I Survived 100 Days as a GOD in Minecraft

Video Information

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a god i mean you could just smite someone you don’t like take that karen welcome to 100 days as a god in minecraft where i have to survive 100 days against two demons who have come into my minecraft world through a demon

Portal will i be able to use my godly powers to survive the demon’s attacks let’s find out on day one i spawned in as a normal guy wait this can’t be right this is hundred days as a god where are my god powers do you mean god you’re not a god

First g huh oh wait a minute see you have to level yourself up to become god now die by our demon wait what we’re gonna get your soul oh god okay i’m out of here apparently we’re being chased by demons and we’re not even a god yet we are literally just

A mere mortals we need to turn ourselves into a god but first let’s escape these demons shall we come here little mortal okay i have an idea i have an idea if i keep going this way it looks like there’s an ocean up ahead and i bet you

I can lose them in the ocean okay dive down this water we watch your soul i think i saw a little cave over here i did look at this and we can swim back up here and look we did a little loop hey where’d he go demon partner oh we

Definitely lost him let’s go oh yeah they’re behind us they’re just in the water let’s go let’s quickly go make a base and then we’ll go from there okay we officially escaped the demons now we gotta get going and start working on an anti-demon base because otherwise we’re

Gonna die fast let’s get going let’s just head to the village that’s right behind me i think building a base in the village is gonna be good for now this is gonna have a lot of the starting tools and supplies that we’re gonna need to really get going this will be a good

Place to start off so we won’t build in the village and we won’t just take a house in the village we definitely need to build our own place because otherwise we’ll be destroyed way too easy but we already got a bed which is good we already got some bread okay i thought of

The ultimate idea for a base you see these little shopping stalls no one would expect that just behind one of these stalls you could just hide a base that’s exactly what i’m gonna do i’m gonna hide my base literally just right here and i think with the grass around

It it’s actually gonna be pretty hard to find so let’s quickly cut down a few trees okay 10 logs will do for now let’s go start working on this base let’s keep digging down little staircase till we get to our base entrance okay the base is completely carved out

That took pretty much the whole day it’s already nighttime outside so we’re gonna put down our bed sleep we’ll continue working on the base tomorrow over the next few days i continued working on the base to get all the essentials that i needed and not only did i finish my

First base but i was able to get enough iron for full armor a shield and a sword okay the basic survival base is complete we got our furnaces we got our chests we got our bed our water our anvil and crafting table got our mine shaft all

The way down there we’re doing pretty good overall so i think we’re pretty much ready to go to get started on becoming a god obviously right now we are not a god and that’s very confusing but if i hit the g key that’s because we are an enlightened immortal meaning we

Are the first level we’re not even a god we’re just a mortal who’s enlightened to become a god we’re gonna have to go through all of these different steps to eventually become a god first we have the enlightened mortal followed by the dedicated apostle followed by a god in

Training followed by a demigod and then finally a god if we want to have a chance at surviving now luckily there are two other skill trees that are gonna help me survive first is the godly equipment which includes zeus’s lightning bolts and hermes boots then we have another power tree that gives us

Stuff like apollo’s judgment which is a giant sunbeam or we could do aphrodite’s love which would summon a pillager army to fight for me now these powers are really op so we gotta get working on them asap and i know exactly which one i want to start working on first let’s

Unlock zeus’s lightning bolt all you need is a trident 64 redstone dust and 64 gunpowder so let’s go down to the mine and let’s start biting for some redstone oh a diamond no way dude what are the odds of that i’m not even trying to look for diamonds man die cockroach

Okay we got enough redstone perfect there we go everything’s stored in the chest looks like it’s night outside so let’s go cover up our house and then we’ll go to sleep till tomorrow okay hello a day six now we gotta go ahead and work on getting 64 gunpowder now

This would be much easier with a looting sword but for this one i think we’re just gonna grind it out okay we are done getting the gunpowder now the last item we need to unlock zeus’s lightning bolt is the trident now there are a few ways to get tridents

From what i understand but the easiest way is to head to underwater ruins and kill ground oh and there we go we got ourselves a drown no trident from you okay uh there was no trident here never mind i can already tell this is gonna be

Terrible oh god okay we got the trident it’s basically broken but hey a trident is a trident let’s get back to the base unlock the upgrade and then we’ll go to sleep for the night okay we’re back in the base so let’s go ahead let’s get the

Supplies we need for the upgrade now let’s unlock zeus’s lightning bolt there we go we have it unlocked and now you’ll see that we have zeus’s lightning bolt in our hand right now now i try it out now but it’s night time i’m already down

Here let’s go to bed and try it out in the morning okay good morning on day 10. let’s go ahead and let’s try out zeus’s lightning bolt shall we see here’s a cow right here when i throw it at him you’ll see it smites him now you didn’t see this

Might come from the sky because of the shader pack so let me take that off and show you what that looks like without shaders this looks terrible okay let’s try it on this cow how cool is that so yeah zeus is lightning bolt pretty cool we heard your

Lightning wait what oh god oh wait are they close we’re coming for your soul i think they met soul the demons are getting close they heard they heard my lightning strike earlier let’s go up here in case they’re coming we’ll be able to see them coming from up here i

Don’t see oh i see them hey there’s the dude let’s get him let’s get him oh i fell i did not mean to just jump off that building let’s put a block up here so they can’t get up here and now it’s lightning them

Oh that hurt a lot oh you like that baby get smited dude oh i killed one already okay we can get this other guy let’s just throw it right there oh my god and it comes back to me you can’t hide demon oh this is so op

Oh wait now that we got zeus’s lightning bolt done let’s start working on our next upgrade normally i would pick a power from a different skill tree however the boots of hermes are really op because they not only give you speed 3 but they give you the ability to walk

On water and lava and it’s really not that hard of an upgrade only requiring 128 sugar feathers and leather and since sugar is super easy to get let’s head to a desert and get a ton of sugarcane and there we go 128 sugar cane which will easily turn into sugar just by

Putting it in our inventory like so 128 sugar done okay we’re back at the village it’s already pretty much nighttime so let’s get going to our base let’s go to bed we’ll start working on the feathers and leather tomorrow okay hello on day 12. let’s go get some

Feathers and leather so we can unlock the boots of hermes so it’s time to murder some mobs do montage And there we go we are officially done with feathers and leather so now we can head back to the base and actually do the upgrade and then we’ll go to sleep and show off the power tomorrow okay we got all our sugar all of our leather and

All of our feathers which should be enough to unlock hermes boots let’s do it there we go now you’re gonna see that i have to put them on my actual boots like armor but now you’ll see i have constant speed three constant fire resistance and i can walk on water and

Lava as proof here’s a little water pool and i’m standing on top of it yeah cool next up great unlocked let’s go to bed okay with the hermes boots upgrade i’m gonna start working on an escape tunnel that’s full with lava because i can walk on the lava in this escape tunnel so

It’s gonna be super easy even the demons can’t walk on lava so this will be a really simple way to build an escape tunnel that only i can go through okay the tunnel’s done on the base now all we have to do is add some lava to it so

We’re gonna dig out the floor add a bunch of lava and go from there five buckets oh yeah that’s more enough so we got five buckets let’s go fill all these with lava real quick oh we’re back at the village partner we gotta get this human yeah i’m gonna take this guy’s

Soul real quick oh my goodness wait i thought i saw a lava bucket on the mini-map did i not oh demon dvd oh did he see me oh he saw me we’re gonna feel some can’t let him in this space i can’t let him in the space

Hold on can i smite them from down here is that smiting them i don’t even know if that was working oh they’re in they’re in the room come on oh we’re in we’re in we’re in we’re in okay all right um i’m dropping the payload i’m dropping the payload oh

My gosh my stop no oh we gotta go they’re gonna kill us they’re gonna surround us in there we need to get out here we’re gone okay we’re go google we need to get it here boots of hermes we’re faster than them we can get out of here

But they just destroyed our base so we’re gonna have to go make another one because that base just got absolutely destroyed after the demons destroyed my base i ran far away from that place i knew my base was a goner so i had to start fresh and began a brand new base

Since hermes boots saved me from dying there i called the new base hermes dojo and welcome to the hermes dojo so i built it right into the side of a mountain right behind this waterfall you go in this front door and boom you’re in the brand new base and look at what we

Got it’s pretty basic like usual but i’ll show you around we got all our chests right here furnaces blast furnaces and smokers right there we got the anvil the crafting table and the bed and if we go upstairs we also have a little search deck now i haven’t put

Anything up here yet but if we look out over this way we can now look out over the distance and see if anyone is coming to attack us so the other cool thing about my base is there’s this hole in the corner with a few ladders now

Because i have hermes boots on i can actually escape through this you’re gonna see i’m now in the lava but that’s okay because i can use this lava to quickly get over here and then we simply just hop in this little water pool swim

Up here and we are out of the base just like that so that’s the new base anyway next we gotta figure out what upgrade we’re gonna work on now we already did two godly equipments so let’s get a divine power which is gonna be apollo’s judgment i can conjure a sunbeam for

Three seconds that lights everything it looks at on fire and luckily this one is pretty easy too all we need is 18 lava buckets and 64 magma blocks so we can pretty much get all that done in the nether we’ll likely be able to get this

Done in the rest of today so we’ll quickly head to another and do that first things first though we gotta make another portal okay now let’s head back up and make our nether portal and go to the nether okay let’s light this bad boy off so let’s go

Ahead and make a bunch of buckets okay there we go we got all the buckets we need now let’s go get all the magma and lava buckets from the nether okay let’s go find a patch of magma that we can mine up and let’s start heading over to

That lava over there so we can go fill our buckets up okay we’re at the lava let’s fill up all these buckets there we go lava bucket’s done now we just need to get now we just need to get 64 magma blocks which also is really easy all we

Need to do is find a source of magma okay here’s a bunch of magma here let’s grab it luckily we can walk on the lava man this gravel above is actually kind of annoying that’s going to prevent me from getting most of this isn’t it let’s

Go here oh yeah here we go here we go and there we go we got all the bag but we need now let’s go back to the base and do the upgrade and we’re back and it looks like it’s night time so let’s quickly do the upgrade there we go we

Now apollo’s judgment now let’s go to bed and try this out in the morning day 21 let’s try out apollo’s sunbeam so let’s go find some mobs and let’s try this out so we got an iron golem right here let’s try it on this iron golem

Well there we go it set them on fire that’s pretty straightforward not overly strong but also not really that weak either i hope you live oh good we’ve now unlocked the first divine power now we’re gonna go ahead and work on the second one called athena strategy

Because if you look closely it says i have the ability to see nearby oars and chests it’s basically x-ray so i can cheat and see yours with this power so i definitely need to get this what is an elephant doing up there anyway to get this one we need 64 emerald 64 chests

And 250 lapis lazuli so because i’m gonna need a lot of wood here let’s start by cutting down an absolute boatload of trees There we go we got all the logs we need okay let’s go store all the wood say hello to our floating elephant friends let’s make this the wood chest so let’s store all the logs in here okay let’s craft all the chests that we’re gonna

Need and now we have 64 chests now we just need 250 lapis and 64 emeralds now for the rest of the day i’m gonna go ahead and start working on designing this upstairs room and then tomorrow we’re gonna start working on the lapis and emeralds okay cool i went upstairs

And i made this little enchanting table in channing room so that’ll come in handy in the future and now it’s night so let’s go to bed and we’ll start working on the emeralds and the lapis tomorrow okay hello on day 22. so for the next upgrade we still need 64

Emeralds and 250 lapis lazuli now that is actually going to be pretty difficult to do so to make this a little easier i want to try and get fortune on one of my pickaxes okay let’s grab some wood from the wood chest and let’s go ahead and

Turn these into a bunch of wooden pickaxes till we get one that is going to give us the fortune enchantment okay once again all efficiencies no fortune here no fortune there there we go fortune one let’s throw that on the diamond pickaxe cool now we have fortune

On our pickaxe now the fortune’s just gonna make mining these ores just a little bit easier we need to go to a mountain biome so we’re gonna go ahead and leave the base for now and go find ourselves a mountain biome okay there oh we’re being shot at where

Yay good shot oh the demons are here i’m mining i’m busy let’s go over here let’s get our lightning bolt ready okay we lightning’s one set him on fire let’s set all this on fire in fact okay there we go we set a bunch of fire ah why is everything on fire

Nice just keep smiting him there’s one getting up behind me oh my goodness he’s low he’s low we got our beam back we got our beam back let’s hit him on fire there we go we gotta keep just smiting them he’s gotta be low dude he’s so low he’s he’s trying to get

Out of there oh no he’s going for me yes okay one down keep fighting like a god let’s go he’s in the fire let’s go dude yes let’s go oh i can’t believe we survived that anyway we still need more lapis and emeralds let’s get to work there we go

250 lapis okay let’s grab our 64 chests now let’s do the athena strategy upgrade which is basically going to give us x-ray and other great abilities let’s do it and now we have it so we officially can x-ray in the world and find nearby oars and stuff let’s test this out real

Quick oh yeah i’d say that is definitely working look at all those oars it looks like there’s some emeralds down there it looks like there’s coal gold iron tons of oars and look at that itty-bitty diamond down there well that is definitely gonna be useful it only works

Without shaders so let’s put that shader pack back on shall we so cool the athene upgrade is awesome it looks like it’s starting to become night so we gotta pick our next upgrade doing more of the god form tree would be definitely useful but all it does is give me hearts and

More reach so instead before we start working on that let’s do one more upgrade and let’s get dionasi’s head wreath and athena’s shield mostly because it’s actually really easy but anyway let’s first go to bed after unlocking athena’s strategy i worked on the next upgrade which really was like

Two upgrades in one it was called dionasi’s head wreath and athena shield it’s a combo upgrade meaning i get two powers for a single upgrade to get it all i needed was 128 gold 128 sweet berries 64 flowers and 64 logs it was that easy so we just need to let the

Gold finish melting then we can unlock the enosis head wreath and athena shield and there we go all done okay let’s grab our oak locks and now we can go ahead and do the diagnostic head wreath and athena shield there we go and you can

See we got both of the items in our inventory now we have athena shield look at that that looks so cool and we can put on the head wreath and now you’re gonna see we have haste luck saturation fire resistance and speed this is amazing and it looks like we’re wearing

No armor which honestly is just going to make them think i’m weaker than i really am but in reality we have these really cool bits of armor that look like this so i’m feeling very confident with my new shield because not only do i have all these amazing abilities but i also

Have a cool looking shield i mean come on this thing’s cool but i want to test out my new powers so we’re going to go find the demon’s base and then we’re going to take them on and see how this goes luckily i’ve heard these boots so if i

Need to escape i can’t okay i found their base it’s actually really close to my current base i didn’t think it would be this close here we go oh i can’t shift while that’s on oh god that did not work let’s throw lightning

At them oh oh oh i see ryan’s name oh my goodness i saw a sunbeam laser what kind of shield is that okay here we go one of them’s trying to be sneaky nice let’s keep doing that it’s gonna work good ready ready watch this i have an idea

I tried him in yes yes okay he’s dead oh god no oh how did i mess that up oh he jumped down oh i jumped down oh i can walk on the water right right i can keep him trapped in there he’s in the water he’s in the water break your shield

Oh there’s one on me there’s one on me we missed oh he’s in lava he’s gonna die oh there we go come on he’s done i’m dead yes where’s the other one oh he’s up top he’s up top jump over here i don’t want to get trapped in here

I mean shout out me and shot it oh what do we got me am i invincible oh i hit him down did he fall let’s go let’s go to their base let’s see if we can steal something and then run because they’re just gonna keep respawning here so let’s just go to

Their base and see what we can take oh chest chest oh my diamonds my diamonds are there oh we got our diamonds back let’s go this way oh there’s a staircase right here let’s get out of here we got our diamonds back let’s go okay we’re back home let’s go to bed

After attacking the demon’s base i knew i was stronger than they were i knew this wouldn’t last forever but for right now i don’t have to fear the demons but because i know they’re only going to get stronger i have to try and stay ahead of

Them so finally i started on my first upgrade to become a god okay day 38 we still need to go ahead and get the rabbit’s feet for the next upgrade but the pistons and the sticky pistons are complete so let’s head to a desert find some rabbits to kill and hopefully they

Drop us a rabbit’s foot sooner rather than later okay we are back at the base we got the rabbit’s feet let’s do this and now we can go ahead and become a dedicated apostle with 15 hp five blocks of reach and we can now jump higher than normal

Look at all the abilities we have right now so not only are we super fast and super strong but now we’re super jumpy and bouncy as well anyway let’s go to sleep and wake up tomorrow because we still have a lot of upgrades to go okay day 41 now there’s still tons of

Upgrades to pick from that we need to unlock however i’m probably gonna become a god in training because it’s super easy to get only 9 water buckets 9 lava buckets 1 turtle shell 32 diamonds and 128 wool which sounds like a lot but it’s really not especially with my x-ray

Ability the 32 diamonds is gonna be super easy to get so let’s go mining for the diamonds first but we’re also gonna go down and grab all the buckets that we need so we need nine buckets of lava and water so let’s go ahead and let’s make

18 buckets there we go then we can go get the lava the water and the diamonds all in one go let’s get the nine buckets of lava there we go now we just need nine buckets of water and the diamonds yeah finding the diamonds i think is gonna be pretty easy

Okay we’re done with diamonds now we just need water buckets okay let’s fill these up with water and there we go we got the diamonds the lava and the water fully complete meaning all we need left is a turtle shell and wool but we’ll worry about

That tomorrow okay it’s day 42 we still need the turtle shell and wolf so let’s get to work first things first let’s grab iron from our chest and let’s make ourselves a couple pairs of shears now we’re gonna go around cheering every sheep we see and while we’re out there

We’re also gonna be looking for a turtle to kill so we can get a shell let’s go get to work and find those things okay yeah we had some turtles oh and there’s eggs okay that means we’ll get baby turtles okay let’s mark this location and we’ll keep coming back here

Over time and hopefully these grow and we’ll be able to get the scoots that way as long as i put a marker here with my mini map it’ll work as a chunk loader so this trunk will stay loaded and they will drop their scoot so close get going

Back to the base and we’ll just go check on that turtle thing daily till we have five scoots okay we’re home the sun’s setting let’s quickly get back to the base and go to sleep there we go we’re gonna take this david’s soul he’s coming he’s coming oh no wait what’s hitting

What’s hitting me what’s hitting me oh oh this is a trap quick hold up the hunters are here okay hold up where they come from hold on we’re gonna hide for a sec okay yep they’re here if i stand in front of this lever they can’t get in in

Fact don’t let me oh he’s trying to go he’s trying to go i can’t let him destroy my base there’s another one there i need to go i need to go back up okay wait he’s going up to the top i totally miss with my lightning hopefully that comes back soon okay it’s

Gone oh they set up another trap they destroyed my ladders they’re going through my chest they just got diamonds they took my diamonds i need to kill i need to kill myself no i can’t let them get away i can’t let them get away i cannot let him get away

Okay he’s down he’s down where’s the other we find me let’s go this way put my hermes boots back on oh oh how do you get in so fast nice okay he’s dead okay they didn’t find the 48 i thought they took my 48 diamonds that was gonna be so annoying they didn’t

They didn’t take him oh he’s gonna die i know he’s not oh he did he hit the land let’s go we killed them how much stuff did they take it looks like most of my stuff is still here okay they attacked my base but they failed we’re still

Alive and the base is still intact thank goodness after surviving yet another demon attack i kept going back to the turtle spawn beach and looking for scoots it only took a few more days but luckily the eggs hatched and the babies growing to adults eventually giving me

The five scoots that i needed to make a turtle shell okay let’s go ahead let’s make ourselves a turtle shell just like so and now we have that item so let’s grab all our wool so let’s grab the lava and it should be enough to do the

Upgrade it is now we’re gonna have 20 hearts reach of six blocks and we can jump even higher in addition we have fire resistance dolphins grace and water breathing with the new upgrade let’s do it oh oh my god look at me i changed oh look at me i’m huge things just got

Totally different i have 20 hearts of hp i’m now a literal god well i mean god in training whatever i get it yeah i’m feeling a little bit stronger right now that’s for certain okay cool well this is great news now that we’ve unlocked this ability we can start working on our

Next ability which is gonna be artemis’s hunting scene which will give us the ability to see nearby players and creatures through the wall and we can shoot our bow way faster all we need for that is 250 arrows 128 glowstone and a spyglass let’s get started shall we now

Let’s go to the nether and let’s get ourselves our glowstone there we go blowstone dust complete now let’s head back to the overworld okay we’re back it looks like it’s nighttime so we’re gonna go to bed and then we’ll wake up tomorrow to start working on gathering the arrows okay day

50. we got the glowstone dust done for artemis huntington now we just need the arrows and the spyglass so we’re gonna go ahead and work on the arrows so crafting an arrow isn’t that hard i just need feathers sticks and some flint which i already have okay so i currently

Have obviously enough wood got 42 feathers and i already had six arrows on me that kind of makes it a little bit easier now i didn’t have any flint but flint’s not really going gonna be that hard to get i don’t think but i did the

Math and it turns out that i’m gonna need 63 sticks 63 feathers and 63 flint so i need about 21 more feathers so that’s what we’re gonna go grab first done with the fender now let’s go back to the base and go get some flint okay

Now i got a bunch of gravel let’s start cutting it down and getting some flint okay we got all the flint we need we got 48 total flint which is more than enough let’s go back up to the base quickly craft the arrows we need and then we’ll

Go to bed that should be 250 we currently need about 50 more arrows so we’re gonna go to bed and we’ll finish them up in the morning okay let’s quickly finish up those arrows there we go we got all the supplies we need to make the rest of the arrows

There we go that should be enough arrows let’s double check it is we get the 250 arrows so now we have the glowstone dust and the arrows down and we just need to go ahead and make a spyglass and to make a spyglass it’s super easy you just need

Two copper ingots and an amethyst shard which will only take me a second to get okay that should be enough copper let’s go get some amethyst okay there’s the amethyst now let’s go back to the base and smelt it all together there we go now we take

The amethyst shard and put it there put two copper below it now we have ourselves a spyglass which honestly is a pretty cool item however we gotta get rid of it because now we can finally do artemis’s hunting scent there we go so this should give us the

Ability to see nearby creatures and shoot bows faster so let’s give it a shot i’m not gonna lie that feels pretty normal let me try just like oh no i could just tap it and look how far that goes i can just tap my bow shots okay

That makes a lot of sense i do shoot bows much quicker now let’s try to do the ability and see if we can see enemies through walls oh my god i really can just see them through the floor look at that there’s elephants over there there’s a bunch of sheep down there okay

Cool so i can see people through walls that is really op anyway let’s go back in and let’s go to sleep with artemis’s upgrade done there’s only two more upgrades for this section two more upgrades for the equipment section and two more god upgrades and i think it’s

Time for us to become a demigod not only do i get stuff like fire resistance dolphins grace and water breathing but now i’ll take absolutely no fall damage be able to jump seven blocks reach seven blocks and have 25 hearts of health that’s more than i can count and so

We’re gonna go for the demi-god upgrade now one of the items we need is five enchanted golden apples or what i like to call god apples which is actually really fitting for this episode so they’re definitely called god apples anyway we need five of them and to find

Them we need to find desert temples so we’re going to go search around the world and search for desert temples and hope we get some god apples cause that’s honestly the only real way i know how to get them anyway it’s time for adventure let’s go find some desert temples

So i searched this massive desert you see on this map and there is not a single desert temple there and that’s where i looked all yesterday and it turns out that’s because our modpack creator created this modpack once again with these mega temples which i honestly told them to remove because it’s not

Like vanilla and it makes it too easy to get god apples but hey it’s gonna make my life way easier so let’s do it here we go so we’re gonna put a cobblestone there there okay and then this is the hard part there’s tnt under this floor

And i don’t know what sets it off so i want to be extra careful here now let’s quickly deactivate the tnt being very careful not set anything off now there is going to be zombies attacking me in a sec i should probably honestly destroy those spawners but i’m going to work on the

Tnt first okay most of the tnt is destroyed we should be good now let’s go ahead and find those spawners and destroy those so we can start looting this place let’s stop ryan before he becomes god so i saw his name down there okay oh god

Oh the demons are here oh they’re both here get him little zombie get him okay we gotta destroy these spawners okay keep smiting them let’s see if we can find more of those spawners i saw one yeah there’s one right back here nice another spawner down oh they got me surrounded hold on

Oh yes okay one’s down hit him into it he’s done smited baby okay we took him out let’s go now we need to search this place like i said this place is gonna be full of god apples if we look down here there’s a secret room down here and that’s

Because there’s a secret door you can open up here and there’s several puzzles you can solve to actually open the secret rooms now the problem is i’m too big to do the puzzles we just gotta go ahead and dig through this place with our pickaxe and hope we find all the

Hidden rooms so anyway let’s get hunting those got apples it would take another three days of searching the giant desert temple to find all of its hidden chests and rooms it had over 30 secret rooms that i had to dig around and find if i was normal player size this actually

Would have been a lot easier but because i’m a giant now i don’t really fit inside this temple anyway lucky for me the mega temple spawned tons of god apples so i easily had enough to become a demigod so i’d say that was a little bit overkill on enchanted golden apples

We have 24 now that temple had so many we only needed five of those things next we need 128 feathers and 16 netherright ingots which is the equivalent of 64 ancient debris but luckily with my x-ray powers it is going to be super easy to find the ancient debris because that’s

Gonna be easy we’re gonna get the feathers first so let’s go murder a bunch of chickens feathers done so with the feathers done there’s only one more item we need and that’s the netherride ingots and luckily with my x-ray hacks that’s gonna be easy okay let’s go to the nether and let’s go

Mine a stack of ancient debris okay we’re back home okay we’re currently on day 61 it looks like so that took pretty much all night but we got the 64 and debris we need now we just need to go ahead and turn them into netherride ingots so to make another i

Didn’t get we need to combine four netherite scraps and four gold each of the ancient debris is gonna become a scrap so we just need to combine all our gold with all our netherright scraps and we’ll be able to get the 16 netherreading gets we need so let those

Bad boys smell let’s make sure we got enough gold okay so we got 55 gold in total from the temple mostly but i don’t think that’s enough to make all the netherride ingots we need so we gotta quickly go mine more luckily we have x-ray and gold

There we go and all that should definitely be enough gold and right now we have 13 we just need three more perfect the 16 other rating it’s are done but now we have the netherride ingots done the enchanted golden apple’s done and the feathers done we are now going gonna go from a

Garden training to a to a demigod we’re now a demigod we don’t look any different i do feel different i also will take no fall damage and i have increased reach so i can look at this i can break blocks all the way up there

And also if i leap off this and don’t hit water okay well we have to be careful clearly that’s not working okay there we go shader’s on everything looks beautiful i also want to show you guys something else i learned with my powers so it turns out that i’ve been having this

Glitch where i kind of shift around a few blocks and i couldn’t figure it out but it turns out if i hold shift and right click i do what’s called a shield bash with athena’s shield and if i spam click it i can fly look at that look at

That you see me i just flew all the way up here and i can jump over here and fly here and because i’m a demigod and take no fall damage i can just fly around all i want up we go whoa i see demons in the village they’re burning the village down

I hit him in hole oh we killed him already oh my god there he is he is tnt okay we can get him with our light and just keep smiting him ready we get ahead of him he’s trying to bow me where’d he go there he is in the backyard

You can’t hide behind stuff as long as i have lightning okay he’s still alive i haven’t i definitely heard explosions there is there’s one on my base no we gotta get him he just blew my base they just blew up my base dude there is literally nothing left i literally got

God apples and this is it this is all i have left where’d the other one go let’s hit him off there we go there you go bye-bye buddy okay one down where’d the other one go he’s at the up top we can hit him off let’s go

Look at that no water for you buddy oh he lived he water bucketed we can get him still being attacked by an elephant but there we go they’re both dead never mind they’re up there now and down he goes i don’t know how they keep respawning here but they must have

Beds nearby oh yeah they do there it is there’s his bed goodbye unicorn you can’t hurt me okay well they absolutely annihilated my base but they’re dead and before they can come back i’m gonna get out of here and start working on a new base unfortunately hermes dojo is no more

It’s time to work on our third god base after the demons destroyed my base i had to move once again this time i needed to make a base that would make better use of my god powers so i built what i called hades vault a base that takes

Full advantage of my god powers this new base is definitely going to hold the demons back welcome to haiti’s vault my brand new base let me show you around it’s pretty compact because well it’s a vault so you got to keep it small and hidden and it’s deep underground but let

Me show you because this place really takes advantage of my god powers so obviously we got our furnaces the glass furnaces and our smokers all our chests are right here channing table’s right there double nether portal right there don’t ask me why i did too now let me

Show you why this base is so cool so to get in this base you have to cross a pit of lava you’re not getting in here unless you can walk on lava like me see me i can go and run right over that look at that then exit i just have to jump

Through this doorway and this is the way out this giant hole right here now what makes this super op is the only way to get out of here is if you can jump like a million blocks i mean look at me i am jumping from block to block to block and

It is super easy to get out of this thing jump on these ladders and you’re out it does look out of place but i’d say that no one’s gonna really find this unless you’re looking which i guess technically the demons are looking but you know what i mean now to finish up

All the upgrades we still need two equipment upgrades two divine upgrades and one god upgrade and next i’m gonna go specifically for the equipment hercules bracers because when worn i can use an empty hand to pick up and throw blocks at my enemies like i could just

Pick up this piece of cobblestone and yield it at an enemy so to get that we need 500 copper ingots and nine potions of stream now we currently don’t have any of the supplies needed to make that so we’re gonna have to go to the nether

And do that and we also kind of need a brewing stand so we should probably go do that first the copper will take me less than a day so i’m not really worried about it so let’s get started by getting the potion supplies okay i found another fortress let’s fly up and now

Let’s go find some blazes the best part is blazes can’t even hurt me because i’m fireproof there’s the netherwarts we need a blaze spawner that’s perfect there we go seven blaze rods that should be enough now let’s go back to the overworld okay we’re back at the base

Let’s craft ourselves a brewing stand put that right there we’ll go ahead and turn one of the blaze rods into blaze powder and we’re gonna store that inside the fuel area now let’s go grab some sand make some glass bottles and get making these potions

Okay we got all the sand we need let’s go back down okay we got the sand smelting real quick that’ll make our glass bottles we’ll fill them with water and then we’re gonna get making the strength potions that we need to get hercules bracers there we go let’s make

Some glass bottles fill them up with water throw them into the brewing stand and now we’re gonna combine them with another wart to make an awkward potion now all we’re gonna do is combine a blaze powder and that’s gonna turn these into strength potions there we go three

Potions of strength now we just need six more there we go done with the strength potions i’m assuming it’s nighttime by now so let’s go to sleep and then we’ll start working on the copper in the morning now we’d have to bind 500 copper which is not gonna be that hard with the

Fortune and unbreaking pickaxe let’s go up to the upper levels find some copper and mine until we got 500. see look at that we got 57 just like that this is over 500 copper in our inventory let’s go back up get it smelted and then we can go ahead and get hercules bracers

This is gonna take quite a lot of time so uh And there we go we’ve unlocked hercules bracers with all the copper and the nine string potions we had if we put them on you’re gonna see it not only gives us eight armor and two armor toughness but it gives me the ability to throw blocks if i right click this cobblestone you’ll

Notice it’s now floating in front of me i know of the ability to then throw that at somebody else and now i have a hole in my floor so yeah hercules bracer’s pretty dang cool okay it’s day 70. we’re now going to be working on demeter’s dark harvest which allows me to heal

Whenever i attack a foe and i gain the ability to instantly grow any plants that i want which is really useful for the next upgrade which requires a lot of carrots wheat and potatoes so this is a must get ability and to get it we need 16 wither skeleton skulls 250 bone meal

And 250 seeds so let’s go get the seeds because that just requires me to go to a field and break a bunch of grass okay we get 250 seeds so now we just need 250 bone meal and 16 wither skeleton skulls okay put all the seeds

In this chest here okay hello one day 71 we’re gonna go murder some skeletons so uh montage okay now that we got the bones let’s go kill some wither skeletons and get their skulls and once we do that we’ll have demeter’s dark harvest finished up okay we’re at the fortress let’s just get

Some weather skeleton skills real quick it would take until day 76 to get all of the wither skeleton skulls i needed i feel like i killed an entire army of wither skeletons just to get these skulls but we got them now and that’s really all that matters cause now we can

Unlock demeter’s dark harvest okay we’re back and everything we need is in this chest so let’s go ahead and grab all the stuff let’s turn the bones into bone meal now let’s unlock demeter’s dark harvest now we can make plants instantly grow and we heal when we’re attacking

Enemies so let’s try it out we put a piece of dirt here we till the dirt we put seeds right there we right click the seeds now the seeds are fully grown and we can collect the ability is that simple so we only have one upgrade left

On every single category of god upgrade now i want to save the actual god upgrade for last because to be a true god i think i need all of the powers of divine and the godly equipment tree so let’s finish off the divine and get aphrodite’s love which will allow me to

Summon my own pillager army to fight for me to get this i need 64 carrots wheat and potatoes 64 emeralds 15 crossbows 7 iron axes 3 saddles and a totem of undying that is a lot of stuff but we can go ahead and get the carrot wheat

And potatoes out of the way so we have to do is go to villages use their crops get those materials and we can make them all instantly grow so we’ll be able to get this done today no trouble okay cool we found a village that has carrots so

We’ll be able to easily get these up to the full amount we need now we just need potatoes there we go yes there are potatoes here so we’ll just put our carrots there and our potatoes here and we can instantly make them grow now we’re going to do is start by getting 64

Potatoes so let’s plant all our potatoes now let’s make them all grow to max and just like that we got the stack of potatoes done now let’s do the carrots and there we go now we have a stack of carrots as well that would need a stack

Of wheat which we already got the seed so let’s get to work there we go the first three items are complete now we just need 64 emeralds 15 crossbows seven iron axes three saddles and a totem of undying let’s go back to the base we’re gonna

Store all the crops in here for now and go to bed oh we still need a bunch of stuff to get the last divine upgrade my goal today is to get the 15 crossbows seven iron axes and three saddles completely done with and then i can worry about the emeralds and the totem

Undying afterward let’s go ahead and make the seven iron axis we’re gonna need okay we got the seven iron axes now we just need three saddles and fifteen crossbows now you can craft a crossbow with this recipe here so it’s really not gonna be that hard so we currently have

38 string so that should be enough to make the crossbows then we just need to make a few trip wire hooks and we’ll be good let’s go get a bunch of wood because we have the rest of the supplies here already okay let’s cut down a few

Trees okay that should be enough wood first let’s make 15 trip wire hooks so we need to put the 15 iron here sticks here and wood here there we go now we have oh i made double the amount of tripwire hooks on accident that’s okay i didn’t realize i’d make two let’s put

Half on the top chest now we need to actually make the crossbows let’s turn all this into sticks and now we’re gonna make ourselves 15 crossbows okay let’s see if that’s enough so now we have the carrots done the wheat done the potatoes done the axe is done the crossbow done

Meaning all we need left is emeralds saddles and a totem of undying luckily for me saddles are not that hard to find in fact there’s a dungeon just nearby so let’s go check that out and see if we can find any saddles okay we got a minecart chest up here let’s check this

Nice we already got a saddle on the first chest let’s go oh there’s another one up ahead let’s check this one out too two diamonds a saddle and more another golden apple let’s go we literally only need one more saddle we are two for two okay no saddle in here

That would have been crazy if i found a saddle in there okay checked around the rest of this dungeon i don’t see any more saddles so we’re currently one saddle short from the total that we need wait i see a barrel in here maybe not

Maybe this will have one oh my god it did we don’t need any more oh thank goodness dude okay well three saddles done well now we just need to worry about the emeralds and the tone of undying so let’s go ahead and let’s get out of here and we’ll get the rest of

The stuff tomorrow okay hello one day 79 we currently still need a totem undying and emeralds to get the last divine upgrade so we’re going to go ahead and go for the total of undying because it’s actually super easy to get all we need

To do is go to a village trade with a cartographer and he’ll be able to trade us a map that’ll lead us to a woodland mansion which is where we get the total of undying you you’re jobless get over here yes you you did it thank you i

Think i have all the stuff i need to do the trade so let’s find out and just like that with a little bit of trading we now have the woodland explorer map from our cartographer and because we have a compass in our offhand you’re gonna notice that it puts

A dot in the corner of the screen so i know that if i keep heading northwest i’m eventually going to reach this woodland mansion so that’s exactly what i’m gonna do so let’s go this way yep we’re starting to get close because if you look on the map we’re starting to

Make the snow map appear it should be just over this hill i think oh there it is look at it down there it’s like hidden in the mountainside is that a bald eagle murica okay let’s fly over to this bad boy there we go we’re here now

Let’s go find ourselves a totem of undying shall him we he’s done did we get the totem we did we got it i was afraid the lightning had burned it but we’re good now that we get the total one dying we only need 64 emeralds left but if you look closely

You’re gonna notice that this woodland mansion spawned inside of the side of a mountain and there’s emerald spawning in the ore which means we’re in the biome where we can actually get emeralds if i turn on my x-ray you’re gonna see that there is emeralds literally everywhere

Around me so let’s get mining those get the 64 that we need and let’s get out of here okay we’re done with the emeralds and the totem a dying meeting we have everything for the last divine upgrade aphrodite’s love let’s just get back to the base shall we and we are back home

Okay let’s go down here and then we’re gonna go ahead and get the aphrodite’s love upgrade taken care of okay let’s grab all the stuff we need so we need 64 carrots 64 wheat 64 potatoes we need 64 emeralds the totem of undying we need seven iron axes and 15 crossbows and we

Need three saddles this is all so we can get the final upgrade for divine which is aphrodite’s love which we’ve now unlocked which allows me to summon a pillager army that’ll fight for me so let’s summon them real quick and see oh look at them okay i gotta kill you now

But that’s so cool i can spawn my own pillager army so now that aphrodite’s love is done we only have one more upgrade we need before we can become a true god and so next we’re gonna work on the skull belt of hades which requires 16 wither skeleton skulls 16 leads and

Another star now it’s gonna require slime balls for a lead so i’m gonna start heading to a swamp now and at night we’re gonna go ahead and get those slime balls taken care of the demons are literally up there they’re right above me oh god there’s the there’s the god i

Can’t tell if they saw me oh they definitely saw me yeah look at him he’s he’s looking okay let’s go let’s get in there yeah he was ready for it they must have either known where the base was or they saw that and it looked weird okay

Let’s take them out we can throw blocks at them now this truck blocks at them take this and then and this oh oh my god i’m blind i’m blind and deaf or blind and deaf oh don’t get hit by the blocks he’s blind i don’t think

He can see okay so it looks like they go blind after i hit them oh we made me miss with that arrow nice hit him with athena’s shield oh that was spicy huh i was hoping that tnt might take him out i’m dead oh we killed him with a block

We threw sand we killed that man with sand let’s take him out let’s just keep getting him with the dirt just keep chucking blocks and we can’t do anything oh you’re toast you are toast my friend let’s shield bash him oh god literally how are you not dead dude you’re crazy you’re cracked

Oh let me live let me live let me live he’s shaking his head well he’s dead well they definitely found my base uh and i definitely gave away where i am but anyway anyway let’s head to the swamp so we can get those slime balls so we can start making those leads

Now to actually craft a lead we’re gonna need four string to make two leads so i currently only have 10 string and i’m gonna need 32 total string we’ll work on killing some spiders on the way and that’ll give us the string we need to go

Ahead and make the lead but for now we can just store the stuff in here okay let’s go to bed and we’ll start getting the rest of the supplies tomorrow so like i said for the skull belt of hades we still need the wither skeleton skulls and the nether star both those things

Are gonna require me to go into the nether so that’s obviously where we’re gonna go and we’re gonna start killing the wither skeletons first because it’s gonna take a little bit to get that many skulls okay we officially have all the wither skeleton skulls we need we have 19 total

Now you’re probably wondering why i got 19 because that only says i need 16. that’s true but i also need another star and to get that we need to spawn the wither and despawn the wither we needed an extra three so in total i actually needed 19 wither skeleton skulls but we

Got them all now we got the soul stand we need now we’re gonna go back to the portal spawn the wither kill him and get that nether star and then we have everything we need to do the last upgrade okay we’re back let’s go let’s throw our stuff put the 19 wither

Skeleton skulls there we have 41 string that’s still not enough i don’t think to make all the leads though let’s see how many leads we can make with that okay we got 20 leads oh 16. we’re good so it’s true we really just have to go fight the

Wither get the nether star and then we can do the final equipment upgrade and then all that’s left is becoming a god anyway let’s go to bed and tomorrow on 86 we’re gonna fight that wither okay we got everything to spawn in the wither let’s go upstairs let’s spawn the

Weather and let’s quickly fight him and finish him off so we’re in the middle of the desert where he hopefully won’t affect my base let’s go ahead and let’s build the soul sand structure and now let’s put the last wither skeleton skull in place okay let’s hope we can beat him

In a fight i think we should be able to we have a lot of cool abilities so this shouldn’t be too hard we’ll let him come up and then we’ll smite him immediately oh we missed let’s see if we can hit him how much does that do i can’t even tell

Because i have so many bars up top oh yeah he’s chasing me oh yeah he wants me dead oh that’s doing a lot the lightning is definitely our strongest move let’s just keep using that on him and smite let’s fight him to death come on spiderman yeah

Good we got the netherstar which is the last thing we needed for the skull belt of hades we have everything else we need at the base so we’ll go back to the base and do the skull belt of hades upgrade and then we are one step away from

Becoming a true god okay we get the leads the netherstar and the weather skeleton skull all right here let’s put them in our inventory and let’s go ahead and do the skull belt of hades upgrade which will allow us to summon withering zombie minions when i’m hit okay so i

Officially have full god armor on so i’d say we’re pretty op at this point and there’s only one upgrade to go and that’s to become god okay day 87 it is time to become a god we need a dragon egg two elytra and four end crystals and

To make all that stuff uh you gotta go to the nether we’re gonna go up we’re gonna go get some sand get that smelted turn that into glass because to make end crystals we’re gonna need glass walk over my lovely lava front entrance yo name plate nameplate okay the demons are

Here no you don’t no you don’t he caught my ladders he’s catching my ladder they’re trying to get into my base no you don’t no they’re obsidian it okay i got to keep him back i got an idea let’s hit a bunch of fire in between here and there okay nice they’re

They’re backing off for a sec okay what other abilities do i have my shield push what’s numpad 4 do oh it spawns my pillager army see i can summon a whole army of pillagers to fight these guys and i’ll just fight with lightning because it doesn’t count as hurting him there you go

Let’s go get the other one he’s right above me i see him ready let’s see if we can get him oh yeah that hurt him all right he’s in the lava get him get him while he’s in the lava oh no yes me and the pillagers were unstoppable

Duty rage quit look oh my god okay stay 88 we have one upgrade to go that’s god and we’re gonna do it all we need is one dragon egg two elytra and four end crystals now luckily most of the stuff i need in the beginning is

From the nether so we’re gonna go to the nether we’re gonna get gas tiers for the end crystals and all the eye of ender supplies we need down there so let’s head to the nether okay we’re done with the blaze rods we still need three gas tiers and i found a

Bastion so that’s gonna make life uh way easier we can just go grab this gold down here there we go we got two gold there should be more gold down here in the bottom middle oh my god four gold blocks i think that’s the most i’ve ever

Gotten and one another it ain’t good too that is the best chest i’ve ever had in a bastion four gold blocks i didn’t know they spawned that many 25 gold blocks we’re doing great and now let’s go check this one out there should be chests in

Here as well see if they contain any more gold blocks there we go there’s a chest okay no gold blocks in this one it looks like that’s all the gold we’re gonna get but we got some good stuff okay now let’s do some trading let’s go

Trap a few piglets we got two big ones trapped inside i’m gonna see if i can get more but for now let’s throw them some gold to start trading that should be enough to get all the ender pros i need but just in case we’ll get another piglet in there to make it

Faster okay a quick look around there’s only a piglet brute left i couldn’t find a single other piglet so i think these are the only two left we’ll let them do their trades real quick and we’ll see what we get i picked up all the stuff

From the guys and it looks like we got enough ender pearls we got a total of 24 total and that should definitely be enough all we need now is to get three more gas tiers then we’re good to leave the nether okay we got the four gas tiers let’s go

Head back to the overworld and we have everything we need okay and we’re back everything’s stored up we got another right sword from the nether editing that we had okay so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna grab our end rods and all of our ender pearls now we’re gonna take

Four of these ender pearls and combine them with four blaze powder to make four eyes of ender we’re gonna take the four eyes of ender put them in the middle put four gas tears below it and then surround that in glass now we have four end crystals the rest of our ender

Pearls can be turned into eyes of ender okay 69s of ender all my supplies ready let’s head to the end and defeat the dragon it would take me two full days to find the stronghold after following my isa vendor however when i got there the demons were already waiting for me in

Front of the portal they were gonna try and stop me from becoming a god who i see their names the demons are here who i knew i saw a nameplate they’re guarding the portal they don’t want me to turn into a god let’s go this way ready and

Okay they gotta put the fire let’s spawn an army get um oh my goodness oh no well he’s being destroyed by that let’s keep let’s push through he blocked me in get through he’s dead yes the evoker killed him we’re in the portal room okay we’re in the end the dragons over

There let’s let’s use our shield to fly and let’s take him out okay let’s start by getting this crystal then this crystal then that crystal whew trick shot oh i missed here we are ready we’re at 360 this bee whoop okay that wasn’t 360 but we still did it

Let’s go destroy the others and stop messing around for a sec only two crystals to go nice all the crystals are gone we can take the dragon out now oh wait the demons are here he’s coming up i can see him i can see when he’s gonna come up ready and bye-bye

Yes okay he’s dead get him get him ravagers take him out what are you gonna do oh there it looks like that looks like that hurts quite a bit huh oh there goes one of them right there oh he lived never mind hold on he’s back let me get rid of him

Get him [Laughter] okay now let’s take out that dragon because we actually have to do that okay so for some reason i can’t hit this dragon with my sword and i can’t tell if it’s because my shield or not so let’s take the shield off and try that instead

I’m so big i can’t hit the dragon nope still can’t hit the dragon this is really weird i guess i gotta kill him with my crossbow which i got plenty of ammo to do it so i guess i could do it this is gonna be really grindy

Hey what if we stole the egg yeah okay let’s kill the dragon and take the egg why is he shooting the dragon oh would you leave me alone i’ll hit you into the void and get rid of you okay dragon’s more than halfway gone why are

They shooting him they got a lot of they did a lot of damage too wait what if they’re trying to steal the dragon egg from me i can’t let them kill it because if they get the egg that would be a real pain in my butt it’s getting low it’s

Getting really low no it’s gonna die they’re trying to get it they’re trying to get it i spawned my army get him army don’t let him get that egg i’m watching me i get to the middle right now it’s right in front of me come on get him get him do

Not let him get that egg where’d the egg go i moved it again oh it’s up there okay don’t let me hear that egg where’s the other one where’s the other one where’s the other one i can get it i can get this one i can get this egg

Don’t leave nearby come on get away i need to get this egg quick come on i got it i got the dragon egg let’s go oh no oh my god what’s going on i can see you underground we got him trapped under there come on get him where’d he go are we

Under pearl i can’t let him get there he knows i want a light trap come on that’s gotta get him how is he not yes he’s gone let’s go okay we got another pearl let’s toss it up let’s go we did it okay it worked i guess because

Our hitbox is so big we didn’t have to be accurate now we’d have to find ourselves some elytra which normally would be difficult right but i can do this and that makes it very easy oh oh we got one we got electro we got our first ally

Okay nice first pair of elytra got it oh yes okay we got the second electro we need for the upgrade grab the other pair of elytra and we can be on our way back home i think i saw one of the teleporty things back here now we can go back home

Nice and easy now we just go back in this portal and we should be good to go okay we’ve got the two elytra the forend crystals and the dragon egg it’s time to become a god look at me i am god i have 100 hearts of damage and now i

Don’t need to fly with my shield anymore i can just fly as if i’m in creative mode because you know what that’s that’s what gods do on top of that i can reach a full eight blocks and i have no more cooldowns meaning i don’t have to wait

Any time between using any of my abilities anyway it’s night times we’re gonna go to bed and tomorrow it is time to start acting like a god okay day 95 it is time to eradicate demons from my minecraft world but i’m assuming they’re already on their way here because they

Only have five days to kill me and i think they’re realizing how impossible of a task that’s turning out to be and let’s start see if we can make our way to the demon’s base now i believe they’re still at the same base they were which is important because otherwise i’d

Have to look for them and i don’t want to do that rude he’s down there no they are here look at they’re right there they’re literally right above me hide right here and we’re gonna get them in a minute here let’s spawn some pillagers that they have to fight right there

And now i can use my ability simply so i can spawn even more i’ll wait for them to jump down okay it looks like cooldowns are still on let’s figure out why in a little bit i’ll fix that later now let’s just fight them they can’t beat a gun okay let’s fly

Let’s fly i got one sold out right now i can kill him hit him into his own lava pool come on guess he’s in his own lava yes okay one’s down come on he’s got to be low he’s got to be low yes you can’t beat god okay well we defeated

The demons they didn’t even get into the base cause luckily we have this beautiful lava pool that blocks them from doing so so i would say overall mission accomplished today but the demons are still in my world so uh i’d say starting tomorrow it’s time for god

To fight back but first god needs his nappy nap okay it’s day 96 and like i said it’s time to fight back so we’re gonna be making our way to the demon’s base and destroying their spawn points at the base which is likely beds and then after that we have to destroy the

Demon portal that they came through at the start of the episode if we can do both those things and then kill the demons they won’t be able to spawn in my world anymore and i’ll get to live on in peace as a nice god who that throws lightning bolts okay we are back

At hermes dojo the second base i made that was destroyed rudely by the demons now this base got absolutely massacred and they burned down the village below so uh honestly not too happy about that the reason i came here is because it’s actually right next to where the demons base was and

I’m assuming still is which was just this way over here so what we’re gonna do i brought a white bed with me and we’re gonna take this bed over there put it down sleep till morning to make it day then it will be day 97 and we’ll start our attack then look they’re

Already up on that base we gotta be careful cause we don’t wanna be seen okay let’s put the bed down here where i can safely get back up okay now let’s get out of here it’s day 97 and let’s go attack them okay i should be a tiny dot

To them i’m right above their base right now and you can see i’m just flying through the sky will they see me i’m not sure we’ll find out in a minute okay let’s land on their base here we go land on top okay we’re in the base and they don’t even know it

Do they know where that i’m on top i don’t know i don’t know if they know him on top or not uh i think we’re under attack luke yes we are where is he uh somewhere that way i oh my gosh where’d that go i feel like he’s in the

Mountain somewhere i’m gonna climb up oh my oh he’s above us and now let’s fly here we go ready that hurts doesn’t it you like getting smited this is the power of a minecraft god baby okay first things first let’s destroy their nether portal oh there goes your portal what a shame

Bye-bye back down you go being a minecraft god is amazing let me tell you this is just they’ve got a bed somewhere i am big so i have to actually find their beds because if i don’t destroy their beds they just keep respawning i’ll just let my pillows do

The damage because they’re doing quite a bit as is oh one of them’s done i need to see where you spawn die he’s done where is he spawning he is he’s spawning in there nice i got both their beds now we need to kill them he’s burning get him this is so

There’s still one more left though here he is what are you gonna do i can just burn you dude he’s gone okay now that their base is destroyed all we have to do is get to the demon portal and destroy that next and then the demons won’t be able to respond in

My world anymore and on day 98 it brings us back to our first god base when we weren’t even a god we were a mere mortal and this was our little shabby little hut so if i fly in this direction i should eventually get to the portal it’s

Not that far from here and all i have to do is destroy the portal and then the demons won’t be able to spawn okay one of them’s in there one of them’s out let’s jump down let’s start destroying the portal we gotta just take out all the pieces ravager army attack

Okay well the raptors take them out i’ll keep destroying the portal okay one of them’s outside the wall now nice one’s down okay looks like he respawns below they must have the spawn point at the bottom of the portal nice he’s gone where’d he spawn down

Here now will they get him i’m gonna get to that bed there is there’s beds under the stairs both beds are broken now i’m just gonna destroy the portal it looks like he’s running away you’ll pay yeah okay buddy okay well looks like the demons got away but it

Looks like their portal is completely out of commission and they can’t spawn in here anymore which means i just have to kill the demons each one more time and i win this challenge okay so so splash the potion on the fire and then i’ll respawn okay partner

Whoa oh oh geez okay okay okay okay ow hey welcome back hearts okay i was looking for the demons because they couldn’t have gone far and i think i found them i found this thing right there and there’s a chest right there and a hole in the ground which makes me

Think they’re living in that hole yep i would say that you’re living in that hole wait unicorn man hold on replay the clip i am 99 sure that i killed him after his bed broke how is he still alive either way if this is some sort of demon spawn i’m breaking it okay

Whatever this is it’s gone no more respawning it’s time to take the demons out once and for all let’s get down there it’s the last line of defense partner Don’t mind me just digging through the world to get to you guys did he put a slowness potion on me i can fly where are we going fellas oh my god oh no oh he’s going he’s because it’s time for demons to leave my minecraft world is what it is

Come on we can kill him here look there’s no there’s nowhere else to go what are you gonna do i can fly buddy we gotta kill him fast man i’m throwing so much lightning at him nice we killed what he’s done what was that i give up there’s you’re a

God we can’t do anything dude i am i’m just spamming you guys with lightning oh it’s so funny you can keep your soul man we don’t want it yeah okay anyway it’s day 99 i’m gonna go back to the service till day 100 so we can finish up this challenge and yeah

Let’s go the sun is rising on day 100 right now it should be any second now day 100 let’s go 100 days as the god is officially over i am super open i mean look at this i can spawn ravager armies i could spawn everything i am invincible

Baby and that’s minecraft godfrey if you want to play this modpack all you do is hit that like button if we get this to 50 000 likes i’ll give out the modpack for free see you guys later

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a GOD in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ryguyrocky on 2022-07-02 12:00:16. It has garnered 5285330 views and 76558 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:14 or 3674 seconds.

Want to be in a future video? Join my Discord! ►https://discord.com/invite/nZpvfe49Vk

►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a GOD in Minecraft


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I hope you all enjoyed! If you did; please make sure to subscribe and hit that 🔔 notification bell 🔔 so you never miss an upload!

Thanks for all the support, Rock Army!

#ryguyrocky #minecraft #100daychallenge

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I Survived 100 Days as a GOD in Minecraft