Gracie is the Queen of Minecraft!!

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Oh I’m so happy to be on holiday I can’t wait to go to the beach and drink milk out of a coconut um soie milk does not come out of coconuts oh my goodness huh it doesn’t but I was so sure oh my goodness Sophie you’re so silly milk

Comes from cows oh my bad um anyway are you excited to see Jamesy again Gracey of course I am duh the place that we’re going to be is where Jamesy and I will live one day our future home oh so that’s the purpose of our trip huh well

You know I do want to live closer to Jamesy and eventually live with him I mean we do live too far apart right now oh I can’t wait to see what houses you guys picked out flight v628 43368 your flight is now ready to board did you

Hear that sopie okay it’s that’s our flight I can’t wait let’s go P our plane this is going to be so fun all right Sophie which game were again that’s gate six that’s gate seven I think we the very last one hopefully I don’t want to accidentally go to the wrong place oh

Imagine that would be so scary all right look we’re back on oh we’re on the ground the tman that’s so amazing and now we get to board our plate up here Sophie wow this plate is huge wow I can’t wait to pick our seats where’s the

Pilot U maybe he’s getting ready up in the flight pit all right soie let’s go say hi to him hey pilot hey hello ladies and Gentlemen please get out of the cockpit oh oh sorry I I just wanted to say hi since you’re the one who’s going

To be flying us today you know my life is in your hands right that’s for Minecraft Airlines personnel only sir and ma’am uh can you please sit down and fasten your seat belt wait sir who’s the sir yeah who are you calling sir huh sorry ma’am you looked a little bit like

A a dude uh anyway please uh F SE belt and get ready for take off we’ll be leaving in uh 30 minutes oh I want the window seat I want the window seat yes okay all right I just got news from uh the station we are now clear to launch

Uh everyone get ready for take off goodbye launch this pilot doesn’t seem like he knows what he’s talking about I’m scared I hope our plane doesn’t crash what if he accidentally sends us to space or something and there we go we have now landed what that was the

Fastest fight ever yeah well if you could please get off my aircraft I had to fly some of girls somewhere else so uh goodbye goodness gracious okay that was so fast I it’s a busy man or something wo look at this place I’m so happy to be in our new holiday space oh

Man I’m just glad to be back on the ground oh why are you so scared that was such a fast flight felt like my head was going to fall off thank goodness Gracie I think I need a minute to calm down can we sit down somewhere oh yeah yeah yeah

Let’s go inside this new airport surely there will be some spaces there to sit oh my goodness I can’t wait to do all the new stuff that we’re going to do when we’re in town I want to get all the types of food and eat all of them I’m

Going to be so hungry oh I don’t even want to think about food right now I might throw up oh so be careful all right well we got to go find Jamesy come on he’s going to be downstairs waiting for us okay wow check out all these

Souvenirs they have in here I know oh my goodness you know what I kind of want this one but ah I don’t have any money on me right now yeah we better save the money for other things oh right now we have to go through the security gates um

I don’t really have any luggage but I guess I’ll put my steak through they’re going to exit your steak Gracie hey it’s not working bring me my steak okay you know what I guess I’ll just have no more steak jamy jamy jamy Jamesy oh my goodness Gracie Gracie come

Give me a hug oh my goodness Jamesy I missed you so much oh my goodness Gracie I’ve already had a massive look around our new town and I’ve rented some houses for Holiday wait are you going to take us to the houses right now at the holiday please yeah I have an Airbnb

Let’s go yeah and here it is Gracie and you know what if you really like it then we can rent them out for longer they have long-term leases available wait a second which one is mine and which one is yours I mean it doesn’t really matter

But I think I might get the one with the sword uh maybe you can get the pink one oh my goodness is that a cake wait wa wa you guys know I love baking cakes this is good going to be mine I choose this one and there’s a giant teddy bear oh my

Goodness I’m got to check it out you love plushies Jamesy you rented the perfect neighborhood this is beautiful I’m so happy to be living next to you I know hopefully one day you can finally move out of your parents house permanently and come live here with me

Yeah oh my goodness this is such a wonderful holiday I wish it could last forever well what else have you planned for the day I planned loads of different activities that we can do today and I’ve booked them all out oh my gosh you know honestly Jamesy I’m hoping we can get

Some more alone time later oh maybe the house can keep Sophie distracted yeah we’ll see oh my goodness you guys this house is amazing oh goodness hi selfie sopie well you know what Jamesy said he booked a bunch of activities including the building plot outside the mall for us wo

Seriously can we go check it out let’s go let’s go oh I you didn’t know the mall was going to be this far away come on I mean I said the house look good I didn’t say the location was that good okay you can’t have everything Gracie I’m not a

Zillionaire oh my goodness you know what here guys let’s go into the mall I brought some money for all of you um Sophie you get $16 um yes thank you Gracie you get also $16 I’m keeping 32 for myself it’s my money okay that’s fair enough so be

Right yeah wait that’s a building blot right there but you know what before we decide what we’re going to build for the Build Challenge why don’t we go to the mall and decide based on what we buy inside there instead oo that’s a great idea Gracie so basically whatever we buy

Is going to be whatever we build I’m going to buy the most amazing thing in the store basically I going to build something even more amazingly than you amazing thing that you build amazingly I’m just going to find the best plushy ever are you serious you’re just going

To buy plushy I’m not even going to follow you Jamesy where did you go what they’re super cute I’m looking around graay there’s like 12 floors okay guys this got to be wait gr this store looks amazing for you wait is this like a cake or bakery

Shop no no no no wait there’s cake oh I want this so bad give me the cake give me the cake okay you know what I’m just going to leave this at the register um I think uh that’s enough money $5 for a cake that’s pretty good right wao you

Got a cake well done now I need to buy something for me oh well Jamesy let’s see I feel like you’d like something um very violent that way is a weapon store oh of course a tool store what are you going to pick there’s so many

Weapons oh my goodness I’m going to buy the orange fire sword of course you are Jamesy what about this BP oh you you gave him $60 for a sword wow I feel like that’s worth it this can kill dragons oh my goodness James please don’t kill me oh look of course Sophie’s

At the plusi store this is our favorite store oh hey guys he me there’s so many cute plushies in here but I think I have to go with this yellow creeper one it’s so cute oh of course you picked the yellow one selfie H that’s the price I

Don’t have enough money for it how how much is it ah it’s like 20 bucks I only have 16 oh don’t worry Sophie I’ll help you no just give her your $16 and I can give another extra four boom perfect perfect really thank you Gracie and now

You can buy it this is going to be amazing and look James even got this cool weapon waa yes look at this thing a giant that thing looks super powerful okay jamy come down and look what I got I got a slice of cake it’s

Going to be delicious but I can’t eat it yet cuz I need to use it to build oh yeah it does look really yummy though okay let’s go to the build FL yes yes yes yes did you just close the door on us that’s so rude well anyway let’s go build these weapons

Oh no Sophie looks like there’s no yellow plot for you what a red plot oh who would even use a red plot yeah I don’t know I feel like some in the future might come along and then might like red well you know James’s bestie likes red but he doesn’t live with us

Yet bestie oh interesting I didn’t know Jamesy had a best friend I know it’s surprising right like I can’t believe Jamesy actually has friends wait did we just get put into creative mode what just happened W no way as I just walked over that’s crazy it’s because of the

Build blocks they have special technology well you know what it’s time to do some building all right guys as you can see my slice of cake has a brown bottom and a white top with a bread cherry on top H is there anywhere I can

Place this let me see okay let me get some colors that are very simar to that unfortunately the cake is kind of red and red isn’t the best color yet but you know we got to do what we got to do all right I think I have the perfect color

Scheme for this cake let me start by creating the base oh Sophie wow you’ve got a lot of work done so far yeah I just need to make the rest of its feet it’s going to be so cute maybe even cuter than the teddy bear wait the one

At your house that one looks really good though whoever created that house is amazing and whoever created my house is even more amazing true they have very good taste in architecture all right guys I finished the base and now I’m going to start adding on the white coat

On top of the cake it seems to have a little trip right there where it’s melting don’t worry guys I’ll just put this in right here and boom that looks amazing now it’s been completely covered with white and I have to add on the red cherry unfortunately I’m going to be

Using pink instead because pink is just such a better color than red like come on who even likes red but wow that’s actually looking really really good I think I’m finished now meanwhile they have it even sworded their base like come on Jamesy only finished the hill of

His sword meanwhile Sophie only finished the legs it’s time to do some epic trolling quick while they’re not looking I’m going to drink this invisible potion and now that I’ve drink it I can do this I’ll sneak over to her side and start lighting it on fire boom Oh Get Wrecked Sophie you

Won’t even realize I bet she smells smoke and she just thinks it’s the fire or something oh what’s that smell uh maybe it’s just because it’s really hot out today oh my goodness I knew it this is the girl who thought milk came from a coconut and since Jamesy sword is

Supposed to be a fire sword I’m going to put it up by smothering it with water what’s happening why is there a flood Jesus go away I don’t need you right now I’m trying to build I’m just trying to put the fire out oh my goodness but I’m

So glad looks like they’re a little bit behind me now wait why my build on fire huh did she just realize Sophie oh I have to put out all these Flames where Gracie go gra gra Jam what are you doing at Gracie’s side hey guys I was right here I was

Just behind my cake the whole time oh I was just wondering if you saw the person who put water all over my build oh no I didn’t and somebody put fire in mine too yeah I was just um hiding in the shade over here okay never mind well crazy are

You done yet we’re totally ready for you yeah um should I remind you guys that I’ve been finished for like the past 20 million minutes and you guys are taking forever yeah probably because you made your cake tiny huh yeah it’s so small why does this look kind of good what is

Going on what is going on why wa jamy has a gradient in everything what yeah why is this kind of accurate basically it starts white in the middle cuz it’s super duper hot like a sun then it goes yellow cuz it’s still super duper hot like a sun and then goes orange because

It’s super duper hot like lava and then goes red cuz it’s super duper hot like fire well um what about oh my goodness it’s adorable a how cute yeah it’s super cute right you like it oh Gracie this reminds me of you what do you mean like like a

Do you think I’m a plushy or what I think you’re really cute and Squishy wellow that’s cute but what about my cake I think this one’s even more squishy I would eat this i’ put it in my mouth and wait you didn’t even built the entire cake you just built one slice

Well no no look look at what I was basic it off of I only had a slice Gracie you should have made more cake well you know what I think I’m the winner the Cherry is supposed to be red not pink yeah the colors are on well I

Mean it pink no no no I madean it pink because you know it’s pink themed come on it’s my cake all right let’s do a vote let’s do a vote I win I win no way my build is the best yes oh well so thinks she wins gra thinks she wins I

Guess I the acidic vot well who wins then Jamesy yeah you break the time oh well you know my relationship is a bit on the line here so Gracie you [Applause] win yes yes is that’s so unfair of course you pick Gracie cuz you two are dating wait Gracie come over here what

Happens when we walk off these little tiles oh I don’t know I mean I guess I’ll try it wao they put me into to surviv mode but I still have all these blocks they cleaned my entire inventory no oh my goodness same here graci have in survival mode too me three well do

You want to do the next activity that I planned out yeah let’s go guys come on what is the next one I planed out a day at the petting zoo yay the zoo let’s go well guys welcome turn the zoo as you can see there’s natural Wildlife even

Outside the zoo so ignore that gu escape from his pant isn’t that kind of dangerous yeah that’s kind of dangerous as long as you don’t look him for too long he won’t attack anyway guys uh I bought the tickets ahead of time so don’t worry we’ll just sneak in come on

Come on come on come on quick they see us sne oh Jamesy this seems kind of suspicious why do you have to sneak in if you already bought the ticket yeah sh ladies just look at the exhibits well guys the first pen we have alsoa lot

Here’s an oel lot I don’t think that’s what an ocelot looks like yeah of course it is guys look let me give you a little Pat ready hello though little buddy go okay got infected oh my that’s ow that’s what happens when you don’t take your vaccines anyway so here we have some

Foxes oh W um foxes what do you mean Jamesy that’s you they put you in the zoo that’s hilarious oh it’s it because they’re orange Gracie well no I I literally see little baby Jamies running around oh what what this exhibit oh little doggies they’re so cute oh my

Goodness oh my gosh jamy did you just feed them food wait I want to feed them food too are they going to make babies no they won’t make babies Gracie rabbits oh rabbits red rabbits look guys sh sh don’t tell anyone I’m doing this but um

Let’s let them out what why set them free set them free my the exibit this is the petting zoo oh where you can actually pet them oh my goodness yeah grey go catch one go on go go catch one I’m get him I’m going to

Get him I’m going to get him oh come here come here don’t hit him don’t hit him oh full bunny I’m sorry I’m sorry for doing that to you buddy all right let’s just go to the next Zoo he run so fast CCI I didn’t know your family was

At the zoo JY these are pigs you’re so rude Sophie you know what you can have him I don’t like him anymore oh my goodness wait really I mean uh Gracie don’t be silly oh I’m going to kill these pigs I’m going to kill these big

Jamesy this is what it feels like to slaughter your family and Sophie your F’s here too a bunch of sheeps huh Jamesy what they don’t even look like me stop insulting us oh Jamesy look this is your family okay a bunch of crocodiles no I’m scared of crocodiles ow no no no

No I’m scared of oh my goodness look at their jaws they’re so big why are they following me around gay they are yeah Jamesy I know these are your worst fear and then we have some Striders a they’re kind to cute oh my goodness why why

Would they keep him in a jail I feel bad for them they’re barred up some monkeys Gracie you know we used to be these specifically you though we were not monkeys before I don’t believe it wait there’s two booes here wait these are the exact same ones that were outside

They really did Escape I wonder how you got out J are you trying to H out the Boost just stopped me me so strong you shouldn’t be punching the me oh my goodness JY these polar bears are almost as white as you oh my goodness no Gracie they’re much less white than that

And look it’s your ancestors oh my gosh I love pandas they’re the cutest I look crazy it’s bamboo it’s me oh my gosh bamboo yeah you love bamboo Sophie what were you talking about this baby bear it’s crying I think it might be a little sick it’s

Got a little booger hanging out oh no let me give him some food oh poor little bamboo here I’ll have this have this you deserve some food you need to eat I don’t think they eat meat Gracie oh wait are they herbivores yes are you stupid oh my

Goodness I can’t believe it if they eat that meat they’re going to be sick maybe that’s why they’re sick people at the zoo keep feeding them one without restrictions why do they have bees in the zoo don’t they know bees are supposed to go and pollinate flowers

They’re trapping the bees in here and now they won’t be able to pollinate the flowers outside you set them free set them free jamy oh um wait why are they angry why angry why are they angry jsy I didn’t do anything wait you know what my

Mama told me if the bees try to attack you you just need to hide in water come on guys hide in the water quick oh okay now they won’t be able to get me no more oh wait it works I’m actually safe now wait sopie what are you riding on I

There’s horses over here Gracie who let them out of their pen what wait I want to go on a horsey I want to go in a horsey oh my goodness come over here wait do any of you guys have Saddles yeah here have one yeah I have three oh

My goodness please give me a saddle oh I got the gray one this one’s going to be so cute I know he’s going to be strong already yes let’s do a horse race hey how did you guys all T your horse already let’s start over here and do

Threee laps you have to go um around this board ready wait wait the board says to go this way look at the arrow look it says that way okay whatever you have to go around the thing three go go go go go no no no no no no no no no come

Back here Jamesy why is your horse so fast go horsey go I’m going I’m going for the overtake I’m going for the overtake come on fre oh I’m going to win Jesse no oh my horse is so much slower how are you catching up to me cuz I’m so fast at riding horses

Yes now I’m until they win I’m going to win I’m going to win it’s the very last stop get away from me horing go faster you guys lose oh I win I’m second at least he’s probably angry at you Jamesy I can’t believe my H this contest was rigged my horse

Was so slow we have to do another one oh yeah look at Jamesy was crying in the corner over there I feel bad for him no we’re going to go to a nearby Village next as I booked us a nice cafe you know let’s just findun out horses then let’s

Go oh really for lunch that sounds perfect sopie that’s my horse get away where did my horse oh there it is a guys I’m so sad that we have to leave the horses behind I know it’s because horses can’t swim okay you have to understand

That Sophie a but I was just getting to know mine better well you know what it’s okay we’ll have plenty of time once we go to this Cafe and then we can have a nice little talk and maybe there’ll be more hores in the village ooh okay it’s

Over here somewhere I once came here earlier and I found the houses and had a really nice lunch um where’s the waiters let me go find them sorry guys there’s nobody here it’s kind of empty Jamesy the kitchen is entirely empty what have you done oh my goodness this must have

Been that day off but why did they let me give reservation oh my goodness man it’s so mean well how about we have a cooking challenge cooking challenge I guess we can make some food like that and whoever makes jamy the best lunch wins oh well

You know me I I make Jamesy cakes all the time and food and stuff so that’s going to be super easy yeah well I’ll make him a pumpkin pie it’s going to be super good and orange I’m going to go right into the village and get the ingredients I need now

Okay I need some wheat I think that’s enough wheat to make a cake but I still need milk sugar and tons and tons of eggs well maybe just one egg but where am I going to find an egg well first of all I think I saw some sugar cane when

We were swimming over it’s over here there it is oh enough sugar cane to last me for ages okay that’s tons of sugarcan I don’t think I need any more than that now I just need to find some uh I think um think I need the milk now but I need

Buckets and they’ve got to have a cow Farm here somewhere wait I found a bucket in this chest that’s so perfect okay but I need more than that maybe there’s some more buckets where are the cows H there’s got to be some other things in here oh my goodness a villager

Grandma hey oh well hi there da well um I was wondering if I could get some help oh yes what what do you need just tell me well I need two more buckets of milk and I also need an egg egg H well I know you can find another bucket in the

Blacksmith he’s always pounding away at his iron what about egg I need an egg ah I believe you could check the church kitchen for that are you serious that’s perfect uh don’t mind if I look through your kitchen as well okay okay I’m leaving I’m leaving thank you so much

Hey Sophie where’s the Blacksmith oh wait you found the blacksmith nice yeah it’s right here oh how’s the progress going for your um what’s it what’s itall it what you making pumpkin pie I think jamy would like it CU it’s orange oh that’s true but I don’t know I bake him

Cakes all the time so maybe that would work better I’m just saying maybe anyway I found all my ingredients are you done yet what you found all your ingredients already I need to hurry up my base I still haven’t found the egg add those cows you want me to help you look

Actually you wait I can’t be helping the competition just kidding oh so V come on she faded me wait that’s the church why are there so many are those my paintings what wait am I a road rown painter no way why is my painting over here and

Wait what is this the egg it’s the egg that I needed why is it just placed in the church like that I thought there’d be like a kitchen or something how weird well now that I’ve got the egg Sophie I got the egg by the way I can get the oh

Nice wait the cows here they are perfect I can get the milk okay amazing amazing amazing and now I can just go and make my cake I’m going to be so excited I bet James is so hungry right now that poor little boy don’t worry Jamesy I’m coming

For you I’m going to get you the most amazing cake yet but I need a crafting table if I remember correctly there’s a crafting table in here hey villager Grandma I’m back oh hi well hello there young lady you’re back so s well that’s because I got all my ingredients I just

Need to borrow your crafting table if you don’t mind oh no worries feel free to use it thank you okay this is so perfect you’re so nice what an old lady that’s super nice okay I’m going to put the milk over here like this oh wait

It’s supposed to be the other other way around this is so embarrassing I’m supposed to be a pro at bacon cakes there I got the cake bye villager Grandma I love you bye-bye Dey all right got to R the CFE I hope Sophie hasn’t

Got in here yet already oh here I am hey wait sop’s already here darn it oh I’m late about time Gracie yeah I was just about to give jamy this pumpkin pie I made what oh I mean wait wa don’t don’t try yet you have to eat mine as well

Tell me which one you like better okay guys I’m going to do a fair taste test here okay a fair taste test all right so let me start with sophies okay let me have a look at this let me give this a taste for Sophie that was very good okay you

Think so okay let me let me try Gracie’s um um oh that’s good as well Gracie I really like that one let me eat the rest of it wow you finished all of it oh well he was pretty hungry I guess who was better whose was better they both tasted

Really good but uh Sophie’s cake was orange I’m going have to pick hers no it’s not F I just chose it because it’s orange hey I put a lot of work into that pie oh what do you mean but oh okay I didn’t think you’d be biased based on

The color like it’s just pumpkin well czy won the race and Sophie won the bake contest it’s fine it’s 1 one you know I did book a soft play for us to have some fun at really that’s perfect for the next challenge let’s go guys wait like a play area yeah let’s go

Oh this is an amazing play area I can’t believe you rent it out this entire playground for just us what yeah actually I rent out the entire city but yeah I’m kind of Rich Jamesy you must be loaded oh my goodness I knew I picked right when I was choosing him as my

Boyfriend yep YouTube money am I right guys ha I wish I had a rich boyfriend well you know Lou is pretty rich I mean that’s a that’s a Lou who’s Lou that’s James’s bestie you haven’t met him yet oh the one you mentioned before anyway guys what should we do in here what

Should we do what should we play how about we play hide and seek this place is pretty big what how about we play sardines instead it’s like reverse hide and seek what sardines I’ve never heard that before so basically one person goes to hide and whoever finds them has to go

In and hide with them and the last person who finds them has to take both of them while they run away when they eventually expose their hiding spot interesting it’s like a hidic tag almost okay well um should I be it then or well you know what JY I think you should go

And hide and me and Sophie will’ll look for you okay I’ll be the high turn around ladies turn around turn around s this way no cheating Sophie I know you’re a little to really good I found such a good spot you guys know going to

Fight me 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 go go go no I’m going to fight him all right best of three Gracie okay okay that sounds good to me oh Jamesy where are you finds me first wins Sophie where are you heading to he’s got to be like maybe in this

Hole this looks a little weird oh he’s not in there maybe in this tree Jamesy where are you where are you oh my gosh you’ll never find me he sounds kind of close wait a minute there he is wait Sophie no no no wait where did Sophie go

Oh no oh no I now I don’t know where either of them are oh I can’t believe I’m the last one wait there they are ah I’m going to take you start tag tag I’ve got you guys both embarrassing man so I’ll hide again you guys have to find me

Again okay oh okay okay okay come on Sophie let’s count to 10 okay 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 let’s go I’m going to find him I’m going to find him surely he wouldn’t hide in the same spot again right okay

He’s not in you never going to find me I’m literally in the best spot ever maybe he’s in here wait a second I swear I saw a tint of orange around here but maybe I’m just going a little bit crazy let let me try get you are crazy Gracie

I’m not CRA the made you crazy you remember the red the red don’t make me any anybody crazy where is Jamesy he’s going to be up here somewhere oh Jamesy where are you where did I see him oh tell me you’ll never find us both you never find us what Gracie Jamesy where’d

You guys go quick hide hide we’re supposed to hide into a place forever so that she doesn’t catch us both come on oh there’s another ladder on this tree maybe they went up here we’re hiding like a can of sardines can we start running yet no she hasn’t actually found

Us yet so no we can’t start running until she comes near did I even tell you how pretty your eyes are really oh Jamesy I know we’ve only just started Ding A a little bit ago but you honestly make my heart flutter that’s so are come back you guys jump I’ll

Catch you I’ll catch you I’ll catch you jump um jamy you weren’t there yeah oh sopie got us SP she hasn’t got me yet she hasn’t got me yet she hasn’t got come back here jamy get away from me fat lady get away from me hey Who you

Calling fat Jesus Oh wait why are you allowed to touch me that’s not fair you’re so silly she literally was close enough to touch us both you know what guys I think we have to do one final round you said it was best to three right Sophie yeah we’re tied right now

Yeah I caught him first once and then you caught him first once now it’s the third time to be the tiebreaker okay let’s see who wins this one all right Gracie this is the last round and whoever wins this gets to be Jam’s girlfriend what what that came out of

Nowhere I mean I’m not going to live so sure what whatever come on let’s get the 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 okay now I know I need to find Jamesy first come on where would Jamesy hide surely he wouldn’t be hiding underneath here no

He’s not here where’s Jamesy oh you know what I’m just going to follow Sophie around wherever she goes that way if she finds him first well then well she won’t because I’ll be there first he’s up by the swits he’s up by the marry go round not in the trees

Again where did he go oh where where is he he must have been moving around and wait wait wait I literally just saw no no I found him I found him first I found him first I found him first I found him first oh my goodness stopie you keep

Doing this I’m told you I’m telling you he’s my boyfriend and you can’t take him away from me what do you mean but I won that challenge we made a bet if you want to move in with us you have to stop trying to date Jamesy no Gracie I I won

That challenge fair and square well you know what let’s actually what Jamesy thinks up wait where did Jamesy go he vanished huh Jam is he hiding again Jamesy he’s not in the hole what where did he go Jam’s gone Jam’s gone lost Sophie look what you did no Grazy this

Is your folks you didn’t want to listen to our Chen you know whatever let’s just go find Jamesy first that’s what really matters okay maybe he went back to some of the places we went to today yeah you know what let’s retrace our steps let’s

Go to the Village first okay oh he’s not here here either we’ve been searching for ages Sophie oh surely he’d be inside the church oh no he’s not here oh it’s just my beautiful paintings where could he have gone Jamesy where are you wait I’m going to the top of the church maybe

I’ll be able to see things removed from here uh I only see you stinky Sophie oh darn it hey Who you calling stinky you shower less than me you’re just trying to date my boyfriend oh my goodness you know what okay if he’s not in the

Village then we have to go to the zoo he’s got to be in the zoo right he loves the zoo wait it’s Jamesy it’s Jamesy it’s Jamesy oh it’s just a little Jamesy exhibit oh come on I really thought it was Jamesy come on Gracie you can’t even recognize him hey be quiet you’re the reason why he’s lost right now I remember when he called me a pig and he let these these rabbits Go free I miss him already where’s James we went all the way to the mall so

He’s gone want to be in here right oh Jamesy please this is our last resort we don’t have any other options maybe we should go up to his favorite store the tool store maybe he’s in there he did really like those tools maybe he wanted to get another fire sword yeah yeah yeah

That sounds like something he would do come on Jamesy please be there please be there come on Jamesy are you in here Jamesy hello are you hiding down here oh it’s empty not here at all jamy oh Sophie we’re never going to find him we’re never going to find him he must

Have gone back to the house that’s our only chance that’s our last chance that was the first place we went to today oh Jamesy Jamesy maybe he’s in the house that he picked the orange sword one maybe Jamesy are you here it looks really empty look at how orange it is he

Would have loved it here H there are a bunch of other houses in the neighborhood maybe he went to the one that we haven’t gone to yet oh I mean I don’t know or maybe he even went to the airport and left us here alone no don’t say that Jamesy wouldn’t have abandoned

Us like that okay what about this one it’s not our house but maybe he would be inside here he could have changed his mind wait a second what is wrong with this house actually Jamesy would never choose this are those cobwebs inside oh Sophie come on let’s go in oh it’s so

Old come on Sophie we have to go inside what is that I’m scared come on help me come inside let’s go find J must be in here e you know what Gracie you can go in there I think I’m just going to wait out here are you serious Sophie don’t you care about

Jamesy come on I’m sure he’s fine you just need to get him and come out if he’s in there fine okay oh what is this place I guess I’ll just go look around that area seems blocked off but so this did I just hear that what was that sound

Oh I’m so scared oh this is like a Maze of vases oh Jamesy Jamesy are you in here are you in here oh my goodness everything’s been run down and blocked off what kind of house is this maybe H is that a dead body there’s there’s

Skeletons ah what I saw a name tag in the distance Jamesy Jamesy Jamesy you must be in here Jamesy Jamesy oh my gosh there he is Jamesy turn around turn around it’s me it’s me oh no crazy I saw a ghost it was so scary H you can turn

Around and look at me jamy don’t cry it’s okay there’s no ghost there’s no ghost where’s the ghost though where’s the ghost no well you know what you just need to be brave okay come on is there anything I can help you with no no just help me get out of here

Please okay I’ll put on my bravest face let’s get out of here Jamesy we’re going to make it outside you know what okay let’s take a leap of faith I don’t want to go down there it’s the more dangerous down there J soie oh we survived oh my goodness you

Guys jumped out of the window I feel so much better now that we’re outside thank you so much Gracie you know what I’ve been wanted to do this for weeks I’m just going to do it h j you just you just kissed me oh my God I can’t believe it I can’t believe

It yeah that was my first kiss oh my gosh what right in front of my eyes oh sorry selfie oh but I literally won the challenges is uh well you know what it it doesn’t matter the challenges don’t matter it’s what Jamesy believes come on

Guys come back to my house but but why guys I have a surprise you know how I said I was renting out these houses uhhuh yeah yeah well I actually bought all four of them that one that one that one and that one are you serious what

But but why that house we only three people why would you buy another one that one’s run down as well oh that was my friend Lou huh oh yeah the red one guy that you keep mentioning all day yes you guys happy you want to move here

With me yeah let’s do it oh these cakes are going to be amazing czy crazy Sophie what’s wrong I’m just so sad cuz I don’t have a boyfriend a hey no it’s okay I understand how can you understand when you already have a boyfriend oh I I mean

Hey look we’re still friends and sopie you can tell me anything and even though I may not not fully understand you can still tell me all of your worries okay okay thank you Gracie these are really nice cakes oh and you know what Sophie I just had an idea what’s your idea Gracie

I can help you look for a boyfriend a but you know what I’m kind of tired the only boy around here is Lou and I don’t want to date him hey look maybe we can look for people outside of our town I have a phone book let me just find it

Real quick phone book um okay yeah you can call all of those numbers and maybe ask some boys out on a date that’s a good idea where did I leave it again um oh it must be this one here take it take it wow all right thank you Gracie I’m

Going to make all these phone calls all right see you Sophie I hope she’s going to be okay all right guys I just got home let’s go check out this book that Gracie gave me I wonder what it says all these numbers seem to be for wedding businesses what

Is this a marriage contract what are great Gracie and Jamesy getting married H but I can totally do something with this if I just change Gracie’s name and perfect now all I need to do is get Jamesy to give me his signature ha Jamesy I’m so bad at this video game I

Always lose hey jamy get off your game hiie so I hear that you want to marry Gracie huh I can help with that I mean who doesn’t want to marry Gracie she’s amazing well okay since you still want to marry Gracie so bad here sign this

Contract wait what why would I sign it should I should I read it no no just get to the last page and sign it everything’s already taken care of I agree to marry this okay okay uh do I sign on the first X yeah yeah right there jamy YT signed perfect okay so

When do I get married then uh well I just got to finish filling out this form so um okay just give me a couple seconds perfect well Jamesy you just got married to me what now I did it Greater you said I was Ming crazy well this contract is

Already legally blinding and my name is in it I’m B legally blind and now I’m legally binded oh my goodness crazy crazy jamy come back don’t got to bad news bad news Gracie very bad news the economy is going down bad news what uh is that really why you guys came here to

Tell me like that the economy is bad the economy of our relationship sopie tell her what you did what I just got married to Jamesy crazy wait wait what do you mean let me see that what are you holding oh you handed me this marriage

Contract so I decided to use it wait no no no I thought it was a phone but cuz there are phone numbers on here but you actually got married to Jamesy what Grazy I had no idea why I was siging please believe me don’t kill me

Please wait no no no sopie this is a misunderstanding I didn’t want you to marry my boyfriend I wanted to give you some other phone numbers oh well I’m sorry Gracie but this contract is legally binding so jam is technically my husband now oh I’m starting to feel sick

What do I do I can’t believe what I’m hearing you can’t actually be married there are no vows and therefore the marriage is null and void yes there were jamy said I do wait Gracie when she asked if I want to marry Gracie I said I

Do want to marry you that doesn’t count right yeah you said I do to marrying me not marrying Sophie you you tricked him oh it doesn’t matter he still said it oh Sophie that’s my boyfri help meak it upak it up break it up break it

Up break it up that’s enough of me for everyone okay well Jamesy what are you going to do then oh Gracie I have to be with Sophie this the LA I’m going to prison if I don’t marry her you’re not going to go to jail what that’s a great idea

Jamesy come on let’s go pack up your thing so you can move in with me what no no no no no no wait Sophie does this mean we have to sleep in the same bed as well well yeah we’re husband and wife now so that’s what they do

Right I can’t believe somebody’s taking my boyfriend away from me I feel so dumb I should have never given her that book it was an accident I’m actually going to pass out oh knock knock knock Ribbit knock knock Ribbit who who who is that wait what is this Jennifer you missed your appointment

With your lawyer at 6:30 a.m. I’m here to you a notice I don’t long want to be your lawyer wait Jennifer wait are you a lawyer yes I’m a lawyer you’re Jennifer right um yeah yeah my name is Jennifer and I I need a lawyer right now really

Badly yes wait if your name is neifer why does it say Gracie above your head uh don’t worry about that okay so I need some help right now like really big help yes I know you missed your appointment anyway what are you talking about what what help you need rbit all right so

Basically my best friend just signed a contract that I made for me and my boyfriend and she’s marrying my boyfriend now and now they’re like husband and wife do you have any frog lawyer advice for me I really need it right now like really badly well you see

As America’s best frog lawyer Ribbit I don’t usually give advice to people without them uh paying uh some money please please my life has been turned upside down well since you don’t have any flies on you right now I guess I’ll you some help for free because you seem

So sad so um well the truth is the marriage contract will stand but there’s nothing preventing you from trying to break them up if you break them up then he can be your boyfriend once again all right I like the sound of that but I’ve never broken anybody up yet like I don’t

Know how to break a couple up I’ve never done that well you see I once had to break up a toad and a Frog they were just croaking too loud next to my condo on the freaking m but anyway that was years ago H I had a lot of annoying things and convinced

Them that they had to break up what all right I think I understand maybe I can do something like that thank you so much for your time all right that’ll be 100 flies please R uh um I I can bake you a cake I’m really good at that okay fine

Um you don’t need to pay but uh I must be on my way uh I have another appointment at 7:30 a.m. all right thank you you so much I must be really serious all right now I have to go to James’s house and save him from marrying Sophie jamy

Jamesy Jamesy you’re going to love living in my house I know I’m taking home my furniture and all my plates and stuff what oh it’s going to be so fun stop stop stop guys stopie you need to leave jamy’s stuff here Gracie I’m married to Jamesy remember not

You you’re so rud is so rude Grazy Grazy remember legally I am married to Sophie and you need to respect that we are husband and wife what I’m never going to respect that you’re my boyfriend oh you know what I need to go through with what

The frog lawyer said I need to find a way to break them up okay where’s James’s Tool Shed there’s got to be something in there that could help me all righty let’s see what he has in here well he’s got a bunch of storage in here cobweb magma blocks water lock a swords

Weapons and potions of invisibility wait a second this could be useful what else does he have a bunch of mobs and oh wow flint and steel oh what is Jamesy preing for back here it’s like he’s waiting for an apocalypse let me grab a little bit of everything perfect

My inventory is completely stacked now let’s drink an invisible potion and I’ll come up with a plan once I’ve broke it into James’s house but first let me throw this away we can’t let him know that I’m inside his house this is going to be perfect all right I’m entering

Their house there she is Sophie hey Jamesy I’m going to go upstairs and wash my hands some of this stuff is kind of Dusty okay wait this is perfect Sophie’s in the bathroom right I bet she takes the stinkiest poops ever wait a second since she I’m going to trap her in these

Cobwebs okay all done wo why is there gows everywhere ew ew ew selfie selfie everything okay let me cobwebs e don’t worry Sophia it’s my job to protect you there you go oh my goodness oh thank you jamy those were so gross oh they’re so romantic whatever just let me quickly

Sneak into the living area I hope Jamesy didn’t feel me brush past him here it is let me get rid of this carpet I think I’ve got a perfect idea I’m going to put magma blocks to replace the red and then they’ll realize how dangerous this house

Is yeah maybe they shouldn’t be together all right Sophie let’s get this stuff in my bedroom now there’s a ton of cool stuff we need to bring to your house o okay yeah let’s get started ladies first okay let’s see what we need to pack ow

Ow ow huh oh Sophia you okay um yeah why did your floor burned my feet oh my goodness I don’t know oh gosh are you okay yes yeah I’m okay what is going on here why is there so many magma blocks oh gosh I have to get rid of these

Jamesy seen them let me just break them all we can replace them Sophie don’t worry oh thanks Jamesy you’re the best husband ever oh come on what is going on what I’m doing isn’t enough I need to up my game I need to do better than this

All right don’t worry Sophie I’m fixing the floor now what’s next what we packing up next Sophie all right I’ll help you pack some things up from your closet this is going to be perfect I can start letting up the fire J I’m on fire help helpie you okay

Oh my goodness fire drop stop and R drop stop and R are you okay yeah that was so scary thank you what is going on Sophie you need to be more careful don’t stop fires like that but I didn’t that wasn’t me Sophie there’s no one else in the room

You obviously Start the Fire who else could been a ghost well how can I start a fire when I’m Just Looking Through Your Clothes Closet they’re finally arguing they might actually break up now this is working so well let’s go guys let’s go oh my goodness jamy you know

What’s happening right now wait what’s happening we’re having our first fight as a couple oh my goodness that’s so cute I know right I cannot even believe what I’m hearing right now are you serious they’re are angry and now all of a sudden they’re okay what okay let’s go

Back downstairs selfie yeah we got to finish packing up some more stuff you know what I have to resort to my elastic tool I have a bunch of hostile mobs and lava and water maybe this is going to work remember when I got this orange

Gold St with this is oh this is so cute I remember this like 20 years ago yeah a nice yellow orange color just like us oh my goodness creepers quickly quickly oh my goodness they’re going to kill everything oh my go let me let SP stop back I’ll protect you don’t worry it’s

My job step back step back stop back okay I got them oh oh darn it they’re working together so well wait Jamesy there’s one more creeper over there oh my goodness don’t worry about it I will he’s getting close he’s getting close to me I need to get out of

Here oh my gosh but there’s way more creepers over here how are they missing this you know I’m going to attract them with some lava ow JY look out where is this lava coming from this isn’t normal did a pipe burst or something oh my goodness well even if it didn’t a pipe

Did burst so there is no Lava pipes in my house oh look looks like that lava Leake is getting to them but wait a second I only have 9 seconds of invisibility left no no no no I’m going to go to the door and pretend like I

Just walked in this is going to be really risky wait Gracie is that you oh hey guys I just came in uh cuz I heard a lot of things going on here what’s happening why is there a hole on your ground believe what happened first off we got

St with cobwebs then she go set on fire and then there was magma blocks and then there was mobs and then there was lava oh my goodness it was a nightmare yeah that sounds terrible maybe you guys just aren’t meant to be together nah no matter what happens I’m going to stay

Married to jam Z what um whatever I hope you guys uh don’t have a good marriage no offense bye huh oh come on are you serious after everything I tried and still didn’t work I literally put all my effort into that I might never ever be James’s girlfriend ever again wait wasn’t Sophie

Talking about moving Jamesy into her house why don’t I just go into Sophie’s house first and beat them to it there’s got to be some juicy dirt that I can PL on her maybe that will make jamy unattracted to her first of all I need to find somewhere to stash all this

Stuff let me just put this all over here and second of all what’s inside of her bedroom what why does she have so many pictures of Jamesy that’s weird and of course her plushy room where she has a bunch of Jamesy plushies she’s obsessed I knew it m is there anything in her

Living room there’s photos of me but of course they were always there because I’m her best friend I’m the only reason why she knows Jamesy in the first place oh okay of course even more plushies all around her bedroom where did her doggy go I don’t know there doesn’t really

Seem to be anything really bad about her in her house am I missing something let me check this room again wait huh was that lever always there I I swear that wasn’t there before should I should I press it guys okay I guess I will wait

It just opened up a door this was a secret entrance the whole time but why would she have a weird secret hideout down here all righty I guess I’ll just go down here hopefully there’s nothing scary oh wait huh America’s best lawyer it’s you again the Frog lawyer Hy how’s

Things going with your frog mate J J well I don’t know I I just found the secret hideout of my best friends and it’s got Jamesy written all over the walls I knew it this must have something to do with him she’s obsessed with him

And first of all how did you even get in here this is my friend secret hideout not yours right did I forget to mention that I’m a magical frog lawyer America’s best frog lawyer by the way wao that’s super cool well guess what’s happened I listened to some of your advice and I

Actually managed to get some dirt on selfie they had their first fight cuz I lit her on fire but then all of a sudden they got all Luffy Duffy again and now they’re just back to where they were before it’s really frustrating you know Gracie it’s probably not a good idea to

Fake something terrible about Sophie because you could end up regretting it later but I still want to put some dirt on her you know I don’t feel good about it either but I’ve actually just ran out of ideas and besides I didn’t find anything bad about Sophie in the house

Anyway this is my only lead right now this weird Hideout so yeah keep your chin up don’t worry but um I’m certain your wish will come true eventually about finding something embarrassing about Sophie yeah I really hope so you know what there’s nothing really here I’ll just go back up into Sophie’s house

Now wait Gracie don’t forget to check the chest wait you’re right what is that chest how could I forget there’s nothing around here that means this entire Hideout is just to protect your diary wait it’s a there a diary Diary no way this must be s’s Di is this what she’s

Been hiding the whole time frog uh uh frog laer oh he disappeared again I guess since he’s magical he can go anywhere that he wants but I don’t feel right going into Sophie’s diary like this I mean it’s an invasion of privacy and even though I’m super upset with

Sophie right now it wouldn’t be right to use this against her I wouldn’t want anybody to do this to me as well but since Jamesy is her husband maybe he can read it I’ll just give it to him instead okay Sophie let’s put all of our stuff

Away in your house Jamesy look wait Gracie what are you doing in Sophie’s house oh what do I do what do I do Grazy oh jamy jamy take this diary read it read it it’s sopies wait wait Jamesy don’t do it why why shouldn’t I Sophie what’s going on oh Gracie please don’t

Do this don’t read it Jamesy it’s Sophie’s diary what why’ you give it back to Sophie what Gracie I know we will boyfriend and girlfriend at one point but Sophie told me that married people can get a lot of trouble if they cheat so uh I just can’t cheat on Sophie

Right now but but that’s just reading a book of hers and I’m not like asking you to kiss me or something like jeez well Gracie you really cross the line jamy is mine forever now okay he’s my husband I’m out of ideas you know I

Don’t know what to do anymore I’m out of here see you you guys are the worst friends ever oh my life is terrible and I’ve been walking for hours up what I I just hit a wall ow my nose oh my nose hurts where am I it smells so

Stinky am I at the dump are are you serious right now oh I miss Jamesy and Sophie now Sophie’s going to be married to my boyfriend forever sque sque sque sque what’s that sound uh hello wao hello wo hello America’s best lawyer again who who are you wait there’s

Another America’s best lawyer yeah I’ve been meeting so many lawyers recently what’s going on I better not be that frog was it that frog yeah it was the Frog lawyer he said he was magical why is he always telling people he’s the best frog lawyer I’m the best lawyer

Well why are there so many lawyers in town all of a sudden there’s a lawyer convention nearby and I was just taking a nap in the rubbish what you were sleeping in this mess gross well I’m sorry for waking you up it’s okay no harm done uh why was you crying in the

Dump again oh well basically my boyfriend’s married to my girlfriend and I tried to get revenge but now they just are angry at me and they they don’t want to be with me anymore and they’re just horrible friends the Frog lawyer told me that I should try to break them up but

Everything I did just didn’t work I think the Frog lawyer was right only this time though he’s KN wrong and you’re most likely going to need to find a way to break them up is that the only way I could be be with Jamesy again was it ever hard being James’s girlfriend

Well um it was actually really wonderful and I love being his girlfriend that’s why I want to be back with him together so badly are you sure about that what do you mean maybe it was horrible being James’s girlfriend and maybe you could tell Sophie how horrible it was and then

Maybe you could teach Sophie all the ways that you would need her to change in order to make James happy wait a second I can made Sophie lies about when I was James’s girlfriend so it makes Jamesy look really bad and then that would ruin their relationship maybe some

Will even get so scared that she’ll leave him well I think my job is done here I’m going to get back into the trash Oh my gosh thank you so much for your help do I owe you anything or next time if you’re going to cry in the dump

Maybe just check if there’s someone taking a nap in the garbage noted I promise I will I’ll see you later and thank you than you so much squeak I’ve got a good plan now guys and I’m really really confident all righty I’ve got a perfect

Idea I’m going to set up a little party area and invite everybody around but first of all I need to set this up and make it look really legit let me see what items I have oh there’s nothing in here oh a bunch of cake that’s perfect cuz obviously Jamesy loves orange that’s

His favorite oh what else is there around here that I could do oh not much why is this in the oven but this is perfect as well let me quickly go and set this up and get everybody invited all right let me enter this Park area luckily we’ve already got a barbecue up

Here that’s amazing I’m going to put some pink candles everywhere cuz they’re gorgeous obviously cak CU everybody loves cake oh my goodness this is literally perfect I would love to be at a party like this but unfortunately nobody ever advised me all right I’m all set up and now everybody’s got a nice

Little seating area they’re going to have cookies and I’m even going to put down this deck chair all righty oh wait there’s Sophie wait Sophie so sopie sopie sopie you’re in front of my house this is perfect oh uh hiy Gracie why are you so happy to see me come inside to my

Party area over here it’s right at the park right over here a party for what well you know I’m just celebrating your marriage to Jamesy a really that’s so sweet Gracie yeah I’m actually so happy for you finally I could get a break from Jamesy wait what do you mean by that

Well don’t you know it wasn’t always easy being James’s girlfriend actually it was quite terrible really well tell me more well you know James E he would always poop in the morning and then he would never flush the toilet and he was actually really rude whenever I would

Call my mom he’d say terrible things to her it was so bad yeah and not to mention he doesn’t brush his teeth and well he’s just a horrible boyfriend he never bought me gifts or anything and he expected me to pay for everything no way I don’t believe this yeah and I tried

For a long time to fix him and it just and nothing worked I you know what I’m actually really glad that you took him away from me now well no way I think I can fix it um well whatever I’ll show you come over here I tried for a while

And I can actually prove to you that Jamesy is the Menace that I said he is well okay if you say so all right Sophie I’m going to challenge you to a series of challenges to see if you’re really prepared to be Jam’s girlfriend or not

Okay Gracie if you say so so what’s the first challenge well Sophie all of these things and challenges are all going to be things that Jamesy expects out of you and if you don’t do them right he’s going to be super duper angry so to see if you’re really ready you’re going to

Have to be able to beat me in these challenges or else I don’t think you’re going to be ready to be his wife okay well what’s the first challenge Gracie come on come on I want to see what happens the first challenge is to be able to bake a cake whoever bakes it

First is obviously going to be the winner Jamesy eats cakes all the time and he gets really really grumpy when you can’t bake them properly oh okay I’ll make a cake super fast you’ll see let’s start in three 2 1 go quick I got to find all the stuff for a cake all

Righty so all the Sugar’s over here and the wheat is over here what else do I need I need eggs I remember I put them so somewhere around here oh this is terrible why are there so many useless items in these cabinets what am I going

To do with bananas and kiwi this is perfect all right let me just get the extra bucket of milk let me search up cake again in the recipe book and poop I baked it so easily easy peasy lemon squeezy let’s see what Sophie’s still up

To oh guys I don’t know if I can do this I can’t find anything to make a cake oh Sophie what are you looking for I can’t find anything to make a cake Gracie there’s only like look at this hot dogs how can I make a cake out of hot dogs

Wow that’s so unlucky all the ingredients are really useful I mean useless unlike my side which has a bunch of recipes that are literally perfect for baking a cake hey no looking no looking Sophie well this was my first time trying to bake a cake I’ll get

Better at it okay maybe but we’ll see in the next challenge the next challenge is taking care of animals which is really really important to Jamesy all right sopie let’s see who can tame all of the animals on our sides first okay perfect oh wow look I’ve got a bunch of bones in

Here this is going to be perfect let me just take these bones out like this okay this is ton of stuff in this chest that I can use to tame some animals let’s see okay Piggies come here oh they’re so cute actually and uh oh no how am I

Supposed to tame this sheep I don’t have any hay Ah that’s okay maybe I’ll just move on to the horses come here horsey that’s it see and listens to me this isn’t too bad here cows come over here a they’re not really listening to me cows

Get over here oh Sophie how’s it going how’s it going um I keep feeding this horse apples but it doesn’t want to be my friend well I’m sorry to tell you silie but you’ve already lost I’m actually the winner look all of my dogies have been tamed look at them what

How did you tame so many dogs oh well it wasn’t like they were already tamed when I walked in no no no I just you know found a lot of Bones and I easily tamed them oh this is so unfair I have so many animals I have to take care of why is

Mine’s harder well Sophie how are you going to take care of Jamesy if well you can’t even do this no offense well I can still get better at this too come on what’s the next challenge you lost that one and hopefully you don’t lose this this one again orse it’ll be really bad

For you oh Gracie just tell me what the challenge is well haven’t you noticed that Jamesy loves paintings in his house right yeah he does have a lot of paintings in his house and actually all of those paintings have been made by him

And I so if you want to be his wife then you have to be in charge of making all of those paintings and I just don’t know if you’re good enough at art for that I’m pretty good at Art I think I can do it well you know you better go and try

Paint something something pretty that Jamesy would love to hang up on his wall okay fine I’ll show you all right guys let’s build something that Jamesy would love of course it’s got to be something orange maybe I could draw it maybe I could draw him an orange puppy he loves

Dogs and he loves orange this is going to be perfect how come Gracie has a bunch of easel over there and I have to use this giant canvas oh okay what does this button do I’m in creative mode okay maybe this won’t be so bad then okay so

First I’ll do a little bit of shading like this okay and then I’ll move on to the actual orange skin like this let me keep drawing his ears like this and then draw his body and make him sitting down like a good boy oh my gosh you know what

Doggies are so adorable and I’m going to draw his tail like this and now I’m just going to put the shine on the skin Oh and then the Green Top there you go that looks good right oh my goodness this doggy is actually so adorable oh no I

Kind of wish I had a doggy but no no I love cats more I love cats more all right let me just finish this finishing tou drop over here and Bo this doggy looks adorable this is the best thing I’ve ever made I really hope Jamesy

Loves it oh selfie oh wo that’s a really big showing looks like you have to make it in real life that’s really unfortunate cuz it was so easy for me yeah I had to fly around everywhere while you got to well you just got to

Paint stuff on a easel W what is this did you make an orange yeah cuz Jamesy loves oranges but it looks moldy like why is there green everywhere y oh I was trying to make it look like it wasn’t quite ripe yet cuz it’s you know I just

Thought that’d be kind of cool wow I don’t know sopie you know he loves ripe oranges not Morty ones right or else you wouldn’t be a good wife huh I I knew that yeah I knew that well I think you might want to come over here

To look at mine it’s a little puppy what oh my goodness it’s so good and it’s orange and blue too yeah it looks just like him with the blue eyes and everything I’m sorry Sophie but yeah James he’s just a little bit too straight for you I don’t know if he’s a

Good match man this is so tough oh well are there any more challenges Gracie yeah there’s still more you better go out to the the next one I’m a little worried for you oh no oh Sophie you poor girl I know you’re not very good at

Parkour but if you want to be James’s wife you need to be super good at it Jamesy always takes me out on parkour dates and I don’t know if he could do that with you oh what am I going to do I suck at parkour yeah well if you want to

Be able to be wifey materal then you have to be able to beat this parkour faster than me sorry what oh no come on Sophie I’m making it so quickly you are taking forever ow ow ow wait oh no she has love on her side while I just have

Water oh this sucks I don’t know if I can make that I believe in you go on Sophie try it try it oh not again go on Sophie who you made the jump and now you have to get on to the moving platform that’s going to be difficult you need to time that

Really well oh I’m not sure about this Gracie are you sure I have to do all this you have to don’t you want to be James’s wife come on a okay oh my goodness sopie you um okay you didn’t make it whatever you know what I’m just going to stop Dilly

Dallying around and make it to the end man I slipped off of that because he was moving so fast well Sophie you know what jamesc is a big fan of those moving platform parkours and you just keep dying over and over again you know what if you really want to give up that’s

Totally fine by me James’s not worth it anyway oh fine I give up I give up this is too hard all right you know what let’s go back home oh crazy all those challenges were way too difficult fine I give up but I want to tell Jamesy myself

All right Sophie I won’t push anything you know what why don’t you just go back to James’s house and tell him that okay come on Sophie he should be in here there he is I know he’s there jamy hey oh you guys aren arguing again are you I

Told you to quit it no chamy we’re not fighting Sophie actually has something to tell you okay my lovely wife what would you love to tell me well okay here’s the thing I found out that you are really high maintenance what so um yeah this whole marriage thing it was a

Prank are we getting divorced yeah you guys are getting divorced basically wait really no wait yes Gracie we can be together jamy come on we’re we’re boyfriend and girlfriend again and Jamesy you’re terrible I can’t believe you actually went along with that silly silly prank I only had two of when she

Could send me to court for being a bad husband oh my goodness I can’t believe I just got married yesterday Jamesy should be where’s Jamesy maybe he went to make breakfast wait he’s not here either huh gra Gracie open up what are you doing at my door oh Gracie I’ve got some terrible

News I heard Jamesy say that he was going to divorce you divorce me what no no how he was talking to himself and I heard him say he was going to divorce you we just got married that doesn’t make any sense maybe he got dared maybe come on I’ll go

With you to confront him at his house okay let’s go maybe he got bribed instead or or even worse threatened maybe it was blackmail like he’s being threatened blackmail oh what wait his house is on fire Sophie’s house is on fire oh what do we do what do we do car

911 car 911 okay okay oh we have to go inside what if he still in there sopie I can’t this my husband I don’t want to be a widow oh there’s so much fire everywhere I don’t see it it’s so hard to breathe the fire here yet oh ladies

Ladies get out of here get out in this fire house going to fall down fall down get get fire get out of here water everywhere water everywhere oh no Sophie are you okay are you got on fire I got a little bird well it’s okay Sophie the fireman can help you he’ll

Treat your missing Hearts okay I’ll stay here then I guess are you going to go look for Jamesy yeah yeah yeah firemen okay ladies the fire is pretty much all gone but you can’t go in there it’s too dangerous well we have bigger issues at hand Sophie is really hurt she

Got set on fire oh no problem H go you’re F now you take care of her I’m going to go find Jamesy good luck Gracie thank you Sophie where could JY be maybe he went to the park or the beach oh wait you know what I can just go file a

Missing person’s report at the police station then they’ll help me find Jamesy oh there’s the police station hopefully I can get some proper help here what should I tell them oh I can’t believe I’m still working my wedding dress as well there they are um hello sir hey

You’re just ding my cake eat and session what do you want W uh my boyfriend’s missing I mean oh sorry my husband we just got married yesterday okay I’m leaving now no my boyfriend’s missing did you not hear me he’s missing I’m sorry ma but I you

Might as well just leave I’m not going to help you what we only just got married why would he leave me don’t you think it’s weird this is a big issue I think he might have been kidnapped hello oh my goodness I can’t believe you know

What I have a bed I’m just going to sleep here all night until you pay attention to me okay young man there’s no need for that I’m afraid all right so he married you and then left you the next day it’s obvious he’s just got cold feet it’s normal he just doesn’t love

You you can leave now rude what how could you say that you know what okay here I have a lot of cakes I love these cakes yeah perfect look look look over here carefully spent I’ve got an oven I’ll put in a bunch of cakes warm them

Up for you and then you can eat all of these cakes it’s going to be so delicious I make the best cakes ever the M says I need to only eat fre cakes a day but I just can’t H myself yeah I’ll give you some even more

If you tell me and help me find my husband I’m sorry you need to leave I told you it’s just a cold it’s a cold fease I can’t help you this isn’t going to work I’ve had enough I’m going to go take more oh my God

Yes blow it all up I’m going to blow it all up if you don’t help me I’m sorry ma but this is a criminal offense you’re coming with me huh wait did your handc me no no no I don’t want to get drank stop I I was just joking it was just a

Sick prank in the cell in the cell oh are you going to interrogate me here are you serious okay so I think the husband thing was all a cover story are you are you working for those people terrorists no no no I’m not a terrorist I’m a good

Person I’m just a little girl who wants to find her husband that’s all why are you staying with me like that stop stop staying into my soul oh my goodness what’s your name can a woman we get some privacy here um it’s Gracie more like Gracy wants to blow this police

Station no why did I ever say that my last name is not Gracie wants to blow this play I bet you eat pineapple and pizza also you know what I’m fed up with this what is that is that a potion are you going to kill me no I’m taking you

Down to a cell you’ll spend the night in jail young man press the button there’s not one on this side okay come on stop stop calling me a young man I’m a young woman oh my goodness sorry I I was told I would shouldn’t do that anymore my bad

You’re so rude I’m a good person oh my God all right in this one here with Sally off you go oh I don’t want to go in with Sally right now soop resisting soop resisting hurt me oh oh I’m going to get fired um I sorry I forgot to do this I

Need all your personal belongings give me the dress give me all your items right now no one no fine okay um uh here I have I’ve taken everything out I definitely don’t have any more explosives are you sure you’ve not got anything else oh yeah I just took your

Dress Off You By the way that’s roud oh you should never touch I guess you not get married anymore though cuz he’s left you rude you know what I want to get in the cell I want to be here I this was my plan hey how about some privacy maybe

Turn around with somebody’s pooping sorry I didn’t know you’re pooping jeez this is the worst day ever I can’t believe I’m stuck in a cell with this crazy lady and I also got arrested I lost everything even my wedding dress and my husband left me so what what they Tossy on The

Slammer for oh my it’s because I threatened to blow up the police station no way that’s a average day in New York well you know what Sally we need to Escape right now we need to leave lucky for you I know all the dirty

Secrets in town I can get us out of here look aty split oh could this will be any use I kept this oh yeah that’ll be great we can just use this to blow up a hole in the cell and Escape why did I think this now

Wait a minute that’s a bit too loud for the start of our breakout I say we use that later but now okay I got a little cool we can use wait where did you get that I I thought they didn’t let you take those things in what I was saving a

Couple utensils when they give me food during lunch and dinner so I made a pickaxe out of it yeah check this out that’s crazy what oh my goodness we’re out of here we’re out of here let’s go we’re out of here hey hey hey hey hey

Shut Your yo we got to be quiet oh I’m sorry okay okay I’ll be a little bit more quiet huh where do we go do you do we go left or right left or right up up the stairs up the stairs oh that’s a dead end you’re right okay up the stairs

We go we’re going up we’re going up you’re going to set that CNT off okay and then when the police office is distracted we’re going to make a break for it that’s so smart all right um should I just put it here Sally I think

This would be a good spot oh no the police’s right there wife said more so wait criminals come back here oh my goodness everything just exploded s Sally we beat it out ah good work good work now uh here I’ll give you a little something for helping

Me out and I’m out of here see you oh Sally I hope you’re going to be okay um well I guess I’ll go this way you know I should probably check the areas I wanted to check before I came to the police station they got arrested let’s go to

The park the park should be right over here where’s everybody oh Jamesy maybe he got l in the wood me I’m going to get you E come here come here ew oh kids oh disgusting leave me alone my guys get away from me straight the danger straight the danger straight stra I need your help enough enough I need your help if you guys don’t listen to me I’m going to tell your B I put you in timeout

Diamonds yeah you guys see this I’ll give it to you if in exchange for some information uh what information okay well you know I actually need to know where a certain boy named Jamesy went he had an orange puty on and uh he probably went somewhere around here you guys see him

Oh that guy uh two diamonds what yeah I only have one I only have one I is for two diamonds two diamonds that’s too bad is there another way I I’ll do anything please I only have one Diamond no two diamonds please please you know what I’ll play

Hide and seek with you guys how about that are you guys good at hide and seek hide and seek hide and seek one diamond in hide and seek wait if I beat you guys then you guys have to tell me where this Jamesy Boy went sound good deal de sh

Fine okay well you know you guys should just go and run I’ll count on this tree right here okay I’m going to go I’m going to go to F5 mod and see where they hide in okay there’s one over there uh where’s the other one going he’s going

To the trees okay I’m going to run that way um okay guys time’s up I’m coming over now I don’t know where any of you guys in oh my goodness oh wow I found you that so cheater no I’m not a cheater I’m just going to hide and seek you just

Gave me cuties oh okay well you know what you’ve been Tagged so you’re out we need to go find the other girl where did she go I don’t know she must be somewhere over here I think I saw her I mean I didn’t see her I SM Mell her

H oh where’s that little laugh oh I know that Gremlin is over here somewhere where is she oh this way this way I smell her poop oh really wait has she pooped her pants really really okay wait wait I can spell this well I can oh oh

Oh you need to go to the diaper room oh my goodness you ta you told them where I was you stink gosh smell okay anyway so you guys have to hold up your end of the deal where’s Jamesy tell me now H he walked past here

A few hours ago hours yeah I think he was going to the beach or something way V towards the beach you told me guys different directions but okay I’m going to go to the beach the beach I’m going to the beach okay thank you guys so much

For your help um here you can hi you guys can have this one Diamond here you go come here you’re it you’re it okay oh remind me to never have kids guys oh my goodness I’ve been running around so much today and right after my wedding as well this is the worst honeymoon

Ever is that is that Sophie Sophie hey Sophie Sophie hey do you see me Sophie hello is that my oh hey Gracie oh my gosh what are you doing here what are you doing at the beach as well come here Gracie come here hurry some kids told me

They saw Jamesy head in this direction did you see him yeah well they were right I’m pretty sure I saw him bury something here earlier what why burying something oh we should start digging then I guess that’s weird it’s like the X Works a spot but what would he be

Burying no way his secret mistress a dead body maybe oh what crimes did he commit oh Sophie come on I Believe in Us we got to figure out what it is that he’s hiding creeper I what just happened and something exploded it almost hurt me oh

Careful Gracie come on it’s got to be around here somewhere what there it is wao that creeper did end up helping us a little bit yeah what’s inside oh well it’s a bunch of apples a bunch of app another creeper Sophie oh my goodness you have to be careful oh that’s crazy

Well at least it didn’t blow up the chest there’s just a bunch of apples here I mean why would Jamesy be sneaking around with a bunch of apples just this doesn’t make sense weird oh well I mean this is just confusing now well don’t give up Gracy I’m sure we can figure

This out wait huh that’s Shany right there he’s sneaking by the trees look oh my goodness go after him come on wait we have to run after him no way at least we know he’s not missing or kidnapped we need to solve the mystery of the divorce

Where did he go oh my goodness he’s going to be around here somewhere uh wait what is this place is this a ranch oh my goodness you think they’ve got ponies maybe they do but that’s not our Focus right now so we don’t get distracted okay they need to get up here

We’re just going to hop this fence H this is a Giant’s Ranch okay come on sopie look at these horses hey horses horses oh my goodness oh it smells like poop over there wait there there’s Jamesy what’s he doing over there what okay wait Grazy Gracie you st here I’m

Going to go sneak up and get a closer look and I’ll tell you what happens okay wait don’t go closer it’s going to be too dangerous and it’s obvious it’s fine oh sopie fine whatever okay you do what you want to do oh there he is he’s right

Outside the house what can he be doing he seems to be like waiting for somebody is that another girl what why does he look so happy oh no I need to hide behind this tree what’s going on why is he with another girl oh no he’s cheating on me with a horse

Girl I can’t believe this is actually happening but I need to confirm my suspicions what are they doing wait are they going on horses what no way they’re going on a horse date that’s so cute I’ve been asking jamy to do that for ages now and he always says no oh this

Is why it’s because he’s going on dates with other girls to do horse riding I’m going home I’m going home I hate that boy oh so this is why Jamesy wanted to divorce me and that’s why he was gone so early this morning he already fell

Out of love with me and he’s in love with somebody else so I bet he’s going to go and marry that that farmer girl or horse girl instead I can’t believe this the audacity maybe I should just watch some TV in the meantime that show was so sad sad I

Can’t believe they got married and live happily ever after if only my life was like that Gracie Gracie let me in oh Sophie it’s you I don’t want to talk right now I’m going through something really terrible don’t come talk to me leave me alone oh Gracie you leave me no

Choice what are you doing now I’m sorry Gracie but I had to what mean you’re sorry you literally exploded my house oh you don’t understand Gracie I know you’re upset but you got to look at what I found what are those horse eggs what why are you giving these

To me this doesn’t matter I’m confused well actually Gracie I found these Gracie live here it’s a police guy um hey are those horse eggs yeah look at these yeah look look over there look over there something distracted yeah yeah check check these out yeah they’re pretty cool what’s going on where did

You get these horse egg from don’t worry about it did you steal these eggs no no I didn’t I didn’t you’re looking awfully sus right now oh no what I literally didn’t guys yeah she didn’t she’s she’s innocent oh don’t arrest her you know what you’re arrested what no Gracie look

At the evidence hey let her go she didn’t do anything the girl who blew up the PlayStation rescue hey get away from her come here oh my God you’re not going to catch me run get away from her I’m running I’m running oh my goodness oh my good don’t you P

Me gra remember to look at the evidence thank you Sophie oh my goodness I can’t believe Sophie actually helped me escape that policeman is terrible okay let’s go back to the horse rush and figure out how to confront Jamesy H why did Sophie say to look at the evidence it’s just a

Horse spawning and a bunch of apples was from earlier I don’t understand you know what these taste pretty nice I’m going to eat them okay it’s time to figure out the real truth of what James is doing and why he’s divorcing me okay wait how did

These horses Escape I didn’t get out the way why are they stampeding what’s going on ah there’s one over here too oh my goodness it’s going to hurt me oh I hate horses I hate horses here have some apples get the sh this it’s working okay

He can have the apples it’s time to go in gosh it’s like everything’s against me today it’s time to get to the bottom of this czy what are you doing here wait what are you doing here tell me what’s going on right now there’s that girl that’s your mistress that you’re

Cheating on me with hey tell me the truth uh miss it isn’t what you think I swear oh really I’m going to get you what wao hey hey you think you’re going what do you think you’re going H her don’t hit her I’m going to get her oh

Why are you protecting her now I’ve got a saddle just because she’s a horse girl doesn’t mean I can’t be one too get back here girl guys stop stop it stop it I’m going to get you oh you think you’re so slick don’t you oh look at you jumping

Over the fences I’ll get you please come I can be just as good of a horse girl as you are you guys are so fast my goodness you come back here I’ve got you former PTY you’re cornered you’re cornered stop right now and get off your horsey M

Please please calm down we can talk about this Gracie stop I can explain everything okay you know what you better explain I deserve some explanation why do you think I’m trying to divorce with you I never said that well Sophie said that she heard you saying that you wanted to get a

Divorce no I told her that I wanted to get you at a horse wait what you wanted to get the horse like not the horse but the horse oh my go that’s so and the farmer girl is just helping me pick one cuz I knew

You wanted a fast one and the one that could jump high why so it’s like a wedding gift this whole time that was so silly oh my goodness we should totally go on Honeywood now anyway oh Jon you were like the cutest when you were a little baby I know why

Was so fat so chubby what was your favorite subject in school I think lunch do what of course you would say that you love eating okay but seriously though what was it I don’t know I I can’t really remember what my fa favorite subject was that was still ages ago

Jamesy Jamesy Jamesy look behind you there’s a fire ah we have to put it out we have to be good citizens for fire are bad get across wait it’s it’s like an asteroid it’s an asteroid wo this is so cool what’s the strange Rock in the

Middle I’m going to stand on it wait Jamesy um you should probably be more careful what’s the worst second happen Gracie bo bo bo bo bo Jam JY Gracie why why am I so small you’re a baby you turned into a baby I told you don’t to touch the

Asteroid look what happened oh no I’m so tiny what am I going to do wow Jamesy at the police see that you’re not in school you’re going to get in lots of trouble we have to send you back to school get over here what no I’m too old for school

Stop it you’re not too old and now you have to decide what your actual favorite subject is and you can’t say lun oh my goodness I don’t want to go back for okay V it’s okay Jamesy even though I’m sending you to school I’ll still come

With you anyway wait really okay yay mom go to school um I’m not your mom Jamesy I’m your girlfriend oh no my boyfriend got turned into a little baby what does this mean what does that make you gra I don’t know all right Jamesy let’s go in

And meet your new teachers um oh it’s the prin principal oh hey principal this is my boyfriend and I’m sting in the school uh excuse me did you just say boyfriend um see that makes you weird um no no no no no this is um this is my son

Yeah this is my son and I’m sending him to school ah all right a see well hello there little fell Welcome to our wonderful institution quy quy he’s scary yeah um anyway so Mr principal where can he find his first classroom uh well let’s see let’s get your registered

Little fella and then I’ll take you to your first class all right Perfect all right here’s your student ID little fella okay what does this mean this is so that we know that you are a student at our school okay where do I go first

Class wait Jamesy let me see that let me see that wow you have your first student ID I’m such a proud um proud mother anyway um so what’s his first class Mr principal Bo his first class of the day will be math class so uh let’s let’s get

You to class little fella jamy jamy stop running around you can’t catch me running in the h no running in the Halls uh yes here it is math plus there you go young man I hate math Jamesy what’s 1+ one 11 uh what’s four time 5 uh 45

That’s wrong okay well principal this is why he needs to go to school anyway thank you for showing us around yes I’ll be getting back to my principal duties now well I hope you’re ready for our first math class I hope they let stay inside as well well jamy remember you

Can’t tell anybody that I’m your girlfriend okay I’m your mother for all they know okay B well um oh there’s your teacher Jamesy there’s your teacher oh welcome here we have a new student in the school today yes that’s me that’s me yeah this annoying little boy here well

I’m sure you’re going to have a great day this is a wonderful school you’re very lucky young man you smell bad excuse me um anyway um just ignore him is it all right if I stick around for the day he’s a little bit of a troubled

Kid so he does need my help a little bit oh sure that’s no worries are are you his mother um yeah yeah I’m his mother I’m his mother she’s lying she kidnapped me no he’s don’t listen to him I told you he’s a bit trouble just just don’t

Listen don’t worry oh yes I understand can’t say the weirdest thing sometimes I know right anyway uh let’s get started so welcome to your home room and math class did you do your homework homework I hate homework J uh well um anyway oh no worries I was just kidding there’s no homework yet

This is your first day yeah James you’re a new students don’t forget about that all right now you’ve taken your seat let’s get started with math class please sit in your chair properly yeah sit in your chair Jesy okay Jamesy remember school isn’t a playground you actually

Have to listen to the teachers okay am listening what’s the first lesson so the first lesson today you’ll be drawing some shapes on your easel so that you get better at holding a pencil oh like geometry oh my goodness I can hold a pencil no problem I got big fingers um

Okay Jamesy let’s start by drawing some very basic shapes I want you to draw a triangle this is so easy I’m not a little kid I’m an adult uh what about me Miss Jonesy should I do anything you can join in and draw a triangle too if you

Want okay I I haven’t got a penc though could you give me one oh yes no problem uh Jamesy I finished my triangle how does yours look like I finished mine and mine looks amazing really let me take a look nice work Jamesy that’s a pretty good triangle what about mine oh yours

Is wonderful I see you didn’t quite connect the line at the bottom but that’s all right it looks very nice jamy didn’t either I mean it’s it’s kind of just going off the edge look at this exactly I’m just I’m predicting the future yeah you should Mark points off

Of that well okay I’ll give you two a second try with another shape are you ready okay Jamesy a square you can’t mess this one up square square easy I can do Square every day of week well I’m going to be a show off and instead of

Drawing a square I’m going to draw a cube boom Jamesy do you know what a cube looks like yeah it’s a Fredy Square well let me see your drawing look my looks so good what do you think um what is this why does it look so squiggly what do you

Think m Jonesy oh well it looks a little bit like a piece of cheese but it’s not too bad well done Jamesy what how anyway Miss Josie look at mine isn’t it way better oh that’s a very lovely Cube Miss gri yeah I know all my shapes cuz I’m an

Adult I’m an adult too oh how cute yeah he’s definitely not a real adult he’s just a baby I was okay well let’s do a h shape H shape harder ones all right if you want something challenging try and draw a hexagon that’s a shape with six sides a hexagon

Oh I don’t think J is going to pass this one you know what I’m going to use this line tool right over here one two line three lines four lines five lines six lines seven lines eight lines um I think this is an octagon oopsie daisies I just

Made a hexagon look at this jamy how’s your basic going my hexit G is done have a look guys um one two three four five that’s a pentagon James I’m AF you got five sides Jamesy goodness I can’t count JY come over here look at mine this is a real hexagon

There’s one two three 4 five six sides how was I supposed to know that um Jamesy well you are a bit of a baby it’s okay well Jamesy I’m afraid since you got that last shape wrong I can only give you a B for math class

Fine fine just going to overwhel you got to be that’s terrible it’s okay Jamesy maybe you’ll do better in your next class you got to find out what your favorite subject is oh wait it’s all right A B is not so bad what do you mean

B is not bad b stands for bad it can also stand for best and better well maybe it stands for bloated cuz that’s what you look like right now anyway let’s go disrespectful Jamesy take that back tell your teacher sorry you can’t say that to miss Jonesy what’s our next

Class oh your next class will be gym so you better head to the gymnasium let give be isn’t it crazy let’s go where is it well jamy this school is so big isn’t it I can’t wait to see what my JY teacher is like hopefully he’s nicer

Than that last one you didn’t like Miss Jonesy I thought she was really sweet anyway where is it where’s the gym oh right here wait looks like he’s placing down some cones maybe you’re doing some basketball today wo it looks so cool um I don’t know about that anyway let’s go

Say hi to him hey Mr Joe hi are these the new recruits I a recruit yes sir recruits I’m I’m not a recruiter I’m just here to send my kid to school I see you’re a wuss are you Miss well welcome little man I hope you’re ready to get B

Yeah would be as strong as you all right so for today in this gym class we’re going to do an obstacle course are you ready what yeah look at me I’m so Speedy Mr Joe he not very athletic I’m worried he’s going to hurt himself are

You sure he could do this he’s just a baby ah don’t worry Miss that’s what JY class is for get it RI oh gosh okay Jamesy I guess you’re going to get ripped look at your little boy arms anyway oh I don’t know if this is going

To go well can I just watch over here from the bleachers yeah ma’am if that’s what you want to do go for it all right little man come over here I’m coming up bo bo you’re going to do a quick warm up and then I’m going to take you to the

Real course got it I’m ready yeah ready all right you’re going to zigzag through these cones hop on those blocks and land on the Slime box Ready set go I’m so fast look at me go crazyy how I doing mom you look so cute what 360 W good job nice job nice job

Was that fast that was pretty good little man I got to say so what’s the real thing that was just the warm up now it’s for the real stuff come this way I’m coming you’re telling me that my little James is going to be doing this jum course yep it’s time for the

Bleachers are you ready no no no this is way too dangerous jamy are you okay are your legs okay I’m fine are you guys ready um I don’t know jamy I’m really worried Mr Jones are you sure he’s going to be okay uh he’ll be fine breaking

Bones makes a man what yeah I going be a man again anyway 3 two 1 go go go be careful are you okay are you okay oh let me kiss your boo boo now get away from me come on careful J careful I’m going look at

Me go I made it wow JY I’m so proud of you look at you oh my little boy all grown up Mr Jones Mr Jones what grade did I get again A+ and a a minus maybe that’s work Soldier W you completed the course but uh you didn’t to make it in

The time limit so I’m going have to give you a c for that Jamesy you didn’t make it in the time limit oh okay oh my goodness okay well what class do I have next anyway I believe you got history deck so you best be getting your boot out of here go go

Go I’m leaving I’m leaving oh gosh back when I was in school that was my least favorite subject all right Jamesy if you want to get a good score you have to make a good impression don’t be weird like all the last times you met the

Teachers okay this time you have to be really normal it’s not my fault the teachers are so strange you’re the strange one okay sh be quiet we got to be normal okay hi Mrs Smith oh why hello there young one why is it smell like dead people in here you’ve ruined

Everything again I told you we had to be normal um excuse my son Mrs Smith I’m sorry ah yes no worries I hope you’re ready for a pop quiz to test your knowledge on world history po Quest oh I knew I hated history for a reason are

You serious okay yes here you go and another notebook for you okay do we just write our answers in here yes and then I will grade them when you’re done are you ready okay okay all right the first question is what came first garton of band bad or rainbow

Friends this is so easy U Jamesy I don’t know can I look at your answers um show me your answers please no no no no cheating I expected better of you miss as his mother yeah I’m his mother I forgot about that I I put my answer down

Uh Mrs Smith I think it’s going to be this one right he came out a while ago anyway what’s the second question all right second question what came first Minecraft or Roblox oh my goodness another super easy question it’s got to be Minecraft right all right right are

You ready for question three okay question three surely it’ll be easy question three how old am I Mrs Smith how would I know how old she is this question is also extra credit I might add so please choose careful extra credit well um she looks pretty old I

Mean she’s a teacher so she’s got to be old and she does sound really old too she’s got to be like 42 you know that’s that’s going to be my answer 42 years old anyway I’m finished do I just give it to you now yes please turn in your

Quizzes if you’re done I’m done as well I’m going to win Gracie I’m going to win what this first one is from Jamesy you wrote down rainbow friends Minecraft and 21 lovely work lovely work you look so young so pretty give me a good grade James oh thank you young man that I

Really appreciate that now for Miss Gracie let’s see one g of Ben Ben H I’m afraid that’s incorrect the correct answer should be rainbow friends it’s rainbow friends JY how did you know that oh you play video games way too much see number two you put Minecraft I believe

That is also incorrect yeah Grazy oh wait so I got two questions wrong already okay my third answer has got to be correct Miss Gracie put 42 years old very incorrect very incorrect what I you look 20 I mean what that’s not fair Gracie I’m afraid you got all the

Answers on the quiz wrong so I’m afraid I have to give you an F an f are you serious Jamesy you got one answer wrong but everything else seemed good so I give you a b a b how did J A go back to school stupid face no I knew I always

Hated history class it’s the worst class ever I love history I love you oh thank you very much young one I really I really appreciate that now I I believe it’s time for your science class so you better get going oh my goodness byee I can’t believe I’ve been chaperoning this

Kid this entire time maybe I need to find a way to lose him I’m going to just run this way hopefully he won’t notice oh look he’s so lost and BET’s lost isn’t he where’s quy qu I’m quiet quiet oh look at that I feel kind of bad now um oh no you know what jamy Jamesy um I I I’m right here stop crying don’t cry JY stop crying I was just playing hide and seek uh speaking of which did you want to play a game of

Hide and seek before we started the next class no I just want to go to science class science class is over here Jamesy I’m pretty sure it’s the lab right here okay all right Jamesy this is going to be the best class we’re both going to

Get a pluses okay okay we’re both going to get a pluses what if we like do something wrong we turn ourselves into frogs or something well um then you can stay as a frog I don’t really care wa it’s so scientific in here I love it oh

Me a prium shush shush um hey Miss June um it’s me I’m James’s uh mother and I’m just here because uh he needs some chaperoning today how do you do little scientist are you ready to get started yes all right all right take your seat well what are we doing at this class

Today this the this last labatory looks really amazing Miss June ah yeah thank you I’ve been I’ve been cleaning it up you know uh anyway let’s see today we’re going to be making some potions potions okay Jamesy um I I’m sure you’re going to have lots of fun with that right yeah

I love potions especially when I get to turn Gracie into her normal being a frog I’m not a frog a frog potion I got to write that down that sounds like an interesting concept but today we’ll be starting with something pretty pretty safe pretty easy we’re going to be

Making some fire potion fire potion J your favorite are they orange uh yeah I believe so J be careful you might knock something over no no no I’m running around I’m wet I’m wet is this water all righty you two there should be plenty of potion ingredients around the

Classroom so uh get searching I’m going to get first I’m going to finish first wait oh I found it I found it okay I can’t tell Jamesy I can’t tell Jamesy um where where I can’t find anything oh there’s no materials oh my goodness they must have ran out of the materials

That’s so crazy oh I found it I found it wa this stuff is real pure Mrs June how did you get the carbon monoxide and the blaze palette to be so separated even have the high concentration of plutonium liquid in there H wow little one that

Was quite The Spar you got there how do you know all there oh um I just studied this in a college I mean um laugh think of a baby yeah he’s a baby he did he doesn’t know any of this stuff um he’s totally not like an adult turned into a

Baby or anything no no no no you got quite the little genius on your hand there Miss Gracie yeah what can I say you know my genetics like they they just made it really smart Oh no I got this potion instead this is not right oh here you go

Jamesy ah careful don’t be breaking my beakers he hit me with an awkward potion okay well I’m now going to add Magma Cream to my potion yes I got a fire resistance potion I’m going to win no no no no no no no you don’t no you don’t what do you

Mean give it back that was mine give here give it back give it back give back I’ll give it back don’t worry yeah I’m going to beat you up chill give bruises okay look I give you your potion back you can have it anyway Miss June I

Finished first so you can have this potion not fair looks good consisten See’s red color is very vibrant orange let me get a little taste try it gosh I hope it doesn’t poison her this works mighty fine Miss Gracie really I’ll give

You an a yes yes yes I got an A I got an A finally I got it here you go oh let me take a look another five Resistance potion mhm good consistency ni smell now for the little taste tast oh I hope it poisons her yep all right I think it

Checks out uh you did go a little bit slow though so I’m going to have to give you a c but overall that’s work not fair J you got got to see you got to see all righty I think your last class should be building so uh it’s down that Hall down

The hall all right Jamesy come over here it’s time for building yeah except you suck at building no offense all right jamy it’s time for the building Class come on let’s go C why are we even doing this class I’m already an expert Builder no you’re not we’ll see who’s actually

Better at building when we get our scores back I’m totally going to get an A+ I’m going to get an A+ Plus+ um oh hey Mr Bob hey y what’s up dudes you ready to build um are you ready to lose homie I like your spirit little man all

Right we’re going to be building a couple things here I hope you’re ready what are we building what are we building yeah what are we building all right let let me assign a couple builds so uh you miss you’re going to be building a basketball basketball okay

That sounds fun uh you little dude you’re going to be building a globe have fun with that a globe a globe yep a globe of the world and uh for me I’ll be joining in for fun I’ll just build a book simple stuff because you’re boring let’s

Go okay okay looks like I have to build a basketball course of course I’m going to make it Pig because pig is the best color ever all right dudes and dudads remember y all got like uh 10 minutes to finish your build so uh let’s get it I

Don’t need that much time I’m just going to build this right now yeah you know what uh you might not know this Builder but we we actually secretly pro builders we do builds like all the time oh yeah nice let’s see what you got gra what do

You think of my Earth so far what you created a circle like this already Jamesy careful how’d you get up there I just finished building my basketball hoop over here Gracie you realize there’s a command block in the middle of the Builder that lets you fly right

There is what oh that would be so great well well I pr it now I’m in Creative I can do all all the building I won yeah unfortunately though it only lasts till the end of the Build Challenge and you don’t get to keep your materials so yeah

It’s not that great but yeah are you serious okay well um wait James’s build is actually looking kind of good it’s not fair that he got an easy proms how am I supposed to do basketball when he’s doing glob maybe we should go troll him guys it’s so annoying being so small I

Can’t reach any of the things oh you can’t reach anything JY oh don’t worry I can totally help you did you need help with anything Jamesy oh wow you’re being such a sweet girlfriend right now I I know you love me and you wouldn’t do

Anything to hurt me right oh no yeah I’m totally I’m just putting some water on your build right now so like you know it looks realistic it’s going to look amazing so am amazing what happened to my air oh my gosh oh Mr Bob is there something going

On yeah like blew my build no I didn’t do that what’s going on dude dude I think there’s a glitch in your build like I think your Arena has like TNT in it or something it’s not right what no dude I I checked it before uh all right

I’ll do a little bit of Maintenance where you two keep building yeah jamy I told you it’s probably just something wrong with the arena it was you you don’t have any evidence of that anyway I’m even going to put cobwebs inside of my basketball court to make it

Extra extra realistic crazy thanks for breaking my thing I decided to re build it but way bigger oh no this is so bad okay let me just help you like with this a little bit no stop it stop it there’s no cob weapons my Earth stop it fine you

Gave me no choice no choice at all you know Gracie I’ve been holding in my pee this entire day I’ve not been to the toilet once and you know how much the little boys need to go to the toilet right time to relieve myself no JY get out of here bro are you

Serious machine gun oh my goodness Mr Bob Mr Bob hey yo what’s what’s going on oh oh what is that rancid smell that’s not me man I didn’t do this okay look Jayy over here um he needs to go to the nurse I mean just look at him he has a

Uncontrolled bowel movements he can’t control them I can control them they’ve been controlled I just controlled them in her direction that is nasty I told you you should totally give him lower scores for this well anyway y’all got a couple more minutes bro so uh uh I suggest you uh keep building oh

Jamesy wow this basketball court is looking way better and now and now I just need to create the basketball I think this is pretty good James a I think we should go and TR Mr Pop wait you’re right his book actually looks kind of good what James what should we

Do then I don’t know you’re the adult you have the big brain okay you know what I think you should go distract him you can be the distraction and I’m going to go in and use this fire TNT and blow everything up okay Mr ball yeah little

Dude you done so you know I had Mrs Jones earlier right oh yeah uh Miss Jonesy yeah I know her yeah you know she was she just kept talking about you the whole lesson bro no way for real yeah she said you were cute and stuff oh this

Is perfect now I can sneak around dude oh what exactly did she say give me my goodness he’s so strong such a great builder in fact you should go and look towards the window right now you might see her look um look up there up there I

Have been working out yeah yeah stand right there just don’t look around crazy keep going oh my goodness oh my goodness this is crazy I can’t believe he’s falling for it I smell barbecue hey yo what’s going on bro bro dude which one you did it oh it come

On I I know one of you did it it was Shing This Is How We Do build C just in an all World bro yeah man Mr Bob anyway we’re finished with our build it’s a fire hazard man I I got to tell the principal no but uh uh before that

Before that I I’ll grade your builds first oh man the kids these days well it looks like this is James’s build it looks terrible doesn’t it uh actually I think it’s I think it’s pretty good uh I can see the uh the artistic eye you got

Here little little dude yeah trees are a nice touch got a got to look out for our planet you know I I like that meaning what yeah and there’s even water oh yeah there’s there’s water around down here very nice very nice I like that dude gosh okay well look at my basketball

Court isn’t this really good uh gra where even is the basketball uh it’s right here obviously this is the basketball uh yeah I I’m afraid this isn’t quite right Miss looks kind of like a piece of poo if I’m being honest okay but what about these hoops these

Hoops are pretty good though watch this Kobe anyway you think you’re good at basketball I’ve been practicing w SL dog dog Jam that’s crazy what how did you jump so high oh I may be small but I’m athletic watch this ready ready three two one yo bro you know what for that

Amazing basketball performance I won’t tell the principal about uh your other activities during this task okay well this wa this build all right yeah let me rate it little dude Jamesy you get an A I I like this build what about me what about me H your Hoops are pretty good

Miss Gracie but I’m going to have to mark you down for this poop ball here go it’s it’s a basketball what we going that M his spell um yeah this is a zero um this is like a f minus like a z like a z+ yeah well last I checked I was the

Teacher here so um I don’t even need a grade anyway you going to be Miss Gracie oh come on jasy we still haven’t figured out to turn you back to normal oh oh wait wait I got turned back into survival mode ow shame oh I guess when

You leave the build Arena you don’t have the same abilities anymore all righty remember to head back to Home Room dudes Home Room oh I forgot about that it’s almost the end of the day Jamesy oh my goodness you’re about to finish your first day of school all righty Jamesy time to head

Back into Home Room okay I’m really hungry I can’t actually move I got to steal this Welcome Back YouTube how was your first day hey Miss Jonesy these apples are old those were foam decorations you weren’t supposed to eat those Jamesy you’re such a teacher’s pet you’re supposed to give the Apple to

Miss Josie um well anyway I’m glad you two had fun today uh I think I found the solution to your problem by the way I stopped by the chem lab earlier what wait uh what do you mean our problem what are you what do you know about us

What do you know oh well I’ve heard that this one here actually isn’t a child he just is under some kind of spell yeah yeah it’s qu um yeah yeah I’m I’m not his real mother how did you know oh my goodness wait so you can heal him you

Can turn him back he’s been so annoying yes the science teacher whipped something up and she gave it to me to give to you okay well Splash it on him Splash it on him all right let’s do this 3 2 1 yeah Jason you’re so big yo what’s

Up bro who’s up um Miss jie Hees normally talk like that J I’m back it’s a nor oh my gosh that’s also not how he talks Jamesy whatever all I’m back okay I’m here W I love this show so much I love it huh someone’s at our door Jamesy

Wait you can wait here okay I’m waiting oh there’s a letter look is it for me is it for me let’s read it okay do you want to test that your love is as powerful as it can be our love yes it of course is could you pick your boyfriend or

Girlfriend out of a room of a hundred of equals wait like a bunch of fake Jamies oh my gosh of course you can right well come on down to the circus and figure out if that’s true oh my gosh we should do it we should do it you will believe

What’s on the next page be in a chance to win $1 million million what that’s amazing yes we need to do this right now let’s go let’s go to the circus oh my goodness we’re almost at the circus it’s humus look at this thing I can’t wait to

Win $1 million buy a yacht at a mansion oh hi hello oh you smell very nice today jamy I’m scared let me hide behind you this guy is really weird do we really want to do this no I don’t want to do this anymore he’s really really

Creepy Don’t Be Afraid come on into my circus I don’t want to okay wait this is a weird circus it’s really empty huh everything’s getting what what’s happening I’m getting dizzy GR see H what there’s so many Jamies come on there’s got to be something that

Tells me which one is the real one H they all look exactly the same to me but I need to figure out which one is the real one so I can win $1 million wait what’s that chest doing over there behind this Jamesy let me go

See what’s inside a king wand oh this will probably reveal the disguise of the fake Jamies but I can’t use use this all the time because then I won’t win the $1 million I have to be really careful first of all James’s really good at parkour I’m going to create a parkour

Course to find which one is a fake Jamesy and I can demor them now I’ve created the parkour course and whoever is last to get to the platform is probably a fake Jamesy and I’m going to hit him with the wand on your marks get set and go wo they’re going really quick

Oh look they’re failing at the fences this one’s almost at the end no way huh it has to to be the real Jamesy right more and more of them are making it to the end I really hope James’s in this area or else we might actually never win

The $1 million what did this Jamesy just push everybody off the platform what is happening they’re fighting oh look he’s doing that Dan that Jamesy always does it has to be him right wait there’s only two people left what they both failed at the same time this one’s almost at the

End what oh no it’s just this one now oh sorry but I have to eliminate you 3 2 1 boom it’s Ste morphing is it Jamesy is it what Lou oh my gosh Gracie what just happened to me I don’t know we’re trying to win 1 million dollar and we have to

Find the real Jamesy but how did you get here Louie well one second I was smelling the roses in my garden and next minute I’m Jamesy oh no that’s so scary it’s okay we’re going to find the real one let’s do the Second Challenge Lou we need to find something that James’s

Really bad at so we can find who he is wait Gracie I think I have the perfect idea we both know that James’s terrible at drawing right that’s not true all the Jamies are bad at Lou Lou protect yourself hey guys leave him alone well Lou I’m sorry but we have to

Do a drawing Challenge and hopefully you don’t get beat up again well Lou this looks great but what should we make them draw wait there’s nothing better than getting Jamesy to draw Jamesy oh you’re right the one with the best drawing can’t be Jamesy so we’ll have to hit the

One with the best drawing sounds good Gracie let’s see what they draw wo this drawing has lots of brown hair look Lou wait this one actually looks pretty good look he’s doing a silly little dance but he forgot about his orange hoodie that’s no good wait Gracie look at this one it

Kind of looks like a beach ball wait oh I see it’s the hair and then the eyes are all white that’s kind of weird but what about this one this one looks a bit funny oh wait the eyes look pretty cool I guess which one do you think is the

Worst looking one right now I think this one right here Gracie look over here what is that wait L what is this it seems like he’s doing the outline but it seems like he also forgot the colors yeah it looks really silly but this one’s a perfect square wait that

Actually looks kind of similar to his skin look over here Gracie this one looks super cute a it’s like a little baby jamy everyone is starting to add color now they all look pretty good but some of them also look pretty bad I don’t know who Jamesy would be this one

Looks exactly like a Minecraft skin that’s really professional oh my gosh the eyes just came in and it looks beautiful wait is he throwing me oranges is wait James’s favorite fruit is oranges we definitely need to keep this one in the game wait what’s going on this James is going into this James’s

Painting are they working together huh what he’s putting a big red egg on this one I don’t think they’re working together he’s sabotaging this Jamesy I do kind of think it looks a bit better it’s kind of red and all hey Lou you like red way too much but oh no this

Jamy only has 30 seconds left to fix this painting it’s just getting worse and worse Lou come look czy are you sure you’re not pranking this painting it’s all Pig but now I’m tempted to maybe I should add a little bit more pig as well that’s so evil but we only have 5

Seconds left 5 4 3 2 and one everyone hands up or should I say pallets up I’m super excited to see all of these drawings Gracie let’s judge this one first wow yeah this one’s super cute and the colors are really good I know right what about this never mind maybe we

Should talk about this one later maybe this one is Jamesy Gracie yeah I think this is Jamesy she looks like an egg and what about this one it’s got a pink background but Jamesy hates pink H maybe he was just trying to impress you with his drawing Gracie that’s true and this

One um I don’t know about this one it looks like a pink mess yeah I think this one’s more of an abstract piece yeah but I don’t really like it and this one looks really realistic look what no no no this is too realistic Gracie and this

One has a full body now that we’ve seen all the paintings we have to pick which one is the best one L which one are you thinking H I think I vote this one it just looks so good me too I think it’s super cute and this one is definitely

The winner look he’s putting backgrounds behind it but I don’t think he’s supposed to be doing that yeah he was supposed to stop drawing stop it’s okay we’re going to cure him and probably a pro painter Will Come Out 3 2 1 I hope this isn’t my boyfriend come on yes oh

My goodness hello welcome we saved you thank you so much no problem go go be free this is going great now we have to do the next challenge you know what James is really really good at racing wait does that mean we get to build a

Racing track let’s do it and let’s make it a pig race just cuz pigs are pink and they’re super cute let’s make this track go around in a circle doy this is perfect but maybe we should add some traps on the way first let’s put some

Spikes that they will have to dodge on their Piggies but we should also do a lava pit Lou that would be so funny wait does that mean they’ll have to dodge the lava as well maybe we should give them some like swiftness potions to make it harder to dodge you’re right let’s make

Their piggies go super duper fast Gracie come and take a look at what what I’ve just done over here let me see I added swiftness three to all of these dispensers look how go I’m so Speedy I’m also going to make some holes but cover them with ghost blocks so that in case

The pigs fall down there they’ll be stuck and have to go back up wait Lou what’s going on over there wait is that a heart what of the jameses buil me a heart W that’s super duper cute and they’re holding a huh they gave me a flower that’s totally something my

Boyfriend would do a wait but they all mixed each other up now I can’t tell which one just did that wait you’re right which one’s the one that gave me the flower dang it looks like we still have to do this challenge oh come on let’s keep going Gracie I built this

Little laser thing just so they all have to go through this tiny little Gap I love it some of those fat piggies are probably going to go into these lasers and maybe even die oh no and you know pigs are really lazy right Lou wait they

Are I didn’t know that I’m going to make them do a hiking trip look they have to go up these stairs oh no wait Lou what are you doing I’m just putting some water down in the middle maybe if we make some kind of carrot Farm we can

Distract the pigs you’re right pigs love eating carrots they’re going to love this wow this is amazing look at all these yummy carrots M these pigs won’t be able to resist well I think I’m ready to start let’s get all the Jamesy over here at the beginning line wait what’s

That Jamesy doing he already has a pig and a saddle and he’s been practicing Wait no that’s like totally cheating wait only Jamesy would do that though yeah he loves winning so much he definitely would practice let’s get them all pigs and saddled up everyone line up

Behind the gates are you guys all ready it seems like they are Gracie go ahead 3 2 1 go wow this one’s going really quick wait that one just fell into the hole looky has to get out now that’s so silly come on Gracie quick they’re all

Way they’re all the way over here what they already made it to the end no one of them just died to the lasers and huh this one was first Lou they’ve completed their first lap but they still have to do three more laps it seems like this

James’s kind of stuck Gracie yeah what’s happening over here I’m pretty sure this guy can’t do five laps like this maybe it’s because he’s stuck in the lasers look he can’t get out oh no I think we should give him a Fighting Chance at least go ahead go go go save yourself

Wait this one doesn’t even have a pig huh he’s just running it no no no you’re not supposed to do that get on a pig silly but who’s then the least slaps I think it’s this guy yeah he’s like lagging right behind he’s getting stuck in all the traps wait but this one’s

Going so fast what what is this what is this Jamesy feeding this pig huh he just splashed a speed potion that’s unfair look how fast he’s going he’s done like 900 laps I think this is his last lap oh my goodness he’s almost at the end oh and he’s finished he’s finished Jamesy

What do you have to say for yourself oh wait he can’t speak yeah of course but it’s definitely the real Jamesy so we can’t use the curing stick on him oh look there’s just two people left on the lap now wait I want to try I’m going after them right

Now really wait they’re literally equal how do I know which one’s the fake Jamesy now well this one’s kind of stuck back here this might be a fake Jamesy what’s happening to him he just ran off no way is he going to catch up to the

Last one is he going to catch up he’s stuck in the carot F we’ve got to see no way that was so on time do you know which one was faster well I’m pretty sure the one on the pig did did it legit you’re right I think the guy who wasn’t

On a pig and ran is the fake Jamesy okay Lou are you ready to cure this fake Jamesy yep your time of being Jamesy is finished get it let’s win that $1 million 3 2 1 go easty morphing easty moring come on come on come on wait

Daddy it’s Daddy let’s go we just saved another person thank you so much then you’re welcome get out of here go go go well Lou now we need to find another thing that James’s good at well Gracie I’m pretty sure Jamesy tells some pretty funny jokes you’re right he’s actually

Hilarious he always makes me laugh let’s make them do a comedy challenge sounds like a good idea but how are we going to do that each one of them will have to tell us a joke and whoever makes the worst joke will be eliminated sounds good Gracie let’s get going let’s have

The first contestant come up to the stage Don’t Be Afraid Jamesy tell your best joke why did the dinosaur cross the road why and that sounds a lot like Jamesy the chicken wasn’t born yet what that was a terrible joke I mean it’s because like the chicken turned into the

Dinosaur I kind of get it it’s a good point but wait Gracie this guy sounded really like Jamesy yeah he might actually be the real one let’s get the second contestant up go right ahead how does the moon cut his hair that sounds exactly like Jamesy as well

Yeah he’s really high pitched he eclipses it eclipse eclipse of what like he Eclipse his hair but like the lunar eclipse you know this the lunar eclipse wait that’s actually kind of funny though it’s okay whatever third contestant please what do you call a sleeping dinosaur wait Lou I think all

Of them sound exactly the same they definitely have some sort of voice changer well whatever let’s see the joke why Dino snore that is kind of funny let’s get the last contest enough how do you make an octopus laugh um how with tentacles Gracie that was kind of bad

Yeah Jamesy that was really bad I don’t know why you would say something like that why was his voice so deep yeah he sounded like an old old man you know what we need to eliminate him come on that’s not the real Jam stop it stop it

Get away get away 3 2 1 okay come on come on please yes oh my voice changer sucks oh that’s why you sounding like an old man yeah that was kind of funny a bit funnier than the jokes well you’re free now you can go on yeah get out of

Here bye-bye Lou we’re nearly halfway there’s only like three Jamesy left yes that’s perfect but how are we going to find the rest of the fake Jamies let’s do something like a paintball course or a shooting course cuz James’s really good at aim wait that’s a good point

Exactly let’s do that there’s a Jamesy over there shooting us no way James’s really good at aim and that one’s really really good he’s shooting me almost every time yeah he hit me first try oh no get out of here let’s create that course right now we need to save him

This paintball course is looking really good look there’s places to hide l lot of rocks and also lots of places to shoot from but we should create like a watchtower over here that way they can find people really easily if they come up here they’ll be really exposed but

They can also see everybody else on the map I’m also going to add some of these tiny little walls just so they can hide behind them this looks really cool I think we’re ready to start the game I’ve created a chest Lou we look they have a

Bunch of fire dragon steel chest plates arrows and bow there’s also Infinity bows so that they don’t run out of arrows wow they all look exactly the same H which Jamesy do you think will win this one Gracie I don’t know they all look so handsome I mean sorry Jamesy

If you’re the real one I’ve got my bets on this guy I want this guy to win sorry it looks like the middle one nobody cares about him well anyway you guys have 30 seconds to go in and hide before you guys can start shooting each other

So go go go hurry let’s go see where they hide wow these two are really close to each other this guy’s taking the roofs of their houses they’re all on the roofs what they all act like Jamesy don’t they yeah it seems like it’s going to be a long range roof shootout it’s

Cuz James is so short he always wants to be at the top of something there’s one on the Watchtower now he knows where everybody is well the 30 seconds are up come on guys you can start shooting oh my gosh he’s getting shot at he he just

Jumped down run oh no way but they’re all on one side of the map I’m AF I’m afraid that all of them are going to die at the same time like this absolutely not Gracie they’re all missing maybe jims’s actually terrible yeah that would be bad cuz that means we don’t know

Which one is the fake Jamesy this one seems to be hiding between the houses W and this one’s on the Rock looks like these two are dueling it out I wonder who’s going to win well he ambushed him he’s shooting him so fast oh my gosh go

Go go go go this is super fastpaced he’s inside the house no way all three of them are right next to each other oh no they’re teaming on the one in the house run run run wait each other they’re chasing wait and this guy’s just parkouring away he might actually be the

Real JT look at this you’re right his movements amazing but the rest are also really good and this looks like a porcupine I’ve just realized yeah he’s taking a ton of damage but he’s doing crazy 360 shots he might actually be incredible Gracie come over here take a look this

Guy is just hiding he’s super scared oh my gosh this is intense one of them just isn’t missing I know he’s way too good at this what he killed him no way that was the first person to die and that means we have to cure him let’s go see if it

Was the fake Jamesy Lou are you ready to demor him I’m ready go ahead 3 2 1 go look it’s heavy yes it’s not actually Jamesy let’s do it perfect thank you guys for saving me no problem Lou we’re one step closer to winning that $1

Million I know I can almost tasted no way we should do a build challenge next we all know that James is really good at building wait that’s a perfect idea I can’t wait to see what they build yeah and he would probably build something that he really really likes so let’s see

What they build 3 2 1 start oh my gosh Gracie they’re both off look wow I wonder what he’s building h he’s building with a bunch of Red Blocks I kind of like this of course you do Lou you love red what about this one he’s

Building with pink I love pink I love pink of course you would like this one Gracie calm down but it doesn’t make a lot of sense because Jamesy hates pink why would he build this I think Jamesy would run build with cool blocks like this um that’s not a cool block but this

Is looking really cool what is that I just realized something Gracie look this one is slightly pink red and orange you’re right and I think it’s a really cool sword which makes sense Jamesy loves fighting meanwhile this one looks like hm wait a second guys do you guys

See how I look like and look at this build it looks almost like exactly me could he be building me wait but maybe it’s one of the fake James’s trying to pretend you’re right Jamesy doesn’t like me that much well this Jamesy put a pink blog in between

Like it’s a Blog of Ruby wow it’s so pretty what this is awesome I love this sword meanwhile this is looking a bit goofy Gracie if this is actually me I feel really disrespected what is this Gracie I’m not too sure about this sword actually it’s kind of too hot I’m going

To cool it down yeah you’re right it’s way too orange I’m going to make it full of rubies as well yeah Netherrack is way better it’s red oh no this looks like the James’s really mad he’s trying to fix it but sorry we really need a little

Bit of coolness how about this water meanwhile this Jamesy is kind of building something a bit funny are you making it cry Gracie cuz it looks so sad and pathetic what’s going on here and look Lou this guy got revenge he added even more fire onto it so now it’s

Hotter than ever before ow hot hot hot hot hot L don’t go in the fire calm down wait what is this jenty doing he just trolled the other Jamesy by putting a bunch of water oh no how is this Jamesy going to react Buie come over here right

Now look at what the sign says girl AC is cute oh wait Gracie is cute Gracie is cute oh how could we be so silly of course I am right guys wait he’s putting signs all over this one saying this build is bad no what he is really

Jealous of the person who created this amazing magma sword only jamy could be that jealous oh there’s only 5 seconds left so they can only keep troll for so long 3 2 and one time’s up Lou it’s time to rate these B builds what do you think

About this one well it does look pretty good I love the fire and these magma bricks over here yeah and I love the rubies and this one over here is like me and I love myself but also Jamesy would never build me yeah I don’t know about

This I would never build something like this if I was trying to prove I’m real exactly Jamesy doesn’t like me that much hm I think this guy is the fake Jamesy let’s go cure him let’s get him then we are you ready to win that $1

Million I’m ready I can’t wait to be rich Let’s c 3 2 1 go huh wait wait a second Gracie Why didn’t it work wait let me try again it’s not working is this some kind of glitch or something I the be this is thing broken what about

This one let me try on this one 3 2 1 go wait oh my gosh see moring that was the fake James and we got the one failed and we are going to get the million dollars because of you two oh no how could this happen this means we’re not winning the $1

Million wait over there there’s a chest maybe that has a prize in it let’s just steal it let’s steal it let’s steal it oh my gosh there’s amazing stuff in there but there’s no money yeah what are we supposed to do with this wait the

Host is right there D what is he doing over there hello you smell good as always Gracie be quiet my friends you didn’t win but I feel bad for you so come with me and you can have your prize oh my gosh it’s money let’s get this

Money oh my go oh my gosh oh my gosh chase him chase him get the money off of him get him get him that that money that money wait what is that is that wither oh no oh no what is he doing don’t spun it in no you can either have the money

Or save the world oh guys we need to kill this wither where that blow houses come on hurry we need to save the world oh no oh no I hate wers I hate wers it shooting it look how much damage I’m doing good job J you’re doing great w

Guys he’s chasing me get the swords out and hit him please I’ll K kill it kill it come here wither I hate the Wither I will let you destroy this world we need to protect and save the world once again yes we killed him perfect let’s go good

Job guys we did it and we saved the world even though we didn’t win the money okay I’m tired I’m going back to bed yeah if you guys enjoyed the video please like And subscribe and watch the next video thank you so much bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Everyone LOVES GRACIE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2023-12-13 23:00:15. It has garnered 2241 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:35 or 8615 seconds.

Everyone LOVES GRACIE In Minecraft! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft.

Follow Jamesy! – Follow Our Roblox Channel! –

Follow Louie’s Channel! –

Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z.

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie

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  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

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  • Death Maul

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  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

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  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

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