Hytale Beta Releasing Soon? | Prowl Reacts

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All right I want to switch gears here and we’re gonna do a little bit look of look into hightail um the developers have been putting out like some little updates after a long time of no updates and we have a mine which is a hightail news account here

That is giving us some information possibly about the beta so I’m going to link this in the chat right now I will put a link to mine’s Channel and his video in the description box below if you would like to learn more and to keep up with what is going on with hightail

Hi uh Heinz account or Minds account is a good one to keep up with all right let’s take a look the hightail team decided to drop even more information on Twitter about the Beta release dates and new game features after the blog post to fuel our hype for

Hightail and its eventual release but first we need to know who they used to do these blog posts like twice a year it happened summer winter and like they actually would give like pretty decent like substantial information um they didn’t I don’t I don’t think they revealed anything last summer last winter

Or this summer I think it’s like maybe all the way back to like uh spring of 22 maybe is the last time we actually got like anything substantial out of them so getting some type of information now is uh nice to see this man is that’s tweeting all of this

John Hendricks is the game director for hightail meaning if there’s anyone that knows about the game it’s definitely him let’s start with the biggest news in years being the mention of the beta if you remember at the end of the high spear throwing thing look kind of cool

Announcement trailer we were left with the message register for the beta which was done on their official website not much information which by the way I have registered for the beta probably like 10 times now because I’m like today like do they still have it in there did I do it

Did it go through so I like register again and again and again um and I’ve tweeted at them so hightail devs if you see this I would love to get into beta open close whatever give me it as soon as possible please also could we just like pay attention to

Like I love like how it like does this mixture of like how Minecraft looks with like the blockiness but like they break that for certain things in a good way I think whether it be like the leads that you see like you see little like branches like coming out which I think

Adds a lot it’s really it’s a really good mixture of like hey like let me take the things that people like about Minecraft to like modernize it information was given about the beta or even when it would happen there was one blog post in 2018 the same day that the

Trailer released saying you can register for the waiting list right now did you see that the the date on that was 2018. that was five years ago actually this got announced not four years ago but keep an eye out on our website and social media for more information about

Upcoming tests well we’ve kept an open eye out for close to five years now and finally got word on what we could come to expect from the beta John was asked whether the beta testing will be open or closed to which he replied saying that he finds both and important part of the

Process yeah like this is the problem that Mojang makes that has a lot it’s like they don’t do beta tests at all like if you look at Minecraft Legends Minecraft Legends didn’t get beta tested at least not like X like from external people it was like

Kept quiet they didn’t do a closed beta they do an open Beta they kind of did what they thought they wanted to do with the game and then they released it and then surprise surprise people didn’t like it as much as you thought they were going to maybe you should let people

Beta test yourself oh God the cat just oh God did you guys see that I just got attacked by a light um so yeah I I’m excited to see when this beta happens and hopefully I can get into it and if I can’t if I’m

Allowed to let you guys know about it I definitely will what can we take away from this there will likely be both an open and a closed beta in the near future what is a closed beta entail though will this be a select group of people such as large content

Creators or those that signed up through the website through the riot games acquisition we learned that there were over 2.5 million users that signed up to the beta I would imagine they would need a lot of server space to account for all of these potential players in the last

Blog post like usually like these closed betas are like pretty small deals right like well as small as a relative word I guess like dozens of people maybe hundreds of people at the most um I don’t know how big of a sample size they’ll want but a closed beta is such a

Good idea for a game to do you know maybe like six months to a year before a planned launch because you never know what can happen like you could bring in a mixture of like 100 different like content creators and like uh people that are like big in the community or like

Whatever right um and like people might see some things that are like I don’t I don’t like this like you need to change this or oh my God like this is good but you should add this and do this instead like that kind of stuff like you need that kind of

Feedback from players you need people to go in and try to break the game and play it a lot because you’re probably going to find as a gaming company that while even if you did a really good job at foreseeing and predicting and doing a lot of things you’re gonna see that a

Closed beta it’s gonna change some things that you’re doing and probably a fairly significant way for the better so companies that don’t do closed betas and that like six month to one year like Mark before a game comes out you’re you’re setting yourself up to fail really bad

Mojang I’m talking to you guys major news was that hightail has started conducting external play tests a Twitter user asked John if that meant the game is near where he said that play tests are an important part of development at all I don’t know what external play

Tests mean like maybe that means that they have like I don’t know like if I worked for hightail like like my wife or kid comes in and plays the game like what does that mean is that external means to me it means like maybe not somebody in the company like in hightail

But maybe like somebody in a related company I don’t know but the fact that they have some people doing some play testing stuff is obviously a really good sign all stages many more to come to which the user replied saying that the answer sounds like the game is still far

Away where Jon replied saying all things are relative if I’m hinting at anything it’s that we have work left to do and I’m not the one to answer questions around dates and oddly cryptic message if you ask me look at that house like this is what I’m talking about with this

Game like everything like they keep to that blocky feel but they break it in good spots like the Ruth for example I like I like the sloped roof look and like I guess like the forming of like it’ll it’ll take these like square blocks and it will form them

Based on like doing something like adding a roof or something of that nature it’s a cool mixture which is one of the things like really has me excited for this game if it ends up being as big of a like an open sandbox type game as Minecraft is

Just with more to it than what Minecraft has there was another tweet where he replied with a very similar statement saying that the development is coming along smoothly and deadlines are being hit followed once again with him saying that he is not the one to talk about

Dates what we can make out for sure is that whatever plans they have set they are officially getting closer to them and the combat system looks really cool by the way it’s more than just a a one-click like deal like there’s different weapons that have different abilities and there’s bosses like boss

Encounters and things like that that exist in a game that I think are really cool like kind of like uh I don’t know like if you added in like an element of Minecraft dungeons to like regular Minecraft if we find out a beta or a release date

It will not be from him another clue that leads me to believe this is their most recent job opening and this is old footage by the way the footage that you’re seeing here is from probably at least two years ago if not longer team is looking for a QA director which

Stands for quality assurance their role is to test the game and make sure if you’re going to QA director you’re starting to get like really seriously testing the game and refining its details could this mean they’re nearing the end of their work cycle and are

Ready to push it out to the public the biggest complaint towards hightail is that it’s taking forever to release they said that they were redeveloping the engine as well as the systems around it yeah so I think this is another really good thing that a lot of people don’t

Understand so if you’ve like heard of heard of hightail but you haven’t kept up with it since then and you’re wondering like well why is this game not coming out they did something really good so they had a game engine that they were using for the game and then like a decent ways

Through develop it they kind of realize this game engine doesn’t do what we needed to do um so we’re gonna ditch it and we’re gonna design from the ground up a brand new game engine that can make this game do what we wanted to do that likely that was a decision it

Likely added years on to their development time but the reason why I say this is good is because we have another game to look at that probably should have did this but didn’t and it’s called Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Bedrock Edition was Minecraft PE Pocket Edition the mobile version of the game made

Specifically to work on mobile phones and when they decided to do this Better Together thing where they were going to meld together the Pocket Edition and the windows Edition and the console Editions rather than building a brand new game engine that would be able to properly handle all of those things

They instead decided let’s take the mobile engine and let’s tweak it a little bit make it work for everything I think that was the worst decision and we’re still paying for that decision to this day on BET in Bedrock edition five or six years later and it’s a problem

They’re not going to be able to fix all they could do is keep putting enough Band-Aids on it and hope it keeps working so for hightail to go the route of hey this engine is not working for us yeah we could release sooner if we just did

With this no I’m not going to do that I’m instead I’m going to um I’m going we’re going to remake the engine we’re going to make this game right I don’t care if it takes us longer to do it I don’t care what anybody else thinks we’re gonna make a good game that

Was a good decision and it makes people worry that they’re trying to make the game more than perfect and thus keep pushing the release date back if you didn’t know hightail was acquired by Riot games the creators of League of Legends and valorent this gives the developers a

High standard for them but in a recent tweet John assures that perfect is the enemy of good they focus far more on being ready than being perfect this means that there’s a difference in being perfect and being functional and having like good stuff because the launch of a

Game is everything if you don’t have everything that you need in a launch the game to make it interesting to the player base you will never ever ever have more players than you will on your game launch if you’re talking about being you’re like a big game company you

Have a big backer and you launch your game you know obviously there’s small exceptions to that like Minecraft for example but you know like we play Diablo on the channel like Diablo and and other games like it like they have a big boom that’s when the most eyes are on your game

And depending on how good your game was designed it’s going to determine how much of a drop off you have Minecraft Legends big boom because it was Minecraft nobody plays it anymore because the game is practically unplayable because they didn’t they they definitely didn’t achieved or like

Strive for Perfection I don’t know what they like strive for whatever their idea for hightail is that release is the version they are looking to build he also confirmed that the game will have updates over time it lets them get the game out sooner and makes sure that the

Community will be a part of that Community Creations are a big I would expect something like a Minecraft scripting as well as Community servers the players will be the ones forming the landscape of hightail after release but with Community Creations comes a threat to other players with modders wanting to

Insert malicious code for others to download I’m sure a lot of us here remember downloading a Minecraft mod from the sketchiest websites and sometimes even needing to complete that combat assures us that they’re aware of this and they’re looking to provide Safeguard measures to protect the player base for

Malicious content another thing John teases is that we may not look so good until 2024 for more news in the little wood put out at school after the blog post joking that hightail only gives us one blog post a year in which genres saying that we could be seeing news

Sooner rather than later there are a lot of other so like I think you’re going to see some big news from these guys probably between like uh like October and December like you’re gonna see some a big update about what’s going on with the game that I think is going to kind

Of set the pace for the next like year or so up till launch news in his tweets that I’m on a rapid fire here in regards to console Support also comes controller support he can’t tell his specifics on which consoles the game will be on but allowing controller support is an

Important step in making the game cross-platform and speaking of cross-platforms yeah on mobile devices we have been able to assume assume this through specific wordings and their job postings but it’s good to see him also a good reason to have a good game engine if you’re going

To be on mobile and one like PC and stuff you need to have a good game engine that can scale with that so you don’t like limit your higher end experience on like PC and consoles to what the lower end devices are capable of doing like we have with Minecraft

Right now in Bedrock Edition outright confirm the suspicion we got A Sneak Peek into their cross-platform development as a company by the name of the forge has been revealed to be working on hightail to help make everything compatible they’ve worked on contents such as no man’s sky and Starfield which means

And capable team working on high interest someone on Twitter talk to them they got some big backing that I didn’t really realize okay that that like that makes you feel good about it how they would love to make a review whoa my tweets in this video

What is this is this hold on do you think the hightail’s probably I don’t dude this was a while this was a couple months ago I didn’t know this I do think the hightail is probably going to be a great game when it comes out I’ll very likely make videos on as

Soon as possible keep me in mind for any Creator Early Access please give it my honest review and put many hours into it live in a video for him so I didn’t I didn’t even realize he tweeted back to me what 100 agree that Creator engagement is going to be critical and

What is this cat knocked over a trash can and one of the things I personally miss most from my last two roles how did this how did this happen you are famous I didn’t even see this all right well I’m about to go back and reply to that after this is over

For high till when it comes out and to consider him for a Creator Early Access it exists which John replied agreeing that Creator engagement is a very important hey maybe I’m in maybe I’m in maybe I will be in thing is he hinting there may be a

Creator Early Access give it to me give it to me now this be the close beta we talked about earlier diagonal fences do I need to say more the next feature is something my good friend and a co-host the hightail podcast Canadian I have only have notifications on for people

That I follow and follow me I must not have followed him flash will be a fan of namely rideable animals the discussion started asking if the swampy monsorn could be tameable and consequently rideable John’s response I always vote everything ridable could that mean we could see rideable Raptors Krakens or

Even humans and speaking of the Kraken it was shown in a very old concept art originally and someone was wondering that’s because concept Arts hold up today and he replied saying that they’re a mix of things being considered for orbis as well as ideas look really creative perspective this statement

Alone diminishes most fan theories based off like you know what this game has it’s kind of like Minecraft meets MMO you know what I mean it’s like it’s like if you take like a like a lot of aspects of a massive multiplayer online game at least like the mobs and stuff that you

See like it’s they’re being pulled into this like Minecraft Universe and it’s so cool like I like seeing all this variety and like enemies that you can fight and passive like creatures that you can encounter like it’s just such a different experience than what you get with Minecraft it makes you feel like

That when this game does come out you’re gonna have much more of a like a like if my like if on the scale of like one to ten here we need to get let’s get um paint out real quick like if you have let’s see if I can like I can like

If you have like a scale right and like you have um uh let’s see over here you have like adventuring can we get can I make this a little bit bigger oh I’m on a pencil that’s why over here you have an adventure like a game that’s like pure adventure

And over here you have a game that’s pure sandbox Minecraft like traditionally has like it’s kind of felt like it’s like more like in this range you know what I mean and like recently they’re trying to like bump this up a little bit just a touch

And they’re like trying to get you to Adventure and explore out a little bit more so like they haven’t moved far but they’re probably like here right um High tail like it feels like I don’t know like I don’t know where it’s gonna land in this range but I feel like if it

Like more like split the difference it was like maybe more like in this realm right here anywhere between like there and like here like if it could get anywhere in this range to where it’s like more sandbox and Adventure but has plenty of Adventure in it

I think that would be a good like mix it doesn’t have to be quite as sandbox as Minecraft is because that’s hard to do but it should aspire to be as close to that as possible while still adding in all of the adventuring mechanics that you it seems like they’re doing

These concept Arts as they may not even be in the game we receive new concept art in the new blind I’m sorry Enrique I’ve never even played Terraria so I can’t I can’t comment on it blog post that is a lot more accurate to the modern version of hightail and Outlander

Trudging through the snow as well as a Faron which usually resides in the deserts of Zone 2 wearing a winter garment he teased that this Faron is putting in maximum effort to get somewhere this could lead to a multitude of fan theories on the story and the

Reasoning behind this we know about the numerous zones and biomes within the game have any of you ever played um grounded it’s like this basically it’s this game that’s uh it kind of has like that survival build aspect to it like Minecraft does but like you’re like

These shrunken down kids kind of like Honey I Shrunk the Kids you’re in a yard like you gather materials you build up shelter you go out adventuring you fight Stuff Etc I I would like I would rather see hightail be much closer to the Minecraft side of this than the grounded

Side of it because like grounded like you’re in this like preset World it has a it has a defined size um it has a lot of cool things you could do with it but ultimately you have like restriction and I would rather see a game like hightail go more to an open

World like Minecraft where it’s procedurally generated and it goes on infinitely um that way you don’t feel like you have those boundaries and restrictions to it so hopefully we get to see that with hightail but we also see a large ocean in this concept art of Orvis John

Confirms that this is not necessary see oh and this is I’ve seen I’ve seen this before so I think like the world is called or orbis and what I’ve seen about this world is that it does make it seem like it’s finite now what I don’t know is is that

Just like a like a game mode like an adventure game mode so to speak where like maybe you go through you do specific tasks and the game kind of feels like it has a beginning and the end um or is it like a starting area where

Like you start I always start out in this like orbis-like area but you can kind of like go beyond that and do what you want as well I don’t really know I don’t I don’t know enough about hightails development from or at least remember enough of it to know but it

Does have that feeling like it will have like a finite type area for you to do things in necessarily an accurate depiction of the planet and if you were to try to navigate around you will certainly get lost but if you wanted to make wait hold on what do you say start

Of Orvis John confirms that this is not necessarily an accurate depiction of the planet and if you were to try to navigate around you will certainly get lost okay so at least per that it is a defined area now they’re making the area out to be extremely large

Um but I can see it being a mark against the game from that sandbox perspective if you’re in the same world whenever you play if there’s Not Like A variation of the world but if you wanted to make the entire planet underwater he confirms that the players will have full freedom

To customize the world to their likings what does that mean oh you don’t want to give too many spoilers about the game but if a player wants will it be possible to make a custom World completely submerged in the sea of hightail I always wanted to make one in

Minecraft but it is only possible with many mods every player in hightail has the potential to create worlds and I will 100 visit your water world do I get a jet ski interesting so what does that mean I don’t know including the possibility of submerging every ecosystem as you can see the developers

Are not so kind of like like a custom biome type thing I don’t know hard at work but are also very active on social media and sharing information about the game so if you want to stay informed about everything hightail related hit the Subscribe button so you’re the first

To know when news comes out um I will I will make sure here let me we finally got a new mine here gave some good information here’s his uh here’s his channel link I’m gonna drop it in the um in the chat here and um we just

Happen to put on this video right here I like the information he pushed out put out I will uh I will make sure that I’m gonna subscribe on like my actual like YouTube right now um he seems like a great source of info make sure you check him out um yourselves

And make sure you check out this video mine great job dude you showed me that apparently I’m famous

This video, titled ‘Hytale Beta Releasing Soon? | Prowl Reacts’, was uploaded by Prowl Minecraft on 2023-08-14 15:00:15. It has garnered 804 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:06 or 1386 seconds.

Finally we got some NEWS about HYTALE! Is the beta phase about to start???

Mynes Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCivbwhBOqXeAZ79iXqbULWA Video Used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOG4LknaYRA

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    INSANE MINECRAFT GLITCH - MUST WATCH!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecragy’, was uploaded by Vp pohui on 2024-03-04 14:31:14. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Hello, Minecraft enthusiasts! In our latest exciting video, we delve into the world of Minecraft animation to unveil the secrets of creating stunning animations with your own hands. Watch as we transform ordinary blocks and characters step by step into extraordinary stories, full of adventures and fun. We share our best techniques, tips, and nuances so that you too can breathe life into your Minecraft world through animation!… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Terrifying New SlenderMan

    Minecraft's Terrifying New SlenderManVideo Information a good thing I supplied myself I scared of no Slender Man Who do you think I am I am swy [Music] hello family and welcome back today we’re in the Slender Forest you already know we’re trying out a new mod that I got sent and why oh no I don’t like that dude I’m not I’m not touching anything I’m [Music] not oh it’s night time that was quick I thought I would be able to get some supplies first but no but good thing I supplied myself we’re starting off with some default little basic… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft XP Hack REVEALED – HcL Playz Exposed!

    Insane Minecraft XP Hack REVEALED - HcL Playz Exposed!Video Information इमेजिन दैट आप किसी सब्सक्राइब करते ही नहीं हो एंड साथ की साथ वीडियो को लाइक भी कर देना तो गाइ आज स्टार्ट होने वाली है लेवल्स एसएमपी का सीजन वन एंड यहां पर लेवल एसएमपी में आप सभी को पता होगा यहां पर एक्सपी के बदले हर्ट्स मिलते हैं तो सबसे ज्यादा एक्सपी इंपोर्टेंट है तो सब पीसफुली खेलेंगे एंड स्टार्ट करते हैं सब लेट्स गो ये जीजी चलो स्टार्ट हो चुकी है एसएमपी चलो जल्दी से ग्राइंडिंग करते हैं हम लोग मिलके यस यस लेट्स गो वुड तोड़ो जल्दी से सबसे पहले अपने को आयरन आर्मरर… Read More

  • Insane Kuriboh Chicken Explosion! #minecraft #mcyt

    Insane Kuriboh Chicken Explosion! #minecraft #mcytVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Popping Chickens SHORT #minecraft #gaming #minecraftmemes #funny #twitch #mcyt #memes #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dreaming Kuriboh on 2024-02-16 14:53:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hardcore Automation in “All The Mods 9: No Frills”: Prepare to Sweat (and Laugh?) Calling all automation aficionados, hardcore … Read More

  • Insane Twist: Minecraft as a Card Game?! 🃏

    Insane Twist: Minecraft as a Card Game?! 🃏Video Information in der heutigen Challenge spiele ich eine Mod die insgesamt 90 Sammelkarten in der Spiel hinzufügt welche ich durch neue Münzen aus Boosterpacks ziehen kann je nachdem wie viele ich von ihnen investiere können mir diese Trading Cards falls ich sie mit dem passenden sources in meinem Deck aktiviere mal mehr mal weniger praktische Vorteile geben mein Ziel ist es in diesem Video mindestens eine legendäre also eine der Ultra seltenen von ihnen zu finden und mit deren Hilfe natürlich den Enderdrachen zu besiegen ob ich das ganze geschafft habe und warum ich am Ende für eine virtuelle… Read More

  • Explore the INSANE New Jankum Potato Dimension in Minecraft!

    Explore the INSANE New Jankum Potato Dimension in Minecraft!Video Information how’s it huffing Jank heads welcome back to another episode of potato craft M tato poisonous potato Minecraft update that’s right people we’re doing it again I had a lot of fun with doing this yesterday this ended up being super cool I think this whole dimension everything is sick and I really uh I mean yeah I want to uh keep exploring it and keep figuring it all out so what are we going to do today our second episode that is a great question this has cursive binding on it and I don’t even realize that… Read More

  • “Insane Emotions in Minecraft: Freefire Gameplay! 🤯” #ShizoClickbait

    "Insane Emotions in Minecraft: Freefire Gameplay! 🤯" #ShizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘😜😜😜😜😜 #minecraft #love #comedy #sad #emotional #ringtone #freefire #kgf #gameplay #bgm’, was uploaded by GRO GAURAV GAMING on 2024-01-03 07:04:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. who #short #viral #comedy #rgbucketlist #minecraft #explore #jimin #freefire #minecraft #minecraft #asmr #comedy #bgmi … Read More

  • INSANE Cow Farm Hack in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20!

    INSANE Cow Farm Hack in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20!Video Information [Music] down down down [Music] [Applause] down [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Music] [Applause] [Music] down This video, titled ‘Easy Cow Farm In Minecraft Bedrock 1.20’, was uploaded by EndyFast on 2024-03-15 20:34:59. It has garnered 208 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:59 or 179 seconds. Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Easy Cow Farm Tutorial – Auto Cow Farm / Leather Farm & Cooked Beef Farm – All In One 🔍 Video Overview: In today’s video, i am going to show you how easy it is to build… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Creation! #viral

    INSANE Minecraft World Creation! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Create A New World #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-03-05 16:41:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Minecraft Create A New World #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of… Read More

  • cFactions

    cFactionsWelcome to cFactions! We are a remastered server with many new and old features plugged into the server for your benefit! We have many worlds, plugins, and jobs to offer you if you decided to come and check us out. We are also open for ALL STAFF POSITIONS and we will be very easy going with the applications! We know lot’s of you have wanted to be staff so now is your chance! cFactions.ns01.us Read More

  • 𝙍𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙤𝙃𝙌 – 𝙑𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖 1.20.4 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙

    Welcome to 𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖔𝕳𝖁𝖌! A brand new SMP server with a semi vanilla gameplay experience! Join us for a fun and friendly server where you can explore, loot, grind, and build with new friends! Server features: A new 1.20.4 map with ore-filled caves Land claims and homes Starter kits Upcoming community Nether Opening Event We are also looking for staff! Apply through our discord. Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran, 𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖔𝕳𝖁𝖌 is the perfect place to enjoy Minecraft like never before! Join our discord here! Read More

  • New survival Medial Times

    Survival Need builders to help build spawn otherwise its anarchy until nowjoin join joinjoin join joinjoin join joinjoin join joinjoin join join thank you Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Death Makes You Look OOGLY GOO!

    Minecraft Memes - When Death Makes You Look OOGLY GOO!I guess dying really takes a toll on your appearance – who knew respawn points were also beauty salons! Read More

  • Head-Hunting: Wither Farm Guide – 730 P/H!

    Head-Hunting: Wither Farm Guide - 730 P/H! In Minecraft’s realm, the Wither Skeleton Farm shines bright, With 730 heads per hour, a true delight. No wither roses needed, just a new delay, Efficiency at 100%, in a whole new way. The farm’s speed and rate, now higher than before, Spawn proof, settings, and enchants, all to explore. A new mechanic to despawn unwanted mobs, With 2 wolves to trigger, the skeletons, they bob. Fully automatic, the farm mode stands tall, For Java Edition players, it’s a call. No Bedrock support, but the design is grand, Join the Discord server, to download the land. Inspired by others,… Read More

  • Herobrine vs Entity 303: The Ultimate Hot Mess! 🔥

    Herobrine vs Entity 303: The Ultimate Hot Mess! 🔥 Herobrine and Entity 303 are like the ultimate Minecraft drama queens – always causing chaos and drama wherever they go! It’s like a never-ending soap opera in the world of blocks and pixels. #MinecraftDramaQueens Read More

  • Frost Diamond Portal Trick 2024 – Minecraft

    Frost Diamond Portal Trick 2024 - Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Frost Diamond Portal in 2024 Embark on a journey with UzeMing as he delves into the world of Minecraft to create the Frost Diamond Portal in 2024. This unique portal, inspired by the renowned Minecraft YouTuber Frost Diamond, takes players on an exciting adventure filled with challenges and surprises. The Story of Frost Diamond Frost Diamond, a popular Minecraft content creator hailing from Bali, has captivated audiences with his gaming prowess and creativity. While he has ventured into other gaming realms like Roblox, his legacy in Minecraft remains strong. With a subscriber count of 37 million,… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Modern Minecraft Builds Come to Life

    Join Minewind: Where Modern Minecraft Builds Come to Life Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for new and exciting challenges? Look no further! While watching this amazing YouTube video on building a modern oak house in Minecraft, you may have realized the endless possibilities this game has to offer. If you want to take your Minecraft experience to the next level, why not join the Minewind server? Immerse yourself in a community of like-minded players, explore unique landscapes, and unleash your creativity in a safe and exciting environment. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So, what are you waiting for?… Read More

  • Outsmarting Olly in Minecraft

    Outsmarting Olly in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Meeting of Legends: Jack_Bhaiya and Modi Ji Recently, the gaming community was abuzz with excitement as Jack_Bhaiya, a popular figure in the gaming world, had the opportunity to meet the honorable Prime Minister of India, Modi Ji. This meeting was a proud moment not only for Jack_Bhaiya but also for the entire GamerFleet community. Impressing Olly and AnshuBisht Jack_Bhaiya’s charm and wit were on full display as he attempted to impress Olly and AnshuBisht. The humorous interactions and funny moments captured the attention of fans and showcased Jack_Bhaiya’s entertaining personality. Lilyville SMP Adventures In… Read More

  • Unbelievable Furi Ferntail Encounter in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Furi Ferntail Encounter in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] boo hi hello hello everyone hi hi hi hi it’s me hi hello ah uh uh the smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is meyy for hello hi everyone hi hi hello everyone is Minecraft time and I have some funny stories from today I have a very funny story from today um so reason I was a little bit late to stream I’m so sorry I am trying my best I’m just so bad at this wait no I want to get my my desk hold… Read More

  • Epic Realistic Zombie Minecraft Hacks

    Epic Realistic Zombie Minecraft HacksVideo Information [Applause] [Music] go This video, titled ‘REALISTIC ZOMBIE IN MINECRAFT || MINECRAFT BUILD HACKS || MINECRAFT HACKS || HALLOWEEN BUILD HACKS |’, was uploaded by Kolkata Hindustani Gamerz on 2024-01-02 04:30:05. It has garnered 2490 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Top 5 MUST HAVE Minecraft Plugins 1.20!

    SHOCKING: Top 5 MUST HAVE Minecraft Plugins 1.20!Video Information [Music] today I am going to show you the top five Minecraft plugins for your server these plugins will make your life easier and help you have a better server the first plugin in the list is Essentials X it is an extremely useful plug-in containing over 130 commands Essentials X provides teleportation moderation tools gameplay enhancements and more there are too many commands for me to show but the main ones I use are/ gm1 for Creative Mode / gm0 for survival mode slban for Banning SL kick for kicking a [Music] player the second plugin in… Read More

  • “Lost in Minecraft’s Enchanting Forest – Find Your Way Through!” #shorts

    "Lost in Minecraft's Enchanting Forest - Find Your Way Through!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Minecraft’s Roofed Forests – Navigate the Dense Canopy!#shorts’, was uploaded by Heartfelt Harmony on 2023-12-18 18:30:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Title Screen Ranking!

    The ULTIMATE Minecraft Title Screen Ranking!Video Information title screens uh they’re exactly what they sound like whenever you log in it’s the first thing you see they represent the game they have the title and they allow you to start playing some of them are good uh and others are Hitman they should only have what is required and if it’s not required it better look damn good the most used buttons should be the most accessible and The Uncommon one should be stowed away in the menus so we’re going to rank every single element of every title screen from every version of Minecraft… Read More

  • Wizard Tower Surprises?! Cozy Minecraft Let’s Play!

    Wizard Tower Surprises?! Cozy Minecraft Let's Play!Video Information so our Story begins hello there this is dreamy Moonglow we are going to play [Music] Minecraft it’s a rainy cozy morning perfect for decorating our new Cottage let’s put some chest here and make a little little bit of storage let’s hide our water source over here let’s plant some wheat let’s go refill our bucket get some wool plant our garden oh a rainbow over our Cottage that’s beautiful let’s go see if we left in anything behind hello Thunderbolt a the magical bamboo Hello Kitty come on home let’s head to the cottage another kitty… Read More

  • 😱🔥💥 SHOCKING Minecraft trap for friends!

    😱🔥💥 SHOCKING Minecraft trap for friends!Video Information don’t bring me down down down Don’t Bring Me Down yes I can don’t bring me down but I’m feeling this one don’t bring me down don’t bring me down down don’t bring [Music] me don’t bring me This video, titled ‘🔴make a trap for your friends😱🔥💥in Minecraft#shortvideo#shorts#viral#short#trending#video#minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft.fanpage on 2024-01-12 06:00:30. It has garnered 2624 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. 🔴make a trap for your friends😱🔥💥in Minecraft#shortvideo#shorts#viral#short#trending#video#minecraft #minecraft#shorts#trending#viral#youtube minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,camman18 minecraft,minecraft manhunt,minecraft but challenge,minecraft seed,minecraft but i cant… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Guide || Play With Friends! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Guide || Play With Friends! 🔥Video Information अ हेलो वट्स अप गाइस कैसे हो आप सब आज हम दोबारा से आ गए मा खेलने के लिए अ मजा आएगा ना और हम लोग का जो घर बना नहीं र कपर भी फोड़ दिया था हमलोग पुराना वारर बना सते आप हेलो भा मेरा डांस देखलो मे डांस देखो मे डांस देख मेरा डा देख अभी देख और देखो और देखो ये देखिए ये देखिए बला ओ वाओ ये देखिए फ्रेंड्स बिला डेविल कैसे डांस कर रहा है तो चलिए फ्रेंड्स करते हैं हम गेम स्टार्ट आगे हम कंपलसरी घर बनाने वाले बड़ा सा एक तो… Read More

  • 🔥 15 MUST-HAVE Minecraft Mods! (1.20.1) ➡️

    🔥 15 MUST-HAVE Minecraft Mods! (1.20.1) ➡️Video Information Creature Compendium introduces two new mob types and expands on an existing one curses beasts and Golems each mob type comes with its own unique traits and gameplay differences but they all share one common feature they can be tamed in various ways netherite forges are ancient colossal golems that lie dormant in Bastion remnants remnants of a war long forgotten these formidable beings can be awoken with lava triggering a challenging and epic battle if the player manages to damage them enough they will become inactive however with enough netherite scrap they can be repaired and even… Read More

Hytale Beta Releasing Soon? | Prowl Reacts