan likes that yeah or no under or underneath uh Ryan takes a lick or something like that oh wait no not no s it’s just one of them I said it smells sweet Ryan probably wants to taste it oh no he usually does like who’s texting him

Mom he probably does want to do it what a freaking D yeah well honestly wait no F fence forcers don’t deserve the same armor as fentol Floyd you giv are you giving him more Health too um I don’t know Fen all Floyd doesn’t have barely any health which is

Accurate cuz like he didn’t do so good at the game last time you talking about that Floyd Maya no he’s talking about George Floyd otherwise known as F all Floyd y gets called that is what the gets called brother man here we go quartz but don’t hold a

Quartz slab because that’s like a whole that’s all yeah sure a whole brick of fentanyl name oh you could um make it bold and italic you can get the it how do I make it so you will will it always have a chance of dropping from a guy when you

Kill him if he puts them in his hand uh I don’t know okay lore I don’t know pass on that no l is the description by the way oh I got to put something there not the magenta wool either they’re going to have this on them Merry Christmas what an awful

Song this is going to be terrible I’m probably gonna have to like get my I’m gonna have to strength 100 and kill all these guys once happens you’re gonna have to pray like 50 all this canc well I’m going to see oh shoot I forgot where he he goes

There you see you see what I gave myself what nice here we go what’s this going to do oh no what did you do oh it instantly kills his minion oops oh cuz it spawns him where it’s supposed to okay yeah that’s why this is great wait I didn’t I didn’t

Mean for them to be that strong okay you do not mess with the fent enforcers they’re [ __ ] amazingly strong wait so how do I let me see oh I got to change yeah cuz because I changed the thing so I got to change where they spawn instead of just spawning on

It no no no right here and since he’s already on the pressure plate this is going to be just like you know what thing is it’s probably not going to even be able to be W winnable but I’m going to keep it there I’m going to keep it like that

Oh oh wait no that’s not the right color there we go now oh F fent all right you need to die bud I’m going to spawn another one of you to make sure you work oh my God what happened I walked into that explosion thing again oh yeah I guess that means it

Still works so that’s cool see how okay it does work but the thing is if anyone else steps on it these guys are going to be [ __ ] torturous yeah I’m going do it anyways and then you guys got to kill them no you guys don’t have to kill him you just run

Past and get this oh they’re not that strong never mind they’re like the fent Floyd okay there we go this is okay yeah I got to put signs make it cool 97.3 oh my again put in like the worst barot ever yeah and you got to get back out through here you

Go back back back to Cali Cali hopefully they use it on that and you should be solid Oh no I did it dang it didn’t mean to what’ you do I spawned the guys that I didn’t want to spawn and I did it again okay well destroy that pressure plate destroy that pressure plate all right you’re Dead Okay you can you can pick up fent brick she can also pick up this this the thing oh well what’s that sound who’s doing that I don’t know I’m pissing myself Yeah wait know I should also do this they’ll just have to deal with the warden if the warden spawns in this one and plat trust me will they will not have the ability to deal with that at all awarded yeah so it’s going to be really funny uh let’s see darn it

Dude all right dude you got to die right now I’ll have a bed but I’ll put it way over here so you got to outrun these guys in order to get it For h that doesn’t work um let’s see okay okay e okay Cool h so Jacob I had asked Nate and he didn’t give you a clear answer um should I do the sand Strat again no you shouldn’t don’t know I’m not into that idea but you know they also kind of did it to us like the entire time yesterday so no don’t do

It like they were literally make it impossible for us to actually made stuff oh yeah so annoying they kept spotting stupid crap and it was like so laggy trying to be Right yeah I don’t know I don’t really care but what’s display name for teams it just where it shows it I don’t get it what does that mean like where you can see the score like on the side there’s set display and it’s on the sidebar so can I can I just

Say the team name to make the team oh wait how do I it’s can I create one we just do add to create a team I don’t know I don’t know how to do that those are Comm okay I’m sure they’re not that compc yeah they’re not I’m just trying

To figure it out okay well I guess I’ll make my armor for the boss fight then since I’m done with everything else I could add more though to be Honest okay for for okay for for oh for for for luy doie For for for for looks pretty stylish H I need to test this I don’t want you hear me for for for for how do you make multiple explosions H oh wait there we go okay let’s do this shouldn’t like my game too Much A Oh now For for for bro I just realized I’ve been deing this entire time oh wow nice I’ve have been saying much so it’s not that much of a difference are we doing this uh when are we doing the test like the playr of it this next week uh I think so I haven’t

Scheduled it yet but I’m going to try and do it in a time when people are everyone’s available like on one day okay waet I’m getting a bunch of gear right now to make myself into a boss you know like that one time yes yeah good good games wait TR for less

Time 100 seconds is about like almost 2 minutes for for oh is he finally [ __ ] here Nate responded oh sweet can you get him help me get him what for okay h all Jacob you there EX For for for for please leave your message for two for for for for sweet okay cool cool um I’m going to move him to uh the VC there we go yeah there he is hey Michael you there can you hear us I don’t know if he’s active I don’t know he probably

Isn’t is he AF okay he might be muted um no he’s not muted he’s yeah he think he’s AFK he’s not doing anything anyways my dungeon is pretty much done I have a boss fight um wait so it looks like Michaels is a bunch of parkour and a bunch of pressure plates

Looks like they just kill you I need to open lunar so I can actually do this yeah so uh yeah does you don’t have to make a super massive dungeon or anything like I did you just make a regular dungeon if you want yeah I Jacob I think

What I was oh by the way did I tell you what my original idea was no you didn’t okay okay okay good I’m probably going to doing something different than that something a bit easier to do cuz what I was talking what I was talking to jakeob

About was super complex and I have no idea how I would even what were you thinking I was thinking about doing like a squid game style thing but when I made a squid game for you guys um squid game you jump you jump on the the mirror the glass game where if you

Jump on the wrong thing you fall into the water you get teleported back and you like oh yeah that but it was like really not it was not the right design choices so I couldn’t tell it was squid game what it was literally just water

And there was like it was like bricks or something was was oh the idea like you know the yeah I know I know the idea but if someone saw it they wouldn’t think oh this is squid game they would say like oh wow this is the this is a choose one

Path and be right game cuz you know okay anyway that’s what Nate was wanting to do no I was planning to do that but I I think I might do something a bit easier to execute now yeah like what like a giant box with a bunch of gas in

It there will be gas that that is something that’s a definite there will be gas yeah you should check out my area it’s really funny I that is one thing I will guarantee you Chris that there will be gas okay well you need to join so

Basically uh Nate do you want to be one of the bosses in the final boss fight am I allowed to use a client uh no you’re not allowed to use a clant just like play normally you get vastly better gear than them anyways do I get a crunch C yes you

Do the one downside is that they respawn and you don’t and you can get like super op gear in a crutch cap and just MK them we should have Jacob do it Jacob’s also doing it but you should also do it you should be there like if you’re not there

Then that would be disappointing cuz like wait wait wait what do you mean I all of us is it all of us versus them well no I just want everyone to be there when when we’re testing it out oh I’ll be there I just killed an LA I don’t know

Why there’s an LA in the mountains over here but I just merked it with explosive uh fireworks that’s one of the weapons of choice that I’m using is fireworks um I might actually change that though might get a new crossbow that has subm El like oh the heart of the freezer goad and

Maximize oh that’s Hypixel I’m not joining Hypixel now God damn it no get out of Hypixel no I think this is the one I need to find my my block name soate you joined here did you do anything last time I don’t think he did yeah that’s a lot better for fireworks is

Multi-shot okay I’m going to add you to the team Nate uh Team join team to full send there you go now you’re on team two oh you OPD yeah Jacob gave it to me okay cool Jacob how do I clear my where wait why are you here because this is where

My dungeon’s going to be um okay I guess we’ll have to have another teleporter transition or we could have give him like speed 50 it’s kind of fun it could but that would be like that would they have to load all the chunks he’s what like 700 blocks

Away um uh you should be thankful I didn’t choose the other location then I mean either way we’re not I’m not going to do the speed thing anyways it doesn’t matter okay so Jak Chris you should be thankful I didn’t choose the other location the other location was 12,000 block

Out Jacob I mean can I kill that pig it’s gonna end up dying really fast oh okay so this is what I have right now this is just one part of it click Start clock oh my God wait what I don’t know this is possible wait

What why are you killing them are you trying to save them I don’t know it’s like a sacrifice oh okay that’s funny you’re also hitting the trees behind this area too what another they’re on fire I mean there’s no fire tick doesn’t matter too much but let me get be I had no

Idea yo there’s so many gas I don’t know how to summon p h so many gas yo why is there so many I enabl the command block for second there so many of Them CH why are you killing the gas cuz they’re not in a dungeon they’re just out everywhere they’re everywhere yeah they’re just random places I wouldn’t call this a dungeon mate little did you know this is the dungeon everything the entire world is your dungeon is that no no thing is I

Thing is you have to let the you have to let the command block that’s that summons the gas like infinitely you have to let it run for like 10 seconds and then your goal is you have to break the block okay but you can’t cuz they’re in Survival I can’t break command

Blocks and then um well we have a mod that makes us so they can break the command blocks okay we’re not doing modded we’re doing plugins and that we can’t have a plug okay but then like but then then when they break block they have to kill all

Of the gas that gas just drowned itself it’s so it’s a little on Nate can you not I I just summoned a bit more of that’s all wonder if Iron Golem will kill a gas if it was right next to it probably can you even get a mine cart

Gas in a boat or mine cart I have no idea what if I summon the mine cart above it I know you can put them in a mine cart but what if I summon the mine cart above It I wonder if there’s a way I could drop an anvil in one of the gas probably it’s it was like pushing him down yeah under the water no I want it to go on like in uh there go can you stop summoning yes I summoned some more so you could so you

Can try it there you go now you have plenty that you can try with can you not you’re summoning too many okay we got one of the one of the got stuck in the boat this look at this one oh Chris Chris Chris you can try for

This one over here Chris H you can try for this one over here oh yeah wait it look like it’s stuck already oh no it’s not it’s not uh wait hold on what the hell is a Minecart Track Called oh here it is I found It wait why is it stuck here though if it’s not capturing a mine cart is it Lagging but oh it’s lagging I gave it 10,000 Health oh wait what look at that look at when it’s on its head Chris come here look at that what oh it all fell wait on well I know what to do um I’ll do this oh keep It I don’t think any of them are getting stuck I know what to do I know what to Do yeah I got one stuck Nate oh we got it yo Jacob TP Jacob TP hold On Jacob take a out oh I I was trying not I was trying to hit Nate Jacob look at this look at this it’s stuck in the mine cart look at this ni it’s a gas stck in a mine cart wa what are you going to do with It okay that’s that’s lit dude I’m going to show it to Michael too oh no wait actually Michael’s going to kill it I don’t want Michael to I don’t want Michael to kill It how do you kill things with a certain distance he gave me a command but no you’re going to kill the one in the mine cart oh wait no dot dot 100 is that you do it Chris no you’re going to kill the one in the mine Chris it’s okay I’ll do

A new one I’ll do a new one 100 is like a 100 grus wait is it we are I mean we are 700 blocks out yeah but now we only need the one that’s captured let’s go are you going to make this part of your dungeon NY stop spawning them

In I just want to spawn in some of them okay all right dude there’s so many mine carts over here okay now now you got to now you got to make your dungeon Nate cuz like out bro yeah make something I mean come on Bro the bro why do you need them I need spawn more now there we go there we go we can add this gas to our team if we want it won’t attack Us don’t don’t attack it I actually I’m going to add it to our team I’ll heal it with the splash potion of Health I I think that actually kills it does it no it won’t here I’ll show you oh it actually works on it sweet oh

Okay the team it’s on our team now Nate look in chat it’s on our team so now I want to attack look if I go in survival it doesn’t do anything it’s not trying to attack me nice okay now now make your dungeon wait you still you did is just to me

Yeah cuz you put me in survival you have levitation active yeah I do hey why is it working I I’m giving it to you but you’re stuck okay okay okay Nate make your Dungeon I will I’ll make it I’ll make it you you keep you keep distracting me keep distracting me bro Jacob did you know this what splash potions of Health actually work on gas but you me uh hold on you me op me dude op me okay well stop stop

Trolling me okay you you you started it you put me in survival and nearly killed me okay but to be fair I didn’t I didn’t completely kill You where’s Michael by the way you start calling Michael I don’t know do boats despawn Chris uh what do boats despawn no they do not okay try to give me levitation now wait what wait are you in survival yeah I’m in survival wait wait why wait why isn’t it

Working I’m just too good at the game see I’m just I’m just go to Sauce you know something is it like a pair of boots that you have on no I’m just I’m just really good yo this island looks sick J Chris look at this yeah I know but can you stop getting

Distracted okay well I’m not going to play golf with you we not going to do anything okay I am going to do something all right you L you literally have gotten here for like the past 15 minutes you haven’t done anything at all so hold on ask Jacob hold on ask Jacob

No Jacob look this looks like progress doesn’t it you’re Lally just trolling mate I mean come on okay okay I’ll I’ll actually build some bu something I actually haven’t built something yet I genuinely forgot how to use to do worldedit Chris is done I think

Right how do I how do I do use wait you don’t know how to do world edit I it’s been a while okay so um get a wooden Ax from creative mode um so let’s say you want to make like a huge platform right you place like one wood over

Here you you click on it like you’re breaking the wood and then it should say first position set and then you want to put something else here and then you you right click it instead of instead of clicking it like you’re trying to break it Nate you right click it whatever you

Want to do and then you do slash slash set and you type in the the the material you want to make it out of you want to make is they doing that or not yep oh sweet so it basically fills in wherever I mean this is breaking

Because there’s no like it’s leaves and there’s no wood connected to it a man why oh man why does the leaves break that would have been such a cool thing I actually wanted to make a platform out of that but yeah you can do that for any

Material and also you can also you can also mix materials if you want to if you do SL if you SL no Nate no no no just just just place like a piece of wood or something I don’t know maybe it’ll work I I don’t think it’ll work actually

There because there’s already there Jacob how do I um uh how do I make it so leaves don’t disintegrate I want to make a platform I don’t know I don’t think it does just use something that isn’t leaves I guess if I if I put a log under

Them will it will it break the log will the log itself will break so probably what wait really what cuz you’re replacing it with leaves no say no I mean no I mean like if I it will it won’t work it won’t work

It won’t no I mean if I have a layer of logs and then I have a layer of leaves it won’t work I don’t think I don’t think I will I think it has to be registered as an actual tree or something um but anyways you want to

Make it you can make it multiple materials too like say if I do this and this I could do SL set and I could do 50% uh Stone and 50% uh Oak uh leaves and you have 5050 maybe if you do 50% damn damn why is there so many

Saplings wait maybe if you do this Nate it won’t break wait really oh [ __ ] is it wait wait wait how do you do that so okay I’ll show you so you basically select the area you want to do again just like you’re doing it normal and then you do slash slash set

And you do 50% and then you you you type in like oakor leaves right did you get it do you have your thing selected already uh SL um hold on this I’ll right I I I click something and then you you select the area okay I’ll select the area and I’ll turn all

This TNT into something else SL set so SL set and you type in 50% and you no spaces or anything like you literally type 50 like like uh word not words but numbers 50 and then the percent sign and then you do oak leaves and then you do without doing a

Space you do comma then you do 50% then you do oak wood 50% and you press ent’s wait what’s an observer I was going to do obsidian what’s Observer it’s that but yeah do that with oak wood and I think it won’t I think it won’t it will

And you could do like you could lower the percentage probably too you could do like 2% or something and it might still work what the hell does an observer do and you don’t have to reselect anate you can just you could just just do it again

You could just set it again if you want observers are a redstone thing basically if anything changes in the block next to it then it’ll it’ll uh it’ll detect it but yeah oh okay I see I don’t know how to oh whoop I Hold On First need to set first position

Set wait why did you do fences what the what oh god who blew it all up oh no oh what just blew up the island no Chris did that not me Okay I going on I didn’t think it would actually go off oh no Chris he said he said oh no as you keep setting it off okay because it’s already gone there’s no point soling it now is There um okay either we need to find a new mushroom biome or you need to start you can just make your hey hey where are you I see a bunch of TNT over here is that you Nate oh my God what did you just do this I made

A okay you want to make this your Island Nate let’s make this your Island Chris is there a way to forcibly spawn a mushroom biome um no but you could do slash find actually I might find the we tried that like’s what’s the closest one from here really this it’s

This one yeah this is this is a mushroom biome see look you have a mushroom biome Nate what mushroom biome there’s one right here now you just need the mushrooms beautiful and we’re going to do woohoo yo it’s all one huge mushroom see Nate it’s a mushroom biome

Or if you want to be really clever about it wait this okay Jacob we gota Nate you got to make your your your your you make your craziest dreams come true in here he look up beautiful here mate do you like the light blue or did you like the brown more

Um I kind of like this I kind of like this you got to make your dungeon in here all right I’m GNA help I’m G to do something it’s so big though what am I going to do with all this face oh I know

What I’m goingon to do hold up hold up I got to put gas in here we got to make a ceiling so that the gas don’t get out in case he decides to do gas go oh yeah there is gas okay they’re going to despawn though aren’t they J Nate uh Michael you

There yeah we’re helping Nate do his dungeon right now yo there’s so many of them What the heck oh no try to see Guess [Applause] and [Applause] [Applause] sound wait why are they all taking damage what the f I gave them all wither press what I don’t know what to make on this mountain oh you build You’re Building like is that Michael’s area no it’s just my area oh okay I I haven’t even seen I

Don’t know what to build like this isn’t the actual make like a what I didn’t the volume below oh they’re all Breaking now oh my sound the sound yeah wait wait till they die Michael do you have your sound up yeah was killing them damn s like rock so there’s so much

Iron everywhere oh what it going to be now speaking of um uh with skeletons you be your last h Nate they’re all stuck in the hole he they’re all stuck in the hole they they all like spawned in the bottom hold on hey they’re still stuck they’re about all

Die hey you got to make it above the ground all right yeah hold on give me a second oh no oh no oh no oh sorry hold on how do I break it break it break it I picked the wrong thing I picked the wrong thing

What I picked the wrong thing you missed at the wrong house fool hold on a second all right I’ll make the right one this time oh my God it’s just spraying them oh God they’re just swarming the iron gos the Rapture okay this is actually starting

To lag me you see to stop oh God I stopped it it stopped oh that one St it’s not stopped you got to get him off Nate oh God this is their fight this is their final they get to see the clouds and then they die their final Ascension their final

Ascension oh my god oh who blew it up oh man you guys a runin my beautiful Arena that’s okay I can we could set it to you could use world edit Nate so just just use world edit to like fill in the wall fill in the

Ground okay no no no no no no stop stop don’t you dare don’t you dare don’t you dare Nate no Nate oh my God who did this oh my gosh what Nate did you do that oh yo no D I think I think I think your entity

Spotter date was on TNT okay I’m stopping this for a second I’m stopping this I’m stopping this oh my gosh I can move yo I’m stopping that this is weird this actually looks really cool I swear I didn’t I was not the one that

Nate that is a Hu that is a huge TNT Square Nate are you sure I swear I was one to blew it all up I promise you oh and I I’ll help you destroy it he need to kill all the oh oh I’m lagging I think I think no

I I stepped it I stepped it okay CH that was not me I promise oh thank God that was not me how do I get just get stone just now what did you just kill I just killed all the TNT oh all the TNT I I made a thing

Of TNT and I was like ha but then like I did not expect to oh my God Nate what the hell did you do Nate Nate next time do sand okay no don’t you [ __ ] dare do sand sand is like more effective yeah yeah especially the giant square that I

Did last time no that basically broke the server and like a server and no one could log on yeah I had to deal I I had to do so much [ __ ] for that you have no idea it’s all right boys because now we have aasia fence gate okay n stop I I

Got locked in oh I can still travel I can still go places this a Casey a fence gate stuck in the 2D world oh gosh it hurts it it lags to look at it wait hold up hold up I got something that’ll be really funny let’s get rid of all of

It oh no the the stuff there is still o still on fence gates hold on hold on Michael Michael this GNA be the craziest thing you’ve ever seen just wait Nate I swear to go what are you doing oh I’m frozen I what did you do what if I set what

What if I set 50% red stone blocks and 50% fence gates what do you mean 50% oh Nate try it I think I I don’t know what to do Nate can you please stop can you actually construct a a dungeon and like you know do what you said you were going to

Do cuz can can you not that that actually looks really cool okay are we just going to screw around instead of building dungeons Michael wait Nate Nate Nate if you did it if you did it half TNT half Redstone that’s what I did and I don’t recommend it [ __ ] that

Yeah oh oh cryst all of it can you guys stop like and actually build a it’s not very hard that was part of my dungeon no it wasn’t it’s not a playable dungeon what the count what did you do I didn’t do anything I just mined down who no who placed

Sand that was not me Michael are you placing sand no I was stuck I was stuck in in I I don’t know I I I pressed to command and then I’m stuck in myum is not lovely thank God oh my celium where is it there it is oh

Oops oh it’s terrible here let make it better stop placing sand I’m going like the last if sand is not a BL up what’ you say Nate I feel like I’m I’m trying to create some Last of Us oh my no way I just found some okay good one

Is I’m really really full but I’ll try that yeah it’s from the Chocolate Factory isn’t it I have to this is I you do me wait I can set all as buttons Nate oh my god well I wanted to see what it would do if I set it as buttons oh that’s not

A good idea Nate what is wrong with you 126,000 can you like not do do you are you even should you even be trusted with [ __ ] the ability to use world edit I would I just wanted to see what happened if I turned it into buttons I probably

Should have done something small no just don’t do anything at all like stop like just I’m not I’m not going to have to [ __ ] manage you Nate all right I’ll just make my dungeon now I’ll okay cuz I’m tired of babysitting you and it’s actually getting annoying I

Crashed maybe you did but if you did it’s kind of deserved cuz you placed a bunch of [ __ ] buttons and lagged me I’m kind of generating a lot of jums right oh wait I’m using the wrong axe that’s why yeah I think I did crash oh well and

The server is not lagging it’s just it was just you cuz you placed all the buttons trying to render it all okay oh wait did it did they all just immediately break yeah they immediately broke oh okay that explains what that is okay wait what’s he doing he doesn’t know what to do

Probably okay well I’m going to go to whatever Jacob’s doing what’s going trying make a I’m trying to make a light gray map oh you’re making a map why you making a map I’m going to do a little tricky I don’t know if it’s going to work very well

Okay I like stra for IDE Chris I need ideas bro I don’t know my brain’s a little tired right now so I don’t know if I’ll be able to help you out with that is it from dealing with to dealing with my stuff no I just been awake for a

While so I’m pretty tired I have no idea how I’m going to do this that’s the this this is a problem I have no idea how I’m going to do this if you need help with the world on it I can help you but if you have help with any

Ideas I can also help you I don’t know what you’re doing though I have no idea how I want to do this I’m not going to Lie okay is it going to take some thinking let’s see maybe I should add something to like the mountain or maybe I should start adding lore or something maybe I’ll add the lore tomorrow I think that’ll be better cuz I’m a little bit tired right now I can’t

Do anything that requires too much thought let’s see what GIC did graic me this hallway I think he’s going to edit stuff tomorrow as well you guys should get on earlier instead of always getting on so damn late I was bus like all day today was problem okay well tomorrow can get on

Early because I want to build with everyone here instead of just getting up and having to be here with only graic cuz like gra kind of annoying I no gravic is fine it’s just that what happens is we go and do like Dungeons and a lot of the problems we have are we

Can’t solve because people who aren’t here we can’t get their can’t get their input on what they want to do with their dungeons um so if you were here it would make it a lot easier cuz some we can actually you know decide things also um I don’t know if you’re aware but

Directly below you is a hallway yeah directly below you is a hallway which leads to my area that’s yeah the problem with everyone doing their own stuff no no it’s it’s good because if you want to put the end to your thing in that hallway then that

Would be ideal cuz then you wouldn’t we wouldn’t have to use a teleporter Jacob mm if you want to put like a hallway connect the hallway to the end of yours that would be that would be ideal oh this isn’t even the end of mine I’m I know I know but like

If you want to make the end of yours in that hallway that would be that would be good when you do make it cuz then you could connect it directly to mine it it would be like all Dynamic and it wouldn’t have a teleporter like we’re

Going to have to do with Nate’s and Michaels where’s Michaels it’s like 700 blocks out or something mine’s wild yeah um so I want just see the parkour bad what is GRA gravix area in my dude you literally made like holy crap bro wait is this squid game what is this or

Where are we going to have the teleporter oh it’s Spa mob thing dude this is insane parkour you made is it really I haven’t really looked at it it’s just there’s a lot of it oh I think like it’s like it’s hard say I don’t

Know it’s not that bad um is this jump I’m confused with are you going down or up where are you you’re going up right so this jump is not possible I don’t see you yes that is what that jump yeah you know why oh go here

You got to get in here no you got you got to get the block you can place there to to jump higher and you got to go up there it’s like a yeah you go to um let me see oh there’s like a whole bunch of

Crap okay yeah game how do you even wait what what what are you looking for so like he go into there you go into the room you climb up and you go through like a kind of little maze thing don’t go into that last did you go into the

Last room I’m in spectator okay don’t go this last room over here don’t go in here cuz there’s like a couple pressure plates and if you step on the pressure plates you spawn the the uh spawn the bosses I just don’t want have to kill

Him can I can I spawn him um sure do he no you got to step on this one this one cuz then cuz then they both spawn correctly right here right here you see me I see you you’re in spectator I’m in spectator mode oh cuz you’re not insect

Creative hold on a second creative and I spawned him already on accident okay why does he look like that why does he have an egg in his head I don’t know that is sharp five on it though what is this guy he a leaf BL on his head wait

Are they following each other no they’re just I don’t know how to do that but they’re uh they both have they’re both going to be like deadly Um but um the the fact that you can step on it more than once and spawn spawn more of them consequently and even they can spawn is is completely like I’m all for it like shouldn’t they have like tons of Health um this is is not really a boss

Cuz they’re not supposed to defeat the boss they just want to avoid him so they get over here and you take the me oooo what oh grave gra that’s from graic okay he said yeah not me but then you’re just going to have to go to spectator mode to not step on it

But okay you killed him you should you should make a thing that says I can’t breathe when he dies I should how do I do that uh Jacob how does he do that is that in is that in the I or whatever I have a fent brick I

Got a fent brick for you yeah every every saw of them you get one of those uh how do we how do you make it so that something plays when a certain mob dies oh I have no idea oh okay I mean there’s probably a way

I this is my you like my bling this is what I’m going to be wearing in the boss fight nice you could just like click a but button like once say when they kill it you just click a button and like yeah okay okay wait hold on uh wait Michael try this um

I need what’s his name what’s his name Michael what oh is it what’s what’s the boss’s name Floyd something yeah you can look at it no I I can’t I I’m typing it in I need to know his name can you tell me sound like he’s 5year old

Oh all right press this button Nate press this button what me like press the button right here on this command block oh press it yeah oh yeah so I’ll just be the one to do it yeah oh gang so yeah you’ll just do it manually I guess

Yeah that’s okay I’ll do that I I’ll keep every yeah how did you do that I I changed it to a repeat command block oh can’t bre if you turn to a if you turn it to a repeat command block it just spams it over and over how do you

Turn it how do you do that so basically see yeah you impulse you do repeat and press done and you do instead of impulse instead of needs Redstone you just set it to always active or you could just do well on wait let me do it let me do it let me delete

This so uh needs Redstone right yeah wait hold on like I’ll try this try this okay that’s better yeah or you or you going have a button that presses it I can’t breathe man I can’t breathe my purchase nice yeah if you build a dungeon yeah if you

Don’t do [ __ ] the entire time I’m not playing with you cuz it’s not very nice well the idea is I want me to actually participate if he just comes here and screws around the whole time doesn’t actually build anything like is he really building a dungeon he’s not

Really D doesn’t have be like a dungeon dungeon but make it make it that make it so that it doesn’t last like 5 seconds or something like that and then make it like at least somewhat fun you know if you I’m terrible at making dungeons so I I made something that like

Is is it be like maybe puzzly and like cool something cheeky you know yeah okay um Nate do you need help help or I’m just kidding um okay I’ll give me like give me like give me like give me okay yeah I’ll get something done I’ll get

Something okay just when I’m when I’m when I TP over there just tell me you need to build some hly Chris should be doing this cuz he’s he’s not even doing anything well I’m figuring something out so I have a whole freaking dungeon like I also haven’t really done anything

Yeah you should I mean if anything I should be helping you yeah you haven’t done [ __ ] with your dungeon I just have enough time and I also don’t have very many ideas I like scen for cash or whatever okay we could have like a go-kart race or something set

Block I had some ideas but I don’t I kind of just feel like I’m just going to do the same I always do which is fine but yeah it’s fine just do the first part oh yeah Nate you haven’t seen that part have you he he hasn’t seen that part yet what

Part of what Jacob’s dungeon the part of Jacob’s dungeon yeah you’ll see it later it’s yeah it’s really good it’s really good I think I think you’ll like it I think you’ll like it yeah have Nate not know it until it starts yeah it’ll just be the first one

Experiencing it just to yeah just just to just to get like the the full 4K experience it’s so terrible getting it so it’s so terrible it’s going to be amazing the sounds are just perfect okay uh why so many actually kind of lines you’re doing boat parkour is that what you’re

Doing sure bud I kind of like the effect of like doing parkour really high up on like a super high up building but like I also don’t really want to do too much in the outside cuz you know the boss fights at the top so I’m thinking maybe maybe they should

Like oh yeah maybe I’ll like go on a quest to get a key or something that’s what I’ll do I can’t breathe man I can’t breathe okay so they need a trip wire they need a trip wire Jacob can you do that uh wait I you

Don’t have the trip BR no I need a door that can be opened by a trip wire I can’t breathe man I can’t let me see I I think you made one of these for me right let me see what it actually requires oh you the hopper thing yeah yeah

Probably let’s see so there’s just empty Hoppers all around and there’s just yeah that’s just to get it to where it needs to go okay so there’s just 18 yeah you need in particular you need 18 in there and then the rest needs to be four and then once you fill it up

With the 23rd item it like there’s like it gives the comparator enough just though okay let’s see can’t breathe man fence an area where it takes longer without actually taking that much without actually having that much fun fun fun fun fun fun fun oh yeah there say something about Cocina

What does that so how does a comparator go Jacob which direction does the comparator go in uh oh wherever the redst going so what does that mean like the the arrows going where the redstone’s going yeah the arrows yeah okay let’s see do you know where that came from no came from a

Um it came from a uh it came from a it came from an online Joke came from some that something that was something somebody was something that somebody was doing online okay yeah sweet bro I can’t see any particles how do you do I don’t know how to do the particle how do you how do you do For okay that should work now what the hell oh uh you’re not supposed to be here that was weird uh manster just teleported to me in and then and then looked at me and left out left the game he’s not in the server though

Oh dude I oh here I am muted I’m think I’m talking to Chris Chris what is is man manw or what is his name manster man manster manw manster is it is it uh is that muffin love no that’s a PE peace you said that’s

Pete who’s Pete PE p i e CE he left the server but if you look in chat you can see his yeah he just joined again oh yeah he heard my name wait you heard him heard me say his name I’m g spell some inappropriate stuff wallam

Bro they are not going to like what I’m about to do oh no un falling so I’m taking my time on my what day is it h Saturday no way he keeps leaving he keeps teleporting to me and then leaving heer no offense but yeah yeah gold Gio there’s no way gold

Here okay Michael don’t do anything cuz we’re starting the server wait wait right now it’s you’re going to to roll back anyways so oh wait no never mind I think it actually might have actually server is it is it no yeah no it’s done okay yeah I can’t do anything all right so

Server’s getting restarted we’re getting a roll back so there’s not much we can do let’s see um yeah so that’s cool somebody did something with World Ed and broke the server again but it’s really cool cuz if you spawn too much TNT then uh you can like

Do a thing where you like in the server itself it’s lagging you can stop ticks and just kill all the TNT and like delete all the blocks and then it basically just fixes the problem for you what you could do is counter play where before all you could do is just sit and

Watch the TNT [ __ ] destroy the server sounds terrible is there a um is there a limit to how many blocks you can change at once world edit um probably oh wait that might have been me what oh um wait is this still lagging uh that’s a slight issue what

What uh I might have set like the entire world as gold blocks and it’s not letting me undo it bro how much of everyone’s stuff did you screw up hold on I I I didn’t even I literally just pressed it as like two different things I don’t understand what happened [Applause]

Happened bro please don’t tell me like all the freaking well your stuff probably isn’t affected actually I don’t know about what’s I don’t understand how this even could have happened on wait hold onever The Show Must Go On okay hold on well now they can’t follow

The gold block hold let me review the footage to see what happened oh yeah you that uh who’s who’s P I’m just so the second position is set is Nate on the server yeah okay I hello um hold on I don’t know I don’t know what n’s

Doing wait so I yeah I I just reviewing the footage I literally set the it says the coordinates and they aren’t anything oh wait oh wait no I think I might have set the second second coordinates twice oh wait I think I know what happened

Okay so how do I I can’t undo this um I have no idea where this even goes or how this happened or where my I think my original might have been where Nate was or something oh no so this is like a ridiculous amount of blocks they actually it’s not that bad

Actually it’s not that far why were they so coordinated I don’t understand how I guess I just do I delete the gold blocks now and just replace it with air what uh I thought no one reacted to that okay I’m going to go to the find the other side of the gold blocks

Although it’s going to teleport me back okay yep I found it it’s Nate’s area wait did it screw it up well okay so now we have to figure how to fix it uh I can do you want me to replace it with air cuz that’s all I can do no cuz

It’s not let me re undo uh and if I do it again it’ll probably like [ __ ] up the server or something uh so what should I do my options are to turn you do a backup or something no I don’t backups are [ __ ] [ __ ] on the server coaster they don’t actually

Work I’m going to go over to the their area just to check the damage you really you really did a number on the ground didn’t you Chris yeah unintentionally holy moly let’s see what happened I know gravix place got [ __ ] up the yellow ground Michael did you see the what

There was guys were typing in chat no yeah gravix play got kind of [ __ ] not all of it oh shoot I think most of it yeah he’s see what he’s saying hey you saw what they were saying yeah I scrolled back yeah it was super they were singing the

Song yeah that’s what I thought yeah uh okay wait I mean I it’s not letting me undo oh yeah great I also forgot the wait hold on brush count Center chunk deselect evaluate expand extinguish so you see this is why we don’t make places that are really far

Away I mean I’m not going to pretend it was on my fault but come on so we just can’t do anything about this um there needs there’s got to be an undo somewhere there is an undo but I restarted this server cuz I didn’t know what was going

On and now it’s not letting me undo it well I mean I’m okay with it I’m not just deleted gravix place I mean not all of it most of the stuff is pretty high up but it was just one layer at least it was also like

Wait it was kind of one of the lower layers but I I don’t know how much this is going to things yeah I not really sure I could should I replace it with air no no maybe a stone or something I don’t know maybe uh I don’t know what to

Do I mean you can replace it with grass I guess oh they built their like really far away I think Okay Wait did your wait Jacob your section got destroyed well no but um no but a lot of like the terrain around it like crap looking through the commands I don’t think there’s anything that can help us at this point wait restore oh I don’t know what that does can it restore my dignity

No wait what nothing left to undo um okay so how are we going to fix this uh I could delete it all I could change it to something else overall I don’t like the fact that it’s gold blocks that’s for sure um bro it made the server crash how much there

Is I mean it didn’t make the server crash it was probably loading all the blocks if we waited long enough I probably would wouldn’t have been an issue but I didn’t know what was happening it was a problem it is there first off is there a way to export that

World onto as a file to a file on your computer the world yeah the the the world on that that server is running the one we’re on right now yeah uh yeah sort of I guess okay and do you know if there is a do you also know if

There is a way to like kind of customize a world or fix a world say like be able to restore it to a certain time stamp at all um no I need a backup for that and for the problem is this things doesn’t do backups at all huh or it’s supposed

To but it doesn’t well I mean it it was like all of gpic stuff right yeah oh yeah yes every single bit of it well cuz so h with him having to do with him he can’t exactly just quit I mean no he can’t exactly just like rebuild

Everything I he has today he has today and tomorrow but saw yeah I don’t know I mean it’s only floor one so he could do it but it’s like it would take a lot of time and kind of weird to expect him to do that I

Don’t think I would expect him to do I can see if backups work I I can I already know how this sounds uh if I go to backups it just says the [ __ ] about please connect your Google account to save backups and Google Drives and then it doesn’t work

Anyways and then I could go to files and try and do stuff but the problem is I when I restarted This Server it like it saved everything after the Gold Blocks got there so I I don’t think there’s a even if I restarted the server and restored it to

Its latest version it would still wouldn’t work I wish you didn’t you did not have to do a full freaking 30 blocks of layers I didn’t do that I I had something selected I didn’t realize I had it selected if it was just one layer it would not have destroyed all this

Crap but it was like layers down no I wasn’t doing 50 layers down I was literally doing one I a one by one layer but I didn’t realize still had something all the way over here selected so when I went to fill in like barely any blocks

At all then it just filled in all of this [ __ ] all what right so what should I do now I I don’t know we can’t do anything okay I’m going to replace it with something else at the very at least cuz bro well I I don’t even know how much

Stuff he had down there dude all this is screwed up this this area whatever well server is about to lag again so why I’m I’m deleting it don’t delete it just like replace it with like freaking grass so it completes the operation and now it just has the server has to just

Do the change if it’s even going to it might just time out bro that is disappointing I know I agree I wish there was some way to fix it but there [ __ ] isn’t yeah timed out I really wish you can undo things from previous like server restarts that would be nice

[ __ ] this is uh unfortunate oh it didn’t even do anything doesn’t even seem like it did the operation oh it did some of it I think it’s actually worse now bro did you even select the regions yeah I did did but it only did like half of it well

Dude this is so much worse I hear TNT TNT it’s probably from a dungeon or something yeah um I mean there’s not much we can do I what you’re have to message him or something okay I’m going to I’m going to tell him the gold is fine but it’s over

Here we’re not going to ever go over here but this other crap you screwed up so bad wonder how Ryan is taking this Ryan’s probably not even nearby oh cuz he’s on he’s on the VC feel like he’d be the first want to be really mad at it I don’t think it

Affected him I think their stuff is too far thing is no it literally like like destroyed like half of this thing so we’re just going to stick with this um I mean should I do something else and restart the server again I mean I could ask Craig if he

Freaking knows anything bro I mean it’s not going to change anything it’s still [ __ ] gone um I mean if there’s a backup Strat then that would be nice maybe I’ll just like do like this area with grass so we’re not going to re like we’re not going to restart it there’s no way

To there’s no way to do it that anymore so I’m just going to place grass everywhere and we’ll uh hope for the best well not everywhere I’m just going to place it on the top layer probably need to message him I did I did message him I did I told him

Already so I’m just going to do it on the top layer and I’m just going to do grass just to cover up the mess and that nice the gold block and [ __ ] it was beautiful no it’s not beautiful especially not what I just did it made it look worse I sound someone better

Doesn’t know what beautiful is yeah right okay as long as you s if you say that and you know whatever okay well yeah you know me it’s taking me so long to select an animal to put in this thing what do you you mean what do you mean select an

Animal you know an animal um I don’t get it I don’t know it’s hard it’s hard to explain but I I have a I have a Cod spawner and I’m gonna on COD dude yeah sweet bro I’m just like depressed now cuz I like all of his work is just like

Screwed up well not all of it of it I don’t even I don’t know what was there I don’t think it was that I’m seeing like I I literally saw like skeletons that were under the ground that were suffocating but they weren’t taking any damage was that it I don’t think that

Was that was his I think it was a mob spawner or something no uh there mobs he placed are you sure Invincible they’re Invincible mobs that’s why they weren’t dying oh well maybe I don’t know I probably actually yeah not going to lie I’m kind of high right now good job oh

Cool beans bro well anyways um what is there anyone else do I’m I’m getting a little uh little bored of the whole uh cuz the thing is only a third of the way done I wanted them to go all the way up back up to that [ __ ] tunnel or the all the

Way to the surface but it’s like I’m only actually oh [ __ ] no I’m only like a fifth the way done now it just looks like there’s a huge earthquake or something uhhuh I mean either way I’m like way too tired and sleep deprived I think this proves

It um well we know we’re not playing with yeah he’s doing that classic Nate moment or he just left and didn’t do anything so so glad that we that Nate was the one that or that Nate joined first even though he did nothing don’t have at least I didn’t have to like

Spend time playl not play yeah exactly cuz this I mean we’re not going to have to deal with the [ __ ] where like we actually do things and it’s like you know he just like oh well oh did I say I was going to do that did I say that well

I’m kind of busy you know I have all these other things I I want to do so you know okay whatever very nice either way I guess I’ll continue construction um there’s not much I can do let’s I guess I can I mean gravic was mostly done at

Least so at least he’ll have time to redo it wow I mean instead of having to work on anything else I mean I don’t know maybe he won’t redo it honestly I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t uh I blame him that is a disaster has

Strucken wait oh [ __ ] I thought I I thought I could do this one maybe not weird ladder trick but I keep dying I’m going to go at go join their voice chat see if anything got destroyed oh yeah hey so did anything get Vapor evaporated by blocks that you guys

Had all of our stuff got completely destroyed thanks specifically loaf specifically loafs no I did you should apologize to loaf actually or are they just trolling yeah you should apologize to her yeah look at her she’s hyperventilating She’s suffering from stress believe you look at what you’ve done to her literally

Ignoring you guys based on sobbing and quivering mess what what have you done Lally to IGN is this the kind of person that you want to be Chris is this the kind of okay now I turn you guys down so instead of being like primary voices you’re like

The the really small voices in the back of my head trying to influence influence me you’re like the the bad the the the Devils on my shoulder or something okay but nothing got destroyed though loaf no no nothing actually got destroyed okay that’s good that’s good

Cuz uh oh oh no my tree got destroyed cuz a lot of gravic stuff got destroyed um and in my Epic Man room how did this happen though uh so basically Nate had an area he was working on and I was I was constantly having to repair his like his [ __ ]

Right so I I was over at Nate’s place and I was like replacing stuff and uh I forgot that I had one selected right which is fine you know it’s supposed to be selected but then when I when I went to go replace something else

Over by my area I um I I pressed right click two times instead of one time and so I didn’t properly select it so the thing all the way over there was already selected so when I replaced that with gold blocks then it kind of replaced the

Entirety of the distance between my area and Nate’s area with gold blocks and then the server lagged completely so I figured that somebody did something that was lagging the server so I restarted the server to fix it and then when I got black everything was gold blocks hold on I’m going to move

Everyone to the same voice chat because they’re very eager to be in here if you guys don’t mind oh oops what’s going on here hello okay oh hi hello hello hello none of you got affected by that no actually yeah J they like to do this funny joke where

They say they got affected by it but actually didn’t that’s not really funny I would never say that you talking about them but okay told me to cry well you know told me to cry I feel really bad because I destroyed like a lot of gravix

Stuff and he’s going to have to redo it um or or not do it you know whatever he desires at this point cuz I’ll probably help him if he just ser right I can’t roll it back because apparently the the plugins don’t work for [ __ ] or the the server the server

Hosters don’t work for [ __ ] when it comes to backups you need to connect it to a Google account just for it to work that kind of makes sense though you need Google drive like you can’t just have backups I don’t know I don’t know why right who uses Google nowadays all

These young kids in their fany Technologies this is a this is a very large Cavern whoever holy moly this is a great Cate sorry you can tort speaking up Nate was on earlier why did he leave uh because he’s a piece of garbage oh I mean okay what why is a piece of

Garage uh he left want to get started on the second layer oh when he supposed to be playing with us you’re a second layer I mean to be fair Chris like what did you expect freaking Nate I know I expected that I basically he said hey

I’ll play with you if you play golf with me like okay I’ll play golf with you but you have to actually do something and he didn’t do anything so you know who really likes to play golf is it he he’ll like he’ll like come back to me

And like say that I that I need to play golf with him anyways even though he didn’t do [ __ ] and completely Miss uh Mis like represented our deal and he’ll like say like oh but you told you said and like it’ll be like the same [ __ ]

As before it’s not really yeah it’s not really fair if you just play for an hour doing like jerking off basically and then like the whole point is to get into it yeah I didn’t invite him here just so I had I I would have to babysit him the

Whole time yeah oh wait was he also like messing stuff up not really he was just constantly spawning gas and using world at to as soon as I taught him how to do world at he starts Michael why are you killing me no Michael hello he keeps killing me with commands

Sorry I was munching what you say why you why’ you kill me no I killed Jacob no you killed me why you’re killing Chris I keep saying I was placing Gold Blocks I just randomly died oh I did it too that’s crazy got to say no you you didn’t kill

Jaob you just killed me actually oh how am I supposed to build this Lu you don’t no blocks in Minecraft for these colors I believe in you I don’t got better than your and with this I’m going to end the stream I’m way too tired to do anything

More and I’m also dying of the many factors wow IM one of being Corona virus I don’t have Corona virus hell yeah I don’t drink alcohol I got you oh that’s makes sense now this is a certified evil Michael moment what is now you’re drinking alcohol like oh

Doing he’s doing gateway drugs he’s got everything now I don’t you’re doing all the drugs now okay yeah sure you me

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons 3 Building Day 2’, was uploaded by mhmboi on 2023-12-24 07:08:16. It has garnered 43 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:46 or 17086 seconds.

Minecraft dungeons the 3rd, day 2 of 3 for building

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  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More


    ULTIMATE PAIN: EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVE’, was uploaded by PAIN YT on 2024-05-16 14:14:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. #freefirelive #classyff#nonstopgaming #ajjubhailive #2bgamer #raista 🏷Tags : #freefire #freefirehighlights #freefiregaaraff #freefireconta #spas12 #aimbotfreefire #hackfreefire #sho They think I’m an Emulatortgunhandcam #shotgun #x1freefire #freefirebrasil #freefireclipes #melhoresmomentos #handcam #loud #freefire #freefirehighlights #equipou #habash #bestplayer #m1014 #spas12 #dpifreefire #contarara #bestmoments #Iphonefreefire #androidfreefire #emuladorfreefire #heroic #season #equipou #highlight #RuokFF #ff #RUOK #Freefire​ #GarenaFreeFire​ #MENA​ Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, rap, bad vibes forever / empire, hip hop & rap, xxx,… Read More

  • Clowdy Skies

    Clowdy SkiesWelcome to Clowdy Skies, where epic battles, cunning strategies, and thrilling adventures await. We’ve meticulously crafted a unique and immersive Minecraft Factions server. Engage in heart-pounding custom raiding, unlock treasures from our exclusive crate system, experience balanced PvP, and prove your skills in dedicated arenas. Our dedicated and friendly community is at the heart of it all, and we’re committed to creating a server where every detail counts. Join us in shaping this evolving network as we build our community and perfect our Minecraft world together. Patience is key, but the journey promises excitement at every turn. play.clowdyskies.com Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP Cross-Play McMMO Dungeons Mob Arenas Custom Enchants Shops Pinata Party Crates

    Charged Creeper SMP Server Hark, brave adventurers! Welcome to Charged Creeper, an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. Join us for a captivating and enriched survival experience like no other. What’s in store for you: A lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Quality of Life features like Player Warps, Homes, and Land Claiming A voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Cross-platform play with friends Informative Discord channel and custom Help menu Links: Website Discord Channel Gallery Java IP: mc.chargedcreeper.com Bedrock Port: 25566 We eagerly await new faces on our server and extend our warmest… Read More

  • Lycana Network

    Lycana Network🌟 Welcome to Lycana Network – Your Ultimate Minecraft Destination! 🌟Get ready to embark on an unforgettable Minecraft journey with Lycana Network! 🗺️✨ Our network offers a diverse range of servers, each meticulously crafted to provide you with unique and thrilling experiences. Whether you’re a fan of classic Survival gameplay or the excitement of Prison servers, we’ve got you covered!🏕️ Immerse Yourself in a Captivating Survival Experience 🏕️Step into a world of endless possibilities with our feature-rich Survival server! Explore beautifully designed worlds, engage in epic PVP battles, and unleash your creativity with our exclusive features:🌿 Discover four immersive worlds… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Ominous Trials ain’t got nothin’!

    Why am I not surprised? With a score like that, this meme is definitely a survivor! Read More

  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

    Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of rich and poor football players, their stories untold. Efekan, a talent, with skills so bright, Becomes a millionaire, his future alight. Training hard, scoring goals with ease, Fans cheering, cameras clicking, a breeze. But Yusuf, watching from afar, Dreams of glory, a shining star. The coach, the manager, all in awe, Of Efekan’s talent, his football law. But in the end, it’s not just about fame, It’s about passion, love for the game. So whether rich or poor, young or old, In Minecraft or real life, let your story be… Read More

  • Cat Edit: HOT DAMN! #minecraft #memes

    Cat Edit: HOT DAMN! #minecraft #memes When your cat discovers your secret Minecraft world and starts wreaking havoc like a creeper on a rampage. #catpocalypse #minecraftmayhem Read More

  • Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft

    Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft Minecraft Crimecraft: Operation Rob Peaches The Heist Begins In the latest episode of Crimecraft SMP, Archie O’Grady sets out on a mission to reclaim his stolen doubloons from the elusive OPPeaches. Armed with determination and a plan, Archie delves into the world of heists and thievery in the modded multiplayer Minecraft server hosted by Finn Sowle. A Phantom’s Deception Discovering that Phantoms like OPPeaches cannot see buried barrels, Archie strategizes to Phantom-proof his future stockpile. With alliances formed and plans in motion, Archie embarks on a quest to outsmart his nemesis and retrieve what is rightfully his. The Comedy… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

    Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You! Bugs in Minecraft That Can Save You! 😎 Introduction In a recent video, Vinícius showcased five bugs in Minecraft that could potentially save players in tricky situations. These bugs, although unconventional, can be game-changers when utilized effectively. Let’s delve into each bug and how they can be used to your advantage. The Boat Bug One of the bugs Vinícius demonstrated involves using a boat to avoid fall damage. By standing on a boat and continuously entering and exiting it, players can descend from heights without taking any damage. This bug can be a lifesaver when navigating treacherous terrain quickly…. Read More

  • Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-EN

    Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-ENVideo Information [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] you didn’t see anything listen we like doing a little bit of pranking we like doing a little bit of trolling we do a little bit of trolling okay we do a little bit trolling we do a little bit trolling you know do I’m just building in Minecraft what are you talking about anyway hello bu welcome to another uh stream Pogo stream today uh I’m playing Minecraft uh but this upcoming week as you guys have seen on my schedule I’m not going to be… Read More

  • Friends In High Places – Parasitic Skies #2

    Friends In High Places - Parasitic Skies #2Video Information hey guys it’s uh Clubby here uh apologies about uh the audio in this video I uh apparently bumped the gain knob on my microphone before recording that and and I didn’t uh I didn’t even notice uh and so the next 3 hours uh I Peak my mic a lot and it’s really really hard for you to hear uh my friend Evan who’s joining me in this video um um I’m really sorry about that and there’s not really much I can do now and post um but just so you know I am aware of… Read More

  • Insane Finale on FireMM!

    Insane Finale on FireMM!Video Information [Music] all right all right um here we go we are on okay so today guys today what we are going to do hang on my music is way too loud I’m not going to lie um I know it is an early stream uh I’ll wait for you guys to join before I properly say everything but um I know it’s an early stream and stuff like that however wow all right hang on um hang on hang on hang on hang on let me cook here let me cook um maybe a bit laggy that’s the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hacks You Need to Try!”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-25 06:35:54. It has garnered 93 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a suggested description for a Minecraft Shorts video designed to go viral on YouTube: — 🔥 Welcome to my Minecraft Shorts! 🔥 In this video, we dive into [brief summary of content, e.g., epic builds, crazy hacks, or insane moments]! Watch as I [specific highlight, e.g., create a massive castle in under a minute, showcase unbelievable redstone… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!

    Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!Video Information clown hey Kaboodle hi hey Kabuto hi what hey kabood what are you doing the [ __ ] is that that one kab what yes hi hey Kaboodle yes what do you want Kaboodle yes hi you can hear me right hello hi kabood I mute hello no I didn’t mute you’re just an [ __ ] what hello what I’m here you can hear me stop being a dick hello Kaboodle hello wait can hi hello Kaboodle hello helloo hello Kaboodle hi what kabood what you can hear me are you there yes I’m here what you… Read More

  • Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PE

    Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PEVideo Information [Music] 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|@JitR @PadaiOS @SpunkyInsaan20’, was uploaded by Anonymous Player on 2024-04-04 11:03:09. It has garnered 44 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:51 or 231 seconds. Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|‎@JitR  ‎@PadaiOS  ‎@SpunkyInsaan20  pvp minecraft pvp minecraft tips pvp minecraft bedrock pvp minecraft pe tips pvp minecraft server pvp minecraft pe pvp minecraft texture pack pvp minecraft video pvp minecraft mobile pvp minecraft montage… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. – Can You Beat It?!

    Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. - Can You Beat It?!Video Information [音楽] 足りないのよ ほらエンダー [音楽] マン [音楽] お 足りないのよほら [音楽] エンダーマン [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー マン [音楽] で [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー [音楽] マンてますはいはきましたましてみました ましたはいこんにちはこんにちは こんにちは こんにちははい本日はつまりいただいて ありがとうございますえありがとうござい ますはい自己紹介とかします一応しとき ますかいしとくしとくはいし とこう人いるん だどうぞどうぞすいませんどうぞはい ブイスポ 担当役無理です ポだっ たあで今日はブイスポ担当で終わるなんだ ブイスポ担当はいブイスポ所属え大臣 カンパニーでは平社員をしておりますやも 紅ですえ本日はキャリー枠やらせて いただきます従ってくださいよろしくお 願いしますって くださいはいはいさん 社長俺かはいうんえ何自己紹介って雷人 ですマイクラマイクラはでもちょっとえ なんかライ様のマイクラマジかみたいな めっちゃ見たちょちょっとだけやったこと あるえそうなんだじゃキャリー枠 Twitchでこのエンドラの討伐RTA 企画みたいなのがあったあ へえすごい昔ちなみに何も覚えて ないいけますねはいはいことでよろしくお 願いしますお願いしますお願いしますお 願いし ますじゃあ 部長 部長ゼロさんじゃ ないそうだよ思い出し てけどうもゼはいあのmcraは中学生の 時に騙されて人のにTNT爆弾設置して やめました5分5分しかやったことない です頑張り5分中学生っぽい なはいめっちゃ切れられた足だけは 引っ張らんように はい 厳しい 厳しいすごいキラ社員なのにいやいやいや もうここではもう部長暮らしですかそうね そうだはいじゃマザマザさん部長はい部長 部長なの俺もわかんない親親方じゃない 親方親だよねあ親方あどうも雷人 カンパニーえ親方担当マザーですはい皆様 お久しぶりでございますあ久しぶり久し ぶりです久お元気でしたか確かにはいに はい元気ですはい僕はもうあの撮影終わっ て帰ってきて寝そう です寝ないで追ってくださいだめだ よはい じゃあじゃあ次も上から行きますか上から ひまちゃんかなはいえ皆さんどうも こんにちはこんばんはござほんまひりです 2さじの一部を務めており ます1はい229を務めておりますえ毎 代表だったの にそう一部ですマイクラはねなんかあの2 時3時では結構頼られたりとかハードコア する時とかにされるんだけどやっぱベ ちゃんがいやいるから今日はいっぱい甘え たいと思いますそしてガチキャリー枠です よや生活習慣がちょっと最近良すぎるので ちょっと11時ぐらいになったら多分あの すごいデバがかかってくるの でやりたいと思いますよろしくお願いし ますお願いします願いしますお願いします はいはいじゃあはいはいえどうもアクカド なんて言ってたっけえれオールマイト オールマイトえムですがマイクロではバブ 枠です今日は目標迷子にならないを掲げて あとスタッシュの中身を汚していくのは 止められないと思いますよろしくお願いし ますいやマイクラ でマイクラで汚せたらすごいもんだそれ はやめない方がいいよ 社長のチェストを作ってもらえないと困っ… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLuk

    Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLukVideo Information în clipul de astăzi fraților Eu alături de Ana am făcut un concurs de cine face cel mai șmecher Roller Coaster din Minecraft stați Până la final și Scrieți în comentarii care s a descurcat mai bine și dați neapărat un like dacă vreți mai multe clipuri de genul ăsta Și cât timp Apăsați voi pe subscribe Lăsați mă să vă spun și despre noua colecție de pe local.ro Unde găsiți și pufoșenia asta de cățel pe nume Rex Și cam așa arată și colecția adică este foarte șmecheră e cu mine și cu Ana Când cântăm știți… Read More

  • AARAV’S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!

    AARAV'S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!Video Information [संगीत] वि [संगीत] वि [संगीत] [संगीत] This video, titled ‘How to Play Minecraft #music’, was uploaded by AARAV KA DAILY LIFE on 2024-04-29 15:24:34. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More