How to Make A WORKING EYE SCANNER in Minecraft! (NO MODS!)

Video Information

Firstly we’ve got our eye scanner we got a door and when you walk up to a chicken sow trace it goes identity match and the door opens up oh isn’t that clean guys and you watch through you guys and then check this out the door is gonna close really nicely right behind

Hey what’s up guys it won’t stream back you with another minecraft video and today guys I’m gonna be showing you how you can make and actually working eye scanner in a Minecraft that’s right guys I’m talking about the kind of thing that looks at your face girls booze and

Unless you’re true we’re talking I phone 10 a facial recognition in minecraft without any mods or add-ons that is right guys there’s gonna be a hundred percent vanilla minecraft and the best part is it’s gonna work for any version of Minecraft when you guys are running iPad iPhone Android Xbox Nintendo switch

Or PC and this will work for you so you can take your security game to the next level and uh so those pesky little friends boys coming to your house steal your diamonds I’m looking at you Bob okay just kidding guys I’ve gotta get Bob but you guys all know those friends

Who come to your place when you don’t want them to they’ll never be able to get through again because now you have facial recognition so if you’re looking for today’s video make sure to drop a like it down below we’re going for 3000 likes and of course guys if you under

The channel make sure to slap that subscribe button added that that I condoling ding ding to never miss an upload and that way you guys level has had the coolest secret builds before any of your friends do but only if you hit that little bell icon so it’s super

Important you guys do that but without further ado let’s get into today’s video now shout out to FedEx gaming who gave me inspiration for this unfortunately his build load doesn’t work in the current update and it was a little clunky for my liking so I made it better

I met it small and I met at work in the new update but shout out to him anyway guys for his inspiration so guys before we can build it I need to show you how this bad boy works so firstly we’ve got our eye scanner we got that door and

When you walk up to a check this out right it goes identity match and the door opens up oh isn’t that clean guys and then you walk through you guys and then check this out the doors gonna close really nicely right behind us look at that and it’s open just long enough

So that you can bring a friend in if you actually want your friend to get into your basement as you can see I got my diamonds in here I got my diamonds in here and trust me no one’s gonna be getting hold of my baby and to get out

Of you guys it’s super simple you just walk up to the door it opens up and then as you guys can see it right behind me there it’s gonna close nice and clean the best part of this whole building is that there is no exposed redstone on the

Surface so it looks really really clean now you may be thinking anyway stream but what if someone other than you walks up to the door like a friend for example are they just gonna break down the door and guys I understand what you’re saying there so guys I have a solution so I’ll

Show you what happens basically all the red stones expose no you guys can’t see that yet I’m just gonna quickly change this imagine guys it’s looking for my sister so if I change the the eye scanner now it’s going to look for my sister so that’s my sisters crap cross

Burpee that’s a username and now I’m looking for my sister so let’s say I’m in survival I come up to you guys and I’m like oh cool I scanner and then I come up here it goes access to no I leave or dine if I try and break down

This glass door yeah well look at that guys I’m very very dead now the cool thing with this is that if you come up to it it goes access to not leave or die if you don’t mess with the door it’s not going to kill you so that way you know

If your friends are trying to break down your door because well you’ll see them come up in the kill feed going hear a streamer died or whoever died guys it’s a really cool system and it means that it gives your friends a chance to live

But also if they try to get in your little eye scan is going to kill them so now you guys know how it works it’s time to show you how to build this bad boy so first off I’m gonna be in creative because it’s gonna make things a million

Times easier and what you guys want to do is build a nine long eight tall hole so you want to go and you want to build it three down guys three blocks down and then you want to go ahead and build nine blocks along and eight blocks tall and

You want to build this nice little rectangle now I’m gonna be moving quite fast in those videos if you guys don’t understand anything just pause the video and rewind we just have a lot to get through so guys then you want to go ahead and come to the very middle of

Your bottom kind of line here so in the middle you want to go one two three four and place a block of your choice I haven’t put yellow concrete but it’s totally up to you and then next to it you want to place another yellow concrete block then you want to go ahead

And come to this one on the right anyway your one two three one two and then destroy that and this is going to be the block that scans for your I guys so as you guys can see when I stand here it goes ahead and well it still says access

Denied but this is gonna be the block that when your friends or you stand on it it’s going to activate the whole system and open up the door for you so super important you choose that before where you go ahead and get start with the bill then once you guys have done

That we’re gonna need some redstone magic you guys the entire thing is underground which is why it is so clean and smooth and to make it this clean you’re going to need to follow you’ll need some redstone dust Redfoo comparator and a redstone repeater and then you’re gonna need my

Favorite block in the entire game the command block to do that guys do slash and give up if I can spell slash give you a space @p space command underscore block hit enter and as you guys can see we’ve got ourselves a beautiful command block and then you’re going to want to

Do the following no there’s gonna be quite quick guys but we’re gonna lay the groundwork for a machine what you want to do is place a command block and make sure the arrow is facing forwards guys like that and next to it you want to place another command block once again

With the arrow facing forward now you want to go ahead and Crouch guys and place another command block again and make sure it’s facing it forward that is super important guys then out of these two command blocks we’re gonna place a redstone comparator here and here you

Wanna place a redstone repeater yep and then here put those both on the three ticks just like that guys and then you want to place a block of your choice right in front of this comparator yeah that is super important make sure you choose a block that stands out like

Yellow concrete then you want to place a command block here it doesn’t matter which way this one’s facing you’re gonna place a redstone repeater here and you wanna go one two three ticks place another command block then place another repeater one two three it ticks on that one guys

Place the command block then on the left side of this command block place a redstone repeater go one two three place another command block then you want to go ahead and in this top left hand corner place another command block as well it isn’t a static commands for this

That’s why we’re moving so quickly but then this is a little different guys from this command block you want to place a comparator going in this direction and then a comparator going into this command block make sure the two prongs the two little redstone things are both facing this corner

Command block then you want to go ahead and place one two three repeaters then you wanna place redstone redstone place a repeater here place another register and place a repeater there and put all of these repeaters on a three ticks just like that guys and a boom we have

Completed this side that’s going to basically open the door when you walk up to the eye scanner and then close with behind you and then when you walk out open it again that’s all done in this tiny little space you guys will not believe how long it took me to get that

So small once you guys have done that we need to do the system that’s going to kill any friends who try to get into your without being used so to do that guys what you want to do is you want to come from this command block here you want to

Leave a gap and you want to place a command block here and you can destroy that block then you want to place a redstone comparator and a repeater just like that and make sure this is on one turn ticks it’s super important this one here needs to be on two ticks then you

Want to go ahead and place a command block make sure this one is also important needs to be facing upwards guys make that sure that arrow is facing outwards and then above it Crouch and place another command block once again with that arrow facing upwards then you wanna place a redstone repeater a

Redstone repeater redstone redstone and you want to place redstone repeaters all the way down to the very bottom here place redstone redstone and place one two and then place a command block right there and you want to switch all these repeaters to three ticks now you don’t

Actually have to have these all on three ticks this is how long it takes before they are killed so if you want them to be killed instantly just go ahead and place the command block here but I like to give them a little bit of a chance to

Run away before I kill them so I make sure I’ve got all these redstone repeaters here guys and voila we have done all the command box we’re just putting one up vital a little repeater right here with our little block yup you want to place a repeater facing into

This one this is the most important thing in the entire sequence so super important get this right guys that it is facing in towards that one only on one tick so guys we’ve laid the groundwork for our Redstone I scanner kind of machine now we need to go ahead and

Actually build the top floor so this is totally dependent on whatever you guys want to build your house side of personalising white concrete some spruce wood planks and glass panes and some sea lanterns as well as an observer block work really well before this design but

It is totally up to you guys what you want to do is from our block that we chose earlier place a block here place a block and then bang bang and place and observer as your eye scanner then you want to go ahead and finish up your kind

Of wall and floor so for example guys I’ll fill this up we can just go ahead I’m just gonna build a kind of mock wall here so that we’ve actually got something it to work with guys you want to go ahead and leave a one gap right

There and you want to build a 3×3 glass of door now for our command it’s gonna be super important that this is a 3×3 door guys it just makes things a million times easier then we’re gonna go ahead and cover up just like our other wall over here

And then we’ll build a little bit of a floor yeah I’m going to leave this front gap open so I can easily get under and we can mess with the redstone just like that guys so there’s that little door and then of course you don’t want to

Fall into redstone on the other side so we’re just gonna quickly build out this side of course guys you can design this however you want on the top floor the only real thing that matters is the underground part now that we’ve got our cut a little mock wall what you want to

Do guys is go to your pause menu go to settings come to game and you want to scroll down to where it says show coordinates underworld options and turn that on and out of the I see in my top left hand corner it shows a bunch of numbers and these are your coordinates

And they’re super important they will be different depending on your microwave world to make sure not to copy mine use your own coordinates alright so now we go accordance we’ve got the building it’s time to put the commands in at the command that blocks themselves so what

You want to do the first thing we want to jump on this block that we’ve specified earlier guys and you want to grab your corner and Center in your top left hand corner what I recommend do and get a piece of paper get a pen and write

This down stuff for me this is one for one remember there’s a little bit different depending on your Minecraft world so do not copy down line numbers make sure you copy your numbers so mine is one for one and what you want to do is you want to come to this first

Command block that we placed right at the start of our sequence if you want to open this up switch this over to repeat go always active and you want to go test for @p square bracket and you want to put it in our coordinates that we got

Earlier so when you go x equals put in your first quarter number so for me that was one then you want to go comma you want to go y equals put in your second quarter number so for me that was for any wonder comma Z equals put in your

Third quarter number for me that was one anyone gonna come up art equals one and then put a square bracket remember use the three the first three numbers here one four and one they will be different depending on your microphone make sure you use your numbers then you want to go

Ahead and come to our command block directly connected coming forward out of this one and you want to change this to chain always active and conditional and you want to type in test for space and you want to put your user name so for me that is a wastestream make sure you get

The capital and letters right and as well as the spelling and now you guys see when I stand on this block check that if it works you will see a restaurant signal that come out of this comparator make sure you test and make sure that you got this

Right if that doesn’t light up guys you’ve done something wrong and you need to check your command blocks so once you guys have done that we want to give us a little bit of a message so follow your redstone follow this little block then outside you see the repeater just follow

Your little repeaters guys and you want to come up to this block here we’re going to choose what the machine says so for this we’re gonna go title space @p space title and you can write whatever you want so if you wanted so for the other one goes I had it say identity

Space match of course you can go ahead and type in whatever you want if you want it to say hello right hello it’s up to you guys so from here guys you want to come follow your redstone again to your next command block and you want to

Type in fill then this is going to be the command bot that opens up the door so to figure this out you want to come up to your service you guys and you want to smash this middle area open and you want to once again and write down your

Cordon so for me this is 4 4 3 and then you want to jump back down to our little bit of our command block Messier you want to come to this and you want to go fill and you want to put in those coordinates for space 4 space 3 space

And you want to put in the same coordinates but in the second number and 2 so 4 and then 4 plus 2 is 6 remember guys let’s say you add 25 it becomes 27 you want to add 2 to whatever your second number is so 4 6 3 and then you

Want to go ahead and do space and put air just like that once you guys have done that you want to come to your next command block coming out of this repeater here and you want to go fill and we’re going to need another lot of coordinates and you want to write down

These following so come up to the surface you guys you want to smash these 2 bits of glass stand here right down you can wooden so 5 4 & 3 this is our first set of coordinates guys and you want to jump under here come under here

Come to this command blocks 5 space 4 space 3 then you would come back up here and you want to destroy this block and this block and stand on top of that class pane and you want to write these chords down so for me this is 3 6 3 you

Want to jump down under here come in here and do space 3 space 6 space 3 space and then you want to put air once you guys have done that if we go ahead and fill in this wall real quick you can go ahead and test to make sure you

Haven’t done it right if we come up here when I stand on this block its gonna go identity match and as you can see that door is going to open for me which is crazy if this doesn’t work pull the video and rewind guys and see what

You got wrong but now that we’ve done this we need to make this bad boy close so to do that directly next to a l’ve repeating command block you want to come to this one and go and switch this also to repeat and always active and do a

Test for space @p square bracket and then once again we’re going to use the same thing we did for the other one except this time what you want to do is from your door you guys you want to we’ll just grab our yellow concrete yeah

You want to go 1 2 3 and place a block here and a block here this is gonna make things much easier for you then you want to stand on this forest away block and you want to write down your cordon so

For me this is 4 4 6 so if we go ahead and jump over here we go ahead test 4 x equals 4 y equals 4 and Z equals 6 so those were my coordinates then you want to go comma R equals 1 and then put a

Square bracket just like that and so now when we stand here it’s gonna activate that command block which then we’re going to Z as you can see the Redstone if we follow it is going to activate this command block and this is going to be our command that fills the door back

And closes it up so for this you want to go fill space and then you want to come to this command block you guys that we put the two sets of coordinates in for example go just for reference you can see where it is it’s the one in between

These two you want to go ahead and copy this command out so for so for me it’s 5 4 3 3 6 3 5 space 4 space 3 and then space 3 space 6 space 3 remember these numbers will be different depending on your world and that instead of writing

Air guys we’re going to write glass underscore pane and that means now when we appear on the other side here guys as you can see Bank is going to fill that the door up with glass but we also wanted to make so that when you walk up

To the door it reopens to do that guys it’s actually really really simple all you need to do is go ahead and come to this command blocks which is to repeat always active and then ensure you want to go test for space at P bracket and

We’re going to need one more set of coordinates and that’s going to be in this yellow block we play so for me guys it’s really easy it’s four four four what you want to do is come down here I’m sure you guys got the hang of it now

It is x equals four what remember your first quarter number y equals your second quarter number for me that’s four and then comma Z cause you’re said in number so maybe once again it’s fall for me you’re gonna go comma R equals one and then put these square bracket and now we

Have completed the entire sequence that will open and close the door so if you guys can see we can’t here it goes identity match door opens you come through here then you stand on this guy’s and it closes the door up to leave guys all you do is come up here and bang

The door opens and as you can see it’ll close right behind us back it’s super easy now we need to go ahead and deal with the part that kills those pesky friends who are trying to get through your door who are not allowed in and as

You can see that is all on this side of our machine guns so let’s go ahead and get started first off you want to come up to this command block here that is next to our chain and you want to switch this to repeat and always active and you want to

Copy the exact command from this command block the very first command block we did guys you want to copy this exact command into this block so for me guys that’s going to be test fourth @p brackets and then let’s just check what I wrote in here one for one so it’s

Gonna be x equals 1 y equals 4 Z equals 1 and then you want to go come up R equals 1 and then square bracket so remember copy whatever you guys wrote in your very first command block then you want to go ahead and come up to this

Commands here and you want to go title space @p space title and this is what you guys are going to want to type in you this is basically your message to whoever is trying to get into your door so you could go go away for example with

The one agent for the other one is a word access denied it’s totally up to you guys once again what you want to write this can be they can literally be like ha ha ha you can’t get it you can write whatever you want you guys then in

The command block directly above it you want to switch this to chain always active and then you can leave this on a conditional guys that’s what you don’t want to do and then we’re gonna go title space at P sub the title and this is going to be the message that tells them

That if they don’t leave they’re gonna die so I like to write leave or die and then put an exploration bike right there guys so now if it detects someone who isn’t you it’s going to tell them to leave or die and access denied and then

It’s going to give them a certain amount of time which is this delay here before it kills them so the final command block ready to set up is kill and I’m going to go at key and then you want to put square bracket and you want

To put in the coordinates of the block right here guys where it does the identity match thing you want to put in your coordinates so for me that is 1 for 1 so if we come down here we’re gonna go kill at P and we’re gonna go x equals 1

Y equals 4 and then comma z equals 1 you want to go comma y equals but this time instead of putting 1 you want to go ahead and put in at 4 so that means if they try and break your door they’re still going to be four blocks away from

That block so it’s still going to kill them meaning your system is going to be a super foolproof and guys we are officially are done whoa that was a long and tricky build this is quite advanced compared to what I normally do on the channel guys so if you didn’t understand

Anything go back and re-watch the video I tried to make it as simple as I could for you guys but yeah let’s go ahead and test it you come up here it goes identity match at the door opens we come through here at you stands here the door

Closes you walk up to it it opens and then hopefully yep it closes right behind us now for example let’s say you want this to go ahead and let’s say this is testing for my sister guys this is the cut oh by the way I should mention

This chain command block is going to be the command that you can choose who is recognized by the machine so for example if I want this eye scanner to look for ester we put in crafts per payee I close this up now it’s not looking for me

Let’s see whether it works we come up here now guys I did make a small little error without killed command block you guys remember to put a square bracket on the end I forgot but anyway guys and now that we’ve done that if I switch into survival and now that it’s looking for

My sister instead of me when I walk up here it’s gonna go access to no I leave or die and when I try and walk through here you guys already know what happened let’s just say it’s not pretty but anyway guys I hope you enjoyed today’s video and you enjoyed learning how to

Make this super futuristic and honestly it’s probably the cleanest iscandar you guys have ever seen literally no red star is on the surface I think at least it’s the coolest thing ever so if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like down below if you learned something new

I will see you guys in the next video make sure to subscribe for more awesome of builds and untilled guys hey watch your back

This video, titled ‘How to Make A WORKING EYE SCANNER in Minecraft! (NO MODS!)’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2019-01-10 20:00:03. It has garnered 2602218 views and 61138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:37 or 1237 seconds.


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    XBrandonUwU goes CRAZY playing Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Disociado… #twitch #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by xBrandonUwU on 2024-05-03 03:12:00. It has garnered 425 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • “Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥” #minecraft #hacks #omg

    "Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥" #minecraft #hacks #omgVideo Information top five mini buil hacks you didn’t know in [Music] Minecraft oh This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT TOP 5 HACKS|#minecraft #viral #subscribe’, was uploaded by TUSHAR_YT on 2024-01-07 08:59:16. It has garnered 3331 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Bed Wars Gameplay on Minecraft Java! 🔥

    INSANE Bed Wars Gameplay on Minecraft Java! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Bed Wars Live | Minecraft java |Garg Gamer’, was uploaded by Garg Gamer on 2024-04-15 22:38:29. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Apart from YouTube title and description I am doing Minecraft stream Where I will play with you I have my Minecraft world where we will play together and grind and we will also go in your Minecraft World We will make houses some farms and many more things we will do in this stream and My server IP pinned in… Read More

  • OasisSMP

    OasisSMPLifesteal/Survival Active staff, Events, Giveaways and more! Unleash your inner warrior and conquer the wildest survival challenges on our high-stakes server. Raid, pillage, and unleash chaos upon your foes as you battle for supremacy in a cutthroat world. Embrace the rush of adrenaline as you thrive in an environment where raiding and griefing are part of the game. Show off your cunning strategies and formidable skills, and let your legend be written in blood on OasisSMP. We’re always innovating and pushing to improve, and all community feedback gets taken into account and implemented. If you the player wants something changed,… Read More

  • MeinKraft Nostalgic: Anarchy

    MeinKraft Nostalgic [Anarchy] Gonna keep it short and sweet! MeinKraft is an anarchy survival server themed like an older Minecraft server. No giant hubs, no pay-to-win. Minimal rules enforced and efficient plugins installed. MeinKraft Anarchy is for those who miss an authentic anarchy experience! Hosted 24/7 with lockable chests. Join us at IP: Read More

  • ————–(– XetaPixel –)————–||| Likimi-AcidIsland ||| SF, CE, Tycoon, Skills

    ————–(– XetaPixel –)————–||| Likimi-AcidIsland ||| SF, CE, Tycoon, Skills Read More

  • Pocket Realm

    Pocket RealmWe’re a new pixelmon server thats looking for members, and we’re slowly adding things and working on other stuff to try make this a nice little community to get away from all the tryhards (this is a non-p2w server) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Hard Mode Upgrade

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: Hard Mode UpgradeLooks like we have a crit-ically acclaimed meme on our hands! Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, From hidden temples to mushrooms that astound. Digging down, finding treasure in the ground, With diamond armor and swords that are renowned. But beware of traps, lurking in the dark, One wrong move, and you’ll miss the mark. So light up the way, with torches bright, Navigate carefully, through the night. And when it comes to schoolwork, don’t delay, No excuses for not writing, come what may. Headaches won’t save you, from the task at hand, So grab your pen and paper, and take a stand. In the realm of Minecraft, adventure… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe” 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems

    "Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe" 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. #minecraftproblems #oops #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Melon Madness: EP9 Minecraft Let’s Play

    Melon Madness: EP9 Minecraft Let's Play Vanderzone MC Lets Play Episode 9: Trades, Melons & Treasure Expanding the Villager Trading Hall In this episode, Vanderzone embarks on expanding the villager trading hall to accommodate more villagers and trades. The addition of new villagers brings a variety of trade options, from armor to tools, enriching the gameplay experience. Vanderzone’s meticulous approach to design is evident as they incorporate different materials like andersite and wood to create a visually appealing trading area. Automating Composting with Style One of the highlights of this episode is Vanderzone’s creation of an automatic composter for excess seeds. The attention to detail… Read More

  • EPIC BATTLE: Defeating the Wither in Minecraft! 🤯

    EPIC BATTLE: Defeating the Wither in Minecraft! 🤯Video Information [Musik] ja halli hallo und herzlich willkommen zurück zur finalen Folge hier dieser Staffel bei Minecraft in genau gesagt in der 205 mittlerweile aber ohne experimentelle Futures ne für die die jetzt er eingeschalten haben genau wir wollen in dieser Folge gegen den Witter kämpfen und darauf haben wir uns auf jeden Fall vorbereitet ne ich habe mir ja noch mal eine neue Rüstung gemacht nachdem ich meinen guten stuff wo ich lang dafür gegrindet hab verloren hab habe ich mir noch meine neue Rüstung gemacht und in der letzten Folge haben wir uns den Helm hier noch… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod Adventure

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Mod AdventureVideo Information [Music] all right we can hear things yay finally some food we need to make another thing okay so what I was realizing um after the stream yesterday is that we have moss and that we can use that Moss to turn rock into moss and um then we can then we can um then we can compost that moss and get um and get bone meal and then we can bir trees so we’re going to try doing that today have this iron cooking than that copper but also let the copper finish I guess I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft Effect in Real Life?! 😱 Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts’, was uploaded by VIJAY_SHORTS987 on 2024-05-17 10:00:37. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft effect 😱 in real life 😄 #minecraft #virl #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftcomedy #minecraftsurvival #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuilding #minecraftanimation #minecraftpe #minecraftlive Read More

  • Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animation

    Mind-bending story! Is raiza dimension gay? Minecraft animationVideo Information This video, titled ‘im not gay #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by raiza dimension on 2024-02-05 07:37:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hello dear cats, I’m Rizqi, the discord dimension cat: … Read More

  • SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING: Exposing the Most TOXIC Player on my Minecraft Server!Video Information I was on my server when I saw the most toxic player online and he was raiding my friend’s base so I took off my armor and threw down an invis potion I went closer and I saw him eliminate my friend and then he started placing a bunch of signs he was griefing this poor base and leaving a massive mess then a few minutes later my friend teleported back and he said he was quitting I couldn’t believe this so I decided to fix his base and soon the base was back to normal 1 hour… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!

    EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!Video Information I let me check real quick hold up are we live Henry you good Jesus no I’m not but thank you no thank you give me one second um are we are we live second I’m at 10:15 a.m. it is 105 hry [Music] stop hold up oh oh wait hold up it says live for me hold up oh oh we’re live okay um hi everyone I I gotta I think I got to open up Safari all right no it’s fine so we’re already live okay so uh hello everyone it is me Hen Henry and… Read More

  • Unbeatable VaroelCreeper – Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraft

    Unbeatable VaroelCreeper - Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraftVideo Information será mi mascota la legendaria sal el salmón acaba de morir por mi culpa es Pues nada no sé dónde está el salmón yo quería llevarme en el cubo y decir gu tú se ha pirado lo acabo de ver se ha pirado se ha pirado o ha muerto No no sí se ha pirado se ha pirado para el principio de la cua voy que yo puedo tener el cubo de agua con un salmón y usarlo como agua entonces mi objetivo es este salmón lleg vi a casa si llega vi a casa va a ser… Read More

  • Unlock Your True Self – CCM Time Secrets!

    Unlock Your True Self - CCM Time Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unshackling Expectations, Becoming Your True Self’, was uploaded by CCM Time on 2024-05-27 13:46:31. It has garnered 93 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #mindfulness Moments in #minecraft #367 Elevating wellness one sandbox at a time. #motivation #help #selfimprovement #mindset #relax #relaxingmusic #selfcare #viral #shorts #mentalhealth #healthandwellness Find out the meaning and purpose of CCM here: Check out the Coffee, Cannabis & Minecraft Facebook Group here: (Adults only, sorry kids it’s not personal, it’s a legal thing.) *”CCM Time” videos are intended for mature viewers,… Read More

  • Lost on Island – The Ultimate Beta Day Reveal

    Lost on Island - The Ultimate Beta Day RevealVideo Information hello everybody and welcome back to Beta days I’m beanan and today we are moving some supplies over towards the uh portal stronghold Island yeah or the portal Island whatever it’s called we’re moving some supplies over there because we need to start working on our little base that we have and kind of getting it more syndicated if you will uh to our need before we get into today’s video please remember to leave a like leave a comment and subscribe if you’re new I make videos every Monday Wednesday Friday with random streams and videos throughout… Read More

  • Infaru Semi-vanilla Roleplay Political Sim No resets 17+ Java Bedrock

    Infaru – Vanilla Political Simulation Server Welcome to Infaru, a political simulation server where players lead all events. Join towns, run for Senator, report news, or start an uprising! Features: Utilizes Towny plugin for town creation Complex political landscape GeyserMC plugin for Java and Bedrock cross-play Join us on Discord: Discord Server IP: Website: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gamemodes with friends – the ultimate Minecraft adventure!

    Looks like they ended up with a “fun” game mode called “Accidentally Burnt Down the Entire Village and Villagers Hated Us” mode. Read More

  • Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who’s on Top? Minecraft Showdown!

    Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who's on Top? Minecraft Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, a battle unfolds, Block Bedrock faces all mobs, bold and cold. With each swing and each strike, the story’s told, In the rhythm of rhymes, the tale unfolds. From Creepers to Endermen, they all come near, But Block Bedrock stands strong, without fear. In the heat of the fight, the truth is clear, Block Bedrock reigns supreme, that much is clear. So gather ’round, let the story be told, Of Block Bedrock’s might, brave and bold. In the world of Minecraft, where legends are sold, Block Bedrock stands tall, a sight to behold. Read More

  • “Remember Son… Lava is Hotter Than Your Mixtape” #minecraft #meme

    "Remember Son... Lava is Hotter Than Your Mixtape" #minecraft #meme Remember Son… in Minecraft, always make sure to dig straight down for the best loot! Just kidding, please don’t do that unless you want to fall into a pit of lava and lose all your diamonds. #minecraftprobs #lessonlearned Read More

  • 10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft!

    10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft! The Epic Castle Build in Minecraft Resource Gathering and Preparation After spending hours collecting resources, ShadowClawMCYT embarked on a monumental task – building a castle in Minecraft. With over 3,000 snow blocks and countless other materials, the challenge was set. The Castle Construction Utilizing a layer-by-layer building style, ShadowClawMCYT began constructing the castle walls and towers. The meticulous process led to the creation of a grand structure that stood out in the Minecraft world. The Manor and Details The main Manor within the castle featured intricate details, from mud brick gradients to oak planks and stripped oak logs. Each… Read More

  • Endless Rails in Minecraft Survival

    Endless Rails in Minecraft Survival Explorando Trilhos Infinitos no Minecraft Survival O mundo de Minecraft está repleto de segredos e truques, e um dos mais interessantes é a possibilidade de ter trilhos infinitos no seu modo de sobrevivência. Com um simples bug antigo do jogo, você pode criar uma máquina que produzirá trilhos de forma ilimitada. Vamos explorar como isso é feito e como você pode aproveitar essa funcionalidade única. Como Ter Trilhos Infinitos no Minecraft Para começar, você precisará de alguns materiais básicos: pedregulho (ou outro bloco de sua escolha), um pistão grudento, blocos de slime, um observador, uma alavanca e blocos de… Read More

  • SHOCKING REVEAL: Krummi’s Crazy Secret Revealed! 😱

    SHOCKING REVEAL: Krummi's Crazy Secret Revealed! 😱Video Information also ich weiß ja auch nicht so ganz Leute aber irgendwie kribbelt ganz unangenehm wenn ich hier gerade so rumlaufe in diesem hffelpff [Musik] Gemeinschaftsraum und damit erstmal herzlich willkommen meine lieben Freunde hier zu einer neuen Folge von Let’s build hffelpuff Gemeinschaftsraum aka let’s build hogbots mit mir dem dcky LP hi Leute ja ihr habt vielleicht letzte Folge schon gesehen ich habe damit angefangen die dritte und finale Version von vom hffelpff Gemeinschaftsraum zu bauen genau ich ihr merkt schon an meinem rumgestotter und an meinem verhaspeln der Wörter das es eine sehr ja anspruchsvolle Aufgabe… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jump Give Op Item

    Insane Minecraft Jump Give Op ItemVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But, Jump Gives Op Item 😱’, was uploaded by GaminG-Do on 2024-03-04 01:29:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Video I will Try Minecraft but, jump Gives Op Item in this video making 9 days + Hardwork and if you like this video than … Read More

How to Make A WORKING EYE SCANNER in Minecraft! (NO MODS!)