Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Feed The Factory | SUPERFAST CART HOPPER & ORE PROCESSING! #2 [Modded Questing Factory]

Video Information

In the last stream we began the new mod pack feed the factory we placed down three of these entry-level burner drills we have one here that between streams has been mining out iron and coal we have one all the way over in the distance there this one is mining

Diamonds and Redstone and more importantly it’s also transferring all of its items back to us via this Minecart that we set up right at the end of the live stream using these cart Hoppers from signals and of course we also have one more over in the distance

Behind that tree there that is mining copper and between streams I have mostly just let these go for a little while and I have been smiling a little bit more copper and iron I think we also have yet more copper in here we do indeed and I

Did go ahead and put a little bit of both iron and a redstone into our alloy cones here to get us even more modularium because I think one of the very first things that we’re probably going to want to do at the start of today’s episode is get a couple more of

These burner researchers not only so that we can complete this Quest right here if we make eight more of them then we get an extra four in return but also 12 hours to start completing research much faster and just unlocking more stuff so to make these eight multi-block

Capsules we just need a bunch more machine casing again we’re going to need 64 in total and for that we need a bunch of modularium with a bunch of copper thankfully we have all of that and so if we were to go ahead and do something

Like this that is going to get us 32 and in fact it looks like we’re still not quite going to have enough modularium here we’re very close but that is still not enough to make the eight required it’s one shy which is a little bit awkward we need

Just a little bit more that is completely fine actually let’s put some more iron and some more Redstone in here we’ll also put some more iron and a little bit more Redstone in our second alloy Kiln as well I might look at making a few more of these alloy Kilns

Along with a few more of these burner researchers because again they’re just very very slow and I could do with getting stuff like modularium just that a little bit faster while we wait for that to process though one thing that I do want to get right at the start of

Today’s episode is a sickle the sickle here is fairly easy to make and it’s just going to allow us to easily clear out a lot of This Tall Grass that surrounds us normally we’d have to break every single block which is not particularly slow but the sickle does

Make it just a little bit faster and one of the most important factors for me at least we don’t have to listen to this horrible grass-breaking sound over and over and over again and as we build out more machines and expand having all this space here is definitely going to make

Our lives a whole heck of a lot easier also between streams one thing that I have done is I’ve locked the minimap in the top right hand corner there so now it no longer spins when we move around the way that you do that is you press Y

Which is the default key for the minimap settings and then view settings and then you can lock it North if you don’t lock it North it spins in the top Corner which I find a little distracting if you do lock it North it stays and then just

The error for the player head moves which I think is a lot more useful especially because the seismic reader here is also oriented North by default as we saw last episode it doesn’t move depending on where you’re facing and so you can see here we have trees on the

Bottom and trees on the top and if we look at the Moon map we can zoom out a little bit here and you can see the exact same setup where there are trees on the left and then the mall trees on the top there so it’s just a little bit

Easier for us to orient where we are in relation to the seismic reader by the way let us take a look how much modularium do we have I think that is going to be almost certainly enough to get us the final multi-block capsule we just need two four six eight of these

And then if we do something like this we get our capsules which in turn gets us even more capsules and of course if we want to turn those into burner researcher capsules we need more Iron Sheet Metal and furnaces again none of that is going to be particularly

Difficult we can do something like this to get a bunch of iron plates we can then craft those iron plates into Iron Sheet Metal I think 33 should be enough that’s going to get us 11 of the burner researchers and then in terms of furnaces of course it is just a bunch of

Cobblestone and if we don’t have enough Cobblestone which we do not we can of course once again just take our iron hammer head back down into our little makeshift mine here and just do a tiny bit of hammer mining until we have a couple of stacks of cobblestone I do

Think that I’m also going to try and prioritize the mining of Marvel as well because I think we can do some pretty cool base designs using the marble especially using the Chisel mod back on the surface boom and boom that should be enough to make a couple of these one use

Burner researcher capsules they do not stack which is a little bit awkward but that is completely fine because we can just go ahead and place these down okay so I’ve placed down the first machine here but if you left click with the capsule in your hand it will rotate it

So you’ll see in the chat here it goes to 19 then 180 dead 270 and then zero so 90 degrees is it turns sideways like this and then if you go to 180 it’s flipped completely I didn’t mean to put that down there is a quest in here I

Think about picking these back up yes right here it says this blue Cam show is from moving already built burner researchers craft one use capsule to create a new one so we did get given one of these as a reward left click charge from inventory right click undo links deploy so if I

Just right click that can’t undeploy oh I see the way this works is we just tear down the multi-block structure here which thankfully isn’t too many pieces and then all we do from there is we can use this capsule here this blueprint to then replace it down so here you’ll see

It says left click to charge your inventory so if we left click it’s going to take all of those items that we just picked up and then now we can replace those all down so we kind of just pull the items from our inventory into the blueprint and then we can place them

Back down how we want them the reason I’m doing this is that I think what I probably want to do here is place them down like this and I’m going to change the first two as well the reason for that is that it just gives us more space

On this side of the multi-block which is where all of the inputs go because if we’re going to try and automate the insertion of these items I think having space on this side of the tiny inputs is going to make our lives a whole heck of a lot easier especially when we’re

Working with you know rails and conveyor belts alright so I’ve placed down all of these burner researchers those are all now ready to go and so we should now be able to start filling all of those up and getting all of them to work so I’ll

Take some coal here we then also if we’re going to get even more tier one research of course need to get ourselves some more conveyor belts and some more iron plates so I think what we will probably do here we need so much more of everything and are we completely out of

Iron there might be some in here that is indeed I’ll take all of the iron that I can get here because although I would like to get more research going I think before I start spending all of my iron making iron plates and spending all of my copper and iron making conveyor belts

I think it might be a better idea to look at automating the burner drill so that they always have fuel inside of them and also looking to see if we can’t automate these furnaces as well so that all of the iron and ideally all of the copper gets melted automatic without

Hose having to continually pull the iron and copper manually from their respective chests and smelt them into their respective ingots and so real quick I will manually Craft eight of these into a stack of tiny coal we’ll drop that back in there just to get this

Back online again but I think what I am going to try and do is I’m going to try and again utilize our Minecart system to automate the smelting of these resources my idea here is to take these furnaces we’ve got four of them here I’ll make a

Few more the more furnaces we have the faster the smelting is going to be of course and so my thought process here for the system I want to set up is that I want to have let’s say five furnaces down like this I’m then going to run some Minecraft rail underneath these furnaces

Like this and we’re going to kind of have this go in a loop let me make more rail real quick here because again having more of that is going to make my life just a little bit easier there we go we’ll take 32 more and so

Over here what I’m going to do is I’m going to have something that looks a little bit like this and I’m gonna make it one shorter so that it’s symmetrical on this side like this but my idea here is to have a minecart with hopper which is a little

Bit different to the one we currently have but the Minecart with hopper here is going to go around this track continually and every time that it goes underneath the furnace if there is any ingot in the output slot it will pull it down into the minecart and so we can

Have that one Minecart collect all of the resources smelted by all of these furnaces and so then we’re going to have the minecart go around and somewhere around here maybe smack bang in the middle we will have a powered Rail and just like we’re doing over here with our

Diamond and Redstone card we’re gonna put another card Hopper beneath that powered rail to pull all of the ingots out so all of the ingots are going to end up in a chest underneath this powered rail now what we’re also going to do here is on top of the furnaces

We’re going to have yet another rail so we’re going to have kind of two looping rails one on top of another and I will replace the Cobblestone here with something that looks a little bit nicer but just as a proof of concept my thought process is to have another

System that runs around like this this time though what we’re probably going to have to do actually is maybe move this up by one because this time we’re going to have to have just a minecart with chest and then Place Hoppers above these chests so these here

Will be Hoppers well these here will be Hoppers these one of course and all of these will just be regular rail so we’re gonna have rail that goes around like this and the idea with this one is that we’re going to have all of our oars from our miners pumped up and

Pumped into a minecart with chess that Minecart with chest is gonna loop around and the benefit of using a minecart with chest here is that the Minecart with chest is only going to go over the hopper for a very short period of time and in that time the hopper is only

Going to be able to pull one or two ores from that chest down into the furnace and so doing it this way allows us to evenly distribute all of our iron all of our copper amongst all of these furnaces which in turn is going to make the smelting that much thanks though

My final thought process here is then to have yet another rail a third rail that is going to go into hoppers on the side so that we can distribute the call that we’re going to get amongst the furnaces as well and it’s going to use the same principle where because the cart only

Goes over the Hoppers for a brief period of time it’s going to fairly evenly distribute all of the color that we have amongst those three furnaces so to make any of this work we are going to need probably a significantly larger amount of iron than we currently have and so I

Am going to go ahead and quickly start smelting up a lot more iron here and will also take of course a lot of this tiny coal and get that in to get all of this smelting because all of The Hoppers and all of the mine Cuts required are

Going to need substantially more than the 30 watt iron that we currently have the 10 Hoppers alone are going to take about 50 iron and so we are going to need to smell up quite a bit of this the good news is that of course we can make

Really as many furnaces as we like and we can definitely look at some melting Zion substantially faster than we currently are all right so a little while later we now have a bunch more iron smelted up and I have also done a little bit of deforestation to get us

Some more oak wood as well and so I think we should have what it takes here to get this up and running so first thing first I am going to go ahead and craft up some more chests and a quick tip here you can craft eight oak logs in

This pack to get four chests which is a kind of Handy you might also be able to do this you totally can actually so you don’t even need to craft the chest you can just craft the logs with the iron and that does make The Hoppers I’m gonna

Take five of these for now because I’m more interested in getting the ores automatically sent to the right place currently that I am getting the fuel there because the fuel I do kind of want to craft into tiny coal first and to do that is going to acquire a bit more

Progress along the main quest line so for now what we’re going to do is we’re we’re going to put down all of these Hoppers and then we’re going to place rail along the top of these Hoppers like so and then on this side we do need to

Get get another one of these powered rails because we’re basically going to do the same thing where we have all of our oars sent to a chest that is above one of the fast Hoppers from signal and then we’re going to use that fast Hopper to turn on the power drill and have

Everything begin moving and so if we want to get a second power drill again thankfully nice and easy for us to do and then all we’re going to need now is at least two more of these cart Hoppers and for that we just need two more regular Hoppers easy enough one and two

Along with two more block signals which we made in the last stream and so now we can place one of those down under here like so and if I’m not mistaken one of the things that the signal mod adds is the ability to swap out a rail in place

So I did pick this up but I think you can actually just right click the rail you totally can that is pretty nifty it makes our lives just a little bit easier and so we’re going to put the other Hopper right about here and then we’ll

Have a chest above this card Hopper and I’ll put it down facing this way like so so we’re going to pump all of our oars into here those are then gonna get sent down into a minecart with chest we’ll go make that in a second that is going to

Loop around Distributing all of yours to the furnaces and then down here we’re going to have another chest I actually don’t know because I’ve not tested it if I can put that chest here that would be ideal because the other chest is very far down in the ground and there’s a

Little bit of a pain to get to but let me give that a try real quick we’ll start out by making just two Minecarts we’re then going to upgrade one of those to a minecart with hopper which again fairly easy for us to do and we’ll upgrade the other to a minecart with

Chest boom nice so if I were to put this one down here what we’re going to do is we’re going to swap this also real quick let me put some kind of ore in one of these furnaces just so there’s something for our Hopper to collect here I’m just

Going to put the one in for the time being because I do kind of want to put all of the rest into the top chest to see if the system does work so in here is one iron ingot in here we’re going to change this from cart full to no

Activity that should pull the iron and unfortunately it looks like this doesn’t work so we are going to instead place this down just under like that so this does work which is cool so now what we need to do is up here we’re going to place down our Minecart with chest again we’re

Going to set this to no activity which basically means if there’s nothing left to be transferred then it is going to emit the Redstone signal which is exactly what we want and then in here we can place our iron ore that should get almost instantly sucked up into the

Chest and you’ll see here that it does a very good job at evenly Distributing the iron it is going to take a couple of laps to fully disperse all of the iron ore but that’s fine because these furnaces are not particularly fast and these burner drills are also not

Particularly fast either so the oars are not going to be coming in at such a speed that it’s going to matter that this takes a while and for the time being if it ever gets to the point where the oils are coming in too fast we can

Just expand this out and add more furnaces and it should all be good now I am going to go ahead and turn down my master volume here because the sound of these cards is a little abrasive boom this is like the basic idea of our system here and because we have enough

Iron I think one thing we can also look to do here is get ourselves five more Hoppers one two three four five and those five Hoppers are gonna go along the side one two three four five and I’m planning on setting up another little Minecart here that distributes all of

The eventually tiny coal to all of these furnaces and gets all of that working so this is pretty cool but as I mentioned before if we do want to get that up and running we are going to have to make some progress and that progress comes in

The form of Steel because I want to get the auto workbench the auto workbench here is going to allow us to automatically craft our call into tiny coal which is ideal because again the oars are coming in so infrequently that if we don’t Auto Craft our coil into

Tiny call it’s quite likely that we’ll put one piece of coal in here it will be burned to smelt one iron ore and then no more iron ore will come in until after that coal has been smelted which is not ideal it’s a pretty big waste of call

And so to get to here we first have to make steel to get to Steel we have to do some more research because we need to go down into this tab of the purple Tab and we need to unlock the ability to make steel for that we need to get 16

Logistics research and to get 16 Logistics research we need 16 coal 69 plates and 16 conveyor belts that shouldn’t be a problem 69 plates is a piece of cake we’ve got the engineers Hammer so we can just cramp those down that is completely fine now in terms of conveyor belts that really also

Shouldn’t be too much of a problem we do need more copper gears for that but we have a bunch of copper ready to go and so for 8 12 and 16 there are all of our conveyor belts and of course the coal we already have and so now it’s just a case

Of Distributing these amongst the seven researchers that we have which is a little bit awkward I am going to go ahead and quickly upgrade to one more researcher just because that is going to give us a lovely even number and a lot of the research by the way is

Done in multiples of eight so you’ll see quite a few that cost eight some across 16. uh some that cost 32 and some that cost 64. I don’t think any of them really cost like 23 or anything like that I’m pretty sure that all of the research is a

Multiple of eight and so Having Eight burner researchers I think is the way to go here so once again we’ll rotate that 90 degrees and we’ll place that down right about here and so now it’s just a case of going around and putting two iron plates two conveyor belts and two

Coal into each one of these burner researchers and that should produce 16 Logistics research fairly quickly real quick whilst all of that research is processing the twitch chat has pointed out that we do have the Super Sound Muffler revived mod in here so we can make a sound Muffler using a

Note block just Redstone and wood with four wool and given that we have quite a bit of wood and we have a plethora of sheep around us I think we should be able to get full wall fairly easily and I believe we can use that to um muffle

Specific sounds so again wrong place at the wrong time here my friend you are sacrifice number one that is uh is one more to be fair actually we do have shears so maybe he was in one place in the wrong time maybe I’m just um a bad

Person I am fairly certain that we did make shears we didn’t actually have them on my Hotbar of all things that is completely fine uh we do have a few more sheep around here let me go and uh and share this guy hopefully that is to walk

It is indeed fantastic and so we should now have everything we need and I’m fairly certain that with the Super Sound Muffler we can place it down and then specify which sounds we want to muffle so boom and all I’m gonna do is place that down right about here never mind

Um for whatever reason I’ve added both the minecart riding and Minecart inside that doesn’t seem to be having an effect I’m not quite sure why either way I will look into that between episodes over here we should have 16 Logistics research ready to go and so we should in

Theory be able to start working towards steel production now so if we head back to the materials research and we hand in the 16 Logistics research here we get an engineer’s manual we get another blueprint for the blast furnace which is going to make placing down many bonus

Furnaces just that little bit easier and more importantly we now have actually unlocked the recipe for the blast furnace so in order to make the blast furnace we need blast brick and thankfully blast break in this pack is once again fairly easy to make the blast brick here is made by crafting cook

Brick with Cobblestone and the coke brick is made by crafting Cobblestone around a regular Stone and so none of that is particularly difficult all we need is a fair bit of stone and a fair bit of cobblestone it does appear we’ve managed to burn through all of the Cobblestone we had previously making

Furnaces and so real quick let me once again head on back down here and do just a little bit more Cobblestone mining Okay so we’ve broken our Hammer so if we want to get another one we are going to have to manually craft one but either

Way here we have some kirkbrake now we are going to do 27 Coke brick which we can just about do and then from there I think we should have enough Cobblestone to upgrade that oh we’re not going to do 27 cookbook but we need nine because you get three at a time that’s

Fine we’re almost certainly going to need more than one blast furnace and so having that extra cook brick is going to be completely fine to put this down we can take our Blast Furnace blueprint and we can just left click with it it’s going to charge

Up using the blast brick and then you can just right click to place this down you can of course also do this manually if you just put down a three by three by three cube of blast brick and then right click the center with the engineers

Hammer nice we can then Place some iron into there let’s grab that out of here and if I am not mistaken though where this works you can’t put just any old regular fuel in here so like tiny coil is not going to work I don’t think regular coal works either oh never mind

It totally does I thought I was gonna have to use either charcoal or cold Coke but no it does look like the regular cold does work indeed we can use cold anyway because cold cook is more effective but just for the time being we are going to get one steel here from

This uh first bit of coal and that is going to complete the quest here that gets us even more blanks break nice we also get some slang as well which is going to come in very useful for making clear momentarily and you’ll see that by

Creating the steel here we have a lot a bunch more quests and I believe that’s going to be a recurring theme in the pack here as we complete more of these quests we’re going to move further and further and unlock even more quests going along so now that we have steel as

I was just mentioning the blast furnace takes charcoal and coal which are all well and good but there is a much better fuel cold Coke made in an immersive engineering cook oven multi-block it can make two steel with just a single cook and it’s also kind of free as well so if

We take all this out let me quickly go ahead and smelt up at least one or two more stern here just so that we can make some more cooked brick actually I’m going to make three here because if I do two that’s only going to get me 26 cook

Brick and you need 27 in order to make a full cook oven but the cook oven can basically turn regular coal into cold Coke and it does it for free the only downside is that it is pretty slow and it does appear that we are one Cobblestone shine that is completely

Fine we don’t actually need a hammer to mine the Cobblestone we can get One Singular Cobblestone using our pickaxe and so Bank over here let’s do something like this and then we can take this and we do have a capsule for it but we can

Go ahead and just throw it down a bunch of these again in a three by three by three multi-block fashion making sure not to place them down incorrectly like that right click the center with the hammer and boom we have a Coke oven so now in

Here we can place the coal and Angels here at the top there this is going to process into cold Coke that cold Coke we can then put into the blast furnace and it’s just a more efficient version of the regular call it basically just allows us to make our call more

Efficient boom and boom as we saw before in the quest book one cold cook can do two steel whereas one call I don’t even think can do one steal so it is substantially more efficient than just using regular curl but as I mentioned before we are after the auto workbench

For that we do have to do yet more research because the auto workbench is in processing and it’s over here so under the crafting tree there is the auto workbench and the assembler the auto workbench is the cheaper of the two it just requires eight Logistics of

Research and so we’ll go ahead and craft the required items for then along with that I would very much so like to get these Travelers boots mark one these are going to allow us to just move faster generally which I think is going to be

Very useful for us we’re going to do a lot of running around with this pink being able to move faster is going to be very helpful and so the question is can we get 24 iron plates 24 conveyor belts and 24 curl I think we should be able to

We are very close to Breaking this engineer’s Hammer but it is not broken yet and so let’s go and do something like this each Copper gear does get us four bells and so 4 8 12 16 20 24 should be perfect we’ll craft those with 12

Iron boom and then from there it’s just a case of getting coal which we should have over in here but we don’t because this has run out of fuel itself and so what we’re probably going to have to do is take some of the tiny coal that we

Have I think ideally out of these furnaces is probably where we want to take it put that back in there and then I guess kind of just wait because we don’t have enough coal to make this happen although what we might be able to do is is actually get more burner drills

Though because these are not particularly difficult to make and getting more of those wood all hours to start mining just that little bit faster the Redstone engineering block easy enough and then for the burner draw component we just need four more copper gears we’ve got loads of copper we even

Have more in our furnaces up here and uh boom look at that we have another burner drill this one I’m gonna put down right here it’s going to be a little awkward but if I do this we can then move this chest temporarily shift right click here

To make this the output and then put the chest back and now both of these drills should output to the same place speaking of drill we do need to get yet another drill head that is a lot of iron though for another drill head oofed that isn’t

Too big of a deal we can temporarily go and steal one of the drill heads from another local drill this one over here currently is just getting us Redstone and diamonds which are useful resources that we want to get in the long run but especially in the early game we don’t

Need a staggering amount of redstone and diamonds and we do need a staggering amount of coal iron and copper so for the time being I think that’s going to be enough Redstone and diamonds back over here we can use this drill like so and of course we can once again steal

Some tiny coal drop that in and now we should be producing coal twice as fast to the point where we can now take the 22 coal that we have and distribute that amongst all of these researchers to hopefully get us the 24 Logistics research somewhat quickly and not too

Long later we now have three Logistics research in every single one of these burner researchers and so we should now have enough research to unlock the auto workbench as well as the fast boots and we actually just get given these boots which is very nice indeed boom and now

We just have a little bit of speed to allow us to move around just a little bit faster and as we progress through the pack we can unlock faster and faster boots to allow us to walk even faster going forward but let’s see do we have

What it takes to make the auto workbench the answer is no at the moment but it doesn’t look too difficult to make so we do have to get a crafting table and then we do need two steel gears for two steel gears I assume we’re going to need at

Least eight steel that is exactly what we need thankfully we’ve got a bunch of coal now and so we’ll drop all of that into the blast furnace like so I’m not going to put too much in here because I don’t want to turn all of our

Iron into steel one problem that we are going to run into is the problem of creosote oil here you’ll see that when the coke oven fills up with creosote it doesn’t work it stops working completely so we are going to have to find a way to get that

Creosote out of the coke oven there are a few options for that one of them does include a big old tank that we can make that’s going to allow us to store it all that’s this one here I think we have a few options there is the portable tank that

We will get as soon as we make one treated wood and so one thing that we could do here is take a regular Bucket Place that in the blue slot here to get creosote and then I think if we Craft eight planks around that bucket of creosote that should give us eight free

Assert planks AKA treated wood planks it does indeed and then from there that’s going to give us a portable tank and three pumps so these are I guess oh I can’t pick them up because I don’t know about them interesting that is not ideal I didn’t know that’s

How that worked so we’ve not unlocked those yet from a research standpoint my question now is can I do a little cheesy like can I try and get this into a hopper so that they don’t despawn if I put this here if I yes okay perfect right

That does work that’s fantastic let me put those in the chest for now because we can’t use them I guess we can’t pick them up but we can grab them out of a chest and then I assume oh no I can’t get them out of a chest okay hold on let

Me do that again oh wait hold on maybe I can pick them up but I just can’t have them in my hand so if I put things on my Hotbar that works okay cool that is good to know so if you get an item that you can’t pick up you

Can pick it up you just can’t be holding it okay fine so um I was hoping that we’d be able to use that before we unlocked it but again under a transfer there is a quest here for the fluid pump and so once we have that we can use that

To automatically pump fluid out of the cook oven for the time being though we do have this portable tank that can hold 20 buckets worth of any liquid and one thing you can do is just put this in the blue slot here and that will keep filling up on creosote until it’s full

And then it’ll start backing up in this tank here and the even cooler thing is that I’m pretty sure that we can use this as a bucket so just like we crafted the eight planks around the bucket before this has 12 buckets worth of

Creosote in it if I do this we can make eight more planks and now it’s got 11 buckets in it and so in theory here we can kind of keep emptying out the creosote if we have enough wood to craft intertreated wood if that makes sense

Over here we do now have enough steel to make two steel gears and so I am fairly certain that we do now have everything we need to make the auto workbench which is a pretty nifty little device that we can use to Auto Craft coal so we are

Going to take our call from here and we’re gonna put it in here so at the top you specify what recipe you want to use so you just put in the items for that recipe and it will allocate slot to the bottom here accordingly and so now if

Ever I put call into here it is going to so much slowly but without any fuel whatsoever craft that one piece of coal into nine tiny call and we can use that for a couple of different things we do of course want that tiny call going into

Our furnaces here to fuel our smelting boom ideally we first and foremost want that tiny call going back into the burner drills here to allow us to keep burning and keep getting more core because we now these burner drills we’re not going to get any more colon so

Ideally that’s the first place that we want all of this to go so let me take down these furnaces here because this is all getting a bit cramped and let’s see if we can’t set up some kind of system to get the tiny coal into these burner drills okay so mistakes were made

Ah the twitch chat told me that I could burn creosote as a fuel source which it turns out is true but if you put a tank that has creosote in it into the burner drill it will just delete the tank like it will eat the tank up I

Don’t think that’s a huge problem I’m fairly certain this tank is somewhat cheap to make it is it’s two Redstone one iron and then some glass the glass we don’t currently have but um I do believe that we can probably turn our Cobble into gravel gravel into sand

Utilizing the the hammer so we should be able to get another tank fairly easily just an FYI though you can’t um like it’s going to last a while it’s got 11 600 fuel in there so that is going to last a lot longer than the Tony call

Does but it does burn the tank as well which is not the best situation okay so I think what I’m going to do is I think I’m going to move both of my burner drills I’m leaving this one here for now because it’s got um quite a bit of fuel

Still to burn through and so I don’t want to waste the tank that we just burned but what I’m thinking is here I’ve moved this burner drill it’s still within the same chunk that it was before but now it’s Hopper here which is just going to feed into the the burner drill

You can feed into the top like this that fuel will make its way into the drill but now what we can do is we can just run the cart that we were going to run previously for fuel anywhere to all of these furnaces and we can have it also

Go to the burner drills as well so the burner drills are also going to get fuel along with these Hoppers one thing we probably want to do is maybe fill these Hoppers with other stuff if I do this that’s going to prevent one hopper from filling up with too much tiny coal which

I think is a good idea I don’t think it’s going to be a massive problem for us because the tiny coal is coming in in such small quantities and very slowly thanks to the auto workbench but if we do that it’s going to stop any one of

These Hoppers filling up with you know five stacks of tiny coal which is not what we want and so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna have of course a chest down right in the middle and again for now let’s grab a new one because I want

To leave this one here to get the maximum usage out of our tank that we burned and essentially what we want to do here is we want to extract from this chest and I think we’re going to utilize this guy the item router for the item router we need a ion

Mechanical component which does require four more iron plates that might see the end of our hammer it didn’t but it’s still very close to being destroyed that is completely fine and boom we have everything it takes to make the item router it does require treated wooden planks which thankfully we do now have

And the idea here is that we’re going to extract from this chest to extract from the chest we are going to need a different kind of conveyor belt specifically the extracting conveyor belt and for that we are of course going to need first just more conveyor belts

In general so let’s go make a few more of those and then if we make yet another Hopper we should be able to upgrade that into an extracting conveyor belt and that’s going to go down right about here like that and so this is going to

Extract from here so if I put coal into here there is going to get extracted and if we’re not too close it should go to the item router now right now the item router isn’t going anywhere but that is completely fine we’re going to change

That right now so let me go ahead and make this into an actual Loop so let’s do something a little bit like this and then let’s put down all of the connecting tricks and of course we’re going to get yet another one you guessed it of those signal Hoppers to transfer

Items into another Minecart with chest boom there’s our cart Hopper and again this one is gonna go potentially on here so let’s put that down let’s say right about there and so we need to get all of our call up and into this chest

To do that what we can do is we can invest in yet another form of belt that being the vertical conveyor belt let’s get six of those we might need more than six actually no six should be fine and with that if we do something like this I

Don’t know actually if that’s going to put the item into the chest let me give that a try it didn’t unfortunately so what I might do then in that scenario is move this bank by one the belt thankfully don’t have to have blocks like underneath them

In order them to work unlike the other rails which do require blocks underneath them and so what we can do is we can just have one belt that pumps right into here like that and then from there we are going to have to temporarily place down blocks to place down the vertical

Belts but once the vertical belts are down we can then get rid of those blocks and so we’ll do something like this this this and this we can then get rid of the marble inside of there and now if I drop down an iron that iron should make its way up

And should go into the chest as demonstrated like that so now the idea with the router is that in here you can designate where you want things to go so the left side here is blue and the right side here is red so in here we’re going to say that coal is

Going to go to the blue side and we’re going to say that iron ore is going to go to the red side now actually I might change that I might have coal go to the yellow side because of course one thing we do have to do

Here is we have to have our call First go to the auto workbench in the auto workbench we’re going to set it to curl like that and so now if any call comes into this chest it gets extracted by the extracting conveyor belt and the item router sends it into the auto workbench

The auto workbench then begins turning it into tiny coal and then that tiny coal is going to get extracted you guessed it using get another one of these extracting conveyor belts that is going to go down right about here and then from there we just need to somewhat

Haphazardly send that around to the upward facing conveyor belt and so now if I drop these down onto the belt like this those should go up around get sent all the way up and should end up inside of the chest nice okay cool and there is basically the whole idea here we’re

Going to take another powered rail that powered rail is going to go right here like that we’re going to set this of course to no activity which it is by default and then back over here we have just enough iron to make another Minecart with chest we do of course need

One more chest for that to happen let’s do something like this and we’ll put that down right about here and now that’s going to take all of the tiny coal and it should start Distributing that tiny coil amongst all of the furnaces but also amongst the burner

Drill as well and so I’m pretty sure the system is almost good to go the only final thing we have to do that’s going to be somewhat tricky because it requires a lot of conveyor belts is um we need to take the iron ore and send it

To the right place and unfortunately it looks like the way I’ve done this it is not going to work like that because I think what’s happening here is that this belt is oh no wait the iron is going to the blue side which is not right I think that’s mostly

Just because it can’t go to the red side if I put this here any iron ore should go yes there we go to the red side Okay cool so let me go ahead and take the iron out of that cart if I can so it shouldn’t be in there all the iron

You’ll see is coming out this side we need to just divert that iron ore up to there which is going to require a few more conveyor belts than what we currently have and so let me quickly do a little bit more smelting and a lot more

Belting thankfully we had 58 iron in our little processing chest down here from our processing earlier and so now we should be able to very easily get ourselves a bunch more copper gears upgrade those into a bunch more conveyor belts and I guess ideally also upgrade some of those into vertical belts as

Well because we do need to go all the way up to that chest you don’t have to use the vertical belts by the way as we showed previously you can’t have these go diagonally upwards and that would work as well it’s just a bit more space-saving I think to use the vertical

Conveyor belts instead of the diagonal ones all right so this should be perfect that should take all of the iron ore and you know what let’s test it let’s jump the iron ore into here that’s going to pull it all out one at a time

Around and the iron ore is going up to where it needs to go the tiny coal is going where it needs to go and again we can get rid of this marble here it is no longer necessary to keep these belts afloat and so all of the iron ends up in

This chest the minecart takes it out distributes it amongst the furnaces it gets smelted then the Minecart with hopper pulls it out and sends it down into here all of the coal is also going to where it needs to go let me pick up all of that marble there that doesn’t

Need to be where it currently is and I think that this system should be self-sustaining the amount of tiny coal inside of the burner drill is going up the only potential problem that we could run into is I think if this chest here fills up with tiny coal which I think is

A possibility we’ll have to keep an eye on it and see how it goes I did manually put some call into here from this chest here so we’ll have to see if this drill is producing enough coal to run both itself and the furnaces I think it

Probably is and if we do end up backing up on coal we could look at either getting a bigger chest or potentially getting something like a storage door which we could then upgrade and potentially avoid any excess tiny coil if that ever became an issue but yeah I

Think this is working pretty well and because this is so slow I think we’re always going to be able to come and grab a little bit of call out of here if we ever want to use some for example for making more research which is definitely

Something that we’re going to want to do in the future but I like this this is good we’ve got iron automated really all that we need to do if we want to bring copper into the mix is set up another Minecart system just like we did with

The Redstone and diamonds to bring all of the copper ore closer to here and if we just dump that copper ore into this chest like if we have the minecart drop it off in this chest we can then add copper ore to the north facing filter

And that copper ore will just get added to the same chest as the iron ore and then we’ll get processed in exactly the same way and so yeah going forward we can expand out with more furnaces to add more capacity and smelt things faster if that’s something that we feel is

Necessary and of course we can add in new ores as and when we unlock them which is I think something that we’re going to do more and more as we progress because one of the upcoming things that we’re going to unlock is a to drill head the steel

Drill head which is going to unlock Forest 10 lead silver nickel gold and nether quartz the nether quartz in particular I think is going to be particularly useful for us because the signal mod adds a bunch of extra cool stuff like the cart engine and like the stations here that require nether quartz

And so once we get those we can begin to make a much more advanced system that isn’t just kind of a regular vanilla Minecart system we can really start to make things a lot more advanced than they currently are and we can use those Logistics to help us push our automation

Forward as things get more and more advanced throughout the pack but for now I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up this episode of Feed the factory there foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Feed The Factory | SUPERFAST CART HOPPER & ORE PROCESSING! #2 [Modded Questing Factory]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-09-01 22:00:13. It has garnered 63778 views and 1731 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:58 or 2698 seconds.

Minecraft Feed The Factory | SUPERFAST CART HOPPER & ORE PROCESSING! #2 [Modded Questing Factory] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Mystical Block | AN ALL NEW SKYBLOCK! #1:

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Feed The Factory Mod Pack –

Feed The Factory is a Minecraft factory automation modpack that takes inspiration from automation focused games like Factorio.

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #FeedTheFactory #Modded

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  • Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and Seth

    Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and SethVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL MODE!: WARDENS WORLD | Cody and Seth (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by Cody and Seth on 2024-02-04 17:00:46. It has garnered 65590 views and 481 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:23 or 4043 seconds. SURVIVAL: CAN WARDEN BE FRIENDLY?!: | Turn on ALL notifications Amazing JNE HOUR journey with Cody and Seth exploring the world of Minecraft in their full Minecraft movie! LIKE and SUBSCRIBE #minecraft #animation #adventure Follow Cody And Seth: Subscribe: TikTok: Instagram: Other Channels: Cody and Seth Ukrainian: Cody and Seth English: Cody… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!

    EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1’, was uploaded by AjjuGamerz on 2024-05-30 07:30:01. It has garnered 1980 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:02 or 482 seconds. Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1 #build #tecnogamerz #ujjwal Finally aaj se me chalu karne wala hu minecraft sky block survival to let’s go iss viseo ke andar mene temporary two islands buils kei Small Animal House and simple xp farm Like Share Subscribe:) Minecraft Sky Block Survival Subscribe For 1 Diamond ❤️ Thanks For Watching Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!

    Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft easiest build hack for survival world’, was uploaded by Wolfra gamer on 2024-02-04 13:55:04. It has garnered 3603 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial – You Won’t Believe How Realistic This is!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial - You Won't Believe How Realistic This is!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Doorbell In Minecraft Tutorial!’, was uploaded by ROGIE GAMERZ on 2024-02-01 01:01:44. It has garnered 3603 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!

    Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-16 19:00:26. It has garnered 22176 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:45 or 1185 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft! Will Shad escape the anime fangirl one block? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay – JOIN NOW!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDROCK| auf nen guten zock! COMMUNITY ZOCKEN| !ton_points !discord’, was uploaded by GamingWelt on 2024-01-09 17:22:34. It has garnered 116 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:26 or 15146 seconds. Hey guys, welcome to the livestream. You’re welcome to join in if you want, but please behave and don’t mess up. Nightbot commands: !ooalmaxoo !thegamitcrew !mc_regeln !discord Commands for points: !dias !6h_stream !weiser_spruch Info about your points: !ton_points Discord: Thanks for watching, no matter if it’s seconds, minutes or hours❤️ Channel points (sound): you get a point every 5… Read More

  • Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium Dice

    Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium DiceVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-04-03 08:16:00. It has garnered 79 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:22 or 5242 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack,… Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Feed The Factory | SUPERFAST CART HOPPER & ORE PROCESSING! #2 [Modded Questing Factory]