EPIC Minecraft PS5 Survival #98 – Rule KingTopia!

Video Information

Yo what’s good everybody what’s going on everybody welcome to another stream here first and foremost Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to everybody Merry Christmas my friends how is everyone doing today welcome to another stream man hope you all are doing great hope you all are having an amazing day or

Night all right who do we have here we have Shield twins shieldy wieldy what’s up shieldy wieldy Shield skins/”>twins Mason Shields what’s up Mason Shield we got socky in here as well what’s up socky how are you soxy how you doing man how you doing socky what’s up gazy we got

Gazy in here soxy gazy kind of rhyme not going to lie Hello haha he he good to see you haha he hello my friend welcome welcome welcome we got Nolan G Nolan how are you doing Nolan what’s up Nolan G good to see you Nolan Nolan Wan

Man how you doing Nolan sup Zer we got Zer as well yo Zer what’s up Zer Zer what’s going on Zer how are you man good to see you Zer how you doing Zer Zer wayer what’s up Jesse AK head of the table Jesse AK head of the table how are you doing

Man how are you doing Jesse what’s up Edward we got Edward here as well what’s up Edward how you doing Edward good to see you Edward how are you man how you doing Edward everybody how’s everyone to do today man hope you guys are doing great what’s up frog 3000 frog 3000 Mary

Risma all right bro Mary RI no get him out bro Mary skiy no get him out nope get him out right now Saucy what the $5 Merry Christmas silly Saucy you didn’t have to do that man thank you though thank you Saucy it’s the best gift I could have ever

Asked for man thank you Saucy I appreciate you man Saucy man making my holidays amazing what can I say bro he’s a good guy it’s a good guy with a good heart no that was you know it wasn’t don’t point fingers at me saying it was me it’s actually you not good because

You put me on visitor when I was building a base so not good Nolan you didn’t build a base you griefed my building you griefed my building Nolan do you think that is okay do you think that is do you think that is acceptable me and my cupcakes and my dad

Will be continuing our business from yesterday you guys need to be thrown in prison that’s what you guys need to do that need to be thrown in prison get thrown in the back of a cop car have that cop car take you to prison lock you

Guys up throw away the key have that cop that that arrested you guys get fired so he never ever you know releases you guys that’s what needs to be done it’s going to get no it’s not going to get nuked I’m not going to Nuke anything did they got like a Despicable

Me type of thing why do I see the minions and Gro oh that’s the Universal Event we already did that oh no they do have a minions thing it’s on special right now so if you guys want to check this map out you guys could do so with

$6 they got Shield’s favorite character Vector right there I don’t know who the dude with the purple suit and that like weird mullet I never watched the third Despicable Me that place looks crazy though look at that they got vector’s base right there Though I might buy that map to be honest looks interesting oh remember in an old world where someone put an end crystal in your base and had to cover it in water wait you were the one that covered it in water or you were the one that put the N crystal in my

Base Shields I would never ignore your comment Shields ever ever Shields ever I would never ever ignore your comment you were the one that put the crystal bro why S I thought you loved me bro do the reaction after seeing SpongeBob and Patrick doing the no no oh

Boyo they were getting at it weren’t they they were getting it on man who’s ready to play who’s ready to play I’m ready to play Benny not chill I did read the shields I read it in my head man that’s why you gave me $5 thank you

Saie I’m going to put those $5 to good use man to good use you hear me to good use oh I finally finished this building so we don’t got to work on it anymore I know you guys are probably tired of me I know you guys are probably tired of me uh

Working on this thing you know every single dang stream so guess what you no longer have to worry about that about watching me continue to work on this ever again cuz it’s now done inside and out oh my gosh oh my gosh good man what’s your opinion on the

Scrap GTA 5dl seed news I’ve heard GTA 5 has been in the news but I don’t know why I don’t know why what’s going on with GTA 5 why is it in the news yeah I spent like two hours working on this so hope you guys like

It I spent my CH I spent my Christmas working on this instead of being with my family celebrating with uh Christmas with them opening gifts uh instead I decided to torture myself and play Minecraft and build this Behemoth so I hope you guys are you know

Thankful at least that I did that yeah nice nice little cool interior I guess pretty awesome pretty awesome yeah I’m not going to work on this anymore I’m done I’m done we’re not working on that anymore it’s time to move on to other things better things oh I heard about the bully 2

Thing that bully 2 got leak GTA 5 source code got leaked eight single player DLCs oh that’s what happened no bro what that’s horrible dude they they cancelled GTA Dl’s how could they do this I’m getting angry man I’m getting angry I’m building up rage and anger inside right now that just how Owen let me help you out with that all right I don’t know what that was but we can go ahead and tear that

Down also did some off camera work because uh my world was griefed I noticed that some buildings were destroyed some buildings were missing blocks so I was like yo what the heck is going on man why are people griefing this building was like dang near destroyed about to meet the

Trenches type thing I went and here this was also destroyed the floor was missing the second floor was missing the third floor was missing so right now the fourth floor doesn’t have an interior because some like I said somebody griefed there but I tried my best to fix

It Zer what are you doing Zer Zer Zer Zer Zer what are you doing Zer what are you doing bro take off that freaking hat already that that helmet oh gold nugget oh thanks oh Merry Christmas thank you ah Zer stop Zer you almost killed me you psychopath Zer almost killed me Ubisoft

Leak hilarious over 900 gab release and not a single game honestly bro I’m tired of Ubisoft man they need a wake up just like uh Minecraft I’m tired of you I’m tired of Ubisoft and they copy and paste games every game you play for mobisoft man it

Feels like the exact same game as their last no joke stupid hard button I can’t read Mikey’s comments freaking hard Button Man whoever decided to it would be a good idea to put a hard button there needs to get fired the king Topia theater has dropped the GTA 6

Movie GTA 6 movie we got GTA Six movie for the actual game itself that’s crazy Zer is dressed up like a construction worker oh yeah Zandra since you’re dressed up I know it’s not Halloween and uh I need you to go ahead and start actually working on some builds Z how that

Sound I was about to pull up I give you my real one if you want and uh you can still pull up if you like as Trix you got to have some fun as trick if you know what I’m talking about you’re not not they what happened to these custom lives

And intros and outros man I still have it and everything bro like I still have all the uh the scenes in my OBS I’m just too lazy to stream on OBS just too lazy bro I only stream on OBS when I’m on Twitch Mo responded to

The feedback for the first time and they slightly CH dude all they did was change its color right instead of making it like this color they made it a slight lighter color so much for uh listening to the feedback right right I should have fixed

My house while I was in that off camera session yeah this place is uh destroyed sup Kyan Kyan oh my God this place is crazy griefed they change the color slightly yeah and the eyes only appear on the side of the head no horrible I say we

All Bash moyang on Twitter we all need to bash moang on Twitter guys we all need to gang up as a giant angry community and put an end to this oh my goodness there it is smeagle there’s oh my goodness Sans oh save me Sans save me from this

Monstrosity yeah guys we also need to demand for the sex mod as well I want the sex mod and the sexter me and Mikey got the the same idea yo Chad what did everybody get for Christmas man yo guys guys it’s Christmas bro and the day is not even

Over I know it’s still Christmas for you East Coast fellas so let me know what you guys got for Christmas man everybody go ahead and let me know what you got for Christmas let me know what you guys got for Christmas choose me ASX choose me Zer if I give you your permissions

Back Zer you can go on top of that Doof mer building okay I need you to stay away from that doin Merz building I got airpods and a new mic yo W gift right there W gifts airpods and a new mic I’m lowkey jealous about that new mic but dang

Bro yes two days ago I opened a gift from my brother early and it was a Pokemon Charizard Lego set yo I saw that at Target I’ve been wanting to get that for so long man that’s an amazing gift at work I’ve been wanting to get that for so long I’m low key

Jealous get that Pro Mikey no allow me to make one for you my friend allow me to make one for you Mike out of that sound I got a piano and an electric guitar bro did not get a piano bro you did not get a piano and an electric

Guitar that’s like $2,000 worth of gifts right there man oh wait I forgot you’re Indian they can afford that never mind dang bro I got the best gifts I have popcorn I know yall jealous low key I actually am jealous you’re eating popcorn while I’m here on an empty

Stomach I’m sad right now no but seriously I’m sorry but your new Prof picture is so much worse than the old one just like mine yo what is your profile picture anyways bro is that like a is that like a one of those like Chas like those old pets or whatever

They’re called crying or something I got cologne and body wash yo your family must trying to your your family trying to tell you that you stink bro your family is L trying to tell you that you need to take at least three showers a day bro that’s what they’re

Trying to tell you that you stink my man I be my first building come look I’ll be there with a second what I got for Christmas of nightst dresser oh nice and a bad frame oh awesome and $200 on a bone from hey that is amazing $200 nightstand dresser and a bed frame

That is an amazing that’s amazing gift right there I got a hand siiz Ring Pop am I supposed to put it around my armor all right please do not attempt to put it around something that is not your arm that is not your arm or your fingers thank

You your parent says your stink AF exactly bro your parents are trying to tell you that you smell like an Indian person Shield got a PS1 with Essentials not a PS plus Essentials for a year dang bro bro I didn’t say I would have put that around all right bro I

Never said that but now you’re thinking it bro so get out look at this man breaking Windows breaking builds man all right all right who’s they’re talking about my profile picture Edward they’re hating on it Edward what do you think about my new profile picture I think it

Suits me because I’m going to be Minecraft only from now on Minecraft uh content only so I think it suits me to be honest is that lava oh hell no Zer why did you put lava Zer why did you pull lava I’m trying to oh no Zer you better

Get out of the way Zer Zer get out of the way everybody needs to get out of the way we’re all about to burn to death oh no oh no I’m out of here I’m out of here no no no horrible just scale your old profile picture way

Down so it’s pixelated and use that boom new profile picture dude are you crazy are you actually crazy can you put me off a visitor all right I’ll put him off a visitor he says he’s going to be a nice guy sup Jesse Jesse what did you get for

Christmas buddy you haven’t told us you told uh you haven’t told us what you got for Christmas all right you know what let’s take we’re going to do a vote we’re going to do a vote here in the chat exactly Edward exactly exactly if you have time come to me on

The map come to me in two ways by the way please do because I made my first build I need you guys to vote for what my next build should be should it be option A Skyscraper another skyscraper and new SK is that how you spell skyscraper I

Don’t even know bro or should I make a new shop well there goes Zer he’s gone all right guys make sure you vote in the poll what should my next build be Rubik’s Cube that will have to wait a little bit that would have to wait a

Little bit let me know what my next build should be it’s not going to be done in this stream obviously I have to gather the materials whichever which whichever build wins but yeah little Bros press for nothing guys guys guys do not start fighting do not start fighting please don’t start

Fighting this is what my second stream back guys do not start fighting please don’t start fighting please don’t start fighting please there is no whoa whoa whoa is that the new bat wait a minute yo yo yo that’s a new bat design I can’t see it that well I got to be very

Quiet oh my God you can’t really see that well cuz it’s dark can’t really see this guy Bros bros burnt like a crisp where’d he go yo there he is there he is there he is oh my goodness he got longer ears he’s got like these crazy new ears

And a bigger head looks like a rat looks like a mouse oh there it is better view can you just land already bro so I can take a better look at you I guess not I guess not I guess I was never meant to know what uh the new bats look like all

Right let’s head over here what’s winning right now by the way let me see we got so far we got skyscraper winning the pole no no no Mikey what do you mean Mikey please bro I’m not trying to go into quarantine for another 2 years stop you guys be eating

Anything hello Ziggy hello Ziggy all right dude what do you say all right screw that nope the king Topia theater best place ever to exist the GTA 6 trailer by rockstar pay up now all right well where’s this trailer at I was promised the GTA 6 trailer and there is

No GTA 6 trailer whoa is that the girl from GTA 6 Lucia one of the main protagonists hey shoty let me highlight at you real quick turn around baby girl look at me in the eyes when I’m talking to you turn around look at me in the eyes let me see them

Chicks let me see them cheeks Jiggy all right you know what I don’t want to be in here no more it’s too crazy so Lego Batman one for Xbox 360 nice W Sonic Superstars for the PS4 another W the Charizard Z Mega W two shirts W $10 Mega W cologne W and three

Candy cane containers for kristmas is them and all I got for Christmas Edward that is an amazing list right there amazing list of gifts that you received this year for Christmas I would say all in all that is a w Mega w Mega W nice that is amazing that is an

Amazing those are amazing gifts Edward okay we’re not in school no more we won’t be missing nothing oh you know what Mikey in that case let me go ahead and serve you up these bat limbs these uh this uh bat uh fried rice I got you

Man thank you buddy go ahead and take over the team please thank you can’t stop eating this garlic but oh bro breath is going to smell so bad after that bro breath ref is going to stink so bad all right what’s winning right now let me see we got the skyscraper still

Winning with eight votes 75% man you guys really want me to build a new skyscraper holy freak man I don’t know if I could do that bro but you know what I’m going to give it my best try and if I can’t do it just know that I gave it

My best try because sometimes your best is all that you can ever give ain’t that right let’s go and throw that in there I don’t really need to be carrying that on me right now if I die I’m going to lose 10 diamonds why would I want to lose 10

Diamonds the most valuable things on the planet I mostly like Charizard said and the games yeah Lego Batman one is a w game bro like man Nostalgia right there Nostalgia if I could go back and play Batman Lego Lego Batman one one more time bro I would definitely do it

Without uh without a hesitation so so when he gets cologne it’s normal but when I ask for colog so when I ask for the fajita lover thinks I stink first of all I do not like FAS I think they’re gross second of all bro you did not just get cologne you

Did not just get cologne you also got body wash Edward didn’t just get Edward just got cologne he didn’t get body wash which means that his family doesn’t think he smells you on the other hand your family doesn’t think you smell they think you wreak they think you have a

Horrible stench bro ghost of sushima is a massive W yep W right there that is another W that common is a w right there that a w that a w I’m overdue for a replay on uh ghost of sushima I’m almost I’m I’m due for another

Replay to be honest I got to I got to play it again soon no one asked or wanted called Cod World War II oh there’s look we can get a better view of the new bat hey can you land bro I asked for body wash and they

Bought me this pack that comes with body wash and two colog oh you know what I think I saw that at Ross for like $10 or something I think I saw that at Ross bro all right so disy said yes to Lego cabs on fortnite cuz of Star Wars so what’s

Next from them let’s go bro we’re we’re about to get Lego Star Wars in fortnite bro we already have the fortnite uh the Star Wars pack it’s it’s going to happen bro Lego Marvel Super C rolles in fortnite it’s Disney Infinity all over again bro I Swear well I might as well start getting the materials ready Ziggy Ziggy do you want to get banned Ziggy what are you building bro what are you building Ziggy do you want to get banned would you like to get banned he has no face blood how do we grind on This

Server what do you mean how do you grind on This Server Zer you’ve been a player on this server for about a year now what do you mean zer I never thought this Adidas clone would smell good but it’s actually a really good smell oh thank you no one asked for the kaad

Documentary I did actually I actually like kaad he’s a very good streamer I wish I could be like him one day doing collabs with Nicki Minaj 21 Savage and uh offset Lego fortnite Jenny mod collab yo when is that going to happen bro cuz I’m actually ready for

That yeah hey Ronan join what’s up Ronin all right well I’m just going to start getting the materials ready for this new build then since skyscraper is obviously the winner let’s go ahead and end this freaking poll already end poll oh man eight voters on that okay

Guys well y’all asked for this so I’m going to have to do a uh you know whenever I do another skyscraper builds or whatever you know it takes a while so uh we’re going to be stucking other builds for about 10 10 months 10 days I mean 10 streams H that’s a good

Question should it be Ikea themed you know I was thinking about doing the uh 100 special the Ikea build cuz I could probably knock this new skyscraper down within this stream and probably next stream as well I still want to rebuild the Stampy area the Stampy Island I still want to rebuild it

Because just just for fun you know just because why not and uh I know that there’s going to be a new update soon there’s going to be a new update soon probably like within a couple of months and um which means I will have to retire this world but for

The first time ever I’m not going to retire this world I am going to make a new world don’t get me wrong I will be making a new world you know but I’m still going to be playing on this world I’m kind of going to treat it as a

Solo world I guess you could say yeah it’s going to be a few months welcome to the St Stampy area you know what we must do when you enter the Stampy area exactly Edward don’t retire and nothing going to change wait Mikey are you saying I should continue playing on

This world I actually like that idea guys you already know that whatever Mikey says you know I listen to it I keep asking King and as clab but King never responds to it bro all right asri what game would we collab on don’t say Roblox don’t say Minecraft don’t say

Anything please do not make a world this for this crappy update that should have only took 7 hours to make but they spread it out for a year gang breast okay I do not have Gang Beast downloaded and I probably will never download it ever again hey my cousin joined

Yo my Primo why is who is Zer fighting in the chat man shut your be shut your female dog a s you got simultaneously booty freaked by three chimpanzees yo three chimpanzees booty freaking you is actually insane my guy you need to seek help you sick nasty person why are you allowing

Him why are you allowing three chimpanzees to just run a train you know back to back on you that is disgusting seek help seek Jesus Primo what did King what did King do for you for oh my God why did I just look at that giant dude why is that there man

I’m deleting that right now oh my God don’t look don’t look don’t look don’t look kids cover your eyes cover your eyes cover your eyes don’t look I’m going to keep turning my screen so you don’t see me and King collab on the Despicable Me world I’m literally Vector

Yeah it’s on sale right now it’s on sale right now $ 599 or was it $6.99 can’t remember this is insane Saye bro whoever why would somebody take the time out of their day to build this why would somebody take time out of their day to build this just doesn’t

Make sense bro this is [Applause] horrible don’t call it PE art either this is not peace art despicable man Mikey King Mikey what is this season 3 of King this is probably like season six or five or something why are you destroying peace Mikey why would you do

This bro why would you do this Mikey why why what have I ever done to you in this world in this lifetime to deserve something like this man what have I I ever done to you like what have I ever done to you man I’ve been kind and respectful to

You I’m not the one who gifted you Dog Days Are Over in fortnite I’ll work for Benny’s address I work at the club I do this all day I would work for infinite for two pesos two pesos is crazy bro it’s not even like 1 cent US

Currency squid fun what’s up squid fun squid fun but he’s Mexican that’s why all right bro so okay I got a goth GF under my Christmas tree they for they forgot breathing holes though yo I was lowkey upset man when I looked under my Christmas tree in this this morning and

I didn’t see a 53 goth babe under it I was so upset man I didn’t see a i I didn’t see a gift present uh you know wrapped I was so upset can you get me a Google Store for $10 you want me to get you a Google Store for

$10 what do you mean get you a Google Store the world before the first one I joined was that the first Bedrock one you know what I think it was Mikey I actually think it was yeah it’s p it isn’t tilted you’re getting banned bro I’m sorry

I’m losing my mind a Google Store gift card for $10 now if I ask you what are you going to put these funds for or towards what is the answer to that what are you going to buy with these $10 I joined on that one but I never did nothing we all know

His intention was to grief though this is the reason why we can’t have World Peace you know what’s crazy I still got to destroy the outline of these blocks here man of these these wooden planks bro I’m about to throw you over the freaking border okay why is why

Is somebody threatening to deport another person I’m going to spend it on Minecraft well what exactly are you trying to buy on Minecraft mine coins bro should not be talking gentlemen gentlemen gentlemen there is no need to be fighting oh my gosh why are you guys fighting man I I just wish

You know like it’s Christmas man the one thing I wish I I I would like more than anything is just a nice peaceful calm chill afternoon here just us hanging out no fighting no arguments just a nice chill peaceful stream what is June people activity building near C building wait I’m on my

Way where hey where is this secret YouTube channel New Year’s resolutions to start M hurry up thanks bro you can start ours together oh that’s Ramona’s flowers bro that’s Peak dude that’s Peak leave that alone don’t mess with that that’s Peak you mess with it you get instab Bann on June 13

25 this is how I make money throwing it back on me is okay you want a gingerbread house contest again this year my God Mikey start your your new YouTube channel I just started a new one as well it’s at zero subscribers so uh we can grow

Together I got a new system basically got Minecraft on every system so I need Minecraft for it also do you know how to get Windows on Logitech gcloud I bro Logitech G G Cloud ah I don’t even know what that is my guy why are you leaking it yeah good

Night no bro please Mikey please bro I would never leak it man it’s going to be one of those hidden things that uh never ever gets linked to no one doesn’t get backboned off of this channel you know it’s just something that uh hopefully new people find out about not the current

Viewers we got to start fresh hard restart hard reset yesterday me and my sister built a gingerbread set we found in the cabinet was sitting there for like five for three years considering eating it but I probably die now don’t put that in your mouth bro that’s probably

Expired you might turn into the Spider Man like you might go to sleep and wake up at a juice World concert or something man don’t don’t do it you sound fam oh God hey I think I’ve heard you before H install a voice changer thanks

You got it man I’m going to make myself sound like a big buff brolic black dude all right I need gravel here I came here for gravel Benny KFC doors got barricaded oh my God they’re back at it griefing the KFC man that place just can’t catch a break dude it just can’t

Catch a break poor building poor building man just can’t catch a break I’m at this I’m at the point of just completely demolishing it because every time I fix it just gets destroyed again it might have to be a discontinued build uh why did I pick up 64 stone

Walls uh because I why not new world king after I get $10 Google PlayStation gift card are your fans going to leave your new channel face rev with a voice changer is there any more gravel oh there’s so much down here yes wait this is not gravel what the heck is this bro

What the heck is that type of is that tough that’s not tough is it I see people getting dogs I see people getting dogs for Christmas right on Tik Tok I got saw people getting dogs ps5s you know PS5 gaming PCs and whatnot right but why couldn’t Santa give me the

Gift the one gift that I asked for why couldn’t Santa give me the one gift that I asked for which was for uh either 100,000 subscribers or if that couldn’t happen a 53 goth emo GF why Santa why why do you not want to see me happy how do I get out of

Here guys I’m stuck guys I’m stuck I don’t know how to get out of here what do you think of Minecraft dungeons getting discontinued and no more updates I think Minecraft dungeons is a really good game but there’s only so much you can do with the game so it

Was either it was going it was bound to happen you know I wanted to end it when there wasn’t a fanboy under the tree all right bro you still have Creator man it’s all right you still have Creator everything’s going to be all right you hear me I

Don’t know how to get out of here man I’m stuck yeah man dungeons was a good game it really was you know I actually did like Dungeons I remember I couldn’t play Dungeons for a while I couldn’t play Dungeons for a while I remember because I had a

Controller that was uh it had a messed up trigger so I remember in order for the right the right trigger to work I’d have to squeeze it like super hard bro like super like stupid hard man and uh well if you had a bow in that game the

Only way to shoot the bow was by pressing the right trigger so in order for me to shoot the bat I have to squeeze the trigger every single time and I was like yeah this is annoying and I didn’t have a job at the time so I

Couldn’t just go out and buy another controller so I couldn’t play for a while like a good year to and I deleted it and I ended up playing again with Mikey and Feliciano it was a fun game though don’t get me wrong y’all remember Minecraft Legend there was no hype when it

Released yo you know what’s crazy the only person I still see playing Minecraft Legends to this day of score that’s it what do you think of 9% of Minecraft players leaving Minecraft Legends in under 8 months it’s deserved to be honest it deserves its failure nobody asked for it bro nobody asked for

Dungeons nobody asked for dungeons nobody wanted dungeons I didn’t want dungeons black dude’s finding anything interesting so oh my God where you racist bro you’re racist dungeon sucks Legend are better though what I don’t know if that’s a w comment right there that’s that’s kind

Of a hot take yeah that’s a hot take Legends is better than Dungeons how do you guys feel about that for those that have played both games I can’t speak on this cuz I’ve never played Legends I’ve only seen gamep playay But for those of you that have

Played both how do you feel about that comment Legends is better than Dungeons that’s a really really bad hot take when was the last time Minecraft made a gamep playay complete separate and not milky Minecraft what like story mode or something but then again it wasn’t even

Made by Minecraft itself bro I got brand new Vans and also me and is are still together but I might get married soon yo Jesse you guys are moving way too quickly in your relationship I know you guys got I know you guys just got uh back together you guys recently just

Became boyfriend and girlfriend again but you guys are about to get married I don’t know man you guys are moving too quickly what happens if you guys break up again Jesse what happens if you guys break up again Minecraft shouldn’t have any more spin-offs please I know but she loves me so much

Don’t do it man it’s a trap Jess you listen to me it’s a trap dude do not get married and tatter tail tatter tail bro T ta tall tail Telltale Telltale Games the company that unfortunately shut down man I miss that company so much they’re making very good games

Minecraft Ser mode is top tier Minecraft spin-offs it is it actually is I wonder who grief that bro who did it bro who did it Jesse can I be the best man I don’t know if we break up I’ll stay single you should stay single do

Not focus on wom man do not focus on wom man right now you need to focus on yourself Jesse you need focus on becoming a better person not that you’re not a bad person or anything but you could become a better person than what you already

Are dude why is that there oh my God for Benny do not come in only only Benny sorry I’m too broke for a ring Benny love you sorry for what I did I am crazy please don’t ban me for what I did I love you Benny not in a weird way by the

Way will you marry me will you bro ban Nolan he got a profile picture toilet I don’t know what to say guys he’s asking me to marry him Nolan is asking me to marry him please don’t ban me and by the way will you marry

Me yo guys I don’t know what to say I’m kind of speechless right now I’m at a lots of words you know this is I feel like Isabella and Jesse and Isabella’s relationship I I just don’t know what to say I don’t know if I’m ready for that

Commitment noan that’s a really strong commitment asking me to marry you oh my God I feel like I’m about to faint right now Nolan is hot wait Nolan would you like to marry him instead wait wait wait wait noan do you want to marry him instead dead do you

Want to marry Ziggy no not me yo I think Ziggy wants to get married with Nolan Nolan is 12 by the way Nolan are you actually 12 cuz I think Ziggy might be the right age for you I I’m not the right age for you Nolan I I can’t marry

You unfortunately I I’ll end up in prison unfortunately I’ll end up in prison so I can’t marry you um sadly you know it’s just the law I guess listen man I could find you somebody who could marry you though if that’s what you want Jimmy who

The heck was Jimmy that that a dog or something Jimmy all right yo okay Ziggy what yo y’all saw Ziggy’s comment bro he needs to be banned after saying that Benny can’t marry him on stream but after he all right dude no not even after stream

Not even off camera no right the rules are rules and they don’t change where’s my mod also in certain States you could marry him okay I’m not about to move States just so I could end up in prison what the heck is going on back

There my job today is to get Ziggy and Nolan married that is my job my job is to get them married to get them engaged you got to get engaged before you get married so my job is to get them engaged I’m going to ban uh I’m going to ban as

Trix oh and your mod I have to go get it bro I have to go get it from the 99 cent store oh that’s a cool parrot I always like that one that’s my favorite parrot the red blue and yellow one I guess the color for one you don’t even have to

Move stage just get married there are nothing police could do dude I’m not going to marry this guy what is wrong with you I’m not marrying him bro can one of those South Park rean who all right dude now no that’s it that’s that is it bro

That is wild that just a wild accusation a wild statement to make about me just completely Wild King I know I know a freshman that dated a sixth grader dude that was like a common thing when I was in school like seniors dating soft or uh seniors dating freshman seniors dating eth eighth

Graders it’s like a common thing bro you did it yourself you wanted no no I don’t ship anything do you know how you can get a bunch of free Subs I have to do is go to Afghanistan and tell authorities you are go to Afghanistan no bro the only the only the

Only time I’d ever go to Afghanistan is if my man Feliciano Ever Needed backup all he needs to know is that I’ll be there in a heartbeat to save his life Black Ops 2 style King can I say that laws are crazy and weird depending on Street yes yes you

Can freshman and sixth grade Agee is a huge maternity Gap though is it though because I mean like it’s just three grades I would say that a senior dating a freshman is worse you’re pretty much still dating an eighth grader or a middle schooler he needs to repent and pray to

God I don’t even think God will accept any after all the priest activity all right I don’t do anything bro uh he doesn’t live there but he’s currently uh fighting for our country there so next time you see Feliciano make sure you guys thank him for uh all his

Service his hard work keeping this country safe keeping all the bad people away where my Google PlayStation guys guys the way my bank account is set up guys I’m afraid I cannot make any miracles happen this Christmas why is gazi saying GP GP GP what is that man chugging

On what is that man chugging on wait freshman six gr wait I got $20 in this bank account oh Mikey Mikey can you go ahead and give uh squid fun a $10 Playstation Store card I thought was a kid honestly I didn’t think he’d be in the military bro

He’s like 20 or something he like 20 or 21 it’s the same age as me we need to build a mental asignment for people like a he yeah I agree with that he does need to be put in a mental Asylum strapped into a chair strapped

Into a like thrown into one of those white rooms for the crazy people it’s just a room of silence and emptiness that’s where he needs to go can I leave your comment I could I could the Google Play Store oh yeah Mikey um Google Play Store he needs a

$10 gift card please and thank you man everyone in your world needs a mental asem including you you need to be put in one as well all those skibbies that you let loose you definitely need to be thrown in a mental Asylum as well no

D I know bro said I know bro embraced it all those what let me see hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up did y’all just see that comment Ziggy let me see them cheeks floofer hold up hold up hold up hold up what yo yo yo yo pause pause pause

What let me see them cheeks floofer what bud oh no that’s insane bro that is down bad bro is down bad down horrendously bad that is insane bro there is no way W Ziggy there’s no way you just said W Ziggy that man wants to see another

Man’s cheeks bro and you said W what is wrong with you you need to be thrown into a mental Asylum ASAP dog I want to remove that comment but the stupid hard button I wish I could I wish there was a way that you know every individual

Viewer could move it to their own liking you know what I mean like they could instead of having it at the bottom right where there’s literally where it literally covers messages instead you can move it somewhere else or maybe make a separate tab in the comment you know for for you to actually

Use it whenever you want to use it and not just have it right there in front of your face uh the truth Shields is that the FBI is on to me bro and in order to keep my identity a secret I must do things that I don’t want to

Do that’s the reason why I’ve rebranded three times smash or pass about that I mean shoot man like that head game though probably gnarly not going to lie it’s probably crazy I think I’m going have to go with a smash to be honest game is game

Exactly game is game all right what does zer say suck may we we suck my we we stupid Zer so silly man he’s so silly guys I’m just saying why change your PS advertis your channel but the names aren’t the same soon you will learn my friend soon you will learn

Maybe I’m not trying to advertise my YouTube maybe I’m trying to advertise my twitch did you ever think about that Shields you ever think about that buddy huh huh you stupid little huh little piece of poop little piece of dooo you ever think about that you stinky Boy the Dog Days Are Over the dog days are over you better run run fast to your mama fast to your father is that how the song goes to be honest I don’t even know bro King what is your Twitch Benny so chill that’s my twitch soon I will learn bro you’re not

Mimir ortha just give me ass you can’t be a border hopper and wisdom Giver that’s why I’m choosing to be a wisdom Giver full time full time you hear me Shields sticking out your Gat for the risler you’re so skiy you’re so Phantom tax W Comet W Comon we got another W

Comon right there by Aon himself where’s the SMP you were going to make what did happen to that I know somebody was working on the commands and everything oh Miner King was working on it I don’t know what happened he just kind of gave up so I guess we’re never

Going to get an S&P guys yo guess what what’s up man what happened Aeron sending no please bro don’t send Mikey this please bro please don’t send Mikey this please man please bro feet oh man you got a foot fetish bro Merry gatas merry gatas yeah Merry gatas bro Ziggy why did you

Murder them I got a question for Ziggy yo Ziggy do it JY I got a question for Ziggy yo Ziggy do it Jiggy man I hate how my username yes it Jiggy bro oh my God oh my God yo I hate how my uh I’m only 12 all right you know what I didn’t even mean to ask him that bro it was not

Even me that asked them yo I hate on my username on Minecraft like like watch I’m going to type something and you see how it says b so Chu B so Chu cheu instead of with like the Double L I don’t know who made an account with actual Benny so chill with

The actual Double L at the end I had to capitalize two eyes so I could look like Benny so chill but that only shows it on certain games so it’s annoying there’s somebody who made a uh B will chill account on PlayStation and I have like the Miles Morales profile

Picture well it’s probably Mikey if anything give me mod please I could give you mod on Twitch you can give wh them you dirty sanchez bro I’m not the one who got gifted cologne and body wash did you ask for it because you know you stink yourself yo that’s probably score man

Maybe score did it maybe it’s SC did maybe he stole my username a man no score stole the Benny so chill name from me man now I’m going to get him banned Again on YouTube all right what did Ziggy just say Ziggy you’re 12 years old how do you

Oh my God bro I’m actually really scared for your guys’ futures man I really want to say that I I want to be there for you guys when you guys grow up and you know I want to say that I could have an impact on you guys but you guys are

Already impacted in a negatively way in a negative way King we’re losing 30 to the 32 to the Baltimore Ravens Oh you mean uh the goat Jackson is uh dominating you guys yes sir that’s what I expected Lamar Jackson the goat this generation is freaked bro it is it actually

Is you know my girl n but she turns 10 oh my god oh no bro no no no you are horrible for that man oh my God you are horrible for that oh my God I found out my girl Ben Ben 10 my girl no bro you guys are horrible for

That man literally you guys are down oh you guys are down bad bro down bad I swear you guys are down bad yo you guys need to be locked up you guys need to be locked up right now oh no freak Lamar Jackson we should be winning the Ravens the Ravens are the

Best team in the NFL right now besides the uh Philadelphia Eagles gazi just lost all of her stuff because of him fluers all putting FL was in visitor mode then he’s getting in visitor mode he’s getting in visitor mode for the rest of the stream for the remainder of the

Stream someone going to do a heinous crime and when police look at his phone they’re going to incriminate you I did nothing I did nothing dude no I did nothing please bro you know what I’m going to double it and pass it to the next person if they’re going to say that

I’m the reason why they influence why they have a why I have such a bad influence on them I’m going to blame the person who had a bad influence on me and you know who that is Mikey oh let me tell you buddy he plays with your favorite Asian your favorite

Asian gamer people call him a woman abuser but oh oh oh he is not a woman abuser King what do you think of Good Burger 2 also I followed your Twitch thank you man for following my twitch squid fun thank you for following my twitch man I appreciate

You Goodburger 2 is that a movie I haven’t even seen that I haven’t even seen that movie is that a movie good B I haven’t even seen the first Good Burger to be honest take another break oh heck no bro what he say I touch gazi’s wee we because it go boing doing

Doing instead of boing oh my god dude you guys really I prayed I pray for you guys though I’m going to start praying for you guys before I go to sleep every single night I’m going to start praying for you guys for you guys to seek Jesus

In your lives for you guys to become better humans oh my this is just downright horrible man this is oh my I just can’t believe what I’m seeing bro I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now man man like no bro this guy said his girl’s

Nine but she turns 10 this other guy said that he touches another dude’s wee we because of the sound it makes I just can’t do this anymore bro I can’t bro King why you put me in visit on on the map oh no bro you’re not even across the

Map bro you’re right there in the city with everybody else abusing people Keenan Thompson oh I love that actor Keenan Thompson’s so funny call me ban cuz I’m my girl’s tan okay you see what I’m no no no forget it bro I’m out of here I don’t want to I don’t

Want to be alive no more touch gazes and about to all right man you know what bro you guys need help you guys need Jesus bro you guys need Jesus in your lives I think I know why they finally changed the colors of the map the map dots like

The player markers in the map they added new colors as well they added new colors see there’s gray now there’s like a like a indigo color right in front of me they added new colors bro I’m like blue on your map for some reason yeah see so you lied saying

You’re across the map when in reality you’re right there in front of everybody else so uh you know what’s going to happen for lying to me you’re going to stay in visitor mode for another for another hour does it matter if they keep the max 10 for real I pray that one

Day we can finally have 12 player lobbies at least bro at least without having to turn cheats on at least hey M cupcakes joined the game mine cupcakes pleasure to see you welcome no no no Jesse don’t do it man please oh my God why does it keep placing one in the

Middle so annoying well Nolan just died RP to Nolan man he’s gone but never forgotten if you guys look up go ahead and say hi to Nolan he’s right there watching over us guys really appreciate that Nolan thank you for being my guardian angel in a time of need he my

Friend I missed that son of a gun King for a Day yo I want you to listen to the song I I actually like the song let me know what you think about it right U Pull up your phone pull up your phone fets pull up your phone

Fets I’m going join no no no no don’t join don’t join listen to the song that I’m about to put you on since you like pierce the B right do you like pierce the B and everything let me put you on a song real quick all right I want you to

Listen to the song and tell me what you think about about it okay it’s called 30 seconds oh the art the artist the artist that uh that made the song is 30 Seconds to Mars right but uh put put um the song the song is called bury me like you know

When you bury something when somebody’s getting buried you like b u r b u r y bury me yeah listen to that song by 30 seconds tomorrow let me know what you think about it Ed all right bro no no no no no no no no no please bro stop stop do not

Compare me to that man I am nowhere as bad as that man that man should be impr prison bro that man is actually a a criminal I am not a criminal I’m a regular citizen I pay my taxes all right pay my bills but if you keep talking about this

Gr more time without your permission Mission no please Jesse don’t time him out Jesse oh my God I’m going to ban frog bro frog you’re getting banned you’re getting banned sorry sorry not sorry do I have an empty Sher BLX all right this is going to be for my new

Builds or it going to be for my new build right here there going to be all the materials we’re going to we’re going to need light gray we’re definitely going to need more than that so that’s not even enough we’re going to need a lot cuz it’s going to be a skyscraper of

Course we’re going to make light gray and then we need a lot of stone not stone bricks just regular Stone King please I have been dying to time someone out Jesse Jesse please Jesse please don’t time anybody out I know you’re itching to do it I know I

Know Jesse I know that feeling of Temptation Jesse you got to fight it bro what the freak is outside revving an engine bro loud car bro loud ass car why do you never join in on the dingdong bro because I will go to prison if I come near you guys doing anything

Like that I do not want to end up in prison I do not want to end up in prison for your guys’ actions bro that’s why what if f what if I yes cuz you guys are 12 you guys are you guys are too young bro I’ll be in

The back of a cop car oh y’all seen that new mon that new Wonka movie I haven’t seen it and I’m probably not going to see it to be honest looks like trash there’s a movie out right now that I want to see actually it’s like a wrestling movie I

Think it’s called like the iron the iron something there is a a movie that I want to see called the iron uh the iron claw I think it’s like a resting movie I want to see that one but not the new Wonka movie heck no

Heck no bro freak that bro think he Dr sus Benny I left King to because the racist killer after me I don’t want to go back but the FBR on my nut sack yo bro thinks he’s part he’s a dror Su all right Zer what are you doing bro yo Zer can I borrow that can I borrow that it’s a good view Rayer Keon Keon’s here yeah like Mikey Mikey please bro yo what is this guy saying dude can somebody translate that please this guy is going crazy bro I got to mute chat I don’t know what that man was saying can somebody translate please what is he saying oh Zer here’s your

Telescopy Wy I don’t need it anymore or your spy glassy Wy he likes gravy I don’t know gravy this is the guy that’s saying it right this dude hey you could time me out okay no please oh noan don’t don’t bro don’t do it I can speak Spanish says he loves

Men with big boats big boats am I supposed to swap out the word boats for something else H H big boats Captain is lying yo Captain are you lying to me got turn up the render distance it’s looking like Black Ops 2 transit over there all right I need Stone I feel so

Good to have an inventory that’s like half empty for once oh my God looks so scary by the way I stopped in chat did you it’s about dang time let him he needs to where’s the mine at don’t we have like a mine or something

Nearby no we never made a mine in this world did we bro how have we never made a mine in this world I guess I’ll go down in this mine let’s go down into this one I guess uh you know what sure go for it if

Noan wants you to do it then sure go for it yeah Jesse not knock yourself out I’m friendly I got to go I need to spend some roox do you save your robloxx don’t spend it save it man until you get more and then you could buy something

Better got to teach you guys man the ways of saving even if it’s on a game like Roblox oh my God freaking cave bro scared me almost killed me I don’t care if see your G I don’t care whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa relax there buddy

Relax bye Nolan wait wait wait wait wait oh no oh no Nolan I thought you got timed out how are you back already who timed me out I think it was Mikey Mikey did it it was Mikey he’s the one that did it he timed you out how my butt is starting to

Hurt I don’t got coal so we’re going to use the second best thing besides torches glow stone no definitely influenced by me yeah right more like influenced by you skdy Mikey left and joined what the heck Mikey join and left what I didn’t even see the guy get in

Here oh there he is he’s back oh no you guys better start running y’all better start running y’all better start hiding 38 okay almost almost till this pickaxe reaches red durability that’s when we’ll stop got to get these mats ready for the next build there’s 24 hours I’m not doing

That to you I love you man as my friend it’s very nice of Jesse that’s very nice of him and King is my best friend for life I would never cheat on him thank you Jesse thank you for never ever ever cheating on me I think I someone far away look at

The map wait who wait the red people is it the red people that’s a lot of stone that might be more than I need never be never never be too safe you know get a little bit more all right my inventory is full now I don’t want to lose my mod I won’t

I won’t take away your mod Jesse if no one wants you to time a mod just do it man but only do it to Nolan only only do it to Nolan all right 64 so we got seven stacks of stone and six of light gray that might be

Enough why does no one want J the time on so bad is this some fetish yeah I don’t know man I have no clue I have no clue what uh Nolan’s into who’s uh on top of me is it Mikey no Mikey why bro why are you trying to kill me

Mikey oh my gosh Mikey’s trying to kill me how do I get out of here how do I get out of this place oh it’s floofers floofers well floofers I don’t know how you’re getting out man me on the other I’m out of here later champ which way was it this

Way did he glitch to that block what going to explore some blocks for no Mikey please bro please no just for there to leave as he gets there just for me to leave as I get there right wonder what wonder what the thought process was on

That how do you crouch dude they had a crouching into the game but they haven’t even added an actual button that triggers it Bedrock man I’m telling you I’m telling you man it’s so hard to be a Bedrock fan an active Bedrock supporter oh hi chicken you need a trap door rosi I’m

Not about to get a trapo when I’m in the mines a trap door bro you need a trap door no no no no I’m not getting a trap door do it for longer what time is it bro it’s about to be barely about to be 8:00 man that’s

Crazy it’s crazy what do we got over here Zer and who Zer and floofers yo rped this build Cameron was supposed to uh turn this into a Panda Express I guess it kind of just gave up though so [Applause] yeah all right see if I can get some short

Content real quick see if I can get some content for shorts real quick everybody already hopped off man everybody had hopped off already all right by the way 49ers are one of the best f are one of the best football teams no no Nolan couldn’t get my Mikey

You need blocks I’ll get you blocks don’t explore yes head I’m done timing out Nolan good good Zachy wacky yo Zachy wacky bro got my type of username Zacky wacky yeah there’s like hell of people playing on build man there’s hell of people on build right

Now A th000 it’s always like 1,000 plus on build it’s like the only game mode that it’s actually popping off huge Merry Christmas snowstorm oh did they add new man leave I want to join yo did they add new they added new uh they added new themes that’s that’s a w that’s a

W I’m going to invite you Mikey oh shoot Hello kirishima sup welcome how are you some goofy names Zacky wacky bro that’s like the type of username I’d make friends party invite everybody that’s online yes floofers and Mikey doing good Kira thank you thank you for asking thank you thank

You what’s this guy looking at creeper Squad all right y’all y’all joined the party already Mikey all right looks like it’s just Mike then all right let’s do this just build here we go solos no teams please Nolan is cool but he’s but he’s so freaky he all right what do you mean

He’s so freaky bro he wants me to do it longer and he’ll be happy yo oh my God Nolan is a freaky guy a freaky boy little freaky guy little freak all right hopefully we get these good topics again Feast oh that’s a good one Feast gingerbread house ooh North

Pole they’re pretty good ones pretty good ones I’ll choose uh gingerbread house okay I could do a gingerbread house I could do a gingerbread house that’s easy let’s do it all right gingerbread house let’s do this team so let’s see we’re going to get the snow first cuz snow looks a lot

Like icing if you ask me looks more like icing than any other Block in this game and then we’re going to do brown concrete all right let’s make a nice little Foundation here uh do a little bit longer like that’s good we got a lot of time so we got to

We got to hurry this up we can’t waste too much time on this actually no let’s do this instead yeah an hour I think he was I think he was crazy man he’s going crazy an hour bro Wilding I’m not going to time him out okay I love you my mod mostly important

Mostly important most importantly yes yes Jesse you’re a good man Jesse good man thank you for following the rules Jesse thank you for not abusing your mod either Zer has come online y’all think I’m about to have a y’all think I’m about to have like a crazy good uh gingerbread house or

No let me check I think this gingerbread house actually about to be like insane bro probably the best and if I don’t win I’m going to be mad AF super mad okay let’s uh spice it up a little bit down with some brown here or actually

L let’s add a whole bunch of different colors instead somebody asked me if I was streaming on Twitch tonight probably yeah maybe maybe all right let’s do a candy cane type of door here where’s Red at there it is I need red and then I need

White I’m not going to have time to do an interior I’m sorry I’m not going to have time to do an interior you’re going to stream on here regular again I’m trying to uh find a good schedule to balance things out so like days that I I’m available I’m able to

Stream on you know YouTube and twitch as well the same day or sometimes there there’s going to be times where I can’t stream on YouTube so I’ll just stream on on Twitch and then like there’s going to be days where I can’t stream on Twitch

So I’ll just do a stream on YouTube you know what I mean I’m just trying to find a good schedule though right now hey this actually not bad bro this actually not bad whatever that’s good why you not be chill bro no I am I am chill I’m like the chillest person

Ever bro trust me trust me trust me there you go nice oh no no no no that’s not a stair all right I didn’t have time to do an interior but uh hey this gingerbread house is pretty solid he isn’t yes I am yes I am

Bro hopefully I have enough to do this on the other side as well hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry there you go that looks actually pretty decent that looks actually pretty decent bro let’s be real Let’s uh change the floor real quick if I have time hurry hurry hurry

Slash floor no no no wrong block wrong block there you no please please yes no we had just enough time to change it into snow let’s go gingerbread house nope somebody better give that an F somebody better give that a a red block give that a red me no horrible that bad

Insane bad block yeah yeah exactly Mikey exactly exactly wait that’s Mikey’s no no Mikey dude I didn’t know that was yours bro what is this what is this look like an igloo he I I got this in the bag I got this in the bag oh

My and Frank was oh no oh my no dude no bro I’m not looking at that I’m not looking at that no bro no no I’m not looking at that crazy bro oh no bro n bro no bro down bad down bad this is pretty good this is pretty good these people

Are not even in the party I know this is not Bad it’s so wild like y’all do anything to be offensive flers that actually was not bad yo somebody the topic was gingerbread house and somebody made the actual gingerbread instead somebody made the gingerbread where’s this house bro this is like a homeless gingerbread and what happened to his arm

Why doesn’t he have this why doesn’t he have that part on his arm what happened to his Arm what’s this diving board yeah I got this in the bag this is a W for me it has to be a w Dr donut viva viva viva I think he had a big Yap wait did he I didn’t see that part oh yeah there’s mine yep yep green bro

Green green yes sir green mhm this is a good this is a good one right here this is good it has no interior I didn’t have time to do an interior forgive me I didn’t have time I didn’t have time forgive me forgive me Dr donut dror disrespect Benny so

Chill what I didn’t win what dude what oh my God you got to be joking bro you got to be kidding me man you got to be kidding me bro no there’s no way this thing this Abomination there’s no way this Abomination beat me no bro no no no no

Oh no there’s no way there’s actually no way yo you got to be joking man there’s no way bro there is no way Asis you got lucky you got lucky Asis I spent time on that no bro no bro that’s insane um should we do I don’t even know all these all these

All these are trash bro all these are actually trash all I don’t even know these are trash pine tree pine tree can I bone meal trees and uh build I don’t even think you can cuz there’s no dye or anything bone meal yeah nope yep yep yep yep the giant

Robot in the way Lobby is crazy because that’s something M would actually make if he was playing yeah if he was trying he could build it man he did build something similar he built the robot from Origins all right where’s the middle of this thing at this middle of the middle of

The grid here is it this right here just the middle of the grid Yep looks like it Yep looks like it all right pine tree you want a pine P tree I’ll give you your pine tree just going to be a giant tree bro and if this doesn’t win I swear I swear

Bro if Asis beats me again make it Christmas themed I should it’s a w idea W idea one 2 three 4 1 2 3 4 here let’s do one more layer and then we’ll do that noan is not here because he Ed the out Jesse he’s gone bro he’s gone forever

Wait did I make the song I made that side too huge what would a pine tree have on it like if you discovered one in the middle of nowhere it wouldn’t have anything would it like acorns maybe pine cones yeah pine cones it’s about it though right sharp Leaf things around the floor

Sharp Leaf things bro like if they were knives or something that looks like a pine tree that looks like a pine tree if you ask me to be honest not that I’ve ever seen one in real life cuz they don’t exist where I live that’s close enough it’s pretty

Good I would say that’s a pine tree definitely looks like one let me uh raise this up a little bit I think that’s what it’s missing that little zaz that extra kick that might be a little too tall but now that’s better yes bro that looks like a pine tree there you

Go pine tree right in the middle yes yes if this doesn’t win this game is rigged you’re saying one of the most common trees don’t exist where you live dude definitely lives in the suburbs I do not live in the suburbs bro I do not live in the suburbs yeah I’m

Leaving yo I don’t want to vote cuz I heard voting takes away points if you vote like me or bad I don’t want to vote cuz it takes away points so I’m not going to vote yeah these topics are trash bro they are they actually

Are they are really bad I don’t know why we keep getting these topics that does not look like a pine tree bro 10 minutes dude five minutes is way more than enough time like let’s be real let’s be real as Trix as Trix that was good but why is it so

Green for real and here’s mine Grinch Atri tree oh yeah there’s mine yep yep green green Green Mikey go ahead and vote green thank you man dream Tree on God I can’t build crap in five minutes yo JoJo what’s up Jojo my man JoJo whoa dude you’re complaining about not being able to

Build in five minutes dude look at what this man can do in five minutes who built this I bet it was Zer was it Zer I think it was Zer bro I don’t think that’s a pine tree that’s more like a regular tree oh it was

Floofers oh this had to be Zer right here this had to be Zer yeah this got to be Zer Zer this was you wasn’t it it’s not even done either what Mikey Mikey Mikey built that let me try adding a little cave over here a little mountain for aesthetic I see

Nice why is it so tall right here so tall and pointing had to be Zer I knew it I knew it yo that looks a lot like my tree that looks a lot like my tree not going to lie dude put more effort into the terrain than the tree

Itself yeah he actually did this guy’s voting green on everything come on guys yo this a green rer if you ask me this is a green right this is a love oh yo everybody’s putting Red what hat this a hat yeah that last one savan tree if anything hat what am I supposed to do with a hat I know this is not even on topic Bro yo D I’ve been hearing like these I don’t know if they’re fireworks or gunshots but these past couple days it’s all I’ve been hearing outside shadowed Moon I won let’s go yes yes I finally won yes yes oh my God finally yes I finally won bro my pine tree it

Ran all the way bro it did it it did it bro my pine tree did it man my pine tree did it guys it did it bro I’m so proud of it I’m so proud of it so proud of it thank you Edward I’m so proud I’d like to thank everybody

That voted for my build you know as you can tell I put a lot of thought and effort into it yo blackbear what’s up blackbear Trey I got my win guys I finally got my win fortnite and some leather company again thanks good night good night man I

Could do that fortnite that first one I voted for him bro wasn’t even in the game to vote I downloaded some mods for us on leather company please Reigns Reigns please search deep inside your soul do I still have that old world um no I do not I deleted it I deleted

It I’m so sorry Zer I’m so sorry sorry Zer Zer please don’t beat me up you only want because you’re a YouTuber dude dude the odds are literally against me bro a good majority of those people do not even know I’m streaming do not even know I exist But yeah I’m going to wrap it up here guys I’m going to get going already I’m going to go take a nap I’m tired I haven’t taken a nap and I’ve been on I’ve been up all day since the morning so yeah good night gentlemen good night gentlemen thank you all for tuning

In thank you thank you thank you maybe frog but I give no I give no promises bye Edward good night Edward thank you for joining man more suits for us all right guys thank you all for watching man catch you all later you guys take it easy till next stream see

You guys then all right boys all right y’all peace out man good night everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft PS5 Survival #98 – KingTopia (Playing with Subs and Viewers)’, was uploaded by BennyNotChill on 2023-12-26 17:14:41. It has garnered 171 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:17 or 6197 seconds.

Welcome to my channel, where I upload gaming videos and also do livestreams! Most of my videos consist of Minecraft and other games. When I livestream I typically livestream Minecraft and GTA. If you enjoy make sure to subscribe thanks!

TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bennysochill

🎮 ONLINE USERNAMES 🎮 PlayStation: BennySoChill Xbox/Microsoft: BennySoChill

DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/NbrDQCKdye

MY SOCIALS: -Snapchat: bennysochill -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bennysochill_/

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?!

    MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?! Majority of Multiplayer Servers Disappearing in Minecraft 1.21.10 Update? The Evolution of Multiplayer Servers In 2018, the official server software BDS Alpha version for the Bedrock Edition was introduced, allowing players to engage in multiplayer gameplay using the latest vanilla version. Prior to this, unofficial software like “PocketMine-MP” was the only option available. However, BDS offers advantages such as plugin support, making it a popular choice even today. Key Point: The ability to run plugins on BDS sets it apart from unofficial software. The Importance of Debug Symbols Creating servers for Minecraft requires developers to replicate the game’s network,… Read More

  • Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun!

    Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun! In Minecraft’s world, a mini farm takes flight, Automatic dripstone, shining bright. Compact and easy, with redstone in sight, Collecting resources, day and night. Just a chest, a hopper, and some glass, An observer, a piston, for the task. Dripstone block, pointed dripstone too, Water flowing, the farm will brew. Lava in cauldrons, a fuel source grand, Dripstone blocks, traps at hand. With a grin and a spin, the farm is complete, For Minecraft players, a useful feat. So craft away, in this blocky land, With rhymes and fun, let’s all lend a hand. For gaming joy, and creativity’s… Read More

  • Minecraft Vegas: Facts About Minecraft Residents

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  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

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  • Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts

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  • Crafty Chaos: Hamster Havoc in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

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  • Bedfight Tier Test: Minecraft’s Fight Night Best!

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  • Shadow SMP

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  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

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  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

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  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

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  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

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  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

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  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

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  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

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  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

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  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More