fWhip – Empires SMP : MY NEW WEAPON and NEW ALLY! Minecraft 1.17 Survival

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Hey folks hoop here and welcome back to another explosive episode here on empire’s smp today my friends i want to do a little bit of research on those crystals we got from geminite in the last episode but that being said if y’all are excited for today’s episode

Please click that like button down below and if you’re brand new consider subscribing if you enjoy it over here the last time we built up this awesome tavern and a little market stall in front of it where we have all of these smithing tables out here and i don’t

Need to be upgrading that much netherrick gear as much as i want to uh these are intended for some villagers to be hanging out we’ve got this awesome place inside of here where i want to lock two butchers back in there as well

So we’ve got a lot of work to do for the villagers and everything on that front so i’m gonna go ahead and turn on the villager breeder right now and see if we can’t start moving a few of those guys over i would love to get some easy access for diamond tools and

Diamond armor and weapons and everything like that just in case we die i want to be able to quickly re-equip ourselves and get ready to go oh we already have plenty of villagers in there all right not turning that on we’re just gonna use these guys now i’m really not too sure

What we need to unlock these guys all the way i feel like we have to trade a bunch of iron to them so uh maybe we can stop by sausage’s place i’ve heard he has the iron farm up and running and see if we can’t snag a little bit of

That stuff but for now i just want to see what it looks like getting one tool smith over and welcome to the grimlands my new friend hopefully the rails are turned off over here oh god please stop please stop please stop please stop please stop please stop please

Yes yes it worked take job take job tool smith go new best friend diamond pickaxes fortune three and fish efficiency four on break e3 yes no yes no yes no no yes what do we got over here stone tools okay we just need a lot of emeralds hi best

Friend how you doing buddy oh don’t touch my best friend because we’re the peaceful type let’s take the axes of course now he wants so much iron all right what do we got next here bud what do we got next oh it’s iron oh i was getting ooh a diamond hoe though

All right i’ve got this dude completely unlocked now unfortunately we didn’t get super lucky on it we got a diamond pickaxe with unbreaking one and an unbreaking two diamond shovel i think i might convert him just to have him but i’m definitely gonna be keeping another guy ready to go down here

Go go go go go my friend up up and away i have two more best friends now we got the second one up here and he is trading an efficiency two unbreaking two diamond pick which really isn’t half bad over there and then all of these guys too so we do have

A diamond axe and another shovel in there so between all of them if we just do that right there all those trades should be one emerald or close to it and that’ll be super cheap and let the shaky shakies commence okay we’re just gonna leave these two here

They’re gonna do their own thing and in the meantime my friends i’ve gotta run over to jem’s place because i wanted to give her some nether i didn’t get says a little bit of a thank you for being our ally you know keep her on our side a little

Bit here and i heard she might have an elytra let’s go check that out hello hello hello hello this place is looking i saw you named it the crystal cliffs absolutely beautiful i love it uh-huh thank you thank you look at what i’ve been building i made this this is to um help

With the it’s it’s a healing center heal healing with the plans nice nice and i do yeah lots of healing lots of healing hi buddy how are you doing back there that’s lucy i have a gift for you right we’re gonna we’re gonna do this this trade and i i went on

An end adventure with pearl i love it i love it and i got this and i i thought of you right away it’s red right it matches red i do yep red death war i it’s it’s in my perfect vibe i love it yeah good good so i came over here as

Well because i have uh i tried going to the nether and getting a lot of netherride as i think you saw last episode and i came across a bunch of extra ones of these and to help out with the alliance since i i i thought this might be able to help

You out getting a little bit geared up right there so i got two another i didn’t get for you so you can use those as you wish yes i didn’t have any of this this is so good what a good trade thank you thank you i love this do i get

To keep the shulker box too or is it yeah yeah you could give it all yours all yours yes i now have two shulker boxes it’s amazing hey there’s more in there oh right right right i have four oh i’m really upgrading it from one to four

Oh this is a big day look at you moving up in the world flip good job put them on oh yes yes of course of course here you use some rockets on your flight yeah oh oh i forgot how to do this how do i just yeah yay yay that is so good

[Laughter] i might have to see if i can’t get an order of those soon but apparently he doesn’t like me too much so i’m going to assume about that i don’t like you yeah i don’t i don’t know why anybody like you except me sausage that’s catherine

Scott i got scott you and sausage likes you yeah that’s that’s about it okay we need to work on your image a little bit yeah you want to be my pr team you can be part of this i think you can be part of the you need the grimlands pr you’re just

Out there put a positive image of me to the rest of the server yeah that’s going to be a really hard job okay you know i think you can do it i think you’re up for the task okay all right okay we tried the flowers last time and it seems to have worked

Uh pixel riffs did it accepted the rose all right thank you so much uh i feel like i’ve done enough for our image in one episode so uh next meeting next meeting we’ll discuss more better pr for you while you work on your uh that sounds rocket that sounds great oh

I think we can do it in one rocket this is amazing we’re doing it we’re doing it we’re gonna make it we’re gonna make it hold up hold up make it all the way back home all the way to the village come on right through here i think we can do it

Yes amazing one rocket journey from gem’s place to ours i’ve made a bunch more rockets for myself my friends so we can actually travel around a bit and these guys are fully traded and check that out one emerald for everything over here oh that’s amazing that is absolutely amazing

We’re gonna take a bell i know it’s seven but it’s a bell next up though my friends is we’re actually going to be running over to sausage’s place but i need to get some books here first flying in because i want to trade and see if we can’t get some mending books

Mostly because i want to know how long this is going to be we’re actually going to be flying over there oh my gosh we’re already at scott’s place wow this server is gonna be so small now holy cow there it is that must be the iron farm what is going on in here

Where is he don’t land in the lava don’t land in the lava got it okay where can we find him hello hello hold on hello hello wait i’m not ready hold up not god i’m coming no bubbles i said hi i want to grab a drink hold on

Go back outside let me wait over here where it’s lovely is i just wait oh yes definitely my first time being here hi how are you doing sausage good to see you today hello oh man how’s your teal sweater hoodie looking though hey you know what it’s good it’s good

It’s good i i got some experiments down the line right now and i think i might need to re-outfit because i don’t want to get any uh blood stains or anything on the teal hoodie yeah i gotta be careful about that one yeah for right now at least you got the

Wings though i’m still waiting on my care package of wings from pearl though one day she’ll show up and provide those yup yup you know what here i got a care package for you right now freshly produced from the lands of the gremlins i gotta find a better way of saying that but

There you go you got a nice fresh diamond hoe for you i’m gonna just take a stack of those though thanks go ahead we’re producing we’re doing it look at this all built up thanks to your beacon thank you so much this is intense in here by

The way this is really really cool a little ambiance you know oh yeah it’s got to make a glow gotta make it glow yeah that’s what this glow liking could do but it just it doesn’t like into glow that much yeah i wish you can like i don’t know

Do something to it and that’s like i love the pun it’s the greatest i’m leaving now i’m going to my hole okay so anyways i stopped by because um the new wings um they’re almost broken and i’m in need of unbreaking and i’m in need of mending and i did

Hear that you needed these oh yeah i need some of those because i am yeah i need uh to do some trades i’m gonna make a little pumpkin and melon farm so i can get some emeralds because here thank you so much for letting me borrow these you can have them back totally

Every block that you gave me is back in your possession i see how you put the armor on yeah totally everything that you gave me back thank you so much i could get my own hairbrush now um and yeah let me let me i’ll give you the book you need but also

I need to show you something that happened we have been gifted you know what i thought at the beginning when i saw what i saw i thought it was a prank i thought someone was messing with it i actually thought that it was a trap but no we got weapons of mass

Destruction for our upcoming war what yeah we got some weapons oh it’s gonna be great here take that okay hold on let me get you a mending oh yeah you can have that fancy book oh yeah and here have a mending there you go you know what you know what you know

What you know what you know what you take too many you i’m half so many we need pearl for this too you know i was do you do you have bookshelves or a lectern and a book and quill i can borrow i i’m over here and i’ve been

Meaning to stop by pearl’s base and invite her to the alliance and uh oh yeah yeah she’s kind of part of you are good friends and uh i have gunpowder she has sugar cane great alliance right there in the making and i i need her i need her help i’ll give

You a book yeah i’ll put a good word in for you also with pearl cause we’re part of an alliance too i steal from her all the time but i steal from her in front of her face but she’s cool with it oh nice nice nice yeah so right here

Come with me uh we have a brand new weapon actually two of them into our alliance i was gifted this this morning this is fantastic look at that oh we can repurpose them yes yes yes yes yes you know what we can even tell jim that

They were given to us we didn’t even we didn’t even make them ourselves yeah i didn’t make it i just showed his name does he have a name yeah this is bulldozer bulldozer yeah yeah i was gonna i was gonna say bulldozer it seems like yeah yeah and

Look come here that’s not all that’s not all we also have another one over here but the thing is this is this is what i i need to uh i’m gonna let you guys know um we can use one of them all right for the army

The other one i’m gonna do some magic on him okay you okay i’ll i’ll let you do the magic and uh we’ll go we’ll go from there i’ve gotta make a little trip over to mazzaglia right now since the misalien king is online i’m gonna try and win him over to our

Side just to touch you work on the lectern i’ll be back lectern book and quill i’ll be back pick those up we’ll go to pearls and see if we can go loop her in before you go um uh the king of azalea kind of pledged his loyalty to the caught empire i don’t

Know this is all an effort take that back just take that back yeah yeah it’s it’s fine it’s fine i’ll work on it i’m not even gonna wear my armor going in there it’s gonna be all pure friendship friendship nice happiness stupid god emperor i’m stealing their sugarcane here too

Because i don’t have any and nailed it hello hello i was not expecting you here how are you doing joel it’s nice to see you today nice to see you too how are you doing good good good this is looking amazing over here by the way

Oh thank you very much thank you i’m trying to bring some greenery into the very dull mesa it is looking quite lovely around here i do love all the moss so i was i was in the neighborhood just stopping by flying around testing out the new the

New set of gear over here and i wanted to stop by and offer some of the finest goods of the uh is that what are you on about but i wanted to offer some of the finest of golden carrots that we produce here the the more you eat the more uh

Anger and happiness you feel at the same time it’s quite weird but i want to offer some of these to you just as a you know a nice like doing oh thank you very much that’s very nice of me and then i did i did i did you know i

There’s a lot of war and everything going on right now yeah apparently apparently there’s this like weird pixandria thing and this cod empire they’re kind of they’re like abusing us a little bit do you hear what they did to sausage today no what happened they trapped ravagers in his farmland and they destroyed

Everything oh my gosh that’s terrible they stole all of his villas trapped ravagers in his farmland trying to kill him and then all my villagers got trapped in homes and everything i had a giant pit where i was falling down and had to watch the horrors of

Deeps like redstone being burned in lava right in front of me and it’s just it’s just been rough man there’s just been a lot of mental warfare and everything like that going on so anyways i want to offer a gift of a here you go here’s a bunch of emeralds

For you oh my gosh thank you so much i i was i was i’m just about to get working on my villager trading and this will come in very useful well there you go so get you started from the gremlins beginning you’ve changed you you’re a changed man

See a good it was accidental there was a slip of the tongue it was just not not very intentional or anything like that so i just okay good it’s good to hear i i did have a question though i did i did have a question so that

Whole villager trading thing that i know you just mentioned you’re working on do you by chance have any gold but you can have this farty gold if you want that that’s that’s all i’ve got really you know what there’s five more villagers i can hear thank you very much i appreciate it

No worries say hi to jesus before you go oh it’s adorable hey buddy yeah hi jesus you need some friends if you see any friends of his let me know complete success complete success what i should probably get out of here with the sugarcane soon by chance yep all prepared ready to go

You’re the best okay i’m off get into the building of the empire’s day let’s go go go go go let’s go here we are my friends over at pearl’s place now where i have the loveliest letter i could possibly write dearest pearlescent moon i count flip ruler of the grim lands would

Like to humbly humble humble i already signed it we humbly let’s just say it says humbly requests to meet and discuss terms of an alliance i have seen your great friends with my allies gem the wizard and sausage of mythland i believe our two great empires can prosper greatly by

Working together in alliance please reach out if you wish to further discuss this mat please reach out if you wish to discuss this matter further there we go words graciously awaiting your reply count flip ruler of darkness tinkerer alchemist patented creator of explosives humble farmer delver of the

Nether and lord of east vale we’re gonna leave it right here next to bingo bingo’s gonna be delivering the message for us and that’s gonna be fantastic since we finally have the ability to fly my friends we can get all the way up there without needing the scaffolding builder for

Gem sanity i’ll go ahead and get rid of this oh it looks so nice i love watching scaffolding break like that oh so good and gone now also for the sake of gem sanity i can’t think of anything better to use that shulker box she got for us

The red one in particular than filling it up with explosives yay i swear at some point today we might actually accomplish something in today’s episode instead of just running around everybody’s bases but it has been absolutely hilarious to record so we’ve got an extra shulker box of gunpowder right

There if we need it and jem is going to be so proud of me look at how much tnt we have unfortunately i ran out of sand we have no more sand to our name actually i have a little bit of sand i was in the wrong chest there

But she’s gonna be so proud of me oh my gosh well i think uh i think we before we go a little too stir crazy here on tnt and everything like that we have a few experiments i would like to be doing and developing some better weapons than just having tnt i’m

Thinking explosive firework rockets are the way to go here my friends but that’s that’s a fault but that’s all the best way to go with building these things is we need a tinkerer’s workshop we have the title of a tinkerer apparently self-given title of tinkerer so we gotta make that thing happen

I would love to extend a wall coming out of this tower right here so we’re not just buildings anymore inside this place so i think i’m gonna work on getting some blocks together for a bit of a wall design around here let’s go ahead and see what we have

Right now and see if we can make this happen we’ve got some blackstone i love that i’m thinking we can use some polished blackstone that would be absolutely awesome like that right in there deepslate we’re running a little low on actually so we might have to go gather that stuff

Up here soon and the base of the wall let’s use some andesite and some stone maybe some stone bricks and stone brook stairs has some supporting features down at the bottom that could be pretty good and then for the wall itself i’m thinking strip spruce logs and the same way we did

Those little arrow slits right there with the spruce stairs we should probably copy that again so it at least blends in that seems like a pretty good kit right there to get a wall design going so without any further ado i’ma figure this thing out in good old fashion time lapse mode

There we have the wall my friends it’s looking absolutely awesome however this space is a lot smaller than i initially thought it would be that’s not the end of the world because we do have everywhere underground and i think for the tinker’s workshop and maybe also finally a way that we can

Get from the village down here without coming around and underneath the train to loot the pumpkins and melons we could work that into the workshop so maybe we bring a little bit of a structure out to this side which means of course we have to do even more terraforming which you know

Can can be good can be good and we give ourselves a tower as a viewpoint an elytra takeoff point and maybe also serving as a remote workshop for gem the wizard so we have a little bit of a wizard tower rocking out over here that being said though i need a lot of

Blocks to be able to make that happen cause well it’s gonna be a pretty big build we’ve still got spruce for days so we are covered on there how are we looking at everything dark oak pretty good pretty good okay you know what i think i’m gonna come up

With a little bit of a plan on how we can do this one and honestly might just get into it but first time to do a little bit terraforming i’ve been over here happily terraforming and working on the new spot and oh that was rocket meant to use some glass

There but i realized i accidentally left uh my villagers down there with my best friend and uh i think they uh they probably want to come out of the hole now so we got this little protective thing in here so zombies can’t slide their way up that

To get up there but the villagers should still be able to get through if the iron golems want to let them so uh let’s get these guys out of here one at a time please and up up and away come on guys guys guys come on you go down and

Fight the evil mobs underneath okay thank you have a nice day nope fall down go down there go please go thank you and you okay go that way up up and away yes yes yes yes perfect we’ve got two tool smiths in the village now and that’s absolutely awesome

Hopefully they are able to navigate their way all the way over here where we have the tool stations for them that would be absolutely awesome if they can figure that out but in the meantime the terraforming work is now done in this area and i need to go get some new rockets apparently

And why what are you guys doing just a cow and a sheep and a boat leaving them there but i brought the land out a lot further over here and i think that’s enough space to build i want to see an inconspicuous shack with a tower coming out of the top of it

So i’ma get to work on that i don’t really like doing time lapses back to back here but uh i’m in the mood to build so let’s go ahead and kick this off in a good old-fashioned time lapse mode And there we have it my friends this thing looks absolutely amazing in the dark and i think it is so very fun it’s very wacky it is very different but i think it fits in very very well with the village and still looking like a tinkerer’s workshop which is actually going to be

Leading to our new secret base almost working as if it’s a megabase of sorts and i kind of want to connect multiple areas inside of the village down to this point but we’ve got down here where there’s a weird random basement and i was thinking we come all the way

Over here i know super duper secretive for myself uh yeah i’m very proud of this one right now uh but let’s just do the old signs drop a composter right there and see if we can’t write a painting on it and then if we just add some extra

Random things around here with some barrels and maybe some other random storage things nobody’s gonna notice nobody’s going to notice definitely nobody is going to notice it just looks like there’s a bunch of junk store down here maybe this guy likes to collect paintings so we can add a few extra ones

Around the walls over these places too and then it looks maybe more like people are going to be like huh is that a different painting i don’t really know but what that can lead to is we got our little spot right back out here where i’m thinking we create another

Little tiny tiny room and we create a drop shoot and an up shoot right here for some water elevators and a water drop system for us to drop down to a lower level and then it’s going to be time to design the workshop underneath i have absolutely no idea what i want to

Do with it yet no idea how much space i want to be clearing out but i really want to have a lot of fun spaces to be able to like tinker with items and all that sort of stuff i think it’d be really cool i’ve got an absolutely massive area

Cleared out down here and i’ve had a little bit of a change of heart i guess you could say for what this was going to be originally i was thinking very steampunky and modernized and modular and blocky and now i’m kind of like it’s minecraft

1.17 we have access to a lot of really cool cave related blocks so i think i’m going to be turning this into a sort of a cave so we got the drop shot right over here to bring ourselves downwards and then we got the little up shoot right over there

And i’m kind of working on getting rid of the calcite originally i was gonna do whitewash walls everywhere and now i’ve decided that i kind of would do some cobblestone some mossy stone stone and andesite and everything like that so i’m kind of working on bringing all of those in now

And then we can have some different wings to the cave if we ever need to expand this area but for now i just got to get everything around here closed in and this my friends is our finished little cave base we have down here i’ve started

Decorating it out a little bit we got a bit of moss in the corner we’ve got some hanging roots on the ceiling glow berries around lighting it all up built in the pumpkin and melon farm storage system right over here so we can get full access to those guys

And it is looking absolutely fantastic now we’ve got a few things that we need to resolve so that we can actually get a lot of these things going one thing i wanted to test here is can i put a rose on i can on a moss block great

So what we’re working towards today is we need to be able to build firework rockets firework rockets that explode not just these little lame guys right here we’re going big fireworks stars another fire chargers fireworks stars and the works so everything we’ve been doing over the last few episodes setting up the blaze

Farm and everything like that is coming in very very handy here how is the man who produces now we’re gonna cut that and to be in line with the colors of our empire i feel like we gotta dye them all red so we have the rose down here to

Infinitely produce red dye for ourselves so i wanna make a little bit of a test tube chamber for that guy and then i think i’m gonna swap out the entire floor around here and just bring in a bunch of the tough blocks so it looks a little bit darker compared to the walls

And it should be super duper cool all right i’ve got our first test tube set up over here with the rose bush and if we take all of these bones that i have and break them down into some lovely bone meal throw a lot of that guy in there and

Then we flip this lever right here we should see roses being picked up and i’ve got a hopper mine cart under there leading right into a barrel and oh it’s working okay we’ve got all the red dye we could possibly need that farm is ready to go and we are good

And i’m trying to make sure this area is lit up enough so the mobs aren’t spawning and it’s a little rough okay so now we need to have a workshop area where we can actually build some crossbows and then we need to actually be able to

Uh get the rest of this stuff happening and there we have it holy cow this is looking really cool i’ve only really set up this portion over here as being some sort of a facility for ourselves and i think i want to cave away the roof a little bit more but that’ll be

Something to work on later i’ve got moss down everywhere where is spawnable so it’s looking super duper cool i’ve got these little hanging shelves up here with the chains and i think it’s awesome then i’ve got a few recipes for ourselves for the fire charge plus gu

Plus gunpowder plus any dye being the red dye right over there is gonna give us fireworks star then we add that with the gunpowder and the paper and then we are all good fire chargers however little hard to make for a fire charge over here to get

Three of them we need a gun powder a blaze powder and a coal or charcoal had to make a run down to the spider farm to grab some string to make some crossbows for ourselves but i’m hoping we have everything we need now just getting a little bit more red dye

Over here and we’re going to be making a proof of concept right now i want to make a prototype we’re going to be making a prototype right now for ourselves so we need a lot of red dye in there and first and foremost we need to be able to make

A lot of fire charges there we go three stacks of fire charges six stacks of our charges okay these actually aren’t that difficult to make then if we were to do gunpowder fire charges red dye we should get a stack of large ball red fireworks well fireworks stars after

That we got to take another stack of gunpowder and some paper and throw them in right there okay these things should be pretty deadly putting them in the offhand loading it up on the crossbow and you can see it’s got the firework in there oh yes oh

This is prototype this is just level one here my friends catherine commented something here on uh what we’re doing so i think we gotta go say hello and see if she likes the new weapon we are we are encroaching and house blossom territory right now my friends and i have

Absolutely no idea where she is but holy cow that’s a castle all right where is cath i feel like i’m on a stealth mission over here checking all the corners making sure nobody’s sneaking up behind me oh there she is there she is okay we’re ready i’m really bad at this

Whole tracking your prey thing i lost her again we got just go for it i think she noticed i think she noticed hi catherine how are you doing are you shooting me with fireworks no of course not no no never what kill it kill it kill it oh works

Good we’re good hi how are you doing today maybe i i it’s a prototype i had to test it out i i you were the first victim to respond after i shot the first round and then so i came over here to say hi that was so cool

It’s a prototype though you know many more advanced weaponries will be coming out of the gremlin soon thank you for being a part of the test i do appreciate it i i didn’t even know you could do that trying to find anybody i can mess with

At this point in time because i was meaning to meet up with pearl but i think she’s still recording something else or doing something else it was busy so i’ll have to go bug her later oh oh my god bulldozer almost just killed me in one hit okay we’re staying away from bulldozer

Nailed it hello do you mind you scared the daylights out of me i i had to show my new prototype weapon what do you think of it was it effective to be honest it’s a it’s an absolute bang i i guess we have something to discuss though concerning that one we do

We do did i say bingo did bingo deliver the message for me bingo did deliver the message he had no idea what it was about but yeah so what you think what you think well what’s in this alliance for me huh i know i know i’m i’m alliance

I’m alliance with uh you know sausage and jam but why we’re trying to i’m trying to build up you know people against the cod empire right now because they’re doing a lot of scary things i’m sure you heard about the ravagers at sausage’s base there’s i did poison arrows at my base there’s

Been villagers disappearing at both of them and we’re trying to you just unite the forces and everything like that and it’s just it’s getting scary out there but also i know you now are a proud owner of a sugarcane farm sorry i’ll put i’ll put yeah

And then you’re kind of scaring me a little bit yeah um but i know you’re the owner of a sugarcane farm and i and i am the one who you know has a lot of the gunpowder for like these guys and everything and it’s just great you want to make a trade right

Partnership i i don’t don’t have any on me besides we can we have a bit we’re gonna have okay you don’t have any celebration oh they’re exploding anyway yes okay well you know what i i feel like we do need to create a trade partnership here just because i’m gonna

Be selling the paper you’re gonna have the gunpowder people are going to want rockets this is going to be important oh yeah oh yeah i’m going to do it do we need to like sign any form or anything no no it’s just like verbal agreements right now it’s all good you

Know next time we have the meeting of the alliances though i’ll i’ll bring you back in i’ll get you in there and i’ll tell gem and sausage because i know you’re already kind of buddy buddy with them and we just got to go full circle

Here so this which is kind of the last last step around i guess you could say that sounds pretty good let’s see what gemini handshake can you want a gemini handshake is no idea oh that’s a giveaway handshake okay got it love it love it perfect all right we’re good it’s sold

It’s a deal celebration all right i’m gonna go find sausage and shoot him now it’s gonna be great welcome to the alliance you have fun direct hit do that again oh that’s glorious prototype is completed well there we go my friends the first test was absolutely successful and i’ve been back here

Working hard at decorating and filling our test tubes my friends check this out right over here we are trying to do some experiments right now with gemini tastes little crystals and the deep slight redstone and some redstone and everything around in here i’m looking at just the crystals over

Here i’m curious to know what they do if we leave them in the tube for long enough and uh kind of transferring between the two systems and i’ve had a genius breakthrough here my friends but first and foremost before we get to that i’ve also been very busy i expanded

The walls because this genius breakthrough my friends we don’t want to fall into the wrong hands we do not want this to fall into the wrong hands so quickly time lapse mode will i prepare some things many many days i’ve been down here going through design after design and my friends we

Finally have it we have the perfect crossbow this thing is going to destroy so absolutely many things and we have our brand new weapon of the alliance check this out i present you the grimlands 3000 crossbow perfectly forged with plenty of redstone inside of it this thing

Is an absolute beast check that out right there oh it is beautiful check it out oh my gosh and look at this my friends we are ready to rock we’ve got a rocket inside of it and this thing has been upgraded this sheep and cow down here

Have been in the boat for far too long perfect oh that’s so good okay we might need to add a little bit more damage to it but check this thing out right here oh almost kill ourselves too but perfect that that is a weapon for war my friends that

Is a weapon for war at this point we’re gonna need to improve the ammunition that we are using here the more fireworks stars i believe you throw into these things the better they can get but that is going to take a little bit more research here

My friend thank you all so very much for watching today’s episode had to leave this one off here with a little bit of you could say a bang did i totally steal that pun from pearl earlier yes yes i did but thank you all so very much for watching my friends

Please be sure to click that like button down below let me know what you think about the name for this here crossbow and any other ideas you might have down in the comments below we’re gonna have to distribute these to the rest of our alliance here in the

Future which is gonna be absolutely amazing thank you again so very much for watching click that like button if you did enjoy subscribe if you’re brand new and with that i will catch you on the flip side can i show you my new toy i i figured

After mcc practice i needed something a little bit better to make things a little bit more accurate are you i see you’re in the middle of building a tree can i steal you for like a minute sure wait underneath the tree is that five oh yeah i mean yeah we probably

Need a target but you know it’s fine all right so i’ve got no wings so i’m just going to try and water bucket trick i failed if i didn’t work but look joel joel look at this look at this jaw look at this oh no not this this is bad um

I don’t have a target for you unfortunately you know what it’s fine it’s fine i’ll just look at this i you can’t miss you can’t you know where you practice with the crossbows you can’t miss if you fire three at once neck okay that is kind of scary um stay away

From me with that don’t cut out joel don’t be without how much damage does it do do you know do you want to test it yeah ah god that much

This video, titled ‘Empires SMP : MY NEW WEAPON and NEW ALLY! Minecraft 1.17 Survival’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2021-07-17 17:15:01. It has garnered 449845 views and 19424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:21 or 2061 seconds.

fWhip is creating SUPER WEAPONS on the Empires SMP server in preparation for the upcoming wars! Click the Like Button if you enjoy!

Minecraft 1.17 Survival Let’s Play on the Empires Server is really picking up as fWhip gets an Elytra from Geminitay, Iron from MythicalSausage, gains a new ally, and creates a secret evil lair!

MERCH: https://fwhipstore.com/

In this video: @TheMythicalSausage @GeminiTayMC @SmallishBeans @PearlescentMoon @KatherineElizabeth_

Dangthatsalongname: https://www.youtube.com/dangthatsalongname fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/fwhip GeminiTay: https://www.youtube.com/GeminiTayMC Joey: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeyGraceffaGames Katherine Elizabeth: https://www.youtube.com/katherineelizabethgaming LDShadowlady: https://www.youtube.com/ldshadowlady MythicalSausage: https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage PearlescentMoon: https://www.youtube.com/c/PearlescentMoon/ Pixlriffs: https://www.youtube.com/Pixlriffs Shubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/Shubble/ Smallishbeans: https://www.youtube.com/user/SmallishBeans Solidarity: https://www.youtube.com/user/SolidarityGaming

Find me Here! https://twitter.com/Failwhip https://www.twitch.tv/fwhip https://www.instagram.com/fwhip_official/ https://discord.gg/fWhip

:: Support me on Patreon :: https://www.patreon.com/fWhip Become a Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwqJYTxm3FAZXeV58EdFcRQ/join

fWhip Second Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/fWhipTwo

#Minecraft #Empires #Letsplay

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  • Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial’s 2

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  • Adelia’s Trauma: Sam’s Minecraft Saga

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  • End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner’s Home! – Chill Survival – #16

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  • INSANE Minecraft Horror Mod That’ll Make You JUMP!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez’s Ultimate Adventure

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  • Join HearthCraft SMP – Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

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  • Minecraft Memes – Torching Minecraft memes!.

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  • Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore!

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  • Minecraft Villager Trading: The Ultimate Hot Mess!

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  • Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMP

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  • Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who’s to Blame?!

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  • INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshorts

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  • Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!

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  • Johny’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shocking

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  • “Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!” #minecraft #shorts

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  • Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!

    Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP with Herobrine “TOP 3 Youtubers”‘, was uploaded by Not Deadliest Gaming on 2024-03-27 11:44:22. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:47 or 287 seconds. www.minecraft.net https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/introducing-realms-invite-links https://www.youtube.com/@triggeredinsaan https://www.youtube.com/@YesSmartyPie https://www.youtube.com/@liveinsaan https://www.youtube.com/@AnshuBisht https://www.youtube.com/@ProBoiz95 https://www.youtube.com/@TeddyGaming https://www.youtube.com/@Deadliestgamingshort-123 “I’m just your average gamer. I love to play, but it’s even better when I get to share my passion for gaming with others.” 2. The “General” Gaming Channel Description “I love playing games of all types and genres! From FPS to MMOs, RPGs to RTS, if you can punch in a controller,… Read More

  • Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!

    Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server W/ my Daughter || Underwater End Portal Build || Pt. 1’, was uploaded by TheWrightFather on 2024-05-08 10:30:01. It has garnered 75 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:37 or 2797 seconds. My daughter asked me to build something we could put the end portal in. (I found out our end portal in our world was destroyed when spawned in) Read More

  • Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine – Surprising Results!

    Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine - Surprising Results!Video Information e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he a [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I get [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘which tools minecraft is faster experiment?’, was uploaded by DarkMine on 2024-05-25 17:00:22. It has garnered 283 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. which tools minecraft is faster… Read More

  • 1ifeStealerz

    1ifeStealerzBest Fair Life Steal Server ACTIVE STAFF AND HIRING MORE 24/7 online New Players Always Welcome And If Any Help Is Needed We Respond To Tickets And Chats Fast. 1ifeStealerz.minehut.gg Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong discord community and active players. No hacking/duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: simplyvanilla.net Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ What escaping spawn looks like: Watch video Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️

    Minecraft Memes - RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️I guess that villager really needs to rethink his commute strategy – maybe invest in a Minecart or something! Read More

  • Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch

    Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch In the world of Minecraft, Ellie Finch takes the lead, Using the game for therapy, fulfilling a need. With creativity and adventure, she helps young minds, Building safe spaces, unlocking what they hide behind. Minecraft as a tool, like a digital sand tray, Helping kids express, in a unique way. From castles to caves, the possibilities are vast, Bridging the gap, making therapy last. For those who struggle with traditional talk, Minecraft offers a new way to walk. Through grief and challenges, Ellie guides the way, Training others to use Minecraft, every day. From hospices to schools, the impact… Read More

  • Starman’s Minecraft Mixtape: Out of this World!

    Starman's Minecraft Mixtape: Out of this World! Why did the Starman bring a pickaxe to Minecraft? Because he heard there were diamonds in the sky! #miningforlaughs #starman #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Mining Mishaps: Duo SMP Adventure

    Mining Mishaps: Duo SMP Adventure Minecraft Adventures: Getting Lost in the Mines Duo SMP Exploring the Depths In the world of Minecraft, two players, Dave and the narrator, embark on a journey filled with surprises and discoveries. From exploring caves to finding hidden diamond spots, their adventures are nothing short of exciting. The narrator meticulously marks each diamond spot with torches, showcasing their dedication to mining. Challenges and Triumphs As they delve deeper into the mines, they encounter challenges like spider spawners and witches. Despite setbacks, such as losing half an amethyst block to a spider spawner, they remain determined to overcome obstacles. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Maizen: Creepy Iron Man Call at 3am!

    Minecraft Maizen: Creepy Iron Man Call at 3am!Video Information hey guys and tell us again how you saved the entire universe where do you get your superpowers all right guys one question at a time Spider-Man how did you get your superpowers I was just bitten by a spider and I’m strong fast and can shoot webs wao that’s cool and you’re the Hulk how did you get powers I don’t like you Mikey what what did I do wa what’s this hey Iron Man watch out look out wo what there’s of them hey what are you doing stop it what do we do what happened… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Seeds

    Terrifying Minecraft SeedsVideo Information गाइस यह है हमारा घर और यहां पे मैं और एलेक्स अपने घर के अंदर देख रहे हैं टीवी और हम लोग एक बहुत ही बढ़िया यह क्या हो गया हम लोग तो अपना एपिसोड देख रहे थे और टीवी बंद हो चुकी है क्या डिश एटीना खराब हो गया यार गाइस एलेक्स कह रही है कि हमारा डिश एंटीना खराब हो चुका है और यह क्या हो गया अंधेरा हो गया लाइट चली गई आखिर ये हो क्या रहा है एलेक्स यहां पे यहां पे ये हो क्या रहा है कुछ पता तेरे को यार भाई मुझे… Read More

  • Uncover Bizarre Minecraft Sounds! What’s the Explanation? 🔥 #MinecraftExplained

    Uncover Bizarre Minecraft Sounds! What's the Explanation? 🔥 #MinecraftExplainedVideo Information en este video verás algo anormal que le pasó a un streamer mientras jugaba Minecraft este streamer conocido como Luis se encontraba picando con sus amigos cuando de repente escucharon un peculiar sonido proveniente del juego haga una casa de diamantes salari cómo le va a hacer una casa de diamantes aari qué se No qué se escucha gey gey gey gey no no para aclarar fue un servidor el cual no contaba como ni nada por el estilo tienes alguna idea de que fue ese sonido déjalo en los comentarios This video, titled ‘Sonidos raros del minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC FINALE! How Far Can We Go? – Tango’s DECKED OUT 2

    EPIC FINALE! How Far Can We Go? - Tango's DECKED OUT 2Video Information hello Wolf Den my name is f telda and welcome to what is going to be our final episode on Decked Out we’ve had a good run but there is no denying the fact that the dungeons of deep Frost Citadel have proved to be a tremendous challenge for me and we just talking about level one and two we didn’t yet get to see the third level out of four which was a small goal I had kept in the back of my mind but I can guarantee you that in this final episode we will enter… Read More

  • Unbelievable! JerryMC reveals lightning arrow secret!

    Unbelievable! JerryMC reveals lightning arrow secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make lightning arrow in minecraft’, was uploaded by JerryMC on 2024-02-29 08:50:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

fWhip – Empires SMP : MY NEW WEAPON and NEW ALLY! Minecraft 1.17 Survival