I Spent 100 Days Building a MEDIEVAL CITY in Minecraft

Video Information

For the next 100 days I’m gonna be building a medieval village in Minecraft transforming this into this but you can’t see that yet my goals were to of course make this Village look good but I also wanted them to be hyper realistic that if it existed in real life it would

Function and Thrive well I finished this Village in 100 days watch until the end to find out as I spawned in I took in my surroundings I had a very specific set of goals in mind for this project but it needed the perfect location first to keep track of everything I immediately

Gave myself a book and quill and began to write stuff down starting off with a simple to-do list I also wrote down the style of the town and wrote down the resources said tan would provide in terms of trading such as fishing mining farming felling forging Etc all these

Require the location that could provide all of those resources as well as receive resources from other towns via trade this meant that my location needed these things a natural part with ocean access massive mountains to mine in flat Grassy Meadows for farming and of course forests for felling I may be treating

This a bit too realistic but hey I have 100 days I can make this work I want this town to actually function I grabbed an elytra and fireworks and took to the skies in search of the perfect spot pretty soon I had found the first candidate it had everything besides two

Major things for me the port wasn’t connected to the ocean and the lack of snowy mountains I kind of wanted this place to look nice I wrote the location down in the book along with the pros and cons of the locations like like I like

What I just literally what I just said I decided to keep on looking I told myself that I would keep looking until I was absolutely sure I had found the right spot if I had any doubts I would keep going my Journeys throughout the world took me through nearly every biome

Imaginable I traveled thousands of blocks up from Spawn searching for that one perfect spot my journey took me into the night and all the way into day one or is it two why did the days start at zero it’s so confusing as day one began see what I mean by being confusing I

Found myself second candidate this place was already much better than the first location the natural Port was huge and of course connected to the ocean the mountains were beautiful and the land was relatively easy to build on and there were massive caves the only downside was the lack of any Forest

Nearby but as I said in the book and quill I could just create that unofficially I began teleporting back and forth between the two candidates to try and decide and eventually I decided to just travel a little bit further Inland and I’m very glad that I did

Because at noon on day one I found a location that knocked the other two candidates completely out of the competition this place was exactly what I wanted the port was even bigger than the last location and it had forests everywhere I decided that this was the

Location I would spend the next 99 days building in I had to plan out the town first then build later I began by using frog lights as a marker for where the roads would go I had a general idea where I wanted most buildings to be

Already but I had to make sure they made infrastructurally is is that even the word it is now as the day continued on I kept on laying the path where roads would eventually go I wrecked out an area where a bridge would press the port

And I wanted this area over here to be fulfilling don’t ask me why it just made sense okay once the Northern Lights can be seen in the sky I began building pillars of frog lights to Market where the essential structures for trade would go and I continued adjusting the roads

And creating the Town Center all throughout the night on day two I began to use a different color of Frog Light to identify where other businesses would go along with important buildings like the church and Castle this town was already shaping up to be absolutely

Massive and I was hoping I had them bit off more than I could chew as I completed these tests I would check mark them off in my book and quill in order to stay organized the only con of this location was that the land wasn’t really

Flat so I knew I would have to rely on my terraforming abilities which aren’t the greatest but this challenge would definitely put them to the test as day two became night 2. um yeah I began to create a small piece of operations in the sky just a place to

Get a good look over my town and keep my important items I may have gone a bit overboard on the design of this place but hey that’s what I do once again I use the third type of frog light to Mark where the large homes would go as day

Three began I made my base even better by making it look like it was actually flying don’t ask me why but finally most major locations and Pathways were laid out and I was now ready to begin the building itself as day three continued on and began clearing out the trees that

Would be in my way for the road I plan to start from down here and work my way up creating the roads first then the structures themselves my root style will be quite simple Pathways and Oak slabs I actually do change this road design later but you know this is still a

Pretty good red design I followed the Frog lights creating my path covering any caves I came across that weren’t going to be used for the major mines I originally accidentally used Birch planks somehow and didn’t know this for like five minutes but eventually I did

Notice and turned them all to oh I blame shaders for making be colorblind and for us I’m making Birch look good somehow don’t know how it does it I’m kidding by the way I love merch it actually took me much longer to notice the Birch than I

Thought because I was even fixing it as day five began here I use stair blocks to make it look as though parts of the foundation had been cracked and broken off over time which would expect of the medieval village built by hand I also used block variation to represent age

Mixing in some cobblestones into my stone foundations every now and then I would let the stone walls rise much higher than the pathway itself because I planned to build homes on top of them as mentioned before this process continued throughout day six into day seven where

I began to work on the Town Center my plan was to create the entire town square at the same y level and have the main road dipped below and run alongside it towards the rest of the town the details of Road buildings aren’t all that important but what’s interesting is

The way I removed all the dirt to make it level instead of spamming left click on creative mode I Enchanted myself a shovel and dug it all in survival mode instead once it was all clear I had to fill in this entire area with dirt which

I knew would take way too long so I used the command called slash fill specifically this one which would replace all the air blocks in the area I selected with grass blocks once that was done all I had to do was remove the grass blocks that had appeared outside

The area using the shovel and server mode again this command probably saved me an entire day of placing grass and I will definitely use it again in the future once day 9 came along I finished the area where the Town Square would one day be but I realized I had spent way

Too long on this area already so I moved on to another road that would wrap around the Cliffside this one was interesting because the stone foundations were absolutely massive originally I had planned for them to be similar to the Cobblestone foundations being straight up but since they were

Way Too Tall I actually just turned them into a cliff they still needed some work and I’ll come back to them but I needed to get to work on the rest of these roads I headed back to town square and continued working on the road that ran

Alongside it which led to a massive staircase down into the farming and Mining districts I’m gonna take a little detour here to show you guys the plan of the village up here we’re gonna have the farming District over here we’re gonna have the tree filling which will connect

To the main village by a bridge right here will be where the mines are then you have the Cliffside Road the giant staircase will have Town Square right here a castle here maybe up on this mountain over here we’re gonna have a military base down here and in the

Middle of the port here we’re gonna have a fishing port and a trading Port I might also add a few extra districts later on if I get around to it Midway through day 11 I began to change the design of the roads to make it look even better as I mentioned before switching

From Pathways and Oak slabs to coarse dirt through the dirt and Spruce slabs along with drip Stone rocks along the sides of the path from then on all the way until day 14 I continued making these paths as the sun was about to rise on day 12 I added a grass overhang to

The Cliffside road to make it a lot more natural and realistic hey I burned down the forest to make room for my roads I continued building the road off towards the gap between the mountains I had plans for this area that involved the majority of the town ounce irrigation and farmland using the

Water from the melting snow-capped Peaks to when they saturate all the Farmland below I really like this path design and I may go back and redo the original Pathways into style too but I also need to do this quickly I’m already 12 days in and I haven’t built a single house

Yet so I began to work as fast as I could and from then on until day 14 I continued to build these roads this is taking way longer than it should as the day continued on I began to work on the first major structure a bridge across

The water to connect a tree cutting area to the main town this bridge is probably one of the best I’ve ever made in this setting I absolutely love it and next up was to build the final road the road that actually connected the bridge to the forest and finally on day 17 all

Major roads were done and headed back to my floating base and began to write down the next steps in chronological order to keep myself organized from this point forward we were moving on to the next phase the buildings themselves and I plan to start off with a farming

District which I actually had a lot of work to do in in the form of terraforming so I got to work immediately I began by creating the river that would saturate the Farmland the lore behind this is that the snowy Peak would melt and provide sufficient

Fresh water to the stream to support the needs of the crops of the people I don’t know if the single Mountain alone could do that in real life but then again I’m literally flying in the sky right now so we can ignore that bit of realism this

Process of making the river was actually quite hard as I constantly questioned myself on how to do it and I made constant changes but eventually I decided on a much more narrow streamlike river which made more sense and looked a lot better I’ve decorated the sides of

The river of course dirt and stone slabs to make it look even more natural as day 19 rolled around I built a cool little Bridge across to connect the two roads and now it was time to actually build the Farms I used the river in some clever water hiding tactics to make

Arable Farmland all over the place and I continued making these firms all the way until day 21. this place was already looking great in my opinion just settled between the mountains but of course back in those days all the grain had to be created through less industrial methods

That that’s what windmills were used for back then by the way instead of generating electricity they would actually turn the Whisk that would grind down the grain I think at least so up here on this peak I built the first building it took me 20 days to get

Started but let me tell you once you start building for real it’s hard to stop especially in creative mode the reason it’s up here is because I feel like this place would probably get the strongest wins but maybe not just for the record this is one of the first

Windmills I’ve ever built in this game despite playing for nearly 11 years remember how I said that once you start building it’s hard to stop well next thing I knew I was building the Stables here I made use of the slash fill command but I accidentally did it wrong

And that is just a giant empty room behind the stone wall don’t tell anybody it’s there though it’s a secret anyways this place was pretty easy to make and unlike the windmill I’ve made plenty of these in my day so yeah I finished it off by adding hay water cauldrons and of

Course the horses themselves I’d say it turned out pretty good next up was a barn to store some of the other crops and barrels and stuff there wasn’t a hall lot of complexity to this build really it was just a burn but I still

Tried to my best to make it look good by perhaps using way too many trap doors no you literally cannot have too many trapdoors they’re like a cheat code for depth in the build it’s great and on day 24 I began to constructures of the first actual house after using the slash fill

Command to clear out a small area I constructed the lovely little Abode something to note here is my use of mushroom stem blocks in my opinion they are the best medieval style white block in the game it would be a staple of all my builds in this world as day 25 began

I finished the house and instantly moved on to another see how easy this is when you make the roads first that’s great this test was sort of a peasant home very small but also in a very beautiful location since the house was so small I

Finished it in under a day and moved on to a grain silo the shape of the structure is not my own but the block choices and in my opinion the Box choice is better than the reference so yeah I don’t know what I’m happy about I’m dumb

I think on Day 26 I made an effort to search up actual medieval homes and try to recreate them in Minecraft I did something similar in my 100 days building a modern city video where I took random images of modern homes and did my best to replicate them to scale

And game and this gave way to one of the cooler houses I’ve built so far though there isn’t much challenged yet to be fair it didn’t look exactly the same as the house I found online but in my opinion it looks even better so screw

That image you know what I don’t need it day 27 was partially spent adding little Lantern poles around the roads to light it up at night finally and then I decided to build a couple of custom trees to compensate for all the trees I burned down like a pyromaniac I have no

Regrets by the way what’s interesting though is with the last tree built this section was practically done and it took me less than a week to do maybe there is hope I’ll finish before the end I think the real challenge here is time I can’t

Die and I won’t lose the world if I do die so I’m really just pushing myself to build as much as I can so subscribe if you want more videos like this one next up on my list was the mine shaft and the blacksmith and I had a very fun time

With these two I began by using to blow up a massive a hole in the wall to create room for a Minecart Track next up I built the entrance itself not anything special it’s kind of just a mine shaft but of course with everything else in

This world I had to make it realistic even though I’m flying so I spent the whole day creating a somewhat elaborate Minecart system so that mine carts would constantly be flowing in and out of the cave but with a catch I decided to use the command to summon mine carts with

Ores in them so that it looked like empty Minecarts were going in and full mine carts were coming out so I used this specific command to summon mine carts with any block I wanted I originally chose Gold Blocks but then I quickly realized that blocks of gold

Won’t be coming out of the mine it would be the ore so throughout day 29 I continued to work on the mine shaft and I have to say I really really like this one the mine cards add a lot of life to the area that otherwise wouldn’t have

Been there I decorated the outside with crates full of ore that were to be shipped off to the blacksmith just a few short steps away and that’s the house I made next for this house I used a Lego set as a reference yeah but the house itself turned out really good especially

When taken into account that I my reference was literally Lego that’s really hard to say I finished the house on day 31 and after a few more details like lanterns and eroded Land The Mining and forging District was done for now next up was something I was sort of

Dreading the trade Port I planned to have two major ports in this town like I said one for trade and one for fishing the trade Fort was going to need to be massive which was kind of the issue so far nothing in the village was really

All that big so I had to find the correct scale for this I began by outlining where the port would go and originally I made it look absolutely gargantuan in size but very quickly I realized that I should keep it small to match the rest of the Town it was still

Huge but my plans were to have this port look smaller by adding a smaller building on top of this massive Stone pedestal as day 33 came I built the actual Ducks themselves for traveling Merchants conduct their vessels and have their product offloaded by a wooden pulley which I also constructed that day

Or night on day 24 I finished the fully crane thingy and began to construct the buildings that would help tie this sizes this place together with the rest of the town this is meant to be a large Warehouse where the traded Goods would be gathered and sorted before being

Distributed to the rest of the village this structure took over a data build but once it was done it definitely helped with the sheer size of the port itself quite a bit actually during the night I constructed two little vessels of traders who were currently ducked at

The town and made it look so the brain was actually picking up the Merchant’s product on Day 36 I had to of course connect this area to the rest of the town which I did by creating yet another road that slowly serpentined its way down the hill to the port and by the

Time it was done this place looked absolutely magnificent I was dreading this build but it turned out just fine so after the first Port was successful I began to work on the second one like I said this one would be for fishing so it would be much smaller than a trading

Port but I decided to follow a similar design in its construction now day 37 I began constructing a docks of the port for the main building I built a very similar structure to the one at the trading Port but with nearly every block type change so that it wasn’t an exact

Replica this building would serve as a fish plant of sorts so it didn’t really need to be all that large which was good because this platform was relatively small still I took a risk and decided to use blocks I don’t use all that often to create a roof using bricks granite and

Mud brick this combination of blocks is actually quite nice and making Granite look good is actually not that hard to do if you know what you’re doing the next thing I did was impress myself by building one of the best sailboats I’ve ever made I have no idea how I managed

To make this thing look so good but as day 39 began I finished the boat by connecting it with leads to the main dock this was done by trapping named rabbits in the spruce pillars and connecting them to leads to give the illusion that ropes were actually

Holding the boat in place next up this giant Frog Light pillar was originally going to be where the current fish plant was located but I decided instead to build a massive Lighthouse here instead I used this image as my reference and began to build this massive structure it

Was by far the tallest thing I had built yet and I decided to even add the spinning light at the top using Redstone lamps and rails I have no idea if medieval lighthouses actually had the spinning lights or bright lights at all for that matter but it looks so good so

That’s all that mattered to me from then on until the end of day 41 I converted my original Road from Pathways and Oak slabs to course dirt and Spruce slabs as I liked it much more than the path plus so and with that the fishing District

Was done that was four districts done in just about two in-game weeks however the next few districts would prove to take much longer for the next three days I worked on the lumber mill finally making my way back across the massive wooden bridge to work on this area this

Building was really fun to make as I somehow had the exact amount of room to work with for the walls I actually used block variation with diorite mushroom blocks and calcite to make a weathered look to the build something else that was surprisingly fun to build was a

Giant Forge nearby I don’t actually know why this is here but it is so I made it and it looks cool alright geez and after working on weathering the ground around the wood mill I added long piles in and around the mill to make it look like an

Actual lumber yard although I must admit hauling trees from all the way down the hill up to the mill is probably a very inefficient process oh well it it’s better than most things in the medieval days like constant diseases and witch hunts I think after a few more details

The lumber mill was done and next up was the largest project on the list the Town Center luckily I had a vision in mind already I started off by creating the roads that would run through it it was a large circular Road surrounding the Town Square where a well would be placed in

The center I built said well as the sunset and once the one was done I continued on the roads until day 46. as night fell over my world once again and began with the church for a sense of scale I began placing blocks using a reference of a massive church but I

Quickly turned out to be way too big so I removed it and went for a smaller one I started off with stone brick pillars and Cobblestone outlines of where flower patches would be and then over the course of the next two days I continued constructing this massive church until

It was completely done at noon on day 49. during day 49 I built a cross on the inside but I didn’t like how these walls were connected to the main wall so I used this command to give myself a tool that could change the block state of any

Block in the game the debug stick I used it to make the wall blocks not actually connect with the wall behind them and I did this to every wall block except the one at the center giving it the illusion that it was just hanging there this tan

Square was naturally the sight of most foot travel since this is where the well and churches were so naturally there have been many small shops set up around a central ring these shopping boots were nothing too crazy but I did my best to make each of themselves something different being fruits vegetables tools

Breads flowers wines Etc also something to note is that we hit day 50 halfway done already I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll have enough time to finish everything there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done on day 51 I built the first house in the Town Square a

Small yet very cleverly placed house making it so that the homeowner could add his own shop right into town center along with all the other stalls I would suspect that whoever lives here makes a decent amount of coin on day 52 I continued the trend of building actual

Houses here starting off with the butcher’s house this is probably the simplest house here but I think the brick roof actually looks really good with this type of structure whether that night I and began the Fletcher shop this house was nowhere near as simple as The

Butchers and on day 53 I finished up the house by adding a small shooting range next to it since the Fletcher would sell arrows but they also sell bows I don’t know next to the fluttery I created a bakery this design is one I can’t take credit for unfortunately but either way

It still looks good after finishing the bakery I began to add small decorations all over the empty land such as wheelbarrows mini stalls trolley carts I think and beginning on day 55 I ran a small pathway through these mini stalls I wanted this place to feel Lively I

Also repeated this process in another quadrant adding things like a bee nest among other things next up was the juicy bovine in behind the Town Square there was another huge Open Meadow that I had marked out for cattle ages ago it was relatively close to the butcher’s house

Conveniently I began by bringing the road down to where the animals would be and after I marked out their confinements with fences and walls I filled a giant cave nearby with water using the same slash fill command as before which only replaced the air blocks with water I did this because of

Two reasons one it was looks good so shut up and two animals need fresh water dammit nearby I built a small barn thing to store hay for the cows and sheep that were in prison I mean given homes here and as the sun rose on day 58 I was done

Doing the cattle wait that sounded never mind on day 58 I added one more house to the town square and finally after timing up the land nearby I declared that the Town Square was officially done as the sun rose on day 59 I decided to go on a

Quick little tour of the town so far and actually use the pathways I had so far built I did add some more markets there I guess I hear a cow you smell bad now that every major planned District was complete I began to work on residential houses scattered

Across the town I began with the hill between the Town Square and the Cliffside Road terraforming it to become flatter and to have more room for houses as well as just making it look better altogether I wasn’t done this process until midnight on day 60 where I began running smaller roads throughout this

New available land the plan was to have these houses be generally smaller and more numerous than the larger manners of before these houses are also going to be less detailed for now and I plan to come back to them in the future but for now

The goal was to get as many of them done on the road before I burnt myself out which happened about five days later but for now enjoy me building even more houses until I hate myself foreign Myself I decided not to hate myself anymore and moved on to the castle which would end up being the largest structure by fire in this world if I’m honest I haven’t even built a castle since my days on Xbox 360 so I really had no idea

What I was doing so I started with an absolutely massive front gate and when I say massive I mean way too big to be the main scale of the castle so after building them on day 67 I decided that they would remain as the front gate but

Wouldn’t connect to the main walls of the castle itself behind the gate I began placing down the layout of the castle with things like the throne room battlements libraries Armory and all that stuff in mind this planning brought me into day 68 where I began building

The first Tower like I said I have no idea what I’m doing here whatsoever so I just completely winged it from then on until early day 71 I continued building up the walls this Castle is still ridiculously huge even without the Monstrous Gateway but this is part of the challenge trying out medieval’s

Styles I’m not particularly familiar with my forte is modern buildings not medieval so on top of this challenge being a Race Against Time it was also a way for me to practice medieval builds and get good at them I guess day 71 continue with me building the first

House inside the walls this building was going to be an Armory on the bottom floor in the library on the second this building was interesting because I felt comfortable using more Rich blocks if you will like Sandstone another brick two items that this 10 wouldn’t necessarily possess an abundance before

Making the Interiors I wanted to build the second structure which would house a restaurant slash Pub on the first floor and the throne room on the second and the King’s quarters on the third the throne room was a much taller build than any of the single rooms I had made thus

Far but that was pleasantly surprised by how good all this was beginning to look my main tactic was builds like this where I don’t typically have much experience with them is to follow the basic rules of building I made for myself if you’ve seen my video on how to

Become a better builder in Minecraft you’ll remember a couple of them the main rules I tried to follow here was to not ever use the exact same type of block for the floor and ceiling extra variation makes any build look much better even if these villagers won’t necessarily possess dark alcohol maybe

They receive it from Trading who knows well I should know but I don’t so don’t question me also after building a throne room I kind of realize it’s probably the worst possible place for it strategically one good Cannon shot from the ground and the king is just gone

Since there aren’t any walls around this part of the castle but details are supposed to ensure this would have to climb a huge estimate and anyway how high could cannons fire their their balls um on day 75 I built the throne itself using dark prismarine and red carpets

Deciding that red would be the color of the king which is ironic since technically I’m the king and I’m blue and yellow once again details as the day continued I added a small Sky bridge between the library and the throne room tying the two structures together perfectly I then began designing the

Library and I have to say I think I did a very good job with the interior I gave the library that cramped yet very open feel with the high roof and narrow aisles I also began the interior of the Armory starting with a grindstone design I found online while looking at

Minecraft armories I needed inspiration alright what you do is you put an armor stand on the half slab put a leather helmet on it and then push a block down on top of it using a piston it gives the illusion of the pedal that grindstones commonly used back in the day now the

Next thing I do is really cool I found a video on how to make actual vanilla Minecraft weapon racks using command blocks so I attempted it and it worked the tools are hanging from these tripwire hooks I also added some actual armor to send our an armor stands so

That armor was available for the soldiers who needed armor because armor is now my favorite word mi amor armor um so that was one two three four five six seven times all right then next step I worked on the pub admittedly this is the place I spent the least amount of

Time with us I kind of wanted to move on to other stuff but I think I still gave the illusion of a bar I then used to slash fill command to replace all the grass within the castle to path blocks while doing this I accidentally ruined

The floor as I had already made in the bottom force of the buildings so I had to remake them I then spent the rest of day 76 and part of day 77 building up the battlements themselves once that was done I made an effort to connect the

Castle to the rest of the village by first connecting it to the giant ass gate adding a few bushes here and there to add to the aesthetic I continued by finally building the road that would connect the castle to the Town Square itself and with that the basic structure

Of the castle is complete the next thing I did was make this giant gaping hole next to the castle look better by completely filling it with water on day 78 I began building the Interiors of the buildings shocker right I started that with the fish plant I think a small

Conveyor belt thingy I don’t really know how fish plants work but this one is meant to like disinfect them I guess maybe like cook them a bit I don’t know it looks cool all right it may not be realistic even though that was my original goal shut up for the Interiors

Of the small houses I only added basic necessities besides bathrooms they’re on the run for that losers I worked on the Interiors all the way until day 80. and on day 81 I began one more District that would consist of only a few houses but these houses were going to be the

Largest in a town on the other side of the artificial Lake there was a huge flat part of the meadow that I just had to use especially now that a massive Lake sat right next to it I began by creating the road that would lead all

The way up to the new district and at Sunset I challenged Myself by building a diagonal bridge I haven’t done a lot of diagonal builds in this video but I’m actually quite good at them since this wasn’t too hard of a task and on day 82 I continued constructing the roads and I

Then began to use another tactic for my building video called the box method it’s a way to create foundations without even really thinking about it and allows your houses to look more abstract as well that night I began to create the first house for these richer homes I

Wanted it to be a theme that they had a stone tower running up the homes as they would act as spiral staircases this first house took quite a while to build compared to the others mainly due to its size I actually finished it on day 84

And I knew I would have to speed up the building of the next houses if I wanted to finish everything within 100 days why did I feel the need to add a new District on the knife and then the old ones as day 84 continued I began adding

Cracked stone bricks to some of my builds and I also continued on the second house out here this one was even larger than the first one and it’s Stone tarot was possibly a little too thick but it still looked good in the end on day 85 I began the third and final house

And if I’m honest with you all here I definitely rushed this one but I still managed to make it look good either way I had more tasks left to do in the main village and I really wanted to get to them and with only two weeks left I knew

I had to hurry on day 87 I decided to give this District a little more of a practical use by building a dam that would hold back the water in the lake and I made this damn look perhaps a little bit too modern than it needed to

Be but I also have massive Stone trading ports so you know it’s not that unheard of I also like the look of it so that’s all that really matters on day 88 I finished off the district by adding the stone lanterns I had been dobbing around all my completed areas this area

Although rushed still turned out to be quite nice if I do say so myself the next thing I began to do was build a whole bunch of custom trees in the village custom trees are one of those things that I’ve always been pretty good at building they don’t have to be these

Grand extravagant Oaks or whatever well unless you want them to be but even if you just modify a regular oak tree and add a little bit of slabs and fences here and there that’s all you really need to do to impress the majority of players so be impressed damn it as the

Sunset I remembered that the windmill still wasn’t even connected to the main village by road yet it was the first structure I built and it was the last structure that we can connect it so I spent some time creating a serpentining road that connected the windmill to both

The farmland and the cattle I am so glad I switched Road designs from Oaken Pathway to quartz dirt and Spruce it looks so much better and it takes a lot less time to make now day 89 I began the final a major project The Fortress from this point on the mountain you can

Literally see everything so I began with a massive Watchtower and I wasn’t lazy with this build this thing was tall as um heck yeah for the next four days I had to build the fort itself and I took inspiration from a very unlikely pair of franchises Pirates of the Caribbean and

How to Train Your Dragon the Fortress walls and battlements were inspired by Port Royal where they have massive stone walls loaded with cannons and once that was partially built I created the how to change a dragon contribution a giant ballista that could fire at a very long

Range Astrid hofferson had one of these and race to the edge so I thought it would be cool to create one here as well after that I continued on building up the walls of the Fortress and adding makeshift cannons every now and then finally I began to work on the army

Barracks the idea was that whoever worked up here probably also lived and trained up here so Barracks were very very important on day 93 I began a massive staircase that would lead all the way up to the fort and I have to say okay it doesn’t look all that terrible I

Continued the staircase all the way into Day 94 and once I finished I began to add cracked stone bricks across all of the fort because that was kind of the only way I could add variation and have it still make sense up here as Day 94

Came to an end I moved on back to the castle to finish up the interior starting with the Armory which I completely remodeled to have a lower ceiling and different floor I began sleeping at this point because I knew that once I was done this there was very

Little left that I had to do on day 95 I continued the interior of the castle and by interior I mean anything within the walls such as merchant shops storage tarps and the interior of the watchtowers which for some reason confused my brain like crazy trying to

Come up with a good spiral staircase on day 97 I added even more shops and common areas and inside one of the corners I took inspiration from another shy watch called the dragon Prince and added a very old tree inside of the castle walls similar to katalis this was

Also done to add some Greenery inside the castle because up to this point it was either pathway or dirt as the night progressed added these cool red and white streaks going across the sky to sort of represent Festival banners I don’t really know what they’re called

And on day 98 I continued a trend of adding cracked stone bricks all the way across the castle thank you Sean and once that was done well I was done the very last thing I had to do was now populate the town this also gave me a

Chance to look at everything I had built over the past 97 days populating actually took a very long time all the way to day 99 which surprised me this Village is much bigger than I thought it was I finished off by adding NPCs to the castle itself and I have to say seeing

Villagers wander around my town made me feel very happy it was like the place had finally come alive and as day 99 came to a close I finally signed my book and quill signifying the end of The 100 days and I also had fun blowing up my

Base with TNT Minecarts which could have gone very badly I took my last few screenshots and finally slept for the first time in the king’s bedroom awaking on day 100 well I’d say this challenge was a complete success I got everything done plus some stuff that wasn’t even on

The original List the 10 makes sense and should be able to operate on its own it has trading fishing filling mining farming and Army and the Fortress a castle districts if structure security and of course it looks amazing this video took many many hours to make so you better be hitting that subscribe

Button and also give the video a like to help with the algorithm if you want it would really help out the channel thank you all so much for watching and I’ll see you all in the next video bye

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days Building a MEDIEVAL CITY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Magicov on 2023-05-20 13:00:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In this video I take on the challenge of building a medieval city in minecraft. This challenge was in creative mode and the goal was …

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

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  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

I Spent 100 Days Building a MEDIEVAL CITY in Minecraft