Foxy’s Resource Packs for MCPE 1.16+ | Minecraft Bedrock Edition

Video Information

Hello and welcome back to another video by me foxy hotel here on minecraft bedrock edition and today i’m here to talk about all of the packs and downloads you can get from i’ve recently added a whole bunch of new packs just for you guys so heading over to my

Website which is if you click on the new button which is resource packs you will find we have a whole bunch of resource packs that you can now download and add to your world and there are a few handy packs here most of them are just ease of life things but there

Are a few visual changes as well so let’s go into them downloading and clicking the packs to install them will put them in your global resources folder like this if they’re not showing there then you’ve obviously done something wrong but hopefully you’ve managed to get them and you can install them either globally

Or to your individual worlds for instance my pax world here if i go to resource packs and my packs i can click on them and i can click activate and they will go into the active packs the one that is at the top will have the highest priority

And the one that’s at the bottom will have the lowest priority so let’s go through some of the packs and the way i’m going to do this is i’m going to slide that screen across there like that i’m going to click on that screen layer like that

And now we’ve got two versions of minecraft running at the same time and this is not one of my packs but i do have a video on how to do this which is only available to do on windows 10 so sorry if you’re not using windows 10

But yeah we can multi-instance now and let’s look at the difference because it really doesn’t look like there’s a great deal of difference so first of all we’re going to look at netherright tools weapons and ava which is a popular resource pack that i was asked to put out there something i

Feature in my truly bedrock video so let’s look at the difference between those two things so on the left you can see the nether right stuff is a darker blue which is basically a darker shade of diamond and the reason for that is that i just don’t like the look or

The shape or the texture of the nether right and it’s been a popular opinion that the netherright stuff looks either like an enchanted stone or an enchanted wood so what i did was i just took the diamond textures and i re-coloured them and i think it looks a lot better and i

Really like to be able to use this this one has been requested quite a lot from different people so there you go you now have access to my netherright resources so next on the list is the better leather armor which removes the brown stripes and patches from the dyed

Leather armor now this doesn’t affect horse armor but if we take a quick look at it you can see the difference here is that it’s all nice and smooth the way that leather armor should be and on the right side here this is how it normally is which is just weird why

Would you want these weird brown stripes and patches on your leather armor so yes removed those and made it the way i think it should be next on the list is chunk lines which adds green lines around junk boundaries to help visualize the junk borders

And we don’t need two screens to look at this one and basically all it does is add a faint line around junk borders like so and it will go up the walls and things like that i’ve only done it on a horizontal plane rather than vertically

I know there are some quite fancy ones available out there on the internet but i wanted something relatively subtle and easy to see and i like what i’ve done with this and it is 100 working for minecraft 1.16 now this is made for the windows 10 version it may work on mobile and

Other devices you’ll have to check it out but in order to add this to your world you cannot add it to your world and what i mean by that is if we go to our packs world and go to our resource packs you’ll notice that it’s not

Actually added to the pack it’s not active for these ones that are effectively shaders these need to be added in your global resources so settings global resources and then add them in there and the same goes for my light levels pack and also things like the fog remover as well so

Anything that’s technically a shader rather than a resource pack put it on your global resources and that will work absolutely fine and then we’ve got light levels which are available in red blue or black depending on if you have any issues with sight or colour blindness and they look a little bit

Like this and what it does is it’s not affected by skylight it’s completely to do with block light and you’ll notice that this has got a weird shape to it we actually need to go into our video settings once we’ve enabled this and turn off smooth

Lighting and what it does is it gives us an area around light sources that are bright enough to not spawn mobs and dark enough to spawn up so this is red and green appreciate it that people with color blindness or certain types of color blindness might not be able to see this

So let’s enable a different pack so back to global resources let’s deactivate the red one and activate the blue one instead i’m back on our world exactly the same thing but now it has a blue tint to it so everything in the normal colors of the game

Is not spawnable by mobs and anything in the darker area is spawnable by mobs and finally let’s switch out for the black version just in case neither of those are really working for you and there we go we now have the black version as well which

Is a lot darker but will also give you quite a good representation of what’s going on now this doesn’t take into account what type of block it is like leaf blocks are technically not spawnable it is just the block light level that it’s showing you not what blocks are spawnable as well the

Next on the list is server list ui which is basically a user interface update and this relates to the server list on the game so if we come to our resource packs and we find our serverless one and activate that in global resources and then we go over to our servers tab

You’ll see that all of the featured servers are gone the ad server button is up to the top and these are a little bit wider and basically just a nicer way of looking at it split screen in this you can really see the difference the vanilla server list has

A 50 50 split whereas the one that i’ve done that gives you more room to see what you’re looking at on your servers and it also gets rid of the featured servers and remove and moves the ad server button to the top of the list because

It’s quite a useful button to be able to use hiding it all the way down at the bottom is just quite frustrating and all of these featured servers if you’re like me and don’t play on them they are just getting in the way so we’ve got rid of those and

We’ve made it nice and simple to be able to join your servers the ones you actually want to play on next on the list is the smaller shield which does exactly what it says the normal shield takes up quite a lot of your screen when you’re playing which can be quite

Frustrating so what we’ve done is just shrunk down the model size a little bit so it’s not quite as invasive it will still repel exactly the same amount of damage and blast stuff and things like that it’s no different from the normal shield it just looks a little bit smaller and the

Texture has been changed slightly to fit the smaller design and then from shields to no vignette and if you’re not sure what that refers to that refers to the fog effect at the bottom of the world let’s check it out now this one’s going to be difficult to see split

Screen so what i’m going to do is i’m going to fade from this version to this version and you should see that the fog around the outside of the screen the darker area is not as dark so going back from this version to the vanilla version you’ll see it is yeah that fog

Effect that darkening effect has just been completely taken away which is great next on the list is no potion particles and whilst the potion particles themselves are fine it’s actually the beacon ones that cause a problem particularly when recording videos the beacon particles are absolutely a massive annoyance so we’ve

Just got rid of them giving myself the fire resistance effect on both accounts you’ll see the vanilla one has the horrible little fart bubbles that blow up in your face and they become incredibly distracting when you’re trying to work on things and record a video on this side there is none absolutely

None at all and whilst that does mean you can’t see the potion bubbles from when you splash the potion on someone it is very preferable if you’re working around beacons a lot because you don’t have those horrible swirls getting in your face ah much better and speaking of things

Being much better we’ve also made the pumpkin blur more transparent let’s check that out so when you put a calf pumpkin on your head to go to the end to avoid the enderman you will know that you get this horrible screen and it’s very difficult to see through which not

Only is annoying it’s also quite unrealistic so what we’ve done if we fade through to the other one it’s just made it less dark so there’s still an effect there but it’s just not very dark and you might consider that to be a little bit cheaty

I don’t think so i think that just makes the game a little bit more playable and i say we i’ve done all these i keep referring to the we’ve done this and we’ve done that now i’ve done all of these things no credit shut up the next one on the

List is fog remover which is technically a shader it has been designed for windows 10 it might not work on mobile or console due to the way they process graphics but let’s check this out and in the vanilla version of the game this is quite difficult to see

In the overworld basically what you’re looking for is the fog around the edge of the world if we go to the new pack and then fly up you’ll notice you’ve got a ring around there but there is no fog effect this is much easier to see in

The nether and that’s kind of what it’s designed for really playing the bedrock edition of the game in the nether is quite a foggy and depth limited experience if you spent any time down here you might notice that doesn’t matter what graphical settings you choose the fog is always very very close and

That is because it is fixed in the game code itself and not adjusted by your graphic settings turning the fog off doesn’t allow us to see a great deal more and actually shows us that the render distance in the nether is fixed as well but it does take away that haze

Which can give you a little bit of a headache as you’ve been working in the nether you know over time so in areas like this where you can’t see very far it just makes the whole thing just feel a little bit brighter and less dull whereas when you’re flying around

The nether having the fog off does look a little bit weird because the chunks are rendering so close to the player so basically use that one at your own discretion and the next one i’ve called better rain and it’s basically just a small rain particle pack let’s check that out

And you’ll all be familiar with the vanilla rain which is basically long strips of rain and again for recording youtube videos it’s a little bit intrusive and it makes the rendering of the videos look a little bit funky when they get compressed by youtube and it’s just generally not very nice to

Look at switching the pack on you’ve still got rain drops but they look more like drops rather than lines they’re less intrusive and not as much going on which means it’s not as bad when getting compressed by youtube and overall a more pleasant playing experience in my opinion

And then we get onto better doors which is the last resource pack we’re going to look at today we’re not going to look at the wandering trader 1 today but there are a couple more things we are going to talk about but in terms of better doors these are not ones i

Actually use in survival this is just something i’ve been working on for a pack and people like them so i thought i’d cheer them and i’m sure you’re all more than familiar with the vanilla doors so there’s not much point in looking at these so let’s flick over to the new pack and

You’ll see that i’ve done everything except for the birch ones i’ve only done five designs which we’ve got the outdoors we’ve got the spruce doors which are just an improvement on spruce we’ve got dark outdoors which look a little bit more dungeney we’ve got the jungle doors the acacia

Doors which are kind of like iron bars and then the yeah vanilla birch doors just because i haven’t done another door that’s all so yeah that’s all the resource packs except for the one at the very top of the list which is obviously the most important resource

Pack of all which is fox’s resource pack version 3.1.0 basically this is the one i use i always have this enabled on all of my world and it includes the better netherright armor weapons and tools the better leather armor the smaller shields the no potion and beating particles better rain transparent pumpkin blur

Better server ui list and some other little bits and bobs as well let’s check it out going to minecraft and enabling the resource pack on our global resources we come straight out of there and we’ll see a few things have changed from the vanilla first of all we’ve got subscribe to foxy

Up there there are a few different ones of those will change over time and the marketplace button has lost all of its text and color it just has a normal gray button like normal and pack by foxy no tail is written at the bottom going into the play screen you will see

That on the servers tab we have the service tab just like before and if i go into a world the loading messages are to do with me and truly bedrock and things like that so it’s all a little bit of a sneaky advertising scheme no it’s a it’s a really nice pack

But i have added those bits in just for a bit of fun really more than anything i’m not trying to get anybody to do anything they don’t want to do if you want to use that pack you can if not you can use all of the individual ones it’s absolutely fine

But for me it’s absolutely great i love it it’s my favorite pack in the whole world and i hope you like it too so back on the website flicking back to the main downloads page and going to the add-ons or behavior packs page we will see that we’ve got my

Mob heads we’ve got the custom armor stands by diamond robs probs one player sleep and the chuck loader and spectator mode as well now i want to mention these because there is currently a bug on minecraft realms which means if you add any of these really then there is a

Chance that your realm will also add in a completely different set of resources as well which had nothing to do with me which yeah it’s a bit of a problem it’s happened with one player sleep it’s happened with my mob heads and it’s happened with another one of my packs as well

And people are reporting that they are able to craft items that they shouldn’t be able to craft in the game which is part of another pack now one of my patrons hanku was kind enough to go through a few of the issues that he’d seen with this and basically when

The realm adds in the foreign pack or the weird pack that’s not nothing to do with mine it actually combines them and he sent me the combined pack and using that combine back i can actually craft things like a lytra in survival i can craft end portal tiles i can craft

Spawn eggs and all sorts of things that i should not be able to craft in survival i just want to repeat this is not part of my packs if this happens to you when you add my packs onto your realms then please go and upvote the problem

On the bug report that you’ll find in the description below because it is nothing to do with me there is a temporary fix and that is to change the uuids of the packs before you upload them which you can do by going to the pack folder opening the manifest file

And then changing the uuids here to something completely unique and if you want a unique uuid you can go to a uuid generator online just google that paste it into there and into there and then reload it and hopefully that will fix the problem but it will

Come back again there is a big big problem with realms and packs at the moment it doesn’t seem to happen with resource packs as much as it does behavior packs but it is a problem because i don’t want people on my worlds being able to craft endermites and end portals

And elytra and things like that i think that’s kind of all sorts of game breaking problems and i really appreciate the fact that people have been reporting this and mention it to me it’s not a part of my packs and i’m very sorry that you are encountering these problems anyway

That’s all from me today that’s all i wanted to go through thank you all very much for watching this video i hope you found it useful and i hope you have lots and lots of fun using my resource packs and add-ons please let me know if you have any

Problems i have a new book tracker page on my discord feel free to drop any bugs that you find in there and hopefully we’ll get them all fixed and some new ones coming out very very soon thanks for watching you

This video, titled ‘Foxy’s Resource Packs for MCPE 1.16+ | Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by FoxyNoTail on 2020-08-06 14:00:04. It has garnered 106625 views and 3450 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds.

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    Unbelievable! HR NITIN GAMER dominates Minecraft Smp Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Public Smp Live Free’, was uploaded by HR NITIN GAMER on 2024-06-06 17:30:01. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:36 or 2076 seconds. Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership , youtube , exploit , live , algorithm , algorithms , live news , johnny depp , mr beast , pewdiepie livestream , live stream , minecraft , minecraft server… Read More


    EPIC BUNKER BUILDING & NETHER ADVENTURES!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Monday Adventures: Bunker Building and Nether Exploration! 🔥🛠️’, was uploaded by Rubenakayoshii on 2024-01-15 17:30:09. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:17 or 137 seconds. Embark on the next chapter of our Minecraft Monday saga as we delve deeper into the unknown! 🌍💎 In Part 2, we continue our journey from the 100,000-block mark, where a cozy little house and a well marked our initial conquests. Join me as we unearth the mysteries beneath the earth, reaching the Y coordinate 0! Witness the creation of a… Read More


    INSANE GAMING WITH AD MK - MINECRAFT MALAYALAM TOURVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MALAYALAM|KTLP SERVER TOUR’, was uploaded by GAMING WITH AD MK on 2024-04-18 20:40:04. It has garnered 129 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. KTLP DC JOIN FOR WHITELIST: join upzare hosting best hosting ever: Read More

  • 🍏Minecraft: INSANE Giant Apple End Portal!🔮Secret Revealed!

    🍏Minecraft: INSANE Giant Apple End Portal!🔮Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is THE BIGGEST END PORTAL in Minecraft! I found THE LONGEST SECRET GIANT END PORTAL!’, was uploaded by Apple Craft on 2024-05-14 10:00:03. It has garnered 10743 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:50 or 590 seconds. This is THE BIGGEST END PORTAL in Minecraft! I found THE LONGEST SECRET GIANT END PORTAL! Hi! In this video you will see THE BIGGEST END PORTAL in Minecraft! I found THE LONGEST SECRET GIANT END PORTAL! Like this video and Subscribe to my channel bro! #minecraft #craft #minecraftvideo Read More

  • Survival Became My Obsession with Bliss Modpack

    Survival Became My Obsession with Bliss ModpackVideo Information This video, titled ‘I HATED Survival until I Tried This… – Minecraft Let’s Play Ep 1 w/ Bliss Modpack’, was uploaded by Kality on 2024-05-11 11:00:27. It has garnered 2234 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:07 or 1507 seconds. I’ve never felt more relaxed playing Minecraft before. Try this modpack! I found this modpack called Bliss, which is basically the “Minecraft, but I have no enemies”. You play Minecraft in Normal mode with no threats or dangers, just relaxing and frolicking in your cozy Minecraft world. This modpack is for Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Firework Gun Crafting Tutorial!

    Insane Firework Gun Crafting Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Firework shooting gun in minecraft’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-03-08 14:30:02. It has garnered 521 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process of crafting… Read More

  • “DEVlD IS BACK! MINECRAFT REVENGE 😈” #op #love #popular

    "DEVlD IS BACK! MINECRAFT REVENGE 😈" #op #love #popularVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT REVENGE😈 #viral #revenge #op #love #popular’, was uploaded by IT’S DEVID on 2024-01-04 04:08:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • PhoenixRP – All The Mods 8 – atm

    PhoenixRP - All The Mods 8 - atmWith over 300 active members Phoenix has expanded to a new game; Modded Minecraft. Join our newly reset server, running on the latest hardware. With a very active staff team and all the features All The Mods 8 has to offer. Read More

  • Casual Goo Adventure Modded – SMP Proximity Chat

    Welcome to Casual Goo Adventure! We are seeking players for our chill Minecraft community. Join our Discord here for IP and modpack details. What we offer: A fun modpack for exploration Optional proximity voice chat Helpful owners Our goals: A relaxed and engaging community Potential sub-servers for popular modpacks Technical Info: RAM: 16GB – Location: United Kingdom – View Distance: 10 chunks Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dad and me built a beach!

    Minecraft Memes - Dad and me built a beach!Wow, talk about father-son bonding time! I just hope they remembered to put on sunscreen, those pixelated sunburns can be brutal. Read More

  • Friday Night Funkin’ in Minecraft: The Sequel! 🔥 #minecraftmadness

    Friday Night Funkin' in Minecraft: The Sequel! 🔥 #minecraftmadness Why play Friday Night Funkin in Minecraft when you can just dance to the sound of creepers exploding in the background? Read More

  • Speedrun: Beating Friend in Minecraft Java in 5 Min

    Speedrun: Beating Friend in Minecraft Java in 5 Min Beating My Friend Challenge in Minecraft Java in Under 5 Minutes Embark on an exciting journey as we delve into the thrilling world of Minecraft Java Edition. In this challenge, players are tasked with creating a Nether portal in under 5 minutes to beat their friends. Let’s explore the intricacies of this intense challenge and see how players can emerge victorious! The Challenge Begins As the clock starts ticking, players must quickly gather the necessary resources to construct a Nether portal. With limited time on their hands, every second counts in this adrenaline-pumping challenge. Efficiency and speed are key… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Wild Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Wild Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft Nhưng Bọn Tôi Là Động Vật…Có Súng ?!?” which showcases a unique twist on the classic game we all know and love. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await players on Minewind Minecraft Server. With its PvP City setting and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Join us on Minewind today and embark on your own adventure in a world where… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Building Tricks

    Master Minecraft Building Tricks Exploring Minecraft Building Techniques for Beginners Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft building but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we will explore some essential tips and tricks to help even the most novice players create stunning structures in the game. Getting Started with Minecraft Building Building in Minecraft can seem daunting at first, but with a little practice and creativity, anyone can become a master builder. Start by familiarizing yourself with the basic building blocks available in the game, such as wood, stone, and glass. Experiment with different combinations… Read More

  • TheGeekFactor – Minecraft’s SHOCKING Progression!

    TheGeekFactor - Minecraft's SHOCKING Progression!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Progression is Awful. Part 2.’, was uploaded by TheGeekFactor on 2024-04-15 17:00:36. It has garnered 44060 views and 3416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:57 or 2037 seconds. Today we explore deeper into Minecraft’s progression to see if it was as bad as I originally said it was. If it is, what can we do to fix some of the issues the game has. No Terraria this time, I promise 😉 I want to thank you all so much for watching and supporting me. I had a lot of fun making this… Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled in Mexy Minecraft Fog

    Secrets Unveiled in Mexy Minecraft FogVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft From the Fog day 9 | Minecraft LIVE’, was uploaded by Mexy on 2024-04-10 02:01:33. It has garnered 80 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:34 or 9514 seconds. Join the discord to join! Support the stream: Twitch: Read More

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