I built a GIANT CASTLE in Survival Minecraft!! 🐧: Survival Minecraft Lets play : Ep 6

Video Information

In today’s video I’m going to build my biggest project in Survival Minecraft yet I’m going to build a giant castle on this island now this video took a long time to make so if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing now last episode I built this villager

Trading Hall and after some time I finally got a mending villager I but then I left for like five minutes and he decides he doesn’t want to sell me mending anymore so I had to convince him to sell mending again and this took way too long but

Once I finally got mending again I started to enchant my armor and my tools and then I walked past my iron farm and lo and behold it’s working now this is the best day of my life I finally don’t feel like a loser anymore but now that I have Enchanted tools I’m

Ready to get tons of resources for this Village so let’s get some Spruce Wood copper diorite Cobblestone and the site and most importantly dirt so this is going to be the entrance of this giant village we’re gonna have these small towers and they’re gonna be like the entrance of the village and I

Want to raise this part up a little bit so then the gate for the village is kind of like you know up yeah yeah oh great look who decided to show up all of you are going to die I can do a raid Maybe I think we’ll do that later maybe we’ll

Do a raid later I’m gonna worry about the river later and make it look a little nicer because right now it does kind of look weird and we’ll do more terraforming later but for now I just want to worry about this little Cliff right here so we’re just going to bring

This up okay that’s actually not a bad little Cliff right there I’ll make it look a little better later we’ll add more I will add some stairs some slabs some andesite make it look a little more realistic but that’s a good start and now we can bring this dirt out more

And make a nice flat area so we can build our Gatehouse up there now for the gate or the big entrance of the village we’re going to it’s going to be fairly simple um where’s the middle here is this the middle say this is the middle so go one

Two three what we’re gonna do we’re gonna make a nice little area like this and then we can go here and play some of it with the polished diorite give it a little bit of texture here now the interesting thing with this uh build I’m also gonna bring them out like this and

Uh you’ll see why it’s gonna look great they also have to be stripped I feel oh my my ax broke you know instead of me walking through this whole thing how about I just do a little bam pow Boop it’s so gorgeous this is the uh the gate

House building thing it’s looking quite nice eventually these will become you know greenish because copper does turn green over time but it’s it’s going really slow I don’t know why it’s taking forever I also went ahead and made this path so this is well I mean it’s not the

Past not there yet but I dug out where the path is going to be I’ve also been doing tons of terraforming and getting this place to look a little bit better now terraforming isn’t fun when you have an iron shovel so we’re gonna go back

And I’m gonna get my levels back up to 30 because I’m at seven right now and then we’re going to enchant the shovel also iron farm look at that oh my gosh it’s working oh I’m so happy you know what’s probably going to be better is just mining courts going to

The Nether and Mining that gives you way more XP I’m just gonna do that’s gonna be so much quicker bam we’re going to the nether yeah okay first has to has to fix my pickaxe first doesn’t it oh you can’t run away from me yeah oh hello Ghast

Hello shoot your Fireball at me yeah oh he disappeared oh this is much faster yeah this is much faster wow oh look we found a fortress let’s try this again guest go go go let’s go we did it Return to Sender hardly nowhere for some reason the game

Decided I needed another nether portal over here infinite obsidian glitch okay let’s see what we can get with this hopefully something good efficiency and Unbreaking that’s that’s actually what I was hoping for nice now that we’re back over here I’m going to work on the path and I really don’t

Know what I want for the path at the moment I’m just gonna go with Coors dirt for now I don’t really have an idea for a path yet um so if I want to change it in the future I will but for now we’ll just go

With Coors dirt because I think it looks pretty good it doesn’t look too bad and we’ll get this whole path uh filled in here also I’ve been dealing with a canker sore the past couple of days and for those of you who don’t get those and don’t know what those are consider

Yourself lucky uh it’s been impossible to talk so I haven’t been able to record anything so that’s why it’s kind of been a while since I uploaded but I’m I’m getting I’m getting better now I’m getting over it finally but God it’s awful okay we’re gonna need a lot of Coors dirt we’re

Gonna do that later because I don’t feel like doing that and I’m really eager to start building the castle and I have a bunch of stone in these furnaces already to be used so I think we’re gonna start over on the castle now so we’re gonna

Have the front door is gonna go we’ll bring it out here and it’ll come in here and we’ll put the door probably right in there one two three oh that’s not what I want we’ll put a little Tower here so we’ll go like this we’re gonna make the door here so we’re

Gonna break these we’re gonna put this here we’ll go up to there we go that’s a door and then we could we’re gonna put some of this here and let’s let’s make it look let’s make it look a little nice let’s add a little bit of a little bit of spice to it

Yeah there we go that’s not bad it’ll be fine it’ll be a fine little small door um so with that now we can figure out the size of these walls we want to go to there that should be fine because then we’re gonna put these walls here

It will do that yeah yeah that’s a good height yeah that’s gonna be great so we’re gonna do that’s gonna be like the main the main wall it’ll go over to here that’ll be a tower we’ll make and that one’s gonna be a big tower so I’m gonna

Work on that one first because that one’s gonna take the most time it’s gonna be huge um and then we’ll have to go in later and I can grab you know we can grab some and the site throw in some Cobblestone but we’ll do that later we’ll throw in a bunch of

Different textures make it look make it look nice so it’s not all the same We’ll add some nice good old delicious texture everybody’s favorite I’m gonna go to sleep now I don’t know exactly how tall this is gonna be um but we’re just gonna we’re just gonna

Guess we’re just gonna go up and guess that’s a great idea so we’re going to go up here the pathway will be around here so then we’ll go up one two three four five six more but as you can see so basically the tower is going to go up and then it’s gonna

Become wider and go up more it’s really bad way of explaining it but ah you’ll see eventually when it’s done and then it’s all about filling this up Already out of stone bricks that that wow okay we need a lot more we need we need so much more and now we can go back over here and start filling this up more and for the top we’re gonna where’s the middle that’s we need to find out

Where’s the middle what we’re gonna do here is we’re gonna Place some windows we’ll go up one two three that should be fine we’ll do that and then we’ll place ow we’ll Place windows in there so there’s gonna be like tiny little Tower sticking out

So I guess we’ll do this bring it up like that and they’ll be I guess three by three now for the roof of this I kind of think it will look really good to have deep sleeps I kind of want a really dark roof

So we’ll have to go and get a bunch of deep slate which I think I should have plenty of but I don’t know I could be wrong then we can also maybe put these here and then That in the middle could be a nice little design there definitely gonna need deep sleep for the for the roof that doesn’t look too bad I actually like that if we get another one on the other side and have the roof I think that’s gonna look really cool

I am happy with that wow okay I don’t have a lot but I have some deep slate so we can try this out here and see what this is going to look like as a roof I don’t even have enough for the whole roof actually so that’s kind of embarrassing well

We’ll we’ll leave it like that for now it’s a start I am loving the look of that I think that looks so good I just need to get some more deep slate and then we can get some of the roof in there and really see what it’s going to look like and then

Once we can get some detail in there with stone Cobblestone and endocyte I think it’s gonna look amazing super excited about that so we need to go get some deep slate real quick where is my horse come here horse where are you you over here here they are well I found my

Stash of deep slate now with some of the roof on I think it’s definitely starting to come together and I’m really liking the look of this and so I’m gonna go ahead and I’m gonna finish up this Tower get all the sides in get the roofs on

And then we can move on to the other parts of the castle so I guess we’ll do a quick little time lapse of me building Foreign The main tower is finally done and I also went ahead and got some of this wall up here and we got this nice little design over there for the the top of the wall I think that’s gonna look really cool I filled in this with dirt and I

Have this idea having the Wall go diagonally and then right here we’re gonna have a bridge that will go over this water but as you can see the plan for the Castle is all done and all we need to do is raise these walls up and

Then build the towers and so I’m just gonna bring this up here and we’ll start on the tower for this Tower I want to go and add a little bit more wood so instead of having just Stone I wanna I wanna get a little bit of wood in there

And of course I don’t have enough deep slate anyways the tower should be done now and we can see how that looks yeah I like that it kind of breaks it up so it’s not all just Stone then you have some wood there and I think that kind of works

Really well I like that I think we’re gonna do the same thing for the other Tower over here so I’m gonna get working on that right now we got the second tower in here and I think it’s really coming together now it’s looking fantastic also I lost my pants

From a very sad accident and I’m I’m actually really sad about that I I miss my pants to be honest but looking at this I do think it’s missing something in the middle I think we need to build something in the middle to bring this whole thing together

Um and I think I have an idea let’s go up here and then we’re gonna add some good old Spruce I’m also gonna need more deep sleep because I want the roof to be deep slate again because apparently that’s my favorite block now because it’s all I use that is looking

Good I am happy with that I also have an idea um I got a bunch of this tough and I think we can use this to make it look more reinforced I was thinking maybe I could use the tough to just go up to like this and kind of go around

The tower here and maybe it’s going to look like it’s more reinforced I don’t know add a little bit more texture and stuff to it um yeah I think we can do that I think that’s a good idea we just got to get all the stone and bring up these walls

Because right now they’re just you know we gotta we gotta bring this up we gotta really make it almost look finished it was time to get more Cobblestone and I started to realize just how long this project was going to take just mining all the Cobblestone took forever because I

Needed thousands of blocks of cobblestone to be able to finish this Castle then once I started placing the blocks I went through so many stacks of stone bricks foreign I have finally placed all of the stone bricks I need to place and the walls are

Now at the height they need to be I don’t know exactly why I put this Tiny Tower over here or what I plan to do with it I guess I’m just gonna we’re just gonna wing it see what happens that’s what we’re gonna do that’s okay that’s perfect definitely a

Tall tower but I like it now that we finally have all of the stone placed the next step is probably the step I’m I’m I I was least anticipating because it’s just very time consuming um I just gotta go along and do this all I have left now is this final Tower

And I’m so ready to be done with this it looks good though so far I just realized I haven’t done that one either actually so I have to do that one too but it definitely looks better with the the detail um I also have to still finish the trip

I didn’t do a lot what am I doing I have a lot to do still I need to finish this I got to step it up go into going oh oh oh we’re fine everything’s fine and just like that we should be we should be done is this did I do this

Whole side I think I did I think we’re done it looks it looks better I think we did it I think we’re done I don’t want to do this anymore that took that took that took way too long get out of here okay let’s grab the last

Bit of this polished andesite and then we can finish this trim around the wall now even though we got this far there’s still some things I still need to do we can go back up here and finish this walkway putting Spruce slabs here and there we

Go and then we need to get stairs eventually I don’t know where the stairs are gonna be to get up into here but this is like the last thing we can do here with this Castle is just place this along the wall and make it look a little bit more fortified

And it’s gonna add a little a little bit of detail it’s going to be great looks like I forgot to do this part with dirt do I have dirt on me that’ll be good for now this will just let us continue putting the tough down

Um if I have enough that is I did it yes I had enough oh this is beautiful actually well we’re not done yet let’s add a little bit more here there we go we’re done yes but having that tough down at the bottom helps so much I think

That looks great I’m loving that look and I am ready to uh stop building this Castle now and uh quit and I’m done I quit that’s it no I’m joking I can’t I can’t quit yet I still have a little bit of work to do when we started this video

I built that thing and I started getting the path in here and now it’s finally time I think to just finish the path and bring it up to the castle oh wow okay I didn’t even I didn’t even look at the castle from back here yet oh

Oh that looks beautiful the path is finally done what if we throw a little bit of leaves right here just to you know make the path look a little nicer wow I have been working on this project for so long and we’ve done a lot got a lot

Done I love the look of this castle and I’m so happy with how it turned out next episode I do want to add some houses in here and get some buildings in here make it look a little nicer in here so it’s not just green

Um we could also get this bridge in I was gonna do it this episode but I am burnt out from building this castle for so long and I also want to eventually do the interior because right now it’s empty and I think that’d be really fun

And cool but man I’ve spent so long on this project and I am so happy with how it turned out I love everything about this and I think this is gonna be the end of the video because I am I am ready I’m burnt out I but this has been fun

It’s been a really fun time building I just I can’t build anymore at the moment so I want to thank you all for watching the video and if you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing leave a like comment something down below what should I build next any ideas for the castle

Whatever you want and I will see you all in the next video bye

This video, titled ‘I built a GIANT CASTLE in Survival Minecraft!! 🐧: Survival Minecraft Lets play : Ep 6’, was uploaded by Commandernate on 2023-03-16 16:00:21. It has garnered 28996 views and 830 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:32 or 992 seconds.

Minecraft Survival 1.19: I built a GIANT CASTLE in Survival Minecraft!! #Minecraft #minecraftsurvival

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Check out these great videos too: Forcing Penguins to dance for Money in Penguin Park 3D: https://youtu.be/tevs36uzD1w Minecraft survival 1.19: A great start to a new adventure! Ep. 1: https://youtu.be/wNFCkdmCRKo The Perfect Cozy little starter home | Minecraft Modded Survival Ep.1 |: https://youtu.be/82WHO0bUwcU Minecraft From Hell: https://youtu.be/Rk1xjZNE6ng I went on a Minecraft Gameshow: https://youtu.be/Rk1xjZNE6ng I went on SHARK TANK in MINECRAFT: https://youtu.be/Rk1xjZNE6ng I went on Family Feud but in Minecraft: https://youtu.be/lhNdH5te4XA This new Minecraft update sucks…: https://youtu.be/6hyJGsM1DwA I was not prepared for this (War Of Rights): https://youtu.be/4PRhX77V0Mw My new Minecraft Event Might Be Rigged: https://youtu.be/871xvUd17GY 100 Villagers VS 100 Pillagers WHO WILL WIN!: https://youtu.be/pKGtncmqTZI The Fight for the Dragon Egg: https://youtu.be/zHGFRFyLsUE He BETRAYED me! (Cloud SMP): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnBFqgy9Cbk

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  • “Lost in Minecraft’s Enchanting Forest – Find Your Way Through!” #shorts

    "Lost in Minecraft's Enchanting Forest - Find Your Way Through!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Minecraft’s Roofed Forests – Navigate the Dense Canopy!#shorts’, was uploaded by Heartfelt Harmony on 2023-12-18 18:30:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Title Screen Ranking!

    The ULTIMATE Minecraft Title Screen Ranking!Video Information title screens uh they’re exactly what they sound like whenever you log in it’s the first thing you see they represent the game they have the title and they allow you to start playing some of them are good uh and others are Hitman they should only have what is required and if it’s not required it better look damn good the most used buttons should be the most accessible and The Uncommon one should be stowed away in the menus so we’re going to rank every single element of every title screen from every version of Minecraft… Read More

  • Wizard Tower Surprises?! Cozy Minecraft Let’s Play!

    Wizard Tower Surprises?! Cozy Minecraft Let's Play!Video Information so our Story begins hello there this is dreamy Moonglow we are going to play [Music] Minecraft it’s a rainy cozy morning perfect for decorating our new Cottage let’s put some chest here and make a little little bit of storage let’s hide our water source over here let’s plant some wheat let’s go refill our bucket get some wool plant our garden oh a rainbow over our Cottage that’s beautiful let’s go see if we left in anything behind hello Thunderbolt a the magical bamboo Hello Kitty come on home let’s head to the cottage another kitty… Read More

  • 😱🔥💥 SHOCKING Minecraft trap for friends!

    😱🔥💥 SHOCKING Minecraft trap for friends!Video Information don’t bring me down down down Don’t Bring Me Down yes I can don’t bring me down but I’m feeling this one don’t bring me down don’t bring me down down don’t bring [Music] me don’t bring me This video, titled ‘🔴make a trap for your friends😱🔥💥in Minecraft#shortvideo#shorts#viral#short#trending#video#minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft.fanpage on 2024-01-12 06:00:30. It has garnered 2624 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. 🔴make a trap for your friends😱🔥💥in Minecraft#shortvideo#shorts#viral#short#trending#video#minecraft #minecraft#shorts#trending#viral#youtube minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,camman18 minecraft,minecraft manhunt,minecraft but challenge,minecraft seed,minecraft but i cant… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Guide || Play With Friends! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Guide || Play With Friends! 🔥Video Information अ हेलो वट्स अप गाइस कैसे हो आप सब आज हम दोबारा से आ गए मा खेलने के लिए अ मजा आएगा ना और हम लोग का जो घर बना नहीं र कपर भी फोड़ दिया था हमलोग पुराना वारर बना सते आप हेलो भा मेरा डांस देखलो मे डांस देखो मे डांस देख मेरा डा देख अभी देख और देखो और देखो ये देखिए ये देखिए बला ओ वाओ ये देखिए फ्रेंड्स बिला डेविल कैसे डांस कर रहा है तो चलिए फ्रेंड्स करते हैं हम गेम स्टार्ट आगे हम कंपलसरी घर बनाने वाले बड़ा सा एक तो… Read More

  • 🔥 15 MUST-HAVE Minecraft Mods! (1.20.1) ➡️

    🔥 15 MUST-HAVE Minecraft Mods! (1.20.1) ➡️Video Information Creature Compendium introduces two new mob types and expands on an existing one curses beasts and Golems each mob type comes with its own unique traits and gameplay differences but they all share one common feature they can be tamed in various ways netherite forges are ancient colossal golems that lie dormant in Bastion remnants remnants of a war long forgotten these formidable beings can be awoken with lava triggering a challenging and epic battle if the player manages to damage them enough they will become inactive however with enough netherite scrap they can be repaired and even… Read More

  • 8kpvp

    8kpvpWe are a awsome server dedicated to our players. Please join our discord server to give us advise and to create a good community 8kpvp.com Read More

  • PangaeaEarth – Semi-vanilla PVP Towny SMP 1.20+ Discord

    PangaeaEarth A work in progress geopolitical Minecraft server with a Pangaea map The map will be approximately 4.5k by 5k, running on the towny claiming system. Although targeted more towards the casual, building type of player, the server will have systems set up in place for those more wanting of PvP. Come join us in PangaeaEarth! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/G2qezQpRZg Read More

  • NEW!!! All The Mods 9 Server 2 [No PVP/Grief] By CubedWorlds

    NEW!!! All The Mods 9 Server 2 [No PVP/Grief]  By CubedWorldsCubedWorldsPvP/Grief Server: atm9pvp.cubedworlds.comPeace Server: atm9.cubedworlds.comPeace Server 2: atm9-2.cubedworlds.comOur Links:Website: www.cubedworlds.comDiscord: discord.cubedworlds.comFeatures:*Playtime rewards: Get rewarded for playing on our servers! Earn special rewards as you play on our servers, the more you play, the more rewards! *Ranks: You can earn 12 specials ranks on the server via playtime or purchasing one of our packages on our website.*No Map Reset: Yes!!! The map will never reset, except for a few dimensions (The end, The Nether and Mining Dim)*Dimensions Size: 20k Radius each, 31 Dimensions available*Economy: Rent a shop to sell ressources or buy from others.*Chunks Loading: Enabled*Voting: Vote for our server to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Mob Showdown: Bye Phantom, Vex, Silverfish, Giant?

    Looks like the Phantom, Vex, and Silverfish couldn’t handle the heat and got eliminated quicker than Steve can mine a block of dirt! Top 3 comments can decide the fate of the mobs – will they be voted off the island or will they live to see another day of Minecraft mayhem? The Giant better watch out, it’s game on! Read More

  • Kinito Pet: Big or Small? #minecraftmemes

    Kinito Pet: Big or Small? #minecraftmemes When you can’t decide on the size of your Kinito Pet, just remember: bigger isn’t always better…unless you want a pet that can double as a scarecrow! #shorts #minecraft #meme #memes #kinitopet #scary Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we explore the latest and most intriguing developments in the world of Minecraft. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating realm of AI-generated Minecraft content. Have you ever wondered if AI can truly make Minecraft? The possibilities are endless, and the results are truly mind-blowing. In a recent YouTube video titled “Can AI make Minecraft?” the creator delves into the realm of AI-generated Minecraft videos and images. The video showcases the incredible advancements in AI technology that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of gaming and content creation. From AI-generated Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Backrooms Devlogs

    Minecraft Backrooms Devlogs Welcome to CraftRooms II: A Minecraft Backrooms Experience Step into the mysterious world of CraftRooms II, an immersive Minecraft experience currently in ALPHA 0.6. Explore the depths of the backrooms, but be careful not to no-clip through blocks in the wrong places… Meet the Team Behind the Scenes Shoutout to the talented individuals who have brought CraftRooms II to life: EnderAnimations: builder, texture lead, co-owner scubadiverxy: lead builder, command lead, redstone lead, co-owner xPB14x: sound design, builder, playtester Waterbolt Productions: playtester, builder skeleton: playtester rycritter grog: playtester Features and Elements Immerse yourself in a world filled with: Poolrooms: Dive… Read More

  • Unbelievable Build Challenge in Minecraft Realms!

    Unbelievable Build Challenge in Minecraft Realms!Video Information for hey what’s up Carson and uh missed you yeah it’s free when you join Carson and Kimberly oh yeah Kimberly you’re from [Music] uh ghostly barbecue what’s up Daryl one moment [Music] y’all what’s up what’s up what’s up I’ve never what happened to snake eyes he’s he’s still here it’s um I don’t know you new here Carson CU it’s um it’s me and him we both stream on this channel I’m OT or Noah or whatever you want to call me all right enough s still we about to Ping it I mean we’re looking… Read More

  • EarthTwister: 100 Days Surviving Hardcore Minecraft

    EarthTwister: 100 Days Surviving Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information this is Minecraft but you probably already knew that this is Hardcore where if you die it’s game over but you probably already knew that too what you didn’t know is this is ultra Hardcore in this mode if you die it’s game over but there is a twist natural health regen has been turned off and if I want to heal I need either to find instant health potions or craft suspicious do with the regen effect or golden apples let’s see how this goes and this is not great we spawned in a desert as you… Read More

  • Insane Adventure: Rickson’s Spawn Vertical Stream

    Insane Adventure: Rickson's Spawn Vertical StreamVideo Information what is up guys welcome back it’s Sunday Yay good old sunday good old Sunday hope everyone is doing really good hope you’ve had a good weekend and uh hey yat thanks for joining the club as well really appreciate that right all right let us get into The Nether and let’s uh look at that fan that that was so good already doing really well what’s up toast what’s up rotrex what is up guys let’s get some blocks so we can actually get into The Nether and uh let us just do our thing let’s get… Read More

  • Unbeatable Pneumaticcraft Armor?! EP58 All The Mods 9!

    Unbeatable Pneumaticcraft Armor?! EP58 All The Mods 9!Video Information I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get into some more new mcraft but today we make one of the most OP pieces of armor that exist and we also make the rest of the creative items from new mcraft hopefully you guys are ready now I’ve have been sort of on a creative item spree over the last few episodes we have set out to gather all of the creative items that we can really get our hands on and well today is going to be a continuation of that we… Read More

I built a GIANT CASTLE in Survival Minecraft!! 🐧:  Survival Minecraft Lets play : Ep 6