EPIC Minecraft Server Tour with Ironmouse!

Video Information

Gamers welcome to the Stream how we all doing how are you all feeling sorry my voice cracked sorry all right chat how we why do I look weird oh this is down I I probably should check my camera before I go live but I don’t who does that not me all right flashbang to White okay

That’s all right okay all right all right sure in the UK it’s bloody cold W that’s good that’s very kind of you first stream here we go welcome NG double uncore 101 one score not good one under underscore not good enough for you underscore what the [ __ ] am I saying is

That right is what the thing’s Called yeah okay I was right why I I was like I was doubting the underscore for a second there I was like what the heck is that oh yeah lcore lcore that’s why okay that’s why I felt crazy when I heard that that’s that makes sense um all

Right welcome welcome Gamers welcome how we doing new shirt this is not a new shirt chat I’ve worn this a bunch all right come on come off it okay okay come on plan more RV trips okay all right I’ll come to your job and tell you

To do more tax filings okay file tax harder no I will I will I will okay okay I will I will okay go sleep again with Subs my goodness your wallet knows no bounds my dude be doing well uh is it a new shirt it’s not it’s

Not a new shirt I wish it was a new shirt I wish I had new shirts um filmed a crane game video yesterday chat so very excited very fun uh very hype uh there we’ll see we’ll see how it guys with Who ah you guys you guys know

Him you guys know him you you see him a lot so we’ll see how it goes we’ll see how it goes it should be out hey Conor since you like hard games with dark law like fear and hunger you should play a game called labotomy Corporation it’s an SCP inspired Colony management horror

Game with wild Colony management I feel like you would enjoy it horror labotomy Corporation [ __ ] I think I have labotomy I’m streaming too much what the [ __ ] is this okay there like an anime girl on the front okay I’ll look into it I’ll look into it

It’s fun all right okay all right you guys are saying it it’s fun Co sleep dog and perinat what the heck thank you guys appreciate It um so we’re playing Minecraft today that’s what we’re doing that’s what we’re doing did he say he’s streaming too okay listen I think I stream a healthy amount I I I am I crazy I feel like I stream a good amount I feel like I I

Don’t overdo it you guys are too used to these people no lifing like 900 hours monthly I don’t know if that’s that’s that’s not how many hour how isn’t it like 400 and how many hours been a bit since I got to catch your stream 700

Okay happy to see you’re still alive I am i’ somehow yeah I’m for the stream rewards hope I win again thank you guys I appreciate that if you do want to support uh I’m going to the stream rewards anyway cuz I I was like [ __ ] it

It sounds like a fun time um but would love a nomination hate to ask you guys I hate being that guy but yeah if you click the uh the pinned comment you can nominate me and mouse so hopefully we can both win again that’d be fun if not

I don’t mind mind being IM Mouse’s personal chauffeur and sneaking in that way just so yeah you look whiter than ever okay well all right guys come on there are we done so yeah you can uh B I think you liked ff7 I played that game when I

Was just a kid and I’ve loveed it now till I’m 36 if I played that when I was like 15 it would blow why it’s great when you look at how old it is but you explained it well it’s great stream the I I don’t think stream of the

Year is realistic chat I think though that I I think that we have a good shot at doing a good argument for variety think we do a [ __ ] ton of variety on the stream we’re always playing something new or always doing something crazy so consider nominating me for the uh

Variety stream reward um I’ll I’ll before I call Mouse I’ll just pull it up I’ll just do the thing chat I mean just stream rewards uh the RV trip I I think the charity auction is a better bet I feel like the charity auction even though the RV trip was [ __ ] amazing

Um I think it’s we’ve a better shot by putting the charity uh award so here’s the here’s the plan chat you go to the stream rewards nominations okay you can’t see it where is it okay you can’t see it it’s just okay nice Conor get a stream rewards.com

Nominations go down all right here’s what you do you go best streamed event Sea Dog charity auction and then go down here best vtuber we already know what to do iron mouse booy was a close second but hey why not best variety streamer Sea Dog VA thank you guys I’m biased the

Sapphire W streamer who who recognizes the streamer who like sappire formed stage this time instead of L yeah I I want to hold on someone’s calling me who’s calling me what is this E Chat God these damn wish packages uh as I was saying uh this award recognized a streamer who like a sapphire is form All Odds the streamer is excellent and entertaining at the highest levels in the past year despite facing significant challenges in Industry where 97% of top streamers are male this award is

Dedicated to a streamer who identifies as female or like genda and flourish in the face ofy I think that’s IR Mouse I mean I’m [ __ ] okay I mean that that’s literally just Mouse that’s the go so please consider if you have time go and do it because it’d be hella fun

It’d be fun to go and get the awards again together it would be very hype um if you want if you want to put me for more or me mouse for more or anyone else like you know all all the people that we work with are amazing you know like Pete

And lwig and Rob they they’re all [ __ ] fantastic streamers whatever but if you know if you ask my favor these categories I’d love you to put us not valerant streamer No Mouse eats adversity for just clap Adversity all right Gamers V an hour ago you stream of the year it’s very kind of you I don’t think I don’t think I don’t think that that would be a deserving title but I think variety streamer I think I could I feel like this is a shot this’s a shot right not

To be you know not to be like yes I’m so good very cool but I don’t know I think if any of the categories it makes sense you you copy pasted C for all the C okay that’s that’s okay um what is This What strange C dog VA for the sa okay chat come on now come on now chat so uh I’ll call mouse let’s call Mouse looking good yeah I I don’t know how I it was awful this morning I showered and then I was like go do the hair then it worked best

Donor reward goes to Emma dude we should it’ be a fun to do a little like stupid Channel award thing for us hey what’s up oh how you doing I’m good how are you sorry someone said is balding a significant adversity you might be Ed eligible for the sapphire award thanks

Chad thanks guys thanks man wow it is I I this is why I don’t like chat you know so F they’re not cool and swag the cool and swag thing I don’t know why I callop saying it I oh my God he’s been saying it all week I can’t

Stop myself the mailman called me stop yeah and he was like hey uh I I guess one of the wish packages scammed me and he’s like by the way you got to give me 20 Bones on delivery I was like what oh yeah so in in Japan there’s um

You can for a lot of stuff you can pay the stuff on the delivery of the item you finally change the age in your bio from 26 to 27 you’ve been 26 for way too long bu time to accept reality also hope you appreciate all the work Mouse put in

Yesterday for you to play today and have fun did Mouse put in a ton of work yesterday for me what Emma just said that you put in a ton of work yesterday for me to be able to play maybe okay I got an email from from stream elements right and

Uh they had a list of my top donors it was like SEC third and second were like you know I think they were like 500 bucks each and then first is emmo and it’s not even close I was like oh God emmo if you look at all this money totality I think

You’re going to have a heart attack oh my God Emma take care of yourself I’m I just want to out you real quick cuz I want to out you hold on what why are you terrorizing her how much is it cuz she she wants to know now oh no now everyone wants to

Know do you actually want me to show Emma are you okay with me showing no don’t do it Emma please you don’t have you can say no if you don’t want me to I won’t don’t worry about it you don’t want to do This yes please oh my God oh okay never mind okay all right Emma here is how much you spent on my stream last year this is how many how much money you sent Emma look at that oh Jesus that is so much Emma Emma that’s

Way too much Emma Emma what do you have to say for yourself my God Emma Emma y Jesus oh my God the French can’t stop giving up money French people are really nice I love French people they are all right uh I forgot what I was saying right before

Um Emma what was I saying I was about to say something or I say him to you [ __ ] God I hate having on early onet dementia what what did he what was he going to say to me wish packages yeah in Japan this’s a thing I could order like a

Rolex right and I [ __ ] you not you can a lot of websites do this where you can click an option saying I’ll pay for it when it arrives so the mail man will take the cash what the [ __ ] yeah so I think I did it one time with something and it was

Like 800 bucks and the delivery man took the $800 in cash what yeah it’s a thing in Europe I never heard of this in the UK it was not a thing in the UK I don’t think or maybe it was I just never did it cash on delivery I’d never heard of

This I don’t know that’s normal absolutely insane that’s normal thing I’d never heard of that in the UK what the heck in the UK it’s a normal in America too what no no it isn’t what the [ __ ] are you talking about wait I mean okay no one does okay

Okay cash on delivery for like I I for like food and some other stuff but like not for like stuff that was valuable like not over like a 100 bucks I never heard of that is that normal no dude this is crazy how chat is so torn on

This no one does c like that at least not anymore not no okay it’s not an option anymore huh are you crazy are you crazy are you out of your mind are you local all all right I’ve booted up Minecraft Let’s see what all this work is I’m starting it up yay my

Favorite game yeah you are addicted nothing wrong with it what that supposed to mean if I say that you like drinking chocolate chocolate milk all all the time and I say you’re addicted it means you’re addicted to chocolate milk that’s not true okay but in terms of

Minecraft well well about in terms of mdict to Minecraft I’m not addicted I could quit at any time okay sure it’s it’s my favorite game sure you know what shut the [ __ ] up I’m you’re addicted to TF uh name one stream with it in the past six months that I

Played it it’s not even about streaming it’s about oh I was working but then I played a game of TFT and it’s like oh all those games of TFT add up bro that’s not true don’t check my don’t check my public record withs chat I’m going to check your records I’m checking your

Stream right now I do that checking all your records TI is good right now TI is fun right now chat okay it’s fun all right okay I loaded Minecraft earlier uhhuh and it worked and now I’m getting I have a big white screen maybe I just wait and the white screen will work

Eventually yeah oh we’re having an issue oh what’s the issue oh it’s working now oh wow this is loud okay what’s the issue the issue is that there was lag earlier but I think it fixed okay nice all right is this it I

Sh a look okay oh there we go oh I have oh the mailman just got here okay I guess I’ll I’ll ponder the oh my God one second I have to choose my fighter yeah who are you going to choose Conor Giga uh all right well uh what does it include personalized cosmetic

Vjo scarf V okay malebox but everyone is the same thing iron Mouse no okay we all have different things what do you have different like they have like our hair accessories so like if you choose armal you get horns and Tails Hott haraca all right matara okay keson cool Enya cauro

Nauna oh you may can we get to Emma stream you know because she pays your rent every month getting another update soon okay this this is criminal that there’s no bo more to that amount I spent more on my bunnies I want people years I’ve been lucky that last

Year my bunnies have been very healthy and only had to do their yearly checkup and vaccination love you all I’m glad you’re okay Emma I’m glad the bunnies are okay how is there no booby this is a crime cuz he’s the coolest member maybe

We might get a booby s a all right all right Lizzy they need a 50 why people giving so many Subs what the [ __ ] thank you guys I appreciate it I just think that he’s the coolest guy and there’s no representation for cool people here except for iron Mouse

Obviously I just trolling all I guess I have to pick Iron Mask there’s no boobies here God damn it n I’m going be guy M it’s lame right that’s lame it’s lame what are you going to pick Connor I don’t know uh I think like a staff or

Maybe like a guest you know he may maybe he’s well what are you going to pick Conor uh oh the doors oh God someone’s at my door oh God be back bro bro get back here I don’t know we don’t have booby yet he might be here he might he might be coming

Maybe Maybe maybe I know he told me he wanted a Minecraft skin he should do he it and I’m going to do a roundhouse cake to you in Minecraft I love he shut the [ __ ] up all right so I I spoke with the delivery guy about it asked his thoughts too

Uhhuh yeah he thinks I should be a guest I think what the [ __ ] what do you want me to be you can be whatever you want no no no I’m asking you I mean it sounds like you clearly have an inclination spending an hour on this decision BBY pick whatever you

Want okay so you’re cool with me to be guest right no you got to be me all right okay okay good good there we go there we go you just want to hear me beg what the [ __ ] is WR you yes I did wait wrong music why do you like that you’re so

Weird you just like it you like aggravating me and you like it when I get all worked up that’s funny should I pick uh what size did you pick did you pick short or normal I picked the shortest size the smallest oh my God Lizzy what

The oh it’s still there for me oh God you don’t want to be tall okay I’ll be trust me it sucks balls okay I’ll be normal then holy oh W you’re there waiting what is this yeah what is this what am I on right now A some po they made what the

Heck is it oh yeah you are you are small I am look at me are small what is that I did a back flip hello yeah what’s up what’s up you’re back you’re here how do I backflip press y oh these are like the VR chat ones

Right I like like yeah kind of Jesus Christ I look like a Titan in front of you Conor should have chosen his canonical size smallest monkey flip monkey flip oh it cancels it damn it what’s this one jeez oh open your boxes open your stuff oh okay

Sure oh W I got a red bird house oo you’re a big fan of birds where do we put it oh put it by my house do you want to come sure show me show me the give me the what did you prepare for me I’d love

To know come come come come I’ve prepared so many things for you oh yeah I forget that hold on can I okay I got to change the uh shifting Crouch again hold on dude this is sick what is this what we’re in the bio uh keybinds uh Sprint shift please sneak

Left control cool this is where you live you live in the swamp damn you live like this in the swamp yeah I do live like this okay where are you do you see my mermaid tail go ahead you don’t see it um no I have one hello Conor just want

To say thanks for creating rad content recovery for heart failure in such the last few months your content and mouse has been a nice escape and focus for me appreciate you fam all right let’s go dude you are so small I think my Minecraft settings got

Reset my well you’re so fast in water what the [ __ ] what the what the [ __ ] keep up bro I I literally cannot I’m over here hold on Connor be nice to Mouse she’s worked so hard for should be nice to you also probably going to split my donos this

Year between you and mouse this year I’m aiming for a new record this year also shout out to all the other fellow gifters and donos in the turn up the field of view where’s the field of view again press Escape yeah I’m on the field options yeah options

Okay and it’s just say no no no go back back to the first menu okay out a video okay go to options fov I see yeah yeah it’s way better I’m M 95 yeah it felt like I felt like claustrophobic like when it was on like yeah like the default

Whoa what is this is this your place yeah this is where I’m going to build stuff oh you’ve like already like plotted it all out yeah my this is going to be my storage Temple so not the house so just the all the temple yeah this is

A temple storage where I want to put all my chests okay why why should I put this bird house I put it like right here yeah you can put it there put your mailbox over here okay next to my mailbox all right uh oh I put monkey monkey

M so what oh there’s Twigs in there who put that in there there’s Twigs in yours too it’s just there why are there twig in there there’s Twigs in there it’s just like a like a harded recipe what is this thing what is an XP

Block oh I can you can store your XP in here what the heck okay all right so um what’s this I have style magazine what is this oh it’s gone you get yeah yeah now press the period button uh wait period oh oh full stop oh no the the comma button

Sorry wait what huh yeah you can put stuff on okay all right I guess I’ll uh I’ll put the bub plug in what the [ __ ] what which one should I wear the plug scar wear I’m wearing one I’m wearing the scarf I’ll join you with the

Scarf yay I’ll join you what does the iron staff of building do oh it helps you build stuff but I don’t know how it works right now I think you need something special what’s a uncommon hat grab bag oh I got hat take your hat oh I

Got the Demon Slayer not Demon Slayer Goblin Slayer hat yeah you can put it on your your hat slot look I have a hat on do you see my hat uh no you don’t see my hat I no I don’t how come your game is bugged I bug I just got

Here how do I put this hat on am I am I wearing a hat oh I see it what the [ __ ] what the hell is that thing it’s my hat you don’t like it it’s got eyes dude I literally I am did you know I was the author of goblin

Slayer you know that yeah the AO Goblin Slayer dude look at me I can see my I can see me in the top uh the top left look at that press F press F5 yo I’m literally Goblin Slayer yeah you can press it again to look from the

Other side and then to go back to normal yeah this is how old those YouTube video start I build the biggest thing in Minecraft you’ve ever seen let’s go guy and then they always they always do this in the intro they always like wave that

Hand yo we’re going to see if they can if they can survive this obstacle course we built and I oh ow that’s what they do sorry I’ve never I don’t really understand what’s happening but that’s how they always stop Cal all right can you see my mermaid tail now um

Sorry oh like can’t you see it here this is your chest okay what’s in here your stuff oh oh oh what is this how how I’ve never seen this in Minecraft what the [ __ ] is this I made all that stuff for you you’re cooking that’s what I stayed up late

Till 2:00 a.m. wait this is crazy how did you what what is this I don’t even know how you get this put the necklace on what’s the necklace seed necklace oh sugy hold on let me take everything got take everything you got to put put it on in the ne backpack

What [ __ ] how did you get all this stuff I made it for how did you make this how do I put uh how do I open my inventory again I forgot I knew that the shoes I thought those were pants God I I I it’s crazy how how many

Hours I’ve played this game and every single time I come back I I don’t know what the hell I’m doing I go put the necklace on the necklace slot backpack and the where’s the backpack that’s in here right now the backpack okay so the way we put the backpacks on are a little

Different you got to put the backpack in your hand and open the backpack yeah right I remember I remember doing this in the other mod pack too and then you have to press the button on the left bottom left to put it on yeah I think I remember that okay now

One more thing you have to do go back and open the back again brain is just showing constantly so far hold on I’m so I’m being made fun of okay press e okay press B mhm is your backpack open yeah okay do you see that little uh

Thing that has a it’s like a little switch on the left enable it ability enable what’s the ability of this backpack you swim in lava and you don’t die to fire damage did you get me this hat did you get me this hat yeah I got

You that hat why did you get me the drinking hat because I thought you like it why did you think why did you think I like the drinking hat huh I don’t know I thought it was funny and I thought you like it you call me what are you trying

To say about me huh what are you trying to say about me uh H you enjoy a drink or two well I love this hat this is the best hat ever this is already great I know you like it I knew it what is this Twisted BL

Whoa what what the [ __ ] has sound effects bro what is this bro I look like guts if he was an alcoholic see my weapon yeah sure check this out oh my God look at that what the [ __ ] you have aura oh my God I can see your nen go in the

Water why look at your tail can you see it uh oh F5 right what the [ __ ] what why am I a mermaid one I have one too but you can’t see my what the heck yeah now now you can breathe underwater without worrying about dying this is the best day ever y

This is so cracked what the hell this is awesome iom you got all this stuff what the heck full exploring all right where where do you want to go where are we exploring we can go anywhere you want I have a CO don’t know this

World oh I know I forgot to I forgot to make something for you okay I forgot one thing the warpstone what’s the what’s the Deco leaf for should I put that on or something hold it in your hand here I’ll I’ll teach you come come we’ll go we’ll go

Let’s come with me to spawn come come come I showed you my bi you come come with me how did you figure out all this what do you mean how do you figure out how to do all this it’s Minecraft Conor that doesn’t answer my question it’s what I do it’s my favorite

Game you can press r to roll what do you mean oh and oh when I’m walking yeah dude I’m so fast what the [ __ ] come come come come oh yeah I see where where’d you go I’m here oh you’re you’re so small I keep Losing all right look those our Christmas tree waa that cool this cracked hell yeah yeah come come come come I’m going to teach you how to use the glider I’m guessing I like jump and use it what did you eat bread oh okay oh no I’m forever

Eating all right come come come all right up there that’s Zen’s house yeah I could have guessed always trying to make a statement Zen huh oh cooking pot where are we going where wait what come come come look a merid boats come all right what are we doing look mermaid what is

It don’t you see it oh whoa oh that damn okay that’s pretty impressive surprised you didn’t make it she made it first oh she beat you do it I do actually remember now I remember seeing a clip of you being like I wanted to build

It I did but she’s she got bored so now I have to finish it what you mean it’s not it’s it looks finished it’s not it’s a cafe oh oh W okay so where do we go now see if you look if you go inside it’s like a cafe oh okay

Damn or brutalist the alligator what the [ __ ] is that that’s her alligator where the hell did they get that from his name is Bad Dragon okay that’s not appropriate this is the cinal cafe damn looks more like a summoning Circle we should make it a summoning Circle this looks doesn’t look like a

Cafe this looks like where you you go to sacrifice your firstborn for cinnamon roll look at this IM go by product sacrifice your children come come this way Feed bad Dragon what the [ __ ] hit me ow the cactus ow oh yeah sorry the cactus Cal I’m going to demonstrate all right are you

Ready yeah I’m ready take out your glider and hold it in your hand and jump oh it’s literally s what how do you how do you mod this in the game what the [ __ ] it’s just the Zelda glider what the [ __ ] what that’s wild fun come over

Here all right we’re having too much fun in the water yeah I’m convinced if we let Minecraft modders run the government we’d have everyone would be perfectly happy come on this ash fall and run yeah I know this speeds you up I I remember this on another server I love

It this is the post office I made it I finished it today very Kawaii whoa look at this thing what the heck you made this fin yeah I made all this I finished it how how do you make all this I made it with my hand how do you

How do you frame a chest you can frame everything and an item frame what the and everyone’s got their own little box here yeah I got I’m going to make a box for you too check this out who what the heck how did she get one of

Those garage door yeah when did they program that wa is this oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] when did they add garage doors to Minecraft oh my God what do you think I made it myself it’s very impressive you like it yeah I mean I don’t know how you

I don’t even know how you make all this we have a scooter on the side for deliveries no that’s just for decoration that’s fine that’s fine I mean it’s not everything can be What whose house is that that’s that’s hen’s house my god look I have a car here for

Deliveries you built a car I did build a car can’t ride it though but but but it’s it’s for decoration okay damn how did you how did you make a car how did you make this I I made it blocks how do you how did you do all

This what do you mean just turn crafting oh you can change your oh I can be Iron M size look we’re still taller than me when you’re short I’m iron Mouse size now dude I look so I look smaller than you let me tell you about the one block tall life you don’t

Understand it’s the most efficient way to live uh is is smaller one block too uh as small as like a block in the half oh smallest is one block what is what is the Twisted blade what does it do other than looks sick oh it catches fire this Twisted blade doesn’t it’s

Different where did you get me this press e and hover over the Twisted blade and read uh okay unique effect Brimstone chance to chance on hit to spew forth explosive brimstone wow hold Al to view gem sockets what the [ __ ] is that come come this way

Okay look check this out you ready yeah look at my status effect what was that what did you just do to me I’m on fire yeah but you don’t burn cuz you have fire resistance so you’re fine what the heck did you just do that to everyone hell yeah and I kill

Them did this all start like zero like you guys didn’t have anything yeah how did you guys make all of this stuff so fast what do you mean we had like two three weeks that’s crazy you can make all of this in two three weeks we’re going to make more I’m going

To make a art museum over there and then I have to do my story that’s crazy you skipped like every pot of civilization you’re just you’re already making art museums how far ahead of you you’re so far ahead I want to make a museum so we

Can put a fan art in it that’s fair I watched this video I watched the video about like Minecraft from uh I think it was small L and he was explaining how he was making like automatic block making stations and I was like I I didn’t even

Know I I was just running around chopping things oh yeah you can do stuff like that too we have the create mod so we can build machines that’s crazy we’re going to we’re going to make an amusement park with a roller coaster and a train are you going to be tall enough

To ride the rides though that’s what the [ __ ] I mean there’s got to be a height liit right serious question I mean genuinely you know i’ if you to build a theme par ride and you can’t ride it oh sorry sorry I was trying to eat

The bread no you w i was cuz you hurt me by the way just not took some my life points this is a portal to a a mirror world of our world it’s the exact same world that we’re in but uh it’s for like ah yeah it’s a lot more

Unexplored well you can come here and like collect resources so you don’t destroy your world you know dude that’s that’s how the British did it yeah so we’re just invading this parallel universe all right okay okay where should we go let me show you the next place

Watch we have the nether portal do you want to see sure what’s in here here oh you’ll see all right plant a flag com you know you want to what the [ __ ] this is the nether why why did it spawn in it sound like a doom level all

Right isn’t this cool this is this is pretty neat what the [ __ ] I thought I never I don’t remember it looking like this it’s pretty right check this out follow me where we Going to my death what the should I do that too is your backpack on uh it’ll find out uh yeah I think so well I can’t see anything how can you see anything anything come up I thought this was going to be like a a fun little thing

Where there’s like an underground base or something but I just can’t see [ __ ] no but isn’t it cool that you can swim through Lava and you’re not going to die uh yeah I guess it’s pretty cool wish we go come this way can you swim in the lava like a

Fish uh yeah how but you have to like you have to like um oh no I knew I forgot something what I forgot to make you a hook shot damn no grappling hook for me huh I can make it for you really quick no worries I’m coming over there slowly

I’ll get there in just a moment can I roll I can roll okay I forgot to make you warp stone and a hook shot how do I get out how do I get out of this uh here let me put down a block so you can oh there’s a block over here

Oh being tall would help me get out of these situations but alas isn’t this pretty yeah um when do I stop seeing orange soon it’ll stop it’ll stop cool all right uh what are we looking for what’s the what we what’s our objective well we

Can go anywhere you want do you want to go to a to like a like a tower in the nether do you want to go to the prison’s quarters do you want to go to a dungeon in all of those sound cool which one has the most violence I think maybe the prison’s

Quarter I like the sound of that we should go to prison to do I have a easy solution toest oh oh okay [ __ ] well you died quickly you exploded him uh he did explode on hit that was a little little aggressive Minecraft sweat and a noob playing together is definitely before we

Go to prison Square I want to take you to one more place okay sure can you type press the letter T MH and then type slash and then the word spawn and then press enter oh okay okay come with me all right all right what what’s uh what’s so

Special that we’re coming back for it touch this how I touch it oh look at that do you see do you see anything yeah I see the hieroglyphics okay like when when you press when you right click what do you see uh select your destination okay let res your village

Okay okay wait I’m going to go to a place okay and when I go to the place I’m going to send you a Teleport show show go for it all you do is press T yeah I know that I know I remember that you remember yeah I remember that I

Remember that pot I still got a few few rocks left in this whole brain of mine back okay all right what’s this can I can I eat all the stew all this full ball oh oh I could eat some stew no I should I should St my stew there chest of

These not a not a whole lot of stuff in there get my teleportation request whoa where the hell are we we’re in the ancient city holy [ __ ] what is our objective I want to show you something even cooler okay all right put your glider on jump calm down mon does not realize that

Being small allows easier movement through small spes and has no drawbacks besides another world yeah but I’m tall like in real life deep plans what the heck I use the bed out you can you don’t have to use bed sure the hell is that noise but um maybe touch it just in

Case what the [ __ ] is that noise this is where the warden lives oh the warden of the prison well not the warden of the prison but the Warden Warden okay a terrifying creature that one shots you oh even with all my armor yeah I’m going to be honest your armor is garbage

Oh against the warden oh okay well I have this my type of armor you got a lot more armor than me I have oral armor you I’m a toddler with my armor right now but I think I can take him he won’t lay our face I just wanted you to

See this crazy Place sure I’ll take you he just he he just jumped off let’s go find him careful careful with the stamina bar ah Conor I don’t think I don’t think you can Conor we know you are short represented in game as well now careful with the stamina bar cuz if

You fall you’re going to die oh my ankles hurt I can sleep con I I I I I think we should leave why are you worried I don’t think you’re ready to fight this thing you saying I’m not strong look at me look at my

Sword no but if you die and your grave is here I I just I well I can what’s this Guy look at me isn’t that isn’t that a man looks like he knows what he’s doing oh God chat while you voting no I think I think you we could we could fight the creatures in the prison first and then let’s do that okay go to slash spawn okay sline all

Right we’re going to the Prison uh we can go to maybe this one ancient city no not ancient city oh I’m going to teleport to you I suppose okay I’m going to send you a TP don’t listen to her just send it you guys just want to see me

Die you guys do just want to see him die they they love oh I’m getting attacked already perfect oh wow look at these guys oh damn what a fun place are you being sarcastic no as in I’m excited that they immediately Ted attacking us that did sound very sarcastic though it did it

Sounded extremely sarcastic jump through the bort it did should I oh so why is there a prison here it’s a dungeon oh fun and it has tons of chests [ __ ] yeah oh W oh well look at that iron chakum spells and spells are free to cast what wait that sounds incredibly

Busted is it is it I mean it’s iron so it’s it’s garbage okay I just chopped him down oh thanks that was looting yeah you Lo look at this one enchantment book depth Strider I just realized I I might have to go back home oh why what’s up I have a full inventory

All right yeah you should go back home I’ll be how do I let you teleport to me I’ll I’ll I’ll do a request to teleport back to you okay sure go for it all you need to do is press accept all right go on Bozo rip Bozo are you sure you’ll be

Okay all byself I got tor’s Katana oh [ __ ] actually that sounds like found the katana that does sound actually kind of [ __ ] cool let me give this let me give this a wall I found the Cortana is the one you Char that whoa I did the anime thing on

Him oh [ __ ] wait that’s actually kind of hype I teleported behind him wait that’s so cool okay I’m I’m I like this I like this D this is great have way too much fun buddy activated way waystone prison Dio oh yeah that’s the that H you put Down all right I I I’m I like this wait what’s that weird symbol putting stuff I’ll no worries I’m just teleporting around everywhere pretty cool although this thing is making me lose my my footing what do you mean I keep forgetting where I am oh yeah it’s a lot

Frozen blast you’ll be able to tell where you went because the chest that you open are they turn silver ah that is very helpful so you’ll be able to see like where wait all these weapons are crazy yeah we got a bunch of weapons amplify spell Health flask that sounds useful

I got guts why do I have guts and I have monster eye do I need this uh you can use that as food if you run out of food oh what’s this runic tablet do I need that oh yeah that’s good dude this thing’s crazy dead cells are very good what’s dead

Cells h the mod pack is based on the game dead cells oh what really what the heck that’s that’s random mod the this prison thing I want to test this now oh it’s on cool down right Animation it’s so crazy what the heck this is like a different game oh yeah I see it except me woohoo want to see my weapons of course oh also come over here you can climb up this right what can I climb up treasure up here what the heck dude it’s

So dark I I can’t see what what happening up there what the [ __ ] come when you come up here I’ll give you I’ll give you this hold I can’t get up I’m dumb what are you all right how do I climb up I got got a ton why don’t to climb up

Yeah okay look take this take these torches and put them in your other hand yeah my right how do I do that again what button is that oh wait you have a you’re you’re holding a two-handed sword you won’t be able to oh what if I hold it with one

Hand put put put it in your off hand where the shield is Shield the Torches oh right right right yeah um okay is that is it in my off hand now yeah can you see yeah I can see it okay uh don’t forget you can put stuff in

Your backpack ooh I keep forgetting about that you’re right oh my God I’m start to lag so bad wait why oh I’ve been I’ve been having issues all day oh God uh I’m okay on my end I think down yeah I’m I’m I’m down here I want to show you my weapons all

Right I got a new one too I I I mean I stole it so that’s how all good things start look at this it’s like R RuneScape going I’m going to show you four unique weapons show them show me it are you ready yeah you won’t be able to handle

It You’ seen this one right the torch yeah I’ve seen the torch check this one out ready what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that there’s my weapon the [ __ ] what Hammer is that it’s the strongest hammer in the game the Earth flame what the [ __ ] that’s crazy

Check this one out oh I’m putting down these torches yeah pick them up how to pick them up oh I I was just trying to eat the bread check this sword out okay that looks ridiculous oh move away move away move away away away away well I don’t even know what was

Happening what did you do to me uh what happened to me I kind of like sucked out your soul got another Wednesday huh um um how do I uh here come to me TP how do I how do I request to TP to

You uh TP how do I take it all and then my name how do I right click take all items mhm what huh and then press the press the chest oh wait oh [ __ ] I think I nearly broke my grave did you take all your stuff

No what do you mean press the chest I just took it all all you have to do is press the chest and it transfers all items to you it didn’t do that you probably because you probably didn’t press it oh think I got it wrong wait all my stuff isn’t

Here oh what do you mean okay I see it sorry I’m I’m having a hard time I’m kind of dumb that’s why I told do that you just press accept yeah I I that’s what I was doing I think I wouldn’t try to do it wrong on

Purpose well now you have to put your bag back on yeah I know I’m trying to figure out how to do it it’s on the floor now I don’t oh my oh my God it’s like I’m playing Minecraft with my dad it’s B right I’m pressing B oh there

We go yeah Jesus this is tough okay what are you doing over there don’t come close to me don’t come close to to me Okay I did click the chest what do you mean all right just like you didn’t click the chest I I was literally on it are you ready for the next demonstration I’m putting on my pants hold on Um what the I don’t want this in my hand I’m trying to I’m trying to cook right now hold on what are you doing over there what what’s going on over there why I hear like swishing I’m practicing all right I think I’m ready back in the game what the [ __ ] are you

Doing what is that check out this sword that’s not a sword that’s a hammer no no no this you’re seeing a hammer right now I see your sword now don’t point that [ __ ] at me what the [ __ ] all the lights went out look behind you huh I’m supposed to teleport oh okay Sor

I do it again oh my God the lag is so bad I can do that too look what the the lag is very bad oh my God it’s so bad hold on that was like a 50-second delay that was such a long delay that’s funny Connor really can’t tell the

Difference between TNT and a chest monkey brain to the finest the content I’m here for uh it’s tough being a small brain okay um I guess I’ll have a look around a little bit I can see you’re on the map so I can always come back what the heck is all

This my problem is chat is that I’m Minecraft is like its own language uh and it’s not one that I grew up with so I’m kind of inted it but I’m trying my best you know just like how how these guys are trying their best but it don’t matter

Goodbye all right Smite 3 loyalty 2 wait that’s sick wait loyalty if it comes back wait that’s awesome no it’s not wait what why do you got you guys are like that’s the least exciting thing in Minecraft to me I’m like that sounds crazy that you can do

That is it like cuz I again chat I don’t know you have to tell me is it like unheard of to just play vanilla Minecraft just like no mods wait there’s another one one here too no used to play vanilla all the time oh my God I want to try this guy on

Him didn’t do [ __ ] oh he’s Frozen vanilla Minecraft is still plenty popular oh that’s good to hear I just didn’t know cuz I I only ever see people playing it modded I’ll join someone’s Lobby and like yeah it’s actually just Mario Kart and I was like what what hello what’s

Up trying to see if somebody can like reset the server cuz the lag is just so terrible why is it so bad for you not for me I have no idea is it like a if you rejoin will it fix it or no I don’t know I might try it but I

Don’t know if it will I love being op this shit’s great I’m going to I’m going to restart sure let’s see if it fixes it but I doubt it will why is this so hard to climb I think I’m just dumb damn check this room out diamonds I already have this

One oh it’s like the exact same mine all right let’s keep going does he not hit or do he just hold the shield I feel bad I’m like he’s just turning up to his Monday work shift and I’m like all right I’m going to kill you

Now he’s like oh [ __ ] okay okay okay I guess so wait this this place goes so deep assassin’s dagger that sounds fun let’s try that I want to try all these swords wait what else is in there what huh Goldsmith great hammer cast spells from equi spell book

H do magic in the game that’s awesome look at the dagger dagger London experience in it look at this okay all right right let give these guys the London experience in it okay I might be resetting this is this is just reminds me of the oh [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] what is happening are you all right what’s going on oh no I’m missing it it just it it was lagging and it just sped up and it was like [ __ ] Looney Tunes oh yeah the lag is pretty bad no I said the lag wasn’t bad I lied

Okay uh should you just teleport to me cuz I went pretty far actually yeah yeah yeah I I’ll I’ll come to you me hello where guy he’s angry at you oh I’m on fire sorry what the [ __ ] this dagger does so much damage LW accurate anime

Battles that is how it feels to Read Manga sometimes you just like sure it’s your dagger and not my thing yeah I actually just found it in a chest are you can have it though no no I don’t want it look at that I just G the [ __ ] Birmingham special

Lads did you go upstairs no no I’m still down here this [ __ ] dagger it’s so ridiculous looking Jesus what’s up you and your dagger you like it crazy crazy what’s all the paper for why is there so much paper you can make tons of things with paper

Oh cool if you want to find out what you can make with certain items like you can go if you press e and then hover over the paper you press the letter U and it shows you recipes M that’s kind of cool what should we go next in the dungeon we can go

Anywhere I got I got this Hammer yeah Oh’s another Assassin’s dagger oh oh oh you spawned him okay I was like what’s happening I want to there’s an area that’s even like harder than this one I was going to say this kind of easy we beating their

Ass well I kind of like gave you some nice wait yeah chat G me a great idea what I can dual wield true let me um e and then o o I must look ridiculous to un doing this where’ you go uh I don’t know you’re over

Here I see your name there you are look at me do I look crazy yeah you look crazy future you know that guy with the knives all the time yeah where he goes like it’s me a [ __ ] stabby M stabby something oh yeah remember he was always so [ __ ] Roberto yeah Roberto that’s

The one Roberto the serial killer how do you guys remember the name it’s way better than clamps that’s for sure no I love clamps no not clamps clam is goated I like Roberto a clamps is goed uh [ __ ] where’d you go oh where we going where we going where’s the where’s

The deepest depths of this dungeon where do we go to find our prey we got to find the door I think I actually walked past it actually the door that leads to the second level oh this oh my God the lag is so bad I know I’m stabbing him in five different

Dimensions right now I’m sorry that’s okay he got his competence you got his cant taking all the stuff right okay I already opened this chest apparently death Strider or death sorry okay can’t reach CH oh my gosh wait where’d you go I’m sorry I’m like so laggy why is the server lagging why

Why would it lag like what caus is that it happens sometimes I’m I I like can’t even play the game right now it sounds like this [ __ ] memes it’s like Dr Phil is at your door I’m trying to this guy uh uh I can’t play yeah that’s pretty

Bad but I do have the Nutcracker wait what is this uh what what causes this cuz only three of us on here right so like why would it be lagging uh are there CH chunk loading or it could be could be so many things but I don’t know because uh

They there’s nobody around like reset did I break something no it wasn’t you it was [ __ ] up from before um more damn skeleton classic Minecraft Serv I don’t think I’ve ever been on a Minecraft server that hasn’t lagged I think every single Minecraft server I’ve been on one point is like

Lagging for whatever reason so needs a reset it’s so bizarre that it does that in general though that’s such a cool sound effect that I just explode them pent what what is the advancement sure oh wa what the [ __ ] wait everything was like clear what

The Yeah it’s the it’s the lag wait I wish it was it would continue this is like way better I can see everything clearly um I’m I am I crazy I swear we’ve been looking around this dungeon and we haven’t found a way out

Yet I don’t know I can’t I can’t be on the game it like doesn’t even let you play it at all yeah yeah it’s not even letting me play Jesus what the [ __ ] should I like get off to like reset it uh I don’t know if that’s going to do anything [ __ ]

Um uh I is there anything I can do or just resign myself to my fate what what what should I do I mean I I there’s not much that I can do right now yeah all right you resetting wouldn’t help lag oh [ __ ] man this sucks what the [ __ ] okay

I’m lagging a little bit we could play something else if you wanted to for now yeah I guess well you sad you want to play Minecraft yeah I know you you did we can do anything else there as well like what uh we can do crab we can do

Fortnite um Terraria anything you want to do oh no anything anything at all this guy is [ __ ] off don’t be sad it happens sometimes sometimes game be Brokey was it a real game yeah Minecraft doesn’t have a battle pass I’ll be right back all right sure crowbar sounds good yeah I’ll take that

There’s no battle pass for microtransactions in this game so it’s not really a game chat more of a lesser experience actually pronounce prominade what’s up here I for the life of me cannot climb these goddamn things oh press space am I supposed to press space Oh I am oh that’s unsettling hey

Guys all right when you when you unfall you die GTA I’m not on the uh server thingy um it also sounds like a [ __ ] commitment to basically roleplay I I I don’t I think I just haven’t watched it enough cuz whenever I watch it I’m like I don’t get it like

Guess it’s just people just role playing so I it be fun sometimes it just takes me a while I don’t know so sometimes I watch it I’m like yeah I get it and other times I watch it people are just walking around I’m like okay I guess it is like real life

Uh when I watch Mouse do it it looks fun but then I watch some other streams and I’m like I don’t I don’t know but M seems have a good time with it I think the B has a great opportunity for banter meeting other streamers um where where the [ __ ] am I

This is not where I came in I don’t know what the hell I found here I actually don’t know how to get out of here deal with it people do lots of building and too many chunks Stay Loaded making the server load every place entity oh that makes sense oh that’s interesting though

Surely there would be like a a easy solution right I don’t know it sounds like a problem that could be fixed but I guess it doesn’t maybe the original Minecraft doesn’t have this problem but mods only do what the heck is up here Minecraft is not very optimized because

MOJ have I heard what happen to mat pet yeah I did he’s quitting you it was very very sad it was it was hard to watch the men crying but uh hey I’m sure he he wouldn’t make that decision lightly so you know very cool I don’t know I

Think it’s it’s cool to see some YouTubers being like hey I kind of want to do something else I get it not that I don’t okay that makes sound like I’m going to quit but I’m not I’m I’m too addicted but I think it’s cool when other YouTubers do it

You’re like all yeah you’re like all right cool nice to see people finish their career without having to get canceled or something is it Mouse’s birthday tomorrow Mouse’s birthday is um tomorrow for in my time zone but I think two days no no no sorry sorry tomorrow tomorrow it isn’t but it would

Be if you were uh if mouse was in my time zone the Japan time zone is weird I’m just a day ahead so I think tomorrow it is and then also the day after it also is I just said it bad I didn’t explain it very well that’s my bad

Chat um hold on CH me message um me message let me message let me message all right you could have just said the date that’s dude you’re so smart you’re so smart and I’m not all right I’m going to go spawn you are whing yapping way too hard

That’s what streamers do I I’m a professional yapper chat I can’t just say the answer really easily I have nothing else to talk about and now I’m making more content cuz I’m what the f okay this is what the making more content cuz I’m trying to explain the

[ __ ] up I’m explaining that what the what the it’s trying to load all these blocks Jesus yeah no wonder my god oh there an umbrella that’s cool I I like looking down looks cool look at this oh okay what’s dirt now so it’s not very helpful I got cheats on confir oh [ __ ]

This lag all right maybe I should just disconnect for now maybe I should DC for a little bit and we’ll wait we’ll give it a little moment so it was totally broken yeah it does need it some sorry my belly button chat sorry to expose Myself um all right all right chat how are we doing sorry dude I woke up today very very sleepy I really wanted to stream though but I’m just in one of those moods I’m like yes yes exposed live I have seen worse on Twitch no how’s your workout routine Too

Well Chad I love working out but I don’t [ __ ] have time to do it half the time today I work up stream immediately and then I have to after I’m streaming I have to go somewhere right away this like let me let me work out I want to work

Out I like ideally I like to go like four times a week that would be nice that’s like my ideal world but if I can’t go if I can’t go to the gym normally I like to work a lot uh sorry walk a lot even if I’m not my Fitbit at

Least thinks I’m like doing something work out on stream chat I’ve worked out so much on stream what are you talking about chapstick yeah I do look at my lips need I do need to can I beat Felix and a fight no that man would kill me

Dude my lips do look [ __ ] pucked up I got big lips so whenever I get chapped it looks terrible Marathon stream part two no I’m never doing another marathon in my life no way I believe you can take him on [ __ ] uh could you beat could you end a

Clone of you beat Felix in a fight no Triathlon streams when why you could do an actual marathon and stream it that sounds awful what a horrible experience for you guys too the camera shaking the whole time chat you do realize like I’m I’m [ __ ] super human

Right any exercise you you name I can do it right I just go to the pub right before and it gets done the next day you know what I mean chat that’s the kind of vibe we’re trying to we play hard and we work hard it’s for charity is true charity

The charity is my body first standing back flip okay well listen there’s some things that yeah we don’t we don’t try to do tread mes enough torture yeah I had I had horrible horrible blisters for like a month cuz of that um so yeah uh didn’t know we were telling fibs

Fit first month of the year I’m not lying how am I lying what do you what dude I’m telling you my Fitbit stats go crazy last week I bet it I it must just I did exercise every day I’m telling you it did active days is that what it’s called

Look give me show me the show me the month show show me the month okay last week five out of five five out of five okay um oh my God the week before that Christmas week s out of seven chat seven out of five banging next week five out of five all

Right I go crazy with it this week I’m on a roll two out of two I got do today though I’m just going to do a big walk um I I don’t recall ever doing seven days of exercise though that doesn’t sound right apparently I apparently I walked so I walked 10 km

Yesterday what I how how does that make any I but then I probably drank I probably drank 3,000 calories worth of alcohol yesterday so that’s fine do we have a poll for next game we don’t so what happen to Minecraft yeah server issues yeah we uh I guess the

Server’s boken so we’re just working on it what do they have for lunch normally I just eat salads or um what’s the other thing the uh like a bread I don’t know normally salad every Day all right coffee I do coffee a lot too coffee is my go-to coffee is my go-to a sandwich I do like a sandwich I like salad though mostly salads fill me up so much it’s got so much [ __ ] in them chat yeah beers that’s that’s that’s dinner chat my go-to salad dressing Caesar um duality of Minecraft half time you’re playing are half time you lag I I guess kind of coffee I drink I drink almond milk chat uh is that the British way to pronounce that that’s the American way what’s the British way almond almond is the American way am I crazy am I

Tripping am I crazy wand wand is British I I don’t know it’s crazy now I don’t know which one’s the British and which one’s the American I just say whichever one I sounds right I don’t know chat um yeah I I drink the almond milk because uh she’s less calories chat

She’s less calories you know and I I drink so much coffee where I need uh I need to be less calories cuz I drink too much milk all the milk how bougie I just buy like a sixpack on Amazon and it it it like actually no actually the main

Reason the main reason I drink allmond milk okay number one is calories but number two that [ __ ] doesn’t go off it stays it like doesn’t go off for like a year which is concerning uh but I’ll take it I would do soy cuz I actually like

Soy more I think soy is the tastiest milk uh problem is is that uh it doesn’t work well with my machine to make coffee it like it uh it curdles the milk I guess cuz it doesn’t it like heats the milk too hot um so oat milk is best dude that’s

How you know you’re American if you say you like oat milk I know you’re American right away CC moncos are you American you must be I know you said it’s tough okay hold on uh who said who said I like almond milk I’m calling someone out

Right now alond milk is my favorite the baker Zen you must be American right I bet come on confirm my suspicion confirm my suspicion the baker Zen I know you’re watching C you probably it’s probably like midnight I’m Puerto Rican [ __ ] that’s okay okay hear me out hear me out though

Territory I I did we were including territories too all right okay do you have a US passport him okay [ __ ] off all right okay I was trying to cope to be right you’re right okay I’m wrong you’re right [Laughter] okay does that make me American [ __ ] [ __ ] all right most records already even

Have a passport that’s true that’s true well actually no not most isn’t it like half I don’t know how many Americans have passport 56 okay most people do have passports No Conor getting up to get your Uber e order and going to the bathroom doesn’t count game idea play Animal Crossing Valley or Sims with mouse please also full cream milk gang nothing beats a fresh glass of milk and smacking your lips dude I I I know I think milk is [ __ ]

Delicious I love a normal milk cappuccino or latte so [ __ ] goated but every day it’s just hard it’s hard man and I’m lazy and I’m lazy Ms where is the soy yeah why is there no soy who the I’ve never once heard in my life someone say cashew milk

What the [ __ ] what are you soy is way more popular than that are you kidding Me what the [ __ ] it’s only Japan that’s not true in the in the UK there there you go some Cas yeah I know I said it I said it weird cashews that’s how you say it cashew all right cashew all right cashew pronunciation dude I’m I’m you’re killing me okay look look I’ll do

American pronunciation cashew all right and hopefully I’m right here cashew that’s what I’m saying cashew cashew that’s literally what I said cashew you guys just say it like cashew you guys just say it sexier cashew cashew what it’s like the British one like cashew you guys are like

Cashew what the [ __ ] they said it the same they do say it I said it fast oh my God sound like one of the voices have a cal SL drink alone SL with tea SL coffee full cream for hot chocolate and the full skimmed stuff goes in the bin it’s funny oat milk is best I know Americans love oat milk I I I I asked for soy milk one time

In LA this coffee I was like they’re like cuz you know it’s La they’re like bougie they’re like something has to be I don’t know alpaca milk I don’t know [ __ ] know they you say like what do you what do you want what milk do you

Want I’m like almond uh sorry boy in the like they look at me Like what the [ __ ] is that it’s like we have refined goat milk from the Himalaya but we don’t have that the [ __ ] is the soy milk and I’m like okay [ __ ] all right jeez what milk do you have we have almond and we have oat and normal and

Low fat and every other variation and I’m like okay all right sorry I’m lactose intolerant and it sucks ass isn’t it true that you can get lactose intolerance if you don’t drink any don’t e any dairy for like PR long period of time right I swear that’s happening to

Me cuz I don’t drink milk at all since coming to Japan I just eat cheese and I know when I eat a [ __ ] ton of cheese I start I start fting like a like a it’s like a I’m playing like a tune it’s like so perhaps it’s happened to me who

Knows who knows take the yakle I love yakle too all right we trumpet have you tried Yak milk what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is yak milk Yak milk Final Fantasy why do they autofill Final Fantasy 14 what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this I clicked I typed in Yak milk and

It autoc corrected me to Yak milk Final Fantasy 14 I’m not playing it chat I refuse I draw the line Yak mil consumption among Mongol Empire Elites well it’s good enough for them it’s good enough for me you Know um hello yo welcome back I’m back what’s up hello how you doing I’m all right how are you doing cool is it s being reset or we doing something else yeah they said that they were going to do it oh they were When uh they’re investigating the issue investigate just flip the switch on don’t off do you see me uh oh in the in your Mech I don’t oh no at the cafe I work at I get a lot of soy coffee order but the biggest sin known to man is skim milk

That’s just water pretending to be milk I want to know how T if they milk the almonds for almond milk like bro how do you milk armonds she’s gang for life I’m refreshing it I’m refreshing it oh oh you’re in the gloomy bear Mouse yeah I failed to get a gloomy bear

Yesterday couldn’t get it what do you mean there was gloomy bears in the machines you tried to get a gloomy bear you couldn’t get it no I gave it off what did you get got a bunch of cinnamon roll stuff also got the sick Nessie plushy down

There I want to see the cinnamon rolls yeah they’re in my living room can I see one I not going get one gra oh my God I thought my my Chad broke Yay Some oh my God it’s so cute I don’t know oh they’re so cute baby a little baby oh the baby bottle the big one is so cute I got this one in like five tries value I got value out of this wow at that oh I love his ribbons thank

You they’re so cute though what was it cinnamon rolls did you enjoy them yeah were they to your liking I can’t wait to hug them you just know you literally can’t hug World roll you have too many I hug every single Cinema roll you get me no

You don’t that’s a lot at least one time that’s a lie so there some get one hug bro it’s not even worth the shipping you kidding me no no no at least one time but they all get more than one what’s the worst sermon roll you have one you

Hate the most which one do I hate what which one is the worst there’s no such thing is that one well there must been one you’ve hugged the least right which one was it that’s not true is the ugliest one there is no ugly Cal there’s no such thing okay yeah you

Don’t think so yes let me flip you oh I it’s cuz I’m flipped this way so oh yeah it looks like I’m looking at you Al you’re talking to me now instead of the floor what are you doing pop my head no I just demand that it’s my birthday it’s

Not that’s my birthday week so it’s my birthday year what the [ __ ] be making up [ __ ] times like that it’s it’s it’s my birthday week I’m patting the head of virtual vtuber okay never mind then oh my Lord do it how dare you cuz I just it’s my hand just floating in space

No what I’m not going to do anything until you do it why why am I feel held hostage Guys you’ve changed con it Oh why have I changed B is a bully I’m not bully Mouse is a bully bullying me in a head patting the Air now she she’s such a bully she left me to deal with her bullying alone I’m still here waiting oh my God are you give me the silent treatment now don’t pet the air yes oh I I never throw these fits you know I never we’re not doing this until this happens

Man are you going to do it or what I I said no okay then I guess we’re not doing Anything all right Fine stop being a give what she want what games we playing well they restarted the Minecraft server and they said it’s working now all right let’s jump in then yeah yeah cuz if not I was going to say well I guess we have to play little company now no lethal come two of

Us it’s not my fault you’re afraid all right I’m here flip me over what flip me over all right Right is it control h is it H all right we’re done there you are wait do you think maybe you can see my tail now do you see my tail oh yeah I do now yeah look at my tail it’s pink yeah I saw it look at it yeah I got a ta too yeah but mine is

Cute oh is mine not yours is just a plain white tail damn okay all right where are we going I want to see Zen’s house do I want to yeah sure I think that just means no troll can I burn it down come no you can’t burn down our house come come up

The wall water how do I come up this water just press space bar and go up the water oh I shouldn’t look U right that [ __ ] it up oh it doesn’t I was pushing forward I’m dumb it’s made out of water [ __ ] she figured me out wow Conor money has truly changed

Him it’s her birthday week and he refuses to Pat her head he’s just a big bully now he just loves bullying Mouse and his mods he even bullies me when I’m like so nice to him I’ve never said anything mean to him frown you have all right this is

Zen well you should watch out for that yeah I I kind of Imagine Zen doesn’t follow oia regulations no this is the entrance of her house that’s that’s her com beanie that she opened she opened up a com beanie yeah look at her com how did this car park

Here how did this who this this guy must be the best Parker of all time is it really a com though if I if it’s in the sky I mean it’s a sky com beanie Sky beanie fair enough what do you think what do you think about all the stuff it’s definitely

Cool but not as cool as me floating away what the how do I how do I let go of the parachute the GL just scroll wheel oh ah where do you want to go I wanted to feel death death’s embrace you want to die no I’m kidding um right where we going that

That that dungeon was easy they were too weak you want to go to okay let me take out my structure Compass we need a challenge I need to be tested okay we can go to why are you laughing I don’t like that I can go to the ancient city sure

Somewhere I can be tested a gamer like me needs a challenge every now and then to keep the gamer instincts fresh well follow me all right I can do that before before anything I need to put some stuff away okay let me just put this away oh it’s a lot of stone

MH yeah cuz I’m I’m living in the land cool this is where the art museum is going to be yeah I just read the sign our Museum come come that shadow of me [ __ ] rolling is so Funny we’re going to go to the ancient city but I don’t know if it’s the same ancient city I think it might be h it’s not tooo far from here it’s only 700 blocks away that’s right CL are we could go to a a a one of those spirals in the nether

Those are pretty hard whatever you think will prove a challenge or we can go to a [ __ ] Thingy sometimes walking mhm in another direction is the best way if you just want to stuff you know I I trust you you do you why should I not yeah you just sounded like you were like oh yeah you shouldn’t do that oh I hope we get to see I hope I

Can show you a prismatic cave they’re so cool show them there glowy caves with rainbow colors wow I’m too good at rolling i h myself which way do we go now that roll was so funny oh [ __ ] I forgot to make you your hook shot a it’s fine I don’t need it

Hey do I’m a game I don’t need it Conor everybody needs the essentials mhm this pig it is a pig oh [ __ ] I can’t Dash I’ve been eaten too much an eating sound in this game Mouse don’t forget to take Connor to the nether he needs to sleep there so

He can get the special achievement you get for sleeping there and Conor I will never give up on my Animal Crossing one day all right never Happen bamboo forest look at this thick bamboo yeah it’s like real life is bamboo that flat um it’s pretty thick yeah it grows very fast how fast days Days yeah it takes days to like fully grow what that’s crazy yeah it’s it’s a it’s a nuisance where are you going where did you

Go up oh wow yeah it grows very fast very very fast oh just like in Minecraft yeah and pandas love to eat it just like in Minecraft you pandas eat it in Minecraft yeah damn where is this place I can’t I can’t believe life is copying Minecraft all right I’m we in a

Village huh we in a village no why it looks like we’re in a village what is this [ __ ] around us what do you mean got a ton of stuff around us animals oh is that what that is what this is it this is where it’s

At and now I’m going to dig what is this place the ancient city oh [ __ ] you want to come hell yeah what the [ __ ] I just got 50 Stone why oh cuz I did this oh you got the vein mining thing yeah that’s awesome how do you know it’s underneath

You oh I have a compass what the wait that sounded so cool yeah what what did you what was that why was it getting XP what oh look at that when you mine you get XP you want to go down there this this the ancient city no not yet but we’re we’re getting

There let’s going check it it’s going to peep it is it down there yep it’s going to be down there dude it go so deep what the [ __ ] careful that you don’t fall with the St yeah I’m cool though oh this guy’s pissing me

Off oh did you see look at the look at the different colored stuff yeah look at that that’s crazy wait where are you I’m lost crystal I’m right behind you dude look at all these crazy Stones how do I turn on the lights in this

Cave do you still have the the Torches I gave you yeah don’t they’re not very bright though dude look at all this what the heck where are you I floated over here towards the pretty Stones okay I’m on my way over there that’s a prismatic Cave this is crazy what the [ __ ] isn’t that pretty uh yeah it is where’s the ancient city though I I I have a wand oh hold on this wand makes light whoa wait I want that is it permanent yep what the Yeah here you go no strings

Attached no I could just make another one how’ you make it oh it has charge though does that run out uh yeah but you can fix it with glow stone W who this is so handy how do you have all this stuff I make it my with my own tool hand

Oh my God all right where’s the ancient city we must pillage we have to go this way I got to warn you when you get there you have to be very quiet okay I can do that cuz the warden what hear you a warden is he someone I should be afraid of

Yes oh okay should be yeah this guy is kind of mean so why is he called the warden cuz you Wards oh okay I mean this yeah makes sense to me it’s this way let’s figure out why he’s so goddamn stunk it’s in this direction oh I’m stuck oh oh we’re digging

Oh yeah I like this will you get one shot by him me yeah uh maybe like two shots that’s pretty good did you solo him I did not solo him I’ll solo him yeah you going I think I I would solo him let me solo him I think I actually would

So yeah yeah I think I I I got the solo I think I solo him easy you really think so what is that Platinum oh oh I’m too uh I’m it’s fine it’s fine oh I’m sorry it’s fine I I just got no pickaxe you’re a cman I’m using my sword Conor

Oh I have a pickaxe I have an axe though I gave you the materials to construct the pickaxe okay well first of all that’s that’s like that’s like giving me ingredients to cook and hoping it’ll work out what I did it because I felt like you would be like oh you’re you’re

You’re doing everything for me no no no that’s what I wanted actually I [ __ ] knew it chat you [ __ ] let me down did you ask them well I said that I was going to do everything for you and they’re like no mouse it’s Connor he’s going to be upset

If you do everything for him like no he’s not he’s going to he’s going to [ __ ] love it he doesn’t want to do work you trusted chat and I’m an idiot you’re not an idiot I’m just lazy you are lazy I know you better than chat then why’d you ask

Them I didn’t ask them they start complaining when I was streaming I know how to make a a pickaxe I just I don’t have the Twigs yeah you do I gave them to you I gave you everything where’s my Twigs oh here I mean there must be in

Your chest I guess no I took everything out oh stick yeah I can make it wait so if I go um what’s up careful what’s up careful don’t fall like I did yeah okay I won’t do that use your use your your your glider this how I make

It okay I’m good now yeah I guess you did give me the materials no worries I have one now use your glider to come down here where are you right directly underneath you oh I see Hello what is this place skull V City all right hell yeah

How do we let’s let’s do some [ __ ] damage let’s wreak some Havoc okay listen to me okay I’m listening go into your menu you press options okay press controls okay your sneak put it on toggle instead of hold okay that way you don’t have to hold the button when you sneak all right

Got it just toggle it this stuff that we’re walking on yeah the warden if you if you alert a shrier the warden will come whoa okay that’s cool I’ve made the achievement sneak 100 what what is this sensor what is this this sensor alerts the warden not

Anymore I’m going to put a bed down here oh touch the bed [ __ ] hold on I keep acting well I got to do I need to oh wait how do I get crouching position oh right right yeah I need that I just wanted to light it I just

Want all right that’s crazy this lighting thing it’s awesome yeah you like it yeah it’s sick so I just Crouch the whole time yeah just stay crouching roll safe can I roll uh I mean you can roll actually you know what not just a bed come over here

Okay I want to put this down too oh that’s cool [ __ ] press it I I keep forgetting you can’t press things crouched yeah yeah yeah a hole will destroy these things way easier mhm so all this stuff if you break it with v watch it what’s that don’t don’t move don’t move

Crouch that’s a shrier where is it that’s what a shrier sounds like if it sounds three times the warden Comes Conor is that my fault yes do you want that to happen do you want him to come no I I I just thought I’d win I mean I don’t think you’d win but you can try I’d Win would you uh yeah I would they so they want to they want to wake them up uh well we’re going to go find him right but we going to go kill him well we don’t really have to find him he kind of finds us oh

Cool yeah he kind of like comes out from the ground W from this stuff what the heck Yeah it’s scary do you want to see him sure why not what did you just do hold on how did you climb up there I’m come come this way hello where are you crouch mhm unless you want him to come over here what was that noise that’s the warden he’s coming what the

[ __ ] do you want him to come or no I do yeah all right if you okay how about this here’s here’s here’s what we can do if you really really panic and you want to get away just type SL spawn and go straight to spawn to be sneaky and

Stealthy be super stealthy and careful and do not make a noise or you’ll alert the warden with the sound of your cheeks clapping he’ll definitely beat your ass if he gets you there he is why is he here are you ready it’s time to kill him I’m on fire already what the

[ __ ] I died oh my God oh my God where is he [ __ ] dude he was low what the [ __ ] he was low he was low we almost had him we nearly got him [ __ ] it I got lost it was too dark you did great okay we got to be careful hold on

Hold on hold on cuz we don’t remember we’re surrounded by lava our backpacks are down there we can die yeah that’s true is he still die stay crouched yeah he’s sniffing around he’s sniffing around our Graves he’s a sniffing What do we get when we kill him we get his heart oh is that wor something yep you can make Warden Armor with it stay stay quiet don’t don’t make too much noise don’t don’t uncrouch stay crouched so you can get our stuff back all right he went back into the room

You to hit me why did you do that you have to stay croud I am I just fed oh he’s coming towards me I don’t think he he’s friendly no he’s not friendly yeah we seen that [Applause] way how do I get all this stuff oh [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] uh I told you you need to be quiet I was I didn’t do anything you need to stay crouched and be quiet Was I wasn’t until he L I farted yeah but he can’t hear my farts can he can you hear my farts stop he’s right in front of me he’s sniffing me I’m not moving I can jump right There killed me you found me all right I’m just going to wait until can you like wait until he goes back into the ground why I’m popping Off how do I get the Stuff un crouching grab it oh oh he’s sniffing me though you can’t be crouched while you’re getting your yeah I realize that [Applause] now we’re chill right we’re chill right we’re chill right me and you we’re cool right the time when I nearly killed you was just for fun oh we were not

Chill we were not chill at all I thought we were chill we were super chill we were super chill until we weren’t super chill I told you to stop okay should I wait I’ll wait to the bed I’ll wait to the bed I’ll wait to the bed and here’s what I’m

Going to do the warden loves coffee I’m going to make him a coffee in my real you’re leaving no no no I’m staying here but I’m going to make a coffee real quick for him cuz that that that always chers me up what do you think about that what the [ __ ] so you so you think he doesn’t like coffee you think it’s like the blend I’m using [Applause] Al oh my God he gave me a hug though that means we’re cool right he he’s too close he’s too close oh well that’s not good for us is it you got to stay

Hiding I’m I am hiding no one hides better than me what on the record not all of us can be one block tall you know You think he’s coming oh my God how the [ __ ] nah he’s cool with me though n we’re cool though I’m getting away from him yeah we’re we’re cool though we’re cool Though yeah we’re cool PR tight we used to play on the same lacrosse team in college before he became the wooden of Course oh my gosh are you going to get coffee or what well I can’t now cuz he’s chasing my [Applause] ass just go somewhere and hide I’m hiding Now like hide for real I I what I I’ve watched home alone I’m trying my best I think I lost Him sounds like he’s gone he’s right in front of me all right I think I’m I’ve got to I’ve got to find a great spot is he gone yet no I left the spawn M I think he hates you because you’re Welsh no just tell me when he’s

Gone I can hear him rumaging around somewhere yeah tell me when he’s gone when I hear when I hear the footstep stop no he goes back into the ground oh okay um well how will I know that I you’ll hear it okay cool Connor you’re too stinky he can

Smell you okay well I don’t think that’s true what makes him go away like is it just random or is there like a you can’t be around him you C make noise is noise doing any kind of action that isn’t crouched yes got it is there a a timel that on our

Graveyard or no no oh fantastic then maybe we’re good I I hear some walking very very far Away was any to kill it we were close we were really close you were tanking him does he ever stop walking around no oh so we’re good Then Stop moving if I stop moving will he stop yes just stop moving okay all right okay J all right jeez okay sorry my bad stay still I’ll stay still perfectly still that’s heartbeat not steps Oh I thought that was steps your model’s like quivering you must be terrified of the

Warden or your mouthing insults at me one or the other I don’t know just waiting for him to leave so I could go back to my grave yeah we been telling you this entire time this area did not move it’s like I keep telling him don’t move and it’s like you don’t

Listen but like but like how much move though like you don’t move yeah but like a few blocks is fine Right like a block or two is chill right So no no no blogs I I don’t think Mouse likes me right now guys even if I’m like Crouched all right Mouse is mouse are are you muted no your your model’s mouth keeps moving he going Like no no okay all right uh so when I when I go to my head right those I click on the head and it opens up the inventory and there’s a button that says take all and I click the take all and it doesn’t take any of it

It should take everything the circle with a cross right yeah or the chest once you press the circle with the cross you have to press the chest the chest okay I have to find that the circle with the cross unlocks it and then you press chest to press circle with cross and then

T yes okay got it not the TNT which I nearly did do earlier would I have lost everything if I did that yes what I nearly did that earlier how pissed would you have been if that happened if it was your stuff I don’t care oh yeah but you got it for

Me yeah I think you’d have a right to be annoyed that I lost it all within 20 minutes of Playing This is taking a while huh she should have set up a campfire or something tough one stories at is he near you is that why he’s not going down uh I I don’t know uh maybe is it I don’t know someone said yes but that’s could be one should I move Away don’t move please okay okay could just TP to spawn then go back right yes let we just do that I already did that oh if we both do oh wait you’re You’re gone no I’m back I’m waiting for him to leave should I go to the

Spawn if you want to go you can go then I can teleport back to you yeah all right how do I request to TP to you put TPA and then my name he I own mous partus oh all Right sniffing Is there like [ __ ] glitch or something what the [ __ ] what if we just leave the area it despawn him I don’t know aren’t you super close to him am I Crazy I took damage when I tpd and he heard it damn it you’re so Small just shampoo your hair so he won’t smell you I know about That Conor what what the [ __ ] what why oh oh no I was just following You oh my god death is Imminent I didn’t know that just go to spawn please what sorry go to spawn I did I was I was just following you I didn’t know you do not follow me stay what am I a dog I didn’t know I was just following you I what’d you go oh my God there’s

Two of them now what if we wait for them to despawn at spawn we CH eat some small Wars I just want to get my stuff me too mate you are trolling for [ __ ] I I genuinely I am fighting for my life chat I’m just I was just trying to get my

Stuff I didn’t know the chunks don’t tick though oh [ __ ] what do that mean Chad I’m going pretend like I know that means is bad I’m just a noob what if I run and get my stuff no wait wait why do you get to get your stuff and I can’t get my stuff

Because I’m getting my stuff first okay okay but I could distract them with my dummy thick cheeks cling don’t where my stuff is they be like I’m walking around you know and and they leave you alone so you can get your stuff no okay you will summon a third

One we’re going to we’re going to solo them solid plan honestly Mouse is not mad she’s disappointed are you mad or disappointed Mouse I’m just trying to get my [Laughter] [ __ ] you guys think it’s a bit of both maybe a little bit of both Huh let me know when you got it I I’ll go in how many pooo stinky jokes do you think we’ll make the warden go away I’m going to get your grave I’ll be right back wait I want to get my grave you want to get your grave yeah I

Do I want to get it can I get it are you sure yeah I’m sure I could literally get it and bring it back to you no I got It oh how do I take this stuff [Applause] again oh which chest icon which one’s the chest icon ah this one okay now I know oh you’re here too what’s up I was really close though I this time yeah I was close oh my god I’ve got too many graves

Now which one’s the one go ahead get your graen too many now it’s underneath this one what the [Applause] [ __ ] did you take my grave I didn’t take your grave I mean I see it there I just can’t grab it cuz there’s too many graves on it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now [ __ ] why do you keep doing this cuz I want to grab my grave you’re spawning more Graves and it’s going to glitch out and you’re not going to be able to get yourself okay can you get my grave then I can’t get it now oh you can’t I

Have to wait you spawn like three wardens oh okay okay okay but there was they were already there when I got there oh my God will they not like what why do you I listen listen I don’t know anything about this game right so why are you getting annoyed to me for

Not knowing things what are you talking about I have explain things to you the minute we got there I told you crouch do not move do not make noise those things and I did do that you did all of those things I did I did not do any of those things yes you

Did I did a fart into the mic and then somehow it spawned the enemy how is that me Connor I’ve literally been telling you what to do this whole time and you don’t listen I am no you don’t you’re not I right over the sensor I didn’t know that was a

Sensor I when we got there I showed it to you and I said this is a thing do not put it I couldn’t see it it was dark oh my God what the [ __ ] it’s tough my brain is small are you going to go get coffee or

No okay [ __ ] okay all right all right you can tell chat about how dumb I am Jesus Christ holy [ __ ] and now there’s there’s two [ __ ] Wardens oh my God this [ __ ] saw me I can’t even go there cuz there’s two wardens and one one of them is like camping at the way

Stone is Conor doing is Conor doing this for Content bro I is he because holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he doesn’t have the backpack oh I don’t know what to do I’m trying to I’m I’m back in this [ __ ] ancient city oh my God and one of them is like

Literally in front of me and the other one is literally behind me Jesus thank you tofu holy [ __ ] man should put all the vales and just knowing it would be a suicide run bro I lit I I literally I literally told him what to do multiple time how many

Times did I tell him I told him everything he didn’t listen I literally said everything the only reason why I got killed was because I was thrown into a corner oh oh jeez sorry guys I’m back streaming oh this guy he sucks at Minecraft he’s got no items look at

This what Los C roll he’s got his items back because I had to call God to go get his damn items oh jeez well there’s no God in San Rio just money why do you sound like Mickey Mouse probably don’t that’s not what Cinema roll sounds

Like oh yeah so I think uh this guy is not a [ __ ] gamer I think uh this guy’s uh got uh wait uh eore oh my God you’re going be a good vent no [ __ ] okay do you have my stuff tofu’s getting your stuff for you wait why because I told him

To all right well I mean I can I can do it easily ain’t no way you would go back there with three wardens wandering around camping the freaking Way Stone oh my God go stupid idiot which one is it where is it where is it how hyp that would have have been if

I got It your stuff is at spawn what soofu got it for you a thank you tfu she so a I don’t know what chest it is though oh [ __ ] wait do you have it on you already what is this is this it here what is this is it what the [ __ ] is that

Flying chest oh this is your chest here you go what the heck that’s not a flying chest it’s a firefly what the [ __ ] it’s a flying chest for me uh my backpack isn’t in here where’s your backpack that’s not in this chest uh doesn’t even say thank you I

Literally said thank you what do you mean play it back different grave they all should have been the same grave you probably put that one on first did you in a panic you put that on I don’t think so is that what happen um I don’t think so I don’t think I ever

Got uh oh jeez oh man sorry tofu extra work for you you know how much I went through to make you that backpack no I know and that’s why I want it back that is a netherite magma traveler backpack it I agree and I want it

Back netherite when my child was like he is only going to play one time why are you making him a netherite backpack I I want it back as badly as you do and I was like you know what he deserves a netherite backpack a wait why do you think I still deserve one

No I should have left you with a standard backpack uh yeah Conor is a bad friend okay guys I feel like these uh insults being held at me that are kind of hurtful um I don’t think I’m a bad friend I think I’m a bad

Game you that’s true I did say that I said that if I wouldn’t have gotten you all the good stuff you would have started complaining like a big fat baby I don’t know I don’t think I would let me ask my friend here real

Quick what he thinks if I do you think I would complain if I didn’t have the finest and most best of stuff oh yeah of course oh okay why does he will make him sound like Mickey Mouse that is not what Cinema sounds like oh actually this is what I what I sound

Like it doesn’t sound like that do you have a voice reference for me he sounds like he sounds like um he sound sounds like cute how do I do that he sounds cute do we know what was inside what was inside the backpack Connor uh all the stuff I didn’t want in

The inventory tons of books tons of oh God wait why tons of materials tons of stuff a lot oh goodness you put a lot of crying emojis is that good no that’s not good okay sorry I just want to make sure I don’t think it’s all bad uh maybe he

Can does he have the magic controls to make a new one if it’s gone for some Reason I’m taking that as a perhaps oh my god did your backpack get glitched out it might happen how does that happen how does it just disappear by you spawning too many stupid Grays by being dumb howow you know what oh look look at that I found

It where’d you find it uh on the floor oh I need to how I oh no that’s not how I use it hold on press no I keep doing the exact same thing sorry hold no is it B how do i b hold it in your hand and open it with right click

Then you have to put it back on pressing the button and make sure that the ability is activated um right click I’m I’m trying both the clicks and nothing’s happening I’m crouching I’m an idiot it is tough crouching thank you tofu by the way um oh this is this is

Way smaller than the one you got me oh oh God it’s not the better right one no oh man I I’ll help the chat let me there you go ling up a little bit you know get some Vibes going I don’t have the netherite one which one do I have you have the

Standard one Magma Cube [ __ ] I don’t want this trash did you activate the ability I did yeah don’t say that that’s trash okay okay I was just trying to make you feel bad just you don’t have it on it you don’t have the ability all that if you

Had you would have complained and you can’t even follow her simple instructions man that one bra like I’m being G by everyone poor little guy didn’t make it it’s like teaching papy how the phone you lost every all all the stuff that you got you lost it by being a

Dumbass I made one fart noise I farted one time and now I’m being dragged through the justice system unfairly I’m being I’m being [ __ ] believe you Conor I just I work so hard to get you all that stuff I know I know I I was doing what you were doing you

Weren’t doing holy [ __ ] you listening to me I was crouched and following you your honor I made one fart noise you honor I farted one time this is unfair this is not Justice I did I couldn’t see the sensor God why why are you Contin are you playing up how mad you

Are at me stop it thoughts are funny how can you be so smart at chest and be so [ __ ] stupid other stuff I don’t understand what do you mean how the [ __ ] can you be so dumb I don’t get it what do you mean it’s actually quite simple it’s actually remarkably easy oh

You’re like like play stupid [ __ ] chest the stupid smart people play you’re like the dumbest man of Li sometimes hold on hold on now how is this possible I take that personally when did I ever say I was smart that’s a lie and I won’t stand for it I will not

Stand for that slander against my character I don’t want people thinking that I did [ __ ] intentionally world your honor I simply I simply farted you listen you don’t listen okay I’m listening now what do you want from me now you lost all your treasure and you made tofu go through all this

Struggle and make your backpack properly thank t i on that’s scary thank you tofu okay okay okay question what we’re not going back there okay question number two what I I feel that revenge is always good hey at least now Conor knows how annoying and terrifying it is to deal with

Wardens no worries there wasn’t I I I don’t think I put anything was there anything in the backpack that was important I think all the cool stuff I’m holding right I don’t know I like the Hat you gave me the scarf I’m wearing I think I’m wearing everything that’s like super

Duper important right 30 Diamonds oh wait the necklace oh I do want the necklace back you lost the necklace too oh yeah necklace is that you spell necklace necklass that you spell it Nas Nas actually the diamonds I got you necklace oh my Lord necklace my God can’t spell any of

It you’re [ __ ] de cool Leaf you lost it tool no I got that that’s sick I got that I for some reason Chad I thought it was spelled necklass I have no idea why oh my God I can’t all right all right ow ow oh no no

I thought those was were flowers I he died it is a flower let’s go flower with hands you thought brid people smart well okay chat all right hold on now chat all right first of all no second of all spelling is tough all right oh my God it

Is bro okay listen I got I got one of them three language brains and I’m not good at any of Them I just make [ __ ] up and hope it works all right right here what should we do lead them m i going to the bathroom okay can’t slander you I’ll God you already do that to yourself man that F cost you everything and you haven’t even learned

From your mistake damn it Conor listen to Mouse next time I know your porn brain life far and poor little guy oh my Lord dude I swear this is a collusion Gaslight between everyone I farted chat I farted that’s all I did is a man not allowed to fart in the

Comfort of his own ancient city is a man denied the right to do that can the man not summon a warden through his own farts let me let me play it back I got to play back the VA we’re playing back the VA chat we got to check this out we

Got to we got to see clearly there’s some miscommunication going on here let’s see let’s see if I’m wrong or right noers yeah you guys are scared of the truth coming out as always chat SC of the truth all right have a look how long AG

Go is it okay that wasn’t that long ago all right so we’re walk in all right d I’m walk in all right I can jump right there oh I’m dead already okay well he’s not friendly okay it’s probably around here right where are you crouch mhm unless you want him to

Come over here what was that noise I’m gra I’m gra that’s the warden he’s coming running what the [ __ ] but we were trying to spawn him you want to come or no I do yeah all right if you okay how about this see look here’s here’s what

We can do if you really really panic and you want to get away just type SL spawn so we decided to spawn her sneaky and stealthy be super stealthy and careful and do not make a noise or you’ll alert the warden with the sound we literally spawned him right def we literally both

Decided to spawn him there he is why is he here are you ready yeah see I don’t see what the issue is chat why is this my fault not this one this is when we started this m I’m on fire already what [ __ ] I didn’t

Want to try get my stuff back ah okay okay yeah sounds about right I just got to C that chest icon I didn’t do it I’m done uh I told you you need to be quiet I was he’s not friendly yeah it would seem that way can you hear me why did

You do that you have to stay Crow stop right this spotted oh he’s coming toward okay so you could get our stuff back all right he went back in oh my and there we have it oh my God the truth it was Mouse I told you I

Didn’t move it wasn’t me I told you guys what the [ __ ] this Collective gas light from you guys what the hell I can’t believe this I KN I knew it wasn’t me I told you guys what the [ __ ] I’ve sat here for 40 minutes being told how much a terrible

Person I am what the [ __ ] what the hell I can’t I can’t believe this let’s watch this again I just let’s watch it sler all right he went back look at that ignore the farting M ignore the farting but M Mouse clearly steps on the thing

Here I mean come on come on the mous slide people died this is the biggest plot twist of 2024 this is truly this is this is truly the biggest plot plot twist of all time look at this goes past it sneaks past it stop back look at that stepped on this one

Immediately steps on another one all right he went Back now she blames me you to hear me why did you do that you have to stay Crow I am I just I I I literally was not moving and she’s like what are you doing you have to stay crouched this is insane I can’t believe this if I didn’t play

This back the all the vaults would been like oh man C is so [ __ ] annoying why doesn’t he listen dude why doesn’t he listen to mouse ever I’m like what inane ins Shane what oh my God oh my Lord the your father is like an atomic

Bomb oh my I’m all right it’s there chat there we go the truth comes out the truth has come out chat finally finally we can rest this case can be put to rest I can’t believe that I I’m an all chat I can’t believe it the slander that I

Had to go through in the past 40 minutes unjustly who’s going to apologize in chat huh who’s going to admit that they were wrong oh chat who’s going to say hey Connie you know what I [ __ ] up VOD lied it did not my goodness gracious n we’re not wrong that’s [ __ ]

Up it was edited it what it’s a VOD chat what do you mean I can’t believe this guys what are you guys all American you guys have the presidential election 2016 changed everything I swear AI generated VA oh my God thank you thank you tofu thank you tofu

It’s misinformation Jesus I can’t catch a break wait which chest this one copper barrels by Mouse okay thank you oh thanks man oh thank you thank you so much I’m sorry for causing you trouble tofu I appreciate it I really do uh I I I know I’m a nuisance I’m very

Sorry I will try to limit how much you have to do this I can’t say it won’t happen again I’m just going to try and make sure it doesn’t all right I’m a Helm that’s sick try I do a lot of try and [ __ ] this is everything that I had Farmers Delight that’s

Sick I can’t wait I can’t wait for Mouse to come back to hear her thoughts on the new evidence that we’ve uncovered a shocking a shocking turn of events in in the case hold on chat there’s an ad about to play realistically I should have played the ad when I got coffee but

I I was Dumb and I forgot To but it was fun cuz I was making coffee while I was watching the stream and mouse was just renting at me and I just had a fun time doing that that was funny all right well I guess what I’m going to do is cuz while I’m waiting I

May as well just go and jump from Zen’s Zen’s death Palace I’ll play some music in the background fight round two listen I’m going trying to start fight but I’m right you know what I mean Mouse knew this whole time I I have a feeling Mouse knew and mouse just

Wanted to blame me I don’t know Mouse has the Latina trait of never being wrong okay suppose that could be the case you you will always be wrong against Mouse even when you’re right that’s I mean it’s possible I don’t think that’s true though m is a very reasonable and

Easy to talk with person cium what is what are these options yes Conor’s fault or blank distracted Mouse you’re really desperate to try and save your butt when it was your butt that go you in this mess in the first place it was not my butt that got me to her after

And kept dying and spawning more Graves listen to her Conor how is it my fault now I just scared a [ __ ] pigeon on my window sill there’s a [ __ ] pigeon [ __ ] jump when I screamed you summoned two uh yeah okay I mean yeah the grave spawning yeah that could have been my

Fault but you know what’s worse lying to your friend chat lying to your friend is worse true apologize to the pigeon sorry pigeon sorry for the ads as well gas lighting is worse that that’s a point too wait for Mouse I land in that water beds I think beds should be like not

Take fall damage when you when you fall on them cuz I think that it’s just lame that you you know you don’t bounce like in the Cartoons I’m waiting now you take less like like how much less Use a water bucket I I really want to know how to do that I know people can do that I have a bucket in my bag actually I’m going a try I don’t know how you do it though isn’t it like you have to just immediately click when you hit the floor I

Think all right I take some of this water right no okay if I like hit the floor and I go like that the moment I hit the what do you mean to do that I didn’t know what I I got one bucket why was it a monsoon oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh where were the seeds chat oh I didn’t I didn’t know that happened if you put a bucket of water Down tofu how do I fix this oh what’s up you okay yeah okay okay uh I I I tried to practice the uh water bucket thing and I didn’t realize that it would just make a ton of water go everywhere so I think I accidentally got rid of some of the

Seeds but not a lot like three over here and some wheat this is not three was this all full earlier yes no it was not yes it was I planted it this morning what why do why do I only have three seeds oh wait there’s there there’s 13

Here the rest way there’s 13 Here uh I didn’t know that oh [ __ ] I stepped on it [ __ ] I didn’t know that happens Either so uh this is a good time to tell you as well I watched back the vaud yeah you did yeah I did I know what you’re going to say are you watching the stream yeah but you need to understand something yeah there were three wardens

You dumbass yeah and you are the one who blame me I summoned one you summoned two oh oh oh but you blamed me for it why you blaming me for it huh if I’m crouched and I jump on that [ __ ] it’s not as bad as you going

[ __ ] crazy oh so you’re argument so now you’re argum for blaming me wow Conor can’t believe you choked again okay hold on Grandpa tried to teach how to use the compu it doesn’t matter anyway you need to go to the ne and SLE more than one war you’re [ __ ] maybe then

Right right so you’re saying is it’s all my fault it’s still your fault you’re such a piece of [ __ ] am I why can’t you say hey I I might have got got it wrong one time because if I was by myself I would have gotten it

All why are you making me trample on the crops why do you keep doing that what the [ __ ] this is so cruel this is mental torture with our PLS you [ __ ] what why am I being tortured what what is this this is like you give me all

These nice things you’re like let’s go on an adventure and then now now I’m in 500 years of debt and I got to work at on the farm for 15 days you’re not doing any farm work I I feel like that’s the next request it’s like all right well since

Seeing as how you broke 5 years with the crops what the [ __ ] you know what I’ve been honing my sword for far too long to be taken this I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking I’m just kidding I’m just kidding there’s a joke there’s a joke it’s a classic

Prank hell yes uh what is that oh God oh God why are you doing this why you doing this why are you making me suffer oh I stepped on more crops [ __ ] look what you did no you were trying to kill me I’ll plant them hold on I got this I

Know how to do it my friend killed me stop being a baby I’m sorry I just need to wait a moment I can’t believe my friend killed me in Minecraft hurry up and get your grav the cinnamon R to clean my tears real quick good what the [ __ ] is this what’s

Up stay strong Conor what’s up I killed all the pigs by accident what did you kill was that me it’s okay they’re just there they were just there suffering outside oh my God look at what you killed h look at all the damage you’ve done you’re you’re a

Monster it’s huge range yeah I I I I found that out I found out the range I couldn’t [ __ ] get out of It here you go on the house consider your favorite garbage seeds okay fine all right I’ll take them back jeez oh can I have one of those oh I I’ll make you one right now thank You I’ll make you one right now all right are you actually yeah I’m making I’m going to make you one is it going to explode when I use it no what the [ __ ] what do you mean just making sure just making sure why would it explode I don’t know I just uh I’m

Trained I’m conditioned trained to what [ __ ] I keep walking on the plants why does that happen when I walk on them why would they put a farm right here I just feel like we should have put this somewhere else you know cuz this is where we spawned yeah yeah that makes

Sense okay I’m going to just put these here something else can handle it I need a hoe [ __ ] W Chad I got no ho but the warden’s got a ho you seem like you had it all figured out uh I do want to kill him though oh what does this do press

Dio what the what the [ __ ] is that I I saw a lime that’s like a Vine boom oh my goodness it’s for emergencies okay I do want to I do want to kill the warden there how much damage does this sword have H 12 okay that’s pretty good

Right yeah it’s okay I felt like I mean we had him on a 100 health so he was we nearly had him he was like below 100 I think so I think we were close I just feel like we can’t let him get away with it I think you know we obviously we

Argue a lot right uh who’s right who’s wrong often is not important uh however one thing we can agree on is the warden caused all of our problems I don’t Know you just want to go back there and have more problems I just want to kill the man who took my life hold on someone’s spawn I got to press the button you barged into his house rightfully sh that scares me about Minecraft is that everything’s just everything breaks

You know what I mean what the [ __ ] is that like in real life who look at that uh no well not like in real life I mean I don’t walk around and stuff just breaks you know I see it’s not a very good clock but you break things in real life Connor

I can’t recall the time that I Have what are you doing I’m trying to make this for you con tring to make this for you what are you doing I’m I’m just standing here Is it true that I can pick you up yes wait how wait why can’t I do this I don’t know it’s the a thing that let’s make a let’s make a a medium rare iron mous no no oh wo wo wo five so you can see what it looks

Like what sorry oh what the heck what you have five five that’s so [Laughter] funny next time you Yap too much I know what I’m doing no all right the recipe says I don’t know why 330° for 20 minutes all right let’s try it let’s try

It all right what can we craft with an iron Mouse on the envil it’s find out what the no all right well the last thing you you can do with iron Mouse is water Pond I guess what the [ __ ] all right we’re going to drop you in the ocean

No don’t drop me in the ocean I don’t know how to drop you don’t know how to drop you baptized let’s baptized we’re going to baptize you I can’t pick you up in the water okay try to pick me up now no I can’t oh out of

Water oh it doesn’t work now either oh I have to crouch to oh I can go way faster now oh hell yeah how does it look you crouched ow ow ow why does putting you in the Wall hurt you ah you’re suffocating me that’s so funny oh my God that’s so [ __ ] funny

Here you go he’s Llama wait that’s so funny I can pick you up why is it in the game wait let me pick you up can you you can’t pick me up right I’m too big what the what the why can you pick me up now and take you some all the garbage okay garbage

This this is why I suffocate what the that’s kind of scary everything just goes black yeah cuz you’re inside the wall all right take me to the quest please ow ow ow my I’m hitting like donking the head ow all right okay take me to the next Quest location

Please what I look like a cab well I don’t want to walk there so chop chop what Goblin oh it’s Goblin my horse oh see well I I I don’t think you need one cuz you’re busy carrying me I swear to God all right I’m throw you in this pit with John Cena do it I don’t know how you won’t you won’t how do I get out of this I don’t even know how how do I get out of this how did you get out of it I think you press

Shift I do not oh control I press control control all right I said we going to [ __ ] up the warden H what do you reckon oh my God I want revenge okay we do it as a team this time yeah last time that were errors in

Our strategies do you even know the word team uh we are team right yeah I got the sick hook ow okay I shouldn’t play around with this well we’re going to have to go back on foot cuz I took the way Stone so you wouldn’t go back what why did you do

That cuz I didn’t want you to go back there and keep on dying oh my God I Wouldn’t Die cuz I knew you would do that no I would not do that knew you would die and SP the jillion B billion Graves uh oh this Mel’s grave uhoh that’s hurtful because that

Is not true at all hold on I need to program my compass why did you say it like that what why did you call it a compass what do you mean it’s a compass mhm what the is my Sprint alternate what the why is it control for me to go out of the

Water did you change your keys I did it change back I don’t know I wonder why that is so like the oh God I’m just bad at this it’s hard being an old man in this game why you laughing at me where even are you uh I’m I’m at the ancient

City you’re not there yet I mean I don’t know I mean I am so you don’t even know where you’re going I know where my death walls where oh that’s how you’re finding it yeah I just dig straight down right yeah go ahead why do you sound like that’s not a good idea

No do it why do you want me to do it that means it’s bad if you want me to do it that means it’s going to kill me oh no don’t do it oh okay you think I shouldn’t do it you I feel like I’m getting mixed signals here I

I on the one hand it s you’re telling me to do it but it sounds like you you don’t want me to do it I think you should try it I see what happens h is something bad going to happen no cuz I don’t want to

Die cuz I just got all my stuff back and I’m looking kind of good yeah but you’re the one that wants to go back to fight the warden do you not think that it’s embarrassing that he killed us and we don’t have Revenge currently I mean I

Killed him three times already so L how many times have I killed him H zero that’s right yeah but you know skill is know what I mean you throughout all of cultures there have been moments where a man needs to kill to be seen and I need

To kill this Warden to be seen right now to be seen by what my ancestors your ancestors my ancestors all all three of them what the [ __ ] point being don’t deny my fate your fate of dying okay well yes however there is more to it than that I see oh I’m hungry hold On that’s so loud I’m close to my old death Zone I think oh my God this tree is blocking me where are you you catching up to me I don’t know what do you mean you don’t know I don’t know if I am or not uh I’m

Uh you can see me on the map right can I put a waypoint down or something I see you I must be directly above it right now so I should just dig right down yep oh I see will you rescue me if it goes wrong yeah you will you will yeah

Okay all right let’s To My Grave I have the I have the the thing that oh so oh so if if I do you know what I’m going to quickly me this cuz then now I can swap quickly to it if I if it’s a big jump what could

Kill me though by digging down uh do you have your backpack equipped and it activated uh yeah I believe so yeah I do I found the uh the gem place we were at roughly around here right oh guys how did you know the ancient city was down

Here I used my my Explorer’s Compass wa where that it’s a compass that I used to find structures oh cool where did you go um I found I started digging another hole oh I don’t know where you went well you can see my if you go to you can see

On the map right where I am uh on the x-axis so just line up with my DOT you’ll see a hole like a one block hole yeah you’re you’re really close to me oh I see uh what level was he at oh I think I found oh I think I found

The original hole you Built oh I found Platinum should I get it yeah okay uh what what what a y ax is the place on uh I don’t know I don’t remember it’s pretty deep minus 50 oh yeah I see it’s minus 50 oh God right should I meet you at my Beth where are

You I’m on my way behind me Yeah just keep Digging Okay all right TP to me I didn’t react in time [ __ ] to beting me yeah I’m typing now I didn’t react in time I was drinking a coffee God damn It yo what’s up careful we don’t want you to fall again oh is this the whole life dog yep oh wow back to with the ground oh yeah what the heck why did that back to with the gremlin back to with the gremlin listen today is a slow

Day for my brain chat give me some break please snap back to reality oh there goes gravity Fu ow sorry it’s fine it’s not your fault I’m I’m just too thick what the [ __ ] hold on what’s up Among Us oh Platinum here get it oh wait you can’t get it I

Made yeah let me hold on real quick let me use my raw silver to get it didn’t we come from here where’ my hole go I had such a good hole oh making it rain where was your hole oh there’s cave Ender in here um I have no light so I honestly can’t

See you can’t see right there someone said it’s behind you on the right it’s in the wall where the Platinum was was here oh this here perhaps oh this here I found it okay yeah have turn my brightness up it’s really dark should I move sorry am I in the way

Hold on yeah careful there’s car radi settings General brightness huh oh it’s already Max sorry careful yeah I’m Shilling all right I see I see I see The you see like my I’m not scared me hold no you hear that yeah what is that cave end the [ __ ] they are cave varians yeah come I’m I’m just throwing away all the stone I don’t want it okay oh do you need food uh no I’m

Good I I like it when you carry me in games it’s fun you do yeah it’s fun I I don’t have to worry about [ __ ] all right this is what we we got to be careful oh jeez um yeah you did tell me to be careful yeah I did oh jeez that was funny here don’t jump TP to you yeah [ __ ] why does it is there like huh shade is disabled what did I

Do TPA okay sorry sorry I I’m [ __ ] up my life here TP TPA is there a quick away expenses iron Mouse do I have to type it out the whole time no you can you can press tab ah tab okay I like the emails now grab your Graves why does it keep trying to get me to grab the smaller one I just delete this one cuz it’s like garbage I’ll move protection break grave don’t break this other one the [ __ ] one you can break it if you want okay yeah now I can just

Take this so I take take all items ah but I didn’t equip it in the right way that’s kind of annoying yeah you got to do some maneuvering get the [ __ ] get what the [ __ ] why is it I I only ask one thing of you mhm before you summon the warden I got

To take my medicine yeah of course is that okay yeah of course do not summon him now I won’t are you sure don’t go stepping on any panels now M we know you get a little carried away with that I want to be honest I was in the other dimension and I was

Crouching stepping on panels the whole time and I didn’t summon one W how so what I can’t believe this my life truly has been May I don’t want this [ __ ] I want all this Cobblestone I don’t want all this all right you want to take your meds

Yeah you can go exploring if you want but you got to stay crouched and be careful no I’ll wait for you I I don’t want to get a a Full I mean if you stay very far away from me it won’t matter because it’ll come after you and now I don’t know what very far away means meaning I’m going to stay all the way over here where where are we we’re in the ancient city oh yeah we

All look at that oh that’s where we died earlier mhm right well I’ll I’ll I don’t want to explore because there’s nothing to explore I don’t have I I’m not here for taking things I’m here to kill a certain man um so I want to kill him and we will kill

Him are you excited the yeah in the other dimension there’s baby wardens okay well then okay this is great because now we kill him and then to get like a oneup Revenge we kill all his Children how do we feel about that what is that noise if I okay is this crazy if what if I what if I like I we did like a home alone sarch right we know he’s spawning we get like a bunch of various traps like water and he’s like I can’t swim I

I skip lessons as a kid he can swim he can s okay he can swim um yeah one time me and henya we summoned him he literally like swam up [ __ ] Triathlon it’s just like nothing to him he’s like this is a warm up this is you are nothing to

Me okay okay what about um okay so I was going to suggest maybe a door with a really hot door knob but I suppose that probably didn’t do anything either no he’s immune to Lava what okay okay of course he is what if we have stairs and

We have little like hot wheels on all the stairs and then when he tries to come up he like first off let me put this down yes I Agree [ __ ] I have an empty hand to be able to turn it on touch it [ __ ] this oh cuz I’m crouched I’m crouched that’s right I’m I’m why is it called St why do they call me stupid idea why why who did that should we put a back bed down

Here yeah we should put a bed here right and then jump down there to fight him so that when we respawn he can’t come up and kill us right is that how it works yep I mean he can come up and kill us but like we got we got Hot Wheels on the

Stairs did you do this I do what this uh what is this no I didn’t no I didn’t do that do you think I know how to build holes all I know is how do back flips look at this check this Out oh yeah check this out yeah yeah check this out check this out all right sh that’s kind of sick all right let kind okay all right jumping jacks all right what if when we’re fighting him I pick you up and throw you at him what the

[ __ ] that’s so [ __ ] up no it’s not I think if someone threw a Chihuahua at me I’d be like [ __ ] I about the what’s up my pickaxe it’s almost about to break which one y yours my my cinema roll pickaxe what happens if we drown no he’s he swims he swims [ __ ]

There’s got to be a way I just feel like there’s some wacky scheme that would add to our enjoyment that would also oh yeah what if we had TNT I don’t know I’ve never tried TNT on him can we spawn 50 Iron Golems what the [ __ ] how do we do

That this is this is an idea I had in trash t taste right I what okay you you sound like you you think it’s going to be stupid I think that I could beat an elephant right and the reason why I think I beat an elephant in the fight is

That I dig like a mediumsized hole just so the elephant gets stuck in it and it can’t really climb out and then I just kind of like poke him just kind of slap him to death so why don’t we do that yeah you think you think a hole

Will stop the warden I think if we have a sizable hole that he’s stuck in he won’t be able to get out oh okay okay wait wait okay I actually have a great idea what if we get those cactuses or cacti sorry from the spawn and we plant them all in a

Really awkward way hit him run past them all and then he’s like ah ah [ __ ] and you know the whole time we’re like laughing at him and he he just he dies from that yeah but he has he has has an attack he has a ranged attack that like

Destroys everything go it goes through walls oh right okay in’t no way little bro thinks you get solo an elephant okay listen solo is invocative of certain types of imagery that I don’t wish to convey I just think that I could build a hole that’s kind of

What I’m I think you could beat most things if you build a hole and lower it into it I think the hole is an underrated mechanism okay but here’s the thing yeah this this creature can come in and out of like the ground yeah actually yeah I didn’t think

About that didn’t think I didn’t yeah I guess hell spawn doesn’t really work with yeah if they can if they from the ground ho would would just be an earlier spawn he would just get to spawn faster how big would the hole have to be I mean that’s always the problem how big

Of a hole hole I just feel like a lot of you guys are haters of the hole cuz you guys are too busy tick tocking you don’t appreciate a good hole they don’t appreciate a good hole what are you saying this generation they have too much attention being sucked out from tick

Tok what are you saying they got appreciate a good hole this generation what the [ __ ] they just they just can’t appreciate a good hole I’m 33 years old I presume that that’s to mean you’re saying that you are on the side of a whole appreciation oh my God what nothing

Someone said press f3b what does that do whoa what the [ __ ] is this what is this this like the average Eastern European C CS go Viewpoint what is this what the heck is this what the [ __ ] you get to see head boxes all right okay it shows you the head

Boxes mine is the yellow one ah so it’s like it locks what the you laughing at me why are you looking at my hit box [ __ ] I’m allow to look at a woman’s hit box now all of a sudden it’s small okay [ __ ] okay I I chat I saw all those lines it

Meant nothing to me but what is look how damn look how what do you mean what that’s my hip hop oh yeah those very small how do I know when I’m range oh so if I’m standing here oh that’s your your hit box wait how far you can hit that blue line is

That what it’s saying yeah okay where’s my line Conor he has ranged attacks goes through oh waa oh wait that’s sick wait my hit box is massive with the sword a claymore I [ __ ] with the Claymore that’s for sure what the do you think the warden was spawn

Camping us cuz I had a really cool hat and he wanted it maybe I think so I’d like to think so he pretty jealous how much damage does your your sword do which one does the most my sword yeah uh the one that does the most

Damage is not the sword that I have it’s the fastest one one that does the most damage is you were melting him this one the hammer is that what you used last time on him no I used this the the axe are you going to change it up the

Hammer does 14 attack damage and the axe does 12 but the thing with the hammer is that it’s slower than the axe M ax is faster so the DPS is possibly higher on the axe yeah got it got it how’s meds going I’m almost done no no no no I

Should wasn’t I’m not trying to rush you one would Connor’s idea work I think yes I think all of my ideas are great uh another great idea chat is that you should vote for us at the stream rewards nominate us for the categories I want to I want to actually take Mouse up

This time hopefully uh when Mouse wins every single award as always cuz Mouse is the goat uh I’m going to win go to the stream rewards I’ll show you guys how to do it cuz we all need visual we’re all visual loaners here AKA everyone on Earth you chat simply go go here

Nominations click it scroll down go all the way to uh where is it best vtuber iron Mouse we already know it chat we already know it do your part chat Sapphire award iron Mouse and if you want to be nice too you can put me as best variety

Stream and and if you want to help with the best event charity charity auction auction CA also really cool Rec cool swag thank you so much guys uh link is pinned I think in the Stream chat I think it’s pinned I think so I think so uh so either way go vote

Please thank you very much appreciate guys uh yeah the charity the charity carer was taken out this Year all right I can’t wait to get Revenge can I I I want to play Battle music you got so I got to find the I got to Cate actually I need battle music we we need good battle music I just come on battle music copyright of course copy I’m ready you

Ready for battle music epic battle music royaltyfree I’m playing it hold on right I’m ready let’s go on your lead s where we where where shall we attack leave me arm your short short I’m also good to pronunciation all right I’m going to I want to get that chest yes look at all

Your Graves I see only one my Lord how are you floating my Lord we are we are in the 14th century I have magic pow oh I have magic powers it’s called killing myself he’s coming find the place that well I mean I think I wonder if this would be a good place to sumon them or where does that

Shoot you up in in my lord does that does a fire shoot us up in the air I mean yeah this is good information to know see ah yes a tactical Retreat is always an option my Lord ah yes I have some Graves my Lord it would seem no worries Fallen comrades Empower

Us for our future battles I’m ready all right do you want me to summon him here yes this looks like a good area to summon Come on Sher all right that’s one that’s two all right he’s coming all right how we doing this my Lord me we will end his life where is he over here he’s right over there he approaches you’re not I will light us I will light the way oh he’s upstairs Okay C [Applause] Down my Lord he’s approaching battle will be beautiful where are he so fast where is He oh [ __ ] I got to I got to eat I got to eat eat eat go ahead I shall distract him I will not distract him I lied oh my goodness gracious my Lord I my Lord I must Run my lordou we got our [ __ ] handed to us oh my gosh he can climb I told you it seems our f is Admiral he has strengths I cannot comp Rend away from him at Once oh my Goodness oh what on Earth go to one okay close one yeah ah yes a successful battle actually you know what I should do I should copy paste spawn yeah so I can just I can just good idea we should do that ah yes a successful battle for

All no mistakes were made how long does it take for to despawn reckon uh dude I what I’m impressed by is how close we were in the first battle now you know what what’s up I got something oh you got something you got a little something

Something that can help I think I hope I still have it Yeah I can just do this right if I just do T that’s oh what was that that was like 0.1 seconds chat I just got to remember to press T all right yeah okay that’s going to be helpful when I’m getting my [ __ ] rocked Um all right I’m I’m [ __ ] stuck oh cuz I’m crouching what little broed the JoJo strategy I did and it was successful I’ve never had such a resounding success in running away well I lived so after I died of course what the I I I accidentally jumped into the plant oh God not my finest moment my Lord Lord um what are you looking for I see I just need to I need to go to my place really quick sure we go get something yes my lord of course I’m at your command orange candle can I eat

This you need food I just want to eat the orange candle looks tasty it looks so tasty look at that this looks so delicious but orange yeah that’s the bad thing about it [ __ ] hold that let me just game with this little guy here and we’ll get it next time for good

Luck next time we get it chat oh don’t step in it cor I’m trying to Good Luck chat he’s falling chat ch’s falling let me just all right all right I’m ready oh yes oh what other potions you can’t handle my potion potion seller oh goodness my goodness sell I

Will Splash Potion will harming what does that do oh the totem yes what does this do we just put it on him and it [ __ ] him up potion seller I’m going into battle I need your strongest potions you can handle my strongest potion okay that’s

Good to know right let us let us embark on a journey do I should I I have to equip the totem though right right where does it go wait I I went back hold on just offand really it’s like spawn camping oh God the the [ __ ] yeah he is but let’s [ __ ] him up either oh okay uh right what if we leave him alone no we can get our stuff back we can get it all right how’s it going I don’t recall where I died what is I wonder how much right next

To oh my God I immediately spawned and he just [ __ ] fed me again yeah cuz he’s spawn camping the the the Wast that’s so mean how does he know how to do that who taught him that I don’t know but should I TP to you just yes I’m Crouch crou immediately I’m

Crouched I’m already crouched Oh my God how the [ __ ] how does he know how the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] every single time with you maybe I stink I don’t know what is happening you think I smell bad I’ve never seen this like this before this is absolutely Insane uh he’s locked on to me you know what I’m going to do I’m going to disconnect wait if I disconnect this my grave disappear don’t disconnect okay I I was crouched when I teleported in so I don’t understand do not come here okay I’m going to get my stuff all

Right sure and when I when I get my stuff you TP to me that’s that’s right yeah what what if he just hates British people it’s he must not like British he I think that’s valid he ran all the way in the other direction hell yeah he knows you’re too powerful and

You must be stopped I am my my Lord’s blade after all I’m just a mere vessel Epic liking music he’s French okay makes sense I’m ready for battle my Lord use me as you please all right hold on hold on not yet I I’m just I’m just I’m just

I’m eager I’m eager to Help help quotes Okay chat I’m trying all Right All right all right just waiting around do you hear This did you come back no I had to run so fast I’m chilling and spawn all right um I I just got my stuff and I ran okay hold on should I TP to you no no no I’m going spawn oh you are oh okay what’s

Up I I had to come back cuz he spawned like immediately oh [ __ ] your hands off I know why there’s a shrier like right next to the fire thing God damn it a worthy th it Seems all right I’m going to try to go back over there and kill It oh my God he’s like literally right there we can kill him he bleeds you know what come over here then yes finally I am being summoned into Battle Uh wait where am I right now I can’t see stop he’s right in front of us he’s walking this Way should go around wait all right he’s gone all right follow me thanks my Lord it is about of time do I hold shift did you put it to Toggler or no yeah I think I did I’m trying to think cuz you went really fast how did you do

That oh I have an enchantment that makes me move really fast what the heck I want that all right my old math is down there all right hold on hold on do not come down here yet no I Won’t All right you can get it Now can we ban him oh Jeez all right how do I I can’t interact with it on Crouch ah right got about that uh okay hold on let me move these oh now I got to take all items okay coming back go back SP if you took your stuff y did you take it y I uh apparently there there there’s like another shrier H next to the that camp site I think trying to think well now we have the the we have the warding amulet thing plus the potions I think maybe we can do it right yeah I think if you die just

Maybe uh if you die once we can just like swap it swap aggro I don’t know how to swap aggro maybe I just hit him and you run away and then when I die we can swap argro back I don’t know I don’t know what the best way

So the splash potion to palming how much damage does that do to him do you think it’s a still two I’m not really sure yeah I I have no idea it’s not that much it’s not that much well we can I’ll just throw it on

Him anyway I just throw it in his feet right y all right should we try it again yep let us go my Lord onwards you have you have your totem uh do I have to be holding it when I die I don’t know have I just have it in

My off hand does that work usually I used to have it like in my on me but now I have it I was just saying yes it does yeah it does I got to put in the heart slot no I can’t it’s it’s in the off hand yeah

It’s on my off hand so it’ll still work yeah yeah I think we’re good all right let’s kill him let’s kill him I I I don’t it’ll be cheap if Zen helps we need to do it okay we’ll wait we’ll wait let us try one two more times If we die please help all right we got it you ready ready all right let’s let’s go what the bro just waiting there good perfect you’re going to go down there we are we going to kill him are we not yeah let’s [ __ ] him Up all right let’s go let’s drag him to this this area this outside area here just so that we can keep track of him cuz I think we both need to stay in the square area just so that we can keep juggling him is he over or what no He’s coming he’s definitely coming over what someone hit me get get away from oh I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t oh my God why I’m I’m healing Jesus that was me I was trying to get him oh my God I was doing damage to him I know I know I know

But did you Das him uh well it’s hard to tell yeah he’s not in front of me is it you where are you you’re behind me uh where are you yeah was that did he do that damage or was that you that’s me [ __ ] I’m I’m too close to you I

Think are you going to go and try to kill him or what well I I wasn’t sure what we I thought we were trying to juggle him I thought you all F you kill him you got to do it now all right where is he he’s hiding behind the wall what the

[ __ ] what a little baby get him at it what the [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is He I literally can’t find him [ __ ] and I left my golden apples at home [ __ ] I’m going back to spawn all right just hide May he’s trapped well we got to get him no I’m I’m down I jumped over its head did I Really all right I’m going to TP to you yeah you can TP to me yeah he stuck behind the wall all right I’m going to hit him all right good for uh tell you’re done with that hammer attack what the [ __ ] it’s getting me again okay I’m going to TP to

You I had to get out of the dude that attack range is insane [ __ ] are you going to hit him or what I don’t know where he is is he in this Square I can’t see oh God where the [ __ ] is he how can you see

Him I see him on the map I can’t see him at all though like physically I see him on the map but I can’t he’s right there I literally cannot see him chat it’s pitch black oh God what happened to the light one I gave you oh I have that

Still okay so why don’t you use it cuz it doesn’t work on him you can literally put light all around him to see if you can see him okay is working a little bit yeah he’s literally in there let me Swap this and oh I see him yeah I see him on

Him I have all the AR though yeah I see H him we getting it we get it 200 200 17 where’d he go what the we got him we got him is there a is there a lag I think it’s lag yeah the Ser just started lagging no no no

Die 46 he’s low he’s low so low 17 yay we did it we chees the [ __ ] out of him but we get it sick I can’t I’m I’m like in the past so there’s another one another one just spawned right in front of

You no way yes s i I can’t see I SP yeah just just go back spawn oh my God I’m like trapped I’m lagging so bad I just I just pressed Spawn disconnecting I just you get like like caught up and he just beat you the [ __ ] up am I dead I think he killed you yeah [ __ ] dude that’s such [ __ ] why does we just did this game why is it doing this again I don’t

Know I got it heart though but it’s bad cuz if I died while I was logging off uh yeah oh I have it’s hot where the [ __ ] is my D oh maybe I’m lagging is that why is everything all right is it you uh where the [ __ ] is my

Grave you no no you died in that place I think we have to go back and grab it am I able to grab it for You where should I put this H keep it I shouldn’t put it in the chest or something keep it okay okay come help I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll come help oh what’s this all right all right what don’t don’t walk normally what are you doing Sorry got it all now I got it all nice easy clap too easy well that was really easy cuz he was stuck in the wall we got to go all right oh God uh uh uh uh Fu what I did like double slash and I was trying to fix it

And I got out there I’m have my waist on all right Zen does look zen zen zen looks like every time you go into like the the sanctuary world and the MMO RPG and you see someone who’s who’s who’s like been playing the game for like 5,000 hours

That’s the armor That’s The Warden Armor that that looks [ __ ] ridiculous yes yes Yeah she cleared a bunch of Wardens uh n n it was totally are you all right need help no I’m okay all right I’m going to just take a Bath all right to be fair we didn’t trap him in there right he just kind of got in there right yeah I kind of like why did he just he just got himself stuck the lightning wand was good it did beat the darkness you are right I’m sorry for

Doubting it actually I swear I tried it earlier and it didn’t work but I don’t know why I don’t know yeah tofu all right was trying to figure out what cuz it just started lagging all again you’re on the heart yeah sure [ __ ] sake I picked it

Up uh Soul Catalyst no skull Castle why salt [ __ ] hell but is that good do I want that sounds bad Warden car carpes how do you pronounce that yes do you want the stuff yes just put it in a chest uh I don’t know which chest to put

It in there’s like 5 m I need this area all right okay I’ll just put it in the first chest this one’s full this one’s full this one’s full All right well that was a fun battle perhaps round two is in order the hubis of man knows no bounds yeah you want another round I just feel like one one final shot of them when it takes all double or nothing uh right Well we can’t go back there cuz I broke the wa down why do you keep breaking it cuz I don’t want to go back there oh why would you you heard of don’t burn your Bridges H H do you want to go back there I just think we shouldn’t been Bridges you know I just think all right let’s go follow your grave no no no it’s fine oh [ __ ] sorry how do I how do I pick you up

Again you to have empty hand I do oh I have the other thing in my off hand that’s why okay my bad there we Go all right let’s Go oh God it’s so far away I can’t believe you got rid of it oh God ow I can’t believe you got rid of the Grave why’ you do that what do you mean why would you get rid of the the spot cuz I knew you were going to want

To go back there and now look now we have to spend more time going there why can’t we just do like a normal dungeon all right well I got I got 20 minutes what do you want to do you want to do Nether Nether dungeon or Overworld

Dungeon anything or you want you pick you got 20 minutes 25 but hey I’m this looks so funny this is the the the the cut scenes from the littleade guys well you just tell me what you want to do and we’ll rock it I got to look all right What the isn’t it fun The Purge uh TR think all right I forgot I’m still playing the Epic medieval battle music there on my horns by the way H look oh you’re wearing my horns yeah cute I like it all right uh do you want to go to the Nether and

Do sure let’s go a tower do you want to do like a like a crypt or something let’s do a tower why not let’s run it okay to the nether to the nether we go wait don’t go in yet oh okay I’ll join you [ __ ] hold on wait right there

Sure must be huge now [ __ ] what’s the difference oh my Lord that’s crazy that it can change like in game like this is there any downsides to being this big being tall yeah uh yeah you’re too big to fit anywhere oh you can’t fit small seems to be op it

Does seem to be the best if only life was like that what what what does that mean I think being super tiny and and life isn’t as op as it is in Minecraft or is it that’s not true you feel like it’s op yeah yeah how so more

Room that’s fair that’s fair that’s valid where are you I’m getting something all right well hurry it Up I got 20 minutes 20 minutes so let’s Hur it up Hur it up little lady are you where are you I’m getting something you can’t go into The Nether without without gold oh why not the pigs will get you [ __ ] yeah they are cops here

Too will this become a funny haha Conor dog I think there was enough funny moments today even though we didn’t do that much actually there a lot of bant okay I’m on my way all Right I see you huh I see you you got to put this on Mhm put this On this is the real life difference in height between us did you grow taller no you’re not the tallest size no look I’m see you’re crazy let’s go let’s run it did you put those shoes on yeah of course course the the diamond ones right no the

Shoes that I just gave you yeah I did where we going all right let me see my comp oh I’m so fast what the hell wait why am I so fast all right where we going this way lead the way oh we have the hook shot keep forgetting that

Yeah ow okay well that’s pretty why I shouldn’t be using it all the time this is why it’s good to be one block tall hell yeah one block life let’s run it wait you go small too yeah I joined the club once you join the club you won’t go

Back I’ve been small pilled I can’t go back I can’t believe economy it feels like premium economy and one whole bottle of coke is like a 2 L feeling it’s crazy I can order Smalls and get full what the Yeah okay this is crazy what the heck is

That oh probably gas cool where we going this way jump Your backpack’s on right uh yeah I think so I’ll find out now uh yes it’s on where we going keep going this way I forgot I can roll holy lava this is so much lava isn’t it no wonder the the [ __ ] server’s lagging it’s loading all this

[ __ ] I love the the top the top left you just see it it’s just it’s just a two-dimensional PNG of fire and me just like flipping around it all right what’s up where are you right here all right let’s run it it’s 511 gang let’s run let’s roll out 511 gang 511

Gang oh my god oh I think I think I’ve been to these already oh really yeah damn oh is just the tower here yeah I hooked on to you what the what what the [ __ ] where am I oh there you are where it’s already done yeah let me let me try another

Place sure is there another Tower oh this oh this entire structure you mean oh my God yeah all of these all of these structures oh you’ve done all of them yeah the loot like you can get the loot you can get the loot but like I

Know you don’t care about the loot and you just want to kill things okay that is my favorite pot unless you just want to get the loot no it’s the killing is the best part it feels earned it’s never been about the Looting it’s always been about the killing and

The friends we made along the way it’s fine you know don’t feel pressure we can just we can just wrap up okay and we can plan out what our next Moves In The Craft okay go to spawn all right spawn it is I can take you to a witch’s Villa

What sorry want to go to the witch’s Villa sure is just like a crib like a crib what is it like a crib or something what is it yeah it’s like a crib she packing all right Chad I think I’m back should be back I don’t know what happened I I

Literally just spawned in and it [ __ ] crashed all right um I think you know what I I think I shouldn’t run Minecraft in full screen mode oh was that how you were doing it yeah I’m on full screen mode and I think that’s not helping yeah oh uh I set it

In the launcher to do that I think it’s not a good idea all right well I think it’s a good place to wrap it up anyway okay uh thank you for showing me around the crafts of the mines it was a lot of fun I got Simon roll here

Chilling with me helping me along the way bye s roll uh thank you thank you thank you I’ll be back streaming tomorrow and then the day after that we’re doing birthday games on your stream right Yeah I can’t wait to see you you’re doing tomorrow tomorrow I’m doing a dumbass PS2 game ooh I’m playing Lifeline I think it’s called it’s a voice activated PS2 game um I’ve been dying to play that game oh yeah I got to send you how to install it

All I mean buy the PS2 disc yeah yeah yeah teach me how to buy the PS2 um so we’re going to be doing that tomorrow on stream uh it’s fun it’s basically an aneurism the game should be fun I’ll be starting my morning tomorrow probably like around the same time as today 12:30

GST that’s not morning I want to go gym before so 12:30 yeah um all right well thanks for joining me mouse a lot of fun thank you for showing me and thank you for being a great Minecraft guide thank you it was fun thank you for all the free stuff

Today no it’s fine it happens I’m I don’t think I’ve ever played Minecraft without the server [ __ ] up I don’t think it’s ever not happened yeah it’s kind of thing I mean it’s annoying but it’s like like hey it’s just how it is when you’re trying

To do all this crazy [ __ ] yeah it’s true it’s part of the experience all right well thank you thank you for joining me I’ll leave you to it okay thanks so much bye bye uh chat don’t forget before I head off to nominate me and M with the stream

Rewards I want us both to be up there it’ be fun it’ be hype so if you do want to be as so kind to dominate us you can go do that uh I’ll probably be Shing it a lot in the coming streams but consider of checking it out Mass works really

Hard and I think M deserves all the awards uh if M already won so many why not keep it going best vtuber iron Mouse the sapphire award number 25 iron Mouse and then if you want to be so kind as well toate me best variety streamer maybe that’d be nice and best streamed

Event for the charity auction would be [ __ ] swag and cool would appreciate it appreciate it guys uh so thank you guys so much that was a lot of fun it’s a shame that it was a lot of fun oh God my stream died the last second which

Is not cool uh but hey sometimes it happens uh anyway anyway let’s Rite uh uh I haven’t read gig in a while let’s read gig let’s throw it over to G I’ll be back tomorrow guys uh so I’ll see you guys then thank you for joining me it’s

A lot of fun sorry I was tired I mean that happens a lot but I still think we had a lot of fun always fun seeing when mouse gets angry at me then then breaks down laughing all right guys see you guys bye

This video, titled ‘Ironmouse Shows Me Around VShojo’s Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by CDawgVODs on 2024-01-12 06:55:27. It has garnered 48002 views and 1467 likes. The duration of the video is 04:26:11 or 15971 seconds.

Follow Ironmouse: @IronMouseParty! https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse

“BACK TO THE MINES WITH GREMOLIN.” was originally streamed on [2024-01-09 to 2024-01-10].

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 9:18 Ironmouse Joins 16:40 Minecraft 1:22:52 Just Chatting 1:43:20 Minecraft 4:23:04 Outro

Twitch VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2028057956

Follow My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cdawgva My Main YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CDawgVA My Highlights Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ConnorDawg My Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ConnorClipsOfficial My Shorts Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0z_OIK35NxbU_nGKXxNAaA

Support me on Patreon: http://bit.ly/2emVlbF Twitter: http://bit.ly/2fG2i5n Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CDawgVA/ Discord: https://discord.gg/cdawgva Instagram: http://bit.ly/2g1IZWM

Channel’s uploads & thumbnails by: Jun (junxeno)

Amazon Affiliate Links (I Get Commission if used): My Audio Interface: https://amzn.to/2K8DlQX My Streaming Audio Interface: https://amzn.to/2Uqk412 My Microphone: https://amzn.to/39AyB17 My USB Budget Microphone Recommendation: https://amzn.to/2X5xaCQ My XLR Budget Microphone Recommendation: https://amzn.to/2YTA0sP My Camera: https://amzn.to/3nmnVbW My Lense: https://amzn.to/2Mft7Re My Tripod: https://amzn.to/2K6FvjX My Lighting: https://amzn.to/2EBox9A My Headset: https://amzn.to/3kublWr

Please keep in mind that certain parts of the video might be muted or cut because of copyright.

#CDawgVA #ironmouse #minecraft

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    Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale! Exploring the Depths of Minecraft’s Prominence 2: The End Realm As the journey through Minecraft’s Prominence 2 continues, players are faced with new challenges and mysteries. The End Realm, home to the formidable Ender Dragon, has become a boss-like entity known as the End Eye. This unexpected twist marks the beginning of the second chapter, revealing the vastness of the world that awaits exploration. The End Eye: A Formidable Foe The transformation of the End Realm into the End Eye introduces a new level of difficulty for players. This powerful entity presents a formidable challenge, requiring strategic planning and… Read More

  • Mario Trolls Minecraft Players Pt. 2

    Mario Trolls Minecraft Players Pt. 2 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Building Your World In Minecraft, players have the freedom to construct their own worlds using various blocks and materials. From simple houses to intricate castles, the only limit is your imagination. Utilize different tools and resources to bring your creations to life and design a world that is uniquely yours…. Read More

  • Outsmarting Kino Zombies Remake in Black Ops 3

    Outsmarting Kino Zombies Remake in Black Ops 3 Minecraft Kino Der Toten: A Black Ops 3 Custom Zombies Experience Journey into the world of Minecraft Kino Der Toten, a faithful reimagining of the popular Black Ops 1 Zombies map within the realm of Minecraft. This custom map offers a unique gameplay experience with a full crafting system, a graphical overhaul that mirrors the original game, and a plethora of exciting features. Main Easter Egg Quest and Custom Features Unlike the original Kino Der Toten, this Minecraft version boasts a main Easter egg quest, adding a new layer of challenge and excitement to the gameplay. The map features… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #Shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😯 #minecraft#shorts #trending#wizy king #fyp’, was uploaded by WIZY KING on 2024-04-23 16:00:16. It has garnered 6684 views and 159 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys, I haven’t been able to post a video in a long time because I’m sick.They keep posting videos. Subscribe to the channel and keep it guys subscribe 🔔…….♥️ Read More

  • Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥

    Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥Video Information क्या आपको पता है मा में विलेजर्स दो टाइप के होते हैं विश्वास नहीं है तो देख लो फर्स्ट ये और सेकंड ये तो अब आप लोगों के दिमाग में क्वेश्चन आर आ रहा होगा कि भाई तूने ये विलेजर्स कैसे स्पर्म कि बताता हूं उससे पहले कर लो हमारे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब आपको जंगल बम में आपके जैसे ही आप विलेजर्स स्पम करोगे तो य विलेजर्स आना शुरू हो जाएंगे This video, titled ‘New Villagers In Minecraft 😲 #minecraft #hacks #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gulabisadi’, was uploaded by Flox Gamerz on 2024-04-16 09:47:50. It has garnered 555 views and 22… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: I Turned into a Giant Monster in Minecraft!

    EPIC PRANK: I Turned into a Giant Monster in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Pranked My Friend as a Monster Giant Alex in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-04-09 09:30:07. It has garnered 41726 views and 1521 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:39 or 759 seconds. Title: I Pranked My Friend as a Monster Giant Alex in Minecraft! Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash, Dafuq!?Boom! Parody! Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, HabitatPH 2024 Also Watch: @EsoniTV @PepeSanTV @OLIPTV @ArArPlays @potpot Comments available on: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, Sheyyyn Plays, HabitatPH 2024, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_ , Jey Jey, Moira YT, Micolee_, Shannel PH, Viccc… Read More


    💥ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION: Jerome Becomes OPTIMUS PRIME!💥Video Information today my friends and I had Transformers lucky blocks to Minecraft walls with 20 minutes to break the blocks to get the best gear possible we then battle it out in a lives battle to see who the best is in the description we added a bunch of new stuff including the Floppy Fish bomb which dropsy has no idea what we’re talking about yet but she’ll know but she’ll know soon I I’m still recovering from the balance of War can I not find out I don’t know chat what do you think else find out this… Read More

  • GREENGHOST – Secret Minecraft Realms Revealed!

    GREENGHOST - Secret Minecraft Realms Revealed!Video Information I have a video to edit I think that’s what I’m going to do your uh yeah I know they’re I think they’re going to figure out a way to make it so like the camera on your phone stays on they’re still working on stuff hey flower yeah yeah yeah yeah textas speech working now I just had to restart console all right I got to do the thumbnail yo Viper hey yes flower look at my look look at your look hold on I’m back hey text to speech is working now so my foral mem… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Armor & End Portal Hunt! MUST SEE!

    EPIC Minecraft Armor & End Portal Hunt! MUST SEE!Video Information oh I didn’t bother typing it in crap not that one come on there it goes sweet cool I wonder if that drop is still active on T talk side or not let’s see let’s see yep still going cool got that going got that going uh I think I’m good although let’s see how to go again oh that’s the armor trims okay so that makes sense and then you got those for the gold bars make the netherite bars right but then how do you go about what’s up Fort and tonight question mark I might… Read More


    ULTIMATE COOMER TEX PACK in MINECRAFT! 😱Video Information [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls and fellow cumers arise for the best texture pack ever made the ultimate Kumer texture pack in Minecraft the Cute Mob Models this pack has got me cuming 24/7 I will not be showing any baby versions of the mobs you creeps [Music] oh This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE COOMER TEXTURE PACK IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zeeknee on 2024-04-21 13:00:20. It has garnered 1011 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS PACK NOW #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftskywars #shorts THIS… Read More

  • Insane! Titanium Watermelon Flower Budget 40M DRAWAGE

    Insane! Titanium Watermelon Flower Budget 40M DRAWAGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 03:42:23. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:32 or 392 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDY

    Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDYVideo Information tiny emot Left Foot Right Foot left yeah oh This video, titled ‘GRIDDY in MINECRAFT ! Flauschi MACHT DEN GRIDDY’, was uploaded by Candy on 2024-01-08 13:00:06. It has garnered 63935 views and 4890 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. ➤➤🎉 Don’t forget to subscribe! ➤➤My real-life VLOGS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM1UBBs_BQJk_dLe1nE5GKd7iWhhTFVeW ➤➤Youtuberinsel 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyWMUO85ECQ&list=PLM1UBBs_BQJnzIKW2MIo99ggbMSF8p7Rr ➤➤🎮 Discord: https://discord.gg/P7PwRXHGSp Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com ✔️ This video is kid friendly / family friendly! Read More

  • ODBO Network

    ODBO NetworkEmbark on a journey like no other and immerse yourself in the captivating world of ODBO Network. Our server is fueled by the passion and dedication of our community, and we rely on your support to help it flourish. Share your experiences on social media, create engaging content, and invite your friends to join the adventure. Together, we can expand the realm of ODBO SMP, welcoming new players, and building a vibrant community that thrives on friendship, camaraderie, and the exhilaration of Skyblock, Survival, lifesteal combat. Join us today and become a part of something extraordinary —ODBO Network awaits your… Read More

  • Complexity SMP Modded SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to Complexity SMP Complexity SMP is a 3-month-old server focused on exploration and quality of life improvements. Join our tight-knit, active community for a long-lasting world with endless creativity. Features: Explore with mods like Alex’s Caves and Create Built-in economy and Discord chat integration Unique mods for a fun late game experience Join Us: Ready to embark on a new journey? Join our Discord and check out the modpack to get started! We look forward to seeing new faces in our community! Read More

  • Fakir’s Fate: Minecraft’s Presidential Twist

    Fakir's Fate: Minecraft's Presidential Twist In the city of Minecraft, chaos did brew, As criminals plotted, their evil plans grew. Mayor Fakir, a target, in danger he stood, Assassination attack, a plan for his blood. But fear not, for heroes rose to the call, To protect the city, they stood tall. With TNT in hand, they set a trap, For the assassins, a deadly wrap. The car approached, the moment was near, The explosion rang out, loud and clear. The deed was done, the mayor was no more, The city safe, from the threat they tore. So remember, in Minecraft’s tale of might, Heroes… Read More

  • Minecraft boys: Hotter than Nether! 🔥

    Minecraft boys: Hotter than Nether! 🔥 When you and the boys are playing Minecraft and someone accidentally hits a pig and suddenly it’s a full-on manhunt to take down the entire village. #MinecraftProblems #PiggyPayback Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore: The Results

    100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore: The Results The Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Challenge: Surviving 100 Days Introduction Embark on an epic journey of hardcore survival in the unforgiving world of Minecraft. In this challenge, players must survive for 100 days in Hardcore Mode, where death means game over with no second chances. Day 1-10: Establishing the Basics The first days are crucial for gathering essential resources like wood, stone, and food. Exploring villages and constructing a basic shelter for protection against hostile creatures is key to survival. Day 11-30: Expanding and Mining As days progress, it’s time to delve deep underground for valuable resources like diamonds and… Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

    Ultimate Modern House Build Guide Minecraft: Building a Large Modern House Tutorial In this Minecraft tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a large modern house with detailed interior decoration. The house features various rooms such as a kitchen, living room, study room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and even a swimming pool on the second floor. Let’s delve into the step-by-step process of creating this impressive modern abode. Exterior Design The foundation is laid using “Smooth Quartz Blocks” and the surrounding ground is replaced with “Smooth Stone.” The layout is built up with various blocks like “Jungle Planks,” “Brown Wool,” “Polished Andesite,” “Polished Granite,” and “Smooth… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in Love

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in LoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Falling Pixel Art: two lovers’, was uploaded by SculptCraftQueen on 2024-05-08 06:00:28. It has garnered 445 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Embark on a journey of creativity in Minecraft as I bring forth unique and innovative creations. Witness the magic as blocks assemble and flames dance beneath, only to reveal a stunning masterpiece upon their destruction. Join me as I showcase the beauty of my craft, turning ordinary landscapes into extraordinary works of art. Don’t miss out on the enchantment; subscribe now for a world… Read More

  • TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang’s Minecraft Bans

    TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang's Minecraft BansVideo Information Minecraft is no stranger to adding features suggested or created by the community in fact there is an entire website fittingly called the feedback website and a popular subreddit where they take the community’s many suggestions some of which have even been added to the game but what’s much lesser known is that there is an interesting but mostly hidden list of features which Mojang will never add to the game they aren’t allowed and in fact will remove your post and potentially ban your account from the site if you do try to suggest them but why… Read More

  • Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!

    Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!Video Information we are here on the brand new season of Sky Block over here on complex MC and boys it literally just released not even a full hour ago so there is still a plenty of time if you guys want to go ahead and hop on and play alongside me the IP is heroic mc- complex.com is for 1.18 and above and actually both Java and Bedrock compatible now it is obviously start of the world so our journey starts today and I believe our faction from actually factions is creating an island over here on Sky Block… Read More

  • Karan – 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft Attack

    Karan - 1 Million Hearts Under Minecraft AttackVideo Information you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower you’re my sunflower a bunch of flowers dude I don’t know man I’m just all about my my sunflower you know post Malone gold I told him to meet us here like is he is he over there I don’t know gold I just wanted to show him my my my play button that YouTube sent me for 200k Subs guys that I almost have oh my God you don’t have 200k Subs I almost have you don’t have you literally do not have 200k at this very moment why are you… Read More

  • Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz Oyuncu

    Minecraft Deneyleri: İnanılmaz OyuncuVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft deneyleri’, was uploaded by deli oyuncu on 2024-02-10 16:52:16. It has garnered 5508 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱

    Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱Video Information जल्दी से अबे मेरे में इतना दम नहीं है कि मैं इसको इतनी बड़ी स्ड से मार दूं यार लगता है मुझे ही मारना पड़ेगा गाइस लगता है मुझे स् ओ मिनियन ने आखिरकार अपना अपनी ताकत दिखा ली इसका साइज तो देखो गाइस मिनियन का साइज तो देखो जरा इस मिनियन का साइज देखो और इस स्ड का साइज देखो इस मिनियन का साइज देखो भाई अबे रहने दे अब तो छोड़ दे अब तो तेरी जान निकल जाएगी अबे तू तू जमीन में दस जाता भाई बच गया वो तो तू गाइस कोई बात नहीं आगे… Read More

  • Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!

    Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!Video Information [Music] the [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Hitting 43⭐ in Skywars (Uncut Teams ft. 2YP)’, was uploaded by Joshpacks on 2024-03-08 13:36:46. It has garnered 1276 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:31 or 1231 seconds. —————————————————————————————— About ➜… Read More

  • Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!

    Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been in the wonder I’m thinking to grab the clip two three [ __ ] is dead before they can dip I’m not in the blastous ACT we see the brothers they act Federal tracks They Splat in at your back hit them You’ been waiting watching with this [ __ ] blood a PL the [ __ ] [ __ ] C before we hit slide up on the [ __ ] holy water on the clip I just hit the [ __ ] for his glutting and I dip slick Sky skinny Scissor… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack – #1 in the Game?

    Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack - #1 in the Game?Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft best Minecraft soundtrack??’, was uploaded by Greenlord on 2024-03-21 15:36:28. It has garnered 29 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Propeller Bedwars

    Propeller BedwarsThis is Propeller Bedwars This server is java and is open to all versions from 1.8-latest If you have any questions or concerns make sure to submit it as a ticket ⁠in discord. At Propeller Bedwars, we ensure QUALITY games. Currently, the only bedwars maps available are the 1v1 map (speedway), the solos map (lighthouse), and the 2v2 map (airshow). We value our players. Join today at PropellerTrio.com PropellerTrio.com Read More

  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Crossplay, HermitCraft Inspired, Whitelist, Squaremap

    Join Robo’s World SMP today! Looking for a small, whitelisted, community-driven, semi-vanilla Minecraft server that never resets the map? Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our dedicated community of Vanilla Minecraft enthusiasts who value teamwork and creativity. Just like the iconic Hermitcraft SMP, our server promotes a friendly environment with no stealing, griefing, or hacking. Everything is done in survival mode to encourage collaboration and fair play. With a map that never resets, your builds and ideas are safe with us. We support crossplay, so you can join us on both Java and Bedrock editions. Apply on our Discord server today… Read More