Huggy Wuggy Survives 100 DAYS on an Island in Minecraft!

Video Information

In this minecraft episode these four huggies have to survive 100 days on a stranded island surrounded by shark infested waters will they stop fighting long enough to work together build a shelter and eventually create a sprawling huggy metropolis or they fall to pirates looking for booty also as a

Bonus every subscriber on this video we will add one tnt to blow up at the 100 day finale so it’s sure to be an explosive ending wake up wake up what’s going on am i dreaming again no you don’t remember hi kissy wait what the heck is going on is this

We are oh this isn’t are you kidding escape the factory and then we crash landed here we’re miles and miles away i remember we escaped the puppy playtime factory i remember and it was surrounded by water oh looks like our boat crashed do i have amnesia who’s your favorite hockey you are

This is awesome looks like we can start our new life together just me and you kissy missy it’s gonna and hockey oh god i forgot so we survived the crash too hi huggy wuggy hey i’m uh building us a new house that okay that’s the smallest house i’ve ever

Seen what the heck is this thing kissing oh yeah that it’s a voting machine oh i know what to do this is where you guys come in take a look it says every 20 days the huggies receive a new pet comment now oh i think you got a comment

Which oh do you want a frog an elephant or a koala guys every single one of your comments will fill this little water tank and as soon as it gets to the top i guess we get to spawn it in or like does it some does it get summoned from the sky holy

Oh my god that’s what that was that was almost a beach whale all right guys we need to put our heads together this is actually terrifying okay not literally our heads together we gotta think of the three rules in order for us to survive what’s the first one kiss me survive

What’s the second one huggy uh don’t eat your own poop no you idiots it’s the rule of threes we can only survive three weeks without food three days without water and three minutes without that’s pretty cool i mean i held my breath for two minutes and 50 seconds

What what that’s really long actually all right let’s check what’s in this little chest right here oh we got some wood we have one apple so we’re gonna split it and spread three weeks on one apple i think it’s only fair i get the apple no okay you can have the apple

But i get the picking oh yeah i got a bread okay but you have the apple i’ll get the bread oh look we got another chest right here let’s see oh i’ve used these things before we get oh there’s 16 i mean 16 reasons to love

What what did you get listen i’m gonna set up the strainer base and we can get things out of the water even more crabs get a little strainer in there be sure to check that huggy buggy that is your job get everywhere out of there and use it to build a base hopefully

Next order of business kissy we have a sieve here i need to get all the sand and save it for materials okay please continue searching the rest of the island it looks like we have a little cave right here oh scary it’s gonna be some zombie oh hello mr seagull

What’s going on in this cave and so it begins the chopping of the tree i’m sorry mr tree but we need some wood you should probably start at the top oh you probably uh by the way good bass kissy missy nice and high very uh you know tsunami proof in case

Water comes and floods it out i didn’t want to step on a snake oh you put a bed here for me too that’s very adorable no no no wha what but i don’t this is mine i’ve been the hunter gatherer this entire time while you guys have been

Building we built you that hut over there everywhere straight across the seaweed one ah oh that’s kind of uh fine whatever i’ll build my own take that boy to go to the top gotcha seriously you’re the best of me hi you trickster good morning everyone kissy huggy

So what are you guys up to got a little nice little campfire now huh yeah was just kind of enjoying our time while you were sleeping it was cool what you ever go to bed yet uh yeah basically it’s so much quieter when you’re not around so you guys can

Just talk remember the rule of threes remember not that that pertains to this but listen you guys noticed that there’s a lot more sharks and whales and stuff you think they know we’re here and they’re slowly deteriorating them you know what yeah all the spiders and snakes have

Been chopping up into little pieces and throwing them out in the water don’t worry the sharks you can’t see you’re gonna die to a shark if you do that no i won’t they’re friendly well just oh oh oh hug your gate speaking of in the water um if you can

Go over to that strainer and see what we got me kids are gonna have a little private conversation about the rules of the day guys you want me to go in the water when there’s a million sharks ah well if you go quickly it’s only three bills to it no

No don’t do it kiss you i’ll take the shark for you fine okay oh the shark’s right there guys oh let’s get it out by the way because they put all the wood from that tree in that chest right over there at my bed and you should probably plant all the

Saplings you got i got some iron i got irons saplings i no okay i have saplings guys don’t worry i have one apple sapling okay i’ll put it down right where’d you get an apple sapling from wait is this one of those this is one of those magical blocks that

Just keeps coming back Yes guys i saw a diamond block down below in that cave and an evil city i’d mind the diamond block with this new fresh-made pickaxe that i’m about to make we’re gonna be millionaires we don’t worry about money anymore we have to worry about stupid puppy playtime ah guys yes what’s

Up that dolphin just drove that boat over there what what wait there is a boat out there even noticed that before you want to go check it out guys we need to make a boat no i just made an iron pickaxe it’s time to go get that diamond we’re gonna be

Rich okay mr siegel do not do not kill me and make me a blood splash okay mr seagull we should we should name the seagull maybe he’ll be more attached to us if we do that huh kissy seagully let’s call him siegely how about flap i was thinking gulliver gulliver

Go liver like a pro liver yeah oh i’m sorry i’m sorry Just get out of there he’s a seagull possessed by a demon i’m pretty sure that was a really weird screech all right our lives are now dedicated to protecting this one diamond block sounds good to me i think i’m going to make a boat and i’m

Going to go out to that boat out there and let’s see what that’s all about who wants to feed the shirts i just got some pork chops not feeding the sharks kissy my valiant steed has been made guys all right i’m gonna see oh there was already

A boat made the guys there’s a monkey uh hello what island do you hail from sir hello uh sir my name is huggy waggy nice to meet you um i think he’s sleeping he’s having anything yeah yeah all right sorry miss oh he just he wants to

Stay impromptu date go go go to the uh wait that’s what wait where to kiss he come back there’s a guy over here just go to the boat the boat kissing to the right i can’t see oh i’m up hello sad kissy he’s okay casey you left me out here

Why in the world is there a concrete salesman out here it’s kind of strange hello sir hello little one looking to buy some concrete let’s see oh my god cobblestone for all this concrete we’re gonna be back i’m gonna have the coolest looking face in the dark then

Kissing me see has no other choice but you love me because i have a giant colorful mansion while huggy has a crappy little shack yes today is the day i’m going to build a cobblestone generator and i’m going to go get a concrete and upgrade my base i

Got nice little supplies right here oh cobblestone hopefully i can remember how to make a cobblestone generator water and a lavas get a tool for the one who’s trying to kiss me i see you what are you hissing at me for come here it’s beautiful it’s beautiful come here

I’m coming i’m coming well you got a nice little ladder you know how we’ve been using the one block and we get all those animals right yeah but when we kill them i’ve been collecting all their blood and then i throw the blood into the water over here come check up

That’s why there’s so many sharks you’re throwing blood into the water yeah look at isn’t it beautiful kissy look out into the water really deep really far really look out there stop throwing blood into the water thank you they’re my friends here you go she’s gonna

Friggin die to a shark eventually what a crazy lady all right but we have no time we need to get there’s one block upgraded we need to actually get a cobblestone generator hi huggy good morning good morning my morning there’s a whole bunch of new animals around the island and i’m kind

Of concerned that uh we’re gonna get kicked off no that just means our island is awesome and hospitable i mean we get all the monkeys are coming we can start a society with the monkeys i’d see they built a really big tree house kind of concerning there’s a buffalo over there yeah i

Don’t know really how the buffalo got here that’s uh that’s a question for the ages hello mr whale yep you’re welcome on this island anytime anytime oh yo there’s octopus in the water you see that it looks so cool i do i’ve never seen one of those in there

Oh yeah be careful you remember the sharks okay that’s what you get why did you say 30 seconds isn’t it 30 seconds nowhere who said three minutes oh my gosh i forgot the three rules three minutes from nowhere oh i’m sorry okay which which is it

Water first or lava first i think it’s i think it’s lava and then we look i picked up a squid from the water And then i think the water goes right here oh as soon as i can get this cobblestone generator going we’re gonna have infinite concrete it’s gonna be awesome did i do it just messed it up you idiot get out of here i’m gonna put the lava right there with the water flowing down

And shut up okay yes it’s gorgeous i’m gonna have the biggest bass of all time look it’s kind of like a red huggy and blue huggy on one side i i got this so you just gotta replace it every time you you take it out right no you gotta get out of here

Yes hello crate i will take your finest concrete i’ll have one of these yep you get one of those red yellow oh it’s gonna be multi-colored crete you should see it i see it in my head my big mansion we gotta have kissy missy’s room

So we gotta do a lot of pink all right thank you time to build the biggest house of all time smell that fresh ocean breeze baby oh it feels good to have a house look at it oh i got a kissy section over there ah this feels great finally my life is

Going in the direction i wanted to let’s go say hi maybe you can’t see missy will she’ll finally get the invitation to move in so many sharks still i wonder if we left it holy let’s check the animals too i forgot you guys have been commenting so

Much for koala holy crap it’s oh frog is getting up there though if you want a frog as a pet let us know if you want a koala let us know if the elephant can possibly make a comeback put it in the comments kissy where are you guys i’m upstairs

Hello kitty missy good morning i see you connected your base to the to huggy woogie’s house the monkey’s house you know you don’t think you have to connect the mind you can just uh you can just move in what do you say why would i do that

There’s a helicopter did i just hear what is that oh my gosh up here up here over Oh my god where is she This is our purpose we must build the greatest civilization of all time and then save kissing missy from those pirate monsters are you with me here i can’t believe it is she really good i i think we’re alone now and i don’t know if we have any food

Listen we gotta pick ourselves up by the bootstrap wait we don’t have any food i’m eating you i’m eating here well listen there’s animals there’s animals oh true we can work on this all right new initiative we need to make a base we need to make an actual good base with

Trenches and like fort things and we have can’t we where do we get candidates from uh yeah but we gotta find some pirates maybe the pirates have cannons right i’ll find the pirates and also rebuild the base let’s get to it all right look out huggy everything the water touches is yours Wait hold me jack hold me jack i think we got we have we have enemies we have enemies on port side on the starboard side i i don’t know but what are we gonna do is maybe they can get us home or something maybe it’ll be nice you’ve

Seen that before come on grab a boat hello they they look happy we are uh fellow eye islanders from the uh uh watch the boat huggie get up ahead okay um so oh all right how about we just uh you know maybe we can bro uh hey there’s someone’s breaking into our

Base get him what are you doing you idiot get away what are you doing what how did you find us and why did you not bring help yeah thanks for the boat i’ve been looking for you guys hey meet us inside i don’t buy a huggie explain

You guys left the factory doors locked i couldn’t escape with you uh we didn’t know you were right behind us that was that that may have been my bad i may have locked the door on the way out i’m sorry i don’t have any food by the way we’re

Starving we actually ran out of like an apple tree and these are just normal trees did you bring anything from the factory Only oh and nuke what what are you saying why why did you grab any food you just grabbed a nuke yep ah wait we’re dude oh you wait are you thinking what i’m thinking i think i am thinking what you’re thinking pirates oh you actually got the whole set up put

That down put that wait give it all to me we’re gonna set up a nuke and then we’re gonna declare war on the pirates today is the day we become a nuclear power the pirates have lived for too long i think they only built that like

Maybe a day ago but they played for too long we will end their suffering for them as an initiation to huggy island you will be the one to flip the lever when that’s do it do it good morning it looks like we have a few

Tasks to do today one we have to name the island now that we’re a military threat we can probably barter for trade and you know i’m hungry i got a good idea for an island name a good one sandy what no i think we should name it in honor of

Our late past uh islander kissy we need to kiss the aisle no i like that the worst thing what no you weren’t here i don’t kiss the aisle i will send out the message in a bottle it will travel far and travel wide to lands unknown asking for trade hopefully we get an

Island with pizza a pizza trade island that’d be awesome oh that’d be awesome last thing on the menu boys unfortunately we have to come up with a leader now the only fair way to do that i think is uh everyone just grab a stick and we’re just gonna beat each other in

The head all right one to pass out whoa that’s not a stick hey no guns three two one no oh gosh okay you can be the leader you win you win guys it’s day 20 which means we finally get a pet yeah [Applause] let’s take a look at the water levels it

Looks like koala has won so um so it looks like koala won because you know i am the leader the leader of all of you guys koala one yes and his name shall be leroy no we we with the vote on the name no yeah right we always vote here i kind

Of like leroy though i vote leeroy too just so i don’t get shot in the butt all right yeah i gotta leave spawn leeroy i shall name him with the tag of naming leroy where’s he at oh my that’s thank you guys so much for commenting

Koala now that we have leeroy we can move on to the next pet get your comments ready because they’re about to fill these tanks would you rather have a frog a parrot or a kitty well that looks more like a cat we can do a kitty though if you want get

The commenter oh i want the parrot i want the pair i don’t know if anyone wants the frog What the crabs man the crabs what crabs what are they oh they’re attacking leroy yes let’s go no leroy oh my god we need some shrimp fried rice good good everything seems to be going to plan about a huge once we have the underwater conquered i can expand this

Base and we will rule the underwater verse what’s wrong i don’t know how to read but we gotta we gotta reply i think from what uh it just can’t i just saw this floating it came up in a bow a reply from our message in the bottle about a huge this

Is where we become rulers of the world sorry hello kiss the isle this is the u.s navy we accept your trade requests we will administer our trading vessels to meet you sometime soon all we get to train with the u.s navy where are they sovereign nation whatever that means

Sacrifice suck we need the food we shall we have to trade probably chicken meat all right guys everyone to your stations we will get a giant farm that way when the u.s navy gets here we can offer crops carrots potatoes tomatoes green beans tomatoes take a

Look guys little update oh my god parrot and kitty are neck and neck so if you want that cat to be in here you gotta come in the farm is almost done there’s two different sides holy crap you guys holy crap good job guys oh see for the

Us navy good good good once they get here they will no they won’t know what to do with all the potatoes and carrots i’m so excited and they always come that i mean they’re always in the ocean so they can come from any direction which reminds me actually i love the

Ocean i love some fish you guys want to have a fishing competition oh a fishing competition you know what maybe the u.s navy like fish you think them they would like little sushi fish okay there’s a competition the first one to catch a fish for the u.s navy hey catch wins

Oh yeah he’s going that’s not even fair it’s a waiting game fishing i dropped my river on the water come on let me get a bite oh what did i get oh yeah that’s not a fish oh god i’m going to get it [Applause] guys

How far do you think the us navy is away i’ve been waiting for so long i don’t know we built this like everything here we’ve been farming for weeks i’m getting concerned i think we should just add another level to the farm i don’t think the navy’s coming but i

Built this boat for them as a gift they will receive it and all these crops and hopefully they can trade us some weapons because those pirates you know they could come back let’s take over that over the u.s navy you really think we could do that well

I mean technically we don’t we haven’t seen them yet it is finally day 40. it’s new pet day the year might not come but at least we get a new pet every 20 days now your comments let’s see the parrot is on take the part no the cat is actually all the

Way it’s breaking the meter spawn in the kitty we will have to name him i vote whiskers hello doggy this is my bed hey where you going you love me you love me right don’t worry no dude wake up wake up you guys gotta stop waking me up like that

Every single baby’s here navy’s here the us baby’s here really oh let’s go greet them uh what’s a quick way to oh my god we gotta make a better bath holy crap look at the size of that ship you think they’re gonna bring out some of the greatest this is kind of spooky

There’s like no one there oh shoot the gun are you kidding me you’re gonna start up with is anyone there hello hello i don’t think anyone’s uh us navy we are kissy aisle it yeah i guess we’ll just go over there i literally where the heck is everyone Hello captain free mode oh wait i know what this is one of these things like we’re gonna get locked in a doorway oh and then they’re gonna take over our island as we get trapped in a poison i’m just kidding i’m just kidding guys i have an idea i have i know what

This is this is a gift this is not a they wouldn’t do that they wouldn’t just leave about here hello it’s obviously a kid anyone down here us navy do not open what’s in there should we open the door that says do not open it [Applause]

Oh my god what was that that was a giant spider run oh burn it down there this is not the u.s navy i don’t know what this is get to the new get off the missile watch your doggy okay uh what should we use oh god which where’s the fire ah

Don’t don’t use a big one we don’t want to take our outer cross for when the real navy comes go go go the only proper thing to do to a ship that has a spider in its way do you think that the spider send another one i think it’ll be fun

I’m going to watch it i’m going to watch it i’m going to let you know if this one it does oh that was crazy another one said another see i’m going to send another one i don’t think it hit the actual back of the boat where the spider is a big boy

Oh my god somebody uh to find one more i wonder how high this thing goes how many a chest oh we get a little iron copper hey who’s blowing the horn i said only an emergency that’s this is very serious baby oh god this is it’s worse it’s worse worse

It’s the u.s navy oh god everyone everyone get the positions holy there’s a lot of everyone get the positions get your get your stuff get your stuff we got a troll okay i got potato potatoes carrots potatoes we’re gonna want wheat get the wheat i got the wheat i got the wheat

Oh wait you’re gone you idiot you don’t wanna intimidate extra we got steak tomatoes potatoes carrots oh god wait there’s a lot of them they’re not saying anything hello sir we are here from kissy isle we are the ones that sent out the message in the bottle yep hello yep

Is the best way are you gonna be look how big their ships are um i’m guessing these are the chests that hear carrots potatoes um would you like uh do you want us to guys look look what he’s trading iron for a blaster shotgun light machine

Guns we are going to become the most powerful island nation of all time get him all the trades give him everything everything why is he trading iron for less iron look at look at those prices we give him four iron he gives us three back this guy’s a scam artist

Oh look at this look at this look at this we locked it loaded now let a sneaky pirate come up and try to get our island give me the gun i i thank you sir we’ll continue with the potatoes and the tomatoes and the greens beans well guys look at us

Look at us it’s been so long but we’re finally you know grown up we got our own island we’ve been trading with the us navy for the past 10 years things are good or i guess i want to go home okay pick yourself up we’re not kids anymore we got responsibilities

We have to take care of an island with the same gdp as florida what what was that we’ll make a dinner stop it listen i propose we have a little bit of a celebration that we are halfway through the hundred days on the survival island first all right we must sing a song

Together what do you what do you guys want to sing i’ll go i’ll go first i go first oh geez you’re always hitting with the gunners all right oh we’re halfway there nice good one yes uh all right uh okay your turn uh uh um okay i’m on the spot uh who

Lives in a pineapple under the sea spongebob my turn real singing is about to happen so everyone hold your horses some people born made away from flag oh that red white and blue let’s go yeah i i mean that that’s nice but i think mine was better but hey think

About this guys here’s an idea right we’re getting strong enough we could probably take those ships down take the ship no way are you kidding me the u.s navy has supplied us with so many weapons and uh you know we just gotta give them wheat wheat for weapons sounds like a good

Trade to me yeah but i mean we could have it all one day one day maybe in approximately 75 seven uh uh 45 more days okay i’ll buy a huggie what is that report of the hey did you fix it we think uh it’s it’s kind of like i

Don’t even know it’s missiles keep getting stuck they’re not they’re not going anywhere so yeah yeah they just keep like going i don’t even know did you test the lever out it’s is it work oh oh oh oh oh oh wait where’s it going where did you go the baby’s leaving what

They told me they’re packing up they’re going you idiot i thought you said you were working on fixing it not targeting our own base you’re the one okay guys we can we can rebuild we can we can do this and we can rebuild right the only thing we have left is our farm

We do have i say we take him down take the farm down let’s burn in the u.s we still have the boat never mind wait do we still have the boat no no it’s no it’s god yeah wait i have an idea hear me out hear me out

Okay what if we go over there and we just live on their like a snow away yeah no i will not leave kiss the isle in ruins like this we can rebuild it’ll take a while but we have heart nope no i do not i am living in the water

Oh this is going to take forever brand new day in my new house things are going pretty well i guess for say let’s go wake up the fritz hey oh there’s the one block i was looking for that morning i can’t believe i have to punch this thing again well

I don’t know if that thing maxes out but at least we’re getting free materials we want to trade the navy oh and not like we can’t anyways they left us i forgot guys we have made a new comment section that totally got destroyed in the nuke thanks a bye now

Huggy um if you guys want to see a deer as the next pet a monkey or a rhino comment down below and uh on day 60 we will introduce the new pet into our little life luckily we have our pets all right guys new plan now that we’re

Adults we need to think rationally about this what do you think the best idea would be to help rebuild our society from the ground up now that the navy is gone uh nuke the navy what no yeah nuke the navy we’re not nuking anything we’re not building a nuke

The nukes actually gone we destroyed it we are no longer a sovereign nation i think we send out a message in a bottle once again and we ask for workers nurses uh what else is society uh uh fast food workers we need groceries we shall send a message to people

Wanting to live on a prosperous and beautiful island i know it’s not really beautiful and prosperous quite yet but that’s what we need people for and we will not mention the fact that we previously nuked ourselves we’ll leave will not say that we knew each other it

Is day 60 you guys know what that means it’s pet time finally a new animal i love leroy and doggy but you know it’s about time we’re adults now we get an adult pet let’s go ahead i’m on rhino uh oh the monkey is clearly the winner guys

The deer was almost uh you know it was in second place oh there he is already here he is what should we name him guys what should we call the monkey roger george roger is a good name we should name him something that we will remember how about we name him no nuke

Oh yeah no nuke ever again ever again welcome to the squad no nuke we are expecting villagers anytime now with our message in the battle that has been sent out i declare this journey the beginning of something special we have not received a message for our villagers so we’re gonna

Go out and find them this boat journey we’ll be searching for civilizations that could trade hopefully we don’t run into the u.s navy we will still be embarrassed why don’t we just get monkeys they clearly survived the nuke monkeys we just need more of them you know actually

You are kind of right the monkeys did survive look i’m going backwards guys be careful about a huge it’s getting very foggy we’ve been traveling for a couple hours now and i see some work down there yeah what do you see what’s going on do you see something funny um

Oh it’s the end of the world it’s the end of the winter [Applause] day 70 each day is longer and longer we face rest greater than any hug he has ever faced before last five days ago we actually found the end of the world didn’t even know there was another world what the

Heck was that noise hey what are you guys doing out here uh staring at fire it’s really warm oh good lord that’s a that’s a big but wait villagers they responded to our bottle come on let’s go oh my gosh look how big this boat is i’ve never seen anything like it

We have noah here let’s see what noah’s gotta say uh he says my my got your bottle message been on boat for a five year my looking for a new home my if it’s okay with my hit are you all right clever if yes villagers do we really want ma

Happening all the time all around us at all times [Applause] yes hello welcome to huggy isle villagers we can use uh all of your materials your boat mostly we can actually just tear down this boat make a nice little yup make yourself at home right there put away

The gun we don’t want to scare them wait yet uh but yeah have a great have a great time matt just if you have any questions about where you can build or anything just let us know and i will point you in the right direction yeah go go for a swim

Yep it’s not like you’ve been on the water for five years or anything i’m sure you want to swim all right have fun guys isn’t it beautiful guys look at it our old paradise i love this place think about it things we could accomplish with an entire village

What do you think we got like maybe 50 villagers we can arm to the teeth yeah i’d say what should we what should we call the kingdom the kingdom of man the kingdom of man well it’ll be like a sub kingdom we’re the capital kingdom of uh kiss the isle

Oh yeah oh yeah yeah and they’re the uh attached part of the kingdom of men i just wish the navy would trade with us again imagine if we could buy resources and stuff for these villagers to be Who said the navy’s wait first we gotta check the comments it looks like the turtle is in the lead if you guys want to see how to get a pet or a snake pet you better comment now because it’s getting pretty close to day 80 and it’s

Almost done all right to the navy we gotta buy weapons with these Oh steve 42 now what we don’t talk about attention villagers of the my kingdom it’s official the navy is back that means we can get weapons we can actually progress as a society soon we’ll be a type one civilization surely going to the moon let me do a little we

Can make trade with other countries because they will want to trade with us exactly we will begin the ritual the celebration But first it’s day 80. that means we get a new pet let’s take a look over here oh no nukes already like oh nah man [Laughter] so let’s see who won it looks like the alligator i thought the turtle was gonna win honestly with the alligator pulled

Through in the end you guys really want to see destruction are we sure we want to alligator uh too late he’s already here oh what’s his name gonna be um what do you guys think uh ugly what oh what about smiley yeah we could name him smiley that’s fine

He’s a smiley boy don’t let it happen again guys it’s uh you know i’d love to celebrate but i’m incredibly tired you know so i’m gonna go to bed with smiley come on come on you can sit with me get out here come with me come on smiley come on smiley’s my favorite

What the heck is going what is that noise what is going on what’s going on oh no smiley’s hitting no smiley’s going crazy what’s going on what’s going on Stop hitting doggy yes stop sticking me you idiot stop killing the villagers i knew you’re evil from the first moment i saw you you gave me right there smiling stop eating the monkeys now stop it the baby’s gonna see this you idiot we just got trained back with them oh my

God what i’ve been working on that’s that’s the navy talking that’s the navy talking right there Well it’s been a couple days guys it’s it’s looking pretty grim and dire right now what are we going to do i i’ve never seen this many ships what do we do the entire navy is surrounding us they haven’t made demands yet so they they could be recruiting us right because we’re like

What we have a one block it doesn’t matter we have an infinite supply as long as we don’t have anything like that thing right there is the most important thing that we have right so as long as we have that and we keep it protected we

Should be fine and i don’t even think they know that we have it you think that’s why they’re maybe they’re coming for the one block they figured it all out no no no they didn’t hit it though we’re fine it looks fine no what happened

Oh god now we’re done for we have no resources no food oh we do have a farm but they wouldn’t let us near it probably i’m gonna go cry in my house they’re on the horn again no we’re never going back i knew it was that it was this all along huh

This is good food is necessary remember the rule of three guys three weeks without food how are we gonna last three weeks if we’re not allowed to eat don’t surrender don’t i’m going i have an idea i have an idea i remember at the beginning of the video guys

Keep subscribing everyone sub equals another tnt maybe we can just make the biggest turn t explosion of all time guys we still have hope we just have to hold out for 10 days all right we got this we’re gonna show them that if they cut us off we blow

Them up dear journal day 100. the us navy is still coming after us after killing all those villagers with the pet that you guys summon in by the way i just want to point that out but we are not gonna go out like this guys we are gonna fight back using the power

Of your subs the tnt should be coming in probably any second now as soon as our developer updates the list we got that many subs from one video you no way um take them down just make sure we get out before you light it all right

Wait before you leave no no no no no no no before you light it we need to leave actually go we love you i’ll find it where are you okay blow it up now go you

This video, titled ‘Huggy Wuggy Survives 100 DAYS on an Island in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Cartoon Crab | Minecraft on 2022-02-27 01:40:02. It has garnered 5774431 views and 125521 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:39 or 2859 seconds.

Today in Minecraft Huggy Wuggy and his friends survive 100 DAYS stranded on an remote island! Kissy Missy tries to lead the Huggy’s and built a civilization. Will they work together and create the ultimate island or will they break out into chaos?

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#100days #minecraft #huggywuggy

Huggy Wuggy Survives 100 DAYS on an Island in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

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  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

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    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

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  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

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Huggy Wuggy Survives 100 DAYS on an Island in Minecraft!