I Survived 100 DAYS as the GARTEN of BANBAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day one I woke up as Bam Bam and looked around I was in some kind of kindergarten but something was off what’s going on here I heard huge footsteps stomping in the Next Room ah what is that I decided to hide somewhere nearby and waited for the creature to

Enter it came in and it was a big green monster who’s on in here he’s hiding from me I stayed as quiet as I could and eventually the monster left who the heck was that I don’t think I want to find out I decided it was time

To find my way out of the school I traveled through the hallways until I came across a giant playroom I entered and it was full of zombies oh no I’m not ready to fight like this I tried my best to fight off the zombies but it was no

Use there were too many of them and I didn’t have any weapon to defend myself with I’m out of here I kept running until the Big Green freak appeared again the creature lunged at me and used a smash attack I was knocked out cold on day two I woke up with a splitting

Headache oh my head I tried to move around and see where the voice was coming from but I couldn’t that creature must have hit me so hard that I was paralyzed luckily it would only last so long what’s going on whoever you are I promise this is all just a big misunderstanding

Time I don’t know what you’re talking about the massive green monsters struck me with his fist yes all of this is your fault maybe I could reason with him okay okay can you at least help me remember what happened I don’t even know your name Josh jumbo Josh the monster almost looked offended Into this hideous Beast of a boy please don’t hurt me or beg of you the pain will only be temporary soon you will be just like my old toy well one of them at least no no no no no no please I flipped the switch and the Machine World to life

The kid hopped out of bed and transformed into the Big Green Monster you turned me into this you took my life away from me I looked back up at Josh you’re wrong there’s no way I did any of that I don’t believe you the paralysis

Wore off and I was able to move again I sprang for my restraints and took off down the hall Josh wasn’t fast enough to catch me so when I turned back around it was just standing there at the end of the hall yelling I continued to look for a way to escape

This school on day three during my search I managed to find a room full of chests maybe I can find something that’ll help me get out of here I searched through each chest one by one a lot of them had books which I didn’t

Need and a lot of them had wood which I definitely took luckily there was a full set of iron armor and tools scattered around wow now I’m protected and this chest has some food after I whipped my armor a group of poisonous zombies appeared out of nowhere I pulled out my

New sword and charged at the leading zombie I took them down one after another however they gave me nausea after they died oh wow I would have been dead meat if it weren’t for this equipment with no exit in sight I decided to make my own exit I crafted a

Ladder out of the wood I found as I began climbing I broke through the ceiling and eventually made it out it felt like a breath of fresh air and I ran off the roof no matter what the consequence whatever let’s get out of here during during my travels I couldn’t help but

Think to myself what the heck was that all about if I wanted to be safe from Josh I figured I’d start building up my own base I gathered some wood from the nearby trees and headed back I started with a foundation and worked my way up

It was starting to turn out pretty well this is probably one of my best works oh better look around for some food in my search for food I came across a decently sized Village the villagers seem to be scared of me and would run away anytime I got close to them well

More food for me after Gathering everything I needed I traveled back to my base on day four I was on my way back to the base when I realized I didn’t recognize the area I was in uh oh I think I’m lost suddenly I got the feeling that I was being watched by

Someone hello is anyone there I didn’t hear an answer or see anybody around so I kept searching for my base suddenly out of nowhere I was attacked by a crazy bird ah get away from me I fought off the bird and tried to reason with the thing who the heck are you it

Didn’t answer and just kept on mauling me suddenly I heard a whistle in the distance as if on command the purple bird stopped and ran off huh what was that all about I followed after the bird but while I was running I had a vision

Of two little kids in front of me why did you put me in the naughty Corner why you could have saved us from him what the this can’t be real with that the vision faded away and I shook it off where did that bird go I gotta keep

Moving I followed the path that the bird took on days five through six and eventually caught up hold on I just want to talk why would I talk to you I hated you okay I get it you don’t have to chat with me but could you at least help me

Find the way back to my base I think you think I know where your race is weren’t you the one that was following me fine you caught me I guess take you back we had finally arrived back at the base thanks for that um thank you opila also why are you mad

At me I know the good ones I never got any trouble and was never put into the naughty Corner one day I was working on my arts and crafts project I had dropped the egg I’ve been painting on and ended up crying for hours you told me that

Everything would be fine but next thing I knew I would feature now you can collect all the eggs you want birdie since then I’ve been roping the holes of that school oh geez maybe jumbo Josh wasn’t lying I’m sorry about what happened to you opila you can stay

Here for the night and I’ll build a little home for you in the morning on day seven through eight I made opila a birdhouse and a nearby tree she even helped gather materials for the build to really Spruce it up it looks great but it’s missing a bit of color you know

What does I’m pink and purple hey yeah how to make it feel like home so we grabbed dyed carpet and went to work giving the floor its own color scheme we even changed the windows to have the same colors I love it oh pillow was so

Happy jumping up and down enjoy but she stopped when something caught her eye wait hold on what’s that over there I turned around and followed her eyes until I saw jumbo Josh right I ran to the Village as fast as my legs could carry me but by the time I

Got there no it was too late I descended down the hill and into the destroyed Village come out Josh I know you’re here you wanted my attention well you got it I spotted a dead villager crushed under a building there was a piece of paper that seemed to be placed next to him

After he died oh what’s this a note from Jumbo Josh I hope you enjoyed the show come back to the school unless you want to see this happen to another Village ah so this is my fault I went up to the top of another Hill and made a little Memorial out of

Stone and other materials rest easy everyone I’m sorry this had to happen on Days nine through ten I made it back to the base and talked with opila I told her about the note I had found I think I’m gonna do it that’s a bad idea jumbo

Josh can’t be trusted yeah but innocent lives are at stake I can’t let a whole other Village get slaughtered but before you go take this opila pulled something out from behind and handed it over to me a wand where did you get this um you know what okay anyway thank you

Practice that thing about first commence training montage huh oh nothing I ventured away from the base in search of something I could test my new wand on I had found a small group of husks and began firing away I killed a ton of them with ease whoa this thing

Is awesome but why does it smell funny suddenly out of nowhere came a giant mutant husk that might be a little tougher I blasted the giant with my demon wand and he didn’t go down as easily but I kept firing and eventually he did sweet this thing is great with my

Training complete I felt more confident on days 11 through 13 I headed back to the school I better keep my eyes peeled out of nowhere a weird figure ran out of the school and started sprinting at me it jumped really high and came down hard destroying everything beneath it

Preparing for battle I pulled out my wand but before I knew it the weird figure had already began scammering away yeah you better run I I turned back around to something else leaving the school why is everyone running away suddenly I felt a bolt of lightning

Crawling up my spine the world around me had faded to Black and I was knocked unconscious later I slowly started waking up I struggled to keep my eyes open with every blink I was being dragged further down the hallways we had finally came to a halt I opened my eyes

To see that I was in some sort of confinement room hey fix this now or he’ll die huh fix what give me five more minutes so you want to play games huh if you don’t do this or bambolina I know where she’s been hiding Bandy who Ah that’s it I hope this hurts

On the night going in today’s 14 through 17 I had a strange dream I seem to be doing some snooping around the school huh I overheard a little bit of chatter and saw a woman in a lab coat doing something what’s going on in there I stealthily entered the room and listened

In closely this has to work it needs to work if it doesn’t my plan will be ruined the red one is starting to catch on he knows something is up with the Turning of a couple knobs and the Press of a button the creature that I knew

I knew good you’re alive with all these arms you should be useful for something I needed to get out of there but my heavy feet made too much noise dang it the scientists had snapped over in my direction you I should have known you would be watching she ordered Flynn to

Cover the one exit and then backed me into a corner just who are you lady that’s not important I doubt you’ll remember when I’m done with you anyway on days 18 through 21 I woke up and I was still trapped inside a cage jumbo Josh and Stinger Flynn were just

Standing there laughing at me you’re never getting out of there I couldn’t take this humiliation much longer I was gonna get my revenge you’re gonna pay for this yeah right Stinger Flynn started shocking me and he wouldn’t let up why’d you turn us all into monsters tell

Me I didn’t do it I swear you gotta believe me not good enough he kept shocking me but the pain gave me strength I was able to break out of the cage I’m out of here I ran for the back to my surprise jumbo Josh didn’t stop me

An electrified Arrow nearly grazed me Flynn was not going to let me go quietly I didn’t stop to thank jumbo Josh I kept running until I got to the main part of the school before I got too far I ran into a pillow hurry I’m a way out I started to follow

Her out and just when we thought we got away Captain fiddles caught up to us he started attacking and opila and I fought back you weirdo Captain fiddles would jump up in the air and then launch pieces of the ground at us we tried to reason with him

But all he would say was ooga booga eventually the two of us were able to break him down and he ran away again what is that guy’s problem I have no idea we then started our walk back to the base on days 22-25 we finally made it

Back to the base and talked some more I’ll admit it opila you were right I need to find a way to get stronger I’ve got an idea I went out mining for diamonds and after a long day’s work I was able to collect enough to craft full diamond everything I started thinking

About just how exposed I was at my base we need more protection I went out and mined a bunch of stone and then crafted it all into bricks then I got to work on building a big wall going all the way around the base there much better what

Are you gonna do now opila I think I need to go out and find some answers for myself on days 26-29 I went out searching the lands for anything that could help me get the information I was looking for answers answers where are you answers as

I was traveling I passed by a villager and their kid talking and I overheard something that sounded familiar I want to go to ban bans kindergarten it’s so much fun honey please ban bans never existed please stop making things up not making anything up Mom I swear

There were a bunch of fun friends there the red party hat wearing ban bam the huge green jumbo Josh and opella a bunch of nons I’m putting you in timeout when we get home but mama hmm sounds like someone is trying to hide the fact that garton of ban ban

Exists interesting on my way back to the base I came across a village I noticed a girl there who looked like me and she was crying good to see you what who are you I’m your wife dead eyes me you’re the one who turned me into this monster huh I’m not sure

Why you’d be so happy to see me if I turned you into a monster wow you really do we do it baby do you I’ll tell you everything at a safer place we can go she Then followed me back home between days 30 and 33 bambolina and I

Arrived back at the base I was excited to show her around so uh this is my base welcome oh and there’s opila say hi opila charged at bambolina the two clashed with Incredible speed and ferocity if I don’t stop them soon one of them will surely die hey stop it guys

But they weren’t listening I said stop she started it well she caused it why closet oh wow but existing you should know better than to just walk in here without announcing yourself later on after everything was cleared up between those two I settled down with bambolina what did you want to talk

About I need answers I need you to tell me what you know well she thought a little bit and began to tell a long story about how we knew each other we met in college you weren’t engineering student and I was a biochemistry major it was awkward at first but eventually

We got married I do I do and for that we opened a school together oh excited I could still remember the smile on your face that’s nice what happened after that experimenting on ways to bring your toy friends to life why we thought they would be great with the kids okay did

They work well I helped you with the experiments but I could I also wanted to see the kids be happy at school and have fun with the cool mascots remember anything else please don’t hold anything back I’m sorry that’s all that comes to mind another dead end you know I’m so happy

That we’re together again but what will you do now though I didn’t like it my only lead was him I’m going to have to speak to jumbo Josh He seems to know more than he is telling me okay but be careful on days 34-37 I made my way back to the

School and began my search for Josh Josh hey jumbo eventually I found him hanging out in the playground room hey Josh I need you to tell me everything you remember about me and our relationship now that I think about it you are always really nice to me really yeah I remember

You explaining to me why you opened a school in the first place you daddy wanted to make all kids feel accepted because of how badly you were bullied as a child that sounds more like the me I know I also remember the time that you were too busy with the school you needed

More help so you hired two more teachers to run the place with you I don’t remember their names though Hmm this whole thing ain’t adding up somehow why would I just turn everyone into monsters now that I think about it you know what else doesn’t seem right how only about

13 of our viewers are subscribed to the channel that’s crazy anyways I don’t really know what to believe anymore when I’m done trying to catch you now you’ll read a room the school as you please sweet thanks I can’t say the same for fiddles though what’s the deal with that

Guy anyway I’m not really sure it doesn’t say much all right thanks Josh on days 38 through 41 I follow Josh’s advice and went back to the school I found one of the computer terminals with information about the day-to-day goings-on at the Garden Beverly Mason huh this must have been one of the

Employees I hired when I opened up to school another note was on the desk looks to be a kid’s writing Miss Mason C but go it was definitely written by a kid that was for sure I need to find this Mason wherever she is now the sound of static electricity and reading

Tentacles hit my ears I thought we got rid of you looks like I’ll have to do it myself oh no the one-eyed jellyfish lunged forward at me I tried dodging attacks as much as I could whoa hey hey I kept my distance as much as possible if he would

Hit me with one of his tentacles like last time I would be done for but maybe I could try reasoning with him Flynn I’m cool now I’m friends with Josh this is completely unnecessary off the couch I don’t feel so good and the orange jellyfish fell over completely knocked

Out sorry bro I don’t really have time for this I then left the area moving on to my next task by days 42-45 I made my way to the playroom once again no zombies in sight hmm I wonder where they went while searching the playroom I

Stumbled upon a large egg what the I took the egg into my inventory and then stumbled upon a second third fourth and fifth egg while looking around what the heck are these supposed to be for anyway I reached out of hand and got closer to the sixth egg so fast Buster those are

My ends opila what are you doing here oh pillow was suddenly acting very suspicious tell me the truth opila or I’ll do something really bad something that would get me put in the naughty Corner if you catch my meaning with him anymore opila seemed forthright enough but was more scared than anything

Ah okay I believe you then I remembered something oh the eggs what should I do with these Opie oh pillow seemed to brighten up and got excited me and I can give you something useful why don’t you just give me something useful instead pillow handed me a hardware disc if you

Can find another computer you can play it on that see you around I began searching the school on days 46-49 I came across a room with a desk and a computer on it Bingo upon entering the room I spotted a notebook it was filled with experiment logs and signed by

Uthman Adams I walked over to one of the computers and inserted the floppy disk it began playing security footage of the other room I was in earlier I couldn’t believe what I was seeing something had attacked the school but the footage was corrupt I could only see for about a

Minute in each hour there’s no way is this right what’s that on the wall over there before I could continue watching any further I heard a noise from outside the door I immediately got up and found the nearest hiding spot a mysterious figure approached the room looking

Around it kept mumbling to itself man needs to die die hey where did I place that file where’s Mason after it got what it needed the figure had left the room I need to get out of here before he decides to come back making my way out of the school on

Days 50-53 I headed back home as I approached the base Bandolino waited for me to ask a question I don’t know everything just doesn’t seem right I continued to tell her all the details about what had happened in the school there’s also miss Mason before I could finish my sentence fan

Belina attacked me startled by the situation I evaded her spray of pink sparkly powers and pulled out my sword I swung at her trying to do the least amount of damage I could produce so that I didn’t kill her why are you attacking me without any reason bambolina had fled

The area curious of what was happening opila had a question what was that all about marriage I need to follow after her hold down the fort opila on days 54-57 I was chasing band bellina through the woods and eventually I realized I had lost come back suddenly I heard something nearby

I was then ambushed it was Captain fiddles using his slam attack I sprung into action and started to fight back he kept hitting me with his special attack and I couldn’t defend from it luckily I was still able to wear him down and he started to get slower calm down I don’t

Want to fight you fiddles no I was kidding I don’t actually know what that means what’s that little Timmy fell down the well eventually I figured out he wanted me to follow him alright lead the way I followed him for a while but we ran into

A big group of fish monsters luckily as a team we were no match for the monsters and his slam attack was really nice to have on my side with a little teamwork we were able to beat them all you gotta show me how to do that attack sometime

With that I kept following the captain into the unknown on days 58 through 61 fiddles was still leading me out into the middle of nowhere finally we arrived at a destroyed Village and he showed me what we came all the way out here to get it was a little mini Josh oh

Sorry so cute we gotta bring this little guy back to his dad why don’t we say ooga means yes and Booga means no cool let’s keep moving with that we began our long Trek back to the school this is a long trip aren’t you getting tired

All right suddenly we were ambushed by a group of warrior villagers oh no we gotta protect Minnie Josh I’m scared never the two of us charged in to take on the group of Warriors luckily between the two of us we had become a formidable team eventually we took them all out and

Successfully defended the helpless Josh baby yeah you and I make a pretty awesome team hey Oh you’re hungry uh I’m not your dad on day 62-65 I went to get many Josh a snack he was super excited to eat it but ended up puking at his feet yeah I can see that buddy let’s find you something else huh after grabbing a

Different snack I gave it to him and he ate it without any problems okay we need to get back before I accidentally kill this little dude we began walking back towards the school not yet buddy but it’s been like two seconds since you asked wait what you’re tired want me to

Carry you the rest of the way no haven’t you ever played Minecraft before after a bit of Journey we had finally arrived at the school thank you for your help bringing this child back to me Josh began telling me more information that he had found I’m very close to figuring out who’s truly

To blame for turning us into these monsters I will clear your name bam bam I can’t tell you how happy I am that we’re friends now I proceeded to bring everyone back to the base on days 66 to 70. following alongside me where Josh Minnie Josh and Captain fiddles

Wow welcome to Casa day band I began making everyone their new homes I added some green to Josh and mini Josh’s house here you go thank you thanks and some blue for Captain fiddle’s home and for you once I finished their homes I noticed that there was some empty spaces in the

Base maybe I’ll build one for Stinger Flynn in bambolina they ought to come around soon enough for Stinger Flynn’s house I added a touch of orange and made it a huge tower for him to live in and I added some pink and white for bambolina

To our own home once it was complete I stepped back to admire all the work I put in things are really starting to come together around here on day 71-74 band bellina had returned back to the base I’m sorry for my awful behavior I’m not even sure what came

Over me she proceeded to tell me the whereabouts of Waverly Mason and uthman Adams they’ve both just returned some Montreal Montreal why Montreal I don’t know I don’t talk to them well this is still good news can you take me to them bambolina looked concerned I can’t I’m

Worried that I might run rapid and attack you again they’re headed towards the school so you should be able to catch them just then jumbo Josh approached me can I help you with something I’m kind of busy here on the contrary I’m here to help you you hey

I’ll go with you you might need backup before heading out I figured we should prepare for what was to come I began collecting lots of chicken meat for a little bit of experience as well as food to Stave off hunger I’m feeling stronger already Captain fiddles showed me his

Ground pound attack and started to train me so I could use his power during the big fight next on the agenda jumbo Josh and I sparred to hone in my abilities further Focus you need to use your abilities wisely it should have blindly attack you and after all was said and

Done we were ready to go Josh and I headed out towards the school on days 75-78 we were heading out of the base when Minnie Josh stopped us son I don’t want you to go it’s too dangerous everything’s gonna be all right okay yeah okay with that Minnie Josh headed

Back home and we set out towards the school once again when we finally arrived we spotted Stinger Flynn guarding the door hey Stinger what are you still doing here I thought we were cool uh oh he seemed to be under weberly’s control and before I could say another

Word he charged right at me he was tough but we outnumbered him two to one his shock Powers were no match for our combined strength just when we were about to fully overpower him a cage suddenly came down on top of jumbo Josh oh no ah got him your next ban ban I

Gotta get out of here sorry Josh I turned around and hightailed it out of that place before he could drop a cage on me too after running away on days 79-82 I made it back to the base everyone was gathered around the front of my house awaiting our arrival unfortunately I

Could only return with bad news daddy where’s Daddy they got him uthman dropped a cage on Josh when we weren’t looking I couldn’t fight him alone so I had no choice but to run away no he can’t be gone I’m so sorry buddy Minnie Josh began crying and ran off towards

His house I need to become stronger I can’t let something like this happen again huh I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me luckily I had opila here to translate everything as an idea Captain fiddles was once a piglet before he’s transformed wait you’re not a human it was actually

Subjects before they even started testing on humans he was in front of another when he was just a baby but what they didn’t know was that his father is none other than the president of the nether president you’re the son of a president you’re just full of surprises

He wants you to go with him to the nether where he can get better armor that sounds like a good idea you got a good head on your shoulders uh legs with a plan set in place I went off to gather the materials needed for our journey to the nether

On days 83 through 86 I used a diamond pickaxe to mine some obsidian and bring it up to the surface once I had the supplies I needed I built the Nether Portal and lit it up alright buddy let’s get you home biddles and I cautiously entered the

Portal and quickly came through on the other side when our vision cleared we realized we had portal into a massive Courtyard full of wither skeletons uh oh they were all aiming at us from high above as if they were expecting us to come through I knew Captain fiddles was right they

Were rerouting all the nether portals here and taking the loot from adventurers as they came through we gotta get out of here volleys of arrows rained down at us from above we need to get to Higher Ground we’re sitting ducks down here with that the captain and I

Both used our jump powers to crash up into the balconies and started slaying skeletons left and right they were tough but now that we were on our level they were no match for us one by one we picked off the skeletons until there were none left your time of ambushing

Adventurers has come to an end fiends just then I spotted a chest that they used to hold the stuff that they got off of adventurers I looked inside and found an epic new chain shooter awesome this will definitely come in handy it chains up my enemies

Sorry my bad when we were done looting we escaped the Skeleton Trap and set out to Traverse the nether in search of the Bastion remnant on days 87 through 90 I followed Captain fiddles as they led me through the nether now you’re sure it’s close by we crossed through warped Hills and

Forwarded a river of lava using Cobblestone I’m starting to get tired vids I don’t think toys are meant to handle this kind of heat but then just past the basalt columns it came into view there it is the Bastion Remnant let’s get moving the captain fiddles stopped me before I could continue over

The bridge you want to give me something vids then dropped a pair of golden boots at my feet you’re telling me it’s a sign of respect to your people golden boots he impressed upon me that if I lost the golden boots they would become hostile towards me

Um okay I’m glad I’m starting to understand what you’re saying I put on the boots as per fiddle’s request and continued into the Bastion Remnant and just like he said none of the piglets attacked me fiddles led me to president fiddles why are you here I need better armor

Than what I have I hear you’re the best smiths in the world right but I’m afraid I cannot believe any netherite the blue has absorbed all of it from their ancient debris well if we kill this monstrosity would you be able to the president thought for a moment

Fine I’ll agree to your demands just make sure you hold up your end of the bar again all right then let’s go Captain fiddles on days 91 through 93 we travel deeper into The Nether and eventually came upon the lair of the legendary Does everybody in the nether talk like that the buuga immediately knew what I was here for and charged at us full speed you flank left and I’ll flank right this guy was huge and packed a huge punch but Captain fiddles and I both had our jump powers and we started tearing

The place up the monstrosities ground pounds were powerful and crazy and did a ton of damage he also shot fire at the both of us but slowly over time we started to wear him down and eventually we were able to take him out ah we did it I collected the netherite scraps from

His corpse and we headed back to president fiddles Mr President we did it we defeated the boo UGA and recovered the netherite scraps will you upgrade my armor now I don’t know that wasn’t enough lights but we had an agreement all right I’ll make it for you

Well if you give me some fashion advice I’ve been really wanting to change up my luga you got yourself a deal all right what do you got from Luca well you can get some sweet bronzo merch at merchcraft.shop we got a bunch of t-shirts all with different bronzo

Designs that’s perfect thank you bronzo sure anytime with that I passed all of the netherride straps over to him along with my diamond armor and a minute later he passed back a set of netherrite armor awesome thanks Mr President let’s go fiddles actually we’re staying here with me now oh okay

Is this really what you want Captain then I respect your decision goodbye friend goodbye friend Captain fiddles you can talk on days 94 through 96 I was approaching the base when I realized something was wrong oh no the whole base was destroyed I searched the area for my friends but I

Couldn’t find anybody finally I went into what was left of Josh’s house and I discovered Minnie Josh still hiding there Minnie Josh you’re okay yeah what the other guys are what happened here tell me everything while you were gone he took everybody else in cages and West

Wakui I’m so small that they could never find me well then there’s no time to waste we gotta find him let’s do it hmm Minnie Josh would be pretty much useless in a fight I could bring him with me but he might end up being a burden but if I

Left Minnie Josh here who knows what could happen to him Hmm this is tricky I don’t want to put you in danger but I gotta help our friends don’t worry I won’t be any trouble and I can help wherever I can I’ve grown a lot in the

Past 35 days well not physically but mentally I’m basically your sons okay then with that I left the ruined base with Minnie Josh Intel heading towards the evil garden I made my way back to the school on days 97 through 98 before I was able to enter Stinger Flynn

Descended in front of me oh come on not you again give me my daddy back oh I didn’t even see you there you won’t be getting through these doors with me here actually not with the help of that little pipsqueak unfortunately Stinger Flynn was right Minnie Josh wouldn’t be

Much help in this situation so I decided to have him move away from the vicinity sorry little bud I’m going to need you to hide while I take care of the big floating carrot once Minnie Josh had gotten far enough away I continued my conversation with Flynn you know you

Don’t have to do this right this is something I must do helping Weber Lee nuthman is the only way to get me back to my original body you should understand how I feel suddenly Stinger Flynn had lunged into battle attacking me with his electricity it was hard to

Move but I still fought through it the battle felt long and intensive he took advantage of his flight while I had a larger variety of weapons than our last meeting they’re just using you Flynn they never intended to give you your body back from the start all they care

About is their research and experiments promise they would this is my only option he wasn’t letting up no matter how many times I tried to talk it out with him he just wouldn’t budge I could tell that he was starting to get tired I immediately took out my chain shooter

And bound him to place with one final strike I had ended our bout and he passed out with everything settled down Minnie Josh came out of hiding and walked over is that what was it gonna be okay he isn’t a loser buddy he’s just a bit confused but yeah he’ll be all right

Let’s head inside on day 99 mini Josh and I sneakily entered the school and began searching for any signs of jumbo Josh stay close to me okay okay we were having little luck though and it was taking so much more time with mini Josh attached to me at the hip where are

They I’ve been in this place dozens of times there’s no way they can hide this easily but then Minnie Josh stepped in front of me what’s up little guy remember when you when when you helped me your food yes you puked it up on the ground yeah but tanks were looking out

For me anyway ah I’m a big boy I can walk after myself now what’s spin up I don’t know bud I don’t like it I’m a big boy now okay but I need you to listen to me very carefully if we don’t see each other again you should spread the word around

Word of what the scientists no to like the video comment down below what kind of mob you want to see me be next And subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and with that Minnie Josh and I split up all right time to get to work I

Wandered the school for what felt like hours but nothing I was starting to wonder if they were even here in the first place but then why would Stinger Flynn be gardening the place my mind began to wander man I hope Minnie Josh is doing okay

Have here I broke the carpet and found a hatch that must lead down underneath the school bingo I jumped down without hesitation finally on day 100 I was dropped down in the pitch black basement I searched around in the darkness of the light switch and then I pulled the lever

And the entire room filled with light revealing something horrific Josh vanbellina Beverly and uthman had captured the two and brought them down here each of their cells looked to be hooked up to some sort of computer guys hold tight I’ll get you out of there not so fast there

Ban ban Beverly pushed a button and Josh and bambolina doubled in size I’m so big they opened up the cages and tried to sick them on me attack them do it now they just stood there not moving well what are you waiting for go on once

Again they did not move to attack me instead bambolina and jumbo Josh approached The two scientists have you forgotten that this is the only chance you have to go back to a normal life huh looks like you don’t control them anymore they do how is this possible through the power of friendship that’s

So stupid with a combination attack my friends brought the full force down upon weverley and uthman killing them instantly I don’t know but I feel kind of funny the two of them shrunk back to normal size and jumbo Josh returned to his human form I’m cured I’m cured daddy

Minnie Josh also back to normal came rushing down and ran into his father’s arms amazing then a piglet and a really beat up guy wearing orange showed up you guys too ooga hey there I ran over to bambolina we did it it’s debatable who did the heavy lifting towards again

There but maybe we could discuss it over dinner absolutely then finally was returned to our human forms cured of this terrible Affliction I’m so happy I just want to scream and shout well go ahead bronzer o

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as the GARTEN of BANBAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2023-02-18 18:00:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I SURVIVED 100 DAYS as the GARTEN of BANBAN in HARDCORE Minecraft! Today, I’ll explore the SCARY GARTEN of …

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

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  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

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  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

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  • FlickerMc

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  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

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  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

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  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

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    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

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  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as the GARTEN of BANBAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!