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Minecraft but we can make mutated versions of all the new Mobs the first New Mob is the copper Golem so if I were to press this button it’s the copper Golem it’s so adorable wait he’s going for the copper button not that button as you can see the copper Golem goes for

Buttons ah we already have something to mine here thanks Mr Golden since we added all the new Mobs into the game now we can actually mutate them into like unbelievable forces so you see that tiny guy we can actually mutate this copper Golem if he doesn’t die now why is he

Turning green he’s oxidizing or however you pronounce it with raw copper he actually follows you around and look I tamed him tamed a copper Golem yeah oh I didn’t mean to kill him he drops edible copper which we can eat we can actually duplicate this iron if

We get it to an Alice can you double my subscribe counts you can right now by hitting that subscribe button this is mine here and you know what could be down there as well diamonds no the new mob the glass water p.m no I just see creepers I see them

There he is in order to tame an alley we need flowers we need flowers blasa I know how look at this time oh flower uh I’m I’m out of bone oh wait there’s one up here as well blaza if I hold out the flowers he’s following me blasa if I

Were to give him my iron pick look at this look he takes it it’s going away with it give me that back he’s gonna do a little dance and then he’s gonna actually duplicate it totally not how Minecraft wanted it but I wanted it like this okay three iron pickaxes you take

One how do I do it maybe shift right click what the you detached his body ah I’m sorry I broke him they dropped something the totem of Ally what does that do you want to find out all right we both have one are you ready Does this guy have any cool down this is how NASA actually did it I would know how do we get down in the water wait water I don’t see anything Plaza I don’t see anything it removes fall damage really yeah let’s find another and start duplicating the

Iron so we got a lot of copper Golems I smell all this copper they make a copper block we duplicate the copper block I can duplicate the coal oh yeah there he goes we’re gonna cause a inflammation in the economy he dropped it two three kinds of blocks

Meanwhile blaza let’s make the copper Golem if you think these new mobs are already crazy since they’re a little more overpowered wait till you see their mutated version we can actually make copper buttons we added those because we’re awesome we just need two copper rods on either side this is not how

Minecraft wanted it but this is how we did it and we don’t care wow look at him that’s him oh is he bigger he’s he’s pretty beefy man how did people not vote for this thing this thing is amazing but we need more blaza I’m gonna put all this rock hopper in

Here give me a copper man this door is gonna open itself thank you do you want the honors to press all these buttons can we just let our copper Guy Do It um no they can only hit stuff that are one block tall are you kidding me fine here we go

What did you do did you hurt I didn’t no I didn’t well you hurt his feelings they’re floating in the air oh God it’s the mighty floating copper Golem well the truth is Blossom the way to summon the mutated one is by killing them oh God they’re gonna they’re gonna fight back

Yes you dropped it the edible copper can I eat it no because you know what it does I gained the copper power and allows me to launch into the air like this wow you’re really pretty weak for someone that can push copper into the air if you take edible power for about 10

Seconds you can launch anything into the air and summons lightning around it what why why Blossom wake the alley oh my God that is powerful you know what we can do with the rest of these Edibles we can craft the mutated copper Golem how do we

Do that place down the crafting tablet I forgot mine let’s get a gravity table I’ll be right back we also need one egg I got an egg you just carry eggs on you that’s what I do we take one egg we put three edible coppers mutant copper

Golden spawn egg oh there’s a big fella oh my God he’s got abs on his abs he’s very angry he’s not messing around anymore you don’t want to fight him bro he puts out these little copper Golem thingies and shoots lightning from the skies I’m having none of that no and we

Can actually tame him can we tame him with raw copper and yeah there oh you got it hard but he has special abilities for example if I were to place down a copper Golem a random special event can happen what do you mean by that like

That really he’s going for it that’s how he replies I’m out of here if I hit this Iron Golem The Clapper Golem should fight it oh my God is he invisible no he’s right here is this killed him he’s not even looking at him let’s go find the glare I did the mutant

Gold to try to kill all the bombs in here and I just hear lightning can you hear that so let’s come up here what look who’s providing around here with the bushes it’s the glare one of the most useless mobs because guess what he does nothing exactly he just lets you

Know where mobs are gonna spawn if it was dark out you know what he is good for though no you kill a little bit of pickaxe I get goo plus I always wanted to be at least so I will become one oh my God goodbye and in reality blasa if

We kill a couple glares we can use that goo to craft the mutated glare that’s the strongest out of all of them or blaza we could just kill this one and duplicate it with the alley you’re gonna die today push boy now we just need to

Find an alley I have no idea where the mutated copper Golem went I think he got stuck in the caves to be honest all right Plaza we’re playing a game I want you to close your eyes for 15 seconds and then you have to guess which grass

Block I’m going to be so are you just running no I’m gonna be running away no you’re good luck now all right where are you you have five seconds five seconds maybe four three two one right here how am I supposed to know exactly we’re gonna wait till the night

Time to summon the mutants glare because it’s the most powerful during the night time in the meanwhile we gotta go find obsidian or diamond or I guess an abandoned nether portal let’s summon the copper Golem in here what is it Boy he’s there he’s there what are you doing I have another solution copper button go do something what villagers final these villagers not the time he’s coming rcbc what the heck is going on ender pearls and blaze rods the RGB team from the copper Golem gave it thank you igb sheep if the

Copper Golem gives us all the good stuff that we need we just gotta give him the copper button and he’s just gonna keep on slamming it that’s not good watch out he almost and himself we just need him to keep on summoning ender pearls and blaze rods

For us oh there he goes again we’re rich [Applause] that is horrifying here let me tame him and tell him to fight the creeper statue Go please and now we can duplicate the ender pearls the blaze rods and the Diamonds the normal alley is not good enough so

Let’s make the mutated version if we combine them and put an egg we get the mutated alley if we were to give him a single diamond watch what you’ll do with it oh my god oh look how many diamonds we have now we can do this with anything golden apples

And that’s not even his strongest power Blazer if I tame him I could ride him oh yeah God you’re going so fast and guess what you’ll attack anything that I’ll Attack this is not gonna hurt me this is just like half a heart but now this is infinite suffering forever I don’t want

Him to suffering wait it’s night time it’s time for the mutated glare if we take the goo and we take an egg mutated glare but now this is more look at him he summons minion hordes he has arms look what you’ll do against the zombie the minions he’s

Coming oh you’re very strong oh every time I give him oak leaves he summons more Warriors I I think these are enough minions Warriors I don’t think we need more Warriors we’re making our way to the Ender dragon fight we found it let’s go let’s go let’s go about to use all the

Mutant Powers against them Blossom you want to know my genius idea we only needed one of each because with the mutants alley we got duplicates everything we need what about the music take out the Ender Dragon on his own oh look it’s firing a hyper beaming sucks I

Have 27 buttons I’m placing him around to play and I summon the mutant glare but they’re all firing at the Ender Dragon they’re shooting lightning everywhere oh he’s riding more copper everywhere more buttheads they already put him at half Health oh my God there’s somebody in the zombie armies

Oh easiest match in my life it wasn’t perfect but it was fun subscribe for more content and thanks for watching

This video, titled ‘I mutated the NEW MINECRAFT MOBS’, was uploaded by Socksfor1 on 2021-10-31 18:15:01. It has garnered 1571147 views and 53099 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:26 or 626 seconds.

I mutated the NEW MINECRAFT MOBS including the copper golem, allay, and glare

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  • Minecraft Ninja Warrior: The Gap Splitter Saga

    Minecraft Ninja Warrior: The Gap Splitter Saga In the land of Minecraft, where challenges abound, 30 competitors, with skills so profound. They face the Gap Splitter, a test of their might, But many fall short, in the water they alight. GamingBrando, the first to take the stage, But alas, he falls, in the water’s embrace. AkinOregeno, with hopes held high, But the Gap Splitter claims him, he can’t reach the sky. Q Metro, BritIslesNinja, and Chessisthebest, All try their luck, but fail the test. Koma6, the Ender Challenge host, Slips off the platform, his run a ghost. Caracql, Fro_gqy, and Bracoeth too, Struggle on the course,… Read More

  • Nether Portal Dilemma: Hotter than Hell!

    Nether Portal Dilemma: Hotter than Hell! POV: Trying to decide which nether portal to choose is like trying to decide which flavor of ice cream to get – except one option leads to fiery pits of doom and the other leads to… well, also fiery pits of doom. Good luck! #minecraftstruggles 😂🔥🍦 Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Quá lâu” nhưng đó là Minecraft” that left us in stitches. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless fun and excitement? Minewind Minecraft Server is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts looking to immerse themselves in a unique and thrilling gaming experience. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and regular events, Minewind is the… Read More

  • Aeven’s Hilarious Hamster Mishap

    Aeven's Hilarious Hamster Mishap Welcome to Aeven – The Next-Generation Minecraft MMORPG Experience! Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Aeven, a Java Edition MMORPG that promises to revolutionize your gaming experience. Let’s dive into the exciting features that await you in this immersive virtual world. Modern Tech for Maximum Enjoyment Get ready to explore Aeven with maximum view distance, allowing you to take in the stunning landscapes and intricate details of this virtual realm. The game boasts a 100% revamped combat system, ensuring that every battle is engaging and challenging. Immerse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stream LIVE – Join Now!

    Insane Minecraft Stream LIVE - Join Now!Video Information oh streaming streaming streaming let’s do it let me just get the stream out come on no when’s it GNA say I’m live oh there we go okay let’s get to it let me just add everyone real quick and then uh we can start live streams at everyone there we go there we go all right let’s do it or hold on got to put OBS on my second monitor there we go let’s do it so we got a lot to do first y welcome GD jeff8 to the stream glad to have you here all… Read More

  • Manatee vs. Spud: PotatoCraft Showdown!

    Manatee vs. Spud: PotatoCraft Showdown!Video Information by gum be be y be be gum by gly by gum with five different flavors with extra flavor for the whole family and every stripe luscious lime stripe lip smack and lemon strip delicious orange strip mixed fruit and Cherry Stripes I’ll pour you in every pack of Beach Nut fruit and there’s extra flavor for the whole family in every scrumptious stripe more flavors to choose more flavors to choose the flavor starts the flavor stays gum Beachnut Fruit Stripe for the whole family by gum Clark gives you something more than just another stick of… Read More

  • Unlocking Titan Eren in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch Now!

    Unlocking Titan Eren in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch Now!Video Information [Musik] proek ini bukanlah hal yang mudah bukanlah hal yang sebentar ini telah menghabiskan ratusan jam mulai dari ngedesain farming hingga akhirnya nge-build di sisi lain ini menjadi tentangan tersendiri Ini bukan tentang menyelesaikannya ini tentang pengalaman untuk sampai di sana kita harus mencintai proses temukan batasan dan melempauinya dengan begitu semuanya selesai This video, titled ‘Bikin Titan Eren DI Hardcore Minecraft- cuplikan’, was uploaded by Sasera on 2024-04-01 12:58:59. It has garnered 3977 views and 284 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Judul: Aku Membuat Rumbling di Minecraft Hardcore! Hashtag: #Minecraft #MinecraftHardcore… Read More