Video Information

Hello hello hello every buddy how we doing today happy Wednesday happy winning of the mob vote mob announcement day oh it’s a lovely day good to have y’all out here hello hello hello oh my gosh oh my gosh see Team armadillo must be representing cuz obviously we’re all here I mean

Everybody’s on team armadillo right at this point that’s that’s where we’re at I think I think we’ve all decided team armadillo is the way to go until we until we hear tomorrow we we still have to hold final judgment until tomorrow when the third mob is announced but you know for now team

Armadillo all I’m saying the crab the crab’s cool but mangrove swamps are already one of the laggiest games one of the laggiest biomes in the game it doesn’t need more entities it already has frogs it already has tropical fish swiming throughout it and it’s already a very dense biome so it’s just covered

With everything right it’s just absolutely covered there’s so much in it you really feel a part of the environment when you’re moving through the mangr swamp when you are moving through a savannah you just see trees and Tall Grass there’s nothing unique about the biome other than the weird yellowy grass

Color it’s just I the the armadillo is needed in the savannah purely because the Savannah needs more things to it they used to have llamas up on the Savannah plateaus and things like that they’re pretty rare now they’re it’s really really hard to find llamas the

Easiest way to find llamas is in the mountain biomes trust me remember when I was trying to breed all the animals in Minecraft and doing all the advancements and everything it took me absolutely forever to find any llamas and they were not they were not at all in the savannah

It was all cows it was all cows and some sheep yeah the Savannah just needs an update and if we don’t get a full Savannah update see what I wish what I wish I’m going to tell you all this now this is one of my things that I dislike the most about Minecraft

Live is they get all of us so hooked on this mob vote deciding between the three mobs deciding which one we want to go and add in but then we don’t know what the update theme is yet because if the update theme included a savannah update

I’d be like oh yeah give us the crab that sounds cool let’s do that I’d love to have a little crabby boy running around in the world but if there’s no Savannah update then I want the armadillo I don’t know so I I wish I

Wish there was a way that we could get a little bit more information before the votes were cast not even like the full topic not even whatever it is or we get confirmation that none of the biomes that these new Mobs are going to be in will exist

In I wish there was a way that we could get that but like if we got a Overworld update and things like that that would be really cool I heard um I was listening to spawn chunks yesterday while I was I did get a haircut yes thank you everybody for noticing but I

Was listening to the spawn chunks while I was driving down to go get my haircut and they were talking about how a little while ago apparently Minecraft talked about how they don’t want to do an end update until the Overworld feels more complete I didn’t I don’t remember ever hearing

That but there could be stuff that I missed that would be causing that to be true so who knows maybe that’s a true thing um in that case I’m like well that means we’re going to get something in the Overworld update and I would love to

Know what biome that is or what like the general theme is for it before we really go through and decide on what Mob We want to add in but right now with what we know I’m very much team armadillo that that’s where I’m at I would love an end update but I’ve

Also heard reasoning saying that once the end is updated it could make younger players assume that Minecraft is complete even though getting to the end in Minecraft isn’t really the end of the game if anything it’s kind of where the end game begins uh because you finally have

Access to do things in Grand scale which for me that’s where the game really starts the rest is all just grind to be able to get there and kind of making it fun along the way but you know who knows sorry I don’t know why I’m doing this

And not showing y’all one be sure to leave a like on the stream I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you uh still want another plan on implementing The Crab Claw Yeah by design of what I think the Crab Claw will be is something that you either

Have to have in your offhand or your main hand and then it places the opposite thing to make a Bedrock compatible it would have to be offhand because Bedrock players can’t put blocks in your offand um so for me that very much comes down to I don’t want another item I have to

Carry around with me I just I don’t it’s as simple as that my inventory is already full y’all like when we get into the hardcore World I’ll show you all the essential things in my inventory that I kind of have to carry with me and I just yeah I I don’t

Know I don’t know it’s all good we’ll see what happens I’m excited for the third one to be announced tomorrow that’ll be pretty cool um but as is right now the wol farmer definitely what’s winning me over because I love having wolves but they just die so

Easily so I don’t bring them with me anywhere but early game if you have a wolf with armor that sounds really cool as like an adventure buddy because right now you take them out Adventures one wither skeleton and they’re dead like they’re they’re gone if the Wither Skeleton starts attacking that thing the

Wither effect will kill it no matter what pretty much the sword hit and then wither effect going in N that dude’s dead um my friends we should have let me retry that one let’s let’s roll back roll back here Hi how are you doing happy Wednesday lovely to see you

All if you wouldn’t mind leaving a like on the stream that would be greatly appreciated as it helps me out a ton okay back to chaos um but for real though please be sure to leave a like on the stream if you haven’t already Katie did thank you

So much for the 13 months I really do appreciate it hello happy Wednesday Ryan eatman thank you so much for the 20 months as somebody from Texas team Dow all the way thank you so much for the tier two for 20 months my dude I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank

You I’m just saying me kindly asking for likes only got me like 20 likes on the stream I’m sad I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I got something to show y’all before we get into the hardcore world I’ve been working in the super flat world of I

Decided I’m giving myself a goal for the next while of I really want to improve my tree building skills so I’m going to be building one tree a day I’ve already kind of had like a plot of trees over here that I’m in the process of moving

Over into this Zone just to kind of get them started and I put one in the supporter chat yesterday that I designed let me move this guy over there so we can uh let’s do a rotate 90 just so he’s a little different uh and I’ll show you I’ll show

You what I’ve been working on I really want to improve pleas to meet you I really want to improve my tree building skills and just having more that I can kind of pull out as like a toolkit meet you I’ve started designing these this is the one I designed

Yesterday and I was like I kind of like it I’m really embracing using the walls and I think I even put some glass panes in here yeah yeah yeah a few Brown glass panes just to get that extra little bit of the wall sticking out uh we got

Spruce fence gates Spruce fences and Oak and I think it works pretty well um but I like how that one turned out and then I was like What if I made a fall variant I saw some people doing this recently just on Pinterest and things where you

Have smooth red Sandstone you have a AA planks and then I also tried a little orange terracotta in there and then we got nether brick walls we got dark oak fences and we’ve got the stripped oak logs this is just a reskin of that guy just complete reskin there um so I I’m

Trying to do that I really want to be more open so you can see to like the middle trunk I don’t think I like it being that open in there cuz that angle is what this where’s that little Branch he’s over here that’s this angle where

When you have the leaves with a little bushiness around them it kind of dos it hides that a little bit better but anyways um that’s kind of where I’m at on the first tree there and then this morning I woke up I started if you if

You don’t follow me on Pinterest and you want to uh this is a public board that I’ve made that y’all can check out I’ll show it to you uh how can I get the M monitor there we go hi this is my Pinterest board don’t

Look at my secret boards um I made a new one for tree type so if anybody’s trying to build custom trees and wants to join in and follow along and kind of I’m basically just posting a bunch in here and I’m going to try and pick one every

Day out of here and try and build it in Minecraft so if you’re looking for something uh I’m going to keep adding a bunch more tree photos and like concept art and examples in here um that if anybody wants to follow it’s uh just flip MC on Pinterest you can go check it

Out there uh but yeah so that’s kind of where I’m at with this I really want to get better at building trees so I’m going to spend time building trees Jenny thank you so much for the the Dono be sure to like the stream don’t lick your monitors that’s weird please don’t lick

Me it does not mean you own it no it’s fake uh anyways so this is the one I’m working on today uh I started out with this over here and I wanted to try going with a very dark trunk so I tried Black Stone and then we have dark oak we don’t

Have too many wall options like the only brown one we have is mud brick so you kind of have to get into like the Nether Bricks or you have to get into the blackstones or you have to get into the deep slates and for this one I decided to try out

Blackstone and I kind of like it I kind of like it here this isn’t my favorite this is first rendition in the base of the trunk just to get that little bit of the brown in there I tried some mud and muddy Mangrove roots and we go

Blackstone and then this is all Mangrove leaves and then at the top we’ve got a little bit of our gry stained glass panes in there which works fairly well and then we come over to here where I messed up the leaves a lot more and I

Love this one this one’s really cool to where I mixed in about half of the mangrove I mixed in as Birch leaves which I really like uh which was good unstripped Cherry we could try that sure see um yeah actually yeah that does work out pretty well thank you that that’s a good

That’s a good call thank you I appreciate that yeah and then we mix the black stone in so it kind of goes up further good idea great references yeah thank you uh one of them on there is the one that I pulled for this tree uh I believe it’s

On there maybe I forgot to add it and save it this morning but so I tried this and I was like the black stone is really really crazy so what have I changed it out for the brown design that I used originally over there except we went

With strip Spruce instead of Oak and I think I don’t like this one quite as much I think this of all of these I think this guy’s the key ER so I what I’ve basically been doing is after I finish them coming over here and just using world edit to copy them

And move them uh but this one is uh what was it what was it let me find this type of tree just so you all can know what I was going off of here come on Pinterest load please this was a was it corsac Pine here I’ll show

You yeah I went I went off of this this is the let me save that in there so it’s just in there I went off of this so this a corsac pine tree and you can kind of see that the top is pretty flat and then they’re also really thin like you can

See every part of the tree on here the leaves really don’t cover that much so I was really trying to get that when I was building the tree so anyways I don’t think I’m going to be keeping up daily daily on this my hope is that I can did I sa that second

Position I did let me just move this one over onto the plot and then we’ll get over into hardcore lands not the vibe for that song right now not the vibe not the vibe uh so I’m just basically like slowly moving them over here if I need to move things

Around to create space to put other trees in or work other things in I can do that pretty easily cuz I’m giving them all a lot of space I mean like this little guy right there does not need all that he’s 3×3 but I need to come through and move

Those ones over these ones are all the desert trees that we’ve been using there’s that cherry tree I made that I hate definitely going to redo it someday uh we got the spruce trees in here this guy actually I want to move him into the

Plot for sure I love this one I use this in the city uh it’s drift Stone and then at the top we have uh granite and I love it and then it’s a bunch of jungle leaves and I think oak leaves did I get it all I did perfect P

Little tree made me laugh but so cute I love I love the little tree he’s so fun uh we’re going to go I’m trying to put the bigger trees towards the back so I can easily like showcase everything but yeah that’s kind of a goal that I’m working on here over the

Next little while that I’m hoping to get into and keep building up some more and it’ll be it’ll be fun so I’ll I’ll share these as I as I make some more I’ll be able to share some is that the mech this is this is the season one Mech

There you go there’s the Empire’s Mech from season one is the salmon still in there the salmon still is in there look at him he’s alive yay I probably need to move him away that probably makes sense to move him um oh we can actually move this one in real

Quick sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry we got we got a lot of things to do today we got a lot of things to do but you get see the backgrounds of the creative world we got a lot of things to do a lot of things on the plate today got it all perfect

All right so I want to put the other birch trees I have right in here so this guy he’s kind of a pine tree is so this row can be where all of our pine trees go actually I want to leave another space cuz I want to build a smaller

Variant of that maybe and then a taller variant so we’ll I’m going to try and do three variants of each tree like as I go so I can have a small a medium and a large to work off of and then when I get into the world I’ll if they’re like

Super complex I’ll probably just light manica copy them in but yeah I I’ve went around and like gathered all of the different types of trees around this super flat world that are uh detailed ones cuz those are all just vanillas or like like that one there I just really don’t like it’s not

Something I’d build anymore or like that one’s definitely not one I’d build anymore there’s uh the cactus from decide Le vanilla and yeah so I’ve gathered all of the ones that I like would consider a tree that I would build again and move them over here and now I got to move them

The so we we’ll get there we’ll get there we got a lot of work to do but it’s time to jump over into hardcore cuz we also got a lot of work to do there uh Inferno potato thank you so much for the donor my dude I really

Really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you and Athena thank you so much for the 15 months just followed on Pinterest happen to catch a bit of live before work happy band books week everybody oh no I don’t want to know where that’s coming from happy Vibes here happy Vibes

What are we doing today um I want to work on this I think this would be really fun to work on and start like kind of getting the terraforming going down there and then seeing where a cliff is going to kind of come up to meet that

And work in some boulders to kind of hold the cliff back I want to move away from that type of stone terraforming and eventually my goal is to update all of the little Cliff faces we have around here to being something more like those cuz I just think they’re a better more

Modernized version of How I build things so we’re going to do that but first step today uh also just for those who are referenc who I was talking about who are here early when I was talking about all the things I have to have in my inventory as a hardcore player this is

Pretty much it you could also go as far as having ender pearls and golden apples to fill up two more spaces but like actually this isn’t even it no it’s not I’m missing these guys there we go that’s pretty pretty much my inventory that I move around with at any given

Time now you see why I don’t really want to have another item in there I don’t think the Crab Claw is worth filling up a space it if it gives you one extra space of placement range or two extra all you need to do is carry a stack of dirt with

You and then you can go up to 64 extra blocks of placement range and then you’re fine like you don’t need oh sorry what we’re going to do today I don’t know I just don’t think Crab Claw is worth I’m on I’m on team AR

Armadillo what I want to do today to get ourselves started is come back in here and finish off the floor down the second hallway uh so for those who weren’t here last stream we started this inside the map room we textured out the ceiling and

Did a bunch of that in there and then we spent like 2 hours designing this to get something that we liked um so we have magenta glass down below we have gray glass on top to make it a little bit more shadowed and then we have black

Stone for all of the walls and the floor itself the votes are rigged oh yeah no I mean I I put it there 100% I’m using my content creator powers of influencing the masses to get team armadillo voted in so you know uh I’m going to I’m going

To use the powers that you all by following the channel have given me to make sure team armadillo wins so I can’t wait for so many people to take that and be like oh my God okay uh yeah so I wanted to First focus on clearing this guy out before we

Go get a bunch of glass I guess we can uh no do we have frog lights in here we do okay so we can put our frog lights in and that’ll be fine let’s dig it down and then we’ll put the Frog lights in at the bottom how many layers do we go

Down sorry if there’s a little background noise there’s weed whackers outside if can you all hear that okay how far do we go down this is at 102 okay using his powers wisely yeah yeah I’m influencing the good mob okay so we need to get it down to

102 uh and then we’ll see where it goes from there I’m thinking we just dig the channel for now and we’ll dig it we’ll dig the base shape and then we’ll dig it one wide beyond that and then we’ll take it all the way down a little bit okay

Let me go let me go close to the window please to meet you when the weed whacker starts it means the leaf blower is coming after so you know got to be smart about that okay back to digging back to doing what if we made this one like

Extra wide like it’s almost like a pool like a little pool right in here it’s just like that like this whole how much Block Stone do I have none I have 40 never mind I was going to say we could fill in a little bit cuz we can do

Something like that and then this and then it kind of comes back to be a little skinny a cave less blocks we have to mine oh boy hopefully this doesn’t take too terribly long but uh we we got to get it done and this is going to be something

That the the hall is going to extend further so we can make it look like it will be going further uh because I want to eventually add a lot more maps onto here I think I’m going to go a third wing out here and then we’ll start

Transition out that way and I think that’s the most I could measure in to make it fit okay chat we’re making this one extra wide cuz we have to dig it all the way down and then we have to bring the black stone back in so all of this stuff that we’re digging

Right now is definitely going to be um not the not all of the glass yeah I think that’s I think that’s everything we need to dig this side back one but everything we’re everything that we’ve cleared out right now in the floor needs to go down except that also right there yeah

That’ll be good okay so we need to take this down to 102 we got a lot of digging we got a lot of digging ahead of us to get started today but after that that’s mostly going to be block placing as we can work on

Kind of I think I want to get the Boulders setup and then we’ll see where it takes us from there do you need to come down let’s say no I think no is an okay Bet yep we got our shape we got our shape we’re

Good would be nice if we get a way to extend Beacon range without making the pyramid bigger I hate having beams all over the place dude that would be nice I think that is a Surefire away I think one of the things that’s missing this year which I feel like is

Intentional because of last year they proposed so many mobs that had so many like features behind them I mean think of the sniffer bringing in two ancient plants and having a whole mechanic around like going on an adventure to find them and doing all that stuff like

That’s a lot of gameplay and then the LA that was brought in like that’s also a lot of gameplay that you can do things with the LA there’s so much stuff you can do with them that I think because there was other ones like the angry lettuce and I can’t remember who else

Was even in the vote anymore but like all of those were things that had so much impact on the game that really made people a lot more upset that certain ones weren’t added in so I think they purposely this year I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re

Like let’s go with things that are a lot more basic and we can just like slide in and nobody will really really they’ll they’ll just be fun they’re only there for a visual effect and not really something that’s going to add too much gameplay but still a little bit also oy

One I thank you so much for the 13 months at tier 2 hello everybody love the content and the and the growth it’s gone through like the stream everybody hey I appreciate that and francisa thanks so much for the seven months as a supporter the stream makes doing chores

A lot better hey you know that’s what I’m here for avoiding chores I mean what okay uh we are at 104 we’ll just keep taking all this down we’ll do this first section get it all down put our frog lights down and that’ll give us a light source so it’s a little bit

Safer okay copper Golem was pretty worthless let’s be honest maybe that’s the Builder and me showing but copper Golem to me was pretty worthless little copper boy was just mostly there for the adorableness same with the tough Golem I don’t need a moving item frame don’t run for responsibilities oh I will

Sprint maybe finally horse and wolf armors will be able to receive enchantments dude I just want them to be able to get blast protection everything else is fine like they don’t need to get protection or anything like that just give them blast protection my little wolfy boy can only

Take so many creeper explosions that he doesn’t run away from wanted mu Bloom ah I mean it would have been cool to have another flower sure but we already have a small yellow flower like mu Bloom to me just didn’t seem to have a point if they were going

To bring it in as it was in Minecraft live like there’s just I don’t I don’t think mu Bloom I remember seeing mu Bloom and being like uhuh I don’t I don’t want it I was really like looking back I think glow squids is one of the

Best mobs they’ve added to the game and I know people are going to be so mad at me saying that but I will Happ say that I think glow squids is one of like the best mobs that’s been added to the game because of how many build Styles it is

Pioneered by the fact of having glowing signs the amount of options we have in this game now because glow squids exist is crazy like cyberpunk builds did not exist as they do today before that’s an entire build style that has just been created out of nothing

I know y’all can get mad all yall can get as mad as you want you can get mad but it’s true tell me one mob that has ever been added to Minecraft that has brought about an entire new build style for people to play and build and do you

Just kill them though sure that’s fine but the glow the glow ink that they provide is so good and not every mob needs to have this complex thing that does a billion things ever I I can’t remember who said it it might have been Pixar riffs and he was

Talking about just think about if they now were like you know what we should add into the game let’s add a cow what’s the cow going to do well you can let me go close my window fully sorry it’s loud but like what if we just add a cow

What if we add a cow to Minecraft and the only thing that the cow does is you breed it up and then you kill it and you get leather and you get steak imagine if that was something added to the Mob vote now people would riot at how basic and Bland and boring

That is but that is like one of the most like useful animals in the game I’m just saying not every mob that they add needs to be like 50 levels deep in complexity but you know they could be they could be but they don’t need to

Like the sniffer is cool cuz it is complex but not every mob needs to be like the sniffer you know I’m not saying it’s like good to have a bunch of basic mobs in the game but like it’s okay it’s not bad I feel like I probably angered a lot

Of people I feel like a lot of people are like no flip you’re stupid I’m like yeah but I’m right I like simple mobs they had variety yeah exactly and I think that’s why that’s really what they’re prioritizing this update is just being like okay how can we get some like simp

Winds of cute things that just enhance the world that we playing in let me go throw some torches down it’s a little spooky or like if a pig was announced today where the only thing that happens when you kill it is you get pork chops that would not be voted in because

People would be like no this is so boring there’s not this thing does nothing when in reality like I don’t know I don’t know where I’m going on that one uh I’m trying to make sure I don’t do extra oh no uh you need to come forward to there

Okay and then that and now we got more digging to do okay easy you’re right and you should say it I am saying it but it’ll be interesting to see what they add for the third one I’m really curious what it’s going to be tomorrow I

Have no idea that’s not even me saying that like we got early information no they they didn’t give us any early information this year normally Mojang is pretty like they’re giving creators Early Access information but then I think after last last year because one Creator who was in

The call signed the NDA saying that they wanted to be there and that they wanted to hear the information and that they wouldn’t share it they uh 2 minutes after the call ended went to Twitter and shared everything being announced in Minecraft live uh so I think they uh a

Little bit you might be able to say ruined it for everybody just might be able to mention that uh that one person who was trying to get some Twitter clout uh ruin the ability for all of us to get Early Access announcements so definitely a favorite person of mine yeah

Yeah sad life I know yeah the fact is that I like I still see them all over Twitter because they love to play as a fake developer and like announce things as if they’re the one who made them so that they get people following them and it’s really gross but

Unfortunately it works they get they have so many followers on Twitter that like are like oh my god wow I can’t believe you found that I’m like no please somebody needs to shut this person up they’re ruining it for everybody finally started streaming I want to say you’re my inspiration hey good

Luck have fun oh the National Emergency test thing oh yeah oh yeah my phone was on silent I guess that just went off yeah that was uh announced like a week ago that was happening not sure why I didn’t make a sound on my phone maybe I just didn’t

Hear it that’s not good for an emergency so far I had two emergency alerts and one was in Spanish hey you know what props them for being inclusive don’t you agree that the last flowers added were overrated I don’t know if I wrote that wrong as in like

You don’t like the torch flower and the uh uh what the heck is the other one called pitcher pot pitcher pot that’s what it is uh he had headphones in did it really did it go and you all just heard it no way you didn’t hear it yeah I mean

My phone’s sitting right here did not hear it it would have come through the mic if it played there was an announcement like a little pop-up screen on my phone but yeah I didn’t hear anything uh I really like the torch flower and the piture Pod

But I think there a big Miss on how they’re obtained having to go plant them as a seed and then they grow and then you get the flower where every other flower in the game minus wither roses is some sort of bone meal grass get

Flower I think it’s a huge Miss on how difficult they are to obtain when they really don’t give all that much other than Aesthetics so I don’t think a lot of people use them for that reason like I definitely don’t decorate with them in Mass because I just don’t want to spend

The time Gathering a bunch of them like that that’s where it leads for me um I I think they’re really cool I love the design of them I think they’re fun to incorporate and kind of work with but yeah no I I’m kind of with you I’m I’m

With you a little bit on that I think they’re they definitely could use some love in like making them easier to obtain I think it could even be one where like when you break the plant you get two like if that’s all it was when you break like a piter pod like fully

Grown piter pod it gives you two flowers that’s possible it does it with carrots and potatoes uh I think something like that could be good and like torch flowers can do the same like be able to Fortune them that would make them great being able to just like

Fortune uh we want one here and that’s going to be a rock and then you’re going to go all the way through cuz you’re going to continue to there and then that’s going to be to there there okay now we just need to go get a bunch of

Black stone and fill in these walls and hopefully I did it hopefully I did it right uh no that one needs to be a stone right we just need a ton ton of Black Stone we got we got a lot of it last um last stream how dark is it

Daytime he says and then he used them in mass and desert well yeah I mean I did purposely on the piter pods though do them in bunches so that they look more present in the area without needing to be everywhere torch flow should glow should torch flower glow because it’s in

The name or because you want or because you want a glowing flower cuz I think a lot of people say torch flower should glow purely because it has torch in the name which like okay yeah but also I don’t think it needs to uh um it would be fun to have more light

Sources that like work that are not like glow like things like I’ll I’ll give you that I’ll give you that dude all we need to have is glowberries being able to be placed on top on underneath leaves also red sand is orange yeah but also so is IRL

Red sand like deserts that have like a what you would consider red sand are a lot more on the orer side a lot of stuff don’t need to do anything but would be cool fair fair fair I see your point and I acknowledge it oh we didn’t need to dig

That no you stay there oh that needs to be polished never mind sorry sorry misstep misplace make sure we get all the polished Block Stone in there where it needs to go what do y’all think the theme of the update is going to be has has anybody

Like been uh trying to pick it up from any clues or anything cuz I I feel like I have absolutely no idea where it’s going to go there’s been so many fake leaks happening at this point too that I just I it’s going to be so interesting seeing

The community feedback on it because they’re like we saw this was a leak this was supposed to happen it’s like no that was fake the end update beaches there was some fake leak that came out I was going to be able make this one XD hey alanova

Welcome on in good to have you thank you so much for the Dono how did I miss this one Charlotte thank you so much for the 18 months been here for a while how are you doing hope you’re having a great day hey I really appreciate that I’m so

Sorry I missed that thank you thank you thank you a beach update I don’t know if they’ll do a beach update if like one of the voted mobs is a crab that also does not go on the beach there was some uh concept art or that was quote officially branded by

Minecraft released um by somebody who is claiming it came from Minecraft China like the Chinese edition of Minecraft that has like a fullon update aquatic round two is all of it but and then in the background it has like jellyfish and seagull and uh like crabs in there and

I’m like I don’t think they would brand an official update thing with a crab model in it when a crab is one of the things being voted in like they wouldn’t put that as official stuff if uh one of the mobs isn’t even going to be confirmed unless the community votes for it

Tropics update could be interesting could be interesting yeah who knows uh more than a thousand and there’s only there’s only that many likes what is happening we got 13 other people in here and 670 likes you’re right what the heck be sure to leave a like on the

Stream if you haven’t already my friends thank you for so much very much I really appreciate it I believe it we can we can break 50% liking it’s the flip date whatever flip wants dud don’t give me that power Liz you don’t want to give me that power oh

Man I would change so many things in this game oh so many things in this game would change and it would be amazing we’d have Wall variants of every type of stone we would have Wall variants of every type of log we would get a few new tree types

Probably that’d be a big one and uh we would get birds probably a hummingbird probably just a little chill hummingbird that would fly around nothing else n we don’t need vertical slabs I don’t think Minecraft benefits from vertical slabs I will say though sand and gravel layers that that would be a big

Win I think Minecraft becomes more tedious with um vertical slabs it would be nice to push like sides of buildings out by that much but I don’t think it’s needed and I I think if walls worked in a different way we wouldn’t even need that at all like

Walls could be pseudo vertical slabs if we had more options for walls how are you on this fine Wednesday I’m I’m doing well I’m doing well it’s been a bit of an interesting morning over here at the flip Family household but uh we’re we’re doing good tomorrow starts

Vacation though so like I’m coasting into vacation mode it’s as soon as the stream ends my video for this week is ready to go coming out tomorrow new hardcore video and I’ve already finished recording the video for next week so you know we’re we’re ahead of the game here very

Excited I got one brand deal thing that I know brand deal wow uh that I have to do later today that I get will tell you all more about next week that is uh that I’m supposed to be starting later to day so as soon as that thing’s done I I’m

Out of here vacation mode we’re going down to California going to find some sunshine one of my best friends wedding oh it’s going to be a good weekend wow brand I know it’s going to be a cool one too I’m not sure if I can or can’t tell

You all what it is yet so I’m just uh not paperwork’s been signed so like we’re good to go but like I just don’t want to get in trouble you know don’t want to be trouble with some early announcements so uh keep keep an eye on the socials next week

Yeah Sid and I are flying down to San Francisco tomorrow and we’re going to get there early we’re meeting up with some friends who are also flying into the city but we decided to fly in early so we’re going to do a date day in San Francisco and just chill for the

End we made it sorry um yeah so we’re just going to do a date day in San Francisco and tour around the city a bit uh it’ll be it’ll be fun time be a fun time he made it on cam see see it’s possible will it be post on the YouTube

Community page uh the brand deal stuff will mostly be Twitter and Instagram and then yeah after that yeah you’ll see you’ll see please to meet you it’ll make sense soon we got to buy a ton of glass because I am fully out of the stuff all of the chiseled uh stone

Bricks on the ground Mark villagers who have glass trades it’s you okay so we did that they’re all set and then we can go sleep now because uh I wanted to get that trade in while it was night time uh cuz then we can wake up and they’ll all unlock and then we

Can get two more trades more Rockets are need as well I know yeah we got we’re getting there well we’ll get there we’ll get there I think we’re fine right now we’re New Life uh I’m done new life is done I’ve talked about it a few times on

Stream um unfortunately it just wasn’t I wasn’t having fun with it and I think a lot of viewers were not really interested in this Series so I didn’t want to keep pushing it when like it felt like something that I was doing because I felt like it was my job to do

Which sure yeah this is my job but also I’m in the position where I can kind of pick and choose things that I want to do and I really want to be in the form of I’m always following wherever my inspiration is going um and my inspiration very much was going away

From New Life so I kind of when um when the server was already not Super Active I figured that was my kind of call to be like like yeah I’m I’m going to be ending my series too an ad oh my God imagine supporting the streamer it’s fine streamer love

Hardcore yeah uh video next week is actually a a lot of people might remember them because I used to do them all the time back when I was originally starting YouTube and everything of doing concept videos and I was looking at my YouTube page recently and it is hardcore hardcore hardcore hardcore hardcore

Hardcore hardcore hardore and hardcore so I kind of figured that you know maybe I could try bringing in a few of those concept videos again so next week is mostly like a talkie video but I think it’s a really important one uh Charlotte thank you so much for the five gift

Memberships I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you is YouTube your job or hobby uh I’ve been doing YouTube as my full-time job for almost four years now actually I think I technically am at four years now yeah I think uh yeah we’re in

October I’m at four years four years of fulltime YouTub AG that’s what you want to call it YouTube premium coming in clutch yeah I’m on that YouTube premium life now too it’s fantastic okay I think that Is okay that should be enough glass to get us through I hope don’t look at my tree L asaurus with the five give memberships too thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate the support today everybody thank you so very much that’s very kind of y’all okay

Let’s get a little bone meal because I need a lot of magenta die and uh I thought I had bones in there I do not they’re all in here uh but I think it could be just worth it to get a stack and then we’ll make a bunch of light

Gray die I’ve got wither roses for days I mean I got that and then somewhere I misplaced it and I don’t know where I put it but I swear I have a box of Wither roses somewhere I somewhere in here there is a shulker box of Wither

Roses and I don’t know where it went please no no no it’s making me a little sad a little sad but thank you so very much I really appreciate all the gift memberships thank you Charlotte and Liz I really appreciate the support from you both so thank you thank you very much

No where’s a stupid lilac oh I know where lilac is zoom in to the Lilac y isn’t one under I don’t think under the chest have barrels I don’t think I put any in there you get more money if I don’t skip the ad just skip the ad you’re

Fine I I really appreciate people who are like should I watch I mean technically yes I do get more money if you watch the entire ad but do not feel obl ated to do that I just if you watch 50% of an ad that’s like the you it’s

Like a vast majority of the revenue so and most of the time ads only skip after 50% I wonder where the oax lles came from that’s weird keep for real at all those extra elytras I’ve never touched what is this one H spooky what feel yeah those aren’t barrels that’s just ah

I farted sorry didn’t realize that was the fart Horn uh let’s put you in there let’s do magenta we’ll make eight stacks of magenta and then I probably need like what a stack of gray maybe two stacks of gray so we can go 16 yeah we’ll do that okay that should be enough

Glass donation didn’t read uh it comes through if it’s uh above a certain amount just so I don’t get spammed by people sending in super tiny stuff and unfortunately it does take currencies into account so it has to it has to be above $2 Us in order for the donation to read

Out Mr Olaf thank you so thank you for the Dono though I really appreciate it have you done your workout today I did my workout this morning I did a 10-minute ab workout and I did a 30 minute bike ride I did it and I am in pain no

Actually I feel pretty good today okay then we can jump down here start filling in all of our magenta so we start with this and then we do a bam a bam and a bam and then the top one is going to be gray that just

Gives ourselves a little bit of a tiny fog and I know we are going to see the Frog lights through the base optimally I think what we should have done I just don’t want to redo the first one is take it down another two blocks actually we

Could just do one block down and redo all of the glass cuz the glass could like you can do this into that and then that keeps that fog effect so if we moved everything down one for all the magenta we could squeeze in another layer of magenta right

Underneath the gray and then we’ get a little bit of better of a fog effect but I don’t think it’s enough that we need to do it working out is so fun not going to lie working out is so fun when you have the desire to work out working out when

You’re just not feeling it is the worst thing ever but I will say I’ve been December is going to be a full year for me of five workouts a week and I’m really happy I’m really really happy I’ve been able to kind of build the routine out of it I’m getting up there

So I’m at 10 months now of working on consistently five times a week and I I’ve definitely noticed it and I’ve definitely noticed that I love the workouts a lot more I used to be really really active like in sports and everything through high school and into

The start of college and then after that like I just kind of I think as many people do as you get busy with other things in it you lose track of the hobby especially like going from doing like consistent team sports where you have a coach yelling at you to do something to

Then being like okay I’m just going to go to the gym for myself and uh how does one work out I don’t know I’m only used to somebody yelling at me to tell me what I need to do so that transition has been rough and by that as

Uh uh we saved up to buy a pelaton bike so that we can still have people yell at us and tell us what to do for 30 minutes every day it’s great that’s that’s where all my motivation comes from vote for the flip mob yeah that’ be pretty

Cool dude if they ever do a dog update they better do the dog like vote for a skin to add in like they did for the cats when jelly got added in and y’all if Kota or Nova does not represent one of the animals being at like dog variants being added

In and it turns out to be some stupid doodle that gets at voted in by everybody because everybody’s like oh my God it’s a doodle it’s so cute I will be mad this community will have failed pleas to meet you that’s all I’m saying but there’s still there’s still

Hope feel like I want to extend this out one like right here I going move that back yeah let’s do that I think it’ll just look a little bit better I need a frog light not saying Doodles are bad dogs but doodles they’re boring it’ll be

Bubbles I don’t know I don’t know I think I think Kota could win it out have you seen kota’s smile come on now that dog is that dog Kota knows that he is like the coolest dog ever and that’s the problem is Kota just knows he’s like

Nothing bad has ever happened to him in his entire life and he’s like nothing ever will I’m perfect everybody loves me and I’m like dang it you’re right okay cool there we go that works I actually like that a lot more that looks really really good now we got this

Hallway finished and we’ve got this hallway finished I got to figure out how we want to do the staircase up there cuz I don’t want this crack running through it our doodle ate my mom’s birthday cake the other day so before we could eat

It okay but to be fair if Kota got Kota I don’t know if I’ve told you all this story before I was so mad oh my gosh I was so mad we had I was home alone Sid was off traveling and doing something with some friends she was out of town

And so I done workout and everything and I’m like I don’t want to make food for myself I’m lazy and so I ordered McDonald’s and I got here got delivered and I sit down at the table I got a box of chicken nuggies I open them up and

I’m just there I’m just starting to eat them and then our doorbell rings and I walk out to the front it’s one of those doorto door salesmen that just traps you in a conversation you know just like traps you there and you’re like okay bye they’re like but wait I have more and

I’m just like no I have food that’s in there that’s warm I want to go eat it and then so I’m stuck out there for like 10 minutes and I’m just so annoyed I’m like fine I got to go back inside and eat my stupid chicken nuggets now and Kota ate them all

There was not a crumb there was not a french fry there was there were nothing he didn’t even he got up like front paws on the table and just like eating them from there I I checked the cameras afterwards cuz we have a security cams in our house and I

Check the cameras after and he’s just he’s just he ate everything he got his head in the little thing of fries ate all the french fries and then he ate all of the nuggets and I was so mad but at the same time I’m like I can’t get mad I can’t I can’t

Get mad at him because he ate it like five minutes ago he’s not going to understand if I’m mad at him now like dogs forget things like what they were doing and everything within a few seconds so yeah I think I think Cod paid

Off the guy to keep me busy for a little longer I was like he said he’s like thanks for my nuggies dad I love them butthead I was so so mad at him that day oh I made something healthy like a sandwich at home and I was so

Ready to just eat a bunch of nuggies oh man you mad at the guy at the door yeah he had something that was cool and then like that they that he was talking about selling and I was just like so I was kind of interested mostly I like to like

Poke at them and like hear the sales pitch and really just kind of mess with them a bit and then be like yeah maybe bye but yeah it was uh it was a rough day was a rough day y’all need one coal in there okay uh that’s that job done looks

Great let’s go see how much dirt and grass I have I don’t think I have too much my cat St a chicken nugget from me while in front of us oh yeah Kota multiple times has if we’re like barbecuing during the summer and the weather’s nice we’re eating outside we

Now know that we have to keep him outside with us because if we don’t he will eat whatever especially if we grill chicken he will eat the chicken off the countertop No Remorse absolutely no remorse he will just jump on top of the countertop and eat it and just be like

What are you going to do the chicken’s already gone it’s already gone it’s like there’s there’s no hope for you there all that food that you were going to get mad at me about and save for your leftovers tomorrow it’s it’s gone I already ate it all Kota loves

Chicken like for real it’s kind of weird like how much his like I think Cota could survive off of chicken and cheese mostly cheese if he could survive off of only cheese he would do it that dog will do anything for a slice of cheese don’t

Look at the tree don’t look at my tree stop looking at my tree it’s not ready it’ll be out tomorrow when we cook dinner the cat jumps up on my stepdad’s chair always his chair specifically and waits to be served yeah our dogs definitely know that um if

My mom comes over um like they always know that they can get food from her or if Sid’s parents come over they know that if they just hang around Sid’s dad for long enough they will get what a piece of whatever it was on his plate stop looking at my tree you’re not

Supposed to see it yet okay uh so I’m thinking here I want to make this steep but still something that we can build on so I’m kind of thinking we do like a little like this and we alternate like that and then a little of this not that specifically actually not

That step no not that again um and then we kind of just bring it down like every one we go with like one or two diagonals each time I’m I’m teaching people how to terraform leave me alone oh potato but then the goal is going to be

To kind of probably bring it to about here oh my gosh I’m teaching how to terraform stop anyway so the goal is to bring it to about right here if you if you wanted to know this is kind of where the the plan is to take it but I’m thinking at

The end cuz we’re going to have the boulder we kind of like Smooth it a touch and then we’re going to have like the boulder right along here it was a baked potato even I know maybe light up in the cave don’t be don’t be don’t

Bring logic into this come on yeah we should probably do oh my gosh there’s another one I’m going to murder you I know I can kill creepers in two hits before they explode like I know I can do the timing I just won’t just like

Out of me being scared I just can’t do it I Happ an a New Life everybody else quit so I also quit honest uh no for New Life it was uh it was just a little too soon after Empires so I wasn’t like fully in like yeah I’m

Ready to get an S SMP Zone again like I like a little bit of break between s smps and I just was wanting to work on the hardcore world and not wanting to think about like how I could build and interact with people in a world like I

Just wanted to build cool stuff and not worry about telling a story or doing any of that type of thing or like worrying about what other people are making and so for me I got I was just not really interested from the get-go and I was trying to get interested and

Then unfortunately a lot of people who were joining up with series just had so many other things going on in life that nobody really joined um like there was a lot of people that we had invited to the series that were supposed to be part of it that they just

Never up uploaded episode one or they um like whatever their episode one that was the only upload that they did and it was just a bit of a bummer so I I was bummed I I definitely like lost a lot of inspiration because of that but I really try to not hold it

Against all the other people cuz they had things going on in their life that caused that to be happening for them and so like it is what it is it’s just a bit of a bummer iconic wolf I have absolutely no idea about anything that you’re going through

In there so I don’t really have any advice to give I guess um there’s probably better places on the internet you can get advice for that from people who are also diabetic and can kind of give you tips on what they’ve been through could be something where you’re like searching

Reddit forums for help there there’s a lot of as much as Reddit is a weird place there’s also a lot of places where people are super helpful so I would re I would honestly recommend going there and seeing if you can find anything that might help you

Out what is this texture pack it’s my own texture pack uh it’s available for tier one members and up um and it’s basically I’ve just overhauled all the foliage in Minecraft also loophole here this is grass blocks not dirt see double dirt we have to do that but these are grass

Blocks not new life but X life oh X life I heard it was going on um after it had started because I had missed a DM for it uh but honestly it’s one of those things that again it’s just I was still in the phase of not wanting to do an smpp

So just felt like I I wasn’t going to start something like that where I’m already like one foot out the door if that’s not fair to anybody else that I’m working with cuz I know for me one of the things that I hate the most about being a Creator is that sometimes people

Will be like yeah I’d love to be a part of the series this sounds great let’s do it and then they leave or they they like post one video and then they leave or they’re there for a month and then they log off I mean I’m sure you’ve all dealt

With that from like a friend perspective of like starting a Minecraft server with your friends and everybody’s like yeah let’s do it and then somebody build a house on the first day and then they never log in again let we’ve all we all have a few friends that do that um and I

Get that I understand that there’s like interest and whatnot and people are busy but for me like a very big thing for me is if you commit to a Minecraft series that I’m admitting and you don’t show up or you like leave early without giving any context like you’re never invited

Back like I this it’s very much like you got to honor the the business side of this and you got to manage those relationships so like that’s my biggest pet peeve as a Creator is people who say they want to be part of a series and do

Things and then they just don’t they just they disappear so that’s one thing that I try really hard to not do is where I was trying to get with that is if it’s one of the things that I’m very much over there being like if somebody does this to me they’re they’re done

Like I’m not I’m not inviting them to anything else I do in the future and then if I did that to somebody that’s that’s not fair for me to hold that as like a judgment of where I take things and I do it to somebody else so I try

Really hard to before a Series starts is I’m going to commit to it for a long time as long as other people are committed like if everybody else is already gone like I’m I’m not going to stick around for no reason but I I do try really hard to make sure series I’m

In I’m very active on cuz I think that’s what it deserves yeah I just wasn’t feeling it on X life after I I was already kind of like mulling over the idea of not doing new life anymore just because of where that was going and I was like if that

Happen again on X life I also don’t want to do that to you all where I post a series I’m like hey I’m starting this new thing be excited about it and then I post one video like that’s not fair to you guys you all that’s not that’s not fair to the

Audience ask you to buy into a series and then don’t do anything with it I don’t know then I feel like at that point it ruins the trust of if I if I post something again yeah the the amount of people are then going to be like is

Flip ever going to continue this or is this the one video we’re getting like it just kind of furthers that and I I don’t want to do that notice you don’t double dirt Much Anymore any reason for that I don’t double dirt unless it’s really really

High off the terrain or I plan to turn it into Farmland uh where I need to like catch water and things like that mostly for the sake of time materials needed to do it cuz double dirting uh does take if you didn’t know twice the amount of the materials

Uh so I try to very much stay on the side that I I’m trying to get things done efficiently and quickly and for something that is only going to be a very very minor thing that you won’t really see ever I just don’t bother uh that’s the main

Reason and if it’s something where I do try and build down I just pillar up from underneath now and manage it it’s a little bit simpler uh I will say though if you’re building like terrain like really high into the sky and you’re completely blacking out a world like I was doing in

Building with quip like that double dirting is actually good because it increases your game performance by so much where if you break one of these all of the light down below calculates again where if it all opens up but with this only being I don’t know like 10 blocks

Like that’s not bad a torch can cover that going upwards but when you get into the territory with the building with flip terrain where that was approaching 20 to thir 30 blocks then some all the way up to 100 to 150 blocks when you get into

That realm and then you break one block not only are you calculating the 150 blocks of air space before you hit the ground then you’re also calculating 15 blocks out in every single direction are now being updated and that just creates so many lighting Source updates that it

Was actually lagging my game if I did break a a block accidentally like if I was trying to like just clean a few things up that I knew was an upper layer and then I accidentally broke a grass block like there was a noticeable leg Spike uh so I was turning that into

Something where I I was doing it out as of a necessity to make my computer run better so if you’re trying to do crazy terraforming projects and your computer’s chugging along double dirting can help with that if you’re trying to like modify train do you like the dirt under

Terraforming if I close it in all the way I typically do light up most of it uh if it’s a larger space I don’t really bother it really depends on like the size of the space um that I’m working on because I don’t know it just depends on how big it

Is if it’s really really big I probably won’t bother but if it’s pretty small I’ll I’ll usually light it up just to keep mobs out of there or if it’s something near my base I typically will light it up just for the sake of I want things to be a little bit safer

Nearby and the less mobs I can have spawning in the better so hardcore optimal me would say yeah I light up everything realistic me says yeah hopefully I do okay we’ll do that and then you can come out to here keep working with it a little bit make sure it all lines up

Well I don’t like that being a full diagonal so we’re definitely going to take this back over here yeah that’ll work just got to I try to make it not repeating too many shapes would do you vote for the penguin flip uh it depends on what a penguin

Does I do think penguins are pretty cool so like I’m not opposed to a penguin being in Minecraft um but it really depends on what it does I just I can’t think of anything that a penguin one’s going to give that would be useful that we can’t already get

Underwater because if it gives flippers that you have to take your boots off to be able to use to move underwater really quick well one Dolphins Grace exists two we already have dep Strider and we have aqua affinity so like you really don’t need

It uh but like I don’t I don’t know what a penguin would give that I’d like really really want in the game did the third mob get revealed no third mob will be revealed at 8: a.m. Pacific tomorrow at least following suit with the reveals we’ve had over the last few

Days that would be my guess so they will continue that we’re going to bring this back a lot shallower now follow or subscribe to the Minecraft YouTube channel and you will know as soon as all the stuff gets released I just want them for the ambience it would

Be really cool to be walking like boating by some icebergs and just seeing some penguins jumping off into the water like that would be a really cool Vibe who’s ready for all of the YouTubers to make new zoo videos about how they got all the new Mobs into their

Minecraft zoo by the way I’m pretty ready I don’t know about you all but uh yeah I’m I’m I’m ready to see some more zoo videos I haven’t seen enough Minecraft zoo videos so I I think I need more Minecraft zoo videos in my feed I’m ready for Joel’s yeah Joel at

Least did something different in building a mob hotel but like in essence like it’s still just a zoo video but also like chase that clickbait if that trend is going do it go for it if you want to do it have fun I just don’t know

Where I’d put a zoo in this world so I just haven’t really bothered but also just don’t really care too much to deal with it like trapping all of the mobs and getting them all into your base or wherever you’re moving them sounds so terrible that I just like I can’t be asked

Like I I I want to get like a brown mushroom I really really want to get a brown mushroom I think that’d be so fun um which is if you get a a mushroom struck by lightning I believe right is that it you have to strike a mushroom with

Lightning and it turns into a brown mushroom or am I am I wrong I would love to do that I would love to collect like more of the unique heart harder to obtain mobs in Minecraft like we have the blue ax lle now which

Is fun um okay so that is it I might work on that that might that could actually line up in my next video I know where a mushroom island is so I could bring four mushrooms back with me I could have two red mushrooms and I could have two brown

Mushrooms and then I could have pigs to signant by finding truffles yeah I’m doing it we’re doing it let me let me write write that down write that down write that down down sorry so just messaged me our garage do opening and not closing uh

Hopefully I don’t have to go fix that uh let me sorry writing writing things down uh bring home for mushrooms actually I guess I could bring two mushrooms two mushroom cows and get brown mushrooms okay weird guess our garage is broken fun after the blue XEL Auto you need a

Brown panda yeah brown panda would be fun that’s also another one that I’m like this just sounds awful to go get I like did Joel ever get his brown panda I don’t I don’t think I saw it also we are 15 likes away from 1,000 like so uh

Leave a like for your foot birth thank you wow I only have 39 grass left look at me I’m so good at this game Joel did yes okay oh that looks so much better y’all don’t look at my tree just look at the grass yeah that coming down to there and

Then we can do like a a boulder right in there and then we’ll have like a little grass kind of connecting down like that around the Boulder and we’ll do another Boulder right here I think go work out really well let’s go get some Stone did not speak of the pandas yeah yeah Uh what am I doing grabbing Stone we’re just going to frame out the boulders and see what happens we don’t need that much stone that should be fine I see no tree yeah there’s no tree yeah gifted memberships are one a month for those who got a lovely gift

Membership today also how many did I miss today what the heck why have I just been not hearing these I am like out of it today uh Lucia thank you so much for the seven months my tree is growing yes it is remember to drink water and like And

Subscribe uh and my fellow Germans happy late day of unity oo fun uh Celestia thank you so much for the 10 months have been able able to watch the stream in a while glad to be here hey excellent to have you Megan Parsons thank you so much

For the 7 months how’s your day going how’s the construction going construction is done thankfully we are done done uh we did the final payments and everything uh Monday this week that’s why I didn’t stream I was trying to stream on Monday and then the contractor was like yeah yeah I’ll be

There at 11:00 a.m. and then he called me at noon he’s like sorry sorry I’m not going to make it I’ll be there at 2: and I was like okay that’s fine I was like I guess I’ll just stream after he gets here then and then he called again at

Two and he’s like sorry sorry sorry something came up I’ll be there at 5 and I was like great I’ve just spent the entire day waiting cool cool fun fun great having a lovely time over here um so yeah that’s why I didn’t stream on Mond thank you

Kindly what type of American are you should do with what update would you want uh thank you so much for the donut my dude I really appreciate that inventory update I think a good starter is just an extra row and I think like another another one

Would be for chest piece to make it you get like you can get an enchantment that gives you two extra rows of inventory um so you still have the trade-off of if you want to use an elytra you don’t get the space granted I would be very annoyed by

That at times but I think it’s the fairest way to balance things um compared to what we have like I don’t want just like a full backpack item that makes it so you lose your space or even being able to like access sh boxes somehow from within your inventory or

Like you can pull out items from shulker boxes that you already have so like if I have one stack of stone here then I have a shulker box full of stone I can pull the stone out of the shulker I think that could be really

Good what type of American I mean I I don’t even know how to answer that question I don’t even know where that questions it sounds like such a loaded question that I don’t even know what direction it’s trying to go I was just like I I I don’t

Know let’s sleep because this is going to be spooky zones yeah I didn’t break your YouTube you broke your own YouTube the American kind well I don’t know if you’re going off the American kind I assume that’s like super patriotic and I definitely don’t think I fit that bill so um I don’t

Know American kind that’s trying to help save the planet I guess make it so people feel like they have a place to live that sounds pretty cool do they mean like uh Midwest Etc yeah I don’t know I live in the Pacific North Northwest for those who are

Curious what are your thoughts on thoughts uh I try to not think actually I actually I very actively try and not think I try and leave the thoughts out of the thinking what about the Midwest I I’ve only been to the Midwest once I I don’t know much about

It I’m just some I’m just some random guy I don’t know how’s this look that’s looking pretty Rocky yeah oh that’s free C cheating if I could not think for a hot minute that be yeah see you got to have the excellent ability of being a guy where

You can just turn your brain off it’s pretty nice it’s a it’s a it’s a Well perfected skill that’s been passed down generation after generation of just the ability to just not have a thought processing in your brain it’s really nice I really really am thankful to have the

Skill sometimes it does get in the way when you’re trying to have thoughts about things and really trying to like do something productive and then you’re like in your brains just like nah we’re actually the number of thoughts to the day I’ve reached their limit we have no

More thoughts to provide I’m like but wait I needed more thoughts we mob proof up here I think we should be now brain is closed come back tomorrow yeah yeah brain has reached maum maximum occupancy just joined what are we doing we’re working on the hill in front of

The city right now throw oh I already have one right down there I don’t need that that open space that’s been here for about a year that we just never did anything with this where we’re canot extending this down and putting some rocks in to help kind of give it more place more

Substance I think I want the other Rock to be a lot lower down to the ground cuz I don’t want them to be like on top of each other and we got can find some time to texture and everything we’ll do that I’m actually going to bring this

Guy here and then I’m actually going to give another layer of dirt coming down before we even start the rock do you think squirrels should be added to Minecraft I would love squirrels we have squirrels that live in the tree in front in our front yard and

I love them they are so funny if Minecraft could find a way to like bring that characteristic of the the squirrels that live here into Minecraft I would have so much fun with that I think they’re like that’s like the type of ambient mob I want they’ll do nothing

But run around and when you get near them they just run up the tree that sounds excellent excellent oh a public service announcement just in case none of you saw it uh apparently on Tik Tok Mean Girls was released in its entirety so if you’re a fellow mean girls enjoyer

You can now go watch all of Mean Girls in a 23p part thing on Tik Tok um so you can you can go do that if you’d like congratulations you now will have wasted the rest of your Wednesday not Wast it but spent it doing things Mark Robert could recreate one of his

Squirrel videos that’s true that’s true it would be funny uh we’ll do that sure and you can go there why not that’ll work there and then we just got to extend it around time wasted is time well spent exactly uh I want to bring this forward one more actually we’ll do

Whooop whoop whoop whoop and then we can bring you up here and then bam bam bam and aoooop cuz this is going to be kind of awkward over there and then that’s going to no cuz that’ll be I don’t know yeah we’ll do that nope that’s not

A kindly I would rather they add an option to M proof the area without lighting it or covering it in carpet all over the place something like conduit but underground yeah I think something like that could be fun but I also worry that that would that would make a lot of like

The Minecraft features irrelevant and I think it would remove a lot of like the difficulty of the game if there’s just something you could say like a beacon effect that just made an area mob proof unless it’s something that’s like really hard to obtain um I don’t

Know I kind I don’t mind having to light up areas I also don’t do it perfectly like unless I’m making a mob farm or something I don’t care if a few mobs are going to spawn underground and create some ambient noises at night time like

That to me is not the end of the world so it’s not the end of the it’s not it’s not like a terrible thing for how I play the game uh I can definitely understand I know a lot of people are like super perfectionists about wanting everything

To be super duper mob proofed and it’s not not something that I care too much about so I don’t know and but I mean if it does get added I will use it definitely do I think it needs to be added and not so much but will I use it

Yeah thank you so much for the Dono again dude I really appreciate that okay why don’t you like the crab I think the crab is a mob that would be cool to be added on the game but how they’re doing it I don’t like I don’t think the

I think the crab needs to spawn at a beach biome not in a mangrove forest swamp um mangrove swamps already have so much going on on with them and they’re one of the laggiest biomes in the game adding another mob to go get out there I think is bad especially when mangrove

Swamps are so rare already in the game and then right now mangr swamps are like your easiest way to get frogs so the mangr swamp is now going to have two unique mobs to it where the Savannah doesn’t have any that’s that’s my main reasoning I think that the we really need to

Acknowledge that the Savannah is one of the most boring biomes in all of Minecraft uh the grass color is pretty mid- tier the only thing there is Thea logs which a lot of players don’t enjoy and you get llamas very occasionally up on the uh Savannah plateaus which in the new

Minecraft gen don’t spawn that often so it’s not that I don’t like the crab I don’t like how they’re implementing the crab and I also find the Crab Claw item to be pretty worthless because I don’t want to have to dedicate another inventory slot to something especially if it’s something

That needs to go like in your off hand or be held when you’re using it to be able to get that bonus range like I’m not I don’t think it’s just going to be yeah put your Crab Claw right there somewhere your inventory and you get plus two block range like that’s not

Going to be how it’s implemented that is not how Minecraft does things so it’ll either have to be here or it’ll have to be here and then you put your blocks there and that to me I won’t ever use because I as a hardcore player I need to

Have my totem there granted I’m thinking more about my use case instead of anything else but I think that’s the only fair way that we play this game is you got to think about how you’re going to use them and for me right now wolf armor sounds pretty

Cool and the armadillo goes into a biome that I think needs a lot of love the Crab Claw I just think is like an it feels like an afterthought of an item like it’s cool it’s it’s okay oh we are o down bad on the tough

Like it’s fine it’s I just think it’s really boring to be honest I just don’t see like the interest behind the crap claw but also two block inas they did not do not share numbers they did not give us any numbers on how far of a

Reach that’s going to extend for all we know it could be one block hey F I just don’t be sharing fake news around here they did not tell us series were the movies so time well spent on them revolving Hearts they did not tell us anything about how

Far that block is going to extend like how far the Crab Claw is going to give you extra reach they didn’t give us any of that information so don’t be sharing that fake news but also a savannah with an occasional wild ravager that you could tame would be fun think of as an

Overworld hogin uh Miranda thank you so much for the Dono sorry I cut it off through a rant there just feel like telling you that my first explosure to your hardcore series with the movies so time well spent on them hey I appreciate it 5,000 days movie coming

Soon it need to increase reach to like 15 blocks to be worth it yeah and then they also haven’t confirmed if it’s also going to increase block breaking range so can you place blocks some farther away and then you just have no ability to break them un until you move closer

Like is that where it’s going right now there’s too many questions around the Crab Claw for me to be interested in adding it like voting for it there’s too many questions there’s too much unknown information and it’s just it’s there’s too many unknowns for it to be out there

That I I know you were just showing as an example but there’s so many people out there that are making videos talking about how the Crab Claw is going to do all this and I just it’s a big pet peeve I hate how much misinformation content

Creators share just to try and get a view I think it’s awful it’s one of like the worst Parts about being on Minecraft YouTube is the amount of content creators that just spew nonsense to hopefully get clicks so I know you didn’t mean it I

Know you weren’t saying I just I I want to shut those discussions down before they begin because there’s no information on it and when you get into the hypo hypothetical world of what ifs and what are we end with something like the Phantom where nobody loves the

Phantom but we got the Phantom I got light gray wool I got that I need a coal ore that’s what I need so I don’t know there’s a lot of things that I think would be cool to see in the game would be fun to work with in

Different ways but the current Crab Claw the way they’re implementing it to me is just not good it’s just boring who knows wolf armor could literally be one armor point and be totally worthless but I still think it’s more interesting than the other examples we have

Okay uh we can get into some doing some little texturing I think we do mostly like this right do we do that way I can’t remember I don’t know I think it’s mostly is the open texture so I should have brought more stone with me but that’s

Okay then we’re going to do bam we’re going to do a little boop boop boop boop boop boop I’m going to do mostly Shadows on these I think cuz we’re underneath the tree is actually we’re not really under the tree at all so no Shadows no still Shadows not not mass Shadows

Though oh hello for those who are curious I’m copying the build pallet that we used over On the uh the mountain range isn’t a Shepherd a wool farmer yeah I think it would be sounds about right to me I think that would qualify okay so we’re I want to get the Dark Shadows in first just to get them in here so we don’t have to worry about

It anymore and then we can kind of take all these blocks off the hot bar Nope uh uh they should put an armor stands for the horse and wolf armor that would be kind of fun like being able to put like a tackle room or something with all this stuff together that’d be cool yeah I hope what whatever does get added is something that’s like something

That we want to keep playing with in the game like I think that’s like the big important part of a lot of these for me is that right now the armadillo seems to be something that like would be fun would be cool to experiment with but

Like still in essence it’s kind of the best of the worst like the armadillo is not like my oh my gosh if I don’t get this mob in the game I’m gonna be so sad again boys we just how many times do I have to teach you a lesson old Man don’t break my carrot yeah we taught the old man a lesson again than got I can hook an arrow to the knee I can’t be an adventurer yeah it’d be cool to have more dog variants I hope that does not come down to a mo a vote of do we add

More dogs do we add uh this like that would be sad I’d be a little sad be very sad dogs need to be the same they need to get the same treatment that cats got when they got added to the Minecraft where it was an entire update they got cats got the entire

Place of an update I mean granted was Village and pillage but like they got so much space just to let the cats like shine and have their place in the update if dogs don’t get that treatment I’m going to be sad granted I know they’ve said it a few times in like

Conversations they’ve had with us where like with Agnes being the head and the lead of Minecraft right now like they’re she’s creating her vision of what Minecraft is and she’s very much a cat person so like I’m not really holding my breath for dogs to be updated soon like

She probably very much was like I would love to have more cats in the game because that’s something important to me which is cool to see developers be able to like put their thoughts into the game of like what they want to see like I

Love that but also like I would love to see dogs in the game eventually I think it I think it will happen o eventually but I think it might be whenever that mantle is passed on to whoever becomes the next head developer or at least make different

Types of Canaan like Timber or coyotes that’d be cool what’s your favorite wood type honestly I really love ACAA logs like this texture of it I think is so fun outside that Spruce for sure I can never I can’t say no to my true original true Minecraft love of spruce

Okay there we go now we can start extending up back into the acacia ACAA is good but o is versatile actually find Oak is not that versatile Oak is very much like I think it’s versatile in the terms that Minecraft Builders have been forced to

Use Oak for so long that so many people just like say yeah Oak works here but it’s mostly out of a of like it’s all we used to have so we want to just like get a wood type that’ll look okay like not really in an essence of like yeah we

Love oak like to me oak is actually I mean it’s getting more uses the more like variety blocks that are being added in that like work with it but overall like Oak is not one of my favorite blocks I find it a little hard to work with to be

Honest which is why you don’t see me use it all that often but I do I do prefer builds that have heavier contrast to them and I think Oak is just a very Middle Ground like I think it’s a very mid texture so I I try and make very high contrasty build

Pallets Spruce and dark oak are definitely most for style yeah yeah that’s fair also how you doing shovel welcome on in dark oak I feel like I want to use more but then that when I’m like o yeah I love high contrast like dark oak to me

Still I’m like o that’s that’s a lot of contrast like I get scared to incorporate dark oak into builds I think it’s because it’s so rich like dark oak to me is a very rich wood the way it shows in Minecraft oh no break it with some pork give the pigs some

Use yeah we can do a harsh line there it’s very saturated yeah yeah rock rock look at the Rock okay that one I think we could like actually bring that down just a little a little this line is a little too flat I’m going to bring these down I think that’ll help

It yeah that looks much better the planks are good if you want to use other Browns they’re dark enough to bring out the colors while still fitting the palette yeah yeah yeah I just get scared I like brighter friendlier builds and dark Oak’s like I’m dark oak look at my rocks though wow

Rock we put a little like Shadow right back in here just like a little color he’s kind of in the back it’s a nice boulder yeah I think that works I think that’d be good so my goal is to build a flowering aelia like Vineyard up here

With like stretches coming all the way down um so that’s kind of where I was going to go with this um we got time so we might as well do that today such a rocket going to sing you’re welcome hey it’s a Bop yeah let’s go put all of our stuff back

And then we can uh figure out how we want to do that I I just I know fling a Alia I use elsewhere but I want to say it’s also like a wild thing and maybe it’s more of like a berry like a black berry Orchard of some

Sorts instead of being like a grape vine will the vineyard count as field nah it’s nah we’ll do another one it could though but nah this is the Prelude to the next video you have a beacon near your base because I don’t see the light there’s one going up

Through the tree but the tree is so massive that you barely see the beam but it’s down at it’s down in my mines I positioned it so it’s perfectly underneath the tree so you can see the beam up there but it it perfectly goes up through you can see it going through

There so it goes through the trunk of the tree and up out the middle but yeah it it’s on the edge of the deep SL mining Zone I have underground I don’t really get to use it too often to be honest unless I purposely go to that

Part and we’re going to B Sal back I’m sad to go back I wasted a rocket worse look at the tree yeah exactly trying to it’s trying to trick me and make me a look at the tree how dare you oh yeah no that the beacon beacons

Do not have that big of a range like I would love for them to increase the range on beacons I I did let’s go make some Rockets hello sugarcan field yeah looking great in here yeah cuz like a 50/50 area and wow this is I’ve not been in this area that much have

I no I have not that’s going to be a whole shulker box so how much we have here o we might need a new sugarcan Farm soon those numbers are going down sugar Farm material when I really want to fix it it’s like a big big I hate

It same with conduits dude I wish conduits were easier to get I would love to use them we have too much sugar can yeah whatever we’ll just do that that’s fine make some more Stacks when we need it later what I put my chest there when there was one there didn’t

I come on me what’s your opinion on bamboo I like bamboo I think it’s a good block I think it’s a fun one to work with I think it needs more things that mesh well with it the yellow it has has a little little out there I think it works well and I

Think if they gave hay bales some sort of a thatch or something it could work really well together but I I like bamboo I think it’s usable I mean I made a McDonald’s over here for my sniffers so I mean yeah that’s pretty cool I realized I did kind of stop

Putting frog lights behind windows I need to get back to doing that cuz I in go through some old builds and do that stuff are the puppers they’re good they they be chilling oh we need to go out this way I’m close to 100 Heart Of The Seas

In one of my worlds because I’m collecting a shulker box of heart of the season conduits oh and conduits you’re saying you need 3,400 something conduit 3,500 conduit like Heart Of The Seas to make that many please tell me you’re not doing a Sher box of each now I can’t unsee the McDonald’s

Yeah it is what it is okay so we got a lot of empty shulkers that I can bring home we’ll just grab These probably not going to need a whole second box so we’ll just leave these out here for now I’ll come back and get them later I definitely need to clean up the oak logs though like we’re going to have to come back and clean that but that can

Be a later project cuz look how big it is I don’t want to deal with that uh-uh that’s where all of the leaves came from for the tree Sher box have every item SL Block Minecraft then if you start using them to gather things do you have to redo the

Sher box like you have to refill it you finish the tree stop looking at my tree video will be out tomorrow I just wanted to stream and work on stuff in the area stop looking at my tree what type of fence do we want to put with flowering as Alias why am I

Kind of leaning towards dark oak so we can actually like see it cuz like we have a Vineyard down here there Spruce and that’s just Acacia leaves cuz the aelia did not exist then no it did it did exist um but I did occasionally this guy didn’t have his alien

Then do we want to just do sorry do we want to just do spruce again Spruce is simple Spruce is really simple we could do spruce love dark oak leaves dark oak leaves and oak leaves look the exact same don’t they like there’s no difference between them how much Spruce do I

Have op Pur Stone ore oh my God have found on the Deep slide emeralds when you got there let’s just do spruce okie dokie makes sense if they yeah we mostly use Spruce out here so I think this does make the most sense we’ll probably have to put like some sort of

Retaining wall on the top half so we’ll give a few blocks of space to that uh and we’ll have figure out some pathway going down to the here but we can just start with literally just and I think we can like Skip One and do like another smaller

Row this will be a tiny one because it’s just here but they’ll get wider as they go I think if we do stuff like this and then we skip over to like here it’ll create like a cool Vineyard feel as we’re moving throughout what’s that so that was two

And then one so we go two and then one there so they’re just kind of slightly offset H it’s okay if they’re a little different that’s fine make sure to see them side by side feel like dark oak leaves have slightly larger Leaf texture I if I remember

Correctly they’re the exact same I did change them in my texture pack so that they are slightly darker but that’s OMG grapes kind of a little bit some sort of a Vineyard Vibe it’s going to be pretty bright like they’re going to be very bright up there

Which is not my favorite but I think that’ll work what do we think I mean we only have two lines in so far do we like it that’ll be all the way over throughout here and we’ll like start curving the lines too got any grapes no fresh out just joined welcome on

In be sure to leave a like thank you we’re almost at equal likes to viewers meaning the stream has gone on for a while I think that’s too extreme of a line uh we need to bring this closer somebody asked for a build idea uh build a shrine to the almighty

Salmon cuz it’s picking up a sword destroying a Cod there you go there’s your build idea I think this one will just extend all the way this can be like the end of it just have like another one yeah that’ll be fine cuz then we’ll add some more natury stuff in

There don’t look at my treat just put some Co dirt better contrast now yeah we’ll probably change out a lot of the dirt for something else but also a lot of V Vineyards kind of just have grass growing in between them at least up here in the Pacific

Northwest like we we go over to Wine Country and Wala Walla every year cuz our family likes to do a little like wine tasting vac vacation weekend um and so over there like a lot of times you’re like sitting out in The Vineyards like tasting wine and everything or whatever

You’re doing and like looking at it I I love to look at them because I just think they’re beautiful but a lot of what you’re looking at is actually just like the grape Vines like sitting out there and there’s grass all around them like there’s like there’s cuz like

There’s water going into the ground slowly for the grapes and everything to grow and so like the grass just naturally exists there so turning all this to dirt actually is less realistic fun fact fancy flip I know I come from a family that enjoys their

Wine so you learn a lot of things about wine sure we’re going to go there it’s okay if they’re a little off it’s fine it’s not the end of the world we’re just going to start putting in a few of these fences I think it might be

Easier just to fill in the fences and then do it instead of making them up one by one cuz I feel like we get we can get a better grid shape going on let’s do that uh so we bring ourselves over to Bam and over we’ll go like bam like Bam Bam Bam and then so that’s going to kind of urge back to here and then it’s probably going to start going a little bit more this way I don’t really want it to be every two blocks but three feels really far so we’ll do every I guess we’ll go

Every two we’ll see how it works out and that’s going to come through to like here this will be this will be the last huge grape field exactly it’s going to be great and we going do bam and we do bam and then that’s going to come to like

Here cuz the reason why this terrain is so crazy is because like a lot of grapes are more naturally grown on steeper climate uh because they want to make the grapes work really hard and that’s how they produce like a better tasting fruit for wine

Uh so us putting it here on this slope and just kind of making it really something where the grapes are having to like fight for it is like is like the more realistic way to do it so for those who wanted like a lesson and how grapes grow to make wine

There you go there you go just want to put them in a place where they’re going to get scorched by the Sun and have to really work to stay alive okay uh let’s fill in a few of these make sure it works also make a glow Berry field yeah I feel

Like when you do that you have to do like the trellis with like the the wood on top of it and to me I just I’m not a big fan of those in Minecraft I don’t like I like having all the greenery overgrowth like I don’t like having like

A big wood trellis beam going everywhere did you get to just there no you are supposed to be there put you to there and then put that one to here cuz you’re supposed to go like bam and then you work your way up here to like a bam you’re in Argentina The Vineyards

Are dry no grass yeah that’s fair probably different Regional stuff I mean during the summer like the grass in in The Vineyards here is very very very dry because it is hot but it’s still there I can have photo evidence to provide if I need it to support my

Case about why grass blocks are okay and we don’t need to do more work why armadillo and not crab because crab sucks uh no I I just think the the crab spawning in the mangr swamp and having no true information about what the Crab Claw does like an item like the Crab

Claw needs numbers if it extends your block reach only one or two for placing that to me not important I’d rather just carry a stack of dirt on me cuz then I can go way farther and then also if the Crab Claw doesn’t allow you to also have the ability to break

Blocks from an extra distance then it’s worthless because if you misplace which we all do all the time you’re going to have to then pillar up and deal with it again so it’s really like not that huge of an improvement so there’s a lot of like just stuff we

Don’t know about the Crab Claw right now that is making me think the Crab Claw is pretty worthless so I would love to be proven wrong I would love for them to share that information but knowing how Minecraft live goes we don’t really get that type of information on a lot of

These things which is making me not want it and I there’s already a lot of people out there making things up about how the Crab Claw gives you a three block reach and why it’s so amazing and that you just have to have a your inventory and

That’s how it’s going to do all the things and none of that is confirmed literally none of that is true um and so like the Crab Claw if I have to keep it in my off hand to get the features of it me as a hardcore player I’m never going

To use that I’m not going to use a crab claw to reach an extra two blocks instead of having a totem like that’s that’s stupid but also fair to consider crab Rave they they haven’t confirmed that the crabs can dance so crab Rave is not even on the table

Yet if crab Rave was Rave was confirmed we could we could have a different discussion here but crab rave not confirmed so I don’t know also that the I think the biggest part for me is I don’t think they should spawn on mangr Swamp I think that is a bad

Call I love Mojang and I think they do a great job on a lot of things in the game but crabs spawning in a mangr swamp in a very laggy biome that just already has the unique Mob of the Frog I don’t think is a good way to do it mangr swamps

Already super thick as is and just really dense and adding another thing in there I think to me is just a not not the way to do it okay we’re just going to do one like that that’ll be fine and then these we’re just going to do big ones going in the other

Direction or just give us all of them I don’t think that’s a fair expect expectation that’s not going to happen Mojang’s favorite part I’ve confirmed hearing multiple times from the dev team themselves and from like all of their PR people that their favorite part about Minecraft live is the mob vote and the

Community banding together to decide on a new feature being out of the game they love it so much they’re not going to come out and be like so this year we know you all really liked all of them so we’re going to add them all because if

They do that and then they don’t do that next year the amount of people that are going to be like you did it last year you gave us everything last year why can’t we just have them all again like this is so stupid we know you can do

That and then like it’s just a slippery slope of making players even more unhappy like there’s already so many unhappy Minecrafters that look at how modders mod things into the game without any Rhyme or Reason to them existing and they’re like Mojang look at blah blah blah Minecrafter 3052

Made this epic mod that adds 100 new animals into the game why don’t you do that and then half those animals don’t work and are buggy and broken but we don’t talk about it we just talk about the fact that they’re in the game so I don’t know I I think uh the

Chance of getting multiple of the mob vote mobs would only happen if the player community like pulled off the perfect like one to one to one split on votes like perfect it’ have to be like not even down to like a decimal point like it would have to be exact act for

Mojang to even consider uh bringing in like all of them which would be fun it would be cool if we could pull that off that’d be great but it won’t happen yeah armadillos will give the ability to give wolves armor so therefore two mobs are getting changes

And I think that’s cool and I also think the Savannah desperately and I mean desperately need some love the Savannah Biome is so boring there’s just nothing unique about it I was out of the trees and a weird grass color that’s pretty good we definitely need a little bit more contrast in there

Yall are right we definitely need something uh let’s get a little bit of rooted dirt I think the lightness of rooted dirt will be the will be the the winner all my rided dirt might be over in the desert though Savannah grass I do kind of like yeah thought so

Okay I think Savannah grass has a place sweet berries berry bush The Leaf color on the Sweet Berry bush you can see right there it’s way too dark it wouldn’t match well you have dark green and red going with light green and the aelia flowers are kind of like a

Purpley when next new life video I’m not doing it not anymore I’m I’m not posting new life anymore apologize I’ve explained it a bunch of times so uh I even talked about earlier in today’s stream and gave a long explanation if you want to go rewatch it and find that

You’re more than welcome too but yeah unfortunately I’m I’m done with new life that’s some neat zooming dude I’m zooming in this world I’m kidding this is the only Minecraft world I playing right now I’m I’m hecking zooming mate we’re almost on day 5,200 by the way I just want to point that

Out penguin could be cute but what would their use be yeah they could catch fish for you sometimes treasure so you want to lock all your Penguins up in a cage underground that has water in it and then they will actively go through H you know what do we have flowering aelia

Bushes cuz that can give ourselves a little contrast let’s go get some that could give us a little contrast and bring them down to the ground more often 5,000 Day movies coming out uh it’s tomorrow is a hardcore video next week is a oneoff video I’m going on vacation tomorrow so I’m I’m

Out for the weekend um and then the week and with Minecraft live I didn’t want to P publish a big big video I think the one next week y’all are really going to enjoy though it’s answering a few of the most asked questions during streams which would be

Really nice just kind of be able to send people there um but yeah so that’s going to come out next week and then after the week after that I want to do another hardcore video and then the week after that is going to be the world tour

So I think it’s scheduled for like the first week of November right now is going to be when the world tour video happens so keep an eye out for that this is my home thank you thank you oh I raided all of the flowering as alas in here didn’t

I yeah I think I did we can just use regulars Alias that might be nice to have a little bit of green that’s not from Lea any thoughts on the rumor of seagull if seagull don’t actively terrorize the player and just don’t care at all what’s happening around them I don’t want them

In this game if they’re going to add a seagull to my Minecraft world it better be the seagull that just makes tourist days awful you know what I’m talking about like if you’re on a a coastal town and you get some ice cream and you’re sitting out there having a lovely day in

The sunshine with your family and lo and behold comes on a little seagull that’s like you know what I love vanilla ice cream and he will just fly down you’re holding your little ice cream cone here and he just flies down and just takes the ice cream and just flies away and

Eats it all if the seagull in Minecraft doesn’t do that I don’t want it if they don’t do that oh man I don’t want them at all keep them out of my mind C give me the real real world seagull experience or don’t give me seagull at

All yeah we better get fish and chips and ice cream if they had seagull okay uh what was I going to do I thought I had thought of some I need to figure out like a pathway to get down here I think that’s just going to be like right off here

We’re just going to do another little time lapse I think I was trying to think if I was time lapsing or not so there you go there’s my thoughts on seagull they need to be added to Minecraft I I’m pretty happy that that rumored leak and everything was fake I’m very

Happy because I know last year everything did get leaked and that was I know how much that sucked for the Mojang team I like I remember chatting with a few of them and the amount of disappointment they had with the fact that it was leaked because it was leaked

Internally like somebody who was an employee leaked all the information like that that sucked like that really sucks for a team that’s has spent so long developing everything and putting together these ideas and they’re ready to share them and then it all gets leaked like not even including the leaks

That happen from like the few content creators that were idiots and tried to get some Twitter clout um but yeah I I know how much that sucks so I’m I’m really glad that the rumors are not real I mean it was either somebody internally leaked it or somebody

Internally shared it with the family and friend being like hey look at this what isn’t this cool like trusting that that person wasn’t going to share it and then that person would have reposted it nobody’s like hacking Microsoft servers to be able to see what the new Minecraft

Information is happening like that’s not happening so when you see it on like it has to come from somewhere it has to originate from some source and it has to be within the company am I really down just 25 left oh my God this is not going far at all I

Know where we can get more but do we like this why not all three mobs though because that sets a precedent of they have to always add all three mobs every time we’re going a cheaty cam here just cuz I’m curious I want to see it more

Clearly yeah routed dirt will work I think that works it brightens up the train a lot it definitely makes it look a lot more drier and Aid so I think it’s okay let’s get some of these guys in here for like a solid little green poppy little little poppy

Pop reinforce the little green bits and then also kind of reinforces the vine element and we get that little bit of the dark little stem at the base which is fun Coolio I’m just trying to see any like open place where I had a Floating Leaf I’m

Just trying to add these in also it’s definitely not mod proof at all underneath here so we’re we’re going to have to go fix that I know a traditional Vineyard or whatever would probably be a lot more organized than this but I love the look of like chaotic Minecraft Vineyards like

I know like realistic wise like we would have little perfect rows that’ be like that just going all the way across but I love like the big bushy just so full of life look that we get out of this so I I just kind of I take very much the

Artistic approach approach behind it instead of going like what super realistic would be that should be enough of them let’s see can we even notice that yeah you can kind of see some of them in there that’s pretty good nice okay cool let’s go get some

More rout of dirt I know where to get some how much longer you playing a stream um uh I want to finish this and then probably call it there a lot of Vineyards look like this don’t worry yeah yeah I need to go see if I can fix our garage

Door hey look rooted dirt woo yeah look at that roted dirt right in here here I can’t get any farther yeah rooted dirt woo yeah roed dirt this is the whole reason that I uh kept planting new rows of moss instead of like just doing the original

Lines whack it with a hammer yeah I think that’s probably what’s going to end up happening good way to fix things just hit it with a hammer now I think the sensor’s probably blocked or something like that or something’s caught in the chain go mess around with a little

Bit cool what’s that oh my gosh that’s almost four Stacks what do you think of Pokemon I mean it’s it’s cool like runner up to Digimon but like it’s all right I’m just kidding uh I mean I enjoy Pokemon games I don’t collect cards or watch the shows

Or anything like that but I I enjoy Pokemon like it was a big part of my childhood so I I enjoy like the game games I’ll go through I’m not the type of person who’s going to go through and like catch all the Pokémons ever

Um and then like I I’ll go through I’ll play I’ll get my little like the last one that came out I think I probably put like 40 hours into just going around collecting got like two I usually get like 2/3 of a pokeddex done like I’ll

Beat the Elite 4 and then I’ll run for around for a few hours collecting like the legendaries or whatever and doing that and like solving the puzzles and I’m like yeah I’m out but I’m not going to run around and be like where can I find this specific Pokemon I don’t know

I think it’s a cool game I really think that Nintendo unfortunately is milking it for so much like I there’s so much potential for like a really just awesome Pokemon game that is just amazing on the graphics and performs well and just does such a good job and then Nintendo’s out there being

Like I don’t know I don’t like Nintendo to too much as like a development studio anymore my like love for Nintendo has really went down in the recent while because of like how bad the Nintendo switch does at like performance and how much Nintendo just is like publishing these games that just

Look so bad because they just know that their fan base has been hooked on Pokemon and Mario since they were kids and Nintendo just like knows that you’re going to buy the game they just know and so they’re just like like milking everything just to get so much more

Money out of it and that to me is really sad so I don’t know I I would love for them just to release some crazy cool Pokemon game that’s just full NextGen but I just like I don’t see the studio putting that through yeah most AAA Nintendo games

Look decent like the the if you look at like Mario Odyssey when that released a few years ago like it looks better than any Pokémon game that has released sense and like weird things like the latest Pokemon like you couldn’t change your character’s like outfit much at all

Like the customization options were just nothing really um outside of like the the seasonal clothes that you got by base but then like in a previous Pokemon game you could customize everything your person was wearing like just the lack of consistent features is kind of a bummer

I really I would love to have one that I just get absolutely lost in that just like Wows me completely but I just like not holding my breath for it you know mainly Pokemon company fault than Nintendo yeah I guess that’s true I guess I just see Nintendo as like

The full publisher exclusive publisher so like they I think they should be putting a little bit more care into it you know that homie said you won’t get me there’s three of them down there okay we need to get down there we got to go do some

Lighting I’m trying to figure out what would be a good little border for this because obviously like we need a small border for the field I don’t really want to just like run a fence around it but maybe we can do like a little maybe just

Like a natural border just where we have tall grass versus no tall grass like that might be enough I’m sorry Little aelia Bush you can go back have you played fall guys I haven’t no I feel like that’s like one of the games I’m just not super interested in I

Just don’t enjoy Battle Royale games so anytime they’re released I’m just like yeah the only Battle Royale that I think I’ve ever played I played Apex when it first launched and I played it for like a week and then I was like oh no right I just don’t enjoy battle

Royals I like games that have progression like I’m I’m not a big fan of games where you just like start blank every time you play like it’s just it’s not my I like to work on like a character over time so I I’m a big like MMO gamer

I love the idea of like character growth and like making your character stronger and making your impact on the game better and bigger over time like story driven games I love like that’s that’s kind of where I exist as a gamer I was playing through Starfield a

Bunch but I put it down last week and I just haven’t picked it back up again so I’ve been I’ve been trying to get back into that and do that again but have not have not had the desire recently I don’t know why I really enjoyed Starfield for a while and then I

Just kind of was like I think I’m I think I’m a little done for a bit like I was like I’m kind of ready to do something else you know can we jump in here we can’t where’d they go They’re creepers they be creeping how does anything spawning down

Here is what I want to know cuz y’all this is this is lit up like crazy right I’m a big don’t have time to play any other games except Minecraft kind of gamer yeah no I get that way I definitely like I really try to use my evenings now as like non Minecraft

Time because I was finding that I was spending 10 12 hours in this game and just like everything I was doing was Minecraft and I was like I I need I need some I need something else in my life for a little while so I’ve been slowly slowly

Dropping the amount of hours I spend in Minecraft on a week just to do something else in the evenings and it’s i’ I found it’s really helped me and what I’m most Amazed by is that it has not dropped my productivity that much cuz when I am actually playing Minecraft I’m like so

Much more there and present in just like playing the game where instead of just like trying being so focused about just trying to get stuff done been very surprised at that uh let’s just let’s do a little bone meal around the edges we’ll come back in and like remove flowers as we need

To I’m a big mm RPG gamer and Minecraft is my favorite in between game when I’m waiting for new releases yeah I would love I like really enjoy MMOs I just hate how much time investment has to go into them now um I or just like like the weekly time

Commitment like I don’t really like I love MMOs but my desire to like join a world Warcraft raid Guild or anything like that as much as I would love to see the fights and do all that I just like I cannot be bothered to join a raid Guild

Anymore for anything like super serious I will say with uh ice Crown Citadel re-releasing in in I like Wrath of lking classic I’m like that is the biggest Nostalgia for me and uh I am definitely I’m definitely going to do that I’ll probably find a guild play with them for like two three

Months and then be like okay I did it I I killed I killed arthus I’ve killed the Lich King I have won the game I am amazing and then I will log off do you like DOTA too no it’s kind of that same Vibe of where every game

You’re restarting I just don’t enjoy that like DOTA and League I’m just I can’t get behind I feel like with MMOs you have to get in right at the start or it’s too late Buri to entry feels very high yeah when World of Warcraft hardcore released we were I was really into that

For a while I was playing with Scott and Jimmy and two of my IRL buddies and we were having a blast oh my gosh it was so fun um and then slowly I I still have yet to lose a character in hardcore wow I’m pretty happy with that but slowly

Everybody else kept dying like Jimmy died like six times and just kept restarting and I think Scott died once I think both my other buddies died handful of times and then uh we just like started getting behind the player count like the the average players and or my main

Character was just so far ahead that I was like I came here to play this with friends I’m not I’m not not here to just like grind away on my own uh so I kind of lost a lot of interest for it but now I’m I’m on the hardcore wrath

Scene also this is this is for the real ones you’re welcome what’s your current choice for the mob vote armadillo big armadillo energy cool we got it this is looking pretty good maybe we do like a little like not like a big wall but like on the edge of this

Just cuz we don’t want carts rolling down in the vineyard that would that would be damaging to the vineyard so we can move our flowers down here and we can kind of do a little like we do some I know it looks kind of stupid being the only one so let’s make a

Little bit of like a lighter patch right here or we just have some random rooted dirt some lighter lighter dirt color for the heck of it let me do a little bit right above this is called building variety I’m stuck I don’t want to be stuck anymore

Okay then we can kind of do like a little oh actually that’s the entrance we don’t want to block that probably not the smartest and we have all the flowers around so that we get pollinators in oh we’re doing it we probably want I think we need to extend this

Dirt we’re going to do like a little yeah that’ll work I’m just trying to think of ways that we can make it so it looks like really like there’s going to be a lot of people coming through this area so it definitely makes sense that like the city entrance is like no we’ve

Reinforced it a lot to keep people on the road yeah that’ll work that’ll do saplings need to stay on the ground longer I’m big mad right now you got five minutes saplings exist for five minutes five whole minutes I mean any Minecraft block does but yeah

I feel like we’re going to come back here eventually and redo a lot of the trees because I’m now like I’m making a lot more trees that are larger scale not quite that big scale like those guys I think are a little too big but like that

Scale is good for there just because that is already like up to the top of the mountain and we don’t want that I I think we need to tear those down that’s why I haven’t that’s why I haven’t built any more of them recently CU I think those need to come down

There you all go there can be there can be your teaser of how the tree is impacting the world the fact that the gigot Tre just covers everything you see off the left of the screen here like uh that side that side you see that big Shadow coming in that’s

The canopy of the tree that’s the entire canopy of the tree just coming in just blocking everything yeah that like dark shadow and here actually this is I I’ve modified my shaders recently uh because I realized that the shaders on here which just a little too much but like

You can this is back to normal shadow Shadow value that is the normal Shadow value you see how dark that makes it ah it’s so funny the gigot Tre with shaders on is just like this entire area for wherever the sun is coming from cuz like you can see over here like

Most of this like the sun’s coming up there it’ll it’ll bring bring itself around and start seeing everything more but it’s so funny no way those crops get enough light but the people the people are in constant famine they got like half a day of light I mean come on

Uh yeah I mean that’s why the crop Fields go on I mean look at this they get they get early morning light all these down here are getting tons of light it’s just uh these they get roasted in the afternoon sun where they get no shade so you know there’s

That yeah the vineyard is definitely not getting much light literally half a day yeah yeah yeah I mean the vineyard might not be the most realistic placement because um there’s no way that’s getting any light so it’s there for Vibes why don’t you keep the shaders on

All the time I love the way it looks it I love the way it looks too but not everybody can use shaders and so I want to appeal to the most Minecraft players as possible I’ll throw a little cinematic shots in with shaders but actual gameplay for me I keep very

Vanilla Focus because I want everybody to be able to have a shared experience and seeing see it as if it was their own Minecraft world and then also um big time like uh a lot of builds look a lot better than they actually are when you have

Shaders on so if you only play with shaders you actually don’t grow as much as a builder because you build things that work in that Shader but then you turn the Shader off and they look terrible in vanilla so I think building with shaders is cool it’s fun but like

Every aspect of Minecraft other than looking at it for a cool cinematic I don’t like to use shaders yeah so you can see the tree like see that shadow off of it the entire city like when the sun when I have the Sun at like that

Angle there the city over there does not get sun there is no sunlight coming into that into that part of the upper section of the city there’s no light in there everybody there is pale as heck as someone who doesn’t love constant shaders in videos I appreciate that yeah yeah

Yeah typed out a long comment about building shaders and you said exactly what I said yeah yeah it’s the yeah shaders are cool like this is fun to see this but I like it without I like I like I like to use them just as like this type of vibe to

Just be able to see kind of where the Tree positions ha of snow I mean yeah we could technically like if I wanted to what do I have in here uh enhanced default I think is the I mean like I could play with this Shader pack if we really wanted like

This is about as default of a Shader as you get it’s literally called sers enhanced default and everything looks pretty generic Minecraft just with shadows applied to it and even like you can you can customize the water so it’s looks like vanilla water too like so you have this

Versus base vanilla is that so like you get the you get the contrast but yeah what was I on complimentary what is that am I in reimagined I think no it’s Unbound complimentary has so many versions I don’t know I I like I honestly love Minecraft without shaders I think

Minecraft without shaders since the textures revamp and everything looks really good waving leaves and crops make it for me yeah some of the Shader packs that do that though is like is it 50 m an hour wins 100% of the time all day constantly cuz a little much guys a little little much

So I’ll tell you what though I think that’s going to do it for today I got to I got to get out of here and go do some stuff around the house and uh got a little bit of work I need to finish up before I move on into fullon vacation

Mode so thank you everybody for hanging today I really do appreciate it we got that wrapped up there which is really cool to see we got the Rocks built we got the grass placed down we got all of the vineyard built into it as well and then also over here in the castle

Food that’s what I wanted we did this last stream of getting the actual idea sorted in here it took forever and we got the ceilings in and then we also got this guy finished up so anybody who’s jumping in here late and wants to watch the recap

That’s kind of what we were working on throughout uh I’m really happy with it I really like how this all turned out it’s fun I think it’ be cool to continue and working in here I don’t know what I want to do in the middle yet because I think

I need to get the other hallways Dugout before we tackle the middle to see how much space we actually have um but yeah that’ll do it today my friends thank you all so very much for being here y’all are absolutely amazing be sure to subscribe if you haven’t leave a like if

You’re new blah blah blah all that cool stuff thank you thank you thank you with that my friends I’ll catch youall on the flip side goodbye

This video, titled ‘UPDATING MY OLD MINECRAFT BUILDS in HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-10-04 21:19:55. It has garnered 31261 views and 2063 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:59 or 9299 seconds.

fWhip is UPDATING HIS OLD MINECRAFT BUILDS in HARDCORE Minecraft – Minecraft 1.20 Survival! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out a ton, thanks!

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    Is Minecraft Really This Terrifying?Video Information [Musik] [Musik] Hm Entar dulu mana [Musik] youtube-nya ada .30 .0 tadi mau jalan nyari takjil dulu silakan [Musik] oke [Musik] [Musik] Tir [Musik] oke ya Halo semua selamat datang dan selamat sore semuanya para Vi Saya di sini bersama saya dan lauka di sini yo iya oke halo cuy ka berbagi semuanya yo oke ya jadi kali ini ya kita bakalan lanjutin live streaming pada sor kita sambil ngabuburit ya teman-teman dan y kali ini saya bakalan mainin Minecraft lagi ya Sesuai dengan janji tadi sahur lebih tepatnya dan Y ini saya banyakal mainin Minecraft tapi ini… Read More

  • Dolanan Gayeng – EPIC SPORTS COMPETITION! 🏆 #minecraft

    Dolanan Gayeng - EPIC SPORTS COMPETITION! 🏆 #minecraftVideo Information Oke sekarang kita adu olahraga yang pertama aku yeay Misa garang [Musik] aku Yes mantap giliranmu aduh bisa enggak ya aku [Musik] i bantu like dan subscribe ak aku bisa teman-teman dan tulis di kolom komentar bisa bisa bisa Iya what This video, titled ‘LOMBA OLAHRAGA #minecraft #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-01-16 11:00:20. It has garnered 7918 views and 726 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. #minecraft #skibiditoilet #gameplay #shorts instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dolanan_gayeng/ Minecraft Minecraft Indonesia Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Survival Minecraft Creativ plants vs zombies 2 Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Havoc Games: Crafting Dead Adventure!” #minecraft #gaming

    "EPIC Minecraft Havoc Games: Crafting Dead Adventure!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information if you like The Walking Dead just as much as we do then this server is for you welcome to the mining dead the first ever Minecraft Recreation of The Walking Dead where you need to survive a zombie apocalypse explore the map full of the same spots from the real Walking Dead show like the power plant the sanctuary and more and we’re available for free on Java and Bedrock come play This video, titled ‘The Walking Dead in Minecraft! #minecraft #craftingdead #minecraftip #gaming #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by Havoc Games on 2024-04-25 22:15:00. It has garnered 10729… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown LIVE with Sukuna! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown LIVE with Sukuna! 🔥Video Information [हंसी] हे गाइस गा वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम स्ट्रीम गाइस कैसे हो आप माल पानी बढ़िया अरे यार ए नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं मैंने क्या क्या है नहीं यार अबे अभी तो मैंने इसको सही कर दिया था क्या भाई अलग ही चीज है [संगीत] [संगीत] इस हम चल सही हो गया पीवीपी नल [संगीत] इधर बैटल होता है क्या हम [संगीत] हम [संगीत] क्या भी नहीं बन रहा एक एक की मां बहन मर ही गया ब प्रैक्टिस प्रैक्टिस प्रैक्टिस जिंबा [संगीत] हम यार कोई तो बैटल बैटल बैटल बैटल बैटल अे यार य कालू का लड़ा… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Stream Survival w/ Subs!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Stream Survival w/ Subs!Video Information тутуту а мощную придумал фантастику я придумал прямо мега супер пупер придумал й люди больше не услышат юны тундун са тутутутутутуту Ты что тут сидишь А что нельзя на хз Ты просто один ту сидишь и что Великая причина сидеть постоять я сейчас зайду в ма заходи О ты что уже пришёл Да я вообще жёстко заспидранил на 15 минут вышел А блин я вообще я думал ты уже ушёл я забыл я думал ты уже всё с концами я не пойду уже но очень грустно вообще жесть Я рад давай ты скажешь Не давай ты скажешь что… Read More

  • Insane Vertical Minecraft Stream! Join Now on RandomKitz Server!

    Insane Vertical Minecraft Stream! Join Now on RandomKitz Server!Video Information boo hello everybody I’m live for the first time in a [Music] while hold up grab this let me this quick and then [Music] chat uh hold up grab this open this open this that that hello hi smug donut and Hi H I’m doing good how about you guys just playing some hopl do how’s everyone doing this morning morning or afternoon or whatever time it is for you what’s going on up might as well loot this Min shaft and grab our cobwebs I never really do and I probably always should [Music] got to do… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS FIGHT! 🔥 #103Video Information he This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS #103 #minecraft #mush #bedwars #hylex #pvp #hypixel.mp4’, was uploaded by LuisKly on 2024-01-08 14:00:05. It has garnered 2355 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT BED WARS SIGMA # HYPIXEL HYLEX MUSH #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft Read More

  • ⚡️UNSTOPPABLE Banana Meme – HILARIOUS Animation #shorts

    ⚡️UNSTOPPABLE Banana Meme - HILARIOUS Animation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unstoppable – Funny Version (Animation Meme) #shorts #funny #meme #banana #youtubeshorts #respect’, was uploaded by Fyp to video on 2024-01-22 04:35:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts youtube shorts reels respect shorts youtube short respect videos video shorts videos short video instgaram minecraft … Read More

  • Darkhelmet Minecraft

    Darkhelmet MinecraftSurvival, Towny/GriefDefender, mcMMO, Jobs, Auctions, Orders, Stocks, Lottery, Crates, Mini-Games, Contests, and more! Custom plugins, expert hosting. Ranks are playtime-based. Since 2011 DHMC has been the first and last server for thousands. Donations cover operating costs and get cosmetic perks only! Zero Pay-to-Win! play.darkhelmet.network:25588 Read More

  • UneasyVanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Hacks No Reset

    UneasyVanilla UneasyVanilla – Vanilla Anarchy with NO Hacking. UneasyVanilla is a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server running since 10th of March 2020, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. There are no gameplay-altering plugins, no teleportation, no sethome, no grief prevention, and no pre-determined economy. Griefing and raiding are permitted but using hacks/cheats is not. IP: uneasyvanilla.com Version: 1.20.4 Website: https://www.uneasyvanilla.com/ Discord: https://www.uneasyvanilla.com/discord Join our community today. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Whether you’re seeking alliances, testing your skills, or taking on massive… Read More

  • Baine Junior High School

    Vanilla SMP, Small community that's trying to build our numbers. We have a shopping district, /trigger home, spawn, back, /trigger set home. Nether roof hub, multiple xp farms. Join the discord & fill out the application to join. 18+ Server. Come Hang Out With Us. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting prediction with these guys

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting prediction with these guys“I bet these guys were the original beta testers for Minecraft, constantly trying to figure out how to make a diamond pickaxe before it was even added to the game.” Read More

  • Herobrine Unleashed: Minecraft’s Summoning Guide

    Herobrine Unleashed: Minecraft's Summoning Guide In the world of Minecraft, where legends reside, Herobrine’s presence, a mystery to confide. Follow the steps, with caution and care, Summoning him, a thrill beyond compare. With a block of command, the process begins, Redstone torches, the power within. Assemble the command, with a click and a spark, Herobrine’s arrival, a journey to embark. Click the items, to bring him near, Await his presence, without any fear. In the realm of Minecraft, where legends unfold, Summoning Herobrine, a tale to be told. Read More

  • Subscribe for hot Minecraft memes 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Subscribe for hot Minecraft memes 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Me: *subscribes and leaves a like* Also me: *waits for diamonds to magically appear in my real life* #minecraftlogic” Read More

  • Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed

    Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed The Power of the Mace in Minecraft Have you ever wondered how powerful the Mace is compared to other weapons in Minecraft? In this video, a fascinating experiment is conducted to determine the speed and efficiency of the Mace in combat. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the potential of this unique weapon. The Experiment The experiment involves testing the Mace’s ability to defeat a Guardian by hitting blocks at different distances. Starting from one block, then ten blocks, and finally reaching a height of 100 blocks, the Mace’s effectiveness is put to the test. Will… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting YouTube video titled “Minecraft, Cops And Robbers Alcatraz.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await in the world of Minecraft. Imagine a server where you can experience thrilling gameplay, interact with unique mods, and join a vibrant community of players from around the world. That’s where Minewind comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind… Read More

  • Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine

    Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine The Legend of “L’ombra nella Miniera” in Minecraft In a remote village in Minecraft, a dark and terrifying legend existed that only the bravest dared to whisper under the moonlight. It was said that there was an abandoned mine, where the darkness was so dense and oppressive that it seemed to envelop the heart of the earth itself. Rumors spoke of an evil and mysterious entity lurking in those timeless depths, known only as “L’ombra.” The Haunting of the Abandoned Mine During moonless nights, strange noises could be heard emanating from the mine: anguished cries, eerie whispers, and the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP Wizard Tower Build!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP Wizard Tower Build!Video Information 9 you later where are you no problem all right I won’t make y’all wait any longer I just want to get that pin message out um hello everybody hello hello um how’s everyone doing man you guys are really early today huh let’s get on in here just get on in here let’s let’s not cut look you guys are so early so let’s not waste any time hello everybody Welcome in how’s everyone doing [Music] tonight some of you might be immediately asking R you’re wearing a robe what’s going on well fairly simple I don’t… Read More

  • Daring New Minecraft Survival with Members | Ep 4

    Daring New Minecraft Survival with Members | Ep 4Video Information hello hello hello YouTube how are you guys doing welcome to the stream what’s up everyone what’s up Flores Quant crafter torn bird Angel cool name by the way me how you doing me uh Hitman what’s up guys Matt random chat my man mini wolf how are you guys doing welcome to the stream welcome to the stream hello hello hello if is everything working it has been a while since I streamed actually it feels very weird and very off uh but here we are again in Minecraft Survival it is time for episode number four… Read More


    🦈JOIN MY CUSTOM SMP WORLD NOW!🔥 #MXSharkbaitVideo Information for for all right sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I just thought like you know what I was like I was just like setting everything up and then like yeah okay so okay so here okay okay I know you guys were like you know just I was just I was just like making a cool entrance okay I was just making a good entrance okay I was just trying to make a cool entrance okay I just you know peer out of nowhere like poof like but that’s not the case so anyways hi… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets with Yüki in RivenSMP! | Minecraft ft. Ivan & Jon

    Uncovering Secrets with Yüki in RivenSMP! | Minecraft ft. Ivan & JonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring New Horizons in RivenSMP! | Minecraft Survival Series ft. Ivan and Jon’, was uploaded by Yüki on 2024-01-15 16:58:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join us in the second episode of our thrilling Minecraft Survival World series on RivenSMP! In this exciting installment, Ivan … Read More

  • Sourspider – Each Sub = 1 Block?! Day 14 🕷️

    Sourspider - Each Sub = 1 Block?! Day 14 🕷️Video Information making a Minecraft city but I only get as many blocks as a two subscribers from this short day 14 and we got 59 subs from the last so that’s 59 Blocks place down tell me what else I should build This video, titled ‘each sub = 1 block day 14’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-04-13 15:59:19. It has garnered 5190 views and 184 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. each sub = 1 block @sourspider_ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360,… Read More

  • Jacob Butter Exposes Secret Girls-Only Minecraft World!

    Jacob Butter Exposes Secret Girls-Only Minecraft World!Video Information [Music] is [Music] well met Lords and Ladies Jacob butter speaking and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft review because we still don’t have an intro for that I keep forgetting and I keep coming up with uh doing one of these again I think last time I did in my passion video uh was pre-recorded and it came out right before a uh five years later episode that was actually longer than five years later and now five years later came out yesterday doing my passion again why not uh and uh yeah I I’ll give… Read More

  • Unlock the Power of the Devil in MineCraft

    Unlock the Power of the Devil in MineCraftVideo Information कम ऑन कमन [संगीत] हेलो हेलो हेलो वॉइस इसका मतलब क्लियर कट आ रही है और हम सर्वर ऑनलाइन हो रहा है होने दो होने दो हेलो रम रुद्रा वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम और बताओ कैसी हो हेलो हेलो जो बोलना है बोल सकती हो कि मैं मस्त हूं आज ऑलवेज आप बोलो मैं कैसा हूं स्प्रिंट गेमर्स हेलो स्प्रिंट ब्रो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम और बताओ कैसे हो आई थिंक ओके आई विल बी रली सिस ठीक है लिटिल सिस्टर अरे भाई लग जाना है डन लगाने के लिए भी क्या करना एक्टिव डन हा आपका रियल… Read More