EPIC MINECRAFT SURVIVAL – Defeating Wither Boss and Finding Rare Sniffer Eggs!

Video Information

Oh is this [ __ ] irro cool yo yo yo what is up YouTube it’s your boy pyro plays games what is up how’s it going guys you know tonight it’s going to be different stream whatnot guys so yeah guys can y’all guys can can can you hear me hello you at Mason you there

Potato yeah yeah what what’s up man how’s it going dude have you heard from Ian have you heard from Ian lately Man by any chance or no no just so D imagine this you need to girl through dting apps right online man okay right I meant right and then she

Asks hey you want to hang out with him I’m like okay that’s fine and then she’s like oh yeah send me $30 it’s like I just met you through online haven’t seen you face to face and you want me to give you money it’s old May yeah I know is scar

That’s what I’m saying dude and she’s like I don’t want ruin my reputation I’m like what reputation I just [ __ ] met you like what like what that’s like an old grandpa or some [ __ ] man like what the [ __ ] bro is like oh yeah I know you just met me but like

Send me $30 real quick you know I don’t want to room reputation with some stupid dumb [ __ ] bro and then no and she’s like she’s like you m have been here for a couple months I just decided to respond to them now and you’re feeling insecure if you still want to hang out

With me just let me know after demanding me to send you $30 [ __ ] doar for an Uber in because your car broke down in but you had the balls of s you want to hang out tonight make it you come down here no reality you couldn’t it’s like

What dude like you can that man last time I checked M you don’t have the money to do something you don’t have the the vehicle to get somewhere you don’t do nothing you just deal with it you don’t [ __ ] lie out your ass then say

Oh yeah I need $30 it’s like bro get the [ __ ] out of here no man $30 to come down here man right come hang out with me or whatever then like then how the [ __ ] you going to get home you’re going ask me oh yeah can

I have another $30 to get back to my house now too it’s like it’s like bro are you are you on something like is this mod day Society it’s like I’m going to ask your money to get down that money for you to get back and I’m going to

Make you pay for everything and on top of that you know and that’s what I’m and that’s going to be that it’s like dude these people are [ __ ] they’re mentally deranged in [ __ ] dude to STP on something bro mon Society man I swear to God dud it’s like so scary and [ __ ] dude

Like you gen need to be careful I’m mod day Society man someone’s going to scam you a bunch of money you know Mason you find got full hour nice man congratulations [ __ ] dude joined the diamond you joined the you finally joined the diamond armor gang good job

Man here comes Dar and [ __ ] man all right so all right y’all dudes Mason you want to help me with something you want to help me with something yeah sure do you guys want to fight the weer boss yeah we’re fighting your ass so you’re both calling me boys we’re going

To go fight the Wither now I need I I need to go very far away from base and whatnot I don’t want to risk getting my [ __ ] destroyed no I have the [ __ ] to fight the Wither man but you know what I need to do it far away from base and I

Want you guys to help me n you know all three of us do it I fear we will not lose this battle we shall become Victorious we like sleep well yeah I guess so man yeah fig you know yeah probably should sleep down guys yeah let’s all sleep BR gentlemen

All right everyone sleep brok guys and we’re going to fight the Wither after that whatnot my original stream what I had telling them guys was I was just going um finish working on my Redstone gate whatnot for my castle Gall but you know what I can’t

Figure out the Redstone [ __ ] man me and F and [ __ ] dude tried to figure out that [ __ ] man we could not figure it out so I kind of just gave up on that man I’ll have to watch like a video how to do it man it’s just not working I’m following

What the short video was telling me now he’s sleeping in my bed bed oh my God bro it’s like homies before hoes or homie hoes in your bed like what no you don’t get if you s d BR just hopped in my bed with me randomly for no

Reason bro and I think that was totally normal but yeah all right now gentlemen I have everything we need guys we’re going to go fight the giant wither it’s probably going to kill us but you know what it’s okay I have golden carrots and

Sh man dude I have a lot of things I should probably bring some milk with me cuz I’m probably going to need that actually now that I think about it but brain’s telling me you probably need going to need you’re probably going to need uh milk pyro you know cuz you need

To get rid of the curse effect if you get it and whatnot so you probably want to bring some milk with you and then my bringing processing thoughts like yeah you know what that’s pretty a smart idea actually I probably should actually bring milk with me cuz I’m probably

Going to need to save my life you know yeah and if you don’t have that I’m the they sh will kill you the Wither man it does triple the damage compared to regular with skeletons whatnot man so I definitely need to make some I’m definitely I’m going here you know I’m

Going to make some buckets we’re going to go milk some cows real quick y’all and then we’re going to head over to I’m um go fight the weather and whatnot I want to make sure we’re actually prepared for this [ __ ] where are we going to spawn the with I don’t so my my

Thought pres man D is I’m thinking that we could probably go farther away maybe off the map somewhere see remember Mushroom Island right now right I’m think we fight him over there you think that’s far enough away yeah it’s very far all right I have six buckets of milk you think that’s

Enough three for me three for you dark gets nothing cuz he has no armor he’s probably going to die within like 3 seconds I guarantee it but that’s okay okay I only have one bucket but I guess it’s good well no here so now our next

Step now is we go go the farm we need to milk some cows now all right stream hope you guys enjoy me milking cows and making them cream live on stream you know so yeah he just say wait a minut what the wait wait pyro what pyro what P what the

[ __ ] did you you say pyro actually I don’t have enough I need I need a few more Soul Blends I only have three on me man I think you need more than three to make for the Wither right you need like three wither skeletons no yeah yeah man so I need

Four man I need to get four more [ __ ] blocks and [ __ ] dude I don’t have enough now man I need to get um I have the skulls I just need I need the soul sing No I know I need one more Soul Sand um band you need to come over though man I

Need you to grab some of this um milk when I start milking them because I don’t have enough room in my inventory and whatnot and I don’t think it’s going to Stack n either dude I don’t think it Stacks it doesn’t stack it just like it puts it as like a

One all right actually know I might have to fit all of them I want to make sure you can get some to in cuz you’re going to need some too since you have you have good armor too we’re going to be doing this as a team so here’s one for you

Here’s two and there’s three also I’m low health so I’m going to kill myself in the game don’t think I’ll I’m do I’ll do that [ __ ] that [ __ ] YouTube but yeah I have to do it so I can regain my HP he says in chat very uh concerningly waa

Waa Whopper Whopper bacon triple triple junior Whopper junior bacon Whopper triple Junior have it I don’t [ __ ] know I just I’m sorry man I get my I’m sorry fam man I’m sorry dude that [ __ ] really came a thought man I’m sorry my thought proc was like you

Know what I’m going to sing the [ __ ] Whopper song cuz why the [ __ ] not do you want me to kill you he’s just taking fall damage no he’s trying to kill himself and shot my dude because he doesn’t have enough health no man he’s little Health but he has no armor dude

So if he fights with him he’s gonna die no man like dude no man should like seriously dude he’s going to die D he fights L and he not surviv in that encounter but you know what we’ll let we’ll just let him participate and see

What happens man I might be it might be a fun experiment you know you know I have a good one so what we’re going to do is I’m going to spawn the Wither in right and I’m going to have Dar bullet run at it with bare hands and see if he

Can kill it with barehanded or not and if he does I’ll give you $1 million Mr Beast Mr Mr Beast you’re trying to be Mr Beast right now right awayo I have no million do anyways man give $100 gift card for like v-bucks or something manes shut the [ __ ] up all know all

Right so now Mason we have our drink Mason you got your milk you got your shitment you got gold carrots you got food on you now right you have food I have like two pumpkin pie that’s pork chops that’s it I have more no I have

More I have more fire Dar is going to kill himself in the fire pit goodbye karage you shouldn’t be missed burn burn burn I send you to the fire god burn One Up in oh I used to say burn to death no it says one up in flames and

[ __ ] dude damn that’s crazy man [ __ ] I mean burn up in flames it’s just like you get what the uh okay so now I’m not going to say anything cuz I feel like I’m going to get demonetized and start talking about this stuff but let’s just say that girl

Sent them spicy pcks if you know what I’m saying trying to get me to send her money now she’s trying to seduce me that’s the how you seduce someone seduce me no wrong wrong you idiot I don’t know I’m sorry that was kind of a spy me kind of like sh I’m not

I’m not sure if you know what TF2 is but with Scout telling with telling Scout get this is a de this P but yeah man we have a lot far I mean we can probably just go straight bullets shoot straight Mason no you know what I mean

And fight the with there or we could just try going the ice somewhere man cuz I mean there’s a lot of water them and ice so there should be there should be no mobs nearby so you shouldn’t really move too much man but I I kind of also

Want to try to fight him underground and [ __ ] cuz people are telling me and stuff if you fight him underground it’s much easier cuz he does not move as much so it makes things 10 times easier to fight his ass you know stuff like that we just

Got to make he does not hit the [ __ ] portal yeah all right so you know we’re going to we’re follow me guys we’re going farest away we’re going as far as we can go and guys okay man are you sure you’re good Dar is gonna die Dar I hope you know sir you’re

Gonna die [ __ ] man okay man dude you are probably going to die but it’s okay man I’ll be right there and make a tombstone in your honor bro like I know how to clutch it bro man’s about to clutch this [ __ ] like a Minecraft clutch master or

Some [ __ ] I don’t know wait where’s pyro where’s dark guys follow me gentlemen to certain death my friends come on kamaj move your [ __ ] ass know where [ __ ] start we’re going to die we’re going to going to certain death but it’s okay guys actually no before I go and [ __ ]

Man someone grabbed all my glowstone blocks and threw them off the land post and [ __ ] dude I’m already [ __ ] lost what happened to your damn map dude oh do you guys know that the um what’s the name that YouTuber this YouTuber I watching man right his name

His name’s avocado man right you know his name right avoc you guys right why why are you taking my gold St I put that oh yeah that was yours I did not know that sorry I put that there so mobs don’t spawn near me my house sorry man

Yeah no man so about just saying he made a Me by door the Explorer so what happens when door runs out on runs out of toilet paper in the bathroom man she’s like oh yes I remembered I have a chest Feld map in my backpack to do he’s say have you ever seen

Willly no dude man’s like have you ever actually suffered and SE went looked into the abyss and seen some [ __ ] and he’s telling this [ __ ] to like I forgot how the thing went but it was a video showing her her and then it jumped to the map like with like the black like

Blackish eyes like scarred like talking like a deaf emo T of kind of tone it was kind of [ __ ] funny and [ __ ] did absolutely hilarious have you SE willly and then she mentioned that [ __ ] too as well and [ __ ] man dude it was freaking funny man but yeah now guys keep

Following me and [ __ ] guys M keep following me come we’re almost I think we’re almost far enough away from the Bas and [ __ ] man dude I want to make sure it’s far enough away for everyone’s Bas what not man that that includes like ladies basement that includes the Farms

Everything need to be away from everything dude can not be near no one’s base so I don’t risk damaging anybody’s stuff and having to sit there rest of the stream trying to fix their base and have them screaming saying why the [ __ ] did you spawn oh I’m swearing get on

Child’s skin that’s bad why the heck biscuits did you spawn a with it in front of my freaking house I don’t know I want to kill it you know I need oh no P please please don’t kill him please please he’s just a child please he’s just a gay boy x he’s going

To kill you now that man he already man you already SAR Mason called you a gay boy Aon look Diamond boy called you a gay boy x Dar look he called you gay Dar he called you gay it’s called a Game Boy X not a gay boy x he just death stares at

You now he’s [ __ ] kill he’s death staring you dude he’s death staring [ __ ] he’s attacking you he died he died by punching my armor so are we good you have thorns though yeah man that sucks any I think we’re far enough away but I’m not sure D because because

Um what do you want to call it ladies base is over nearby too as well and Sh dude I think man so I’m going to keep going farther away and Sh man dude and then after we fight the with now guys my next step on stre is I’m going to go

Look for a sniffer egg after the sniffer egg and the with quests are done we are think going to start working on building the world map of the server and whatnot so yeah oh hell no that’s going to take a wiser n dude it’s called Lan lra equals fireworks equals going different

Apartments and making a map I’m probably going to go a thousand blocks in each Direction and shment dud I’m thinking so yeah man so it’s not that big for now and well I well I don’t know you I’m probably going to make like a giant Observatory or something man Medieval

Theme building and whatnot and do it that way and [ __ ] dude so yeah um Mason you’re you’re you’re behind me right now man dude it’s night time second [ __ ] dude so I’m going to wait till it’s daytime and then we’re going to do this [ __ ] all right I’m I’m probably so we’re

Now I’m think I’m I think I’m going to dig down underground and man dude okay dig down and whatnot and do that one and fight him that way man to a giant like really deep down and Sh when you fight him and stuff man we don’t have to worry

About him getting up and blowing anything up you know what I mean so so yeah dud so so here here let’s um start oh [ __ ] me uh Mason why why why just jump I can’t help us please somebody oh thank God you’re stupid damn come on come man

Here let’s start digging down we I should have brought torches and [ __ ] dude oh well come man no no no please because the Torches I I don’t have no Tor me no I don’t I have no Tores on me at all dude [ __ ] that sucks I have some

Charcoal on me but not a lot oh wait I know I know what we can do so let’s just so yo dude so let’s just fight in he the man I think we’re far enough away right but we should there’s a creeper behind you we should probably wait till

It’s daytime though man first then so let’s wait till date them first and then we’ll fight him all right man weit then [ __ ] date them and then we’ll fight him afterwards man so don’t risk like um you know what a forest fire is here’s a forest

Fire put that [ __ ] out put that [ __ ] out you dumb ass dude put that [ __ ] out what the [ __ ] you doing fire I need to find honey adventor too man I need you burn my [ __ ] that man dude [ __ ] I need honey for the copper update you know man I need to find

Beehives and we’re a perfect Force to find them too but you know what I need to I need to get ready no man so when so here you know let’s go let’s get a higher let’s get a higher area location what not okay man I need to get a

Perfect spot to fight this right now man here I think right here is a perfect spot to fight cuz I don’t see no buildings nearby to you you see anything nearby Mas and whatnot no there’s no builds so there’s no bills there’s nothing over now and we’re good man and

There’s also like a giant ass cave down here too man I probably put him down there too I feel like that’s a cave we went but no okay look right here look down here dumbass down here dude look down here I mean no it’s theine w I should do

That’s why I we could we could fight him down here man I just need I just need I just need some wood to make a craft table have enough torches like this place up better run ass better run away man [ __ ] dude oh [ __ ] you how [ __ ] it’s on fire dude sh

On fire dude it’s on fire dude what the [ __ ] sh dude here I C for Crow I’m going to make um light now man okay a torch why not I’m making torches now sh dude we’re going to fight the M of this game man we’re near we’re far enough away

From everything wor nothing and should dude we’re nearby to nothing so if we die it’s kind of a [ __ ] up and we’re going to but you know we’ll be fine out man we probably should have brought beds but it’s kind of too late for that I

Guess man yeah Mas maybe we should wait till daytime so we can reset our spawns here before we fight him dude you know what I mean just to be safe and sorry in case we do die don’t lose our stuff but so we need to wait to get some cows just

Spawn in I think I think he’s lost it’s okay man finden man man if he knows if he’s a pro Minecraft player he knows how to read coordinance bro he’ll be fine man he’ll find us easily uh can you record why is the spider after you Dave why you attacking me Dave

Dave what the hell Dave what’s your problem Dave D types in chat I’m already [ __ ] lost on I swear on stream D it’s your fault man I should slap you for that no man Dar no cookie for you swear on stream bro no cookie for you Dar

Repeat no cookie for Dar you swear on stream no Mr Beast cookie for you no Mr Beast candy bar for you I’m just saying random [ __ ] this but I don’t freaking know no more I don’t know man it’s called a feable man feces yeah you’re eating Mr be’s

Feces gr that’s nasty man crap not it’s called Mr be’s feet feet [ __ ] he made these nuts I don’t want no more feet would C might I’m like guys what Mr BEAST’s feet should I try like try these nuts and I’m like what I’m like I got Kyle’s I got

Carl’s nuts in my mouth okay I don’t want what know um M I have like this little call block ourselves and we go fight him man um hopefully man when we fight him D we have the V here and sh I’m D I’m thinking man because if he

Can’t fly man we’re good man so long as cuz this C deep enough I think man dude if he can’t fly he can’t do much now we have the advantage on ground we should to watch his shot and spam the living [ __ ] out of

Him man I know how to I fall before man people say people just sit tra inside bedrock and [ __ ] and they can’t do nothing but I have no Bedrock blocks on me so I can’t do that can I nor can I and they said put him in a deep cave man

Because he can’t fly around pyro they’re talking about the nether not the nether I mean the they’re talking about the end not what I said that before you crossed the water he said man oh sorry know my bad no D Dead come on all right so we’re

Good enough man is it daytime I’m go check outside see what daytime at I don’t want to risk come on I don’t want to risk I want to risk with some stupid dumbass creeper you know man I can’t risk I have I have all the stuff we

Need daytime bro I need to find some wool we need to make beds so we don’t die when we fight him you know I kind of forgot to bring wall when I left for this journey it was kind of slipped my mind we probably want to have beds case

We do make any mistakes and we don’t lose our stuff you know it kind of didn’t come to it kind of didn’t come to mind straight away like it should have but you know kind of didn’t well tomor we’re probably G to have cool you can help me the C tomorrow

Though man if I have time and what not what happens when a girl do you just me ask you for $30 you say no like I’m not going to send you I just make you send you $30 cuz I just met you right and she said said started sending you

Some spicy pcks like come on send me that $30 I’m pretty sure it’s a scam at that point if I’m not stupid I mean that looks like Google that looks like a Google scam no man it’s like the people that say must be sending me Lamborghinis

They and I’m saying like sure bro sure I why the hell they all keep attacking me for is it because the server admin server like server owner or some [ __ ] dude like everything get trying to kill me instrument dude they just annoy you like you’re a side character Mason

That’s crazy damn why am I the side character you’re the main character I am yeah s man I am the main charactering [ __ ] dude so when it gets daytime and we we need we need to get some beds and whatnot so yeah I feel I’m quite L Des bu like a

Goddamn bunker over here and [ __ ] dude damn a bunker With the Enemy dude that’s crazy [ __ ] it’s going to be fun no no then we’re about to Spa the nuke in here with us man what you mean we fine Mak relax Manesty yeah you know I mean yeah he

Does but takes a few shots from destroy blocks you can’t destroy one shot man it takes a few hits from to destroy blocks and what not dude so we have a few it’ll take we have enough time to enough damage before we can get out I think so

I think we should be fine I me all I know is I need some freaking damn um wall so we can make beds though just in case you know best to gets and let you no because would then went not to do not your damage the reverse damage might not

Do enough damage to him and them and you know what I mean it might not do enough damage to him and whatnot so I don’t know by the way Dar if you look at my map you can see what you need to go too

As well D Dar you hear me dude if you look at my map man you might be to find me too as well dude you know I’m showing my map on stream you could probably follow out to find my location as well why is there light over

There um so want to know that that’s law that’s law dude he me Fam that’s lava man that’s why I man that’s lava lava lights up you didn’t know that that’s that’s La dude so yeah I got I got my stuff lit up right now man all

Set up right now dude so yeah man um so yeah we we need to wait man we D going to fight the soon enough man so yeah D we cannot sleep we don’t have beds dude we can’t sleep thinky to play with you n man dar’s probably in my bed doing weird

Stuff to my bed again I guarantee you man I guarantee no man dude he my doing weird things again manro why atted by a creeper at I don’t know man [ __ ] I’m by every Creeper Man see right now man everything’s attacking me man I don’t know now you’re get attacked by zombies

That’s crazy damn there’s another zomb behind you sh M rep man zombie behind you dude watch out zombies incoming for M poor M getting lit up by his creepers and [ __ ] man zombies and whatnot dude that’s crazy a man damn shut up all right Mason around for sheepy now man okay

Man sheep fam we need sheepy sheep pyro oh [ __ ] I didn’t see I have shears don’t kill I have shears wait don’t kill him I can get us furry we dupid hang on oh cool good oh I miscle [ __ ] why the [ __ ] I forgot what my controls were it’s

Sorry man [ __ ] dude I the controller man three and three man there we go fam all right I need one more that was quick here we’re good at let’s put our bed somewhere they don’t get destroyed and [ __ ] dude here we should hire a bed somewhere man I don’t know I know

I’m don’t sh where should we hire our beds and [ __ ] we need to HDE they won’t get attacked what not [ __ ] dead man I’m sing We should hiire him somewhere nearby not too close man hey the tire bed’s right here Mason you hear me put your bed’s right here dude right where I’m

At what the [ __ ] she how’d you go back Mason get your ass over here fool come here man okay okay so okay so another dude okay so now the girl said oh you can pick me up then if you want to I’m like why don’t drive I thought I me that

Clearity and I don’t drive you know I’m trying to get my license but I don’t drive right now you know and you live in Middle bro as well so now tell me to go meet so tell me to go meet up with you real me now go pick up now first it was

Is that you couldn’t come to me now you can’t pick me up though craft a bed to Mas as well now I’m thinking she’s going to rob me or [ __ ] trying scare to rob me or some [ __ ] dude she going to try to rob my ass or something and [ __ ] dude

That’s crazy man so you come to me then okay so you can rob me or something dude like first game now be armed robbery like the [ __ ] Mason put your damn bed down sh Mason put your goddamn bed down yeah response Point set there SN spawn that [ __ ] man there

You go fam all right ready let’s go fight now man as everybody in the Stream has been waiting for gentlemen mission is a go guys we are fighting now live on stream guys let’s do this [ __ ] y’all so yeah Mason once I put this [ __ ] down man

Your ass better [ __ ] book it dude or you’re going to get nuked like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 man inil yeah for a little bit of time I know fam he has inil he’s Invincible okay man he’s invincible for a little bit of time I know man all right I

Know get back he’s going to blow get back he’s coming for you he’s going to bomb he’s going to he’s going to blow up get ready get back get back and [ __ ] dude uh he’s already I already got hit he’s trying to run we got a runner he’s

Running I can’t shoot him he’s on top what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he’s getting away already man [ __ ] the the ass get away sh me he’s running bro he’s he’s running across the border shoot his ass he hey stop stop the name of the law wait

Where the hell did he go sh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I can’t get up there get your Shield Mason Shield bash’s ass come on man I can’t even hit him dude I can’t [ __ ] hit him what the hell is he the hell is he doing come on keep up me keep up me come

On oh what the [ __ ] get your [ __ ] [ __ ] just Happ sh the zombie the zombies on my [ __ ] the zombies on my [ __ ] oh my that’s a backup dad that’s a backup D I got to replace the r [ __ ] too man I got to place the real man I just lost my

[ __ ] zombie gang just took my [ __ ] what the [ __ ] again yes I I need you my friend come onaj I need you who I don’t know man hey yo n playes help in the real man please fam we need some backup and [ __ ] dude D get your ass

Over here man any plays get your ass over here we need backup we got kbby Kazi bro we got a Rec [Laughter] B oh well actually no man no we were fine dude we need to stay apart man dude we need to keep our distance down man if

We can keep our distance down dude and not get not get like not get like close with them we could have took him out easily man man one of hit from behind one hits the other side get confused go back and forth sir I can’t I have an

Iron [ __ ] sword he says man what Happ to your armor man you’ll be fine man we have spare milk dude yo you’re sir you’ll be fine man we have we have spare supplies man you’ll be fine we have we have spare milk [Laughter] for get on man what a [ __ ] oh I backed

Up the real guys hang on man okay back to the real hang on okay y’all hang on and I I you come on please we always [ __ ] we to a [ __ ] we got a rock B we a bunch of idiots play Minecraft and get [ __ ] by the Wither the first time

F guys the game currently right I I play the r right now y’ s minutes back before we died Mason so yeah d The Game’s like it’s Lo the back up going to take a few minutes all right so let’s calm down breath attempt number two starting now don’t hold your breath you

Dumbass and placees enchant and bro say CH he says sir I can’t what I can’t just come on come him Y what the [ __ ] I can’t just come him what what bro what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] did it one shot I don’t know man I have no clue man

I was another right armor I was just crazy man [ __ ] dude turned super saan on my went to Super mode of his [ __ ] and he killed yeah I think we have to stick with I think the server is working again it is cool good man [ __ ] dude I mean yeah man should man you the okay good so we should have our stuff done man I think right right yeah if we can’t I bro what’s funny man multiple zombies spawn

After we die man right fam right man mom spawn man right there and they took stole and took all our Shir they stole and took all our sh man to imately man his ball man that shit’s crazy dude [ __ ] dude like damn man they still everything we have man immediately dude like [ __ ]

Dude damn I don’t know if we should fight under ground on top side man I really don’t know fam trying I’m saying maybe keep underg ground again on man cuz he couldn’t do much so so dude sitting sham and he said you could make the obsidium I don’t know

Man we probably obsid I’m not sure man I don’t know I didn’t bring obsidian though I thought he could break through that stuff I’m not sure I’m going to [ __ ] spawn him again this to again break City he Tak a while to break it well who cares I’m Spa him again let’s

Get your ass ready no no [ __ ] no we’ll be fine me relax and [ __ ] dude I have this [ __ ] planned on man we’ll be fine man okay he’s here we’re going to die we’re going to die him keep your back turned okay sh stay back and

[ __ ] B no we’re fine man just stay back and [ __ ] dude and keep your distance and don’t bomb you into Oblivion man don’t leave me Mason shoot him leaving you I leaving you but I’m getting where the [ __ ] did he go oh [ __ ] he’s going to bomb us watch out fall back separate

Separate he’s he’s behind he’s locked on me repeat fam he’s locked on me and [ __ ] dude repeat and [ __ ] man dude he’s locked on me man repeat man he’s locked on me and [ __ ] dude I’m ATP man please I need milk I have more milk no man thank

God man I have 3 gallons milk that’s come I have one I’ll engage him and stay back man I’ll attack him man stay back man stay back over there man I’m fall back there stay over there stay over there oh no no please please you’re talking me man repeat fies attacking me

Man you’re good [ __ ] man dude you’re good man you’re good just stay back for now you’ll be fine man he’s trying to beat my ass any place says run man he says run man where [ __ ] it to man is he following you man he’s following you trying to get

Me what the hell how did I die well back up attempt number two starting now [ __ ] bro I need obsidian man but I have none to use man [ __ ] sucks how do I die so fast and [ __ ] dude man how about this we can trade no I need to [ __ ] make a beacon

And I have to kill him dude I need to that’s why we need to trade and getan yes I please how’s it going what’s up fam what’s up man you do man what’s up man what’s up what do you need on and beat the [ __ ] out of the go

To the end and get obsidian man are you sure obsidian’s the Strat here guys like Ser man is like a really good Strat no man or no and we’re no we’re nowhere near base even I already came all the way down I don’t have to go all the way

[ __ ] back man I mean if someone I mean I guess we can grab some make I mean we always just go to we could always go to the end and fight him in the end I guess instead of man we can fight him there instead and Sh I guess

Man wait a minute wait w’t he attack the enman though and [ __ ] dude though and they all attack him or something he attacks every there’s no point because he’s what what the [ __ ] did you just say Li to attack little shut the [ __ ] up your language I’m not okay that’s fine man

New plan gentlemen [ __ ] dude guys man guys new plan y’all we’re going to the end we’ll fight him there with obsidian strap I’ll somehow box him up and hopefully not get bomb to death I don’t know wait we can’t how box him up or something I minut I box him up with

Obsidian before he blows up that man is that what I supposed to do here like what the hell am I’m supposed to do here I’m so confused I have no stuff no my wrong save repeat wrong save wrong save you can kill Dragon D says but you

Can’t kill a s and [ __ ] that shut the [ __ ] up D like you could [ __ ] shut your stupid ass up fool you probably couldn’t kill him either you can’t even who that that thing a a side boss he’s the [ __ ] son of a b how wait isn’t the warden the boss cuz

He has more HP and plus you one shots I have a yeah that could work that could [ __ ] work a diamond pickaxe yeah sure [ __ ] it oh I think might be doing something power you’re muted by the way you’re muted in your stream and you’re [ __ ] how i m what the

[ __ ] the hell [ __ ] dude mut in your [ __ ] party is this the right save can I join the right save yes man I needs backup camage what do you mean to ro backup oh [ __ ] and place if you don’t if you join you get one no the wrong back up Mason fall

Back oh [ __ ] I’m get CL by a right eight minutes go the Manion s minutes not work man try eight just do like uh just do nine [ __ ] it you I try eight man that not work man it’s not you do do one 10 minutes AG go hang on I’ll do that

Instead y I have 17 minute go I’ll do that one instead man and do it so yeah man oh [ __ ] um okay Power you better not burn up pick the wrong sa again orse I get my head clapped by a [ __ ] but you’ll be fine

Sir sh by a I didn’t know I could die I have really good [ __ ] man how am I dying some freaking three [ __ ] man but n man [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] man n man I fought the minut that wasn’t that hard sh dude now I’m trying to fight this man

I’m getting killed man sh the End Dragon is more easier than a side ball dude the hell do you mean bro minec lodic for you is stupid just crazy isn’t the warden the final boss now because he has more health and no that man’s a mini boss bro

That man’s not even a boss there’s no HP bar in his head man that man’s the war you not want to fight him bro he has more HP than goddamn with has 300 HP okay man the waren has 500 hyro you combine the Wither and the

End Dragon that’s how much is front oh yeah gotcha all right that’s how much HP he has I’m for the stupid dumbass Dam going to like load me up okay y’all my M man soon I can join in the Discord call man we’re Discord a placation party dude

But yeah man is the server good yet or what I’m trying to join it’s not working so I don’t know trying to join though I think it’s loading yeah no fair enough not man fair enough the second try uh wither third try wither fourth try wither

No he only F him two times man I did to not no he was that hard man okay man [ __ ] dude all I’m going back to base man you know why I need to go get obsidian man you guys keep saying to fight with obsidian y’all are you sure that’s the

Best Str he can’t break out of obsidian or anything he can’t move so do so do I like what am I guys I box as I spawn in I’m put obsidian around where I spawn him in well I’m me to ring no man see you see see you see man

We lost the Ender Dragon Eggman so we can’t do no more man but we can you we still have I know how to craft the other things we need to do and what not someone stole you okay I think this the right sa this time I’m spawning him again right now

No we’re not ready yet I know I know we need to obsidian first I know man okay man I know we need to obsidian I know okay I know we need a goddamn obsidian dude I know I should do okay man I know we need obsidian we’ll get that first

And then I’ll box him in before I spawn him in so we can’t move or nothing then we’ll have to attack him when he boxed in I can use fly AXS to break the um he says the crystals the disabl no fam you’re good man we we do not we do not

Use cheat and the C no cheats on the server no cheats on the server man okay dude but like I was say before now guys I I guess this I guess this time y I will put them in right put a box around them in all right man put a box around

Them man just spawn them in [ __ ] dude okay man box a man around spawn a man so he’s inside the obsidian box so y’all 100% sure he cannot break through the obsidian box like are be sure he cannot like you guys sure it’ll work like man

Cuz this is kind of like at this point I me I don’t know I I mean it might work I don’t know best d i can n man guys is box M obsidian n man which means we need to go to the end to fight this guy in the end

Which is kind of weird but I guess we’ll try to do it I guess I don’t know oh yo Mason keep following me man come on Mason follow me man we’re we’re going to head to the end portal right now man dude if you don’t know I know where the

End portal is at it’s near L’s base but it’s kind of the opposite direction for her base and whatnot and you go past her Cottage house and you follow the ice Trail and leads right to the end port and whatnot man right now I’m trying to

Shoot back to base right now now man dude first and then I’m going to head towards the portal um they he said there should be there should should be obsidian in the end and what not man we’ll mine that for a little bit I don’t

Know and then I’ll try to box him around as wait for me I’m joining okay copy that man but yeah let me know no man dude if if you guys can somehow get box him around with obsidium and he can’t move or nothing dude we should be good I

Think man because if he can’t move and he’s boxed up man dude we we should be good dude I think so yeah but any man all right I’m heading to the end port right now guys I I’ll show you guys where it’s at so we can have a group yes Dar okay

Fam yes dude we are n man okay dude yes we are dude all right so yeah but number one like I said before guys is we need to get obsidian before we spawn man and hopefully maybe maybe maybe he’ll piss off the Enderman till the end Enderman

Like mobs like mob beat the [ __ ] out of them I don’t know maybe they all gang bang them or something I don’t know it might work I don’t know I mean it might you don’t know D maybe all will like attack and what not if he spawns them

They M attack him and what not I’m not sure all right guys I’m heading to the end po right now guys so yeah that guys it’s by a village it’s underneath a village well believe it or not it’s kind of crazy but you know it’s Minecraft you

Know it’s on so it’s underneath a well at one of the snow villes we near like not even that far from base what not and don’t mind my my friend lady’s base right here it’s really nice man a pumpkin to be safe the I’m no

[ __ ] I just look at the ground while I [ __ ] run for my dear life uh so how you fight the [ __ ] n the boss will be trying to kill and shoot everything in sight man so we find sh dude they’ll they’ll all be agreed on him while we um

Should no fighting and what not man so we’ll kind of be like a gang bang I don’t know I’m trying to remember if this is where the Bas is that I know the end I know the end is nearby it’s near a village in this area I just don’t

Remember n or no like where at I just remember it’s it’s all you PR you to do is follow the ice I see the village repeat gentlemen I see the village guys meet me over here now guys okay everyone meet me over I’m head to the end P right

Now Mason you should you should have a map you should know the lead them man you should know where you’re going man all right you have a map you should be good you just need to head towards this Village right over here man just follow me look where my icons

At I Man follow me over here a minute okay dude there you go I didn’t know like I remember old day Minecraft so it was easier to kill the W now guys all right it was easier to fight him now so now new day Minecraft I

Didn’t know or realize how hard it is actually to fight him I thought it’d be easy like perform man but no it’s not like no man serly do no man it’s not hard at all it’s hard man it’s not easy um by way 2 is one if someone can

Also um no you can’t if someone can also grab some food from my house to man guys I think I have food in the house in the C in the big tun them there’s extra food if someone wants to grab that we might need that stuff now guys but I’m heading

To the stronghold location right now guys can meet me over right now man I’ll show a map where I’m at minut guys look at my map and go towards where I’m at do do you guys see my map on the stream repeat can you guys see me on the

Stream right now man guys I have the map out look where the map shows me at you go straight down here follow follow the little light ice Lake Trail go past L’s house it’s directly behind her base all right that’s where the end end Fortress is at

Where the end p is at gentlemen so yeah I’m heading down there right now guys so yeah man meet me over there and I’ll see you all on the other side hello from the other side excuse my voice is are you sure we won’t

Get n no man we’ll be fine dude you know why man because because the because the Wither will be pissing off everybody in sight and they’ll all be trying to kill his ass you know cuz he will attack enemy too man so they’ll all be trying

To fight him to men while we fight him so he should leave us alone the theoretically I think I don’t know be well he’s not on it man yeah not llama’s house man you stupid dumbass [ __ ] come guys just look at my Damm map and Sh man guys look at

The map I have showing on stream guys look where I’m at the stream the map man just go straight down this way guys you’ll see the it’s not very hard man look at the stream y’all see my map right here man Mason should have a map

So follow his Le you should know where we’re at it’s blur um so pause the stream and zoom in on and there you go dude pause the stream and zoom in on it map there there you go Man what what Mason are you sure we got this yes man we will be fine stop panicking it’s your fault we di last time you panicked too much and then you um led him towards me and we got bombs you know so it’s your fault no man stop sucking get the

Game panic mode yeah he panicked bro was panicking man Dar left Dar gave up man Dar why you leave that man dude it’s not very hard to find where I’m at man n you guys are giving up already man you guys not going to come over y’all cowards y’all

Cowards are y’all coming over here when I’m man guys all you need to do is go to ladies base the giant ass Castle you guys not know where that’s at gentlemen like [ __ ] dude that’s crazy guys coming or what not imag annoyed I think I don’t know but maybe

I’m not sure man and by the way there’s also beds too right here guys them man so yeah join the I’m waiting for you guys come on now gentlemen come on no not the oh my God you guys think my cast no it’s so it’s lady all right

So go straight where all right who’s the orange icon oh my God man whoever is the green keep going straight in the exact line you’re going man and you should be good now you’re turning off course now you’re Oh my Jesus the can you guys record it’s by any

Chance cuz I have on screen too as well for cry what the [ __ ] guys I’m by the Frozen biome for crying out loud no the up oh my God all right he just helps out hang on I have no way to help you guys hang on man you guys know

Where the iron farm is at right yeah so go in the direction towards the iron farm but instead of following the train tracks you should see a little cottage building all right man it has or it’s right near the swamp all right so it’s right near those swamp trees I have decorated over

There right and I’m man pass those keep falling the water right and keep going straight down a minut all right you’re going to see lady’s house past her house you’re going to see a pathway and then green green you guys are going the wrong damn way where are you guys going

Pause the stream on zo we’re crying out loud it’s not very freaking hard green ow who the [ __ ] green go straight man go straight you’re going the wrong way no no no straight go good job green keep going the way okay green that way man that way go straight okay there you

Go man come on guys follow green follow the green icon he’s going the right way follow green for crying out wow follow him there you go greens okay green green so now you should see a bridge man go past lady’s house way past your house you should see snow hills

Okay go up those snow hills you should see a village go down to where it shows the well there’ll be a a broken stick it’s going down the middle of the well go down that and it should take you right to the right to the dungeon with the portals at

I I killed a bunny by the way you guys do know that Green’s coming the right way man and you guys are all other side the map almost time going the wrong freaking way right now just just want to say just want to say that just letting

Yall know I feel like this is like a like you try to take care of [ __ ] man it’s like we trying to teach two-year-olds how to freaking kill the ender dragon or go how record is okay so Mr Green keep going straight from there now dude in a few seconds you should

Start to see a village okay once you once you see the damn Village go towards the well you’ll see the they’ll see the the hole go down the hole and make sure you guys reset your spawn points on the beds right next to the port two and guys

Case you die you can just spawn right here and whatnot cuz one about the end there’s no end going to take your [ __ ] so you don’t to worry about losing if you die cool go to the well now I’m going in the Pro now you guys are you’re at now man you guys

Know where to go right so now I’m hopping in the P now you meet me down there or I’ll wait for you guys up to youall now man but feel like how you T A twoyear old just how map look like d i was fww it’s

Right come on come on my fast character hungry lost Mas that’s crazy man how yo like my f character lost Mason what you doing man the hell for cuz man that’s crazy [ __ ] dude damn man damn that’s crazy man damn damn damn Daniel [ __ ] well well well sounds like are you guys

Here yet or what man I want to kill something now man come on I’ll give you food D now get your fat ass down here oh I see your name tag [ __ ] know where to go where lost the guys D come on gentlemen go down the hole follow the stairs there you going

I’m coming out right now so I show youall make sure you guys are near by man you guys see my name tag now man you Mason you broke through the the oh a hole D how didn’t you die man [ __ ] dude damn so all right so now Alex is almost

Here I’m going me and M are going now guys we’re going to start get we’re going to start getting the um so yeah so we’re going to start getting what we need to get now man we we need to start getting some um obsidian and whatnot so

Yeah why does it look so realistic I don’t know man no clue though man get in the portal come on get in why is there look here man Mason do not piss him off we should be fine what who the heck was came someone built some weird [ __ ] here man damn bro

[ __ ] man man damn someone was already here man [ __ ] I think they to Get yeah that’s probably what man get OB I need obsid I’m going grab some if you have tools M it mine it but don’t piss up the end either please thank you don’t piss them off Mason they’re going to kill you if you do you bloody idiot you bubble gting

Idiot I put them on fire bro they’re all going at me you’re fine man binding chance didn’t you respond you’re point at the bed too man by the portal man or no yes God man why they all case you die and come back and grab yourself just

Like that man so yeah come back in the PO you should be fine dude so yeah okay why did they all no I don’t know what the hell you did man not my problem I have no clue don’t know I have the perfect spot to trap the guy inside I’m

Going tra this damn hole right here and [ __ ] guys so we can’t get out now man all right so I can bomb his ass inste the giant middle of the pillar middle of the obsidian pillar that’s smartest move I can do that man because he can’t get

Out right he wouldn’t be able to get out on the middle of the pillar I don’t think yeah think it’s theart and then we all can just smack the living [ __ ] out of him to death so yeah like we’re being up a except it’s well I mean yeah it’s a boss who cares

Man the bosses have no rights here they have no rights at all no man so yeah no rights no pain no rights or something like that I guess I don’t know uh Mr Alex let me know let me know when you’re here Mr okay man Mr Alex let

Me know when you’re here man all right so yeah Yeah the more DPS we can do this guy the better man so yeah and once I do get the damn Beacon I’m going to build that [ __ ] near in the middle of Base probably to I have a perfect spot I’m

Going to put it as well a perfect goddamn come on yeah come on I need you got pick start moding sh man we’re going to PL the [ __ ] back I’m going to box them in man I’m going to box we can spawn beat the living [ __ ] out of man so

We can’t get out and whatnot I need to make sure it’s three high so when I do spawn he spawns in don’t break the outside dude keep the outside we need the inside C out not the outside man what the hell you doing I know no good well I guess high enough

And should D so you man right here we should be F should be F yeah it is man we’re going to BR we’re going to smack the living Shir get ready all right here get back up no man no what did I do I didn’t do anything please pleas please

[ __ ] there’s there’s a [ __ ] if they if he bombs open this [ __ ] stupid damn thing I’m going to cry I’m repeat dude I’m going to cry man if your bombs is open somehow man I really am is why you leave the game man you doing

Boy what the A near me for what the did I do what the [ __ ] well I don’t know made it manra the power of hey work all is Alex here man or no you don’t know I don’t see his name or anything man or no

No what yo what’s up Bill welcome to the P game man what’s up how was it going bail what’s up man baale get ready to run get ready to run Mason man Mason get ready to run your ass out in a second yeah see what the type I lost all my

Loot I’m at spawn oh [ __ ] I know man [ __ ] dude sorry man damn my bad he swim in lava that’s right get back get Mason get the [ __ ] back please sh get back he’s a blow them look down and get back he’s a blow up man get back blow down come on come

On oh come on the end it’s spawned in man he can’t get out man repeat man he cannot get out dude he can’t get out I be man repeat fam he’s breaking he broke the [ __ ] obsidian though he broke that [ __ ] he said he can’t break that [ __ ] what do you

Mean I’ll believe [ __ ] that [ __ ] that last time yeah I mean he bring St he broke it pretty [ __ ] fast on you man dude damn he’s bomb all the enemy he’s killed the enem too man poor enemy they’re getting [ __ ] right now dude damn die die wait I’m sorry I’m

Sorry dude World War III dude [ __ ] man run and shoot man running gun running gun sure he to beat my ass I’m [ __ ] speed [ __ ] fortnite oh he’s should up fast why is he so fast M I’m going to die get him off me Mason me he’s [ __ ] youying shoot I’m

Coming back be gentlemen I’m coming back oh to be fair uh that a beast I’m hiding under a [ __ ] I’m back man pude put a back up so I have my loot well you died man just come get your loot back man or swi in lava that’s oh

Um all right fine give me a second guys someone died to Lava the most embarrassing way I’m eting the [ __ ] out him he’s a half Health please I I’ll do a 21 minute backup I guess man I don’t know I have 21 minutes no yes sadly I had half health I had

Be oh my God I didn’t telling me that for man [ __ ] well attempt number two here we go guys let’s go I’m sorry sir this is a champ number three all right I’m back on the r now the 21 minute backup that’s all I had now guys

So yeah man hopefully that [ __ ] works man I don’t know I mean it might I’m not sure okay we need not to get beat by a Wither again for we died again sh my guys come on Alex saying [ __ ] dude it will work man no it did not work Alex attempt number three

Star now my guys I restored the real just now guys okay guys so yeah y try and this sh again gentlemen so yeah is everyone still in the Stream y’all Mason Alex D everyone here hello hello no yes maybe so I don’t know here who would know that the

Weather be such a pain in the ass to killing [ __ ] dude like damn man that’s crazy [ __ ] back in the day it used to be easy I didn’t know man I wish I I wish I would have killed them easier I wish I would have killed them sooner and [ __ ]

Dude I kind of regret not doing that and [ __ ] man so yeah dude sucks man but you know um it justed man it’s still uploading the server right now guys give me a second com in y’all give me a second the game load up guys all right

And we’ll try to do it now okay a second hang on please thank you thank you gentlemen I am currently currently right now I’m I’m trying to load up and I’m man it’s taking a second I had to do a 21 backup that’s all I had man guys I had nothing

Else soon than that man 21 backup I that was before we enter the Wither entered I’m not sure it might have been I was still waiting for you got to come to the portal I think I don’t think I went ins the portal yet that’s what it was but we

Need to try again this time cuz you know it’s getting really annoying now guys we keep [ __ ] up constantly and Sh we’re not getting nowhere we need to make a plan here which means Alex do not swim in lava that means you and me Mas to take

The most of the damage from him and try to you know spread it out and whatnot you know stuff like that you know what I mean we can’t like what one of us take I was taking too much an that’s why I died it man kept going after you he kept going

Like at me then next you know he goes at you why the [ __ ] does that it’s still staying loading guys hang man it’s kind of a far it’s kind of a few minutes extra back up now man you know what I mean so I might take a few

Minutes to load off you know what I mean guys so yeah give me a second hold on all right please thank you it’s still loading guys why can’t we wait for to get off I don’t know I want to get this [ __ ] done dude no man I know it’s is har but it’s

Loading up we’ll be fine dude if Alex can get up here to no can do enough damage to him kill my thing dude so yeah we just need more people to help us kill them dude more DPS the better I in you know what I

Mean why is it not loading you what the hell man it keeps saying disconnected dude what the [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] junk I mean loads up kamoo must be aing piece of [ __ ] garbage man [ __ ] [ __ ] dude Alex died to Lava and [ __ ] dude and we almost have the guy dead this time

Man that sucks that man dude damn it sucks a big time I that game kind of sucks too man cuz like man I die too man even though I pop milk multiple times dude I need more damn milk man if I had a whole CH box

Full of milk D I probably would have I guarantee it someone wait what when what the hell I don’t know I had an end CH next you know it’s gone um T said no curse you Alex I’m in you can join now Dar says it l us

Back here man [ __ ] God damn this game not doing this this obsidian’s not working guys come on come on come we’re going to have to fight him over here I don’t care what you guys s him man C’s not working on him at all man we’re

Going to fight him here and I don’t care what you guys s him friending him here cuz like it’s not yes it’s not working dude I’m not going to keep looking on backups man it’s getting really annoying well should we just wait for Alex first yeah wait for him get over

First man then we’ll do it man all right so yeah remember how remember what dark said he said that you’re probably going to die probably going to die next wait a minute I bet a man um what if we dig straight down deep down I underground dude and try to do it

Under deep underground and [ __ ] dude instead man try to fight underground I me near Bedrock level do you think he try to fight trying whole time he be trying to find his way out and not be focusing on us maybe not he be so deep down I don’t know maybe have some kind

Of distraction or something dude to get his attention from us now man I don’t know something H Mr Alex and dark can you guys come towards me now real quick you guys don’t mind please thank you thank you I’m going start this [ __ ] up again man for the freaking fifth freaking time dude

Like holy [ __ ] man like damn I never knew how with was a kill on Minecraft that’s crazy man imag imagine adding such an unkillable freaking boss to a child’s game like what is wrong mode and they’re on crack or something dude wa then why did they add a scary

Boss [ __ ] child I don’t know am I Mo Dr to you man no I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re thinking man they’re probably on heroin they made this game who knows or they were they were high as a k who knows I wonder if I spawn them

In the lava if you Diamond I wonder probably not he probably wouldn’t take damage from lava I don’t think that man I don’t know I doubt it I have a [ __ ] I have a fire resistant um are you guys in the game yet or no all right so so so here

Gentlemen come towards us mans come towards us y’all okay guys gentlemen come towards us y’all guys please thank you I’m going to fight him again this time all right so yeah keep following me Mason you’re near you’re nearby to me right man Mason wrong with Man follow me dude where the hell you

Going I’m not I haven’t walked start walking man you’re not walking fast than man dude start walking boy what you doing CH I’m heading towards d and Alex location right now man dude so yeah right now trying to get to them man so I

No not too close by nearby man so I can fight the this time man hopefully this time I can try to kill him this time go with all four of us I don’t know might be a clutch it who knows um trying to see I can spawn at

Them know I don’t want to go blowy our ship man until tomorrow I’m not going to wait for Ian’s lazy ass to get the [ __ ] on to actually fight the W I’ll never get it done no and he said only Saturday because we Friday counts the godam weekend dude

His dumb ass with stupid logic is annoying Phil joining for me what the [ __ ] dude I need f up T man will be good man yeah already know my C are y’all almost to my location yet now guys no come on are you guys still come

Over now I’m just curious yall you going to come over here now man or or what oh Sho you’re over there Mason no man you’re nowhere near me man Mas you’re still miles away man guys everyone come towards where look at the map come towards me please thank

You I’m far but I’m not that far from base I need to kill this with guy now man we can’t keep messing with this go we need to kill him we need to fight him now man yall we’re just messing up now constantly it’s getting annoying everyone come towards my location please

Thank you I’ll meet you guys over here I don’t know where hell I’m at I’m lost dog a dog a dog a dog come on come on Mason you almost here yet or no where the hell you even at dude I was at the the thing that we were trying to

Fight the come on where I’m at now man come on wait a minute we they can fly so you can’t have them in surface need to be underr to find what not dude so yeah right yeah he can fly away that’s a [ __ ] stupid dumbass

Question I me to say that in I guess you asked the question I know that was a dumb i r after the fact dude sorry man I didn’t know how stupid was laugh I ask okay man leave me alone guys come towards me please thank you look at my

Map come for me man please thank you Dr let me know when you over here too as well okay are you the white one yes I’m the all white all way on the screens I think I’m not sure but I know I’m the white one yes I gas I don’t [ __ ] know

I have no CL anymore I really don’t know I’m getting aggravated cuz I’m I feel like I’m playing with like children that don’t know what the hell they’re doing on Minecraft wait what about Dar man Dar is no better he doesn’t have armor he’s try to help us with no armor

Bro it’s either on either out of his mind or just crazy as like as hell like crazy as like whatever um I need to get another piece of w I’m making another bed here and I’m going to try to fight him now cuz you’re all taking your three ass time so I just

Do my damn self cuz I’m getting sick of waiting probably I might be to clutch you don’t know might be hide into the goddamn water and shoot him my bow and the freaking water who knows cuz he can’t do nothing he can’t he can damage effect me

That crap I’m in the water no no I don’t think like yeah I don’t think he can do anything I’m in the water I don’t think I don’t think you can do DPS me when I’m in the water I think I there one no no I’m

Get time to get here yo I’m trying to get this guy killed already and Y like you’re not even here yet it’s getting super annoying cuz it’s like come on now then I’m near somebody to man like I think I’m you I don’t know I’m I’m not near I’m not you I’m near

Someone else I must I must be near Dar then if that’s the case if you’re in snow probably near dar what all right know what hang on I’m going to freaking fight the now man it’s getting really boring waiting put the up I don’t I should have to wait on a

Goddamn damn game on Minecraft man I just want to kill things now dude I want to kill things down man on a fight things do not wait what you mean bro Minecraft not waiting craft that’s what it’s called used to be called waiting C no it’s not n man shut up nah

Shut up shut up how what man hell man she I dead I just I just texted and told Phil get the damn R man I need help killing the wer man I told the realm I need help killing the Wither so yeah wait why was

Phil in the realm first R he wasn’t I told Phil get in the realm I need help killing the with that’s what I told him man dude so yeah I’m see if his ass will get on help me kill I don’t know he’s not respond man might up killing the D

Dude I’m see if extra will get on too man cuz kill this damn wither I’m gonna lose my freaking mind you’re going to see part of a mental breakdown tonight stream guys so yeah get used to it this is like a new new subscriber be like just SE first time like what the

Hell’s going on with just functional people normal Minecraft except you just e it what’s your thumbnail going to be I don’t know yet probably a a skull a a bleeding eye guy or no I have perfect one bleeding eye the bleeding eye head with the pink head and whatnot dude I’m

Ince big where the hell are you guys atos I have no idea I’m waiting for y’all dumb ass man serious I’m waiting man I’m waiting I’m waiting guys right now man guys so yeah I’m waiting I’m waiting you know so yeah it’s not fun at all it’s getting annoying shut up all

So are you guys here yet now or are you here yet are you here yet are you here yet oh my the functional Squad I should my damn map again for the last freaking time now guys can man this m right here guys okay y’all bring man guys see spinning around see I’m

Spinning I’m spinning can you see me yeah I am right now man dude so yeah man Alex why are you leaving Alex Alex oh my God man the [ __ ] great just positively lovely about time fil join Jesus okay Al I mean Mason head the goddamn base now can you me dude head the

Base you see a blue icon near me just appeared out of nowhere no man there’s a blue ion near me repeat blue icon near me I’m heading towards it right now that’s either you Mason or you Phil I don’t know which one we’ll find out uh

I think I’m the other white there’s two white ones so you’re no near me them man gotcha I’m I pH I need I tell I need help kill the I need join man thank God I get his ass in the party now I need more communication man I need people I need

Teamwork Makes a goddamn how to train your dragons DreamWork dude what are you saying chat what you saying chat for the record I’m getting the start x no you [ __ ] woke come up you did it to yourself not me did he just say I’m not

Helping the say B you need help [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out the realm too up it’s mine no cuz I’m want to call the [ __ ] ingredients to [ __ ] on in dude so yeah I’m in dude no I got the ingredient it’s mine dude his ass already got beacons I don’t

Why I I have no Comm man no clue I’m my sh don’t know man don’t know at all I [ __ ] know watching the world burn down as I lose my mind going to burn the whole world down they have a mental breakdown yeah to go to a

Re no I need see my goddamn therapist man [ __ ] dude I are you a therapist is that good Dr Phil yeah I need to know I’m tell him no invite him to the damn party at the party like [ __ ] I DB party MP times but he’s not joining dude it’s

Annoying let him take time please keep rting stupid dumbass party he’s not joining why does he’s stupid I don’t know he’s losing his marbles if no if you guys can’t get your I’m just going to get off cuz I’m actually getting aggravated cuz this [ __ ] ridiculous no man I had no no

Problem finding with in the P people now I play with you guys it’s like no one can do anything correctly extra you want to get you want to get on the realm wait what do you mean you can’t get on what’s going on you don’t have the

What oh yeah I forgot about my bad I didn’t know sorry believe about that all right so now fils cool all right I need to tell me Rockets here we need to go get Mason now man Mas we’re going to come towards you all right stay where you’re

At Mason you hear me man stay where you’re at all right I told him I need rockets and we’re going go towards your location on dude so yeah man I go to your location M we’re regroup but you may send that we’re going to have

I tell F I need Rockets man I need Rockets man I make rockets man I can head towards your location we can fight the with after that dudes you man now we have three people that have confidence stuff to fight this man we should be fun I think so yeah

Ow what what you type in chat I tell him I need Rockets man what the hell is he doing sh great man I need all rep for my re I’m dude I don’t have paper any do I no I don’t I don’t know H I have no clue [ __ ] man [ __ ] dude

Damn there’s a [ __ ] Piller dude what the [ __ ] big new elts here watch out I need a [ __ ] craft I don’t have room for any of this [ __ ] man dude wait what what’ you say but on Call of Duty on fortnite Mas I’m coming to you by way to

Man I’m just let you know man I’m coming to you right now Mason all right stay where you’re at please all right don’t go nowhere dude all be funny man Phil said spawn it all right so man all right I’m Mason I’m telling I’m coming towards you man all right M coming

Towards you now get ready man okay M where you at you’re going to spawn you said or no no I’m flying to R let me know if you see me in the air or not it shows you on top nearby uh no dude where the hell you at I see

Chest and a bed piled up here what the what the hell’s up here there dude what the hell what the that’s someone’s whole base man what the heck a picture of it wait what Y what the hell I look what I got here bro 3 three diamonds dude what the freak

Take a picture just take it all [ __ ] we got world man too dude what the [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] dude what the hell man lives here who lives there boy does it has a address do have [ __ ] personal ID I’m not still in the round but I

Don’t know who Liv man I have no clue until I know someone Li somebody I think I see the roof dude um you hear yet is did Phil live no I don’t see location man are you sure you’re not over here D you don’t know where I’m

At I’m where the hell you at dude where the hell you at I’m at500 I’m trying to tell us that’s why I’m telling him that Jo the [ __ ] apartment he’s not listening man it’s get annoying like actually man tell me Spawn I’m going to leave man

We the DN party dude man so I can talk to you and fail man like what the freaking hell do you stupid or something dude I I see you you do come over then I me look down I saw the mountain let me see that base is it big or

Small oh it’s that kind of it what does it have here I don’t know who base I have no clue I’m going dude so don’t take nothing I want to a thief spawn your point here I’m taking the [ __ ] what you what’ you take nothing wait what do I have on my

Sh know if he is higher I might just take his sh protection during my stuff I don’t know if he prot yeah need on my boots I can’t never mind do you know anyone else like I don’t know man that’s the problem I don’t want

To take I don’t know who Liv man there’s like there’s like torches leading over here that’s one thing is this Phil’s base we out right now or no there a sign right here hang on hold on wait Ivy’s Homeland oh I know who this

Is man so this is Ivy night H and Lady are good friends man do not take nothing no man don’t take nothing Ivy and her are really good friends man they’re she’s really nice I didn’t know that’s her basement I had no clue she should know about leaving her

[ __ ] out though cuz it’s risky man yo Mason send fill the cor now dude come on cuz I can’t getting attack s fill the coins for command T him the courts so he knows where the hell we’re at I don’t know just send the dam coins for Le me because I’m getting really

Pissed off now just send the courts please just type the courts to him know how to do that right he’s here here all right come down here I’m I want to get for I’s base down here down here guys tell them to come down here cuz that’s iy’s base I do not want

To destroy her base in cuz I know her base is right there I want to be I want to leave that alone yeah I think I’m getting drift stick currently right now that sucks [ __ ] dude all right I got I’m spawning in now I think you’re I think you’re having a headache right

Now I’m having a metal breakdown I right now man dude so yeah all right Co cool [ __ ] creeper don’t you dare don’t you [ __ ] dare I I will genocide your whole goddamn family are you sure zombies I don’t know maybe but be careful I’m to stay alive it’s

Fny de pH go AFK get dude if he dies I’m gon to cry no he’s still here he’s just getting attacked by Phantom guys get his attention off me so I don’t die please I’m trying to get my oh my [ __ ] God God damn it dude can y’all get your

[ __ ] [ __ ] together man the [ __ ] dud I’m getting pissed off now tell you get your [ __ ] [ __ ] cuz I’m trying to do [ __ ] and of course I get [ __ ] die cuz no one’s not no one’s in the [ __ ] party cuz been no common sense around here

Feels dumb D no he’s not in my [ __ ] damn milk I’m going to die again in a second dude big time by [ __ ] him everything dude I’m 2 Hp they’re D away from me I’m going to die what the [ __ ] did fil did fil dip out I don’t even see them

Anywhere I have my [ __ ] [ __ ] on me probably have n my [ __ ] I don’t know I’m to for stuff when I get one the BS over with hopefully my stuff’s are there God my f i the I the in Sky I don’t know you went with the weather I don’t see no one

Anywhere no I see never mind lied I wish we can Phil R right to me you dumb ass careful battlef no [ __ ] Sherlock I’m not dumb see that [ __ ] dude why is theit so fast I don’t know damn it man [ __ ] [ __ ] Dam not that

Fast got far range you don’t get the W effect me the closer you are the more higher chance get the with effect and [ __ ] man dude man but the farther way you are less likely going get wither effect and whatnot if you’re lucky and whatnot so yeah see if I’m shoo oh

It’s so bright for a second where the [ __ ] did he go it’s going up the F no it just disappear off my screen so D the sky is like changing D they a Clips or some [ __ ] dude what the hell’s going on now man right there try to kill you oh never

Mind Phil never mind yeah I know it is Phil surviving the attacks like crazy my D it’s not not even affecting me at all that man dude dude how does he not pH how do it not like how does Phil not dying to this man cuz like PHS like handling a no

Problem dude he’s not Tak thinking there nothing dude like damn I can’t tell if it’s cre or something dude [ __ ] man why do this guy keep changing a Night and Day to my screen man what the [ __ ] going on now dude wait where did he go

No that’s get out of there Phil that’s Ivy’s base get out of there this this dumbass he’s gonna [ __ ] dumbass dude so I told him to Jo the [ __ ] party for a reason dude let breaks out to put it back for her she’s she I know her she’s really

Nice I don’t want lose her [ __ ] either cuz I’m dumb ass as one Jo the [ __ ] party do no people don’t see my mats very often when I have incompetent idiots and know what the [ __ ] they’re doing they do see it a lot pissing me off Phil really is really

I can’t even hit him I’m shooting arrows that’s going right through the damage I don’t know no man I don’t [ __ ] know no some the shots actually hitting on my screen but it’s not like it’s going through its body you know what I mean like it’s not actually doing anything to it

Barely what the hell dude [ __ ] dude damn man it’s like it’s like just damn D just like just [ __ ] disappearing dude [ __ ] me I need turn my R I didn’t do this my is not high enough man that’s what it is it’s not high enough

Off or just it’s just trying to go back to the [ __ ] is it not did man no it’s not are you getting lit up Mason M man watch out man the bed better still be there we’re screw if we die in them man me too as well

Man all right he has three heads could just Sho one by yeah can man Sly enough so yeah Phil is yanking him along dude [ __ ] dude I need to double check iy’s base and [ __ ] y’all I’m worried that she he want to destroy her base and [ __ ] dude

I’m not sure though I need to go double check on that well some my [ __ ] as well too man I have iron my me he probably our chest by mistake he did he did destroy our goddamn some of our stuff dude and [ __ ] man yeah I know Phil you know why man

Cuz her B I was trying to get in the party man I try L away from the damn place and [ __ ] dude cuz you destroyed some Ivy’s base man I was trying to tell you not to come over here man but you listen to me damn no and I’ve been

Fighting the dam but I can’t do it cuz you’re flying it around everywhere dude I can’t even get a shot onic it’s so [ __ ] fly in the sky I don’t even know where the [ __ ] you went with the damn thing like where the hell did the damn

Thing go [ __ ] dude I don’t even see the damn thing no more on my screen what the hell is it Phil where the hell are you doing hell is the dam anyways man I don’t even see the damn Nowhere Man I see Phil but I don’t see the thing nowhere now man

Did you kill it I don’t see him nowhere man oh I see now it’s follow away man now it’s right here never mind none of my too high Sky I can’t get no shots at all man it’s too high in the air man I can’t even hit the man at all

I can’t even hit him he’s too high in the high got way too high than Sky man I can’t hit him or nothing dude all right it’s time to go some AO combat here because we’re not going to get nothing done here man because feels like fighting him in the sky right now

Like a sky monkey I can’t hit how is he aiming his hits in this [ __ ] come here a lot stand I not if I missed I AR I don’t know should do nothing man at all no I do man I can’t get no my shot

To him he’s so high in the sky man I cannot like you know what I mean like I can’t hit him or nothing he’s too far up in the sky him dude at all like Phil fighting his ass in the sky now man you know what I mean man so like

Yeah he’s right there guys never mind he’s sping you guys watch out man Mason he’s on top of you watch out he’s in the sky shooting at me I can’t hit him or nothing you to find in the sky I hit him I feel about for I was going to come

Back and be like what happened to my base and [ __ ] guys what happened to my base everything man you like what happened to my [ __ ] my base it’s destroyed what Bobs C everywhere man I can’t see I need to make sure the bed I spawn in the bed I’m the bed’s not

There if I die again I’m going to lose my [ __ ] I need to make sure the bed’s still there cuz if the bed’s gone we die again kiss your [ __ ] goodbye it’s still there man thank God come on still damn there dude thank God

If it was not that’ be a big problem for us I still think I lost one of my sugar boxes but I’m not sure which one dude I have no clue I have to go in my inventory though thank God but the other one I don’t

Know where did he masing where did Phil go where is He Man Phil I don’t know where you’re at man no man I don’t know where the hell you went Phil I don’t see you knowwhere man you keep disappearing sh dude I D look that freaking the sky dude damn

Look at that [ __ ] man I can’t even get up there dude I have no Rockets or nothing no eles or anything dude Mason it’s EAS you watch out you’re near her base get out of there you’re gonna blow up the bed okay is shooting at you no I was

Shooting at man I was shooting just now what do you mean man I was shooting just now you talking about man do you mean it’s shooting at you not me it’s stuck repeat geman it’s stuck it’s destroying your base get it out of there no I think the bed’s gone we might

Be screwed here come on yo gentlemen we might be [ __ ] here I don’t know oh we lose our [ __ ] that’s what happens man a it’s shot me I got the W effect [ __ ] I can’t see [ __ ] I it’s the heal but not the actual damn monster dude

[ __ ] man oh I’m I need get off me now man I’m going to die get off me now guys get off me help want to die want to die die want to die he’s off of you I had the I don’t know my way not I

Have no clue man I might D I don’t know no it’s not I lost my [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I’m nowhere near you guys cuz you dumbass let destroy the [ __ ] bed dude again I’m GNA [ __ ] lose it man I’m turning the difficulty down this game I

Don’t care we’re not doing this [ __ ] on hard mode that might be another reason it’s on hard mode I just realize I’m going to back up the r cuz I just lost my [ __ ] I’m not playing that game like that man I’m going to turn I’m

Going to back it up and I’m going to turn the difficulty down man to a lower difficulty and what not so give me a second y’all the difficulty is coming down or we’re going to get [ __ ] here I need to turn it down at least normal

Mode or easy mode you know what it’s going easy mode I don’t care now guys no man man it’s going easy mode maybe that’s maybe that’s looks like I a was that play that man S I didn’t raise a man sorry guys what do you mean dude I died cuz

Let’s see your dumbass lwed the damn thing to the beds are at when I told you not to go over there do you listen to me no right and that’s two man that I’m trying to freaking turn the difficulty down two cuz I noise I had in hard mode

I completely forgot about that so sorry if you [ __ ] spawn and destroy my spawn I lost my [ __ ] but any who I’m going to freaking turn the diff down easy mode so don’t get our asses kicked to us no I know that I’m just saying you

Kept flying to the damn beds we have our spawn saved at so when you destroy that if we die we can’t come back to fight it we’re screwed and we lose our [ __ ] mind you man yeah I’m going to back up I’m going to go freaking somewhere else so I can

Save so I can freaking turn the difficulty down cuz the difficulty is too high in young one dude I should have turn down the begin with now man trying to fight this on hard mode is suicide I need to put this on easy mode we should

Be good I think now hey yo what’s up let’s go man what’s up all right I’m putting this shot on easy mode right now guys we’re going to fight now on easy mode all right y’all good with that I hope so everyone come to me now we’re

Going to fight in the ground cuz you know what it’s easier that way I thought they sh EAS mod to begin with a stupid decision might not too I watch too many hardcore speedrunner videos that’s why so yeah yeah what’s up yes what’s up how’s it going man what’s up hey binding CH

Mind binding chant you you um you still have access to the realm right so you want to hop on and join us I’m not fighting it dude what do you mean you’re not fighting it don’t be like to ask you for damn helping to back St them in WoW goes a

Show you you you asked me to help you with [ __ ] but then when it comes to me it’s like nope sorry wow a imagine come over get your ass over here Phil you don’t want to fight cuz you’re not going to get nothing out of it man I’m asking help me fight

It I just don’t want to do it no you don’t want to do it now man because you want to be you want to be like that I see how it goes man selfish mind you that’s okay you want to be like to go right ahead get the hell out of here

Come on my location now pH get your ass over man I don’t care you’re going to fight if you like to or not we’re down easy mode you should be fine I man stop being like that they do oh wait wait did I do I not

Have you invite on here hang on let me invite you to the game real quick I keep tag hold on man who you talking to guy in my stream man oh I’m not forcing you nothing I’m just asking you to do it man but you

Don’t want to help at all man you want to be like that don’t be like that then other people are willing to help and get on to help me do it but you don’t want to help not like usual then you ask I’m getting the star I say no you’re like all

Right say you don’t get to start you’re like no I’m not helping you now it’s like wow mind you right what here now then um three Al is on Kick tacking on everyone we’re going to head back to spawn you guys can find us then follow

Us then and whatnot and we can try to fight again I have an easy Moe should be better off this way I think I mean I think I don’t know we’ll find out yeah I’m going to get the soul St M we’re going to head back to spawn and

Then we’re going to go far away from that all right man we’ll we’ll go back we’re we’re going to go back pick up Alex we’re going to go there pick up Phil and we’ll go pick up kitaki so we all can do this together here follow me

I’ll Le us back to spawn Mason to follow me yeah I know he the thing chased halfway across the world yeah I know that’s why I’m kind of like you know instead of doing sh hard maybe I should just turn down easy mode which we’re doing right now we’re going to try to

Fight on easy mode but might be better off this way too it should not be that hard I’m just trying to get it beac you know you know what I mean imagine imagine trying to Nook imagine trying to put potato tots in the microwave and nuke [Laughter]

Them all right all right so kaky three alexman and Phil we’re all meeting you guys at spawn me all right me and Mason are calling back to spawn right now we’re going to meet you all over there right now I we try to fight the Wither

Again we’re going to go about I’m still to go about th000 blocks away we have five people now we should be good all right I can see spawn right now guys by any can y’ all see me I’m right near your train tracks Alex three o I’m right near your train

Tracks man come over here go past your train tracks past my um buildings that I have with the clock TOS at and whatnot and go straight down across we’re over here you guys should see me I know Phil get over pretty Qui you know the corat

It’s really well man he should be get over here I’m ass Phil I just been trying to do this [ __ ] for so long man pissing me off no have died to ding to dying man me me SK dying and should doying come on he’s not getting on man

Finally got you to get on man Alex left came back just againg and frustrating you know but yeah says I need the for killing the W T yeah it’s fine man all I want to do is man I’m trying to create a beacon on man D you know I want to make

A beacon put in the middle of the world you know what I mean that’s what I’m trying to I need the star and whatnot man man I have not created the beacon yet so I need it um but yeah I’m over here on my guys so um green follow the

Blue in the I come and you guys should see me in the map man I’m over here we’re we’re just going to fight the guy over in this area here I think it should be fine over here I think if anything gets damag whatever we should be good over here though I think

So yeah um before I do I’m just trying to fail before we fight I’m just trying to wait for tacki and [ __ ] and um the other guy Alex to come over here and then we’ll fight it all right man wait for them come over here first I we’re

Going to fight him again we have an easy M we should be fine this time I think and whatnot I’ll Ki tacki and Allan cuz you guys both heading over here now oh yeah so on my map I’m trying to get shs either Alex or Kaki both heading

Over here right now man so we definitely should be good I think yeah he said in chat all right cool cool Sorry if I’m like speed talking I’ve been trying to do [ __ ] for so long man I’m having a mental breakdown over [Laughter] here Alex says no oh I see so you’re not

Going to come over Alex that’s fine man me Ki tacking I think um M Tri to our an easy mode then I think um by the way guys one we have one person com over right now I think we have um I’m moving he says oh gotcha okay so

Alex coming right now guys so yeah I I I see someone like speed running on the map right now dud I don’t know who the hell is whoever the hell is like speed gunning over here man so I don’t know someone’s coming over here right now just don’t know

Who oh yeah I completely forgot on guys um will iron golems be good for this man cuz I have extra IR I could probably make some Iron Golems without my might help I don’t know I have pumpkin seeds at base and I have a bunch of iron

Too um Can can someone tell can someone go help kitaki and Alex come over man if you don’t mind yo Phil enough of the the funny skins of man dude can you go over there get Alex and kitaki to help them come over man because they’re lost do

You mind going there helping them come over here now man they don’t know where the hell they’re at you can help get them over here I appreciate it do I have Star War skins to no I probably don’t all right sorry I interrup man but if

You can help them get over I appreciate man show Alex and them where to go man I appreciate if you can show them where how to get over now man thank you because kitaki is lost and ala both lost they don’t know where to go man you can

Show them where to go and make this [ __ ] speed up I’m moving I can’t what do you mean you can’t can’t I’m over here you’re saying I’m so confused what’s going on man T your mic’s muted by the way as well man losing my goddamn freaking marbles

Insanity right now dude so don’t mind me what’s going on behind me they’re oh good thank God they should have finally done with an over man I’m sure what the fck you change this where go pH Phil where I think see you your mic is muted I am the Wither I am the sorry I mute again all right so guys yo guys so um Alex just said he can’t come over now man so so it’s just gonna have to be it’s just going to have to be the rest of us doing this [ __ ] all right

Y’all it’s just going to be us doing this um that’s fine me though man we’re good man good now you join Phil I’m sorry man there’s a lot of miscommunication going on Phil all right man people trying to do this with us I’m wait for them to come over to do it with

Us no so I wasn’t doing it straight away and [ __ ] dude people saying they can’t do it now man so a lot communication going on Phil so that’s kind of I kept trying to tell you to join the damn party and you’re not listening to me so I like you know I’m

Like losing my [ __ ] marbles over here or my my or I losing my damn s that I did have a couple seconds ago but now I don’t have yes that’s fine man that’s fine you can place in a second kick tacking when I get my [ __ ] when I get

Get my skin all situated I’m putting a new skin on cuz I don’t know why the hell not I’m bored with the the same [ __ ] I’ve been wearing for a while now give me a second I’ll freaking do it all right man hang on please my skin prob

Looks absolutely whack job as hell but you know what why the hell not oh no my M’s going to burn poptarts again oh no hang on I know I’m putting on my wizard skin on give me a second I’m going look make look [ __ ] as [ __ ] hang

On no why you going to kill why you going to kill why you going to kill the tur for for man you are evil and [ __ ] you guys are evil man how can you kill innocent Trail bro what hell is wrong with yall huh what’s wrong with y’all demons Satan spawns devil wor

Shers me come on man no dude no he didn’t man that’s not yours Phil calm your ass down no no we didn’t fail the last gun fail stop stop attacking stop attacking him I’m going to have a mental break down I’m about to shoot myself my 50

Caliber in a second live stream I’m about to pull a freaking Inquisitor in a second man like dead ass my Skin’s done now my Skin’s done on y’all what do you guys think hang on man hang on guys I’m the I’m the wizard pyro I’m the

Wizard pyro now hang on hang on come on hang on I’m not done yet not done yet hang on I’m a goddamn wizard guys I’m the skull wizard yeah I’m the I’m dead ass a wizard now they made a wizard skin guys it’s the Pirro wizard skin this looks so [ __ ] stupid but

You know I have to wear that man I mean it’s free [ __ ] man make it back up for when you die he says man bro I put this shouldn’t EAS if he still die ease mode then I’m just going to quit the damn game all together guys seriously sh guys

We die again you know it’s just on man I’m going to cry I’m going to C everyone has fine and kick tacky and everyone else he says he says for when we die but not you and man he says for when we die man for when we die yo dude me too your

Man no I have a craft table on me though no man that’s all I have on me on man man all right hang on um so KAG wants to be the one that place a down and ship man so I’m going let him do the let me

My sh to get real quick hang on no he needs to do it for achiev let me do it man Taki here K Tak here he you can play as a skull K Taki step away from him so you don’t get bomb to death but I mean if you die to getting bombed

To death it’s okay I’m sure tiaki last Skull Man last game skore you’ll be fine I promise he won’t he won’t hurt you he won’t do weird things to your body he won’t touch you I promise it’s not more gentlemen so be F guys he’s going towards the base guys

He’s going towards the base start shooting him start shooting him going it’s right base my base my base power relax relax relax those builds took me God hours to build man I want to I’ll cry if they get destroyed [ __ ] man it’s on easy mode so do more damage

To en gu not EAS one I’m in so we should be fine y’all as well I turned we in hard mode so we kept dying guys we’re on hard mode y’all okay I need to start cuz I need to make a beacon that’s why I’m going to put in the middle the base

That’s why I was trying to do this sh man I need to make my beacon and whatnot I’ve not done that yet and [ __ ] man I kind of want to do that in the server that’s whole point of tonight stream or whatnot guys he’s almost dead guys be

Fine y’all he’s almost dead we just need to finish him off we’re on easy mode and Sh we should be fine it’s going back it’s going back a hard after and then it’s go I can can I get a bow so I can Le get last hit to

Get the kill with her achievement man um you man Ki Taki um man I don’t know man I need my b as well man I don’t know man he’s above you guys above you I think or I don’t know oh he’s right here man he’s

Right here man if you guys can like K get the fin shot I’m go right ahead man he’s going bomb man he’s going to bomb guys RP he’s going to blow up soone give K their bow for a second so he get the last shot on two he needs achievement

For it if you guys don’t mind ah he’s invulnerable repat G man repeat he’s invulnerable guys repeat he’s invulnerable we can’t do nothing to him um and he’s shooting shots all across the [ __ ] the map man hopefully that things did not hit my base or I’m going

To cry Phil can you get him he’s start kind of close to the base Phil can kind of lure him away from the base please yeah scre the forest forest is irrelevant come on I need wood I’ll come here Adventure man but you know what for

Now it’s going to come on and real come on yeah no I need dirt two minut as well from the freaking fill in that where I’m going to be building my my castle up he’s killing the mob so he kind of man stop you can’ts at when in that for

Well what the hell are we going to do just sitting away from the Invincible how long is he be Invincible for man like [ __ ] dude you have to hit him you have to hit him with the sword oh so I have to get close to them oh [ __ ] this is risky man [ __ ] not easy mod man that’s why [ __ ] man easy man that’s why can you get him toward me Phil I can I can smack him with Phil toward me I’ll smack him over here man I’m going to pill her oh that failed epically [ __ ]

Man yeah I know we need to get him away from him man my builds all than so and uh other guys build as well man that’s why all I see is a fire in the back of the Forest man those shots are getting awfully close to our bill it’s kind of Scar me

Can you drop a bow right before he dies he says well n we can’t do nothing Dam he’s in vable man keep a sword right now man trying K tag we’ll try now man but I can’t promise nothing now man we been struggling with this guy for a while now

Man dude where Billy been trying to kill him this whole time I man so I don’t know I I can’t hit him D because he’s too high in the sky man I can’t get any millon shots on he’s too high in this guy I can’t get the F when he dies you

Need to keep an eye for the W St when he dies the man cuz I need to make that Beacon I don’t know where the hell it’s going to fall at cuz he’s nowhere near me I can’t see anything that’s going on he’s so high in the sky I don’t know

Start I don’t know I didn’t know where the hell the star is going to fall to man cuz you’re so hi the sky dude can you lure him down more yeah we can make that Beacon as well man cuz I mean you already have a beacon as well Phil if I remember

Correctly I’ve seen it come on well I know well I need my you got this pH you’re well I have no way to fly up the man come on what it’s not doing damage I thought we were F I don’t even see it now man dude you get so high in

The sky I can’t see none of us can see you dud out of render distance bro I don’t see you enough all I see is the rocket particles that’s it I don’t even know what the hell’s going on let me get it Phil he’s uh kak

Says man how you going to get up the Kaki he’s so high in the sky going to fly up there dude you have no El I don’t have Rockets use my goddamn El for crying out loud we have no way to get either man like there’s no way to get up there no

Man either man no man man down we can’t do nothing from down where we at now man you’re too high in the sky we can’t do anything to him [ __ ] dude man oh dude I I had TOS I even use them that’s stupid of me very new player

Move I had TOS I didn’t even grab mine that’s dumb I didn’t even see you anywhere now my dude oh nice no I don’t see wait I can see now man no that’s a straight that’s a fam guy never mind that’s a that’s the other guy never

Mind I don’t see you guys anywh man where the hell you guys at dude like I dead ass no see you guys nowhere I see you but not him I’m going to try to fly my location very yeah I don’t see you nowhere Phil

Man nah Phil I can’t see him I can get him down if we can shoot him or something is he still invulnerable to bows or no hi AR key core how’s it going man we’re just playing the W right now watching Forest burn down next to us as

Well right now so yeah it’s a forest burning down so yeah I don’t know where the hell my wither went my wither just dead ass just disappeared at a renter distance I can’t even see him Nowhere Man nowhere to be seen Mr wither I have

No see him I don’t see him nowhere guys all I can see is my guys over here that’s about it man Phil where the hell you at with W you guys go to the moon or something dude like H guys there’s a forest fire Peach

You we have a forest fire guys guys you just said that what you come on the uh the forest is burning down right now just it’s just a one tree that’s it is he dead like no man I don’t see you guys where you have

Phil bro at this point I don’t know the freaking star is going to fall to man that just’s going to fall nowhere to be found man not to find the damn Thing I’m fine man I might have but I don’t know how that starts I don’t man cuz he’s so [ __ ] hot in the sky bro can’t see anything I get to my up but some [ __ ] man cuz n man I can’t sing at all dude [ __ ] man that’s

Crazy are you sure you’re killing them are you sure you’re doing damage to the guy yo so when you have when you when you go into settings you turn something off and you put where it says oh does that mean on or is that off I know it’s

A dumb question I now don’t judge me that means that means on doesn’t it right or is that off when you put when you have o instead of I right that’s on or off oh it’s off okay that’s not on got I didn’t know if it was on or not I have no

Clue I means on not o wait o means off right or no yeah o o means off but when you turn it on I equals yes I mean I didn’t know that that’s a dumb question do you know the where the hell’s the star at where’s the star at now man you

See the star how you found it thank you sir so much my big time Manan I I’ll let you go inside I’ll let you go inside the goodie circle box and take whatever you want for my circle box I I’ll give you some upgrade templates if you want as

Spares oh deep in the water man Che oh you got it oh I see it I see it I see it I see the store I got the store another star all right gentlemen now who wants to craft a beacon now guys since Phil got the pH shot let I’ll let

Him choose the color what the beacon color gets to be I’m sorry I kind of snapped ear been a long day I’ve been stressing over [ __ ] today I kind just been like so stupid d u you mean my um sh boxes for man oh yeah hang on let me um you promise yeah

I know I need to go to my base I don’t have it on my shle boxes back at base remember I didn’t bring it kiss I like a dumb ass let’s head back to base real quick inside my house and my UST actually I for actually I forgot man

Phil you have Phil don’t you have the um what do you want to call him man man Phil you have a um an chest on you don’t you go on the other side of the shine just put it down go take my Shar box out I’m sure you

Want actually no I can give you some more um totems on dying I have some extra ones I can probably give you man I don’t have a lot but I probably can spare some I’m sure you probably need some um no man he’s fine man here I have

Three you can take like two if you want I only need one cuz I don’t use them half the freaking time yeah it’s it’s a rare man I guess it doesn’t spawn too much supposedly is what I heard I don’t know how true it is though I have no clue supposedly you

Said you found a bunch of them so I don’t think it’s that rare but get again yeah probably kind run out so who knows all right no man do we have a full s right now or I trip man we have one two three I have Max I have Max of 10

People on the server right now dude so we still have room for people to join if people actually want to join on it now then so who else wants to go on another Aventure now y who wants to go on Aventure for some sniffer

Eggs well so no so all right so you know near your base there was remember um Mas remember how near the mush Island we found remember the musham island right man come on come on I found two Ocean Monuments all dude unlooted okay untouched okay man I found a shipwreck

And I also found some what do you want to call them man a bunch of bunch of um what do you want to call it yeah a bunch of like underwater structures and whatnot supposedly you need to find suspicious stand which spawns in those structures and whatnot dude so there’s

Three untouched Ocean Monuments currently over near the mush Island that’s in the ice biome so yeah I I’m going to go check that out and whatnot he’s Mr so what oh repeat myself so there is three o two Ocean Monuments near a ice biome musham Island that’s

Spawned in the ice biome and who the hell keeps taking my freaking cake is going to get slapped who who he’s telling you stop stop pting him Phil stop P I’m being on SOL man hi Mr AR seer I don’t know how to pronounce your name sorry man I’m bad pronunciation but yeah

Man why you bullying people he’s just trying to on he’s just trying to build this house man what’s your problem dinosaur Fates I don’t think you can hear in the part I have no CL I am the mystery salesman who wants to buy some meth from me H he wants to buy

Some Pirro died big Pirro died Pirro yeah did you go Phil I saw you I saw oh I don’t know guy who literally hits everyone and next you know he leaves and joins yeah that’s what I’m trying to say it doesn’t like load for me all I see is a Steve

My mic was muted I sound like a bumbling idiot sorry man Mr unone let me go check my base I think I have a map table I can probably craft you an extra map man give me one second dude um Phil do you have any extra maps on you by any chance or

No you need to you to make craft and dup a map right you need to um what do you want to call it but yeah you need to um go to the map table whatnot right you got to freaking what do you want to call

It you have to get the map table dup with paper and whatnot so yeah here so here Mr Unknown does anybody else need a map type in chat right now guys if you guys need Maps type in chat let me know I’ll do a couple of the maps to well

Minut it cuz I have Mone but I can d a few more and whatnot um you all well I’m not making a map to D I’m just getting you guys regular maps I man so you guys at least see where you’re going what not so yeah

Um but any Dar Mr stop hitting me Dar I’ll smack you funny on my my funny stick why I get the funny stick oh oh [ __ ] damn I was I was going to beat him with the boner stick but okay what I have a bat I have a bone stick I

Made a while ago it’s called funny stick it’s called a funny bone it’s called the funny here I no follow me man follow me here follow me dude follow me man here follow me man I’ll give you one hang on follow me ah let me see come in

Um he has a tendency to sleep in the bed with me I don’t know why hit me with the bow and stick daddy Dar says in chat oh hell no some you know what just for that just for that beat dared death with a shovel everybody be DED death with a shovel

Everybody this is torch I feel f for d ah so mean but funny I’m sorry it just it just is wait what Phil what did you just say what I okay here I think this is the right map right actually how do you make a how do you make a regular player map

No that’s the wrong map never mind dude [ __ ] man damn it this sucks you you need like paper that’s it to make a reg no but you need no no I lied no you lied man you need you need a compass mat guys stop kill that’s a level oh it’s you

Two unknown he’s sorry man unknown he’s sorry man he’s sorry Dar stop taking onno stuff Dar drop his stuff Dam stop Dar stop taking his stuff dar you drop his stuff can’t you break the bed and just replace it that would be really easier stop get in the corner get in the

Corner in the corner ohn I here D sorry unnown sorry my bad man um and sorry for killing you D okay I W stop kill enough enough kill you enough gentlemen stop all right guys enough enough is enough please like I’m going to go mentally say I’m trying to

Make another freaking map for C everyone’s trying to kill to like a genocidal Killing Spree 1999 like Frick you get I have iron right now here you know what come on Dar you need you need loot right man Dar here here D take that iron all right Phil you

Took dar’s iron give Dar the iron I gave you D take that take this St oh my God I’m gonna beat you with the iron take the iron D you need iron G now man take that now back to I was trying to do that

Man unk you need a map right yeah so let me craft you a map now I need remember how to make a it’s been a while since I made a map I need to make sure I forgot how to copy the map and whatnot I think

I need a need a paper you need a compass too if I’m if I remember CLE minutes but I saw I think you need a that’s Lev two map well no I’m trying to make them the same map that I have man which is um

What map do I have it’s been a s I made maps in this game this is a level three map I have a level I have yeah I’m man this every I’m in so I have a level one map how do you make a level one map it’s

Been a while since I’ve made one I don’t I just paper just paper that’s it yeah but that pops is a basic map dude not the um the base that’s literally the level one map no I’m talking about the map that shows your icon everybody else’s

Icon on it you know what I mean that map that’s the map it’s not popping up that’s what I’m trying to tell you man it’s popping up as the regular map it shows the okay fine I’ll do what you just told me to do all right man here

It’s just a level one map that’s it but what the hell do I open the map up it does not show that man it doesn’t show it man it just shows all the buildings and whatnot dude for me now man man like it shows all my buildings

And nothing else man I don’t know like it’s not showing okay ises anyone here to make actually make a freaking map for I lose my marble sack right now all right you need a compass I you need a compass now man come on yeah so you need a compass

What you guys need is you need a freaking Compass so yeah I’m going to make one right now for you need you need a compass what you need so you L at your butt cheeks uh Mr Mason you’re not right you’re wrong for once i’ switch you the

Basic map you need a compass to make the m a map that shows the icon your icon on the map is what I’m trying to do for man that’s a level two map sorry I didn’t know that like I just said second I don’t I’ve never made maps in this game

It’s been a while since I’ve done it I don’t remember how to do it you know what I mean so it’s been a While [ __ ] invited demons with the realm it’s not his fault D you hit me man so he attacked your ass like bro St com c you a meleon site bro know the questions asked man that’s crazy man damn someone staring at your goddamn window creepy wait what’s going on don’t St at your

Window man tack again bro all right so I need a redstone I need Redstone I need a redstone I’m going to craft his um damn things I need get my red I need to make another map I want to upgrade my map that’s it all right so all right so here

I’m going to make you a map real give me a second I’m unknown okay I’m making get the compass to make the map right now so hold on be wi make has been a second no view no no the viewer with a 50in uh 50in B he

Says can everybody please back away I’m trying to make trying to comra on my map making here guys if you mind back up for a second please thank you so okay so level two map has compass and paper from Man map that shows players that’s what I want right now

There go okay all right so who needs a map guys or PE guys who needs a map in the server guys tell me right now guys who needs a map map I said who needs a map um B you took my paper map to you you need a map and then

There you go man Alex needs a map oh no give me a fair man here can you give this to Alex please for me he’s by his base thank you all right give that extra map to Alex all right can you do that for me give that to three Alex please all

Right thank you don’t take my stuff boy don’t put the don’t put my paper inside the the why you make Lev level three map for man huh maning a level four map man what’s the point of doing that what the hell does that even show anyways bigger area oh it is um

Yes has it gives you bigger area oh that’s a lot better I did to not know that wait how do you make a level three map level four map I just made ity is it called a zoom on clear map is that’s what it called

Man see I see a player icon on my [ __ ] a I should now I lost all the stuff I discovered now man damn I didn’t know that that sucks I still have my other map thank God man [ __ ] dude I see like a player icon in

Your yeah that’s K that’s kak that’s why that’s my boy Kaki don’t mind him man he’s chill I think he’s guarding you like like a watchdog but I don’t know so I’m kind of scared I wonder my map oh is your map being sorry me hang on here

Which one’s your map it’s the what I got level four map level wait map one huh oh yeah your map’s right man sorry man my bad that’s your map right there man right that’s your map right yeah there you go all right cuz I causing me to have

Schizophrenia over here Jesus are you okay no I’m not the stream is very stressful this why I have more gray hairs than most 20-year-old 20 old one year old Americans and [ __ ] man dude like damn I’m like having why I want to stream I knew everyone was going to

Probably on the rums a Friday night and streaming on a Friday night man Phil just said yes Dad daddy oh my God someone kill me Phil I thought you eat not bro was saying Daddy while watching my stream while eating bro he’s like Munch mun Munch Daddy no God no please

If I have if I have if I have a kid and in my age how young I am is bro I’ll probably kill myself just he one word Daddy just [ __ ] kill your that 50 caliber his pocket all right it’s been great guys but see you all later Bang

Hey what’s up what do you need man you need something unknown come on unknown do you need anything man you good you need something or no I know I guess not he he he jumped out out of my house never mind he thought I was going to kill on some [ __ ]

I don’t know oh yeah oh yeah I oh yeah I forgot I need glass and I I need to get more Emerald blocks or need to go get more gold blocks and whatnot because I need to make my freaking um what do you

Want to call it I need to make I need to make some basic Farm to I need to make a automatic um wheat farm so I can start farming with that villager trade guy and whatnot I need to start getting more emeralds to make that Beacon you know

What I mean cuz I don’t have enough emeralds or diamond blocks to make a beacon and whatnot man I need more to may make the beacon I don’t have enough ores to do it and I’m not going to do it out of iron either cuz that’s

Embarrassing to do it out of iron looks I almost forgot I need to put the game back in a hard mode too so now I can start getting our ship back you know what I mean so the Farms actually work properly CU they’re not going to work if

It’s on easy mode either they don’t spawn nothing incorrectly and whatnot let me see oh I’m a dumbass man I F I just said want to go find a sniff I’m changing the subject already I really do I really am going Cen all at my age that’s crazy damn think you

Need calm down you’re probably man probably all right guys who wants to go find a sniffer egg follow me if you do man we’re going to go hunt for some sniffers we can sniff some coke just joking what’s to find big noos Albert guys follow me man if you guys want to

Find some big nose Albert no man y’all follow me guys okay correct way so you not get yes fair enough man follow me if you want to find big noos Albert guys we’re going we’re going to town to go find a sniff follow me guys I have a map of America cookie

So I should know I know where I’m going the right way oh it’s going to be blank now I opened it up just now so now I’m going to have to re explor to get it back in top tape shape I guess again whatever so pyro do you know who hooked

A llama to my fence no man I have no clue dude I don’t know no more I truly don’t know I really don’t really don’t man no man sorry I don’t know oh follow me y guys who’s behind man t f all right man all right guys I’m

Kidnapping talking for a little bit we’re going to go look for sniffer eggs if you guys want to join us you’re more than welcome too I almost for two as well yo how the hell do I know if I found suspicious sand or not do I have to like Das just

Like like shove my feather into the stand and see if I flick it or not or something is that how that works you know wait and see if it’s a oh I can just do with the regular sand too I didn’t know that dude [ __ ] damn it does nothing to regular sand

Though how do you know what suspicious though I’m going L man man follow me man oh I should probably should have probably grabbed you a brush shoot on man too late now suppose he’ always SP s will always spawn inside warm Waters man and inside of like um buildings that are

Over in the oceans and whatnot man man AK Ocean Monuments and whatnot so right now I’m trying to go back to where that mush Al we found earlier was at if I remember correctly it was in the ice biome too man which was in the direction the opposite direction where we’re going

On man Ki tag just run by the zombies Man follow me man we’re going towards the ice bomb if I remember correctly me and Mason went through the through the ice we had near base and we found in musham Island as well man so it’s in

This direction but we just need to keep on going we should find it soon I think so yeah but yeah know guys my stream’s tell tonight going to be me losing my Sandy while trying to fight the Wither with with with with dysfunctional teams or something like that I’m thinking and I’m

Going to put a pink head with crying eyes aka bleeding bleeding from their eyeballs and what not it’s a funny little meme thing from their 2000s and whatnot it’s a it’s going to be aun pretty funny thumbnail you guys are going to like it a lot trust me K T you

Still behind you man yeah you are all right good you already know how to make a level five M right man you can since when I don’t know I just I just leled up to four that’s it Oh I thought you said you could do

That my bad I thought you said you could do that no I up to level like like it says like levels right there so if you have like I have four I have four man so yeah go to your like your navigation [ __ ] you and you put at least four Maps four

Blank paper inside and you like extend it very goddamn F so you can just see the entire yeah I know that dude you can make a world map now man that’s what I want to do Adventure too man I want to make a world map eventually man too as

Well so yeah what know me K going look for sniffer eggs so yeah man my next gol night look for a sniff egg dude so yeah I can’t believe have everyone on the r right now man for want everyone in the realm that normally gets On’s on man

If lady gets on too we could have like up to nine people in the realm and then if like um why do usually people get I’m I mean bro I have 1,66 subscribers man what do you think no I mean what’s the point of your thing

Except I’m the only who gets onl Phil I don’t know I have no CL man no man no no man don’t know Dar left the game just now and sometimes dark just goes into your world and try to beat beat you up I don’t know I never actually

Questioned that good point like d I’ve never questioned that before man I don’t know [ __ ] yell behind that’s my dog my dog’s mentally insane he’s losing his [ __ ] with someone right now having a [ __ ] flipping out right now at someone I don’t know what’s going

On all I hear is my dog like finally losing and about to bite someone’s arm off like when you’re live just goes on your like Minecraft world but not go into your online and try to like grind [ __ ] man I don’t know I always wonder

Why I mean I give Dark Iron Man I give him gold give iron armor for man never he uses it man and he just doesn’t use it or anything man he just dies and loses it man never tells me why he doesn’t try to progress the game that

Man at all no man he doesn’t like that the house he lives in dude I built that [ __ ] for him man the gear he has on man I gave it to him dude like not he doesn’t even use the stuff I give him or he loses it and then like doesn’t bother

To try to get replaced or anything man I don’t know I have no clue all right so all right so Mr kak now that we’re here man we need to get we need to get some wood dude and we need we need to make a

Boat now too as well now man we need to start heading towards the ocean cuz if I remember correctly it was far it was the end of the mush Island it was two Ocean Monuments what not dude and a bunch of ocean buildings what not so we’re going

To start heading towards there down there and Sh I think you can find multiple sniffer eggs you just need to look for a while and whatnot I I think I’m going to I’m going to name my sniffer Pat no man I’m going to name him

Big noos Larry or big nose Albert or big noos Albert something like that the big nose lar of big noos El they’re both cous both cous it’s big nose Albert big noos Larry really man is that really necessary man huh that really necessary yes died so I left oh so D left because

To died guy so that makes sense I guess man gotcha so he just like so he just like knows she’s not trying to I not man maybe he’s watching P RN like being the old sausage I don’t know some made a weird com while back they called me a fat Mexican dude before

I started losing was like a year ago on my old stream man it was I was still fat like beefy cuz I started F go to the gym and whatnot dude and now and they call me mexic and I had some girl I was talking to today she called me said are

You partially Mexican I’m like why does everyone say I look like a [ __ ] Mexican dude last time I Che I’m not Mexican man I’m legitly American I’m more Italian and Irish looking than Mexican man like what wait what’s your family members sometimes that’s why I mean so okay so I have blood relatives

Spanish I black relative family members why is there two skeletones I don’t know I’m on the mush me and kak are on a Grand Adventure to find a giant sniffer egg on mush Island Central so I I mean you can if you can kill a skeleton save the skeleton horses

Put the skeleton horses inside the damn baret [ __ ] man dude cuz they do not have stamina dude dude sken horses are really good because they have no stamina bro but um three I don’t kill man Dar said you should have some BC BBC oh hell no shut your ass up with that [ __ ]

Trying to give me a bear something boy slapy funny for that comment should ban your ass oh I found an ocean Monument y’all dop found ocean moning [ __ ] guys more ocean structures and whatnot [ __ ] guys that’s dope man all right Mr Kentucky are you ready are you’re ready

To go water diing man I hope you are man we’re at our we’re at our first partially and whatnot ocean Monument location and [ __ ] dude D I found a giant ass nether P underwater man that’s cool man damn Unbreaking three gold pickaxe a CH holy [ __ ] this is good gold boots

Protection three feather falling IV and breaking three dude that’s damn hella good man [ __ ] dude breaking three goldem pick flint and some and some more um and some more golden carrots and whatnot and like Nine and Nine drown ready to like beat my ass to death h

You heard me I had nine drown on top of me currently right now yeah what’s up yeah what’s up man come on what’s up dude what’s up what do you need need something Alex me see man okay man okay all right so all right so so the ocean Monument

Right there we’re not going to go there right now y man we’re going to go somewhere else Mr um come on because that’s not our goal when so come man M Mr Kaki want to hop on a call I’m going to play party right now man I mean after

Me a little bit maybe not right now man um but uh but yeah M but yeah Mr um alaki sorry keep following man dude keep following me dude um we should be hitting some of the ocean buildings right now man you should start seeing some in a minute or so dude keep looking

Around now keep talking they’re going to be small little ancient like they’re going to have ancient blocks look like huts and whatnot dude look around the water for them man they spawn usually commonly in the water and whatnot man just keep looking around for those we

Should have some over before I seen a bunch of them over here before like there was a bunch of them over here before m still should be over here so sorry I keep interrupting you U Mas what are you trying to say oh he is I didn’t know no not him

Man not him man I mean um I mean what’s his name Alex is one stalker man Mr na plays and whatnot dude I I I know there should be an ocean ocean stru some man The Monuments right there I know there was a few over before I came over a while back

Man when you Mason remember I told you i’ seen some over here but it’s it’s hard to see the water in the underwater cuz it’s so murky looking in Minecraft man so dark in one I can’t see anything down here half the damn time there is an ocean Mony nearby

But I don’t think that gives you a sniff EG the last time I checked o I see our first ocean underwater structure right here Mr uh attack and going down to it right now dude oh no I lied never mind that’s some kind of weird looking um what the bro I

Found underwar Amison cave dude what the heck the Dolphin’s drowning no it’s in the a to K me it started drowning dude no it got out never mind thank God underwater am this is dope dude this looks dope as hell damn oh there a drown right drown is a drown [ __ ] careful

Kentucky who you I don’t know K was near I don’t see him now he at him I don’t know K where you man Kaki where are you dude kenty I lost you man where are you you still alive all guys I might be by myself on this Mission guys I think he

Might have died I mean he said he nearby me but I don’t see no man so I don’t know I must looking for the struct now I mean I I know there’s underw struct is right here man I just don’t know where at now man dude I don’t know I’m trying to look

Around and find out man you know what I mean CU I know I seen a bunch like small little buildings you can find water have a sniff ins them and they spawn in warm water and suspicious sand and one not too as well dude and stuff so I’m trying

To look around for that right now man currently right now I mean I found them early the other day and I was over which you makes mush cows but I didn’t think I lose location if I didn’t come back and get straight away I have the brush from

Then either I forgot to bring it um yo K tag let me know when you find any underwater structures man when you find some man let me know all right not the big giant ocean mon what small one dude let me know when you find some all

Right what the [ __ ] wait what do you mean you’re um you’re nearby me what do you mean the map said you’re nearby me man where are you now man come man it says you’re right near me man what are you talking about I see a village too in

This little Island right here what the heck it kind of shows up next to me my screen for me man I see them I see them man I’m right man dude I’m right here dude what do you mean I’m right here dude what do you mean man man I’m right

Here dude you talking about there’s a village right there too as well man it’s not my goal here man I’m trying find these underwat structures and whatnot they they they look like underwater huts and whatnot dude so yeah t you ran right by me dude you do know that right you

Ran right by me you what what do you mean near the castle no I didn’t not near the castle when you enter you like walk Bridge um you uh what’s he building on man you what’s he building come on what’s he building i g permission come

On H yo yo guys I found a ship on the ice man I found the Titanic fck no it does I fell a TI man it’s a bat on top of the Ice Dude no cap at this point found tianic bro on top of that it’s not under

Though looted oh someone came over there my Goa all right so I gu so I’m going look up my phone what the underwar stru look like I know they look something somewhere but I don’t know what exactly the look of them is I need to look it up hang on Minecraft’s

Bedrock what do underwater structures that contain sniffer eggs look like not turn you do what the dog needs not turns all right so it says so did you find it or no so I know what to do now man guys so all right so basically these These are

Little small hent buildings the ancient blocks commity blocks and whatnot right and they spawn in water right no man so you need to loot them with the brush and [ __ ] man the suspicious stand and whatnot and you have a chance to uncover the um what do you want to call them and

You have a chance to uncover the egg and whatnot okay so now we need to go back in the main ocean okay Mr uh King on man keep looking around on man dude the guy said use a boat run and find the ancient buildings what not I’m saying we keep

Keep swimming around the frun them I think but yeah what do you need to what do you need to make bro wait what did he say in chat hang on let me go back to chat hold on give me one second hold on man okay one

Second man all right one second please I need to see your chat hang on I can’t read your chat hang on he’s sting all right he said what you need to make a brush man all right so Mr Tech you need to make a brush man this is

What you need so you need a copper ignant come on you need a feather and I believe you need oneart thing but I’m not sure the I don’t know you look at the crafting rest brick gotcha craf be will tell when I’m man so like I said

Before man dude it’s it’s small little hot buildings and whatnot man they spawn this area we’re currently at right now man so I’m thinking we’ll go to this Village over here we’ll sleep real quick get to daytime right and then Craft boats real quick and go sail across the

Area and keep looking around we should be to find something they should be nearby I think so yeah you know what I mean should be some nearby they spawn Cal in this area where at and I found a bunch of buildings like this somewhere before but I didn’t get chance to loot

Them because guess what I did not have a brush at the time so I couldn’t this is kind of a this is kind of a dope we looking Village I’ve never seen buildings like this before did someone build over here or they update or something the heck extremely freaking weird dude what the

Heck huh come on here everyone sleep real quick guys can you guys sleep real quick for me please thank you all right everyone sleep guys sleep real quick for me please y’all sleep oh kick tacky sleep in the village man come on man sleep we go all right so now next go

Tacki is to craft some bows now okay man we craft some boats now dude and yeah keep sing around all right man so yeah I want not so let me see real quick yep I need some wood real quick so we make a boat all right time to steal the

Villagers Parts their houses guys you know what you guys do you no resources you just Rob villagers because you know they have no rights as the Minecraft say goes no rights no fights or something like that I don’t know oh I’ll I have a boat now attack head

Back to the ocean okay man follow me all right whenever you get yourself situated let me know and we’ll head back out in a second and what not all right guys I’m heading back to the ocean right now I got my boat and everything I’m in I’ll let you know if I

Find a SN we can probably get two and breed them and get more and we can dist distribute them out as like pets to everybody in the server okay I okay okay I think I see one but I’m not sure I need a Clos to confirm I’m in oh

Wa lie never mind it’s an ocean Monument never mind but there still should be one nearby I think Ki tack you get a boat yeah man or no oh wait no you’re not near me you don’t got a boat yet never mind h oh h that s for oh

My mic was mut sorry I don’t know that man my bad but yeah think I could see a building but I’m not sure we have to get close it’s hard to see him in the water man you kind of have to get right on top of them they’re they’re basically going

To look like small little Huts now man do too no man when you’re close look around there’ll be small little Huts you’ll be to tell the differ the B and you see did M just keep standing around we should be able to find more of them I

Think uh is another boat right there I think I don’t know might be I’m not sure I do have a freaking damn treasure map too as well I can probably loot I guess I’m at next and I want to I suppose get more diamonds right the bat I

Guess let me see real quick I don’t know tell that over there I can’t tell any closer confirm it I think it’s another ocean mon right oh hey y guys do I need you guys need to L Ocean Monuments right now because I have a double ocean mon right here on my

Location which might as well yall guys two of them not Capp mind I’m dead serious no mind guys oh no uh never mind guys there currently there’s do ocean near me guys repeat I have three ocean mons near me guys unlooted so yeah for for for

All right my mic was mut again sorry about that y’all was trying to say y’all was man I found one of the structures K attack but I got nothing good I all I got was Co coal and a wooden ho nothing good man so yeah it was a waste of time

For that one no man I’m looking around for more of them too now man I did notice just now we’re separated from each other as well man you’re kind of going away from me too by the way man just want to let you know we’re drifting apart again and whatnot

SH damn it [ __ ] dude fck what’s that over there like I can make another structure but I’m not sure so don’t get your hype don’t get your hopes and high you I mean I think I passed a few them but I’m not sure man I don’t

Know yeah what’s up so far I found one of those structure so far Mason but no lock man it gave me coal in a wooden hoe imagine I know it’s fre I have a treasure map though man I might loot that I’m not sure Oh that’s oh ah never

Mind that that is just another sunken ship so never mind dude another sunken that’s just another sunken ship dude never mind that sucks I mean I might see if it’s but I might I think it’s already Lo it’s one I just loed just now yeah

That is that’s one I just loot so never mind we already L this one I think Mason I mean if I mean kick tacky I think here oh let’s keep let’s keep going this way T we should be to find more man by the way s might get laggy soon man

Because we we’re generating more blocks currently right now Me by spread going farther out I think but I’m not sure dudes I don’t know I’m trying to find there’s a far what’s the new Minecraft version of the far I don’t know I’ve never gone that far and I

Generally have no clue man I really don’t I don’t know someone’s been over cuz someone’s already been over CU I found a platform on Cobblestone dude someone’s definitely already been over already man so yeah it’s nothing now someone’s already been over here so no one I can’t find enough may they L this

Here already I’m not sure I’m I’m pretty much just kind of trying to look around for the structure no man I mean remember I seen a bunch of the Hut buildings over here before those three Ultra monuments but I don’t know if I passed them or not I have no clue I

Don’t I don’t freaking remember at all man I really don’t CU I came over here a while ago with you Mason I don’t know if everybody was over helping us you probably easily find I guarantee man but I find too easily now man if everyone was over helping but everyone like us

The server free you’re free to do whatever the hell you want to do now you know what I mean so yeah I got to a piss so bad but it’s night time and I’m in a damn boat man if I go FK I guarantee I’m gonna die

Like an idiot man it would not Shock Me yo K we’re going to dock the boats for a second I need use the bathroom Okay in real life give me a second man all right if you can cover me I appreciate I’m going to just box myself

In real quick so hang on man all right for can e all all right all right I’m back now guys so yeah y’all gentlemen I’m back what was that your okay uh yeah I’m all good man protect you oh you know still no look on the um sniffer stuff I’m find

There pretty decently good stuff I guess but U nothing that I actually need you know what I mean like I’m not I’m not finding the sniffer location I actually need to find one on man I mean I found the buildings I need to dig up and whatnot but I’m not

Actually getting what I need from them you know what I mean or I should re resay that resay what I just said what I want from them I should say I mean we’re definitely getting lucky I mean I’m finding like shipwrecks I found a few new templates and whatnot

And [ __ ] found freaking four Ocean Monuments on a goddamn Road dude all next to other and dude so yeah but I’m not stupid enough to try to do those damn things right now dudes I’ll probably get bed by the the the small fat guys you know what I mean they’ll

Probably they’ll probably laser my ass in an oblivion but who knows I mean I do have a map too I might try to go do a second I don’t know make it lucky in the way uh actually actually actually you know I think I’m going to do this treasure map

Not yo kak Kaki we’re going to do this treasure map real quick all right man maybe because maybe on the way we might get lucky and find more structures who knows is that one right there I don’t I can’t tell I don’t know I don’t think it

Is I I’m finding Amy caves under water man like it’s weird man trying to keep thinking that the structure but they’re not no this is just never mind it’s another Amon cave never mind I me if you guys start keep finding a bunch of those on the water man but nothing would I

Need actually though kind of stupid and whatnot but whatever I guess one thing I noticed too is I know structure will have seed lers glowing too so you can see those and whatnot man but as well as they not just seed lers dud they’ll also have other things too

Man B such as like what do you want to call them they’ll have um magma blocks sea lanterns whatever so they give a light source if you can trace the light pay attention to that man dude um you can actually find them pretty easily man guarantee it if you

Can pay attention to those but the problem here being I think we’re going buy some I’m not sure it’s hard to see in the water cuz the water so looks so murky and whatnot you know what I mean like murky and weird looking and [ __ ] so

It kind of puts me off kind of tricks my brain here a little bit and whatnot all right all right all right so mytic Kack we’re going to go bu this ocean mon dude I want I want to see here man I want to see if there’s maybe some

The buildings nearby because I noticed that sometimes they can spawn near Ocean mons too as well I so you might be to find a few near this actual ocean Mon it’s going to be a pain the ass and break any blocks if we have to man we’re

Going to be right on top of an ocean Monument though so yeah man so yeah keep that in mind and whatnot as we’re out here see more magma blocks I I don’t think that’s a that’s I that’s just the underwater mind pocket and whatnot yeah

Now that it is all right I’m going look around I’m here man why the hell not let’s see here oh yeah I almost got met to as well y guys well also here to as well y’all I’m going to do this treasure map whatnot look the O look around the

Building get ourselves a Sniff and whatnot chat we’re also going to be checking out some of these we’re going try to get this treasure map done and whatnot too so yeah on top of everything else so yeah and and also guys some R reason going

The stupid damn map what not i’ say I’m going the wrong way so I’m going to go towards the map real quick man man man all um um I want to see if like I want to see for instance put those stupid damn treasure maps at them man because

You never know it might it might it might lead me to like a ocean money too you never know it might be the one there might be a few on the way you never know you know what I mean it might even be right next to one too so yeah

And why not you never know okay so that’s a boat he what the hell is that I is that one those stupid damn structures and what not dude is that an open pocking cave I can’t tell man oh another one of the structures [ __ ] you

Man all right cool all right so yo K we found instruct as well man dude but it’s not the one we need on man it’s a gravel one so this not man never mind it’s not the one we need this is the opposite one and I’m I’m going to drown I’m stuck oh

[ __ ] I got to get out of here I’m going to die I’ve might have [ __ ] up here big time man [ __ ] swim swim swim [ __ ] sh swim thank God C my feet man [ __ ] dude damn it’s close crap nuggets and we are and we are also getting

Extremely close to the treasure on booty as well chat so yeah guys we’re getting extremely close to that booty guys so yeah booty booty booty booty booty ah yo Mason dude you hear me Mason man on I think I might have just found the bad lands look at my stream real

Quick that kind looks like a I mean yeah it looks like a goddamn giant ass stupid dam look like a giant ass damn uh Mountain what not dude it looks really cool looking on too no man I ice man yeah I know I thought I seen a

House on top of the ear I can’t buy it before man but I don’t think so though I don’t think there was a house on top of man no one make make their base here man it stand out it stand out big time but you know what the map there’s a

Treasure yeah now the one’s the treasure map that’s what I’m man I’m following the treasure currently now there’s treasure over here dude I found a sun sh I’m going to lose some treasure right now man so yeah dude when I can get around the mountain I’m going to lose some

Treasure hey boys your boy going treasure hunter treasure hunting oh all right soon you didn’t get back I guess whatever see you h Um let’s see here so all right all righty so H all right so uh all right so according to the map there’s there um according to the map there there should be a treasure chest or nearby at least treasure map damn thing near here here somewhere man I don’t know I don’t I

Don’t know I don’t know where K man just say there supposed to be treasure nearby man I don’t know where man we’re going to have to look around I guess and find it all right man so yeah and whatnot it’s it’s cor the map it’s saying it’s nearby though stre close our location

And whatnot soord my map it’s saying I’m right on top of it too as well dude so I don’t know all I’m going to say is just dig around hopefully you find it I Guess [Applause] hang on a second here check right here hold up hang on man no huh no huh hm H um uh hey yo yo kak h on here I’m going to show you the map take this map real quick sh man this is the charer map Dude tell me if you think we’re in the right spot or not take that real quick for me please

And look at that sh man that’s where it’s tell me it’s in this area right here I think so yeah I just don’t know where I just know it’s here somewhere just not 100% sure where exactly and whatnot all that fun Stuff that I see a punk h oh hey yo ATT can I have that map back please man so I can just look at it again real quick if you know my f drop me that map real quick thank you I’m I just want to double check something on

It real quick and see something here man I think I might be passing it but I’m not sure all right so I think I think I think we’re passing it but I’m not sure so okay so it shows us oh okay so okay so it shows us kind of on I think a

Little bit I’m not sure about like right here maybe I think I’m not sure I don’t know you’re like right here man oh um maybe right here man I think maybe I’m not sure me all you [ __ ] me huh H you found my treasure booty huh booy huh cool take that thank you all those I want take that man so yeah uh kick tacky since I think I already have a the C you can take that all right man you can take the hard the

C I don’t want a fam all right man all uh K tacking do you want the hard C you can take it man if you want it all right man you can have it you can take that if you want it if not I’ll take it but I’m

Pretty sure you might want it like a trophy or something man maybe cool treasure Hunt’s done all right back to trying to find sff sniff egg then I guess so yeah I suppose frick I need to cook food ah oh okay Roger on man C gotcha gotcha copy copy the freaking hey Huh all right so all right so you need food you just said right now man I have fuel so here you go let me give you some fuel real oh no I do not have no fuel come on I dropped it down never mind I got I’m

Here you said you need food right here take this ATT take some of this real quick man just just so you have some you know what I mean hey yo what’s up viewers how’s it going guys P here uh so far we’ve already killed the Wither right now we’re currently trying to look

For a sniffer egg right now in the ocean we’re just searching around not looking around for one oh I have the brush and all that jazz we already found one of the buildings so far but no but not so much good luck with the other buildings

So far sadly enough so yeah we’re still looking around though so I mean yeah definitely getting somewhat getting there I guess but we definitely got a long way to go num in sadly enough so yeah mother [ __ ] upap uh wrong one [ __ ] game the hell’s my freaking map at

Dude sh oh it’s right here yeah thank God thought I lost it at first I about to cry or get mad I guess I don’t know H yo K we have a problem there there’s an enemy inside your boat dude not in the boat H never mind hang

On all right kill there he’s dead on man K tag let me know let me know when you have enough food we’ll keep going looking around for sniff eggs what not man I’m going to hop back in the bat and start heading out though meet up with me

When you’re done man cuz I mean we’re still we’re we’re in a new new territory here man so we definitely have bit of area to explore and work of here I think so yeah if we don’t get lucky so I’m going to start having back to base on

Man just so I can um check everything out I might call it a night CU iin been in the game for a while now and it’s I’m starting to get I’m starting up to kind of get tired now you know what I mean you’re still looking for SN oh yes star

We are man I mean I have the our good 30 minutes we SP looking for man we found it we we just finished doing a treasure map and what not dude so yeah just now I managed to do a treasure map and [ __ ] so I got potion generation whatnot one

Water breath potion and whatnot dude so yeah um I managed to also find some a new smiffy team for the close armor trim and whatnot dude so yeah I mean yeah man I know I know Shut The Hell by now I managed to find some other stuff too as

Along the way been going on so yeah um we’ve been explor a little bit I mean just now I found the bad lands are mountainlands and whatnot so yeah um me and him are still looking them we’re definitely going to keep looking for a little bit longer now I’m thinking I

Mean I found one in the building so far now Dar you know what I mean remember it was not it now man I only found one so far and like it didn’t have it it gave me a piece of coal and a wooden ho sadly enough so it’s going to probably be a

Good while before I find one I guarantee it I’m man I’m I’m not going to get that lucky I again freaking Mt and [ __ ] dude this game’s going to be a jerk to me not give me luck whatsoever sadly enough but that’s kind of the how it’s going to be going

Tonight what the hell is that right there hold on a it’s just saying I’m tripping out now never mind never mind hold on more sand more freaking sand dude damn it this sucks my whatever I guess never mind oh h and um and also guys I also legit this

Time found the bad lands No Cap now guys no now then y’all I this time I dead I found the bad lands and a jungle B next to n guys so yeah and if I’m not kidding guys I found the bad Lings guys dead ass I found the bad Ling of

2024 look at my stream now no cap H yo ki T and my dear friend man Kaki dude look man dude yo we’ve officially found the Badlands man look man bro we found the Badlands dude look man we found the bad lands see this this is the

Badlands we actually found them oh my God or the farlands what the hell they’re called whatever now man but we found one dude dead ass that’s crazy man [ __ ] Dam prob find diamonds in too if you really wanted to crap oh hey yo kak I see something off in the

Distance me off the coast line of that jungle right there I’m check it out I I think it might be a rune portal I’m not sure actually that’s a rune Port it we’re going to go we so okay so we’re going to check out a little bit longer

If you don’t have no look I’m going to start heading back to base though man so I can call it a night all right or whatnot but yeah we found another ruin pool right here man looks like man it it wait what you found one oh I’m coming

Man hang on I’m coming oh you did F [ __ ] man nice nice all right hang on I got the brush come with the brush man hold up hold on for are you sure K Taki this is one of them cuz I I not finding oh wait never mind L

I found suspicious thing I can see something right now man trying H yo can you cover me for a second so I can grab it please man kill a Dr man cover me for a second man okay come on kill a Dr cover me for a second and I’ll look all

Right man cover me please thank you I think I found suspicious I’m not sure where to find out no yeah no that’s not suspicious stand dude I’m trying to find suspicious stand that’s you need to M I’m man supicious stand but I’m not seeing none wait I found some right here

I lied never mind something’s coming something’s coming out dude repeat I found coal this is stupid this game must hate me or something dude damn try this again back up for oxygen hold on trying any more water so I don’t die here that’s one so far suspicious sand mind and whatnot so yeah

Let me keep looking around hang on might be I might be missing some I’m not sure let me know if you see any more suspicious sand all right and I’ll mind one I’m going to keep checking around though if I ditch out of here nothing here let me

Break you real quick nothing here what about you no that’s Stone never mind the wall no oh [ __ ] much we man [ __ ] dude freak yeah much better man crap yeah fam nice here I’m not seeing all the freaking [ __ ] dude it’s not taking it hang on you see

Some oh here we go nice good fine nice no well oh I’m coming hold on man coming kitaki I see him thank you man oh more emeralds but not what we need H but do you see any more or no hang on I lost it hang on oh I found

Another Emerald let me know if you see any more right man I’ll grab him come on let me know hang on let’s keep looking around hang on there still more man sh keep looking around I I do not want to miss none want to make sure we get all of

Them I don’t want to miss any just let me know if you see any more right and I’ll keep grabbing them as I see them will come along and what not find them and whatnot all that fun stuff so yeah nothing here no all Right ooh a pottery that’s dope man [ __ ] dude nice I mean not I mean of course not what we need but it’s still pretty cool though man nonetheless nice oh my God yo we found one dude we found one man come we found one dude

Look come on dude we found one man we found one holy [ __ ] we actually found one where’ it go did you grab it oh no it’s flowing hang on come on I’m grabbing hang on nice we found one good sh we found one man nice gotcha I’m coming hang on

Save the Dolphins trying to help the dolphin help the dolphin oh it’s died never mind that’s sad whatever um um all right so man so we found one sniffer egg so far Kaki we still we still need to find one more dude all right now man shut up we still need find

One more man we can breed him after that man we we all we need is one more and we can breed the rest so so so keep looking around man let me know if you find any more and I M and what not you found another one gotcha let me grab it here

Get away from real quick for a second please animals with no egg huh come on kill the enemies too if you can for me as well man if you don’t mind another block right here hang on man I see something cool oh it’s w no never mind

It sucks whatever I found another one behind it man wheat but nothing good just it’s just wheat [ __ ] that sucks never mind wheat freaking found wheat never mind all right hang on call now give me a second I’m going to drown and die here hang on please Man fight help I’m going

To die help I got to drown help me help oh yeah okay so so far I managed to find one sniff egg so far man I just need one more n man dude I found one so far I just need one more and we can freaking get breeding going and whatnot

Dude so yeah EG oh oh yeah I just I just need one more s man I can I can start breeding them man and getting a whole Bunch uh yeah I know and you need to wait for the egg to like hatch you one I know oh where was the other one at you found one you said oh right here man never mind oh another Pottery Shard nice this will be the second one I have man

Cool [ __ ] that’s nice dude [ __ ] yeah sweet I’m going to gra that BR man oh I have one for other sniffer knot too that’s dope she nice cool oh and another Pottery Shard huh a come onbody get a sniff but never mind I’ll take it I guess all right so I have

Two angle Pottery shards and one uh snort Pottery Shard snow for man hang on I need to go back up sof I drown hang on then I we keep looking me a second hold on should get a ites whereit it does oh I already have M

Bu not a problem man by any chance do you have any more um um tii do you see any more man or no look around I don’t want to I don’t want to give up too soon man oh I found another I li man I found another one

Hang on man found another one right here another Shard another um another gold nugget never mind I another gold nugget crappy [ __ ] that I don’t need useless [ __ ] and whatnot have a on this is what I have so far from the P I’ve store Pottery Shard three angle

Pottery Shar on man a sniffer egg this [ __ ] emeralds and stuff man iron and whatnot obsidian [ __ ] a lot fun stuff so far man so yeah and and another Pottery Shard dude shees just man now the game really just hates you now and [ __ ] this point dude [ __ ] keeps say God G me

Pottery shirs dude this [ __ ] sucks man damn big time the frecking stupid dumbass Mojang the [ __ ] uh um yeah I do man yeah I already have one yeah so you don’t have to wait 20 minutes wait wait a minute hold on come on hold on man hold on hold on hold on

Fam dude quick question dude come on quick question dude isn’t there a way to stop the egg from hatching or no M Block you place on top of a M Block like Tak 10 minutes I don’t know on God but if you don’t want the eggs to hatch

At all man is there way to stop him from hatching permanently or no justs going you well well say put in a troph room I don’t want hatching what not you know what I mean Trophy Room ifes got you man cool um K before I leave want I’m trying to find one more

Eggn men before I call night dude I try to find one more so we can breed them up and whatnot get them and make love and pop out Children hey what what I did you say out loud oh [ __ ] I I don’t know good question man I don’t

Know I I dead ass don’t know I J don’t know I really don’t like no no Capman I have no clue yeah like what does sniffers from Minecraft eat probably CP or something man if if they’re dinosaurs what not dude I’m guessing to eat some

I’m guessing to eat some kind of like um underwater plan or something man maybe I don’t know but I don’t know but all I know is me K me and kitaki went goddamn hella far for this stupid damn egg so so we better be to find one more before we

Call T night I’m going to get pretty pissed oh [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah and let me guess you need you need you need to search for those too right now man you need to find those am I right you like how do you look up how to get them look

Up how to get them how do you get towards fire seeds look it up oh justff oh that’s don’t they don’t they by default B up one now that’s pretty easy grass BL mud block oh so oh so oh so I can just put a two oh so I can just put two

Sniffers in like a build big building right man and put mud blocks in there man they’ll dig them up basically I guess by default whatnot man or whatever and then just keep doing that I guess um do you see any more um Mr Taki or not now you’re about die let me help

You out here man if you die man there you go no I don’t see no more all right all right so do you want to keep heading out you want to move and head on along then you want to head out and keep looking around then Mr kitaki keep looking

Around for one more my friend we head on out or keep looking around for one more I mean we could probably head to the next we could probably head to another location and whatnot then dude and keep looking around right now I mean we already have one sff egg we just need

One more now and make it breed them up breed I breed them and I’ll keep them in my inventory for now put my entrance back to base and what not way oh go sure all right yo T let’s move on man yo yo so yo m t you’re having

Better luck finding I’m G let you take the lead all right man I’ll follow you all right man I’ll follow your lead dude come on since you’re having better luck with finding things I me know man I’ll just follow your lead you might be give

Me help me get get me to find it much easier man I’m having bad to find these damn things so I’ll follow your lead no man you found this one I went right across one didn’t even notice it and you found it right after the Batman I’m just

Going to follow your lead seem like you know what you’re doing more than I do like generally oh crying obsidian I want to take yo hold up hold up second man yo dude hang on man don’t go further man te still in the party right man kacki hold

On for a second dude please thank you man man I real quick I just want to I just want to grab this um crying obsidian real quick man I don’t know if it’s rare but I just want to grab it CU I like I like the way they look they

Look kind of cool I want to kind of put it oh you have you played that game yet man I post in the Discord Ser man it’s really cool and [ __ ] dude it’s ch pretty fun man I played it the other day I get addicted lost track of time almost got

Late and almost went late to work almost got late almost went to work late because I like dead ass forgot what time it was now man cuz I was having touch a blast playing that game man like big time it was so fun I lost check

It no it is man it’s more addicting than most mobile games it’s crazy it’s more addicting than rage Shadow Legends it’s more addicting than Clash of Clans it’s more addicting than rage this video is sponsored by raid no hang on this live stream guys is sponsored by raid Shadow Legend play it now

Bro dude I’m so J I’m so D to get two pandas dude you man and bring him back to base and [ __ ] dud and start get a zoo going or something man like pandas and [ __ ] dude and sniffers and whatnot move some cows man like a giant Zoo

Every dead ass did I’m actually kind of honestly shocked me that Mo did not add seahorses the game yet and [ __ ] dude I at least I would at least honestly would have at least thought that moing would add seahorses to Minecraft already dude since it’s one of the sea creatures in

The game but no they didn’t add sharks but they add Dolphins man but but they did but they did not but they did not add no seahorses not it makes no sense to me dude I I would at least act I mean well may I think it might be kind

Of hard to design them in block form kind almost the mobs are kind of like blocky whatnot man right I feel like for Minecraft it’ be kind of hard to design like a actual like um seahorse design but I mean yet again I’ve seen mods that

Do it perfectly so some someone yo and someone de made the G the giant the giant the giant Giga siiz Leviathan Leviathan from freaking um what that was the name of that game sonaba you know the giant one that destroys that giant a and eats it whole you know what I’m

Talking about man the giant sh the giant St that breaks that giant ass ship and right man that thing the Giant lth and whatnot so made that into a mod of Minecraft dude dead ass it’s an actual [ __ ] mod of Minecraft dude it was so

Damn B the roar like you could hear that [ __ ] through like five volume on my TV man it was so damn loud though I was like it broke my [ __ ] speakers on my TV dude that ass it’s scared theing [ __ ] out me man on the video man I seen it no

No he died oh my God no Ki tagy just die all the shit’s right here man how come um uh uh yo K Tac what I’m going to do fam is I’ll say the gamer cook inst man dude and and I’ll see what save I have

Left man all right man so I can so I can save your so I can get your stuff in or can you come back and get your stuff man K T what do you want me to do man do you want me to save the game TR what backup

I have or do you want to come back here and get your stuff in time man do you think you do you remember when we’re adim can you come back and get your stuff or you want me to back it up I have no problem doing either one all

Right yeah here let me back man I’m standing to clean the game right now I’m going to back it up real quick I mean I should have a five minute back I do we should be fine here I think man so yeah I have a 22 minute backup man we might

Lose a sniff if I do that man we might lose a sniff reg now man I don’t know no it’s a 22 minute one um how long ago did be fun the sniff against my question dude I think it was like 22 minutes ago I think I’m not sure

Hang on so I’m going to back up my stream 22 minutes I’m going to see something here why do the summoning animation look [ __ ] cool all right so oh 22 minutes ago we were yeah see 22 minutes ago we would have been still looking for one on man

Yo Kaki should I risk it man should I back it up now my dude or like what do you want me to do here pyro he the sniffer I know I’m just asking I’m not sure just get me my stuff so just grab your stuff then all right

Yeah here here I’ll just back it up the man I’m back it up the man I’ll back it up 23 minutes go starting now oh my God all the hard bricks go down the [ __ ] drain now dude I’m so pissed on man we’re going to [ __ ] lose everything

Dude I’m pissed off no we’re going to [ __ ] lose the eggs dude you had to [ __ ] die to well actually not because cuz in 23 minutes ago we were we were just starting head towards that stupid damn Coral location whatnot near where some of the locations

Were at so it might be good here I need wait for to load up first and then we’ll load into the game no well I mean it’s too late now man I already back the goddamn game man I I have no inventory room for it dude I

Can’t put in my inventory minut dude I have no room for it man I have no room like at all I can’t even grab your stuff dude you have too much stuff for me to grab we’re just going have to try to do we’re just have to do it again man it’s

Not a big deal we know where you’re at so I’m not really worried let get loing [ __ ] in at first oh my God such a [ __ ] drag dude [ __ ] ah kill me now please my suffering never ends oh my God you’re suffering the next 20 years right here Nero having a orgasm and [ __ ] dude for man [ __ ] I do not have the sniff in this part man this sck this [ __ ] sucks dude no sniff at all man

God damn it dude remember no I don’t man it’s Ram too man we might we might have just lost T not man dude I’m pissed off no you know what I’m gonna hop te’s boat so I can just stay with him and [ __ ] man try I’m going to hop in the I’m

Going to hop in the boat with you dude hold still man I’m hoping I’m going to get in the boat with you man let’s just go here go towards we were going at man wait yo you Kaki head towards the mountain of the kitaki see the mountains

In front of us wasn’t there weren’t those ruins right over there like right in front of us dude look the lava and the island and whatnot man weren’t the remember I mentioned the bance before my dude we were going around we found a jungle the about two men as well and

Whatnot do wa I do I still have the treasure map too man cuz I know no I don’t think I do wait no I do so we were nearby them then that’s a Cas man we’re still kind of close by I think or nearby I

Think I don’t know I got to look in there and see and [ __ ] dude I’m on the boat with him right now man so yeah oh yeah so on here we the Char map everything I we on for a while man all right cool so oh all right so all right

So we’re right back where we were at before man nice so so so I’m not sure if the lot’s going to be different or not no man I don’t know I mean it might be different this time I don’t know it might be the same who knows all right

We’re here right we’re here Kaki or no oh yeah I see one right here man here come down make let’s do come on come down let’s go let’s go all right cool by any chance Kaki do you remember which one we were at before man when we found

The Eggman you remember which one we were at before or no I mean thetically it should still be there I don’t know all right all right then all right then we’re just going to have to dig them all up then man hope they got be

Get this time and not get and not get unlucky now man let’s start digging them up how you D them up before and I’ll start mining waych let me know when you find the blocks and whatnot CH and I’ll grab him and all that jazz um there’s a block on top of break

This real quick my block out hang on pick right yeah pick this right here break that real quick there we go underneath it right no here man yeah no sh all right I’m coming coming coming where I don’t see it man where oh I see I lied no I didn’t lie never mind

I don’t know where I don’t know where it’s I didn’t see where you’re point at sorry man on top you’re on top of it oh thank you I didn’t see that man what do we got here man all right so far I got coal repeat I’ve got freaking coal man

It sucks ass shoot me already please love of God want to cry oh emeralds again yay so cool I Emerald nice piece of [ __ ] more dumbass goddamn dog [ __ ] dumb emeralds man cool man more emeralds so cool oh my god Becky got more emeralds Becky oh my God so [ __ ] cool

Not do you see any more over here or no I’m not seeing n man so yeah tell what’s on here on yeah no all right no there’s none here than man okay gotcha El did he go now I don’t see his name tag now

[ __ ] um I see now I lied come never mind I see you I’m coming I’m right here I only to type I’m right here man I see n man I see now fam another Emerald that sucks damn another one right here as well man too all right

And all right and and I got freshly wheat some fresh wheat that sucks what a drag what I get now I got something coming out a wooden ho are you kidding me game screw you you suck dumbass garbage game hang on where at where T where is it I don’t see nothing

Oh you got you’re oh you oh you were getting air there my bad never mind sorry thought you were doing something sh I know you getting air from right there I see you I’m coming I got something but something but it’s not a sniffer egg Sly enough dude

So get wooden ho man so yeah it sucks that’s four done dumb dolphin move just punch in the face you dumb [ __ ] dumb animals in the way [ __ ] ow I’m being attacked by a [ __ ] dolphin dude [ __ ] I’m being attacked by the dolphin game man [ __ ] Al attacking me I punched him dude

Shut why am I being attacked by a [ __ ] dolphin dude now I di cuz I punched me to death you dumb animal uh yo gentlemen we got a sniffer egg guys I’m dying drowning to death but I have a sniffer egg so I don’t give a

Goddamn [ __ ] so yeah cool all right next up let’s keep looking around man all right next up now then K let’s look around for another ones War then dude so yeah know man another one gotcha cool and and I see something goals never mind I going do is just some

Gold block never mind never mind gold block never mind never mind okay so okay so okay okay so we managed to get a sniffr again nothing guys so yeah man all right so I managed to get the Sni egg back now Mason so yeah so so

Now me me and Mr kitaka are now heading to another location to dig up more hopefully another sniffing now so yeah we’re going to probably heading back to the Jungle location again I think I’m not sure we’ll figure out as we along I guess so yeah all right and then hopefully have

With this no we can head back to base and whatnot so yeah no man so yeah and whatnot fun stuff fun stuff very very fun stuff thumbnail for this is going to be a suffering thumbnail me suffering the whole time and whatnot so yeah I guess I don’t

Know someone unliked someone unliked my [ __ ] damn stream and put it to the thumbs down I’m going to swat somebody now all right all right guys go SWAT someone’s house for right now I’m Gonna Give You their address jk just joking don’t be a [ __ ] JK Daniel Hill belly Central

Goofy I’m a goofy mous Clubhouse boy stupid dumb drown get smacked in the face you little [ __ ] ow smack the sand has a bunch of cracks in it that’s how you can tell yeah yeah know I yeah uh yeah I already knew that Ki I just had a

Hard time telling them I don’t know if it’s my SC or not man but I can’t tell always and I’m not sure but we’re underneath the sand the items either them I don’t know if like they’re underneath the grass and [ __ ] I’m going to do if under the blocks and what not

If they’re on the outskirts or not that’s such a hard hard time finding them and whatnot dude so yeah well not two and shment that was not seeing these structures like you’re seeing them no problem I was having a hard time seeing them on my screen man so yeah I need to

Go back up and get some air I’ll be right back down a second hold on actually do I still have the water breing potion do I already use up man oh yeah I already used that [ __ ] up already I have regeneration but that’s not going to do nothing I don’t think I’ll pop

Anyways potion regeneration 45 seconds you know what you know what no no I’m not going to use that right now that’d be waste to [ __ ] use that now I’m going to save it right now all right anything anything right here no I don’t

See nothing oh no I lied come on no no I lied no I see one right here and it and it’s giving me coal this sucks give me more freaking damn coal that sucks I see I’m coming hang on I’m coming more coal right game yeah piss

Off stupid piece of [ __ ] Mojang y be ass crap man crappity crap tart AKA poptart dope Tarts poptart dip TP pop tarp dip tip tip tip tip poptart I’m coming KCK T don’t get your panties and twit boy H all right gentlemen we are now in business

Business guys oh gentlemen we now have officially have two sniffer eggs guys mission accomplished kiaki we can head home now we have two sniffer eggs boy it’s time for us to head home back to base we did it good job boy we did it finally and Sh

Man you we finally did it man good job man we finally did it congratulations you did it talk get in the boat grab the try man and get on the boat bro it’s time to go home with mission accomplished bro good job man good work Soldier mission accomplished let’s head home

Uh um good question I don’t know so so okay all right so I’m thinking I’m I’m probably going to build a new structor not tonight man sniff eggs will go in my end chest just for right now guys um once I’m ready I’m going to once I’m

Ready I’m going to make a sniffer like a sniffer building for like breeding and whatnot and stuff like that and [ __ ] dude and they’ll be going inside that building and whatnot I’ll probably build the new building um over where Phil’s old base used I’m thinking and whatnot

Man or I might just build it on top of something else I don’t know yet but it’s going to be like a sniffer like um breum building and whatnot I don’t know what the I’m going to probably look at designs I’ll probably stream what I’m going to do tomorrow maybe I’m not sure

Yet no man depending how I feel and whatnot but but you have yeah no yeah so that’s what I’ll do I’ll I’ll make the whole floor like a moss and what not dud you and then I might have a su with as mud so they can

Like sniff to find the torch things I’m pretty sure I I think I think the blocks can be manmade play St can you look it up Mas look up if the mud blocks the sniffers have to sniff can they be play player place blocks or do they have to be like

Natural I’m just fighting something up for me if you don’t mind man I appreciate it if you do thank you when a girl tells you that’s kind of small but then you tell her I wouldn’t give no give no room to talk though look at

What okay okay so make CL man come on hang on oh okay M Mason so all right Mason so so look up when it comes to the sniffer blocks right um look up for the sniffers B to find the torch head flowers do do the flowers have to be can

The sniffers sniff the flowers at a player placed mud blocks or or or do they have to be like um natural you know what I mean like game Genera and stuff you know what I mean like in swamps and whatnot or look up how it works if it’s

Not I can just put the mud blocks manually inside of a building one on right and then or Moss blocks one on dude and have them sniff those and stuff and then in my mind in my way my mind’s thinking this the lally they um they should just sniff the blocks down in

Dude and then they should be to farming naturally you know what I mean like an AFK Farm almost uh hop on the ice real quick T I’m going I’m going to SC us across the ice come man get in the ice real quick dude hang on get off the boat

I want to kill you by my stick tape please go off the boat or grab the boat please on place on the ice now man and and grab the boat and grab the boat and if you if you’re go when it comes to driving on the ice man I’m gonna let you

Drive on the ice man no man if you’re good with driving the ice you drive I probably suck at this and and um uh and just go straight in the line man uh uh just go completely straight and [ __ ] dude kind of you know what I

Mean I’ll let you know if we can start going towards base and whatnot oh we just um we just need to get through this whole nice Ice Area we need to hit we need to hit back on the ocean water we can head back to base at

That point um kind of go straight right around here and keep going there you go boy there you go nice good job keep it up keep it up keep it up keep up keep it up there you go keep going keep going good good good if you

Can please thank you thank you all right you guys we’re coming back to base right now we’re almost there now I think I can see a base on the map what not but it’s so big I it’s going take a little bit to get back what not um um once we can get

Back on main water we’ll be to get there quicker but we’re on ice right now and stuff so it might take us a little bit to get back to base in here um yo I can see a village up head man stop over here for a second y man man stop at this

Village man hang on yo stop stop here for a second man I want to see if it’s been looted or not and plus they have pumpkins here so I might take those and what not so I can start making Iron Golems around the base eventually too I

When I’m probably to start I’m probably going need to start making those soon I think too or I might have to actually I think oh it’s a freaking damn polar bear dude oh [ __ ] man oh hell no no thank you Game No thank you chest oh [ __ ] it’s not

Been looted yet dude damn there’s still unlooted stuff here that’s crazy I by any chance please have a blacksmith by any chance or no I wonder if so some diamonds a bed no not what I want a [ __ ] I yo I think it’s yep yep Mr

Kak beat me to the blacksmith well that sucks whatever see quick no empty okay gotcha um oh [ __ ] more pumpkins I’ll take those thank you than you game let me just uh yoink come on thank you yo Kaki hey yo dude so we are going to

Spend the night here okay man H just so we can get to daytime we’re going to keep then after that we’ll continue our travel back to base and whatnot man all right and all that fun stuff and Jazz I’ve been streaming for almost four hours now dude holy [ __ ] man my C is

Going out the window right now dude damn that’s crazy [ __ ] what what yes it could be player player Poli oh aha so we can actually make a we can actually make a IFK breeding like breeding building what not for then that’s dope I put like how does the stiffer

Work too and I think the Dig one when he digs it says a 6 by6 radius well you see oh well you well you see my dear friend what what what my plans are was I was thinking about doing man I was think about making a giant

Like Med them building right and the roof will be like this giant glass kind of ceiling and whatnot dude with lights and whatnot dude right and I’ll have all the dirt and like a tree in the middle maybe with a mud all around and whatnot all right that’s what I was thinking

About doing whatnot so yeah you’ll see when it’s done I have an idea how to do it man just hopefully I can get my building skills will be good enough to make the build look nice enough and whatnot I I I still need to make like a

AFK or I still need to make like a honey build and what not for get honey one to get honey blocks and whatnot dude and stuff like that and get honey all that stuff cuz that’s good for making wax for like copper and whatnot and you’re going

To need that for the new update as well all right H all all righty excuse me all right I think I’m near base I’m not sure I’m going to keep going ahead the corner of the map it’s stting with starting to um starting to uh these polar bears might be Agro so

Watch out be careful um what’s your name be careful dude um what oh yeah be careful want sh K that might be those Bears might be very aggressive we not so far on oh sorry they need at least a six times six space to sniff out after they find an

Item there’s a 8 Minute cool down before okay and so can it be the same blocks or no I I have to change out the blocks and and also and also you man sorry for making and also sorry I’m kind of making you you be my like experiment

Or like my research Guy Mason because I’m like trying to back the base what not dude I don’t really have time I’m going to like check you know what I mean but you’re helping me out a lot though man so I appreciate it thank you and whatnot oh potatoes

Potatoes a so you can just use the same I I thought some nice nice Farm do then dude I mean I mean no offense sniffers don’t really have no offense sniffers don’t really have a purpose really to them at all no mentioned it but that’s sniffers don’t really have a purpose to

Them anyway but they’re still kind of useful to something I guess I’m sure the up future they’ll probably make sniffers useful for something else aside from getting torch block that’s well I mean yeah well I mean yeah people people keep comparing them to dinosaurs and [ __ ]

Dude so yeah that’s why man people keep comparing their asses to dinosaurs and whatnot dude so yeah I mean I don’t know if that’s really they kind of how they are what what it was it was 67 to get a sniffer EG oh and I got two of them so I was a

Very low CH me him G pretty quickly actually not that quick but we still got two of them though so that’s pretty nice is that a high chance or is that like low. oh so it’s kind of low then well well I mean to be fair me and him did

Have to take out a [ __ ] ton of like um those ruins went not to get lucky one not too so I mean yeah I can kind of see why I I so I kind of guess it makes sense I guess oh the vills are eing on the crops

Dude that’s nasty that’s disgusting bro Sho bro they’re dude bro dude they’re bro they’re breeding on top of the crops man they’re get white stuff everywhere bro n over the food I found a search that said team that’s a stupid IDE no it’s not me war

To be the dead is most dead bro was like a steroid pop Iron Golem and [ __ ] man dude that’d be or helmet if you Coulda if you could trade if you can breed or train a water sh dude and make him into a pan how

Broken that would be man you sck down on the players dude you probably traumatized kids off service for years to come bro it’s a great idea man I think Phil might have remember a pit and he just throws TR and he likes he likes knocking or throwing unsuspected players down the

Pit dude TR and they beet the gu Golems they’re all named dinner bro upside down and uh and uh yeah you know not not uh let’s just say not such a pleasant location uh Hey y dude dude dude I think I might have found Phil’s base or

Something my dude I I can I did see a giant pillar going up and across with this mountain toop right now here and D I know I didn’t do that man I actually wonder if this is Phil’s base or not dude I mean I already been to his base

Before I’m not sure if it’s not I’m not sure if it’s his or not I have no clue but all I know is a bunch of place [ __ ] blocks and what not dude like Cobble deep not dude so someone’s definitely been here before it might I

Mean it might have been I but I’m not sure you’re not Even’s base yeah yeah I don’t know who base man look man this is definitely play player place man look see that [ __ ] no man that’s player Place dude ah oh [ __ ] I had a bear attacking

Me dude [ __ ] man [ __ ] baby bear too man [ __ ] run the Bear’s going to kill us run away run theill is at like 2000 oh [ __ ] oh I didn’t not know that damn okay then so someone lives here or someone’s been here then man at least

Cuz I didn’t play those box me me and him did not dude another Village right here dude [ __ ] man damn you already H like freaking four damn vill on the way back to base dude only [ __ ] man that’s crazy actually actually is this the end portal base or no

I’m not sure hang on man is this is is this is these the end is this the end port Village or no this might be I’m not sure I need to look I think this is I’m not sure Port base or is this the village I

Me and someone else had a raid out a while ago and like killed everybody in the village from doing the raid we were kind of bad defending and everyone kind of got like slaughtered and killed in a brutal ways but you know that’s h no the no uh no dude this was a

Village of 20 maybe 30 and let’s just say not all of them survived the encounter with the Villagers only one did but proceeded to get like body smacked to death by a uh a Pillager the last of is kind of his village killed outside of the front of his house

After watching go anything else do I have to search up anything no I don’t think I’m good I’m man but um I have good news me and um ATT almost back to base two as well man and we explore a lot man we have S everything man we have like I have

Pottery shards and [ __ ] I have one I have a new armor to put in my collection as well me to so yeah I have the coast or the sunken ship whatever the hell it’s called and whatnot and you know what I should did man I should have I should got a picture

That freaking I should got a picture the stupid damn Titanic we found too and [ __ ] dude I should got I should took a screenshot of that Titanic and should I should took a screenshot of the bad lands we found and whatnot dude eh too late now whatever

Ever I can always go on the stream and just like freaking clip clip it and post it I guess no mind like I found the bad land in 2024 sorry I found the Farland in 2024 it’s been confirm it still exists but very rare now I don’t

Know holy [ __ ] dude another damn Village actually I can see lady’s Tower from here yeah so so we are officially back at base now cool that’s dop here nice about time by the way pyro it has to be in a radius so they well yeah well the build be a big

Gi ass building on dude but so I was do I think about building like a kind of like a church building right right or a giant like Circle zerber building and then like a regular like um Regular building right in the mid this giant open like giant glass bubble whatnot

Dude right man you’ll see what I’m talking about when I build it man you’ll get what I’m talking talking about I and and I’m thinking about keeping like having a tree in the middle of it what not dude so yeah and if you’re wonder what tree I’m

Going to do man I don’t know what tree I’m going to do man instead of me playing one I might just make my own tree design man you know what I mean I might make my own tree design and whatnot dude so yeah no man no I’ll I’ll

Probably build that first and then build the actual build around it and whatnot so I can fit everything into it and all that jazz but dude but dude I’m still in dead ass shock that I actually manag to find two sniff EGS and [ __ ] man dude in

Tonight’s stream man man and two shards that was oh yeah yeah and me and K found two of them man if it was not for him I don’t think I would have found two like that but I was definitely nice him to help me out them man so now we have two

And now I need to breed them and whatnot get them all breed up and then we can um build that build and what not for them get them breed up and the AFK build when I build what not dude and again they the um so remember correctly you need to

Place the eggs on the Moss block like you said man so yeah fam you could place like any block but on the Moss Block it’s like yeah yeah so I’m going to freaking Place both the MOs blocks in the uh on MOS blocks inside the freaking building

Right man so my thing I’m do I’m think about having them I’m going to proba so up right I don’t know I’m going I’ll figure it out I’m think I have one room connected to the deer like a full Moss room right for the eggs right I in right

And then the the rest of the room second main room will be like the the the tree and like all the mud and whatnot so they come out when they come out hatching out they go out there not man right and they start sniffing along and [ __ ] okay right and they start doing

Their thing so then they eventually start eventually start humping each other popping out more of them and then vice versa sorry I’m sorry and then you know we have more and more you know more and more of them and whatnot so yeah if you place it on like any other

Block it takes like a 20 minutes that’s why yeah yeah man but but any who my dear Frenchman like I said before now that we have what I’m going to do for tonight I’m getting off man is I’m going to place um as I’m going to place both the

Eggs inside the inside the um what you want to call it inside the um end chest yeah right man yeah man right yeah and chest right and then when I get them breeded up people can start taking eggs whenever I get them breeded up when I’m

And after the fact I’m okay you’re like selling eggs selling eggs selling sff eggs selling uh stiff eggs selling armor CH to people and Sh just giving people armor upgrade templates I have from finding and buying from other people and what not do shut the [ __ ] up bro don’t

Make me sound like a [ __ ] don’t make me sound like that creepy guy with the hat from from Shield here okay man I’m not no [ __ ] [ __ ] face freaking slave seller okay dude Jesus Christ I have some moreing baby selling a baby sniffer and selling baby villagers

Sff mon modern day slave grou than Minecraft that’s [ __ ] crazy man yeah oh my God who let all my [ __ ] damn sheep out dude huh so so let all my [ __ ] sheep out [ __ ] D I’m GNA kill him man I’m gonna kill him dude I’m gonna kill

Him dark or Alex right dark or Al no man Dar let them all out dude what the [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] why do you have so many sh she well actually you know what you know what I kind of been wanting to call them down I kind of need meat I’m

And I kind of been wanting to call them down anyways no not the sheeps they [ __ ] I have more I can bring right back up it’s not a problem I can bring right back up not man apples I have a bunch of automatic cheap Farms anyway so

I I need these guy no these are just my startup Farms no man I kind of don’t no man I kind of don’t need them no more anyway so they kind of serve their purpose very well but now I’m hungry so dark is literally watching this and laughing his ass off bro Still watch mat dude CH prob three Al or I guarantee it what you do when dark comes back and just all over I kill the rest of the sh I don’t know or kill him I kill him for to man he’s not me right now man so yeah but

Yeah I think the only purpose of dark is just to you I think that’s all yeah he’s a troll man he got pissed off I call him a troll D I’m not a troll pirate I’m calling you a troll PIR P I’m calling me a TR pyro I’m like you are

Though I mean he dead ass J as a troll man can you like seriously should he de dead ass as a troll man you stack the yeah you can I don’t need this no more I think you should Place some of your stuff inside the your normal chest cuz

You have a lot of stuff that’s why that’s fine that’s fine you can use three Maps what the [ __ ] you use three maps for well no one’s the basement man one’s the treasure map and one’s my regular map dude that’s why man so yeah if you’re wondering see run see run

CH my um has like my paper man oh here it is there we go cool I I don’t have a arm trim yet nice ah it’s new old fashioned collection book now and [ __ ] guys so yeah know man cool going to the collection book sweet I suppose I can probably get rid

Of the um should I get out of here see do you want that why do you have why do you have so much cookies he just now realizes that [ __ ] you have 61 cookies and 62 cookies what the hell and 14 pies have enough food but you choose to get

Cookies that literally fills one half one bar so so who gives a [ __ ] I do care man it’s not affecting you is it no I kind man I know uh uh yeah give me a few minutes okay any placee come on hold on man I will a few minutes right man just hold

Up for now I don’t trust taking my taking this [ __ ] with me rest [ __ ] fine but I don’t trust be I take the rest of that [ __ ] on me man I guarantee I’ll come back on and my sh will be missing what uh why the hell is it baby tricking

Inside my grinder sink for man [ __ ] Dar dude why is your bab Dar that Psychopathic media needs to be stopped so that’s why there was two chickets in front of your [ __ ] door what’s the fourth map I don’t know wait I have a four for

On dude what the [ __ ] man what the what the hell did I pick that up I away you already got fourth B what theck [ __ ] no yo what’s up I hear your place not in a few minutes I will I’m get off anyways man making the thumbnail I’m trying to

Call a night man can you can you do me a favor yeah what do you need man what’s up I don’t send I don’t I don’t send Fe pick sorry if that’s what you’re about to ask you shocked how many whack jobs are out

There was like P you sh me a f pack a f pack no probably probably old man does that but what the hell who the [ __ ] ask that for your street you’d be shocked y might Dr dead ass serious man You’ be [ __ ] shocked can you make a fishy

Five no yeah no I don’t think that’s a thing man I don’t think that’s possible them man like three there’s a [ __ ] three but n no there’s no four yeah no there’s no four on man side man there’s no four not man so yeah man come on

There’s no such thing as a sorry man no there’s no such thing dude sadly enough but there not so I can’t I can’t can’t do that favor for you man I’m sorry but I can’t cuz it’s not a thing you have any other favor except fish villager and

Plus I could have swar we had most the freaking stupid damn want like most wanted trades and [ __ ] for the vill anyways now dude anyways and [ __ ] already already in the base and what not man I could have swore do we not have like what you want and whatnot or like

I’m so confused here I could have swore you already had half the V people most people are going to want the server anyways I thought play do is there any other favor that pyro can do for you say something watch say something weird ass [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m going to cry man we you

Already have an efficiency three though my man dude we already have one the [ __ ] dude what the bubble gum bastard bubblegum weird weird condom weird Goble gum Bubblegum the freak did you just say I don’t know I [ __ ] got the one word out of my mouth wait a minute there’s

Not there’s no efficiency 3 huh could we had one that’s weird there’s efficiency villager right and there’s yeah there is we have one on man dude yeah we have one man I could SW man yeah we have one I thought D do out I need wood real come I need get

Some wood and Sh man dude sh so yeah I need wood why do you have a why do you have a mailx except you besides [ __ ] randomly P [ __ ] by um yours trly Mr Dar to be a troll dark do anything else th loes traumatizing me conly Man

Stream dude so yeah man so yeah man traumatized me constantly man dude traumatized man un streams your Conant such he’s annoying annoying troll he thinks he’s so funny but in reality he’s kind of annoying he’s not funny he’s annoying know you don’t know how to P you don’t know how to speak English

What engi engi mcmi mcash mikashi look coolo at the base man that’s what the base show up man look at that that’s they call small town right there boys Pyro I know I can see that man he says join vc1 I will in a second lad hold your

Butter biscuits in place and don’t choke on them I will wait butter biscuits hold your butter biscuits I make you Bo that map actually butter biscuits okay no no more [ __ ] P I’m P wise that that’s the cloud y Flo why I got traumatized [ __ ] kids I’m choking in them wait what the

[ __ ] he just I’m choking in them what I’m scared he’s joking let me check the what do you mean you’re choking what the [ __ ] you doing to my Village you dumb [ __ ] I’m choking it wait what thought you doing to my villagers you mean you’re choking them boy

Is he better not be someone’s going to die today and it’s like it be me d i put sheep inside my Inside My Horse Pen dude now I’m pissed why is there a chicken horse inside my sheep pen dude what the freak is D doing to my

My your your no look no man look look what D did huh man look look at this [ __ ] man huh look get out you get out oh no he died oh well what about your horses is that okay we have no most them dead besides one

Doing so yeah man only one’s alive man the rest are dead and look at my house all righty yeah yeah yeah man I’m coming I’m coming don’t get your booty hole in a Twist okay boo okay can you stop say as I’m going to make you choke

Like your dad did wait what my dad died by choking of a [ __ ] bagel wait what Bagel what the hell is he building over here now now what the fck is he what the hell you building here now dude what the hell you building to build here man what

If dude what if I wanted to build a giant 90in penis right here what the hell what happened to the other two villagers what uh where’s the rod of Flesh got you [ __ ] kidding me dude Alex you’re so damn dark dark you [ __ ] dark there’s the other one’s gone oh

Okay yeah okay yeah [ __ ] you which one’s gone which one’s gone this this one right here there was a villager right here now he’s gone which one was he I’m asking you man I don’t know there’s a the Villager [ __ ] [ __ ] why the [ __ ] why is this guy a noob

For me why is this one wait silk touch Unbreaking three so we have librarian Master man sh dude man he sell he sells Fortune three man gotta man we have breaking um three we have come on silk touch stream man right come on yo yeah no hang on he this

Guy here sell silk touch ey yeah man we have mending eye we didn’t have he’s supposed to breaking to and then he has fire protection I then you have I I don’t know why hell you’re a noob man you were I could they’re all maxed out the [ __ ]

That’s weird wait wait where the [ __ ] did this guy go there was a villager here I know I don’t know which one it was but I have no clue plus two villagers okay yeah I yo who the hell killed my villagers dude y man dude what about you was that no three

Alex just said he was choking them hey hey Alex what the h you [ __ ] killed the V you’re not funny dude is that you that’s not funny that was not funny dude he’s running away it was him I’m backing up the realm I want to see

Something here real quick if dark did it then I hate this if D didn’t mean he’s getting banned from the realm if that was D he’s getting banned from the real I’m Sim as that man he gets banned from the real if that was him I’m not joking

Not [ __ ] joking dud okay P what do you think of Alex’s house he said it I’m backing up the room 10 minutes ago hang on I want to see something if not put it back to the original back his house was see Alex if you

Them that took like the rten flesh guy I think he was like [ __ ] yeah I maxed him out dude man the [ __ ] wrong with you bro he kept going 64 52 then 25 that’s like long he even S A even the farmer guy he s a pumpkin pie for one Emerald

No I promise you Seth Dar if it’s Dar he’s getting banned from the real I’m not joking man if it was D he’s getting Perman banned from the realm I don’t care man he’s getting Perman banned I mean I mean per [ __ ] baned man like banned out of here now

Man please do because he been terrorizing us like forever even you if they’re still dead my life I’m back up the r 10 minutes I want see if they’re still here or not they’re killed recently or not I’m curious man very curious dude so yeah I got

Disconnected yeah back to that’s why man hang on it’s back in the back up that’s why fam hang on I promise it was I need to text Dar and see if it was him if it was he’s I’m going to ban him dude did you my freaking villagers in the training

Hall cuz if so you’re not funny cuz now you’re going to get banned not cool at all man you know how long me and freaking Ian busted her ass to get that Dr hole going my serious all man I backed up not man we see what happens dude in chat so yeah

See what happens I guess if it’s still gone uh who do we B I don’t know man I wasn’t here was I was gone man I don’t know what the [ __ ] I I wasn’t here I don’t know the only persons who was here was Alex and dark those are the only

Persons who was there yeah I know I know that man but I got said I was not here man so I don’t know what happened I I don’t know wasn’t here so I might know what the hell happened I was not here I mean pyro I mean not I mean dark

Is a trick he let all your sheep at once that was Dar you said dark like you say dark release all your sheets I think he did I don’t know now man I a guess man it can’t be Alex Alex didn’t even do anything I don’t

Know man no damn all I know is I’m pissed off man cuz we because I know a village we’re missing man we’re we’re dude we’re missing the efficiency villager go check to see if he’s still there or not man if not I’m going to [ __ ] banar he’s gone this is is enough he’s

Done is the Viller still there when you guys join check and shipment let me know I’m to check if not I’ll have to get his if his not to get his [ __ ] stupid dumbass damn ass back and [ __ ] him in come on if he’s not I’ll have to get him

Back I guess I’ll have to like he come back he’s going to come back into your next stream and you have to tell him you got B wants to be a [ __ ] sometimes you need ban people learn a [ __ ] lesson that’s not funny at all really is this

This third warning or just it’s permit B I don’t know I have no CL I have no keep track you have the perit because those villagers and you and E took forever to get yeah I know know sure we didn’t man I I us I was like grinding out potion

Ingredients for a while we get those bands so I know because if that villager here it just’s goingon to like kill me I’ll you help me have to come I’m have time do it tonight man I have to work tomorrow as well man he’ll have to come

On like kind of like try to help me get get it back I guess I don’t know why why is the Blacksmith Villager out wait he’s out come on yes he’s out can you put him back out can you put him back in please thank you yeah sure sure

I got you I just join the armor the the vill B that pen right man right the blacksmith guy right he was the one that was giving diamond armor too man I just noticed did someone kill him too or no look in chat I think someone join the

Stream was that d d back on the chat or no all is still in place no someone it says the stream someone someone was in here and they and they left the door open who’s in the Stream chat is that D or no I don’t know it’s either me or

Dark I’ve your stream no I know you are I don’t know who else I know that was D at first and what not dark is just laughing it’s not [ __ ] funny D I just told him there not might told the freaking stupid damn [ __ ] dude I

Told him the B I’m like if it was you I’m I’m Banning him if you’re here is ain’t funny please tell the truth please is ain’t funny as [ __ ] I don’t okay he’s getting banned now if I find it was him and next know he’s going to say it wasn’t me though it

Wasn’t me on I need to get this [ __ ] back down man I’m going to have to like page of the book I just realized [ __ ] okay I put him back pyro I put them black check the town hall the main train see if that come fck see if

That damn V that selling diamond armor is still there or not man I think he is still there I’m just not sure man double check on that real quick and make sure he’s still should be there I think what you got bad news don’t you Yep they’re not there who’s not oh my

God the rot and flesh guy and the farmer guy and the efficiency guy [ __ ] hell they’re all not there and the door is open too and plus Alex was right there she spawned right there so you’re saying it’s Alex now then is what you’re saying no like like

Once I was over there I saw Alex name tag like right next to like not inside but the door still it was still open come on what where at why would I kill him I need Diamond you need diamond armor yeah well I don’t know you guys can bre the [ __ ] V back

Up then sh come on come on I won’t have time to do it tonight guys like I said work in the morning what not man but I but I I need to get this vilder right here back up max level man if she’s all [ __ ] up in her trade now dude I need

To get back back up to Max man cuz I could have swar I had her ass Max and sh dud I guess not I I need to get paper I I have a lot of paper in my end chest let me see yeah see yeah I need I

Need I need to get more why the [ __ ] is there train trcks right here I not put train TRS here dude that’s another weird thing too now man man you guys know wait this this train CH wasn’t here when we last were here yeah I know I just said

That now man I have like this man someone’s been in go check the breeding Farm make sure there still know no you know this connects to you right man go check over there what why is there holes wait where why is there pyro they let it out

They’re all gone what they’re G dude what they’re all gone are you [ __ ] kidding me right now yo all right dar’s banned I’m I’m no no I’m done dar’s [ __ ] banned dar’s gone he’s out here pyro the train trck is literally broken so that means oh my God

Are you [ __ ] Dar is done he’s banned dar’s banned from the round permanent banned he’s done he’s out of here I’m [ __ ] done I’m done dude I’m [ __ ] done with him he’s out of here he’s banned the last time I came here there was a vill there was a farmer villager

In here and P was still on Farmer villager was there what the the what the someone griefed the trading Hall they killed the efficiency villager and whatnot someone killed all the villagers in the breeding pen so now we can’t breed villagers back up so now if we want any more villagers

We have to bring them back to the base killed other villagers in the training Hall as well I see a skeleton horse in the distance what this [ __ ] sucks dude [ __ ] not okay man I’m going to see his house I want to see if D left sh in his house man or not

So I see if I no may put EV he’s [ __ ] stupid dude and I finally Dead He’s banned he’s done Che like under like [ __ ] because because because right now because right now we’re currently missing them in the jobs and whatnot dude come on like the [ __ ] Le turns

For the jobs and whatnot too as well man a saddle already evidence in that he was in the saddle I was recently then I don’t see nothing in here wait maybe he hides up under the floor just check please why me cuz like you know how people what the [ __ ] yeah look see

There I told nothing down here though man there nothing down here why is there a wood ow they hit me bro I’m sorry I’m sorry sh nothing here dude could a pyro just like [ __ ] it did wait did he swim in lava once yeah

He did man yeah that’s how he got rid of the evidencea I think that’s how he I think that’s why he died to a [ __ ] lava in Zombie that’s why you kept dying you could just [ __ ] do stuff should I call the other [ __ ] F

To see if we G else and [ __ ] did because we need we need to figure what we what we lost so we can rebuild or refix it and what not CU we’re missing a lot of sh dude no we lost L [ __ ] farms and

[ __ ] we lost [ __ ] man I want to know if he griefed anything else cuz you know I don’t know if it was when I came when I first came like where the breeding section was a farmer villager was out yeah wish they never ever man here’s a

Tip for you man they never supposed to be in there for a reason man and it was the max level one what cows what cows Alex what cows man wait no please please please please not the cows please not the mushroom cows man if it’s the mush cows I’m gonna [ __ ] cry

Man if it’s the mushroom CS he’s per for everything please no my SCS are fine but he wants to be the regular cow does he mean the regular cow cuz he’s over there yeah yeah man yeah man dude yeah oh my God where the [ __ ] are the where did all the cows

Go where the P where the cows I have to bring it back up that man I guess need to bring it back up I guess I don’t know all right all right so I’m going to go on my chle box see if I can get that

Library and Traer Max back up now me and Ian will have to figure out what villager he kill what not man so we can try to the P did it what do you mean the pigs did it also we’re also going have to try to try to get our um villagers back and

Whatnot we’re going to have to fix the breed or what not too man me to fix problem being is now it’s hard to get Villers over here man what do you me Mason Strong what the hell you talking about K T man why why do you think Mason Strong for man what

Are you talking about how I I wasn’t even on the realm because I was AFK in my house the whole time the the pigs did it Alex now is trying to make it sound like you killed them for some RealD reason pyro I’ve been in my house the

Whole time you can believe in this [ __ ] and plus I left around just to watch what yeah I know um I need paper and Max guy back out I don’t know what TR he has three four five I have that look at the C3 I need to get him back out man I

Wasing on my house yeah I know I saw that I need to get him maxed back out this guy he’s look the C3 and I’m back um I got 17 thats any chance you did you did you put the black back in his room I

Man up in the library right you put him back in yeah I put him back in he was out the door was open at page 29 so someone wanted him out got you man I don’t know who is on wait what what did he just say just now kill’s missing at the house

Pet what what about huh pet horse pet what do you mean what do you mean pillar missing huh what do you mean he he says like he said you talking about dude oh I see me dude are you [ __ ] kidding me dude he he wasn’t joking around look what what

The if y all have T I got to get off now I got work in the morning guys if yall can can you just repair whatever’s been broken like damage like get [ __ ] repaired and one off cuz I’m getting really pissed off oh I’m the only who’s

Going to be online and sometimes so I Le help me [ __ ] fix [ __ ] and whatnot guys so you your on mind okay she missing her damage will not fix it or replace it crops missing what crops what the [ __ ] now no look there’s like where the

Are yeah gotcha I could see that okay I think dark did it too far that’s one thing I don’t know if it’s him or not was not here man I don’t know well he’s the only who [ __ ] trolls and Phil I I don’t think it was

Phil man Phil would never Phil know I’d ban his ass if he did that [ __ ] Dar knows the same [ __ ] but yet again who the [ __ ] knows you would rather I post on the Discord server just the [ __ ] them train hle got griefed and [ __ ] dude she and we lost some

Villers and whatnot man the and the auto breed got [ __ ] griefed just one not man too so yeah man no on I’m not backing up the real before we had to he spent like [ __ ] 5 hours trying to for the stiff EGS yeah and just double checking stuff

To see if anything’s missing and whatnot the Brea pet can’t fix we need the vill well you guys what you guys are going to need to do is you’re all going to have to go on boats and boat two villagers back them and throw them inside the pen

And whatnot sh the way to fix it man you need to do that I’m check if anything else is oh yeah you you should probably let Ian know too man if you see him before I see him I mean he calls me usually when I get online he just [ __ ] sees me and

Just but Minecraft realm server the Villager breeding area got griefed and the villagers are all dead someone killed a lot of the villagers inside the trading Hall someone griefed the horse pen someone griefed some of the Farms I think I think dark did it he’s the only who keep [ __ ] trolling oh

Yeah I know dude but like I said I was not here I don’t know who the [ __ ] didn’t man I was not here like I just told you before and sure D I don’t know breaking to fire protection eying right man bending deep Strider look a see respiration let me

Have we have lure eye so touch I whatnot yep on and then and then we have breaking three and whatnot and sharpness three and then we have Fortune three and ly 3 and whatnot I’m might check theef yeah check that check the XP go form too

By what XP what you know the XP and gold for you know what I’m talking about man you know what I mean oh yeah the XP go sometimes I get confused like with other ones yeah got no you’re good got gotcha skeleton here have a skeleton that’s

Why yeah I know I know I know you check that too while you’re get a second why why is there Iron why is there lo oh never mind never mind it’s just a iron golem release that’s why there’s a fence open that’s why oh that’s it that’s it that’s you you know

You know you know where the iron farm and XP farm is are right yeah the gold XP farm and then the iron farm two M right you know that stuff’s out right iron go get the [ __ ] inside no no you ain’t allow wait what’s going on what

Happened now the Iron Golem got released from the what I don’t know he’s like standing right near the pillar what from the freaking um how oh no he must have broke something on top M check up top make sure think it’s broken I see what’s

Going on up there I care the iron wants to kill me why does he want to come on no don’t kill no the vill man just check the [ __ ] Farm dude there shouldn’t be none out in the first man check the sides make sure none the bushes are the

Other the sides haven’t been broken or anything that been broken that’s probably no probably been broken that’s why it’s released F so everything okay up there or what yeah just one Iron Golem release that’s it they never get out they’re not supposed to fire me they they should not

Be it’s escape proof which means something’s been done to it then you need to kill them as Wells you need to kill him as well trying because there’s no way for him to get on on some I’m trying to tell you man just not Hey sir get the [ __ ]

Off beds in the what’s fire what does that mean what he said beds in the hall chest I don’t know no clue Alex what do you mean I he means in the training Hall it’s nothing don’t worry about keep checking what you’re doing see double make sure’s working AFK

It for a few minutes see if it’s working on whatnot make sure you didn’t [ __ ] with the Redstone and whatnot make sure you didn’t [ __ ] with the Redstone and what not with the damn thing and [ __ ] you know what I mean he might have mess with something on you don’t

Know I just want to make sure he mess with nothing on it all right so I got this voted maxed out again or whatever HST lure to and luck of the C3 and whatnot so yeah hey at least dark can’t bother us anymore well I haven’t bam you

Man I’m just saying on my D I don’t know if it’s I have no clue so must be on Discord hang on Alex said took bottom chest you know that what Alex said someone took the bottom chest off what what do you mean bottom chest of what the training Hall

Nice because you can’t just say like they took in Hall bottom everything looks fine to me manry we’re good man looks fine to me man so yeah all right well at least he didn’t kill the iron diamond armor guy at least I mean I mean I guess but I’m get

Another Clerk and whatnot no we can now we can now but that clerk so like sold some blocks like the close I like using and [ __ ] man that sucks man I’m going to have to try to get another cler I’m this [ __ ] sucks I’m going to have

To try to get more villagers tomorrow I mean unless we let these villagers out now man TR and try to breed them up somehow dude and get them to breed but I don’t know we need like at least like two villagers so we I well all I know is all

I know is I need you two to go the villager village and what not no the closest one is behind lady’s base and get two villagers villagers and bring them back here and put them ins that breeding hall building and whatnot and then and then what you need to do is you

Need to put down two lect turns and the like the part where the water goes down and then have two uh the hopper the two of the crop things to make them give them the farmer jobs and whatnot put those in the middle you know how to do it right you

Know how that runs it’s a it’s a basic [ __ ] Farm it’s not very hard to do you showed me once remember you show me how to do it yeah no I’m not I was proba eat man but no I need you guys to go do that man

Cuz I need the Farms repared man I need to get the villagers back and what how the [ __ ] did you do that if you guys can please thank you okay the iron farm looks okay it’s okay I don’t I don’t like it keep saying okay man you sure looks fine man you

Sure everything’s okay on it yeah it’s okay every Golem is dying I guess just I guess one Golem got released by accident but yeah a diamond they D to gives you iron and whatnot dude and [ __ ] so yeah man I wonder if it could have been unknown that griefed but yeah again I

Don’t know I don’t think it was unknown either who else was on besides unknown it was unknown it was Phil it was kitaki it was you it was three Alex was all on tonight so I don’t know and dark it’s not dark dark it’s dark but

Yeah no I would not grief anything I like the end the stream off remember streaming this whole time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival wither boss and looking for sniffer eggs’, was uploaded by PYRO PLAYS GAMES on 2024-01-13 04:08:53. It has garnered 70 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:41:09 or 16869 seconds.

hey guys pyro here welcome back to another Minecraft stream for todays stream I’m fighting the wither and also trying to find sniffer eggs on for my server this Minecraft live stream was crazy we had a full server and everything it was realy fun we got are first beacon/ first wither star and first sniffer eggs realy fun thank u philrl25 potato-bot12 Kickaty Alex. unknown. ………………………………………………………………… #PS5Live PlayStation 5. Minecraft bedrock looking for sniffers. minecraft 1.20. minecraft update. minecraft bedrock. minecraft sniffer minecraft wither. minecraft wither boss. minecraft survival. minecraft builder. scary minecraft. Sony Interactive Entertainment Minecraft let’s play

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Killing the Ender Dragon in Minecraft – Survival World Ep. 10

    Killing the Ender Dragon in Minecraft - Survival World Ep. 10 Conquering the Ender Dragon in Minecraft: A Survival Adventure Welcome back to another thrilling episode of our Minecraft survival series! Today, our intrepid player sets out on a daring quest to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. Armed with determination and a trusty weapon, they venture into the dangerous realm of the End. Let’s join them on this epic journey! Preparing for the Battle As our player gears up for the ultimate showdown, they make sure to pack all the essential supplies and weapons. With nerves of steel, they enter the End portal, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead…. Read More

  • SneakyRohit: Horse Can’t Swim?!

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  • Timber Tales: Day 6 – The Final Chop!

    Timber Tales: Day 6 - The Final Chop! On the 6th day, chopping trees until I die, But alas, the series ends, rule violation, oh my! No attacking zombies, we broke the decree, The adventure cut short, what a sight to see. If you had fun, support with a like and subscribe, Join the journey, let’s keep the vibe. Minecraft tales, in rhymes we share, Crafting stories, with a playful flair. Read More

  • Day 2: Pillar Chaos – 1K Days in Better Minecraft

    Day 2: Pillar Chaos - 1K Days in Better Minecraft Day 2 – Mixed Pillars Galore – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with our dedicated player as they craft their way through 1,000 days of adventure. On Day 2, our builder focuses on creating stunning pillars to enhance their virtual abode. Materials Used: Echo Log Maple Log Acacia Log Purple Terracotta Bricks Purple Terracotta With a mix of logs and terracotta, our player is set to transform their house into a masterpiece. The choice of materials adds depth and character to the structure, making it stand out in… Read More

  • Fueling Fun: Bamboo Farm for Endless Sun

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  • Guessing YouTubers in Minecraft

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  • Last Minute Fright: Herobrine Haunts Minecraft Mod!

    Last Minute Fright: Herobrine Haunts Minecraft Mod! In the land of blocks and mobs, a player roamed, Collecting food and resources, never alone. But as night fell, strange sounds did appear, And a mysterious figure, Herobrine, drew near. Knocking on doors, causing a fright, The player’s heart raced in the dead of night. With a flash and a grin, Herobrine did show, Leaving the player to wonder, where did he go? So if you dare to play, beware the signs, For in Minecraft, even legends can come alive. But fear not, brave players, for the adventure’s still in sight, Just keep crafting, building, and exploring, day… Read More

  • Tracked Tinnt’s Minecraft Mayhem: Episode 3

    Tracked Tinnt's Minecraft Mayhem: Episode 3 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, KIRAMC and TINNT, creating a spree. Tracking each other, in a game of chase, With mods and updates, adding more grace. The Mega SMP, a world of its own, Where survival is tough, but the fun has grown. Monsters and miners, all in one place, Creating adventures, at a fast pace. KIRAMC and TINNT, a dynamic duo, Exploring the world, with each new show. With rhymes and jokes, they entertain, In Minecraft world, they both reign. So tune in now, to watch the fun, In Minecraft world, where battles… Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

    Ultimate Modern House Build Guide Minecraft: Building a Modern House Tutorial In the vast world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. In this tutorial, IrieGenie showcases how to build a stunning modern house with intricate interior design. Let’s dive into the details of this architectural masterpiece! Exterior Design The video kicks off with a focus on the exterior of the modern house. From the sleek lines to the contemporary aesthetic, every detail is meticulously crafted to create a visually appealing structure that stands out in the Minecraft landscape. Interior Decoration As we move inside the house, the attention to detail is truly impressive. The… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

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  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

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  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

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  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

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  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More