I Scared My Friend as DOORS in Minecraft

Video Information

My friend Vlogs doors Pro and isn’t scared of anything so I’m trapping him inside all 100 Doors you know what’s better than an army of children and just like that the first door has been created now this might look like a regular door to you folk but trust me guys it isn’t

So now we just have to debate even inside which is going to be harder than I thought because he’s enjoying killing children die because I have the perfect doors creature for this meet window who looks through the well windows with his piercing white eyes the minute either turns around and sees this he’s

Gonna Wanna murder that thing right out of his house die and die the perfect bait because to do that he’s gonna have to walk through the store and then he’s gonna have much bigger problems than this man window over there okay turn around what is that why don’t you go

Investigate why don’t you try and kill him I’ve seen this before wait the only floor to this planet to be pranked with us and I’ve just realized that I’m still doing inside of my torture chamber um okay yeah yeah he doesn’t want to break his head check this out ASAP he’s

Going right through and up wait for items and we just cleared his entire inventory too my items Just got cleaned what and I’m bro Ethan’s got to be so confused I’m scared right now looks very familiar oh no we have all of the doors entities this place looks like the Roblox doors

Man but in Minecraft so why don’t you uh go through the next door Ethan door number one yeah there it is door one you know I just realized that the first draw I labeled was one apparently I can’t count but that’s okay you see this is Ethan’s Mansion which he spanned all

Weeks building except every time he walks through one of my doors I’m gonna move his spawn point a thousand blocks further away bro what a swear who built this entire place but it don’t matter how sweaty they are because I am a sweat at the Roblox doors man so obviously my

Goal is to chase either through as many doors as possible so he gets spawned so far away he’ll never make it back home again what door four my man’s is now 4 000 blocks from this beautiful home okay that’s kind of freaky I’m not a fan

Of I want to go back to my million dollar mansion please we’re gonna leave a nice little surprise from behind each and every door and the next one I reckon is going to be door 11. oh this is a nice room some nice Deck card you’ve got

Here now who’s gonna be Ambush the eyes figure Screech seek or Shadow I reckon Ambush let’s morph into a pool easy peasy room temp for a minute Ethan walks through the door we’re going to give him the pride of his life and blind him all right let’s keep on moving

Look look what do I do I’m blind boom hit him with the planet ah there he is go yeah even Jump Around get in the closet quick click those Ambush come on Ethan show your little face where are you I ain’t even scared even though Ambush is one of the most

Powerful entities in the doors map and he will literally insecure if he finds me but it’s fine because as long as I’m here I’m safe we’re probably hiding in one of these wardrobes because after all Ambush is one of the oh I saw his name tag he’s right inside yeah that’s right

Amen he’s one of the most powerful creatures of dogs because if he catches you he will instantly kill you fortunately he’s not able to enter wardrobes but fear not I have a friend to help me out still there okay you know what it yeah I’m still hearing that I ain’t going

Anywhere ah so if you want to hide inside this wardrobe Ethan that’s okay okay I didn’t see him anywhere we might be safe it’s time for you to meet my friend Jack Ethan who loves to hide in the closets to stop playing like you from hiding in there forever

No no that was Jack no no oh it is right out oh where are you going Ethan no no no no no no we’re running we’re running Jack comes up if you stay in the closets too long turn around Ethan say hi to me Ambush is still there no run run run no

No no he’s still chasing me keep going run run run he’s probably storming through those doors except the only thing is I’m gonna be waiting for him on the other side let’s go ahead and TP to Door 20. perfect wait I have an idea this room has multiple dolls it’s

Perfect because sometimes indoors there are rooms with well multiple doors and the player needs to remember which one he has to go through which the correct one is 21 over here except we’re going to test whether even has been paying attention to the signs on the doors

Because if he walks through the wrong door you don’t want to know what is a waiting for him in there and we’ll Chuck one here with 19 yeah are we gonna move so slow dude I’m so terrified right now what is happening all right where’s this man’s at oh he’s

Almost here guys yes Ethan run through as long as he doesn’t see that slime we’re good come on come on yeah there’s no way he was paying attention to that yes yes I think we escaped Ambush we got the dog that’s right I’m the goat Roblox okay this is gonna be really careful

Switch to Creator mode ah and destroy the side look if he doesn’t see us good good but what if he goes back to the other room all right what have we got we got 22 we got what what 19 22 wait I swear I’ve done 19 before oh you know

What we’ll stop him from going back here as well with a little bit of lovely Bedrock wait what he’s going back yeah so Ethan and I’ll just go back and check which one wait what there’s no sign there sorry about that that’s where this used to say

The room number wait what about wait I can double check luckily I thought two steps ahead guys he’s never going to know what number so I guess you’re just gonna have to guess Ethan okay um uh the unfortunate thing is is if you do pick the wrong door there is the

Entity known as dude a creepy bugged monster which waits for players to step through the wrong door to take a part of your soul 19 sounds familiar but maybe it’s because I was counting up to 19. literally they are going to take part of your soul all right uh come on Ethan

Pick a door there he goes back oh my god oh is that some hearts or are they missing Ethan yeah that’s right because Duke took it hold up hold up hold up hold on oh and if you pick another wrong door Ethan you’re gonna have no Hearts left what was that bro in

My heart I’m missing four Hearts don’t make a wrong choice either I’m gonna jump scare you right again it wasn’t 19. so maybe the next one was 20 which means this is don’t get it wrong we got the command up guys I wanted to hit him with the scare again

Yeah yo I knew at the old time guess what we’re going to get ahead of him once again let’s jump to Door 25 and there’s gonna be a special friend waiting for him who do we reckon I reckon seek oh yes very nice I’m good

Blue on the wall and we have this room 24 or second or so there he is now this man has played a ton of doors so he’ll be expecting to see seek behind door 25 except unfortunately my friend this ain’t Roblox doors this is ey doors blacks to hide I’ve literally died to

This guy billions of times in the game and we’re gonna catch him off guard by a Perry bite him and he is going to be terrified all right we gotta be careful all right let’s open the door in three two I’m scared one oh now I want to close the door after

Activating okay and back go wait the door closed um uh ah that snake no go go go oh he’s running and now bro I can literally just smash through doors run run oh my God he’s dancing I do not work well for me but that’s

Okay no no no no no no I can’t keep on running why is he running away I just wanna play Ethan now you see seek has the power to control space and time which is a fancy way of saying he can do whatever the flip he wants so uh let’s

Give him with literally Eddie I kind of move what kind of move I’m blinded I can’t move no please ah did you like that I don’t even know what that did running upstairs no we gotta go we gotta go well he’s got it too far away from me let’s hit it with another

Scare we’ve got to move go go go go go go go oh wait did this scare just teleport it back to me I like that scare how how do you catch up so quick wait that’s 31 no wait and put him in a loop when he walks

Through the doors I’m just gonna bring him oh no no no no no no no no let me go through we just need to make it to room 50 and then C can’t follow any anymore all right he’s gonna get away 48 go go 49 yes come on come on no we’re

So far behind bro that scare actually delayed me I don’t want to use that command anymore we’re going to catch up to him and give him a nice little Punch Yeah good luck chasing me now sneaky boy I’m in the safe room actually what who cares door 50. that means Ethan’s already 50

000 blocks away from his base oh yeah and not to mention things are about to get a whole lot scarier because the more doors we walk through the creepier things get I probably celebrated a little bit too soon wait 51 hold up 52 isn’t the doors maze behind this the

Most annoying part of the doors map the door maze oh my oh yes it is and yeah check out how far this man’s going for it goes all the way to the end I’m the goat I’m the greatest yeah try and find your way out Ethan you see in

Roblox doors there’s actually this like a blue light thing called The Guiding Light which helps players find the exit I can’t read all these books I ain’t no librarian all right fortunately Ethan doesn’t have that I mean we could give it to him I mean there are like Soul

Torches in Minecraft that kind of counts what if we actually use it to lead him away from the exit that would be such a troll okay let’s give ourselves invisibility yes we’re at 54. easy dubs just walked inside now we need to grab ourselves a salt torch we’re still gonna be careful

And I can return back to my beautiful mansion oh my Lord all right what do we got here now we need to gain Ethan’s trust first before we bait him towards ourselves so I reckon this time you know what we’ll bring him straight to the door and that way he’ll think yeah this

Is actually The Guiding Light but then in this room I reckon what do you think oh yeah that’s perfect we’ll bring him around to this dead end here okay I mean stupid I’m being stupid I’m just freaking out for no reason we’ll be waiting for him as or who are we feeling

Like oh I see I see this is a Minecraft equivalent if I follow these I’m getting out of here baby let’s go figure will be absolutely perfect so this is a monster which lurks in the Maze but it has one limitation in case you had to notice I

Am just like the warden I’m blind and I use sound to locate players but that’s okay because for the rest of the maze I have set a ton of jukebox traps so when Ethan walks over them it’ll play us out and I’ll get up on it to him straight

Away oh he’s coming he’s coming to me all right into this way and then we go this way just through this door oh beautiful it just showed me the way out easy no no no no no no no no oh please please please I need to find

Somewhere he’s gonna walk over a jukebox very soon I can’t say anything oh my gosh all right let’s figure that’s bigger from the doors map okay I know he’s blind but he can definitely hear me so I’ve got to be super quiet now so we gotta go go go

Go wait what’s that noise what there we go that’s Make a paper you want to get out of here take me home get in the closet wait guys I’m not kidding I’m not getting teleport any what oh no he’s figured out the trouser okay oh he’s gone through that door but not the next one where is this man’s at

Okay we’ve got to hide ourselves here and TP at the firelight what is hiding in a wardrobe what a scaredy cat no wonder he had activated the traps all right you know what I’m a super Brave man um I’m not scared at all actually I you think you’re so slight

Hiding away I think it’s time for us to use the iso when he walks out oh he’s gonna get the shock of his life when he stares into this bad boy yeah you’re gonna have to go all right throw up to go to this door and let’s just fill the

Next lot of these rooms with these we’re getting the flip out of here I don’t do this stupid thing anymore now these are definitely a lot scarier than the eyes of the window entity you guys saw at the start of this video because these guys will literally stare into your stall and

Steal it out of you he lost four Hearts before so he only has six hearts so if he looks at six of these things he is going to instant die because you do not regenerate Health after looking at one of these bad boys I actually have Goosebumps I can’t do this

Anymore all right we’re going to turn into the shadow now this is literally one of the most overbound creatures in the doors because well since it’s a shadow I can walk through blocks and uh we’re gonna walk right into even ready ready ready hello Ethan

What was that ah what is that thing oh yeah that’s right you got the eyes right there what are you gonna do keep running keep running we gotta go around we go around ow no no here you go you better not slow down Ethan because I’m coming for you

I don’t mess around all right we just go look down face down hi well you know what would just like fly through the walls just to Spook about even more Hello go on keep going keep going keep moving I don’t even know what door I’m

On man I just got a game movie you can run but you can’t hard 68 68 bro he’s almost at the end of the maze which means he’s back into Ambush territory except this time I’m gonna make sure he has nowhere to hide oh no no we need to

Get out of here it’s goofy looking awesome everywhere bro his eyes are Shadow Demons we’re good we’re out of the doormat okay definitely no roots of Escape for Ethan’s here nice I think it’s time we let him know that Ambush is coming to play no way these things are smart enough to

Actually destroy the hiding place is coming after me it’s blindness and now let’s switch out of the Shadow and into Ambush keep going keep going okay just keep on running where am I going okay wait what is this room I can’t even say I hit the door okay yeah keep going keep going

Wait Oh I thought that was a water up there guys and I was like oopsies missed one please please just keep on going okay where you going Ethan no matter how far there’s no Escape for you and now it’s time for ambush’s specialty creating hallucinations in the victim check it

Out wait no something is definitely wrong is the room is the road breathing okay there is it that might look absolutely normal on my screen but I can guarantee you want to eat that he is absolutely flipped out right now what is happening what is happening he gets so

Confused where he is and he walks into a dead end and then weakened well Ambush him hence where the name comes from okay my game it’s all warping it’s all wobbling and warping no no no what is that dude this is not this is not Minecraft anymore we should actually

Appear in front of either just to give him a little wait we’ll hide behind this is already ready ready no no no no no no no okay he’s done something to my game it doesn’t matter we can keep running straight at least oh my God my game is so what is this

Hallway what is it what is this hallway bro it’s twisting okay go go go and you know what we’ll just stand in front of this wardrobe so we can’t come in here no oh I see him I see him ah he’s stopping me from going in the closet no

Wait what he doesn’t understand Roblox wait how do we how do we go it’s all curving oh he’s behind me he’s behind me go go go go go go go go go go go down the stairs where are we going where are we going we got 93 93 go

And we’re gonna get to door 100 before he does oh he’s gonna Escape oh yeah he’s not here yet he’s not here yet and uh unfortunately see that elevator he’s never getting there now if Screech appears around you you have three seconds to find him before he

Jumps onto you and kills you it’s so dumb so dumb I’m so done with this let me go back to my Mansion but he’s a nice monster he lets you know he’s in the room so you at least get a small chance um there’s like a door down there uh

That wait that doesn’t sound Screech no no no if I don’t find him three seconds I die yeah I don’t think you found me then see you later love today hacking around you oh wait he died which means he’s gonna respawn and oh what was

That he made it up to Door 100 yes I get to go back to my base right I get to go home so we should be about a hundred thousand bucks for a hundred thousand blocks away from my sport I’m not doing this anymore I’m done I’m out

This video, titled ‘I Scared My Friend as DOORS in Minecraft’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2023-04-14 02:00:12. It has garnered 4648468 views and 61341 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:43 or 1063 seconds.

Pranking Ethan with a Scary Cursed Roblox DOORS Troll in Minecraft! Guess what he did at the end! 🤫

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❤️ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem 👻 Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/eystreemsnap 📷 Instagram: https://direct.me/eystreem 📧 Email: [email protected] 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing 🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

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    Unlock the Power of the Devil in MineCraftVideo Information कम ऑन कमन [संगीत] हेलो हेलो हेलो वॉइस इसका मतलब क्लियर कट आ रही है और हम सर्वर ऑनलाइन हो रहा है होने दो होने दो हेलो रम रुद्रा वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम और बताओ कैसी हो हेलो हेलो जो बोलना है बोल सकती हो कि मैं मस्त हूं आज ऑलवेज आप बोलो मैं कैसा हूं स्प्रिंट गेमर्स हेलो स्प्रिंट ब्रो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम और बताओ कैसे हो आई थिंक ओके आई विल बी रली सिस ठीक है लिटिल सिस्टर अरे भाई लग जाना है डन लगाने के लिए भी क्या करना एक्टिव डन हा आपका रियल… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Combos in Skywars Duels? Paul’s Mind-Blowing Tricks! #PvPMontage

    Unleash Insane Combos in Skywars Duels? Paul's Mind-Blowing Tricks! #PvPMontageVideo Information [Música] i [Música] like This video, titled ‘help_urself | skywars duels montage #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combo #pvpmontage’, was uploaded by pual on 2024-01-08 21:01:36. It has garnered 11 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. https://youtu.be/48xh_x5Y3V8 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combo #pvpmontage Read More

  • “Wild village TikToks: What you won’t believe!” #villagersong

    "Wild village TikToks: What you won't believe!" #villagersongVideo Information This video, titled ‘Indian tiktok’s be like 🤣 #villagersong’, was uploaded by Villager’s Village on 2024-01-13 01:37:00. It has garnered 2289 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. This is a humor and parody of indian tiktok style, it is meant as a joke. Again the minecraft villager is singing a cover of satisfya. Was this full of minecraft epic moments that make Minecraft 1000% better, or is it full of minecraft funny moments that make Minecraft 1000% funnier? Or would it better be suited to a minecraft memes compilation? If… Read More

  • Lost Fables

    Lost FablesLost Fables is a medieval fantasy Minecraft roleplay server, aiming for a rough tech-lock of the late medieval era, early colonialism. Currently in Beta. Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/CFx5SCz7Sc Throughout your time on the server, you will be able to roleplay and develop your characters in a myriad of different ways. Maybe you will be an Armusian adventurer looking to explore the world, or maybe a simple Spring Elf farmer spending their days tending the fields outside one of the servers player created and player-run, cities or towns. Lost Fables focuses on the roleplay between players while also providing advanced plugins that… Read More

  • Super Happy Friends – Semi-Vanilla SMP – Whitelist – 18+ – 1.20.4

    Welcome to Super Happy Friends! We are a small intimate LGBTQ+ friendly international community of Minecraft players. We work on personal bases and collaborative projects, chat on Discord, and support each other through real life struggles. Join us for community events and build districts in Vanilla Minecraft Java edition. Rules: Be considerate of other players Be over 18 years old If you’re inspired by Hermitcraft and looking for a welcoming community, fill out our application form to join our Discord server. The bees can’t wait to meet you!🐝 Read More

  • TxTGames.de Network » [1.18.x-1.20.x]

    TxTGames.de Network » [1.18.x-1.20.x]Welcome to TxTGames.de – your Minecraft survival adventure!Are you ready for an adventure? TxTGames.de invites you to immerse yourself in our exciting world full of possibilities. Here you will find everything your survival heart desires: from expansive landscapes to exciting challenges.Our survival server offers you the freedom to write your own story. Build your base, collect resources and explore a diverse world full of secrets. Whether alone or with friends, on TxTGames.de you will find a friendly and active community environment.Our team of administrators ensures that the server runs smoothly and ensures fair gameplay.Get ready to be part of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 🔥 Crafting Drama: Minecraft Edition 👀

    Minecraft Memes - 🔥 Crafting Drama: Minecraft Edition 👀Wow, that meme is really seeing things clearly with a score of 1073! Read More

  • Spider Monkey’s Minecraft Mansion Mayhem!

    Spider Monkey's Minecraft Mansion Mayhem! In Minecraft, a spider monkey took on a secure house, With tricks and traps, like a sneaky mouse. But Angela’s cosplay stole the show, With Angel and Devil, a fierce duo. In My Talking Angela 2, the battle unfolds, Between light and dark, stories untold. Join the journey, the clash of good and bad, In a world of cosplay, where emotions are had. Subscribe and like, to follow the tale, Of Angela’s transformation, without fail. In Minecraft and beyond, the story will sing, With rhymes and emojis, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Orion’s Hot Minecraft Meme Madness

    Orion's Hot Minecraft Meme Madness Why did the astronaut bring a pickaxe to space? To mine some space diamonds in Orion’s Sandbox! #spacejokes #minecraftinspace 🚀💎 Read More

  • Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server!

    Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. After watching the “Then/Now in Minecraft” video, it’s clear that the world of Minecraft has evolved and grown over the years. Minewind is at the forefront of this evolution, offering a dynamic and engaging environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re into survival games, building, or exploring haunted places, Minewind has something for everyone. Join… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick!

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick! Setting Up a World Border on Your Minecraft Server Setting up a world border on your Minecraft server can add a new level of challenge and excitement for your players. By restricting them to a certain area of the world, you can create unique gameplay experiences. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a world border on your server. Setting the Center and Size of the World Border To begin, you’ll need to set the center and size of the world border. Use the command /worldborder set [size] to establish the size of the border. For example,… Read More

  • Néloxi – Insane Minecraft Gameplay Hits 3K!

    Néloxi - Insane Minecraft Gameplay Hits 3K!Video Information bye la by la B oh toi ma belle andalouse aussi belle que jalouse quand je danse le dansarrête je perds le Nord je perds la tête toi ma belle Espagnole quand tu bouges tes épaules je ne vois plus le monde autour c’est peut-être ça l’amour oh oh ah je viens le soir danser sur les air de Guitar bonjour tout le monde viens le soir attendez [ __ ] mais le chat il marche pas ça m’énerve ça m’énerve les gars j’ai trop le seum par contre ce qui m’énerve un peu c’est que genre on a fait… Read More

  • Ultimate Kelp Farm Build on Donut SMP!

    Ultimate Kelp Farm Build on Donut SMP!Video Information all right what is up everybody wait one second wait one sec all right we’re all good we’re all good what is up everybody I am uh you know back we’re working on the Kel base again bro crazy amount to get done dude crazy Mount has been done since the last stream actually played a lot yesterday and of course everybody on my team has played a lot I mean I’m pretty sure we’ve created the perfect team possible dude my team has played a lot this is uh it this Bas is is growing team has… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Friend – Part 5!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Friend - Part 5!Video Information hey chat it’s me moldy hey um okay now I’m streaming [Music] oh I think I might I hope stranger Ranger isn’t here yeah you guys are on the screen now axi waxy yeah hi hi yo tablet my goat’s in chat my goat my goat is in chat my goat is in chat my goat is in chat my goat my goat in chat my goat’s in chat my goat’s in chat my goat’s in chat oh God I just looked at the stream I just looked in the Stream my avatar is so old wa you’re… Read More

  • INSANE: Surviving 343 Days in Minecraft! #minecraftlive

    INSANE: Surviving 343 Days in Minecraft! #minecraftliveVideo Information हम हे आ [संगीत] [संगीत] अरे यार सॉरी वेरी सॉरी यार अरे यार सॉरी री सॉरी अरे यह बंद था भाई सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी मतलब इतना टाइम मेरा माइक का साउंड नहीं आ रहा था वाइट लिस्ट करो मुझे वाइटली को वो नहीं कर पाऊंगा ये सर्वर मेरा नहीं है मेरे को बना के दिया है हम खेल [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] रहे मेरा नहीं है भाई तुम रात को आओ जरूर खेलेंगे वह आएगा जिसका सर्वर है वह आएगा रात को खेलने तब आ जाना एक्चुअली यह बना इसलिए क्योंकि देखो लोग आते हैं ना चीज चोरी कर लेता… Read More

  • Explore MrPaw’s Epic One-Block Zoo in Minecraft!

    Explore MrPaw's Epic One-Block Zoo in Minecraft!Video Information तो ये है गाइस हमारा छोटा सा जू जो हमने इस वाली वीडियो में बनाया है सिर्फ एक वन ब्लॉक का यूज करके मतलब वन ब्लॉक वर्ल्ड में हमने ये वाला बनाया है तो भाई देखेंगे हम कैसे बनाएंगे तो बने रहना वीडियो में एंड तक सो हे गाइ वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो m तो आज हमारा डे 15 इ मा वन बॉक्स सीरीज और भाई आज हम इसकी बहस की ठंडी भाई मैं ना आज बोलने ही वाला था कि आज हम बनाने जा रहे हैं जू इसके लिए और ये साला यहां से गिर गया… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft MOB World 2

    Insane Minecraft MOB World 2Video Information [Music] hey it’s Jared Merlin and welcome back to my YouTube channel um I have an announcement to make um this video is going to be my Minecraft mob World 2 now most of you probably seen my mob world one episode one well unfortunately Minecraft had some issues about stuff not saving so one night I saved my mob world one did a video came back the next day and it was gone and I guess people were telling me well didn’t you get the warning from Minecraft the stuff wasn’t saving guess not so I had… Read More

  • 600 Wins in Epic Battle – What’s Hoobs’ Secret?

    600 Wins in Epic Battle - What's Hoobs' Secret?Video Information you are stepping into the spotlight black spot here showcasing Mustafa ibsl versus one of the battle bosses liked it show some love and drop a like congratulations to Mustafa I hbsl for winning the battle This video, titled ‘!battle: å ä¿ Muç ç å å¼ stafaä½ å å ¯ä»¥ ¡i | HBSL. has won 600 battles’, was uploaded by Hoobs Live on 2024-04-14 15:49:59. It has garnered 66 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. JOIN THE INTERACTIVE LIVE STREAM NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@HoobsLive/live #minecraft #live #smpnYou are stepping into the spotlight! Blex… Read More

I Scared My Friend as DOORS in Minecraft