How I Survived Forge Labs’s Minecraft Ship Wreck Simulation

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Look at me I’m stranded on this island this island filled with the most terrifying horrendous and disgusting creatures you’ll ever Lay Your Eyes on but I’m not alone there are seven other YouTubers here Shadow Kipling legendo Sean Kim Ryan and Steve we all started on our own islands with little to

Nothing and we need to survive for seven real life days if you die at any time you’re out kick from the server it’s that bad this account has been banned what from the start we’re gonna be able to kill each other but with the sort of

Monsters that are on this island I think we’re gonna need to work together if we’re ever gonna make it out of this alive this island has all sorts of things on it temples you got dungeons volcanoes you got this boat this cargo ship this is going to be insane but if

There’s one thing I’m certain of it’s that you need to like And subscribe because I’m trying to get to 100 000 subscribers okay and I need all the help I can get okay back to what I was actually saying if there’s one thing I’m certain of it’s that I need to make it

Off this island okay right off the bat I just want to say I messed up I redone the little BS and forgot to change the encoder settings so we got we got a little bit right whatever day one okay don’t trust Kim don’t trust Kim don’t trust Kim

Don’t trust him there’s stuff hidden on his Island that’s not hidden on your Islands okay after day one it’s it’s all better don’t worry it’s not this forever okay day one here we go look at this this is the first day and there was nothing on

This island okay I did do my best with whatever I could find for some reason when he broke a block everything above it would just break pretty cool right no no okay I almost died so many times because of it I mean we’re an hour in right now and I’m I’m sitting here

Almost dead I think I’m gonna die at this point it was night time and I I just wanted to know what I was going to be up against so I just I I needed to I needed to see the kind of monsters that were around I’m just staying down here I just want

To like see what all these monsters can do and if which ones I need to be worried about it’s like I want to get close to that that scary looking creeper look at the way it moves like why is it not walk oh it was a disguised skeleton

So I finally got a farm up and running I mean it took forever but I’m happy about it so now I can go mining and get some armor there’s just one thing I can’t do I can’t die or else I’m just out that’s it I gotta be very careful what is that

Do you see that what is all this that’s actual that’s an actual clown so Sean said the water was very dangerous but I decided to make a diving suit anyway I mean it gives water breathing so that’s cool no idea what the crush resist does though I hope I don’t have

To find out so the water the water actually wasn’t too bad but you know everything hit the fan when it was time to go home you know I saw these two eyes that’s a nightmare stalker okay these things are the worst I only want to talk

About them I don’t want to think about them you’ll see them later that’s that’s all I’m gonna say the cowboy skeleton with dynamite shadow open up so I decided to pay a visit to Shadow since you know his Island was pretty close to mine I’m just hoping that he

Doesn’t try to kill me or something can we make a pact of me and you not killing each other ever there’s like no reason to you know no I’m not I’m not I don’t plan on killing anybody because you’re closest we’re we have to work together like this is maddening we decided to

Work together but you know when I try to get back to my house there was the sharks everywhere it was like a shark party in the water oh that’s a shark Shadow I uh I don’t feel safe anymore there’s a huge shark in the water is there yeah

[ __ ] do you think I should just go for it and try to kill a shark oh I’m gonna try to lure the shark to the land okay this could be very bad do you have eyes on it oh there it is yeah I don’t want to go in the water oh

Wait I should get a bow huh yeah but would probably there’s two no it just killed one it killed the other that one shark killed the other shark they’re killing it did you see that no it’s killing the whale the whale they’re they’re fighting wait the whale killed it

The whale dude yeah I’m gonna go see what it’s dropped oh no the whale has marks all oh the shark’s coming I decided making a bridge would be the best thing to uh to make to get back to my Island oh yeah so I almost forgot

Everyone got a totem on their Island so I needed to go back me and Shadow wanted to go Adventure on the main island but I didn’t want to go without a totem after finally finding after some time you know I did I took I took a look at some of

The items that you can make from this mod pack and it seems like dark metal ingots are going to be very useful to make some really cool gear Shadow and I met back up and uh set off for the main island we had no idea what to expect there’s a chest right here

Oh let’s both take a name tag we’ll take a couple carrots oh okay that’s stuff in it or not oh sharpness three and fire aspect book oh nice oh the chest with a lot of with five diamonds and little emeralds wheat oh yeah oh it’s a totem of a dying

Oh look at that and four emeralds you’re what you can take that you take the emerald Sun these berries really oh I do see everything oh my God look at this thing no it’s like a prison no man we’re so screwed dad oh a diamond sword there’s the chest Sword

And the boots I got them pants so if you want if you want the chest I’ll take the boots yeah yeah do that do something do some reconnaissance yeah oh what’d you find oh man I found six of them six of what oh my God that’s six golden apples we

Came across what seemed like a military base or something we decided to go in at night which would be pretty dangerous so we slept in this Tower and headed out in the morning did you sure you don’t want to like break in through the sign no because it’s just an opening right here

Yeah but I feel like they want us they’d want us to go to the opening you know yeah oh that’s true look at this is all gravel oh there’s slime in that one oh there’s a golden eye let’s open that one I didn’t take anything

Um you can take that golden apple I want to take half the Slime something bad is gonna happen Okay so let’s just wow oh there’s a bow there how many arrows do you have we’re taking candy from a baby right now oh there’s a snake what there’s a snake oh my

Don’t shoot it why it’s gonna come at you that’s okay oh a lot of TNT 19 TNT here oh really since Hoppers I’ll take half a TNT we’ll use them on the nightmare guys yeah or sneeve [Laughter] I won’t tell him you said that uh a Humvee

And I like this I don’t like this either whoa what you find something no that just freaked me out look come here go and press this button it’s a little freaky there’s nothing in this place I don’t know I don’t see any nothing in these chests I’m not finding anything

People were missing something who’s this but there’s these this penguin and this is there anything in this chest no it was empty oh a little penguin guy yeah after we were done going through it I told Shadow I was gonna head back to my house to log out because I was getting

Pretty late but then I saw this this huge Monument this this dungeon I don’t know what I don’t know what to call it but I couldn’t log out now because there had to be good loot inside it and I wanted to get to it before anyone else did are you serious

What that just gave me a heart attack Oh I thought it was gonna explode faster and as soon as I heard that I was like okay well I’m about to die okay oh oh my God oh my God a bunch of spawners up here what is in

That you think obsidian oh my God no wait is anything in this oh oh my god when I got down to the bottom of it I heard something and it was Steven Ryan they must have came through the bottom while I was going through the

Top I guess we were in at the same time we’re just in different parts of it so I just I so I decided to play with them a little bit no some kind of Spanish what’d you get that wasn’t me I thought that was you can you just go

No I think that was a mob oh good stuff because I heard that too I was like what did he what did you find what is it’s legitimately not me it is you huge you damn it’s not me it’s literally not me and there’s no one

In my room it is you no yeah rather that or there is someone in your room oh that’s not me it’s so funny Ryan literally not me yeah I got some really good loot from this place so I decided to finally go home and rest for the

Night I met with Shadow and told him what I found and apparently he found some pretty cool stuff too I had the scariest night of my life really oh yeah I had a nightmare stalker chasing me and then I had to jump in the water infested with sharks

God I had no choice but okay well I have some information to share with you okay as soon as I left or walked out of the prison that’s that direction in the hill I just saw this huge building like a huge structure massive and I went in from the top part

Because I was like I said I was on the south side and so I went to each and every one and got all the loot and and but I left it so it looked like I wasn’t in them and I kind of left like kind of

Garbage loot in place okay and um that’s funny because I had I found a spot too did you find the Blaze Blaze powder no blaze powder no um sugar cane Well here here’s some blaze power oh my God that was literally just talking about that I fought a boss what

It was like a pirate boss oh my God I almost died unbelievable I almost died like at least three or four times in that boat because the spawners were going off after Shadow left I organized my things and tried to make a scarecrow thing because I don’t

Know it looked pretty cool it looked like I could do it but it wasn’t working I guess I needed dark oak logs or something I had no idea what to expect for tomorrow because Sean said something that you know it really scared me he said every day the island will change in

Some way I have no idea what that means nothing really seemed different yet but I wanted some more dark metal ingots to make some cool stuff so I spent some time killing things some of the armored mobs were dropping scraps that you can turn into the dark metal ingots but um I

I it was it seemed like it was pretty rare so apparently some of the loot chests are also getting refilled from day to day so I spent some time going back through them okay so this Tower was definitely not here before at first I decided to wait for people to go inside

The tower because I I didn’t trust it and you’ll see why in a bit instead I went back to the military base to try and find some more loot I even went back to that huge dungeon to see if any of the chests had been like refilled or had

Anything in them but it looks like Steven Ryan or whoever got to them and and found all the stuff that I left I didn’t want people knowing I was there so I tried to cover my tracks I don’t know why I did this it just doesn’t I’m acting all sneaky even though it’s

Going to be like like we’re trying to work together and I’m trying to be sneaky I don’t know don’t don’t ask me after not finding anything my curiosity kind of took over me you know I didn’t find anything in any of the places I

Went to so I needed to know what was in that Tower let’s go check this place out oh boy okay that was a bad idea oh boy I didn’t know that could happen new fear breaking spawners that was scary I don’t know why I put myself through such stress That scared me so bad so mining fatigue can’t break through this stuff so I can’t just cheat my way to the top but I do have TNT I just need to get some gravel all right I’m coming back Oh Wow it really won’t go through oh man no I don’t want to hear those things it’s not gonna have to just go lower there’s so many of those things oh piece of dark metal oh this is good oh my God what that’s dumb Okay yeah no totem but it wasn’t over for me yet that was a good time as I need to explain the revive mechanic okay and when you die you have 60 seconds to get revived by another player if no one’s able to do that then you’re actually

Going to be dead you know gone for good so I was down but not out and just when I thought it was actually going to be over for me this man should have legundo okay he’s my savior I have one heart you have one heart yeah okay again

There you go put that on it started raining constantly though after that I’m just hoping that doesn’t mean anything but but you know I learned a lesson I’m always gonna have a tote in my hand you know I don’t know what I was thinking but after calming down me and Shadow

Only gonna finally scaled the tower from the inside this time can you not mine these don’t you have mining fatigue don’t mind those oh oh that’s why I was like what all right if we we have to break it we can we can break it we just get ready

For a little battle here a little bit oh like it pops into mobs here then let’s break it from here and then just run downstairs go oh my God why didn’t you come downstairs yeah that’s a bad idea but it’s okay we’re good oh you okay bud right now I’m just stressed

You got back from the brink of death I’m stressing watch out the little wither babies is a problem how do I get out of here I’m gonna die do not die again do not die again go away use a golden apple you got Golden Apple I got the little wither

Babies out of here Ryan came online so we decided to meet him you know this Dark Tower seemed like it was going to be a you know the main Meetup spot the you know go here to meet up with everyone whatever but Ryan kept talking about voices inside of his head

Like they’re telling him to do stuff like kill Sean I think this is gonna be a problem the voices in my head are telling me what to do it’s it’s not concerning it’s logical uh that does you’re like a crazy person essentially I asked who should I kill and it’s none of

You guys it’s uh it’s the most obvious person that um that I shouldn’t trust yep that’s essentially what the audience gonna try to kill Sean I hey I’m not gonna say that I’m gonna try but it’s it’s an option we got word that the military base was actually filled with

Monsters and loot again so we decided to go back in look out corresponding oh my God I just saw my life flash before my eyes there’s we’re just stuck here it’s just a constant I’m I’m breaking six guys we’re making progress I got enough dark

Metal ingots to make this ax and oh my God is it good oh you got your ax yeah I go on rampage Rampage mode after getting a kill what is that thing look how fast I am yo that’s cool I also got some pretty good stuff so I

Decided it was time to head home this watch out is he coming yeah he’s chasing yeah I don’t want to fight him up here he’s you’re out running him I I really can’t believe how strong this ax is the more kills you get the stronger you become it’s like the most

Powerful item I’ve ever seen in Minecraft you know you got five kills in a row you go on this this Rampage it’s I love it our next mission was to loot an underwater temple I saw it when I was heading home yesterday and originally we were gonna wait for other people but you

Know come on we’re loot hungry and we just couldn’t help ourselves let’s just try to get in somewhere yeah I’m going right right to the big okay I’m following you this is insane I’m gonna hit my tridents oh no oh no oh no oh no I’m coming to the rescue so Ryan Ryan

Knew yeah that’s why he didn’t come yeah they got everything that’s good would you go up or down you got one yeah oh there’s three totems in this chest take two of these where are you oh unfortunately it was mostly looted Shadow knew of a desert temple nearby so we headed towards that

It took a long time and we looked all over the desert floor but eventually found it and but you know it was it was looted as well yeah they’ve been here gold jerks gold well yeah it just seems like they came here first and then went to that big Temple second

They would have that would have been three things I looted I think they said they went here the water temple and then the big Temple and land yeah that’s probably what it was okay we could just go searching the north part of the island where like Sean

And Kim and lagenda would have been doesn’t seem like he looted anything crazy oh my God boating is crazy yeah whoa this is crazy oh my God I’m freaking out oh my God boy this is so cool I met up with Sean and Shadow at The

Dark Tower and I wanted to show Sean what kind of damage this ax can deal look at them fly when I run into them watch out Sean oh shoot watch this Ryan I also told Sean about the voices inside Ryan’s head and of course he didn’t like

That so he came up with this funny little plan to trap Ryan and try to force those voices out of his head Ryan’s gone crazy on this island already no here’s what we do we strip them down put them in obsidian box and then we tell them once once he once he gets

Those voices out of the head he can come out of the box yeah put up let’s get an obsidian I’m putting him I’m putting him in a box yeah he says that I I’m his best friend the voices in his head tell him that shadow is his best friend until work

Okay well okay okay well the voices in his head are gonna lead him to a freaking obsidian box yeah he’s gonna be back on soon let’s go get let’s get some obsidian let’s go to his Island put the box in there surround him knock him in

So we headed up to the volcano to get what we needed but that place was very dangerous oh my God what weather oh my God what good luck Robert oh oh no what is that run run run run Shadow what is it it’s it’s an it’s another mob but I don’t

Think they’re that oh I don’t think what are these things you want to try to kill it yes oh my gosh she’s gonna knock me off oh my God foreign Page we set up the prison in the Dark Tower and just needed Ryan to get on so while we waited we did some more adventuring Shadow I think I see something where are you uh just come out back front I’ll meet you uh I don’t know if I’m just seeing

Things but look in that Tower it seems like I’m seeing skeletons with crowns in that Tower what is that about look at them he’s down here he’s after me he just fell in do you hear him let’s fight him he was just right here oh is he inside

Someone’s in there oh oh oh oh You didn’t drop anything you just like wrecked him so the spawners and there’s a lot of clowns in this one oh look they’re name tagged yeah I thought you died no does that automatic this oh my God out of my next automatic saving message

Came up as soon as I blow up oh did it oh you did yeah oh my oh my God oh there’s a chest right there they’re all looted I checked every single one here just put place the blocks back okay maybe this will come in handy later on I don’t know

Or will parkour the whole room oh wow Unbreaking book sharpness book it’s only one though it’s not it looks like they put their stuff in here like just some random items yeah let’s just head north and check out what we can find yeah so we’re at the tipiest most

Top part of the Island right now but I want to check that left side where Ryan is and see if there’s any buildings or structures there once we made it back to the tower we met up with Ryan and Sean Sean confronted him okay no but I mean I already told

Shadow one of the voices told me to to make Shadow my best friend so yeah I don’t trust that it seems Brian we’re all nervous about you right now the voices are to be trusted Sean they told me so themselves right I’m going to be honest if you if

You don’t stop talking about these voices we’re all gonna kill you can I hit you Ryan tell me how much damage it does uh sure oh a lot oh my God oh my God all right I’m gonna quickly you know all right so Ryan well we got you like this let’s go

Ahead and get the armor off sorry try me Robert what do you mean try you I just one shot you Ryan go ahead drop me Robert or it ends right now Ryan we have a plan for you come with us fine Ryan watch out I’ll explain to you what we

Want you to do keep putting them down sweet where you want me to do we have a box in there we want you to go in there until you don’t explain well let me take a look at this box good yeah just go in the Box

Strip down go in there until and take give us your pickaxe in your gear you’ll be putting your minions down Shadow well you don’t hear voices anymore you can come out you want me to kill him if he doesn’t cooperate in the next 30 seconds yes and then we’ll put a

Gravestone here for Ryan yeah do it I mean you tried he did it last time I’m not too worried this time I got some I got some wild tricks up my sleeve show 25 why are you running Sean why are you ready Sean 23. what’s worrying you shot two five just

Listen Ryan we’ve got one question yeah that’s all all you wanna do is talk to you Ryan you can question me try me Robert oh oh what happened try me Robert oh yeah we can get invite me you’re dead Robert fight me Robert I think it’s happening Ryan we just want

To get rid of the voices in your head we’re just trying to cure you can’t hear me from this it’s too late for me Sean Sean it’s fine none of this is directed at you there we go Ryan get rid of the voices that’s that’s not how that works uh

Extensive therapy eat this Drink this drink this up drink it all no just take it no I don’t want to eat there at least drink though no I’ve got like eight of those I I know what those do yeah well so you don’t have a problem drinking it I’ll consult

With my voices in here come back in let’s say uh 10 minutes 10 minutes okay and um I’ll let you know what the voices think then because you know this was this was like right before it started so I mean they could just be a little

Agitated uh you know from the past but now I mean they could be relatively calm it didn’t last long but you know he got out of the prison we didn’t want to completely kill him we just wanted him to stop with these voices in his head it’s ridiculous at this point we’ve all

Had enough and decided to get off for the day I was still in the Dark Tower but I wanted to get back to my house to just you know put some stuff away and organize but as I was heading back I started to realize what changed on the

Island today okay remember how it was raining all day yesterday yeah the water level Rose everywhere just look at my house oh my God it’s my whole island flooded please no I don’t have any food oh please tell me the wheat’s still there and I can Farm it please

Oh my God this is awful my whole house no everything’s gone oh this is bad I need to move I need to just get up and move I couldn’t live here anymore it was time to move so I got everything I could put him in the Strokers I got and just and

Headed out since the Dark Tower seemed to be the main Meetup spot I wanted to make my house near it but I definitely didn’t want to make it near water level and uh eventually this place is going to be called booty Bay you know don’t ask

Me why it’s World of Warcraft okay if you play that you may be enough so I I looked I was looking around and I decided this hill right here would be the perfect spot there were a lot of trees behind where I was building but I

Wanted at least some visibility so I did some controlled fire forest burning you know don’t don’t go mad at me I just it’s just the game I’m not burning down real trees okay I promise I got my farm built first so I can keep my food supply

Going but little did I know that this would actually become almost everyone’s food supply because it’s just what happens I then started on building my actual house I dug all around it because I thought it’d be cool because if the water level Rose one day it’s probably

Gonna rise even more so I just wanted to make it a little I wanted to make sure it was off ground as much as I could maybe make a little moat I even made a little Pathway to The Dark Tower so we can get to my house and The Dark Tower

Easily and it I just wanted everyone to work together okay I didn’t really know what to expect in the later days so I just I wanted to build my house with something strong so I took some Stone and iron bars from The Dungeons around my base to use for my house what is

Happening was it all Mossy always where did I find regular Stone then what is happening uh yeah regular Stone let’s go once I got back to my house I got the biggest jump scare of my life what is that oh my God what are those things what the heck did Sean do

So Alan just gets worse and worse it’s been taking so long to make this house because I keep going out to kill things at night to see if I can get any more of that dark metal because that stuff is valuable this house just needed to be

Built because I needed somewhere safe to be I need to stop getting sidetracked this house is really looking like a prison I was going for more like a castle look but you know you can’t always have nice things I pretty much spent the rest of the day organizing I

Need to get all the stuff that I moved from my first house neatly organized into the chest of my new house Sean briefly interrupted me by bringing all of these alligators to my house he’s talking about hordes or something I don’t know I don’t know if I want to

Even know what that means here they come alligators are crocodiles good thing I built their house up here they’re gonna keep coming what do you mean they’re gonna keep coming They’re Gonna Keep Coming oh Robert get a door get a door get a door what are you doing everything

I can’t kill it you kill it it’s gonna come through it can’t fit through here why oh there’s more there’s more do you hear that yeah I do you heard the scream no I didn’t hear any screams oh my God there’s another way for the alligators Robert he can get through there oh

Close it up he can get through okay I gotta close this off I ended up putting an enchantment table in the Dark Tower for everyone to use like a community enchantment table but I think Shadow may have uh destroyed it because he’s anti-magic or something I don’t

Know go watch his video he might explain it better I finished organizing and headed back out to do some more exploring oh there it is oh I thought it was from when I was breaking things but it’s because I had cursed mark I don’t know what they do but I don’t

Want to find out to find more of those big boys his big skeleton guys drop more metal I want to drop like a big chunk again that’d be awesome my house only has one way up to it so I want to make sure I had a way

Out the back while I was farming some more dark metal a zombie hit me and gave me this infection and you know what do you know it’s great if this timer at zero you just die that’s fun what is that noise infected for eight minutes what the heck

Maybe if I eat a golden apple oh my god it worked I finally made a scarecrow named it joinker Splinter I don’t know what he does but who cares this guy’s just awesome you know you and Chris Splunk of this guy can’t tell me this guy’s an awesome yeah he watches

Over my crops the Linker splinker I’m just happy that my base is complete and you know just in time too a horde was after me just take a look at this what is this next horde oh my God get out of here I don’t want you here

Is that it did I win after The Horde I did some more leisurely exploring to calm the nerves you know and then Sean got on you know this man brings chaos wherever he goes oh you got the horde I don’t have the horde is it coming to you

They they uh oh they get stuck on the fence don’t worry they can’t get over the fence okay look he’s going look at him look him go oh my farm my Farm’s getting ruined so many spiders remembered I know oh my God what just yeah here we go

All right it’s time to go on a blood the Thirsty oh my God we’re taking them on come here spiders there’s so much you guys can’t you guys love nothing we’re taking out the whole horde right here Sean Robert let’s get a floating skeleton with the bomb here but I don’t know oh

Ghost if you bring those seeds to Shadow I can show you where the diamonds are okay you you go you get on here please bring those seeds to shot you kidding me put it bring these seeds to shadow terrible thing happened today Steve is dead I can’t believe it something

Interesting just happened sneeve is dead Steve has been killed by his own snake I got it I gotta know how it happened all I know is that I was mining Saul Steve died and headed over to try to save him but it was far too late

And when I got there I saw what it was it was it was a snake he said he died by Carl here it’s right here I went to him yeah yeah it was it was just way too late of course I Avenged it killed the snake I wish I could show you

Guys but it was You’re gonna just have to watch his video he was so proud to catch that snake I was yelling for Steve I was like Hey sneeze maybe they’re coming to save you but yeah he was long gone at this point his stuff was all scattered inside the house and the snake was was running

Rampant around here Carl’s running rampant I said I’m gonna avenge you Steve and kill the snake and yeah took a look around grabbed all his things uh you know he has a cool little house here called the sneeze simporium 10 nether rating kids ah sneeve what the heck man so I’m pretty glad I came back to uh reenact the the scene it just sucks it sucks it snooze that like ah man this island I did some more exploring and eventually met up with Sean and lagendo again where we you know

Talked about our loss I ended up catching up with the condo for a bit you know I wanted to know what he’s been up to for the past three days but must have done it I mean that killed it it died pretty fast at the holiday

Hearts that that good hit me hit you do it do it throw the grenade oh I don’t think it’ll kill you do it all right your problems to pick me up yeah okay how much damage though too it only does like too hard yeah I didn’t

Think it’s that then again like I’m in three quarter another right or three quarter Diamond like nether it’s fine it looks a lot more intimidating oh God than it is yeah barely any damage it’s fun though it’s a fun little bomb and it’s scary yeah we made some cool

Bombs that don’t really do much damage so I thought it’d be funny to throw in at Sean it’s not what the hell was that what what did you just do you want to throw bombs at me and then pretend that you didn’t that’s something I would do well guess what I’m

Not going to tell you where the loot is now to be fair Shadow and I will tell you where the loot is the loot what do you mean the loot okay that’s it you’re seriously I think it’s so funny because it makes such a big explosion but barely does any

Damage so we gotta we gotta do it to Kim and just throw bombs what were you doing here at first I wanted to put slabs all over my roof because if you you know if you slap things things won’t spawn on top of it I ended up building a roof that you

Can get on later so uh whatever it doesn’t matter also Sean had one of my scarecrows that was really funny to watch him get chased They’re walking to me they’re following me Robert I think they care do that they definitely oh my God how much damage half a heart okay bring it with the other guy I locked them in so they can’t get out but stop jumping so lugando asked me for a monster skin

So I wanted to see what he was up to and apparently you can make some really powerful armor with it with you know with the dark metal ingots proving them to be much more valuable than I thought it seems like the gundo is getting super geared and Enchanted I’m I’m just hoping

He doesn’t turn on me somehow we spent a lot of time farming for dark metal and talking about it so much we just became so hyper focused on it a big Skeleton Man it is let’s go still no dark metal off of him what is this

Killed two big guys no dark metal really is happening oh my God this intoxication’s horrible yeah I just killed one too and got nothing also so this ain’t looking good I think you may be on to something I think we might have exhausted our supply of dark metal oh I got a potato

Oh nice but it was a new day so we it’s a new loot can be found in some of the buildings we decided to go into the military base again and oh my God was that a bad idea you might be asking you know why well

Watch it’s look at the hordes look at this oh oh my God it’s a it’s a black widow spider or something yeah you probably don’t you probably don’t want to get hit by that one I’m just gonna go out on the lemons I don’t have a sword to break the the shadow I’m

Gonna go ahead and tell you one touch from that and you are dead no way was it poison yes okay oh I see oh yeah there’s absolutely more spiders over there there’s more there’s more black widows over there oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no no Robert Robert there’s

Giant spiders up here no oh my God there’s a spider right by you oh are you gonna hit it oh my God yes they dropped giant string come here spiders holy crap oh okay oh oh oh I’m gonna be honest I’m gonna be honest what I didn’t know they were gonna make this

Many webs what are you doing to us oh no oh I’m leaving Sean don’t go that way we can’t even leave I tried to go over there oh my God oh my God this is bad I’m on the roof this is bad oh my God there’s so many spiders

They’re on the roof they’re on the roof they’re on the roof too what are you in there on the roof where are you guys where are you guys I’m on the roof we’re right next to you Sean okay get up on the roof get on the roof what does that spider say

Albino spiders oh this one’s out here with me they’re climbing they’re clapping up the wall I’m trying to where are you oh my God I’m gonna die I’m gonna die where are you I’m I’m I’ve trapped myself in a hole and I’m being surrounded by spiders

Right now I don’t see your name tag I’m I’m squatting there’s so many spiders they’re just down there I see green ones I see white ones they’re starting to climb the the roof again look how many spider website so many Trump I’m just I’m it’s not safe we’re trying to stop crouching

Once I see him I see him I see him I see him he’s over there he’s over there here Sean right here nice oh guys there’s so many spiders above it it’s a mine shaft get rid of the water right now the wiser one the water’s gone oh my God

Where’s Kim we saved there’s so many spiders still in there I have a horde of spiders spiders chasing me what have you guys had that before oh buddy look at the look at the military base this is that we’re at I don’t I didn’t I didn’t believe you when

You said it was a military base on this island we dealt with all the hordes and went back in yeah got whatever loot we could we’re just a couple of crazy men hanging out together okay the craziest part is that I haven’t seen kipple yet I

Really wonder what she’s up to the only time I saw Steve was when I was making weird noises at him but you know now it’s too late I can’t see him again but I was stuck with these guys we hung around for a bit you know discussed some

All the crazy stuff we’ve been seeing on this island I decided to make an enchantment table inside my house since you know the public one I made wasn’t you know missing are you just gonna stand here and take it I don’t know look I got my house yeah this guy this guy

Pulls on a bow I’m standing there or if he’s dead we can go and take all this stuff unless you guys have already done that they already did that they looted this course before the body was cold okay the underwater city is going to be

Restocked okay can I can I see how much damage this does to you guys there’s an underwater boss that’s like really oh I’m scared for that mod all right and the pee he said yes no I did not say did you have stronger armor you got no no no no

No no no no no you got to use the bomb on me the bomb won’t do anything to you yeah I know but we didn’t know that at the time while I was sitting in my house we got another horde you know it wasn’t spiders this time it was worse way worse

Uh it’s not it’s not spiders this time it’s not spiders this time whoa oh no what get inside the house why do I have a text to speech on oh my God oh my God oh oh it’s no it’s on me it’s on me they’re swarming look at all of them

No other one coming after me Robert they’re all coming after me I can’t I can’t do anything okay we gotta help we got help Robert I’m killing them [ __ ] there’s more more there’s more there’s more in the behind the house behind the house I can’t stop laughing bunch of jerks you

Just help me oh oh I put it inside I put it wait wait Sean look at this look at this don’t stop look I can bring it through the window take it take it oh my God oh my God where does he live maybe we can go save him

The voices in his head couldn’t keep him away couldn’t keep him inside gonna keep him inside he totally told him to go out into the into the nightmare oh yeah he has a big house it seems but why don’t you go inside of it look the spider webs

Around this guy too no over here Sean is XP littered around around the water oh my God what the what the hell happened are they in there I don’t know what what the hell is go they’re all he’s a mob mob spawner or something up top and I think

They got in up here look his stuff his stuff’s all floating around here I know I’m trying to pick it all up where’s his body I don’t see it Ryan Ryan and his crazy thoughts and his head were gone that’s now two people dead and gone but we will remember them

As well as getting all their Loop he’s a trident like that oh take that Kim Kim would love a trident you know what he did what do you do Shadow gave him a trident and he threw it once and it disappeared and he couldn’t find it again [Laughter]

Okay Robert we gotta split this oh this is the motherload okay yeah I’m not taking anything yet okay I took 60 diamonds what I put them back in okay we’re splitting it split everything okay okay okay okay Robert uh are you aware that your pumpkin people are just not here anymore

Who killed them no I think I think they’re out in the lake right now I can see when walking you let them out you don’t close the doors Oh my God Sean you’re so annoying because it’s a new day me Sean and Shadow decided to go back into that Wonder water temple we got our diving suits but man oh man were we not prepared the monstrosities that awaited us it was just beyond anything we could imagine oh

Wow there’s a lot of them here I’m taking on the whole swarm get them we got it oh oh my God what is that thing what what where um at the bottom at the bottom oh my it’s like a T-Rex though what is it like I don’t know what

It is I’m gonna swim down there and place it doesn’t work it’s a worm okay there’s a locked chest right here a locked chest yeah you need a key come on worm fighting them holy crap he sends me flying though did it from behind hit it from behind I

Am I am I am he’s stuck on me oh what’d you get I don’t think I got anything oh shellhorn oh yeah what’s the show horn oh my God summons Captain Cornelia you ready no but sure let’s do it oh oh no no no

No what no no no no no no no no no no no no no we’re gonna die here no that did so much damage we can take her down we can take it around oh we gotta be careful we don’t hate each other oh oh I’m low I’m low I’m low

I might die okay it’s out it’s out it’s out get her get her she keeps she’s she’s oh oh oh I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t hit it don’t hit me I’m gonna die oh run he’s healing she’s healing it full

Oh my God okay okay okay you need to use a splash potion of weakness on her yeah dude I don’t have it you took it keep going keep going she’s so weak kill her he’s getting health oh need the Apple I don’t have any apples she gained full health again I’m gonna

Keep running in circles this is it just don’t don’t get close skeletons up on her yeah yeah more skeletons more skeleton shut up okay don’t let her do that move get back get back get back hold on come on she’s only saying I got it he’s almost no she’s

Gonna do the move she’s gonna do the move let’s do it cooler killer Oh my God yeah the skeletons come on skeletons finisher off yeah they’re doing it no one else when you get that effect I think she’s draining it yeah yeah stay away from her let me kill her get ready we have to hit her all at the same time three two one

I’m gonna go yes yes we killed her we did it oh my God Anyone get anything yeah we got two treasure pouches a ice made shelter map three bolt helmet and a frozen key to unlock that chest it took a while but we defeated the ghost of Captain Cornelia and with that key it dropped we could open the locked chest

It’s open what the heck are those things lots of painting Enchanted Golden Apple emeralds echo of the ship graveyard of the four I haven’t killed cell phone Rune of the storm Prestige if you want it Sean take that after that crazy adventure we headed home I don’t know

How we all survived but you know there’s still mosquitoes everywhere oh look at that my God need help Robert it seems like everyone was having trouble with the mosquitoes apparently Kim was in a horrible spot so I needed to go help him out so I spent some time going to rescue him

I shouldn’t have came here let me killed Kim oh my God Kim let me in how do you get in this place oh oh this oh at the right of the chest to the right of the chest I’m to the right of the chest yeah you’re gonna jump there’s no this

Should be a way off I will try to go down to you okay okay I found a way no but I’m digging through Kim whoa you didn’t tell me the Swarm was here that’s right no I didn’t hear them there’s like a hundred mosquitoes when you came you said you were going to

Die I did break up that break up one of my walls and then a mosquito jumped me goodness Kimberly oh look at them look at them Yeah they’re oh my God Kim oh no all right can people are dropping like flies I we can’t lose anymore I’m not gonna let it happen we need to stick together yes I we should all be there when the ball comes the rest of us we then decided to

Head to Sean’s place I don’t know why we thought this would be a good idea we wanted another place to be safe from any impending danger so this would be great if if we needed it Sean with this with this rain this is going to be underwater I know my farm is gone

Come on in this is the perfect house to keep us safe from mosquitoes oh yeah nice little your cottage headed out here build it because every time I start doing something something goes down on the server look at your house [Laughter] okay Kim’s gonna kill himself [Laughter] no ventilation where’s the ventilation

Oh my God we’re gonna die in here it’s like a sauna in here oh no what I got the I got the horde The Horde okay once he once he goes out I’ll stay in this room come at me mosquitoes it’s out always out come on oh my God

Okay okay I can take this I’m leaving them oh my God don’t forget about me don’t forget about my actions here today oh my God no no no no no I don’t want to die this way look him take my ax just start killing things okay you’re a walking machine Kim with that

Just keep telling them keep going don’t stop there you go now you’re Invincible one shot all of them oh you’ll never die oh wow it’s easy mosquitoes it’s just like I would in real life oh where are you looking though guys oh there you are just good chased by a bunch of angry

Mosquitoes yeah we just killed a lot of them too let’s go let’s go pay Shadow a visit Kim why did you get out of your boat someone broke it I didn’t shoot it I’m I’m for driving someone shot it sure I cannot believe you’ve done this

I can really give have you already tried to murder me like three times wait why am I in a boat with Kim I I need to read you’re safe with me anglerfish around the bridge go this way this way this way Sean all right go go go

Go go it’s coming I know I know I’m going oh my God who put that there whoa whoa oh Sean Sean what what shot behind you I know I’m running shadow yes I’m sorry it’s me and Robert were here okay like I’m in I’m being chased

By something I got it I got it I got it oh my God someone didn’t announce it someone didn’t say it was Cameron I just got it I can’t say something Kim goes Kim goes I just got it while he’s sitting crouched right here like no you did not just get it where’s

The mosquitoes again yes mosquitoes no you can’t wait who’s with me I’m with you let’s do it all right head out there bring this one with me Robert okay we’re going let’s go I’m changing my mind oh oh oh okay oh oh oh oh oh there’s a lot leftovers oh oh geez [Laughter]

Can you help help us I Will Wait night for shadow any day they were hiding under there oh look look oh look at that look I just got it oh my God he’s gonna he’s got a crown where’d you give him a crown from wait look at Shadow he’s brand like either up

There right here this is such a funny like thing to watch just a man bringing a crocodile up the stairs Sean get out of here look at this okay listen guys I’m just gonna tell you something right now okay yeah yep all you have to do is break a wooden plank

Underneath somebody on this first floor here and uh in the pit they go so be careful oh my god oh right below us blow us they’re below us what is the [ __ ] oh I hear kipley ready go up into the boat run just run I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready get

Into the house get in the house thank you for coming to get me you know all of you guys are so brave you’re so brave if all of us came it would have been even harder it would have been hordes constantly what was that get him get him get him

Get him boys no guys you gotta help him help him oh my God help him fell down what happened who fell down I’m getting out of here who I don’t trust any of you guys right now who has the Swarm I’m out of here we decided to leave and head

Back to the booty Bay with the agreement that if all hell breaks loose we can go back to Shadows for safety each day something new is happening and if it’s raining every day like this it’s usually going to mean the water level is going to rise tomorrow

Well it did last time so we think that that’s what it is and I can only assume it’s going to be a bigger rise in water because yeah this this is a full-on thunderstorm last time was just raining Sean’s literally not saying anything about it so I don’t know anything

So it’s kind of becoming coming to this chest right here that I’m clicking on and you can take the netherade armor there really yeah oh my God you’re amazing you’re going to um you got a full set you can go into either these chests that I’m cooking in

Right here and take whatever you need can I take that helmet uh yeah you can yo you’re stuck to what what I’m glad you’re not PVP yeah I’m glad we’re friends robbery I’m so glad have I mentioned how much I appreciate you or how great imagine how much I want

Us all to get off this island together yeah you’re looking great I’m just gonna say like that’s wonderful if I can get everyone the sacks I would but I can’t get like those metal drops anymore I I keep show me where I can build the house

At because I I mean if you want to live in the cave with me you can or maybe pick a spot between me and Robert as long as it’s a box like up on the mountain like Kidley like so right there where I’m looking up on that Hill could

Be good if you want to build on that Hill that could be very good so I don’t know if you were paying attention or not but all of day four it was raining okay so you know what happened when we woke up on day five the water levels Rose there’s also traps set

Up everywhere which definitely changed things I seen that Holy wait the water is oh my God it has oh my God oh I got a horde what are those monkeys monkeys oh my God guys get inside you do it they’re coming for me what are they gonna do there it’s monkeying they’re

Just they probably just want to say hi thank you though aren’t they oh my gosh why do you guys want to go out to the monkeys that horde is still coming oh no this is bad they’re eating your potatoes I’m on why am I on fire

Look at all the traps I’m gonna leave them there you know the drill with a new day there’s more loot in these dungeons so me shadow and Sean headed head into the nearby one oh oh oh I’m withered I’m withered oh my God are you serious oh what I got a fell lamp

Oh almost did not make that okay let’s just get out of here I just jumped I thought that was a lot deeper hole than that there’s monkeys down here remember I was talking about the roof yeah I finally started making it pretty cool look at this little that’ll keep things out right

Oh yeah it looks so funny yeah after it was done me and Shadow decided to do some more adventuring and the water is definitely more dangerous so we need to be way more careful taking so long to break oh oh wow um I’m getting it I can’t move oh man

Oh my God that scared the hell out of me there was nothing in the Dark Tower but man oh man were there things in the military base what is that it’s a nightmare stalker oh shoot I don’t know what to do am I gonna die you gotta run

I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m outside okay there’s two and there’s two nightmare stalkers in there Shadow I thought that was it for me that’s the first time I saw one they can’t they can’t get up right if we just dig up or something and and

Kill him from up top it can’t come through no they can’t come through this oh you know what it probably chased you outside and it hit the sunlight and then it disappeared oh you think so okay that’s good oh it’s right there it’s back it’s back

I see it I see it I see it should we learn are we layering it yeah it’s after you yeah yeah I’m coming through oh these guys right there it’s right there it’s in the webs you wanna just kill it yeah I think it’s coming through oh okay okay another one watch out

There’s so many of them literally the only way you can make it through here no they can’t they’re just dropping in from the ceiling it seems oh yeah oh oh I got caught one too oh this is so scary how how long how long it’s it’s right behind me you didn’t get in

Yeah there is a there is definitely a spawner looks like you see these set of eyes that are right there and you see there’s another set of eyes back there look look behind you oh my God because as of right now all these places are looting it’s not worth it at all no

Look at this what isn’t doesn’t the black widows make the nests like that I don’t know oh the spawner is right there oh I destroyed I destroyed the nightmare stalker spawner oh we came out Robert are you there yeah what are you afraid why should I be afraid I

Don’t know you’re fighting nightmare stalkers yeah we both almost easy yeah I see a nightmare stalker right there I want to see one I want to see one who where right there it’s eyes you see its eyes down there no I’m not going there five of them yeah yeah look look come

Here stand stand right here where I’m standing and Crouch he’s right there oh Shadow kept talking about a cargo ships I just had to check it out that’s a such a bad decision uh we’re not in a good position I I don’t think we should be doing we should leave

That’s what I think I don’t think we should be in this ship at night we’re gonna end up taking so long just to skip back there’s no point to go back we can’t sleep there’s too many Sean I’m not go I’m not I’m getting off that ship there’s nothing in these chests

I got diamonds I just checked three chests there’s nothing in them here this place is crazy oh I gotta kill this guy I get some dark metal oh I gotta get some dark metal no uh you guys got I need my I have moving on my sword

Trying to get you where coming no oh that’s a black widow actually a black widow where there’s a whole floor above us but there’s spiders everywhere are you above us knocked me off the water’s coming down oh oh you scared me sorry oh oh oh what happened I just got Hitler

It’s actually Black Widow just kick it off oh I can’t jump oh my gosh we gotta get out of the water there’s a black water behind you swim just keep s wasn’t good at all crazy hordes when we got there [Laughter] oh I’m actually dead no almost dead wait Kim don’t die

There’s so many of them so the traps were about to become a huge problem just look at this oh oh oh okay kill yourself what happened where am I doing now hey I’m still dying why am I still dying Tim eat an apple I just ate one you must

Have stepped on a trap all right we’re done oh what up to you okay what’s Happening Here who’s getting hurt now what It’s covered I want to try something Robert come here okay Oh How long does it damage you for Kim’s gonna kill you I just wasted two golden apples yes uh totem it’s all good I couldn’t help myself but it was just simply too good but now everyone wants traps now because they’re so easy to kill people with which is the opposite

Of what we need to be doing we need to work together this is it’s getting out of control what happened I’m going to kill him what happened Kim nice program bro give me a total oh God Place Water Place Water Place water up top please where did where did he drop last time

Hold on you got water we need more water any of us want you having traps uh by the way uh not good news from from my end what does that mean a horde yeah all right I’ll start doing it like Kim just say nothing where’s The Horde what

Is it a horde of oh no oh no it works I see a mosquito did you just make alligators The Horde mob oh my God oh my God what is that it’s a tarantula hawk so this thing the tarantula hawk is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced and it’s probably the

Worst thing that anyone on this island is ever going to experience okay it stings you and puts you to half health for like 25 seconds it’s it’s the worst oh my God oh my God what there’s so many we’re we’re done for I just saw I saw like 30 fly from behind

Them I’m not going out there that thing takes you out look at them oh the door open what it’s just nothing but smoke what now I was shooting my pumpkins out and then Robert please stop the skeletons are right there really blow up on them this is like the

Safest room in the house right now stay inside stay inside stay alive all right what do we do what do we do this is this isn’t the worst I got one after we killed them all we set sailed at the volcano apparently there’s some really good loot there and

We all wanted it but on our way we stopped at the tower for the night no something’s up there what was that what something’s up there There’s a Nightmare stalker right near right behind you what right behind Sean it’s right behind it’s following Sean come on come on come on

Oh my God I got horde I got a horde oh you got a horde no yep I I did not I got off the ground as soon as I saw eyes Robert get inside I’m inside I’m up here oh I see the spawner I’m trying to take out the spawner up here spawners

Spawners out I destroyed the spawner oh my God oh my God shadow mine them ah I couldn’t get down it’s still a nightmare stalker up there there’s two nightmare Sockers out there they didn’t really pay attention to me though they’re they’re looking at it on Robert

Right now I think that’s it you guys got everything out of the chest I got two pieces of dark metal two pieces those small ones pieces are a pile small ones pieces oh watch this combo you ready guys yeah I did not hit a combo oh Robert you’re way up there oh nice

Hit it nailed it combo combo combo What happened Shadow why would you hit the ground I I tried it wouldn’t it was making me go that way well I’m gonna head back guys you don’t want to do it I’m thinking I’m thinking I got a horde I got a horde I got another horde I just got hit

Something it’s the Hawks this is the tarantula thinks it’s the Hawks getting getting hole getting a hole Shadow get out shadow you gotta close it up it’s close I’m underneath you all oh my God what is what is great look we got our own personal little sauna this is awful

No we got we’re surrounded by tarantula Hawks in a hole we’re on Volcano Island that’s littered with night stalkers I should if I turned around when I said I would I would have been dead Sean get inside Sean good guys guys guys what Sean get inside where

Take me close it oh he’s in there’s one in you gotta kill you gotta kill it oh get in the water dead it’s dead it’s dead it’s dead it’s dead it’s dead Sean what are you doing this is water level I’m assuming if we just dig out

Straight in a direction we can get to the water get on boats and get off this island and we’re gonna go again what the heck what the heck what the Sean that was not me okay we can’t us be having to make this hard on ourselves okay you

Guys stop at the traps please oh okay I’m gonna die get back just get back get back don’t stand there oh trying to get off this island all right get this give us in a boat give us another boat let’s go shout out about two ready we’re not gonna well there’s

No reason to be out here at night in a storm on this tiny little boat being Sean get out of there and split off from the other guys we decided to use Sean’s house as a place to stay safe from all these hordes but then we got there it

Was completely underwater so we spent some time taking it all out and making it pretty safe for the time being come up here look you’ll see up through the window Robert let me out they’re already here they’re swimming look at them swim are those tarantula Hawks yeah oh my God

Here they go this is bad we can’t get out of here okay I made a boat you ready to go down there just for a second and come back up yeah you know what we’re gonna try it you ready we’re gonna die no we’re not okay Robert it won’t work like this

Oh get back to the house there’s a Crocodile here get them look at the window there’s so many crocodiles Robert one alligator but if we go if we exit this way and then go that way we should be okay we’ll twist go which way exit here this way okay right yeah and

Then go that way that leads us back to the main island okay okay you go down first smack the guy then we go that might smacking that one Dodge on I don’t wanna I don’t like this Robert go go boy Robert you ready just follow me lead Follow My Lead ready this way

Go I’m getting hit by tarantula Hawks there’s one out here go left go left there’s a tarantula hawk above you I got a hoard let’s go this way booty booty base should be straight ahead okay then oh okay we made it okay Jesus all right I gotta go yeah it

Looks bad enough for me as well I don’t know how but this island keeps getting worse look at this what is that thing that’s an actual T-Rex wait I thought Sean was kidding There’s an actual T-Rex in the island not only the T-Rex but I got these crazy

Things actually tunneling under my house what is happening they are breaking yeah I told you they can get in now who is what is that what that guy’s actually breaking in I just there’s a T-Rex I need to get down there why I just threw my pickaxe down there I

Accidentally threw it out then go down there and get it I need to I’m trying I think I I think I the crocodile’s standing on it I know just go if you’re quick you can get it it’s not a problem get it oh my God okay oh I got it

That was the scariest thing I’ve ever done in my life what was the breaking through oh my God Sean it’s not safe I know they’re gonna get in he’s underneath us I think still tunneling come on Robert okay get back the T-Rex is gonna get in here can they go through wood

They go through everything they can go through both these blocks these stone blocks John I’m going down I can’t deal with these guys breaking into my house like this wait look at what they’ve done they’ve almost tunneled up to the floor Robert he’s loose how do we what do we want to do

We gotta kill him you wanna just live with that thing right here where I’m over let him over no he won’t be able to get through your bam boom boom yeah I won’t be able to either oh my God Sean yeah I’m killing him yep

I think they got a dummy eye he doesn’t look very friendly though looks like he’s trying to attack but he oh listen Sean you listen up close we’re almost out of resources armor Lead Hill I think I think if we want to survive we need to take someone out and use their materials

I know you know who I think has the the most armor and most gear uh Kim all I’m saying is we we’re not all gonna survive no we’re not we are where we are because of Steve and Ryan’s deaths their resources have pushed us if it wasn’t

For their deaths we wouldn’t both be wearing another right right now it’d be long gone yeah it might be pretty geared have you looked at his base recently no do you want to go do you want to go infiltrate see what yeah you know where

It is do you know where it is uh yeah we could put a very obvious trap on his Island and he’ll think it was lagundo and then he’ll go Full Tilt trying to kill lagunto and then we show up to oh you wanna you wanna try to shift blame yeah let’s do that

Okay we’ll do some fake false false floors our plan was to head to Shadows house instead of trap and try to kill him we needed gear okay that’s that’s the only reason that it’s purely purely business okay we’re not gonna make it to the end with what we have you know these

Tarantula Hawks are just destroying our armor and there’s we’re barely getting any other armor to make remember Shadow knows about traps yes there’s two of them there’s two of them shoot him out of the sky no Sean what get up into his house there’s dragons everywhere Robert open the door I can’t over

It’s open where’d you go Sean I had to jump down because they were tagging me I’m killing them oh my God what did he leave for us I don’t know this was in a safe place okay so what we could do what I’m thinking is if he goes up right here he

Can land it easily in the water what we do we clear this tree oh my God what this crocodiles are loose I’ll put up I’ll do the thing right oh how did he not grab me why do I lure one of those into his house

How did he not just grab me right there I don’t I don’t know oh this actually would work perfectly we break the slab right here and then I put it right here okay we can do it oh you need two rows well we can’t do two rows here because

If you if you put one here like a fake floor yeah it won’t look great oh okay thank you I think I see him in the doorway we got we gotta we gotta get people that I know we can’t we can’t have people thinking it’s us either

Not not until there’s at least four people left Sean where are you going I don’t know I this isn’t the way I know the way back why are you just going it me and Sean thought it would be funny to make Kim try and catch a T-Rex it was it actually is companies

But it’s going back on land I don’t know where I’m going whoa oh he’s stepping on me I’m right up in his face but it doesn’t work oh what oh he’s too heavy no no I don’t think he was fully on it his hitbox is quite large so any trees

Can get in stock yeah like that tree right above us oh come straight up in my face then he turns around oh he’s coming for you oh oh my God he’s 100 coming oh my God oh no Kim oh Kim just saved himself what happened Kim got launched in the

Air Kim he’s interested in you yeah he gonna fly yeah but you can’t fly you gotta put him over your trap Kim yeah I will go get him oh oh my oh there we go I’m stuck [Laughter] so scary Kim run run oh oh he went in it again oh my God He bit me run how much damage that do actually not too bad oh that was more than two bites help me help me I’m stuck in here he’s gonna come through that he’s amazed he’s amazed oh Sean hmm Sean why do you do this

It’s too funny to see him in here no I can put them there I’m gonna put the pressure plot that pat down oh yeah this is perfect it is perfect spot actually we’re trying to survive here and we’re playing with the T-Rex how stupid are we but Shadow started talking about a trap

Man in the chat that’s setting traps a viewer so yeah we wanted to head over and pretend like we had no idea what he was talking about where is Sean I don’t know just say Sean we’re going to Shadows something after us snakes it’s on me it’s on me Kim help

Hello where to kill you oh great awesome is this what are you doing here you said there’s false floors yeah I I put a bunch of slabs down because I was running down there and then a slab broke and then I heard like footprint or footsteps but I couldn’t see the thing

So I ran back oh and I sent out my bone collars to see if they would chase them but then two of them got shot up in the air so I was like okay there’s springboards here then so there’s trap makers Laguna was on last night so it

Makes sense why he would come after me oh you think he’s been sitting track I thought you meant there was a mob oh my god well I thought there was mob and there still could be a mob it’s actually going up the stairs that thing came for this came from the ocean

It went all the way up the stairs there’s more yes no the entire family is coming just because just because uh there could be false grass too I don’t know oh my god oh I thought he was up here this one’s coming after me oh my God

This snakes up your hair I’m coming to Shadow I hit it there’s so many things on the island oh boy what one of the Orca is on land oh no we gotta save it well the snakes are coming oh even more to spawn there’s so many kids restaurants gonna have to get

On the island this is one of those few I see him he’s coming oh my gosh there he is you shot an arrow he’s gonna die guys there’s nobody he’s making it in here why is he stopping he’s assessing the situation look they’re all already after him why

Kim said you would love the snakes for some reason there’s a tarantula hawk behind you Sean he got stuck on the web he’s coming did that guy bad yeah he’s horrible Sean might die actually John’s gonna die yeah he’s gonna die no help him I help him we can kill we can

Clear the snakes but I don’t run wait the snakes aren’t even up here anymore where’s my bow Sean’s gonna die I’m trying where’s my bed up the stairs get up the stairs up the stairs I lost my ball there there are the bugs coming after me now

Oh get in here get in here oh get in oh I’m getting wrapped what good they know they did that what the hell I guess there were tarantula Hawks over there that were just there for a while and you’re going near them pulled them are you holding that no I don’t like

That you had something to do with this you can make it right tarantula hawk elytra with that those Shadows idea I don’t know why he wants to kill people every time he’s here I was trying to kill them Sean and someone came goes wait wait we should keep them here

Please I want to see which one does oh yeah Kevin what are you doing up here I’m checking out you broke my chest piece now I gotta go home what it’s Kim Kim remind me we can’t get up there where are you guys what what are you guys doing up there

You know what we’re doing you guys are fighting again no Kim broke my chest piece I don’t I don’t understand you came for me I did the same thing you did to me I launched you you launched me what happened yes that’s not what happened you watched me three times and

Now I launched you one time and you retaliate by launching me one time the heck why God oh my God [Laughter] what did he bite well he says he’s stuck in a hole okay I could grab a bulls I had to get out of here no Spike near my door [Laughter]

He’s not even talking so angry why don’t you come in here Kim oh he’s tricking me why don’t you come in here Kim that’s not fair please let us talk about this let’s talk about it let’s talk about this [Laughter] I don’t see them anymore oh there he is

Oh there’s a sneak after Kim what me oh I got their snakes oh it’s after no uh-oh this is your fate Kim no no oh there we go no one no one get him up no this is it for him he’s been he’s been a huge problem for us I have not

I’m gonna push you out of this roof last thing I do no no I gotta push you out of this roof listen Kim you saved you so you saved me oh you must know that this is no laughing matter anymore we need to work together you guys have done it I’ve

Built enough damage to each other oh what am I looking at oh he’s outside he no don’t open that door he said a snake what do you hit by Sean don’t die now are you getting hit by Stay away from the walls Sean I’m what you’re dead you died oh get me up you see look who’s doing it it’s me okay you didn’t realize you were dying or what no I didn’t hear it what I was tired I was topped out I almost went out

Like Steve I feel like Shawn and Kim killed each other so many times that I’ve lost count we went to kipley’s Island to see if you know she found her totem it ended up being empty so either you know someone else got it or Kipling got it it doesn’t matter so since we

Didn’t get to explore the the cargo ship too much we all decided to go back this is this is like the biggest mess you’re ever gonna see in in anything okay just just get ready for this oh my God where you at Robert I killed I’m at the

Top I killed the Black Widow you’re at the very top well I’m on the top part of the ship not at the top of the tower though I think I’m gonna run I think I’m jumping why why that bad it’s bad up here guys show me the way oh my God guys

Why there’s black widows uh I’m in the Water Guys Black Widow yourself I I had to go because there’s there’s a there’s like two black widows on me the web shooters are so annoying and can’t get up there wait Kim’s dead um I’m not too far Kim I’m where are you

And where where are you I’m right over here where’s he get him get him get him get him I don’t want him to die like this 60 seconds I can’t I can’t no no don’t leave me kill him kill the block with us hurry I’m driving like oh my God Robert I’m

Gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die Kim how much time do you have um 20 seconds how do you get you off I’m gonna I’m gonna die right click hold right click almost zero seconds get up here get upstairs I was literally on zero seconds there

Um I was a close call I appreciate it though someone didn’t say something someone didn’t say something what someone did not say something I have a horde check him get in here Kim did not say something oh hold on I just spawned in I love me robbers are in here I’m dipping

Oh I wonder what’s going on up there what boy are you guys okay well I’m out outside you’re outside when I spawned in there on me so I had to jump all right I I’m gonna make my way up to you the only way out right now is

Down and let me sail away you get to get down to this water area can’t I can’t risk it they pop my totem I’ll try to make it up to you okay I got a horse on me I mean we could use the boat Sean and just try it out

You gotta get Shadow out of here is he here he is what do we get from all this anyways we get anything nothing what I gotta have one Diamond I got one diamond where are you guys okay we’re here going down get in my boat get in your boat okay quick let’s go

Escape out the back I get another boat back up just in case this one breaks I made a hole so we can just go straight straight through Straight to booty Bay all right fast and furious we’re good we’re good they didn’t follow us they’re dumb we evaded them oh my God

Ah but that is you can’t go back to the ship ever again you get Anglers underneath us but we should be able to ride let’s stop by the volcano real quick yeah I got a horde right in front of us turn around oh my God turn around

Turn around go back oh they’re there what’s up what’s that shaking did you feel it shaking Kim what do we do oh my God what do we do what do we do I don’t know why run back to my place it’s the closest place it’s coming for us oh my

God we’re gonna get another wave though there’s gonna be another wave just run back to my base I’m fine thank goodness are you good Sean you good yeah I’m fine I’m fine but there’s Anglers oh my God it’s right there this one’s underneath us again oh wow he’s chasing us

Let’s go back okay yeah keep going this way there is no way like actually no way we all survived from that that was terrible it was horrible but if we made it back I still couldn’t believe it but anyways Sean started making something in

My house I have no idea why but you know this was it we survived one more day we get off of this island Today is the last day if we make it to the end a boat will pick us up and bring us out of here but you know there’s a catch Sean hit us with it on this last day we we didn’t know until now okay to escape you must be standing on one of

These beacons out in the water one of these four beacons that that’s the catch right there that we we all just got hit with only four people can make it off this island and there’s six of us so remember what I said about the beginning

About making it off this island I yeah I wasn’t about to lose now so I started making traps I even went to the extent of trapping my base I’m just doing whatever it takes to make it out of here yeah because I want to get at least one

Person with it and that way no one will know who it was except for you because we got we got to bring these numbers down a little bit you know oh my God this is gonna kill someone do it we just we’ll just know not to use

It the only way you don’t die by this is if you hit a water bucket or ender pearl okay the thing is do we tell Sean about this trap is set so just just something you gotta live by right now okay don’t use that back door Sean

At all don’t don’t what’s going on back there don’t go down don’t use the path up to the house like the outside path up to the farm oh is it rigged um it’s not rigged it’s it’s uh there’s some false floors here and there like these these traps are kind of indirect

Traps right they’re not meant to kill anyone specifically yeah yeah I just I can choose who to tell about them yeah and then whatever happens happens whatever happens happens but let’s hope that no one let’s hope we don’t have to kill anyone that’s all I’m saying yeah

Oh oh it’s quicksand oh it’s quicksand does it hurt yeah no it’s just it makes your fov crazy well you can’t get out too yeah oh that is I want to put it somewhere but I I don’t know where to put it can you open your inventory okay okay

Inventory yeah yeah I can there was one more thing we needed to make off this island deep in an underground cave was a bell we needed to use that Bell and ring it while we’re on the beacons take it off the island who keeps coming up with

These rules I’m just trying to make it off this island oh wait there’s a skeleton go go go Shadow go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh that’s coming after me are you all right

I’m fine I’m okay it’s just scary and it’s still chasing me okay okay wow that thing is oh my God it’s out of the water oh oh are you kidding me oh my gosh they just oh my God what is in there someone uh not good miners yeah they lost miners

Oh my God there’s so many of them Sean don’t go down there bye look sounds like we’re doing a good job down there okay if there’s as long as this way go this way I already went down that way there’s nothing there I’m gonna drop it they’re dropping

Diamonds oh my gosh what is that oh no no it’s like a crack it’s like a big crab it’s coming I don’t like it I’ll keep shooting it okay he’s down okay oh I’m poisoned help help me oh it’s got Robert it’s gonna kill me oh I’m gonna die

What I’m at three hearts come back up thank you oh no no no not good not good really bad situation for me I can’t get in just bust in just busted I can’t see anything oh my God this is it for me no Well that actually jump scared me I came out of nowhere where did that come from did that come from down there yes how did it get up there’s a nice sucker John get in here John get in here huh it’s coming down Robert is scary

I don’t want to swing Robert you want me to mine help me I’m mining I don’t want to swing if I swing I’ll hit you back I’m gonna hit you got it got it I have the Bell you guys wouldn’t be able to make it off this island

Oh my gosh what it’s the bugs oh my gosh oh there’s so many nope how bad are the Hawks right now oh my God oh my God they’re terrible they’re all right there oh my God Robert all this sand is about to come down on my head

Coming down okay we’re not going we’re digging around oh get in here what the hell is that it’s an angler I know but I’m telling you they keep breaking through oh my God it’s right there there’s an angler in the cave how far do we have to dig here we can

Just get out right oh that scared me whoa look at this guy he was just looking right at me they’re all above us and there’s Anglers oh my God we’re almost there we’re almost there the only way we get we we safely do this is go into the bottom of the house where

The TNT is we all good nope hold on I think I stung so many times get in I just got stung like 15 times where’s the where’s the uh okay it’s like I couldn’t breathe you’re so lucky I made this wall where are we we’re very close the house is like right there

Oh no yeah hey Robert oh Laguna senses we can blow up right now I think I left the Bell down there really I don’t have it I might have dropped it really it’s not in my inventory all right I’m just kidding you guys not bad just kidding

Let’s go ring the bell get off the sound before anyone else can show up all right oh my God all right there’s a Creeper down in the room with a TNT oh my God to get inside shut up no why did you put that I did I was trying to open the door

I shouldn’t I panicked it was in my hand help me Kim’s online and he’s in the temperature helped me yeah don’t worry where where are you oh oh my God where is he he’s in the temple no I can we could hear him now Kim you

Got six these guys over there where he’s over there we can’t get to him oh you can see him from here Kim we can’t the Hawks there’s too many hawks he’s to the left get to him I can’t you guys have to go I’m I’m stung where’s Kim Half-Life oh no

Guys I’m coming Kim here we’re coming five seconds I’m coming three two one cover me oh my God oh my God I can’t run this way you can I I cannot Sprint that one heart Robert your true hero I’m trying to kill I’m gonna die go away no no I’m coming I’m coming

Okay it’s really dangerous traveling over here what is off with those huge Cobble weapons yeah Cobble web like the huge ones yeah I don’t know what’s up with the Cobble web Cobble webs what are Cobble webs oh let me read strings the big strings no cobweb cobweb there you go

Do you have enough golden apples yeah I have I have I have enough hopefully huh what’s this wait what’s happening I’m dying I got murdered oh my goodness this is bad oh you owe me your life put that away what other way are you going down again

So Kim it was Sean you weren’t here when I said it either one of us what yeah either one of us has the bell in our Ender Chest you cannot get off this island without that Bell if you kill me or Shadow you will not have

Access to the Bell who says I want to get off the island I’m just letting you know if you want to get off Kim Kim if you want to get off this island one of us has the Bell if you kill us you’ll never be able to get off the island

Both of you guys have saved my life I’m just I’m just letting you know and yeah and yeah I came on top of that if Sean doesn’t want us to get off the island we know what to do yeah he go flying off the island I want to show you something come over

Here look out the window here where did you anchor splunker go both of my guys are gone the only one that has one left I’m gonna I’m gonna go steal it got him I can’t believe on top of my house hello are you doing up there why do you have wings

Oh it’s a it’s my dress what spider webs what is that what is happening so I can’t get them out I got stuck I’m getting stung one uh how do I oh my goodness someone get Kim right click right click right click right click good oh I got

You I think you’re gonna owe me one thing Kim all right so yeah thank you for that Sean I just want to show you where the markers were yeah I went out there then I got attacked by fish yeah where are the markers way out there okay so what

Happens next was not planned I was trying to keep Sean from having access to spawning the Wither by holding on to the with their head he had and I I told Kim to go inside my house and he was listening to me whatever it doesn’t matter but for some reason he decided to

Snoop around and break through my floor you remember that creeper that was down there yeah it was still there oh all the lag oh what just happened Kim where is he Robert what happened to your house Man Kim what did you do to my house I was

Born where is Kim where is he I flew out of the house [Applause] I’m digging inside I can’t dig me down with you guys where yeah they’re here Kim they’re here oh my goodness the Truck Works who did that uh 10 seconds guys cam come here yeah come here come here

I can’t get out here where are you where are you you guys were stepping on me I’m coming I’m coming Kim Kim’s dead Kim’s dead my house is gone Kim Kim did it himself why was there a trap in your house Robert why would I trap my house

Why was there a trap in your house someone else explained I can’t believe that’s now five of us and now our safest base was gone we stayed in our tunnels and killed the tarantula Hawks slowly it was a mess outside and it wasn’t only getting worse yeah you need some food oh

There’s another one coming there’s two coming oh my God I’m coming back down oh please leave me alone up here please try to kill me there keeps being like one more and then they keep flying they’re trapped in the bamboo they keep yeah oh my God there’s so many

Of the bamboo all right Kipling I need you to go into the bamboo and take care I think these are still from that horde oh my God ow you are such a jerk you remember remember what I said there was a Creeper down and almost exploded yeah I think I

Know it I know I know funny that that’s what got him he was going he was going snooping around he did it to himself that’s like when the explosion happened I’m like you didn’t press the button no one pressed the button no I was I was

Trying to gauge your response if if you wanted to do it but no I was I thought you were sending me up there to die with him so no I wanted you to shut the door like put blocks in front of the door so he couldn’t get out I’m I’m getting I’m

Really down on my down to my last little bit of everything eh yeah this is bad and everything out of those chests is gone wait let’s go kill these things I’m sick of being scared yeah I’m not scared anymore these things just they they burn through your food because you’re constantly

Needing to eat this is the worst oh don’t don’t swing got another one oh oh my God okay they’re gone anyone there’s a fairness up there oh there’s one more yeah it’s coming down it’s coming down there’s just no no reason for them to be this annoying

Yeah there’s one two three four over there in the bamboo oh my God this is gonna kill someone in fact Cody didn’t realize that Where’s Robert what was that sound where are you don’t worry about it did were you infected and you forgot about it no no

It’s not if you think it’s okay but I just heard a scream did someone just scream no no yeah that was me what was that sound we have been stuck down here for the like 30 minutes because of these things no they’re gonna get in just let him no he’s running he’s

No he’s running guys I’m gonna die get him get him get him get him get him get him get him I’m I’m stung right now he’s running we can’t go out there Kipling we gotta help him oh my God where is he going where’d he go

He’s gonna pull all those ones in the bamboo he’s pulling all right oh my gosh you don’t get in I hear the gun though I almost died get in here it was almost so bad did we get the oh no there’s still there’s in the bamboo

We can go in the bamboo that can’t get us okay let’s go then let’s just take care of this because I’m sick of these bugs oh my God there’s more over here welcome to my house again though hi it’s a crater yes we got a mere Shadow has a has the

Bell so without that Bell we don’t make it I mean you or Shadow either either of us have the belt and the Ender Chest so if any either of us die no one’s getting off the island I’m gonna throw it out there Laguna I have a

Wither I’m kidding I have the stuff to make out with her and I will be making it with her if I’m not on a pillar mm-hmm great okay so threats all right this is what it’s just it’s it’s no no no no insurance insurance just when we thought we were safe and

Ready to make it off the silent Sean told us there’s another item we needed to get before we could leave I swear he’s just making things up at this point but it was somewhere in that big dungeon here we go are you serious I want that I want that artifact

Do we need it to get off the island I’m out I’m out what is blowing up creepers spiders all the spiders why are we here what do we need here are we just being greedy and no Robert you there’s something in here we need to get off the

Island same as the bell okay one more artifact it’s gonna be like don’t don’t let those zombies hit you why because they give you the infection they’re supposed to find us oh oh my gosh tarantula Hawks a lot of them oh my God more of those more of those

Centipedes oh what I’m stuck what who the heck is going on I got stunned maybe we should try a different entrance okay just have a condition contingency plan if Sean lets everything in run oh I don’t trust Sean is there a chest yeah that’s what do we know for a fact

Do we know it’s coming I mean they’re they’re spawning faster than we can kill them what do you mean it’s coming not in here there’s a millipede right there Sean Sean what’s your plan you’re being chased I’m just moving quick I’m moving fast two millipedes after you mean there’s a creeper

Where in here that was literally right here oh there’s two of them oh it hit me to the wall I don’t know I don’t know what to do at this point way are you still digging yeah yeah I think I’m near the back you know that chest in the back

Yeah that’s what I’m trying to dig too but it’s very possible Sean already got in and out and grabbed it no he’s up top he’s trying to do something crazy he’s trying to like ender pearl over to it and then get out oh you’re right in front of it yeah one back

There’s nothing in this chest okay shoot y’all I found it I found it I got it I got it I got it you got the item no but I know how to get to it yeah just come right here Robert pour lava down straight here on this corner gonna kill

Almost everything and then we just I see the chest nope it’s got to be here somewhere Sean just tried to point me in the wrong direction no I’m trying to make it so you can see where it is I’m under the spawner right now you have to go one

Block away from it I’m one block away do I go two blocks away no you’re not Laguna’s directly below he’s he’s I can see him he’s below he got it we got it we got it I got it I got it let’s go let’s go let’s get ready

Okay so we got the item now all we need to do is wait out the timer you know pretty easy right okay we gotta kill this thing you uh okay they’ve been dealt with I think those are the last from the other thing we gotta figure out

Something fast I’m saying the three of us should get on there’s everything together let’s get off the island together yeah I’m not I’m not praying you two at all unless someone just wants to uh uh volunteer to be left behind Sean you seem to really like the island no I put that away

[Laughter] why don’t we all sail out there and see what we’re dealing with okay I like that idea together what because at the end of the day we all want to survive right it was time we took what we needed and headed out to the beacons the plan was to stand on

Them until time was up when can we ever have nice things here never okay I call this one yeah are we just going by dibs chairs oh Shadow I don’t trust yeah whatever’s floating around underneath us doesn’t make me feel safe oh oh yeah I’m

Out yo I saw that coming what was that what the island doesn’t want us to leave that ended fast no yeah that didn’t take long and we’re back sorry sorry sorry sorry I was trying to get my boat I’m sorry 50 minutes there was no way we were gonna survive

With those monsters circling the beacons since I dealt with them before in the water temple I I decided that I could probably do it again whoever does it and breaks all four spawners we guarantee them a spot if they survive if they survive it’s a big question mark

Yeah but we give we guarantee them a spot any takers I’ll do it I have the Jaws I have a spot I can do it okay bye you’re gonna do it Robert yeah there’s only minutes left before we need to be standing on those beacons but it’s

Time I I need to break those spawners this is it all I needed to do was ring the bell when the time was right I’m leading them away I’m looking for spawners oh I can’t see anything it’s bad it’s bad more tarantula Hawks I’m gonna need I’m gonna die oh my God

This is where I’m gonna die I’m freaking out right now nah I can’t I can’t do that what the heck there’s tarantula Hawks there’s everything around me right now oh my God this is the worst why yeah 10 minutes left okay there they are [ __ ] me oh no well back in the water

They hear horrible things oh no Sean’s giant uh Ortho cone what is that think about this typically think about this I would I literally don’t think I can pick you up down there someone I will look at him look at him wait no Kipling what you do next we’ll change the game

I can’t save you oh no Sean’s dead everyone’s dying lagondo’s dying Kipling’s dying who shot me I’m here 20 seconds Robert I can’t get to you 20 seconds over here where I’m on the other pillar come on I can’t actually moving through Robert I’m I Robert oh I shouldn’t have come the worst

I don’t know what to do Shadow are you here huh Shadow are you here yeah I’m here where are you I’m trying to get on one of these blocks which one are you on I one of them I don’t know kipley shot me off is she still here no

Everyone’s dead it’s just me and you oh my gosh but there’s monsters here I’m down I’m on I’m on mine okay I have my bell Shadow we’re getting off yeah I’m ready everything bad is about to happen I feel like uh I’m sweating right now I’m shaking can’t please shut me off she’s

Lucky because I was gonna come back but there’s a horde there’s a horde of what I don’t know that’s the horde of how Howl’s afford I just heard it oh I got it too she did it not yet man not yet I don’t even want to look outside

Three minutes no it’s it’s about two two minutes soon it’s approaching because I can’t see your name yeah I just don’t know what to do what is that they’re probably fighting each other okay oh another horde come on this is the longest two minutes of my life I just hear everything around us

You got a minute left okay this I’ve never been this scared of my life I’m watching it I’m looking at it good morning boys rescue’s here oh I’m ringing the bell put itself I’m afraid I only got one spot on this boat no you don’t no you don’t you’re a liar

Come on boys first one to get on wins go go Go there’s something behind us are we safe is that it that’s it you both win okay that’s it me and Shadow made it off to silent I I can’t believe that we did with everything we went through me and him starting as neighbors stranded on our

Own Islands we did it together we made it out alive a lot of our friends died along the way and they will not be forgotten everyone that died we couldn’t have done it without you it’s a shadow sorry you said a trap in your house it was it was strictly

Business but yeah that’s it we did it we survived being Shipwrecked on this island

This video, titled ‘How I Survived Forge Labs’s Minecraft Ship Wreck Simulation’, was uploaded by OkRobert on 2023-07-22 12:59:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Can I survive in a simulated shipwreck scenario with all these other minecraft youtubers? HOPEFULLY! I’m willing to do …

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    Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle - Join Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the exciting and creative world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taming an Ender Dragon to soar above your castle, just like in the video you enjoyed. At Minewind, you can experience thrilling adventures, build amazing structures, and interact with a vibrant community of players. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server by entering the IP address YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience that… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Hacks!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Hacks! Welcome to! Are you ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, we have the perfect server for you to showcase your skills. Minewind Minecraft Server offers a vibrant community where you can implement game-changing build hacks that will blow your mind! Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and explore a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly stand out. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way… Read More

  • Survival World DELETED?! 😱

    Survival World DELETED?! 😱 Unexpected Turn of Events in the Minecraft World Recently, a Minecraft player faced a devastating setback when their beloved Survival World mysteriously disappeared. The player, who had invested significant time and effort into building their virtual world, was left puzzled and disheartened by the sudden turn of events. A Sudden Disappearance The player had been diligently working on their Survival World, creating episodes and sharing their adventures with the online community. However, upon returning to their world, they were shocked to find it missing without a trace. It was as if their digital creation had vanished into thin air,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Warden vs Golem Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Warden vs Golem Showdown Welcome to Minecraft Titan: A New Adventure Awaits! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft Titan, where players can embark on thrilling adventures, battle epic bosses, and uncover hidden treasures. In this episode, we will delve into the depths of the Titan modpack, encountering unique mobs, and discovering powerful weapons and tools. Get ready for an adventure like never before in Minecraft Titan! Conquering Challenges and Building Structures Watch as our players conquer challenges, build incredible structures, and push the limits of what’s possible in Minecraft. With new mobs and items to discover, the possibilities are endless in this… Read More

  • Transform Your Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Transform Your Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to! Today we want to talk about the latest episode of a popular Minecraft survival series on YouTube. In this episode, the player finishes transforming a village and decides to return home to their main base to create a music disc farm. The goal is to gather as many music discs as possible and expand their garden and tree collection. Watching this episode may have inspired you to start your own music disc farm and garden in Minecraft. If you’re looking for a server to join where you can meet other like-minded players and showcase your creations,… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Survival Minecraft Server 🌲

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Survival Minecraft Server 🌲 Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting server to join where you can showcase your building skills and survive in a challenging environment? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! While watching this amazing video on building a base for survival in Minecraft, you may have been inspired to take your skills to the next level. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that will keep you engaged for hours on end. Join a community of like-minded players who are passionate about crafting, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a variety… Read More

  • Space Survival Saga: Labrash’s Minecraft Mission

    Space Survival Saga: Labrash's Minecraft Mission Labrash explores space in Minecraft, a thrilling sight, Surviving explosions and exploring with all his might. But when Hyso’s voice disappears, a mystery to solve, How will they survive in outer space, will they evolve? Join Labrash on this epic journey, don’t miss a beat, As they navigate the spaceship with a hole at their feet. New videos every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, so neat, With highlights on Monday and Friday, a gaming feat. Check out the playlist for more of this adventure tale, And don’t forget to thank the author, Cavinator1, without fail. Engage with the Facebook fan… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Stream Survival w/ Subs!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Stream Survival w/ Subs!Video Information тутуту а мощную придумал фантастику я придумал прямо мега супер пупер придумал й люди больше не услышат юны тундун са тутутутутутуту Ты что тут сидишь А что нельзя на хз Ты просто один ту сидишь и что Великая причина сидеть постоять я сейчас зайду в ма заходи О ты что уже пришёл Да я вообще жёстко заспидранил на 15 минут вышел А блин я вообще я думал ты уже ушёл я забыл я думал ты уже всё с концами я не пойду уже но очень грустно вообще жесть Я рад давай ты скажешь Не давай ты скажешь что… Read More

  • Insane Vertical Minecraft Stream! Join Now on RandomKitz Server!

    Insane Vertical Minecraft Stream! Join Now on RandomKitz Server!Video Information boo hello everybody I’m live for the first time in a [Music] while hold up grab this let me this quick and then [Music] chat uh hold up grab this open this open this that that hello hi smug donut and Hi H I’m doing good how about you guys just playing some hopl do how’s everyone doing this morning morning or afternoon or whatever time it is for you what’s going on up might as well loot this Min shaft and grab our cobwebs I never really do and I probably always should [Music] got to do… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS FIGHT! 🔥 #103Video Information he This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS #103 #minecraft #mush #bedwars #hylex #pvp #hypixel.mp4’, was uploaded by LuisKly on 2024-01-08 14:00:05. It has garnered 2355 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT BED WARS SIGMA # HYPIXEL HYLEX MUSH #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft Read More

  • ⚡️UNSTOPPABLE Banana Meme – HILARIOUS Animation #shorts

    ⚡️UNSTOPPABLE Banana Meme - HILARIOUS Animation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unstoppable – Funny Version (Animation Meme) #shorts #funny #meme #banana #youtubeshorts #respect’, was uploaded by Fyp to video on 2024-01-22 04:35:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts youtube shorts reels respect shorts youtube short respect videos video shorts videos short video instgaram minecraft … Read More

  • Darkhelmet Minecraft

    Darkhelmet MinecraftSurvival, Towny/GriefDefender, mcMMO, Jobs, Auctions, Orders, Stocks, Lottery, Crates, Mini-Games, Contests, and more! Custom plugins, expert hosting. Ranks are playtime-based. Since 2011 DHMC has been the first and last server for thousands. Donations cover operating costs and get cosmetic perks only! Zero Pay-to-Win! Read More

  • UneasyVanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Hacks No Reset

    UneasyVanilla UneasyVanilla – Vanilla Anarchy with NO Hacking. UneasyVanilla is a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server running since 10th of March 2020, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. There are no gameplay-altering plugins, no teleportation, no sethome, no grief prevention, and no pre-determined economy. Griefing and raiding are permitted but using hacks/cheats is not. IP: Version: 1.20.4 Website: Discord: Join our community today. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Whether you’re seeking alliances, testing your skills, or taking on massive… Read More

  • Baine Junior High School

    Vanilla SMP, Small community that's trying to build our numbers. We have a shopping district, /trigger home, spawn, back, /trigger set home. Nether roof hub, multiple xp farms. Join the discord & fill out the application to join. 18+ Server. Come Hang Out With Us. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting prediction with these guys

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting prediction with these guys“I bet these guys were the original beta testers for Minecraft, constantly trying to figure out how to make a diamond pickaxe before it was even added to the game.” Read More

  • Herobrine Unleashed: Minecraft’s Summoning Guide

    Herobrine Unleashed: Minecraft's Summoning Guide In the world of Minecraft, where legends reside, Herobrine’s presence, a mystery to confide. Follow the steps, with caution and care, Summoning him, a thrill beyond compare. With a block of command, the process begins, Redstone torches, the power within. Assemble the command, with a click and a spark, Herobrine’s arrival, a journey to embark. Click the items, to bring him near, Await his presence, without any fear. In the realm of Minecraft, where legends unfold, Summoning Herobrine, a tale to be told. Read More

  • Subscribe for hot Minecraft memes 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Subscribe for hot Minecraft memes 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Me: *subscribes and leaves a like* Also me: *waits for diamonds to magically appear in my real life* #minecraftlogic” Read More

  • Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed

    Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed The Power of the Mace in Minecraft Have you ever wondered how powerful the Mace is compared to other weapons in Minecraft? In this video, a fascinating experiment is conducted to determine the speed and efficiency of the Mace in combat. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the potential of this unique weapon. The Experiment The experiment involves testing the Mace’s ability to defeat a Guardian by hitting blocks at different distances. Starting from one block, then ten blocks, and finally reaching a height of 100 blocks, the Mace’s effectiveness is put to the test. Will… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting YouTube video titled “Minecraft, Cops And Robbers Alcatraz.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await in the world of Minecraft. Imagine a server where you can experience thrilling gameplay, interact with unique mods, and join a vibrant community of players from around the world. That’s where Minewind comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind… Read More

  • Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine

    Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine The Legend of “L’ombra nella Miniera” in Minecraft In a remote village in Minecraft, a dark and terrifying legend existed that only the bravest dared to whisper under the moonlight. It was said that there was an abandoned mine, where the darkness was so dense and oppressive that it seemed to envelop the heart of the earth itself. Rumors spoke of an evil and mysterious entity lurking in those timeless depths, known only as “L’ombra.” The Haunting of the Abandoned Mine During moonless nights, strange noises could be heard emanating from the mine: anguished cries, eerie whispers, and the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP Wizard Tower Build!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP Wizard Tower Build!Video Information 9 you later where are you no problem all right I won’t make y’all wait any longer I just want to get that pin message out um hello everybody hello hello um how’s everyone doing man you guys are really early today huh let’s get on in here just get on in here let’s let’s not cut look you guys are so early so let’s not waste any time hello everybody Welcome in how’s everyone doing [Music] tonight some of you might be immediately asking R you’re wearing a robe what’s going on well fairly simple I don’t… Read More

  • Daring New Minecraft Survival with Members | Ep 4

    Daring New Minecraft Survival with Members | Ep 4Video Information hello hello hello YouTube how are you guys doing welcome to the stream what’s up everyone what’s up Flores Quant crafter torn bird Angel cool name by the way me how you doing me uh Hitman what’s up guys Matt random chat my man mini wolf how are you guys doing welcome to the stream welcome to the stream hello hello hello if is everything working it has been a while since I streamed actually it feels very weird and very off uh but here we are again in Minecraft Survival it is time for episode number four… Read More


    🦈JOIN MY CUSTOM SMP WORLD NOW!🔥 #MXSharkbaitVideo Information for for all right sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I just thought like you know what I was like I was just like setting everything up and then like yeah okay so okay so here okay okay I know you guys were like you know just I was just I was just like making a cool entrance okay I was just making a good entrance okay I was just trying to make a cool entrance okay I just you know peer out of nowhere like poof like but that’s not the case so anyways hi… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets with Yüki in RivenSMP! | Minecraft ft. Ivan & Jon

    Uncovering Secrets with Yüki in RivenSMP! | Minecraft ft. Ivan & JonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring New Horizons in RivenSMP! | Minecraft Survival Series ft. Ivan and Jon’, was uploaded by Yüki on 2024-01-15 16:58:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join us in the second episode of our thrilling Minecraft Survival World series on RivenSMP! In this exciting installment, Ivan … Read More

  • Sourspider – Each Sub = 1 Block?! Day 14 🕷️

    Sourspider - Each Sub = 1 Block?! Day 14 🕷️Video Information making a Minecraft city but I only get as many blocks as a two subscribers from this short day 14 and we got 59 subs from the last so that’s 59 Blocks place down tell me what else I should build This video, titled ‘each sub = 1 block day 14’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-04-13 15:59:19. It has garnered 5190 views and 184 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. each sub = 1 block @sourspider_ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360,… Read More

  • Jacob Butter Exposes Secret Girls-Only Minecraft World!

    Jacob Butter Exposes Secret Girls-Only Minecraft World!Video Information [Music] is [Music] well met Lords and Ladies Jacob butter speaking and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft review because we still don’t have an intro for that I keep forgetting and I keep coming up with uh doing one of these again I think last time I did in my passion video uh was pre-recorded and it came out right before a uh five years later episode that was actually longer than five years later and now five years later came out yesterday doing my passion again why not uh and uh yeah I I’ll give… Read More

  • Unlock the Power of the Devil in MineCraft

    Unlock the Power of the Devil in MineCraftVideo Information कम ऑन कमन [संगीत] हेलो हेलो हेलो वॉइस इसका मतलब क्लियर कट आ रही है और हम सर्वर ऑनलाइन हो रहा है होने दो होने दो हेलो रम रुद्रा वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम और बताओ कैसी हो हेलो हेलो जो बोलना है बोल सकती हो कि मैं मस्त हूं आज ऑलवेज आप बोलो मैं कैसा हूं स्प्रिंट गेमर्स हेलो स्प्रिंट ब्रो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम और बताओ कैसे हो आई थिंक ओके आई विल बी रली सिस ठीक है लिटिल सिस्टर अरे भाई लग जाना है डन लगाने के लिए भी क्या करना एक्टिव डन हा आपका रियल… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Combos in Skywars Duels? Paul’s Mind-Blowing Tricks! #PvPMontage

    Unleash Insane Combos in Skywars Duels? Paul's Mind-Blowing Tricks! #PvPMontageVideo Information [Música] i [Música] like This video, titled ‘help_urself | skywars duels montage #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combo #pvpmontage’, was uploaded by pual on 2024-01-08 21:01:36. It has garnered 11 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combo #pvpmontage Read More

  • “Wild village TikToks: What you won’t believe!” #villagersong

    "Wild village TikToks: What you won't believe!" #villagersongVideo Information This video, titled ‘Indian tiktok’s be like 🤣 #villagersong’, was uploaded by Villager’s Village on 2024-01-13 01:37:00. It has garnered 2289 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. This is a humor and parody of indian tiktok style, it is meant as a joke. Again the minecraft villager is singing a cover of satisfya. Was this full of minecraft epic moments that make Minecraft 1000% better, or is it full of minecraft funny moments that make Minecraft 1000% funnier? Or would it better be suited to a minecraft memes compilation? If… Read More

  • Lost Fables

    Lost FablesLost Fables is a medieval fantasy Minecraft roleplay server, aiming for a rough tech-lock of the late medieval era, early colonialism. Currently in Beta. Discord Invite: Throughout your time on the server, you will be able to roleplay and develop your characters in a myriad of different ways. Maybe you will be an Armusian adventurer looking to explore the world, or maybe a simple Spring Elf farmer spending their days tending the fields outside one of the servers player created and player-run, cities or towns. Lost Fables focuses on the roleplay between players while also providing advanced plugins that… Read More

  • Super Happy Friends – Semi-Vanilla SMP – Whitelist – 18+ – 1.20.4

    Welcome to Super Happy Friends! We are a small intimate LGBTQ+ friendly international community of Minecraft players. We work on personal bases and collaborative projects, chat on Discord, and support each other through real life struggles. Join us for community events and build districts in Vanilla Minecraft Java edition. Rules: Be considerate of other players Be over 18 years old If you’re inspired by Hermitcraft and looking for a welcoming community, fill out our application form to join our Discord server. The bees can’t wait to meet you!🐝 Read More

  • Network » [1.18.x-1.20.x] Network » [1.18.x-1.20.x]Welcome to – your Minecraft survival adventure!Are you ready for an adventure? invites you to immerse yourself in our exciting world full of possibilities. Here you will find everything your survival heart desires: from expansive landscapes to exciting challenges.Our survival server offers you the freedom to write your own story. Build your base, collect resources and explore a diverse world full of secrets. Whether alone or with friends, on you will find a friendly and active community environment.Our team of administrators ensures that the server runs smoothly and ensures fair gameplay.Get ready to be part of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 🔥 Crafting Drama: Minecraft Edition 👀

    Minecraft Memes - 🔥 Crafting Drama: Minecraft Edition 👀Wow, that meme is really seeing things clearly with a score of 1073! Read More

  • Spider Monkey’s Minecraft Mansion Mayhem!

    Spider Monkey's Minecraft Mansion Mayhem! In Minecraft, a spider monkey took on a secure house, With tricks and traps, like a sneaky mouse. But Angela’s cosplay stole the show, With Angel and Devil, a fierce duo. In My Talking Angela 2, the battle unfolds, Between light and dark, stories untold. Join the journey, the clash of good and bad, In a world of cosplay, where emotions are had. Subscribe and like, to follow the tale, Of Angela’s transformation, without fail. In Minecraft and beyond, the story will sing, With rhymes and emojis, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Orion’s Hot Minecraft Meme Madness

    Orion's Hot Minecraft Meme Madness Why did the astronaut bring a pickaxe to space? To mine some space diamonds in Orion’s Sandbox! #spacejokes #minecraftinspace 🚀💎 Read More

  • Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server!

    Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. After watching the “Then/Now in Minecraft” video, it’s clear that the world of Minecraft has evolved and grown over the years. Minewind is at the forefront of this evolution, offering a dynamic and engaging environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re into survival games, building, or exploring haunted places, Minewind has something for everyone. Join… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick!

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick! Setting Up a World Border on Your Minecraft Server Setting up a world border on your Minecraft server can add a new level of challenge and excitement for your players. By restricting them to a certain area of the world, you can create unique gameplay experiences. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a world border on your server. Setting the Center and Size of the World Border To begin, you’ll need to set the center and size of the world border. Use the command /worldborder set [size] to establish the size of the border. For example,… Read More

How I Survived Forge Labs’s Minecraft Ship Wreck Simulation