I Spent 3000 Days Building ONE Base in Hardcore Minecraft – [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

I have survived 3 000 days in Hardcore Minecraft without ever sleeping during that time I built and built and built to make the ultimate mega base this place has all the farms and it looks amazing both on the outside and the inside okay Allied this is horrible but that’s

What we’re going to fix in these thousand days you’re about to watch an actual movie with crazy building progress and some wild adventures it took over 300 hours to edit there’s some crazy stuff in here please leave a like And subscribe and if you don’t have time to watch the entire

Thing it would be amazing if you leave it running in the background as it helps me out a ton Our Story begins on day 2001 at my megabase which once started as an empty swamp before it got destroyed and then rebuilt into a magical scene as long as we don’t look inside that is because there is absolutely nothing magical about the basement right now that day I wanted nothing more than to

Start working on the bass but before we could do that there was one important thing to take care of first you see here in the forest is my hall of fame it’s where you guys get to be a part of the world as a thank you for hanging out

During the live streams now usually I fill a few pages of names during the street but during the 2000 day stream we ended up with almost 200 names in the book and in moments like these Traditions get started so before we got back to work at the

Main base I decided to make a special room for a thousand day Milestone books a room that will hold a fault for the most cherished books in my world that room would put my recent practice to the test most of you probably know that I had a hardcore world before this one that

World will forever be special to me because it’s a world where I learned to play the game this world is meant to be something else though if my first Hardcore Season is where I learned the game then this season will be the one where I mastered

But that means I need to fix my weaknesses and one of the areas where I really need to improve is the art of redstone it’s around day 1800 when we were preparing for the 2000 days fireworks I did a deep dive into Redstone in a creative world I learned about delay circuits fall

Shorteners and extenders and or endnote switches see flip-flops different clocks and all sorts of small red zone components and circuits to help me in my base design in this special room I combine my building skills and my newfound Redstone knowledge for the first time as I integrated a 3X3 spiral

Door designed by mumbo jumbo B4 fully decorating the room around it [Applause] oh This fault in what we call the Hall of thousands is now the heart of our shared Journey where every thousand they Arc will start and end we will be back here later to finish up the room but for right now it was time to leave this place behind

Because there was a much bigger underground area that we had to focus on so I left the Hall of Fame and flew to the Lonely Mountain where a magical castle towered miles above the rest of the world that was just a start threw a hole in the side of the mountain

The area underneath where my industrial district is located although it’s kind of cool to hide your Industrial Area like this as soon as we’re actually down here to collect resources from our Farms while everything still looks like trash so I decided to spend the next Thousand Days building a proper megabase under my

Megabase start our whole project off I had to get a proper entrance to the area already placed out a temporary reference gate in the perfect location just to make sure that it was in the right spot I grabbed some light blue wool to make a quick reference line for

The pathway and we would build here later when the flow of the path looks nice this left a small matter of the actual door for this one I had something very special in mind and I had done my research rather than a spiral door like in the Hall of

Thousands I wanted to go with something larger and more dramatic this was going to be the main entrance into my base after all the only issue was that at this moment I didn’t have the materials for the door ready to go besides slime blocks I would also need

Honey blocks to make a door of this sized move however my bee farm that I had made earlier had been producing Honeycombs rather than honey bottles because I wanted plenty of honey for the future I decided to quickly extend the farm by another two layers then grabbed a bunch of glass bottles

From the witch farm and stocked up the dispenser as long as we were working on the main door I would be well in range of the farm so I decided to build the entrance surrounding the gate while the Beast did their thing using snow I went to work to shape the entrance cave

To make sure the gate could slide out of the way seamlessly I built up a temporary wall of packed ice as a placeholder for where the door would eventually go and then I built the cave out as far as I needed to go for this to look right it wasn’t much yet

But not too long from now this would turn into one of the most unique base entrances you’ll ever see mark my words but for that we needed honey and a bees well they do things at their own pace so while we waited a little while longer I turned my attention to another place

That also needed a door and I built up a storage room for all the Farms that combine their output into a chess wall on this side of the base while I build up that room let’s talk about the plan for this thousand day Arc a little more

From day 0 to 1000 I had gotten myself set up built a starter house and then bombed out a perimeter to hold all the Farms I’ll ever need then we covered the whole backup and transformed the entire area into a snowy biome to make everything look right

From day 1000 to 2000 we developed solid industry under the mountain with important farms and a super smelter gather with resources and then built up a castle to make the area look great well the next part is getting rid of the Trashy disconnected Vibe down here what

I want instead is a base where every part of it is decorated and detailed so it doesn’t fall apart visually as soon as you’re through the door there are very very few bases in Minecraft Survival history that are both large and detailed most of them are empty shells

Or they’re not finished and I’m at least as guilty of that as everybody else if not more but that ends with this base oops I talk too much well at least we had our storage room done and the bees had produced enough honey to build and

Wire the main door after taking care of all the Redstone wiring I came up with a cool hidden activator system that uses a snowball as a key going from this to this might just be the best of great to the base so far so with that out of the

Way it was time to really start working on the base but before we could start operation cover up the industrial district even better than before which probably needed a better code than him well before we get started that the industrial district itself was due for a bit of an upgrade

And that all started with the froggy Adventure one of those streams where everything got a little off the ribs it all started pretty simple we had to get ourselves a Frog Light farm so I would have access to different color light blocks and that Quest turned into one of my

Favorite streams from this entire thousand Arc sent me looking for frogs frogs fall naturally in a mangrove swamp luckily I had found one before so I knew exactly where to go a quick trip over to Nether roof got us to the desert and barely a minute later I was in the swamp

Running around looking for frogs honestly I have no idea why I thought this was going to be hard but before I knew it we had found two of them and I was on my way to bring them home which I really didn’t need to do actually but I

Didn’t think of that before I dragged them all the way to the coastline in a local Village since that was as good places I need to do this I fed the Frog’s slime balls waited for their spawn to act and then called the tadpoles in the morning

Armed with buckets of tadpole I flew back to the base for the next step now you can get three different colors of frogs that produce three different colors of frog lights so I had to hatch a bear in a warm a cold and a temperate climate since the swamp paranda base is a

Temperate buyer I started out by getting the brown frogs and guiding them through my portal to the nether roof foreign next up were the green frogs opium is a little further away than you might expect Snow over here is my doing the real cold biome doesn’t start until you go all the way over here which meant I had to take a slight journey back to the portal at the base of the mountain but with those two through the portal as well there was only the issue of getting

Two white frogs from a warm bite which Chet suggested I could use the nether roof for now there was a slight issue with that since you can’t have water in the nether you need to spam feed the tadpole slime balls or they grow up too slow and die

That definitely didn’t happen to me though Okay I lied I totally did and then it happened again with only three buckets of tadpoles left I ran into the issue that I couldn’t just use these for the farm frogs because if I wanted to get more frogs later we would have to fly

All the way back to the desert to get more spawn so instead I came up with an idea to keep at least a breeding pair of frogs somewhere the most logical place would be under the mountain but in an effort to not make the laggiest base in Minecraft while trying

To make the best one try to not leave too many unnecessary entities in that area which meant that I needed a different location luckily I had just the place for it the Hall of thousands have been almost completed but not quite yet so I decided

To turn the water in a room into a frog Sanctuary where the spawn could hatch into its airport I finished decorating the room so I dropped the tadpoles in the water under the vault flew back to the industrial area to collect more slime balls to feed the

Next unlucky tadpoles doomed to go up to the steaming hole near the roof farming slime with a looting sword is so easy here that even after 2047 days I haven’t built slime form but that would have to change soon since I was going to decorate this area we’ll get to that

Armed with a few stacks of slime I flew back to the Hall of Fame bought myself a bunch of tadpoles and went back to the near the roof for round two any Dimension except for my overall likes bugging out of me spent the moment swimming through bedrock while frog levitated mid-air

Nothing moment of letting the world load while chilling in the menu won’t fix a few moments later after some intense Force feeding we had our frogs and that just meant I had to build up a Magma Cube Farm in a Basalt Delta buy where the large magma cubes got killed and the

Small ones got eaten by my froggy friends to produce frog lights so they also got killed the only issue was that I hadn’t figured out the design for that farm just yet so rather than doing a research on stream we tended to the other thing that was yet to be completed

I left the frogs chilling in the nether for a bit while I flew out to a nearby Lush cave to get the one thing that was missing in the Hall of thousands these caves are the only place where you can find Spore blossoms the hanging flowers are absolutely worth

A trip to such a game just putting one on the ceiling creates a magical rain of green Spore particles combine that with a few leaves here and there some seagrass and a few sea pickles an hour still Vault room turned into the magical room that I wanted it to be

I can’t wait to come back here again in day three thousand to put the second of six books on a pedestal that day after the stream I built up the Frog Light farm and with the Hall of thousands finished have that farm done we now had 950 days left

To doing this mess into something remarkable it was time to lock in Focus that meant we would be spending a lot of time Underground in the dark mess that was my industrial area so no more fancy builds to look at and no more shaders because it was way too

Dark down here and if I kept the shaders on my stream chat wouldn’t be able to see anything now before we could actually start decorating there were two more France that I wanted to set up because those Farms would automatically produce building blocks that we would

Need later when it was time to make the area look good but we were getting to the point where I had to be smart when deciding where our Farms go so when I tried to decide where our slime farm would go well I ran into a challenge you see we have two witch

Farms in the base now every time we are within 128 blocks of either one of those they generate resources for us now slime Farms they rely on slime chunks so putting a tower in the middle here to farm slimes in one of those chunks well it won’t work but if we’re

In the area to load the witch Farm we’re also spawning slimes into that Tower so our witch Farms would stop working and that’s not good so the solution is to build their slime farms under the mountain but as far away from our Rich Farms as possible which means down in the floor

Now that’s pretty smart and all but that Tower up there generates way more slime than this tiny little thing of course so I decided that rather than a 21 layer Tower I would just build a bunch of three layer High farms and connect their outfits together that just left the minor issue of

Figuring out where the Slime jugs were though you see I am not using F3 and I’m also not using chunk Borders or chunk Bass so to figure that out we had to rely on some other tricks step one I figured out a chunk Corner using a map since map Corners are also

Chunk orders always Step 2 I made a grid out of Glowstone markers to distinguish the chunks from one another and then step three by flying up high enough to let any existing slimes despawn I managed to force new ones to spawn it and right at the moment when they

Spawned they gave away the secret of the slime chunks under my Mountain easy enough so with plenty of chunks located I started clearing out the terrain for the Farms the lower down we can build these the better the witch Farms above will still work in the future

So it got rid of lava pools set up a beacon to mine the Slime chance down to bedrock and started setting up the forms it took me about 40 game days to get all of them known which is a solid 13 hours of constructing slime Farms but trust me

When I say that the end result would totally be worth it through underground water channels right on top of the Bedrock I transported all the Slime to the room under the super smelter in this room would be the first place underground that we would enjoy spending time in

I figured that since we would be using the super smelter a lot over the coming 900 days all the time that we spent making this place look good would surely pay dividends the key to keeping motivation to work on your world is making sure that it’s enjoyable to play

In and one of the best ways to do just that is making sure that the spot you come back to time and time again just feel really cool so after setting up a bubble elevator chess and Hoppers to collect all the Slime from output it was

Time to turn this outfit room into one of those cool places and that started by making it less square a quick snow outline with a door frame on either side gave us a pretty decent idea of what we were working with I could see the oval shape work well but

I wanted something to give the room character so I came up with the idea to build a pond on the side opposite our output chest for the Farms like so often though someone in my stream yet offered a suggestion that got me thinking about a cool design

Since this wasn’t just the outfit room for the smelter but also for the Slime Farms we could use some slime blocks as decoration now I don’t really like the whole thing where you make your farm look exactly like what it produces but a small hint to it that’s a very cool idea

But if we were going to use slime here well then there was a block that would go with that so well and we had only just gotten access to it so I flew out from under the mountain and hoped through my portal to the nether roof that was hiding away in the

Snowy swamp where I picked up a stack of verdant frog lights back at the base I hit those deep in the Bedrock of the pool we were making before covering them up with slime blocks putting water on top of that and a small pile of Slam sticking out of the water Definitely work with this as a centerpiece for the road but it was still missing something a little life so I made a quick trip to the Ice Bike biome to bring back two frogs who would solve that I know I was breaking my instant rule here but just look at these guys they’re

Just too cool so I walk them all the way to the mountain drop them down in a boat and guided them to our smelter outfit room where they will get to live in this slimy Pond forever watching over our slime Supply just to make sure they

Really liked it here I quickly gave them some kelp to play with and then it was time to get back on track and decorate the room around him which was easier said than done but I was going to prove exactly how stubborn I can be the basalt walls were easy enough but as

I got busy installing the Red Zone door to the room I quickly ran into a serious problem no matter what I tried figure out a way to fit all the required components under the door there was always a block of Bedrock blocking me somewhere and since there was no way to move the

Door up either without colliding with the super smelter output in the seat link we had to make room for it so I spent the next day removing Bedrock blocks with this weird TNT piston trick until there was plenty of space to work with Bedrock may be unbreakable but that’s

Not going to stop me from installing a door wherever I want to with all the new room I set up the Redstone circuit and a few minutes later we called it a day for that stream but the next morning I went all out to complete the smelter output room as a

Surprise for my stream when we started up again so when we went through that door again the room looked very different if I do say so myself really cool under normal circumstances this room is pretty dark even though it’s completely spawn proof but whenever the furnaces are on

Well then the bamboo ceiling lets enough light through to light up the entire room this place was now the industrial engine room to my base but before we could add another Farm to it to go out to collect a resource we would need a lot of in the near future I

Decided to turn on the shaders to enjoy the view we were going to use a lot of copper for the main part of the underground area so I flew out to find some copper veins under the ocean and set up a beacon right away you can truly get incredible

Amounts of copper from these things so much that you might want to bring a crafting table just to turn all the raw ores into raw or block so you can carry them all on with the first thing mostly collected up I made my way back to the mountain to

Deposit all the ores into the smelter but that wasn’t enough we weren’t quite done gathering this stuff just yet two more veins were found in mind that day before I ended the stream and with that we probably had enough copper to last us quite a while

So the next stream we could focus on the last big farm we needed to build right now and once that one was out of the way well then our transformation of the underground area could really begin I’m sure you are wondering what that farm is exactly well we’re planning quite far ahead here but I know that to make the terrain under the mountain look good we’re going to need a pretty big variety of blocks now there is one block in particular that would help a lot and

We can fully automate the collection of it that block is a drip stone block to prepare for the construction of the farm I had already collected a shulker box full of drifts on blocks and pointed grips on that I yawned from a cave under the swamp getting yourself was actually

A lot easier than I’d anticipated although it was a little tricky to get a beacon setup down there just in case I needed more resources I decided to leave the beacon down there for a bit I made my way back to the mountain the hole for the farm was already there

Right in between the Slime farms and the super smelter bamboo Farm I had dug out a pretty massive rectangle to prepare for construction so we could get right into it step one was covering the floor with moss blocks because this Farm relies on slimed flying machines to harvest up the

Output so we needed a block that didn’t stick to slime which means leaves glazed terracotta obsidian or a bunch of other options would work too but they were all a lot harder to get so Moss seemed like the obvious choice once the floor was in

Place I got some frog lights to line the walls and floor so we didn’t make an accidental mob farm then the bottom slime swiper to harvest up the stalagmites and the ceiling layer where we would have to hang the pointed drip Stone to form stalactines that just left

For the water on top and a quick test run so far so good next I came up with a red Sun circuit to activate both the top and bottom flying machine at the same time as well as a return station on the other side and by the end of the stream

We had a functional drip sound Farm I ended up adding more underground water channels to collect the output and transported to the smelter room as well which was starting to look like a serious resource collection on and with that onto we finally got to the point

Where it was time to outline for our underground decoration project so I flew up through my floating storage room and started building out with temporary blocks from there but we had barely gotten started when I flew to the sidewall of the cave to look at it and it didn’t look right at all

I’ll explain the issue while we replace the first reference lines in a better spot now I won’t spoil too much too early on but I want the cave to feel like a massive open area that naturally formed right in the middle of it will be a network of bridges connecting a

Large-scale mining operation now I thought at first that the storage room would be a part of that but as I placed the reference lines on the side of it I realized that the storage room is too big to effectively hide in a bridge structure or a tower it would need a pretty massive

Foundation to support a structure that looks that big and heavy but since the storage room is right in the middle of the cave that will make the cave as a whole feel small can you imagine well maybe this will help if we use that as a reference for our first bridge that

Leaves plenty of space to fly around the Cave the only question is how do we hide that storage room from site well I have an idea for it but we can only hope we get that far before day 3000 first we have to focus on the bridges because the reference for those

Will help me a lot to understand the layout of the room so I kept building temporary snow lenses sand pillars flying out getting a feel for the look and proportions and then adding to it it’s So eventually I understood it enough to figure out the first location for the first building that would

Connect to these Bridges that Circle would be the foundation for our Forge a place where all the oars mined underground would be smelted into ingots this place will look incredible when it’s done and it will it will Farm inside of it as well first a bill to be outlined to

Understand its skill because we weren’t quite done with the outlining for all our bridges just yet by the end of that stream I managed to get the framework done which was awesome but there was a major issue with the addition of the bridges the drift Zone farm and the

Seven slime Farms we have built up we got ourselves caught up in a things will get worse before they get better type of situation all the snow blocks that I had used for the forms and the outlines looked awful so I stayed up very late that night to

Prepare for stream the next day I decided to fix our issue overnight and this thing right here was gonna help me do it this is a Basalt generator and it produces an insane amount of blood now Basalt has an issue the block has a very different top and bottom texture than a

Side texture so it’s not the best block to outline terrain with because it ends up looking incredibly messy smooth Basalt however has the same texture all around but the only place it spawns naturally is as the outer shell of an amethyst geode luckily you can make smooth Basalt by

Putting regular Basalt through a furnace so a Basalt generator plus a super smelter equals more blocks than I could ever use with those blocks I went to work I built up wireframe terrain that looked like it could have been naturally formed over the Slime drip Stone and bamboo

Farms as well as the super smelter itself then I fill all of that in with the smooth Basalt blocks and I started placing deep slate slabs and stairs on top of it to get rid of the torch pen my plan is to keep this cave incredibly

Dark as long as we’re building it so we can choose which areas to light up later which will make them immediately pop out visually as soon as we enter the area for now at the very least hiding all those Farms made out of plain snow blocks had returned some much needed

Visual calm through Decay floor which meant we could actually see what we were doing again with the frameworking now I have gotten a little bit ahead of myself because all of this terrain was a two-day project in real life and it’s not what we worked on during

The stream because the day before we had actually realized there was another Farm missing that we were really going to need I had to get myself a piglet bartering farm for among other things Blackstone so on day 2227 we had set off to the nether roof to pull off something tricky

Something that honestly terrified me because of what happened in my previous world I had to catch a bunch of piglets technically there wasn’t a lot that could go wrong as long as I wore my golden helmet but there’s a memory haunting me that might mean I never feel safe around piglands ever again

Still whatever needs to be done needs to be done so I flew to the top of my gold farm and built out to the side with snow blocks to create a temporary spawning platform as long as you build these platforms high enough up in the air you can fly up

To despawn all the mobs below and then glide back down until your platform presents the only available spawning spaces strategy if you’re looking for a special malt and sure enough it took me less than a minute to get our first big lens to spot so I trapped them in a boat and

Flew up again to repeat the process less than 15 minutes later I had all the piglets I needed so I trimmed the snow platform to remove the extra spawning spaces and with all the piglands safely stored away in boats I got busy building up the farm

I can say that I enjoyed setting the piglets free and luring them into their holding cells this was honestly terrible but I absolutely did enjoy putting your name tags on the entire process of setting up the farm went by much faster than I expected because by day 2

231 I was ready to fill up the dispensers with gold ingots and get the bartering underway this Farm Supplies with the Blackstone we needed but also crying obsidian which we would use plenty of before these Thousand Days Are Over the next day I worked tirelessly on cleaning up the floor of the mountain

Cave but when it was time to stream we focused on the real project at hand with the Blackstone from the bartering Farm I started building up the base of the first pillar that would carry the elevated bridge in the cave higher up off the floor I transitioned

To deep slate variations with some mud bricks and tough patches for variation it all looked very dark but that was exactly what I was looking for here the real life of the cave will happen around this structure it doesn’t have to draw too much attention although at the same time I

Wanted to display considerable wealth and that’s where the bridge pavement comes into play with a combination of deep slate bricks chisel deep slate blocks and waxed cut copper blocks this structure belongs to a civilization of metal workers but we’ll get to that later once I had figured out the pattern for

The side of the bridge pavement I went to work with stairs slabs and walls to fill in the sides as well as the top and before long the first Bridge was starting to shape up now we would have to copy all this work to all the other parts of the bridge

But that day after stream a spark of inspiration hit that would put the bridge bit link on hold for a little while as I continued cleaning up the cave floor I stumbled upon a pretty large stuff spot because these blocks can come in handy as section later I decided to dig it out

Initially the plan had been to cover it back up with deep slate after that changed when I exposed Bedrock while mining now I knew that we were really close to bedrock the thing is there had been anything more than six layers of these plates still separating us from the

Bedrock I would have replaced the bombers a second time to get rid of that as well but the chance that there were still caves with spawn wolf spots under the floor was almost zero so for spawn proofing purposes it really wasn’t necessary the thing is I just hadn’t

Thought of Bedrock for a while but when I exposed a couple blocks I realized something we could make a really cool visual here if we expose some of the blocks while mixing them up with magma and lava as if the miners had been too greedy as if they had dug too deep

And so I did just that and a result turned out pretty awesome but it drew my attention to something else at this moment as cool as my base was above ground the only thing we had going first down here deep under the mountain was this lava

Pool in the Albert room for the super Schnauzer sure the whole reason that we were down here was to make sure this place would look good so things didn’t fall apart as soon as we made our way underground to get resources from our Farms but I was starting to realize

That we would be down here for a long time so to keep my motivation up we had to make sure that there were small moments of Joy when we were surrounded by cool builds and details and I knew just the place to turn to next easiest place to make a difference was

The main gate after all that’s the exact spot where I built went from good to bad if we could turn that into a proper entrance our transition would be a lot less harsh so I collected materials and went to work the entrance room itself came with its own unique challenges

Since we had to surround the Red Zone door with blocks that wouldn’t stick to it that restriction made me go with crying obsidian and blast furnaces which honestly looked pretty Epic with the addition of D plate polish Basalt Blackstone obsidian and an enchanting table in the middle of the room we ended

Up with a pretty dramatic entrance thought because we hadn’t even started on the dramatic part of the entrance because honestly what could be more dramatic than entering your base in hardcore like taking a leap of faith that’s right I wanted to make the entrance to the base a blind jump into a

200 block deep hole but first we needed a beautiful entrance cave so I made my way to the storage room once more and got construction materials and then we went to work constructing the framework for the cave itself since I knew exactly what I wanted out of his room I immediately integrated

Green color blocks into the deep slight Foundation as we were building it up which made the walls come to life pretty quickly sure it was looking basic but this entrance already had a lively energy to it but once a frame for a case was largely done

We needed a block that I didn’t have lying around so I flew out for another trip to the Lush cave we had visited earlier to collect some clay blocks [Applause] flew my way back again and then back at the entrance cave we placed some players of foundation a couple drip Leaf blends

And a sea pickle here and there to light the place up try for a great start then we added Roots leaves glow Lycan and a couple of candles to make sure the opposite side of the room was spawn proof as well by the end of stream that

Day we had made a lot of progress on the entrance case it wasn’t quite done but everyone was really enjoying the process so I made a deal with chat that I wouldn’t continue working on the cave without them and we would finish it together on stream

However as I said that I didn’t realize that it was a Sunday so my next YouTube stream wasn’t until Tuesday night that meant there was a lot of time until I streamed again so the next few days I worked on different small tasks during chill streams on Twitch where I focused

On the grindy stuff that goes into a world like this without a webcam or a microphone while twitch chat zoned out listening to my Lo-Fi playlist doing some work of their own and talking to each other I edit more Bedrock magma sections and I started framework on the

Terrain under the forge but by the time Tuesday night came around I wasn’t quite ready to finish up the entrance game because I had gotten excited by something else that we were now ready to follow up on for a long time stream chat and I have

Been talking about the idea of having an electric course running down the mountain and now that our entrance room was done we were ready to lay out the routing for that the idea was pretty simple whenever we need to go into the base quickly we’ll take the leap of faith

Entrance but later on if we want a challenge we can turn right after the main gate and take a much more tricky route through a narrow electric record tunnel this will be one of the last parts of the base that we end up decorating but while we work on the rest

Of the base we need to know the routing so we can keep it in mind while designing everything else around it gliding down the inside of the mountain I place one red wool ring after another circling around the outside of our cave closely to the sides as possible because

We need to hide all of this away in the walls invisible from within the main cave it took a lot of flying up and down that stream a lot of trial and error but we ended up with a pretty smooth course I’m so excited to get back to that later

But it could very well be another 2 000 days before we get to it because at this moment we had to get back to small Pleasures rather than Big Dreams I had recently improved a really important place super smelter outfit room but I keep running into the same thing

Just because of the sheer size of this project that we’re working on every time I make one place detailed and enjoyable it automatically draws my attention to something else that’s lacking now that’s not necessarily a bad thing because that feeling sort of guides us through the project it compels

Me to fix things so with the output room for the super smelter now looking cool it became way more of an issue that the input was well this weird platform so once more I gotta add this notebooks for a temporary reference as we laid out

The frame for a bridge that led into a room for the super smelter input we added another classic red some door as an entrance for the roof nailed it and then paste the top of the bridge with stone brick variations and a little tough sprinkled in here and there

For the sides I decided to see if we could make pool railing with anvils and copper stairs which worked really well in this case I didn’t wax the stairs though because I want the copper on this bridge to age a little bit once the bridge was done it was time to

Build the room itself and I had a pretty cool idea for it while I had been covering the Slime farms and the super smelter I have kept the main smelter visible through black stained glass from the top so he could see the smells were running which honestly look really cool

With all the Minecarts that did mean that our room had to extend a little ways backwards from the door and with that size I could definitely see the spot being an amethyst geode so after we laid out the shape on the outside I flew to the

Storage room to grab some amethyst and I went to work to keep things simple I decided to skip out on the calcite but after making the inside of the entrance gate look good adding amethyst to the wall and adding dim lighting to the room with soul enters Blaze looked pretty Epic

That just left the top super small improved in the same fashion as the blocks around it deep slide slabs and stairs are the way to go it’s bomb proof but very dark so when it comes to designing the feeling of the cave later we have a lot of room to work with dark

And light contrast and done we now had a super smelter with the cool input and output room to keep us going so it was time to Circle back and finish that other detailing project we had started not too long ago my entrance cave needed to really come

Alive so I grabbed some drips on from the farm Alpha barrels to complete the Cave the drip Zone added a lot of character there was more work to be done here than I remember because we weren’t just missing a few details there was actually an entire side of the cave missing but I

Saw an opportunity there I grabbed my bluff ballot that we had used earlier and extended the room further out to the right which made it feel a little more like a cave and a little less like a straight tunnel with only one place to jump down to and that just left one

Final step to complete the cave because in the end the magic is truly in the details I’m so glad we took the time to create a proper entrance to the project we went from this weird hole in the side of a mountain that we would just fly through

To a spectacular entrance with a hidden key a colorful cave and a leap of faith but once I took that jump well we still entered a very very raw looking industrial area and there is only one way to get past up we have to place a lot of blocks so without hesitation I

Started building up the next pillar of the bridges with permanent blocks while I did that I held a torch in my offhand so the OptiFine Dynamic lighting would enable me to see what I was doing and while that worked the moment that somebody in my stream chat offered up

The suggestion to use a night vision potion instead I immediately jumped at the idea everything around me just felt so dark and disheartening so I flew back to my starter house added two more Brewing stands to the living room to increase my production capacity and brewed up a

Couple night vision potions I made my way back to the base shot the first one and notice we had some unexpected company so I got rid of a creeper first and then assisted by the night vision effect I started building up the pillar and although everything still looked

Very Barren that potion was a huge relief laying into darkness by myself was bad enough but I really did not want to put stream chat through that same issue expecting people to watch me build in pretty much complete darkness felt like too much to ask when I finished the second pillar about

A game day later I realized our issue was actually bigger than just that as soon as I was looking down at the progress the night vision effect ran out and my vision returned to normal and that made me aware of a very real problem the whole concept of this cave relies on

Darkness as a design feature but while we’re building everything up that makes it much harder to evaluate the quality of my work you see this second tower looked a lot less balanced than the first one there were too many light spots which just made it feel patchy

But that only really jumped out at me with the night vision enabled and that’s the thing that made it click we would have to rely on these potions during the whole construction process but my Brewing setup really wasn’t up to the task so an important new project formed in my

Mind and let me tell you it would change everything and end up giving me a huge boost in motivation before we get to that I had a couple potions to work with so I used those to replace some of the lighter patches in the second tower and I added a third

Tower to the bridge as well the next day we hit a small speed bump though stoked as I was for our new project I had to do a little bit of research to get it started and the days that week were super busy as I was finishing up

The script for the last part of my 2000 Days movie that meant I hadn’t really gotten around to the research so during the streams we focused on a few basic tasks that needed to be done while the exciting project up ahead waited for the right moment for a few more days

During those streams I started some Farm outputs to our chest wooden overflow mine some more deep slate to clean up the cave floor until I got sidetracked when I found a surprise cat running around in the base of my perimeter that set me off on a little quest to get another pet with

Fishing in the entrance cave was way too slow so I ended up enchanting a Max fishing rod on Day 2 384 before realizing that using a sword to fish for salmon was way quicker I couldn’t find the first karat scene but I did manage to catch another one

I gave this little guy a name and that’s him watching over to froze in the smelter outfit and then I finally wrapped up the writing and pre-editing for the 2018 movie which meant I had a few days before my editor would show up with the draft version to complete the movie together

So that weekend I went incredibly hard on terraforming the first section of the cave because the next Tuesday when I returned to streaming it would finally be time to take on that project that I have been holding off on we were going to set up a machine that would give me

Back something I had really missed that stream we would build up an automated Brewing machine that would provide us with an unlimited supply of night vision which would be very useful during construction but it would do something more it would give me back my shaders which meant that we could back through some

Real designing soon because the whole cave is going to look great without shaders just as well but the light and dark contrast that we are going to be working with will just be something else with complementary shaders and adds a whole new level of magic to it the issue was that at this

Stage of construction it was simply too dark to use shaders though Chad could see nothing but that was about to change to prepare for the Brewing room I I created a space in the terrain that would end up supporting the forge and I had already hidden an entrance cave and

A red Sun door in there as well after setting up a platform for the Brewer and laying out the output chest I had to make a quick trip to my blaze farm in the nether to pick up some Blazers with those I made a bunch of Brewing stands and headed back to the

Brewing room itself this machine is a combination of modules that were designed by impulse SV and it can be used to make basically any potion so we’re going to set it up with night vision swiftness strength fire resistance slow falling regeneration water breeding and even Turtle Master

Potions now a lot of those immediately make sense some of them might not just trust me on this one that one day it will all click once all the modules were set up I filled up the night vision module with all the required ingredients then I build out a hopper line to decide

Leading outside the trunk of rock that the Brewing room was built into you see if I wanted this machine to work for as long term it would be vitally important to have an easy way to stock it up with water bottles and the coolest way I could imagine doing that was

Having a small pool on the side of this Buzz out wall here where I could access the input chest with a temporary water source I filled the chest with bottles that would stuck up all the photo modules while I flew to the witch Farm to collect the resources for the rest of

The modules as I flew back down towards a brewery I had no idea how happy I would be a minute later as I entered the room I found a chest full of night vision splash potions and threw the first one in my face I realized what this moment meant and how

Much I had missed playing in my world with the shaders that I was designing it for so without hesitation I turned the shaders back on Flew Around The Cave you should have seen the look on my face in this moment because I knew the impact this would make

We had faced a good fuel hurdles but with all the new Farms set up and our shaders turned back on it was time to get back on track and build a remarkable world and that project started at the fairy place where we would come back time and

Time again to replenish our night vision all the other potions were good to have for the future but this one was essential that meant we needed a better easier way of getting it applied and flying all the way into the brewery each time to get it or carrying a sugar of them around

I wanted the moment where we got night vision applied to be exactly that a moment so I set up an automated potion dispenser that got restocked directly through a hopper line coming out of the Auto Brewer and with that it was time to decorate again we would start with the Brewing machine

And then the dispenser on the outside for the brewery room I had a very industrial feel in mind so I started hiding away the potion Redstone and what looked like a massive industrial Kettle made out of copper deep slate and lava flowing behind iron bars looked like an insane machine

Which was exactly what I had in mind but right now it was just a machine in a barely terraformed cave to give this place a feeling of an actual room I quickly put in a floor cut down some spruce trees to collect logs and build up massive pillars to support

A ceiling place the beginning of the walls in between the pillars but them press balls on construction it would be a while before we came back to complete this room actually this would be the very last place we will work on during the stream where we race to get everything done

Before day 3000. because for now I wanted to shift my focus to the exterior of the room after all we were now 467 days into this thousand day Arc in my industrial cave still looked like trash but that was about to change we were about to start construction on the

Purple area which probably means nothing to you so let me quickly explain recently I’ve been really enjoying the exploration of gradients and color variations in my builds and to further dive into that I came up with a plan you see this cave is absolutely massive so we have more than enough room to

Build different areas into it now I’m sure you’ve seen one of these videos where someone transformed an area into any number of biomes admit it these have been all over your recommended videos at some point in time and while the videos are super well made while the final results

Let’s be honest they suck most of the time listen up I don’t think the biomes are bad design that’s not the issue here but as soon as you place things this close together or without transitions well it’s just going to feel all sorts of wrong so with this cave down here

I want to see if we can make things blend a little better but I also want to come up with different areas so we’re going to assign certain spots a specific color and design with that color as a starting point This is the purple wire that’s all I will tell you for now so with the color purple a special foundation and the given fact that we need to build a pool of some sort around that massive chest up there I went to work and the first challenge immediately

Was a tricky one we had to connect up the terrain properly nowadays A lot of people create their worlds in Tech worlds and then transferred over into survival with the help of moth but I just think it doesn’t make the game any better the downside of

My Approach is that things just take a lot longer but the process of slowly seeing the world around you develop is well worth the time put in in the end you’ll know how much effort went into doing things the hard way and you’ll end up loving your world more because of it

While we build up this space the thing that will slow me down the most is the fact that I have to create foundational Terrain in Basalt first before then revisiting it and making it look good when we get to the part where we decorate and detail it so to win back

Some time I’ll try to incorporate the bazaar walls into the design wherever possible and in this book that meant we went with a small Basel Delta variation for the terrain First Step was creating room for a couple small pools between the basalt pillows one of those is to fill up the

Water bottles for the brewery the other ones are just here to look good while we were working on that we’d see a glows quit spawn into the biggest bull every now and again because that looks amazing I decided to grab name tags so we could keep two of them permanently

Now if you’re paying close attention you’ve probably seen that I built up this area around the night vision dispenser but from far away flying into this spot it’s a little hard to find so to make things easier I decided to Market with something a little bigger I

Want to build a giant mushroom to Mark the location of the dispenser since this is the purple area I need a weird selection of blocks to build that thing so I went on a little tour around the base looking for surprising options honestly the amethysts were really straightforward

But when I went shopping with the Masons I came up with the idea to use blue glazed terracotta which definitely came as a surprise prying obsidian was another really cool option and purpose seems straightforward too so I grabbed some chorus fruit from my farm and tossed that into the smelter as well

The first mushroom cap that I had tried hadn’t really worked out but I was determined to try again with calcite I created the stem for the mushroom and then with that as a reference I gave it another shot figuring out shapes like these in survival is really tricky

Because making adjustments is a slow process and it’s hard to see what you’re doing when you’re this close to the build I was thrilled with what I saw the amethyst line wasn’t quite what I was looking for but from the reference blocks I could totally visualize a giant

Mushroom here to kill two birds with one stone I decided to use pearlescent Frog Light on the bottom of the cap that would both draw attention to the mushroom as well as light up some of the blocks underneath to make them spawn proof because at this point there are a

Lot of torches all over the base but eventually every single one of those will have to go for now they keep the witch Farm in business though so we have to roll with it for a little bit after the Frog lights were in place I decorated the rest of the mushroom cap

With amethyst blocks and crying obsidian for the insect and the surprising blue glazed terracotta for the outside to finish the cap I rounded the soap with purple glass before creating a ring on top of the Terracotta with proper slabs and stairs figuring all this out had taken a while

But about an hour after starting it we flew away from the first of a bunch of crazy looking mushrooms sure it has taken a little bit of time this was a great way to make this corner of the base come to life and it was just the beginning to this area

Before we hit day 3000 this is going to look way cooler than you can imagine right now after just these first few steps this could very well be one of my favorite spots of the entire base by the time that we’re done we had a little bit of time left to work

On this place right now so during the next stream I scattered amethyst clusters around the area added purple pillars in between the basalt and added glow lichen as well as a second and a third mushroom purple area with our essential night vision dispenser was starting to come to life

The real magic would have to wait for a couple hundred days because the very next day was a really special stream we had a major Milestone to celebrate and it wasn’t just hitting 2500 days in my new world the next day was April 10 2023 and that

Meant my world was now exactly one year old so when stream started the next day I found myself in front of a huge battle chest we were about to fill all of those up while I visited every place in my world that had even a little bit of significance

First off I flew to my starter house to grab a book for this iconic day because much like the 2000 day stream this was a special one because on this day we held up a tradition that had started almost two years before in my old hardcore world

And truth be told I had almost forgotten about it but that’s where you guys have my back I’m really glad somebody reminded me on stream the day before because what we were about to do would leave a lasting mark on my world that would become more significant with every passing year

Starting with my spawn chunks I set out to visit every location in the world where I left any items or shulker books behind and by the end of that stream I intended to empty out all those Jokers and use them to make an art installation

Out of them much like we did in season one but before we could start on that there were a lot of locations to visit next up the end Realm after dropping off the first few jokers in my storage room under the mountain flew to the Insane Terrain surrounding a

Stronghold in the flower farm area and through a very cool cave it at recently spotted I made my way to the end portal once I went through that portal the inevitable happened I had felt a little nostalgic already we Revisited my spawn chunks go out to the Enderman Farm

The trip down memory lane really started because in more ways than one the end realm is where my journey really began to this day I remember how the first Ender dragonfly in this world went that been a nervous experience but a really cool one a moment of redemption that came a

Little too early because the realization of what I had lost with my season one world Adam really set in just yet still it was a really special moment because I did that fight with over a thousand people cheering me on in chat the fact that so many of you were there

For it made me feel like I had a responsibility to you guys to not throw the fight so I went in with a level of determination that you don’t really expect to feel when playing a game it’s a dragon died and a nerves-mate way for celebration I felt like we had

Arrived at the birth of a New Journey but I was wrong the end Dimension wasn’t quite done with me yet because about a hundred game days later we got very close to losing our world to this place although it wasn’t due to me almost dying

So maybe I should say we got close to losing our Overworld if you know the story already you know you want to hear me scream at the end of it I’ll give you guys a short version around day 120 of my world due to a glitch my end portal disappeared and

With it my way home we were sealed in the endless void with no way to escape besides killing the dragon the issue was that I had no way of fixing the broken respawn animation and spawning another dragon in so I couldn’t defeat it at that moment there were 1500

People in chat forensically trying to help me out to find a solution but whatever we came up with I had no resources to pull it off and no way to get any of those either until after about 45 minutes someone spotted the four Cobblestone we had used

To Tower up to the end Island the first time we entered this to me is a Minecraft Miracle without these four blocks there was no way home but with them we had enough resources to craft a piston which meant that we could push end crystals from the towers to the

Dragon’s Nest in the middle of the island nobody knew if it would even work but we had literally no other options so we tried and then this happened it works it actually works it actually works we are getting out of the end we are surviving this

That day I felt like we lost the world in that moment I even made peace with it and I imagined the base I would have built to end the series if we couldn’t make it out of there but this world wasn’t supposed to be gone it was supposed to turn into something magical

That moment was now over 2 300 game days ago and as we made our way around the world I saw that we had done a lot to make that magical world come to life we had created temporary Farms while we needed them and then removed them to preserve the landscape

I had built a starter house that I still love coming back to and a snow Farm in an amazing location that provided us with our most used block then I had destroyed a swamp remodeled it to a winter wonderland that hides away all my Farms underground and I

Built a castle on top of it that looks out over my entire world and the best thing about it all of this exists in a world that is taken care of rather than shredded apart in the process magic in the making while traveling down memory lane that

Stream I collected 206 Joker boxes that were left behind at all my different projects in 13 different colors although most were default burper white yellow and purple and with those sugar boxes I was going to face a challenge the next day but before we got to that the room

Needed to be a lot bigger so that night I set up a beacon and I mined a lot but the next day I was ready for the challenge I was going to build an art base that would fit in this room with exactly all the 206 Jokers that I had

Found the day before without changing any of their colors an exercise in creativity if you will specific restrictions will challenge you to come up with Creative Solutions this one was a lot of fun for every real life year that I have this world I want to do exactly the same

And hopefully we can bring this room to life over the course of a few years and on this first day we worked on it I I had to make sure my design won’t work out so I had first counted out five Petals of a flower in temporary snow blocks

Before I started replacing those with the default purple shoker boxes since I wanted to use exactly the amount of sugars that I had found it was quite a puzzle but with plenty of flying up and back down to check if the shape was working we got a shape that I really like

Design wise that should have been the hard part but although most of the blocks were out of the way the stem and leaves coming out of it were also quite tricky to figure out we had to deal with some callers that really didn’t want to go together

And sure it’s not the prettiest thing I’ve ever built from an absolutely arbitrary number of blocks with an equally arbitrary color selection I was really happy with what we made of it and although chat urged me to decorate the rest of the room around the flower temptation constructed an entrance platform

Even left the temporary Androids that had used while mining at The Cave because I felt that we had done a lot for the first time that we worked on this room after all one day earlier there hadn’t been a room and I think it will be super cool if we

Could evolve this place over the course of a few years rather than embracing the side quest right now this was a great starting point for something really cool for now it was time to close the door to the hall of years until we had deserved to come back here a year from now

As I flew back to the mountain I realized that something had changed I’ve been so busy trying to figure out how I was going to make the cave look good enough by day 3000 and because of that I had lost track of the part of the journey that was now behind us

But that trip down memory lane while we collected all the sugars that put things in perspective in a major way unconsciously it had settled in a day earlier when I decided to dig out a pretty big cave as a foundation for the whole of the years but when I made my

Way back to my main project it really clicked it didn’t really matter how far we got by three thousand the only thing that matters is that the journey feels awesome because in the end the world will reflect that no matter what and that realization lands a deceit for an idea

We were going on an adventure suit before then I wanted to work on some things that were left unfinished and that started with the purple mushroom area progress was made that day but when we continue the next morning I realized that as cool as the mushroom area was

To be my main focus right now after all I was getting ready to set out on a big Quest but when we came back from that I wanted to return to a Cool Base so we had to push through and get to the next stage of the base progression and I knew

Exactly what we had to tackle to get there at this point every time I jumped out into the industrial area through the entrance cave there was one thing that immediately grabbed my attention snow lots of snow and while that was a good thing above ground really didn’t work underground because

Of all the snow and sand frames it was hard to see any real progress being made everything just looked really cluttered so it was time to build up the towers that would carry the elevated bridges built into the cave to speed up that process I decided to do

All of the Blackstone bases first before changing to the lighter deep slate blocks when we got higher up off the floor we had used this trick before but once more using sand for the visual reference lens saved us a ton of time cause you only have to break one block

For an entire pillar to collapse one Tower after another go to Blackstone Foundation but after a few game days my Blackstone Supply was running dry so I made my way up to the nether roof and put all the gold that I had available into the droppers and my

Penguin bartering Farm as I emptied out the chest chat absolutely roasted me for not having an item filter on the farm and rightly so I promise we’ll set it up later but at this moment I just wanted to take whatever Blackstone the pigeons had to offer and get back to work right away

So I hoped back through a portal and continue working by the time the next stream came around all of the pillars were done but there were still a ton of temporary snow blocks all around and I was on a mission to get rid of all of those

That meant it was time to focus on the underside of the bridges as well with just pillars and straight roads on top things would look rather funky so I had to add arches in between pillars to support the weight like so awesome I didn’t really have any

Idea how we were going to solve this design issue but when the time came around to fill in the inside of the first Arch I came up with the idea to use dark oak fences in here which still fit really well with the dark aesthetic but at the same time

They open up some space under the bridge that will allow me to add light to the bottom of it which then adds a little bit of focus to the bridges once we turn the night vision off in the final design you’ll see just trust me on this one

That stream we finished the underside of the first Bridge which would serve as a template for all the rest of them to get rid of a lot of snow I built the underside frame for all the other Bridges as well and already things felt a lot better than they did just two days

Earlier but we were running out of easy snow blocks to replace and if I wanted to come back to a cool underground base after my upcoming Adventure it was going to take more than just getting rid of some temporary snow blocks so I shifted my attention to the one

Structure where we could make the biggest impact it was time to build up the forge a challenge that would turn out to be harder than I had anticipated but at the same time it will feel much more rewarding than I could have hoped for just like with the bridges the first

Step was simply getting rid of the snow frame to make sure that the entire Forge looked coherent with the bridges that were connected to it I went with chiseled Blackstone Basalt and cut cover blocks then I made the stairs down into the fort itself which were made out of deep

Slay tiles with endrals on the side on top of copper blocks so far things were going pretty smooth as I flew around I realized that the building was looking pretty dull and nothing about the shape told me that it was a a forge and B an important

Structure that had to change so I built another snow frame then a Basalt outline and then I filled in the walls with deep slate and a little bit of Blackstone it was a start but the building would need a lot more let me tell you a little story about designing things

Do you know that feeling where you’ve started something and it just doesn’t feel like it’s coming together I’m sure you do well this moment right here was me hitting that exact wall and truth be told all that rare in fact I think I think this wall hundreds if not thousands of times

And it took me a little while to figure out a trick to get past it but it’s surprisingly simple you just keep moving one block at a time you try to add something that makes it better or take away something that makes it worse the thing is if you can manage to keep

Doing that without worrying too much about the final result well before you know it you’ll Place one of those blocks that makes a difference you’ll get somewhere where inspiration hits and all of a sudden everything starts making sense and a lot of the time that moment will be entirely unexpected

For me it happened right here as I walked down the stairs into the future Forge I realized that it would make much more sense if we walk straight towards the main furnace rather than putting it further Underground so I had to expand the building further towards the back with that realization

As I started building yet another temporary snow frame for the furnace extension my mind started racing well I figured out all the different parts of the forge and why they needed to be built from that point onward this building had been a bit of a struggle became my

Favorite build of this entire thousand day Arc you’ll see why in a few minutes because before we finish this place I pulled a classic move I had just gotten a huge burst of inspiration and whenever you feel that excited energy because you can see the direction the build is heading in well

If you’re really feeling it you can use that excitement as fuel for some things that still need to be done as well I had a couple of those waiting for me so the next day we flew out of the mountain to get rid of one of the weirdest things around the entire base

Pretty wild how this temporary War line is still here but after a little over 600 days since I placed it I had finally had enough I replaced the wall with stone and the side polished and the side slabs and then I just had to blend the size of the

Path into the mountain that process got disrupted by some zombies and a pretty crowded creeper party but besides that small Interruption and the occasional fans of the pathway construction went by pretty smoothly just a couple game days later the only thing left to do was some quick spawn

Proofing so I got at the custom texture pack I made to identify any spots without snow layers and with that our pathway and now upgraded from this to this not bad at all next up I quickly knocked another tedious thing of my list as I dealt with

The pavement on top of our underground Bridges and then it was time to lock back in and get the foundation for the Fort and the furnace knob so I did just that um I didn’t not because I didn’t feel like it or I didn’t know how to proceed

But simply because Chad convinced me to do something else that we have been talking about for a few days the time had come to get rid of a farm that had served its purpose for the last little while my sugar farm had been Trucking away at full capacity while I

Worked Under the Mountain which meant that by now I had more sugar shells than I could ever realistically use since this type of farm only works with plenty of air blocks around it keeping it here made no sense for my cave design so that day we had some fun with it foreign Foundation I actually got a lot more done than I initially expected which meant that by the next stream I was ready for some real detailing that to me easily my favorite stage of any project because once you start detailing your builds really come alive sure it doesn’t translate to a YouTube thumbnail too

Well but I’m not here to make a collection of thumbnails I’m here to make an exceptional world and that week we took a big step towards that goal because the detailing on the forge would take this structure to the next level quick trip to the nether Tree Farm I had

Made earlier bought me some Crimson stems to build a small crane mental hoist or blocks up into the structure but as I looked at it from a distance Crimson wood didn’t seem to be the right block for it so I quickly replaced everything with Spruce instead next I built Basalt support beams over

At the Deep slate furnace to help withstand the pressure built up by the heat inside which also looks a lot better and with that we were done with the outside of the forge for now because the real Next Level detailing was going to happen on the inside

But before we could get started I had to get some resources for it so I flew out to the nether to mine a few sugars of Netherrack initially I have thought about building the inside of the fort out of deep slate but that presented a problem

For the bridges I had used nearly every variation of deep slate and if I kept using that for every structure the entire area would become way too bland and boring so I decided to use the interior of the forge to open up my building pellet a little with some future buildings in

Mind once I had enough Maverick I made my way back through the portal I totally did miss my jump through entrance cave flew to the super smelter until all of the Netherrack into the input to smelt it into another bricks and with an inventory full of the stuff I flew into

The basement of the fort to turn this place from a foundation of a structure into a building that actually made sense while also housing a new farm that would look amazing too First Step figuring out the staircase that we use to navigate the room to make sure there was enough space in

The room to properly decorate I built the spiral stairs up halfway and then continued with an encased ladder all the way to the top with the location for the stairs figured out I build Nether Bricks around iron bars in front of the magma and as cool as that concept was it

Didn’t quite work the way I wanted it to because the first pattern I built up was way too complicated and erratic so I decided to set the nether brick walls up all the way before figuring out to pattern it took another trip to the nether for more Netherrack but before

Long we got it done so I tried the fence gaps again but much more subtle which turned out to be exactly the way to go from the walls I turned my attention to the floor for which I had to get some Basalt from my Basalt farm so I made my

Way out of the fort to get that while decorating the entrance to the letters with some leather brick as well then I got the basalt some drip sound blocks and pointed drip Zone and equipped with those resources I made my way back to the forged basement to construct the

Floor and then the setup for a lava bucket Farm I figured that if we decorated this area with Basalt and drifts on blocks we could make this Farm X actually look like it was a natural floor integrated into the fork structure and let me tell you it would look awesome

Once the cauldrons were laid out in a crescent shape I placed the drip Zone above it flowing along the same curve as the spiraling staircase that just left the lava buckets some more detailing in the lower area pipes to transport the malta methyl workstations and with that before Foreign I I truly love this place the detail level is just something else I literally can’t wait until the moment where the entire base looks like this it was a lot of work but it was worth it and that meant Adventure I was about to Embark upon the next day was truly deserved Every now and again someone in my stream would ask if I had completed every advancement in my world the fact of the matter was that I had been much more invested in building a base than completing advancements after getting all of them in my first hardcore world I didn’t really care

About repeating the task right away when I started this new world but the more time went by the weirder it started to feel to not have all advancements completed in this world and the more I started looking forward to completing them again and on day 2687 somehow fell like the time was right

If we went now we would have a cool base to come back to and I wasn’t stressing anymore about having to finish my entire basement before 3000 days after almost 2 700 days of just playing the game a lot of the advancements were completed already but honestly there

Were more of them left than you might expect so I flew out of the base to get our mission started we cleared a couple easy ones first I made my way to a jungle shot the skeleton from miles away and looked at a bear through his Spyglass

Just two minutes after starting my quest I was on the way to the nether for my third advancement already once I got there I took my helmet off to get a piglet and angry before dropping him a gold ingot to create a distraction doesn’t work if he’s not mad first

This one very angry since I wasn’t a nether anyway I quickly aimed my Spyglass out of gas and with that out of the way I returned to the Overworld for the next few advancements Bullseye was the tricky one you can make a perfect setup for this

I wanted to try it the hard way didn’t work at all Thank you So eventually I caved in and we ended up using a goofy maneuver with a trapdoor and done so far things were going really smooth but it was about to get more complicated to prepare for the next few advancements I flew by my starter house to collect some resources but as I was sorting

Through my chest there I heard a lightning strike that thunderstorm was one of the very few things that I still needed which was completely out of my control so when I heard it I rushed to the nearest Village as quickly as I could first protective villager from the

Lightning strike only you throw gently tried it in his face seconds later and just like that we had two more advancements done but just as I was about to leave the village I heard Phantoms so while the thunderstorm raged I tried to set up the two birds with one aerial advancement

Which is a difficult one because you need to get the Phantoms on low health first before finishing two or moral in a single shot thunderstorm did not make my life easier but eventually with that we had already conquered eight new advancements but there were another

18 left to go so there was no time to waste and I just kept moving walking on snow with leather boots and shooting a Pillager with a crossbow were easy enough but at this point we were starting to run out of easy options so the time had

Come to move on to the more complicated things this should be fun first on the list monsters Hunter with 32 out of 34 monster slain there were two likely suspects I wanted to go after and for the first one we had to make our way back to the nether again I was

Pretty sure all the nether malls were off the list already but I also knew for effect that I had never brought a hogland into the Overworld to turn it into a zoglin to make this as easy as possible I created a portal that was plenty big enough to get one through but

It turns out oaklands are afraid of lit nether portals so I broke a portal and tried to lure one into the unlived frame before lighting it again would he hoped through as soon as the whole Glen disappeared I hope after him through the portal and

Right in the swamp I took care of the turns off that just left one more mall to be hunted down which honestly had me guessing but stream chat was there to help me out with a pretty brilliant suggestion there was one mob and I had definitely seen that probably only once

And that was way back when we threw ender pearls until we got one before leaving it in the Enderman Farm forever an endermind I thought it was a great Theory so I made my way up to the nether roof to collect some leftover ender pearls from the pigling bartering farm and threw

Pearls on the floor until we got an enemy to spawn and when it did we had that one out of the way too the next three advancements were pretty straightforward although they did take a while first I flew out to a nearby mountain range looking for a meadow or I got The

Sound of Music then I activated a respawn anchor in another and finally I found myself a Strider which sets us up for another mission took a little bit more work mostly because I wanted to be very specific about it you see the way to get the Feels Like Home advancement

Finding a lava lake in the Overworld setting up a nether portal and getting a Strider from the nether right there but I wanted my Strider to have a better home so I set off on a pretty long journey to bring this guy to the most unlikely place imaginable

Bit of mining climbing and even bridge building but eventually I managed to get him to my nether Safe House from there well I marched him up the pathway of a Snowy Mountain would you ever imagine a Strider around these parts well he was not really vibing with it

It’s pretty cold out here quickly I drove him down the hole under the mountain in a boat and then I got a bunch of lava buckets from the basement of the fork which had then placed between two lines of snow blocks to make a two block wide lava river that ran for

50 blocks none of this made any sense in terms of physics but it got us the Feels Like Home advancement so it works next up on my list the first hidden advancement are ballistic killing five different mobs with a single crossbow ball sounds very complicated but is she a pig

A llama a chicken and a cow and a splash potion of poison made it pretty simple GG next this is where the fun started because next on my list was star Trader so far I’ve been pretty nice to villagers I’ve never stolen them away from their homes

And Villages I’ve never bred them and the ones that now live at my base were all found as zombie villagers whom I cured given the fact that this star Trader villager was about to be pretty special I decided that I wanted to find a new zombie villager to cure who would live

At the castle after we were done so I came up with a plan to make the operation easy I built a massive temporary spawning platform above a castle since we’re super high up in the air and the base itself is spawn proof there is no other location for Mom’s phone besides this platform

So it’s simply a matter of flying in and out of range of the platform to cycle spawns until we get a zombie villager which happened pretty quickly so I secured him in a boat through a weakness potion and gave him a golden apple before getting rid of any aggressive models

Once the coast was clear I just had to make sure none of the mobs could get my future star crater so to make sure that it would be fun I removed a bunch of snow blocks around his boat to prevent any zombies from reaching him and turning him again

However right before leaving I realized that the Villager was a nitwit who can’t get a profession and therefore can trade so this was not going to work since he was curing already I decided to keep this guy around he had to try again but the night was over and that man my only

Sensible Next Step was to fly out to take care of the next step in my master plan it was time to start getting everything together for the hardest advancement in the game called how did we get here to get it you need to have every effect

In the game applied at the same time which is challenging to say the least but there’s only one hard requirement to get it you need to get a shulker and a dolphin to the same location for the levitation effect and dolphin’s Grace and for everything else there is a creative

Solution to not have to drag everything around your world so to get the sugar and the dolphin in the same place you have two options either you get a dolphin to the end or a shulker to the Overworld luckily I already had a choker Under the

Mountain so that seems to be the logical option plus I felt that it would be really cool get the advancement in my base so I continued construction on a dolphin transport tunnel all the way from the ocean to my base but there was a problem this would end

Up being the biggest waste of time in the history of my entire world for more reasons now on but we’ll get to that because first it was time to try and get a second potential star Trader preferably one that could get a job it took me a couple nights of trying and

Trying again because after that initial nitwit seemed like no zombie villagers wanted to spawn anymore but eventually we got one so I dug another Sky trench fought the remaining mobs and the next morning after the Villager cured we got star Trader because the platform well that’s already at build limit of course

It’s a high base you know we’ll see these guys later but with this tricky advancement out of the way it was time to get back on track with the master plan so I flew to the ocean caught the fish with a bucket on the way because somehow that easy attention had

Made it through this far and then I got two dolphins on leads and brought them back all the way to the base through my tunnel once I got to the end it was a little stressful because they can’t be out of the water too long or they’ll die

But Against All Odds the Dolphins left and they made it into the temporary holding tank that I prepared for them so let’s talk about why this was a massive waste of time well first of all getting to how did we get here advancement isn’t quite the same as it was the last time

That I got it since 1.19 there’s one more effect added into the mix and it’s a scary one to get the advancement now you need to have Darkness applied which you get from this guy I’m not about to invite him over to my base Bears two good reasons not to do

That for one he’s real mean generated all the junction at my base in version 1.18 so there’s no natural skulk anywhere close which means it will be a long walk where a lot a funky stuff could happen now before we get into what will be the

Solution to our how did we get here predicament there’s still two dolphins in my base so what will I do with those guys figure we would just keep them around for later so you could let them live in an area where they would fit well but it wasn’t meant to be

I even went as far as to replace the entire bottom of air tank with Soul Sand to make sure they had air to breathe regardless of their own dumb Behavior but Minecraft Dolphins they will find a way to die and they did so long story short that whole tunnel

Was a waste of game days we needed a different solution but first it was time to get the remaining couple of advancements checked off those were all pretty grinding but mostly not that eventful they all happen at the same time for a bunch of salmon with an X to tame

Cats while I flew from Village to Village to find every unique variation meanwhile I’ve read every animal I found along the way until we only had tricky ones left we learned that snow foxes and regular foxes can have babies together we got the Calico cat as our last

Variant about two game days into our flight around the world we found the ocelot after another two days but the pandas were nowhere to be found that stream for just the pandas and emotions we flew around for an entire stream the next day where I forgot to record the raw footage

Only to find out one day later that there was a mushroom Island real close to the desert where we had started our journey but eventually I after getting the uneasy Alliance advancement as well there was just one thing left to do the last two advancements that were left

Were a furious cocktail and how do we get here and you get those in one go so it was time to finish the setup and get the last two advancements but there was a big complicating Factor you see adding a Darkness effect into the mix we now had two options to choose

From option one was get a warden to the base and that one was a big no and option two get a shoker and a dolphin to an ancient city which was much more appealing because once we were there we could use a skull Shrieker for the darkness effect rather than a water

And that’s where our complicating Factor came into play the thing is from my base to the closest ancient city that I know of it’s a long way and I really didn’t want to make a railway from my base all the way over there to transport the sugar there was an alternative of course

If we could set up a nether portal at the ancient city we could later Railway for Ashoka over and at the roof which was eight times shorter and we didn’t have to build a railway up in the air since the roof is already flat seems like a straightforward choice right well

We didn’t get to the complicating Factor yet because there are a few rules in my world and one of those is that I don’t use F3 which makes the game much more adventurous and fun but it makes linking up portals really complicated because the only way we can find out coordinates

Is by calculating them using maps to measure the distance from coordinates we already know so for an entire Lo-Fi radio stream on switch I’ve played around with maps and temporary blocks that mission took a lot of trial and error had me end up in the gold Farm

Output ones but after a ton of calculating measuring flying around the Overworld trying portal locations checking and double checking we ended up with a few really important portals that literally changed away my world works I now have a portal up to the roof right next to the super smelter

A portal to the ancient city on the nether roof as well and a portal to the stronghold portal room right next to it but most importantly because of all the measuring I now know a bunch of specific coordinates in my world which means that we can count our

Distances around the base to set up another Hub further down the road it may not sound like a big deal for me this was a game changer about it was that I had to put in the effort to get it done which made it all feel that much cooler

With the nether portal challenges out of the way the only thing that was left Was preparing the setup for the advancement I found this pretty awesome setup in a video by Barbara 31 using a skulk Shrieker for the darkness effect so I started off by preparing a holding cell from sugar

Setting up the trapdoor I would squeeze myself into and installing the potion dispenser Redstone right next to it but once that was out of the way there were a lot of ingredients that still needed to be brought to the ancient city starting with the dolphin the trick to

Leave no room for error here is to squeeze the dolphin into a one by one block of water on top of Sunset and then sealing off the top that leaves nowhere for the dolphin to go to commit suicide but still make sure it gets breathable air from the bubbles

So I built up a drop shaft up to surface level made another temporary snow staircase and then it was time to go look for a dolphin nearby the living conditions I was about to leave this guy in were pretty appalling so I tricked him into coming along by giving him a name

Tag labeled life of luxury I know not my best moment but the strategy worked so on Day 2000 742. I had a dolphin set up pretty advancement which meant it was time for the next step we had to transport the sugar from the base but everything was ready for this moment

Back when I built up the shulker farm I had left a backup choker on the floor of my base and now that we have working portals on top of another roof getting it over there should be as easy as sending it through the portal except he

Was nowhere to be found turns out he was just chilling on one of the gold Farm’s spawning platforms which led to a rather funny game of cat and mouse around the farm but eventually I managed to get him in a boat next to the Minecart Track and

Not much later he was on his way brought me to the next item on my list I needed to get a Wither Rose which after checking at my starter house I realized I didn’t have lying around now I don’t have a farm for these nor for wither

Skeletons which was funny because it was the second main Farm I made on my previous hardcore world but I just don’t use beacons all that much I don’t like the way they look so I haven’t felt the need to build a wither skeleton Farm here and that meant we had a little side

Quest as I made my way to the nether to kill with her skeletons until I had three skulls with those I made my way back to the Overworld where I lured a bunch of unsuspecting chickens into a Wither fight which was unfortunate for them but it

Got me my Withers and once that part was done the only things left were setting up a double Beacon for hasten jump boost since I didn’t have a rabbit foot for leaping potions then I did a bunch of potion brewing at my starter house and finally I went to visit the automated

Brewer room under the mountain for night vision swiftness strength and Fire Resistance that completed my potion collection and as the last step I had to grab the conduit from the ocean Monument as stolen to decorate the castle with earlier that was a lot of preparation but it seemed like everything was ready

So it was time for a test run according to my plan I could fly to the desert over the nether roof get bad Omen and hero of the village in the desert then fly to a nearby ocean Monument to get mining fatigue and then rush back

Over the nether roof all the way to the ancient city in time to apply all the other effects before the mining fatigue ran out test run cloud I had two minutes and 30 seconds to spare on the mining fatigue and Batman it was go time I activated everything according to Blen built miserably not only did I not get how do we get here also didn’t get the Furious cocktail advancement and that could only be explained by something very basic going wrong because all Furious cocktail is is getting all the potion effects applied at the same time

Did I miss one either way we had to try again that night after the stream finished I analyzed the footage to get ready for the second attempt the next day and I found that I had made two mistakes the first one was bringing my Hunger

Down too far to make sure we could eat all the necessary ingredients that meant I couldn’t Sprint when I got down under the trap door which led me to not going into swim mode and therefore not activating dolphin’s Grace but it didn’t explain why I didn’t activate all the potions the second

Mistake happened when I tried to eat the buffer fish and accidentally deactivated the lever which caused the potion dispenser to stop firing too early as a result there was still a water breathing potion left in the dispenser I had plenty of information to fix my mistakes so the next day I came prepared

Everything was ready and we tried again I hated this moment so much we got Fury’s cocktail but not how do we get here and the thing that messed it up for us Dolphins Grace again this time I move backwards before all the other effects were applied ending the Dolphin’s Grace effect so we had to try one last time foreign

I can’t tell you how relieved I felt when we finally got it it took me three tries but it was done and that called for celebration so I made my way back to my base jump down into the entrance cave and flew straight to the villagers to buy myself a birthday cake

And that made for the very last hidden advancement when we got on LA to drop the cake at a notebook finally at all the advancements what an adventure To finish my stream that day I looked for an ancient city to hopefully get some enchanted golden apples back seemed like my luck had turned for the better after two ancient cities that I had visited so far which both gave zero enchanted golden apples I finally found two of them in this city

In the same chest that was a great feeling and a satisfying end to a few days of trials and tribulations but the work had paid off we had all the advancements so the next day we got back to work on the base and as much as I had joined the advancement hunting

Who’s ready to build again because day 3000 was creeping up on us and even though the stress about not finishing the basement had left me I still wanted to give it everything I had in the final push so when we got back to construction on day 277.

I made a promise to myself that I was going to focus and work as hard as I could to get the fourth side of the base looking as good as possible and the first step to getting that done was finishing up the purple mushroom area the foundation for that place was

Looking pretty solid as well as all the smooth Basalt worked as a frameworking look I ain’t gotten a lot of comments during streams look too boring now as I explained before I wasn’t too worried about it just a foundational shape for the terrain but I did see where everyone’s coming from

So I decided to take this mushroom area as an opportunity to prove that I could make terrain look interesting even with a foundation that looks so dull after adding a little bit of terrain variation by building a pool with a waterfall higher on the wall I placed

Down a bunch of different Coral blocks above water so the coral died giving it a gray texture that would work really well with a more present purple box I wanted this pool to have some cool detailing but I didn’t want it to draw Focus away from the more interesting

Details around it so the coral has to be very important next up it was time to start thinking about the wall itself so I made a quick trip to the pigland bartering Farm to stock up on Blackstone and both crying and regular obsidian quickly replenished my night vision and

Loaded up my inventory with purple glazed terracotta amethyst and the box I had just gotten from the bartering form with those I built a portal like shape into the wall it looks very cool but as I looked at the shape from a little further away I suddenly imagined another block that

Could work very well with the energy that this ballot had it was a little out of left field but skulk has a pretty fungal feel to it somehow it felt like it just made sense so I went back to the ancient city it was now so quickly accessible over the

Nether roof together about a sugar worth of skulk honestly I can’t put into words how cool it feels to be able to just use a portal to go here in my previous World using nether portals to go to remote locations was the most straightforward thing in the world

But now that I had to work so hard to get them set up Just Hits different once I made my way back to the base I started on the next part of the wall decoration but it was a little tricky because we were working on an overhanging rock face

But with the help of some temporary snow and Scaffolding I could access all the blocks that I wanted to place or change in some spots I just place blocks in front of the ones already there but occasionally I might have few out and change them to get a certain line looking just right

But all in all the process was pretty straightforward I really like what I was seeing by the end of that stream the area was looking pretty sick with the night vision on but especially when it was turned off which is exactly what I was hoping for we had made some really good progress

So the next day we were ready to start on something new but while the new stuff was exciting it was also time to finish some of the older stuff it was only partially finished so every day around the streams I tried to put in a couple hours of boring

Terraforming work just so we would get the terrain done luckily to counter balance that grind we got to do some really fun work together on stream with both the mushroom area and the force looking cool this particular corner of the base was really starting to shape up but there were still a lot

Of temporary snow blocks left and I really wanted to try and get rid of most of those which led me to this interesting reference section I had made a couple of snow reference lines connecting to the bridges a while ago these were supposed to be the

Platform that holds the main hall of the bridge structure I didn’t exactly know what we were going to build there just yet but I knew that it had to be grand so I imagined a large fortress-like structure built into the side of a cave wall which even with the snow frame it’s a

Bit hard to visualize against the flat wall behind it but we would get that sorted before day 3002. for now I just took care of a little bit of the terrain that supported the main hall structure and then we moved on to the building itself I considered a lot of different blocks

For this one but whichever way I looked at it just kept coming back to the same consideration anything gray or black as a base we’re boring because everything around it had the same colors in regular Stone was simply too light it would be a massive contrast so that guided us so

That block that we had opened up with the forge pallet Nether Bricks which meant we needed to get a lot more of those than we had available at the time until once more I found myself mining for netherick throwing a couple Joker’s worth of the stuff into the Super

Smelter and then crafting them into blocks soon enough we were ready to start building but I knew this build was going to be challenging for a few reasons first of all it’s fully diagonal which is always tricky but more importantly the frame I had built up was very blocky

Judgment I had to come up with a creative trick to make the front of the build look interesting even if the shape was basic so I turned to one of my favorite building tricks using wall gaps to let an excellent block shine through from behind the main facade and if we’re talking about

Shining through then what Better Block to use than glowing magma blocks the front faces ended up with a really cool pattern but rather than repeating that on the smaller inside panels added nether Ward blocks there as well as a different accent block this was looking like a great start

But like so many times before I forgotten how big this place actually is even a structure it fills a small part of the cave still ends up being a massive build every single time so before I knew it I ran out of Napa bricks and that meant we needed a more

Effective collection method I did consider just mining another Fortress but I just couldn’t imagine it being faster than insta mining netherrick somebody in chat could come up with a faster idea to mind this stuff completely Wild you pretty much get a shulker in two minutes if you’re not terrible at this in

Sane when my nether Rick stores fully topped up once again I got back to construction filling in the walls adding more detailed areas like this red never brick and Crimson stem combination above the door as well as these pretty wild hanging Towers to create a more Dynamic looking front for the structure

All of this progress happened on one of my Lo-Fi radio streams on Twitch inspiration Just Hits different during those and this turned out incredible sure there was a bit of work left but that was an amazing start to the structure but time was starting to run out 150 days it’s just 50 hours

Which may sound like a lot but considering how much they are forming I still wanted to do well it really wasn’t even though there was time left I could see the 3 000 days Finish Line inching closer so I decided to do the most tedious thing that still needed to happen first

Over the course of the next two IRL days I spent 17 hours terraforming it was a pretty brutal grind but I Netflix my way through it and I got it done so the next stream I could surprise everyone with this picture It was a game changer imagine what this will look like if we managed to do this for the entire cave and then detail it I can’t wait to see it speaking of detailing that’s exactly what we were about to do with the last 100 days and that started

With the area next to the mushrooms that I transformed into a muddy poem area every part of the base that we properly detail had so much magic to it I mean look at this place next up I finished the Fortress ramparts removed a little bit of torch them on

The Walls by switching the spawn proofing method to deep slate slabs instead and just a few game days later the progress looked like this awesome progress all around but there was still an area that could easily be improved upon so I started construction on a mine shaft where the resources came from that

Ended up being smelted into forage it got some really cool details like this pathway and the elevator to carry their resources from the upper shaft down at this point in a progression we hit a really cool moment now that the terraforming was done for the time being and we were hitting our

Stride with detailing I suddenly felt like I could afford to spend a stream on something that I really wanted to do happen on my optional list for a long time you see I’m aware that building everything I’ve dreamed of is going to take a long time so I try to make

Sensible decisions about what happens when so to progress in the movie makes sense for you guys which means that quite often things get put on hold because something else is more urgent for movie purposes but since we were doing so well here for something off the optional list and

Make it a reality but to pull that off I had to spend some more time in the Redstone lab for somewhat of a milestone moment actually learning is always a gradual experience and the best way to learn is by studying the work of people who are ahead of you in their understanding

So I had borrowed from amazing red stoners but eventually you have to step out of your comfort zone and fly even if it might not look pretty so I decided that I was going to design this Redstone circuit completely by myself using the tricks I had learned

From all the builds that I studied so far what I wanted to create was a system that is part of my fire art show which shoots snowballs through Lava now I had used something like that before but in that design for the season 1 nether Hub it had been super visible

Here I couldn’t do that since it would create light pollution on my perfectly small improved yet dark Mountain so I needed a system that hit itself away and I put together just that and once I had it working I did a Red Zone thing that I had never managed before

I slimmed it way down and made it compact now I’m sure this could be done way easier cleaner or better but it felt like a massive victory in the Looney Red Zone Arc and I was proud of it now the only thing I still had to do was build it into my world

So during the next stream I built up three of these modules to start off with right under the mountain surface I filled them up and tested it and it worked to Perfection at this point I was just one day away from the Big 3 000 day stream so I

Started collecting Up dice crafting fireworks and just getting everything ready for the big game because on May 14th 2023 I was going to do the remaining 25 game days in a single stream while I filled up the 3K days book that was going to end up in

The Hall of thousands where we started this thousand day Arc and that stream from beginning to end was just amazing I spent so much time writing your names in that book that it took me 10 hours and 15 minutes to get through eight hours and 20 minutes of gameplay with less

Than an hour of combined breaks I spend nearly an hour just writing your names meanwhile we finished the lower area at the Fortress structure and added deflate Redstone or in the wall underneath which looks amazing and that filled up all the gaps so it was now a finished structure with no snow or

Cobblestone behind it then we wasted two game days to gather a block of netherride to put on top of the Fortress because stream chat went wild over it in one of my longtime moderators dakshi offered to shave his rather impressive beer in exchange he actually did that I saw the picture

Then we pull off an absolute Speed Run of the remaining Bridge sections that weren’t fully completed decorated The Mineshaft area and cleaned it up just as fast and then when that was done I constructed Redstone doors to access the Farms behind the newly finished terraforming celebrated every five day Milestone

Netstream with fireworks at the starter house spent the last few days polishing the brewery room interior while the countdown to the fireworks show on day 3000 started with 20 minutes left in my thousand day Arc I grabbed my Pathfinder’s Coffer that points to all the relevant

Locations in my world and I showed off all the work grind and love that went into this world so far but while strange head and I flew off on that Journey you and I have a different one to share at the beginning of this movie our industrial district looked like this

Now a thousand days later we have added a whole bunch of new Farms while the area got prettier rather than Messier they’re still a long way to go before this place completed transformation into the magical base that I have in mind but these past thousand days we have made some spectacular jumps in

The right direction [Applause] Foreign S as the cherry on top with minutes to spare on the night of day 299 I returned from the recap tour flick the lever to start what may very well be the best Minecraft Survival fireworks show so far That night the sky around the Lonely Mountain filled with sparkling colors but it was more than that magic was in the air and with a smile on his face Looney flew to the Hall of Fame against the spectacular when he placed that book on the lectern to remember another leg of the journey

Successfully completed together with all his friends tear rolled down his cheek because he knew this was the most special Minecraft world he would ever have thank you for watching and I’ll see you another thousand days

This video, titled ‘I Spent 3000 Days Building ONE Base in Hardcore Minecraft – [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Loony on 2023-07-07 10:00:18. It has garnered 433323 views and 19574 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:10 or 7510 seconds.

I Survived 1000 in Minecraft Hardcore mode… Three times, without every sleeping! After placing over 1.3 million blocks by hand without any mods.. my wrist hurts, but my world looks spectacular!

Enjoy this actual movie, where I take you on an adventure of a thousand days from day 2000 to 3000.

You’re about to enjoy a Hardcore Minecraft story where I’m building a world like Wadzee, Sandiction, Ph1Lza, SB737, aCookieGod, Kolanii, Beppo, LockDownLife, Wunba, NotNotBrock and others. Except it’s a super coherent world. All with a single life and streamed live multiple days a week.

This is my season 2: a Tale of a Loonatic

★ FOLLOW ME ★ ▸ Twitch: https://twitch.tv/Loony_MC (For Minecraft Radio lofi streams) ▸ Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoopyLoony


Shader: Complementary

00:00:00 Welcome, thanks for clicking! 00:00:45 The Heart Of Our Shared Journey 00:03:35 A Magical Entrance 00:08:22 The Froggy Adventure 00:13:55 High Tech Cave Dwellers 00:24:45 The Real Challenge 00:33:46 Beauty To Balance Out The Grind 00:42:08 Shine A Light 00:51:31 We All Have To Do Better 00:57:42 Happy Birthday! 01:04:02 A Place Like None Other 01:06:37 A Major Turning Point 01:21:47 Adventures Out In The World 01:36:06 Complicating Factors & Game Changers 01:47:18 The Magic Is In The Details 02:02:32 It’s All In The Journey, Not The Destination

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  • Minecraft Anime Modpack: Heroic Saga S1 EP1

    Minecraft Anime Modpack: Heroic Saga S1 EP1 The Exciting World of Minecraft Anime Modpack Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Anime Modpack! 🌟 Exploring New Realms Step into a realm where creativity knows no bounds. With the Minecraft Anime Modpack, players can dive into a world filled with vibrant colors, unique characters, and exciting challenges. 🎮 Customization Galore One of the standout features of this modpack is the extensive customization options available. From character skins to building designs, players can truly make the game their own. 💫 Exciting Gameplay Get ready for action-packed gameplay as you navigate through different landscapes, battle fierce… Read More

  • Experience the Best Hardcore Minecraft Start Ever on Minewind Server!

    Experience the Best Hardcore Minecraft Start Ever on Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and highlights from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to share with you an exciting new series of Minecraft Hardcore that we stumbled upon. In this episode, the YouTuber embarked on a journey to build a Japanese-style house in the game. The attention to detail and dedication to creating a unique and aesthetically pleasing structure is truly inspiring. As we watched the YouTuber navigate through the challenges of gathering resources, exploring different biomes, and crafting intricate designs, we couldn’t help but be drawn into the immersive world of Minecraft…. Read More

  • Dragon Clay Play: Crafting Ender Magic

    Dragon Clay Play: Crafting Ender Magic In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Agent creates an Ender Dragon that truly jives. With a moving body, it’s a sight to behold, Crafted with care, each detail is bold. Gluing the pieces, forming the frame, The mechanism for movement, a challenging game. Coloring with care, making it real, Shaping with finesse, a masterful deal. Thanks to supporters, Witcher and more, Their names are honored, forever in lore. To be on the list, just donate and see, Agent’s creations, for all to be. So subscribe and like, show your support, For Agent’s talents, a true cohort. In… Read More

  • Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft: 101% Success

    Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft: 101% Success Unleashing the Power of the Wither Storm in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? The Wither Storm is a formidable foe that can bring a new level of challenge and excitement to your gameplay. In this guide, we will show you how to summon the mighty Wither Storm in Minecraft without the need for any mods. Get ready to face this powerful creature and test your skills in the world of Minecraft! Summoning the Wither Storm Summoning the Wither Storm is no easy task, but with the right knowledge, you can bring… Read More

  • Block by Block, I Built My Cabin Empire

    Block by Block, I Built My Cabin Empire In the void of Minecraft, a cabin empire did rise, With logs and snow, under winter skies. Zealand tried to exploit, but the truth came clear, In this icy world, there’s no room for fear. The Floating Castle, a sight to behold, Two new trees, with stories untold. Mines bigger than ever, a sight to see, But the FUNKIEST cabin, that’s where I’ll be. A real estate business, bidding on the cabin, Getting that bag, no room for stabbin’. Immediate seller’s regret, but all ends well, In this Minecraft world, where stories swell. So leap into the verse, with… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Enhanced Crafting Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Enhanced Crafting Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video by WiseGamerNetwork on how to increase crafted items in Minecraft. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to put those crafting skills to the test than on a server like Minewind? Imagine a world where your creativity knows no bounds, where you can build and explore to your heart’s content. That’s the kind of experience you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Shaders Revealed!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Shaders Revealed! The Best Shaders for Minecraft: A Closer Look Introduction Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is through shaders. Shaders are mods that can significantly improve the visual appeal of the game, adding realistic lighting, shadows, and textures. Top Shaders for Minecraft If you’re looking to elevate your Minecraft experience, consider checking out some of the best shaders available: – Shader 1: [Link to Shader 1] – Shader 2: [Link to Shader 2] – Minecraft Patch: [Link to Minecraft Patch] Features of Shaders – Improved lighting effects -… Read More

  • The Insane Plot Twist of Herobrine’s Revenge 😵 | #viral #minecraft

    The Insane Plot Twist of Herobrine's Revenge 😵 | #viral #minecraftVideo Information अरे यह रही दुकान यहां से एक ब्रेड ले लेता हूं ए कौन हो तुम रुको अभी पकड़ता हूं तुम्हें ये लो खा लो नहीं ऐसा मत करना ऐसा मत करना अब तुम्हें पता चलेगा प तुमने ये अच्छा नहीं किया अब तुम सबको मैं खत्म कर दूंगा अब तुम सबको मैं खत्म कर दूंगा चलो यहां से निकल जाता हूं मैं भी नहीं छोडूंगा This video, titled ‘Herobrine revenge 😈 | #minecraft #shorts #herobrine #fyp #viral #entity’, was uploaded by The minecle on 2024-04-06 07:00:10. It has garnered 14382 views and likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Champion: Ridge Rush in Hill Climb Racing

    Unleash Your Inner Champion: Ridge Rush in Hill Climb RacingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ridge Rush: Ascend the Heights in Hill Climb Racing’, was uploaded by Game On on 2024-05-11 14:00:05. It has garnered 65 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:05 or 125 seconds. Ridge Rush: Ascend the Heights in Hill Climb Racing Fortnite, Minecraft, Call of Duty, Among Us, Xbox, PlayStation, PC Gaming, Nintendo Switch, eSports, Twitch, Let’s Play, Gamer Life, Game Reviews, Mobile Gaming, Indie Games, Retro Gaming, Game Development, VR Gaming, Gaming Community, Gaming Memes, Gaming Setup, Competitive Gaming, Gaming News, Gaming Events, Game Streaming, Gaming Culture, Game Walkthroughs, Game Mods,… Read More

  • INSANE SERVER! Join Now for EPIC Faction Battles 🔥

    INSANE SERVER! Join Now for EPIC Faction Battles 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥Minecraft:JOGANDO FACTIONS!!! (REDE FANTASY 1.8.X )’, was uploaded by YouLagBR on 2024-04-20 10:51:34. It has garnered 164 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 04:41:46 or 16906 seconds. ⛔DESCRIPTION: (If you liked the video, leave a like 👍) 📌Nick: YouLagBR 📌Lots of news and things to do on the server. 📌Click SHOW MORE to see the full description. 📌Server IP: RedeFantasy.com📌 📌Sv Discord: / discord 📌Nick:YouLagBR 📌Goal for the video 📌15 likes. 📌 And rising. 📌Do you want me to share your serving? Get in touch via Discord! 📌Discord: 📌Discord For Subscribers:… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Tower Build w/ RTX 😱 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Tower Build w/ RTX 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cobblestone Tower With RTX #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMER AZY on 2024-03-22 02:55:59. It has garnered 55 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Minecraft Cobblestone Tower With RTX #shorts DAILY GAMING VIDEOS GAMEPLAY SUBSCRIBE LIKE&SHARE minecraft shorts cartoon fede vigevani short video spiderman 100 days minecraft videos 3008 roblox akang mv aphmau aswang babae boboiboy halilintar cash charlie charlie chhodo puja chucky dagar y nacho download enaldinho ewean yang sudah menikah luar negeri film horor flags of the world franklin shinchan free kitsune fruit gedagedigedagedo original gereni… Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    V For Vanilla Server IP: VForV.net Server Discord: Join our Discord Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP server started on December 4th, 2021. Our goal is to provide players with a true vanilla gameplay experience. We have minimal admin intervention and do not use game-changing plugins or commands to keep the experience authentic. Cheaters are banned to keep things fair for everyone. If you are looking for a true vanilla experience, we welcome you to join our small community of players from around the world. Server Info: World Border At 30M No Map Resets Random, unprotected… Read More

  • mc4e.bukkit.eu – Survival/mcmmo/essentials/Spielereconomy

    Access only by writing to Discord! Further details below.(Java Version – 1.20.4)Hello to all who notice this server entry.We run a small Minecraft server with whitelist that isThe goal is to have a Minecraft Survival world that will last foreverAfter years you get tired of it when over and over againeverything that was built disappears because suddenly the server is gone.The server has currently been online for 2 years straight. TheServer uses a few plugins that increase long-term motivationsuch as mcmmo. Among other things, we also have a self-developedTrading plugin which allows you to exchange blocks and thusbuilding much easier!… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Heaven vs Hell, The Ultimate Showdown

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: Heaven vs Hell, The Ultimate ShowdownYeah, it’s like entering a whole new realm where the only currency is diamonds and the only language is enchanted enchantments. Heaven vs Hell? More like Creeper vs Enderman showdown! Read More

  • Crafting My Real-Life Minecraft House: A Blocky Adventure

    Crafting My Real-Life Minecraft House: A Blocky Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a house I did make, Crafted in real life, for creativity’s sake. Wooden blocks painted, with details so fine, Functional blocks made, in a creative design. Cobblestone Pebbles poured, grass squares cut small, Artificial Vine balls, for leaf blocks to install. Fake dirt made from Oreos, a clever solution, Building this house, a creative evolution. Avengers assemble, the Minecraft blocks align, Creating a house, in a design so divine. Though not perfect, I’m proud of my creation, A journey of passion, and creative elation. More projects to come, challenges to face, Pushing my limits,… Read More

  • HELLISH nether portals with RANKS in Minecraft #shorts #Meme #memes

    HELLISH nether portals with RANKS in Minecraft #shorts #Meme #memes Why do these nether portals have ranks? Are they trying to climb the corporate ladder in the underworld? #MinecraftOfficePolitics Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience a Colorful Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience a Colorful Minecraft Adventure! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting server to join where you can unleash your creativity and have a great time with fellow players? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to dive into the world of Minecraft. Imagine a server where you can embark on thrilling adventures, build magnificent structures, and engage in epic battles. Minewind offers all of this and more, making it the ultimate destination for Minecraft players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind… Read More

  • Dronio AI takes over Minecraft in epic drone footage

    Dronio AI takes over Minecraft in epic drone footageVideo Information Какой самый прочный блок в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это бедрок Но это совершенно не так ведь бедрок можно сломать даже деревянной киркой кто-то скажет что это обсидиан Ну и это не самый прочный блок Так какой же блок по настоящему самый прочный в Майнкрафте и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это блок барьера ведь его вообще ничем не сломать This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded… Read More

  • The Spawn Chunks 297: Name Mystery!

    The Spawn Chunks 297: Name Mystery!Video Information [Music] welcome to the spawn chunks episode number 297 for Monday May 13th 2024 this is a podcast all about Minecraft available across all major podcast platforms including YouTube if you’re enjoying the show consider subscribing wherever you’re listening to this my name is Johnny but the internet knows me as pixel riffs and joining me as always Brick by Brick is Joel Dugen hi Joel hello and if you would like to hear more about my new Lego set if you would like to hear more about the games like animal well that Johnny is playing and… Read More


    BECOMING A MILLIONAIRE IN MINECRAFT?!? Jey Jey's Crazy Prank!!Video Information Hi guys videoestingung City social experiment paratinung goodaritan atay prformado let’s go Ang gandaanda ng Araw tamangtama magrelax ha Buti tumatbo maayosung m negosyo ko katul Nong Baban at Saka nitong Manukan nabenta ko sila sa talip Tapos meron Pa Akong mga taniman diyan nagsscessung m Plano natinti nagugut ak di k l k ng Apple ng sandwich y Tapos kaangan natin ng tubig guysan kayust ng Apple share tayo Apple fres uy Ang sarap grabe iba talag Yung appleag Bagong pitas Tapos meron ditong sandwich Yan Ang sandwich guysu at sakaung mga tomato Pero syempre P kumain… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Shaders Reveal: SECRET Python Gameplay

    EPIC Minecraft Shaders Reveal: SECRET Python GameplayVideo Information Minecraft shaders there’s a lot of them but there’s one key feature that separates most of them from the vanilla Minecraft lighting shadows in most of the fancy shaders the blocks will cast Shadows based on the position of the sun while in normal Minecraft you would just get Shadows when blocks are directly above other blocks newer versions of the game will blur the Shadows to make them more realistic but if you look at the Alpha version of the game it’s very very obvious what’s going on here the interesting thing is that making realistic Shadows… Read More


    🔥 INSANE 2024 MINECRAFT FACTIONS SERVER - CHRONOS PVPVideo Information Y what is going on guys famous here welcome back to another video on my channel guys so as you guys can see we are on play. Chronos pvp.net guys and this is 1.20 factions guys so it’s a little bit different from like the 1.8 factions I’ve been uploading but you guys already know that I was uploading um 1.20 factions for a while so I already get the gist of everything but yeah this server is pretty unique guys it has a lot of stuff that you know you guys never seen before so it kind… Read More

  • Rose Fiber: Insane Minecraft Draft Challenge!

    Rose Fiber: Insane Minecraft Draft Challenge!Video Information get out of here oh Luke’s turn to draft oh I got to take a seat I got to take a seat oh yeah the middle for us Captain yeah get out of here you my bad my bad my bad for me everyone’s a Steve oh my God hi I’m moving from the captain Oh okay wait wait wait wait wait that means Carter going to be proper then yeah Carter is going to probably get proper he’s not no he’s not piing proper he’s not yeah Carter so breaking proper what no no no I something… Read More

  • Insane Plays with Epic Bow Skills! #104

    Insane Plays with Epic Bow Skills! #104Video Information [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] e [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] now [Music] This video, titled ‘Got the bowww #104 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-02-17 05:17:14. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:32 or… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos on the Hive Server! 🐝

    Unleashing Chaos on the Hive Server! 🐝Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] came into my room to check that I was okay I just can I can I [Music] just ever tell you I’m boring I I realized something Eli your your name is like an is like a acronym you know English language and [Music] interpretation blood so much how long have you spent thinking about my name that’s a bit weird actually no that’s just a that’s just a now realization bad is having a sensory [Music] overload me I’m about I’m just about to tell you that I already promoted you so um… Read More

  • Unleash MONSTER madness in my JAVA MINECRAFT SMP live! 🎮🔥

    Unleash MONSTER madness in my JAVA MINECRAFT SMP live! 🎮🔥Video Information और [संगीत] हेलो गाइस जल्दी जल्दी आ जाओ एसएसबी हेलो ब्रो यस ब्रो तुम फर्स्ट आ गए फर्स्ट टॉक गेमर प्लीज हेलो ब्रो आईपी आईपी ब्रो डिस्क्रिप्शन में मेरे भाई आईपी डिस्क्रिप्शन में दे रखी है आईपी डिस्क्रिप्शन में दे रखी है मेरे भाई और सब्सक्राइब जरूर कर लेना यार जल्दी जल्दी आज सब्सक्राइब जरूर कर लो 1.35 के सब्सक्राइबर टारगेट लेके चल रहे आज सब्सक्राइब कर लो अमृत वाइटी हेलो मेरा भाई अमृत भाई कैसे हो कैसा है ब्रो हां ब्रो क्या हो गया गा जल्दी जल्दी सब्सक्राइब कर लो यार 1.35 के सब्स कंप्लीट करने आ… Read More

  • Prophecy Realm

    Prophecy RealmProphecy Realm is the host of Skyblock, Towny, Creative and much more. Hop on today and compete in events to earn real money. We’re also hiring staff! prophecyrealm.com Read More

  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

    Welcome to Thugcraft! A no hack Anarchy server with no player homes, economy, or player teleports. Play on a recently generated world created on 2/23/2024. No hack clients, duping, or lagging the server allowed. Ip: thugcraftmc.com (1.17-1.20.6+) Discord: https://discord.com/invite/5utQ8JVQ Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans”

    Why did the Minecraft player bring a shovel to the math test? Because they heard they needed to dig deep to find the answers! Read More

  • Ratchet & Clank: Astral Mission Guide – Minecraft Mobile Madness

    Ratchet & Clank: Astral Mission Guide - Minecraft Mobile Madness In the world of Minecraft, a hero I be, Facing challenges with grace, you see. Avoiding the fire, with skill and care, Rescuing those in need, everywhere. With a sharp eye and a steady hand, I navigate this fiery land. Saving lives and being brave, In this game, I’m here to save. So join me on this epic quest, Where danger lurks, but I am blessed. To be the hero, the one they call, In Minecraft, I stand tall. Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #creeperattack #gamerstruggles #minecraftmemes #funnybutpainful Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of learning new languages while enjoying gaming content? If so, you’re in for a treat! Check out this awesome YouTube video where Monday Morning teaches German through Minecraft gameplay. It’s a fun and interactive way to expand your language skills while having a great time. But wait, there’s more! If you’re looking for a vibrant and engaging Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and exciting experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just… Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Mall Prank

    Real Life Minecraft Mall Prank Minecraft Real Life Shopping Mall: A Trending Minecraft Short Imagine stepping into a real-life Minecraft world where everything is possible. The latest trend in the Minecraft community is the creation of a virtual shopping mall within the game. Players are diving into this immersive experience, exploring the intricately designed mall and having a blast. Exploring the Minecraft Shopping Mall Players are amazed by the attention to detail in the Minecraft shopping mall. From clothing stores to food courts, every aspect of a real-life mall is replicated within the game. The vibrant colors, bustling crowds, and interactive elements make the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Money Hunt Challenge LIVE! Jerome vs. Friends

    Insane Minecraft Money Hunt Challenge LIVE! Jerome vs. FriendsVideo Information all right I’ll do a slow count one two three go it’s their main Viner jeez I thought he was never going to finish that countdown that was ridiculous yeah that was ridiculous honestly minut chance [Music] Cube there might be some wrong I think there needs to be five more minutes on there bro oh my gosh M Miner uh no Vin Miner sorry me Nathaniel Titus said the Spanky video is is yeah the spy video is great dude Vernon what’s up dude thank you for the $5 stream tip he said hey buddies happy Monday… Read More

  • Unleashing Hardcore Chaos in Minecraft

    Unleashing Hardcore Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information action let’s go we’re live think I’m might have to jump you for that there we go I’m have to I’m GNA have to jump you for that it’s so interesting I know okay send the message and boom there I got I got all my I got all my stuff figured out there we go yes okay we’re good we are ready G is is your stream all set are you already I’m good to goomie okay I just need to just need to make sure yours was live because without you yeah we good oh get… Read More


    EPIC PARROT CAGE BUILD - MUST SEE! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PARROT CAGE IN MINECRAFT/BEST PARROT CAGE OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-03-29 16:58:25. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

I Spent 3000 Days Building ONE Base in Hardcore Minecraft  – [FULL MOVIE]