Floki – OP Secret Bosses VS The Most Secure Minecraft House!

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There we go Rosie our first every diamond we got it that we have to protect it with our life I know it looks so shiny and it’s so precious I’m already so attached I’m afraid we already have bad news though what why I don’t like that news flokey look at that

Rosie there’s a giant train that looks like a spider he’s escaping his cage and he’s headed right over to our base to steal our only diamond oh no we have to do something about this I know Rosie we have to make sure that he can never ever

Escape and never come to our base to steal the diamond okay Rosie but before we go out to defend our base we have to check out the common wall and see what our buddies are saying and seeing if we have any new challenges alright Loki so

Enzo Gabriel prokel says that we have to put a Wither wow that’s such a smart idea I think we’re whatever we’re defending against is going to be super scared of the winner he might not even try to steal our Diamond all right let’s go alright

So by the end of the video we’re going to have to make an awesome winner Tower to defend our diamond and if you have any awesome ideas to defend our base make sure to comment it down below and you might end up on the comment wall in

The next video okay Rosie so the first idea that I had is that we make a tunnel above the train tracks filled with lasers so if he does end up managing to get out of here he will have to go through the tunnel of lasers it’s impossible for him to survive that ride

Loki that’s actually such a smart idea a tunnel of lasers he’s never going to survive that that’s right Rosie so what we need for that is we’re gonna need some Bedrock we’re gonna need a couple of lasers and we’re gonna need a laser bedding I’ll show you what to do exactly

Rosie just take this thank you okay Rosie so what we have to do is you gotta make a wall three High okay everywhere just make a wall three high for a couple of blocks out okay but Loki do you see that he’s already starting to break out

We have to hurry up oh no luckily we blocked the holes with this wall already so that’s a good start okay that’s far enough Rosie so what we have to do now is grab a shield pad and put it somewhere at the end right here so not

Over there we gotta start here you silly cause we gotta hook it up with lasers look oh whoa that actually looks so cool floaty I know right look at this and now we just have to finish this entire tunnel with these lasers so he can never

Ever escape and if he gets out of here he has to go through a wall of lasers that’s pretty much impossible right it is he’s never going to make it you gotta watch out that we don’t actually touch the lasers ourselves okay they’re super super dangerous Rosie yeah they look

Very dangerous and very painful we don’t want to touch that there we go we’re nearly done on oh my gosh this is starting to look super awesome we can never get through here this actually looks so dangerous floaty I can’t believe it whoa Rosie look at that the

Entire tunnel is completely filled with lasers he’s gonna have such a hard time stealing her one Diamond I know this is impossible to break through Floki we did such a good job all right Rosie so we have to make sure that if he does end up

Breaking out of this cage it he will go through the front AKA through the tunnel of lasers so we have to make sure he cannot go through the sides or the back how are we gonna do that Rosie oh I actually have such a good idea we should

Place mines all over here at the sides at the back everywhere so he can’t escape it’s actually a super smart idea Rosie we’re going to put mines all around this cage so he won’t even dare to try and escape from that side so he will have to go through the tunnels okay

Let’s get some mines out here there we go I’m gonna give you some and just place them all around the sides and the back of the cage watch out though do not walk on them Rosie oh look at how many mines there are now oh he actually looks kindness Rosie

Watch out oh my gosh that was close oh no we have to watch oh Rosie stop placing them under me you’re placing them under me you silly stop I’m not you’re just walking over them I’m not why would you play some mine right behind me of course I’m gonna walk over

Them all right there we go we place the Minefield all around this cage so if he wants to escape he will have to go through the tunnel of lasers but I don’t think that’s going to be enough Rosie if he actually manages to go through the

Tunnel of lasers we gotta have a backup plan you’re totally right what are you thinking about so what I was thinking about is we should get this real track over here make it seem like it’s going directly into our base but we gotta divert it we gotta change the direction

Of the real track to another place and at the end of that real track there’s going to be a TNT trap are you up for it well it actually sounds so smart flocking let’s do it the first thing we have to do is we have to hide the new

Real Track let’s just Place some grass down so he doesn’t see what’s going on the right behind this grass we’re going to have a little turn right here oh my gosh look at that he won’t even have a clue that he’s going the opposite direction now just keep building it that

Way we gotta keep hiding it that’s perfect this looks so awesome flokey he’s never gonna suspect a thing Rosie you’re gonna be even more excited if I tell you what’s going to happen at the end of this real track are you ready for it I can’t wait tell me so what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to make a TNT trap at the end of this real track so under these blocks oh geez there’s a lot of water here we have to fix that Rosie there we go all right so what we have to do right now we just have to place the

Awesome TNT blocks like this then place the grass blocks on top he’s gonna have no idea what’s under this Rosie and then by the end we’re gonna place down some detect the real so whenever he drives over this the deity will explode but wait we have to make him stop as well so

He doesn’t overshoot it and get off the tracks you’re so smart Floki this idea is perfect I know right so now we have two or three awesome defenses first off he has to come through the laser wall and then he has to come over here he’s gonna find out that there’s a little

Turn here he’s gonna go over there and he’s gonna get blown up by TNT however if that’s not enough we’re gonna have to need more defenses Rosie are you thinking what I’m thinking I think so but Logan is as perfect you don’t even see it he’s never going to fall for it

For the next step I think we have to hmm Place another door I know right our base is not looking very secure I mean wooden stuff wood is not that tough to break so we have to make the entire base into an impenetrable Fortress so no one could

Ever get through except for us yeah you’re totally right okay let me get another door I’m gonna get several so you can choose from them all right just show me what doors we’ve got Rosie we have to pick the best one all right Loki so I picked four doors I think it is

Very important that we keep the door small because he’s so big so there’s no way he can enter that’s true that’s super smart we have to pick the Securus door that is one tile wide oh my gosh they all look so awesome which store would you guys pick which stores do you

Guys think is the most awesome looking one I think Rosie they all look very cool but this one just looks super secure look at that it’s made out of solid metal I know I totally agree we should definitely go with that one that’s so cool okay I’ll take it it’s

Right there whoa look at that you can’t even see inside now our diamonds just got a little bit safer I know this is perfect right so the next thing we have to do is we have to make it a super a secret door okay not just anyone can be

Able to open this we gotta place a keypad down now what do you think is a very good goat Rosie we have to figure out a code that no one can crack ever this is is very important and very secret let’s think you can ask our

Buddies Rosie what do you guys think is the most hardest goat to crack you gotta comment your hardest code ever so we can put that in the next video and no one can ever guess it ever for now I think I’m going to put my personal favorite

Heart code one one one one oh my gosh isn’t that hard it is really hard but you’ve done that already so I think we should maybe put two two two two two wow Rosie you’re super smart maybe choo choo Charles over there actually saw our videos that’s true

But wait tutu that’s it’s kind of like choo choo oh no oh okay okay we have to put in three three three then yeah oh no three three three three kind of sounds like a train going choo choo so we gotta put 444 there we go there we go there we

Go yeah perfect well luckily we’re so smart do you guys agree with our decision uh I think we’re pretty smart right okay now let’s go out there and see how our little buddy is doing do I see that correctly did he just oh my gosh he broke more windows Rosie’s

Almost getting out oh no no you have to hurry up for real now okay let’s go back we have to make our house even stronger because wood is not strong enough we gotta make it a super hard material so what are we going for Rosie there are a lot of different options

What do you think about Diamond obsidian or maybe even Bedrock diamond we literally have one diamond in there Rosie we can’t we don’t have enough okay but Bedrock is way too op let’s go for obsidian let’s do it oh my gosh I have a super awesome black Rosie it’s called

Reinforced obsidian whoa what does that mean is that even better than normal obsidian I think so all right Rosie the first one to get his half completely changed wins let’s go let’s go you can’t cheat okay Floki that’s not fair I never cheat Rosie you cheat you’re already

Cheating I want a loser loser loser you’re so slow Rosie it’s so not fun to play this game with you because you’re always cheat how is this cheating the goal is to do it as fast as possible and I did it as fast as possible so I won

Yeah the goal is to do it as fast is possible without cheating so just by hand oh my gosh you’re so slow Rosie you know what I’m just gonna help you there we go oh no I messed up oh no bro look at this I accidentally set everything to

Obsidian our base just got like half in size now you know what it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter that means that that stupid little choo choo train doesn’t fit in our base anymore it’s actually perfect I guess okay whatever let’s leave it at this okay but I think the

Back is still not done you didn’t do everything there we go Rosie I helped you don’t worry about it wow thank you so much for your cheating help I really appreciate it alright so we built a couple of defenses and I have a feeling that it might not be enough Rosie so we

Have to build a bunch more okay it’s time to create a big Lava River all around the base of it if it does end up getting here and skipping this little part he’s gonna have to fall inside of the lava okay let’s make a giant lava

Mood okay flukey let’s do it but I think we have to make it four even five why because he’s so huge that’s true he is actually super big but how we’re gonna do this though yo I have an awesome idea we’re gonna leave these real tracks here

And if he gets over them somehow we’ll just destroy the blocks under him and he’ll fall directly into the lava that’s such a good idea flokey let’s do that are we going to make it a race again it’s going to be a race okay let’s do it

I’m gonna win for this time oh you’re not I’m gonna win I’m gonna win no cheating you have to do it by hand floke he promised me I am doing it by hand I’m doing it by hand look I would wow floaty what not even fun to play

With you anymore well but I’m doing it way faster how is this not fun this is awesome it’s not cheating is not awesome boom there we go I’m doing everything so quick Rosie look at this we have to be quick okay he’s breaking out of there wow you’re

Cheating and you’re even missing blocks when you’re cheating you’re such a noob don’t worry about it Rosie I’m doing it way faster than you ever could okay if you say so there we go we completed the Lava River around our base now I have a strong feeling that this might not even

Be enough so it’s finally time to build what the comet wall said we should build okay so thank you again for the person that commented and don’t forget if you want to be on the Commodore you gotta make sure to come with an awesome idea to defend our one little Diamond but for

Now we have to make a very awesome looking Tower and put two winners in there let’s do it let’s get some obsidian make like a tower like this make a little platform on it oh my gosh this is looking awesome already what kind of towers this going to be I’m a

Little bit confused well we’re going to build a tower like this look at me then we’re going to place a winner right on top we gotta fence it in though let’s get some awesome nether brick fences so we know that it’s super safe up here

There we go and then we’re gonna have to build the winner so the winner if I remember correctly is built this way okay you make a little T out of Soul Sand and you place three heads on top let’s try it out boom whoa it actually worked

That looks so awesome and so dangerous he looks even more dangerous on the train whoa Arch what what the heck oh no he exploded we have to make sure he can’t escape no no no get out of there okay there we go he cannot Escape okay he has to stay up

There and defend our base yeah I didn’t know he could explode things so I didn’t know either I’m a Minecraft Noob okay there we go let’s finish your one oh it has to be a lot bigger Rosie what the heck did you make here I don’t know but

I figured so I think this is big enough right there we go this is big enough okay let’s finish it all up here so like this yep what head should I use these these ones this one you can place the final one okay okay three two one let’s

Do it oh oh my gosh we have two winners defending our base right now look at how awesome that looks oh he has no idea what’s gonna hit him if he ends up escaping whoa that’s awesome all right so I’m pretty sure it’s impossible for Choo Choo Charles to ever break into this

Space but we have to prepare for the worst case scenario Rosie we have to defend ourselves even better do you know what I mean I totally know what you mean the only defense that’s missing is us I think we should make ourselves stronger that’s true Rosie so what we’re going to

Do is we’re going to make a dispenser Armory okay so let’s get some dispensers out here like this then we’re gonna get some pressure plays like this then we’re gonna get a little fence like this now do you remember this from the last time Rosie we have to make a very cool and

Good looking dispenser Armory yeah I remember you put the dispensers right on top like this that’s good we gotta find the best looking armor that we can find oh my gosh there’s so many awesome Swords jingle Max flamed dragon bone sword yo I’m gonna pick that one okay

You gotta find out and figure out what sword you want to use I’m gonna use the flamed dragon bone sword whoa that looks so awesome wait let me search for mine and now we also have to pick our armor let’s see what I’m going for

Um I think I’m going to pick whoa this looks like Spider-Man’s armor I’m gonna pick that one and then I’m gonna get the yeti horde helmet oh my gosh I’m gonna look so weird okay but it doesn’t matter because this all looks super cool uh dragons I need some awesome looking legs

Wow I think these one are perfect for this and now the last thing I need are some boots oh my gosh I have so many awesome ones I can’t pick dragon skill boots now that sounds awesome I picked my clothes Rosie you gotta pick yours

Now I already picked my Floki it took so long wow that’s mean okay let’s see if it works okay I think it does all right place one of your item in every single dispenser not all in the same one otherwise it doesn’t work okay that is

Super crucial there we go let’s grab it like this and then the next time we walk into the dispenser you will get all the clothes at the same time it’s super awesome you want to test it out I think we should look it is going to look so

Awesome whoa you look so cool oh my God okay okay my turn my turn boom lucky what did you think you look so silly what’s that on your head oh my gosh I don’t know I look so bad but I’m pretty sure that I’m super strong look

At how big my sword is oh my gosh we are definitely gonna beat him wait whoa what the heck is that sound wait we’re the winners are they fighting I it sounds like it whoa what the how did he make it past the lasers Rosie oh my gosh I

Really have no idea but the winners are taking care of him oh my gosh yo I want to thank the person that commented to use winner so much we don’t even have to do anything he’s just getting delayed the winners for us oh my gosh let’s go

Back into our base the winners have turned against us let’s go get in the base Rosie oh my gosh okay whatever we have a big problem our defenses oh what you’re dead all right we have a big problem our defenses have turned against us Rosie the winners have killed choo

Choo Charles and they’ve turned against us that’s a big problem how are we ever gonna defeat them to be honest Loki I have no idea I think we should just run for it run no but we’re pretty safe here you know what let’s ask our parties

Buddies how do we ever get out of this situation you gotta tell us hey Rosie hey flokey do you see that Gage over there what’s inside of it it looks so scary it’s a void King watch out he’s super scary he’s trying to break out look at him oh yo he’s talking too

Whoa did you hear that I think he says that we have to watch out before he breaks our base oh no he’s gonna break out Rosie quick we gotta build some defenses to protect our stuff I think the first thing we’re going to do is we gotta upgrade this door okay a wooden

Door is not gonna help us at all look at how big he is he’s gonna stop through it like it’s nothing you’re completely right hmm what door should we place Loki I think we should put like a very big bunker door that’s like three wide so it’s super strong it’s super reliable

Okay so let’s see what we’ve got over here I’m going to go over to door oh my gosh this one looks cool this one looks cool um and this one looks cool I’m gonna show them to you you have to pick one Rosie okay so it’s either gonna be this

One this one or this one you can go ahead and open them up and you tell me what we should use whoa they all look so cool but aren’t this one and this one the same door well no one opens up and one opens down come on open them up give

Him a try hi okay let’s do it oh so cool this is really hard to choose from I don’t know I think I like this one the best because it goes down and I’ve never seen that ever in my life all right let’s put it right here and see

How it looks oh my gosh that is so cool this is so awesome I feel so safe already but I don’t think it’s enough Rosie because that thing is super dangerous okay here’s the void King we gotta build some more defenses maybe we should start with a code for

Our door so not everyone can pass oh that is super smart Rosie go ahead and place one down we gotta make a super secure code okay no one can ever find out the code not even our buddies so hey we got we need you guys to close your

Eyes okay you cannot look at the code rosie come here come here Rosie this is super secret look Rosie the code is going to be one one one one okay do not tell it to anybody okay flukey just so hard not even the smartest person in

The world is able to guess it alright Rosie so for the next idea to upgrade our defenses we’re actually gonna go over to the common wall so we can see what our buddies have been commenting and they probably gave us like a super awesome idea and if you guys did I’m

Gonna love you forever okay are you ready yes let’s do it let’s see what our buddies have to say Alvin Cena tells us to get an iron golem and lasers and magma blocks to guard us oh my gosh so they want us to build a magma fence all

Around their base that is such a smart idea that is actually so cool how did we never think of that I think they must be way smarter than us they are way smarter than us I think we’re a little bit stupid but that’s what we have to come

At 12 if you guys have any awesome ideas to upgrade our defenses for the next videos make sure to comment and you might end up on the comment wall so now we’re gonna use an idea that one of you guys posted there get a magma block

Rosie let’s do it here we go go and make a fence all around the base I’m gonna beat you I’m gonna be first no you’re not I’m going to win this no you’re not no you’re not first one there is awesome last one there smells like farts whoa

But you already smell like farts so that’s not really fair well that’s super mean are you Rosie I don’t smell like farts you kinda do flokey but it’s okay I’ll accept you anyway hey I’m winning I’m winning I’m winning I did it I won

No you did it I want rosie no you didn’t Floki I won okay let’s see what the next thing is I think the next thing that we have to upgrade is we have to make a giant laser wall above the magma blocks so when he tries to get over here he has

To pass the magma blocks and the laser wall too whoa that’s actually a pretty smart idea Floki let’s do that should we place lasers everywhere wait can we even put lasers on these magma blocks I gotta check that out Rosie if we can that is gonna be awesome oh my God Rosie let’s

Test it out okay I’m gonna put it bad right here we gotta put it on every single block and Link them one by one let’s see if it works whoa no way it actually works this is so awesome oh okay let’s put it everywhere Rosie we

Gotta finish the wall okay you go the other side okay okay I will oh this look it is gonna take such a long time it doesn’t matter Rosie we have to protect our stuff oh my gosh Rosie look he’s already breaking out a couple of bars

Are missing oh no this is bad news we have to actually hurry up we have to hurry up let’s make this with Magma wall as fast as possible oh no Rosie you won you’re way quicker than me yes finally okay but now we have to add all the

Lasers one by one oh geez it’s gonna take a long time I really hope he’s not gonna break out me neither so let’s be quick flokey there’s no time to waste all right there we go putting a couple ones here all right Rosie there we go

We’re almost done oh my gosh this took so long you can put the last one let’s do it yeah that took so long but it is so worth it look at it it looks so cool wait where are you I’m checking it out look how awesome this looks oh yo he

Broke even more parts we gotta hurry up Rosie it’s almost out okay so what’s the next one we gotta make an Armory so when he attacks us we’ll be ready with our armor okay let’s make an armor super quick I gotta explain to you how it

Works it’s a one one one there we go get in here get in here right Rosie so I’m going to explain to you how you make an Armory okay you need a a a dispenser you need a fence and you need a pressure plate oh my gosh this is gonna be so

Cool so what you do you place the dispensers like this like this like this like this and like this you put the oak fence right here and a pressure plate lie here and then when you walk into this they all activate it once so whatever you put in here you will

Automatically put it on so we’re gonna put the best armor we have in these dispensaries okay well this is actually so awesome are we going to do this at every side of our base oh we only need two one for you one for me so when all

The defenses have failed and he comes over here we can just walk into a dispensary and boom ready for battle wow okay let’s do it flokey hey you make one for yourself Rosie go ahead you gotta make one too let me see so I have to put

One here one there like this and then I put the fence right here and the pressure plate right on top did I do it correctly oh my gosh that is absolutely perfect Rosie okay so let’s put it full with gear okay get some diamond swords we gotta get some diamond leggings too

There we go full diamond at a diamond sword okay I’m Gonna Fill every single one up okay flooky I’m all done with my Armory but I have an even better idea have you ever heard of a Minefield oh my gosh Rosie that’s such a smarter deal we’re gonna put mines everywhere so how

Do you propose we do that Rosie where are we gonna put them I think in case it breaks out we have to put some bright hair so he actually explodes before entering our base that is super smart Rosie let’s get some mines oh um there we go here you go these ones I

Put them everywhere watch out okay do not stand on top of them they will explode Rosie watch out watch out it can’t be that bad right if you step on it oh yeah you want to test it out no don’t don’t don’t don’t let this loud oh

My gosh this might feel is absolutely gigantic okay I have another defense we could do yo oh my gosh she keeps breaking more plants we gotta watch out hurry up Rosie we have to hurry up Loki he said what I’m going to do is I’m

Going to make a line of TNT defense okay I’m gonna break a couple of blocks right here if he does end up being not afraid I wanted to come through the front gate okay let’s put some uh dispensers everywhere can you help me Rosie get some dispensers like this and put him

Face up okay face up okay I’ll do my side there we go and I’ll fill every single one with TNT okay every single one with one block of TNT no no you gotta make multiple bit likes five or six in there and what if I film it all

No no no no no no no no just fill it up at like five or 60 in t Okay Rosa I’m gonna do something very dangerous okay come over here and do not go that way anymore we’re gonna put some pressure plates on there okay now the next time

That we walk onto one of those pressure plates it will explode so do not go that way anymore okay no way that works we have to try it out I’m just kidding you gotta watch ow Rosie okay so if he does end up managing to walk over here right

We have to get another line of defense I’m gonna make a fireball shotgun dispensary that’s gonna be so sick Rosie that sounds so sick all right Rosie look at this you gotta copy me okay Place one of these after every single of these dispensers like this that is perfect

Rosie Now link them all up with redstone perfect no no no no no just like that it’s fine then get a lever okay get a lever lever whatever you want to call it and put it right here like this all right let’s test out if it works oh that

Works so now I want you to go and get Fireball okay get a couple of fireballs a fireball and fill them all up with Fireballs like this oh my gosh this is going to be awesome oh my gosh look it is going to be so cool he doesn’t stand

A chance oh my gosh we’re gonna win so so bad okay let’s see uh we’re almost done all right I think we got them all now right I think so too try it out Rosie go ahead flick it a couple of times whoa whoa actually so awesome it was it went all

The way over there to his cage oh my gosh this is so cool oh we actually hit him okay let’s see what’s next Loki I think it would be super super cool to get some Golem guards oh that is so smart let’s try and get um let’s get a muted Snow Golem and

Place them all around this area so if he does end up getting here he’s gonna get attacked by all the mutant so-calls oh my gosh look at them that looks so awesome wow look at his head it’s actually really pretty hey just place them all around the base okay Lizzy get

A couple more on this side as well oh my gosh that is perfect I forgot their name so you just do it here it doesn’t matter it’s okay we got it now oh look at him being scared oh my God no this stupid snow caller walked across oh no what do we do

We do you know what we have the perfect opportunity to make a giant lava pit here so he does not dare to enter it all oh my God they’re so stupid okay let’s get some lava Rosie let’s do it fill this entire place up with lava

Oh no they keep walking on the my fields too oh my God this is not good Floki this is not good it doesn’t matter okay oh I can’t believe this oh no it doesn’t matter there’s a giant lava pit here now this is actually for the better yeah it

Is this looks so awesome he’s never gonna survive the lava all right there we go Rosie let’s see what we have next okay so if he does manage to end up getting here we have to be able to hide our stuff into a secret chest okay let’s

Go inside one there we go get in bomb let’s see if I can get a secret chest going on that sounds so cool secret chested only we can open I know right so if we do have an emergency we can open the secret chest right here and put some

Of our most awesome items in there let’s get a flamethrower oh my gosh a flame dragon bone sword look at this Rosie that is so cool I know right flokiness is so cool and it totally goes with my outfit as well oh my gosh I’m

Gonna put a car in there I’m gonna put a dune buggy a flame thrower the flame dragon sword and let’s put the super awesome op DFG 10K nuclear weapon so if we do have an emergency we go into the base gear up using the dispensers take our secret gear and start fighting him

Sounds really good let’s see Loki do you see that he broke even more blocks oh my God she’s almost out let’s get a little bit closer to see how whoa he’s almost breaking out Rosie we gotta prepare okay what is the last thing we’re going to do

I think I have a good idea come back here let’s open it up again there we go so if he does end up getting in the base we have to have a secret getaway okay I’m gonna put in a secret door somewhere oh that sounds actually pretty cool so

We can escape no matter what here we go I’m gonna put it right here in the corner so we can open it up and walk through here well this looks actually so awesome it’s flokey yeah don’t we have to make a secret entrance right here like some kind of underground tunnel or

Something yeah you’re right Rosie let’s get a secret wooden trapdoor make a tiny turtle going out here and place the secret tractors down like this oh my gosh that’s perfect you’re so smart Rosie thank you I know let’s put some letters right here to actually Escape okay Froakie I think we’re actually

Really prepared now I think it’s time and I think he’s about to break out oh no I think he broke out whoa we broke out Rosie look he’s right there well they’re fighting already we gotta hurry up we gotta hurry up get our gear get our gear wait let’s go Loki he’s

Actually spawning more things hurry up oh my gosh they’re fighting oh grab my diamond sword get your dinosaur try and get him oh my whoa he’s spotting a bunch of dudes what the heck oh like whoa what was that he’s actually destroying the magma whoa dude he’s shooting at us

With lasers ow oh my gosh oh wow it’s a good thing we have snow here oh no stupid Snow Golems go attack him yes it’s working they’re attacking it oh no oh no oh no I’m going to activate the fire let’s go Fireballs no we’re missing

We gotta play some more oh no oh geez it’s not working Rosie flokey I’m here oh my gosh dude there’s two of them look try and throw some so so boss at him wait I don’t have snowballs can you give me some it’s not working Rosie we built this super stupid

Secure base oh my gosh I think it’s time to run we can’t survive this oh what okay yeah it is let’s use a secret thingy right here the wait I have an idea oh I’m gonna use the secret chest get in the base with the

Secret Door oh no I’m a fire again don’t worry I’m gonna get the super secret DFG 10K weapon okay you get the flamethrower what else the flamed legendary dragon Fort did you get some food as well because I’m almost dead again oh we forgot about the food it doesn’t matter

I’m gonna open this door up and attack you’ll be ready let’s go I think so use it oh no Rosie where are you my dad waits for me wait I think we actually got one Rosie ooh you we dropped something what is that whoa look at me no way this looks so

Awesome whoa watch out there’s still one left we gotta get him mask as well boom oh blokey what what was that that was insane it flew me up I don’t know Rosie wait I think I actually used some kind of super awesome weapon wait I think I

Got him really we did it Rosie look I have one for you too no way this is actually look at me wow we look so cool we won oh my gosh Rosie look at the house we just built it’s so awesome wow it looks so good look it’s also a super

Beautiful day so I think we could whoa did you hear that floaty what the heck was that I heard some kind of weird noise was that an explosion it sounded like one we should go and check it out I hope it’s not the village oh no me

Neither what about the villagers oh no I really hope the villagers are okay oh no what happened to the Village oh no this looks bad oh no everything is blown up what happened I don’t know flokey Rosie I think I found whatever did this what look there’s a giant robot over there or

Whatever that is oh oh what is that I don’t know we should go and check it out but our base Loki it’s full with diamonds I know I hope it doesn’t go over there if he does we gotta stop him but first we gotta check out what it is

Okay let’s go oh my God look it’s a giant robot how did it get here it’s so big oh my God it’s just standing still I’m not really sure what it’s doing now do you think it’s dangerous it looks scary oh no Rosie we should go back to

The base and defend our diamonds it cannot and I repeat not touch our diamonds okay you’re right Floki let’s go let’s run okay Floki what shall we do first to protect our base well first of all we should really check if our diamonds are still here I really hope so

Oh no I’m too scared I’m way too scared to open it you open it me but I’m scared too go ahead just to open it okay I’ll do it okay they’re still in there Floki it’s going to be our mission today to save these diamonds from whatever that

Was what are we gonna do first Loki to protect our base we gotta protect the door because this door is not enough so what I’m going to do is I’m going to build a very very secure door okay are you ready I am ready there we go look at

This oh whoa what kind of door is this flokey this is a super secure door nothing can go through it but I have a feeling that thing is so big that it might actually go through here so we might even need better defenses we should replace this wood with something

Stronger flokey oh my gosh you’re right what are you thinking about I’m thinking about obsidian because that’s so strong you’re right Rosie obsidian is super strong let’s make it a contest I’m going to do the left side you’re going to the right side whoever is first wins let’s

Go I’m getting the obsidian I’m gonna win you’re a cheater no you know what I’m actually going to cheat because I’m going to type in set obsidian there we go I won no way no way can’t do that flooki you’re so slow Rosie look at this

I already did it I’m super fast it’s only because you’re a cheater floaty hey Rosie say say abracadabra Abracadabra oh there we go whoa we’re so fast flokey no no no I want the competition so you have to build the next defense because you lost

You have to make a giant Lake out of lava all around the base for extra defense a lake made out of lava okay let’s do it you don’t want to make it a competition well you know what I’m pretty sure I’m gonna win so I’m gonna

Sit right here and just look at you okay flukey so I’m gonna take these two spaces wait Floki you’re so silly what why you didn’t even finish the obsidian oh my God my bad oopsie okay I’m gonna finish it right now yeah and because she didn’t finish it you have to help me

Wait I gotta help you with building but I won you didn’t finish it flokey now you have to help me that are the rules all right whatever and I’m gonna win this one there we go I’m done wait are you saying it’s another competition yes

Oh and I already won I gotta be quick no you gotta come over here I’m gonna win I’m gonna win I already won Loki you can just give up oh no okay what’s my punishment what do I have to do you have to pour the entire River with lava the

Entire River you’re not gonna help me it’s your own fault because you cheated in the first place oh my God I know it is my fault all right I’m gonna get some lava and fill it up one buy one oh my God this is going to take so long wait

Rosie what’s that in the distance over there I don’t see anything go go check it out okay she’s going away I’m going to place the lavata with cheats now she’s gonna have no idea look at this whoa that’s super fast I don’t see anything flukey oh no

What look at this what’s the matter oh no he’s so close right now he’s so close we have to hurry up oh geez we’re really have to hurry up okay you know what you get a lava bucket as well and help me out we gotta hurry up let’s go but wait

What ah Rosie stop messing around we gotta hurry up isn’t that boxy boo wait is that boxy boo oh my gosh I think you’re actually right it does look a little bit like boxy boo yeah it does oh no we gotta hurry up I think he’s

Getting closer okay me too I’m so scared I’m placing that all the lava that I can I think we’re done flokey oh my gosh I actually think we’re done but look how big he is I’m not sure this will be enough we gotta build even more defenses

Okay Rosie because he’s super close I’m going to place down a keypad with a very secret code you gotta come over here so I can tell you the code hey what is it the code is one one one oh do it okay let’s set it in one one one

One there we go if you type in one one one one it will open up by itself wow I wanna try it too go ahead one one one one look whoa but we have a problem so key what what if we’re inside then we’re trapped no you can enter it from the

Other side don’t worry about look one one one there we go oh hey okay perfect listen we gotta get some better defenses now because he’s super close I think it’s actually time for lasers yes me too I think we should make a laser wall do we even have that many lasers of course

We have you silly all right Rosie I got the lasers right here I’m going to show you how they work we gotta build a bowl like this place a shield pad down below so the laser doesn’t shoot up through the sky and then just place the laser

Right here look at that whoa that looks so cool floaty I know right but that thing is actually massive will the lasers be enough I really hope so I hope so too are they high enough we can build them as high as we want okay let’s go

Over there and build them so we gotta build it like this right behind the lava it’s going to be our first source of Defense I hope this works it has to work Rosie looking out freaking awesome this looks it looks so cool oh my God it’s

Going to take a while though I really hope it’s not going to come any closer wow look at my laser what did you do you messed it up oopsie you’re so silly Rosie well flokey look how cool this looks oh my God he’s never gonna be able

To get through here this is awesome oh I think he got a little bit closer again oh yeah we have to hurry up but whoa this must be the most secure base of all time it has to be but we still have all the sides we have to do oh no let’s go

Oh my God Rosie look we’re done he can never get through here now no it looks so secure but wait floaty what we’re locked out of our base now too oh we are we could just fly over there look at that you’re right flooki wow I’m pretty sure

We shouldn’t laugh what if he can fly all right I think we actually need a very very needed upgrade I don’t think this door is enough Rosy so what I’m going to do is I’m going to make a giant tunnel with lasers inside of there that you need a special code to deactivate

Okay just look at me I’m building the tunnel well Loki that looks amazing so if he’s able to get through the lasers and the lava he’s going to have to go lay through lasers again look at this oh my gosh this is awesome whoa watch out don’t walk through them Rosie but Floki

How are we gonna get out now uh oh I think we I actually messed up now you got a duck over here walk over here and duck again there we go I’m out duck duck watch out oh my gosh he can never get through here look at that our diamonds

Are like super safe super safe oh we missed one okay what is going to be the next upgrade Rosie I think we should make an Armory all right so we got all the lasers but guess what I got even something more insane what do you have

Loki I’m going to place down a bunch of turrets with miniguns on them oh my gosh if he ever gets close he’s going to get blasted whoa that’s insane we’re gonna put one on this corner one on that corner and one right in the middle over

Here you got another cool place I got one more and you can pick wherever it goes but flokey they should be the other way around Rosie you silly goose how this works is whenever he gets close they will automatically turn towards him and blast him wow out Loki that’s

Awesome it is they work with AI so you don’t worry about it okay where should we put the final one that’s a good question Floki let’s see I think we should place it right in front of her base right in front here but it’s not protected by the lasers then that’s true

Oh or maybe on the other side right here wow Rosie that’s like a super smart idea I’m gonna put it right here okay it plays the minigun here as well so if he makes it through the lasers he’s gonna get blasted by this minigun this is

Perfect flokey okay and I have a very very awesome next little plan okay if he makes it through all these defenses we’re going to go inside of the base and move our chest somewhere else good plan but where Rosie follow me okay watch out for the laser she got a duck down don’t

Hit him oh no oh no oh no oh no there we go oh my gosh oh we made it one one one one open up there we go okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to make a super secret tunnel under this base

Okay I’m gonna place it right here let’s put some Stone here there we go okay just build a tiny little place down there for a chest okay okay I will here we go here you have a chest let’s place down the torch so we can see a little

Bit better there we go that’s better and then if I place this down oh my gosh look it works whoa how did you get down here flokey I made a secret trap door it looks so awesome all right Rosie are you ready I’m going to drop down all the

Diamonds I’m ready here you go there we go they’re all coming down now it’s raining diamonds you gotta put him in the chest okay okay oh my God is that all yes that’s all of them come back up here all right so if he makes it through

All the defenses he’s gonna come inside open the chest and there’s absolutely nothing there it’s impossible for him to see this over here right yeah it’s impossible Floki what should we do next so what we’re gonna do right now we’re gonna go outside and make him super mad

So he’s going to attack us okay duck all the lasers again there we go be careful there we go perfect okay perfect so what we’re going to do we gotta get our swords going to survival mode and try to attack him okay let’s do it whoa Floki

You look so awesome yeah we’re all geared up right now so what we’re going to do is make that little dude over there super super mad yo I’m gonna to test out how strong the lasers really are oh yeah me too I think this is going

To hurt super bad let’s try it out oh oh my gosh whoa that looked so painful oh that hurts so much you try it oh my god oh I have one heart left oh geez wait can you drop me some food I didn’t bring anything okay that’s perfect there you

Go that dude is not going to survive this it’s literally impossible okay let’s try to get out there with how the heck are we even gonna go out there I don’t no we didn’t think this true flokey you know what what if we just stand here and call him stupid hey

Stupid hey stupid come get our diamonds you’re never gonna get him you look so stupid and ugly you’re never gonna get her diamonds I don’t think it’s working oh my God I don’t think he’s coming Rosie I think we actually won he’s too scared so scared oh no what oh I think he’s

Getting closer wait what do we do it doesn’t stand a chance flukey we’re fine oh my god look look at him ah loser he’s just looking at the lasers he is no idea what to do ah loser loser oh he’s trying to break him he can’t break him

You’re so weak oh my God he’s actually a weak look wait what is he doing he’s destroying a laser oh no what oh no run he’s shooting arrows oh no whoa we gotta hide what do we do now Rosie we have full diamond armor okay let’s just go

Over there and try to get him with our swords okay let’s go let’s go come here boxy where are you okay I’m gonna try whoa he jumped the ground he jumped the grass Rosie get him get him oh no it’s not working oh no I’m getting him in the lava he’s

Falling in the lava there we go I’m getting him no Rosie I will offend you I got him lucky did you get him Rosie I got him for you I avenge you we actually got him yes oh no Rosie we built these super awesome Minecraft house where we have a giant

Problem what is it flukey is it that big monster over there because I don’t want to deal with that look at him it’s some kind of Yeti it’s just sleeping in the cave over there oh my gosh when he wakes up he’s going to realize we’re here and

Probably attack us oh no we don’t want that because look at him he’s so big and he seems so strong oh my gosh okay we have to get our defenses up really quick I think the first thing that we have to do is we gotta somehow make this not out

Of wood anymore okay because I think if that big dude comes walking here and he Stomps on our house the wood is not strong enough you’re totally right I think we should maybe make it out of that rock or obsidian or something like that something really strong maybe

Diamond oh whoa we’re gonna make a retired house out of diamonds are you sure we’re rich enough for that I know I’m original for that I don’t know about you wait Rosie let’s go to the comet wall and see what our buddies are saying about what materials we should use okay

Floki it’s time to look at the comment wall oh my gosh I’m so excited let’s see what are they saying Lonnie says that we have to make some Towers to protect ourselves oh he wants us to make guard towers that’s such an awesome idea let’s

Go and do it right now let’s go hey buddies if you have any awesome idea to defend the base let us know down below so we could use it in the next video and maybe you will end up on the wall wait Rosie what are you doing wait I’ll come rescue you

Ow ow that hurt there you are let’s go and make the car towers okay Rosie so I had a little idea about the guard towers okay tell me you’re going to build your guard Tower and I’m going to build my car that are right here so they’ll be

Totally different from each other and then we can see who made the best one it’s an amazing idea let’s do it I’m gonna start right now and I know that mine’s gonna be way better than yours flokey no it’s not hey no cheating okay you cannot peek over here to see what

I’m making okay same goes for you flokey all right all right so Rosie can’t hear me right now we’re having a little contest to see who can make the best guard Tower we have to defend it against that really big yeti over there so we have to make it super good okay I’m

Going to make my car Tower blue so let’s get something that looks awesome and strong but also has the color blue oh no I was gonna say this looks awesome but this is glass I think a big yeti like that we totally destroy the glass we should get something else let’s find a

Stronger blue is there a goddess strong I’m not really sure wait let me see if I have something else oh no that’s like the only awesome thing that I have that is blue wait Rosie’s making her out of freaking diamonds whoa and it’s so big okay I’m gonna make mine better because

Diamonds are like boring they’re too standard okay we’re going to make a super awesome guard Tower made out of blue terracotta wow look at how strong this looks and this is awesome let’s make a base like this and then we’re going to make an awesome pillar made

Totally out of obsidian oh my gosh we all know wait giant obsidian oh oh my gosh I placed on a giant block of obsidian whoa the yet I can never ever ever get through this look at how awesome this looks okay now it’s time to make like a little balcony when the

Guards or like the bows can stand on to shoot at the yeti whenever it tries to come here we could be like Boo Boo Boo Boo and he can never ever get through here let’s make something awesome uh I think I want to get some kind of very

Strong fence dark stone ooh dark stone sounds super super good I’m gonna use a dark stone fence so The Archers up here are super safe from the giant Yeti oh my gosh this is starting to look awesome I’m totally gonna win who do you guys think is going to win this build battle

Is it going to be me or Rosie you guys better say me otherwise I’m gonna be super sad There we go we’re almost done oh my gosh you know what I’m not gonna lie this looks kind of bad but I’m pretty sure it’s super strong and that’s

The reason we’re making this right oh I’m going to make a little pool of lava around it so the yeti can’t even get close because yetis are made out of ice right so they’re super afraid of lava oh my gosh that is so smart of me okay I’m

Gonna put lava everywhere so it’s gonna avoid this place there we go let’s get some lava going oh my gosh this is awesome look at this the yeti is never going to get here oh my gosh look at how awesome this looks oh God guys what if I

Add some lasers oh my gosh if I whoa she’s copying me oh my God look at Rosie she’s literally copied me wow guys you also got y’all gotta go down in the comments and say hahaha Rosie copies Rosie copies oh my gosh I can’t believe this okay I’m gonna get some lasers now

Oh my gosh that is going to be so awesome let’s get a bat as well oh I really wonder how this is going to look oh my gosh this is going to be so cool wait why is this happening oh okay it’s good fine fine fine don’t worry about it

There we go oh my gosh guys this is going to look so amazing you’re gonna have no idea okay let’s get a laser and put it wait it doesn’t work oh no it doesn’t work why does it not work oh no oh no no wait wait what if I put it

Right there does that work wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my God why does it not want to go on there anymore I’m so confused oh yo look at the laser let’s just build like an extension like this oh my gosh this is

Awesome look at these lasers oh my gosh she’s going to be so afraid he’s still sleeping that’s good I’m gonna give Rosie one more minute and then we have to be done let’s put like two more lasers right here oh my gosh these ones

Look so cool look at this oh my gosh my tower is so freaking awesome thank you Lonnie for commenting that we should make Towers you guys have to make sure to comment your awesome ideas as well so we can see who’s better at building them okay the only thing we’re missing is

Some stairs I’m gonna make some stairs and then we’re all done oh my gosh look at this I added the stairs it looks so awesome okay I think I’m done I’m gonna wait on top of my tower like a king and wait for Rosie to be done Loki are you

Done with your Tower of course I’m done look at how awesome it looks hey you copied me with the lava I don’t know what you’re talking about you did I did the law for you did it immediately after but wow you did it way worse than me

Look ew what is this your new Minecraft Noob hey buddies let’s all laugh at Rosie for being a Minecraft dude it’s all better now flokey oh no no don’t look don’t look don’t look look look no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Don’t look don’t look you are see it’s super perfect no way not it’s perfect everywhere look give me a tour of your Tower Floki okay so right here we have the amazing lasers that whenever you touch them you just go to sleep instantly should we show the Buddies how

It works let’s do it all right buddies watch this okay I’m gonna get a big egg I know I’m super sorry we just gotta say sorry to the pig real quick okay listen little piggy we are super sorry for doing this but we have to show our

Buddies how this works okay just say nothing if you agree he agrees he agrees let’s grab a little lead and I’ll lead him right into it come here little piggy I’ll decide there we go oh there was insane Floki he went to sleep instantly I know these lasers would work so well

So if that Yeti comes over here he’s gonna be super scared and probably go to your base because she didn’t even have lasers I know I don’t know why I didn’t add them but I do have lava which is really dangerous as well should we show

The Buddies how that works as well or do you think they know how it works um I’m pretty sure all of our buddies are super smart and they know how lava Works Rosie not everyone is a Minecraft Noob like you that’s just me but I guess you’re

Right let me show you the inside come with me Floki wait you have an inside wow of course as you can see here are the diamond stairs I made it all out of diamond because well nothing can defeat diamond and diamond is just a really beautiful and strong when you walk

Inside you see here a few little Windows where we’re going to place some bow and arrow Shooters oh my gosh okay you know what you’re course might actually be a little bit better but you still don’t have laser so I won I won so what do you have downstairs nothing wow that’s so

Bad let me explain Locus just some kind of Bunker we can hide in here because he can never get through the diamonds and it’s our safe place oh that’s actually super smart diamond is super strong he can never crush this house okay Rosie I gotta give it to you you have a pretty

Awesome base but I think we have to protect our original base because all of our diamonds are in there you’re totally right maybe we should play some electric fences or something oh my gosh that is super smart we’re going to get an electric fence all the way from my tower

To your Tower so he cannot pass in between that is super smart Rosie let’s get them out it sounds like a perfect idea flokey should we show our buddies how it works yes let’s do that let’s place it right here I’m gonna place it right there we have to wake up little

Piggy again everybody please we gotta say sorry sorry piggy sorry piggy I know but we have to show everybody how it works okay let me get a lead again and there we go I’m actually so sad for this piggy I really love pigs I know but we

Have to show them how it works look boom there we go he goes to sleep immediately oh my gosh this electric fence is super awesome that Yeti is not coming through here it’s really not we’re going to defeat him let’s make it to three tall Rosie that way that he he’s gonna be

Super scared to even get close okay we place the electric fence around the entire base he can never get through here it looks so secure flokey he’s never gonna get through here my gosh I think I heard something I think he’s snoring or he might wake up you gotta

Hurry up I think we have to make our original base out of diamonds too just like we said in the beginning Rosie let’s hurry up you’re right let’s do do that really quickly and then we have to place the bow and arrows in my tower I

Could just do it super quick look at this set diamond blocks oh there we go put everything Diamond no wait this is perfect just leave it like this because he’s gonna think there’s something in here but it’s just a giant block of diamonds and then we’re gonna put our

Chest into a very secret trapdoor Rosie at the back he’s never gonna guess this you’re right let’s do that that’s actually so smart flokey let’s make a little area here where we can hide all of our diamonds and he can never ever find them and steal them he’s never

Gonna find out about this place hey Rosie it doesn’t have to be pretty just leave it like this okay it’s going to be like some kind of treasure room let’s place two chests right here we’re gonna get our diamonds and we gotta fill it up

Whoa there we go oh my gosh it’s so full look at that So rich flokey okay let’s go back up we have to play some ladders oh geez you’re right we can’t get through here normally exactly let’s do that yeah perfect there we go now the last thing we add is a secret trap door wait where is it I

Can’t find it here we go the last thing we ate is a secret trap oh why is it made out of stone oh no wait wait wait wait wait we have to make him believe that everything is Stone I’m just going to just change this into stone real

Quick replace grass with stone what the freak did I do that’s not the right way there we go whoa you don’t even see it right now where is it I don’t know find it is it here oh it’s not here where the heck is it where is oh no wait

Oh dude oh there it is there it is right here there we go oh my God she’s never ever ever gonna find her diamonds Rosie what perfect okay it’s so secure right now so let’s place a bow and arrows flokey I’ve got something even better Rosie I have turrets where you can put

Mini guns on oh my gosh look at how this looks wow look at this oh this is insane this is actually work it does and I’m gonna give it fire ammo so it shoots fire bullets and that is super strong against the ice Yeti okay let’s place

Them all above okay let’s do it all right I’m putting him here oh my gosh this looks so amazing there we go there we go I’m done I know they’re pointing the wrong way Rosie but whenever he gets close they’re going to automatically turn to him and Target him okay oh wait

Oh no I think I heard something Rosie me too I’m so scared because it looks so big all right Rosie the last thing we have to do is get some armor quick before he gets here whoa wait how did he get so quick get the armor oh no no no

No no no we have to hurry hurry up do it get everything Diamond I’m gonna get the Spider-Man shirt oh my gosh that looks so cool that is not Diamond flokey what are you doing oh look at me I’m a Spider Man oh you look actually really cool I know okay it’s

Time to try to defend our base against this giant Yeti okay are you ready I am ready I think oh I’m so nervous change to survival and let’s go oh my gosh okay let’s go wait do we have to wake him up or something how did he get so close hey

You ugly ow ow the electric fence oh no the electric fence wait I’m gonna get a bow and arrow Hold on one second almost there you go Rosie there you go there you go I only have left I know Rosie I’m giving you more here you go let’s stand on top of our Towers I shoot it with some arrows boom did I hit him I can’t see him oh oh he’s

Waking up he’s waking up Rosie whoa what is that sound whoa what the heck did you see that our fancy damage to him oh my gosh look at him he’s super angry at us he’s trying to find a way in do you see that whoa watch

Out Rosie whoa we gotta run it hurts let’s stand on top of my tower Oh no no we lost oh my gosh the yeti was way too strong for us you guys have to tell us how to defend better in the next video hey Rosie hey flokey today we’re going to have to defend our awesome new base against the very creepy big bloop over

There in the cave whoa it’s so big look at him it’s just staring at us I think it’s like a super giant sea monster and he keeps looking at us because we have so many diamonds in there we have to build the best defense ever oh my God

Look at him just staring at us I think he wants to steal all of our diamonds so we have to build the best defense ever so he can never ever ever get to our diamonds are you ready Rosie I don’t know Floki he looks so scary I know he’s

So big he’s just staring at us look at that okay I think we have to go quick because if he thinks that we’re week he’s gonna come and attack us let’s start with something simple I think because he’s a big fish and he’s made for water we should make like a giant

Lava River around the entire base yeah that sounds like a very good plan let’s start with that let’s get a lava bucket you gotta get one yourself as well okay and just make a very nice let’s make it four wide because he’s super deep that’s

Like super big hey Rosie I got an idea we gotta do a little contest okay wait wait wait stop building stop building stop building the first one to finish across the house okay is the winner and the loser has to go to the cave and slap bloop on the butt what uh start

I I really don’t want to do that that’s so scary I’m gonna win I’m gonna win are you almost done you can cheat Loki I’m not cheating okay look I’m almost done me too oh I’m almost there I’m going to win floaty no you’re not you’re gonna

Have to slap Lube on the booty you’re gonna do it no I you literally cheated you resisted even four wide everywhere Loki I really don’t want to do that that’s so scary are you gonna come with me I’m not gonna go with you of course not rules or rules go over

There and slap bloop on the butt go ahead please no I’m not uh uh uh no way I’m gonna stand a super safe distance all the way over here I just film you while you do stupid stuff go ahead oh I’m so scared why would you made me do

This this is so dangerous uh you made yourself do it because you lost Rosie look at his teeth they’re so sharp and big and no I know I’m too scared flokey I can’t do this so you have to do it you lost oh my gosh look at how big his face

Is you could just fit into his mouth go ahead try to slap him hit him hit him do it oh no scary no we made a Very Metal Floki well I think he’s so big that he didn’t even see you like ants to him oh

My gosh I hope so okay let’s fill this up with lava real quick before we actually made him super mad and he comes here to attack us okay do we have to fill every single block of course we have to fill every single block we can’t have any weak points otherwise the bloop

Will see them and abuse them to steal our diamonds let’s do it let’s put them everywhere let’s put them everywhere oh my gosh this takes so long I got you know what I’m not gonna cheat I’m going to be super smart and if you guys agree

That this is smart you have to comment that you think this is super smart you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna do this all the way over here what are you doing flokey look Rosie I’m not cheating on being smart boom there we go you didn’t

Even finish this yourself yes I did I just did it the smart way look boom Oh no I messed up oh no oh no it’s okay I saved it don’t worry about it hey stop heck are you doing Rosie leave me alone it’s my turn it’s

Not it’s not there we go we finished the lava thingy now he can never ever steal our diamonds but I have a feeling that this is not enough Rosie we gotta come up with something else do you know something what are you doing nothing do you know what we can do next [Laughter]

Oh no what the heck is going on how did this happen I don’t know oh no this is not a good sign oh geez there’s a giant hole in the side wait wait wait no this is the perfect opportunity to change our house into a different material so it’s

Way stronger than wood yeah that’s true what were you thinking about I’m thinking about Bedrock it’s the strongest thing ever yes okay let’s do that let’s do Bedrock okay we have another contest Rosie the first one to win is a cool guy and the other one is a

Loser okay but you can’t cheat with this one flooki promise me I never cheat I don’t know about that I have never cheated in my whole life I’m done you’re a loser you’re a loser you’re a loser Loki what no you can’t do that every time flukey I wasn’t cheating

You’re cheating because you’re so slow I think that’s actually some kind of cheat wow and now you’re being mean too rosie no time for pranks okay you can’t say that I’m cheating I’m literally trying to save our diamonds from the bloop look he’s still staring at us and he looks

Mad too I think he wants to come over here oh no I think you slapped him on the butt once too many because he’s super angry right now oh geez and whose fault is that flokey well you lost it’s your fault okay are we done over there

Rosie oh my gosh you’re super slow hey don’t say that what wow you fell what are you doing you have me down flokey don’t be silly oh I didn’t I think you’re just a little bit silly Rosie whoa you know I have the perfect plan to make our base even

Stronger oh tell me look I’m going to put in a super secret super heavy door so that that stupid little fishy cannot get in here okay are you ready I’m ready you want to see the most awesome door ever yes yes look at this no way it

Looked like a falter open it up open it up look how secure it is oh my gosh this is so awesome this is awesome look at how thick it is flukey he’s never gonna go through here you’re right I feel so safe inside but we gotta come up with

Something else because if he does manage to get inside we have to have a secret basement under here where we can just put our diamonds and he’s gonna come in here like I’m just stupid big bloop where are the diamonds whoa there’s nothing here and then he’s gonna leave

Again yeah we should definitely do that but how are we going to do that because a floor can be invisible right well Rosie that’s where you’re wrong first off we gotta change the floor to Stone okay because that way it will look more natural so let’s type in set stone and

Boom there we go whoa that’s awesome am I what we’re going to do is we’re going to get a secret trapdoor okay now this is super duper secret now you gotta choose a place where we’re going to put this in the room okay don’t put it in the corners because everyone will assume

It’s in the corner right you gotta place it somewhere that is super secret you’re totally right about the corners let’s put it in this corner no don’t put it in a corner Rosie are you not listening oh he’s never gonna expect it here right in front of the door but that means you

Will fall right in no wait you’re actually right that is super smart because you can also close the trapdoor okay let’s make a giant area here where we can hide our Diamonds oh let’s go oh my gosh this is going to be the best defense ever they can never find their

Diamonds I know but we have to make it super big because bloop is so huge and he has to fit in here oh of course it doesn’t have to fit in here because that you can’t steal our time is you stupid oh that’s right you gotta make it

Smaller than him this is perfect this is the perfect size right now so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to place a trapped chest okay oh that sounds serious it is super serious I’m gonna get some Redstone okay so look at behind the chest when I open the chest look

What happens to the Redstone it turns on do you see that yeah I see it yeah you open it for me so I can see as well no of course whoa that works so awesome so we can put like some TNT by behind this wall so if he opens the chest the entire

Area will blow up and our real chest will be in this corner over here yes that’s awesome okay so let’s put an entire wall of TNT behind here that’s very dangerous Loki I know it’s super dangerous Rosie you gotta watch out to not accidentally set it off okay TNT

There we go I will try oh my gosh this is going to be the best base ever whoa this looks so dangerous it is super dangerous he’s never going to survive this I know okay so let’s just block it off with dirt so it’s super invisible

Right and then right in the middle of the room we’re going to put down a trap chest right with a little hole right here do not open this chest do not open it Rosie okay no no no no no no no no no open it no don’t open it it’s super

Dangerous don’t do it we’re going to put a real chest no stop don’t do it Rosie okay I’m sorry we’re going to put our super secret chest behind the wall over here he’s never going to suspect that yeah super smart are we going to block

It off too of course but no make it look like the real wall look I’m going to fill it with diamonds completely look at this oh we have so many what we are so rich we are super rich and bloop can never ever steal them Rosie okay okay floaties

Who have a very very good idea we can just place a secret door look at this that is super smart Rosie go ahead and place it I know it would be amazing but how does it work because I can’t go through right now you have to open it

And then you just can go through like you’re walking through a stone wall and you’re inside that is so awesome but we have to make the Redstone as well because right now it’s kinda obvious that there’s something there right yeah you’re totally right let’s do that let’s

Put Stone everywhere around this wall so it looks like a totally normal wall oh this is gonna be so awesome just like this this is perfect okay that is awesome so when he comes down here first of all he has to find the super secret trapdoor he’s gonna think this is the

Jesse is going to blow everything up except for our real chest over there that is awesome but what about the diamonds if everything blows up the diamonds will blow up too right of course that they’re far away our diamonds will be super safe don’t worry

About it so here we go oh my gosh does this work oh that’s so awesome oh that’s awesome flokey it is Rosie okay get back up here everything inside is so awesome and secure and he can never get through it but what about the outside we only have

Lava right now wait what are you thinking how should we stop a super scary giant bloop like that oh yo I think he actually got a little closer oh geez yeah me too he looks even bigger right now oh we have to hurry up I think

We should start with the laser wall what do you think you want to make a laser wall oh my gosh that’s so cool okay let’s go I know so we’re gonna need a laser for that what else um a bed or something right yeah this one let’s see how this works again I

Think you have to put like a pillar like this that you do it like this I put a shield pad and now if I’m right if I put a laser right here it will become a super super awesome laser wall do you want to see it I really want anyone is

Yes yes yes do it let’s go whoa whoa that’s awesome awesome gosh it’s right there that is so cool okay let’s finish the entire thing now and the last ones oh finally finished we’re finally done we did it we secured our base against bloop oh I

Think what we need next I know what we need we need better armor we have absolutely nothing you’re right should we get a diamond sword get diamond everything I want to be fully pimped out in Diamonds oh my gosh look at me I’m so cool whoa it looks so awesome flokey

Look at this we’re definitely gonna win now wait how are we gonna go back to our base we’re locked outside we can just fly for now you silly okay you’re smart I know you’re super smart okay you know what let’s see if Loop actually does something I really hope he’s gonna try

And get it because I’m definitely sure we’re gonna win I know for sure that we’re gonna win Floki we’re so prepared are you sure look he’s coming oh oh no wait what the heck’s he doing oh geez I don’t know it’s coming through possessed he’s getting super close oh I think he’s

Scared of the lasers look at that whoa his mouth is eating the lasers and it’s doing nothing to him what the heck what how is he so strong oh no oh no it looks like he’s going to jump Rosie oh no we gotta get inside quick get inside oh my

Gosh oh no dude Our Lives of Defense didn’t work at all he’s literally out there Rosie I think we should go out there and try to attack him and push him into the lava you think so whoa whoa what happened what happened no let’s go

Try and get him push him in the loud wait what did we do it I think so huh and our base is back that’s so weird something smells fishy here I have a little suspicion that is actually not dead at all I think he just teleported away or something Rosie he’s probably

Gonna come back and we have to make our base even better hey everybody today we’re gonna have a Minecraft mob battle to see which mob is the strongest for what my friend Raz doesn’t know is that our wall is completely made out of see-through glass and guess what his wall isn’t his wall

Is completely blacked out so what we’re going to do is every single time that the rest spawns something to have a mob battle with we’re gonna spawn something even stronger and even cooler so to be super funny so now we’re going to go over to him and that platform and

Pretend we’re going to do a real mob battle but he has no idea that IFC true class is going to be super cool make sure to comment your favorite way of cheating in a mob battle so I can do it in the next video let’s go okay we’re

About to start he has no idea that I’m gonna cheat all right watch this hey res oh hey flunky what’s up today we’re going to do a mob battle are you ready a mock battle oh heck yes I’m ready oh you’re going down my friends you’re going down wow Raz actually thinks

You’re going to win that’s super crazy yeah of course I’m gonna win cause I’m the fast who do you guys think is going to win make sure to comment down below so we can see who’s right hashtag team blue or hashtag team purple okay purple T purple that they’re all gonna say team

Purple you just wait all right red so how it works is you go into your inventory you pick five random spawn eggs but you can only look at their name okay you cannot actually spawn them and then after five minutes you pick your five spawn eggs and then we’re gonna

Have a mob battle but you could only look at the name okay do not cheat Reds of course I’m not I don’t even needs to cheat what are you talking about you’re going down all right let’s do this all right let’s go over to our own sides Big

Five spawn eggs show them to your viewers and when we’re done we’re gonna begin the battle let’s go all right let’s do this oh my gosh Raz actually thanks for going to do a real mob battle so should we just wait for him to show us what kind of monster he’s going to

Use or should we actually go into our little cheat menu and look at all the mobs that we have in the entire your server should we do that together if you want to do that drop a like right now in three two one boom Oh my gosh a lot of

You people like look we can see every single creature in the entire server oh wow these ones look super cool wait let’s check these ones out wow look at this what what the heck is this okay let’s change back real quick so as you can see we can see every single mob so

This is how we’re going to cheat okay every single time that respawns something super cool we’re going to check this list and spawn something even cooler I’m going to pick one right now what if I get um what is going to be super strong I

Have a feeling one of these is going to be super super strong okay you know what I think I’m gonna use this one tarantula brood Mother Let’s see what he actually looks like tarantula broad Mother Let’s see because it looks like it has some

Kind of shield around it and if it has a shield you cannot kill it let’s check it out oh my gosh it even has a Boss part this thing is super awesome okay we’re definitely gonna use that for the first one he has no idea that we’re gonna

Achieve it I think it’s done is he done okay you know what let’s get rid of this one real quick and then we’re gonna see if he’s done okay let’s spawn spawn spawn oh flakish you’re in some bad business my friend oh my gosh I think his first this ride is actually all

Blazes places are not even that strong okay I’m definitely gonna use that super cool tarantula broad mother because we actually actually no it’s like a spider I don’t think spiders are very good against fire you know what I need something that’s made out of ice so it

Can blast out the fire I’m gonna grab a couple of frost mods okay oh my guys it’s going to be so awesome let’s get a frost ball right here there we go okay I’m gonna spawn a bunch of frost spots all around the area oh my gosh look at

How op this is I’m Gonna Save the tarantula brought mother for another round I’m definitely gonna use that one because it’s super op but now he has a tiny little army of blazes and we have an entire giant army of super big frost Moss okay I’m ready I’m really wondering

Who’s going to win all right Rez are you ready did you spawn yours oh I did I know you’re going down you have no idea what’s behind this wall yeah or that’s what you think okay rest I’m going to remove the wall in three two one let’s go let’s go wait what the

Heck what is that when you have a bunch of places oh wait what the places are actually super strong no way oh yes go Army go what is that though what am I looking at this super big frostbuzz wait I can’t believe it your places are actually super strong oh

No yeah but where did you find these things they’re huge hey don’t worry about it it’s just a family recipe it’s a family secret oh man I wish I thought of that they’re so big and intimidating I wouldn’t want to crush those in Minecraft but what I can’t believe

You’re actually winning hey but guess what I still have a couple more in my Arsenal oh yeah you just wait until I spawn the next things man hey don’t worry about it dude oh my gosh your Blazers are actually super strong this is insane there’s so

Much fire man how are we gonna clean up this mess hey don’t worry about it Rez let me just win first this is going to be my round no no don’t win come on please just go go oh my gosh they’re getting your blazes they’re pushing them

Off come on let’s go wow your place is gonna actually fly that’s so unfair all right God well you said to anything and uh places are cool so yeah that’s true you’re right oh wait there’s not even that many places left they’re almost all gone no don’t say that no that’s not

True come on please just come on oh my gosh this battle is actually insane look at this there’s like two frostbus focusing on one Blazer and that place isn’t even dying what how is this possible oh man I wish I thought of these things man wait am I winning oh I

Think I’m winning there’s not a lot of them left rest oh my gosh that’s not fair okay let’s see let’s see okay you know what I think I definitely won what do you guys think you want this round hashtag D blue or hashtag team purple

Let us know in the comments yes it’s not fair floaty item has a rematch let’s do it again well you know what we’ll have a rematch in round two so let’s get rid of everything there we go and now we’re going to reset the what wait you gotta

Go back to your own side rest let’s go yeah let’s go back to my side yeah The Winning Side this is The Winning Side are you sure about that there we go boom let’s spawn your round two let’s see what you got res all right let’s go oh

Yeah that is pretty cool yeah all right now it’s burning in the sun flukey what do I do I want to change we’ll just make it night time real quick I’m pretty sure mine will burn as well so let’s make it night time go ahead spawn whatever you

Gotta spot I’m gonna spawn mine oh my gosh he’s spawning a couple of skeletons that’s not even that scary okay I’m definitely gonna use a tarantula bro matter now let’s spawn like uh six of them is this six I don’t know I can’t count one two three how many spiders are

Here right now I’m really bad at counting you know I was gonna spawn one or two more I’m pretty sure that’s six right okay let’s ask if Raz is ready oh my gosh a bunch of super awesome tarantula brunt Mothers Against a couple of stupid skeletons I’m definitely gonna

Win wait he spotted so many okay I’m gonna spot like two or three more all right let’s go okay Rez are you ready for round two oh you betcha I’m gonna win this time you’ll see oh are you sure about that let’s remove the wall in

Three two one let’s go let’s go shoot should I teach my friends yes wait what are those those are huge wait why are the half of my things they’re not even doing anything come on fight wow which looks like just one of your uh what is that tarantula yeah there’s only one

Fighting wait I don’t understand why are they not fighting what the heck is going on yeah so I’ve got what a hundred things versus your one tarantula thing so I’m gonna win you’ll see wait what the heck is going on rest all of Mines are not even doing anything but wait so

But but you’re one thing is destroying my Army why is this possible wait that’s actually true you always have those skeletons left oh my gosh I’m actually winning oh man come on that’s not fair what is this tarantula bruised mom man I wish I thought of that what are they

Doing they’re just walking and decide if it shattered this is super weird okay you know what I think we have to ask our viewers again who do you guys think won this round this round has been super stupid it’s not even fun I mean I guess

You win because I’ve lost more units but but you know what they’re still round three they’re still around three floaty oh yeah you think you’re gonna win round three Reds yeah yeah yeah let’s get rid of all these stupid words to get out of here okay Rez are you ready for round

Three yo you know what I think I want every single round so far I’m gonna win all five of them heck no I’m gonna win this time you know what I want to count those first two rounds as practice rounds so I’m gonna win this time oh

Yeah sure as they wear practice rounds uh-huh all right go ahead spawn in yours and then we’re gonna fight it out all right let’s turn yes let’s see what is going to spawn now I’m really wondering what his third choice is going to be let’s see is that spawning anything so

Far wow he has to hurry up because we have to pick something that is going to be even cooler than his stupid little thing wait a second oh my gosh I don’t think we can win this one guys I really don’t think we could win this thing he’s

Literally spot the most OP boss that has ever existed in Minecraft okay I think we actually have to give this one up and give him round three this is impossible oh no oh no he keeps spawning it dude okay I don’t know what to do now guys

Let’s check the most oprey thing ever okay let’s check the list and see if we can see anything that might even have a slight chance of beating him oh but what if we spawn this assimilated Ender Dragon you know what I’m gonna do that I don’t know what it does but I’m pretty

Sure we cannot win this okay let’s see what if I spawn one here I really hope it’s not going to fly away okay it’s still here this is good good this is good I’m gonna spawn another one no no it’s Gonna Fly oh no no no no no no no

Let’s add him to the team wait I’m gonna ask okay Reyes are you ready are you prank sir hey wait a minute I see something flying up off the wall it doesn’t matter three two one let’s go are they gonna fight this of course it matters but it doesn’t work they’re not fighting

What’s happening you’re so bright floaty wow what is going on ah is that your Dragon City doing that or my thing I don’t know what the heck is your dog oh wait did that oh wait you still got dragons in the air oh my God this is a

Super awesome fight looking at they’re actually fighting each other it’s like two bosses wait I think one of your dragons disappeared yeah I think he got two of my dragons already there’s only one left oh no wait there’s the other one are you saying I’m gonna win this

Round is that what you’re saying you might actually win this one rest you have a super op boss I can’t believe it yes Goku currency enough the abyss go go go make me proud oh no wait mine are just flying away I think they’re way too scared they’re not even doing anything

Anymore dragons are scared flowkey I told you I was gonna win this round okay you know what res I gotta give it to you I think you you actually want this one I gotta give it to you through the victory dance yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah okay let’s get rid of all of these stupid ones so let’s get out of here all right res are you ready for round four oh you bet I’m ready man I’ve already won one round so what is two one to you yes it is it’s still one

To me and don’t forget I’m still gonna win red so don’t worry about it what no I’m gonna win no me me me oh yeah okay let’s go spawning your things I’m gonna spawn mine and we’re gonna see who’s gonna win round four oh my gosh guys I

Literally cannot believe that I lost the previous Round And even though I’m cheating yo you gotta let me know have you guys ever lost while cheating it’s like the biggest L you can take I can’t believe this okay let’s see what is going to spawn wait what is that it’s

Like a purple man it’s like a purple Steve that’s not scary at all okay it was gonna be absolutely hilarious what if we get the biggest baddest boss ever and we set it up against that stupid little purple thingy because Raz has absolutely no clue that we can see everything he’s spawning oh

I’m gonna spawn the biggest coolest mob ever let’s just look through the list see if we can find anything that’s like super cool um oh my gosh I think I have the perfect one I’m ready you’re not scared are you one second rest I’m still not done

Getting mine spawned hold on okay I have the perfect thing to spawn guys I’m going to spawn the opal demon let me tell you this thing is absolutely terrifying okay I’m gonna spawn two of them right here look at how gigantic they are oh my gosh okay I’m gonna ask

Friends if he’s ready okay res are you ready oh yes oh yes I’m ready okay give me one second I’m gonna remove the wall in three two one let’s go yeah let’s go oh where what the heck what are those things they’re huge oh my gosh what did you even spawn rest

They’re super tiny I think they’re cold I got Golem thing so I I thought that would be too powerful so I only spawned a few but yeah oh my gosh look man this is jumping in the air he’s literally getting all of yours once yours aren’t even doing anything

Oh you’re finding all these cool things wait yours might fall off the edge oh look at this aha you’ve lost one wait what he actually fell down the edge I can’t believe this all right this one’s gonna fall too yeah wait wait no wait oh there

We go he’s on let’s go come on Golems there’s only one left here get him get him oh my god did you see that he just blessed no yes wait do I win or one of these things over here what what’s going on why did they fall off

That is so unfair you know what I think I can spawn another one and see what’s going to happen do you agree no no that’s not fair you saw me one so now we’re Ethan we’re two two now okay fine and still do what the heck I can’t

Believe this just happened this is so stupid why Marshall win team purple what I can’t believe I lost again what the heck okay I am so bad at this guys I really need your help you guys have to comment something cool um how I can

Cheat in the next video right so can I cheat with cooler mobs if you know any awesome mobs you gotta let me know right but now it’s time for the final round I will really have to end it with a bang okay we really really really have to win

This okay let’s see what he’s going to spawn okay Rez are you ready oh you betcha it’s two two this is the last one okay there we go so what we’re going to do okay you gotta spawn in your final map make sure it counts let’s go let’s

Do this I’m really wondering what is going to spawn guys I gotta pick something super cool we really have to win what he’s spotting a giant dragon oh no uh Floki I hope you can do something big and scary back there you know what don’t worry about it res okay one second I’m

Gonna get something super cool okay I gotta find it I forgot its name what the heck is it called oh there we go okay I’m gonna spawn them in right now there we go oh because it’s going to be sick let’s go removing the wall in three two

One boom let’s go rest ah let’s go wait what is that are those walls go go track and see go uh I only spawns one because I thought he was like super powerful so uh yeah oh my gosh I think I’m actually winning rest look at that minor just

Shooting at yours ah I should have spawned more now wait he’s damaging one of them yeah get him boy get him he’s already down to like a like three quarters of his health oh my gosh mine are so obvious oh no ignore the ass no he’s just warming up dude what are they

Even shooting out they’re shooting out some kind of hands that are like fighting for him that is so awesome Kevin what are these things that are they walls or are they Shields what are they I didn’t know they’re shagger Rod The Dread Beast aka the world Destroyer

Oh my gosh this is super awesome that was a big explosion did you see that yeah so cool yo yours is like a half health I can’t believe it this is such an awesome fight I should have spawned more than one but you know I’m I still believe in

You tracking come on you can do this oh my gosh it’s getting so close right now let’s go oh I’m gonna stay out stay away from this this looks messy wait what are these things I don’t know I know red look they’re spotting some kind of super

Creepy hands with the hands can’t even fly so they’re not doing anything oh okay look at that look how Dragon incoming oh my gosh let’s go oh man ah come on come on Dragon this is 2-2 I gotta win one more to win but this is the final round you’re not gonna win

Buddy Your Dragon is already on half health I am if I believe real hard oh my gosh he’s just flying away he’s not even fighting anymore oh I think he’s fighting the tiny thingies no he’s just catching his breath to the ultimate attack move you’ll see come on oh he’s

Just he’s fighting the little things oh he’s wasting his time he’s already on half health I can’t believe it again come on fight the big things oh my gosh this is so cool wow he’s so close look he’s almost dead are you seeing dog explosions come on Dragon hang in there

Oh my God this is the most awesomest fight I’ve ever seen four World destroyers no stay strong we’re so close we’re so close come on we’re gonna win the final round that means we’re gonna win oh come on track and you got this just hang in there yeah we got it now

Oh there we go oh but guys look what’s going to happen right it’s like a super big explode oh there he is he’s completely gone I want to fight around deep blue is the winner no no no no no I don’t know what I lose nothing hey you

Know what Raz I have good news for you okay so right now we’re going to put all of our op bosses against a thousand skeletons to see who’s going to be stronger the bosses or the skeletons so you’re gonna have a chance at winning after all oh wait so do I get the

Skeletons or the big monsters no no we’re going to be together and this the skeletons will be our enemies oh I see okay yeah that sounds fun yeah yeah let’s do that okay res I spot like a thousand skeletons over here so right now we’re going to remove the wall and

Let him fight against the bosses are you ready I’m ready let’s go let’s do this let’s go boom they’re gonna fight that’s funny oh man there’s a lot of skeletons is flokey I know it’s a lot of skeletons let’s see who’s going to win oh my gosh

That was crazy whoa just like all kinds of explosions going around Nah if I’m just flying around like bowling Skittles bowling pins what the heck I think half of the skeletons are already gone there’s so many explosions man I don’t think I can handle this many whoa look at this every

Single skeleton that they can get every single skeleton that gets killed turns into this kind of red monster thingy that is super cool oh that’s cool I’m gonna get a closer look at this oh my God they they look so gross what happened to their legs ew flower key

This is Carnage you’ve made Carnage on This Server look I know I think the Thousand skeletons have officially lost today we’re doing a Minecraft mob battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one-way glass so

I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real mob battle hey Dino hey there flokey are you ready to do the most awesomest is smart battle ever I am

We’re gonna win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you guys think is going to win hashtag team blue hashtag team Orange it’s probably gonna be blue okay Dino but before we start we have to check out the comment wall and see if any of our viewers have a super awesome

Idea let’s go all right let’s go and check it out I’m so curious what is it gonna be alright so Zoran D says hit Dino off the platform oh wait no floggy please don’t hit me all right dinos this is how it works okay you can pick five scps that you’re

Going to use in the battle arena but you cannot look at their name you can only look up their spawn egg and their number and then pick five put them in the chest lock them in and after five minutes we’re going to have the best mod battle

Ever are you ready I’m super duper ready let’s go okay but what Dino doesn’t know is that I’m not going to be choosing five spawn eggs at all I’m just going to look through the one weight class to see what is going to spawn and then I’m

Going to choose the best SCP to counter him let’s go and wait for Tyler to be ready choosing his eggs okay Dino is taking a super long time so while he’s picking out his little scps away did he just spawn teddy bears oh my gosh he literally chose teddy bears they’re not

Even that strong they’re literally teddy bears look at that okay we’re going to have to pick the most awesomest scps to counter Remax and I think I know a super duper straw one okay it’s called scp-35414 it is a giant colossal squid oh my gosh it is so awesome do you guys

Want to see it do you guys want to see it like the video in the next three seconds if you want to see it three two one boom week oh my gosh look at this thing this thing looks absolutely insane I don’t think Dino is ready yet what is

He even spotting he spot a couple of eyeballs he actually thinks he’s going to win the mob battle with this he has no idea he’s about to get beaten so hard okay let’s try and figure out what other cool scps there are I think I know one

Scp-087 is such an awesome one look at this thing it’s like a super buff giant ghost oh it’s so scary look at this thing oh my gosh we’re definitely going to win because we’re gonna pick the awesomest SCP ever and I have a super secret awesome SCP that I’m going to

Spot at the end of the video which I cannot show you guys yet because it is so op you’re not gonna be able to wait for it okay let’s see if Dino is ready alright Dino are you spot in my mom okay I’m going to spawn

Mine as well just give me a second I know oh my gosh she actually went for the little teddy bears okay we have to absolutely destroy him by spawning something super awesome I think I’m going to spawn a fire cat AKA scp-354-16 it’s going to set all of his

Stupid little teddy bears of fire okay let’s check it out oh there we go look wait he spotted like a million of them okay I’m gonna spawn two million so we’re gonna win this super awesome mod battle oh my gosh this is going to be so

Insane look at what this looks like oh my God this is so awesome I hope they’re gonna set all of those little teddy bears on fire hey Dino are you ready I’m super duper ready floaty okay I’m gonna add him to the team and remove the wall

In three two one let’s go boom whoa what the heck is going on there are so many scps on the battlefield when did you even spawn you’re like super tiny teddy bears you’re never gonna win I thought scp-1048 and they’re super strong look we’re actually gonna win come on teddy

Bears wait a second what’s going on why are they not fighting hey get your butts over there you guys gotta fight oh look at that my teddy bears are actually beating yours up I can’t believe this what this is so unfair hey guess what what I have a super secret ability

That’s so unfair you’re cheating you’re using a flamethrower my teddy bears hey stop it Loki hey I’m not cheating it’s my mom’s doing that it’s not me what do you mean I see you flying around you stupid oh my gosh my bumps are so cool we’re winning look we’re winning we’re winning

You have so little teddy bears left one no wait a second no way I lost this round this is so stupid Oh My Gosh do you guys think this was a fair run for team blue I think it was right yeah yeah you guys I’ll I’ll just comment yes it

Was okay Daniel are you ready for round two I’m ready let’s go all right Dino are you ready for round two yeah I’m ready and I’m spawning in my mom’s right now wait what is the spotting they look like some kind of crabs dude how can

Crabs ever be tough and strong crabs are like nothing we’re gonna have the perfect counter and we’re hopefully gonna make Dino scream like a little girl for losing okay let’s spawn in the super creepy awesome ghost let’s do it oh my gosh this is going to be insane I

Want to spawn like a million of them so we’re going to crush his little crabs over and over again okay Dino are you ready I’m super duper ready remove that wall flokey let’s go oh boom Oh wait a second what the heck are those bombs that wait they’re super fast what is

Going on oh my God oh my God so fast they’re literally destroying your little crabs no way wait a second all of my crabs are gone already this is so stupid did I already won that was the fastest round in my battle history do you guys agree oh my gosh

This was super fast I know are you sure you don’t want a Revenge okay you know what I’ll do a rematch I gotta spawn a few more crabs in to make sure that it’s a fair fight okay we’re going to rematch okay we’re doing a rematch because that

Was super quick I think Dino is secretly going to be spawning a lot more of them so we’re gonna have to spawn even more look at this I’m gonna spot like a million of them wait he’s spawning so much look at this wait already in the

Wall what the heck is going on there okay it doesn’t matter oh we gotta keep spawning more and more because Dino cannot spawn more than us oh my God he’s spawning so many look at that we’re gonna spot even more okay I think that’s gonna be enough for now okay Dino are

You ready uh yeah I’m ready floaty are you ready I’m ready to remove the wall let’s go whoa look at that here we go oh my gosh this is wait you got so many crabs now no way yeah you have so many weird ghosts this is such a fair battle

Let’s see who’s gonna win oh I’m definitely going to win I still have so many ghosts yo why the half of them being super lazy get your butts over there come on go fight go fight wait a second floaty where’s all of my crabs go you one already

Oh no that was like the second fastest route ever Dino lost again yo Dean blue is definitely going to win everyone who commented deep blue you’re a winner all right Dino are you ready for round three I’m already two points ahead so you really have to win this one if you want

Any chance of winning don’t worry flokey I’m gonna win this one I’m gonna spawning my moves right now all right me too wait a second he’s spawning all kinds of super tiny spiders oh my gosh what are spiders going to do I guess my crazy big SCP yo what the heck did going

To my side hey get your butts away from here what the heck are they doing go away go away ew okay we have to be quick about this oh no no no no no this is not going well my counter for these stupid little spiders is going to be a super

Big dinosaur let’s spawn them in oh my gosh they’re so big you but they’re already fighting we have to be quick we have to be super quick let’s spawn all of them in here all right Dino are you ready I’m ready flokey let’s go let’s go

Boom whoa what the heck are those Bobs oh my gosh I have super big dinosaurs oh no it’s lagging they’re way too powerful for the Minecraft server everything’s lagging wait a second why are they moving so slowly what is going on I don’t know I think everything’s lagging

I know we got we might have messed up here oh no but this looks so boring come on you stupid scps do something go fine yeah hurry up hurry up we gotta help them Let’s help them by killing some of you stupid spiders wait don’t kill my

Stupid Spike stay off the flokey no what are you doing I’m kidding your stupid water spiders because we have to get this lag on Loki are so stupid Fire doesn’t work against water creatures oh but they’re definitely a fire Dino look at that oh my gosh look it’s actually

Going now all they’re fighting so good I think I have way more dinosaurs left than your stupid little spiders wait a second I can’t believe it I thought those spiders would be strong oh I won I won look at that I have so many dinosaurs left oh my gosh they’re super

Cool you know what we should do Dino we should set up one dinosaur against 10 spiders who do you think is going to win Dino definitely get 10 spiders they’re super strong I’ll prove it to you flokey okay let’s do it right now then who do

You guys think is going to win 10 spiders or a super big dinosaur make sure to comment it down below okay I’m gonna spawn my one little dinosaur over here I’ve added them to my team let’s go spawn yours in there we go one two three

Four five six seven eight nine ten here we go I’ve added them into the theme are you ready let’s go Boop oh look at that your dinosaur’s being swarmed by my spiders go spiders my dinosaur is definitely going to win looking at me so strong oh my gosh oh come on you stupid

Spiders keep it again wait why is he turning smaller no he’s getting a smallish or spiders what the heck oh wait it’s so close I only have four more spiders left oh my gosh look at it he’s taking so much damage it’s like he’s unkillable wait a second though come on

You Spidey boys wait he’s got the final one I want oh my gosh hey everyone who commented that the dinosaur would win you guys are all super awesome winners okay let’s go for round four are you ready Dino I’m ready all right Dino are you ready for round four I’m ready and

I’m definitely gonna win this round because this time I have an even stronger SCP I’m gonna spawn them in oh my gosh what is he going to body spotting another teddy bear but this time they actually look a little bit cursed or something what the heck yo

They look so gross okay I’m gonna spawn the perfect counter I’m gonna spawn a dinosaur again but this time it’s actually made out of Bones here that’s so creepy it’s a skeleton dinosaur are you guys ready to see it let’s go but first you gotta come with your favorite

SCP so I can make sure I use that one in the next mob battle all right I’m gonna spawn the skeleton dinosaur oh my gosh it’s so gigantic look at this you can see every single boat on its body that’s so insane okay I’m gonna spawn like I’m

Bunch of them it’s gonna be like a million again oh my gosh they look so awesome when they move okay let’s keep spawning them because we definitely have to win round four because we’re gonna win this entire battle there we go all right Dino are you ready I’m super duper

Ready floaty remove that wall whoa what the Jake are your wolves yo my dinosaurs are so quick they’re getting all of your stupid little teddy bears wait you spot teddy bears again no those are different teddy bears but wait wait a second where did my teddy bears go what I already won

That was like the fastest route ever even faster than it went from before Oh my gosh I think we need a rematch Dino cause these dinosaurs actually have to be tested to the max so I’m gonna spawn one dinosaur and you can spawn 50 little stupid teddy bears so we can see you

Stronger all right I’m gonna spot them in who do you guys think is going to win this super awesome skeleton dinosaur or 50 stupid little teddy bears make sure to comment it down below I think the super scary Skelly Dino is going to win okay I’m gonna spawn one of them right

Here oh my gosh she’s so awesome okay Dino are you ready I’m super duper ready Floki remove that wall let’s go oh my gosh he’s so quick all the ganging up on them look up wow what happened my teddy bears got him what the heck did he even kill one

Single teddy bear I think they all survived this is impossible oh look at that funky you actually lost no I did it this was a bonus round we’re still winning okay Dino are you ready for round five I’m ready all right Dino let’s go are you ready I’m ready floaty

I’m gonna spawn in my mom okay let’s see what is going for hold on wait a second he’s literally spawning the same one that I had is he even gonna notice that or I don’t think he is because you were supposed to pick the spawn eggs according to their number and not how

They look like so I’m pretty sure he didn’t even realize that he was gonna spawn the same skeleton dinosaurs okay we need something that’s going to be way stronger than these because they are actually super strong and as I said I am a super secret super strong SCP with

Awesome abilities that I’m going to spawn right now are you guys ready let’s do it okay this SCP is actually called scp-o-b because it’s so incredibly overpowered I’m gonna spawn three of them because I think that’s going to be enough so one two three oh my gosh look

At how gigantic they are they even have a boss bar at the top I’m gonna add him to the team are you ready Dino I’m ready let’s go oh what the heck he’s jumping into the air look at that whoa wait a second what the

Heck is that Mom of yours whoa this is scp-o-p It’s a super secret SCP yo they’re flying up in the air and wow he literally hit your dinosaur out of the air this is insane what the heck wait wait a second my ncps are getting wait a

Second they just pushed one of the map oh my God it’s gonna be a closed fight way to say what no they fell off no this is not fair wait a second my moms are the only ones standing on the platform that means I win um no they’re not look there’s still one

Right here look what no this look you just bought that one and I saw that what I can’t believe this what the heck they actually fell off the map they were supposed to be super op okay I want a rematch okay we’re going to do a rematch

I’m going to spawn one and Dino you’re going to spawn five of them okay I already spawned them in Loki let’s go let’s go please don’t get pushed off this time whoa he’s jumping into the air he just threw one in the air oh this monster is absolutely insane oh guys

He’s just playing tennis with them what the heck no come on you’re scared of this you got this wait wait he got two of yours you only have like three left oh the egg was that oh my gosh this thing is insane you only have two left no come

On you skeleton you got this oh it’s one for this one come on let’s go one versus one no no no no no no watch out watch out whoa oh my God please she’s gonna push him up the edge oh my God it literally did a death star

This SCP is so awesome it’s so Opie today we’re gonna do a mob battle with my friend Dino so what my friend Dino doesn’t know is it I’m going to be secretly cheating with one-way glass so I can see everything that is spawning and spawn the perfect counter to them so

Let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real mob battle hey Dino hey flokey are you ready to get your butt kicked today what no I am not ready to get my butt kicked today why the heck would I want that hey who

Do you guys think is going to win today at this uh I’m gonna give you a hint it is obviously team blue because we’re going to cheat wait flokey what are you doing over there don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry we’re going to do a mob battle that means you can pick five

Super awesome sounding spawn eggs in five minutes and lock them in your chest and after those five minutes we’re going to battle it out but you can only choose five and you cannot see what they look like only what their name is is are the rules clear the rules are clear to me

Flukey all right let’s go let’s pick out five spawn eggs okay but what Dyno doesn’t know is I secretly already prepared five of my own spawn eggs so while he’s down there being super busy trying to find super awesome mobs to fight with I already picked five of the

Most OP monsters ever and I’ve secretly hit them in my Ender Chest under the arena over here so the first we have Crooks this thing is absolutely insane we have a cyclops that’s super massive we have jagara the dread piece this thing is absolutely insane we have a

Dark opal demon and we have Juju Charles now I cannot explain to you guys enough how super insane and op Juju Jaws actually is so now while Dino is busy trying to spawn his stupid little creatures I’m gonna show you guys how awesome our mobs are so we’re definitely

Gonna win the first one I want to show you is Crux look at this thing this thing is just absolutely disgusting he looks so gross and scary oh my gosh that is nasty what is coming out of his back it looks like some kind of nervous system or something he’s even smoking

Hey smoking is bad for you mister do not smoke okay dude he doesn’t even care about smoking okay get the heck out of here this thing is was spawning already he’s not even spotting anything but he spawned this little stupid thing here on top way

Let’s see what that is real quick it’s a solid fuge what the heck is a solid fuse I’ve never heard of a solid piece before it doesn’t matter I’m gonna show you my next super awesome thingy the next thing is a cyclops okay this thing is

Only insane and even as a mop what oh my gosh it’s already attacking his mops I just shot some kind of laser eye right at it oh my gosh okay we have to get rid of red Hooper quickly before Dino finds out that we have a super awesome op Cyclops now the

Next one is going to be Jagger Rod The Dread piece this thing is absolutely insane look at this oh my gosh low stop fighting stop fighting stop fighting no no no no no okay okay we’re definitely gonna use this one as one of the last one because this dude is super open just

Look at this thing it has three heads that is so insane okay I gotta get rid of it oh my gosh it’s not dying it’s attacking me now what the heck oh my gosh I finally got rid of him look at him he’s he’s freaking out all of his

Heads are turning uh what’s going on oh no no no oh dude he did a Duke all over the battlefield it’s super red right now you know what I’m just gonna leave it like this because Dino’s gonna get super scared because he’s gonna have no idea why my Battlefield has turned red with

The blood of my enemies okay let’s get rid of this so real quick and let’s go to the next Monster the next Monster is a dark opal demon this thing is absolutely insane look at how gigantic it is this thing is so crazy it even has a bunch of purple nipples that’s weird

Bro why why do you have that better shirt I’ll do that super cringe look at how we saved this thing is this thing is so passive look look when I stand next to uh sir watch out okay don’t fall off the edge I swear if you fall off the

Edge today I’m going to be super angry at you oh my gosh oh my gosh okay let’s hope it kills all of dinos monsters before he jumps off the edge and the last one that I have is actually choo choo Charles with choo choo Cho’s model is so insane

And he’s so strong and I’m Gonna Keep it a super big secret until the end of the video because I’m definitely gonna use it for one of the last rounds okay let’s see if Dino is finally ready all right Dino are you ready I’m ready floaty I’m really wondering who’s going to spot

What hey who do you guys think is going to win the first round hashtag team orator hashtag team blue the person who gets every round right with a cookie and maybe a like for me if you’re super nice you’ll get a like yeah that’s what you

Get okay dinos by your first one all right here we go I’m gonna spawn in my first moment he’s super duper strong and he looks so oh guys look at that it’s the first thing that we saw is actually spawning that thing that thing looks super stupid

You know what we’re gonna get the perfect counter to it I’m gonna spawn the super giant disgusting Crooks monster I’m not even sure what kind of abilities it has but it must have some super awesome abilities when it looks like this right okay let’s spawn a bunch

Of them all right Dino are you ready yeah I’ve added them into the team floaty remove the wall let’s go already this is insane whoa they’re throwing stuff at each other yo what the heck flokey what did you spot in that mob looks so creepy oh my gosh they are

Super creepy look they’re running at each other wait a second why did they stop fighting wait what happened wait maybe they just wanted to become friends or something I don’t know uh hello you stupid why the heck are you stop fighting what’s going on I don’t understand hello guys can you please

Follow the fighting again here we go they’re going again wait were they lagging or something oh my gosh they’re throwing sand and dirt at each other wait what the heck is going on I don’t even see my mobs anymore uh um when am I winning I think I’m winning Dino all of

Your stupid mobs are getting killed whoa they’re coming out of the floor what that looks so creepy this is the kind of stuff you see in your nightmares oh there’s ew it’s going back into the ground it’s so gross what the heck is going on with all these things oh yo I

Think the gang up on the last one over here is actually the last one well it must be I don’t see any of them left I think I won Dino I won the first round everyone who comes with the team blue you are super awesome because you’re

Super right oh my gosh I can’t believe this are you ready for round two I’m ready floaty let’s go all right Daniel as you can see the battlefield looks a little bit messed up right now but you know what I kind of like it do you guys

Like it it adds to the character of the battlefield right Dino it’s super cool and I’m gonna spot it by next mob right now because my next mom really loves her like more rough terrain look I’m gonna spotted me right now ironic what is fun

My name as well wait what is he spawning what is this thing it looks like a polar bear but it’s kind of made out of voids something is it like a void bowler bear oh but you know what at least it doesn’t even look that strong I’m gonna spawn

The perfect counter to it I’m gonna spawn a super scary big Cyclops oh my gosh this thing is going to be absolutely insane are you ready Dino I’m ready floaty remove the wall let’s go we might are fighting each other what are they doing what the heck is going on wait wait my

People are flying in the sky what the heck is going on oh my gosh my Cyclops are so strong they have laser eyes they’re literally pushing your stupid Bears all the way off the map see you later bye bye come on you got this attack they literally playing baseball

With your beers My Cycles are super insane yo look at this one this one is looking out for someone to murder when he found someone wait what the heck are they wait they’re attacking each other look float your Cyclops are super stupid yo what the heck are you doing you idiot

Stop fighting each other oh my gosh I think they have super big egos because they’re super big creatures I think so too but wait a second my mom stopped hitting hello what are you boys doing come on go back into the battle what is going on this is so hectic yo Dino I

Think we’re gonna need a rematch all right let’s do a rematch Loki we’re only gonna spot you’re gonna spawn 10 and I’m gonna Spawn Two is that a deal that’s a good deal let’s do it okay we really have to do a rematch guys because this

Is just insane there’s so many Cyclops I think they’re actually getting mad at each other okay rematch time okay Dino spawn in 10 of your stupid little bears and I’ve got a spawn two of my super awesome cyclopsis what the heck Smokey they’re not stupid but I’m gonna spot

Instead right now here we go but then finally oh no wait they stopped okay let’s go here we go I added my animals into the team come on boys what wait why are they throwing them in the air oh my God baseball again whoa see you later

Cow what the heck he threw him away so far oh my gosh this Cyclops is actually instant whoa what is a death ray these Cycles are like the most OP bosses I’ve ever seen in my life they’re Invincible yeah but flokey they’re not that op because look bye bye

Whoa I can’t believe you actually killed by Cyclops you can’t handle losing look I actually want the blue as one round two again who do you guys think is gonna win round three no I won oh oh yeah oh yeah I I won okay let’s go for round

Three okay Dino are you ready for round three I’m super ready for keep getting spotted by Bob right now oh he looks so creepy no way and he has a really funny looking nose I’m gonna spawn mine as well oh my gosh what is he spawning guys it looks like

Some kind of villager column or something because he has a super big nose like that look at that okay you know what because he has a big nose that means that I have to spawn something that’s big as well so I’m gonna spawn the dark opal demon this thing is so

Absolutely insane okay there we go there we go there we go Emma are you ready already it’s okay remove the wall right now let’s go oh boom what the heck is this whoa what oh my gosh look my opal team is just jumping into the air this

Is insane what the heck is going on floaty I’m getting scared your mom is so creepy wow all of your Golems are being absolutely ravaged by my dark opal demons wait a second my trolls aren’t even doing anything about attack attack wait no they got one they got one this

One jumping over the edge no oh my God she actually got one no way but I’m still gonna win wait did I win did I win this is so stupid I still have one more left come on boys you got wait they’re still alive come on this is

The last one standing wait where did he go no they literally played tennis with it looking at the jumping into the end hitting him oh my gosh he literally hit them off the platform this dark opal Divas are so obey it’s insane what the heck flooky where did all of my mobs go

I didn’t even kill one of your stupid demons the blue has won round three yo everyone is commenting team blue I think you are the smartest persons ever because deep blue just keeps winning who do you guys think is gonna win round four make sure to comment down below right now are you

Ready for round four Dino I’m ready floaty let’s do it are you ready for the next battle Dino I’m ready I’m gonna spot in my mode right now and this moment so oh that one is super gigantic yo I’m definitely gonna win this round what is this what a dinosaur spawn these

Things are absolutely massive it’s literally going through the wall it’s like a super giant sea dragon or something oh no I wanted to save two to Charles for less but guess what I’m gonna use choo choo Trails right now because choo choo jumps is super OB I’m

Gonna Spider-Man right now there we go I’m spawning in the bush of them this is absolutely insane because they look so super creepy look at his face oh that’s so gross but I really hope they’re gonna be a good match against these Super Dragon sea creatures I don’t even know

What they are this is going to be so crazy okay I’m gonna spawn a bunch more because we definitely have to win we cannot lose now because we’re already three rounds ahead we can’t give up our win now I’m gonna spawn even more choo choo Trails over here and then Dino are

You ready I’m ready floaty remove the wall let’s go oh my gosh what did you spot what is that those are called Caesar but they look so creepy but wait what the heck did you spawn what do you mean what did I spot I spot Juju Charles and I’m definitely gonna win look

They’re all attacking him wait George’s actually shooting some kind of projectile at it this is so crazy Jake how did you get a JuJu Charles that’s so Opie wait a second am I winning two of your big ones already felt that oh no two of mine are down there as well let’s

Go so bad come on you stupid sea serpents do something you’ll damage oh my god oh yo my truth just got one of yours oh my gosh see they got another one they got another one yo what the heck come on you stupid sea serpents do

Something I want to win oh my gosh I’m definitely winning I can’t believe it you’re super what where’d this blue one come from he wasn’t even here before yo what the heck Logan is so stupid why are my mom’s not doing anything they’re just sticking their head into the ground no

DC serpents are absolutely terrifying bro but they’re no match against my super awesome JoJo Charles you’re thinking about him they’re gonna push him off let’s go no leave him alone you stupid still what the heck wait what the heck why are you not doing it for you

Stupid sister but dudes let’s go oh they’re getting it they’re getting him they’re good again wait you only have one left no two left oh come on this is so stupid this is super giant Caesar but it’s not doing anything why is it not doing anything oh my God We have fun round four again yo team blue is definitely gonna be the winner of this entire battle don’t you guys think who do you guys think is gonna win round five let us know all right Daniel are you ready for round five I’m ready floaty let’s do it let’s go all right

Dino are you ready for the fifth round are you gonna win now you think of course I’m gonna win Floki because the guy who wins the last battle is actually the winner of the home of battle I’m definitely gonna win I’m gonna spawn it by more right now what the heck is he

Spawning he has a bunch of pharaohs this is absolutely insane what they’re all kinds of different pharaohs it’s like he’s bringing the entirety of ancient Egypt back well you know what I saved a super super super strong mob and I’m gonna use him right now he’s called shag

Around the dread piece and I already showed him to you he has three heads and he has insane amount of HP he has so much health that no one and nothing in the world will ever be able to kill him and guess what we’re not gonna spawn one

We’re Not Gonna Spawn Two we’re gonna spot three and even four Jagger rods are you ready Dino I’m ready floaty remove the wall let’s go oh my God wait why did you spawn multiple you’re cheating I’m not cheating flokey those are just my mobs oh my gosh this is the biggest

Battle I’ve ever seen in my life wait they’re all ganging up on one look they’re all teaming you got this stupid pharaoh and steal that stupid red thingy oh my gosh this bed was absolutely insane wait my Jagger want to spawn in some kind of super weird hands look at

This eel they even have eyeballs so what the heck is that that looks super disgusting oh my gosh this is crazy wait what are these ghosts doing here who do they belong to is that my ghost or your ghost I have no idea I’m flukey but wait

You still have all four of your chaga Ross standing he’s so super Opie he is super op wait you did look at the top of the screen your pharaohs are not even dying that quickly what the heck they’re so strong I know they’re super strong because they’re a pharaoh all floaty oh

Wait a second wait a second no what is dying got one what the hell definitely winning come on go pharaohs no they got two what they three no way to actually want this makes no sense bro this is not fair look at that now your last dragon rope is being killed boom

I actually won one no way I can’t believe that Dino actually won the round hey Rosie hey flokey do you know what we’re going to do today yeah we’re going to have another mob battle where you’re gonna lose that means that I’m going to win because team blue always wins wow

That’s so not true hey hey hey go back to your side you know what we can settle this once and for all who do you guys think is going to win this time is it going to be team blue or Team Pink let us know down

Below right so what we’re going to do is we’re each going to pick out five spawn eggs without knowing what they are you can only look at the name okay okay that sounds kind of hard because you never know if it’s gonna be good or not I know

That’s part of the challenge so after you picked five spawn eggs which you don’t know what they are only the name he gotta lock them in in your chest okay you have five minutes but before we start doing that we have to go to the comment wall and check out what our

Buddies gave us as a challenge today let’s go James Brown says it we should fight each other in full diamond armor whoa Rosie that’s such a good idea it is a really smart idea then an expert protected and I’m definitely going to win you know what no you’re not going to

Win that means that I can went twice in this video hey if any of you guys knows anything awesome for us to do in the video make sure to put it down below and you might end up on the comment wall in the next video alright Rosie are you

Ready to lose let’s go okay Rosie so as I said you have five minutes to pick five awesome sounding spawn eggs and after five minutes locked him in the chest then we’re going to check them out by our own and then we’re gonna let them fight we have five rounds and whoever

Wins all of them wins uh uh uh what should we win guys a cookie yeah that’s a that’s a good price oh I love cookies let’s do it all right five minutes start now all right so we have to go in here and time spawn and then we have to get

Five super awesome spawn eggs but look we can only see the name we have no idea what they actually look like it is very important that we win today so I gotta get something that sounds super awesome okay because I cannot let pink team win

Big team is you know what it’s a fun team but we’re still gonna win okay so what looks awesome dreadlich oh my gosh it sounds pretty cool dread Knight you know what I’m gonna get a dreadna that’s gonna be my first X so we need four more

And their soul clone oh my gosh these things all look super awesome with mutant zombie muted Snow Golem should we get a mutant out here what do you guys think you know what I am I’m gonna get a muta wait what the heck’s a spider pig

Okay you know what I want to see this I want to see what the heck is spider pig is so that’s gonna be my second egg we need three more eggs oh my gosh this is going fast I really gotta pick something awesome Twilight Lich that sounds

Awesome I’m gonna get that one we only have two eggs more we have to make this count okay we cannot let her win evolved which evolved Enderman oh my gosh I do not like the sound of these eggs at all oh my gosh I don’t know what the heck

That is but that sounds super fun God it sounds like Barack Obama for the last egg what are we going to pick oh we have to pick something so important okay Rosie cannot and I repeat she cannot win if you guys see anything awesome in this list while I’m scrolling

Through it make sure to comment it down okay so I can use it in the next video and beat Rosie oh I don’t know what the big guys I really don’t know what to pick the Red Guard psycho Steve what the heck is psycho Steve okay you know what I’m gonna get

This one I really want to know what this is okay I think the five minutes are almost over let’s lock them in the chest right here there we go our five eggs are in here now we gotta raise for Rosie to be done okay Rosie did you like your

Five spawn eggs in I did and I’m so excited all of mine sounds so incredibly cool what about your ex oh my sound way cooler than yours I already know that’s impossible Floki okay but Rosie so as I said what we’re going to do is we’re

Going to have five rounds where we fight each other and by the end of the video we’re gonna beat him up against a thousand skeletons to see which one of our spawn eggs is the strongest and also don’t forget the challenge Rosie we have to fight each other in full diamond

Armor at the end of the video yeah we definitely have to do that that’s gonna look so awesome I don’t think you’re even going to see the diamond armor on you because you’re already so blue so it’s gonna look so cool on me with you you’re not even gonna notice secretly

I’m already wearing diamond armor okay Rosie every single one of them and when we’re done we’re gonna start the battle okay so we gotta figure out which spawn egg is the coolest okay I think I’m gonna start off with spider pig because I’m really wondering what the heck this is

Okay is this gonna look funny or really open to make it like a giant Mistake by choosing this one because don’t forget we have to win okay Rosie might have the five most all we got oh my God no oh look at the booty oh that look just looks super cursed

This does not look right at all I’m feeling very not confident for this one I think I’m gonna start this one first so if we lose at least at least we’re losing the first round right because that’s not too bad can you get the heck

Out of here let’s check the next one out we have psycho Steve The Red Knight Baba Kawana and Twilight Lich for whatever reason I think this Twilight Lich is actually super op so I’m Gonna Save that one for last now I’m gonna check out the

Baba Kawana next oh my gosh what if it’s Barack Obama I’m gonna have like all the powers of an American president that’s like a lot of powers right okay let’s spot him right here boob whoa what the heck what did I just spot oh my God she’s dancing whoa this looks super

Awesome we’re definitely gonna win with this one you guys hear these sounds oh my gosh these ones are so hilarious okay I have definitely gonna win round two because I spawned six of them with like one spawn egg oh my gosh this is like the best one ever okay you guys get

The heck out of here get that guy out of here that is definitely going to be my round two okay let’s see what we have for round three so I’m gonna check out psycho no you know what psycho Steve actually sounds super awesome I’m gonna get dreadnite and spawn it right here oh

My freaking gosh no no no no no no don’t go that way don’t go that way no I think you can walk through walls oh my gosh okay this is definitely going to be my Round Tree hey stop it dude get out of here uh-oh yo what if he just teleports

Up somehow wait I gotta check out if he’s gone I really have to make sure that he’s gone okay he’s gone that’s good all right so we had thread night for round three let’s psycho Steve I am really wondering how this one looks okay let’s spot him right here what

What it’s literally just a construction worker with like a chainsaw but he’s like super fast oh my gosh I think we’re definitely gonna win round four hey buddy you’re gonna be my round four we’re best friends right what the heck did he do why did he turn on his

Chainsaw hey you get the heck out of here that was dead why was there a helicopter Rosie yeah did you see that what you mean did I see that did I see a helicopter blow up of course what happened it was an accident I don’t know what happened how did you get a

Helicopter that’s so unfair how is that unfair I chose that spawn egg but I didn’t know it was going to fly immediately you weren’t supposed to see that Loki oh no wait what round is that for you which what round are you gonna pick that one I’m not sure yet I have to

See my last egg can you tell me please please okay please oh no oh but Floki can I say one of your ex now too because she’s on mine that’s only fair okay I’ll show you one but don’t laugh Rosie okay I can’t promise that promise that you you won’t laugh

Okay okay I won’t laugh you wouldn’t laugh stop laughing don’t worry about it don’t worry about it okay stop laughing that looks so weird hey go back to your other side so I can show my last egg okay guys we might have a giant problem I don’t know how I would somehow

Rosie got a hecking attack helicopter how did she do that I’m really hoping my last stack is like some kind of super op boss or something let’s check it out it’s called the Twilight Lich whoa it looks like a skeleton king or something look at his head yo that is so awesome

He even has a boss bar at the top okay we are definitely gonna win the last round look at him oh no what do you guys think what round will Rosie use the helicopter one two three four or five because we have to beat the helicopter the helicopter is like super op you

Could probably fly and shoot rockets and stuff okay you know what I’m gonna think about this real hard what if I put the Twilight glitch on round four and use psycho Steve on round five because I have a feeling that Rosie is going to use her helicopter around four and I

Don’t think that psycho Steve can hit the helicopter if it’s flying above but this dude I think he’s going to do some Voodoo Juju Magic on that helicopter and we’re gonna definitely win Superman okay sir time for you to get the heck out of

It oh no oh no uh it doesn’t work okay I have to push him off there we go almost oh you’re so heavy sir there we go bye-bye ah I fell all right there we go we have our five spawn eggs in the correct order all we have to do

Right now is wait for Rosie to be done okay floaty I’m so excited for this battle you did see my helicopter and that’s not even the best one that’s not the best one what do you mean I actually have so many more better ones and I’m so

Excited to see your face when I spawn them okay you know what we gotta get some ground rules if your spawn eggs whatever you’re gonna spawn is is a little bit smaller you can spawn five of them okay do you know how big your first one is yeah it’s really small actually I

Think it’s the size of my legs your legs is like half of our body okay you can spawn 10 and I’m gonna spawn five deal okay deal let’s go all right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay you ready I’m ready three two one boom

What the heck is that you have some kind of mushroom why are they not fighting each other I don’t know maybe they like each other what even is this now that I get a closer look this actually looks way weirder than from above it’s a spider pig why are you not fighting

Fight each other you stupid okay Rosie let’s try that again okay for some reason they didn’t want to fight but we just told them that they look very ugly so they’re probably super mad right now and they’re gonna fight now death definitely I think so too so let’s take

Down the wall Floki in three two one go are they doing anything now oh you know what I’m gonna help them out oh wait I think they’re going they’re going whoa it actually worked oh whoa they don’t like being called ugly no they don’t oh my gosh I think I’m winning I’m winning

The first Sprout Rosie what be one candy look there’s a tiny little one right here whoa there’s a mama here she was pregnant Rosie I won you lost hey don’t make fun of me this is only the first round and you don’t know what you’re getting into oh that’s right you

Have an attack helicopter I totally forgot okay let’s reset the wall three two one boom I’ll see you for round two Rosie good luck getting rid of my spiders well what they just combined into one that’s crazy what what if we combine into one how did you spot five

Uh I don’t know but they just all went into each other and now I just have one bigger one okay you know what I just spawned all of mine I added them all to my team are you ready I am ready let’s do three two one boom what the hell what

How is that fair you can’t spawn 10 of these no I only spawned two for some reason I spawn one like five hey oh my gosh they almost fell hey get over there what the heck are you guys doing stupid go fight you have like 11 of these things

Oh guys look at my little ones they look so funny whoa they’re circling it look at it oh no oh mine is actually beating some of them mine is so strong oh my God you stupid go over there what the heck is he doing bro I don’t know you can do

This it’s working minor Winnie whoa what what nothing oh no oh no what is the way what the heck is that thing it looks like a giant pimple Rosie how did It win I know it looks like you but it is so awesome that it won from all of yours

Wow you had like 10 of these and I have one of them it keeps it it keeps popping out more pimples look at that dude this door’s doing a victory dance that’s so mean if you get that guy out of here hey yours sold more too so that is fair oh

Look I spawned one at five get out look how is that fair get the egg out of here anyway I did win so it’s a one two one let’s get rid of all these you’re right Rosie you won it’s 1-1 right now let’s go for round three resetting the wall in

Three two one boom there we go let’s go for round three oh my gosh this one is awesome how big is yours Rosie whoa flokey mine is actually pretty big what about yours oh wait mine is it’s not that big okay I’m gonna spawn three of

Them okay let’s get them oh we gotta be quick they’re aggressive add them to the team real quick three two one boom whoa wow that was such an easy win for you wow that was like the fastest round I have ever seen okay what if you spawn

Like 20 of them and I was about 20 of mine okay how is that fair yours are way stronger you can spawn a thousand Rosie oh but flukey you lied to me look at how big they are come on just spot a thousand they come from the ground

That’s insane spawn a thousand of them keep spawning there we’ll see what happens I’m probably gonna win okay let’s do it let’s go oh my God why are you just standing around oh no oh you gotta be quicker Rosie add them to the team mine are so weak oh my gosh mine

Are actually winning so hard wow a UF and whole Army I just have what are these crickets hey you picked the spawn egg Rosie that’s your old fault oh my gosh mine are just absolutely destroying your army I think I’m gonna use these ones against the skeletons at the end

Yeah you’re definitely definitely should but if this is your strongest spawn egg oh I’m going to win the next round it’s not my strongest spawn egg Rosie I have two awesome more ow what did you do I have no idea what happened okay let’s get them all out of here bye see you

Later see you later been fun doing you see ya bye bye here we go bye-bye okay let’s reset the wall in three two one boom all right it’s round four and I have to warn you this one just looks absolutely awesome how big is yours pretty big I have a question Rosie does

It fly maybe oh you’re gonna use the helicopter now okay okay that’s perfect that’s just what I thought because I prepared Something anti-helicopter Rich for round four are you ready what what does that mean okay let’s do it okay let’s go three two one boom where’s he going what the heck is yours

Doing he’s too afraid to fight he’s just going away look at him oh no but sploki can I get a second chance can I choose like a random spell neck to fight yours otherwise it’s not fun you can that one was not fun just pick an awesome

Sounding cool spawn egg okay but look at this one he’s like the skeleton God the Skeleton King so make sure to pick something awesome Rosie otherwise you will get owned okay I already picked mine and I’m going to spawn it right now why’d you spot a squid it just had a

Really long name I want to see what is the uh hello why the heck can I not walk what what I I can’t push him spawn it right next to him I want to see what this one does I guess [Applause] something that works look at this one your shoot stinks

So epic I just found a little golem look he’s way too slow Mike just keep freaking teleporting away oh I’m gonna win I’m definitely I have two now what the heck what how I don’t know why did you do that oh whoa he shot a fireball at it oh my gosh

This one is so awesome it is well you really picked a good one with this flokey you should really try and put something else there because this is not looking good you know what I’m gonna spot a thousand of these freaking stupid Piggies you add them all to the team

Okay to my team yeah yeah go ahead because I’m gonna see if my Twilight litch Skeleton King can actually defeat all of these spiders let’s do it I’m adding them all to my team here we go well they’re not doing anything why are they not fighting wait they’re fighting

Flokey look at this what they’re fighting each other what the heck is going on oh my gosh they actually are fighting each other oh they’re fighting the skeleton king too oh my gosh but he’s not doing anything oh my God this is so bad this is so bad whoa whoa whoa

The Skeleton King isn’t taking any damage it’s not his way to op okay I have a feeling this is gonna take forever he just keeps throwing the ender pearls around just teleporting away whoa they just keep teleporting away Rosie they’re not even fighting that well this

Is gonna take forever yeah it is she’ll be waited should we just Kill Them All I’m gonna spell three more of these let’s go why would you ever do this Loki is this your last one because I still have one to go oh no that’s not my last

One I still have one don’t worry about it Rosie okay but why did you spawn three more I mean they’re definitely going to win because I will oh whoa they got one of them what the heck whoa yeah they are they are definitely winning you know what let’s give this

Route to me as well it’s like three one arrows you really gotta step it up you’re not doing that well I know I thought I would be doing so much better you will not okay let’s get rid of all of them all right Rosie are you ready

For the final one I am but Floki we have one rule we are only allowed to spawn one okay what you probably have such an OPI one I’d literally have Steve I’m spawning Steve responding Steve why would you spawn Steve don’t worry about it it’s not a normal Steve but it’s just

Steve what are you spawning how big is it uh it’s pretty it’s like the size of a big horse a big okay you know what I can spell three then no you can spawn one Floki too late are you ready then I’m going to spot two okay let’s go three two one boom

[Applause] yes yes yes yes yes oh I won what I mean I still have one left what are you spotting what even is this oh did you see yeah that was so awesome hey you already spawned too you already spawned two yeah but you also spawned three so it’s only

Five I spawn three as well yours is way bigger than mine okay you know what it doesn’t even matter even if we pretend that you won it is still three two so team blue won everyone to come to team blue uh uh uh commented again just to

Show that we are the winners all right so what we gotta do right now Rosie is we gotta pick our best ones and fight the skeletons together with our best ones now who do you think is your best one I think this one and that red creature that’s true I’m gonna get this

One as well the psycho Steve and I’m gonna get the bada kawanas I’m gonna get the Barack Obama’s let’s reset the wall you place a thousand skeletons back there okay or should I do it what do you want sure I’ll do it you have to help me

When you’re already done all right let’s just spawn ours first so these ones I’m gonna get psycho Steve a couple of them and I’m gonna get one of these Twilight glitches okay let’s put them all here let’s spawn a thousand skeletons at the other side and then we’re gonna let them

Fight and don’t forget Rosie we still have to fight each other one versus one at the end oh yeah we have to okay oh wait let’s make it night there we go it’s night time now I’m gonna spot a thousand skeletons yo someone has to count for us because I can’t count how

Many are there right now one two three four five six seven eight ten twenty I don’t know 21 I can’t count there are at least seven at least seven skeletons okay I think this is a thousand let’s get the team thingy out I’ll do it okay

You don’t do it I’ll do it boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom let’s do it on this side oh yeah yeah you gotta do it with the monsters that’s good yeah exactly okay let’s do it there we go what do you think is going to win

I think our mobs are going to win because they’re so awesome and actually super strong but Rosie there’s like a thousand skeletons since dude you know how many a thousand large it’s like it’s like more than one wait they’re already fighting okay let’s remove the wall oh

This is insane oh my God oh my gosh this is pretty intense everything’s turning red what the heck is going on oh I don’t know there are a lot of skeleton skills wow every single skeleton that they get skill turns into this red monster whoa that’s super insane oh my gosh that’s so

Awesome the skeletons don’t chest and the Chance Rosie look at that they’re all gone oh my gosh I can’t believe this this red thingy is really awesome and so strong what why are they fighting now psycho Steve is fighting the red things okay you know what let’s make it we

Definitely got the answer Rosie the skeletons have lost so now we have to clean this up and then fight each other one versus one in diamond armor and don’t forget guys make sure to comment something for a challenge for our next video so you might end up on the common

Wall alright Rosie let’s clean this up all right Rosie are you in survival I am and I’m also all geared up and I look so fantastic whoa it looks so shiny I’m definitely gonna win okay are you ready I am so ready you’re so gonna lose two

What let’s go okay okay okay okay okay I’m gonna win I’m gonna win stop attacking me what stop attacking me Rosie how many hearts do you have to you left I have like a million left don’t worry about it hey stop chasing me Rosie oh no

That is not fair I won that’s not fair we have to do it again we have to do it again if our buddies come into Team Pink they were right because I want wait what are you doing flokey go away yeah I won hey flokey hey Rosie do you know what

We’re going to do today hmm let me see I think we’re going to do another mob battle wow you’re so smart Rosie you’re absolutely right so before we start and do the mob battle we have to check out what our buddies are saying on the comment wall because I think they have

Some comments about how we do our little Bob Battles here let’s check it out let’s do it I think they have a lot to say about you flokey wow say here is yonan he says that I can’t cheat anymore but why I want to cheat I want to win he

Is totally right well if you want to win you have to just try your best you can’t win with cheating Floki that’s not fair okay Rosie I’ll try to do my best now wait so what’s the other comment Lonnie says that we have to switch colors oh no

But I don’t want to be blue do you want to be pink I don’t want to become the pink side oh my gosh you know what if I become big and I win that will be an even bigger defeat to you because I went with the girly colors well the girly

Colors are the most beautiful colors in the world so I think you’re in luck so if any of you guys have any suggestions for us leave it in the comment section down below and maybe you will end up on the comment wall right here behind us

All right Floki let’s go to the other side oh no I don’t want to switch sides Rosie I really love my blue color I know I love my pink color too but I think we have to because our buddy said so oh okay you know if the buddy said so and I

Guess we have to do it there I go ew ah oh my gosh about the pink side now that feels so weird this hurts so much no okay you know what let’s just explain what we’re going to do exactly so we’re going to do Rosie is we’re going to go

Into our inventory where we can pick five spawn eggs to fight against each other you pick five and I pick five and when you’ve chosen them you have five minutes okay when you’ve chosen them you put them in this chest to lock them in and after five minutes we will find it

Hey get back to your side Rosie but I just like the color pink so much I want to go back no this is my side you stay over there right so as I said after five minutes you take one spotting out and we fight each other and the loser has to

Hmm the loser has to clean the bathroom what I don’t want to do that that is disgusting well Rosie then I guess you just don’t have to lose okay I think we can do that so Floki we can’t see our spawn X right we have to choose him

Blindly and when we have chosen them and lock them up in our chest right here we have to grab them again spawn them right there and show it to our buddies that’s the first reveal right exactly Rosie you cannot see what monster you’re picking you can only see the name of the spawn

Egg that’s the only information we’ll get so but after five minutes you will have five totally random spawn eggs and you will see them when you spawn them you better make some good choices Rosie this will be so fun all right are you ready yes I’m so ready are you ready

That’s the better question I’m super ready the choosing starts in three two one go we have only five minutes to get the most amazing spawn eggs so what do we have here zombie pigman villager no we don’t want all that normal stuff okay we want something like this but this one

We can’t get actually because we got it the last time but this one was so cool oh anti-growl that sounds really promising let’s get one of that oh squid where is it I want to get the squid that sounded so cool dark offspring that sounds cool too let’s pick that one as

Well where is the squid I saw scorpion I don’t know I think that one is actually really really tiny so I don’t think I want to do that tarantula no thank you that’s my biggest fear I won’t spawn that a fly well that’s kind of boring let’s see jumping spider

Maybe maybe maybe I’ll just put it right here just to be sure and maybe if I find something cooler I will replace it let’s see what do we have what is this a fire and soldier that sounds actually really cool is that an end that’s like a

Soldier I don’t know what to expect with that but it just sounds so cool let’s do that one let’s go back to spawn where was I somewhere around here I think tarantula broodmother maybe that sounds even cooler than the jumping spider I think it does sounds a little bit cooler

So let’s go with that one we only need one more oh this is going so fast let me see spider mutants outcasts alien bug okay I really want that one let’s see if we can find even cooler things really quickly Mommy that sounds actually pretty cool but I don’t think I’m gonna

Go with that today maybe the next time fire dragon ice dragon I have to get the ice dragon which one should I replace it with let me see the alien book The Fire And Soldier dark all spring anti-growl or the tarantula let me see I’m going to

Do it with um this is so hard I’m going to replace with the dark Offspring I really don’t know what that is but this sounds so so so so so cool let’s look it in place our 5x right here and we’re done I’m really wondering what Floki has

Picked but it can be better than ours right our name sounded so amazing and so awesome I think we have to win this round and even though we’re on team blue I think it will be pretty cool floaty I have such cool things I’m so excited and

You’re gonna lose so bad dude I’m really wondering what you have I think I have two super awesome sounding names I don’t know what they look like but they’re super awesome sounding oh my God me too and I’m so excited to try them out I think we shouldn’t waste any time and

Just grab our eggs and that spawn them for our buddies all right but you know what I first wanna see who thinks that I’m gonna win what do you guys think is going to win team blue or Team Pink you know what from now on Team Pink is for

The boys and we’re gonna win just for team big what do you think Rosie I think I’m going to win for sure and I don’t only think it I know it because my spell neck sounds so cool and awesome and really unbeatable to be honest and just

Blues actually my favorite color so I have to win okay you know what let’s just go Rosie take out your spawn X you will have five minutes to check them out out and after five minutes we each pick one to fight against each other we have five rounds are you ready sounds really

Good let’s do it wait what action we start we have the alien book we have the fire and Soldier the ice dragon oh my gosh I’m so excited for that one I’m so but I wanna save that one for Less so maybe the anti-growl or the tarantula

Brought mother oh and guys I have something super exciting do you see this cool wand I have in my hands it says steam blue so if I spawn something I can actually make it team blue how exciting is that so we actually see which team

Won what we’re going to do now is I think I will spawn with the alien bug okay that one looks pretty awesome I think it looks pretty I don’t know it it kind of looks dangerous right I think this is a good one to start with if I

Hit him with this one he will actually become team blue let’s see edit entity to team blue do you see it guys that’s amazing and I am so excited for it I think we should spawn maybe like 10 of these things because I think if Luke is

Something really big I I can’t win from him with only one of these alien books so I think we should spawn 10 maybe if that isn’t cheating I don’t think so because we didn’t really we discuss any rules the next thing I’m going to show you guys is this anti-crow

Whoa guys this looks so creepy what even is this it looks like his fingertips are made of eyes or something like that I’m reading in the ice team if you look at the ice dragon and then this this is so amazing it actually looks like some kind

Of skeleton or something like that but then way way way cooler oh my gosh I’m definitely going to win with this one let’s delete him what should we spawn next we did the alien book we did this one the anti-gal I don’t really know how to pronounce that so if I mispronounced

It please let me know in the comment section down below and help me out so the next in line is the fire and Soldier oh that looks actually so cool it’s like a mega ant made out of fire and apparently it’s a soldier too so that’s really promising guys I’m so going to

Win but it does actually look kinda small so I think I’m gonna spawn a bunch of these in two let’s see the tarantula oh let’s erase him let’s spawn a tarantula broad mother wait what just happened what why can I spawn him what is happening why can’t I spawn him I’m

So confused right now but do you see it guys he’s so huge I will find a way to actually spawn him but he looks so amazing and cool so I really wanna fight with him because I’m definitely going to win with that one unless but not least

I’m going to spawn this ice dragon are you kidding me guys do you think he can spill ice or something like that so the other team maybe freezes that would be like so awesome okay this one looks so cool I actually want this one as my pet

Hey ice dragon do you want to be my pet we can make a pretty cool team okay let’s delete this one as well for now oh he looks so sad I’m so sorry I will spawn you later again I’m going to figure it out with that spider and let’s

Wait until floco is done and then the battle will begin do you see this this is awesome I fixed it but look at how dangerous he looks what is that lightning around him I don’t even wanna find out if I had to fight him I would

Be so so so scared I wouldn’t know what to do because he just looks so dangerous look at him oh my gosh look at those fangs and at the size of the spider even it is so scary it just looks so scary and and dangerous and evil and

Unbeatable I don’t really have good news because I heard an explosion at flokey side and I really don’t know what that is but I don’t want to cheat because Lonnie commented that we cannot cheat anymore and I mean I didn’t even cheat before but Loki did and I really hope

That he listens to Lonnie because it’s just not okay to cheat guys it’s not fair flukey is taking a long time too so let’s take a second to appreciate how evil he looks and how dangerous and how big he is oh my gosh this is insane and

Look at this Dragon he’s still laying here I have to remove him still but it will be done these two mobs are gonna be my winners okay I mean I don’t really have much faith in the other ones I really don’t know what Floki is spawning

So I just hope for the best with these ones because they are so dangerous okay Floki are you ready to lose because mine are looking so cool oh my gosh Rosie you have absolutely no idea what I just spawned You’re Gonna Lose so bad okay are you ready for the

First battle who are you gonna pick wait do not tell me don’t tell me I want to see after we destroy the wall all right Rosie let’s go let’s do it you have one minute to set it up okay okay I’m gonna spawn a bunch of the I mean one oh you

Can hear me right Rosie I’m just gonna spot one uh me too I’m just gonna spawn one I don’t know what you’re talking about just one how am I gonna do this wait don’t forget to add all of your mobs or one to your team okay do not

Forget it oh this is gonna take a long time I mean a really short time what the heck is this I think one of your buddies came to me whoa they’re fighting they can climb walls what is happening okay wait wait wait wait let’s just destroy

The wall Rosie round one here we go let’s go they’re fighting finally gosh what do you have so many beasts this is awesome these are not bees they’re wasps you silly it’s the same thing flokey come on hey you gotta add more to the team bro yours aren’t

Doing anything I’m doing that right now let’s go fight wait no more fine I have to go let’s go fight well mine are really strong wait I wanna look at this wait I have to add a few more no no no no no wait you’re winning no where are all my walls

Look at how fast by are flowkey this is insane oh my gosh this is not fair at all what the heck you got all of my walls oh no I guess you won this round Rosie I guess so too I told you Floki I

Give up I want to go to the next round oh my gosh oh my gosh guys did you see that we actually won I didn’t really expect to win with this round because they look kind of weak but they were so fast and I’m so happy right now so I’m

Really curious to see what fluke is gonna spawn next we’re gonna do the anti-gal that one looked so awesome as well so I think we’re going to win this round for sure let’s do it all right Rosie I can’t see you right now but I’m about to spawn my second monster are you

Ready I’m so ready I’m spawning them too right now oh my gosh this is so cool don’t forget to add him to the team okay I know I’ve added them there we go remove the wall in three two two one go fight they’re not doing anything why are

You spotting so many oh my gosh I’ve only spawned like five or something hey go and fight them you stupid what the heck are they doing okay I think they’re going to fight what oh my gosh look at this are yours barfing at mine that’s disgusting flokey but I think mine have

Smoked their entire lives their lungs are not being healthy right now wait what is he doing fight come on mine are winning yes please win guys no they’re not whoa no this is behind you guys he’s behind you turn around come on oh no

There we go oh no I’m gonna lose no way I actually lost this is not good oh yo High Five Guys oh I think that was a a little too hard of a high five I hit him off the edge oh no oh my gosh I won

Rosie okay so the score is now 1-1 for pink and blue I really wonder who’s gonna win the next round because they will have an advantage me too I’m so nervous but buddies on Whose theme are you on on Team Pink or team blue I mean

Team blue is pretty good right oh my gosh it’s one one okay no one is good and no one is bad now we’re equally good but it’s super confusing I keep thinking I’m team blue but I’m team big okay Rosie reset the wall okay flukey are you

Ready for the next one oh my gosh you’re going to lose Rosie I’m sure what no way because this one of mine is so awesome all right are you ready for it let’s spot it don’t spawn that many which you know what you spawned a lot the last

Round and I still won nah I’m gonna spawn just one okay me too just one let me activate them add them to the deep and remove the wall quick let’s go okay Floki I’m gonna remove the wall now let’s go let’s go oh whoa what do you

Have to have you so many what I might already gone what yours was on fire what was that about I don’t know I I think they can’t handle the sunlight okay so your fire spider is definitely winning the sunlight but guess what I’m going to

Make it night oh there we go no way why would you do that because it’s unfair I want to try this battle again but this time at night so mine don’t burn to death and also I want to spawn more than only three I just bought three Rosie

Well but mine are really small yours are so big I think that’s a little unfair flukey because you saw mine now but Rosie I think mine are like super scared of spiders you guys are scared of spiders too right buddies spiders are super scary so I think I gotta spawn

More just to compensate for that okay I’m gonna do that all the way at the other side and add them real quick okay let’s do that did I do it are they fighting let’s go wait I got that’s my one I got a little kid look at him oh he’s actually

Actually oh oh no he’s getting ganged up oh no they’re gonna get it oh no oh my gosh I’m actually winning even though oh whoa they actually explode what is that what the heck your spiders explode when they get killed that is so insane oh my gosh that is so awesome

Wow I actually won Loki can you believe it wow Rosie your spiders are super op oh my gosh okay you know what I gotta give it to you you definitely won this round yeah we gotta ride these ones down they are so Opie I know but they’re actually not spiders floaty they’re ants

Come on do your home oh they’re fire ants of course oh my gosh I’m so stupid yo who else thought they were spiders too they’re freaking fire ants yeah I know all right you won it is still one but I still am gonna win the remaining

Two to make it three two for me you just watch me yeah if that makes you feel better sure Floki you will win he’s not gonna win I am gonna win Let’s Make a Deal okay if it’s a big one we only spawn one okay if it’s a small one we

Spawn five deal yeah no more than five Loki no cheating you heard Lonnie no more than five and no more than one look you cheated you spawned so many but that was before we made this rule Loki well no but Lonnie in the comment wall he

Said if you catch it okay you know what Rosie find if it’s a big one only spawn one okay reset the wall Logan go to your own side you’re the pink side now hey stop hitting me Rosie that’s super mean of you yeah I’m sorry that’s right I

Think we’re gonna get a comment down below for the comment wall that says Rosie can’t hit Floki anymore am I right one of you guys got a comment that okay cause we gotta put it on a common wall well they won’t comment that because they actually love me flukey and they’re

They love that I’m winning right now you know what it’s time for the next one I think mine is going to be super big okay just spawn one if you’re as big okay oh yeah I’m really debating these two because they’re both so awesome no no no

No mine are way more awesomer okay are you ready should we make a daytime or does this look epic this kind of does look epic I mean it’s a little bit more dramatic right now yo we could ask it for the comment wall guys do you think

We should do the battles at night time or at daytime daytime is cool but night time just looks awesome don’t you guys think okay we’re gonna figure it out the next video but now let’s do the next round let’s do it all right are you ready Rosie wait I have to spawn mine

Yes oh this looks so epic whoa what the heck is that I’m going to remove some balls let’s go whoa what do you have that looks so cute I have a giant Yeti wait what do you have is that an ice dragon yeah it’s an ice dragon oh oh and he’s mad

What the heck is going on oh they look so cool fighting this is insane look at that the snow is coming all around them oh my oh they’re both made of ice of course whoa who’s winning I really have no clue I don’t know no I think you’re gonna win my ice dragon

Looked so angry and he actually won yeah so it’s three two one right now team blue for the win wow look at him he’s so cool he just owned a Yeti and now he’s just going to take a little nap oh my God that is the nap of Champions I know

He’s really like me if I say so myself oh this is so bad because now you’re a three one ahead I can’t even win anymore I I already won this is awesome no no no no no no no no unless you’re willing to take the Dare the person who wins the

Next fight will win everything and the loser has to clean the bathroom of the other prison you only saying that because you’re losing already so well you’re only saying that because you’re scared of losing loser loser you’re so scared okay okay okay okay I’ll take the BET

Let’s do it okay get your dragon away let’s reset the wall and do our final fight okay flooki are you ready for the last one I already spawned mine wait it has a boss bar at the top tarantula bread mother oh my gosh but guess what

When I spawn mine the name is so long that you’re probably gonna be super scared did you add it to the team oh no I’m going to do that now I did it to the team and get ready boom wait there we go remove the wall mine disappeared

No what’s going on floaty mine can’t spawn it just teleported away whoa mine is just banishing yours to another dimension oh my gosh look at the text on the screen can you read it I don’t believe we’ve been acquainted I’m the one wait I couldn’t finish it let me do

It again I said one that banishes you from this Dimension well every single time you spawn one of your Mastermind just instantly deletes it forever dude that means that I won whoa that’s insane I won oh my gosh that was insane I’ll clean the bathroom flooky it’s okay yeah you gotta clean it

Don’t worry I’ve eaten Mexican yesterday so it’s probably got a very very very nice Aroma to it oh no hey Dino hey flokey so what are we doing today I think I’m going to beat you in another mob battle what there is no way you’re gonna beat the orange because

Steam orange is also known as theme winners uh I’m pretty sure that team orange is known as team loser so who do you guys think is going to win this time is it going to be hashtag team blue or hashtag team orange let us know in the

Comment section down below so how this works Floki we each get to pick five random spot X and then we’re gonna battle them against each other to see which mom is the strongest wow that sounds so cool so we can’t even look at them before we pick them that’s right we

Could only pick them by their name and then after we have locked them oh we can decide the order of the mobs oh that sounds super awesome okay I’m gonna pick my five ones now yeah don’t forget Floki by the end of the video we’re going to

Battle all of our mobs against a thousand skeletons oh my gosh I’m really wondering who’s going to win it’s gonna be so super duper exciting all right let’s get right into with flokey okay so as you guys heard we have the big five awesome cool sounding spawn next to

Fight Dino with or it has to be the five most awesome ones we have ever heard so let’s start by doing it right now we’re going to go to our creative menu and type in spawn and now we just have to pick five of the coolest looking ones so

What looks good with a necros necro sounds pretty awesome I think that’s going to be my first one okay let’s check out the next one a money spider what the heck’s a money spider okay I’m really wondering where that’s going to be oh my gosh we’re already on our

Second egg we just need to pick three more oh this is going to be super awesome what do you guys think of money spider is going to be I really want to know your guys’s prediction down below because I have no idea what that’s going to be okay let’s pick our third Spanx

We’re going to do spawn again yo let’s get one of these weird looking spot next these are kind of weird they don’t look like the normal ones uh moving flesh oh that sounds gross dispatcher what the heck is all of this this is so weird pray with this summer primitive reeker

Okay what I’m gonna choose that one I definitely want to have one of these weird looking spawn next I’m gonna pick the Primitive reeker okay let’s go back here what else are we gonna pick dark opal demon oh my gosh that sounds super scary I’m definitely gonna get that one

I have a feeling it’s going to be like a super big boss because you know it has such an awesome sounding name I’m gonna probably use that one in the last round the boss route okay we have four spawn eggs we are about to pick our last one

And we really have to make it count okay if any of you guys know a super awesome sounding spot like you sure have to let me know but now I’m on my own so I gotta pick the fourth one let’s go over it wait I just saw a giant somewhere is

That gonna be cool I just have a feeling that the giant is not even gonna be that awesome so I don’t think I’m gonna pick the Giant now bro stash Fox that sounds stupid Zila nah oh my God this is actually pretty pretty hard because we have so many things to choose from

Tarantula ice dragon you know what I’m gonna pick a gorgon I don’t even know what a gorgon is but it sounds pretty cool because it sounds like it’s uh I don’t know I don’t know what it sounds like it sounds like nothing even I don’t even know why I picked this okay you

Know what I just picked a Five Spot egg so now it’s time to show you guys what we’ve picked okay let’s see what we’ve picked together now if any of these is bad I’m gonna blame you guys because you guys have been helping me right okay

Let’s check it out so the first one is called necros oh I really hope it’s not going to be like a super small creature I want it to be gigantic so I can beat Stupid Dino in the mob battle okay let’s spot it right here oh it’s super oh no

Oh no it’s in the floor wait wait a second how the heck are we ever gonna let it fight it’s literally gone now okay that might be a problem wait uh oh wait it’s back it’s back though I gotta get a mob killer I gotta get a mob

Killer quick quick quick wait oh my God I almost thought he wouldn’t be able to kill it wait but if we spawn him to fight he will just go out that one guys I think we should actually use another one so I’m gonna pick a very awesome spot deck and then

Come back oh my gosh I just got The Perfect Replacement I found a king spider that sounds super cool okay let’s spawn it and see what it looks like oh my gosh that is awesome this spider is like a skeleton riding on it look at that the skeleton is wearing some kind

Of amulet oh my gosh these ones are going to be super strong okay let’s see wait they’re two mobs okay let’s see the next spot egg all right the next spot I guess called the money spider now I’m not really sure what I should be thinking about when I’m

Thinking money spider but we’re about to find out I really hope you guys commented your predictions because I have no idea what this is going to be let’s spot it in oh no it’s such a tiny little spider oh we might have messed up guys we might

Have messed up super bad we are definitely not going to win round two well unless Dino picks something even stupider than this wait maybe it’s like some kind of super spider maybe there’s some super powers or something but uh you know what I’m not really counting on

It oh you know what you know what you know what I think I’m gonna use this one around one so uh if we lose round one that’s not too bad right okay let’s see what our third spot egg is going to be it’s called the Primitive reeker oh my

Gosh that sounds creepy let’s spot it in oh oh that looks gross what the heck is that it has super weird claws to the side of the body and I think I think he has some very messed up teeth he hasn’t seen a dentist in a long time hey don’t

You walk away from me what the heck are you doing okay this is good definitely going to be around three I’m gonna keep it as round three oh my gosh look at how awesome and creepy it looks like okay let’s see what a round four is going to

Be okay so a round four is called Gorgon oh I’m really wondering what this is going to be because Gorgon sounds super cool whoa no way it’s some kind of human with like a snake with like snake as as hair or something this one just looks

Like it’s going to win for us oh my gosh these things look super awesome okay this is definitely going to be my round four what do you guys think that Dino is going to pick because we really have to win this okay I don’t want to lose again

I lost the last time so this time we’re definitely gonna win okay there we go let’s pick the final one the dark opal demon I have a feeling that this one is going to be super op and super strong all right you know what I’m Gonna Leave

This one as a big surprise for the end of the video this is going to be this surprise for round five but guess what opal demons come on it has to be super op right we’re gonna find out what it looks like after the fourth round okay

Let’s see if Dino is ready all right Loki are you done picking your mobs I definitely ready Dino oh my mobs are super cool I’m definitely gonna win all right floaty spawning you’re number one okay this is going to be my round one oh my gosh I’m not really too happy with

This one but you know what we’re gonna win anyway all right Floki I have spawned in my bulbs are you ready okay I’m definitely ready but please don’t laugh at me as soon as the ball goes down okay because I really picked a bad one I think yeah I promise we won’t

Laugh at you boom there we go what is that did I win already no way I can’t believe it team orange already won round one wait a second where all my spiders are literally all gone already no there’s still one over here but I’m gonna push him off bye bye stupid spider

Oh that was so mean you died away why do you have Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy’s what the heck where did you find them well it’s like right there in the model is that you don’t see them they were right there at the spawn eggs

Oh my gosh I didn’t see any of them if I would see any of them I would have picked them immediately oh you are going to win because fnf animatronics are super strong and Opie wait do you have more than this do you only have Freddy

Or else have other ones no this is the only animatronic I have Loki I promise okay then let’s reset the walls okay Daniel are you ready for round two my round two is going to be a little bit better I hope oh but I am super duper

Ready I go wait to see what mob you have okay I’m gonna spawn them in right now are you ready Dino make sure to spawn a lot of them because I want to have a giant mob battle now I’m definitely gonna win oh mine are so cool I’m gonna

Spawn in a few extra here we go okay are you ready I am ready flokey boom let’s go whoa what the heck do you you have oh look at that your spiders are being eaten wait a second there being one hit and then there’s no way what the heck no

Wait this is so unfair Dino you already have even more Freddies now you have golden Freddy heads no come on now flokey those are the rules you know I had to pick my mom said this is what I pick oh my gosh this is super open I

Know I can’t believe it oh no I want to spawn more of mine alright you know what let’s do a rematch Loki okay we’re gonna rematch this one and now I can spot a bunch more okay that’s fair okay Dino I spawned like a million of them surely

I’m going to win now well I wish you good luck but I don’t think you’re gonna win three two one boom let’s go oh here we going look at that the heads are going in oh my gosh I can’t believe how op yours went they already got my

Spiders are just disappearing oh this this is so sad your spiders look super cool but they’re being one hidden by the Freddy Fazbear head what the heck no wait they’re already gone I know that is so bad I can’t believe this I just have like two left and they don’t even want

To fight anymore oh my gosh I can’t believe Dino keeps winning these guys we really have to do better rounds three four and five do you guys still think I can win please let me know down below because I need all of your support right now because I’m feeling sad alright Loki

Are you ready for round number three okay you know what Dino I know that I lost one and two but this time I’m really gonna win okay it’s literally impossible for me to lose now all right floaties spawn in your mob right now okay I’m gonna spawn a lot of them

Because I really want to win this time okay Daniel I think I’m ready I got like a million of them definitely going to win this time are you ready I’m ready I’ve added them into the team three two one let’s go go yo what that

What the heck is going on your moms are so strong wait a second am I winning I can’t believe it I’m actually winning round three no way what no way come on mangles you got this what no way yeah I cannot believe this I actually won’t

Wait why did you spot what’s it called it looks super weird it looks like mango ew golden mango is like a robot but it has like a foxy head as well oh that is super disgusting but wait you actually oh oh he’s mad wait why are they attacking him oh

Can’t believe it I know yeah we won round three oh you know what because I won now that means I’m gonna want round four and five as well I’m definitely gonna win now nah there’s absolutely no way flokey let’s just get right into the next round I’m ready for the next round

Dino let’s go oh I’m definitely gonna win all right floaties spawning your mob let’s go oh this one looks so awesome all right Floki I have added them all into the team are you ready dude every single one of mine is fighting each other oh this is so bad like I’m gonna

Try and spawn a punch more okay let’s try this there we go okay okay okay I think I’m doing it Dino okay there we go let’s go I’m gonna remove the wall of three two one boom yo what is that wait where are my Freddy’s going wait what are they doing

Why are they not attacking I think they’re trying to attack the ones that are completely made out of stone I can’t believe it yo this is so super duper unfair all of my Freddy’s are frozen this is so stupid whoa mines are turning yours into stone oh that is so cool wow

This worker turned into stone as well this is not fun I’m gonna spawn in a few more guys go attack go with that go go go go go go they’re not even doing anything they just keep getting thrown into stone oh my gosh mines are so Opie

But wait I know we have a big question now who is actually winning because turning into stone is not even death I have no idea this is so stupid it looks like my moves can’t even hit your most because some of them are turned into stone as well wait a second some of

These are actually dying over here okay you know what I think we have to ask the viewers guys take one this round because look everyone’s just turning into stone no one is dying I don’t think anyone won right or maybe I won because everything turned into stone all right you know

What flokey let’s just get right into the next round okay so for round five I kept this as secret because I was pretty sure it’s going to look super amazing so let’s see what it looks like now oh I’m pretty sure it’s super cool are you guys

Ready okay if you’re ready gotta make sure to drop a like in three two one boom whoa what the heck is that thing oh look at the Boss Bar on the top this thing is absolutely insane okay we are definitely going to win round five okay let’s spawn another one I’m just gonna

Spawn Two because why not oh my gosh this is going to be sick I’m ready Dino I think this is going to be super insane okay I spawned something amazing don’t worry about it Loki I spawn something amazing as well are you ready I’m ready let’s remove the wall boom let’s go whoa

Here we go yo what the heck is happening what are they doing oh no they’re gonna fight the woman dude said that didn’t die I can’t believe it this is so not funny wait what am I doing oh my gosh this shoot at yours in the air whoa look at

That they’re slamming and stuff okay I’m gonna spawn in some extra Freddy heads here we go no this isn’t so it’s insane they’re actually doing karate on them oh my gosh wait he’s throwing Freddy heads in the air what the heck yo wait what did they spawn they’re spawning

Something oh what is that what is that what is going on whoa okay mine are definitely winning wait they’re actually just starting to attack one of my look at the Boss Bar wait what the heck on it whoa they keep jumping up in this Sky okay I’m gonna

Spawn in another one here we go here we go I gotta spawn in a lot of head so I can actually win oh no this is not going to plan bro they’re shooting the Freddie ads in the sky and then they’re catching them these dark opal demons are actually

Insane yo these are super duper overpowered I can’t not believe it oh no yo don’t forget by the end of the video we’re gonna let him fight against the Thousand skeletons it’s going to be so cool wait they’re dying what no they’re actually gonna die whoa

Whoa this is so close come on Freddie hence you got this you’ve already almost taken care of one oh my gosh whoa oh no what the heck what is going on go dark what I don’t know what’s going on everything’s dark whoa they exploded wait uh Floki is your

Screen dark as well it’s pretty dark Dino I’m not sure what’s going on oh my gosh no wait a second where did they go now there’s only these little creatures left they’re called a dark fake so they look kind of stupid what I can’t believe in my super big dark opal demon actually

Lost this isn’t possible this is so funny guys let’s all go through the comment section and laugh at Floki how did you get every single one of them as Freddy okay you know what now we’re gonna pick him up against the Thousand skeletons oh my gosh this is gonna be so

Cool all right Dino we spawned like a million skeletons over here so now it’s time to spawn the most awesome bosses that we just used and place them in there and let them fight each other who do you think is going to win Dino well we’re definitely gonna win because we

Have the animatronics and we have your super scary dark opal mob so let’s get right into the spawning okay I’m gonna spawn I think two of the big dark opal demons oh my gosh they look so cool they do and I’m just gonna spawn a few Freddy hats because they were really strong

Last time you’re not gonna spawn any other ones I think I’m gonna also spawn in uh the reaper ones super creepy whatever this is oh no they’re fighting let’s add them to the team and remove the wall let’s go boom whoa what the heck the dark opal demons is getting everyone

Yo this is so awesome look at this oh my gosh I can’t believe how strong these demons are they’re literally destroying the entire skeleton army that’s right I need Freddy Fazbear heads are so fast looking and they keep eating the skeletons oh no the skeletons are losing

Super hard I know they’re losing soup what you’re one of them fell down no way hey where was he going hey come back here oh I can’t believe it he’s actually running away you know what we still won the bosses have definitely won Dino hey Dino hey there flokey today we’re going

To have an awesome mod battle we’re going to fight each other with five randomly generated spawn eggs wait but how the heck did you get that idea Floki well I went to the comet wall and I checked out what our awesome viewers are saying should we check out the comments

Oh let’s go over there oh man I’m so excited I’m really curious to see who commented it was cool kid on the block that’s a funny name I said a funny name is literally cool kid but look he said do one where you get random mobs wait

Team orange hey we have to delete that real quick hey come on you we all know that team or just gonna win who do you guys think is going to win team blue or team orange make sure to comment it down below and also if you have any awesome

Ideas for the next videos make sure to comment that you might end up on the comment wall all right Dino are you ready to lose I am super excited to win because team orange is also known as team winners um no that’s not true Dino all right so

How this works we’re going to have five randomly generated spawn X inside of this chest and how we’re going to randomly generate that you might ask well we have to do this a couple of times look I already randomly generated bye oh I can’t believe this actually works I

Was so excited to see what’s inside of my chairs okay you know what I’m gonna do it one more time there we go oh so can we check can we check I’m so excited let’s open it up and see what kind of mobs we got whoa oh yo not gonna lie these

Mob sounds super cool I’m sure I’m gonna win this round all of these phonics look super cool as well they’re like not regular spawn eggs wait I have those as well oh but this is gonna be so exciting okay so what we have to do now is we

Both go to our own sides and we show our awesome viewers what kind of mobs we got randomly and then after five minutes we’re going to start fighting oh I’m so excited this is gonna be so cool and I’m definitely gonna win all right so it’s

Time to show you guys what kind of maps I picked up uh randomly by the way oh I’m super excited for this one let’s go to the first one I’m gonna pick this one a warden now what the heck’s a water let’s spawn it right here check it out

Whoa whoa what the heck what are you shooting at bro oh my gosh this thing looks like a giant parasized zombie robot thingy yo he looks so cool but he’s already destroyed why is he shooting me I’m in Creative stop shooting me you silly goose okay you

Know what this one is super awesome I I think I’m gonna use this one in the first round what do you guys think what kind of round would you guys use this one all right let’s check out the next mod that one looked absolutely amazing

So the next Bob is going to be let’s do this one what is this oh my gosh this thing looks super amazing oh I actually know what this is oh my God I can’t fly it can literally fly this thing can actually turn super big I think by the

End of the video when I’m going to use him in the mob battle he’s going to turn into a super big version of itself not probably going to win so hard okay what I’m gonna save that one last because I have a feeling that one is so cool he’s

Going to win every single fight I’m Gonna Save him for last all right let’s check out the next one the assimilated bear that’s a pretty weird sounding name I’m really wondering what it’s going to look like oh my gosh ew what the heck is that this thing looks absolutely gross

Look at the face look at his head oh that is super disgusting uh ew look look at him look at it oh my gosh he is so wait it’s actually a beer head I didn’t even see that oh that is so creepy what do you guys think if you played

Minecraft and you just randomly see this thing just just show up next to you I would poop my pants I would need a fresh pair of pants I’m not even lying right now I’m not afraid to admit that this is absolutely terrifying okay get that guy

Here see you later buddy okay it’s time for the fourth one um wait did we spawn a warden or a monarch I kind of forgot I think we spawned the warden right the first one okay I’m gonna spawn the Monarch next boom whoa what the heck is this it’s some kind of

Super gross parasite spider oh that just looks absolutely disgusting look at how stupid this legs are ew wow wait did it just set himself on fire he said his self on fire okay I really hope he’s not going to do that in the mob battle otherwise we might lose super

Hard okay and I do not want to lose because team blue is the best team ever like if you agree I’m gonna give you three seconds to like three two one boom wow so many of you actually like the video I told you guys team blue is the

Best team ever okay you get the heck out of here oh I can’t oh no oh no oh there we go see you later buddy okay I guess there’s one final little spawn egg left right the troll I’m really wondering what the troll is going to be but I have

A feeling that the troll has to be spawned at night so I’ll just quickly go to third time by typing time set night boom there we go and I’m going to spawn him in and see what he looks like oh my gosh these ones look super amazing I

Have a feeling they’re just going to swing their whatever that is I don’t even know what that is what does that look like like some kind of pipe they’re going to swing their pipe all around the area they’re going to decimate every single one okay guys get the hell got

Here all right I know what order I’m going to use I’m definitely going to do that super awesome creature last the Specter and then I’m going to do the super creepy assimilated beer first I’m going to do the troll second and the Monarch third yeah that is what I’m

Going to do that oh my God this is going to be so cool I’m definitely going to win oh we have to make a team name real quick okay let’s go over here right let’s grab a little team tag right here okay uh we gotta rename it okay what

Should we name our team we can name it something super awesome like hashtag team winners yo oh my God you know what I’m actually gonna do it I’m actually gonna call it team winners let’s do it team winners oh there we go this is so

Cool okay get that out of here all right let’s go up there oh I think Diana’s ready already okay Dino did you show all of yours to your viewers yeah and they are super awesome looking and I am sure team orange is gonna win no no no Dino

My last one is so cool I think you’re actually going to poop your pants because it’s super creepy what there is no way mine probably has a lot more heads than yours has wait a second a lot more hands what do you mean uh uh I I

Didn’t say anything I guess we should just really get into the battle but first I think everyone should go to the comment section and let us know who is gonna win this mob battle is it team orange or is it team losers okay let’s check out the first runner don’t forget

By the end of the video we’re going to pick our strongest mobs and set them up against a thousand skeletons to see who’s stronger alright Dino let’s go over to our own sides and spawn your first round oh and this one is gonna be so awesome I’m even gonna spawn a few

More of him just to make sure that we definitely beat you this time what okay I’m going to spawn 10 as well but don’t worry okay these ones are super scary so Dino I gotta ask do you have a fresh pair of pants one fresh pair of pants I

Think yours might be one because mine are actually gonna poop all over your team no no no no no these ones are super scary okay let’s add them to the team are you ready I am ready Floki I hope you got your glasses on because else you might not even see them

Okay let’s remove the wall three two one boom whoa wait a second what the heck are those wait what’s going on with someone’s dying but I can’t see who yeah that’s the point my moms were supposed to be invisible but they’re dead already you definitely spawned way too many of

Them this is unfair wait a second I won already you’re so bad that’s not funny it’s super unfair I wanna reimag let’s get rid of all your moles because I want a fair fight what no this is not fair okay you know what you can spot we will

Leave these two leave these two no oh this is stupid we’re gonna do a 1v1 because I’m sure my mob is a lot stronger look at him okay okay okay let’s check it out what okay you know what let’s ask the viewers who do you guys think won this round

Team blue AKA team winners or deep orange you gotta let us know because we don’t know oh but no let’s get right into the next round Floki because my second mob is even cooler okay I’m resetting the wall in three two one boom let’s spot our can we spawn this time because mine

Might be a little bit bigger than your mobs okay oh really well if it’s super big just about like three I’m gonna spawn six of them okay I’m spawning six as well because it’s not that big it’s like semi big if you understand what I

Mean uh I have added all my mobs into the theme okay let’s go let’s add them all to the deep and remove the wall in three two one oh whoa what the heck yo look at them what the heck is that what do you have there’s some kind of

Mushroom thingy it’s called a crush room it’s a super cool and OB mushroom balls and look at them the moment he attacks he actually slams The Ground oh my gosh that is so cool wait mine slammed the ground as well they look so awesome wait he push yourself whoa that’s not so

Stupid come on Crusher we’re gonna win this round come on go Crush rooms as well this is so stupid come on Crush rooms do something get over there wait a second they got one of my wait why are they not going towards each other oh no they’re so stupid that doesn’t look back

Stick doesn’t even work why are they not working this is so stupid I don’t like these mobs they’re kind of dumb I think they’re way too heavy Dino oh how are we ever gonna let them fight each other I don’t understand look there’s one fighting this is a 1v1 here we go boom

Go Crush room this is for the real win let’s go troll do it oh man come on you go whoa he just made a super big hole in the grass oh no he fell in the hole oh my God he literally dug himself a whole Dino that’s not good but they’re in the

Same altogether this is so exciting who is gonna win this one oh my gosh this is insane it keeps getting deeper and deeper to hold it might go all the way through the floor and fall out whoa wait a second look at that I actually won wow

No this makes no sense yo this actually means that deep orange won this round because you said this was the decider okay that’s true I did say that okay you know what team orange won this one but we still have to figure out if our viewers agree with it do you guys take

The Deep orange one this round or the team blue one you gotta let us know all right let’s reset the wall and fix the entire Battlefield because it looks like a mess okay Dino are you ready for round three let’s spot oh mines are big I’m

Gonna spawn like four of them wait but mine is so small that means I can spawn a few more rides yeah go ahead just spawn like 10 of them or something I’m gonna wait for you and then remove the Wall come on remove the wall flokey I’m so excited wait they’re climbing the

Wall with that oh wait miter climbing the Wallace well we both have spiders whoa what the heck you have some kind of wait I already won I already won wait a second no wait no wait but there’s still fire on the crowd maybe you’re a super creepy spider mops will

Actually bird to death no I guess not you know what I’m gonna give you another chance Dino just spawn a lot of them just keep spawning them you gotta spawn them in your own half and add them to your team but they have to get go away

First hey can you leave please stupid spiders I want you called out of my area whoa that’s super mean okay you know what let’s do ahead I’m gonna spawn one of them and you spot like a thousand we’re gonna see who’s gonna win here we

Go spoiling so many here come on you got this Spidey boys well look at him he actually jumps and he gets them out of the way wait a second they’re not even attacking why are my stupid spiders not attacking I have no idea I think they’re super confused Spidey boys okay you know

What despite these spiders of mine are so stupid they’re not even doing anything oh my gosh I definitely won this round this round is for team winners AKA team blue don’t you guys agree yeah but next round I am definitely gonna win because I have a super cool Opie boss waiting to

Destroy team blue wait you have a boss already in the next round but it’s not even round five yet well maybe I just have really good luck okay let’s get all of these mobs out of here reset the battlefield and we’re going to round four alright red Z set the wall three

Two one boom and let’s go for round four oh my gosh mine is going to be super cool this is gonna be so exciting because my mobs are like super Giants oh look at them they’re so scary looking oh wait how big are they okay you know what

We’re going to find out let’s add them to the team and remove the wall three two one boom whoa whoa look at this what the heck is going on there’s so much happening thing right now oh my gosh I don’t know it’s like some kind of super big snowball fight wait I’m winning

Again no it’s impossible wait what the heck no way see you later buddy yo but what the heck are your moves they’re like super creepy looking I don’t know it’s like a weird looking parasite robot or something oh look at his mouth that is disgusting I don’t like these books

I’m gonna get rid of them it’s like they were playing baseball with your mobs that was super funny whoa what the heck they just exploded yo this is super easy I don’t like this Floki I’m gonna get rid of it oh my gosh you know what team

Blue what I guess so I think we’re definitely winning wait who’s even keeping score who is winning now who’s ahead we actually forgot could you guys please tell us I think I’m ahead like 15-0 I am a team orange always wins no that’s not true okay let’s reset the

Battlefield and go back for round five the final round and don’t forget dino by the end we’re going to add them all to a big team and let them fight a thousand skeletons to see who’s stronger Ah that’s gonna be so awesome all right Dino are you ready for the final round

It’s the boss battle round oh but I am super ready as I told you guys before mine has so many heads it’s gonna be super easy to win from Team loser hey Dino look at me bye-bye that’s it’s not even funny that was super funny okay

Let’s spawn them in oh my gosh my thing is super cool look at him wow Dinah you’re going to lose so bad okay okay let’s remove the one this is gonna be super easy come on flokey hurry hurry up already one boom let’s go whoa yo what the heck

Is your mob wait a second no oh he actually got pushed off the map oh I can’t believe it team orange actually won no wait a second you spawned three of them I can spawn three as well no but I only use two of them you see one

Didn’t even do anything okay okay you know I’m gonna Spawn Two right here and let’s see what’s going to happen then come on boys got this oh look at them they’re actually attacking what no way they’re pushing them off again oh my gosh I can’t believe this why is this

One not doing anything I don’t know I think this one might be a little bit stupid come on boy do something oh wait he’s actually moving now yeah come on boy do something oh they’re fighting they’re fighting they’re riding they’re riding let’s go there we go oh look at

That your mom is such a newbie he’s getting old oh no I can’t believe this died oh hey but guess what I have a little secret Dino this wasn’t even the final boss because these were just the babies are you ready to see the mom what

No way there’s even a mama all right I’m very curious but I’m gonna spawn in a few extra because I’m actually getting really scared there is a super big mama version here we go let’s go whoa wait a second they already explode I’m gonna spawn in a few extra because that’s

Unfair come on boys Attack yo let’s go oh my God I’m winning I’m winning a minute yeah no oh that is so not fair oh man I can’t believe it I actually pushed him off again that was so funny all right Dino it’s finally time let’s spawn a thousand

Skeletons all around the area and I’m gonna spawn all the bosses on this side and we’re gonna see who’s stronger the bosses or the skeletons no fluke I definitely need your help I gotta get down so many skeletons over here wait they’re already fighting each other over

Here okay these bosses do not like each other we gotta be quick Dino and here we go I’m gonna spawn in a few of mine as well let’s see if they join the battle oh they’re fighting each other wait I added them all to the same team did it

Stop now I think it stopped I think it stopped I spawned a bunch more of them here we go I’m spawning a few moves here we go you gotta make sure to add them into the theme though don’t forget flokey I’m trying hold on it’s not working God they’re fighting each other

This is so funny it’s gonna work out let’s go at the stupid skeleton story team let’s do it here we go they’re fighting Yo your mobile sir what the heck at a time hey everybody today we’re going to do a Minecraft mob battle to see which mob is the strongest but what

My best friend Dino doesn’t know is that this wall is completely made out of one-way glass from my side look at this his side is completely blacked out he can’t see a thing but I can see everything that he’s going to spawn which means that we can spawn even

Cooler mobs to win all the battles he’s going to get so frustrated all right let’s go over them and pretend to do a real mob battle oh my gosh he has no idea that I’m about to cheat it’s going to be so funny okay let’s go hey Dino

Hey there flokey are you ready to do it my battle yeah it is gonna be absolutely super duper awesome because Steve orange is gonna win today what team do you guys think is going to win team Orchard team blue well some of you know a little

Secret so I think most of you guys are going to pick the blue wait what are you talking about the blue though team Origins definitely gonna win because we win all the time we are the best and we’re also known as team winners don’t worry about it Dino so how this is going

To work is you’re going to have five minutes to pick five random spawn eggs and after five minutes you have to lock them in your chest and then after those five minutes we’re going to go to our own sides pick your round one and we’re gonna let our mobs fight each other oh

Man this is gonna be so super exciting that’s right so let’s go the five minutes go in now all right there we go oh my gosh my friend Dino has no idea that I’m not even going to pick the five spottings right now I’m going to wait

Until he spawns his first one and then I’m going to cheat by seeing everything look at how awesome this is I can see everything he’s doing it’s okay so all we have to do right now is wait for him to spawn his first mob and then we’re

Going to look through a little list together look at this list I have a list with so many awesome mobs we’re going to pick one together that looks even cooler than his and we’re going to win the mob battle alright let’s wait for him to be

Done oh my gosh Dino is taking a really long time with picking his things look at what he picked what even is that it’s like a tree oh my gosh he literally chosen three I think if he’s going to use that first we’re going to pick something that’s like made out of fire

So it will set his entire stupid little tree of fire but he’s so slow I’ve been waiting for way more than five minutes but you know what because we’re cheating I’m just gonna let him take his time oh my gosh look at that his next one is a

Spider it’s just a simple little spider that’s not even that creepy I could beat it with this wooden ax bro oh my gosh going to be so funny we’re going to spawn the most awesome bosses ever we’re going to destroy him wait what did he

Spawn next oh my gosh this next one is a cute little mummy are you spawning the most stupid stuff ever we are definitely going to win okay I think he’s actually ready over here let’s ask him hey Dino the five minutes are completely over did

You pick yours of course I did and Loki I have super cool strong and amazing mobs that I am definitely gonna win I have a little feeling that you’re actually going to lose hey why did you make it my time by the way is that something to do with your mobs uh well

Because my first mob actually can’t really start the song so we have to make it nighttime for him and I’ve even spawned him in already oh he looks super strong and he’s definitely gonna beat your mob wait a second what kind of mob can handle sunlight Dino okay you know

What it doesn’t matter I’m about to spawn mine as well okay just give me one second okay he has absolutely no idea that we already know that he spawned a bunch of mommy so we have to go through the list we gotta find something that is even cooler than a stupid little mummy

What are you guys thinking I’m thinking about one of these things so if mummies can’t handle sunlight what about a giant dragon okay I gotta see what this name is I’m going to get the spawn egg I’m going to spawn it he’s going to have no idea it’s called an assimilated Ender

Dragon oh my gosh that sounds scary okay let’s get it out of here a simulator and their dragon there we go let’s see how it looks like oh my gosh this thing looks absolutely insane okay I’m going to remove the wall and we’re going to

Get blown one oh no he’s flying hey Dino are you ready I’m going to remove the wall now wait what the heck yo you have a super giant dragon dude this is so unfair my mommy’s gone even again what yo this is unfair my mommy’s can’t even fly

Oh my gosh your mommies have been completely destroyed already Dino they’re all gone yo this is so unfair but it doesn’t matter because the mob I have for around you is even stronger and even cooler oh I’m really wondering where that mob is going to be I have no

Idea at all right guys okay let’s get that stupid dragon out of the air and let’s reset the wall boom there we go Dino you can’t see me right now right no I can’t obviously there’s a wall in between us flokey he’s so silly okay let’s go for round

Two alright so Dino can’t hear me right now we’re going to see what he’s going to pick for round two and then we’re going to get something that’s even cooler round one was so hilarious I can’t believe that he actually thought that I really spawned a dragon on round

One all right here we go I’m gonna spawn in my mom and oh look at that whoa they even have different colors oh my God I’m gonna create a super giant spider Army wait Dino what are you spawning I wanna know oh well I spawned a super cool

Looking mobile did you spawn yours yet I want to start that battle mine are even climbing the wall already hey you get back down there hey what is this you’re cheating they can’t see what I’m spawning I’m still spawning mine give me a second okay he spawn they punches

Spiders spiders are not even that scary okay we gotta have something that is super quick Cooling and a bunch of stupid spiders so what should we pick I’m gonna open the list again we’re going to to look at every single mob that we got over here we’re going to

Pick something amazing okay yo what about this big fire ant I think it actually spews fire and we all know that spiders hate fire right okay I’m gonna spawn like a million of them all around the area let’s get the fire ant oh there’s got a couple of soldiers as well

He’s gonna spawn a bunch of different ones oh that’s perfect there’s gonna be so many we are definitely going going to win oh what the heck okay let’s remove the wall Tino are you ready yo what the heck is going on there are your explosions don’t worry about it I know

Piney she got this oh look at that wait a second your mobs are exploding oh my gosh they’re actually winning oh my God oh my God this is not even winning oh your spiders are so bad I know no oh come on this was so unfair you spawned

Like so many of them what do you mean I didn’t spot a lot of them they were super tiny oh this is so unfair but it doesn’t matter because I am definitely gonna beat you next round oh yeah you have something even cooler at round three obvious

Okay let’s reset the wall and go for round three oh my gosh I can’t believe he’s not suspecting anything we’re literally spawning open things but don’t worry okay because I actually know a super secret super giant Opie boss that you guys have probably seen in the thumbnail

I’m going to use them last I think because it’s literally the unkillable boss he is so insane and I’m gonna use him by the end but now we gotta see what Dino’s going to spawn for the third round let’s check it out I’m gonna spawn

In my next move but oh look at him it’s a super creepy goat but he has like a special ability which makes him throw people in the air so let’s spot a lot of them because I definitely want to win this round against Loki oh what he’s

Actually spawning so many of them look at this behind me yes no he didn’t we can see how many is actually spawning so we have to really pick something super duper Opie and I think I have the perfect thing for it I actually know a dragon with three heads and you know you

Guys know what dragons do right they spew fire so his little tree bodies are totally gonna get burnt okay let’s spawn in the three-headed dragon it’s called a Hydra oh this is going to be so amazing wait there’s two eggs that’s called oh no I gotta really figure out which one

It is hold on I’m gonna hope it’s this one oh my gosh it is look at this okay I’m gonna spawn like three of them there we go okay Dino are you ready yo what the heck is what the heck is your mom it’s like a

Super giant dragon oh my gosh look at this this is insane yo wait did you add them to the team because they’re not attacking each other come on boys wait they are wait hold on why is what the heck in here wait a second wait you spawned the second dragon that’s so

Unfair flokey what the heck is going on I am so cooked I didn’t spawn a second dragon they’re just spawning themselves Come on Bob she got this but wait they’re attacking each other what are they doing yours are so silly what are they doing over there oh my gosh your mobs are so bad I know mine are literally killing yours so easily wait wait what the heck

Where did all my moms go there’s only one standing yo this is so not cool I think they all got set on fire Dino my three-headed dragons completely obliterated your stupid little tree mobs oh man but it doesn’t matter because I have a super cool and strong move for

The next battle oh you keep saying that Dino but you keep losing okay let’s go to the next round all right here we go I’m gonna spawn in my fourth Ball by whoa look at him it’s a super cool eyes rhino make sure that I went in this round wait

A second he’s spawning ice rhinos oh my gosh I guess we’re going to keep having to spawn some awesome fire monsters because he’s spawning a lot of ice monsters okay I’m gonna try and find a new super awesome Fire Monster okay let’s try and find one oh I wanted to

Try this one but that doesn’t look very fun we gotta get another one do I even have an awesome Fire Monster yo what if we just get another ice monster okay and let them fight the ice monsters too because I for a fact know a way bigger

Way more awesome ice monster it’s called the frost mob that thing is so freaking cool I’m gonna use it there we go okay I’m gonna spawn like three of them no wait you know what I’m gonna smoke four of them one here one here one here and one

Look at how cool how cool mine looking look stupid little rhinos this is going to be so awesome I’m gonna add him to the deep let’s ask Dino if he’s ready hey Dino are you ready I am super duper ready float I’m definitely gonna go down no you’re definitely not okay I’m gonna

Remove the wallet three two one let’s go yo what the heck are those you have a super giant ice monster wow mine are so cool yours look like stupid little animals what even is that they are wait they’re actually getting mine I think what the heck look at the

Boss bars at the top you got this oh no they’re definitely losing they are losing so hard Dino I can’t believe it yo this is not funny anymore why do I keep losing all these rounds wow this is wait did I already win oh my God I

Literally won all four rounds Dino you have one more round to prove yourself no no in this round look you see Dido killed all of your moves Dino is the real winner I can’t believe this you’re such a sore loser Dino you literally killed them with the mob killer okay you

Know what I and my viewers still know that we won righty blue is the winner but hey we have one more round and I have a super awesome mob Dino I think you’re gonna lose that one as well no because mine is even cooler put that

Ball back flokey because I want to spawn it in all right let’s go wait what the heck is giant robot okay I have saved up something super secret for the final round because this bomb is so Opie it is literally unkinnable and I’m not gonna spawn one I’m not gonna Spawn Two I’m

Gonna spawn like three maybe four of them so it’s even more unkillable this is going to be super amazing hey get out of here wait what are they doing okay I gotta hurry up and spawn mine all right here we go I’m gonna spawn one two three

Four five add him to the team are you ready one you’re gonna spot a few eggs for that here we go oh my gosh what is going on it’s a total chaos whoa what the heck is going on oh my God entire Battlefield is turning red my

Thingies are so Opie whoa look at that your boobs are picking mine up how the heck are they doing that I have no idea Dino mines are so Opie look wow yours are stuck in the air yeah they’re stuck in the cobwebs that they put down themselves this is so

Stupid oh my gosh this is so amazing I’m going to win every single round what there is no way this is so super duper unfair how can you win every round well I don’t know Dino I think you just have to get good wait are they even dying

They just seem to be fighting with each other the entire time they’re not even dying I have no idea what’s going on wait what the heck there’s so many mini mobs here wait what is that why is there so many tiny little monsters that’s so

Weird oh man this is such a cool battle but my mom’s aren’t really doing anything Luke they’re slowly dying oh wait one just got killed I think they’re actually about to die I’m gonna win another one died oh no we’re so close come on yes there’s like two more or

Three more oh my gosh this is the most awesome battle I have ever seen yo no way what the heck is going on come on oh no I think I’m actually gonna lose this round again so insane this is the biggest battle I have ever seen in my life look at this

One he’s staying alive for so long yeah they’re still fighting how is that it whoa there’s only one more left oh no they’re all gonna focus on him oh my gosh it’s so close Dino it’s so close you’re about to lose say bye bye no this

Is so not funny oh my gosh there he goes wow I can’t believe it I actually lost all five rounds yo this is so insane yo we gotta see what they spawn they spawn some kind of super weird monster hand over here wow and this one looks like

Some kind of creepy I don’t know what we what should we call this one it looks like a brain on the floor it looks like a loser just like you watch you literally lost every single ride right guys did he lose every single round he did wait what is this giant purple

Monster right here oh my gosh it looks insane yo what the heck is this oh my God you know I’m gonna try and fight him I’m gonna put myself I’m gonna throw him all bye bye loser why’d you throw him up oh my gosh this has been the most insane

Battle I have ever seen I can’t believe that Dino had no idea that we cheated and should I cheat again in the next video let me know

This video, titled ‘OP Secret Bosses VS The Most Secure Minecraft House!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2023-09-13 00:45:01. It has garnered 4441 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:53 or 14333 seconds.

Inspired by Maizen Secret OP Bosses VS The Most Secure Minecraft House! Today, there’s a GIANT BLOOP CREEPYPASTA OP BOSSES in front of Rosie and Floki’s house. They will have to build THE MOST SECURE MINECRAFT BASE before the OP BOSSES ARMY attacks our Minecraft House! Will they succeed in preventing OP Bossses from destroying their base? Watch to find out!

Inspired by Maizen Cash and Nico Carty Smirky Omziscool Kory Maizen Aphmau


#minecraftmod #noobvspro #minecraft

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  • Survivor’s Sanctuary SMP

    Survivor's Sanctuary SMP🌍 Welcome to Survivor’s Sanctuary! 🌍Join us on Survivor’s Sanctuarya brand new Survival Multiplayer (SMP) Minecraft server run on Paper! Owned by Audiatorix, our server is a friendly and relaxing environment where players can unleash their creativity, build massive structures, and enjoy a plethora of features.✨ Why Choose Survivor’s Sanctuary?Friendly Community: Connect with like-minded players and make new friends.Grief Prevention: Build with peace of mind knowing your creations are safe.Voting Rewards: Get rewarded for supporting the server.GUI Shops: Easy-to-use shops for all your needs.Active Staff: We’re looking for dedicated staff members to join our team.📢 Join Us Today!Server IP: play.survivorsanctuarysmp.onlineDiscord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He Just can’t stop dying

    Minecraft Memes - He Just can't stop dyingWhy kill an iron golem when you can just go mining and avoid making it mad? Plus, you won’t have to deal with the guilt of betraying your peaceful iron friend. Read More

  • Sasha’s Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi’s Basics Mod

    Sasha's Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi's Basics Mod In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Sasha takes over, with mods that entertain. From Baldi’s Basics to new adventures to try, Each video a journey, reaching for the sky. What version of Minecraft will be next in line? Leave a comment, let your voice shine. Like and subscribe, show your support, For Sasha’s content, a fun-filled resort. Read More

  • Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown! Rank 1 ore be like: “I’m rare and mystical!” Rank 999 ore be like: “Hold my pickaxe, peasant.” Read More

  • Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether

    Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to encounter some truly terrifying mods. One such mod that caught the attention of many players is the “From The Fog” mod. This mod introduces eerie creatures and spine-chilling experiences that can send shivers down your spine. Herobrine and The Man From The Fog Before delving into the depths of the Nether, Madi decided to dip her toes into the world of modded Minecraft with the Herobrine and The Man From The Fog mods. These mods added a new level of suspense and mystery… Read More

  • New Minecraft Update 1.21 Leak?!

    New Minecraft Update 1.21 Leak?! Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s Coming Next? New Features Await in Minecraft 1.21 In the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update, players can expect a plethora of exciting new features to enhance their gameplay experience. One of the most anticipated additions is the introduction of 9 new types of dogs, each uniquely found in different biomes within your world. These furry companions are sure to add a new dimension to your adventures. Discover Hidden Trials and Treasures Delve deep underground to uncover the mysterious Trial Chambers, where you can obtain valuable items such as the Heavy Core and the Whirlwind Rod. These… Read More

  • EPIC Hive Party with Facecam! Don’t Miss Out! #hivemc

    EPIC Hive Party with Facecam! Don't Miss Out! #hivemcVideo Information yo what’s up everybody let me know when y’all can hear me I would appreciate it if y’all could let me know when you can hear me thank you thank you should take just a second here then it should be good so let me know once again when y’all can hear me come on come on where is it at let me know when y’all could hear me let me know when yall could hear me there we go okay I think you should be able to hear me now we got a lot of laws in… Read More

  • TOXIC FAMILY in Minecraft Parody

    TOXIC FAMILY in Minecraft ParodyVideo Information what’s going on Dad I’m bad boy oh my gosh why does my son have a deeper voice than me there’s a guy is he peeing on the floor bab stop move out of the way I’m watching what that so guys today I’m having a toxic family really really toxic family this is going to be interesting going to be married as Batman and Batwoman what no Crystal we’re not getting married but check it out look at my bat boy what’s going on Dad I’m bad boy oh my gosh why does my son have a… Read More

  • INSANE TWIST: Venom Controls Me! Ep. 9 #Minecraft

    INSANE TWIST: Venom Controls Me! Ep. 9 #MinecraftVideo Information 33 đến 35 ngày chim ngốc hăng hãy trở thành người của tôi tôi khiến anh trở nên mạnh hơn hắn cũng thành công trở thành người của tôi rồi lúc này tôi có 30 trái tim ta có thể triệu hồi Võ Hồn chân thân các cậu đang làm cái máy bay gì thế mâu giết hắn đi tôi không mơ đâu thật là thái quá toàn bộ phi thuyền bắt đầu chìm với kỹ năng dịch chuyển chúng ta không cần phải sợ hãi hắn cũng đã thành công trong việc thoát khỏi tàu bay vên… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic Explained! You Won’t Believe #Viral

    Minecraft Logic Explained! You Won't Believe #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic video #minecraft #viral #memes #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WORLD on 2024-03-22 09:52:09. It has garnered 13474 views and 507 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like share and subscribe❤️ 🔴 Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of… Read More

  • Unlock the Power – Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide! ⚔️

    Unlock the Power - Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide! ⚔️Video Information cinq astuces pour survivre sur Minecraft astuce numéro 1 le premier item que tu dois crafte ce n’est pas une armure mais un bouclier il te permettra de parer n’importe quel dégâts venant de monstre astuce numéro 2 si tu n’as pas encore de bouclier tu peux poser un bloc entre toi et le creeper pour ne pas prendre de dégâts d’Explosion astuce numéro 3 poser des bateaux peut bloquer plein de monstres et dans certaines situations ça peut vraiment être pratique astuce numéro 4 si tu pars à FK pense à te cacher dans un composteur avec… Read More


    🔥SONDERGAMER CREATES EPIC GAMER WORLD 3🔥Video Information [Música] Hola a todos chicos chicas de YouTube estamos un nuevo video para el canal y Bueno chicos en el día de hoy estamos aquí en mundo Gamer número tres comenzando desde lo dejamos en el episodio anterior episodio en el cual si no recuerdo mal estuvimos creo que seguimos con la construcción de lo que venía a ser la muralla y también estuvimos aplanando un poco la zona que creo que lo hice en directo si no recuerdo mal pero bueno el caso me dirán vale Sander Y qué vamos a hacer durante el episodio del día… Read More


    🚨 SHOCKING REVEAL: AJHT TV RETURNS TO MINECRAFT AFTER 3 WEEKS! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘SOM SPÄŤ! Minecraft po troch týždňoch…’, was uploaded by AJHT tv on 2024-04-11 06:48:08. It has garnered 210 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:15 or 8115 seconds. mc.qplay.cz mc.survival-games.cz mc.hypixel.net eu.minemen.club Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ajhttv/ Discord: https://discord.gg/yt2TCrVhzf Donate: https://streamlabs.com/ajhttv/tip Read More

  • Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!

    Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Forge and Mod Installation- Minecraft Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by Sky Guy 1 on 2024-03-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. Thanks for watching! Hope y’all enjoyed it 🙂 —Subscribe here for more content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzY61qUs-sRPc_89yLxKjFg —My Friends Channels! Consider Subscribing? —DannyGamerYT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1AfHnPiZYYlvM7UHj2MSkg —Cyrus Da Grape: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg90p-UivNc-6PEgsXXoNvQ —Intro song: Password-Infinity-123276 —Outro song: Abstract-Technology-112288 Read More

  • SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE’s EPIC Minecraft Garden Tutorial

    SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE's EPIC Minecraft Garden TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to build a Simple garden in Minecraft | Minecraft Tutorial |’, was uploaded by GAMER FIVE on 2024-05-02 10:40:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to build a Simple Garden in #minecraft ° ° ° ° ° Minecraft Tutorial video Music Used : Carefree Kevin MacLeod … Read More

  • Grivyzom

    GrivyzomNetwork oficial de @Maincrapost pagina de memes chilena, en donde buscaremos crear una nueva comunidad y comenzaremos por este server, unete para ver todas las nuevas novedades que tiene para ofrecerte “Mundo Maincra”. maincra.playwn.co:25586 Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! If you’re looking for a 1.20.1 Minecraft server with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a nomad, builder, PVPer, or trader, you’ll find your place here. We welcome all playstyles and suggestions for improvement. Why Choose Stinky SMP? GREAT PERFORMANCE! Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal lag for players. With 16 gigs of RAM and a Ryzen 9 7950x CPU, our server runs smoothly. UNIQUE GAMEPLAY! Experience our Safezone-Borderlands system, where you can choose between a peaceful area with rules against griefing and killing, or a resource-rich but dangerous… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gem-Hen or Diam-Hen: Alex’s cursed dilemma

    Minecraft Memes - Gem-Hen or Diam-Hen: Alex's cursed dilemmaLooks like Alex is stuck between a rock and a hard place, or should I say a gem and a diam-hen place! Read More

  • Minecraft: Warden gets roasted by golems! 🔥

    Minecraft: Warden gets roasted by golems! 🔥 When the golems saw the Warden coming, they were like “We didn’t sign up for this! We just wanted to protect villages, not fight a walking nightmare!” #GolemProblems #WardenWoes Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 31

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 31 The World Seed: -7696225561229201821 Today, the Minecraft player delves into the intricacies of world generation and experiments with shaders. The exploration of different worlds in Minecraft is a key aspect of the game, offering unique landscapes, resources, and challenges for players to navigate. Greetings to the Community Our player extends warm greetings to fellow gamers on TikTok and YouTube, fostering a sense of camaraderie within the gaming community. Interactions like these not only create connections but also showcase the diverse and inclusive nature of the gaming world. Join the Channel For those looking to support the creator and enjoy… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Live Stream with Rizzy and Mizzy!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Live Stream with Rizzy and Mizzy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java and Bedrock! Playing With Viewers! LIVE ​’, was uploaded by Rizzy And Mizzy on 2024-05-30 09:35:06. It has garnered 110 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:00 or 5880 seconds. I’ll be doing Java for one hour and bedrock for the rest of the stream, please be patient 🙂 Come and play with us if you play Minecraft on console, PE or PC bedrock! Just tell us your username and we will add you and invite you to the game! Rules: -No asking for Operator -Don’t troll -Don’t steal… Read More

  • Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and Seth

    Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and SethVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL MODE!: WARDENS WORLD | Cody and Seth (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by Cody and Seth on 2024-02-04 17:00:46. It has garnered 65590 views and 481 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:23 or 4043 seconds. SURVIVAL: CAN WARDEN BE FRIENDLY?!: https://youtu.be/2bwFm23zD84?list=PLfUP8M2ypcKPitoif_Y9ljNVqblzCwDe_&playnext=1 | Turn on ALL notifications Amazing JNE HOUR journey with Cody and Seth exploring the world of Minecraft in their full Minecraft movie! LIKE and SUBSCRIBE #minecraft #animation #adventure Follow Cody And Seth: Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijo5PugAXFsML_CZLjsR1w?sub_confirmation=1 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cody_and_seth Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cody_and_seth/ Other Channels: Cody and Seth Ukrainian: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4guVLEYQKGw_INXG0UGjbA?sub_confirmation=1 Cody and Seth English: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijo5PugAXFsML_CZLjsR1w?sub_confirmation=1 Cody… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!

    EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1’, was uploaded by AjjuGamerz on 2024-05-30 07:30:01. It has garnered 1980 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:02 or 482 seconds. Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1 #build #tecnogamerz #ujjwal Finally aaj se me chalu karne wala hu minecraft sky block survival to let’s go iss viseo ke andar mene temporary two islands buils kei Small Animal House and simple xp farm Like Share Subscribe:) Minecraft Sky Block Survival Subscribe For 1 Diamond ❤️ Thanks For Watching Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!

    Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft easiest build hack for survival world’, was uploaded by Wolfra gamer on 2024-02-04 13:55:04. It has garnered 3603 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial – You Won’t Believe How Realistic This is!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial - You Won't Believe How Realistic This is!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Doorbell In Minecraft Tutorial!’, was uploaded by ROGIE GAMERZ on 2024-02-01 01:01:44. It has garnered 3603 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!

    Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-16 19:00:26. It has garnered 22176 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:45 or 1185 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft! Will Shad escape the anime fangirl one block? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay – JOIN NOW!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDROCK| auf nen guten zock! COMMUNITY ZOCKEN| !ton_points !discord’, was uploaded by GamingWelt on 2024-01-09 17:22:34. It has garnered 116 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:26 or 15146 seconds. Hey guys, welcome to the livestream. You’re welcome to join in if you want, but please behave and don’t mess up. Nightbot commands: !ooalmaxoo !thegamitcrew !mc_regeln !discord Commands for points: !dias !6h_stream !weiser_spruch Info about your points: !ton_points Discord: https://discord.gg/5RpJ27yxHc Thanks for watching, no matter if it’s seconds, minutes or hours❤️ Channel points (sound): you get a point every 5… Read More

Floki – OP Secret Bosses VS The Most Secure Minecraft House!